Guidelines for Blue Finance
Guidance for financing the Blue Economy,
building on the Green Bond Principles
and the Green Loan Principles

January 2022
About IFC
IFC—a member of the World Bank Group—is the largest global development institution
focused on the private sector in emerging markets. We work in more than 100 countries,
using our capital, expertise, and influence to create markets and opportunities in
developing countries. In fiscal year 2021, IFC committed a record $31.5 billion to private
companies and financial institutions in developing countries, leveraging the power of the
private sector to end extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity as economies grapple
with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. For more information, visit

© International Finance Corporation 2021. All rights reserved.

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    Table of Contents
Blue Finance Guidance Framework.....................................................................4
Building on the Green Bond Principles and Green Loan Principles..........................4
Blue Use of Proceeds..........................................................................................5
On Project Selection..........................................................................................9
On Management of Proceeds.............................................................................9
On Impact Reporting........................................................................................9
On External Review of Blue Finance.....................................................................9
Annex I: Mapping Blue Activities under the Green Bond / Loan Principles................10
Annex II: Basic Blue Glossary............................................................................................14


           lue Finance is an emerging area in
           Climate Finance with increased interest
           from investors, financial institutions,
           and issuers globally. It offers tremendous
           opportunities and helps address pressing
challenges by contributing to economic growth,
improved livelihood, and the health of marine
ecosystems. The ocean economy is expected to
double to $3 trillion by 2030, employing 40 million
people, as compared to 2010.¹ Innovative financing
solutions are key to enhancing ocean and coastal
preservation and increasing clean water resources,
and Blue Finance has a huge potential to help realize
these goals.                                                                                           This Guidance document aims to provide a list of
                                                                                                       eligible use of proceeds to support private investments
Specifically, Blue Bonds and Blue Loans are innovative                                                 aligned with the Green Bond Principles and Green
financing instruments that earmark funds exclusively                                                   Loan Principles and contributing to Goals 6 and 14 of
for ocean-friendly projects and critical clean                                                         the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
water resources protection. Broadly speaking, the                                                      — “Ensure availability and sustainable management
market has witnessed the exponential growth of                                                         of water and sanitation for all,” and “Conserve and
sustainable finance and the emergence of diverse                                                       sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources
instruments based on green or social use-of-proceeds                                                   for sustainable development.”
or sustainability targets. In this context, several
transparency and integrity principles have been                                                        This document identifies eligible blue project categories
introduced, including the Green Bond Principles (GBP),                                                 to guide IFC’s investments to support the blue economy,
administered by the International Capital Markets                                                      in line with the Green Bond Principles and Green Loan
Association (ICMA), and the Green Loan Principles                                                      Principles. The market has been seeking guidance on
(GLP) published by the Loan Market Association (LMA).                                                  project eligibility criteria, translating general Blue
These principles provide examples of what constitute                                                   Economy Financing Principles, such as the Sustainable
green eligible use of proceeds and have contributed                                                    Blue Economy Principles and the Sustainable Ocean
to developing a credible green bond and green loan                                                     Principles, towards guidelines for blue bond issuances
process.                                                                                               and blue lending.
In March 2018, the Sustainable Blue Economy Finance                                                    IFC aims to follow this Guidance document to finance
Principles were launched. These Principles go beyond                                                   the blue economy and encourage best practices that can
addressing plastic pollution in oceans and consider                                                    enable the growth of Blue Finance globally.
the sustainable conservation and use of oceans,
seas, and marine resources in compliance with
Environmental and Risk Management practices such
as the IFC Performance Standards.² Amid this growing
interest in scaling Blue Finance, IFC has built on the
Green Bond Principles and the Green Loan Principles
and related resources, including the ICMA Handbook
for Impact Reporting, to provide guidance on IFC’s
implementation of Blue Finance in the context of green
bonds and green loans.

