The World Bank Rio Grande do Norte: Regional Development and Governance (P126452) REPORT NO.: RES54314 RESTRUCTURING PAPER ON A PROPOSED PROJECT RESTRUCTURING OF THE RIO GRANDE DO NORTE: REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND GOVERNANCE PROJECT APPROVED ON JUNE 25, 2013 TO THE STATE OF RIO GRANDE DO NORTE WITH THE GUARANTEE OF THE FEDERATIVE REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL December 23 2022 AGRICULTURE AND FOOD LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN Regional Vice President: Carlos Felipe Jaramillo Country Director: Johannes C.M. Zutt Regional Director: Anna Wellenstein Practice Manager/Manager: Diego Arias Carballo Task Team Leader(s): Eirivelthon Santos Lima, Leonardo Bichara Rocha The World Bank Rio Grande do Norte: Regional Development and Governance (P126452) ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS CMU Country Management Unit COFIEX Financing Committee of the Ministry of Economy (Comissão de Financiamentos Externos) DER Department of Roads and Highways (Departamento de Estradas e Rodagems) EA Environmental Assessment ESIRT Environment and Social Incident Response Toolkit FM Financial Management GRdN Government of the State of Rio Grande do Norte (Governo do Estado de Rio Grande do Norte) GTEC COFIEX Technical Group (Grupo Técnico de COFIEX) PDO Project Development Objective PIU Project Implementation Unit RF Results Framework RN State of Rio Grande do Norte SAPE State Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock and Fishery (Secretaria Estadual de Agricultura, da Pecuária e da Pesca) SEARH State Secretariat of Administration and Human Resources (Secretaria Estadual de Administração e Recursos Humanos) SEDEC State Secretariat of Economic Development (Secretaria Estadual de Desenvolvimento Econômico) SEEC State Secretariat of Education and Culture (Secretaria Estadual de Educação e da Cultura) SEPLAN State Secretariat of Planning and Finance (Secretaria Estadual de Planejamento e das Finanças) SESAP State Secretariat of Public Health (Secretaria Estadual de Saúde Pública) SESED State Secretariat of Public Security and Social Protection (Secretaria Estadual de Seguranca Publica e da Defesa Social) SETHAS State Secretariat of Employment, Housing and Social Assistance (Secretaria Estadual de Trabalho, da Habitação, e da Assistência Social) SETUR State Secretariat of Tourism (Secretaria Estadual de Turismo) UGP Project Management Unit (Unidade Gestora do Projeto) The World Bank Rio Grande do Norte: Regional Development and Governance (P126452) BASIC DATA Product Information Project ID Financing Instrument P126452 Investment Project Financing Original EA Category Current EA Category Partial Assessment (B) Partial Assessment (B) Approval Date Current Closing Date 25-Jun-2013 31-Dec-2022 Organizations Borrower Responsible Agency Secretariat of Planning and Finance Project Development Objective (PDO) Original PDO The objective of the Project is to support the Borrower’s efforts to: (i) increase food security, access to productive infrastructure and markets for family agriculture; (ii) improve the quality of, and access to, health, education and public security services; and (iii) improve systems for public expenditure, human resource and physical asset management in the context of a results-based management approach. OPS_TABLE_PDO_CURRENTPDO Summary Status of Financing (US$, Millions) Net Ln/Cr/Tf Approval Signing Effectiveness Closing Commitment Disbursed Undisbursed IBRD-82760 25-Jun-2013 04-Oct-2013 29-Oct-2013 31-Dec-2022 360.00 348.70 11.30 Policy Waiver(s) Does this restructuring trigger the need for any policy waiver(s)? No The World Bank Rio Grande do Norte: Regional Development and Governance (P126452) I. PROJECT STATUS AND RATIONALE FOR RESTRUCTURING A. Introduction 1. This Restructuring Paper seeks the Regional Vice-President’s approval of a Level 2 Restructuring of Loan 8276-BR for the multi-sector Rio Grande do Norte Regional Development and Governance Project (P126452) (known locally as Governo Cidadão). The proposed restructuring would comprise (a) an extension of the closing date by 12 months until December 31, 2023 (resulting in a cumulative extension of 55 months); (b) changes in the disbursement projections; and (c) adjustments in the Results Framework to reflect the closing date extension. 