HUMAN CAPITAL UMBRELLA PROGRAM Harnessing Catalytic Initiatives to Accelerate Investments in Human Capital ANNUAL REPORT 2022 Copyright © 2022 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / THE WORLD BANK Washington DC 20433 Telephone: +1-202-473-1000 Internet: This work is a product of the staff of The World Bank with external contributions. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this work do not necessarily reflect the views of The World Bank, its Board of Executive Directors, or the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of The World Bank concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. All dollar amounts are US dollars unless otherwise indicated. Rights and Permissions: The material in this work is subject to copyright. Because The World Bank encourages dissemination of its knowledge, this work may be reproduced, in whole or in part, for non-commercial purposes. Any queries on rights and licenses, including subsidiary rights, should be addressed to World Bank Publications, The World Bank Group, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA; fax: 202-522-2625; e-mail: Table of Contents 04 Acknowledgments 05 Acronyms and Abbreviations 06 Human Capital Umbrella Program at a Glance 08 1. Program Overview and Highlights 09 1.1. Advancing Investments in Human Capital 11 1.2. Strengthening Operational Linkages to Deliver Impactful Results 13 1.3. Responding to Unprecedented Challenges 18 2. Highlights of Activities and Results 19 2.1. Unlocking the Power of Data and Measurement to Improve Human Capital Outcomes 21 2.2. Supporting a Whole-of-Government Approach through Analytics and Investments 31 2.3. Advancing the Human Capital Agenda through Convening and Thought Leadership 32 3. Financial Highlights and Disbursements 33 Annex 1: List of Trust Fund Financed Activities 34 Annex 2: Results Framework 35 Annex 3: Operations Informed by Trust Fund Financed Activities Acknowledgments The 2022 Annual Report of the Human Capital Umbrella Multi-Donor Trust Fund (under the aegis of the Human Capital Umbrella Program) was prepared by a team led by Victoria Strokova and Sonia Madhvani, Co-Program Managers, under the leadership of Iffath Sharif, Manager for the Human Capital Project. Core team members include Uraidah Hassani and Vanessa Ongsysia. Graphic design and typesetting were completed by Junya Yuan and Israel Melendez. The team extends its gratitude to the Human Capital Umbrella Program Trust Fund development partners for their shared vision and continued commitment to our work: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs. Finally, the team is grateful for support from Mamta Murthi (Vice President for Human Development) and Alberto Rodriguez (Director of Strategy and Operations, Human Development) and to the teams implementing and reporting on grant-financed activities. 04 HARNESSING CATALYTIC INITIATIVES TO ACCELERATE INVESTMENTS IN HUMAN CAPITAL Acronyms and Abbreviations ASA Advisory Services and Analytics BGMEA Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association BKMEA Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters Association ECD Early Childhood Development DPF Development Policy Financing GBV Gender-Based Violence GDP Gross Domestic Product GEPD World Bank’s Global Education Policy Dashboard GFF Global Financing Facility GIRL Gender Innovation and Regional Learning HCAP Human Capital Acceleration Plan HCI Human Capital Index HCP Human Capital Project NEET Not in Education, Employment or Training PASU Presidential Policy and Strategy Unit PEIR Public Expenditure and Institutional Review RCT Randomized Controlled Trial SPG Specific Purpose Grant SRH Sexual and Reproductive Health SWEDD Sahel Women’s Empowerment and Demographic Dividend TVET Technical and Vocational Education and Training UNISE Unified Nutrition Information System for Ethiopia WAHO West African Health Organization WASH Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene WBG World Bank Group HUMAN CAPITAL UMBRELLA PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT 2022 05 Human Capital Umbrella Program at a Glance This annual report details the activities of FUNDING AMOUNT DONORS the Human The Bill & Melinda Capital Umbrella $22.9 Gates Foundation, The Government Program and its million of Canada anchor trust fund with operational TARGET AMOUNT and financial $100 COUNTRIES SUPPORTED reporting as of Bangladesh, Chad, December 2022. million Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan, and the Sahel by FY24 (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, PROGRAM NAME Republic of Congo, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, The Gambia, Togo) EFFECTIVENESS DATE Human Capital Umbrella 28-Nov PROGRAM MANAGER 2019 Victoria Strokova ANCHOR TRUST FUND Sonia Madhvani HUMAN CAPITAL PROJECT Advancing Human CLOSING DATE 31-Dec Capital Outcomes PRACTICE MANAGER Globally Multi-Donor Iffath Sharif Trust Fund (TF073417) 2024 HUMAN CAPITAL PROJECT Note: Dollar amounts are US dollars unless otherwise indicated. 06 HARNESSING CATALYTIC INITIATIVES TO ACCELERATE INVESTMENTS IN HUMAN CAPITAL Human Capital Umbrella Program at a Glance $22.9m $13.1m $8.6m total commitments contributions received allocated to country-specific activities* Pakistan - $1.25m The Sahel - $2.8m Bangladesh - $1.82m Mauritania Bangladesh Mali Niger Senegal Chad The Gambia Guinea Cameroon Burkina Faso - $0.28m Ethiopia - $1.0m Cote d’Ivoire Benin Togo Kenya - $1.0m Nigeria - $0.4m Republic of the Congo Funded by Gates Foundation Funded by Government of Canada Funded by both Gates Foundation and Government of Canada *Note: Allocations correspond to funds received to date, not total allocations taking into considerations entire amount of donor commitments. Dollar amounts are U.S. dollars unless otherwise indicated. 1. Program Overview a flexible approach to align and manage resources to drive human capital results, and Highlights leveraging the World Bank’s operations and lending portfolio to mainstream and embed a human capital approach to development and collectively addressing challenges through Overlapping global challenges demand strong multisectoral action—a ‘whole-of-government’ investments in human capital. Countries approach—yielding results at scale in high- are confronted with the impacts of the war priority countries and globally. in Ukraine; a global food crisis; increasing fragility, conflict, and violence; and an uncertain Established in November 2019, the Umbrella economic outlook marked by rising debt Program received an anchor contribution and inflation. This is on top of the COVID-19 of $7.1 million from the Bill & Melinda Gates pandemic and its devastating health, economic, Foundation and an additional CAD 20 million and social impacts that have reversed decades commitment from the Government of Canada. of progress in human capital outcomes. People To date, signed agreements are valued at with access to good health and nutrition, $22.9 million. So far, it has provided funds to relevant and adequate education, savings, and 18 countries in Africa and South Asia. safety nets can better weather a pandemic or climate and economic shocks. Putting people The Umbrella Program supports countries in at the heart of crisis response can restore and designing and implementing evidence-based bolster human capital outcomes—and in turn, multisectoral initiatives that build, protect, help individuals and their communities achieve and utilize human capital across the life cycle. their full potential. The program is aligned with the multisectoral development objectives of the Human Capital An agile funding mechanism, the Human Project (HCP) at the World Bank Group (WBG). Capital Umbrella Program harnesses catalytic The Umbrella Program allows for flexibility initiatives to accelerate investments in human and can use a combination of World Bank- capital. The Umbrella Program provides executed and Recipient-executed activities. 08 HARNESSING CATALYTIC INITIATIVES TO ACCELERATE INVESTMENTS IN HUMAN CAPITAL While most existing trust funds within the WBG diminishing the well-being of individuals use a sectoral lens to address human capital and reducing overall human capital. challenges, the Human Capital Umbrella In Africa, human capital challenges are acute: Program allows donors to provide resources to 32 percent of children under five are stunted; support broader, more systematic institutional there are 200,000 maternal deaths annually; and policy reforms. These will bring a human and total fertility rate is 4.8 children per woman capital perspective to a range of sectors, compared to 2.4 in the world. In addition, with a view to accelerating human capital 71 percent of the poorest quintile in Africa is not outcomes: an approach encapsulated as ‘think covered by any social protection program and multisectorally, act sectorally.’ The program is 50 million children are out of school with low uniquely positioned to tackle cross-sectoral completion rates and poor learning outcomes.ii issues through the ‘whole-of-government’ Similarly, South Asia faces large and persistent approach, resulting in improved outcomes human capital deficits that limit current and across interdependent sectors. future economic development. On average, South Asian children born today can expect to The strategic direction for the Umbrella Program attain only 48 percent of their full productive is provided by the HCP Steering Committee, potential. The gross domestic product (GDP) which is the highest decision-making body for per worker could be 2.1 times higher in South the HCP. The Partnership Council, consisting of Asia if human capital is improved.iii WBG and donors contributing to the program, provides strategic guidance and direction on The WBG’s HCP—a global program that aims the implementation of the trust fund, reviews to accelerate more and better investments in progress reports, and endorses annual work people—comprises a network of 87 member plans and budgets. countries committed to building and protecting human capital. Underpinned by data, including through the Human 1.1. Advancing Investments Capital Index (HCI), an international metric in Human Capital that highlights how current health and education outcomes shape the productivity Investments in human capital—the knowledge, of the next generation of workers, the HCP skills, and health people accumulate over their provides thought leadership as countries lives—are key to unlocking a person’s potential operationalize their respective agenda. The and determining countries’ future productivity. Umbrella Program facilitates financial and It accounts for the largest share of wealth technical assistance to country and regional globally and is a critical pathway to ensuring teams and contributes to global efforts. As sustainable and inclusive growth for all. People the Umbrella Program is aligned with the with good health and nutrition, relevant and objectives of the HCP, there is mutual adequate education, savings, and safety nets accountability and collaboration on the for when things go wrong—are those that can human capital agenda at the WBG. better weather overlapping shocks. Globally, the pandemic is projected to have Countries that have successfully managed to increased stunting and severe malnourishment sustain efforts across political cycles, coordinate in children under five by 2.6–3.6 million across government agencies, and design and 9.3–13.6 million, respectively, with long- policies and programs that use and expand lasting implications for physical and cognitive the evidence base have been most effective development.i Disruptions in routine health in accumulating human capital, reaping services have far-reaching consequences, lasting social and economic transformations. HUMAN CAPITAL UMBRELLA PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT 2022 09 The Human Capital Umbrella Program supports World Bank teams and client countries through three pillars: I. Knowledge, Evidence, and Measurement: Advancing global analytics and knowledge base on whole-of-government