The World Bank CAMEROON - Strengthening Public Sector Effectiveness and Statistical Capacity Project (P151155) REPORT NO.: RES32087 RESTRUCTURING PAPER ON A PROPOSED PROJECT RESTRUCTURING OF CAMEROON - STRENGTHENING PUBLIC SECTOR EFFECTIVENESS AND STATISTICAL CAPACITY PROJECT APPROVED ON NOVEMBER 20, 2017 TO REPUBLIC OF CAMEROON GOVERNANCE AFRICA WEST Regional Vice President: Ousmane Diagana Country Director: Abdoulaye Seck Regional Director: Abebe Adugna Dadi Practice Manager/Manager: Manuel Antonio Vargas Madrigal Task Team Leader(s): Marieta Fall, Clarence Tsimpo Nkengne The World Bank CAMEROON - Strengthening Public Sector Effectiveness and Statistical Capacity Project (P151155) ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS CADRE Auxiliary Accounting of State Expenditures and Revenues COLEPS Cameroon Online E-Procurement System CTR Technical Commission for Restructuring DPC Division of Shares and Contributions ECAM Cameroonian Household Survey HRMIS Human Resources Management Information System ICC Construction Cost index IPPI Industrial Product Price Index IPPS Price Index for Services IFMIS Integrated Financial Management Information System INS National Statistical Institute IRI Intermediate Result Indicator MINEDUB Ministry of Basic Education MINEPAT Ministry of Economy and Planning MINFI Ministry of Finance MINMAP Ministry of Public Contracts MINSANTE Ministry of Health MTEF Medium Term Expenditure Framework MTR Mid-Term Review NGO Non-Governmental Organization OTP Online Tax Payment PBF Performance -Based Financing PDO Project Development Objective PFM Public Financial Management RRI Rapid Results Initiative SIGIPES Computerized System for Integrated Staff and Pay Management SISEP Integrated Monitoring System of Public Enterprises SOE State-Owned Enterprise TSA Treasury Single Account The World Bank CAMEROON - Strengthening Public Sector Effectiveness and Statistical Capacity Project (P151155) Note to Task Teams: The following sections are system generated and can only be edited online in the Portal. BASIC DATA Product Information Project ID Financing Instrument P151155 Investment Project Financing Original EA Category Current EA Category Not Required (C) Not Required (C) Approval Date Current Closing Date 20-Nov-2017 31-Dec-2023 Organizations Borrower Responsible Agency Republic of Cameroon Project Development Objective (PDO) Original PDO The project development objective is to improve the effectiveness of public spending in selected sectors and strengthen the statistics system for evidence-based decision making. OPS_TABLE_PDO_CURRENTPDO Summary Status of Financing (US$, Millions) Net Ln/Cr/Tf Approval Signing Effectiveness Closing Commitment Disbursed Undisbursed IDA-61400 20-Nov-2017 16-May-2019 27-Jun-2019 31-Dec-2023 31.00 9.06 19.23 Policy Waiver(s) Does this restructuring trigger the need for any policy waiver(s)? No The World Bank CAMEROON - Strengthening Public Sector Effectiveness and Statistical Capacity Project (P151155) Note to Task Teams: End of system generated content, document is editable from here. I. PROJECT STATUS AND RATIONALE FOR RESTRUCTURING 1. The Cameroon Strengthening Public Sector Effectiveness and Statistical Capacity Project was approved on November 20, 2017 by the Board of Directors, but was only signed by the Government in May 2019, allowing it to become effective on June 27, 2019. At the time of concept, the country had enacted several reforms in Public Financial Management that had however not yet translated into significant improvements in service delivery. The Project was thus designed to help address the significant challenges faced in making public spending more effective notably by supporting the operationalization of key PFM reforms. That included the operationalization of the program budgeting reform, addressing key bottlenecks in the planning, programming, budgeting, monitoring and execution of public investments, supporting the implementation of procurement reforms aimed notably at reducing delays and improving the performance of actors and the system, as well as improving the management of SOEs for greater transparency and performance. In addition, the project aimed to help fill an important gap and need in the production of key and regular statistics that can inform public policies and resources allocation. The Project selected basic education and health as pilot sectors through which to demonstrate its impact on public spending effectiveness and as sectors especially impacted by the identified persistent weaknesses in budget preparation and execution. 2. The Mid-Term Review of the Project, which was conducted in March-April 2022, downgraded the Project’s overall progress in implementation and towards achieving its Overall Development Objective (ODP) to ‘Moderately Unsatisfactory.’ Notwithstanding the fact that the project started under unfavorable circumstances given the effectiveness delays incurred, after almost three years of effective implementation, it is not on track to achieve most of the results targeted. Out of six (6) PDO related indicators: three (3) were achieved in 2020 (average procurement time for contracts that fall under the purview of the Ministry of Public Works (MINMAP) and the execution rate of public investments for the two pilot ministries of Basic Education (MINEDUB) and health (MINSANTE); two (2) were not achieved (the related activities under the project not having started) and one was partially achieved (average variance between the annual budget allocation and the projection of the Medium Term Expenditure Framework - MTEF- in the pilot sectors). For 2021, the latter indicator’s target was achieved and four (4) are awaiting validation. With regard to the Intermediate Results Indicators (IRI), out of 12, only two (2) IRIs have achieved their targets for 2021 (average procurement times for MINEDUB and MINSANTE) and one is fully achieved under the statistics component (revised methodology for the implementation of the new household survey in line with new international standards). Project implementation has been greatly hampered by operational issues in the form of very long delays in the completion of key recruitments for consultancies and the execution of contracts especially. This is particularly illustrated by two medium-term technical assistance firm consultancies respectively on consolidating the budgeting reform and the integrated management of public investments, for which the selections of the firms have still not been completed after being launched two years ago. Initiatives and objectives that are centered on publication of fiscal reports and greater transparency are not gaining sufficient traction and the focus on them will thus be enhanced but calibrated to align with the government’s processes and requirements. All pilot initiatives undertaken under the Project included MINEDUB and MINSANTE. Project disbursement currently stands at 32%. 