2. The Project was approved by the Board of Directors in June 2013 and became effective in October 2013. The total estimated cost at appraisal was US$400 million, to be financed through a US$360 million IBRD loan and counterpart financing of US$40 million from the State Government of Rio Grande do Norte. The Project Development Objectives (PDO) is to: (i) increase food security and access to productive infrastructure and markets for family agriculture; (ii) improve the quality of and access to health, education, and public security services; and (iii) improve systems for public expenditure, human resources, and physical asset management. The Project has three components: (i) Regional Sustainable Development; (ii) Public Services Improvement; and (iii) Public Sector Management. Project activities cover nine sectors1 and are co-executed and/or coordinated by 10 state secretariats, with the Secretariat of Planning and Finance (SEPLAN) in the lead. The current Project closing date is December 31, 2022. 3. The Project has been previously restructured three times: (i) a Level 2 restructuring in June 2017 revised the disbursement estimates and the Results Framework (RF); (ii) a Level 2 restructuring in May 2019 extended the closing date by 22 months to March 31, 2021, reallocated loan resources among expenditure categories, and revised the RF; (iii) a third restructuring in March 2021 extended the closing date by another 21 months to December 31, 2022, and reallocated loan resources among categories and adjusted the RF indicators, primarily to reflect the extended closing date. These restructurings were needed to accommodate delays caused by the factors discussed in para 4. The Mid-Term Review dated April 25, 2016 concluded that, due to the multi-sector nature of the Project, more time and effort would be needed for: (i) capacity-building and alignment between the different Secretariats involved in implementation; (ii) full licensing for the construction works of schools and roads; (iii) compliance with environmental and social safeguards. Significant progress, however, was identified in activities related to public management, public security and the health sector. B. Project Status Implementation progress 4. The Project’s PDO rating is Moderately Satisfactory (MS) and the Implementation Performance (IP) rating has recently been upgraded from Moderately Unsatisfactory (MU) to Moderately Satisfactory (MS). The Project has faced multiple delays since its effectiveness due to the complexity of the Project design itself, which involves nine sectors, initially over-optimistic implementation projections, and the State of Rio Grande do Norte’s uneven institutional capacity to coordinate and implement the Project. This was compounded by repeated turnover of 1 Agriculture, irrigation, roads, water and sanitation, education, health, public sector management, public security, and tourism. The World Bank Rio Grande do Norte: Regional Development and Governance (P126452) State Government counterparts from 2015 to 2018, aggravated by the country’s financial crisis starting in 2014, which affected the State’s ability to allocate sufficient funds to project activities, and the change in State Administration in early 2019. More recently, the COVID-19 pandemic starting in early 2020 has caused major supply chain disruptions, leading to substantial delays in the delivery of works and equipment, and labor shortages, and has compounded the State’s fiscal difficulties. Finally, the recent, high inflation has increased the cost of materials, equipment, and labor, complicating public procurement as companies hired to execute contracts disputed agreed prices, resulting in constant complaints from firms, re-negotiation of contracts at higher cost, and re-initiation of procurement, causing protracted delays. 5. Despite these difficulties, most of which were/are beyond the PIU’s control, all works are either finalized or in the final stages of completion. There will be no new contracts for new works or investments. Substantial advances were made since the last restructuring in 2021 – eight of the twelve major activities in the Action Plan were fully achieved. The four pending activities are: (i) Women Hospital; (ii) Lucrecia dam; (iii) Fiscal Post (Carau) and (iv) Vicente Lemos school. This positions the Project, with a final extension, for full completion of all outstanding works/contracts and strong achievement of the PDO by the revised closing date. The targets of all 9 PDO indicators are expected to be fully reached by 2023. Disbursement as of December 21 is US$329.88 million, 91.6 percent of the IBRD Loan, and expected to reach US$348.5 million, 96.8 percent of the IBRD Loan, by the end of 2022. It will leave