2 SeeAnnex I or download the Principles from

 Blue Finance Guidance Framework
The Blue Finance Guidance Framework includes references to Sustainable Development Goals 6 and 14, as well as
other activities related to Sustainable Development Goals 2, 12, 13 and 15, which address pollution in rivers and
coastal areas. This includes activities identified through the application of the following assessment criteria:
   1.	 Is the project type consistent with the Green Bond Principles’ and Green Loan Principles’ eligible
       project categories and does it make a substantial contribution to Sustainable Development Goals 6 or
       14 beyond compliance with applicable laws and regulations?
   2.	 Does the project type introduce risk3 that may affect progress on other environmental priorities, such
       as Sustainable Development Goals 2, 7, 12, 13 and 15?
   3.	 Are Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) safeguards and standards, such as the IFC
       Performance Standards, applied in the implementation of the project if there are material
       environmental and social risks?
Figure 1: Identification of Blue Eligible Activities

 Consistent with Green Bond Principles & Green Loan Principles & contribute to Sustainable Development
 Goals 6 & 14?

  In order to qualify as a blue                                      Limited risk to affect progress on other Sustainable Development Goals
  project, a project must be                                         areas?
  consistent with the project
                                                                      The project can only be labelled                                     Use minimum ESG safeguards?
  categories of Green Bond
  Principles and Green Loan                                           blue if it does not introduce
  Principles and contribute to                                        material risk to other themes                                        The project must clearly state
  either Sustainable Development                                      and priority environmental areas                                     which internationally accepted
  Goal 6 or 14 with outputs and                                       of the Sustainable Development                                       sustainability standards it is
  outcomes directly related to one                                    Goals themes, including:                                             following. IFC Performance
  or more of the target indicators                                    2: No hunger                                                         Standards and the World Bank
  of Sustainable Development                                          7: Affordable and clean energy                                       Environmental, Health, and
  Goals.                                                              12: Climate action                                                   Safety guidelines, or similar, are
                                                                      13: Responsible consumption and                                      expected to be followed. In
                                                                      production.                                                          addition, industry specific
                                                                                                                                           sustainability standards, as well
                                                                                                                                           as certain specific product
                                                                                                                                           standards, may also be applied
                                                                                                                                           for a blue investment above
                                                                                                                                           national requirements.

 Building on the Green Bond and Green Loan Principles
Blue bonds and blue loans should be consistent with Green Bonds⁴ and Green Loans⁵ and issuers are strongly
recommended to follow a framework. To stay consistent with the Green Bond Principles and Green Loan Principles,
it is best practice that an issuer of green bonds or borrower of green loans with a blue component prepares a
framework that clearly distinguishes the green and blue activities for the use of proceeds. The blue activities can
be derived from the Guideline for Blue Finance (this document). This framework includes:
     1.	 In the section on the Use of Proceeds: Which project types intend to contribute to SDG 6 or 14 and are
         consistent with the Green Bond Principles and Green Loan Principles?
     2.	 In the section on Project Assessment and Selection: How will the blue projects be assessed and selected?
     3.	 In the section on Management of Proceeds: How will the proceeds from Blue Finance be managed?
     4.	 How will the impact of Blue Finance be reported?
 The framework serves as a transparent way to avoid green or blue washing and safeguards against
 reputational risk, and it should be endorsed by the issuer’s or borrower’s senior management. Further,
 it builds on existing green eligible activities stated in the Green Bond Principles and Green Loan Principles.

4 Green Bonds are any type of bond instrument where the proceeds will be exclusively applied to finance or refinance, in part or in full, new and/or existing eligible green projects and are aligned with the four core
components of the Green Bond Principles.
5 Green Loans are any type of loan instrument made available exclusively to finance or refinance, in whole or in part, new and/or existing eligible green projects and are aligned with the four core components of the
Green Loan Principles.
Blue Use of Proceeds
Building on the Green Bond Principles and Green Loan Principles, the development of blue finance includes financing
eligible activities that address sustainable water management and ocean protection (SDG 6 and 14 respectively).
Starting with the broad categories of eligibility under the Green Bond Principles and Green Loan Principles, the Blue
Finance Guidance document further maps areas of the blue economy and how they relate to each of the Green Bond
Principles’ and Green Loan Principles’ categories.
Table 1: Mapping Blue Activities under the Green Bond Principles and Green Loan Principles⁶


                                                     Pollution                          Natural                                                                    Climate Change
      Blue Finance Area                           Prevention and                       Resource                       Biodiversity⁷
                                                      Control                        Conservation                                                     Mitigation              Adaptation