3. Component 1 on “Consolidating the program budgeting reform” is moderately unsatisfactory. Support to the implementation of the budgeting and in particular program-based budgeting reform adopted in 2013 has been provided at the central level and yielded improvements to the budget preparation process notably through the The World Bank CAMEROON - Strengthening Public Sector Effectiveness and Statistical Capacity Project (P151155) revision of the formats for the annual Finance Law and annexes in use since 2020, an updated program budgeting manual and the alignment of the organizational charts of six ministerial departments with the program budget reform. A new format for the preparation of annual performance reports has also been elaborated. However, the full operationalization of the reform including at the pilot ministries level is lagging. Support to the regular publication of public finance data notably through the development of a BOOST database on public budget and expenditures has suffered from the lack of comprehensiveness, disaggregation, and reliability of the existing data. Initiatives to strengthen government oversight of public enterprises have diagnosed the issues related to the production, transmission and publication of key SOE financial data but a less fragmented data management system, targeted capacity building and the leveraging of incentives are needed for improved management and transparency. 4. Component 2 on “Improving the quality of public investment in selected sectors” is moderately unsatisfactory. Under the project, a public investment budgeting manual has been developed (and is being used) as well as an improved mechanism for the medium-term programming of sectoral budgetary transfers to the subnational governments (Decentralized Territorial Collectivities) to increase their transparency and predictability, but the latter remains to be implemented. Efforts have been deployed to strengthen the capacity of sectoral ministries for appraisal and for the preparation of quality, implementation-ready projects through a Project maturation Fund. However, the decree for the establishment of the Fund is now awaiting approval by the President. While a manual to strengthen the monitoring of the physical and financial execution of projects has been elaborated and equipment to that end has been acquired, the integrated ICT-based platform that is to greatly improve such monitoring has not yet been developed. A number of tools have also been developed to monitor especially the implementation of externally funded projects (including a project M&E dashboard and mechanisms to evaluate the performance of PIUs) but are in the finalization and validation stages and are thus not in use yet. 5. Component 3 on “Strengthening the performance of the public procurement system and developing capacity for better service delivery” is moderately unsatisfactory. A diagnostic of the needs and existing offer in terms of trainings has been conducted – albeit with much delay – and informed a Strategy aiming at the professionalization of staff engaged in procurement. The Project supported the operationalization of Cameroon’s fledgling Online Procurement Platform (COLEPS) through two phases of Rapid results Initiatives (RRI) targeting in total 50 contracting agencies. A significant acceleration was noted on average for the procurement steps made through COLEPS vs offline for contracts (56 days in 2020 vs 70 days offline). Performance-based financing (PBF) was piloted in 8 contracting agencies to incentivize the completion of specific procurement steps and deliverables (planning and execution) rather than attendance of procurement commissions meetings as is currently the case. The PBF mechanism however encountered difficulties especially linked to delays in the signing of performance contracts and in the payment of bonuses. An application was also developed to accompany the PBF initiative and allow to monitor performance and notably automatically calculate the accompanying compensation to start being deployed in June 2022. TA was also provided early on the finalization of the new Procurement Code. RRIs also helped support the development of secondary regulations and a number of elaboration and dissemination activities of the related tools (e.g. standard bidding documents) have taken place throughout the country. 6. Component 4 on “enhancing the use of statistics for policy-making” is moderately satisfactory. The implementation of the 5th Cameroonian household survey, using a new methodology to assess poverty and key to the collection of updated poverty data, has been finally underway after suffering delays linked to the Covid-19 pandemic and the security issues in some of the regions. The field collection is set to be completed in September 2022 with two out of three (3) phases as well as an experimental survey for comparability with the last 2014 household survey having been implemented. Data collection for the Labor Force Survey has also been completed. A number of activities that aim to feed the national accounts have been undertaken including the collection of data for the first time on informal cross border trade (5 rounds out of 6 completed) and the elaboration of various indices (Industrial Product Price Index – The World Bank CAMEROON - Strengthening Public Sector Effectiveness and Statistical Capacity Project (P151155) IPPI, Construction Cost index - ICC) and the Price Index for Services - IPPS, the latter for the first time). The implementation of the long-delayed population census continues however to be held up by technical, security and financing issues. Enhancing the use and dissemination of statistical data by the Government was supported through the equipping of the new statistical agency (INS) headquarters with technology, the establishment of a data warehouse (CAMSED) and the integration of new features in the Open Data platform, but more efforts are needed to ensure the dissemination and actual usage of the statistics being produced. A yearly survey to assess the satisfaction of users of public statistics has still not taken place although data on user satisfaction is being collected online with visitors of the INS’ website. 