an undisbursed balance of US$11.5 million to be disbursed in the 12-month extension period. The Loan is expected to be fully disbursed by December 31, 2023. A small margin of around US$1.0 million is possible due to exchange rate variations. Commitments are disaggregated as follows based on currently available funds (US$32.3 million): (i) US$ US$29.5 million is committed (92.0 percent); (ii) US$950,000 are in advanced stages of procurement; and (iii) US$1.8 million are unassigned funds (6 percent), which will be used to cover the PIU’s operational expenditures in the extension period. There are no overdue audits. Achievements and pending activities 6. Component 1 – Regional Sustainable Development: It has achieved: (i) 328 subprojects in small farmer productive inclusion and access to water benefiting 35,000 people in 124 municipalities; (ii) rehabilitation and maintenance of 259 kilometers of roads to increase connectivity and improve the flow of products and people statewide; (iii) anti-desertification pilot initiatives benefiting 700 families in the semiarid Seridó region; (iv) dairy activities demonstrating exceptional potential; (v) 96 percent (112) of planned potable water and sanitation systems completed and functioning, benefiting 12,000 producers, fishermen, Indigenous Groups and Quilombolas2; (vi) restoration of nine historical and cultural buildings/monuments to promote tourism; and (vii) the Macaiba Technology Park is now legally established, and seeking public private partnerships to attract national and international innovators in energy, health and industry. Activities/investments which could not be completed by the current closing date are: rehabilitation of an irrigation system (known as Distrito Irrigado do Baixo Açu - DIBA) and dam (Lucrecia Dam), and a road investment (RN-233). These investments faced recurrent issues of procurement, contracting, and engineering, as well as social and/or environmental safeguards shortcomings, delaying their completion into 2023. The Project has intensified monitoring and supervision to complete all works and resolve pending issues, under close Bank supervision. 7. Component 2 – Improving Public Services: It has achieved:(i) modernization of six hospitals, construction of a regional hospital (Mossoró Women’s) and clinic, improved medical services through the acquisition of thousands of medical devices and equipment - actions which proved critical to the State’s anti-COVID efforts – and capacity 2 Afro-Brazilian inhabitants of Black rural communities descended from escaped slaves. The World Bank Rio Grande do Norte: Regional Development and Governance (P126452) building; (ii) public school rehabilitation and modernization: 357 schools have introduced an improved teaching methodology - Programa de Inovação Pedagógica (PIP) - nine new schools were constructed, and 46 older schools were renovated and expanded. Primary education investments which could not be completed by the current closing date are the Vicente Lemos public school, delayed by heavy rains affecting foundational work and other issues; and the distribution of school equipment/furniture. In the latter case, 44 of 46 schools have less than 80% of these goods delivered/installed (of which 17 schools have 50 percent or less). Finally, public safety has improved through investments in information technology (more reliable emergency communications systems and radio coverage, and modernized tracking capability in 250 police cars), over 15 million documents digitalized in the public archives, and modernized police vehicles. 8. Component 3 – Public Sector Management: It has achieved: (i) construction and renovation of 22 modern, multi- service Citizen Centers attending 29 municipalities, 14 of which are solar-powered (reducing their energy costs by 52 percent), and servicing 1.65 million public enquiries/demands from January to October 2022 (about 165,000 per month - social security, drivers’ testing/permits, specialized women’s services, public defender services, utilities payment, environmental services, and employment counselling). These centers have played a fundamental role in the GRdN’s efforts to restore public service outreach post-pandemic; and (ii) the State Taxation Department to implement the Analytical System (SET) designed to mine sales data to correct taxation rates and improve collection (additional, unpaid taxes of R$8.7 million collected in the first seven months of SET operations). Updated status and completion schedule for proposed extension period 9. Despite a