KINGDOM OF CAMBODIA Nation Religion King MINISTRY OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT Cambodia Southeast Asia Disaster Risk Management project II (P177185) Site-Specific ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN for TK2 Bridge (PK9+726) in Tuol Khleang village, Preah Theat commune, Ou Reang Ov district, Tboung Khmum province 10 February 2022 i Table of Content TABLE OF CONTENT ..................................................................................................................................................... I LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................................................................ I LIST OF FIGURE ............................................................................................................................................................ I ABBREVIATIONS ......................................................................................................................................................... II EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................... III 1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 PROJECT RATIONALE ..................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 PROJECT DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVE AND PROJECT COMPONENTS ......................................................................................... 1 1.3 PROJECT LOCATION, SCOPE OF WORKS OF THIS ESMP ....................................................................................................... 2 1.5 METHODOLOGY OF ESMP............................................................................................................................................. 6 1.6 PREPARATION OF ESMP................................................................................................................................................ 6 1.7 OBJECTIVES OF ESMP ................................................................................................................................................... 6 2. LEGAL AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK ........................................................................................................ 6 3. BASELINE CONDITIONS ....................................................................................................................................... 7 3.1 PHYSICAL CONDITIONS ................................................................................................................................................... 7 3.2 BASELINE ENVIRONMENT QUALITY ................................................................................................................................ 16 3.1 BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES .............................................................................................................................................. 16 3.2 SOCIOECONOMIC CONDITIONS ..................................................................................................................................... 16 4. ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACTS ..............................................................................................................17 5. MITIGATION MEASURES ......................................................................................................................................19 6. STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE ..................................................................24 6.1 SUMMARY OF PUBLIC CONSULTATION PROCESS............................................................................................................... 24 6.2 SUMMARY OF PUBLIC CONSULTATION RESULTS ............................................................................................................... 24 6.3 INFORMATION DISCLOSURE.......................................................................................................................................... 24 6.4 CONSULTATIONS DURING TK2 BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION ..................................................................................................... 24 7. GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM ..................................................................................................................25 7.1 STEPS IN GRIEVANCE REDRESS ...................................................................................................................................... 25 7.2 RECORDING GRIEVANCES IN LOGBOOK ........................................................................................................................... 27 8. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES FOR ESMP IMPLEMENTATION ......................................................................30 8.1 MRD ....................................................................................................................................................................... 30 8.2 MRD’S PMU ............................................................................................................................................................ 30 8.3 SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICERS (SEO) OF MRD.................................................................................................. 31 8.4 DETAILED DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION AND SUPERVISION (DDIS) CONSULTANT ..................................................................... 31 8.5 INDEPENDENT SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENT MONITORING CONSULTANT (ISEMC) ................................................................. 32 8.6 CONTRACTOR'S ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN (C-ESMP) .................................................................. 32 8.7 CONTRACTOR’S SAFETY, SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENT OFFICER ........................................................................................... 33 8.8 COMPLIANCE WITH LEGAL AND CONTRACTUAL REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................... 34 9. ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MONITORING PROGRAM ................................................................................34 9.1 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM .................................................................................................................... 35 9.2 SOCIAL MONITORING PROGRAM ................................................................................................................................... 36 10. ESTIMATED COSTS FOR ESMP IMPLEMENTATION ..........................................................................................36 ANNEXES .................................................................................................................................................................38 ANNEX 1 – SCREENING CHECKLIST FOR E&S IMPACTS OF BRIDGES CONSTRUCTION AND REHABILITATION ......................................... 38 ANNEX 2 – DETAILED TECHNICAL DESIGNS (OVERLAID ON RECENT GOOGLE EARTH IMAGERY)......................................................... 41 ANNEX 3 – PRELIMINARY INVENTORY OF LOSS DUE TO CONSTRUCTION OF TK2 BRIDGE............................................................... 43 i ANNEX 4 – PROCESS AND RESULTS OF SCREENING FOR PRESENCE OF IP(S) IN TK2 PROJECT AREA ................................................. 45 ANNEX 5 – MINUTES OF CONSULTATION MEETING (ROUND 1) ............................................................................................... 46 ANNEX 6 – MINUTES OF CONSULTATION MEETING (ROUND 2) ............................................................................................... 56 ANNEX 7 – MINUTES OF CONSULTATION MEETING (ROUND 2) ............................................................................................... 62 List of Tables Table 1. Technical Specification of TK2 Bridge .................................................................................................. 2 Table 2: Major Crops and Yields in Tboung Khmum Province........................................................................... 9 Table 3: Emissions by sector and gas in mass unit (Gg) in 2016 ..................................................................... 15 Table 5. Detailed impacts and mitigation measures for TK2 bridge construction .......................................... 20 Table 6. Project Grievance Logbook ................................................................................................................ 28 Table 7. Environmental monitoring plan during construction phase.............................................................. 35 Table 8. Social monitoring plan during construction phase ............................................................................ 36 Table 9. Estimated costs for ESMP implementation ....................................................................................... 36 List of Figure Figure 1: Bridge location map of Tboung Khmum province .............................................................................. 7 Figure 2: TK2 Bridge Design as overlaid on Google Satellite Imagery ............................................................... 8 Figure 3: Average maximum and minimum temperature by month in Kampong Cham (2011-2015) ............. 9 Figure 4: Distribution of Annual Rainfall in Cambodia (1991-2007) ............................................................... 10 Figure 5: Kampong Cham's five-year average rainfall by month (2011-2015) ................................................ 11 Figure 6: (a) Ensemble mean CCAM 10 km simulation mean extreme rainfall indices for the baseline period (20 years centered on 1990). .......................................................................................................................... 11 Figure 7: (a) Kampong Cham’s maximum water level (m), (b) Kampong Cham’s minimum water level (m) . 12 Figure 8: (a) Number of damaged and destroyed households, (b) Numbers of human life loss by floods by province (2000 – 2019).................................................................................................................................... 13 i Abbreviations AH Affected Household C-ESMP Contractor-Environmental and Social Management Plan COI Corridor of Impact COVID-19 Corona Virus Infection Disease 19 KH-SEADRM2 Cambodia Southeast Asia Disaster Risk Management Project 2 DDIS Detailed Design Implementation and Supervision (Consultants) ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment ESMF Environmental and Social Management Framework ESMP Environmental and Social Management Plan GRM Grievance Redress Mechanism HIV/AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus/ Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome IESIA Initial Environmental and Social Impact Assessment IP Indigenous Peoples IPPF Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework IPP Indigenous Peoples Plan LMP Labor Management Procedures MRD Ministry of Rural Development OHS Occupational Health and Safety PDRD Provincial Department of Rural Development RGC Royal Government of Cambodia ROW Right of Way RP Resettlement Plan SEA/SH Sexual Exploitation and Abuse/Sexual Harassment SEO Social and Environmental Office SEP Stakeholder Engagement Plan UXO Unexploded Ordinance WB The World Bank ii Executive Summary Introduction The project development objective is to support resilient reconstruction of vulnerable rural transport infrastructure affected by the 2020 floods and recurring flood events, mainstream Disaster Risk Management in government processes, and to provide immediate and effective response in case of an Eligible Crisis or Emergency. This objective will be achieved through implementation of various activities that are organized into four project components. Detailed descriptions of each components can be found section 1.2 of this ESMP and in the project Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF). This ESMP is prepared to identify and assess the environmental and social risks and impacts from the new bridge construction activities. The ESMP covers site specific environmental and social risks and impacts anticipated as a result of construction of new bridges at the existing TK2 bridge location. The environmental and social risks and impacts anticipated in this ESMP are based on a) scope and nature of bridge, and b) exclusion/ineligibility criteria such as exclusion of new bridge requiring full Environmental Impact Assessment according to the national legislation (See more details at Chapter 2 below). The ESMP also provides impacts screening and assessment checklist and identification and preparation of risk management tools to be prepared during project implementation. The ESMP has been prepared based on the following key steps: • Review the previous MRD’s similar projects, and meetings/discussion with the MRD team; • Review of relevant country’s legal and institutional framework; • Review detailed design and discuss with the design team; • Assess the environmental and social impacts based on the nature and scope of the civil works and field observation; • Conduct virtual consultation with the Provincial Department of Rural Development (PDRD), local authorities, and potential affected household, both permanently (one household) and temporarily during construction process; • Propose mitigation measures; • Disclose draft ESMP for consultation with affected and intereted stakeholders; • Finalize ESMP, incorporating feedback from consultation meetings with local stakeholders. The MRD is responsible for ensuring the preparation and implementation of an acceptable project ESMP. Detailed implementation arrangement is fully described in Section 8 of this ESMP. The Site-Specific ESMP is a project-specific source document detailing the environmental and social protection requirements to avoid, mitigate and minimize the adverse impacts. The ESMP’s primary purpose is to ensure that the environmental requirements and social commitments associated with the project are carried forward into implementation and operational phases of the project and are effectively managed. The specific objectives of this ESMP are as hereunder: The objectives of this ESMP include but not limited to: • Ensuring compliance with the applicable national laws, regulations, standards, and guidelines; • Ensuring that there is sufficient and timely allocation of resources, including budget, for implementation of ESMP-related activities; • Ensuring that environmental and social risks associated with this ESMP is appropriately identified and managed; • Responding to emerging and unforeseen environmental and social issues not identified during the subproject preparation; and • Providing feedback for ongoing improvement in environmental and social performance. This national legal framework includes laws and regulations, such as Sub-Decree, Prakas, Guidelines, Standards, and international conventions and treaties that are currently effective and are most relevant to the Project will be applicable to the project. | iii | This ESMP will briefly describe only a key national legal framework that is applicable to the project specifically to disaster management and bridge construction. Prakas on Classification of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for Development Project issued on 03 February 2020, regulates that the bridge improvement/construction projects that are less than 30 ton of weight support does not require preparation of Initial or full environmental impact assessment. The construction of TK2 bridge will be less than 30 ton of weight support. So initial or full environmental impact assessment for the TK2 bridge is not required. Despite of this, the project still follows other national regulations such as Law on Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Management (NS/RKM/1296/36) and Sub-Decree on Environmental Impact Assessment Process #72 ANRK.BK (1999) that are currently effective and are relevant to the TK2 subproject. Detailed description can be found in the project ESMF. Screening for Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts The screening for environmental and social risks and impacts on TK2 bridge was carried out by the PDRD with the remote support from SEO and an E&S consultant on 16 and 17 November 2021 using screening checklist (Annex 1) to screen for environment and social risks and impacts that are potentially associated with the TK2 bridge construction. Initial screening results indicated that most of the environmental and social risks and impacts related to the reconstruction of the TK2 bridge are from low to moderate. Environmental Risks and Impacts Based on the site visit assessment, the construction of TK2 bridge has no major adverse impacts on environment. The impact on environment is rated from low to moderate and site specific at the construction location. The impacts mainly related traffic congestion and safety management in particularly during day and night time, noise and vibration control, construction debris management, wastewater management, water quality control, stockpile storage management, and diversion of water flow management. However, these impacts can be minimizing by applying good construction practices and good engineering design of detour bridge as well as with a close supervision and monitoring. The risks from UXO is also considered moderate. Although the bridge construction Tboung Khmum provinces that is used to experience armed conflict aerial bombardment, ground to ground offensive and landmine warfare in 1970s, the project required that a safety screening/assessment and removal of UXO shall be carried out by Cambodian Mine Action Centre (CMAC) or certified organization before starting the civil works. The detailed impacts are described in Table 5. Social Risks and Impacts The potential social impacts from construction of TK2 bridge are also considered low. The land area where the existing TK2 bridge is situated is public land. However, as the new TK Bridge will be widened and extended in length on both sides of the bridge, one household who own a small thatch house (8.5m2) located 15m away from the bridge may be affected. It cannot be confirmed at this stage if this house is a permanent residence of this 3-member household, or it is small house set up temporarily by the household to attend their crop (maize) in their farmland of 6,000m2 nearby. Consultation with this household on 27 November 2021 indicated that the household is located in Peam Prathnous commune which belongs to Kampong Cham province. The household has lended part of their farm land to local government to set up a detour road to maintain traffic flow through this area. More consultation with this household and relevant local authorities of Kampong Cham will be carried out in December 2021 to confirm to confirm how the household would be affected. No construction will be carried until land and housing status associated with this household are clearly identified and compensation/support are carried out as per project’s Resettlement Planning Framework. Screening for the presence of IP(s) in the footprint of new TK2 bridge and in the potential