approaches and interventions across sectors to improve equity and human capital outcomes. Activities financed under this pillar spearhead a comprehensive cross- sectoral agenda for measurement, knowledge, and evidence around human capital. The Umbrella Program aims to promote evidence, policies, practices, and knowledge II. Country Engagement: to protect and support progress in human Accelerating human capital by capital outcomes globally through a ‘whole- building government implementation of-government’ approach—a comprehensive capacity and policy dialogue at way to mobilize resources and expertise from the country level. Support under multiple agencies and stakeholder groups to this pillar encompasses country- address challenges. level analyses and provides direct The Umbrella Program supports governments operational and technical assistance by facilitating knowledge exchange, offering for policy and program reforms to learning opportunities, shaping policies through accelerate human capital outcomes. data and analytical evidence, and providing public outreach and communications support. III. Global Engagement: Increasing The activities supported by the Umbrella technical and financial engagements Program help improve availability and quality at the global level. Regional and of data on whole-of-government solutions global engagements set the agenda to strengthen the governments’ capacity to and build momentum for action to deliver services. Resources from the Umbrella support human capital. Program spearhead technical engagement and dialogue on human capital issues that can lead to efficiency and sustainability of public The WBG is also deploying a record level of spending with the goal of increasing financing financing and technical support to respond to toward human capital interventions. Country a confluence of crises by prioritizing human engagements focus on scalable and equitable capital as part of the World Bank International innovations that benefit vulnerable populations, Development Association’s (IDA) most recent including women and girls, advancing human replenishment (IDA20). There are eight policy capital outcomes for all. The Umbrella commitments under the Human Capital Program also serves as a global platform for Special Theme covering areas that range countries and organizations to share relevant from COVID-19 vaccinations to human capital experiences and good practices to pursue financing. The Umbrella Program’s support is transformative change in building, protecting, expected to play a critical role in delivering and using human capital. these commitments. 10 HARNESSING CATALYTIC INITIATIVES TO ACCELERATE INVESTMENTS IN HUMAN CAPITAL 1.2. Strengthening Operational Economic Transformation project that is helping Linkages to Deliver Impactful industry groups scale up training programs that target vulnerable women and disadvantaged Results groups. A study funded by the Umbrella The Human Capital Umbrella Program has been Program will identify specific characteristics instrumental in delivering country-level results. and skills training needed for female workers Support from the Umbrella Program helps in the manufacturing sector following economic shape project design, strengthen dialogue, shocks from the pandemic. Resources from the and enhance capacity for stakeholders, leading Umbrella Program are also helping restructure to more and better investments that advance existing World Bank operations such as the human capital outcomes. Activities funded Bangladesh Cash Transfer Modernization by the Umbrella Program have been closely project whereby a new component is being linked to World Bank investments, informing added to incorporate economic inclusion 19 World Bank-financed operations with a total services to widows and persons with disabilities financing volume of $4.6 billion and directly (see Box 1.1). Grants from the Umbrella Program benefiting more than 35 million beneficiaries. were also instrumental in the government’s In addition, implementation of several other request for a new project that would help existing operations has been informed by the Economic Acceleration and Resilience of grant-financed activities. Youth that are Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET). The design of the new Several World Bank-financed operations in project will reflect lessons from ongoing Bangladesh are directly benefiting from the work, identifying constraints and the type of Umbrella Program’s analytical support including interventions that can maximize economic an Accelerating and Strengthening Skills for inclusion for the underserved group. HUMAN CAPITAL UMBRELLA PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT 2022 11 provided $1.82 million for the World Bank-executed Bangladesh Human Capital Acceleration Program (HCAP), providing cross-sectoral advice on policy reform and program design in priority areas. The program activities prioritize actions that recover human capital losses from COVID-19 and that accelerate long-term progress. Working across multiple agencies to introduce economic inclusion components to major cash transfer programs, resources from the Umbrella Program supported beneficiary profiling, service mapping, and market assessments to understand Box 1.1. In Bangladesh, Protecting the livelihoods and financial inclusion needs of the Poor and the Most Vulnerable existing safety net beneficiaries, informing the to Build Resilience design of economic inclusion interventions in two World Bank projects. Bangladesh has made notable progress on critical A $300 million Cash Transfer Modernization project human capital outcomes, including impressive is being restructured to add a ‘cash plus’ component reductions of under-five mortality and stunting rates and to provide economic inclusion services to about and consistent growth in school enrollment while 10,000 persons with disabilities and widows. Another achieving gender parity. However, Bangladesh, like project, the Bangladesh Enhancing Investments and many countries, has been adversely affected by Benefits for Early Years Program which supports the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, workers from access to early childhood development (ECD) lower-income households face multiple constraints services through strengthened local platforms, is at accessing better jobs, even before the pandemic, currently being designed to incorporate economic pointing to significant challenges in human inclusion interventions for households with young capital accumulation and utilization. Economic children. Both projects have been directly informed inclusion programs, a bundle of coordinated and by the analytical outputs with support from the multidimensional interventions, support poor Umbrella Program and include the design of households to increase their incomes and assets. components and understanding of technical issues such as scale, feasibility, and projected impacts on The Government of Bangladesh, with technical and welfare and human capital outcomes. financial support from the World Bank, is expanding these multidimensional programs to help households Source: World Bank. 2022. Navigating Uncertainty on the Path to Recovery recover from economic crises and build resilience to - 2022 Trust Fund Annual Report Supplement: 2022 Yearbook of Trust- future shocks. The Human Capital Umbrella Program funded Results. Washington, DC: World Bank Group. In Pakistan, analytical work supported by the coverage; and the Equitable Access and Umbrella Program helped inform and shape Delivery of Quality Education Services Project several World Bank operations including and the Family Planning Program in Punjab projects that strengthen civil registries to province. In Sindh province, resources from improve the delivery of health and education the Umbrella Program shape projects that services and support the participation of help improve family planning services through vulnerable women in the workforce (under the Sindh Integrated Health and Population the Securing Human Investments to Foster Project. The Umbrella Program’s support to Transformation (SHIFT) II development policy the Sindh Social Protection Delivery System financing [DPF] operation); data analysis Project, particularly to communities affected that supported the National Health Support by devastating floods in 2022, is helping Program, which advances universal health strengthen resilience to climate shocks. 12 HARNESSING CATALYTIC INITIATIVES TO ACCELERATE INVESTMENTS IN HUMAN CAPITAL 1.3. Responding to Unprecedented Challenges As countries face multiple compounding shocks that can impede human capital accumulation, the Umbrella Program responds to shifting priorities, empowering governments during these unprecedented times, while continuing to build more resilient and adaptive systems that support human capital interventions. The Umbrella Program introduced thematic areas to address emerging global challenges to human capital and to inform analytics, operations, and policy dialogue. The areas include climate change, human capital financing; disruptive and transformative solutions for integrated service delivery, and rethinking human capital accumulation and utilization in response to demographic transitions. Reversing setbacks from the pandemic In Pakistan , widespread human capital challenges were aggravated by the pandemic The consequences of COVID-19 pandemic and devastating floods in 2022, requiring resulted in an unprecedented setback to rethinking of the existing policies and human capital, reversing decades of progress. strategies. Funding from the Umbrella Program Simulations predict that learning poverty rates— has supported ongoing World Bank data defined as the share of children unable to read collection and analytical efforts that respond and understand a simple age-appropriate text to school disruptions and improve the quality at age 10—will increase from 57 to 76 percent, of education, especially for girls. A study was with children from lower socioeconomic conducted to analyze investments needed backgrounds suffering the greatest losses. to bring children back to school, highlighting This generation of students now risks losing implementable solutions to address factors that $17 trillion in lifetime earnings in present value— lead to poor learning outcomes. The analysis the equivalent of 14 percent of today’s global provided cost scenarios and a framework for GDP.iv Without strong concerted efforts, effects interventions that target out-of-school children. of learning losses from school disruptions A dashboard of human capital service delivery and closures on earnings and productivity indicators is also being updated with a more can materialize themselves for decades. sophisticated simulation tool that will help Vulnerable groups—women, children, low- monitor the impact of the pandemic on the skilled, and informal workers—were affected education sector and measure parental to a greater degree than others by pandemic- norms and attitudes toward girls’ education. related mobility restrictions and were more To strengthen the response to COVID-19, teams likely to experience income losses early in the are working with the Government of Khyber pandemic.v Prolonged periods of inactivity led Pakhtunkhwa to partner with the private sector to losses in learning and skills, making it hard to improve access and quality of health care to find employment. services (see Box 1.2). HUMAN CAPITAL UMBRELLA PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT 2022 13 Box 1.2. Leveraging the Private Through the Human Capital Investment Project in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the World Bank will help Sector to Improve Access to improve delivery of primary health care in four Health Care and Strengthen districts in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, providing service to approximately 8 million people. Resources from COVID-19 Response the Umbrella Program provided technical advice on the design of a public-private partnership and Pakistan is at a crossroads as