FEASIBILITY STUDY, PREPARATION OF PRELIMINARY DESIGNS, DETAILED DESIGNS, SAFEGUARDS DOCUMENTS AND TENDER DOCUMENTS AND CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION OF SECOND BARICHO – KAKUYUNI WATER PIPELINE AND TRANSMISSION PIPELINES TO KILIFI AND GANDA TANKS CONTRACT No.: KE-CWSB-102977-CS-QCBS SOCIAL SCREENING REPORT FOR THE PROPOSED LOT 1 – SECOND BARICHO_KAKUYUNI RISING MAIN Prepared By; in JV with and October 2021 Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir ABBREVIATION C- ESMMP Construction Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan CSR Cooperate Social Responsibility CWWDA Coast Water Works Development Agency EMCA Environmental Management and Coordination Act ESMMP Environmental and Social Management & Monitoring Plan ESMMP Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan IDP Internally Displaced Persons KIMAWASCO Kilifi-Mariakani Water and Sewerage Company MAWASCO Malindi Water and Sewerage Company NEMA National Environment Management Authority NLP National Land Policy OP Operational Policy PAPs RAP Project Affected Resettlement Persons Action Plan WSDP Water and Sanitation Development Project in Joint Venture with and ii Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir TABLE CONTENTS ABBREVIATION ...................................................................................................................... II LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................................... IV LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................... IV LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................................................. IV CHAPTER 1 : INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................. - 1 - 1.1 Project Background .......................................................................................................... - 1 - 1.2 Project Location ............................................................................................................... - 2 - 1.3 Project Beneficiaries ........................................................................................................ - 3 - 1.4 Objective of the social Screening Report ......................................................................... - 4 - 1.5 Methodology for carrying out RAP Screening ................................................................. - 4 - CHAPTER 2 : PROJECT DESCRIPTION ................................................................................... - 5 - 2.1 Existing Baricho Water Works ......................................................................................... - 5 - 2.2 Existing Water Supply to Mombasa, Kilifi and Malindi Water Companies ...................... - 5 - 2.3 Proposed system .............................................................................................................. - 7 - 2.3.1 Overview........................................................................................................................... - 7 - 2.3.2 Rising main from Baricho water works to Kakuyuni reservoir ......................................... - 7 - 2.3.3 Kakuyuni Reservoir ........................................................................................................... - 8 - 2.3.4 Electromechanical works.................................................................................................. - 8 - CHAPTER 3 .PUBLIC PARTICIPATION & STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATION ............................. - 12 - CHAPTER 4 : .IMPACTS OF THE PROJECT........................................................................... - 13 - 4.1 Positive Impacts ............................................................................................................. - 13 - 4.2 Negative Impacts ........................................................................................................... - 14 - 4.3 Land Take ....................................................................................................................... - 14 - 4.4 Loss of livelihood............................................................................................................ - 14 - 4.5 Impact on trees and crops ............................................................................................. - 14 - 4.6 Impact on structures ...................................................................................................... - 14 - 4.7 Impacts on Public Health ............................................................................................... - 14 - CHAPTER 5 : CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ....................................................... - 16 - 5.1 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................... - 16 - 5.2 Recommendation........................................................................................................... - 16 - APPENDICES .................................................................................................................... - 17 - in Joint Venture with and iii Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1: Inventory of key energy consuming equipment at Baricho Water Works .............. - 10 - LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1: A General Map Showing the Sub Counties within Kilifi County. Source Google maps . - 3- Figure 2-1: Existing water network from Baricho water works .................................................. - 6 - Figure 2-2: Schematic of the recently concluded works ............................................................ - 6 - Figure 2-3: The proposed arrangement of the additional pumps .............................................. - 9 - Figure 2-4: Baricho Water Works 33KV overhead H.T lines and substation ............................ - 10 - Figure 4-1: Sample photos of the proposed site ...................................................................... - 15 - LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix 1: Project Layout ....................................................................................................... - 17 - Appendix 2: Minutes and Attendance Sheet ............................................................................ - 18 - in Joint Venture with and iv Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir CHAPTER 1 : INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Background Coast Water Works Development Agency (CWWDA) under the Water and Sanitation Development Project (WSDP) financed by the Government of Kenya and the World Bank intends to implement the proposed water supply project under LOT 1. The LOT 1 works involves transmission pipeline from Baricho pumping station to a proposed reinforced concrete reservoir at Kakuyuni (herein referred to as “The Project”). The Project is located within Kilifi County. It aims at improving water supply to Malindi, Watamu, Kilifi and Gongoni towns and their surrounding environs including the communities living along the pipeline route within Lango Baya, Kakoneni, Jilore and Kakuyuni centres. The target areas fall within the jurisdiction of two water services providers; namely, Kilifi-Mariakani Water and Sewerage Company (KIMAWASCO) and Malindi Water and Sewerage Company (MAWASCO). The project will provide a new additional pipeline from Baricho to Kakuyuni, associated electromechanical works and new reservoir at Kakuyuni (Lot I), transmission mains from Kakuyuni reservoir to Ganda tanks (Lot 2) and transmission mains from Kakuyuni reservoir to Kilifi tanks (Lot 3). The water source, Baricho Well field, has in the recent past undergone significant expansion and rehabilitation works which has increased its capacity by 22,000 m3/day to a total production of 112,000 m3/day. Out of the total production, 60,000 m3/day will be conveyed to Mombasa City through the Mombasa pipeline and the remaining 52,000 m3/day to Malindi, Watamu, Kilifi and Gongoni towns. The design capacity of the existing Baricho-Kakuyuni line is 30,000 m3/day, which is inadequate to deliver the additional amount of water produced. In addition, the capacity of the transmission pipelines from Kakuyuni to Kilifi and Ganda are inadequate and need to be augmented. Consequently, additional parallel pipelines transmission capacity from Kakuyuni to Kilifi and Ganda are required to meet the projected water demands. This report is an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Comprehensive Project Report (CPR) for the proposed Transmission Pipeline from Baricho to Kakuyuni Tanks (Lot I). In order to ensure that the project does not negatively impact the physical, biological, chemical and social environment, CWWDA appointed SARI/SGAPI/GATH JV to undertake an Environmental and Social screening report for the project. in Joint Venture with and -1- Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir This screening report has been prepared in line with the World Bank OPs 1.2 Project Location The Second Baricho – Kakuyuni Water Pipeline Project, is located in Kilifi County and targets Malindi and Kilifi Sub Counties. Kilifi is one of the six counties in the Coastal region of Kenya and lies between latitude 2 o20o and 4o0o South, and between longitude 39 o 05o and 40o 14o East and covers a total surface area of 12,610 km2 . It borders the Counties of Tana River to the North, Taita Taveta to the West, Mombasa and Kwale to the South, Lamu County to the North East and the Indian Ocean to the East. Kilifi County has seven sub counties, namely; Kilifi North, Kilifi South, Ganze, Malindi, Magarini, Rabai and Kaloleni. It has 17 divisions, 54 locations, 175 sub-locations. Magarini Sub-county is the largest while Rabai is the smallest (figure 1-1 below) The proposed pipeline will be laid from Baricho wellfield, then along the existing CWWDA wayleave and finally on the C103 (Malindi – Ganda – Kakuyuni Salgate Road) road reserve up to Kakuyuni road reserve. Installation of additional electromechanical works will be carried out at the existing Baricho pumping station, while the construction of a new water reservoir will be done next to the existing water tank at Kakuyuni Boys Secondary School which is a public school. The sites (CWWDA existing wayleave, C103 road reserve and the site for reinforced concrete reservoir at Kakuyuni High school) ownership for the proposed pipelines and reservoir was verified during consultation and is free from encroachment and therefore no displacement impacts will be triggered as described by World Bank OP 4.12 on Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement. in Joint Venture with and -2- Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir Figure 1-1: A General Map Showing the Sub Counties within Kilifi County. Source Google maps 1.3 Project Beneficiaries Supply of water in Malindi, Watamu, Kilifi, Gongoni towns and their surrounding environs is rationed. The proposed project will augment water supply to the towns and communities along the Pipeline route within Lango Baya, Kakoneni, Jilore and Kakuyuni centers so as to meet the projected water demands in the Water Distribution Master Plan. in Joint Venture with and -3- Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir Construction of a new reinforced concrete reservoir at Kakuyuni Boys Secondary school will also be a milestone towards stabilizing water supply to the targeted towns and villages. 1.4 Objective of the social Screening Report The main objective of this screening process is to identify and highlight the socio economic and/ or physical displacement that need to be taken into account in the planning, design, installation of additional Electromechanical works at the Baricho water works, laying of a water pipeline rising main from Baricho water works to the proposed Kakuyuni 5,000m3 reservoir, construction of a new water reservoir of capacity 5,000m3 at Kakuyuni and rehabilitation of existing system – replacement of non-functional air valves and associated fittings for the proposed water supply project under Lot 1 of second Baricho Kakuyuni pipeline. This screening will assist in determining if this sub-project requires a Resettlement Action Plan done before its implementation. The aim is to support the sustainable implementation of the proposed works in the project. The screening was carried out at an early stage of the project (i.e. Pre - Feasibility), in accordance with the requirement for World Bank financed projects. 1.5 Methodology for carrying out the Screening Social screening is the first step in the RAP process. It is carried out to establish the resettlement issues that may arise from the proposed project. The screening involved a desktop review of the project features, the baseline conditions and the design components. Secondly, the Consultant carried out a site visit to the project area in order to conduct a transect walk through the pipeline routes, tank and water kiosk sites in order to establish the need or lack thereof of a RAP. The findings of these activities are presented in this report. in Joint Venture with and -4- Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir CHAPTER 2 : PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1 Existing Baricho Water Works Baricho aquifer is located in Kilifi County and 60km west of Malindi town and currently has an installed capacity of 112,000m3/day following a recent rehabilitation works that increased the production by 22,000m3/day. The water is abstracted from the Sabaki Aquifer (on the banks of the river) which is recharged by Sabaki River. There are eleven (11) wells each with capacity of 470 m3/hr grouped into two (2) wellfields with the downstream group consisting of eight (8) wells and the upstream group consisting of three (3) wells. From the wells water is pumped using submersible Low Lift Pumps (LLPs) to a contact tank (capacity of 5,000 m3) for chlorination as well as a sump for the High Lift Pumps (HLPs) which deliver the water to Mombasa, Malindi and Kilifi towns. It is noted that according to the Water Master Plan for Water Supply for the Coast Region (Tahal/Bhundia, 2014), the Baricho well field was found to have a potential capacity of 180,000 m3/day upon full development by the year 2040. 