7. A project restructuring has been requested by the government following the MTR and is needed in order to improve project implementation. In addition, measures are being implemented for improved procurement and contract management in the project. The objectives sought by the Project remain highly relevant and instrumental to helping implement the country’s rolling Global Reform Program for Public Financial Management, which is updated and assessed every year. The objectives of the restructuring therefore are to : i) review the scope of the project’s activities to streamline and select priority interventions most directly linked to the achievement of targeted results for the remaining duration of the project and for improved project management (less dispersion of efforts); ii) revise the project results framework to ensure indicators are clear and measurable and remain in the sphere of influence of the project, and to strengthen the links between activities and results sought ); iii) identify in a very selective manner key gaps in terms of technical interventions to achieve the PDO; iv) and undertake re-allocations from lower-performing components (in terms of disbursement notably) to address financing gaps under the statistical component. II. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CHANGES A. Project Components 8. Main changes to project components are summarized as follows in light of the above restructuring objectives and the prioritized activities: i) sub-component 1.3 on deploying the new integrated human resources and payroll management system (which has not yet been put in place) will be dropped; ii) support to the interconnection of select financial management information systems of MINFI will be added under sub-component 1.2 (enhancing the system for monitoring programs’ execution and results); iii) sub-components 2.2 and 2.3 will be merged (enhancing public investment budget monitoring) as well as the subcomponents 3.1 and 3.3 (strengthening the competencies of public officials responsible for public procurement) and 3.2 and 3.4 (Enhancing the capacity and performance of organizations in the procurement system) for coherence and funds fungibility; iv) and greater funds will be allocated to the statistical component through a reallocation of $ $2 million from the other three components. The following section details activities retained as priorities, added and dropped as well as revised costs. Consolidating the Program Budgeting Reform 9. Subcomponent 1.1 on strengthening program budgeting is maintained with a focus on the priority activities to be undertaken under the medium-term Technical Assistance on consolidating the program budgeting reform at both the central and sectoral pilot levels. Program budgeting was launched in 2013 in Cameroon but has not been sufficiently operationalized to truly impact practices. At the central level (Ministry of Finance), improved operationalization requires revised budget preparation and execution practices and guidelines that the project will support, including the production of a methodological guide for applying the new budgetary classification and the strengthening of the management of authorized commitments and payment credits (which have been decoupled) to support multi-year budget execution. At the sectoral level, every ministry now prepares three-year programs and The World Bank CAMEROON - Strengthening Public Sector Effectiveness and Statistical Capacity Project (P151155) identifies objectives and indicators, but programs are not aligned with sectoral strategies and the quality of results is lacking. The project’s TA is thus also designed to support MINSANTE and MINEDUB to improve the design (including results indicators) and operationalization of their program budgets and their alignment with Medium-Term Expenditure Frameworks (MTEFs) and sectoral strategies. 10. Subcomponent 1.2 on enhancing the system for monitoring programs’ execution and results will focus on the quality and availability of expenditure data. Since the Project’s inception, efforts have been made to improve transparency including through the publication of a citizens’ budget, but the available budget execution data remain incomplete. Actual payments are difficult to track during the fiscal year. They are reported only in the final budget expenditure Law (Loi de Règlement), which is issued a year later, and lack adequate disaggregation (e.g. to track capital expenditure at the subnational levels). In the remaining period of project implementation, efforts will be focused on utilizing the BOOST platform to integrate budget data from different sources and present them in a user-friendly manner, starting with the analysis of the 2020 data. Relevant government officials in will be trained to regularly update the BOOST data and use it to analyze budget execution. Indeed, under this sub-component, the existence of fragmented information systems has been identified as a key challenge, as it prevents the government from having a comprehensive and real time view of budget data. This information gap negatively affects budget execution (as manifested in the existence of large payment arrears), and unless it is addressed, the benefits of the ongoing TSA reform will be limited. Although the development of an Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) constitutes a longer-term objective of the government, the project will build on a targeted diagnostic of the MINFI systems (Treasury, Directorate General of Budget, Directorate General of Taxation) to identify actionable solutions for data integration. In particular, the interconnection of the Treasury ‘s application CADRE with the information system of the tax administration (OTP) will be supported for better visibility on tax revenue in support of smoother budget execution. 