THE WORLD BANK WORLD BANK GROUP Date: H1. E. MEY Alanine Ousmane Minister of Economy. Planning and Regionni Development Ministry of Economy. Planning and Regional Development Yaounde Republic oftCameroon Re: IDA Credit 69870-CM Acceleration of the Digital Transformation of Cameroon Additional Instructions: Disbursement and Financial Information Letter. Honorable Minister: I refer to the Financing Agreement between the Republic of Cameroon (the "Recipient") and the International Development Association (the "Association") for the above-referenced Project. The General Conditions, as deftned in the Financing Agreement. provide that the Recipient mav from time to time request withdrawals of the Credit amount from the Credit Account in accordance with the Disbursement and Financial Information Letter. and such additional instructions as the Association mav specify from time to time bv notice to the Recipient. The General Conditions also provide that the Disbursement and Financial Intormation Letter mav set out Project specific tinancial reporting requirements. This letter constitutes such Disbursement and Financial Information Letter ("DFIL") and may be revised from time to time. 1. Disbursement Arrangements. Withdrawal of Credit Funds, and Reporting of Uses of Credit Funds. The Dishursment Guidelines for Ivisonet Project Financin", dated Februar\ 2017, ("Disbursement Guidelines") are available in the Association's public website at and its secure website "Client Connection" at The Disbursement Guidelines are an integral part of the DFIL. and the manner in which the provisions in the guidelines apply to the Credit is specified below. (i) Disbursement Arrangements Genera/Pro visions (Schedule I ). The table in Schedule I sets out the disbursement methods wvhich max be used b. the Recipient, information on registration of authorized signatures. processing of withdrawal applications (including minimum value of applications and processing of advances). instructions on supporting documentation. and frequency of reporting on the Designated Account. (ii) Electronic Delivery. Section 11.01 (c) of the General Conditions. The Recipient will deliver Withdrawxal Applications (with supporting documents) electronically through the Association's web-based portal "Client Connection" at This option will be effected after the officials designated in writing by the Recipient who are authorized to sign and deliver Withdrawal Applications have registered as users of "Client Connection". The designated officials wxill deliver Applications clectronicallN by completing the Form 2380. which is accessible through "Client Connection". By signing the Authorized Signatory Letter, the Recipient confirms that it is authorizing such persons to accept Secure Identification Credentials (SIDC) and to deliver the Applications and supporting documents to the Association by electronic means. The Recipient may exercise the option of preparing and delivering Withdrawkal Applications in paper form on exceptional cases (including those where the Recipient encounters legal limitations). and which were previously agreed with the Association. THE WORLD BANK WORLDBANKGROUP By designating officials to use SIDC and by choosing to deliver the Applications electronically, the Recipient confirms through the authorized signatorN letter its a1reement to: (a) abide by the Terms and Conditions of Use of Secure Identification Credentials in connection with Use of Electronic Means to Process Applications and Supporting Documentation, available in the Association's public website at and "Client Connection": and (b) to cause such official to abide by those terms and conditions. 11. Financial Reports and Audits. (i) Financial Reports. The Recipient must prepare and furnish to the Association not later than forty-five (45) days after the end of each calendar quarter, interim unaudited financial reports ("IFR") for the Project covering the quarter. Where a UN agency is contracted by the Recipient. the Recipient is responsible to ensure that the financial reporting requirements applicable to the UN Agency are stipulated in the agreement between the Recipient and the UN agency and met in a timel\ manner. (ii) Audits. Each audit of the Financial Statements must cov er the period of one fiscal year of the Recipient. commencing with the fiscal Near in \\ hich the first withdrawx al was made. The audited Financial Statements for each such period must be furnished to the Association not later than six (6) months after the end of such period. Where a UN agency is contracted by the Recipient, the Recipient is responsible to ensure that the documentation requirements applicable to the UN agenc\. for project audit purposes. are stipulated in the agreement between the Recipient and the UN agenc\. III. Other Information. For additional information on disbursement arrangements. please refer to the L,oan Handbook available on the Association's website ( and "Client Connection". The Association recommends that you register as a user of "Client Connection". From this website you will be able to prepare and deliver Applications. monitor the near real-time status of the Credit. and retrieve related policy. Financial. and procurement information. For more information about the website and registration arrangements. or if you have any queries in relation to the above. please contact the Association bN email at using the above reference. Yours sincerely. Abdoula\e Seck Countr\ Director. Cameroon Africa Region Attachinents 1. Statement of Expenditures (SOE) 2. Customized SOL for c-Vouchers. 