2.2 Existing Water Supply to Mombasa, Kilifi and Malindi Water Companies The treated water from Baricho plant is evacuated through two (2) pipelines namely: -  The Sabaki/Mombasa Pipeline (sometimes referred to Baricho/Mombasa Pipeline)  The Baricho/Kakuyuni Pipeline (sometimes referred to Baricho/Malindi Pipeline) There are five (5) operational High Lift Pumps (HLP) dedicated to supply Mombasa from the Baricho pump house with three (3) as duty pumps and two (2) as standby pumps. The water is delivered via the Nguu Tatu storage tanks (1No. 18,000 m3 and 2No. 4,500 m3 tanks – totaling to 22,500m3) using a DN800/600mm diameter, 104 km pipeline (with a capacity of 60,000 m3/day). There is also a booster pumping station located at Lower Ribe that supplies water to the Kaloleni area. in Joint Venture with and -5- Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir Figure 2-1: Existing water network from Baricho water works A new pipeline (500 mm diameter, 56 km long, DI) connecting the Kakuyuni terminal reservoir and the Kilifi tank (in Kilifi town) was recently completed in 2019 under Water and Sanitation Services Improvement Program - Additional Financing (WaSSIP-AF). Also constructed under the same project were three new boreholes (9, 10, 11 – see figure below). The pipelines and the boreholes are currently operational. Figure 2-2: Schematic of the recently concluded works in Joint Venture with and -6- Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir The towns of Malindi, Watamu, Kilifi, Gongoni and the environs receive water supply from Baricho Source Works through the Sabaki-Malindi transmission main. Water is pumped from Baricho to the existing Kakuyuni tank (1,250m3) through a 29km, DN 600 rising main (with a carrying capacity of 25,000 m3/day). Water flows from the reservoir by gravity to Ganda junction then branches to Ganda and Kisimani reservoirs from where it flows to the supply areas. There are four (4) transmission pipelines from Kakuyuni reservoir namely: -  Kakuyuni/Ganda pipeline, 12.3km long, diameters ranging 600-500-450-300mm,  Kakuyuni/Kilifi pipeline, 56km long, diameter of 500mm,  Kakuyuni/Gongoni pipeline, 37km long, diameter of 400mm,  Kakuyuni/Watamu pipelines, 17km long and with diameters of (350mm and 200mm). 2.3 Proposed system 2.3.1 Overview The proposed project will augment water supply to the towns of Malindi, Watamu, Kilifi and Gongoni and the surrounding environs so as to meet the projected water demands in the Water Distribution Master Plan. This will be achieved through;  Installation of additional Electromechanical works at the Baricho water works – installation of additional new pumps, surge vessels and associated electrical works;  Laying of a water pipeline rising main from Baricho water works to Kakuyuni reservoir. The pipeline will be of diameter DN 800mm, steel pipeline, 29km and will be laid mainly along the road reserve of C-103 (Malindi – Ganda – Kakuyuni – Salgate);  Construction of a new water reservoir of capacity 5,000 m3 at Kakuyuni. The reservoir will be sited next to the existing water tank and the proposed site belong to Kakuyuni High school  Rehabilitation of existing system – replacement of non-functional air valves and associated fittings along the existing DN 600mm Baricho-Kakuyuni pipeline. 2.3.2 Rising main from Baricho water works to Kakuyuni reservoir The proposed Second Baricho – Kakuyuni pipeline (29km, DN 800mm) will be a rising main from the Baricho water works to the proposed new Kakuyuni reservoir. There is sufficient space parallel to the existing pipeline where this new pipeline can be laid along the existing CWWDA wayleave and then onto C 103 KeRRA road (Malindi-Ganda-Kakuyuni-Salgate Road). There is no physical or economic displacement anticipated as currently the way leave is free from any form of encroachment. The google overlay below shows the proposed pipeline route, the pipeline route will be along the existing CWWDA wayleave (circled in blue) before joining the C103 KeRRA road reserve upto Kakuyuni. in Joint Venture with and -7- Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir Figure 3: The figure showing the proposed pipeline route from the water works to the proposed Kakuyuni reservoir. 2.3.3 Kakuyuni Reservoir A new Kakuyuni reinforced concrete reservoir with a capacity of 5,000m3is proposed to boost the existing tanks and this will require at least 1.5 acres of land. Other supporting infrastructure to be constructed at Kakuyuni will include the following;  Access road & parking space;  Site accommodation for the operator  Fencing and adequate lighting and  Drainage. There is no physical or economic displacement anticipated as currently the proposed site which is part of the public school land is covered with a few scattered shrubs and grass. 2.3.4 Electromechanical works a) Pumps There are two sets of high lift pumps in the pump house, the Mombasa high lift pumps and Malindi high lift pumps. The Mombasa high lift pumps are 5 No. and pump the treated water, directly from the delivery pipe, to Nguu Tatu reservoirs (22,500 m3), on the outskirts of Mombasa in Joint Venture with and -8- Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir town, for the Mombasa pipeline whereas the Malindi high lift pumps are 3 No and pump the treated water, from a 3,000m3 sump tank, to Kakuyuni reservoirs for the Malindi pipeline. The Nguu Tatu and Kakuyuni reservoirs are on their respective high points and supply water to the consumers by gravity. The Mombasa high lift pumps are operated using auto transformer starters and the Malindi high lift pumps are operated using star delta starters. Additional pumps are set to be installed to feed the new proposed rising main. The proposed pumping arrangement will include 3 No. high lift pumps (two (2) duty and one (1) standby). The pumps