The World Bank Washington, D.C. 20433 U.S.A. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 29-Sep-2022 Date: _______________ Mr. Dirk Reinermann/n1/ Director Trust Funds and Partner Relations/t1/ Development Finance The World Bank Group Re: Supplemental Arrangement between the Ministry of Finance of Japan and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association regarding the Policy and Human Resources Development Fund (Trust Fund No. 072610 parallel to original Trust Fund No. 021330) – Reassignment of Funds from the PHRD Multilateral Account (Trust Fund No. 083312) from “Climate” to “the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program Umbrella 2.0 Multi-Donor Trust Fund” (Trust Fund No. 073553) Dear Mr. Reinermann: 1. Reference is made to the Supplemental Arrangement between the Ministry of Finance of Japan (the “Donor”) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association (collectively, the “Bank”) regarding the Policy and Human Resources Development Fund (PHRD) (Trust Fund No. 072610) effective as of July 21, 2016, as amended (the “Supplemental Arrangement”). 2. Through Amendment No. 13 to the Supplemental Arrangement, dated March 14, 2022, the Donor had committed a total amount equivalent to forty-eight million twenty-four thousand four hundred forty-eight dollars and eighty-one cents (USD 48,024,448.81) for “Climate” into the PHRD Multilateral Account (Trust Fund No. 083312). 3. Pursuant to recent discussions between the Donor and the Bank, the Donor proposes to cancel the amount of fifteen million (USD 15,000,000.00) committed for the “Climate” in the PHRD Multilateral Account (Trust Fund No. 083312). The Donor authorizes the Bank to transfer the cancelled amount from the PHRD Multilateral Account (Trust Fund No. 083312) to “The Energy Sector Management Assistance Program Umbrella 2.0 Multi-Donor Trust Fund” (Trust Fund No. 073553) upon the effectiveness of the relevant amendment to the administration arrangement between the Donor and the Bank concerning Trust Fund No. 073553. 4. The Donor consents to the disclosure of this letter and related information about this letter in accordance with the World Bank Policy on Access to Information. 5. Please confirm your agreement with the foregoing, on behalf of the World Bank, by countersigning and dating two original copies of this letter and returning one countersigned original to us. Sincerely yours, MIYAHARA Takashi /n2/ Executive Director for Japan on behalf of the Ministry of Finance of Japan CONFIRMED AND RECEIVED INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION By: _________________________ Dirk Reinermann /n1/ Director Trust Funds and Partner Relations/t1/ Development Finance 29-Sep-2022 Date: _________________________ Cleared with: LEGDF; TACT Cc Messrs/Mmes: Quesnel, Chang, Azarcon, Shekar; Thapa (DFTPR); Ikarashi, Hyokai (EDS02)