11. Subcomponent 1.3 on supporting the deployment of the new integrated HR and payroll management system will be dropped. Although there is a need for an HRMIS in Cameroon that would integrate career, payroll, and pension information (SIGIPES II) to strengthen payroll controls and inform more strategic planning and allocation of human resources, the reform long-in-the-making has still not been undertaken by the government and its outside the purview of the project. The project was to provide support downstream to prepare the two pilot ministries for deployment of the HRMIS notably through updating their HR files, organizational frameworks and staffing plans. It should be noted that the organizational frameworks for six ministries were updated. With the cancellation of this activity, $ 1 million of the $1.3 million allocated to this sub-component will be reallocated to the statistical component (for the population census) and the remaining funds will be utilized for the pilot integration of MINFI systems. 12. Subcomponent 1.4 on strengthening the management of the SOE portfolio will be streamlined to focus on the production, reporting and publication of key financial data, and retain three key activities: i) the development of the strategy for State-Owned enterprises and establishments - a draft has been developed; ii) the production and publication of the financial statements of SOEs; iii) and the development of an ICT system for monitoring the performance and financial situation of SOEs, which would allow to automate data reporting and analysis. On ii), RRIs will be implemented to build the capacity of 14 SOEs (including a few of the largest in their categories) and the relevant MINFI bodies (Technical Commission for Restructuring – CTR and Division of Shares and Contributions – DPC) to better monitor SOEs’ financial performance. On iii) and to that end, the existing ICT-based monitoring platform of CTR (SISEP) will be upgraded to accommodate new functionalities and be accessible to the MINFI bodies and other attached agencies that need access. The World Bank CAMEROON - Strengthening Public Sector Effectiveness and Statistical Capacity Project (P151155) 13. Component 1 will be renamed “consolidating the program budgeting reform and improving the management of public funds” to better capture the range of activities and targeted results in terms of i) operationalizing the program budgeting reform and ii) improving government budget execution and oversight of SOE finances, notably through the strengthened production and reporting of the related data. Improving the quality of public investment in selected sectors 14. Sub-component 2.1 on strengthening public investment planning and budgeting has a number of ongoing and planned activities, which will be reprioritized as follows: i) the development of a new selection framework for public investment projects including a new manual that includes poverty impact as a selection criterion; and the establishment of a Project maturation Fund to build project appraisal capacity of line ministries. On ii), the Project will allocate $1 million to the maturation of projects under MINSANTE and MINEDUB. In addition, TA support will be provided to revise the project preparation and appraisal guidelines (“guide de maturation”) to improve the process as well as to strengthen the preparation and implementation of large capital projects (“grands projets”) of the two pilot ministries. 15. Sub-component 2.2 on enhancing public investment execution monitoring will be focused on the development and deployment of the ICT-based platform for the monitoring of public investments projects (financial and physical execution) with geo-referencing and the integration of citizen feedback. In the meantime, the existing database of projects will be reviewed for comprehensiveness and to enable online publication of project information. 16. Subcomponent 2.3 on strengthening the management of public investment projects financed by international and bilateral donors will be consolidated into component 2.2 for flexibility and fungibility in the use of funds. The various tools developed to strengthen the monitoring and execution of externally financed projects (FINEX) also remain to be disseminated including with donors, finalized and operationalized for the remaining duration of the project. $ 500,000 under this component will be reallocated to the statistical component for the conduct of the population census. Strengthening the performance of the public procurement system and developing capacity for better service delivery 17. Subcomponent 3.1. on strengthening the competencies of public officials responsible for public procurement retains the priority of developing and implementing a training strategy. The training strategy will be based on the draft Strategy for the professionalization of procurement specialists, which has already been developed on the basis of a diagnostic. The project will now support the implementation of the Professionalization Strategy, e.g. with the establishment of an accreditation platform. Greater efforts will be made to increase the share of women participants in the trainings, but relevant targets need to be revised to take account of the actual numbers of women in relevant procurement functions in the public administration (see changes to Results Framework). 18. Subcomponent 3.2. on enhancing the capacity of organizations in the procurement system to carry out their functions will only be focused on continuing to operationalize the Cameroon Online Procurement System (COLEPS). Relevant activities will include a diagnostic of the system to identify the challenges and possible improvements to enable all procurement actors to use the modules of phase 1 of the platform and to define a roadmap for the effective implementation of phases 2 and 3 of the government’s e-Procurement project. 