Republic of Congo-Appendix A: Responses to All Questions across A Q1. Which of the following best describes your current affiliation? (Select only 1 response) freq n_observ Government Institution: Employee of a Ministry / Ministerial Department27.0% 222 / Project Implementation Unit / Indepe 19.4% Civil Society Organization: local and regional (NGO; Community Based Organization; 222 Foundation; Professi Private 13.1% Bilateral or Multilateral Agency (e.g., embassy, development organization, development bank, UN Agency) 222 10.4% Private Sector: Private Company / Financial Sector Organization / Private Bank 222 Office of the President, Prime Minister, Minister 9.5% 222 Office of a Parliamentarian (National Assembly, Legislative body) 8.6% 222 Academia/Research Institute/Think Tank 6.8% 222 Media 4.1% 222 Other 0.9% 222 Local Government Office or Staff 0.5% 222 C1. Which areas should the World Bank Group prioritize in its work in the Republic of Congo to have the most impact on development results in the country? (Choose no more than 5) freq n_observ 71.3% Health: universal health coverage, primary health systems, pandemic preparedness, 188 eradicating infectious diseas 60.6%food systems Agriculture and food security: sustainable agriculture, inclusive and efficient 188 Water supply and sanitation infrastructure 48.9% 188 Education: more resilient and equitable education systems 46.8% 188 transparency of188 Public sector governance: efficiency, effectiveness, accountability, and 38.3% government institutions Transport: roads, bridges, sustainable transportation 33.5% 188 Job creation / employment: labor policies, skills development 26.6% 188 Private sector development: business regulation, access to finance, improved 188 19.7% competitiveness Energy / Extractives: access to energy, transition to cleaner energy sources;18.1% governance of oil, gas, and mineral re 188 Judiciary reform: efficient and fair justice institutions 13.8% 188 Climate change: mitigation, adaptation, and transition to a low-carbon 12.2% economy 188 Gender equity: close gender gaps in health, education, social protection, economic opportunities, 11.7% 188 and voice and development 188 Digital Development: digital infrastructure, digital services, digital skills11.7% Social protection: pensions, social assistance, social safety nets 11.2% 188 Environment / Natural resource management: air/water quality, sustainable 188 resource managem 10.6%land and aquatic 10.1% monetary Macroeconomic stability: sustainable fiscal policy, effective tax administration, 188 policy 9.0% fully in 188 Social Inclusion: increasing opportunities for marginalized people to participate markets, services, and soc Crime and violence: violence prevention and law enforcement 7.4% 188 Youth development: sports facilities, trainings, community service, mentoring 6.4% programs, 188and neighbourhood you Urban development: urban planning, services, and institutions 5.9% 188 Debt sustainability: management, relief, financing, and transparency 5.3% 188 Disaster risk management: risk assessments, risk reduction, preparedness, 3.7% 188 recovery, and reconstruction 3.7% Financial markets development: equity market, mortgage market, foreign-exchange 188 derivative market market, Trade: access to markets, tariffs, customs 3.2% 188 Regional integration: promote common physical and institutional infrastructure3.2% 188 Tourism development: tourism industries 1.6% 188 Other 1.1% 188 Familiarity N DK How familiar are you with the work of the World Bank Group Q2 in the Republic of Congo? (1-Not familiar at all, 10-Extremely 216 n/a familiar) OVERALL CONTEXT AND ATTITUDES TOWARD THE WORLD BANK IN THE REPUBLIC OF CONGO Degree A1. To what extent, do you trust each of the following groups to do what is right? (1-To no degree at all, 10-To a very significant degree) N DK 1 The national/federal government 192 16 2 The World Bank Group 207 9 3 The International Monetary Fund 181 22 4 The United Nations (UN) 190 16 5 Regional development banks (BDEAC) 173 32 6 Private sector 179 25 7 Civil society (e.g., NGOs, CBOs) 193 13 8 Youth organizations 179 27 9 Faith-based institution 180 28 10 Private Foundations 166 37 11 Bilateral organizations (e.g., DFID, JICA, GIZ, USAID) 169 37 Other donor institutions (European Union Delegation, AFD, 12 196 14 ADB) 13 Academia/think tanks/research institutions 176 25 14 Parliament/legislative branch 181 22 15 Local government 181 22 16 Media 194 12 17 Syndicate 181 24 Achieving Development Results N DK How effective has the World Bank Group been in achieving A2 development results in the Republic of Congo? (1-Not 183 33 effective at all, 10-Very effective) To what extent do you agree/disagree with the following Level of Agreement statements about the World Bank Group’s work in the Republic of N DK Congo? (1-Strongly disagree, 10-Strongly agree) The World Bank Group currently plays a relevant role in A3 199 12 development in the Republic of Congo. A4 The World Bank Group’s work is well aligned with what I 191 18 consider the development priorities for the Republic of Congo. The World Bank Group’s work helps end extreme poverty in A5 189 19 the Republic of Congo. Influence the development agenda N DK To what extent does the World Bank Group influence the A6 development agenda in the Republic of Congo? (1-To no 188 26 degree at all, 10-To a very significant degree) Overall Evaluations N DK How significant a contribution do you believe the World Bank Group's knowledge work and activities make to development A7 190 26 results in the Republic of Congo? (1-Not significant at all, 10- Very