area of influence (as per this ESMP) were conducted based on two consultation meetings with local authorities and PDRD on 17 and 18 November, and a site visit on 27 November. Based on these consultation meetings and review of secondary data, it is confirmed that no Indigenous Peoples are present within the TK2 subproject’s footprint and potential area of influence. As per project’s ESMF, some social risks are anticipated. These are primarily related to occupation health and safety (OHS) associated with an estimated total of 140 workers that may be mobilized to the construction site and campsite, such as risks related to lack | iv | or improper use of personal protection equipment (PPE), lack of awareness of workers on safety measures when construction take place in isolated area where construction supervision as well as compliance with safety measures (on the part of workers) may be overlooked. Other risks related to OHS of workers are related to contraction and transmission of COVID-19, and sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV/AIDS. Other social risks that come under community health and safety (CHS) are related to labor influx, including sexual exploitation and abuse/sexual harassment, risks of COVID-19 contraction from migrant workers, risk of conflicts between migrant workers and local communities, and risks related to road traffic safety. These risks will be re-asssessed before construction takes place and before selected contractor is mobilized to construction site, and will be updated in this ESMP and disclosed for public consultation before bridge reconstrution. Mitigation Measures The mitigation measures to address all environmental and social risks and impacts (as a result of the construction of TK2 bridge) is shown in Table 5. The mitigation measures for the ESMP will be implemented along with the mitigation approach and measures set forth in the project ESMF and in accordance with government’s and Ministry of Health’s guideline on COVID-19 Preventive measures e.g. social distancing, wearing masks, temperature check, etc. As part of overall mitigation approach, all identified environmental and social risks and impacts are will addressed also through an ESMP that will be prepared by the selected contractors (C-ESMP). The C-ESMP will be approved by PMU prior to Contractors’ implementation. Environmental and Social Monitoring Program While awarded contractor and sub-contractor, if any, will be responsible for day to day implementation of this ESMP, through C-ESMP, including reporting, PMU/SEO will be responsible for periodic monitoring and evaluation of C-ESMP implementation. PMU’s DDIS consultant and construction supervision consultant will also be responsible for review of C-ESMP and day-to-day supervision of contractor’s E&S implementation process. Check list and specification for regular monitoring arrangement will be developed and PMU/SEO field team members who will be trained for monitoring and inspection of the works. PMU’s SEO team will carry out weekly monitoring undertakings using E&S monitoring checklist and with PMU’s supervision. Corrective actions will be timely implementation for any E&S non-compliances. In addition, the project’s environmental and social consultants will do monitoring for every six month on ambient air quality, noise and vibration and monthly monitoring on soil, water quality, traffic safety management, solid waste and wastewater management following to the standard requirement by the Ministry of Environment. Results of monthly monitoring will be reported to PMU, and the World Bank and corrective actions will be developed as required based on the conclusion of the findings. PMU will be responsible for issuance of report for monthly environmental and social monitoring and project’s progress. The awarded contractor will be required to issue reports to PMU and the World Bank if the work runs into enviornmental and social issues which are beyond contractors’ management capacity. The Contractors will have a duty to immediately and within 24 hours report to the DDIS if any severe environmental and social incident has occurred during construction e.g. clearing of sensitive areas, serious accident cases and fatality, forced or child labor, abuses of community members by project workers (including SEA/SH), trafficking in endangered species, etc. The DDIS and PMU will have a duty to immediately and within 24 hours notify the World Bank of such severe incident. Consultation and Information Disclosure During project preparation, four consultation sessions were conducted with potentially affected households and government stakeholders at TK2 bridge location. One household who owns a small cottage may be affected as a result of bridge reconstruction. Consultation with this household was conducted on 27 November 2021. Representative of the cottage owner indicated she is happy with the bridge reconstruction and is willing to relocate if required. She asked for support in provision of replacement land for her relocation. Once project design is finalized, consultation with this household will be carried out and support will be given to avoid/minimize potential impact of the TK2 bridge reconstruction on her housing as well as livelihoods. |v| Grievance Redress Mechanism The objective of the project GRM is to provide complainants with redress procedures that are accessible, easily used, and free of charge to enable affected people to raise project related concerns and grievances. The project GRMs provide information on how the complaints are lodged, including forms, channels, particularly steps and time-limit for each step, such as time-limit for acknowledging receipt of complaint, notification of resolution decision, and prescriptive period, etc. During grievance resolution process, where necessary, dialogues will be hold between project’s designated GRM unit/personnel and the aggrieved people to promote mutual understanding and collaboration among relevant parties for effective resolution. This ESMP has four grievance redress procedures (Chapter 7) which aims to cover all type of complaints that are identified with the construction of TK2 Bridge. The project also has an appeal process which complainant can use when they are not satisfied with the complaint resolution decision, or their complaints are not resolved within a specified timeframe. Estimated Costs for ESMP Implementation The costs of implementing the ESMP listed below are related to PMU costs in addition to the dedicated safeguards PMU personnel budget line item. The main costs of implementing this ESMP related to institutional capacity and stakeholder capacity building, ongoing consultation facilitation costs, and the PMU on site monitoring and outreach safety programs. The total estimated costs for ESMP implementation is $44,200.00 | vi | 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Rationale From September to November 2020, Cambodia experienced heavy rainfall across the country. The heavy rains caused extensive flooding in 20 out of 25 provinces, leaving an estimated 800,000 people directly affected, of which 49% (388,000 people) had pre-existing vulnerabilities. The floods have caused damage to key transport infrastructure and loss of economic activities. According to the rapid damage and needs assessment conducted by the World Bank at the request of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), economic loss due to flooding was estimated at US$ 448–490 million. Three sectors that were most affected include transport, irrigation, and agriculture. These concentrated in nine provinces. Total costs for rehabilitation of the damaged transport infrastructure were approximately US$508 million. It was noted that these floods came amidst a drought which did not only cause widespread crop failure, loss of assets, disruption of livelihoods but also exacerbate the inherent vulnerability of numerous households who are disadvantaged and are in areas that are prone to floods, other natural hazards. The purpose of the second Cambodia Southeast Asia Disaster Risk Management Project (KH-SEADRM 2) is to support the government in its short-term effort to reconstruct the transport infrastructure affected by the flash floods in 2020, thereby resuming overall transport connectivity. In a longer term, the project aims to support the government to enhance its capacity and resilience to future impact of natural disaster risks through improving and mainstreaming disaster risk management (DRM) dimensions into its national long- term disaster risk management strategy, particularly in transport infrastructure. The KH-SEADRM 2 Project is built on the on-going KH-SEADRM project (P160929) and will finance resilient post-disaster road reconstruction of approximately 400km of rural roads and bridges in selected provinces that are affected by floods, including Banteay Meanchey, Battambang, Kampong Speu, Kampong Chhnang, Pursat, Siem Reap and Tboung Khmum provinces. Among these, infrastructure reconstruction activities will be mainly in Banteay Meachey, Battambang, Pursat, and Siem Reap which are among the poorest provinces where rural roads were badly damaged. In addition to support in infrastructure rehabilitation, the project also strengthens institutional capacity in DRM planning in national and rural development sector, including policy making processes. The project will also respond to crisis and emergencies related to natural disaster risks if these happened during project life. 1.2 Project Development Objective and Project Components Project Development Objective. The Project Development Objective is to improve the disaster and climate resilience of flood-damaged roads in target areas, improve the capacity of the government to prepare for and respond to emergencies, and provide immediate and effective response in case of an Eligible Crisis or Emergency. This objective will be achieved through implementation of various activities that are organized into four project components. Project Components. • Component 1: Institutional Strengthening for Disaster Resilience in the Rural Development Sector (US$3 million IDA credit and US$0.45 million RETF). This component will focus on capacity building for disaster risk management, in line with government priorities. KH-SEADRM 1 Subcomponent 1.2. Institutional Strengthening for Disaster Resilience has focused on strengthening of emergency road maintenance, identification of risk reduction investment for the target provinces and improvement of resilient rural road standards. KH-SEADRM 2 Component 1 builds on these efforts to further strengthen DRM mainstreaming at the national level, improving both longer-term risk-informed investment planning and inter-and intra-agency coordination of emergency response and preparedness and post-disaster recovery investment. The following sub-components are proposed and discussions are ongoing to define project activities. • Component 2: Resilient Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Rural Roads and Bridges (US$106 million IDA Credit). This component will focus on civil works for the strengthening, climate resilient rehabilitation, safety, and maintenance of selected existing rural transport infrastructure that are |1| vulnerable to disasters. Building on KH-SEADRM 1 Subcomponent 1.1 Resilient Rural Roads Rehabilitation and Maintenance, KH-SEADRM 2 continues to emphasize on the need to build back better, introducing activities to better align routine maintenance and rural road asset management system with post-disaster response-related project management needs. • Component 3: Project Management (US$ 3 million IDA Credit, US$1.5 million Counterpart Financing). This component will support the initial day-to-day coordination, management, and implementation of KH-SADRM 2, while building institutional capacity to sustain investments beyond the project’s closure. Proposed activities include: (i) the recruitment of consultants to support the implementation of all project activities; (ii) procurement management, contract supervision, and financial management, including financial and technical audits (which encompass agreed procedures for emergency situations); (iii) environmental and social risk management, including citizen engagement and grievance mechanisms; (iv) monitoring, review, and evaluation of the project; (v) coordination activities, knowledge sharing, and project outreach and dissemination activities; and (vi) operating costs, including sub-project offices in participating cities equipped with videoconferencing and remote working facilities. • Component 4: Contingency Emergency Response Component (CERC) (US$ 0m). This component is designed to provide swift response in an event of an Eligible Crisis or Emergency, through reallocating project funds to support emergency response and reconstruction, as needed. 1.3 Project Location, Scope of Works of this ESMP This document was prepared as a site specific Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) for the construction of a new bridge, known as TK2 Bridge, located in Tuol Khleang village, Preah Theat commune, Ou Reang Ov district, Tboung Khmum province. The new bridge will be constructed at the location where the exisitng bridge was damaged by the flash flood in 2020 (See photos and location of the bridge in Table 2 (below). This ESMP aims to identify and assess environmental and social risks and impacts that are likely associated with the construction of the new TK2 Bridge. The environmental and social risks and impacts anticipated in this ESMP are based on a) scope and nature of TK2 Bridge construction and b) eligibility criteria (as per project’s ESMF) that the construction of the new TK2 Bridge does not require a full Environmental Impact Assessment according to the national legislation (See more details at Section 2.1 below). The ESMP also provides an impact screening and assessment checklist, and identify risk management tools such as Chance Find Procedures, ESCoP, Guideline for Worker’s Camps, Contractor’s General Guideline on COVID-19 Consideration in Construction Works, OHS Guideline, and CoC to be implemented during the implementation of this TK2 bridge subproject. The civil works related to TK2 Bridge will be carried out within the right of way of the TK2 bridge which is 15 m from the centerline. Table 1 (below) desribes briefly key information on technical speficiation of the TK2 Bridge. Table 1. Technical Specification of TK2 Bridge Length Width Carriage Number Locations Remark (m) (m) Way of Span (No.) PK9+726, Tuol Khleang Village, Preah Theat Replacement of Commune, Ou Reang Ov 68 8 6 4 Superstructure District, Tboung Khmum Province |2| Table 2: A summary of E&S baseline information within the CoI Summary of E&S baseline within the CoI New TK2 Bridge Design overlaid on Google Earth Imagery Photo of Existing TK Bridge Location • The new TK bridge has a total length of 72m. It has a width of 8m and a carriageway of 7m. • The existing bridge is located on vacant, public land. It is located about 0.5–1.0 km away from an area (a small hill/cottage) where local people may occasionally come to pray for good health and safety (See Annex 5). There is a small residential area across the Mekong river (left side of TK2 bridge) which belongs to Peam Prathnous commune (Kampong Cham province). This commune is accessible by local boat (about 1.5 away) and by road through a bridge (about 5- |3| 6km) away from the TK2 bridge location. The Mekong river (photo) is the administrative boundary between Tboung Khmum Province and Kampong Cham Province. • There is an existing detour that was established temporarily to maintain traffic flow. • There is one household who own a small thatch house (8.5m2) which is potentially within the footprint of the new TK Bridge (See more information on Annex 5). This is also the household that lended government part of their land for temporary detour road. • Based on the detailed design of TK2 Bridge (See drawing on the right), the new TK2 bridge is located on the existing alignment. This aims to reduce the curve radius (from existing r=60m to new r=70m) to accommodate geological conditions and to enhance traffic safety (through increasing curve radius). The width of the asphalt plant mix pavement on bridge structure will be 6m. |4| |5| 1.5 Methodology of ESMP The ESMP has been prepared based on the following: • Review of previous MRD’s similar projects, and meetings/discussions with the MRD team • Review of relevant country’s legal and institutional frameworks • Review of detailed technical design and discussions with the technical design team • Assessment of environmental and social risks and potential impacts based on the nature and scope of the TK2 bridge. including local socioeconomic, demographic characteristics of the village, commune and district where the bridge is located, field visit on 27 November 2021. • Proposed mitigation measures (based on identifed environmental and social risks and impacts) • Virtual consultations (on 16 and 17 November 2021) with the Pronvicial Department of Rural Development (PDRD), other local authorities, and potential affected households and other interested stakeholders in the vicinity of the bridge). 1.6 Preparation of ESMP The MRD is responsible for preparation and implementation of this ESMP. Detailed implementation arrangement is described in Section 8 of this ESMP. 1.7 Objectives of ESMP The Site-Specific ESMP provides details on environmental and social risks and potential impacts, mitigation measures, implementation arrangement, including how relevant affected and intereted stakeholders, locally, are to be engaged during ESMP preparation and implementation (construction and operation phases). It also sets out grievance redress procedures (in line with the GRM in the project’s ESMF) and provides an estimate of costs that are likely involved for the purpose of ESMP implementation during TK2 bridge subproject implementation. The objectives of this ESMP include, but not limited to: Ensuring compliance with the applicable national laws, regulations, standards, and guidelines; • Ensuring environmental and social risks and impacts associated with the construction and operation of the TK2 bridge are effectively managed; • Responsiveness to emerging and unforeseen environmental and social risks not identified during EMSP preparation; • Ensuring sufficient resources are allocated for timely availability during implementation of ESMP- related activities; • Serving as a guideline based on which future selected Contractors can use to develop Contractors’ ESMP (C-ESMP); and • Maintaining ongoing engagement of potential project stakeholders, particularly who live in the vicinity of the TK2 Bridge location, as well as relevant authorities at commune, district and provincial levels. 