19. Subcomponent 3.3. Streamlining the procurement regulatory framework will be merged with component 3.1. The activities under this subcomponent mostly consist of finalizing and disseminating the procurement regulatory framework and the accompanying tools that have been developed, through trainings. These activities can be considered an integral part of strengthening the competencies of the relevant public officials in the two institutions The World Bank CAMEROON - Strengthening Public Sector Effectiveness and Statistical Capacity Project (P151155) responsible for public procurement (Ministry of Public Contracts and Procurement Regulatory Agency) and in the contracting entities at large. 20. Subcomponent 3.4. on Improving the management and monitoring of procurement performance will be focused on the implementation of the PBF mechanism and will be consolidated with sub-component 3.2. The PBF approach has been piloted in eight public contracting entities. A formal evaluation of the pilot phase will be conducted to identify key results, lessons and especially recommendations before extending the mechanism to more contracting entities. As the regulation on the PBF covered only the eight pilot agencies, a new regulation will be needed to extend the applicability of PBF to other entities and to institutionalize the process. The PBF digitalization mechanism which has been developed in support under the project will need to be operationalized and deployed. $ 500,000 under this component will be reallocated to the statistical component for the completion of the 5th Cameroonian Household Survey (ECAM 5). Enhancing the use of statistics for policy making 21. Subcomponent 4.1 on Improving poverty-related data will remain focused on the conduct of ECAM 5 and increase its support to the 4th population Census. The last household survey was undertaken in 2014 and was supposed to be repeated at a five-year interval. The National Statistical Agency has prepared the methodology, implemented a pilot and a comparative survey, and has started data collection in the field for the main survey, which is currently in its second phase. However, the financing gap for the completion of the survey has increased due to reduced counterpart funding and the additional costs of covid-19 related safeguards measures. This financing gap (low estimate of $ 300,000) will be covered through reallocations from other components. The main change under this component is an additional allocation of $1.5 million for the 4th population census, bringing the total project allocation to this activity to $ 2.5 million. The project was initially designed to support the analysis of the census data. However, given the long- awaited need and many benefits and impacts of a census (which has not been conducted since 2005 in Cameroon) including providing the sampling framework of all other statistical operations (that lack of a sampling framework has for e.g. hampered ECAM 5) and the construction of poverty maps which can inform policies and can allow to target programs, the project will help close the financial gap for its conduct. The census implementation will be coupled with that of the agricultural and livestock census and a full assessment of its financing needs to be completed promptly, indicating all its sources of financing as well as how the technical and security challenges that it still faces in a few regions will be addressed. One of its proposed sources of financing is a new Bank-financed regional project on building statistical capacity for census activities to be carried out in 2023. 22. Subcomponent 4.2. on strengthening the national accounts remains largely unchanged but needs to emphasize the development of regular collection methodologies. The main priorities of this sub-component will be the completion of the data collection for the informal cross-border trade survey, including three additional rounds to cover one full fiscal year (baseline year), and the validation of for the methodology for continuing the data collection for subsequent surveys beyond the duration of the project. This reflects the overarching challenge of Cameroon’s statistical system, which is developing mechanisms for regular data collection in order to update key statistical indicators and securing adequate financing for this work. Activities related to the production of various indices will continue as planned. 23. Subcomponent 4.3. on enhancing the dissemination of statistical data and their use by the Government to improve policy making and implementation needs to be strengthened. The MTR recommended that the project support the dissemination of the results of key statistical surveys (e.g. Covid-19 panel surveys, Labor Force survey and the other upcoming key surveys) in order to reach more users and ensure that policy makers are well informed of the availability of data so that they can use them to inform their decision-making. A satisfaction survey of users of public statistics will be undertaken in 2022 and will go beyond government users to include NGOs, academia, etc. The project will The World Bank CAMEROON - Strengthening Public Sector Effectiveness and Statistical Capacity Project (P151155) implement mechanisms for tracking user satisfaction on a regular basis such as through ongoing surveys administered to visitors of the statistical agency’s website. Under this sub-component, training to relevant government officials in the use of policy impact simulation models will continue according to the needs. Projects components and sub-components pre and post-restructuring Component/Sub-components Original Revised Component/Sub-components Original Revised Allocation Allocation Allocation Allocation USD million USD million USD million USD million 1. Consolidating the program 6.0 5.5 3. Strengthening the 7.0 6.0 budgeting reform and improving performance of the public the management of public funds procurement system 1.1. Strengthening program 2.3 2.3 3.1. Strengthening the 2.5 2.2 budgeting competencies of public officials responsible for public procurement 1.2. Enhancing the system for 1.4 2.2 3.2. Enhancing the capacity and 0.5 3.8 monitoring programs’ execution performance of organizations in