significant) EFFECTIVENESS OF WORLD BANK WORK AND ENGAGEMENT IN THE REPUBLIC OF CONGO To what extent is the WBG an effective development partner in the Effective development partner Republic of Congo, in terms of each of the following? (1-To no N DK degree at all, 10-To a very significant degree) B1 Responsiveness to needs 176 22 B2 Access to WBG staff and experts 180 22 B3 Collaboration with the national/federal government 191 16 B4 Collaboration with private sector 160 43 B5 Collaboration with civil society (e.g., NGOs, CBOs) 172 31 B6 Collaboration with other donors and development partners 143 56 B7 Regional development banks (BDEAC) 110 87 B8 Academia/think tanks/research institutions 127 72 B9 Parliament/legislative branch 132 69 B10 Local government 129 72 B11 Media 126 73 B12. How EFFECTIVE has the WBG been at achieving development Effectiveness in Human Development results in each of these areas of human development in the N DK Republic of Congo? (1-Not effective at all, 10-Very effective) 1 173 32 Education: more resilient and equitable education systems Health: universal health coverage, stronger primary health systems, pandemic preparedness, COVID-19 pandemic 2 178 30 response; eradicating infectious diseases, nutrition, WASH, Health financing strategy, National Health Account and staff 3 162 42 Social protection: pensions, social assistance, social safety nets Social Inclusion: increasing opportunities for marginalized 4 people to participate fully in markets, services, technologies, 152 52 and society Gender equity: close gender gaps in health, education, social 5 protection, economic opportunities, and voice and agency 152 52 B13. How EFFECTIVE has the WBG been at achieving development Effectiveness in Infrastructure results in each of these areas of infrastructure in the Republic of N DK Congo? (1-Not effective at all, 10-Very effective) 1 Transport: roads, bridges, sustainable transportation 157 47 2 Water supply and sanitation infrastructure 166 32 Digital Development: digital infrastructure, digital services, 3 156 50 digital skills development 4 Urban development: urban planning, services, and institutions 153 51 Energy / Extractives: access to energy, transition to cleaner 5 energy sources; governance of oil, gas, and mineral resources 124 79 B14. How EFFECTIVE has the WBG been at achieving development Effectiveness in Finance / Institutions / Econo results in each of these areas of finance/institutions/economic growth growth in the Republic of Congo? (1-Not effective at all, 10-Very N DK effective) Public sector governance: efficiency, effectiveness, 1 accountability, and transparency of the government 158 48 institutions Debt sustainability: management, relief, financing, and 2 151 55 transparency 3 Trade: access to markets, tariffs, customs 122 83 Private sector development: business regulation, access to 4 137 68 finance, improved competitiveness 5 Job creation / employment: labor policies, skills development 145 58 Macroeconomic stability: sustainable fiscal policy, effective tax 6 137 68 administration, monetary policy Regional integration: promote common physical and 7 130 77 institutional infrastructure 8 Crime and violence: violence prevention and law enforcement 142 61 B15. How EFFECTIVE has the WBG been at achieving development Effectiveness in Environmental Sustainabilit results in each of these areas of environmental sustainability in the N DK Republic of Congo? (1-Not effective at all, 10-Very effective) Environment / Natural resource management: air/water 1 quality, sustainable land and aquatic resource management, 150 50 biodiversity 2 Climate change: transition to low-carbon economy 161 41 Agriculture and food security: sustainable agriculture, inclusive 3 and efficient food systems 173 28 Percentage of Respondents Not B16. What is your level of concern for each of the potential impacts N concerned of climate change as it affects your country? at all 1 Forest fires 198 23% 2 Decreased crop yields/food insecurity 201 2% 3 Climate-driven migration 198 17% 4 More frequent and severe floods 204 4% 5 More frequent and severe droughts / heatwaves 203 23% 6 Effects on public health 203 6% 7 Air pollution 202 14% 8 Extinction of plant/animal species 203 9% 9 Land and forest degradation 204 9% 10 Loss of jobs 201 13% Increase in natural disasters (for example, cyclones or sea- 11 201 26% level surges) 12 Increase erosion of shoreline 199 10% 13 Unsafe drinking water 200 12% 14 Diminished water supply for people and the economy 203 18% COMMUNICATION PREFERENCES D5. To what extent do you agree with the following statements: (1- Level of Agreement To no degree at all, 10-To a very significant degree) N DK 1 The WBG helps address the current food crisis and enables 173 23 greater preparedness to future food security crises 2 The WBG helps the Republic of Congo boost climate resilience 170 30 and mitigate the effects of climate challenges. The WBG helps create more and better jobs in the Republic of 3 160 31 Congo. 