credible Action Plan under the 2021 Restructuring, vigorously pursued by the PIU and supervised carefully by the World Bank’s Task Team, certain large investments remain incomplete. Out of the 1,578 contracts processed by the PIU until November 2022, there are still 45 contracts that will be completed during the proposed extension (January to December 2023). These pending contracts include: (i) 26 acquisitions valued at R$38 million are goods and services related to operational readiness and sustainability of the Women’s Hospital. It is important to note that 19 out of the 26 contracts are currently in bidding process, two are under contract and five are under execution. There are another 17 contracts covering works, acquisition of equipment and consultancies linked to other investments (see table below). There are still under implementation with expected completion in 2023. The table below lists the pending investments, their current completion status, contract value and remaining balance and expected completion date. The World Bank Rio Grande do Norte: Regional Development and Governance (P126452) Table 2: Major Project Investments – Status and Expected Completion No. Investment Current Completion Status (%) as November Contract Value Expected Date 2022 and Balance3 of Completion 1. Mossoró Women’s -Civil works (93% complete) R$84.5 million December 2023 Hospital Pending: Installation of equipment, furniture; Balance: R$38.0 and capacity building/training of staff for million operational phase (10%) 2. Rehabilitation of -Construction works (over 90%) R$13.0 million September the Lucrecia Dam Pending: Balance: R$3.7 2023 - Emergency Preparedness Plan (EPP) Dam million Safety Plan (DSP) (50%) Rehabilitation of the low-level outlet Installation of the emergency response alert system. 3. Rehabilitation of -Construction works (55%) R$74.0 million November 2023 Road RN-233 Pending: Further strengthening of safety Balance: R$4.8 elements (specifically signage location and million quality); completion of construction and repairs on 41 km extension (added by 2021 restructuring); complete widening of 3 bridges. 4. Estrada de Environmental Action Plan (EAP) (50%) na November 2023 Produção 5. Baixo Assú -Irrigation system rehabilitation construction R$3.7 million October 2023 Irrigation District (2nd phase) (11%) Balance: (DIBA) Pending: Complete construction, process R$741,000 supplementary contract (aditivo) to re- measure reservoir depth. 6. Caraú Fiscal Post -Construction works (50% complete) R$6.1 million September Pending: Installation of weigh scales, Balance: R$2.9 2023 software, paving, and operational million certifications. Investment was added by 3rd Restructuring. 7. Escola Estadual -Renovation and expansion (52%) R$3.0 million September Vicente Lemos Pending: Completion of works, installation of Balance: R$1.4 2023 equipment, furniture, IT and laboratories, and million operational certifications including fire safety. Fiduciary and Safeguards progress 10. Fiduciary and safeguards status is as follows: 11. Financial Management (FM) was assessed in November 2022. The FM arrangements continue to adhere to the World Bank standards. The current risk rating is Moderate and arrangements for FM are considered Moderately Satisfactory (MS). The 2021 Audit Report was delivered to the World Bank on time, June 2022, and opinions were Unqualified. There are no overdue audits. 12. Procurement performance and risk were assessed in December 2022. They are rated as Satisfactory (S) and Moderate (M), respectively. All works are finalized or in the final stages of completion. As stated in para 4 above, there will be no new contracts for new works/investments. Therefore, the Procurement Plan will not incorporate 3 Values as at end-October 2022 and as submitted by the PIU to GTEC/COFIEX. The World Bank Rio Grande do Norte: Regional Development and Governance (P126452) any new activities. Currently, there are 19 activities still being implemented with contracts totaling R$218.8 million, 79 percent were executed by end-October 2022. In 2023, special attention will be given to contracts in execution related to the Women’s Hospital, the road RN 233, Lucrecia Dam, and other small works aiming to finalize all pending works by the second semester of 2023. There is no additional high-risk procurement to be processed. For the existing contracts for the Women’s Hospital and Lucrecia Dam, the main issues are timely delivery and installation of equipment. The PIU and the World Bank are monitoring the situation frequently and closely. 