and results the procurement system 1.3 Deployment of new payroll 1.3 0.0 3.3. Streamlining the 0.7 0.0 (merged management (dropped) procurement regulatory with 3.1) framework 1.4. Strengthening the management 1.0 1.0 3.4. Improving the management 3.3 0.0 (merged of the SOE portfolio and monitoring of procurement with 3.2) performance 2. Improving the quality of public 5.5 5.0 4. Enhancing the use of statistics 9.0 11.0 investment in selected sectors for policy making 2.1. Strengthening public 3.0 3.0 4.1. Improving poverty-related 5.4 7.1 investment planning and budgeting data 2.2. Enhancing public investment 1.5 2.0 4.2. Strengthening the national 2.5 2.8 execution monitoring accounts 2.3. Strengthening the management 1.0 0.0 (merged 4.3 Enhancing the dissemination 1.1 1.1 of public investment projects with 2.2) and use of statistical data financed by international and bilateral donors Italics: sub-component dropped or merged B. Results Framework 24. Five PDO indicators are revised to adjust for evolving conditions since the project’s design and to clarify what is meant to be measured and how, while one PDO indicator will be dropped as shown in the following table. New formulations of indicators can be seen in the results framework annex. PDO Indicators Status Changes/Comments Average variance by economic The definition and formulation of the indicator is revised to classification between annual clarify what is being measured and how to measure it. New budget allocation and MTEF formulation: variance between the annual budget allocation Revised projection in selected sectors and the initial MTEF projection for the first MTEF year (one (Percentage) indicator each for MINSANTE and MINEDUB). That initial MTEF is approved by the Parliament. Project activities are supporting The World Bank CAMEROON - Strengthening Public Sector Effectiveness and Statistical Capacity Project (P151155) these ministries in the preparation of credible MTEFs that are to inform annual budget allocations. Public investment projects in This indicator depends on the elaboration of the new selection selected sectors included in the Dropped manual and is vague as «full compliance » has not been national budget that fully complied defined. with the new selection manual Decentralized Public investment These indicators were defined as the execution rate of public execution rate by December 31 in investments in health and basic education respectively selected sectors (MINSANTE) Revised managed by the deconcentrated and decentralized entities. (Percentage) For coherence and in alignment with the baseline, these indicators are revised to report overall PIB execution for Decentralized Public investment MINSANTE and MINEDUB. Strictly decentralized PIB in these execution rate by December 31 in Revised sectors will also be monitored in support of the overall selected sectors (MINEDUB) decentralization agenda. (Percentage) Average time for procurement The definition of this indicator is revised to clarify that it process of public investment covers all procurement activities undertaken by relevant State projects for MINMAP contracts entities (entities subject to the use of the public procurement (Days) Revised code issued in June 2018) that meet the threshold for prior review by the MINMAP Central Control Commission for Contracts. In addition, the percentage of contracts awarded through COLEPS will also be monitored. Satisfaction of public statistics users This indicator is revised to refer to all users to be surveyed, from public administration Revised not just from the public administration (academia, NGOs, (Percentage) private sector, etc …) 25. Nine IRIs are revised, one is dropped, two remain unchanged and one is added as shown in the following table: IRI Status Changes/Comments Number of program budget and associated result indicators Notwithstanding the fact that the newest budget classification redesigned (based on the new Dropped (2019) has yet to be applied, this indicator lacks clarity regarding budget classification) what it meant to measure and how to measure it. Annual performance plans This indicator is proposed to capture the operationalization of prepared on the basis of the new New program budgeting in the two pilot ministries through the TA to program format and indicators in be provided to the ministries. MINEDUB and MINSANTE Publication of annual budget and Given the fragmented systems in use causing delays in updating spending through on-line BOOST the expenditure data, this indicator is revised to set a more database by January 30 (Yes/No) Revised realistic timeline for publication on the basis of authorized payments (December for 2021 data and July of following year for 2022 data) focusing on more recent budget data. Publication of key annual financial This indicator is revised to focus on the publication of audited and performance data of the 10 Revised financial statements for a specific group SOEs that will be largest SOEs (Number) accompanied to that effect (production, transmission and The World Bank CAMEROON - Strengthening Public Sector Effectiveness and Statistical Capacity Project (P151155) publication). Financial statements should be published on the websites of the SOE or the website of the Ministry of Finance or in a legal notice newspaper (journal d’annonce légal) per the Cameroonian legislation. Validation of Public Investment Although this result is delayed, it remains important to Selection Manual that include strengthen the investment project selection process. The new Poverty in selection criteria project selection manual will include as a criterion the impact of No change (Yes/No) a given project on poverty (for example, by assessing the percentage of people living under the poverty line in the areas of intervention of the project). Comprehensive budgeted The definition of this indicator will clarify that it refers to the Investment Projects database integrated ICT-based monitoring platform for public investment available online and updated projects, as there has been confusion in practice between this Revised quarterly within 4 weeks after the platform (in development) and the existing projects database end of each quarter (Yes/No) used