4 The WBG is committed to comprehensive debt solutions that 151 44 bring real benefits to people in the Republic of Congo. The WBG supports countries to ensure transition to more 5 151 38 diversified and cleaner sources of energy The WBG is working with governments, the private sector, and other partners to support critical facilities during the COVID-19 6 166 30 pandemic, while increasing vaccinations and reducing health impacts. The WBG helps strengthen human capital in the Republic of 7 Congo through improving health care, nutrition, education, 184 16 jobs, and skills. The WBG helps the Republic of Congo rebuild trust between 8 144 53 citizens and the state to create a new social contract. The WBG helps improve gender equity and empower women 9 165 37 and girls in the Republic of Congo. The World Bank helps the Republic of Congo strengthen 10 168 32 economic management to create an improved climate for sustainable private sector-led growth to All Questions across All Respondents (N=222) Q3. Currently, do you professionally collaborate/work with the World Bank Group (IBRD/IDA, IFC, MIGA, ICSID) in your country? Yes No C2. Which THREE of the following groups should the WBG collaborate with more in the Republic of Congo? (Choose no more than 3) The national/federal government Civil society (e.g., NGOs, CBOs) Local government Private sector Academia/think tanks/research institutions Other donors and development partners Parliament/legislative branch Youth organizations Faith-based institution Bilateral organizations (e.g., DFID, JICA, GIZ, USAID) The United Nations (UN) Regional development banks (BDEAC) Media The International Monetary Fund Peace keeping forces Private Foundations Emerging donors Other Mean SD 6.05 2.85 Degree Mean SD 5.84 2.92 7.11 2.28 5.81 2.65 6.75 2.36 6.29 2.59 6.18 2.46 6.37 2.44 4.83 2.41 6.11 2.69 5.12 2.56 6.64 2.39 7.06 2.26 6.37 2.42 5.28 2.87 5.16 2.57 4.92 2.47 4.61 2.72 Mean SD 6.24 2.53 Level of Agreement Mean SD 7.01 2.58 7.03 2.58 5.99 2.80 Mean SD 6.38 2.98 Mean SD 7.62 2.24 Effective development partner Mean SD 6.89 2.21 6.87 2.59 7.94 2.03 6.41 2.56 6.55 2.41 7.26 2.28 7.07 2.46 5.78 2.74 5.93 2.68 5.72 2.67 6.01 2.58 Effectiveness in Human Development Mean SD 6.72 2.40 6.94 2.51 6.57 2.58 5.89 2.56 6.52 2.54 Effectiveness in Infrastructure Mean SD 5.67 2.64 5.96 2.63 6.40 2.47 6.00 2.67 4.90 2.67 iveness in Finance / Institutions / Economic growth Mean SD 5.94 2.88 6.09 2.88 5.02 2.67 5.34 2.59 5.43 2.80 5.90 2.82 4.65 2.76 5.74 2.64 ectiveness in Environmental Sustainability Mean SD 5.71 2.79 5.89 2.75 6.21 2.78 Percentage of Respondents A little Somewhat Very concerned concerned concerned 39% 23% 15% 17% 38% 43% 36% 27% 20% 16% 32% 48% 38% 27% 12% 26% 33% 35% 35% 26% 25% 30% 33% 28% 24% 37% 30% 21% 27% 38% 27% 26% 20% 25% 32% 33% 16% 26% 46% 31% 23% 28% Level of Agreement Mean SD 6.18 2.77 6.49 2.58 5.28 2.92 6.01 2.75 5.85 2.58 7.16 2.35 6.81 2.48 5.11 2.74 6.18 2.65 6.61 2.60 freq n_observ 47.9% 215 52.1% 215 freq n_observ 60.3% 204 47.5% 204 42.2% 204 40.2% 204 20.1% 204 13.7% 204 11.8% 204 11.3% 204 9.8% 204 9.3% 204 8.3% 204 6.9% 204 6.9% 204 4.9% 204 2.0% 204 1.0% 204 1.0% 204 0.5% 204 Q4. Which, if any, of the following agencies of the World Bank Group do you primarily collaborate/work with in the Republic of Congo? (Select only 1 response) freq n_observ The World Bank (IBRD/IDA) 96.9% 97 The International Finance Corporation (IFC) 3.1% 97 The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) 0.0% 97 International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) 0.0% 97 D2. Where do you recall seeing or hearing this information? (Check all that apply) freq n_observ Television (TV) 74.1% 162 Radio 57.4% 162 Newspapers (Print or online) 45.7% 162 Event / conference / seminar (in person or online) 42.6% 162 WBG Website 39.5% 162 Social media 38.9% 162 Direct contact with WBG staff (e.g., in person, virtually, phone, email) 38.3% 162 Blogs 20.4% 162 Podcasts 12.3% 162 e-Newsletters 5.6% 162 Direct messaging (e.g., WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber) 4.3% 162 Other 3.1% 162 Q5. What’s your gender? freq n_observ Female 17.6% 221 Male 82.4% 221 D3. On what social media platforms do you recall seeing this information? (Check all that apply) freq n_observ Facebook 72.9% 70 WhatsApp 41.4% 70 YouTube 31.4% 70 LinkedIn 27.1% 70 Twitter 20.0% 70 Other 15.7% 70 Instagram 8.6% 70 D1. Do you recall seeing or hearing anything about the WBG in the last 30 days? freq Yes 78.8% No 21.2% D4. What topics were included in what you saw or heard? (Check all that apply) freq WBG work to strengthen human capital through improving health care, nutrition, education, jobs, and s 53.8% WBG work to help alleviate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic 39.4% WBG work or research on food insecurity 36.9% WBG work to improve gender equity and empower women and girls 36.9% WBG work or research on climate change (mitigation, adaptation) 33.8% WBG global economic forecasts 31.3% WBG work to provide debt relief for developing countries 30.6% WBG work to create more and better jobs 27.5% 16.9% WBG work or research on rebuilding trust between citizens and the state to create a new social contrac 16.3% WBG work or research on energy (increasing energy supply, reducing dependence of fossil fuels) Other 16.3% n_observ 208 208 n_observ 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 Responses to Selected Questions by Year 2018 N Mean SD How familiar are you with the work of the World Bank Group in Q2 the Republic of Congo?* 297 5.29 3.06 (1-"Not familiar at all", 10-"Extremely familiar") *Significantly different between years OVERALL CONTEXT AND ATTITUDES TOWARD THE WORLD BANK IN THE REPUBLIC OF CONGO 2018 N Mean SD How effective has the World Bank Group been in achieving A2 development results in the Republic of Congo?* 269 5.59 2.54 (1-"Not effective at all ", 10-"Very effective") *Significantly different between years To what extent do you agree/disagree with the following statements about the World Bank Group’s work in the Republic of Congo? (1-"Strong 2018 N Mean SD The World Bank Group currently plays a relevant role in A3 development in the Republic of Congo.