will be sited within the existing pump house and will draw water from the 3,000 m3 sump tank. Figure 2-4: The proposed arrangement of the additional pumps b) Power source, distribution and consumption The Baricho water works power supply is from the utility Kenya power using 2 No. 33 KV overhead H.T lines, one from the Kilifi 132/33 KV substation and one from the Kakuyuni 220/33 KV substation. The one from Kilifi substation proved unreliable and thus the water works was connected to the new line from the Kakuyuni sub station and metered on the CI3 tariff. in Joint Venture with and -9- Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir Figure 2-5: Baricho Water Works 33KV overhead H.T lines and substation The key electrical loads at Baricho Water Works are high lift pumps, low lift borehole pumps, office block and staff quarters. The other loads are compressors, lighting and power loads for the other auxiliary buildings which are switch rooms and pump rooms. Summary of the key energy consuming equipment is as tabulated below: Table 2-1: Inventory of key energy consuming equipment at Baricho Water Works Item Description Quantity(No of pumps) 1. Mombasa High Lift Pump pumping capacity of 833m3/hr. and a 5 840KW/3.3KV motor 2. Malindi High Lift Pump pumping capacity of 583m3/hr. and a 3 250KW/415V motor 3. Low Lift Borehole pumps a) Bore hole pump pumping capacity of 470m3/hr. and a 3 135KW/415V motor (boreholes 2, 6A & 8) b) Bore hole pump pumping capacity of 470 m3/hr. and a 160 2 KW/415V motor (boreholes 1 & 3) c) Bore hole pump pumping capacity of 470 m3/hr. and a 180 3 KW/415 V motor (boreholes 4, 5 &7) d) Bore hole pump pumping capacity of 350 m3/hr., each rated 110 3 kW (boreholes 9, 10 & 11) in Joint Venture with and - 10 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir Item Description Quantity(No of pumps) 4. Surge Vessel Compressor Set for Mombasa line with a capacity of 30 bar 1 and rated at 13.5 kW 5. Surge Vessel Compressor Set for Malindi line with a capacity of 1.05 bar 1 and rated at 6.89 kW 6. Street lighting a) 8 M galvanized single arm lighting pole with 125 W Mercury 40 Vapour lamp b) 6 M galvanized single arm lighting pole with 125 W Mercury 22 Vapour lamp 7. Office Block 1 8. Staff Quarters 97 (i.) Proposed Electrical Works  The pumping arrangement will utilize 3 pumps (2 duty and 1 standby). With the 2 No. online pumps this presents an electrical load of 630 kW on the low voltage lines.  A transformer rated at 2000 KVA is to be installed rated at 33KV/433V to replace TX 4 at the 33 KV switchyard and to supply power to a low voltage panel through an Automatic Voltage Regulator rated at 2000 KVA. The AVR is to regulate the voltage on low voltage panel as the pumping station has been experiencing low voltage which has been damaging equipment.  A low voltage panel rated at 2000 Amperes is to be established to supply power to the 3 No. pumps. It is intended that the pump motors will be of Variable Frequency Drive (VFD). Space for mounting the low voltage panel will be located in the main pump hall. Further KPLC Ltd is to be contacted for the extra electrical load imposed on their power lines  A SCADA system to monitor pumping and all electrical parameters is to be incorporated in the electrical control system for the pumping system whereby control functions can be carried out remotely.  The client is planning to install solar firm in future to cut on the energy cost in Joint Venture with and - 11 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir CHAPTER 3 . PUBLIC PARTICIPATION & STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATION As part of the screening process, the Consultant carried out community consultation forums. The Consultant conducted three meetings, one on May 6, 2021 at Lango Baya sub location and Jilore location and the other two on May 7,2021 at Kakuyuni sub location and Ganda sub location. The attendees of all meetings comprised of community leaders (the area Chiefs) other local leaders (Balozis) and community members from all local villages. The Lango Baya meeting comprised of 25 attendees. During the meeting, it was established that the proposed project would use the existing road reserve and the CWWDA acquired way leave for pipe laying hence no individual would be displaced or resettled during project implementation phase. Consultation with KeRRA indicated that the necessary permits be obtained before commencement of construction works along the reserves. The community fully agreed to provide assistance where necessary during implementation. The Jilore meeting was conducted within the Chief’s camp and had 23 people in attendance. The community leaders raised concern over the adequacy of the water to the individual villages, now that the water source (Baricho Wellfields) was a few kilometers away from their households. The residents requested for water provision and provision of a reservoir tank that would fully be serving them. The Kakuyuni meeting had 22 persons in attendance. Their major concern was the Kakuyuni Boys Secondary School’s land that had been selected as the area where the storage tank will be built. They informed the meeting that the school management board and the CWWDA were concluding on negotiation for CWWDA to construct a dormitory for the student as part of the Corporate Social responsibility. Minutes of the meetings are provided in appendix 2 of this report. in Joint Venture with and - 12 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir CHAPTER 4 :. IMPACTS OF THE PROJECT This section outlines the potential impacts that are anticipated and will be associated with the proposed project activities. The impacts will be related to activities carried out during construction, commissioning, operations, maintenance and decommissioning phases. 4.1 Positive Impacts  Employment opportunities: With the construction of the proposed project, there will be employment opportunities for both professionals and unskilled workers; earnings from the wages will improve their living standards.  Creation of a market for construction materials - The project will require materials, some of which will be sourced locally and some internationally.  Economic growth - Through the use of locally available materials  Injection of money into the local economy: A large sum of the project money shall be released into the local economy due to the construction activities  Creation of wealth- The proposed project will ultimately provide revenues to the beneficiaries and expand the wealth base for the nation as a whole. Further, the value of land within the project area will rise thus improving on the existing wealth for the residents.  