by the Ministry of Economy and Planning (currently not available online). Average time for procurement It will be confirmed in the indicator definition that it refers to the process of public investment Revised average processing time for procurement activities for MINEDUB projects of MINEDUB (Days) that fall below the competency threshold of MINMAP. Average time for procurement It will be confirmed in the indicator definition that it refers to the process of public investment average processing time for procurement activities for Revised projects of MINSANTE (Days) MINSANTE that fall below the competency threshold of MINMAP. Procurement staff trained with This indicator’s definition will be clarified to confirm the demonstrated competency in denominator but with however a gradual % of actors to be procurement (Percentage) trained each year. Its targets will thus be revised accordingly to Revised progressively reach 70%. Demonstrated competency had already been defined as evidenced by testing administered at the end of the trainings to assess learning achievements Female beneficiaries of The definition of this indicator will be revised to refer to the procurement training (Percentage) proportion of women working in procurement who have been trained with a final target of 70%. Without this clarification, this Revised indicator has been interpreted primarily as the percentage of trained women among overall Procurement staff, which makes the final current target of 50% unrealistic given that women represent about 21.4% of total staff working in procurement. ECAM 5 survey revised methodology is aligned with new No change This indicator has been met. international standards on Poverty surveys (Yes/No, Custom) Regions for which cross border trade statistics are produced and On track to be met and surpassed (from 4 to 7 regions). Target is Revised taken into account in National thus increased to 7 (all border regions). accounts (Number) Interval between two Population Although the Project has made efforts to mobilize additional Census reduced (Years) funding for the census, that still does not cover the entire financing gap which is yet to be confirmed by the government. Revised Given the fact that the conduct of the census is dependent on security and financial factors beyond the project’s control, it is recommended this indicator be revised and formulated in terms The World Bank CAMEROON - Strengthening Public Sector Effectiveness and Statistical Capacity Project (P151155) that are under the project’s control, i.e. the revision of the census mapping. 24. The project’s overall risk rating was “high” at approval and is now “Substantial.” This is due to the previous downgrading of the “political and governance as well as “macroeconomic“ risks taking into account only the residual risks to the project. In addition, with this restructuring, efforts have been made to identify priority activities under each component and consolidate a few sub-components and discontinue activities. It is expected that this streamlining reduces the risk linked to the technical design of the project in the form of several project subcomponents and a de facto proliferation of activities. The remaining financing gap for the conduct of the 4th population census as well as security challenges for its conduct in a few regions, reinforce however the “substantial” institutional capacity for implementation and sustainability risk. 25. A 12-month project extension was requested in light of the time taken for the project to for reach effectiveness and to allow sufficient time to implement project activities. The matter will be revisited by December 2022 and will be considered on the basis of the achievements of key milestones, the main proposed one being an improvement in the project disbursement rate to at least 40%. Note to Task Teams: The following sections are system generated and can only be edited online in the Portal. III. SUMMARY OF CHANGES Changed Not Changed Results Framework ✔ Components and Cost ✔ Overall Risk Rating ✔ Implementation Schedule ✔ Implementing Agency ✔ DDO Status ✔ Project's Development Objectives ✔ PBCs ✔ Loan Closing Date(s) ✔ Cancellations Proposed ✔ Reallocation between Disbursement Categories ✔ Disbursements Arrangements ✔ Disbursement Estimates ✔ Safeguard Policies Triggered ✔ The World Bank CAMEROON - Strengthening Public Sector Effectiveness and Statistical Capacity Project (P151155) EA category ✔ Legal Covenants ✔ Institutional Arrangements ✔ Financial Management ✔ Procurement ✔ Other Change(s) ✔ Economic and Financial Analysis ✔ Technical Analysis ✔ Social Analysis ✔ Environmental Analysis ✔ IV. DETAILED CHANGE(S) OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_COMPONENTS_TABLE COMPONENTS Current Current Proposed Proposed Cost Action Component Name Component Name Cost (US$M) (US$M) Consolidating the program Consolidating the program budgeting reform and budgeting reform in selected 6.00 Revised 5.50 improving the management of sectors public funds Improving quality of public Improving the quality of public 5.50 Revised 5.00 investment in selected sectors investment in selected sectors Strengthening the Strengthening the performance performance of the public of the public procurement 7.00 Revised procurement system and 6.00 system and developing capacity developing capacity for better for better service delivery service delivery Enhancing the use of statistics Enhancing the use of statistics 9.00 Revised 11.00 for policy-making for policy-making Project coordination 3.50 No Change Project coordination 3.50 TOTAL 31.00 31.00 The World Bank CAMEROON - Strengthening Public Sector Effectiveness and Statistical Capacity Project (P151155) OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_SORT_TABLE SYSTEMATIC OPERATIONS RISK-RATING TOOL (SORT) Risk Category Rating at Approval Current Rating Political and Governance High Substantial Macroeconomic Substantial Moderate Sector Strategies and Policies Moderate Moderate Technical Design of Project or Program Substantial Moderate Institutional Capacity for Implementation and Substantial Substantial Sustainability Fiduciary Substantial Substantial Environment and Social Low Low Stakeholders Substantial Substantial Other Overall High Substantial . The World Bank CAMEROON - Strengthening Public Sector Effectiveness and Statistical Capacity Project (P151155) . Results framework COUNTRY: Cameroon CAMEROON - Strengthening Public Sector Effectiveness and Statistical Capacity Project Project Development Objectives(s) The project development objective is to improve the effectiveness of public spending in selected sectors and strengthen the statistics system for evidence- based decision making. Project Development Objective Indicators by Objectives/ Outcomes RESULT_FRAME_TBL_PDO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 5 6 Enhanced coherence between policy and budgeting (Action: This Objective has been Revised) Variance between the annual budget allocation and the initial MTEF 50.