it deals with the implementation of a contract with a private sector impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. In Khyber service provider that will operate intensive care units Pakhtunkhwa province, where many rural residents and labs, increasing hospital capacity to deal with live, confidence in primary health care is low, leading the pandemic. Advisory services were provided to to overcrowding in second- and third-tier hospitals. the province’s health department in identifying the Assessments found 48 percent of equipment in private sector partner and on expanding services 24/7 facilities are not working. Rural health centers and operations from a hospital that specializes in lack basic requirements to provide adequate COVID-19 response to transition to a general hospital service, including enough staff, backup electricity, with additional services such as emergency obstetric equipment, and infrastructure maintenance. Health and neonatal care. Resources from the Umbrella workforce density is only 1.15 per 1,000 population, Program are also supporting ongoing dialogue with far below international standards. As a result, only the health department to establish a guideline and one-quarter of the population uses public health checklist to ensure quality of care. care facilities. Nishtarabad Hospital in Peshawar reopened in October 2022, providing services such as obstetrics, gynecology, neonatal, and pediatric care, in addition to COVID-19 response, in partnership with the Medical Emergency Resilience Foundation, a private sector service operator. The World Bank is supporting ongoing implementation by the government counterparts including the federal Ministry of National Health Services, Regulation, and Coordination and Department of Health in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The partnership with the private sector and the government has helped increase hospital capacity and provide efficient care to patients. Source: World Bank Group. 2020. Project Appraisal Document for Pakistan - Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Human Capital Investment Project. Washington, DC: World Bank Group. In Bangladesh , where female labor force Responding to conflict and fragility participation remains a significant challenge, resources from the Umbrella Program Beyond the pandemic, conflict and increasing supported data collection that informed fragility around the world are compounding dialogue which will help reintegrate vulnerable factors causing widespread adverse impacts, women into employment as the country with the most vulnerable populations recovers from pandemic. With support from disproportionately affected. For instance, the the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers incidence of conflict in Ethiopia has increased, and Exporters Association (BGMEA) and the leading to threatened lives and livelihoods. Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and With support from the Umbrella Program, Exporters Association (BKMEA), measurement the World Bank team adapted interventions efforts will identify challenges women face in to respond to immediate challenges that the entering the workforce and solutions to help country is facing. In-depth analyses are under retain jobs in the sector. way in assessing the impact of the pandemic 14 HARNESSING CATALYTIC INITIATIVES TO ACCELERATE INVESTMENTS IN HUMAN CAPITAL and conflict in delivering health and education human capital accumulation with the country’s services. Several Sahel countries—notably climate policies. Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, and Chad—also face regional pressures likely to cause continued The Umbrella Program supported a desk instability in the coming year. The Umbrella study that draws on existing microdata Program remains agile in its efforts and allows sources, emissions intensity tables by sector, flexibility in the use of funds to meet changing microsimulation modeling, and review of needs on the ground. planned climate-related policy to develop a suite of policy scenarios and their implications Strengthening resilience to climatic for a ‘just transition’ for the poor, including the role of shock-responsive social protection. A shocks database of economic policies and legislation As natural disasters and changes in weather related to climate change or environmental become more frequent and extreme, action issues that have relevance for employment, and increased investments are needed to as well as a review of the government’s strengthen individuals and communities’ climate change and climate migration policy resilience to climate shocks. Climate change is documents were conducted. eroding human capital at all stages of life, with In Pakistan, floods caused by unusually heavy long-lasting implications for people’s well-being monsoon rains in 2022 covered nearly one- and economic productivity. Climate shocks third of the country. While every province was reinforce preexisting poverty traps, threaten affected, estimates show that Sindh province to increase poverty levels, and deepen was the worst hit (see Box 1.3). Grants from the inequalities globally. By investing in human Umbrella Program supported the assessment capital, countries can provide their people with of the impacts of floods to human capital, the skills and resilience to adapt to changing financing a nationwide phone survey that climate and drive climate mitigation efforts, gathered information on the experiences meet the demands of the green economy, and of some 4,000 families with children. The ensure a just transition for all. survey methodology was adapted to ensure South Asia, home to 800 million people, is in-depth documentation and understanding of one of the most vulnerable regions to climate challenges families face as they seek to protect shocks. Bangladesh, a country with high-level and rebuild human capital. of exposure to climate risks, is proactively developing its path to reduce the impacts of climate change. The government has committed to net-zero emissions and presented its ‘climate prosperity plan’ at COP26. Beyond solutions for adaptation, Bangladesh’s path forward will also need to account for a ‘just transition’—a transition that accounts for the welfare of communities, particularly the poor and vulnerable, as they move toward a zero- carbon and climate-resilient economy. While many of the potential climate policies have implications for the informal sector, the impacts on this group are neither well understood nor documented. As the government scales up investments in social sectors, there is an opportunity to integrate policies that foster HUMAN CAPITAL UMBRELLA PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT 2022 15 Pakistan’s future development. About 26 percent of households report living in areas that were somewhat, partially, or completely flooded, resulting in direct and indirect losses such as damage to crops, livestock, and infrastructure. One in five households reported losing the means to earn a living, which will make it difficult for them to recover and ensure their children’s development. The impact of floods cannot be underestimated with Box 1.3. Floods in Pakistan: 51 percent of households reporting negative impacts Human Development at Risk on their children’s education. About 28 percent reported disruptions or damage to schools and In June 2022, heavy monsoon rains caused 35 percent reported complete damage. This could widespread flooding in Pakistan, affecting over lead to reduced investments in children’s education, 33 million people. As of October 15, 2022, the as families struggle with limited access to schools floods resulted in 1,717 deaths and 13 million people and services and an already high cost of education. remained directly exposed to flooded areas. The The study also estimates some 1 million children economic impact is substantial, with a total damage could be out of school due to floods. Indirect factors estimate of nearly $15 billion and total needs of such as health risks resulting from destruction $16.3 billion. The education sector has been of health facilities, impacts on children’s mental particularly affected, potentially bringing learning health, increased food insecurity, and disruptions to poverty up to 79 percent with an estimated transportation services have a negative impact on $918 million needed for recovery. school attendance and learning outcomes. The study calls for reducing constraints such as costs, as well With resources from the Umbrella Program, a as a comprehensive package of support, including nationally representative phone survey was carried socioemotional interventions, to help children cope out for households with children ages 3–17 to with trauma which can help keep children in school. identify the extent of the effect of floods on human capital. The study found that a sizable portion of Source: Baron, J., M. Bend, E. M. Roseo, and I. Farrakh. 2022. Floods in households with children were affected, threatening Pakistan: Human Development at Risk. Washington, DC: World Bank. Reducing gender gaps in human for children—from higher immunization rates capital to better nutrition to lower child mortality.vii Greater gender equity enhances productivity Removing barriers that prevent women and and accelerates progress toward other girls from having the same access as their development goals. male counterparts to education, economic opportunities, and productive inputs can The Umbrella Program supports activities generate broad productivity gains that are that help improve gender equity in human critical in a competitive and globalized world. capital outcomes. For instance, the Gender Improvements in women’s education and Innovation and Regional Learning (GIRL) health also have positive trickle-down effects Initiative supported by the Umbrella Program on the development outcomes of their children. is designed to complement the Sahel Women’s Research has shown that when mothers Empowerment and Demographic Dividend have better nutritional status, it can lead to (SWEDD) project, a flagship program that aims improved health and survival outcomes for their to support the demographic transition in the And women’s education has been region through integrated investments that positively linked to a range of health benefits target 10 to 19-year-old girls vulnerable to early 16 HARNESSING CATALYTIC INITIATIVES TO ACCELERATE INVESTMENTS IN HUMAN CAPITAL marriage, teenage pregnancy, and early school providing technical support to help build data dropout, as well as their communities. The management systems that will facilitate the SWEDD project currently operates in Benin, analysis of national learning assessments and Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, measurement of early learning and quality Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, and Niger and invests outcomes. Technical assistance is also being in strengthening the capacity of strategic provided to expand the country’s Unified regional partners including West African Health Nutrition Information System (UNISE), covering Organization (WAHO) and the African Union. multiple woredas and supporting decisions around nutrition programs. As evidenced by Adaptive systems to improve various studies supported by the Umbrella service delivery Program, coordinated service delivery, across sectors, has the potential to accelerate impact, The world will continue to contend with but it needs resources, careful planning, and global crises and long-term development budgeting. challenges. Countries benefit from designing human development systems that can respond The Umbrella Program is also uniquely effectively to aggregate shocks and can help positioned to support countries, tapping into policy makers resolve trade-offs across many the potential of disruptive and transformative competing needs in a constrained fiscal solutions in improving service delivery and environment. Countries that have agile, resilient, achieving efficiencies at scale. An integrated and adaptive systems can expand and contract