Policy Research Working Paper                                    10624

                   Stuck in a Conflict Trap
     The Case of the Central African Republic Civil War

                               Pierre Mandon
                               Vincent Nossek
                            Diderot Sandjong Tomi

Macroeconomics, Trade and Investment                A verified reproducibility package for this paper is
Global Practice                                     available at http://reproducibility.worldbank.org,
December 2023                                       click here for direct access.
Policy Research Working Paper 10624

 This paper uses the synthetic control method to assess the                         civil war led to a significant drop in gross domestic product
 impact of the civil war in the Central African Republic                            per capita (41.6 percent), nighttime light intensity (33.8
 on the main socioeconomic indicators. Based on a donor                             percent), industrial production (34.1 percent), manufac-
 pool of low-income countries, the paper builds a synthetic                         turing value added (33.7 percent), and the human asset
 counterfactual to evaluate the magnitude of the socioeco-                          index (20.2 percent), from 2013, which is considered as
 nomic impacts of the civil war. The results indicate that the                      the starting point of the ongoing political and civil crisis.

 This paper is a product of the Macroeconomics, Trade and Investment Global Practice. It is part of a larger effort by the
 World Bank to provide open access to its research and make a contribution to development policy discussions around
 the world. Policy Research Working Papers are also posted on the Web at http://www.worldbank.org/prwp. The authors
 may be contacted at pmandon@worldbank.org. A verified reproducibility package for this paper is available at http://
 reproducibility.worldbank.org, click here for direct access.

         The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development
         issues. An objective of the series is to get the findings out quickly, even if the presentations are less than fully polished. The papers carry the
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    Stuck in a Conflict Trap: The Case of the Central African Republic Civil War

                   Pierre Mandona, Vincent Nosseka,b, Diderot Sandjong Tomia,c
                                         a:   World Bank Group
                           b:   CERDI, University Clermont Auvergne (UCA)
                                        c:   University of Ottawa

The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper are entirely those of the authors.
They do not necessarily represent the views of the International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development/World Bank and its affiliated organizations, or those of the Executive Directors of the World
Bank or the governments they represent.

Keywords: C31; D74; O11
JEL codes: Central African Republic; Civil war; Development trap; Synthetic control method
To what extent have repeated cycles of conflict and violence derailed socio-economic
development of the Central African Republic (CAR)? The cycle of conflict in this paper refers to
the CAR civil war that officially began in December 2012 and which is still ongoing, mainly in the
northern and western borders as well as in the eastern part of the country. Following the
signature of the peace accord (the Political Agreement for Peace and Stability, or APPR in French
acronym) in February 2019 between the government and leaders of the 14 armed groups, the
prospect for a gradual return to peace and stabilization surfaced but was quickly thwarted in
early 2021 following the presidential elections of December 27, 2020. In contrast to previous
coups and the first civil war officially called the “CAR Bush war’’ of 2004-07, CAR’s civil war is
exceptional in many ways. First, its duration is remarkable since it lasted 10 years and is still
ongoing. Second, the conflict has had a significant extension. For instance, between mid-
December 2012 and January 2014, the capital city of Bangui was captured by rebel groups, and
transport along the country’s two main international transit corridors, namely the Ubangi River
and Douala-Bangui road axis, was severely disrupted during the initial phase of the war. Third,
the parties to the conflict display a high degree of fragmentation as evidenced by the involvement
of numerous armed groups and the “de facto” partition of the country into a network of fiefdoms.
Finally, the intensity of the conflict is alarming. It has been marked by widespread ethnic
cleansing, including extrajudicial killings, rape, and massive forced internal and international
displacement. As identified by the latest World Bank Country Economic Memorandum (1) these
factors have had massive impacts on the overall fragility of the country. The appendix to this
paper provides more background and context of the CAR’s civil war.
The contemporary academic literature regarding the economic costs of conflicts originated with
the work of Organski and Kugler (1977) (2) who examined the impact of World Wars I and II (WW
I and WW II) on European countries. Since then, an extensive literature has emerged to quantify
the impact of conflicts (in a broad sense) on economic outcomes across different countries and
periods (3). Different techniques have been adopted to capture the economic costs of conflicts,
including the cost accounting method (4), cross-country regression methods (5), econometrics
on time-series data (6), and econometrics on panel data (7). In the 2000s, a new methodology,
proposed by Abadie and Gardeazabal (2003) (8) called the synthetic control method (SCM
hereafter), emerged, originally to quantify the GDP loss due to local conflict in Spain. More
precisely, they analyzed the economic costs of the conflict, with the armed Basque nationalist
and far left separatist organization Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA), in the Basque Country from 1975
to 1997 by constructing a `synthetic’ region composed of two other Spanish regions (Catalonia
and Madrid) as a comparator or “counterfactual”. Based on this counterfactual, they concluded
that per capita GDP in the Basque region fell by about 10 percent compared to what it would
have been if the conflict had not occurred. More recently, Matta et al. (2017) (9) found a loss of
about 5.7 percent of per capita GDP due to a drop in gross capital formation in Tunisia in the
three years following the Arab Spring; Kešeljević and Spruk (2023) (10) found a loss of about 14
percent of per capita GDP in the Syrian Arab Republic in the nine years following the civil war.
Beyond these three papers, the SCM has been used to assess the economic impacts of several
revolts and conflicts, including the Arab Spring in the Arab Republic of Egypt (11) and Libya (12),
the Donbass war in Ukraine (13), the Kurdish separatism in Türkiye (14,15), the Second Intifada
for the Israeli economy (16), and the Yugoslav civil war (17). The SCM is a powerful statistical
technique that has gained prominence in the field of program evaluation and causal inference. It
has numerous advantages and is well adapted to our case of study for the following reasons
developed in Abadie et al. (2010, 2015) (18,19):

       •   The SCM is suitable for undertaking causal inference. One of the primary advantages
           of SCM is its ability to provide causal estimates. SCM enables researchers to assess
           the causal impact of a policy, event or treatment by constructing a synthetic control
           group that closely resembles the treated unit before the intervention. By comparing
           the post-intervention outcomes of the treated unit with the synthetic control,
           researchers can estimate the causal effect of the policy or treatment.