Improved well-being of women and children: Water accessibility at homesteads would translate to time saving by the women. Time saved thus would be invested in other engagements that could bring financial benefits to the family. Children also bear the brunt of water borne diseases while women are tied down to provide nursing care to the sick family members  Improved accessibility to clean and reliable water supply-The proposed water supply project Towns of Malindi, Kilifi, Watamu and Gongoni and their surrounding environ including communities along the pipeline route of Lango Baya, Kakoneni, Jilore and Kakuyuni centers. This will reduce the water shortage experienced in the area.  Improved revenue to both Malindi and Kilifi-Mariakani Water and Sewerage Companies from increased customer base as the proposed project will increase the number of residents being served by the water companies. It will also make the supply reliable thus increasing the revenue base. Further, this will improve sustainability of the companies in Joint Venture with and - 13 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir 4.2 Negative Impacts 4.3 Land Take The new project interventions project will be implemented on road reserves, CWWDA way leave and at Baricho Boys Secondary School which is publicly owned hence no land will be acquired for the proposed project activities. In addition, there are no encroachers on the proposed new project sites and existing sites where rehabilitation will be undertaken. 4.4 Loss of livelihood With the provision of safe adequate and reliable water there is envisaged to be minimal negative impact on livelihood of some household this is due to the fact that some residents rely on water provision from water vendors. It will be prudent for the contractor to engage the vendors in available employment opportunities. The vendors should also be sensitized on available ways /means of earning income 4.5 Impact on trees and crops During the screening it was observed that there will be loss of shrubs and grass (pipeline route and tank site) at the site during clearing. No loss of trees and crops is anticipated. The contractor will avoid cutting trees as much as possible and replant grass in the affected areas after completion of works on site with vegetation 4.6 Impact on structures No negative impact will be expected during construction as no structures are located within project site land as confirmed during the social screening. 4.7 Impacts on Public Health Some of the public health issues related to construction works are Covid 19, HIV/AIDS and other communicable and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). It has been observed that construction works and projects increase disease prevalence through sexual interactions between project staff and local communities. However, camps will be put up that might attract this behavior. The contractor will, as part of each worker’s initial orientation and on-going education, provide public education information about Covid 19, HIV/AIDS and prevention measures. Condoms, hand washing water and soap will be made available to project workers at no cost. This impact is however considered minimal in Joint Venture with and - 14 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir Proposed tank site with a few shrubs Pipeline route free from encroachment Figure 4-1: Sample photos of the proposed site in Joint Venture with and - 15 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir CHAPTER 5 : CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5.1 Conclusion Based on the social screening results, the project has no Project Affected Persons as tank site is publicly owned, the Client will consider construction of a dormitory for the school as a part of corporate social responsibility. This means therefore that 1. In accordance to World Bank OP 4.12 on Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement and the Kenyan Laws, no PAPs were identified by the project. 2. There will therefore be no need of carrying out a RAP since the project will not be associated with any form of physical and /or economic displacement. 5.2 Recommendation It is recommended that:  There is no economic or physical displacement anticipated, however, the Contractor will mitigate any anticipated impacts as guided by the Environmental and Social Management Plan provided in the ESIA report in order to ensure protection of social welfare of the members of the community and the environment.  The client will consider provision of additional water kiosk and installation of water storage tank in each village as requested by the community members during consultations in the project area. in Joint Venture with and - 16 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir APPENDICES Appendix 1: Project Layout in Joint Venture with and - 17 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir Appendix 2: Minutes and Attendance Sheet CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR FEASIBILITY STUDY, PREPARATION OF PRELIMINARY DESIGNS, DETAILED DESIGNS, SAFEGUARDS DOCUMENTS AND TENDER DOCUMENTS AND CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION OF SECOND BARICHO – KAKUYUNI WATER PIPELINE AND TRANSMISSION PIPELINES TO KILIFI AND GANDA TANKS MINUTES FOR PUBLIC CONSULTATION MEETINGS AND KEY STAKEHOLDERS INTERVIEWS HELD ON 6TH MAY 2021 AT LANGO BAYA NATURE OF MEETING: PUBLIC CONSULTATION PARTIES IN ATTENDANCE: CONSULTANT & COMMUNITY DATE: MAY 6TH, 2021 VENUE: LANGO BAYA in Joint Venture with and - 18 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir MINUTES FOR PUBLIC CONSULTATION MEETINGS AND KEY STAKEHOLDERS INTERVIEWS HELD ON 6TH MAY 2021 AT LANGO BAYA MEMBERS PRESENT- LIST OF ATTENDANCE IS ATTACHED No. Name Organisation Designation 1. Boniface Kogi SGAPI SARI GATH A.E 2 Lydia Mbogo SGAPI SARI GATH E.O 3 Joseph Mulusya SGAPI SARI GATH. Surveyor 4 Mercy Makadu SGAPI SARI GATH Sociologist 5 Fredrick Charo Assistant Chief 6 Rehema Said Resident 7 Onesmus Masha Resident 8 Mwanakombo Bambulo Resident 9 Samuel Wanje Resident 10 Jesca Dama Resident 11 Kahonzi Baya Resident 12 Nelson Mbogo Resident 13 Mwalimu Kahindi Resident 14 William Baya Resident 15 Christine Chengo Resident 16 Florence Charo Resident 17 Irene Kitsao Resident 18 Franklin Kaingu Resident 19 Jonathan Mwagandi Resident 20 Margaret Kamande Resident 21 Hannington Mulikya Resident 22 Geoffrey Muriithi Resident 23 Wilson Sulubu Resident 24 Harrison Kadenge Resident 25 David Gunga Resident ABBREVIATIONS AE Assistant Engineer EO Environmental officer AOB Any Other Business Consultant SARI GATH SGAPI AGENDA in Joint Venture with and - 19 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir 1. Introduction 2. Reason for