2. LEGAL AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK The national legal framework of the RGC includes laws and regulations, such as Sub-Decree, Prakas, Guidelines, Standards, and relevant international conventions and treaties that are currently effective and are most relevant to the TK2 Bridge subproject. This ESMP describes very briefly only some key national legal framework that is applicable to the TK2 subproject, specifically to disaster management and bridge construction. More details are available in Chapter 2 of project ESMF. Prakas on Classification of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for Development Project1 (issued on 03 February 2020) that regulates that bridge improvement/construction projects which are less than 30 ton 1 |6| of weight support does not require the preparation of initial or full Environmental Impact Assessment. The construction of TK2 bridge will be less than 30 ton of weight support. So, preparation of an initial or full environmental impact assessment is not required. Nevertheless, the project still follows other national regulations such as the Law on Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Management (NS/RKM/1296/36) and Sub-Decree on Environmental Impact Assessment Process #72 ANRK.BK (1999) that are currently effective and are most relevant to the TK2 subproject (See Chapter 2 of project ESMF for detailed description of legal frameworks). The Law on Disaster Management (NS/RKM/0715/007, dated June 2015) regulates disaster management in the Kingdom of Cambodia. It deals with 1) Prevention, adaptation and mitigation in the pre-disaster period, due to natural or human-made causes, 2) Emergency response during the disaster, and 3) Rocovery in the post-disaster period. The Law further creates the National Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM) (Article 7). The NCDM shall establish the sub-national committees for disaster mangement (Article 9) and take the appropriate mesures in defining disaster risk identification and integrating disaster risk reduction into development plans and conducting the disaster risk analysis for any development activitiy that might cause a high risk (Article 14). The NCDM shall also coordinate all disaster management activities together with ministries institutions, armed forces, the public sector, private and civil society in promoting safety and resilence to disasters. NCDM shall raise the prposal to the Royal Government to consider the possibility of obstructing and protesting against the concerned persons both at home and abroad to be resoonsible for disaster impact caused by individual or instiution (Article 15). The Article 36 states that every individual has the right to participate in the disaster management activities and promote self-protection, disaster risk reduction and ensure the sustainable livelihoods with safety and resilience to disasters. 3. BASELINE CONDITIONS 3.1 Physical Conditions 3.1.1 Geography Tboung Khmum province is situated on the east of Mekong River and approximately 155 km on the north-eastern of Phnom Penh along national road #7. The province is bounded on the west by Mekong and Kampong Cham province, on the north and the east by Kratie and Vietnam (about 142.7 km), and on the south by Prey Veng province. Figure 1: Bridge location map of Tboung Khmum province |7| The province has a total land area of 5,250.51 km2 and consists of six districts (Tboung Khmum, Ou Reang Ov, Krouch Chhmar, Dambae, Ponhea Kraek, and Memot) and one municipality (Krong Suong). There are 62 communes, two sangkats with a total of 873 villages in the province. According to the national census (2020), the provincial population is 763,735 persons (51.7% is female and 48.3% is male). The total households are 178,942. Average household size is 4.3 person. Figure 1 shows location of the planned construction of the bridge TK2 in Tboung Khmum province. The TK2 bridge is located in Tuol Khleang village, Preah Theat commune, Ou Reang Ov district. The TK2 bridge design was shown overlaid on Google satellite imagery in Figure 2 (below). Figure 2: TK2 Bridge Design as overlaid on Google Satellite Imagery 3.1.2 Topography and Land Use Tboung Khmum province is characterized as groups of flat, low-lying plains that are drained by the Mekong River. The majority part of the Tboung Khmum province is covered by plateau featuring |8| rich volcano soil. The province is generally formed by plateau, watershed lowlands/wetlands, streams, and rivers. Valleys are formed between plateaus, carrying water all the year round. Stream water goes to the Mekong River. The common soil types existing in the project include rich volcanic red soil and sandy soil such as those found near the Mekong River. The province’ elevation is between 50 and 200 m above sea level (Tboung Khmum Municipality, 2017). In term of land use, Tboung province has a total paddy land of about 89,460 ha by 2019 (Tboung Khmum Provincial Department of Planning 2021). Table 2 (below) shows major crops in area and yield over the past five years (2015-2019). Table 2: Major Crops and Yields in Tboung Khmum Province 2915 2016 2017 2018 2019 No. Major Crops Area (ha) Yield (t/ha) Area (ha) Yield (t/ha) Area (ha) Yield (t/ha) Area (ha) Yield (t/ha) Area (ha) Yield (t/ha) 1 Rice 88,693 3.38 88,835 3.34 88,935 3.45 89,500 3.54 89,460 3.48 2 Cassava 52,571 20.74 53,690 21.60 53,455 19.51 54,020 19.65 56,265 18.42 3 Corn/Maize 10,428 3.80 9,420 4.82 10,145 4.86 11,580 5.25 12,150 5.20 4 Vegetable 1,991 13.16 2,795 14.78 2,415 13.57 2,125 14.87 1,470 16.89 5 Tobacco 1,230 1.57 1,705 1.38 2,165 1.76 1,600 1.81 1,215 1.79 6 Sugarcane 581 18.62 540 20.85 565 20.22 805 20.50 550 18.77 7 Peanut 1,229 1.73 1,125 1.29 1,120 1.25 710 1.63 295 1.41 8 Mung Been 1,744 1.49 1,220 1.17 1,330 0.97 635 1.29 340 1.16 9 Soya Been 933 1.39 755 1.18 390 1.00 360 1.20 - - 10 Sesame 1,465 0.40 650 0.49 655 0.49 330 0.62 385 0.60 11 Sweet Potato 469 18.51 530 24.23 215 16.79 145 17.59 130 16.69 12 Cashew 1,733 1.57 6,461 1.67 7,637 1.63 8,807 1.65 8,334 1.59 13 Pepper 3,039 5.50 2,645 5.50 2,651 5.30 1,990 3.70 14 Mango 1,744 18.35 - - - - 1,733 16.70 2,071 21.22 Source: Tboung Khmum Provincial Department of Planning (2021) 3.1.3 Climatic, Meteorological, and Hydrological Conditions Climate Condition Ambient Temperature: The temperature changes regionally and seasonally. The warmest month is April, when temperature can rise above 38 0C, and the coldest of about 22 0C is January. The average annual temperature is 27 0C. The monthly average highest temperature recorded at Kampong Cham (or Tboung Khmum) station during was 37.8 0C (in April) during 2011 – 2015 period while it was lowest (17.3 0C – 19.4 0C) between December and April during the above period of time (Figure 3). Figure 3: Average maximum and minimum temperature by month in Kampong Cham (2011-2015) 40.0 35.0 30.0 Temperature (0C) 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Average Maximum Temperature Average Minimum Temperature Source: NIS, 2017 |9| Ambient humidity: Cambodia is characterised with relative humidity throughout the country. This is particularly true in the low-lying area such as Tboung Khmum province where the humidity ranges from 65-70% (January and February) and 85-90% (August and September). Sunshine: The amount of sunshine throughout the country is good during the period between December and February, and occasionally in March and April depending on the first thunderstorms. Due to the cloudiness brought by the monsoon, the sunshine is typically low from June to October (Pegasusweb, 2021). Wind: According to the Ministry of Environment (MOE, 2009), the mean wind speed is low throughout the country – around 2m/s. December is known as the month of strong and steady wind which comes from the northern part. Evaporation ranges from 2,000 to 2,200 mm annually. Evaporation is highest during March and April (between 200–240 mm) while lowest in during September and October (120–150 mm). Meteorological Condition According to Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology (2014), the alternating monsoon system affects remarkably the overall climate pattern in Cambodia. The southwest monsoon takes place during May and November (wet season) with approximately 90% of annual rainfall. The northeast monsoon, which comes with hot and less humidity, particularly during high potential transpiration, take place during March and April. The rainfall pattern, however, is variable enormously across the country. Annual rainfall is high (2,400 mm) in the Elephant and the Cardamom Mountain (southwestern part of the country) and low (600 –800 mm) in the central plains of the Tonle Sap area. In Tboung Khmum province, the annual rainfall is approximately from 1,400–1,650 mm. See Figure 4 (Blue square with red line border indicates the relative location of Tboung Khmum province). Figure 4: Distribution of Annual Rainfall in Cambodia (1991-2007) Source: MOWRAM, 2014 | 10 | It is noted that Tboung Khmum was formed officially in 2014. This was done by the RGC by splitting Kampong Cham province into two areas. Therefore, rainfall data in Kampong Cham is somehow more or less similar to those for Tboung Khmum province. Figure 5 provides average monthly rainfall for five-year period (2011-2015), which shows that high rainfall took place during the wet season (May – November). The highest average rainfall occurred in July and September (approximately 257 mm) while the lowest one took place in January and February. Figure 5: Kampong Cham's five-year average rainfall by month (2011-2015) 300 250 Average Rainfall, mm 200 150 100 50 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Source: NIS, 2017 Figure 6: (a) Ensemble mean CCAM 10 km simulation mean extreme rainfall indices for the baseline period (20 years centered on 1990). Source: Unknown, 2014 | 11 | Note: Upper left: RX1 (mm/day), upper right: RX5 (mm/day), lower left: consecutive wet days (CWDs, number of days), lower right: consecutive dry days (CDDs, number of days); (b) Projected CCAM multi-model mean extreme rainfall indices under RCP 8.5 for the 20-year period centered on 2055 relative to the baseline period. Upper left: RX1 (mm/day); upper right: RX5 (mm/day); lower left: consecutive wet days (CWDs, number of days); lower right: consecutive dry days (CDDs, number of days). Hydrological Conditions Water Level: According to MRC (2021, p. 6), the hydrological regimes of the Mekong mainstream were tracked by water-level gauging at many points on the mainstream and its tributaries. Figure 7: (a) Kampong Cham’s maximum water level (m), (b) Kampong Cham’s minimum water level (m) Source: NIS, 2013 & 2017 Kampong Cham is one of the Mekong Region Committee’s (MRC) water-level stations that is monitored by MRC all the year round. The highest maximum water levels in Kampong Cham (or Tboung Khmum) station during 2006 – 2015 were 16 meter – as recorded on 25 September 2011, 28 September 2013, and 8 August 2014 (Figure 7a). Figure 8a shows the lowest minimum water levels (2.30 m) as recorded on 19 April 2007 and 2.20 m – as recorded on 9 March 2010. Flooding: Cambodia is one of the other countries situated along the Mekong River and vulnerable to flood events almost every year. The country has experienced almost all types of natural hazards such as flash flood, riverine floods, drought, thunderstorms, dry spells, bank erosion, and other hazards such as fire incidents and epidemics. Flooding is one of the most devastating natural disaster risks in Cambodia. Recurring flooding has historically affected regularly means of livelihoods and living activities of local households and communities, businesses, agricultural products, and infrastructure. Two types of common flood that frequently occur in Cambodia include: (i) flash floods (which is caused by extremely heavy rainfall due to thunderstorms, or dam break of hydropower plant development in countries to the upstream of the Mekong River, or its main tributaries; and (ii) floods from the Mekong River and its major tributaries. Each type of floods varies in terms of occurrence frequency, potential damage, and management measures. Increasing population, expanding urbanization, floodplain degradation, and human encroachment due to improper infrastructure development are among key factors that explain for recurring flooding. Floods create hazardous conditions, and risks, which make livelihoods of local people more vulnerable. Figure 8a show the number of households that were affected as a result of flooding between 2000 and 2019 for provinces located along the Mekong River and Tonlé Sap. Data is available only for old Kampong Cham province (which includes also the now Tboung Khmum province). Data on the level of damage due to flooding indicate that the impact due to flood is high in Kampong Cham province ( Figure 8b). | 12 | Figure 8: (a) Number of damaged and destroyed households, (b) Numbers of human life loss by floods by province (2000 – 2019) Source: NCDM, 2020 Floods affect agricultural production almost every year, especially rice which is the main source of livelihoods and incomes for most farmers. As of October 2020, more than 2 million people had been exposed to flooding and some 800,000 people had been directly affected, of which an estimated 388,000 people who are with pre-existing vulnerabilities (households classified as IDPoor) were reportedly in need of humanitarian assistance (OCHA, 2020). According to the World Bank (2019), rice production (accounting for about half of agriculture GDP) experienced a lower growth rate (5.7 percent in 2017) because of the impact of midseason floods, including drought, in some parts of the country. The rice production in wet season remained subdued due to unpredictable weather conditions, which dropped to 8.22 million metric tons (or a 0.6 year-on-year contraction) due to midseason drought and end-season floods in 2020 (WB 2021). For the location of TK2 bridge, historical flood data suggested that the TK2 bridge location is not subject to remarkable flood depth based on a 20–year return period (See Map below. Red blue diamond indicates the TK2 bridge location). This scenario is supported by historical rainfall data available for the province for the period from 2000 to 2018. The local rainfall is not significant. Nevertheless, since the bridge is located in a floodplain which is morphologically part of the Mekong Delta, and the bridge crosses a natural floodplain drainage channel, the bridge location is subject to seasonal inundation from the Mekong river. Consultation with Tboung Khmum Provincial Department of Water Resources and Meteorology will be conducted (they were not able to attend the consultation meeting conducted on 16 November 2021). (See Minutes of Meeting in Annex 5). | 13 | 3.1.4 Potential Impacts of Climate change in Cambodia Cambodia is highly vulnerable to climate change. Climate change has been exacerbating flood risk – through changes in precipitations and sea level rise. Climate change impacts are expected to intensify in the next few decades. These are manifested with more frequent heat waves, forest fires, droughts, thunderstorms, tropical cyclones, and floods. These natural disasters have been recognized as an annual impact of climate change in Cambodia. In addition, climate change also poses a variety of challenges to sustaining economic development in Cambodia. According to NCSD (2020b), the country’s annual average GDP growth fell by 6.6% | 14 | (with absolute GDP dropped by 0.4% by 2020, 2.5% by 2030, and 9.8% by 2050) due to potential impacts of climate change. The significantly negative impacts on socio-economic and other key sectors (including agriculture, water resources, ecosystem, forestry, health, energy, transportation, tourism, etc.) were extremely high. Effective climate adaptation measures are required to mitigate the impacts of climate stresses on human made and natural systems. Adaptation measures consist of a multitude of behavioral, structural and technological adjustments. The effective response to the challenges posed by a changing climate is useful to maintain the economic growth in achieving sustainable development of Cambodia. According to the General Secretariat of the National Council for Sustainable Development (NCSD) (2020), Cambodia has estimated some precursors’ emissions due to limited information. These emissions include carbon monoxide (CO), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs), and Sulphur dioxide (SO2). The details of the emissions by sector are provided in Table 4. Of the total emissions, forest and other land use (FOLU) sector was extremely high (91.69%) compared to other sectors, followed by Energy sector (6.40%). Table 3: Emissions by sector and gas in mass unit (Gg) in 2016 Inventory Sector CO2 CH4 N2 O NOX CO NMVOC SOX Energy 8,845.29 23.04 0.61 43.43 160.46 45.03 32.61 IPPU 1,449.46 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Waste 525.56 79.70 0.82 n/a n/a n/a n/a Agriculture 17.42 645.00 7.56 n/a n/a n/a n/a Forest and Other Land Use (FOLU) 131,011.25 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Total (without FOLU) 10,837.73 747.74 8.99 43.43 160.46 45.03 32.61 Total (with FOLU) 141,848.98 747.74 8.99 43.43 160.46 45.03 32.61 Source: NCSD, 2020 A report by Ministry of Environment (MOE) in 2016 projected that the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission in BAU in 2030 and 2050 will be increased approximately to 20,245 ktCO2eq./year and 120,523 ktCO2eq./year, respectively. 3.1.5 Mitigation of Climate Change Impacts through Engineering Design Under this project, the rapid climate change assessment of adaptation needs undertaken in October 2009 showed that existing climate change projections supported by field observations highlight two major concerns related to current and future climate changes. It is noted, in particular, that the average total annual rainfall appears to be increasing and are poorly distributed over seasons, resulting in increased floods during rainy season as well as increased drought during dry season. Similarly, according to the Department of Climate Change (Ministry of Environment), extreme events such as floods and droughts are projected to increase in frequency and intensity across Cambodia. Flooding and soil moisture content is of primary concern as these may affect the existing roadwork. To address the potential impact of climate change, the project seek to a) protect road/bridge infrastructure from the impacts of climate change and b) ensure road/bridge infrastructure does not increase the vulnerability of the surrounding area du to climate change impacts. To address hydrological impacts, the project shall ensure roadside and cross drainage systems are appropriately designed, where necessary, to avoid flooding on project roads as well as in the areas surrounding road embankment. In addition, road embankment, bridges and drainage facilities shall be designed based on historical flood data and flood forecasting. Erosion control and slope stabilization measures shall be included in the design, as appropriate, such as side ditches, berms, stone ripraps, and gabions along the road, tree planting in areas of high erosion risk, cross drainage to accommodate floodwater/run-off in case road sections are on elevated fills that will obstruct natural drainage. | 15 | 3.2 Baseline Environment Quality 3.2.1 Ambient Air quality, Noise and Vibration Ambient air quality: The data on ambient air quality is not existed at the TK2 bridge location. The ambient air quality is being linked to increases in the number of vehicles, industrial development, and overall urbanization as present. However, the TK2 bridge is located in the rural setting. Due to its distance from major population centers and industrial areas, the baseline ambient air quality is considered good. Ambient air quality is sometime affected by dust from tillage and unpaved road users, including smoke from burning of rice stubble after harvest and burning from swidden cultivation activities. Noise and vibration disturbance: The data on noise and vibration is also not available for the TK2 bridge location. In Cambodia, noise and vibration disturbance are closely associated to change in the traffic volume, industrial development, and overall urbanization nearby. As the TK2 bridge is located in a rural setting, noise and vibration disturbance are considered minimum. Surface Water Quality: The data on surface water quality at the TK2 location is not currently available. Based on the commune data (2020), the surface water quality of the area where TK2 bridge is situated is generally in good quality. Groundwater quality: According to the groundwater analysis report of the Research Development Institute in 2008 using the sampling of 15 tube wells throughout the Preah Theat commune, groundwater quality is rated 45F, which means the general safety level of deep aquifer is extremely low and the aesthetic quality of the water is also poor. Soil Quality: The data on soil quality is not available in the area where TK2 bridge is situated. Based on visual observation, the soil quality is generally good in the absence of nearby industrial zones or wastewater discharge. As the soil is already fertile, the local communities do not use chemical fertilizers for their agricultural production. 