3. Customized SOE for CAPEX Subsidies and Matching Grants. Schedule I: Disbursement Provisions Basic Information Country Republic of Cameroon Closing Date Section IV.B.6. of Schedule 2 to the Credit Recipient Republic of Cameroon Financing Agreement. Number 69870-CM Name of the Acceleration of the Digital Transformation of Disbursement Four (04) months after the closing Project Cameroon Deadline Date date. Subsection 3 . * Disbursement Methods and Supporting Documentation Disbursement Methods Methods Supporting Documentation Section 2 (") Subsections 4.3 and 4.4 (**) Direct Payment Yes Copy of records Reimbursement Yes * For Categories I and 6: Statement of Expenditures (SOE) in the format provided in Attachment I of this DFIL * For Category 2 (PBCs): PBC reconciliation Statement in the format provided in Attachment 4 of the DFIL and Designated Account (DA) Yes evidence of the level of achievement of PBCs, acceptable to the Bank and as formally notified to the Recipient (see additional instructions). * For Categories 3 and 5 (CAPEX Subsidies and Matching Grants): Customized SOE in the format provided in Attachment 3 of this DFIL * For Category 4 (e-Vouchers): Customized SOE in the format provided in Attachment 2 of this DFIL Special Commitments Yes Copy of Letter of Credit Designated Account (Sections Sand 6 ) Three segregated DAs: - DA-A for Categories I and 6 Type - DA-B for Category 2 Ceiling Variable - DA-C for Categories 3, 4 and 5 Financial Itit4fion - Credit Conimunautaire d'Afrique (CCA Bank) Currency XAF Name Frequency of Reporting Subsection 6.3 (*) Quarterly Amount Forecast for two (02) quarters as per IFR Minimum Value of Appications (subsection 3.5) The Minimum Value of Applications for Reimbursement, Direct Payment and Special Commitment is USD 100,000 equivalent. Authorized Signatures (Subsection 3 1 and 3.2) Withdrawal and Documentation Applications (Subsection 3.3 and 3.4 ) Authorized Signatures: Applications for this Financing will be signed by the official(s) authorized to sign Applications as indicated in your letter of July 14, 2017 or any amendments thereto. Withdrawal and Documentation Applications: All Applications and its supporting documentation, and Authorized Signatory Letter will be electronically sent via the Bank's system "Client Connection". Additional Instructions 1. For disbursement under Category 2 (PBCs): a. Supporting documentation for documentation of Eligible Expenditures under the PBCs are: (i) Bank notification confining that one or more PBCs (as referred to under Schedule 2 of the Grant Agreement) have been achieved and indicating the amounts payable for such PBCs and (ii) PBC Payment Reconciliation Statement in the format provided in Attachment 4 of DFIL. b. For each withdrawal request, the amount payable shall be the lesser between (i) the amount allocated for the achievement of one or more PBCs and (ii) the amount of eligible expenditures incurred by the achievement date of such PBCs. Other Payments to UN Agencies (if any) may be made through UN Advances (with or without a UN Commitment) disbursement mechanism. In case of a contract with a UN Agency requiring a UN Commitment, an application for issuance of UN Commitment is to be submitted by the Recipient. Subsequent payments and documentation of expenditures under the contract must be made in accordance with the Commitment letter to be issued by the Association and the contract between the Recipient and the UN agency. In case of a UN Advance (without UN Commitment), documentation of expenditure should be made once the final invoice is issued and based on the UN Financial Report. ** Sections and subsections relaue to the "Disbursement Guidelines for Investment Project Financing , dated February 2017 Attachment I - Statement of Expenditures format Statement of Expenditures Financier Payment made during tihe period from to Loan/Credit/Orant # Application 4 The following expenditures have been incurred during the retroactive financing period (please tick) Ys o Catego # The following expenditures have been incurred before the closing date of the loan/credit/grant (please tick) Y No Pa 4 ONLY for the Designated Account I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 Iten Supplier's Brief Prior Contract # Contract Invoice Date of Total %Eligible Exchange Date of Amount No Name Description Review Currency Number Payment Amount of Financed Amount Rate Withdrawal Withdrawn of the (Contract?) (Cient and Invoice from the from the front the Expenditure Conneclion Amount Covered by Bank Col 9x Designated Designated (YES or lfor Prior Application 10) Account Account NO, Revtew (Original Contracts) Amendment) (Net of (Col II 121 Retenhon 0 00 0 00 JTLm n Supporting documents for this SOE are retained at (insert location) A separate form should be used for each category. Attachment 2 - Customized Statement of Expenditures for E-Vouchers Payments made during the period from to Loan/Credit/Grant No.: Application No.: SOE No.: E-VOUCHERS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Item No Name and Agreement No. & Brief Description Currency and Total Amount % Financed Payment request Date of Remarks Address of Date of Activities Total Amount payment request from the Bank eligible for Payment Beneficiary covered by Financing application (Net of Retention) TOTALS Supporting documents for this SOE are retained at (Insert location) Attachment 3 - Customized Statement of Expenditures for Matching Grants Payments made during the period from to Credit/Grant No.: Application No.: SOE No.: CAPEX SUBSIDIES & MATCHING GRANTS I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Item No Name and Agreement No. & Brief Description Currency and Total Amount of % Financed Payment request Date of Remarks Address of Date of Activities Total Amount payment request from the Bank eligible for Payment Beneficiary of the covered by Financing Agreement application (Net ofRetention) TOTALS Supporting docunents for this SOL are retained at (Insert location) Attachment 4 - PBC reconciliation Statement Payments made Against PBC For the period from _ to Payment for the current period Cumulative Paymenits to date Total Date of WB's Amount Paid Amount Paid atetory aSllomeat dlmondfth NOR Amttsei , from Project Amtount Amount lesret allocated daimed for th O eint vadated by at claimed for validated roject peid Vbetint the Bank Seof the period by the Bank accont IVA report (Reimbursement) (Reimbeemenat) PBC I Ihe Recipient has validated a comprehensive mapping of the supply and demand for digital connctivity. including existing and planned private M1VCStIetS PIC 2 The Recipient has adopted new policies and regulations to modernize the telecom regulatory framework, including online trust regulations and a cross- sectoral (for example, roads and electricity transmission lines) investment strategy PBC 3 lre Recipient has adopted wholesale regulations (for example, access iegulation, transparenc regulation, price controls t for the international capacity and national connectivity (that is, backbone) markets PBC 4 The Recipient has adopted a strategy for the strategic repositioning ofCAMTl