 A. Water supply                                             ***                               **                              **                           ***                      **
 B. Water sanitation                                         ***                               **                              **                           ***                      **
 C. Ocean-friendly
 and water-friendly
                                                             ***                                                                                               *
 D. Ocean-friendly
 chemicals and plastic
 related sectors
                                                             ***                                                                                               *                     *
 E. Sustainable shipping
 and port logistics
                                                             ***                                 *                             **                           ***                      *
 F. Fisheries,
 aquaculture, and
 seafood value chain
                                                             ***                               **                                                              *                     *
 G. Marine ecosystem
 restoration                                                  **                              ***                             ***                              *                     *
 H. Sustainable tourism
 services                                                                                      **                              **
 I. Offshore renewable
 energy production                                                                               *                             **                           ***
                                                                                      Primary or direct
                                                                                                                           Light blue                                Minor impact
                                                               ***                        effects
                                                                                         Secondary or
                                                                                                                         Medium blue                                 Some impact
                                                               **                       indirect effects
                                                                                     Tertiary or derived
                                                                                                                           Dark blue                                 Strong impact
                                                                *                          effects
Annex 1 includes a more detailed mapping of blue eligible activities and how they relate to the Green Bond Principles
and Green Loan Principles. This Guideline for Blue Finance document may be updated periodically to be consistent
with Green Bond Principles and Green Loan Principles and may be used for the initial identification of blue assets.

To be eligible as blue finance, this document requires the projects to contribute substantially to SDG 6 or 14
criteria and deliver measurable outcomes above and beyond a documented baseline. The proceeds from the blue
component of a green bond or loan can be allocated to finance or refinance the following eligible activities:
6 Mapping of blue activities to Green Bond Principles -- environmental objectives. Refer to
updates/Green-Project-Mapping-June-2021-100621.pdf to access Green Project Mapping.
7 In parallel, IFC is currently working on developing guidance around biodiversity/nature-related investment activities.

A. Water supply: investments in the research, design, development, and implementation of efficient and
clean water supply.
1.	 New drinking water treatment, storage, and sustainable supply infrastructure that documents at least 20%
    water savings (e.g. reducing Non-Revenue Water) per unit of service compared to a documented baseline.
2.	 Rehabilitation of existing water infrastructure that documents at least 20% water savings per unit of service
    compared to a documented baseline.
3.	 More sustainable desalination plants that help protect groundwater depletion and wetlands and avoid
    hypersaline pollution of the environment (e.g., ISO standard 23446).
4.	 Water efficiency technologies and equipment and water management activities that reduce water footprint.
    This includes the financing or refinancing of technologies (e.g. drip irrigation, water recycling solutions, etc.)
    where the manufacturers show the respective substantial water efficiency benefits or a documented reduction
    in water consumption in land-based aquaculture, agriculture and irrigation, and residential, commercial, and
    industrial uses.
B. Water sanitation: investments in the research, design, development, and implementation of water
treatment solutions.
1.	 New or expansion of water treatment infrastructure.
2.	 Rehabilitation or retrofit of existing water treatment infrastructure.
3.	 Wastewater treatment plants, including industrial, agri-business, commercial, residential, or city level. This
    also include biogas and heat exchange systems at wastewater treatment plants to increase their efficiency and
C. Ocean-friendly and water-friendly products: investments in the value chain, including production,
packaging, and distribution of environmentally-friendly products that avoid water or ocean pollution.
1.	 Research, design, manufacturing, trade, or retail of household products with a sustainable supply of raw
    materials that can displace existing harmful products or reduce nitrogen and phosphorus loads of the aquatic
    environment, including but not limited to:
    •	 Biodegradable and phosphate-free detergents and shampoos, such as new enzyme-based products.
    •	 Biodegradable and phosphate-free shampoo bars, deodorant bars (such as a soap bar), and cosmetics
       without plastic packaging.
    •	 Microbead-free toothpaste in non-plastic container.
2.	 Research, design, manufacturing, trade, and retail of essential components of the value chain of alternative
    low carbon and biodegradable materials (e.g., Lyocell) to fossil-based fibers (e.g., polyester) used in medical,
    apparel, and other industries.
3.	 Research, design, manufacturing, trade, or retail of biodegradable plant-based plastics and packaging or
    compostable plastics and packaging in locations where compostable facilities are readily available.
D. Ocean-friendly chemicals and plastic-related sectors: investments in the research, design,
development, and implementation of measures to manage, reduce, recycle, and treat plastic, pollution, or
chemical wastes in coastal and river basin areas.⁸
1.	 Infrastructure that prevents runoff of agrochemicals, industrial chemicals, and mercury into areas connected to
    rivers or coastal water basins.
2.	 Substantial reduction per unit of product or replacement of phosphate-based or nitrogen-based synthetic
    fertilizers with alternative sustainable and biodegradable fertilizers and supplements in areas connected to
    rivers or coastal water basins. ⁹
3.	 Use of recycled or reused plastics for manufacturing in a circular economy approach in areas connected to rivers
    or coastal water basins.
4.	 Plastics collection and recycling facilities, substitution of plastics packaging with sustainable and biodegradable
    materials, and reuse or repurpose of plastics in areas connected to rivers or coastal water basins.
5.	 Urban drainage systems that prevent plastics, chemicals, or pollutants runoff in areas connected to rivers or
    coastal water basins.¹⁰
6.	 Flood mitigation systems that prevent plastics, chemicals, solid wastes, or pollutants runoff in areas connected
    to rivers or coastal water basins.¹¹
8 Coastal areas are areas that border the coastline or areas that have at least 50% of their surface within 10 kilometers from the coastline. River basin areas are the area of land from which all surface run-off flows
through a sequence of streams, rivers, and, possibly, lakes into the sea at a single river mouth, estuary, or delta.
9 The runoff of fertilizers into oceans cause eutrophication, which is the enrichment of nutrients in an ecosystem. Excessive amounts of nutrients encourage the growth of algae and other aquatic plants, which in
turn leads to many negative effects, such as extensive growth of algae (algae blooms) and oxygen depletion in the sea.
10 Such urban infrastructures could locally be part of wider climate change adaptation measures.
11 Such flood mitigation infrastructures could locally be part of wider climate change adaptation measures.