       •   Estimates derived from the SCM are robust even in a small sample setting. The SCM
           is particularly valuable in settings where the number of treated and control units are
           small, which is typically an inadequate situation for the use of traditional matching or
           difference-in-differences (DiD) approaches.

       •   The SCM considers the pre-intervention dynamics of the treated unit. This implies that
           it does not rely on parallel pre-implementation trends like DiD for instance; unlike
           other methods that rely on post-intervention data only, SCM constructs a synthetic
           control group that captures the pre-intervention trends and characteristics of the
           treated unit. This makes the method robust to potential confounding factors and
           allows for more accurate causal inferences.

       •   The SCM enables researchers to estimate the counterfactual scenario by constructing
           a synthetic control that represents what would have happened to the treated unit in
           the absence of the policy or treatment. This counterfactual estimation is crucial for
           evaluating the effectiveness of interventions and guiding policy decisions, or in our
           case, to evaluate the impact of the CAR civil war.

       •   The SCM is a transparent and replicable method as the construction of the synthetic
           control group involves clear and systematic processes, allowing other researchers to
           reproduce the results and assess the robustness of the findings. This transparency
           enhances the credibility and reliability of the estimated causal effects.

In summary, the SCM offers several advantages that make it an indispensable tool for causal
inference and impact evaluation. Specifically, there are three key issues that motivated our

preference for the SCM compared to Difference-in-Difference (DiD) approaches. First, a DiD
approach could conflate differences in outcomes associated with the war with differences due
to pre-treatment characteristics associated with war if the control group was not similar enough
to the CAR. The SCM is guaranteed to be at least as similar to CAR as a simple weighted mean of
control states or any one other control country (19). Second, traditional DiD methods assume
unobserved confounders are time constant, whereas the effects of pre-war confounders do not
have to be time constant in the synthetic control method (20). Third, traditional DiD methods
provide asymptotic large-sample inference that is inappropriate given the comparative case
study design, whereas the synthetic control method uses exact inference (21).
Compared to the previous studies, the contributions of this paper are threefold. First, we assess
the costs of conflict in the specific context of the CAR civil war from 2013, mainly through a
descriptive analysis. Second, we take advantage of recent progress in satellite nighttime lights,
or NTL measurements (22)) to bypass the lack of data inherent to low-income countries, or LICs
(like the CAR), and to control for potentially artificially inflated GDP figures due to political
economy reasons (23). Finally, we expand the analysis beyond the potential loss of GDP (and
lights intensity) and explore the potential detrimental impact of the civil war on the sectoral
composition of the economy, and key social indicators (acknowledging the quantitative literature
on the social costs of conflicts is much scarcer (10,24,25)) to establish the diagnostic of a possible
conflict trap.
We recognize however some limitations in the analysis. The choice to select all other LICs for the
potential donor pool to build our counterfactual is explained both for practical and transparency
reasons (see the Methodology section for more details) and for structural reasons (although each
country is unique and has a specific national context, all LICs face the challenges of structural
vulnerability and development trap (26)). These states, however, are also more likely to
experience large-scale social unrest and localized armed conflicts (27). If some of the LICs in the
donor pool are selected ex-post in the synthetic control, while they also suffered consequences
of conflicts during 2013-17, the estimates provided here can be considered conservative.
We did not find any other paper assessing the socio-economic impacts of the CAR civil war using
the SCM, so far. Although SCM has been previously used in the literature to assess the economic
impact of local conflicts and revolts (8–10) and the social and institutional impacts of civil war
(10), we expand the analysis on a variety of key macro-socio indicators, including the innovative
satellite NTL extended time series (22), the sectoral composition of the economy, and a reduced
version of the human asset index (28) to establish the formal diagnostic of a conflict trap (29), or
fragility trap (1). Over the period 2012-17, we find that the civil war led to a significant drop in
GDP per capita (41.6percent), NTL intensity (33.9 percent), industrial production (34 percent),
manufacturing value added (33.7 percent), and human asset index (20.2 percent). These results
are consistent with Abadie and Gardeazabal (2003) and Matta et al. (2017) (8,9), although the
magnitude of the adverse socio-economic impacts of the CAR’s civil war seem significantly worse,
with cumulative GDP per capita loss found to be between 2.9 times and 7.3 times larger than in

these two studies. We also highlight an economic loss about 3.1 higher than found in Kešeljević
and Spruk (2023) (10) although the authors also identify dramatic human development and infant
mortality costs of the Syrian civil war. To the best of our knowledge, the estimated cumulative
loss of GDP per capita during the CAR civil war is among the highest in the academic literature,
just below the Libyan case between 2011-14 (12)– which was a mix of revolts following the Arab
Spring, a civil war and an international war– and comparable in magnitude with the local
cumulative loss of GDP found in the Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts of Ukraine between 2013-16
It is important to note that we do not discuss here any potential solution for the CAR, including
the potential role of official development aid, structural reforms and financing programs (1,30–
34). The remainder of the paper is structured as follows: The first section presents the
methodology used to estimate the socio-economic impacts of the 2013 civil war in CAR as well
as our identification strategy. The second section elaborates on the key variables used and data.
The third section presents the empirical results. The last section provides some concluding

Methodology and identification strategy
To assess the socio-economic impacts of the 2013 civil war in CAR, we consider country-year level
data, with a post-`treatment’ period starting in 2013. We distinguish two phases in the civil war:
the period 2013-14, when the Séléka rebel coalition took over Bangui and a subsequent period
(2015-17) when the conflict has fragmented into several localized skirmishes concentrated
mostly in regions (called locally Préfectures) close to the northern and western borders and in
the East of the country. We do not go beyond 2017 to avoid noisy effects possibly coming from
more recent events (e.g., Wagner group starting to operate in 2018, leading to the cut of budget
support from France and other traditional partners; the COVID-19 lockdowns, the crypto-asset
law of 2022). As the main macro-socio indicators, we focused on GDP per capita, industrial value
added and manufacturing value added (over GDP) from the World Development Indicators (35),
satellite NTL from the DMSP data (22), and a reduced version of the (harmonized) human asset
We use a SCM to estimate the expected levels of our key outcomes in the absence of war and
compare theses to the observed actual series to quantify the war’s impact on CAR’s socio-
economic development during the period 2013-17. This method provides causal estimates and
incorporates pre-intervention dynamics, especially with small-N settings. It has previously been
used to estimate the effects of local conflicts and massive revolts (8,9) although these papers
focused only on the evolution (and demand decomposition) of GDP per capita series after the
events. More recently, the SCM has also been used to assess the social and institutional impacts
of the Syrian civil war (10). We used permutation (or placebo) tests to assess whether our results
could be due to chance.