* 248 6.50 2.74 A4 The World Bank Group’s work is well aligned with what I 213 6.29 2.91 consider the development priorities for the Republic of Congo.* The World Bank Group’s work helps end extreme poverty in the A5 Republic of Congo. n/a n/a n/a *Significantly different between years 2018 N Mean SD To what extent does the World Bank Group influence the A6 development agenda in the Republic of Congo? n/a n/a n/a (1-"To no degree at all", 10-"To a very significant degree") 2018 N Mean SD How significant a contribution do you believe the World Bank A7 Group's knowledge work and activities make to development 225 7.71 2.29 results in the Republic of Congo? (1-"Not significant at all", 10-"Very significant") EFFECTIVENESS OF WORLD BANK WORK AND ENGAGEMENT IN THE REPUBLIC OF CONGO To what extent is the WBG an effective development partner in the Republic of Congo, in terms of each of the following? (1-"To no degree at a 2018 N Mean SD B1 Responsiveness to needs* 163 6.16 2.31 B2 Access to WBG staff and experts* 154 5.31 2.39 B3 Collaboration with the national/federal government 212 8.03 1.80 B4 Collaboration with private sector* 156 5.53 2.60 B5 Collaboration with civil society (e.g., NGOs, CBOs)* 189 5.68 2.78 B6 Collaboration with other donors and development partners* 126 6.70 2.33 B7 Regional development banks (BDEAC) n/a n/a n/a B8 Academia/think tanks/research institutions n/a n/a n/a B9 Parliament/legislative branch n/a n/a n/a B10 Local government n/a n/a n/a B11 Media n/a n/a n/a *Significantly different between years B12. How EFFECTIVE has the WBG been at achieving development results in each of these areas of human development in the Republic of Con 2018 N Mean SD 1 Education: more resilient and equitable education systems 197 6.30 2.51 Health: universal health coverage, stronger primary health 2 systems, pandemic preparedness, COVID-19 pandemic response; 173 6.16 2.63 eradicating infectious diseases, nutrition, WASH, Health financing strategy, National Health Account and staff* 3 Social protection: pensions, social assistance, social safety nets* 155 4.50 2.46 4 Social Inclusion: increasing opportunities for marginalized people 124 5.46 2.60 to participate fully in markets, services, technologies, and society 5 Gender equity: close gender gaps in health, education, social 136 6.19 2.76 protection, economic opportunities, and voice and agency *Significantly different between years B13. How EFFECTIVE has the WBG been at achieving development results in each of these areas of infrastructure in the Republic of Congo? (1- 2018 N Mean SD 1 Transport: roads, bridges, sustainable transportation 156 5.37 2.34 2 Water supply and sanitation infrastructure 178 5.53 2.35 Digital Development: digital infrastructure, digital services, 3 digital skills development 149 6.38 2.27 4 Urban development: urban planning, services, and institutions* 179 5.28 2.47 5 Energy / Extractives: access to energy, transition to cleaner 157 5.24 2.38 energy sources; governance of oil, gas, and mineral resources *Significantly different between years B14. How EFFECTIVE has the WBG been at achieving development results in each of these areas of finance/institutions/economic growth in th 2018 N Mean SD Public sector governance: efficiency, effectiveness, 1 185 5.10 2.67 accountability, and transparency of the government institutions* Debt sustainability: management, relief, financing, and 2 n/a n/a n/a transparency 3 Trade: access to markets, tariffs, customs* 110 4.26 2.31 Private sector development: business regulation, access to 4 176 5.17 2.56 finance, improved competitiveness 5 Job creation / employment: labor policies, skills development* 156 4.63 2.30 Macroeconomic stability: sustainable fiscal policy, effective tax 6 n/a n/a n/a administration, monetary policy Regional integration: promote common physical and institutional 7 132 5.83 2.45 infrastructure* 8 Crime and violence: violence prevention and law enforcement 122 5.23 2.72 *Significantly different between years B15. How EFFECTIVE has the WBG been at achieving development results in each of these areas of environmental sustainability in the Republi 2018 N Mean SD 1 Environment / Natural resource management: air/water quality, 134 5.67 2.64 sustainable land and aquatic resource management, biodiversity 2 Climate change: transition to low-carbon economy 128 6.02 2.79 Agriculture and food security: sustainable agriculture, inclusive 3 and efficient food systems* 220 5.58 2.30 *Significantly different between years 2018 N Mean SD Overall Mean Ratings for the twelve indicator questions* 306 6.17 2.14 *Significantly different between years 2023 N Mean SD 216 6.05 2.85 2023 N Mean SD 183 6.24 2.53 oup’s work in the Republic of Congo? (1-"Strongly disagree", 10-"Strongly agree") 2023 N Mean SD 199 7.01 2.58 191 7.03 2.58 189 5.99 2.80 2023 N Mean SD 188 6.38 2.98 2023 N Mean SD 190 7.62 2.24 s of each of the following? (1-"To no degree at all", 10-"To a very significant degree") 2023 N Mean SD 176 6.89 2.21 180 6.87 2.59 191 7.94 2.03 160 6.41 2.56 172 6.55 2.41 143 7.26 2.28 110 7.07 2.46 127 5.78 2.74 132 5.93 2.68 129 5.72 2.67 126 6.01 2.58 s of human development in the Republic of Congo? (1-"Not effective at all ", 10-"Very effective") 2023 N Mean SD 173 6.72 2.40 178 6.94 2.51 162 6.57 2.58 152 5.89 2.56 152 6.52 2.54 s of infrastructure in the Republic of Congo? (1-"Not effective at all ", 10-"Very effective") 2023 N Mean SD 157 5.67 2.64 166 5.96 2.63 156 6.40 2.47 153 6.00 2.67 124 4.90 2.67 s of finance/institutions/economic growth in the Republic of Congo? (1-"Not effective at all ", 10-"Very effective") 2023 N Mean SD 158 5.94 2.88 151 6.09 2.88 122 5.02 2.67 137 5.34 2.59 145 5.43 2.80 137 5.90 2.82 130 4.65 2.76 142 5.74 2.64 s of environmental sustainability in the Republic of Congo? (1-"Not effective at all ", 10-"Very effective") 2023 N Mean SD 150 5.71 2.79 161 5.89 2.75 173 6.21 2.78 2023 N Mean SD 220 6.98 2.00 WBG Collaborators' Responses to Selected Questions by Year 2018 N Mean SD How familiar are you with the work of the World Bank Group in Q2 123 6.37 2.62 the Republic of Congo?