E. Sustainable shipping and port logistics sectors: investments in the research, design, development, and
implementation of water and waste management and reduction measures in shipping vessels, shipping
yards and ports.                 10

1.	 Investments in ballast water treatment and shipping vessels to comply with the International
    Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM Convention) to avoid
    spread of invasive alien species¹² (e.g., ISO standard 11711).
2.	 Investments in membrane bioreactor type water treatment equipment and facilities for all blackwater and
    greywater generated from ports and shipping and cruising vessels.
3.	 Investments in bilge water treatment in shipping vessels.
4.	 Investments in shipping vessels to reduce their contribution to maritime air and noise pollution.
5.	 Investments in improvement of oil (fuel) spill prevention, risks safeguard, and recovery facilities.
6.	 Solid waste receiver facilities at ports and terminals for the collection of garbage.

F. Fisheries, aquaculture, and seafood value chain: sustainable production and waste management and
reduction measures that meet, keep, or exceed the Marine Stewardship Council certification standards
or equivalent.
1.	 Sustainable land-based aquaculture production of high-value niche products, such as crustaceans, sea urchins,
     ornamental corals, and fish.
2.	 Sustainable cultivation of bivalves for algae and nutrient removal in eutrophic coastal waters.
3.	 Sustainable production of algae and other marine micro- or macro-organisms to produce food, feed,
     pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, or other bio-based products through bio-technological applications.
4.	 Cold chain and storage for small- and medium-sized fishing in areas with sustainable fishing quotas.
5.	 Medium- to large-scale processing and product development, with an emphasis on pelagic species, such as fish
     loins, sashimi-grade fish, and bycatch in jurisdiction with enforced sustainable fishing quotas.
6.	 Small- to medium-scale biorefineries for fish processing byproducts (e.g., oil, collagen, amino acid, mineral
     production) in jurisdictions with enforced sustainable fishing quotas.
7.	 Investments in fisheries to meet, keep, or exceed the Marine Stewardship Council certification standard or
8.	 Investments in aquaculture to meet, keep, or exceed the Aquaculture Stewardship Council certification
     standard or equivalent.
9.	 Production, trade, or retail of seafood products with the blue Marine Stewardship Council label¹³ or Aquaculture
     Stewardship Council label.¹⁴
10.	 Investments for a Fishery Improvement Project¹⁵ registered at the International Seafood Sustainability
11.	 Traceability systems to ensure sustainability of operations, facilities, and supply chains in the fishing industry.
     This investment should meet, keep, or exceed the Marine Stewardship Council certification for chain of custody
     certification for suppliers of seafood products.