stakeholder Consultation 3. Current Water Sources and Challenges 4. Interventions to address the Challenges 5. Potential project Impacts (Positive and Negative) 6. Comments and Responses 7. A.O.B 8. Adjournment in Joint Venture with and - 20 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir MINUTE ACTION BY DESCRIPTION NO: Mtg.1-01 INTRODUCTION The Assistant Chief called the meeting to order at 1000 HRS. The meeting began with a word of prayer that was led by one of the residents. This All was followed by brief self-introduction by all residents. The chief then invited the consultants (Assistant Engineer, Environmental Officer and Surveyor) who introduced themselves then stated the agenda of the meeting that was adopted. Mtg.1-02 REASON FOR STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATION The Assistant Engineer gave a brief introduction of the Project scope. Then later welcomed the Environmental officer who briefed the participants on the reasons for holding a public meeting for the project. Consultant The participants were informed that this was to give them a chance to air their views about the proposed project, create awareness, request for their support, as well as adherences to legal requirement that requires the proponent to inform the area resident about their intention to implement a project in their area before commencement. Further to give them a chance to air their views, assist in anticipating impacts and recommending mitigations measures and create awareness of the proposed intervention Mtg.1-03 CURRENT WATER SOURCES AND CHALLENGES Consultant The stakeholders commented on the fact that water has been a major challenge due to its frequent shortages, high prices and occasional broken pipes despite the fact that they lived near the water source. Mtg.1-04 INTERVENTIONS TO ADDRESS THE CHALLENGE The Assistant Engineer mentioned the project implementation timelines and stated that the project would tentatively begin around October 2021 and take about a year to complete. He further stated that the pipes of Consultant DN 800mm for 29 km, there would also be a 5,000m3 reinforced concrete tank. Mtg.1-05 POTENTIAL PROJECT IMPACTS (POSITIVE and NEGATIVE) Positive project impact  Accessibility to clean and reliable water, hygiene and sanitation, reduced water and Improved sanitation burden to women, Consultant increased land values in the project area. Negative project impact  Impacts on biophysical environment (Vegetation destruction, soils, water resources pollution or over abstraction) in Joint Venture with and - 21 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir  Social Environment (labor influx, child labor, gender inclusivity, Consultant human rights, teenage pregnancies, school dropouts, HIV and AIDS, resettlement issues.)  Health and Safety Impacts (Noise and vibrations, air pollution, accidents on site, fire disasters, public health) Mtg.1-07 COMMENTS AND RESPONSES Comment – Wayleave Resident The residents requested know if the project will affect them in terms of displacement in anyway. Response The consultant informed the meeting that there will be no Demolitions or Displacements that were anticipated since the pipelines had been Consultant designed to follow the way leaves and this was confirmed during the surveys that were conducted - no one would be displaced and no private property would be interfered with. Comment – Job Requirements The residents wanted to know if they will have to produce NHIF, NSSF Resident and Certificate of Good conduct before they can be recruited. Response They were informed that those requirements are not only mandatory Consultant but also a basic requirement of the law of Kenya, however, for casual labourers an Identification Card is mandatory. Comment – Backfilling request The residents wanted to know how prompt the backfilling will be once Resident excavation has been done. Response The consultant informed the meeting that No access points will be left Consultant open without provision of access points or being backfilled for more than a day. Comment – Compensation The community wanted to know if there will be any land and way leaves Resident compensation. Response For the pipeline route, it was noted that it will use the existing road Consultant reserve. The new proposed tank will be constructed at Kakuyuni Boys Secondary School and the client had were in negotiation to come up with a mutual agreement. In additional relevant permit from road authorities Resident will be obtained before commencement of works along the reserves and in Joint Venture with and - 22 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir there were no private properties, trees or crops that would be interfered Consultant with hence no one would require compensation Comment – Reinstatement Resident The residents wanted to know if reinstatement of pipes that will be damaged during excavation will be considered Response The consultant informed the meeting that all reinstatements will be Consultant adequately handled by the contractor. Mtg.1-08 A.O.B The Chief requested for cooperation from the community for smooth Chief running of the project. Mtg. 1-09 Adjournment All The meeting was closed with a word of prayer from a resident at 1300 HRS. in Joint Venture with and - 23 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir in Joint Venture with and - 24 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR FEASIBILITY STUDY, PREPARATION OF PRELIMINARY DESIGNS, DETAILED DESIGNS, SAFEGUARDS DOCUMENTS AND TENDER DOCUMENTS AND CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION OF SECOND BARICHO – KAKUYUNI WATER PIPELINE AND TRANSMISSION PIPELINES TO KILIFI AND GANDA TANKS MINUTES FOR PUBLIC CONSULTATION MEETINGS AND KEY STAKEHOLDERS INTERVIEWS HELD ON 7TH MAY 2021 AT KAKUYUNI NATURE OF MEETING: PUBLIC CONSULTATION PARTIES IN ATTENDANCE: CONSULTANT & COMMUNITY DATE: MAY 7TH , 2021 VENUE: KAKUYUNI in Joint Venture with and - 25 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir MINUTES FOR PUBLIC CONSULTATION MEETINGS AND KEY STAKEHOLDERS INTERVIEWS HELD ON 7TH MAY 2021 AT KAKUYUNI MEMBERS PRESENT- LIST OF ATTENDANCE IS ATTACHED No. Name Organization Designation 1. Boniface Kogi SGAPI SARI GATH A.E 2 Lydia Mbogo SGAPI SARI GATH E.O 3 Joseph Mulusya SGAPI SARI GATH. Surveyor 4 Alphonce Kitsao Jefwa Administration Assistant chief 5 Farida Garama Assistant Chief 6 Bendera Thoya Village Elder 7 Naphtal Birya Interior 8 Samsom Kamunga MCA 9 Nixon Mramba 10 Samuel Jefwa 11 Kithi Robert 12 Benjamin Karisa Resident 13 Masoud Ali Resident 14 Athman Fadhili Resident 15 Athmani Mangi Resident 16 Ruth Yongo Resident 17 Cosmas Mramba Resident 18 Shalet Karisa Resident 