We rely on the SCM initially proposed by Abadie and Gardeazabal (2003) (8), then developed
and proposed by Abadie et al. (2010, 2015) (18,19). The method uses a weighted combination of
unit of observations (i.e., countries) to create a `synthetic’ control CAR, which provides an
estimate of expected socio-economic outcomes of interest (i.e., GDP per capita, satellite NTL,
industrial and manufacturing valued added, human asset index) if the civil war (our `treatment’)
had not occurred. The countries that comprise CAR’s synthetic control are selected by using all
pre-2012 outcomes (36) among a donor pool of comprising all LICs according to the World Bank
classification to avoid pre-selection bias in the composition of the donor pool, with the exception
of Afghanistan, the Syrian Arab Republic and the Republic of Yemen which faced a mix of
interstate and civil armed conflicts, including in the perimeter of their capital cities during the
same period (see Table A1, for more details). Those that are best able to predict the pre-2012
outcome trends in CAR are chosen for the synthetic control group. The expected socio-economic
outcomes for CAR from 2012-17 in the absence of civil war are then compared against the
observed outcomes. A difference between the observed and expected values can therefore be
interpreted as the impact of the civil war on our outcomes of interest.
Formally, the synthetic outcomes are computed as follows:
                                               �������������������������������������������������ℎ;������������ = � ������������������������
                                              ������������                              ∗
                                                                                    ������������������������,������������ ,

where ������������������������ and ������������������������������������������������������������ℎ stand for respectively for the outcome of interest in country ������������ and synthetic
CAR, at year ������������, ������������ stands for the vector of countries in the donor pool, and ������������������������        stands to the optimal
weight attached to country ������������. The impact of civil war on CAR’s development outcomes can
therefore be calculated as follows:
                                            ������������������������ = ������������������������������������������������;������������ − ������������

for years ≥ 2013, where ������������������������ stands for the post-treatment impact and ������������������������������������������������ stands for the
outcome of interest in CAR.
While traditional statistical inference techniques do not work with this approach, given the small
sample size, a permutation test (also called placebo test) can be used to assess how unusual such
an effect would be if it were due to chance and thus control for the effect size. This permutation
test involves implementing the synthetic control technique for each country in our donor pool,
as though it were the one that had experienced civil war during 2012-17. The estimated effect
for CAR can then be compared to the size of these other effect estimates. Typically, the
permutation test results are compared for states in which pre-war outcome trends are well
predicted by the synthetic control. Results of the test for all countries, in addition to the results
for those states with up to 5 times the mean squared prediction error (MSPE) observed for CAR
are presented. Countries with a poorly matched synthetic control might indeed appear to have
more extreme differences as an artifact of poor prediction.