12 While ballast water is essential for safe and efficient modern shipping operations, it may pose serious ecological, economic, and health problems due to the multitude of marine species carried in ships’ ballast
water. These include bacteria, microbes, small invertebrates, eggs, cysts, and larvae of various species. The transferred species may survive to establish a reproductive population in the host environment, becoming
invasive, competing with native species, and multiplying.
13 The blue Marine Stewardship Council label enables customers to trace products to a sustainable source. Independent surveillance audits and DNA testing prove this. The blue label represents the world’s most
recognized and market-leading seafood certification program, endorsed by the Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and promoted by the World Wildlife
14 Similar to the label that the Marine Stewardship Council awards, the Aquaculture Stewardship Council assigns labels for responsibly farmed aquaculture products.
15. A Fishery Improvement Project is a multi-stakeholder effort to address environmental challenges in a fishery. It utilizes the power of the private sector, including retailers, processors, producers, and catchers,
to incentivize positive changes toward sustainability in a fishery and seek to make these changes endure through policy change. The project identifies environmental issues that need to be addressed, sets priority
actions, and oversees the adopted action plan.
16 The link for the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation is

G. Marine ecosystem restoration.
1.	 Investments in conserving, improving, and restoring marine and coastal ecosystems, including the support of
    innovative governance structures suitable for private and public investments.
2.	 Investments in the development of ecosystems’ insurance products related to critical aquatic ecosystems such
    as coral reefs, mangroves, and wetlands.
3.	 Investments in information systems, technology, and instruments deployed for measuring, tracking, and
    reporting physical and chemical indicators of the water body to achieve sustainable fishery and aquaculture
    management, water-related ecosystem restoration, and disaster resilience. This could include systems with
    drones, autonomous sailing vessels, autonomous underwater vehicles, and ocean buoys, among other
4.	 Investments into promising new restoration techniques, such as artificial habitat restoration structures using
    biodegradable potato starch and coral reef restoration projects.
H. Sustainable tourism services
1.	 Licensed certified¹⁷ sustainable tourism in the vicinity of marine conservation areas, within less than 20
    kilometers from the marine-protected areas and internationally recognized areas (e.g., KBAs, IBAs, Ramsar
    Sites),¹⁸ with inclusive livelihood elements and business opportunities, such as resorts, hotels, boat operators,
    sailing schools, and diving centers.
2.	 Nature-based freshwater and marine visitor centers showcasing the environment and disseminating research
    and knowledge about lakes, wetlands, reefs, and other aquatic ecosystems.
I. Offshore renewable energy facilities.
1.	 Offshore wind energy facilities, such as wind farms that do not harm marine ecosystems.¹⁹ The offshore wind
    farm may include additional features, such as fisheries’ sanctuaries for juveniles of certain marine species,
    substantial artificial reef elements, and other additional measures promoting marine biodiversity. 20 Offshore
    wind farms included in the Blue Finance Guidance document are subject to the condition that additional
    elements such as no-fishing zones and artificial reefs contributing to natural resource conservation and
    biodiversity are added through local marine spatial planning to the project design and that comprehensive
    Environmental Impact Assessment baseline surveys are conducted over a full year in addition to regular
    environmental monitoring of the area during operations. The use of proceeds cannot be allocated to the
    offshore oil and gas sector due to the potential contribution to a continuous lock-in to a fossil-based economy
    and greenhouse gas emissions. The use of proceeds also cannot be allocated towards the marine extraction
    of seabed minerals sector, as the associated activities could potentially be damaging to ocean and marine life,
    which needs further assessment.
This Blue Finance Guidance document has been independently reviewed by NIRAS A/S, a specialized ocean
scienceand engineering think-tank based in Denmark with extensive expertise and experience in blue activities
and sectors. In cases where complexities are encountered in making a direct application of the Blue Finance
Guidance document, it is recommended that an independent expert be engaged with international qualifications in
 sustainable water management and marine sciences.

17 E.g. Tourism with an accepted certification, that includes ocean protection and water management within its audit criteria, officially licensed in accordance to law. This includes, but it is not limited to, the
Preferred-by-Nature certification and others based on the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) Criteria for Hotels and Tour Operators.
18 KBAs: Key Biodiversity Areas. IBAs: Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas. Ramsar Sites: wetland sites designated to be of international importance under the Ramsar Convention, also known as “The Convention
on Wetlands,” an intergovernmental environmental treaty.
19 Based on their extensive experience assessing environmental risk of offshore wind power projects, some technical experts recommend to locate offshore wind farms at least 20 km from the coastline but this may
change depending of the specific marine ecosystem.
20 Suitable sites must be informed by biodiversity sensitivity mapping and Strategic Environmental Assessment. Besides, no offshore wind projects will be sited in Legally Protected Areas or Internationally
Recognized Areas.