approach to promote collaborations across quickly during crises to reach vulnerable groups. multiple sectors, the platform will crowdsource These systems are data driven, effectively using ideas and pilot solutions, provide technical technology to identify problems and ‘pain points’ assistance on implementation, and proven as a crisis unfolds. Countries will need to invest initiatives with the greatest impacts. It offers in data collection and information systems to opportunities for World Bank teams to innovate provide targeted support when required.viii and think outside the box in addressing country- level challenges to human capital through Resources from the Umbrella Program multisectoral action, yielding results at scale supported innovative solutions that help in high-priority countries such as those with countries develop service delivery systems the lowest HCI. Through the HCP’s network of that ensure flexibility in their outreach, cost 87 countries across all regions, the platform can efficiency through integration, and equitable also offer peer-to-peer learning and exchange coverage to not leave the most vulnerable of practical knowledge on how countries can behind. In Ethiopia, World Bank teams are adopt innovations. HUMAN CAPITAL UMBRELLA PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT 2022 17 2. Highlights of Activities and Results This chapter highlights outcomes and results achieved to date as the Umbrella Program builds momentum in accelerating The deliverables to investments in human capital. The Results Framework streamlines monitoring and tracking of results using standardized date are summarized indicators that help enhance capacity of service delivery in Table 2.1, with the Results Framework institutions, influence World Bank operations and investments, and strengthen dialogue and the human capital agenda both at the country and global level. Resources from the Umbrella Program support a wide range of activities such as studies, data detailed in Annex 2. collection, policy notes, and technical assistance. Table 2.1 – Human Capital Umbrella outputs delivered to date Outputs Number New tools developed 5 New methodological approaches developed 3 Reports, studies, knowledge products produced 13 Workshops, seminars, conferences organized 20 Blogs, articles, and other publications published 33 Policies or programs that are adjusted or repurposed to facilitate human capital acceleration 20 Handbooks, manuals, curricula produced 2 National human capital plans/strategies developed 3 New operations supporting human capital outcomes developed 10 Analytical work supporting policy and program reform on human capital 8 Pilots of human capital interventions implemented 1 High-level fora where policy makers discuss human capital 3 HCP Country Network policy makers participating in global peer-learning events 60 Study tours with whole-of-government human capital focus 0 Human capital country case studies and major multisectoral reports 3 Most of the financed activities fall into programs, and (c) convening and thought the following areas: (a) measurement and leadership to generate support and advance indicators agenda to help motivate policy the human capital agenda at the country and makers to commit to investing in human global level. These activities and interventions capital, (b) analytics and investments to inform reinforce each other and are adapted to countries through a whole-of-government specific country contexts to ensure they deliver approach so that they tailor multisectoral impactful results. 18 HARNESSING CATALYTIC INITIATIVES TO ACCELERATE INVESTMENTS IN HUMAN CAPITAL Figure 2.1. Three Areas of Global and Country Engagement Measurement and Indicators • Improve data availability and quality to measure human capital outcomes Analytics and Investments • Strengthen government policies that support human capital outcomes • Improve efficiency and sustainability of public spending, increasing financing for human capital interventions • Scalable, efficient and equitable innovations to improve systems and governments' capacity to deliver services • Reduce gender gaps in human capital outcomes Convening and Thought-Leadership • Generate momentum for action to address emerging issues around human capital agenda 2.1. Unlocking the Power As countries navigate unforeseen challenges, many World Bank teams are developing of Data and Measurement innovative tools and methodologies underpinned to Improve Human Capital by the HCI to analyze real-time data to support governments’ capacity to deliver human capital Outcomes services. Disaggregation of the HCI by different categories such as gender, socioeconomic The Human Capital Umbrella Program supports background, or geography can shed light on the advancement of data and measurement gaps in services and help governments target to inform policy dialogue. Resources from the interventions toward marginalized groups. Data Umbrella Program support the development of analysis has also been proven to help garner innovative tools and approaches that harness support for policy recommendations. the role of the HCI in providing an evidence- based rationale that complements policy • The state of human capital in Pakistan. measures and interventions. The HCI quantifies Disaggregating the HCI using various the contribution of health and education to the data sources highlighted low human productivity of the next generation of workers. capital outcomes across all population Many countries are using the index to assess groups in the country. Gender inequality how much income they forego due to gaps in is particularly stark in education and labor human capital and how much faster they can market participation. Resources from the turn these losses into gains, if they act now. Umbrella Program supported a study that HUMAN CAPITAL UMBRELLA PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT 2022 19 who comprise approximately 21 percent of the country’s population.ix Adolescents experience high fertility rates with 59 percent of girls being married before the age of 18 and some 88 percent of adolescents reported experiencing aggression from caregivers. x Novel data on adolescents have been collected in Bangladesh on the following dimensions: COVID-19 outcomes, aspirations, mental health, and growth mindset (see Box 2.1). Analytical provided a comprehensive picture of the work supported by the Umbrella Program country’s human capital in the last three showed how interventions around the decades, identifying high fertility rates as growth mindset can lead to significant a key factor for low outcomes. The study improvement in learning outcomes and provided recommendations on how to delay marriages for adolescent girls. The improve the implementation of related Ministry of Education is using the data programs. A report was also completed to prepare a new project on secondary with support from the Umbrella Program education—adding mental health and that sheds light on the high burden of outreach as an important component of the undernutrition, especially stunting, and new program. The grant from the Umbrella its key determinants. An analysis of raw Program also advances research that data from the country’s 2018 national will enable World Bank teams to provide nutrition survey points to strong association evidence-based advice to government between stunting rates in children under counterparts in designing an impactful two years and the inadequacy of nutritious and scalable adolescent health program food, care, and environmental health. The for Bangladesh, including understanding report examines nutrition-related policies, social norms to address gender-based programs, and financing and draws good violence (GBV). practices from other countries to address • Reintegrating vulnerable women back nutrition challenges and improve Pakistan’s into the workforce after the pandemic. human capital. Also in Bangladesh , analytical work • Multisectoral data set on ECD . With is under way to grasp the extent of the support from the Umbrella Program, a impact of COVID-19 on women in the methodology was developed to compile manufacturing sector and their pathways data on government spending for ECD for economic recovery, helping inform in Kenya. Based on a tool piloted by the the dialogue on economic inclusion Global Financing Facility (GFF), it aims to for vulnerable women. Efforts will help rapidly capture budget data, including understand the challenges they face future commitments and ongoing in reentering the workforce, sustaining expenditures to provide an investment jobs, and identifying solutions. The team case for ECD programs. is working with key associations in the sector: the BGMEA and the BKMEA. Based • Gender and adolescent health . While on random sampling for data collection, Bangladesh has made progress on 72 factories were selected, and a survey family planning and access to sexual and has been initiated to better understand the reproductive health (SRH), more work challenges women face in reentering the needs to be done to support adolescents, workforce and sustaining jobs. 20 HARNESSING CATALYTIC INITIATIVES TO ACCELERATE INVESTMENTS IN HUMAN CAPITAL Box 2.1. Harnessing Data to Promote Equitable Access to Human Capital in Bangladesh Despite significant progress made in improving human capital outcomes, Bangladesh struggles with low labor productivity. With an HCI of 0.46, a child born in Bangladesh today will be 46 percent as productive when s/he grows up if s/he enjoyed Government programs that target disadvantaged complete education and full health. COVID-19 is populations—such as the provision of infrastructure, also expected to further hinder human capital subsidized food, employment creation, access to accumulation, as the dropout rate for vulnerable health care and other social facilities, microfinance children, especially girls, is likely to rise due to and cash grants including the education stipend prolonged school closures. Some 35,200 additional program—can offset factors that contribute to children are estimated to drop out from primary and disparate accumulation of human capital. In secondary education. Bangladesh, key human capital investments for the poor would need to focus on improving nutrition, To support policy dialogue, the Human Capital access to quality secondary education and beyond, Umbrella Program supported the disaggregation and transitions to good jobs. Social safety nets of HCI, analyzing differences in human capital are needed to insulate the most vulnerable from outcomes based on socioeconomic characteristics climate change, economic, and other types of and geographic locations. Causes of disparities shocks. However, effective targeting that relies in human capital accumulation reflect deep- on adequate data and further analysis of data is rooted institutional factors and chronic poverty, required to identify the best indicators for targeting perpetuating intergenerational transmission of interventions to strengthen human capital. poverty and preventing access to opportunities. The HCI served as a critical tool for comparing the Source: Inoue, K., K. Macdonald, R. Ahmed, and N. Ahsan. 2022. Towards ability of different subpopulations to be healthy, well Equitable Access to Human Capital in Bangladesh: Disaggregation Note. nourished, and skilled to their full potential. Washington, DC: World Bank Group. 