1818 H STREET, N.W., WASHINGTON D. C. 20433 TELEPHONE: EXECUTIVE 3-6360 February 14, 1972 Subject: Belgian Franc Bond Issue An Jssue of Belgian franc bonds of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) is planned for public offering in Belgium on February 28, 19 72 by a group of leading Belgian banks. The banks will offer BF 1,000 million of 7~% 12-year bonds. The bonds will be issued at par. The unden,riting group is headed by Societe Generale de. Banque, and includes Banque de Bruxelles, Kredietbank, Banque de Paris et des Pay-Bas Belgiqu~, and Banque Lambert. • The new issue, to be known as the Emprunt en Francs Belges 7~% 1972-1984 (7~ Belgian Franc Bonds of 1972, Due 1984), will be dated March 1, 19 72 and will mature in seven installments of BF 50 miU.ion each from March 1, 1977 to March 1, 1983 and a final ins:tallment of BF 650 million on March 1, 1984. Beginning March 1, 1977 the World Bank may redeem pat·t or all of the issue, at par, on any interest payment date on three months' notice. Interest will be payable annually on Marcq 1, with () the first payment due on March. 1, 1973. The issue will be listed on the stock exchanges at Brussels and Antwerp .• I (:~ The World Bank has previously made two· public issues in:' Belgiwn aggregating BF 1,250 million. Of this amount BF 500 million has been repaid, leaving outstanding BF 750 million • ... 0 -