On Project Selection
To stay consistent with the Green Bond Principles and Green Loan Principles, an issuer of green bonds or borrower
of green loans with a blue component would elaborate, within its framework, on the governance to assess and
select blue-related activities and assets. In addition, IFC in relation to its investments will ensure that the issuer or
borrower would implement Environmental and Social risk management measures such as IFC’s Environmental and
Social risk management standards as part of the selection of blue assets and activities.21

On Management of Proceeds
An issuer of green bonds or borrower of green loans with a blue component would elaborate, within the framework,
on how the proceeds will be managed in accordance with the Green Bond Principles and Green Loan Principles.

On Impact Reporting
The issuer or borrower would make all reasonable efforts to gather data for the use of proceeds in an allocation
report and for impact reporting and implement the relevant impact indicators included in the ICMA Handbook for
Impact Reporting and related documentation.22

On External Review of Blue Finance
It is strongly recommended to have a second opinion confirming that proposed blue loans and blue bonds are
consistent with the Green Loan Principles and Green Bond Principles. This guidance can inform the process of
reviewing the eligibility of use of proceeds in proposed blue loans and blue bonds.

21 See IFC Environmental and Social Performance Standards, World Bank Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines, or equivalent.

                               Annex I: Mapping Blue Activities under the Green Bond Principles
                                                 and Green Loan Principles
   The table below is indicative and aims to relate the usual primary objective of a blue activity and indicative level of impact
   with the GBP/GLP environmental objectives. By being indicative, this table does not constitute eligibility criteria and is
   provided only as a reference. For specific projects, it may need to be complemented by additional information on the project’s
   context and environmental standards applied.

                                                 Green Bond Principles and Green Loan Principles Broad Eligibility Categories
                                                                                                  Pollution                  Natural                                                       Climate Change
              Blue Finance Group Economic Activity                                               Prevention                 Resource                   Biodiversity
                                                                                                 and Control              Conservation                                            Mitigation      Adaptation23

 A. Water supply: investments in the research, design,
 development, and implementation of efficient clean
                                                                                                      ***                          **                         **                      ***               **
 1. New drinking water treatment, storage, and sustainable
 supply infrastructure that documents at least 20% water
 savings per unit of service compared to a documented                                                 ***                          **                         **                      ***               **

 2. Rehabilitation of existing water infrastructure that
 meet the above criteria.                                                                             ***                          **                         **                      ***               **
 3. More sustainable desalination plants that help
 protect groundwater depletion and wetlands and avoid
 hypersaline pollution of the environment (e.g., ISO                                                  ***                          **                         **                        **             ***
 standard 23446).
 4. Water efficiency technologies and equipment and water
 management activities that reduce water footprint. This
 includes documented reduction in water consumption in
 land-based aquaculture, agriculture and irrigation, and
                                                                                                      ***                          **                         **                      ***               **
 residential, commercial, and industrial uses.

 B. Water sanitation                                                                                  ***                          **                         **                      ***               **
 1. New or expansion of water treatment infrastructure.                                               ***                          **                         **                      ***               **
 2. Rehabilitation or retrofit of existing water treatment
 infrastructure.                                                                                      ***                          **                         **                      ***               **
 3. Wastewater treatment plants including industrial,
 agri-business, commercial, residential, or city level.
 This also includes biogas and heat exchange systems at
 wastewater treatment plants to increase their efficiency
                                                                                                      ***                          **                         **                      ***               **
 and effectiveness.

 C. Ocean- or water-friendly products: investments
 in the value chain, including production, packaging,
 and distribution, of environmentally-friendly                                                        ***                                                                                 *
 products that avoid water or ocean pollution.

 1. Research, design, manufacturing, trade, or retail of
 household products with a sustainable supply of raw
 materials that can displace existing harmful products
 or reduce nitrogen and phosphorus loads of the aquatic
 environment, including but not limited to:
 • Biodegradable and phosphate-free detergents and
 shampoos, such as enzyme-based products.
 • Biodegradable and phosphate-free shampoo bars,
 deodorant bars, such as a soap bar, and cosmetics
 without plastic packaging.
 • Microbead-free toothpaste in non-plastic container.