* (1-"Not familiar at all", 10-"Extremely familiar") *Significantly different between years OVERALL CONTEXT AND ATTITUDES TOWARD THE WORLD BANK IN THE REPUBLIC OF CONGO 2018 N Mean SD How effective has the World Bank Group been in achieving A2 120 6.25 2.28 development results in the Republic of Congo? (1-"Not effective at all ", 10-"Very effective") To what extent do you agree/disagree with the following statements about the World Bank Group’s work in the Republic of Congo? (1-"Strong 2018 N Mean SD The World Bank Group currently plays a relevant role in A3 102 7.07 2.45 development in the Republic of Congo. The World Bank Group’s work is well aligned with what I A4 96 7.05 2.37 consider the development priorities for the Republic of Congo. The World Bank Group’s work helps end extreme poverty in the A5 n/a n/a n/a Republic of Congo. 2018 N Mean SD To what extent does the World Bank Group influence the A6 n/a n/a n/a development agenda in the Republic of Congo? (1-"To no degree at all", 10-"To a very significant degree") 2018 N Mean SD How significant a contribution do you believe the World Bank A7 Group's knowledge work and activities make to development 101 8.13 1.84 results in the Republic of Congo? (1-"Not significant at all", 10-"Very significant") EFFECTIVENESS OF WORLD BANK WORK AND ENGAGEMENT IN THE REPUBLIC OF CONGO To what extent is the WBG an effective development partner in the Republic of Congo, in terms of each of the following? (1-"To no degree at a 2018 N Mean SD B1 Responsiveness to needs 76 6.61 1.94 B2 Access to WBG staff and experts* 83 6.04 2.07 B3 Collaboration with the national/federal government 99 7.87 1.63 B4 Collaboration with private sector 77 6.56 2.24 B5 Collaboration with civil society (e.g., NGOs, CBOs) 93 6.42 2.49 B6 Collaboration with other donors and development partners 64 7.03 2.11 B7 Regional development banks (BDEAC) n/a n/a n/a B8 Academia/think tanks/research institutions n/a n/a n/a B9 Parliament/legislative branch n/a n/a n/a B10 Local government n/a n/a n/a B11 Media n/a n/a n/a *Significantly different between years B12. How EFFECTIVE has the WBG been at achieving development results in each of these areas of human development in the Republic of Con 2018 N Mean SD 1 Education: more resilient and equitable education systems 84 6.60 2.34 Health: universal health coverage, stronger primary health systems, pandemic preparedness, COVID-19 pandemic response; 2 69 6.33 2.47 eradicating infectious diseases, nutrition, WASH, Health financing strategy, National Health Account and staff* 3 Social protection: pensions, social assistance, social safety nets* 59 4.64 2.32 Social Inclusion: increasing opportunities for marginalized people 4 66 5.85 2.48 to participate fully in markets, services, technologies, and society Gender equity: close gender gaps in health, education, social 5 61 6.51 2.55 protection, economic opportunities, and voice and agency *Significantly different between years B13. How EFFECTIVE has the WBG been at achieving development results in each of these areas of infrastructure in the Republic of Congo? (1- 2018 N Mean SD 1 Transport: roads, bridges, sustainable transportation 72 5.63 1.99 2 Water supply and sanitation infrastructure 74 6.08 1.98 Digital Development: digital infrastructure, digital services, 3 69 6.65 1.98 digital skills development 4 Urban development: urban planning, services, and institutions 80 6.18 2.10 Energy / Extractives: access to energy, transition to cleaner 5 76 5.45 1.93 energy sources; governance of oil, gas, and mineral resources B14. How EFFECTIVE has the WBG been at achieving development results in each of these areas of finance/institutions/economic growth in th 2018 N Mean SD Public sector governance: efficiency, effectiveness, 1 85 5.93 2.51 accountability, and transparency of the government institutions Debt sustainability: management, relief, financing, and 2 n/a n/a n/a transparency 3 Trade: access to markets, tariffs, customs 54 4.74 2.13 Private sector development: business regulation, access to 4 79 5.92 2.22 finance, improved competitiveness 5 Job creation / employment: labor policies, skills development 69 5.07 2.24 Macroeconomic stability: sustainable fiscal policy, effective tax 6 n/a n/a n/a administration, monetary policy Regional integration: promote common physical and institutional 7 69 5.81 2.27 infrastructure* 8 Crime and violence: violence prevention and law enforcement 61 5.36 2.43 *Significantly different between years B15. How EFFECTIVE has the WBG been at achieving development results in each of these areas of environmental sustainability in the Republi 2018 N Mean SD Environment / Natural resource management: air/water quality, 1 68 5.99 2.62 sustainable land and aquatic resource management, biodiversity 2 Climate change: transition to low-carbon economy 61 6.46 2.80 Agriculture and food security: sustainable agriculture, inclusive 3 97 6.02 2.04 and efficient food systems 2018 N Mean SD Overall Mean Ratings for the twelve indicator questions* 123 6.80 1.77 *Significantly different between years 2023 N Mean SD 100 7.26 2.24 