2.2. Supporting a Whole-of- • With support from the Umbrella Program, a Human Capital Review in Pakistan Government Approach through identified key challenges and areas for Analytics and Investments improvement—including in ECD, child malnutrition, out-of-school children, learning Building human capital requires sustained poverty, and labor market outcomes of the investments along multiple dimensions. poor—to inform human capital policies and Countries that deploy strategies that interventions. The review highlighted the focus on greater coordination across lack of progress in human capital outcomes government entities as well as investments in due to persisted inequalities across wealth, complementary sectors have shown to have gender, and geographic areas with the effectively overcome barriers, allowing for pandemic exacerbating and eroding any rapid reallocation of resources in response hard-earned gains made in recent years. to an evolving crisis. The Umbrella Program Recent floods in 2022 also added pressure works to expand knowledge and analytical to households and the government’s ability underpinning on whole-of-government to provide social services. The review approaches and multisectoral interventions to prioritizes urgent actions to address health improve human capital outcomes. HUMAN CAPITAL UMBRELLA PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT 2022 21 and education crises with strong political analytical activities aim to inform policies and commitment, identifying policies and strategies, influence institutional changes, and institutional change that underscores a support cross-sectoral programs. Some of the multisectoral approach. highlights include the following: • The World Bank team in Pakistan with • Providing access to education for all resources from the Umbrella Program is children in Pakistan. Learning losses also analyzing the state of ECD using global resulting from school closures due to the evidence on the importance of investing pandemic and stretched public finances in in multisectoral approaches in the early Pakistan have made bringing children back years to improve childhood outcomes. The in school even more urgent. With support study provides an assessment of the policy from the Umbrella Program, a simulation environment for ECD in a range of sectors tool and costing scenarios on how to including health and nutrition, responsive get children back in school efficiently, care and early learning, and safety and including an intervention framework that protection and examines gaps in service differentiates the needs of children and availability including the risks they pose. It the type of programs that could best serve provides a comprehensive picture of the them, were developed. Preliminary results experiences of Pakistani children during show that even with a ‘business-as-usual’ the first 1,000 days (from conception to scenario, ensuring that most children age 2) and from ages 3 to 5 by sector, attend school would require investments highlighting opportunities for improvement of at least 4.1 percent of GDP in the long and key areas for investments – helping term, almost doubling current spending inform World Bank investments in ECD in allocations for the education sector. The the country. framework highlights short- to medium- term programs that target different needs of • Lack of multisectoral coordination in subpopulations, instead of broad strategies. planning, budgeting, and implementation Funding from the Umbrella Program also limits the effectiveness of human capital helped monitor school children —their interventions. In Ethiopia, children with experience during remote and in-person simultaneous access to three services learning—through phone surveys. that combat stunting (health care, food security, and water and sanitation) are • Implementing a roadmap for ECD and almost three times less likely to be stunted women’s economic empowerment than children with access to just one in Kenya. Investments to support ECD service.xi Unfortunately, only 1 percent of and women’s economic empowerment children have access to comprehensive are critical in advancing human capital. interventions. Coordinated service delivery A brief identifies potential entry points that requires adequate resources as well improve policies, planning, and budgeting as thoughtful planning and budgeting. of county-level and national government Resources from the Umbrella Program programs to invest in young children and helped revise the national planning boost women’s productivity (see Box 2.2). guidelines, standardizing and aligning At the request of the Presidential Policy strategies and policy frameworks at the and Strategy Unit (PASU), a qualitative federal, regional, and local levels. household study on malnutrition and ECD from five counties was also completed The Umbrella Program helps improve and together with Gates Foundation and governments’ implementation capacity to UN Women, a national childcare strategy accelerate human capital outcomes. Many is being developed. 22 HARNESSING CATALYTIC INITIATIVES TO ACCELERATE INVESTMENTS IN HUMAN CAPITAL Box 2.2. Ten Entry Points for ECD and Women’s 1 . E x p a n d a c c e s s t o q u a l i t y, 6. Support female smallholder farmers to improve productivity and enhance affordable childcare to improve child Empowerment in Kenya development and drive women’s nutrition for children. Women play a economic empowerment. Unpaid critical and potentially transformative In Kenya, 26 percent of children suffer from stunting, hindering their physical childcare work due to traditional role in agricultural growth in developing and cognitive development. The share of women participating in the labor gender roles is a barrier to women’s countries, but they face persistent market is 10 percent lower than men, mainly due to lack of access to quality employment and job retention in obstacles and economic constraints and affordable childcare services. Failure to invest in early childhood Kenya. Access to good and affordable limiting further inclusion in agriculture. and empower women economically is a devastating cycle of inequality, childcare improves outcomes for lost opportunities, and poverty. With support from the Umbrella Program, children, employment opportunities for 7. Improve access to water, sanitation, women, and economic growth. and hygiene (WASH) services in 10 potential entry points were identified—a combination of national and local schools and communities to improve level changes in policies, programs, planning, and budgeting—to improve 2. Improve access to adolescent children’s health outcomes. Sustainable ECD and women’s economic empowerment. SRH services and support pregnant WASH services within households and girls with school and employment. communities, health care facilities, and Adolescent pregnancy prevents schools are fundamental in supporting ECD. Focus Areas and Cross-Cutting Strategies to Improve Early Childhood girls from finishing school and limits productivity. It leads to higher fertility 8 . St r e n g t h e n s o c i a l p r o t e c t i o n Development and Women's Economic Empowerment in Kenya and perpetuates poverty for both programs to promote child development mothers and their babies, who are more and empower women. Providing likely to be born with low birthweight economic support to families, particularly to mothers as the main caregivers for 5 Focus Areas and face health, nutrition, and learning challenges. children, through a comprehensive social protection approach can improve ECD in 3. Engage parents and caregivers the short term and reduce poverty in the to promote child development. The long run. 1. NUTRITION AND 2. CHILDCARE 3. QUALITY 4. ADOLESCENT 5. WOMEN'S ECONOMIC foundation for learning and continuous CHILD HEALTH PRE-PRIMARY REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH EMPOWERMENT development depends on a nurturing 9. Strengthen data availability and and stimulating environment provided m a n a g e m e n t f o r E C D. A c c u r a t e, Cross-cutting strategies by the family. comprehensive, and timely data collection can promote more rational and effective Target the must vulnerable families and address inequality between counties with tailored interventions 4. Improve quality of pre-primary policy making. This can result in improved education and early primary grades decision-making around the volume and and build capacity of teachers. allocation of public financing, the best Leverage social protection programs Improving training and qualification approaches to reach children most in levels of teachers raises the quality of need, staff recruitment and training, and Improve access to WASH services in schools and communities interaction and pedagogy, enhancing quality and adherence to standards. children’s cognitive and social outcomes. 10. Improve coordination, planning, Strengthen monitoring, data availability and utilization for ECD 5. Improve access for girls to and budgeting at national and county secondary and tertiary education. levels. Programs around ECD should be Engage parents and caregivers Every additional year of schooling for integrated and supported by stable and a girl increases her future earnings by sufficient funding. Improving the quality Incentivize coordination, planning and budgeting (potentially through reforms to intergovernmental transfers) 10 to 20 percent. Girls dropping out of of intergovernmental relations across school are more likely to be married sectors will facilitate effective design of Identify and execute specific opportunities for collaboration and result in early pregnancy than girls policies, implementation, and information attending school. management. Source: World Bank. 2022. Improving Early Childhood Development and Women’s Economic Empowerment to Build Human Capital in Kenya. Washington, DC: World Bank Group. • Ensuring gender-inclusive service Analytics and technical assistance supported delivery. One of the innovative approaches by the Umbrella Program provided targeted being introduced to reduce stunting support to institutions and ministries to help in Ethiopia includes mechanisms that build capacity and implement solutions that incentivize members of the Women will advance strategies and human capital Development Army. Introduced in 2010 as part interventions. Many grant-financed activities of the government’s public health strategy, also inform the design of World Bank project members of the Women Development Army operations or support implementation of provide support and community ownership ongoing projects. of primary health care activities, particularly maternal health, and serve as volunteer • GIRL Initiative in Africa. The GIRL Initiative community health workers that promote supported by the Umbrella Program disease prevention, extending essential complements the SWEDD regional flagship services in health centers and households. project. It is designed to broaden and deepen Resources from the Umbrella Program the girls’ and women’s empowerment supported an assessment that identified agenda and to influence policy making and bottlenecks experienced by volunteers when legal frameworks across and beyond the promoting nutrition interventions. One of the Sahel in three ways: (a) providing nimble key findings highlighted the need for high- funding that complements government- level agreement on the role of volunteers managed IDA resources (received through with government counterparts and better the SWEDD project) to develop and pilot engagement from related ministries. new interventions, targeting both girls 24 HARNESSING CATALYTIC INITIATIVES TO ACCELERATE INVESTMENTS IN HUMAN CAPITAL and their environment (parents, husbands, community childcare centers on adolescent boys, and communities); (b) contributing girls and other family members’ (including toward the global evidence base on girls’ male caregivers) employment, fertility and women’s empowerment, by coupling decisions, and mental health and on interventions with rigorous evaluations; children development outcomes. and (c) assisting in the dissemination • In Chad, the Umbrella Program is supporting of evidence, reinforcing supervision, the integration of SRH, skills training, providing technical assistance, and and a GBV prevention and response facilitating peer learning among decision- component to an intervention aimed makers across the region. In a space where at increasing economic opportunities. evidence on what works at scale needs to Grants from the Umbrella Program be created, an ambitious learning agenda, supported the development of a training shaped in partnership with African policy platform—accessible offline—to deliver makers and key stakeholders, goes hand entrepreneurship