13. Safeguards compliance: Compliance with environmental and social safeguards is considered Moderately Unsatisfactory (MU) and Risk is rated as High (H). (i) Social Safeguards. The main issue is non-compliance to date on the Bank’s guidance regarding signage and safety for Road RN-233 and uncertainty in restoring the river ecological flow downstream of the Lucrecia Dam. Underscoring the Social Safeguards rating of MU, and the World Bank’s repeated insistence on the installation of recommended signage, a fatal road accident occurred on the road RN- 233 in November 2022. The Aide Memoire of the mission undertaken in November 2022 describes in detail the actions agreed between the Bank and the PIU. The World Bank Task Team advised the PIU on the following: (i) reporting requirements presented in the Environmental and Social Incident Response Toolkit (ESIRT), (ii) procedures for formal investigation of the accident, and (iii) assisted the PIU in preparing a plan for implementing urgent improvements. (ii) No issues of non-compliance were found with OP4.10 (Indigenous Peoples). Participation of vulnerable groups overall is strong: 54 percent of project beneficiaries are women (under Productive Inclusion and Public Services Improvement) and 497 are from Quilombolas and Indigenous groups. In respect to OP 4.12 (Involuntary Resettlement), the last pending case, involving compensation for private land acquired by the Project for public works, is nearing conclusion. (iii) Environmental safeguards. The Project is executing most of its activities in compliance with applicable safeguards, most notably rehabilitation of the Lucrecia Dam and construction of the Women’s Hospital. However overall environmental safeguards performance is rated Moderately Unsatisfactory (MU) due to signage and safety issues affecting the RN-233 road and uncertainty in restoring the river ecological flow downstream of the Lucrecia Dam. Other critical activities agreed with the Bank have been implemented including proper directional control of traffic, and appropriate correction/treatment to establish the underlying road structure before surfacing. The Lucrecia dam low level outlet was damaged in 2021 by vandalism just prior to the dam rehabilitation works. At the time, it was not possible to do the low-level rehabilitation design, which requires an underwater inspection in confined places. The design of the rehabilitation of the low-level outlet was prepared in 2022, simultaneously with the embankment rehabilitation works. The Bank agreed with the client to do a contract addendum for the low-level outlet rehabilitation. The services are necessary for restoring the river’s ecological flow and will be completed during the extension period. Regarding the reforestation on the Estrada de Produção, the survival rate of the reforestation with Apuleia Leiocarpa was very low. To increase the survival rate, the PIU has included into the reforestation mix another five endangered forest species. The Project will plant the new forest species in March/April 2023 (rainy season). The reforestation efforts will be monitored monthly until December 2023. The World Bank Rio Grande do Norte: Regional Development and Governance (P126452) II. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CHANGES 14. The Level 2 project restructuring will consist of the following: (i) extension of the closing date until December 31, 2023 (12 months), as requested by the State Government of Rio Grande do Norte, to the World Bank through official letter (Ofício 59/Q2022) on October 2022 to ensure completion of ongoing and upcoming contracts, finalization of all project activities, and achievement of the PDO; (ii) changes in the disbursement projections; and (iii) adjustments of the Results Framework to reflect the closing date extension. 15. Extension of the closing date. This is the fourth extension of the Project’s closing date, bringing the total cumulative extension period to 55 months. The fourth extension of the closing date to end-2023 would ensure: (i) completion of large and strategic investments in the health, education, and infrastructure sectors such as the Mossoró Women’s Hospital. The Women’s Hospital will be the primary and largest public referral hospital in the State of Rio Grande do Norte and it is expected to benefit over 1 million people (33% of the state population); (ii) completion of critically important dam safety and environmental actions associated with roads investments. Extension would also: (iii) avoid reputational risks for the State Government and the World Bank given that the State of Rio Grande do Norte lacks the financial resources to complete most investments after the current closing date; (iv) ensure all PDO Indicator end targets are met by the closing date, considering that most Intermediate Indicators’ end target are about to be or are already met; and (v) provide the client with more time to prepare the Borrower Completion Report and sound final evaluation studies, considering the Project’s complexity. 