2023 N Mean SD 94 6.55 2.43 oup’s work in the Republic of Congo? (1-"Strongly disagree", 10-"Strongly agree") 2023 N Mean SD 96 7.36 2.23 93 7.17 2.51 91 6.32 2.56 2023 N Mean SD 91 6.56 2.83 2023 N Mean SD 96 7.84 2.10 s of each of the following? (1-"To no degree at all", 10-"To a very significant degree") 2023 N Mean SD 86 7.07 1.91 85 7.26 2.29 96 7.91 2.05 79 6.76 2.43 81 6.75 2.47 71 7.37 2.19 51 7.02 2.42 69 5.88 2.71 64 6.06 2.72 61 5.74 2.71 64 6.25 2.74 s of human development in the Republic of Congo? (1-"Not effective at all ", 10-"Very effective") 2023 N Mean SD 86 6.70 2.47 90 7.20 2.39 78 7.01 2.48 76 6.30 2.49 76 6.93 2.36 s of infrastructure in the Republic of Congo? (1-"Not effective at all ", 10-"Very effective") 2023 N Mean SD 78 5.67 2.62 82 6.13 2.59 78 6.59 2.41 72 6.24 2.68 56 4.88 2.47 s of finance/institutions/economic growth in the Republic of Congo? (1-"Not effective at all ", 10-"Very effective") 2023 N Mean SD 81 6.46 2.86 76 6.25 2.91 59 5.10 2.66 64 5.47 2.46 70 5.61 2.79 69 5.91 2.79 62 4.74 2.87 70 5.63 2.81 s of environmental sustainability in the Republic of Congo? (1-"Not effective at all ", 10-"Very effective") 2023 N Mean SD 70 5.90 2.44 77 6.22 2.54 85 6.46 2.76 2023 N Mean SD 102 7.33 1.73 Stakeholder Breackdown for Appendix B N 1 Office of the President, Prime Minister, Minister 21 2 Office of a Parliamentarian (National Assembly, Legislative body) 19 3 60 Unit / Indepen Government Institution: Employee of a Ministry / Ministerial Department / Project Implementation 4 Local Government Office or Staff 1 5 UN Agency) Bilateral or Multilateral Agency (e.g., embassy, development organization, development bank,29 6 43 Civil Society Organization: local and regional (NGO; Community Based Organization; Private Foundation; Profession 7 Private Sector: Private Company / Financial Sector Organization / Private Bank 23 8 Academia/Research Institute/Think Tank 15 9 Media 9 10 Other (please specify) 2 PercentageN Stakeholder Recode Percentage 9.5% 40 1 18.0% Government Principals 8.6% 27.0% 60 2 27.0% Government Institutions 0.5% NA 13.1% 29 3 13.1% Bilateral/Multilateral 19.4% 43 4 19.4% Civil Society Organization 10.4% 23 5 10.4% Private Sector 6.8% 15 6 6.8% Academia 4.1% 12 5.4% NA 0.9% NA 222 222 100.0% Appendix B: Responses to Selected Questions by Stakeholder Groups (single and Q3. Currently, do you professionally collaborate/work with the World Bank Group (IBRD/IDA, IFC, MIGA, ICSID) in your country? * Government Government Bilateral/ Principals Institutions Multilateral 1 Yes 43.2% 63.2% 65.5% 2 No 56.8% 36.8% 34.5% *Significantly different between stakeholder groups Q4. Which, if any, of the following agencies of the World Bank Group do you primarily collaborate/work with in the Republic of Congo? (Selec Government Government Bilateral/ Principals Institutions Multilateral 1 The World Bank (IBRD/IDA) 91.7% 97.1% 100.0% 2 The International Finance Corporation (IFC) 8.3% 2.9% 0.0% 3 The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes 4 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% (ICSID) Q5. What’s your gender? Government Government Bilateral/ Principals Institutions Multilateral 1 Female 5.0% 25.0% 20.7% 2 Male 95.0% 75.0% 79.3% GOING FORWARD C1. Which areas should the World Bank Group prioritize in its work in the Republic of Congo to have the most impact on development results Government Government Bilateral/ Principals Institutions Multilateral Gender equity: close gender gaps in health, education, social 1 6.7% 11.3% 7.7% protection, economic opportunities, and voice and agency 2 Water supply and sanitation infrastructure* 66.7% 56.6% 23.1% Health: universal health coverage, primary health systems, 3 86.7% 62.3% 69.2% pandemic preparedness, eradicating infectious diseases 4 Transport: roads, bridges, sustainable transportation 40.0% 37.7% 19.2% Energy / Extractives: access to energy, transition to cleaner 5 16.7% 18.9% 19.2% energy sources; governance of oil, gas, and mineral resources Public sector governance: efficiency, effectiveness, 6 46.7% 37.7% 34.6% accountability, and transparency of government institutions Agriculture and food security: sustainable agriculture, inclusive 7 60.0% 69.8% 61.5% and efficient food systems 8 Education: more resilient and equitable education systems 46.7% 47.2% 46.2% Climate change: mitigation, adaptation, and transition to a low- 9 3.3% 15.1% 7.7% carbon economy Digital Development: digital infrastructure, digital services, 10 6.7% 11.3% 19.2% digital skills development Macroeconomic stability: sustainable fiscal policy, effective tax 11 6.7% 5.7% 19.2% administration, monetary policy Social Inclusion: increasing opportunities for marginalized people 12 6.7% 5.7% 11.5% to participate fully in markets, services, and society 13 Crime and violence: violence prevention and law enforcement 3.3% 11.3% 3.8% Private sector development: business regulation, access to 14 30.0% 9.4% 23.1% finance, improved competitiveness* Environment / Natural resource management: air/water quality, 15 16.7% 7.5% 11.5% sustainable land and aquatic resource management, biodiversity 16 Urban development: urban planning, services, and institutions 10.0% 11.3% 7.7% 17 Trade: access to markets, tariffs, customs 3.3% 3.8% 3.8% 18 Social protection: pensions, social assistance, social safety nets 3.3% 13.2% 15.4% 19 Job creation / employment: labor policies, skills development 20.0% 24.5% 30.8% Regional integration: promote common physical and institutional 20 0.0% 1.9% 7.7% infrastructure Debt sustainability: management, relief, financing, and 21 0.0% 1.9% 15.4% transparency