training as well as various in hand with interventions. GIRL provides key resources, including resources to technical assistance in designing and prevent and respond to GBV. piloting innovative gender transformative interventions, generating evidence to • In Mali, GIRL is supporting the development shape programs and policy making. Some of a pilot intervention integrating health of the highlights include the following: centers and safe spaces where adolescent girls receive life skills and information on • A global study on distance learning SRH. Health workers will be trained to and digital innovation was completed, deliver life skills and curriculum and in cataloging evidence on innovations in several randomly selected communities, distance learning (at school and beyond). safe spaces will be hosted in health The study identifies promising interventions for continuing education of women and centers. The pilot intervention will leverage girls, including those leveraging digital existing SWEDD infrastructure, including its innovation and distance learning solutions, implementation partners. Resources from that may be applicable to the region. the Umbrella Program financed qualitative research to refine the content of SRH • In Cameroon , a qualitative study to curriculum and training materials to ensure assess childcare preferences was interventions target relevant barriers that completed. The findings have been shared hinder the use of SRH products. RCTs are with the SWEDD project implementation testing the impact of this intervention in team to inform the design of childcare different contexts such as cross-border interventions under the project and are areas and conflict zones. being used to design an accompanying impact evaluation. These results and • With support from the Umbrella Program the tools used to collect the data will be and in collaboration with Al-Azhar University shared with other project teams interested in Egypt, the design of a population in designing childcare interventions. module to train imams and religious Building on qualitative research funded leaders in Mauritania and other West and through GIRL, the SWEDD project is also Central African countries is under way. designing community childcare centers to The effort will also strengthen the capacity be constructed in rural areas. A randomized of the Theological Institute and Faculty controlled trial (RCT), co-funded by the in developing and delivering modules to SWEDD project, will test the impact of diverse populations. To complement this, HUMAN CAPITAL UMBRELLA PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT 2022 25 the World Bank is conducting an evaluation Figure 2.2. An Overview of Girls’ and to study the evolution of gender-related Women’s Empowerment Duty Stations attitudes among Imams and Mourchidats in training as well as studying the effect of this program among various populations including adolescents at risk of child marriage and teenage pregnancy and their parents living in SWEDD target communities. • In Côte d’Ivoire , the Umbrella Program is leveraging radios and digital technologies for SRH training in safe spaces. The pilot intervention consists of (a) the digitalization of the safe spaces’ curriculum and development of a radio edutainment show to deliver life skills and knowledge of sexual reproductive health and rights to adolescent girls and (b) a component engaging parents and tutors of adolescent girls. The design of formative qualitative research is currently under way 7 Canada Global Affairs funded Specialist and and will include messages and content 1 Senior M&E Specialist to inform parents as well as the type of 6 GFF funded Senior Specialist technology to use given specific contexts. • GIRL is also building national and regional capacity in Africa to design, implement, • Designing data management systems and advocate for policies and programs to improve service delivery in Ethiopia. to empower girls and women. The GIRL Plans are under way to help support Initiative and the GFF supported the Ethiopia’s Ministry of Education in building recruitment of a cohort of 14 African Girls’ a data management system that would and Women’s Empowerment Specialists capture learning assessments. Technical to reinforce in-country expertise and drive assistance and trainings will be provided the multisectoral agenda. The role of to support the National Education senior specialists consists of supporting Assessment and Examinations Agency’s the design, supervision, and evaluation capacity to conduct in-depth assessments of the SWEDD project and girls’ and in early grade reading, measure early women’s empowerment in other projects; learning and quality of outcomes, and supporting policy dialogue; contributing provide a national learning assessment to analytics; and sharing knowledge; and more frequently. In the health sector, facilitating coordination with clients, other technical assistance will be provided stakeholders, and development partners. to build capacity and expand Ethiopia’s As of mid-January 2023, 10 specialists UNISE to include some 20 districts from Benin, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, or woredas identified as part of the Madagascar, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, Togo, planned World Bank’s project with Human The Gambia, and Uganda have already Capital Specific Purpose Grants (SPGs) taken up their positions. The recruitment to implement a convergent package of process of the remaining four specialists is interventions that will address key drivers well advanced. of childhood stunting and learning poverty. 26 HARNESSING CATALYTIC INITIATIVES TO ACCELERATE INVESTMENTS IN HUMAN CAPITAL • Promoting economic inclusion for continue to improve spending efficiency to underserved youth. Around 27 percent ensure every dollar spent results in maximum of youth in Bangladesh, some 12.6 million, impact for human capital outcomes. Public are categorized as NEET, with women Expenditure and Institutional Reviews representing close to 90 percent.xii With (PEIRs) provide a comprehensive analysis of support from the Umbrella Program, how public funds are spent, how well they are data analysis on the constraints faced spent, and what funding and financing gaps by disengaged youth, differences by exist. They also identify areas for institutional gender, and the type of support they need reforms, laying the groundwork for effective to effectively maximize their economic interventions. inclusion was instrumental in shaping the planned Economic Acceleration and • Ethiopia’s PEIR was finalized in June 2022 Resilience for NEET Youth project. The new and was disseminated in November 2022. engagement reflects lessons learned from The PEIR had two phases. Phase I focused the analysis, providing basic literacy, skills on analytical work on the governance of development, and employment support to the education system, education sector youth in Bangladesh. financing management, adequacy, and equity of public spending as well as To effectively address losses and avoid further efficiency and sustainability of public setbacks to human capital, it is crucial to spending (see Box 2.3). Phase II work prioritize fiscal resources for human capital concentrated on two subproducts: learning investments aimed at the poorest and most poverty analysis (see Box 2.4) and an vulnerable populations while also ensuring assessment of the skills and employability spending efficiency. Governments need to of higher education graduates (see Box 2.5). HUMAN CAPITAL UMBRELLA PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT 2022 27 Box 2.3. Ethiopia’s PEIR: Analyzing the Sustainability of Public Spending and Institutional Arrangements in the Education Sector Access to education increased significantly in Ethiopia in the last 10 years, but the COVID-19 pandemic combined with recent political unrest, affected school completion, reduced participation, To use funding more effectively in Ethiopia, the and amplified inequalities. The pandemic also government could prioritize spending on capacity placed an immense pressure on Ethiopia’s economy, and quality improvements where they are needed leading to a decline in GDP growth and government the most; consider short-term changes to the revenues. functional allocation of public education funding, especially investments in higher education; With ongoing shortfalls, the government has been create opportunities for schools, woredas, zones, curtailing public spending, affecting the education and regions to learn from each other; conduct sector. Ethiopia is also experiencing funding an adequacy study to control unit costs at the challenges in the immediate term as the country secondary and tertiary levels; and improve data seeks to improve learning outcomes in a relatively collection on school finances, especially at the narrow fiscal space. Resources from the Umbrella tertiary level. Additionally, to improve education Program helped develop a PEIR to assess the quality and increase access, the government efficiency and the effectiveness of public spending could consider targeted support for lower-income and provide recommendations for improvements, households to increase participation, invest in quality identifying potential areas for cost savings, improved and development of a welcoming environment service delivery, and increased transparency and at schools, and consider targeted interventions accountability. to reduce repetition and dropout rates. Providing Ethiopia may be able to reach universal access to targeted support to families from the lowest income education by 2030 without permanent increases quintiles conditional on enrollment, for instance, can in spending by better coordinating funding goals significantly increase school participation. across different levels of government and using Ethiopia must also make investments today to existing funding in a different way. Ethiopia can support a growing student population. Achieving improve its funding strategies by expanding its fiscal universal public education by 2030 would require space, improving revenue mobilization, coordinating an increase in teachers that is six to nine times its financing strategy across all levels of government, current levels. The country will also need to invest benchmarking education spending for different in teacher career reforms, including implementing regions and woredas, and developing mechanisms attractive pay structures and creating more to increase nonpublic revenue at the tertiary level. pathways for teachers to grow in their professions. To create a coordinated financing strategy, one Organizations that provide technical and vocational potential approach is to establish benchmarks for education and training (TVET) can play a role in education spending at the regional and woreda training, providing credentials, and growing the levels. This can be complemented by the use of number of teachers. block grants, which can ensure that schools’ budgets remain stable from year to year. The country can set targets so that household’s contribution to tertiary Source: Vasiliev, K., K. Feda, Y. Yesim Taylor, O. Babatunde Alimi, Y. Yared Seid, education spending matches or exceeds their B. Tekle, Z. Ademe, S. Afrakomah. 2022. Ethiopia’s Education Sector Public contributions across earlier grade bands. Expenditure and Institutional Review (PEIR). Washington, DC: World Bank Group. 