19 Vincent Karisa Resident 20 Paul Mtawali Resident 21 Francis Kitsao Resident 22 Flevian Mwaria Resident ABBREVIATIONS AE Assitant Engineer EO Environmental officer AOB Any Other Business Consultant SARI GATH SGAPI AGENDA 1. Introduction in Joint Venture with and - 26 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir 2. Reason for stakeholder Consultation 3. Current Water Sources and Challenges 4. Interventions to address the Challenges 5. Potential project Impacts (Positive and Negative) 6. Comments and Responses 7. A.O.B 8. Adjournment in Joint Venture with and - 27 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir MINUTE ACTION BY DESCRIPTION NO: Mtg.1-01 INTRODUCTION The Chief called the meeting to order at 1015hrs. The meeting began with a word of prayer that was led by one of the residents. This was All followed by brief self-introduction by all residents. The chief then invited the consultants (Assistant Engineer, Environmental Officer and Surveyor) who introduced themselves then stated the agenda of the meeting that was adopted. Mtg.1-02 REASON FOR STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATION The Assistant Engineer gave a brief introduction of the Project scope. Then later welcomed the Environmental officer who briefed the participants on the reasons for holding a public meeting for the project. Consultant The participants were informed that this was to give them a chance to air their views about the proposed project, create awareness, request for their support, as well as adherences to legal requirement that requires the proponent to inform the area resident about their intention to implement a project in their area before commencement. Further to give them a chance to air their views, assist in anticipating impacts and recommending mitigations measures and create awareness of the proposed intervention. Mtg.1-03 CURRENT WATER SOURCES AND CHALLENGES The stakeholders commented on the fact that water has been a major Consultant challenge due to its frequent shortages, high prices and occasional broken pipes despite the fact that they lived near the water source. Mtg.1-04 INTERVENTIONS TO ADDRESS THE CHALLENGE The Assistant Engineer mentioned the project implementation timelines and stated that the project would tentatively begin around October 2021 and take about a year to complete. He further stated that the pipes of Consultant DN 800mm for 29 km and there would also be a reinforced concrete reservoir of capacity 5,000m3 tank. Mtg.1-05 POTENTIAL PROJECT IMPACTS (POSITIVE and NEGATIVE) Positive project impact Consultant in Joint Venture with and - 28 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir  Accessibility to clean and reliable water, hygiene and sanitation, reduced water and Improved sanitation burden to women, Increased land values in the project area. Negative project impact  Impacts on biophysical environment (Vegetation destruction, soils, water resources pollution or over abstraction)  Social Environment (labor influx, child labor, gender inclusivity, human rights, teenage pregnancies, school dropouts, HIV and AIDS,)  Health and Safety Impacts (Noise and vibrations, air pollution, accidents on site, fire disasters, public health) Mtg.1-07 COMMENTS AND RESPONSES Comment – Cost of the proposed project The residents requested to know the total project cost and how much Resident was set aside for the CSR Response The consultant informed the meeting that the project cost is approximately Ksh 2 billion, the residents were advised that during Consultant implementation and based on the budget some CSR proposals may be considered Comment – Functionality of the new proposed pipeline The community wanted to know if they will be allowed to get water from Resident the new pipeline once its complete. Response The community will use the existing pipeline and additional water kiosks will be considered, however the new proposed rising main will only be used to supply water to Kakuyuni tanks. Consultant Comment – Job Requirements The residents wanted to know if they will have to produce NHIF, NSSF Resident and Certificate of Good conduct before they can be recruited. Response They were informed that those requirements are not only mandatory but also a basic requirement of the law of Kenya, however, for casual Consultant labourers an Identification Card is mandatory. Comment – Sound Pollution The residents wanted to know how sound pollution from the heavy Resident machinery will be mitigated since one of the construction site is near a school compound (Proposed Kakuyuni Tank). Response Consultant in Joint Venture with and - 29 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir Minimal use of machinery will be used and when avoidable, use of machinery will be done with controlled noise production Comment – Compensation Resident The community wanted to know if there will be any land and way leaves compensation. Response For the pipeline route, it was noted that it will use the existing road Consultant reserve. The new proposed tank will be constructed at Kakuyuni Boys Secondary School and the client had were in negotiation to come up with a mutual agreement. In additional relevant permit from road authorities will be obtained before commencement of works along the reserves and there were no private properties, trees or crops that would be interfered with hence no one would require compensation Resident Comment – Non-Operational Kiosks The residents wanted to know if they were any plans set aside for the non-functional kiosks. Consultant Response The non-operational kiosks will be rehabilitated. Mtg.1-08 A.O.B The Chief requested for cooperation from the community for smooth Chief running of the project. Mtg. 1-09 Adjournment All The meeting was closed with a word of prayer from a resident at 1130HRS in Joint Venture with and - 30 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir in Joint Venture with and - 31 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR FEASIBILITY STUDY, PREPARATION OF PRELIMINARY DESIGNS, DETAILED DESIGNS, SAFEGUARDS DOCUMENTS AND TENDER DOCUMENTS AND CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION OF SECOND BARICHO – KAKUYUNI WATER PIPELINE AND TRANSMISSION PIPELINES TO KILIFI AND GANDA TANKS MINUTES FOR PUBLIC CONSULTATION MEETINGS AND KEY STAKEHOLDERS INTERVIEWS HELD ON 6TH MAY 2021 AT JILORE NATURE OF MEETING: PUBLIC CONSULTATION PARTIES IN ATTENDANCE: CONSULTANT & COMMUNITY DATE: MAY 6TH, 2021 VENUE: JILORE in Joint Venture with and - 32 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir MINUTES FOR PUBLIC CONSULTATION MEETINGS AND KEY STAKEHOLDERS INTERVIEWS HELD ON 7TH MAY 2021 AT JILORE MEMBERS PRESENT- LIST