23 Further assessment is required to confirm any contribution to adaptation, based on location and industry. Adaptation is always context-specific and requires a granular assessment that applies the Joint
Multilateral Development Banks’ Methodology for Climate Finance Tracking. This methodology applies the three-step criteria to determine an activity’s contribution to adaptation, which involves: (1) identification
of the physical climate risk; (2) identification of the vulnerability of the activity to the above referred physical climate risk; and (3) documentation of how the activity manages the risk.

2. Research, design, manufacturing, trade, or retail of

                                                                ***              *
alternative low carbon and biodegradable materials (e.g.,
Lyocell) to fossil-based fibers (e.g., polyester).

3. Research, design, manufacturing, trade, or retail of
biodegradable plant-based plastics and packaging or
compostable plastics and packaging in locations where
compostable facilities are readily available.
                                                                ***              *
D. Ocean-friendly chemicals and plastics sectors:
investments in the research, design, development,
and implementation of measures to manage, reduce,
recycle, and treat plastic, pollution, or chemical waste
                                                                ***              *    *
in coastal and river basin areas.

1. Infrastructure that prevents runoff of agrochemicals,
industrial chemicals, and mercury into areas connected to
rivers or coastal water basins.
                                                                ***                   *
2. Replacement of phosphate-based or nitrogen-based
synthetic fertilizers with alternative sustainable and
biodegradable fertilizers and supplements, in areas             ***              *
connected to rivers or coastal water basins.

3. Use of recycled plastics for manufacturing in a circular
economy approach.                                               ***              *
4. Plastics collection and recycling facilities, substitution
of plastics packaging with sustainable and biodegradable
materials, and reusing or repurposing of plastics in areas
connected to rivers or coastal water basins.
                                                                ***              *
5. Urban drainage systems that prevent plastics, chemicals,
or pollutants runoff in areas connected to rivers or coastal
water basins.                                                   ***                   *
6. Flood mitigation systems that prevent plastics,
chemicals, solid waste, or pollutants runoff in areas
connected to rivers or coastal water basins.                    ***                   *
E. Sustainable shipping and port logistics sectors:
investments in the research, design, development,
and implementation of water and waste management
and reduction measures in shipping vessels, shipping
                                                                ***   *   **    ***   *
yards, and ports.
1. Investments in ballast water treatment and shipping
vessels to comply with the International Convention for
the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and
Sediments (BWM Convention) to avoid spread of invasive          ***   *   ***
alien species (e.g., ISO standard 11711).

2. Investments in membrane bioreactor-type water
treatment equipment and facilities for all black water and
grey water on shipping or cruising vessels.                     ***
3. Investments in bilge water treatment in shipping vessels.    ***
4. Investments to reduce maritime air and noise pollution.       **   *    *    ***
5. Investments in improvement of oil (fuel) spill prevention,
risks safeguard, and recovery facilities.                       ***   *    *
6. Solid waste receiver facilities at ports and terminals for
the collection of garbage.                                      ***                   *

F. Fisheries, aquaculture, and seafood value chain:
sustainable production and waste management
and reduction measures that meet, keep, or exceed
Marine Stewardship Council certification standards or
                                                                ***   **   *   *
equivalent certification standards approved by IFC.

1. Sustainable land-based aquaculture production of high
value niche products, such as crustaceans, sea urchins,
ornamental corals, and fish.
                                                                ***   *
2. Sustainable cultivation of bivalves for algae and nutrient
removal in eutrophic coastal waters.                            ***   *
3. Sustainable production of algae and other marine
microorganisms or macroorganisms to produce food, feed,
pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, or other bio-based products         **    *
through bio-technological applications.