28 HARNESSING CATALYTIC INITIATIVES TO ACCELERATE INVESTMENTS IN HUMAN CAPITAL Box 2.4. Addressing Learning Teachers and administrators suffer from poor resources, lack the necessary skills, and miss out Poverty in Ethiopia on training opportunities. In Ethiopia, significant gains made in education At the national level, there is a misalignment in recent decades are now threatened by school between learning goals and job responsibilities of closures brought on by the pandemic and civil public officials. While clear and measurable learning conflict—resulting in learning loss, increased targets have been established by the Ministry of dropouts, and higher inequality. Drawing on the Education, these are often not consistent with the PEIR supported by the Umbrella Program and day-to-day activities of public officials. Finally, public World Bank’s Global Education Policy Dashboard spending on education disproportionally benefits (GEPD), a study was conducted to analyze the higher-income households. Students from lower- extent of learning poverty in the country and provide income groups consistently receive a lower share policy recommendations to address challenges in of public funding than their share of enrollment. Ethiopia’s education system. The study suggests key policy actions that cover Learning poverty is high at 90 percent, driven both (a) adopting teacher policies and incentives, (b) by the large numbers of primary age children who investing in school readiness (pre-primary) and other have been out of school and by poor learning ECD programs, (c) establishing and implementing outcomes. Between 2020 to 2021, more than basic school infrastructure standards, (d) equipping 29 percent of children ages 7 to 14 were still out school principals with the skills that they need to of school. Schools also lack the infrastructure, succeed in their dual role of school managers particularly water and sanitation facilities, and basic and instructional leaders, (e) strengthening the educational materials necessary for learning to take bureaucratic capacity of the system, (f) taking more place. Only 41 percent of schools reported having and stronger initiatives to enable education in functioning toilets, and only 69 percent of schools conflict-affected areas to recover, and (g) enhancing reported being able to provide their students with public sector funding. safe drinking water. Students also lack textbooks and supplies necessary for learning. In addition, only Source: Vasiliev, K., K. Feda, and J. Gerasimova. 2022. Learning Poverty 16 percent of schools have access to the internet. in Ethiopia. Washington, DC: World Bank Group. • The PEIR to address stunting and learning notes in consultation with sector experts, outcomes in Pakistan. The achievement of confirmed available expenditure data, and human capital outcomes involves multiple identified data gaps and has reviewed sectors such as education, health, nutrition, policy documents to better understand agriculture, environment, transport, the institutional context. The PEIR findings water, and sanitation. Expenditure and were integrated into the broader country- institutional analyses are being conducted wide public expenditure review. for each of the provinces in Pakistan and further in-depth analysis will be conducted • The PEIR to tackle out-of-school children in three districts (high-, middle-, and low- and under-five child mortality in Nigeria. performing). The PEIR examines the interactions and impact of institutional arrangements, policy, • The PEIR to support female labor and expenditure programs on service force participation in Bangladesh was delivery. The mapping exercise and two integrated into country-wide Public theories of change were completed to Expenditure Review. The team completed understand how the desired outcomes are the theory of change and methodology shaped by relevant policies, expenditures, HUMAN CAPITAL UMBRELLA PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT 2022 29 and institutions. An indicative list of policy and an analysis of spending on ECD by actions and institutional reforms was also sector over time, by intervention was completed to inform interventions that will completed. The institutional review was reduce out-of-school children and under- adjusted to cover three ECD programs five mortality. identified together with the Council of Governors: (a) county-initiated school • The PEIR to advance ECD in Kenya. The meals program; (b) homegrown school World Bank team developed an innovative meals program, and (c) county-initiated methodology to allocate expenditure to WASH interventions. The findings and key ECD interventions using a resource recommendations are being finalized mapping and expenditure tracking tool. and will be integrated into the PEIR report Three county case studies were conducted on ECD. Box 2.5. Capitalizing Untapped To attract youth who lack formal education, it is imperative to create effective literacy and alternative Potential: An Analysis of Skills education programs for out-of-school youth and Training and Employability of leverage a growing cohort of students from TVET. This will require a national strategy to develop Youth in Ethiopia programs and investments in teachers in TVET Approximately 2 million young Ethiopians enter the schools, ensuring effective skills training and job labor market every year. In the next 25 years, the placements. Stronger ties with relevant industries current youth cohort will double the size of the working- are also necessary to increase the relevance of age population, bringing it to nearly 100 million. academic programs and employability of graduates. By the sheer force of their numbers, they will To address learning loss from school disruptions determine the skills profile and productivity of due to the pandemic and civil conflict and tracking the labor force. Investments in increasing youth’s student learning, school environment, and support, educational attainment and skills will generate large as well as community factors can help shape and long-lasting dividends for Ethiopia’s future education outcomes. Tracking labor market economy and uplift its growth trajectory. outcomes and strengthening information systems Increasing youth participation in school and can also help the country measure the return on completing education with relevant skills to succeed public investments in education and the skills match in the labor market, however, remains a challenge. between what employers want and what potential The findings of a PEIR conducted with support from employees can offer. the Umbrella Program assessed the efficiency of The opportunity to join a professional workforce service delivery in the sector and helped guide remains the greatest incentive for youth to stay recommendations to ensure Ethiopia’s youth in school and develop skills. To achieve this, it is population achieves the foundational knowledge necessary to support and grow the formal sector and skills needed to compete in the labor market. through a comprehensive reform agenda that Providing more information about education includes the development of a legal and policy pathways and running public awareness campaigns framework, an employment policy framework, and that highlight the benefits of education could help a set of mechanisms to incentivize compliance and increase school enrollment and keep more young enforcement. The Ethiopian Government can consider people in school. This is particularly impactful for labor reforms, tax policies, and industrial policies that female students, as data show that they are more prioritize the growth of the formal economy. likely to pursue higher education. Creating targeted interventions can also increase school participation. Source: Vasiliev, K., K. Feda, Y. Yesim Taylor, O. Babatunde Alimi, Y. Yared Seid, B. Tekle, Z. Ademe, and S. Afrakomah. 2022. Diagnosis of Skills As identified in the PEIR, out-of-pocket costs are Training System and Employability of Youth in Ethiopia. Washington, DC: one of the main factors that push children and youth World Bank Group. out of school. 30 HARNESSING CATALYTIC INITIATIVES TO ACCELERATE INVESTMENTS IN HUMAN CAPITAL 2.3. Advancing the Human generate dialogue among Ministers of Finance and elevate the human capital agenda to Capital Agenda through address global challenges such as pandemic Convening and Thought recovery, food security, and climate change Leadership (see Box 2.6 with a brief summary of the Conclaves held during the World Bank-IMF The Human Capital Umbrella Program Spring and Annual Meetings in 2022). This leverages the global reach of the HCP, sharing ensures that lessons emerging from global, lessons and knowledge from one part of the regional, and country programs are captured world with another. Convening stakeholders and made available to stakeholders to help and engaging them on key policy issues helps build capacity, influence policy, and improve shift mindsets through advocacy and drive investment decisions and operations. Similarly, innovation critical to accelerating investments country-level engagements supported by the in people. While not directly financed by the Umbrella Program take advantage of this Umbrella Program, the high-level Ministerial convening power to generate momentum and Conclaves hosted by the HCP, for instance, advance the human capital agenda. Box 2.6. Putting People at the discussed urgent policy priorities amid a global food crisis. Sharing innovations and leveraging Heart of Recovery: Ministerial country experiences, ministers from more than Conclaves Tackle Global 40 countries focused on the adverse impacts of Challenges the food crisis on human capital outcomes. They emphasized the importance of providing immediate support to vulnerable groups while building shock- High-level Conclaves hosted by the HCP bring resilient social protection systems and investing in Ministers of Finance together to shape priorities sustainable food and nutrition security to not only and address global challenges on human capital. avert setbacks but also strengthen these critical Held biannually around the World Bank-IMF Annual outcomes for long-term growth and productivity. Meetings, member countries of the Human Capital Project Network are invited to participate in a dialogue that advance practical solutions to complex policy challenges, influencing global leadership on investing in human capital. Most recent Ministerial Conclaves addressed urgent global challenges such as learning losses and employment shocks brought on by the pandemic, which will likely lead to long-term negative impacts on social mobility, productivity, and inequality. At a time when governments are experiencing fiscal constraints, Ministers of Finance want a clear view on pressing policy reforms that provide long-term economic benefits. During the 2022 World Bank- IMF Annual Meetings, member countries also HUMAN CAPITAL UMBRELLA PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT 2022 31 3. Financial Highlights and Disbursements As of December 2022, the Human Capital Umbrella Program has two donors who have committed to financing $22.9 million. This section provides financial information concerning donor contributions, disbursements, and allocations for the Human Capital Umbrella Program. Table 3.1 provides donor agency names and status of contributions. Table 3.1 – Donor Contributions Status of Contributions as of end of December 2022 Amount in Donor name Currency Amount in US$ Contribution Currency Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation USD 7,100,000 7,100,000 15,825,000 The Government of Canada CAD 20,000,000 (approx.) Total 22,925,000 The Human Capital Umbrella Program allocated funds to seven grantees: Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Kenya, Pakistan, Nigeria, and the countries in the Sahel region. Table 3.2 summarizes allocations and disbursements. Table 3.2. Allocations and Disbursements (US$) Country/Region Cumulative Budget Allocateda Cumulative Budget Disbursed Bangladesh 1,820,000 1,290,000 Burkina Faso 280,000 270,000 Ethiopia 1,000,000 700,000 Kenya 1,000,000 840,000 Pakistan 1,250,000 800,000 Nigeria 400,000 80,000 The Sahel 2,840,000 1,560,000 Total 8,590,000 5,540,000 *Note: a. Allocations and disbursements as of February 1, 2023. Allocations correspond to funds received to date, not total allocations taking into consideration entire amount of donor commitments. 