OF ATTENDANCE IS ATTACHED No. Name Organisation Designation 1. Boniface Kogi SGAPI SARI GATH A.E 2 Lydia Mbogo SGAPI SARI GATH E.O 3 Joseph Mulusya SGAPI SARI GATH. Surveyor 4 Mercy Makadu SGAPI SARI GATH Sociologist 5 Charles Mulewa Chief 6 Nelly Kadzeha Assistant Chief 7 Mwamure Masha Resident 8 Hinzano Kadzeha Resident 9 Ulice Mthengo Resident 10 Amos Kahindi Resident 11 John Chea Resident 12 Christine Mwathethe Resident 13 Nickson Mitsanze Resident 14 Austin Mwamure Resident 15 Alfred Kahindi Resident 16 Elias Thoya Resident 17 Peter Charo Resident 18 Lucy Jumwa Resident 19 Annet Katunda Resident 20 Monica Maita Resident 21 Lillian Sidi Resident 22 Adija Munala Resident 23 Pauline Kadzomba Resident ABBREVIATIONS AE Assistant Engineer EO Environmental officer AOB Any Other Business Consultant SARI GATH SGAPI AGENDA 1. Introduction 2. Reason for stakeholder Consultation in Joint Venture with and - 33 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir 3. Current Water Sources and Challenges 4. Interventions to address the Challenges 5. Potential project Impacts (Positive and Negative) 6. Comments and Responses 7. A.O.B 8. Adjournment in Joint Venture with and - 34 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir MINUTE ACTION BY DESCRIPTION NO: Mtg.1-01 INTRODUCTION The Chief called the meeting to order at 1400hrs. The meeting began with a word of prayer that was led by one of the residents. This was All followed by brief self-introduction by all residents. The chief then invited the consultants (Assistant Engineer, Environmental Officer and Surveyor) who introduced themselves then stated the agenda of the meeting that was adopted. Mtg.1-02 REASON FOR STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATION The Assistant Engineer gave a brief introduction of the Project scope. Then later welcomed the Environmental officer who briefed the Consultant participants on the reasons for holding a public meeting for the project. The participants were informed that this was to give them a chance to air their views about the proposed project, create awareness, request for their support, as well as adherences to legal requirement that requires the proponent to inform the area resident about their intention to implement a project in their area before commencement. Further to give them a chance to air their views, assist in anticipating impacts and recommending mitigations measures and create awareness of the proposed intervention. Mtg.1-03 CURRENT WATER SOURCES AND CHALLENGES The stakeholders commented on the fact that water has been a major Consultant challenge due to its frequent shortages, high prices and occasional broken pipes despite the fact that they lived near the water source. Mtg.1-04 INTERVENTIONS TO ADDRESS THE CHALLENGE The Assistant Engineer mentioned the project implementation timelines and stated that the project would tentatively begin around October 2021 and take about a year to complete. He further stated that the pipes of Consultant DN 800 for 29 km and DN 600 for 12.5 km, there would also be a 5,000m3 tank. Mtg.1-05 POTENTIAL PROJECT IMPACTS (POSITIVE and NEGATIVE) Positive project impact  Accessibility to clean and reliable water, hygiene and sanitation, reduced water and Improved sanitation burden to women, Consultant Increased land values in the project area. Negative project impact in Joint Venture with and - 35 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir Impacts on biophysical environment (Vegetation destruction, soils, water resources pollution or over abstraction)  Social Environment (labor influx, child labor, gender inclusivity, human rights, teenage pregnancies, school dropouts, HIV and AIDS, resettlement issues)  Health and Safety Impacts (Noise and vibrations, air pollution, accidents on site, fire disasters, public health) Mtg.1-07 COMMENTS AND RESPONSES Comment – Compensation Resident The residents requested to know if they will receive compensation if disturbed or displaced during project construction. Response For the pipeline route, it was noted that it will use the existing road reserve. The new proposed tank will be constructed at Kakuyuni Boys Consultant Secondary School and the client had were in negotiation to come up with a mutual agreement. In additional relevant permit from road authorities will be obtained before commencement of works along the reserves and there were no private properties, trees or crops that would be interfered with hence no one would require compensation Comment – Pipeline route Resident The community wanted to know the pipeline route. Response They were informed that the pipeline will follow the old pipeline way Consultant leave to the proposed reservoir at Kakuyuni Secondary School. Comment – CSR The community requested to know if the project will consider any CSR Resident Response The consultant informed the meeting that the project cost is approximately Ksh 2 billion, the residents were advised that during implementation and based on the budget some CSR proposals may be Consultant considered Mtg.1-08 A.O.B The Chief requested for cooperation from the community for smooth Chief running of the project. Mtg. 1-09 Adjournment All The meeting was closed with a word of prayer from a resident at 1630HRS. in Joint Venture with and - 36 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir in Joint Venture with and - 37 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir Attendance Sheets in Joint Venture with and - 38 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir in Joint Venture with and - 39 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir in Joint Venture with and - 40 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir in Joint Venture with and - 41 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir in Joint Venture with and - 42 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir in Joint Venture with and - 43 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir in Joint Venture with and - 44 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir in Joint Venture with and - 45 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir in Joint Venture with and - 46 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir in Joint Venture with and - 47 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir Appendix 3: Sample Questionnaires in Joint Venture with and - 48 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir in Joint Venture with and - 49 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir in Joint Venture with and - 50 - Proposed Water Supply Project LOT 1 - Transmission Pipeline from Baricho RAP Screening Report to Kakuyuni Reservoir in Joint Venture with and - 51 -