By examining the effects of the CAR civil war on GDP per capita, NTL intensity, and various
economic indicators such as industrial and manufacturing value added, as well as social indicators
represented by the human asset index, it becomes possible to determine whether the observed
shock to GDP is genuine or merely a statistical artifact. Additionally, this analysis helps evaluate
the negative consequences of the civil conflict on crucial macroeconomic factors, ultimately
affecting long-term development.
Data and variables
As a proxy of economic development, we consider the GDP per capita in purchasing power parity
(in constant 2017 international US dollars) from the World Development Indicators (35) from
1990 (the first year available for CAR) up to 2017, as in Matta et al. (2019) (9).
When accounting for satellite NTL intensity, we use the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program
(DMSP) data from the Earth Observation Group (EIG) at Colorado Schools of Mine’s (Ghosh et al.,
2021) (22), as they provide original DMSP-OLS data from 1992 to 2013 but also an extended
version of the DMSP NTL from 2013 to 2021. The regular DMSP NTL series has been discontinued
after 2013 for two mains reasons. First the launch of a new generation of satellites equipped with
more capable sensors, named Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS), providing more
accurate NTL data. Second the orbital shifts from day/night to dawn/dusk of previously used
DMSP satellites. The shift to NTL data collected by VIIRS prevented the use of NTL data for long
temporal analysis and pushed researchers to produce harmonized data series combining DMSP
and VIIRS data. Ghosh et al. (2021) provide consistent time series for the NTL from 1992 to 2021
by exploiting the constant orbital shift of satellites, which brought back older DMSP satellites
(F15 and F16) into a usable day/night cycle to continue data collection with DMSP satellites. To
have harmonized series for CAR, we select the period 2005-2017 as 2005 saw major structural
reforms for Enerca (the main energy utility company of the CAR) and a policy shift towards
liberalization of the electricity sector. We extract the sum of the NTL within a buffer zone of a 10
km radius around the capital location of each country. The sum of the NTL gives an aggregate
that is a good proxy for electric power output (37) as well as economic activity (38) both at the
national and local level. We use the capital as a reference city for a country rather than the all
country to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the NTL time series, as LICs tend to have poor
electricity infrastructure, and the NTL data would measure large areas of noisy data. Capitals are
usually the most infrastructure rich and economically dynamic locations (especially in LICs) and
are therefore indicative proxies in the case of economic shocks.
Data on the share of industrial (including construction) and manufacturing value added over GDP
are derived from the World Development Indicators from 2009 (the first year available for CAR)
up to 2017. Due to lack of data the pre-treatment period for these two outcomes is limited, but
the use of these indicators enables us to check consistency in our results. Due to large differences
in sectoral composition among our donor pool of LICs and CAR, we convert the indicators in index
base 100 in 2012 (i.e., just before the first clashes) which enables us to capture sectoral dynamics
after the start of the civil war.
Finally, we use a reduced version of the human asset index taken from Feindouno and Goujon
(2019) (28). Their HAI is a simple composite index from 0 (low score) to 100 (best score) which
includes four subcomponents: i) un undernourishment index, ii) the under five years old mortality
index, iii) the adult literacy rate index, and iv) the secondary school enrollment index. We
recompute the HAI by excluding the adult literacy rate index as it is difficult to interpret this
indicator in post-war situation for CAR due to the significant number people registered as
international refugees (744, 000 or 13.3 percent of the population at end of 2022), mostly in
neighboring countries, comprising an unknown proportion of literate and illiterate adults. The
reduced version of HAI is available from 1990 (the first year available for CAR) up to 2014, which
enables us to only capture the short-term impact of the civil war during the rule of Michel
Djotodia as the President of the Republic after the Séléka rebel coalition took over Bangui.
Table A1 lists the countries included in the synthetic controls, along with their weights. It also
provides pre-war and post-war outcome values in CAR for the synthetic controls. Additionally,
this table displays CAR MSPE in the pre-war period for each type of outcome, offering a
comprehensive overview of the synthetic controls' performance.
Empirical results
CAR has faced a persistent lack of economic growth since gaining independence in 1960. The
country’s history of political instability is characterized by a series of coups, which led to a fragile
institutional framework and a decline in overall productivity. This decline is noticeable in the
absence of structural transformation, limited technological progress and innovation, and poor
management of both public and private enterprises. Moreover, the country’s GDP per capita in
2012 was equivalent to the level recorded in 1990, highlighting the stagnation that had plagued
the nation for over two decades (see Figure 1).
In addition, the subsequent civil war in 2013 triggered a devastating divergence in CAR's actual
GDP per capita compared to its synthetic control. This divergence remained massive in 2017 (see
Figure 2). A permutation test reveals that this impact is not only significant but also the most
substantial when compared to other countries, surpassing even the six states (out of 19 in the
donor pool) with MSPE less than or equal to five times that of CAR (see Figure 3). The disparities
in GDP per capita between CAR and its synthetic control from 2012 to 2014 indicate a drastic
collapse in income levels during the fall of Bangui, amounting to approximately USD 490 per
capita. Furthermore, the extended period from 2012 to 2017 witnessed a staggering decline of
approximately USD 503 per capita. These figures represent normalized gaps of 40.6 percent and
41.6 percent, respectively, when compared to the actual GDP per capita in 2012. Consequently,
it is not surprising that CAR is unlikely to reclaim its pre-war economic development level until
the late 2030s (1). In the analysis that follows, we take a closer look at the factors contributing to
this gloomy outlook, which reinforces the plausibility of this scenario.

                             Figure 1: Income level in CAR, 1990-2017

                GDP per capita (PPP, constant 17 int. USD)





                                                                    1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016

Source: GDP per capita series are from the World Development Indicators (35), from 1990-2017. Note: The grey bar
indicates the beginning of the civil war up to the departure of Séléka rebel coalition from Bangui (from December
2012 to January 2014). The subsequent period translates into localized conflicts areas in Northwestern and Eastern
parts of the country, outside of major cities.

                                  Figure 2: Income level in CAR and its synthetic control, 1990-2017


                 GDP per capita (PPP, constant 17 int. USD)






                                                                     1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016

                                                                              Seleka occupation        CAR        Synthetic CAR

Source: GDP per capita series are from the World Development Indicators (35), from 1990-2017. Note: In upper chart,
the blue (lighter in greyscale) line indicates actual GDP series, and the orange (darker in greyscale) line indicates
synthetic GDP series. The grey bar indicates the beginning of the civil war up to the departure of Séléka rebel coalition
from Bangui (from December 2012 to January 2014). In the lower chart, the dark continuous line indicates the gap
between actual and synthetic GDP per capita series (normalized to 0 in 2012), the dark dash horizontal line indicates
a null gap, and the two red vertical lines indicates the period of Séléka occupation in Bangui (2012, excluded, up to
2014, excluded). The subsequent period translates into localized conflicts areas in Northwestern and Eastern parts of
the country, outside of major cities.

Figure 3: Differences between income level for CAR and control countries and their respective
                                synthetic controls, 1990-2017

Source: GDP per capita series are from the World Development Indicators (35), from 1990-17. Note: The dark dash
line indicates the gap between actual and synthetic GDP per capita series for CAR and the gray lines indicates the
gap between actual and synthetic GDP per capita series for control countries (normalized to 0 in 2012). The dark dash
horizontal line indicates a null gap, and the two red vertical lines indicates the period of Séléka occupation in Bangui
(2012, excluded, up to 2014, excluded). The subsequent period translates into localized conflicts areas in
Northwestern and Eastern parts of the country, outside of major cities.

Martínez (2022) (23) finds that authoritarian regimes are prone to overstate yearly self-reported
GDP growth and using satellite NTL intensity helps to assess the reality of the economic activity.
Although GDP series are checked by international institutions, it is possible that the relatively
good economic performance observed under former president François Bozizé was
overestimated (GDP per capita grew by 25.5 percent in 2012, from USD 963 per capita in 2003 to
USD 1209 per capita in 2012) while the country was under scrutiny for traversing a trajectory
toward authoritarianism, as suggested by its Polity2 score (i.e., a common autocratic-democratic
score produced by Ted Robert Gurr and Monty G. Marshall and released by the Center of
Systemic Peace) of -1 at the time, corresponding to a closed anocracy (39). Consequently, the
subsequent drastic correction of GDP from 2013 could be partly artificial. Accordingly, we check
the dynamics of NTL intensity in the perimeter of Bangui following the first clashes, for robustness
check. Although we observe a divergence of NTL intensity over the period 2011-12 (before the
start of the civil war) between actual CAR series and its synthetic control, the divergence stems
from the dynamism of synthetic CAR, while the intensity of the real lights stagnated for CAR. For
subsequent years the growing divergence also comes from the crash of actual luminosity in the
area of Bangui, as attested by the artificial gap closure in 2012 to check for post-war divergence
(Figure 4). The permutation test shows that this divergence is larger than both the average and
median of all other donor countries. The divergence is also larger than the average and median
of the eight states (out of 24 in the donor pool) with MSPE less than or equal to five times than
that of CAR (see Figure 5). Only Asmara (Eritrea), and Bissau (Guinea-Bissau) are doing worse
over the whole period in terms of NTL dynamics. The differences in luminosity between CAR and
its synthetic control indicate a drop in light intensity of approximately 22.5 percent from 2012-
14 and a drop of 33.9 percent for the extended period 2012-17. The growing gap over time
suggests that power production and grid transmission capacity in Bangui were durably impacted,
indicating a medium-to-long-term deterioration of essential network infrastructure for shared
prosperity and poverty reduction (40).