16. Revised disbursement estimates. The Project disbursement estimates will be updated to reflect full disbursement by the revised Closing Date of December 31, 2023, as per Section IV below. 17. Adjustments to the Results Framework. The PDO remains achievable within the proposed extension of the closing date and no changes are contemplated to the end target value of intermediate or PDO Indicators. The end target dates for all Indicators will be adjusted to reflect the 12 additional months of project implementation. III. SUMMARY OF CHANGES Changed Not Changed Results Framework ✔ Loan Closing Date(s) ✔ Disbursement Estimates ✔ Implementation Schedule ✔ Implementing Agency ✔ DDO Status ✔ Project's Development Objectives ✔ PBCs ✔ Components and Cost ✔ Cancellations Proposed ✔ The World Bank Rio Grande do Norte: Regional Development and Governance (P126452) Reallocation between Disbursement Categories ✔ Disbursements Arrangements ✔ Overall Risk Rating ✔ Safeguard Policies Triggered ✔ EA category ✔ Legal Covenants ✔ Institutional Arrangements ✔ Financial Management ✔ Procurement ✔ Other Change(s) ✔ Economic and Financial Analysis ✔ Technical Analysis ✔ Social Analysis ✔ Environmental Analysis ✔ IV. DETAILED CHANGE(S) OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_LOANCLOSING_TABLE LOAN CLOSING DATE(S) Original Revised Proposed Proposed Deadline Ln/Cr/Tf Status Closing Closing(s) Closing for Withdrawal Applications 31-Mar-2021, 31- IBRD-82760 Effective 31-May-2019 31-Dec-2023 30-Apr-2024 Dec-2022 OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_DISBURSEMENT_TABLE DISBURSEMENT ESTIMATES Change in Disbursement Estimates Yes Year Current Proposed 2013 0.00 22,579,000.00 2014 23,530,000.00 942,000.00 The World Bank Rio Grande do Norte: Regional Development and Governance (P126452) 2015 7,070,000.00 7,442,000.00 2016 29,640,000.00 45,288,000.00 2017 24,890,000.00 29,488,000.00 2018 39,050,000.00 67,842,000.00 2019 79,720,000.00 68,259,000.00 2020 47,690,000.00 27,707,000.00 2021 34,800,000.00 21,934,000.00 2022 43,290,000.00 33,551,000.00 2023 7,000,000.00 11,500,000.00 . The World Bank Rio Grande do Norte: Regional Development and Governance (P126452) . Results framework COUNTRY: Brazil Rio Grande do Norte: Regional Development and Governance Project Development Objectives(s) The objective of the Project is to support the Borrower’s efforts to: (i) increase food security, access to productive infrastructure and markets for family agriculture; (ii) improve the quality of, and access to, health, education and public security services; and (iii) improve systems for public expenditure, human resource and physical asset management in the context of a results-based management approach. Project Development Objective Indicators by Objectives/ Outcomes RESULT_FRAME_TBL_PDO Indicator Name PBC Baseline End Target Increase food security People benefited by subprojects promoting food security 0.00 50.00 (Percentage) Action: This indicator has been Revised Increase access to productive infrastructure and markets for family agriculture Regional socioeconomic infrastructure implemented (Number) 0.00 50.00 Action: This indicator has been Revised Productive Investiments for market access with sanitary 5.00 60.00 compliance (Number) Action: This indicator has been Revised Direct project beneficiaries (Number) 0.00 100,000.00 Action: This indicator has been Revised Female beneficiaries (Percentage) 0.00 50.00 Improve the quality and access to health The World Bank Rio Grande do Norte: Regional Development and Governance (P126452) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_PDO Indicator Name PBC Baseline End Target Provision of health services related to prioritized health care networks at the regional level (maternal and infant, urgency and 76.64 84.00 emergency, and oncological health care networks) (Percentage) Action: This indicator has been Revised Improve the quality and access to education Decrease in dropout rates of the state's secondary schools 12.30 8.00 benefiting from the