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 20.00 projection for the first MTEF year (MINSANTE) (Percentage) Action: This indicator has been Revised Variance between the annual budget allocation and the initial MTEF 50.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 20.00 projection for the first MTEF year (MINEDUB) (Percentage) Action: This indicator is New Improved preparation, execution and value for money of projects in selected sectors (Action: This Objective has been Revised) The World Bank CAMEROON - Strengthening Public Sector Effectiveness and Statistical Capacity Project (P151155) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_PDO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 5 6 Public investment projects in selected sectors included in the national budget that fully 0.00 0.00 10.00 20.00 40.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 complied with the new selection manual (Percentage) Action: This indicator has been Marked for Deletion Public investment execution rate by December 31 in selected 52.60 55.00 60.00 65.00 70.00 75.00 sectors (MINSANTE) (Percentage) Action: This indicator has been Revised Public investment execution rate by December 31 in selected 73.15 75.00 75.00 80.00 80.00 85.00 sectors (MINEDUB) (Percentage) Action: This indicator has been Revised Average procurement time of public contracts 255.00 230.00 210.00 190.00 180.00 180.00 subject to MINMAP's prior review (Days) The World Bank CAMEROON - Strengthening Public Sector Effectiveness and Statistical Capacity Project (P151155) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_PDO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 5 6 Action: This indicator has been Revised Improved decision-making process based on reliable statistical data Satisfaction of public statistics users 0.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 (Percentage) Action: This indicator has been Revised PDO Table SPACE Intermediate Results Indicators by Components RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 5 Consolidating the program budgeting reform and improving the management of public funds (Action: This Component has been Revised) Number of program budget and associated result indicators redesigned 0.00 0.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 (based on the new budget classification) revised (Percentage) Action: This indicator has been Marked for Deletion Annual performance plans prepared on the basis of the No Yes Yes new program format and The World Bank CAMEROON - Strengthening Public Sector Effectiveness and Statistical Capacity Project (P151155) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 5 indicators in MINEDUB (Yes/No) Action: This indicator is New Annual performance plans prepared on the basis of the new program format and No Yes Yes indicators in MINSANTE (Yes/No) Action: This indicator is New Publication of annual budget and spending through on-line BOOST No No No Yes Yes Yes database by July 31st (Yes/No) Action: This indicator has been Revised Publication of audited financial statements of 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 SOEs (Number) Action: This indicator has been Revised Improving the quality of public investments (Action: This Component has been Revised) Validation of Public Investment Selection No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Manual that include The World Bank CAMEROON - Strengthening Public Sector Effectiveness and Statistical Capacity Project (P151155) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 5 Poverty in selection criteria (Yes/No) Comprehensive public investment projects database available online No No No Yes Yes Yes and updated at least twice a year (Yes/No) Action: This indicator has been Revised Strengthening the performance of the public procurement system and developing capacity for better service delivery Average procurement time of public contracts under 128.00 120.00 110.00 100.00 90.00 90.00 MINEDUB's exclusive competence (Days) Action: This indicator has been Revised Average procurement time of public contracts under 128.00 120.00 110.00 100.00 90.00 90.00 MINSANTE's exclusive competence (Days) Action: This indicator has been Revised Procurement staff trained with demonstrated 0.00 0.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 70.00 competency in procurement (Percentage) Action: This indicator has been Revised The World Bank CAMEROON - Strengthening Public Sector Effectiveness and Statistical Capacity Project (P151155) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 5 Beneficiaries of procurement training 0.00 0.00 0.00 60.00 70.00 70.00 among women (Percentage) Action: This indicator has been Revised Enhancing the use of statistics for policy-making 4th Population Census No Yes mapping revised (Yes/No) Action: This indicator has been Revised ECAM 5 survey revised methodology is aligned with No Yes new international standards on Poverty surveys (Yes/No) Regions for which cross border trade statistics are produced and taken into 0.00 0.00 4.00 4.00 7.00 7.00 account in National accounts (Number) Action: This indicator has been Revised IO Table SPACE The World Bank CAMEROON - Strengthening Public Sector Effectiveness and Statistical Capacity Project (P151155) Note to Task Teams: End of system generated content, document is editable from here. 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