Disaster risk management: risk assessments, risk reduction, 22 0.0% 5.7% 3.8% preparedness, recovery, and reconstruction 23 Judiciary reform: efficient and fair justice institutions 13.3% 13.2% 11.5% 24 Tourism development: tourism industries 0.0% 1.9% 0.0% Youth development: sports facilities, trainings, community 25 0.0% 5.7% 7.7% service, mentoring programs, and neighbourhood youth centers Financial markets development: equity market, mortgage 26 0.0% 3.8% 11.5% market, foreign-exchange market, derivative market 27 Other 0.0% 3.8% 0.0% *Significantly different between stakeholder groups C2. Which THREE of the following groups should the WBG collaborate with more in the Republic of Congo? (Choose no more than 3) Government Government Bilateral/ Principals Institutions Multilateral 1 The national/federal government 60.5% 77.8% 53.8% 2 Local government 50.0% 50.0% 42.3% 3 Parliament/legislative branch* 39.5% 7.4% 0.0% 4 Regional development banks (BDEAC)* 10.5% 3.7% 7.7% 5 Private sector* 34.2% 40.7% 50.0% 6 Civil society (e.g., NGOs, CBOs)* 31.6% 38.9% 38.5% 7 Youth organizations 15.8% 13.0% 7.7% 8 Other donors and development partners 10.5% 7.4% 23.1% 9 Academia/think tanks/research institutions* 10.5% 25.9% 3.8% 10 Media 0.0% 7.4% 0.0% 11 Faith-based institution 13.2% 5.6% 7.7% 12 Private Foundations 2.6% 0.0% 0.0% 13 Bilateral organizations (e.g., DFID, JICA, GIZ, USAID) 10.5% 5.6% 11.5% 14 Peace keeping forces 2.6% 1.9% 0.0% 15 Emerging donors 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 16 The International Monetary Fund 5.3% 7.4% 7.7% 17 The United Nations (UN)* 2.6% 7.4% 46.2% 18 Other 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% *Significantly different between stakeholder groups COMMUNICATION PREFERENCES D1. Do you recall seeing or hearing anything about the WBG in the last 30 days?* Government Government Bilateral/ Principals Institutions Multilateral 1 Yes 69.2% 83.6% 88.9% 2 No 30.8% 16.4% 11.1% *Significantly different between stakeholder groups D2. Where do you recall seeing or hearing this information? (Check all that apply) Government Government Bilateral/ Principals Institutions Multilateral 1 Television (TV) 76.9% 75.6% 62.5% 2 Radio 34.6% 37.8% 41.7% 3 Newspapers 26.9% 42.2% 50.0% 4 Event / conference / seminar 53.8% 57.8% 54.2% 5 WBG Website 23.1% 35.6% 50.0% 6 Social media 19.2% 35.6% 45.8% 7 Direct contact with WBG staff* 23.1% 48.9% 37.5% 8 Blogs 3.8% 0.0% 8.3% 9 Podcasts 3.8% 0.0% 0.0% 10 e-Newsletters 7.7% 15.6% 25.0% 11 Direct messaging 7.7% 15.6% 8.3% 12 Other 3.8% 2.2% 8.3% *Significantly different between stakeholder groups D3. On what social media platforms do you recall seeing this information? (Check all that apply) Government Government Bilateral/ Principals Institutions Multilateral 1 Facebook 71.4% 66.7% 81.8% 2 Instagram* 0.0% 11.1% 0.0% 3 Twitter 14.3% 22.2% 27.3% 4 LinkedIn 14.3% 27.8% 18.2% 5 YouTube 28.6% 33.3% 54.5% 6 WhatsApp 14.3% 44.4% 54.5% 7 Other 28.6% 5.6% 9.1% *Significantly different between stakeholder groups D4. What topics were included in what you saw or heard? (Check all that apply) Government Government Bilateral/ Principals Institutions Multilateral 1 WBG work or research on climate change 16.0% 35.6% 54.2% 2 WBG work or research on food insecurity* 28.0% 46.7% 37.5% 3 WBG work to provide debt relief for developing countries 24.0% 33.3% 37.5% 4 WBG global economic forecasts 20.0% 35.6% 50.0% WBG work to help alleviate the impacts of the COVID-19 5 52.0% 37.8% 45.8% pandemic 6 WBG work or research on energy 20.0% 15.6% 29.2% 7 WBG work to create more and better jobs 20.0% 26.7% 29.2% WBG work or research on rebuilding trust between citizens and 8 20.0% 13.3% 25.0% the state to create a new social contract in the Republic of Congo WBG work to strengthen human capital through improving 9 60.0% 60.0% 58.3% health care, nutrition, education, jobs, and skills WBG work to improve gender equity and empower women and 10 32.0% 35.6% 33.3% girls 11 Other 24.0% 24.4% 4.2% *Significantly different between stakeholder groups keholder Groups (single and multiple choice questions) IFC, MIGA, ICSID) in your country? * Civil Society Organization Private Sector Academia 34.9% 22.7% 46.7% 65.1% 77.3% 53.3% ate/work with in the Republic of Congo? (Select only 1 response) Civil Society Organization Private Sector Academia 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Civil Society Organization Private Sector Academia 20.9% 13.6% 6.7% 79.1% 86.4% 93.3% have the most impact on development results in the country? (Choose no more than 5) Civil Society Organization Private Sector Academia 24.3% 5.0% 7.7% 45.9% 40.0% 46.2% 64.9% 75.0% 69.2% 35.1% 35.0% 15.4% 13.5% 15.0% 15.4% 43.2% 40.0% 15.4% 51.4% 55.0% 69.2% 37.8% 35.0% 84.6% 24.3% 5.0% 7.7% 5.4% 15.0% 30.8% 5.4% 20.0% 15.4% 13.5% 0.0% 7.7% 8.1% 5.0% 7.7% 16.2% 45.0% 7.7% 16.2% 0.0% 15.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 10.0% 0.0% 10.8% 10.0% 15.4% 37.8% 15.0% 30.8% 2.7% 10.0% 0.0% 5.4% 5.0% 15.4% 8.1% 0.0% 0.0% 13.5% 25.0% 15.4% 0.0% 10.0% 0.0% 5.4% 20.0% 7.7% 2.7% 5.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% lic of Congo? (Choose no more than 3) Civil Society Organization Private Sector Academia 52.5% 50.0% 57.1% 35.0% 30.0% 21.4% 7.5% 5.0% 7.1% 0.0% 25.0% 7.1% 22.5% 75.0% 42.9% 90.0% 30.0% 50.0% 7.5% 20.0% 0.0% 20.0% 15.0% 0.0% 15.0% 15.0% 92.9% 7.5% 0.0% 0.0% 15.0% 5.0% 7.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 12.5% 10.0% 0.0% 5.0% 0.0% 0.0% 5.0% 0.0% 0.0% 5.