                      Figure 4: NTL intensity in CAR and its synthetic control, 2005-17


Nighttime lights intensity    4500





                                         2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

                                                Seleka occupation         CAR    Synthetic CAR


     Nighttime lights intensity






                                         2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

                                                 Seleka occupation        CAR     Synthetic CAR

Source: Satellite NTL series are from Gosh et al. (2021) (22) and authors’ estimate. Note: In upper and middle charts,
the blue (lighter in greyscale) line indicates actual light series, and the orange (darker in greyscale) line indicates
synthetic light series. The grey bar indicates the beginning of the civil war up to the departure of Séléka rebel coalition
from Bangui (from December 2012 to January 2014). In middle and lower charts, we normalize the gap between CAR
and its synthetic control for 2012 and subsequent years, for consistency. In the lower chart, the dark continuous line
indicates the gap between actual and synthetic NTL intensity (normalized to 0 in 2012), the dark dash horizontal line
indicates a null gap, and the two red vertical lines indicates the period of Séléka occupation in Bangui (2012, excluded,
up to 2014, excluded). The subsequent period translates into localized conflicts areas in Northwestern and Eastern
parts of the country, outside of major cities.

      Figure 5: Differences between NTL intensity for CAR and control countries and their
                             respective synthetic controls, 2005-17

                                                                         No pre-NTL's MSPE five times higher than CAR's
                Gap Nighttime light intensity





                                                        2005   06   07     08   09    10        11   12     13     14    15   16   17   18
                                                                                                     Seleka occupation

Source: Satellite NTL series are derived from Gosh et al. (2021) (22), and cover the period 2005-17. Note: The dark
dash line indicates the gap between actual and synthetic light series for CAR and the gray lines indicates the gap
between actual and synthetic light series for control countries (normalized to 0 in 2012). The dark dash horizontal
line indicates a null gap, and the two red vertical lines indicates the period of Séléka occupation in Bangui (2012,
excluded, up to 2014, excluded). The subsequent period translates into localized conflicts areas in Northwestern and
Eastern parts of the country, outside of major cities.

Despite a pre-treatment period starting only in 2009, this paper shows the existence of a massive
and sharp divergence of the share of actual industrial and manufacturing value added over GDP
from synthetic controls between 2013 throughout 2017 (see Figures 5 and 6). This result
underscores the fact that structural transformation remains a major challenge for the economic
development of African countries (41) and especially for resource-rich economies (42),
preventing them from escaping the natural resource curse (43). Moreover, results from the
permutation tests indicate the existence of a significant drop in both the industrial (-23.9 percent)
and manufacturing (-35.5 percent) value added over GDP compared to other countries during
the Séléka rebels’ occupation of Bangui in 2013-14. Even when keeping the closest comparator
countries with CAR in terms of MSPE, only Sierra Leone (due to the Ebola crisis between 2014-
16) and Rwanda (due to the boom of ecotourism and more generally a service-oriented economy
on labor intensive activities (44)) are doing worse in terms of manufacturing dynamics if we
extend the analysis up to 2017 (see Figures 7 and 8). The differences between CAR and its
synthetic controls suggest that the shares of industrial and manufacturing value over GDP
declined by approximately 34.1 percent and 33.7 percent respectively between 2012 and 2017,
probably due to the destruction and flight of capital (45). Although closely interconnected, these
two results do not induce the same macro issues:
   i)      The collapse of the industrial sector as a whole (including construction activity) is in
           line with the previous results on light intensity and indicates the degradation of the
           ability to rebuilt and maintain essential public and network infrastructure to bridge
           the infrastructure gap (46).
   ii)     The relative decline of manufacturing in the sectoral composition of the CAR’s
           economy indicates that the sector failed to advance towards more sophisticated
           products (47).
   iii)    Altogether, these results reassess the vicious cycle of the lack of state building, civil
           conflicts over control of political power and natural resource wealth, and the poverty
           trap (48).

      Figure 6: Industrial value added (over GDP) in CAR and its synthetic control, 2009-17

                Industry value added (base 100 =2012)







                                                                          2009        2010    2011    2012       2013     2014       2015     2016     2017

                                                                                      Seleka occupation           CAR             Synthetic CAR

                Gap Industry value added (index 100 =2012)








                                                                   2009          10          11       12          13         14         15        16      17
                                                                                                           Seleka occupation

Source: Industrial value-added series are from the World Development Indicators (35), from 2009-17. Note: In upper
chart, the blue (lighter in greyscale) line indicates actual industrial value-added series, and the orange (darker in
greyscale) line indicates industrial value-added synthetic series. The grey bar indicates the beginning of the civil war
up to the departure of Séléka rebel coalition from Bangui (from December 2012 to January 2014). In the lower chart,
the dark continuous line indicates the gap between actual and synthetic industrial value-added series (normalized to
0 in 2012), the dark dash horizontal line indicates a null gap, and the two red vertical lines indicates the period of

Séléka occupation in Bangui (2012, excluded, up to 2014, excluded). The subsequent period translates into localized
conflicts areas in Northwestern and Eastern parts of the country, outside of major cities.