3.1 Biological Resources The TK2 bridge is not located in any protected areas or ecologically sensitive zones. The TK2 bridge location is characterized by agricultural land dedicated for rice and other crop cultivation. According to the environmental screening, no vegetation species were identified at the TK2 bridge location, as indicated in the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List for Cambodia. There are no recorded endangered wildlife species nor natural or critical habitats in the area of influence of the TK2 bridge. There are also no identified ecologically sensitive area surrounding the TK2 bridge. 3.2 Socioeconomic Conditions 3.2.1 Land use Tboung Khmum province was established on 31 December 2013. The province came into being through Government’s dividing the old Kampong Cham Province into two provinces. Tboung Khmum province is characterized by commercialized agriculture which contributes to the growing cash economy. Major crops being grown include rubber, cashew, cassava, pepper, corn, legume and tobacco, and other major crops for domestic use and export including rice and vegetable. Urbanization, agribusiness, industrialization, enterprises are growing rapidly with growing competition for land resources. The TK2 Bridge is located in Preah Theat commune, Ou Reang Ov district, Tboung Khmum province. The district has a total of 372.73 hectares of land that is current used for residential and agricultural purpose. Currently, 3,991 ha are designated as cropland, of which 934 ha is for rice, 100 ha for maize 62 ha for legume, and 300 ha for cassava, 100 ha for sugarcane, 7 ha for pepper, 20 ha for cashew, and 30 ha for mango. Another 3,600 ha is allocated for rubber plantation. At TK2 bridge location, crops that are commonly grown (in the vicinity of the Bridge) is rice and white maize. There are another 3.283 ha that is categorized as preserved wetland, namely, Boeung Krapit Fishery Community. This community is located in two bordering communes (Mien and Preah Thiet). | 16 | 3.2.2 Population and Demographic characteristics Tboung Khmum province is comprised of six districts and one city. The province has 62 communes and two Sangkat, and a total of 873 villages. The total population of the province is 775,296 persons. There is a total of 169,281 households with average household size of 4.6). The province’s population density is 148 persons per square kilometres, which is higher than the average population density in the countrywide of Cambodia which is 86 persons per square kilometre. The annual population growth rate is 0.4% during 1998 – 2008, which has declined to 0.2% during 2008 - 2019. Total population of Ou Reang Ov district is 101,881 persons. There are 21,552 households, of which male makes up 48.5% whereas male accounts for 51.5%. Preah Theat commune is home to a total of 15,141 persons (48.7% male, 51.3% female). The total number of hosueholds is 3,248 households. Tuol Khleang village has a small population size (1,409 person, 279 households) of which 50.3% is male and 49.7%. 3.2.3 Economic Condition The province is characterized with high soil fertility, particularly in area located along the Mekong River, and areas that are known as wetland ecosystem. The soil fertility provides favorable condition that support the livelihoods development of the community. Agricultural production is the main source of income. Major crops include rice, other crops, livestock, fishery, as well as other non-farm income generation activities such as small-scale trading, working as hired workers at cassava farms, factories and construction work. Rural roads and bridges are vital to maintaining economic activities, particularly agricultural productions that rely on transportation of farm products to markets, etc. Tuol Khleang village is located 17 km away from the downtown center of Tboung Khmum district. In Preah Theat commune, there are 9 tractors, 47 small and medium size trucks, 5 machines, 15 cars, 2 taxi vans, 2,725 motorbikes, 9 tri-motorcycle taxi, and 1,927 bicycles. 3.2.4 Traffic system Transportation system connecting with the TK2 construction site is mainly commune road (laterite surface). 3.2.5 Cultural Resources There are no any cultural properties and archaeological sites within 2km from the TK2 bridge. However, chance finds procedures will be applied if the contractor, during bridge construction, discovers archaeological sites, historical sites, including graveyards and/or individual graves during excavation or construction. 3.2.6 SEA/SH situation The data on SEA/SH situation at local level and/or in the TK2 area is not available. SEA/SH and violence against women and children continues to occur at an alarming rate in Cambodia especially in areas that have high poverty rate. According to the National Survey on Women's Health and Life Experiences in Cambodia, conducted by the National Institute of Statistics of the Ministry of Planning and Ministry of Women's Affairs in 2015, 20% of Cambodian women reported experiencing physical or sexual violence from an intimate partner. 3.2.7 COVID-19 situation There have been no COVID-19 cases reported so far in the TK2 area, including commune level. More than 80% of the population in Cambodia have been vaccinated with two doses. 4. ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACTS The screening for environmental and social impacts on TK2 bridge was conducted virtually on 16 and 17 November 2021 by MRD PMU and PDRD with the remote support from the Social, Environmental Officers of MRD, and E&S consultant. A field visit to TK2 bridge location was conducted on 27 November to support the virtual meetings (See Annex 2 for screening related to land impact and Annex 4 and 5 related to screening for IP presence in the TK2 bridge subproject area. Screening was done, using the environmental and social screening checklist (See Annex 1) in order to identify potential environmental and social risks and impacts | 17 | which may arise due to TK2 bridge construction. The screening found that most of the identified environmental impacts are low to moderate. The social risks and impacts are low (See more details below). Environmental Risks and Impacts Based on assessment from the site visit, the construction of TK2 bridge has no major adverse impacts on environment. The impacts are mainly related noise, vibration generated during construction operations, management of construction debris and wastewater, water quality control, management of stockpile storage, waste management, and diversion of water flow management. In addition, during construction, concerns include safety management and traffic congestion, particularly during day and night time. These impacts can be minimized through applying good construction practices and good engineering design of detour bridge, combined with close construction supervision and monitoring. The risks related to UXO is also considered moderate. Tboung Khmum province used to experience armed conflict, aerial bombardment, ground to ground offensive and landmine warfare in 1970s. As such, before bridge construction take place, the project will require that a safety screening/assessment for UXO be carried out, and removal of UXO, if found, shall be carried out by Cambodian Mine Action Centre (CMAC) or certified organization before commencing the civil works. The detailed impacts are described in Table 5. The identified environmental risks and impacts on localized, and are assessed being “Low” to “Moderate”. Social Risks and Impacts • Impact related to Land acquisition: According to local authorities who were consulted in the 16 and 17 November 2021 virtual meetings (See Annex 5), a small house (8.5m2) was set up temporarily since 2019 for the purpose of seasonal farming/fishing. The house owner does not live in the house and has a permanent house elsewhere. However, during a field visit conducted on 27 November, consultation with this household indicated that they live in this house permanently. Since this household’s house is located in Kampong Cham province, consultation with relevant authorities of Kampong Cham province will be carried out in December to confirm the land status. Consultation with the owner of the small house will be also consulted again to confirm the land and housing status of the potentially affected house and land, and other assets on land (if any). Consultation, agreement, and compensation payment for the affected small house, and other household’s assets, if any, will be carried and completed before the house is removed to pave the way for TK2 bridge construction. Consultation with the house owner on 27 November indicated that this household had lent part of their farmland to the government to set up the existing temporary detour road to maintain local traffic. The household voluntarily lent the land to government to build the detour road and did not ask for any compensation for that land. This potential impact is considered “low”. • Impact related to Indigenous People(s) A screening exercise for the presence of IP in the TK2 subproject area was conducted on 16 and 17 November 2021 based on virtual consultation with local people and local authorities at commune, district, and provincial level, and PDRD and based on review of secondary data. A site visit was additionally conducted on 27 November to observe the TK2 bridge site and consult with local people around bridge site. It was confirmed that no any Indigenous Peoples are present in the new TK2 bridge footprint and the potential area of influence (See Annex 4 for Process and Results of Screening of IPs, and Annex 5 for Minutes of Meetings). • Risks related to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Key risks identified for the TK2 bridge construction include risks related to occupational health and safety (OHS) of workers, particularly to the estimated 140 workers that may be mobilized to the construction site and campsite for TK2 bridge construction at peak time during construction stage. Common risks may include, but not limited to, lack of or improper use of personal protection equipment (PPE), lack of awareness of workers on safety measures when construction takes place in isolated area where construction supervision as well as compliance with safety measures (on the part of workers) may be overlooked. Risks related to OHS of workers are related also to contraction and transmission of COVID-19 (among workers, and between workers and community members or other business partners such as suppliers for construction materials, etc). Contracting communicable diseases such as sexually transmitted diseases (e.g. HIV/AIDS) and other non- communicable disease is one common risk at construction sites. The OHS risk is rated from “low” to | 18 | “moderate” at this stage and will be re-examined based on assessment of contractors’ capacity to address this risk and Contractor’s C-ESMP that will be prepared for TK2 bridge reconstruction. • Risks related to Community Health and Safety (CHS) Other social risks that come under community health and safety (CHS) are related to labor influx and traffic safety during bridge construction and operation stages. There are risks associated with contraction and spreading of COVID-19 between migrant workers and local community members during daily construction activities/transactions. There is also risk of conflicts between migrant workers and local communities, and risks related to road traffic safety. These risks will be re-assessed before construction takes place and before selected contractor is mobilized to construction site, and will be updated in this ESMP and disclosed for public consultation before bridge reconstruction. This risk is rated from “low” to “moderate” at this stage and will be examined based on assessment of contractors’ capacity to address this risk, Contractor’s C-ESMP which will be prepared for TK2 bridge reconstruction, consultation with and awareness of local community before and during construction and operation. • Risks related to sexual exploitation and abuse/sexual harassment (SEA/SH) The risk related to SEA/SH is anticipated. This risk is primarily associated with the labor influx that will be mobilized to support the TK2 bridge construction. As part of preliminary risk assessment, it is known that the community that is nearest to TK2 bridge construction site is Peam Prathnous commune (located in the neighboring Kampong Cham province). People from this commune occasionally cross the Tonle Touch river by boat when they want to go to the village where the TK2 bridge is located in Tboung Khmum province. Commune people may also go across the river to visit the commune where TK2 bridge is located by car through a road about 5-6 km away. Given this condition, interaction between the labor influx and the nearest community is anticipated to limited due to unfavorable transport and geographical condition. Presently, SEA/SH incidence can be reported to local police (at commune administrative police station) and commune committee (for women and children at commune hall). There are three local NGOs who are active in providing services related to SEA/SH. These service providers have ongoing collaboration with local authorities and PDWA in Tboung Khmum province, including: • Cambodian Women’s Crisis Centre (CWCC) (; • Cambodian Children’s Fund (CCF/CPU): CCF's Child Protection Unit,; and • Chab Dai Coalition (Chab Dai Cambodia) • Cambodian Children's Fund Child Protection Unit • Cambodian Children’s Fund Given that the potential locations for Contractor’s office and workers’ camp are likely far away from the nearest local residential area, current low incidence related to SEA/SH, and the availability of proposed mitigation measures (See LMP in Annex 5 of ESMF), the risks related to SEA/SH is rated “low” at this stage. The risk of SEA/SH related to TK2 bridge construction will be re-assessed when the contractor is identified and capacity of contractor to address this risk, including Contractor’s ESMP (C-ESMP and C-LMP), can be evaluated. 5. MITIGATION MEASURES The mitigation measures to address all environmental and social impacts on construction of TK2 bridge is shown in Table 5. The mitigation measures should be implemented along with the project ESMF and follow the government’s and Ministry of Health’s guideline on COVID-19 Preventive measures e.g. social distancing, wearing masks, temperature check, etc. | 19 | Table 4. Detailed impacts and mitigation measures for TK2 bridge construction2 Bridge station Risks, Impacts and Mitigation Measures Responsibility Concerns Implementation Monitoring Pre-construction phase - Traffic safety - During pre-construction, good engineering design of detour road must be taken Contractor MRD/PMU/ management into account to mitigate the impacts: SEO - Land clearance o The Truss Bridge or R.C Pipe as follow the method statement or approved by (associated with the E&S Speacialist engineer shall be constructed for detour road to avoid blocking/or diversion small house (8.5m2) consultants of water flow in Kampong Cham o The design load 25 ton bridge shall be applied for the traffic load passing the province) DDIS temporary bridge - UXOs screening and o Shortening the distance of approach road to detour bridge from approach slap removal, waste, dust, to less than 100 m with a safety manner noise and water - Ensure implementation of the detour road plan for TK2 bridge which has already pollution been clearly defined to mitigate the risks and impacts - Blocking/or diversion - Safety screening and removal of UXOs must be carried out by CMAC or certified of water flow organization and certification letter shall be submitted to PMU before starting the - Environmental and construction activities social impacts related to demolition - Ensure the safety of civil work, all type of mine/UXO must be detected, removed of the existing and destroyed at safe location collapsed bridge - Maintain on-going consultation/engagement with local authorities and local structure people in the vinicity of the TK2 bridge location - Contractor to appoint EHS Officer to manage and report on implementation of environmental, health and safety measures - Prepare a contractor’s environmental and social management plan (C- ESMP), including an emergency preparedness and response guideline for construction emergencies and site occupation, health and safety guidelines - Compensation for affected small house (8.5m2) in Kampong Cham province, and other assets on land, if any, will be completed as per project’s RPF. - Mitigation measures are in place for effective management of waste, dust, noise, vibration and water pollution during site clearance. 