project (Percentage) Action: This indicator has been Revised Improve the quality of and access to public security services People assisted locally (municipal level) by preventive public 0.00 65.00 security activities financed by the project (Percentage) Action: This indicator has been Revised Improve systems for public expenditure and physical asset management Systems improved and operational (Number) 0.00 2.00 Action: This indicator has been Revised PDO Table SPACE Intermediate Results Indicators by Components RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name PBC Baseline End Target Component 1: Sustainable Regional Development Productive investments supported by the project adopting sustainable social, crop production, and/or environmental 0.00 50.00 practices (Percentage) The World Bank Rio Grande do Norte: Regional Development and Governance (P126452) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name PBC Baseline End Target Action: This indicator has been Revised Number of people in rural areas provided with access to 0.00 15,300.00 Improved Water Sources under the project (Number) Action: This indicator has been Revised Community organizations with fee collection arrangements for the management and maintenance of the water supply 0.00 80.00 subprojects financed by the project. (Percentage) Action: This indicator has been Revised Productive and socio-environmental investment 0.00 35.00 organizations/groups led by women (Percentage) Action: This indicator has been Revised Extension of State roads improved by the project (Kilometers) 0.00 200.00 Action: This indicator has been Revised Tourism and Cultural Infrastructure created / improved by the 0.00 16.00 project (Number) Action: This indicator has been Revised Component 2: Improving Public Services Proportion of women whose births were performed in the region where they live, in relation to the total number of births 71.98 85.00 performed in the state. (Percentage) Action: This indicator has been Revised Proportion of hospitalizations due to clinical complications during gestation and post-partum, in relation to total 14.12 11.50 hospitalization for obstetric procedures. (Percentage) Action: This indicator has been Revised The World Bank Rio Grande do Norte: Regional Development and Governance (P126452) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name PBC Baseline End Target Reference center for the early detection of cancer, renovated, 0.00 2.00 equipped and operational. (Number) Action: This indicator has been Revised Proportion of biopsies done after the cervical cancer screening - 0.00 2.50 pap smear. (Percentage) Action: This indicator has been Revised Proportion of biopsies done after mammography (Percentage) 0.00 5.60 Action: This indicator has been Revised Hospital Emergency rooms renovated, equipped, and concluded 0.00 7.00 by the project. (Number) Action: This indicator has been Revised State coverage of Cytopathology exams in women aged 25-64 0.38 0.44 years (Percentage) Action: This indicator has been Revised State coverage of mammography exams in women aged 50-69 0.28 0.50 years (Percentage) Action: This indicator has been Revised Guidelines and curricular matrices disseminated in state schools 0.00 60.00 (Percentage) Action: This indicator has been Revised Schools of Pedagogical Innovation Projects (PIP) that have 0.00 90.00 satisfactorily implemented subprojects. (Percentage) Action: This indicator has been Revised Schools with computer labs with adequate use (Percentage) 0.00 70.00 The World Bank Rio Grande do Norte: Regional Development and Governance (P126452) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name PBC Baseline End Target Action: This indicator has been Revised Schools (constructed, reformed and / or expanded) financed by the Project, meeting the main requirements of minimum 0.00 70.00 operational physical standards (non-cumulative goals). (Percentage) Action: This indicator has been Revised Component 3: Public Sector Management Number of secretariats with second level contracting (Number) 0.00 5.00 Action: This indicator has been Revised Percentage of priority macroprocesses refurbished in the priority 0.00 60.00 Government Institutions of the Project. (Percentage) Action: This indicator has been Revised Percentage of critical audit recommendations implemented 0.00 50.00 (Percentage) Action: This indicator has been Revised Regularized properties surveyed and registered in the 0.00 70.00 Computerized System (Percentage) Action: This indicator has been Revised IO Table SPACE