Figure 7: Manufacturing value added (percent of GDP) in CAR and its synthetic control, 2009-

                Manufacturing value added (base 100







                                                                               2009     2010        2011        2012    2013      2014      2015    2016     2017

                                                                                      Seleka occupation                 CAR             Synthetic CAR

                Gap Manufacturing value added (index 100 =2012)








                                                                        2009     10            11          12           13         14         15        16      17
                                                                                                                 Seleka occupation

Source: Manufacturing value-added series are from the World Development Indicators (35), from 2009-17. Note: In
upper chart, the blue (lighter in greyscale) line indicates actual manufacturing value-added series, and the orange
(darker in greyscale) line indicates manufacturing value-added synthetic series. The grey bar indicates the beginning
of the civil war up to the departure of Séléka rebel coalition from Bangui (from December 2012 to January 2014). In

the lower chart, the dark continuous line indicates the gap between actual and synthetic industrial value-added series
(normalized to 0 in 2012), the dark dash horizontal line indicates a null gap, and the two red vertical lines indicates
the period of Séléka occupation in Bangui (2012, excluded, up to 2014, excluded). The subsequent period translates
into localized conflicts areas in Northwestern and Eastern parts of the country, outside of major cities.

  Figure 8: Differences between industrial value added (percent of GDP) for CAR and control
                   countries and their respective synthetic controls, 2009-17
                                                                                            We keep all placebo countries
                Gap Industry value added (index 100 =2012)






                                                                    2009   10         11        12          13         14    15         16   17
                                                                                                     Seleka occupation

                                                                                No pre-Industrial's MSPE five times higher than CAR's
                Gap Industry value added (index 100 =2012)





                                                                    2009   10        11        12           13         14    15         16   17
                                                                                                     Seleka occupation

Source: Industrial value-added series are from the World Development Indicators (35), from 2009-17. Note: The dark
dash line indicates the gap between actual and synthetic light series for CAR and the gray lines indicates the gap

between actual and synthetic light series for control countries (normalized to 0 in 2012). The dark dash horizontal
line indicates a null gap, and the two red vertical lines indicates the period of Séléka occupation in Bangui (2012,
excluded, up to 2014, excluded). The subsequent period translates into localized conflicts areas in Northwestern and
Eastern parts of the country, outside of major cities.

   Figure 9: Differences between manufacturing value added (percent of GDP) for CAR and
               control countries and their respective synthetic controls, 2009-17

                                                                                              We keep all placebo countries
                Gap Manufacturing value added (index 100 =2012)






                                                                         2009   10       11       12          13         14   15        16   17
                                                                                                       Seleka occupation

                                                                                 No pre-Manufacturing's MSPE five times higher than CAR's
                Gap Manufacturing value added (index 100 =2012)






                                                                         2009   10       11       12          13         14   15        16   17
                                                                                                       Seleka occupation

Source: Manufacturing value-added series are from the World Development Indicators (35) , from 2009-17. Note:
The dark dash line indicates the gap between actual and synthetic light series for CAR and the gray lines indicates

the gap between actual and synthetic light series for control countries (normalized to 0 in 2012). The dark dash
horizontal line indicates a null gap, and the two red vertical lines indicates the period of Séléka occupation in Bangui
(2012, excluded, up to 2014, excluded). The subsequent period translates into localized conflicts areas in
Northwestern and Eastern parts of the country, outside of major cities.

With regard to the conflict-development nexus, the direction of causality is unclear (49), as we
observe a drop in CAR’s human asset index (HAI, hereafter) between 2011 and 2012, before the
beginning of the civil war (see Figure 9). After artificially closing the gap between CAR's actual
HAI and its synthetic control for 2012, the permutation tests confirm the significant drop in 2013-
14; this drop holds true even for the eight states out of the total 23 in the donor pool, where the
MSPE was less than or equal to five times that of CAR (see Figure 10). The time span for the
reduced HAI is limited to 1990-2014, so we only observe a short-term (but very sharp) drop of
20.2 percentage points compared to 2012 in terms of human development, during the first phase
of the war. In other words, even if the causality is uncertain, the CAR civil war is correlated with
a sharp aggravation in two subcomponents of the reduced HAI, namely the general
undernourishment of the population and the decline of secondary school enrollment. The latter
finding is in line with the recent literature on Cameroon’s Anglophone conflict (50). This is
extremely concerning when considering that the decline in general living conditions, specifically
in terms of food access (first dimension of the reduced HAI), may indicate the possibility of state
collapse in the near future (51). Additionally, the decrease in access to secondary schooling
(second dimension of the reduced HAI) not only hampers the country's economic recovery, but
also perpetuates informal, subsistence-level activities and provides a potential pool for
recruitment by armed groups (1), further exacerbated by the additional challenge of early
pregnancies (52).
                                      Figure 10: Reduced HAI in CAR and its synthetic control, 2005-17

                Reduced Human Asset Index (0-100)








                                                         Seleka occupation        CAR    Synthetic CAR


                    Reduced Human Asset Index (0-100)






                                                                          Seleka occupation           CAR        Synthetic CAR

                 Gap Reduced Human Asset Index





                                                              1990   92   94    96     98     2000    02    04   06    08    10     12      14
                                                                                                                             Seleka Occupation

Source: The reduced HAI series are derived from Feindouno and Goujon (2019) (28), from 1990-2014. Note: In upper
and middle charts, the blue (lighter in greyscale) line indicates actual light series, and the orange (darker in greyscale)
line indicates synthetic light series. The grey bar indicates the beginning of the civil war up to the departure of Séléka
rebel coalition from Bangui (from December 2012 to January 2014). In middle and lower charts, we normalize the
gap between CAR and its synthetic control for 2012 and subsequent years, for consistency. In the lower chart, the
dark continuous line indicates the gap between actual and synthetic GDP per capita series (normalized to 0 in 2012),
the dark dash horizontal line indicates a null gap, and the two red vertical lines indicates the period of Séléka
occupation in Bangui (2012, excluded, up to 2014, excluded).