2The mitigation measures for TK2 bridge construction will be implemented along with applicable mitigation measures proposed in the project ESMF and in accordance with Government’s and Ministry of Health’s Guideline on COVID-19 Preventive Measures e.g. social distancing, wearing masks, temperature check, vaccination, etc. | 20 | - Lack of a mechanism - Establish grievance redress mechanism (GRM) MRD/ MRD/PMU/ to address social and - Make public awareness of GRM SEO SEO environmental - Ensure that name and contact number of representatives of MRD and Contractor complaints E&S Speacialist are place on the notice board outside the construction site and at local government consultants office (provincial and commune levels), may have in the form of poster - Ensure Contractor’s compliance to ESMP and Annexes is in the contract agreement DDIS - Check the campsite and mixing plants, source of materials; waste disposal depot; and areas for parking heavy equipment; That shall be approved before starting the civil work activiities. - Contractor is required to develop C-ESMP and submit to PMU before starting the works Construction phase - Traffic congestion - The existing temporary detour road will be reinforced and maintained for Contractor MRD/PMU/ and accidents continued use during bridge reconstruction SEO - Construction debris - In case of high flow velocity of water, the protection against erosion of detour road disposal into the E&S Speacialist is required consultants water - Blocking/or diversion - Community shall be informed well in advance of social risks that are related to community health and safety, such as those related to SEA/SH due to labor influx, DDIS of water flow traffic safety, potential conflicts between migrant workers and local community - Construction waste members. cleaning and returning landscape - Consultation with local community and disclosure of project’s GRM, including GRM to original/improved for SEA/SH, will be conducted as part of updated ESMP, C-ESMP and C-LMP. condition - Community shall be informed well in advance of any potential disruption to - Possibility of blocking service/operation of public utility, if any. access to/from - Assign two flagmen on both sides of the detour road (with walki talki and PPE) to nearby farmland of a help to navigate the traffic during day time and night time local household - OHS and community - Install sufficient traffic safety sign, and equipment that meet national guideline or standards or meet international good practices where national standards are health and safety absent and most importantly reflection during day time and night times (CHS) management, including risks of - Install speed slow down sign and safety reminding sign at least 100 m before SEA/SH arriving the detour road (on both sides for two-way traffic). - Soil erosion - Conduct water spraying at detour road at least 3-6 times/day or depending on - Dust pollution weather and traffic in order to minimize dust | 21 | - Noise and vibration - Avoid using noisy equipments or equipments that generate high vibration control - Identify appropriate location for stockpile to avoid stocking at the carriage way or - Stockpile/ storage road shoulder or stocking at location nearby water that cause erosion during the management rain - Transportation of construction - Provide temporary safety access road/bridge when there is blockage sloping access paths from village/houses to the road materials - Solid waste - Manage and clean construction waste properly. Avoid disposing into the water management at and/or surrounding environment workers’ campsite - Bridge demolition can only start after completion of detour bridge is completed - Sanitation issue at and functioning. workers’ campsite - Spillage of used oil/lubricants to soil and/or water bodies from - Movement of heavy generators/machineries for the construction/rehabilitation of the bridges much be equipment. avoided/clean properly. Operation phase - Blocking/or diversion - Detour roads demolition can only start after completion of bridge construction and Contractor MRD/PMU/ of water flow rehabilitation is completed and functioning. SEO - Construction debris - Avoid disposal waste into water body falling into the water E&S Speacialist - Possibility of - Install guiding post and information board to avoid encroachment for consultants shops/business near the heads of the bridges encroachment for DDIS shops/business near - Clearance vegetation/shrubs regularly to provide clear visibility to road user the heads of the - Proper maintenance of old bridge structure, signs and marking bridges - Growing vegetation/ shrubs which may limit the visibility - Traffic accidents at slope/embankment/ bridge abutment Chance Find Procedure: During construction, the contractor shall: | 22 | - Stop the construction activities in the area of the chance find and report to MRD/Bank as soon as possible for appropriate measures; - Delineate the discovered site or area; - Secure the site to prevent any damage or loss of removable objects. In cases of removable antiquities or sensitive remains, a night guard shall be arranged until there responsible local authorities or the Department of Culture and Information takes over; - Notify the Construction Supervision Consultant who in turn will notify responsible local or national authorities in charge (within 24hours or less). - Relevant local or national authorities would be in charge of protecting and preserving the site before deciding on subsequent appropriate procedures. This would require preliminary evaluation of the findings to be performed. The significance and importance of the findings should be assessed according to the various criteria relevant to cultural heritage; those include the aesthetic, historic, scientific or research, social and economic values. - Decisions on how to handle the finding shall be taken by the responsible authorities (MRD). This could include changes in the layout (such as when finding an irremovable remain of cultural or archeological importance) conservation, preservation, restoration and salvage. - If the cultural sites and/or relics are of high value and site preservation is recommended by the professionals and required by the cultural relics authority, the contractor will need to make necessary design changes to accommodate the request and preserve the site. - Decisions concerning the management of the finding shall be communicated in writing by relevant authorities. | 23 | 6. STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE 6.1 Summary of Public Consultation Process Consultation with stakeholders for TK2 Bridge was conducted in two rounds. The first round was given on 16 and 17 November 2021. The Meeting on 16 November 2021 was held at the office of the Provincial Department of Rural Development (PDRD) of Tboung Khmum Province. The meeting was led by Mr Teang Chhayheang –SEADRM II Project Manager. The participants at the meeting included Mr. Dararath Yem (World Bank’s Consultant), Directors and representatives of involved provincial departments of Tboung Khmum. Due to COVID-19 restriction on social gathering, the meeting was hold virtually via video conference using Zoom (See Annex 1 for Minutes of Meeting and List of Participants). The second meeting was being held on 17 November 2021 at Preah Theat District’s Office, Tboung Khmum. The participants included Project Manager (Mr Teang Chhayheang), World Bank Consultant (Mr Dararath Yem), deputy governor of Tboung Khmum district, Administration Chief of Ou Reang Ov district, Commune Chief of Preah Theat Commune, Tuol Meanchey Village’s Chief, Vice-Chief of Tuol Kleang, Preah Theat’s Commune Council, farmers, and staff of project at Provincial Department of Rural Development (See Annex 4 for Process and Results of IP Screening and Annex 5 for the Minutes of Consultation Meeting on 16 and 17 November 2021, and List of Participants). The second round of consultation was conducted on 10 December 2021. The purpose of consultation is to • Inform local people and interested stakeholders of the purpose of TK2 bridge reconstruction subproject • Present key information from the draft Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP), • Highlight subproject’s key activities and environmental and social risks and impacts potentially associated with the TK2 bridge reconstruction • Proposed mitigation measures, • Grievance Redness Mechanism • Questions and Answers 6.2 Summary of Public Consultation Results The consultation with local people and authorities indicated that there is no cultural temple as well as indigenous people communities within the bridge’s potential area of influence. Local participants are generally supportive to the reconstruction of the TK2 bridge. (See Annex 5 and Annex 6 for the Minutes of Consultation Meetings, key feedbacks, and list of participants). The owner of the small house also indicate she is happy to relocate to allow the reconstruction of the bridge (See Annex 7). In the next step, the land status of this household will be verified with local government and the households. Additional consultation will be conducted with the household once impact becomes clearly known. Compensation for this affected household will be conducted in accordance with the project’s RPF before construction of the bridge is carried out. 6.3 Information Disclosure The Executive Summary of this ESMP was disclosed in Khmer language on MRD’s website on 9 December 2021 and its full English version was disclosed on 21 December 2021 ( The final version of ESMP was disclosed through the same MRD’s website in English on 13 January 2022 and in Khmer on 15 February 2022 ( ). The final ESMP for TK2 Bridge will also be disclosed in English on the World Bank’s website once cleared by the Bank. 6.4 Consultations during TK2 Bridge Construction During T2 Bridge implementation and process and before construction, when specific areas such as contractor’s office, workers’ camp, disposal sites for construction debris and construction waste, labor plan, etc. are identified (based on Contract’s ESMP), environmental and social risks and | 24 | impacts associated with construction will be disclosed and local people and authorities will be consulted to solicit their feedback. 7. GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM The objective of the project GRM is to provide complainants with redress procedures that are accessible, easily used, and free of charge to enable affected people to raise project related concerns and grievances. The project GRMs provide information on how the complaints are lodged, including forms, channels, particularly steps and time-limit for each step, such as time-limit for acknowledging receipt of complaint, notification of resolution decision, and prescriptive period, etc. During the grievance resolution progress, where necessary, dialogues will be hold between the project’s designated GRM unit/personnel and the aggrieved people to promote mutual understanding and collaboration among relevant parties for effective resolution. The project also has an appeal process which complainant can use when they are not satisfied with the complaint resolution decision, or their complaints are not resolved within a specified timeframe. 7.1 Steps in Grievance Redress The project will ensure four complaint handling procedures for four types of risks and potential impacts will be in place for use by affected stakeholders. These grievance redress procedures cover complaints related to: 1) land acquisition, 2) labor and working conditions, and 3) sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment (SEA/SH), and 4) general complaints (including complaints related to environmental impact such as dust, noise, vibration, etc. during demolition and reconstruction process). These procedures are established based on the above principles for project’s GRM, and in accordance with the requirements set out in pertinent national legislation. The GRM for complaints related to land acquisition is summarized in the project’s Resettlement and Policy Framework (RPF). It provides steps to guide complainants through complaint resolution process, including timeframe specified for each step (see RPF for details, placeholder for a link to disclosed RPF). The GRM for workers regarding employment, wages, payment, working conditions, health, safety, etc. follows different procedure and are described in project’s Labor Management Procedures. The GRM related to sexual exploitation and abuse/ sexual harassment (SEA/SH) is also established in accordance with the pertinent national laws and the World Bank’s guidance on SEA/SH, and is described in project’s LMP. It is noted the risks for SEA/SH rated “Moderate” at project level. During project implementation, SEA/SH risk will be evaluated at subproject level taking into account the local SEA/SH status, feedback from local people and other stakeholders (e.g. health services, NGOs…). In case of need, local SEA/SH service provider(s) will be engaged by PMU before Contractor is mobilized to subproject site. Below is a summary for these three GRM procedures that will be used for key issues identified under the project. In addition to these GRMs, different channels are available for receipt of complaints that may arise during construction, such as PMU’s GRM focal point, Contractors’ GRM focal points, village heads, and other existing channels that local people use, such as commune government, etc. 7.1.1 Redress Procedure for complaints related to land acquisition In cases where grievance still cannot be resolved, or not resolved to the satisfaction of the person making the complaint, the person has the right to submit a complaint to the District or Province authorities, as desired by the complainant. The Complainant could also decide to submit to complaint directly to the Courts. The complainant will bear the cost for these steps, but will be reimbursed for their expenses by the IA if their complaint is successful.  Step 1 – Commune level. Aggrieved person (AP) can bring their complaint to the Village Chief or Commune Chief who may be able to resolve issues on the spot. In case the AP is Indigenous People (IP), the aggrieved person may bring their case to the local IP community leader at village/commune level  Step 2 – District level. AP can skip Step 1 as they wish by lodging a written complaint to the Head of the District Office where the subproject is located. AP can bring a community elderly or representative to mediate the matter at the District level. | 25 |  Step 3 – Project level (General Department of Resettlement). The GDR will review the complaint and submit a finding report to the Director General of GDR for a decision. The final report will be completed within 30 working days from the date of complaint receipt and will submitted to the Director General of GDR for final decision within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the final report.  Step 4 – Provincial level (Provincial Governor's Office). AP can submit a written complaint to the Provincial Grievance Redress Committee (PGRC) through the Provincial Governor's Office. The decision of the PGRC will be sent to the IRC through the GDR for endorsement before taking remedial action. If the AP is not satisfactory with a resolution decision made at any of the above steps, they can bring their case to Provincial/Municipal Court at their own cost as per the Law on Expropriation (See details of this GRM in the RPF (Appendix 2 of ESMF, Section 5.2). 7.1.2 Redress Procedure for complaints related to labor and working condition  Step 1 – Employer Level. Aggrieved person (AP) can submit their grievance to their Employer verbally, in writing, in person or by phone, text message, mail or email (anonymous complaint is accepted) for resolution within two weeks.  Step 2 – PMU level. If the AP is not satisfied with their Employer’s resolution, the Employer will refer the AP to the SEO of the MRD and inform the AP of this referral. MRD’S SEO will resolve the complaint and inform the AP within two weeks and inform the AP of the PMU’s resolution result in writing.  Step 3 – Project Steering Committee level. If the AP is not satisfied with the resolution proposed by PMU (Step 2), PMU will refer the case to the Project Steering Committee of the KH-SEADRM 2 project for a resolution and inform the AP of this referral. Resolution decision will be made no later than three weeks. AP will be informed of the resolution decision in writing. If AP does not agree with the resolution result, they can approach the Labor Inspector of his/her province or municipality.  Step 4 – Court of Law. If the AP is not satisfied with the above resolution, the AP can initiate a lawsuit to the court of law at any step at their own cost. The decision of the Court will be final (See details of this GRM in the LMP (Appendix 5 of ESMF, Section 10.1 & 10.2). 7.1.3 Redress Procedure for complaints related to SEA/SH For complaints concerning SEA/SH and are related to project workers, the following channels can be used to submit a grievance. In case a SEA/SH service provider is engaged for a particular subprojects (to be determined based on each subproject, the GRM procedure for SEA/SH will be updated and disclosed for consultation and for potential affected people’s information and use at subproject level: Channel 1 – AP can follow steps outlined in Section 9.1.2 (above) to lodge a SEA/SH complaint related to Contractors’ labor. Channel 2 – Alternatively, AP can lodge their complaint, verbally or in writing, to the GRM Focal Point within the SEO of MRD for advice and resolution. GRM Focal Point for SEA/SH will be trained on standardized procedure for handling SEA/SH grievance to ensure confidentiality. Channel 3 – If AP wants to bring the case of the Court of Law, AP can follow steps below for prosecution. Prosecution related to SEA/SH is administered under the Criminal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure, and is as follows:  Step 1 – Judicial Police. SEA/SH victim or a representative can submit their grievance to a local Judicial Police (JP) Officer. JPs include a) Commune/ Sangkat Chief, b) Commune/ Sangkat/ District/ Provincial/ National Police, and c) District/ Provincial/ National Military Police.  Step 2 – Prosecutor. Upon receipt of completed record from JP, the prosecutor can make a decision on if the prosecutor will hold a file without processing it further, or conduct | 26 | proceedings Against the perpetrator. The prosecutor may bring the case to the Court of Law.  Step 4 – Investigation by Judge. Investigating Judge will conduct interrogation of the charged person and perform other required investigation procedure.  Step 5 – Hearing. After issuing an order of indictment, the investigating Judge will submit the case to the trial court president who shall arrange a date for the trial. The decision of the Court on SEA/SH resolution is final (See details of this GRM in the LMP (Appendix 5 of ESMF, Section 10.3) 7.1.4 Redress Procedure for General Complaints In case individuals, households, or communities are affected by any other aspects, for instance, environmental impacts such as increased dust, noise, or lack of safety measures that increase risks of traffic accident to road users, various channels will be established for convinient use by affected parties. These include: • PMU GRM focal point’s telephone; • Contractor’s hotline: to report cases that they think contractors can solve timely (contact detail of Contractos will be posted at construction sites, and distributed to IPs (through Subproject Information Booklet) during consultation, and post at public billboard of Commune/Sangkat offices, pagodas, etc. • Commune/Sangkat offices 7.2 Recording Grievances in Logbook The GRM Focal Point, Project Manager and Project Director within the MRD are responsible for establishment and effective functioning of a Project Grievance database. The MRD’S SEO will register all concerns/grievances that are submitted by project stakeholders into the Project Grievance Logbook (PGL) during project implementation. Data information received will be kept and maintained carefully to ensure privacy and confidentiality, particularly for grievances related to SEA/SH (See Sample PGL for Local and PMU levels). The sample for PMU level can be further elaborated on Excel spreadsheet to effectively manage and maintain the growing database. In case there is serious complaint, such as road accidents, SEA/SH cases, the World Bank shall be notified within 24 hours of complaint receipt and/or report on the incidence (See also Annex 3 of the SEP). | 27 | Table 5. Project Grievance Logbook (Sample for Local Levels) No Name of Addresses Sex Age Contact Date Details of nature Which of the Actions How Date grievance Notes . Complainant (or (M/F) information Received of grievance three GRM taken to many was finally anonymous) (environmental that was resolve steps that resolved/closed impacts, social used? (as grievance, have ? impacts, labor, described in by whom been used health, etc.) Chapter 9 in the (GRM) relevant GRM (Sample for PMU Level – to be elaborated on Excel spreadsheet with filter function) Date Name of Sex Age Contact Location of Form of Channel of Key topics of Nature of Step 2,3,4 Closing of Notes Received Complaina (M/F) information Complainants grievance Receipt Grievances complaints? Step 1 of GRM Procedure (replicated Case nt (or (phone (Province, received (Direct to in Excel (At which anonymou number/emai District, (Writing or PMU GRM a) Labor and a) Resolution spreadshee Steps, date s) l, other commune, Verbal (face- Focal Point, Working required t of case channel(s) village…) to-face, or Relayed Condition b) Clarification closing) telephone, from other b) Resettlemen required online), SMS, channels t (incl c) Suggestion MRD’s (provide Voluntary only (for comment box details) Land project in designated Donation) improveme Website/Face c) SEA/SH nt) book/WhatsA d) Environment d) General pp, etc. al impacts Concerns e) Community Health and Safety f) Accidents Date Date Duratio receipt solved/ n spent ed transferr (in ed days) | 28 | | 29 | 8. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES FOR ESMP IMPLEMENTATION 8.1 MRD The MRD is the Implementing Agency (IA). MRD will implement project activities based on the existing institutional arrangement and departments within the MRD. The MRD will ensure implementation of provisions set out in this ESMF are observed fully by all relevant parties, such as local authorities at sub- project level, contractors, sub-contractors, including environmental and social monitoring, evaluation and reporting (See Chapter 10). The Project Director (PD) at MRD will be responsible for overall guidance, policy advice, internal coordination, discussion and resolution of project related matters with MRD’s counterparts who are working in other ministries, and/or other government agencies, etc. The project manager (PM) at MRD will provide day-to- day support to the PD and are responsible for ensuring the Project Operation Manual (POM) is followed, environment and social activities are implemented, and all consultants follow their terms of reference and delivery schedule. The PM will also ensure project activities are carried out in accordance with implementation schedule and within the allocated budget, including ensuring that financial management reports are prepared and submitted on time. The MRD is responsible for: • Ensuring the project has adequate staffing (PD, PM, SEO, and environmental and social consultants); • Provide agreed counterpart funds for project activities in a timely manner; • Comply with the Environment and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP). The PD and PM at MRD are responsible for: • Effective communication between all stakeholders; • Recruiting consultants; • Finalizing needed surveys, detailed design, bidding documents, and contract awards; • Approving Contractor’s ESMP (C-ESMP) prior to implementation; • Monitoring and evaluating project activities and outputs, including periodic reports; • Involving stakeholders in all stages of project design and implementation as per the SEP; • Conducting consultations and disclosure of project documents as per the SEP; • Assuring quality of works, and services of consultants and counterpart staff; • Establishing a strong financial management system and submit timely withdrawal applications to WB, conduct timely financial audits as per agreed timeframe and take recommended actions; • Establishing and monitoring project grievance redress mechanism in accordance with the SEP; • Providing monitoring reports to the World Bank on a quarterly basis, and a project evaluation at the end of the project. 8.2 MRD’s PMU The MRD’s PMU will work closely with PDRD in planning and implementation of bridge located within their province. The PDRDs will also supervise project officers at the district-level Department of Rural Development, and are responsible for: • Executing and monitoring road and bridge civil works in the respective provinces; • Coordinating effectively with all project stakeholders, including MRD’s SEO, consultants, contractors, local authorities, provincial departments and project communities; • Approving Contractor’s ESMP (C-ESMP)’ • Supporting district-level project officers in monitoring and evaluating progress and performance of consultants and contractors; • Supporting MRD’S SEO to conduct trainings on COVID-19, labor, gender, SEA, SH, VAC, HIV/AIDS, and road safety; • Supporting MRD’S SEO to disseminate project information and conduct consultation activities, as well as ensuring effective grievance redress resolution within their province; | 30 | • Supporting MRD’S SEO to conduct screening and scoping of project roads, and identifying environment, social, land acquisition impacts and screening for presence of IPs in the subproject area; • Liaising with village authorities in subproject area to encourage vulnerable group to apply for jobs that may be offered by project’s contractors; • Collaborating with relevant departments involved in land acquisition and/or other environment or social mitigation measures. 8.3 Social and Environmental Officers (SEO) of MRD The MRD will appoint at least one Environmental Specialist, one Social Specialist, and one GRM Focal Point (hereinafter SEOs) for full time support for the project. The SEOs of MRD will be instrumental in ensuring the environmental and social performance of the project. The SEOs, who are supported by DDIS consultants and E&S consultants, will be responsible for ensuring effective environmental and social management for all project activities. The SEOs, DDIS consultants and E&S consultants will work together as a team in which SEOs plays the lead role in E&S monitoring for the whole project. In particular, SEO will review all related project and E&S documents which are prepared by E&S consultants. Where necessary, SEO will conduct site visits, interview contractor, construction supervisors, workers, provincial-level government staff of MRD, local authorities and local communities to collect necessary E&S information for the purpose of internal monitoring. The SEO will monitor Contractors’ compliance with C-ESMP and visit each subproject location at least once a month during construction. Upon completion of each site visit, the MRD’S SEO should prepare a Monitoring Report reflecting main issues found, resolution arrangements and timing for the resolution. The SEOs will be responsible for: • Monitoring performance of environment and social mitigation measures, including road safety; • Conducting screening and scoping on environment and social impacts (see Annex 1.2), including screening for land acquisition impacts based on the guidance in the RPF and presence of Indigenous Peoples based on the guidance in the IPPF; • Conducting trainings on road safety, gender, SEA/SH, VAC, labor rights, HIV/AIDS and the grievance redress mechanism to project communities, and monitoring contractor’s training for their workers on Workers’ Code of Conduct which covers SEA/SH/VAC, and HIV/AIDS; • Monitoring environmental and social activities of the project, in particular the implementation of the ESMPs for road and bridge subproject, and any other relevant project documents such as RP and IPP; • Monitor, including ensuring effective functioning of project’s Grievance Redress Mechanism and solve grievances submitted to PMU level; • Leading all stakeholder engagement activities, including information disclosure, consultations, reporting back to stakeholders –as per provisions in the SEP; • Working closely with Provincial Department of Rural Development, General Department of Resettlement, and other line ministries and/or relevant departments as necessary; • Prepare monthly reports on E&S implementation and submit to the PM and PD. 8.4 Detailed Design Implementation and Supervision (DDIS) Consultant The DDIS consultant will be responsible for preparing detailed design, conducting construction supervision, monitoring project implementation, including monitoring and evaluation of the project. DDIS team will appoint experienced Environment and Social officers on their team to be responsible for: • Leading the drafting of required environment and social documents such as the site-specific ESMPs, RPs, IPPs and updating of the SEP as needed, and any other documents that may be required; • Review and assess, on behalf of PMU, of whether the construction design meets the requirements of the mitigation and management measures of the C-ESMP; • Review and endorse contractor’s C-ESMP and C’LMP for PMU’s approval; • Working closely with SEO to review environmental compliance at new proposed borrow pits and quarries and advise PMU on whether these are eligible for use by the project; 
 • Supporting the MRD’S SEO to fulfil their roles, including by conducting capacity building training, helping with work plans, monitoring reports, conducting site visits, etc.; | 31 | • Working collaboratively with PDRD and other related departments such as GDR as needed; • Approving contractors' work statement, construction method, and implementation of subproject ESMPs; • Monitoring the impact of construction works on the environment and local communities and assisting SEO in preparing monthly E&S implementation progress reports; • Incorporating into the project design E&S mitigation measures identified in subproject ESMP during subproject design; • Assisting Project PM and SEO in ensuring that all environmental and social requirements and mitigation measures in subproject ESMP are incorporated in the civil works bidding documents and contracts; • Assist SEO in establishing the Grievance Redress Mechanism (as described in RPF, IPPF and LMP and summarized in SEP); • Undertake environmental and social capacity building activities for the SEO as required in Section 7.3; • Undertake regular monitoring of the contractor’s environmental and social performance as scheduled in subproject ESMP; • Supervise Contractors’ compliance with site-specific ESMPs and organize site visits to each subproject; • Prepare Environmental and Social Monitoring Reports including Project Progress reports and details on the GRM for each ongoing sub-project; • Review payment requests related to environmental mitigation costs if applicable; • Support MRD in works related to implementation support missions conducted by the WB; 8.5 Independent Social and Environment Monitoring Consultant (ISEMC) The E&S consultants are responsible for assisting the ESO in monitoring and reporting on the safeguard implementation performed by the contractors. • Develop screening checklist to assess risks and potential environmental and social impacts for each subproject; • Take lead in building capacity for the project (based on list of potential training topics at Section 7.3 (below), including periodic provision of on-the-job training to contractors, SEO and PIU on the implementation and management of E&S risks and impact at subproject level; • Review C-ESMP and ensure C-ESMP is consistent and cover all risks and potential impacts identified in site-specific ESMP, particularly risks related to OHS, CHS, SEA/SH/VAC taking into account local knowledge and experience in prevention and management of these risks. • Ensure C-ESMP have actionable plan to addressed identified risks and potential impacts, including allocation of resources to implement fully such actions. • Make recommendation for improvement before PMU’s and PMU’s DISS Consultant’s approval of C - ESMP; • Conduct site visit to construction sites and worker camp and make above assessment as part of monitoring and reporting responsibility; • Develop E&S monitoring checklist and reporting template; • Participate and support SEO in monthly safeguard monitoring and reporting; 8.6 Contractor's Environmental and Social Management Plan (C-ESMP) The Contractor’s Environmental and Social Management Plan (C-ESMP) will be the Contractors guiding document for the implementation of this ESMP during works the C-ESMP will be reviewed and approved by MRD PMU based on the requirements of the ESMP and will be their management plan for the practical implementing of these requirements. The C-ESMP will contain the contractor’s methodology and planning for adhering to their safeguard requirements. Additionally, the C-ESMP will detail how the Contractor plans to resource their team with personnel and financial resources as per the Contract. The Contractor will include sufficient provision in their Bill of Quantities (BoQ) to ensure that the C-ESMP can be developed, implemented and monitored by their Safety, Social and Environment Officer. As this role will be key | 32 | personnel within the bid document, the Contractor is obliged to ensure that their BoQ item is sufficient for this person to carry out their duties as required in this ESMP and the contract. The C-ESMP and associated management plan will be developed, approved and disclosed at construction site, including Contractor’s site office and wokers’ camp, prior to commencement of civil works. The bid documents will require that the C-ESMP be developed by the Contractor’s Safety, Social and Environment Officer and after internal review and approval, it will be subject to review and endorsement from the DDIS who will coordinate a review with PMU ES Specialists and PMU’s approval. Once the C-ESMP has been approved, it will be disclosed by the Contractor and the PMU using the same methods as required for the ESMP disclosure. The Contractor is required to produce the traffic management plan and occupational health and safety plan as part of their C-ESMP. These management plans are referred to throughout the ESMP. In addition to these management plans being a requirement for the C-ESMP, they will also be required in as part of the tendering process to demonstrate that the Contractor has started to consider these environmental and social impacts and has the capacity within their team to plan their safeguard management strategies. 8.7 Contractor’s Safety, Social and Environment Officer The contractor shall appoint competent staff(s) as the contractor’s on-site safety, social and environment officer (SSEO). The SSEO must be appropriately trained in environmental management and must possess skills necessary to effectively and efficiently all contractor’s and subcontractors’ personnel engaged under the subproject. The SSEO will be responsible for monitoring and reporting on the contractor's compliance with the C-ESMP requirements. The SSEO’s responsibility include, but not be limited to, the following: • Supervise subcontractors’ construction works, including their implementation of the Contractor’s LMP and C-ESMP; • Submit Contractors’ LMP and C-ESMP to PMU/DDIS for review and approval prior to commencing staff mobilization to the project site for the awarded assignments; • Carry out environmental and social site inspections to assess and audit the contractors' site practices, equipment and work methods with respect to pollution control and adequacy of environmental mitigation measures being implemented; • Monitor E&S compliance with approved C-ESMP and C-LMP and contractual requirements; • Monitor implementation of environmental and social mitigation measures; • Prepare audit reports for the site environmental and social conditions; • Investigate complaints and recommend corrective measures; • Advise the contractor on environmental and social management improvement; • Recommend mitigation measures in the case of non-compliance; • Carry out additional monitoring of noncompliance as instructed by PMU and DDIS; • Inform the contractor, PMU and DDIS of any environmental and social issues/problems, submit contractor’s ESMP Implementation Plan to PMU and DDIS, including relevant authorities, if required by PMU; • Maintain detailed recording of all site activities related to environment and social issues; • Appoint qualified staff to undertake necessary actions and measures to ensure labor related issues; • Work closely with the appointed staff in charge of labor issues to prepare a Labor Management Procedures (Contractor’s LMP) and a C-ESMP (Contractor’s ESMP) including OHS regulations) which will apply to their contracted workers who work on the projects; • Maintain recruitment and employment records for contracted workers (including subcontractors), including documentation that verifies minimum labor age as set forth in the Contractor’s LMP as well as copies of signed Workers’ CoC; • Provide regular training to contracted workers on issues, but not limited to, such as occupational safety and health, and other social risks such as SEA/SH/VAC, code of conduct to maintain good relationship with local community, etc; | 33 | • Require primary supplier to identify and address risks of SEA/SH/VAC, child labor, forced labor, and occupational safety and health for primary supply workers; • Develop and implement the contractor grievance mechanism based on the GRM set forth in the project’s LMP for contracted workers, including ensuring that grievances received from contracted workers are resolved promptly, and reporting the status of grievances and resolutions to PMU/SEO. This grievance mechanism will be part of the Contractor’s LMP. • Ensure that all contractor and subcontractor workers understand and sign the Code of Conduct prior to commencement of the works; maintain them as a record and report on it • Implement all necessary measures to address the risks of sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA)/sexual harassment (SH) as specified in the contractor’s LMP, C-ESMP and ensure full implementation of these measures; • Develop plans and take actions for prevention and mitigation of COVID-19 outbreaks. 8.8 Compliance with Legal and Contractual Requirements The contractor and its subcontractors, if any, must comply with the ESMP, C-ESMP, ESCoP, and CoC as well as the national regulations. To ensure that necessary action has been undertaken and that steps to avoid adverse impacts and/or reoccurrence have been implemented, the Project Manager, the SEO, and/or contractor must report to PMU within 24 hours of any serious incidents of non-compliance that may have serious consequence. In the event of working practices being deemed dangerous either by the subproject, the local authorities, or the other concerned agencies, immediate remedial action must be taken by the contractors. The contractor must keep records of any incidents and any corrective action taken. The records of non-compliance that could be practically addressed (not cause serious impacts) will be reported to DDIS with a copy to PMU on a monthly basis. The contractor will be responsible for dealing with any reports/grievance forwarded by the local communities, authorities, police or other agencies as soon as practicable, preferably within one hour but always within 24 hours. The Project Manager/SEO will monitor and ensure that the contractor has taken appropriate action. Where appropriate, approval remedial actions may require an agreement from the local authorities and/or other government agencies. Procedures should be put in place to ensure, as far as is reasonably practical, that necessary actions can be undertaken to avoid recurrence and/or serious damage. 9. ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MONITORING PROGRAM While awarded contractor and sub-contractor, if any, will be responsible for day to day E&S monitoring. PMU/SEO, PMU Construction Supervision Consultant, and independent E&S Monitoring Consultant will be in charge of regular monitoring and inspection. Check list and specification for regular monitoring programs will be developed and PMU/SEO field team members will be trained for monitoring and inspection of the works. PMU/SEO local team will carry out weekly monitoring requirements using the check list and with the supervision of the PMU of MRD, it will take corrective actions for any infringement. In addition, PMU’s environmental and social consultants will do monitoring for ambient air quality, noise and vibration, soil, water quality, traffic safety management, solid waste and wastewater management following standards and requirements in accordance with regulations/guidance of the Ministry of Environment. Results of monthly monitoring will be reported to PMU, and the World Bank. Corrective actions will be taken as required based on the conclusion of the findings. PMU will be responsible for issuance of monthly report for environmental and social monitoring and project’s implementation progress. Awarded contractor will be required to submit monthly progress reports to PMU and the World Bank. The Contractors will be responsible for reporting, immediately or within 24 hours, to the DDIS if there is any severe environmental and social incident that has occurred during construction e.g. clearing of sensitive areas, serious accident cases and fatality, forced or child labor, abuses of community members by project workers (including SEA/SH), trafficking in endangered species, etc. The DDIS and PMU will notify the World Bank of such severe incident immediately or within 24 hours, depending on the level of severity. | 34 | 9.1 Environmental Monitoring Program The environmental monitoring program is necessary to ensure that effective environmental management is achieved. It requires that appropriate method, equipment and system of controlling and monitoring of changes be in place for monitoring environmental quality. The ambient environmental quality monitoring will be carried out by the contractor and sub-contractor, if any. Details on monitoring parameters are shown in the table below: Table 6. Environmental monitoring plan during construction phase Monitoring Mitigation Measures Location Measurements Frequency Responsibility Parameters Air quality - Apply water TK2 bridge and - Site Every 06 SEO (NO2, SO2, CO, spraying to the surround inspection months TSP, PM10, construction environment E&S specialist PM2.5) using - Visual consultants surface and other observation air quality piled materials to monitor minimize dust at - Monitoring PMU least 3-6 times equipment per day and/or and/or based on the appropriate weather monitoring condition methods - Check and maintains construction machinery regularly to avoid heavy emissions - Monitor/measure particulate matter Noise and - Avoid working TK2 bridges and - Site Every 06 SEO vibration during night time surround inspection months [Equivalent environment E&S specialist noise (dBA)] - Provide ear set to - Visual consultants using noise all workers to observation and vibration prevent noise - Measuring PMU measurement - Check and equipment devices maintains and/or construction appropriate machinery monitoring regularly to avoid methods noisy and high vibration - Measure noise and vibration level Solid waste - Use waste bin TK2 bridges and - Site During SEO management with cover to surround inspection construction at temporarily environment E&S specialist construction - Visual consultants storage wastes observation site and worker’s - Avoid dispose Campsite PMU campsites wastes into water (main bodies and/or agricultural fields | 35 | contractor and - Contact local subcontractor) authority to collect waste regularly and manage it properly Waterway Maintenance of well-kept Waterway/water - Site During SEO construction site and no bodies close to inspection construction discharge of effluents into work sites and E&S specialist waterways base camps - Visual consultants observation PMU Environmental Apply all mitigation TK2 bridges and - Site During SEO incident/risk measures surround inspection construction environment E&S specialist - Visual consultants observation PMU 9.2 Social Monitoring Program The social monitoring program is also necessary to ensure avoid conflict between contractor and local communities. It requires an appropriate mitigation measures to minimize all the social risks and impacts. The social monitoring program will be carried out by the contractor and sub-contractor if any. Details are shown in the table below: Table 7. Social monitoring plan during construction phase Public and Ensure proper safety TK2 bridges and - Site During SEO OHS measure, PPE, and surround inspection construction implementation of environment E&S specialist OHS plan such as first - Visual consultants aid kits, fire observation Independent fighter…etc. E&S Monitoring Consultant PMU Social issues Avoid any TK2 bridges and - Site During SEO disturbance to local surround inspection construction communities environment E&S specialist - Visual consultants observation Independent - Record on E&S GRM Monitoring Consultant PMU 10. ESTIMATED COSTS FOR ESMP IMPLEMENTATION The costs of implementing the ESMP listed below are related to PMU costs in addition to the dedicated safeguards PMU personnel budget line item. The main costs of implementing this ESMP related to institutional capacity and stakeholder capacity building, ongoing consultation facilitation costs, and the PMU on site monitoring and outreach safety programs. Table 8. Estimated costs for ESMP implementation No. Item Cost (USD) | 36 | 1 ESMP technical training to PIU, SEO, Contractor etc. $ 5,000.00 2 ESMP awareness raising and sensitization with key stakeholders $ 4,000.00 and communities 3 Consultation facilitation $ 15,000.00 4 Monitoring activities $ 10,000.00 5 Community outreach at the project area $ 10,000.00 6 Compensation payment for the household with a small house in $ 200.00 Kampong Cham province Total $ 44,200.00 | 37 | ANNEXES Annex 1 – Screening checklist for E&S impacts of bridges construction and rehabilitation Potential Environmental and Social Impacts to be Addressed Does the subproject entail these No Low Medium High Not Remarks environmental impacts? known 1. Encroachment on historical/cultural √ No impacts on areas historical/cultural areas as well as pagoda gate because the detour road is selected at the other side to avoid this impact. 2. Encroachment on an ecosystem (e.g. √ Provide a map natural habitat sensitive or protected showing the closest area, national park, nature reserve locations of these etc....) ecosystems to the bridge site. 3. Disfiguration of landscape and X Yes – substantial increased waste generation changes to the landscape 4. Removal of vegetation cover or cutting √ There are vegetation down of trees during clearance for cover at the shoulder construction within the CoI that is needed to trim or cut 5. Change of surface water quality or √ Construction of detour water flows (e.g. Increase water bridge will increase turbidity due to run- off, waste water turbidity, but not from camp sites and erosion, and affect the water flow construction waste) or long-term. because Truss bridge will be constructed. 6. Increased dust level or add pollutants to √ the air during construction 7. Increased noise and/or vibration √ 8. Resettlement of households? If yes, √ how many households? 9. Use of resettlement site that is √ environmentally and/or culturally sensitive 10. Risk of disease dissemination from √ Increase number of construction workers to the local workers and their peoples (and vice versa)? interaction e.g. to buy food/consuming goods may post moderate risk to community on COVID- 19 | 38 | 11. Potential for conflict between √ construction workers and local peoples (and vice versa)? 12. Use of explosive and hazardous √ chemicals 13. Use of sites where, in the past, there √ were accidents incurred due to landmines or explosive materials remaining from the war 14. Construction that could cause √ Impacts are disturbance to the transportation, temporary and could traffic routes, or waterway transport? be managed by good engineering design and construction good practices and construction control. 15. Construction that could cause any √ Construction would damage to the existing local roads, create temporary bridges or other rural infrastructures? impacts on some public infrastructure 16. Soil excavation during subproject's √ construction to cause soil erosion 17. Need to open new, temporary or √ Temporary bridge permanent, access roads? 18. Separation or fragmentation of habitats √ of flora and fauna? 19. Long-term impacts on air quality √ 20. Accident risks for workers and √ Risks are temporary community during construction phase and could be managed by construction good practices and construction control. 21. Use of hazardous or toxic materials and √ generation of hazardous wastes 22. Risks to safety and human health √ Traffic accidents and safety management, Covid 19 Does the subproject entail land acquisition or restriction of access to resources? 23. Acquisition (temporarily or √ List land areas for permanently) of land (public or private) permanent and for its development temporary land acquisition, type of soils, duration and purpose of acquisition 24. Use land that is currently occupied or √ regularly used for productive purposes (e.g., gardening, farming, pasture, fishing locations, forests) | 39 | 25.. Displacement of individuals, families or √ businesses 26. Temporary or permanent loss of crops, √ fruit trees or household infrastructure 27. Involuntary restriction of access by √ people to legally designated parks and protected areas If the answer to any of the questions 23-27 is “Yes”, please consult the ESMF; preparation of a Resettlement Plan (RP) is likely required. Does the subproject entail effects on ethnic minority peoples? 28. Ethnic minority groups are living within √ the boundaries of, or nearby, the subproject. 29. Members of these ethnic minority √ groups in the area potentially could benefit or be harmed from the project. If the answer to questions 28 or 29 is “Yes”, please consult the ESMF; and preparation of an Ethnic Minority Development Plan (EMDP is likely required. | 40 | Annex 2 – Detailed Technical Designs (overlaid on recent Google Earth imagery) Existing bridge (right) and existing temporary detour (left) Detailed TK2 Bridge Plan and Profile 41 Google Earth Imagery (Overlaid with Detailed Bridge Design) | 42 | Annex 3 – Preliminary Inventory of Loss due to Construction of TK2 Bridge Preliminary screening for the potential impacts of TK2 Bridge construction on land and assets of local people was carried out through two virtual meetings with local authorities (on 17 and 18 November 2021) and through a physical visit (on 27 November 2021) for field observation and informal consultation with local people present in the vicinity of the bridge. The screening indicated that the existing TK2 Bridge is located within the public land (land managed by Tboung Khmum Provincial Department of Management, Urban Planning and Construction). However, when the new TK2 bridge is built, a small house (about 8.5 m2 in area, located about 15m from the existing bridge, and in the neighbouring province of Kampong Cham) may be affected as a result of bridge widening. The potentially affected house is made of thatch wall with corrugated steel roof and is currently home to 3 people. This household is potentially affected due to physical resettlement to allow construction of the new bridge. The owner of this house has a plot of farmland nearby (about 6,000 m2) which are cultivated with 2-3 crops per year. The farmland will not be affected be affected by the new bridge structure (based on Google Earth map overlaid with the final bridge design). The potentially affected household informed that they have land title for their existing house and the farmland as mentioned above. The household is currently lending part of their land (part of above 6,000m 2 plot) to the government who built the detour road to maintain traffic. The households indicated they are happy because the bridge is going to be reconstructed and hope they are compensated with a plot of land to rebuild their house if they have to resettle physically elsewhere to allow bridge reconstruction (See photo below) . Farmland Detour Road Small House (Potentially affected due to bridge reconstruction) | 43 | Potentially affected house due to land acquisition for new TK2 bridge construction | 44 | Annex 4 – Process and Results of Screening for Presence of IP(s) in TK2 Project Area IP screening has been conducted in according with the guidance stated in Annex 2 of the Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework of Cambodia Southeast Asia Disaster Risk Management Project II (P177185) (MRD, 2021). The screening was conducted based on the virtual consultations conducted with the provincial Departments of Tboung Khmum and local authorities of districts, communes, and villages within the project area were conducted on 16 and 17 November 2021. As part of the screening, field visit was made to the bridge site on 27 November for field observation and consultation with local people who may be present around the bridge site. The screening of the IPs and IP communities originally focused on the footprint of new bridge and the potential area of influence due to bridge construction which was within Tboung Khmum province. However, field visit indicated that a village (located 1-1.5 km from the existing bridge, across the river) is accessible by boat and by road through a road some 5km away. Thus, IP screening has been extended to cover the village which is actually located in Kampong Cham province (a neighboring province). As reported by the local authorities in Tboung Khmum Province, there is only one indigenous people group, namely Stieng, who live in Dambae district which is about 60-70 km away from the TK 2 Bridge location. This information is consistent with the information from the project’s Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework. However, according to the MRD, the Stieng IP in Dambae district has not been yet officially identified as “indigenous minority peoples”. Within this TK2 Bridge location, and further away across the whole commune of Preah Theat, and district of Koh Sotin (where the TK2 Bridge is situated), based on two consultation meetings conducted on 16 and 17 November 2021 with local people and authorities at village, commune, district and provincial levels, combined with review of secondary data collected earlier, no indigenous people were found present in the TK2 Bridge location and the whole district where the bridge is located (See below the Minutes of Meeting for the purpose of screening for IP presence in TK2 project area). Screening for IP presence in Peam Prathnous commune (in Kampong Cham province) which is located 1-1.5km across the Tonle Touch river indicated that there is no IP present in the commune. The commune of Peam Prathnous is home to 11,107 people (50.73% is male and 49.27% is female). People from this commune occasionally cross the Tonle Touch river by boat when they wish to come to the village where the TK2 bridge is located. Commune people may also go across the river (to the village where TK2 bridge is located) by car through another road about 5-6 km away. It was found that there was no IP that are present in the commune of Peam Prathnous (Kampong Cham province) and the commune of Preah Theat (Tboung Khmum province) where the TK2 bridge is located. There was also no IP found in the potential area of influence of the TK2 bridge construction. | 45 | Annex 5 – Minutes of Consultation Meeting (Round 1) Minutes of Meeting Screening for the Presence of Indigenous People(s) in TK2 Bridge Area Meeting with Provincial Departments of Tboung Khmum Date: 16 November 2021 Time: 14:00 –16:03 1. Introduction of Meeting Objectives • The Meeting was held at the office of the Provincial Department of Rural Development (PDRD) of Tboung Khmum Province on 16 November 2021. The meeting was led by Mr Teang Chhayheang –SEADRM II Project Manager. The participants at the meeting included Mr Dararath Yem (World Bank’s Consultant), Directors and representatives of involved provincial departments of Tboung Khmum. Due to COVID-19 restriction on social gathering. The meeting was hold virtually via video conference using Zoom (See Annex 1 of this Minutes for the list of participants. • The meeting was opened by the chairperson, Mr Teang Chhayheang, followed by the self- introduction of meeting participants. Mr Chhayheang provided an introduction on the history of the project and the objectives of the meeting. He showed the location of the bridge using satellite imagery so that participants could recognize the location of the TK2 Bridge, as well as identify the names of village, commune and district in which the bridge is located. After that Mr. Dararath Yem, WB’s consultant (Environment and Social Safeguard Specialist) presented on (i) Purpose of the Screening for the presence of IP people within the bridge’s potential area of influence, and project key activities that are related to the reconstruction of the TK2 bridge which was damaged in 2020 because of the flood. Mr. Dararath Yem also checked for the land status at the existing TK2 bridge location and further beyond the immediate existing bridge site to the extent where the new bridge will be located (once construction is completed) based on the detailed engineering design of the TK2 bridge which was overlaid on the satellite map (Google Map). Mr. Dararath Yem explained to meeting participants that the purpose of screening for IP presence in the TK2 Bridge Project Area and for land status is to support the preparation of Indigenous People Plan (if any), and Resettlement Plan (if any). This screening exercise is also for the purpose of preparation of the Environment and Social Management Plan (ESMP) that supports the reconstruction of the TK2 Bridge. 