4. Cold chain and storage for small- and medium-sized
fishing in areas with sustainable fishing quotas.               **    *    *   *
5. Medium- to large-scale processing and product
development, with an emphasis on pelagic species in
jurisdictions with enforced sustainable fishing quotas
                                                                **    *
6. Small- to medium-scale biorefineries for fish processing
by-products (e.g., oil, collagen, amino acid, and mineral
production) in jurisdictions with enforced fishing quotas
                                                                **    *
7. Investments in fisheries, including investments in tuna
fisheries, to meet, keep, or exceed the Marine Stewardship
Council certification standard or equivalent
                                                                ***   **
8. Investments in aquaculture to meet, keep, or exceed the
Aquaculture Stewardship Council certification standard or
                                                                ***   **
9. Production, trade, or retail of seafood products with the

                                                                ***   **
blue Marine Stewardship Council label or the Aquaculture
Stewardship Council label

10. Investments for a Fishery Improvement Project
registered at the International Seafood Sustainability
Foundation.                                                     **    **
11. Traceability systems to ensure sustainability of
operations, facilities, and supply chain in the fishing
                                                                **    **

G. Marine ecosystem restoration                                 **       ***             ***              *              *
1. Investments in conserving, improving, and restoring
marine and coastal ecosystems.                                  **       ***             ***              *              *
2. Investments in the development of ecosystems insurance
products related to critical aquatic ecosystems, such as
coral reefs, mangroves, and wetlands.
                                                                *         **               *
3. Investments in information system, technology, and
instruments deployed for measuring, tracking, and
reporting physical and chemical indicators of the water
body to achieve sustainable fishery and aquaculture             *          *               *
management, water-related ecosystem restoration, and
disaster resilience.
4. Investments into promising new restoration techniques,
such as artificial habitat restoration structures using
biodegradable potato starch and coral reef restoration                   ***             ***

H. Sustainable tourism services                                           **              **
1. Licensed certified sustainable tourism in the vicinity of
marine conservation areas, within less than 20 kilometers
from the marine-protected areas and Internationally-
recognized areas (e.g., KBAs, IBAs, Ramsar Sites), with
inclusive livelihood elements and business opportunities,
                                                                          **              **
such as resorts, hotels, boat operators, sailing schools, and
diving centers.
2. Nature-based freshwater and marine visitor centers
showcasing the environment and disseminating research
and knowledge about lakes, wetlands, reefs, and other                     **              **
aquatic ecosystems.

I. Ocean-friendly offshore renewable energy facilities                     *              **            ***
1. Offshore wind energy facilities, such as wind farms,
that do not harm marine ecosystems. The offshore wind
farm may include additional features such as fisheries
sanctuaries for juveniles of certain marine species,                       *              **            ***
substantial artificial reef elements, and other additional
measures promoting marine biodiversity.

                                                                ***   Usual Primary
                                                                                        Light blue
                                                                                                     Indicative Marginal positive
                                                                **     Secondary
                                                                                       Medium blue
                                                                                                       Indicative Substantial
                                                                                                          positive impact

                                                                *     Usual Tertiary
                                                                                        Dark blue
                                                                                                        Indicative Very strong
                                                                                                           positive impact

Annex II: Basic Blue Glossary

Blue Economy: Sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods, and
jobs while preserving the health of ocean ecosystems and water resources.

Blue Finance: Investments dedicated to finance or refinance activities that contribute to oceans
protection and/or improved water management.

Blue Loan: Loan that is aligned to the Green Loan Principles and where the proceeds are exclusively
dedicated to finance or refinance activities that contribute to oceans protection and/or improved
water management.

Blue Bond: Fixed income instrument that is aligned to the Green Bond Principles and where the
proceeds are exclusively dedicated to finance or refinance activities that contribute to oceans
protection and/or improved water management.

Blue Impact: The measurable variation in a physical, chemical, or biological variable of oceans
ecosystems or water related systems as expressed by a quantitative indicator.

This document has been prepared for informational purposes only, and the information herein may be
condensed or incomplete. IFC specifically does not make any warranties or representations as to the
accuracy or completeness of these materials. IFC is under no obligation to update these materials.

This document is not a prospectus and is not intended to provide the basis for the evaluation of any
securities issued by IFC or third parties. This information does not constitute an invitation or offer to
subscribe for or purchase any of the products or services mentioned. Under no circumstances shall IFC
or its affiliates be liable for any loss, damage, liability, or expense incurred or suffered which is claimed
to have resulted from use of these materials, including without limitation any direct, indirect, special,
or consequential damages, even if IFC has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Contact Details
Francisco Avendano
Senior Operations Officer, IFC Climate Business Department

Pushkala Lakshmi Ratan
Climate Finance – Asia Pacific Lead, IFC Financial Institutions Group

Andreas Wohlhueter
Climate Finance Officer, IFC Financial Institutions Group

International Finance Corporation
2121 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20433