    Figure 11: Differences between HAI for CAR and control countries and their respective
                                synthetic controls., 2009-17

                                                                                 We keep all placebo countries

               Gap Reduced human asset index








                                                        1990   92   94     96    98    2000     02    04   06    08       10     12      14
                                                                                                                          Seleka Occupation

                                                                         No pre-HAI's MSPE five times higher than CAR's
                  Gap Reduced human asset index





                                                        1990   92   94     96     98   2000     02    04   06     08      10     12      14
                                                                                                                          Seleka Occupation

Source: The reduced HAI series are derived from Feindouno and Goujon (2019) (28), from 1990-2014. Note: The dark
dash line indicates the gap between actual and synthetic light series for CAR and the gray lines indicates the gap
between actual and synthetic light series for control countries (normalized to 0 in 2012). The dark dash horizontal

line indicates a null gap, and the two red vertical lines indicates the period of Séléka occupation in Bangui (2012,
excluded, up to 2014, excluded).

We found overall evidence that the civil war in the CAR led to a massive drop in living standards
proxied by the GDP per capita from 2013 to 2017, and the results are confirmed with NTL
dynamics in the area of Bangui. Maybe even more worrying, our results on NTL also suggest a
long-lasting inability to ensure electricity provision, an essential public service, which is also
necessary for the emergence of the formal private sector. We also find a large drop in
industrial/manufacturing activities in the post-war sectoral composition of the economy and a
significant degradation of human capital, especially in the dimensions of undernourishment and
secondary school enrollment. The persistence of human capital losses is confirmed as the CAR
ranks at the bottom of the human capital and development indices (it was 188th out of 191
countries in 2022) (53).
Quantitatively, we found that the civil war led to a significant drop in GDP per capita (41.6
percent), NTL intensity (33.9 percent), industrial production (34.1 percent), manufacturing value
added (33.7 percent), and the human asset index (20.2 percent) over the period 2012-17. These
sharp declines in the four key socio-economic indicators are quite similar in magnitude, ranging
from 34 to 44 percent. The cumulative loss of GDP per capita is found to be about 3 times larger
than the effect of the civil war in the Syrian Arab Republic highlighted by Kešeljević and Spruk
(2023) (10), 4.2 times larger than the effect of ETA terrorism and direct actions in the Basque
Country highlighted by Abadie and Gardeazabal (2003) (8), and 7.3 times larger than the effect
of the Arab Spring in Tunisia highlighted by Matta et al. (2017) (9). The lower decline of NTL
compared with that of per capita GDP may also suggest overestimated GDP series under the
presidency of François Bozizé (23). Furthermore, this paper emphasizes that there are no signs
suggesting a positive trajectory for the CAR to regain its pre-war living standards by 2030. The
ongoing conflicts persisting as of early 2023, combined with the lack of any indications of
economic and social recovery from 2017, further reinforce this lack of progress (1). Overall, we
identify a vicious conflict-development cycle in the CAR.
We recognize however some limitations in the analysis. The choice to select all other LICs for the
potential donor pool is explained both for practical and transparency reasons (we use the World
Bank classification) and for structural reasons (although each country is unique and has a specific
national context, all LICs face the challenges of structural vulnerability and development trap
(26)). These states, however, are also likely to experience large social unrest and localized armed
conflicts(27). If some of the LICs in the donor pool are selected ex-post in the synthetic control,
while they also suffered consequences of conflicts during 2013-17, the estimates provided here
can be considered conservative. That is the reason we automatically discarded Afghanistan, the
Syrian Arab Republic, and the Republic of Yemen from the donor pool, as they also faced
generalized armed conflicts, including within their capital cities, during the period of interest. In

addition, LICs also suffer from a general lack of regular data collection, explaining the constraints
on timespan and data availability for our key macro-indicators.
Future studies might further explore i) the complex interaction between income shocks and civil
conflicts (54), ii) a more global overview of the socio-economic impact of war and conflicts, and
iii) potential solutions for collapsed states and their population.

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Background of the CAR civil war
The Central African Republic (CAR) civil war is a conflict that officially began in December 2012
and is still ongoing close to the northern and western borders and in the eastern part of the
country, despite the signature of a peace agreement (the Political Agreement for Peace and
Stability, or APPR in the French acronym) between the government and 14 armed groups in
February 2019. The conflict is characterized by violence between various armed groups, including
government forces, rebel groups, and ethnic militias. The roots of the conflict can be traced back
to the coup that brought President François Bozizé to power in 2003. Bozizé's presidency was
characterized by political instability, lack of achievements in terms of development, authoritarian
stance (ruled by decrees) and physical abuses on the opposition (55), and, in 2012, a coalition of
rebel groups known as Séléka launched an armed rebellion against the government.
The Séléka rebels, who were mainly from the northeast of the country, accused Bozizé's
government of neglecting their region and favoring his own ethnic group, the Gbaya. The rebels
quickly gained control of much of the country, and in March 2013 they overthrew Bozizé's
government. In response to the Séléka numerous exactions, a Christian militia known as the Anti-
Balaka was formed. The Anti-Balaka targeted Muslim civilians, leading to reprisal attacks by
Muslim militias and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of people. The conflict continued
to escalate, with various armed groups vying for control of territory and resources (forestry
concessions and extractive resources).
In 2014, the United Nations Security Council authorized the deployment of a peacekeeping
mission to the CAR, known as MINUSCA. The mission was tasked with protecting civilians,
supporting political dialogue, and helping to disarm armed groups. From 2018, the Russian
paramilitary group Wagner started to operate in the country (56) with the active support of the
newly elected president Faustin-Archange Touadéra and his government, and Rwanda also
deployed what it called “force protection troops’’ in 2020 under a bilateral agreement on
defense. Thanks to these external forces, the government regained control in Bangui region and
major cities, but despite the signature of a peace agreement in 2019, the conflict is still ongoing
at a regional level.
Contrary to previous coups and the Bush war of 2004-07, CAR’s civil war is exceptional in terms
of duration (10 years and still ongoing), extension (the capital city Bangui was overtaken between
2013-14 and the two main corridors, the Ubangi river and Douala-Bangui road axis were severely
disturbed in the first step of the war), fragmentation (regarding the number of armed groups
involved and the de facto partition of the country into a network of fiefdoms) and intensity
(widespread ethnical cleansing, including extrajudicial killings, rape, and massive forced internal
and international displacement) (57).