2. Summary of Meeting Outcomes • The meeting planned to discuss on three bridges including TK1, TK2, and TK3. However, due to time constraints, only TK2 was discussed in detail. As agreed and confirmed by meeting participants, the TK2 bridge is located in Tuol Kleang village, Preah Theat commune, Koh Sotin district. The TK2 bridge is situated close to the border of Tboung Khmum and Kampong Cham and Provinces. The bridge’s coordinates are identified as E550257.120 and N1316240.480. • The Director of Provincial Department of Culture and Fine Arts said that it seemed that there is no cultural temple as well as indigenous people or communities within the bridge area. However, he said, he would go to the bridge location and checked also the areas surrounding the bridge to confirm his preliminary feedback. After the investigation conducted on 17 | 46 | November 2021, the Director of Provincial Department of Culture and Fine Arts and his team confirmed that there are no cultural temple and IP people living within the bridge location, as well as the villages, communes, and the district where TK2 bridge is located. Additionally, he confirmed that the land area where the new TK2 bridge is situated are public land. There are no individual households own any pieces of land within the footprint of the new bridge – based on the the overlay map (as mentioned above). • Representative of the Provincial Department of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries also clarified at the meeting that no forest conservation area is situated within the bridge area. However, there are two fishery conservation areas that belong to two fishery communities: (i) Beung Krapet Fishery Community (which is located in Mean and Ou Reang Ov commune, Ou Reang Ov district, Tboung Khmum province); and (ii) Samki Maot Khmong Fishery Community located in Tonle Bet and Chiro commune, Tboung Khmum district (See maps of the fishery communities in Annex 2 of this Meeting Minutes. • The Director of Provincial Department of Environment (PDE) informed meeting participants of PDE’s no objection to the construction of the TK2 bridge. He added that Cintri waste collection services will collect unharmful wastes from future construction site and workers’ camps, and will dispose the wastes at a landfill site which will be identified. In terms of waste generated from bridge debris, he said that the contractor (once selected by MRD) should discuss with the Provincial Department of Environment to find a proper area for disposal. • The WB’s consultant has asked all provincial Departments to share important data and information which included commune database (2014-2020), three-year provincial investment plan (2014-2020), annual agricultural report (2014-2020), annual environmental report (2014-2020), water level, temperature, water quality, air quality, rainfall, and reservoir or water storage, including information on local capacity. The meeting participants agreed to share the required data and information with the Consultant. • Unfortunately, Provincial Department of Water Resources and Meteorology could not participate in the Meeting. Yet, Mr Chhayheang informed the Director of Provincial Department of Rural Development to request later on the important data as required by the consultant from the Provincial Department of Water Resources and Meteorology. • Conclusion: The IP Screening Meeting was successfully conducted. The meeting confirmed that no IP Community are present in the TK2 Bridge area/potential area of influence. It was also confirmed that the land area where the new TK2 bridge is to be situated is public land which is managed by local government. So, there is no need for land acquisition for the reconstruction of the TK2 bridge. The meeting participants agreed with the Ministry of Rural Development to move ahead for the construction of the TK2 bridge. | 47 | Tonle Touch River Village located 1-1.5 km away from TK2 Bridge (across the Tonle Tough River) in Kampong Cham province | 48 | 3. List of Participants No Name Sex Position/Organisation Telephone 1. Dok Savoeun M Representative, Provincial Department of (855-96) 353 7984 Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries 2. Kour Hok M Director, Provincial Department of (855-12) 951 177 Culture and Fine Arts 3. Khiev Chakravuth M Representative, Provincial Department of (855-12) 365 685 Public Work and Transport 4. Ret Ratana F Representative, Provincial Department of (855-69) 993 989 Planning 5. Sos Ilyes M Director, Provincial Department of (855-11) 663 958 Environment 6. Hing Sitha M Deputy Director, Provincial Department (855-70) 878 284 of Land Management, Urban Planning, and Construction 7. Teang Chhayheang M Project Manager (855-12) 925 888 8. Dararath YEM M WB Consultant (855-17) 828 226 | 49 | 4. Maps of Fishery Conservation Areas and Communities Map of Beung Krapet fisheries community Map of Samaki Maotkhnong fisheries community 5. Meeting Screenshot (form Zoom application) | 50 | | 51 | Minutes of Meeting Field Visit for Screening of Presence of Indigenous People in TK2 Bridge Area Meeting with Local Authorities and Communities 17 November 2021 Time: 14:00–16:00 1. Introduction and Meeting Objectives • The Indigenous People (IP) Screening Meeting was held at Preah Theat District’s Office, Tboung Khmum on 17 November 2021. The participants included Project Manager (Mr Teang Chhayheang), and World Bank Consultant (Mr Dararath Yem) as well as deputy governor of Tboung Khmum district, Administration Chief of Ou Reang Ov district, Commune Chief of Preah Theat Commune, Tuol Meanchey Village’s Chief, Vice-Chief of Tuol Kleang, Preah Theat’s Commune Council, farmers, and staff of project at Provincial Department of Rural Development. A list of participants is attached in Annex 1 of this minutes. • The meeting was opened and chaired by Mr Teang Chhayheang and Mr Sambat (Director of Provincial Department of Rural Development, Tboung Khmum. Mr Chhayheang provided an introduction and history of the project and objectives of the meeting. Mr. Dararath Yem showed the location of the bridge (satellite imagery) and map in ArcGIS (involved communes where the bridge was located) to be constructed to participants. It was then followed by the participants introducing themselves. Mr Dararath Yem clarified the purpose of the meeting: (i) Screen indigenous people/community who were living in communes/villages, where the bridge located; (ii) IPs who use the bridge; (iii) Land acquisition of IPs within the bridge location and surrounding districts, communes, and villages; and (iii) Potential land impacts resulting from the bridge construction. 2. Summary of Meeting Outcomes • The Deputy Chief of Tboung Khmum District clarified that there was no any indigenous people and community living in districts, communes, and villages in the areas where bridge was located. • One participant said that there was a small house located approximately 3-4 meters on the east side of the bridge. The guy who owned the small house has his home in the village nearby the bridge. He came here to use his small boat to carry any people who crossed the river. The small house and piece of land, on where the small house situated were illegally settled by himself as encroacher prior to the cut-off-date. No competent authorities have permitted. All authorities attended the meeting confirmed that that household would leave his small house if local authorities needed that area to develop or construct the bridge. • Mr Dararath questioned the meeting of whether any local authorities could issue official letter to proof that there would be no any complaint made by that small house’s guy if the bridge would be constructed and areas surrounding the bridge would be needed by the contractor to be used for construction purpose; for instance, store the construction materials. The representatives of Tuol Kleang and Preah Theat replied that the owner of small house would leave without any complaint and involved local authorities in the meeting agreed to issue the official letter stating that the areas around the bridge were not owned by any persons and private companies. Such official letter would be sent to the Provincial Department of Rural Development, then to Ministry of Rural Development for serving as evidence. | 52 | • The participants in the meeting reported that there was a small ancient hill/cottage (where people pray for something) situated about 0.5 – 1 km on the southeastern side of the bridge. • Conclusion: The IP Screening Meeting was successfully conducted. The participants discussed actively in terms of IPs and natural and private properties situated within the bridge areas as well as communes/villages around the bridge area. Similar with the meeting with concerned provincial departments, no IP Community and any pieces of land legally owned by the IPs. A small house will be negatively impacted (physical resettlement) due to the reconstruction of the bridge since it’s located within the footprint of the new TK2 bridge. The owner of the house is happy when the bridge will be rehabilitated. The meeting fully agreed with the Ministry of Rural Development to move ahead for the construction of the bridge. 3. List of Participants No Name Sex Position/Organisation Telephone 9. Heng Suthy M Deputy Governor, Tboung Khmum (855-12) 532 736 District 10. Sory Ratha M Administrative Chief, Ou Reang Ov (855-17) 942 826 District 11. Try Peou M Commune Chief, Preah Theat (855-99) 897 222 12. Mae Menglim M Chief of Fisheries Community (855-88) 722 2760 13. Khean Thy M Member, Prathean Village (855-97) 225 0060 14. Sun Sret M Chief of Fisheries Community (Maot (855-71) 913 307 Khmong) 15. Hean Phorn M Village Chief, Tuol Meanchey (855-97) 378 5804 16. Kong Nareth F Vice-chief, Tuol Khleang (855-88) 203 017 17. Doung Den M Commune Council, Preah Theat (855-88) 315 7023 Commune 18. Teang Chhayheang M Project Manager (855-12) 925 888 19. Dararath YEM M WB Consultant (855-17) 828 226 | 53 | | 54 | 4. Photos of Meeting with Local People | 55 | Annex 6 – Minutes of Consultation Meeting (Round 2) MINUTES OF MEETING INFORMATION DISCLOSURE AND CONSULTATION WORKSHOP on ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN (ESMP) IN TK2 BRIDGE AREA, TBOUNG KHMUM PROVINCE Date: 10 December 2021 Time: 8:00 – 9:45am Meeting venue: Zoom application (virtual meeting) from MRD and face to face meeting via livestream video in TK2 bridge area, Tboung Khmum province Facilitator: SEO-MRD Presenters: Mr. KONG Sopheak and Mr. HOY Sereivathanak Reasey I. Introduction of Meeting Objectives 1. The virtual meeting was held at the Social and Environmental Office (SEO) of Project Management Unit (PMU), Ministry of Rural Development on 10 December 2021. The meeting was led by Mr. Teang Chhayheang, a SEADRM II Project Manager. The participants at the meeting included Mr. Dararath Yem, a World Bank’s Consultant, SEADRM II Project’s National Environmental and Social Safeguard consultants, relevant Provincial Departments, civil societies, private companies and local authority. Due to COVID-19 restriction on social gathering, the meeting was held virtually via video conference using the Zoom application and with face to face participants meeting via live stream video from Preah Theat commune, OU Reang Au district, Tboung Khmum province. A list of participants is attached in Annex 1 of this minutes. 2. The meeting was opened and chaired by Ms KONG Saly, followed by the self-introduction of the meeting participants. Mr. Teang Chhayheang presented the background of the project, the project's target provinces and the purpose of the information disclosure and consultation workshop. After that Mr. HOY Sereivathanak Reasey, a National Environmental Safeguard Consultant, presented an executive summary of TK2 Project Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP); and the project’s Grievance Redness Mechanism (GRM) related to issues of Land Acquisition, Labor Safeguard and SEA/SH. 3. Mr. Pho Chanpiseth, a PIU member of Tboung Khmum provincial Department of Rural Development (PDRD) informed the participants at the meeting venue in Preah Theat commune, Ou Reang Ov district, Tboung Khmum province of the purpose of the workshop. II. Summary of Meeting Outcomes 4. Mr. TRY Pov, Chief of Preah Theat Commune, said that the bridge reconstruction would bring more benefits to local people. He added that he was happy to support the project in terms of coordination with local communities. 5. Mr. MON Sophan, Village Chief of Toul Kleang Village, said that local people were very happy with the reconstruction of the bridge and suggested having the construction soon. 6. Mr. NGUN Kimhean, a member of Preah Theat’s Commune Council, said that the ESMP was well prepared by taking into account the community safeguard as well as GRM for any affected people. He added that it seemed no potential impacts that should be of concerned. | 56 | 7. Mr. KONG Naret, a Vice-Chief of Toul Kleang Village, raised a perception of the benefit of the bridge connecting the road for transportation of agricultural products, especially for local students to access to schools. 8. Mr. PHO Chanpiseth mentioned that the targeted project area would not affect since the bridge would be reconstructed on the previous location and within the same road alignment on the land of state public properties. He added that the local authorities were informed of the proposed reconstruction of the bridge; and the project had never gotten any complaints from the households living around the project bridge areas. 9. Conclusion: The meeting was finished on time without additional questions and suggestions. The participants from local authorities and communities might not be concerned about the negative impacts due to reconstruction of the bridge. They would just like to see the bridge to be reconstructed soon and had not any objection with the reconstruction. | 57 | Annex 1: List of Participants No. Name Sex Position Institution 1 KONG Saly F Representative PMU-MRD 2 Try Poeuv M Chief of Commune Preah Theat Commune 3 Ngon Kimhean M Commune Council Preah Theat Commune 4 Hean Phorn M Chief of Village Toul Meachey Village 5 Morn Sophan M Chief of Village Toul Kleang Village 6 Kong Nareth F Vice-Chief of Village Toul Kleang Village 7 Ki Sanna M PIU PIU 8 Pho Chanpiseth M M&E PIU 9 Dararath YEM M Consultant WB 10 Thang Dina F Officer SEO-MRD 11 Tip Sophark F Officer SEO-MRD 12 Kong Sopheak M Environmental Safeguard Consultant SEADRM II, MRD Hoy Sereivathanak 13 M Social Safeguard Consultant SEADRM II, MRD Reasey 14 Peng Sinang F Chief District Hall Administration | 58 | Annex 2: Virtual Meeting Screenshot | 59 | | 60 | Annex 3: Tentative Agenda The Second Cambodia Southeast Asia Disaster Risk Management Project (KH-SEADRM 2) INFORMATION DISCLOSURE WORKSHOP on ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN (ESMP) IN TK2 BRIDGE AREA, TBOUNG KHMUM PROVINCE ______________________________________________________ Date: Friday 10, 2021 Time: 8:00-9:35am Venue: Virtual (Zoom) Time Activity Materials Responsibility 08:00 – 08:30 Registration/ Rapport building MRD/SEO 08:30 – 08:05 Opening Remarks by MRD MRD/representative 08:05 – 08:35 Environmental and Social Management PowerPoint E&S Consultants Plan (ESMP) of TK2 BRIDGE 08:35 – 08:55 Grievance Redness Mechanism (GRM) PowerPoint E&S Consultants 08:55 – 09:30 Question and Answer (Q&A) Guiding SEO/E&S Consultants Questions 09:30 – 09:35 Closing Remarks MRD/representative Attached project documents included: 1. TK2 Project’s ESMP 2. Presentation slides: (1) TK2 Project’s ESMP; and (2) TK2 Project’s GRM. | 61 | Annex 7 – Minutes of Consultation Meeting (Round 2) Mission Report South East Asia Disaster Risk Management II (SEADRM II) Project 27 November 2021 Introduction and Mission Objectives 1 The mission location is TK2 bridge (GPS: N1316240.480, E550257.120 locating in Koh Sotin district, Preah Theat commune, Tuol Kleang village, Kampong Cham province) between Kampong Cham and Tboung Khmum province. The mission was made by Mr Dararath YEM (WB’s consultant) on Saturday, 27 November 2021 (a day-trip mission). He left Phnom Penh at 8:30 am and arrived at the TK2 bridge around 13:00 pm (took lunch in Kampong Cham town) and returned on the same day arriving Phnom Penh 17:30 pm. 2 The mission objectives include (i) visually visiting the TK2 bridge and explore its surrounding areas in relation to settlements and land properties of people living within the TK2 bridge areas (environment and social issues); and (ii) meeting and consulting with those who are living closed to the TK2 bridge and its surrounding areas. Summary of the Outcomes of the Mission 3 There are two houses located on southern side of the bridge, where the small one located on the south-eastern side of the bridge approximately 15 m from the bridge and 7 m from the road that is being rehabilitated by the Ministry of Rural Development. This road is connecting to the TK2 bridge. The other houses (2nd house) are located on the south-western side of the bridge about 100 m from the bridge and along the rehabilitating road. The 1st house located south-eastern side of the bridge Photo from the bridge (the 1st house) 4 The owner of the 1st house said that she possessed an area of land (approximately 6,000 square meters), where she grew maize/corn and cucumber 2-3 times per year. She said that her land had been issued a land titling from the Kampong Cham provincial authorities (see photos below). She added that the detour road was also her land that she decided to give to local authorities to make a detour road after the bridge was destroyed by flooding. | 62 | Detour Road (from the west side of the bridge) The 1st house owner is preparing her land for growing A detour road between the 1st house and cultivated land crops 5 She did not remember the year when her father started settling at there, but she remembered that she started living there since she was young (about 8 years old). When asking about whether she was happy if the bridge would be rehabilitated, she said she was glad if the bridge would be reconstructed; and she was happy to resettle if the local authorities requested her to move. Yet, she added that it would be good if the local authorities could provide her with a new resettlement. She knew exactly her house would be impacted by the rehabilitation of the bridge because she heard that the bridge would be widened. 6 The 2nd house is located on the south-western side of the bridge about 100 m from the bridge and along the rehabilitating road. A meeting with the 2nd house owner could not be made due to the absence of the owner. Only their daughters were staying in the house, when asking some questions regarding the land titling and other issues, their daughters said that they knew nothing other than their parents. The below images show the 2nd house location. The 2nd house will not be impacted by the reconstruction of the bridge. The rehabilitating road by MRD (Photo from the bridge to the west) Location of the 2nd house Photo from the bridge side 7 There is a small cottage located on the north-eastern side of the TK2 bridge about 1-1.5 km. There is also a cultivated land closed to the cottage. I was trying to meet the owner, but it seemed difficult to meet while they were not welcome while there was a person spraying pesticide over his cultivated crop. The cottage and the cultivated land over there will not be impacted by the reconstruction of the bridge. | 63 | Cultivated Land Small Cottage 8 There is a village named Peam Prathnous across the Tonle Touch River (small river) about 1.5-2 km from the bridge on west side of the bridge (photos below). Tonle Touch Photo from the bridge to the west side Village in Kampong Cham province across the Tonle Touch (photo from the bridge to the west side) 9 Conclusion: Only the 1st house will be negatively impacted by the reconstruction of the bridge since it’s located about 15 m from the bridge. The owner of the 1st house is happy when the bridge will be rehabilitated. The small cottage located on the north-eastern side of the bridge will not be negatively impacted by the bridge rehabilitation. Also, the 2nd house located on the south-western part of the bridge will not be likely to be negatively impacted by the bridge rehabilitation. The TK2 bridge is located between the border of the Kampong Cham and Tboung Khmum province. Any consultative meeting on environmental and social management plan should be made by engaging the concerned provincial departments of the two provinces in order to obtain precisely data and information. | 64 |