32 HARNESSING CATALYTIC INITIATIVES TO ACCELERATE INVESTMENTS IN HUMAN CAPITAL Annex 1: List of Trust-Fund Financed Activities Grant Undisb. TF Grant Approval Grant Current FY Fund Grant Amount Grant No. Grant Name Trustee Umbrella Approval Amount Allocation Disb. (US$, Status Country (US$, Program Date (US$, Amt ($M) millions) millions) millions) Promoting Multisectoral Policies to Boost Human Capital Outcomes Burkina Faso - Support to Human Human TF0B2977 Capital Strategy ACTIVE TF073417 Burkina Faso Capital 3-Jun-2020 0.46 0.28 0.00 0.00 Design and Project Implementation Pakistan Gates Human TF0B4612 HCP Multi-Donor ACTIVE TF073417 Pakistan Capital 1-Dec-2020 1.25 1.25 0.45 0.21 Trust Fund Project Human TF0B3029 Gates HCP ACTIVE TF073417 Kenya Capital 12-Jun-2020 1.00 1.00 0.16 0.14 Project Ethiopia Human Multisectoral TF0B4583 ACTIVE TF073417 Ethiopia Capital 10-Dec-2020 1.00 1.00 0.30 0.16 Human Capital Project Support Human Gates HCP – TF0B3024 ACTIVE TF073417 Bangladesh Capital 10-Jun-2020 1.82 1.82 0.53 0.13 Bangladesh Project The Sahel: Girls' and Women's Empowerment in Africa Design and Human Pilot Gender Western TF0B6064 ACTIVE TF073417 Capital 10-Jun-2021 1.40 1.40 0.25 0.25 Transformative Africa Project Interventions Generate Evidence Human Western TF0B6275 to Shape Programs ACTIVE TF073417 Capital 12-Aug-2021 0.76 0.76 0.50 0.17 Africa and Policymaking Project Build National and Regional Capacity Human Western TF0B6274 to Implement ACTIVE TF073417 Capital 8-Jul-2021 0.68 0.68 0.44 0.19 Africa Policies and Project Programs Note: Allocations and disbursements as of February 1, 2023. HUMAN CAPITAL UMBRELLA PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT 2022 33 Annex 2: Results Framework Target Actual Outcomes Output Indicators (number) (number) 1. Improved HC1. New tools developed 5 5 Improved HCI data New methodological approaches developed 8 3 and knowledge Reports, studies, knowledge products produced 37 13 2. Improved knowledge on Workshops/seminars/conferences organized 37 20 whole-of- government Blogs, articles, and other publications published 66 33 approaches Press/media citations 920 800 Academic citations 10 0 3. Improved Policies or programs that are adjusted or repurposed to 27 18 implementation facilitate human capital acceleration capacity to People trained 2,590 1,486 accelerate human Study tours participants 25 0 capital outcomes (country level) Handbooks, manuals, curricula produced 7 2 4. Strengthened government capacity Cross-sectoral collaborations between government 17 0 to coordinate for entities in support of human capital supported multi-sectoral/ multi-partner approaches (country National human capital plans/strategies developed 7 3 level) New operations supporting human capital outcomes 16 10 developed 5. Operational ASAs supporting policy and program reform on human Support and 18 8 capital Lending (country Pilots of human capital interventions implemented 40 1 level) Beneficiaries reached by operations/pilots, individuals 35,000,000 a (gender-disaggregated) High-level fora where Ministers and other high-level policymakers discuss HC-relevant themes (e.g., 10 3 6. Improved Conclaves, HCP Global Forums, WBG Annual Meetings) implementation Human Capital Network policymakers participating in capacity to 300 60 global peer-learning events accelerate human Study tours with whole-of-government human capital capital outcomes 1 0 focus (global level) Human capital country case studies and major 8 3 multisectoral reports Note: a. To be reported on in future reports. 34 HARNESSING CATALYTIC INITIATIVES TO ACCELERATE INVESTMENTS IN HUMAN CAPITAL Annex 3: Operations Informed by Trust Fund Financed Activities Approval Project IDA (US$, Country Project Name Project Development Objective FY Status millions) To improve the transparency and efficiency of selected cash Cash Transfer Bangladesh FY18 Active transfer programs for vulnerable populations by modernizing 300.00 Modernization service delivery. Recovery and To provide services that can enhance earning opportunities for Bangladesh Advancement of Informal FY21 Active low-income urban youth, urban youth impacted by COVID-19 and 200.00 Sector Employment returning migrants. Accelerating and To equip Bangladeshi youth and workers, including women and Strengthening Skills for Bangladesh FY21 Active the disadvantaged, with skills demanded for the future of work 300.00 Economic Transformation and improved employment prospects. (ASSET) Project To provide income support to the poorest mothers in selected Income Support Program Upazilas, while (i) increasing the mothers use of child nutrition Bangladesh FY15 Closed 250.00 for the Poorest (ISPP) and cognitive development services and (ii) enhancing local level government capacity to deliver safety nets Economic Acceleration To promote economic inclusion and resilience of youth who are Bangladesh FY24 Pipeline 354.00 and Resilience for NEET NEET in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Enhancing To expand access to the national child benefit program and Bangladesh Investments and Benefits FY23 Pipeline 435.00 improve delivery of early childhood development services. for Early Years To increase the quality and utilization of health services with a Health Services Burkina Faso FY22 Active particular focus on maternal, child and adolescent health, 80.00 Reinforcement Project nutrition and disease surveillance. Ethiopia Human Capital To strengthen delivery of and accountability for basic services Ethiopia FY23 Pipeline 400.00 Project that improve nutrition and learning outcomes. Ethiopia Education and To support Ethiopian students attain relevant skills for Ethiopia Skills for Employability FY23 Pipeline 200.00 employability. Project To reduce regional disparities in learning outcomes, improve the Primary Education Equity in Kenya FY22 Active retention of girls in upper primary education, and strengthen 200.00 Learning Program systems for delivering equitable education outcomes. To strengthen equitable delivery and quality of essential health National Health Support Pakistan FY22 Active services at the primary health care level in support of Universal 258.00 Program Health Coverage. HUMAN CAPITAL UMBRELLA PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT 2022 35 Annex 3: Operations Informed by Trust Fund Financed Activities Approval Project IDA (US$, Country Project Name Project Development Objective FY Status millions) To support the government to: (i) respond to school disruptions Actions to Strengthen caused by the COVID-19 pandemic; (ii) recover access and Performance for Inclusive Pakistan FY21 Active improve education quality; and (iii) enhance sector resilience 200.00 and Responsive Education through better coordination, with a focus on disadvantaged areas Program (ASPIRE) and vulnerable populations. Strengthening Social To strengthen social protection service delivery system and Pakistan Protection Delivery System FY23 Active enhance accessibility and utilization of Mother and Child Health 200.00 in Sindh Services in selected districts in Sindh. To improve utilization and quality of basic RMNCAH+N, for poor Sindh Integrated Health Pakistan FY23 Active and vulnerable populations, especially women and children, in 200.00 and Population Project targeted areas of Sindh. To continue to (i) strengthen civil registry and vital statistics Securing Human (CRVS), health and education systems essential for human capital Pakistan Investments to Foster FY21 Closed accumulation; (ii) recognize the contribution of women to 400.00 Transformation (SHIFT) II economic productivity; and (iii) improve national safety nets to respond to shocks in a more efficient manner. Girls’ Results Agenda for To increase the participation of girls and boys in pre-primary and Pakistan Development of Education FY24 Pipeline primary grades, enhance girls’ retention to middle school, and 150.00 Sector in Punjab improve reading proficiency in primary grades. Punjab Family Planning To increase women and adolescent girls’ empowerment and Pakistan FY24 Pipeline 130.00 Program utilization of quality family planning services in Punjab. To increase women and adolescent girls’ empowerment and their access to quality reproductive, child and maternal health services Health Services in selected areas of the participating countries, including the Sahel FY15 Active 304.00 Reinforcement Project Recipients’ territory, and to improve regional knowledge generation and sharing as well as regional capacity and coordination. Total 4,561.15 36 HARNESSING CATALYTIC INITIATIVES TO ACCELERATE INVESTMENTS IN HUMAN CAPITAL References i Osendarp, S., J. K. Akuoku, R. E. Black, D. Headey, M. Ruel, N. Scott, M. Shekar, N. Walker, A. Flory, L. Haddad, and D. Laborde. 2021. “The COVID-19 Crisis Will Exacerbate Maternal and Child Undernutrition and Child Mortality in Low- and Middle-Income Countries.” Nature Food 2 (7): 476–484. ii Abuya, T., and W. Ng'ang'a. 2021. “Getting it Right! Improving Kenya's Human Capital by Reducing Stunting—A Household Account. Nairobi: Presidential Policy and Strategy Unit (PASU), Sahihi Africa, and Population Council Kenya.” Sherburne-Benz, L. D., T. S. Haque, A. Tandon, A. Coudouel, T. Fasih, C. T. Andersen, Z. Majoka, M. iii M. , Alam, M. P. Vargas, J. S. Cain, R. A. Hasan, K. S. Johnson, V. Agarwal, U. Narain, R. Govindaraj, P. A. Mittal, F. A. Saleem, G. Joseph, Z. Y. Debebe, A. Hasan, P. Darvas, and S. Crystal. 2021. Unleashing the South Asian Century Through Human Capital for All. Washington, DC: World Bank Group. http:// Through-Human-Capital-for-All. iv Azevedo, J. P. W. D., F. H. Rogers, S. E. Ahlgren, M.-H. Cloutier, B. Chakroun, G.-C. Chang, S. Mizunoya, N. J. Reuge, M. Brossard, and J. L. Bergmann. n.d. The State of the Global Education Crisis: A Path to Recovery (English). Washington, DC: World Bank Group. curated/en/416991638768297704/The-State-of-the-Global-Education-Crisis-A-Path-to-Recovery. v World Bank. 2022. Global Economic Prospects, January 2022. Washington, DC: World Bank. Victora, C. G., L. Adair, C. Fall, P. C. Hallal, R. Martorell, L. Richter, and H. S. Sachdev. 2008. “Maternal and vi Child Undernutrition: Consequences for Adult Health and Human Capital.” The Lancet 371 (9609): 340–357. vii World Bank. 2012. World Development Report 2012: Gender Equality and Development. Schady, N., A. Holla, S. Sabarwal, J. Silva, and A. Yi Chang. 2023. Collapse and Recovery: How the viii COVID-19 Pandemic Eroded Human Capital and What to Do About It. Washington, DC: World Bank. ix UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund). n.d. Adolescents in Development. bangladesh/en/topics/adolescent-health-and-development. x UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund). 2019. Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey. UNICEF. xi Skoufias, E., K. Vinha, and R. Sato. 2019. All Hands on Deck: Reducing Stunting through Multisectoral Efforts in Sub-Saharan Africa. World Bank Publications. handle/10986/32037. xii Al-Zayed, S. R. Concept Project Information Document (PID) - Economic Acceleration and Resilience for NEET Youth - P178077. Washington, DC: World Bank. en/099230207272215561/P1780770ece79702092130839b08056e5f. HUMAN CAPITAL UMBRELLA PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT 2022 37 Photo Credits: Cover: Charlotte Kesl / World Bank Raphael Pouget / Climate Visuals Countdown Dominic Chavez / World Bank Table of Contents: Alana Holmberg / World Bank Page 05: Scott Wallace / World Bank Page 06: Bart Verweij / World Bank Page 08: Vincent Tremeau / World Bank Page 11: Ollivier Girard / World Bank Page 12: Arne Hoel / World Bank Page 13: Alana Holmberg / World Bank Page 14: Conor Ashleigh / World Bank Page 15: Dominic Chavez / World Bank Page 16: Conor Ashleigh / World Bank Page 17: Vincent Tremeau / World Bank Page 18: Vincent Tremeau / World Bank Page 20: K M Asas / World Bank Page 21: Alana Holmberg / World Bank Page 24: Vincent Tremeau / World Bank Page 27: Vincent Tremeau / World Bank Page 28: Ollivier Girard / World Bank Page 38: Allison Kwesell / World Bank 38 HARNESSING CATALYTIC INITIATIVES TO ACCELERATE INVESTMENTS IN HUMAN CAPITAL For more information, please visit Umbrella Program Information: IFFATH SHARIF MANAGER, HUMAN CAPITAL PROJECT VICTORIA STROKOVA PROGRAM MANAGER, HUMAN CAPITAL UMBRELLA PROGRAM SONIA MADHVANI PROGRAM MANAGER, HUMAN CAPITAL UMBRELLA PROGRAM