Table A1. Weights assigned to countries for CAR’s outcomes of interest
Potential donnor pool (SCM      GDP per capita (PPP, constant 17 int. USD)   Nighttime lights (NTL) intensity**     Ind. value added (over GDP), index 100= 2012    Manuf. value added (over GDP), index 100= 2012   Tranformed human asset index (HAI)
weight in parenthesis)                    1990-2017                                      2005-2017                            2009-2017                                        2009-2017                                         1990-2014
Afghanistan                   No [automatically discarded]                   No [automatically discarded]         No [automatically discarded]                     No [automatically discarded]                      No [automatically discarded]
Burkina Faso                  Yes (0%)                                       Yes (0%)                             Yes (2.5%)                                       Yes (0%)                                          Yes (0%)
Burundi                       Yes (19.1%)                                    Yes (10.5%)                          Yes (11.4%)                                      No [unbalanced series]                            Yes (42.6%)
Chad                          Yes (0%)                                       Yes (0%)                             Yes (3.4%)                                       Yes (33.4%)                                       Yes (0%)
Congo, Dem. Rep.              Yes (5.7%)                                     Yes (0%)                             Yes (2.4%)                                       Yes (0%)                                          Yes (0%)
Eritrea                       No [unbalanced series]                         Yes (0%)                             No [unbalanced series]                           No [unbalanced series]                            Yes (0%)
Ethiopia                      Yes (15.7%)                                    Yes (7.6%)                           Yes (3.2%)                                       Yes (0%)                                          Yes (0%)
Gambia, The                   Yes (0%)                                       Yes (2.1%)                           Yes (29.3%)                                      Yes (0%)                                          Yes (0%)
Guinea                        Yes (0%)                                       Yes (0%)                             Yes (3.1%)                                       Yes (0%)                                          Yes (0%)
Guinea-Bissau                 Yes (0%)                                       Yes (0%)                             Yes (2.4%)                                       Yes (0%)                                          Yes (0%)
Korea, Dem. People's Rep.     No [unbalanced series]                         Yes (1.7%)                           No [unbalanced series]                           No [unbalanced series]                            No [unbalanced series]
Liberia                       No [unbalanced series]                         Yes (0%)                             Yes (5.1%)                                       No [unbalanced series]                            Yes (0%)
Madagascar                    Yes (0%)                                       Yes (0%)                             Yes (2.9%)                                       Yes (0%)                                          Yes (0%)
Malawi                        Yes (6.8%)                                     Yes (2.1%)                           Yes (3.1%)                                       Yes (0%)                                          Yes (0%)
Mali                          Yes (0%)                                       Yes (0%)                             Yes (2.3%)                                       Yes (0%)                                          Yes (0%)
Mozambique                    Yes (0%)                                       Yes (0%)                             Yes (2.9%)                                       Yes (0%)                                          Yes (0%)
Niger                         Yes (36%)                                      Yes (0%)                             Yes (2.5%)                                       Yes (66.6%)                                       Yes (16.6%)
Rwanda                        Yes (0%)                                       Yes (0%)                             Yes (5.8%)                                       Yes (0%)                                          Yes (2.9%)
Sierra Leone                  Yes (0%)                                       Yes (0%)                             Yes (1.6%)                                       Yes (0%)                                          Yes (0%)
Somalia                       No [unbalanced series]                         Yes (76%)                            No [unbalanced series]                           No [unbalanced series]                            Yes (30.2%)
South Sudan                   No [unbalanced series]                         Yes (0%)                             No [unbalanced series]                           No [unbalanced series]                            No [unbalanced series]
Sudan                         Yes (0%)                                       Yes (0%)                             Yes (2.8%)                                       No [unbalanced series]                            Yes (0%)
Syrian Arab Republic          No [automatically discarded]                   No [automatically discarded]         No [automatically discarded]                     No [automatically discarded]                      No [automatically discarded]
Togo                          Yes (16.7%)                                    Yes (0%)                             Yes (5.2%)                                       Yes (0%)                                          Yes (0%)
Uganda                        Yes (0%)                                       Yes (0%)                             Yes (3.3%)                                       Yes (0%)                                          Yes (0%)
Yemen, Rep.                   No [automatically discarded]                   No [automatically discarded]         No [automatically discarded]                     No [automatically discarded]                      No [automatically discarded]
Zambia                        Yes (0%)                                       Yes (0%)                             Yes (4.9%)                                       Yes (0%)                                          Yes (7.8%)
CAR MSPE                      537.4                                          8,102.6                              4.71E-22                                         2.8                                               0.2
CAR actual pre-war*           1,061.9                                        3,539.4                              93.8                                             86.0                                              14.8
CAR synth. pre-war value      1,059.2                                        3,539.9                              93.8                                             86.6                                              15.0
CAR actual post-war           796.5                                          3,362.9                              78.6                                             81.3                                              24.1
CAR synth. post-war           1,299.6                                        4,822.7                              112.7                                            115.0                                             29.5

Source:      Authors’     construction.     Notes:    The     list     of      low-income     countries      (LICs)    is    taken       from    the      World    Bank      website
(https://datahelpdesk.worldbank.org/knowledgebase/articles/906519-world-bank-country-and-lending-groups) for fiscal year 2023 (FY23) or calendar year 2021. GDP per capita,
industrial value added, and manufacturing value added (over GDP) are taken from the World Development Indicators (35), satellite nighttime lights (NTL) intensity is derived from
the DMSP data (22), and the reduced version of the (harmonized) human asset index is derived from Feindouno and Goujon (2019) (28). *: Adjusted SCM values for NTL and reduced
HAI. **: For NTL intensity we focus on a 10km radius around capital cities of each country (enabling us to include every country in the donor pool, even South Sudan before country’s
independence, through Juba’s light intensity).