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 5.0% 0.0% Civil Society Organization Private Sector Academia 75.6% 55.0% 92.9% 24.4% 45.0% 7.1% Civil Society Organization Private Sector Academia 83.9% 72.7% 76.9% 45.2% 27.3% 46.2% 51.6% 54.5% 61.5% 71.0% 27.3% 84.6% 48.4% 36.4% 53.8% 45.2% 45.5% 38.5% 54.8% 18.2% 61.5% 3.2% 0.0% 15.4% 3.2% 0.0% 15.4% 29.0% 27.3% 30.8% 9.7% 18.2% 23.1% 3.2% 9.1% 23.1% Civil Society Organization Private Sector Academia 70.6% 60.0% 80.0% 5.9% 0.0% 60.0% 11.8% 0.0% 60.0% 23.5% 40.0% 60.0% 17.6% 0.0% 40.0% 35.3% 40.0% 60.0% 29.4% 20.0% 0.0% Civil Society Organization Private Sector Academia 36.7% 36.4% 23.1% 53.3% 27.3% 7.7% 30.0% 27.3% 30.8% 20.0% 18.2% 46.2% 36.7% 36.4% 30.8% 13.3% 9.1% 7.7% 36.7% 9.1% 30.8% 16.7% 9.1% 15.4% 50.0% 18.2% 53.8% 53.3% 27.3% 30.8% 10.0% 9.1% 15.4% Appendix B: Responses to Selected Questions by Stakeholder Groups (scale que Government Government Bilateral/ Principals Institutions Multilateral N Mean N Mean N Mean How familiar are you with the work of the World Bank Group in Q2 40 5.78 60 6.93 27 6.63 the Republic of Congo?* (1-"Not familiar at all", 10-"Extremely familiar") *Significantly different between stakeholder groups OVERALL CONTEXT AND ATTITUDES TOWARD THE WORLD BANK IN THE REPUBLIC OF CONGO A1. To what extent, do you trust each of the following groups to do what is right? (1-"To no degree at all", 10-"To a very significant degree") Government Government Bilateral/ Principals Institutions Multilateral N Mean N Mean N Mean 1 The national/federal government* 34 6.79 55 7.18 24 5.04 2 The World Bank Group 35 6.71 57 7.44 26 7.35 3 The International Monetary Fund* 36 6.31 51 5.98 23 6.35 4 The United Nations (UN) 35 6.77 51 6.63 28 7.18 5 Regional development banks (BDEAC) 29 6.41 50 6.60 25 6.80 6 Private sector* 28 5.82 54 6.43 27 5.67 7 Civil society (e.g., NGOs, CBOs)* 31 5.61 55 6.33 27 5.30 8 Youth organizations 30 4.70 52 4.83 27 4.89 9 Faith-based institution 30 6.13 54 6.26 26 5.42 10 Private Foundations 26 4.88 49 4.94 25 4.88 11 Bilateral organizations (e.g., DFID, JICA, GIZ, USAID) 25 6.56 53 6.68 22 7.23 12 Other donor institutions 33 7.15 55 6.87 27 7.30 13 Academia/think tanks/research institutions* 29 6.55 52 6.65 24 5.75 14 Parliament/legislative branch* 34 6.21 51 5.98 26 5.04 15 Local government* 32 5.38 53 5.85 27 4.89 16 Media 33 5.09 55 5.33 29 4.69 17 Syndicate* 29 4.79 53 5.08 26 4.65 *Significantly different between stakeholder groups Government Government Bilateral/ Principals Institutions Multilateral N Mean N Mean N Mean How effective has the World Bank Group been in achieving A2 34 5.71 54 6.96 22 6.59 development results in the Republic of Congo?* (1-"Not effective at all ", 10-"Very effective") *Significantly different between stakeholder groups To what extent do you agree/disagree with the following statements about the World Bank Group’s work in the Republic of Congo? (1-"Strong Government Government Bilateral/ Principals Institutions Multilateral N Mean N Mean N Mean The World Bank Group currently plays a relevant role in A3 36 6.64 56 7.79 27 6.78 development in the Republic of Congo.* The World Bank Group’s work is well aligned with what I A4 37 6.38 54 7.69 26 6.69 consider the development priorities for the Republic of Congo. The World Bank Group’s work helps end extreme poverty in the A5 36 5.53 53 6.43 24 5.96 Republic of Congo. *Significantly different between stakeholder groups Government Government Bilateral/ Principals Institutions Multilateral N Mean N Mean N Mean To what extent does the World Bank Group influence the A6 35 5.80 52 7.42 25 6.52 development agenda in the Republic of Congo?* (1-"To no degree at all", 10-"To a very significant degree") *Significantly different between stakeholder groups Government Government Bilateral/ Principals Institutions Multilateral N Mean N Mean N Mean How significant a contribution do you believe the World Bank A7 Group's knowledge work and activities make to development 34 6.74 54 8.13 27 7.26 results in the Republic of Congo?* (1-"Not significant at all", 10-"Very significant") *Significantly different between stakeholder groups EFFECTIVENESS OF WORLD BANK WORK AND ENGAGEMENT IN THE REPUBLIC OF CONGO To what extent is the WBG an effective development partner in the Republic of Congo, in terms of each of the following? (1-"To no degree at a Government Government Bilateral/ Principals Institutions Multilateral N Mean N Mean N Mean B1 Responsiveness to needs* 31 5.74 50 7.34 25 7.20 B2 Access to WBG staff and experts* 34 6.21 50 7.56 25 7.36 B3 Collaboration with the national/federal government* 35 7.57 55 8.55 25 7.36 B4 Collaboration with private sector 27 6.15 46 6.98 20 6.35 B5 Collaboration with civil society (e.g., NGOs, CBOs) 27 5.96 46 7.02 22 6.23 B6 Collaboration with other donors and development partners 25 6.36 39 7.90 24 6.83 B7 Regional development banks (BDEAC) 18 7.06 33 7.18 19 6.84 B8 Academia/think tanks/research institutions 22 5.45 38 6.47 21 5.38 B9 Parliament/legislative branch 24 5.79 37 6.70 19 5.74 B10 Local government 20 6.20 35 6.17 18 5.67 B11 Media 19 5.58 39 6.79 20 5.55 *Significantly different between stakeholder groups B12. How EFFECTIVE has the WBG been at achieving development results in each of these areas of human development in the Republic of Con Government Government Bilateral/ Principals Institutions Multilateral N Mean N Mean N Mean 1 Education: more resilient and equitable education systems 31 6.00 46 6.98 23 6.43 Health: universal health coverage, stronger primary health systems, pandemic preparedness, COVID-19 pandemic response; 2 33 6.82 49 7.24 24 6.79 eradicating infectious diseases, nutrition, WASH, Health financing strategy, National Health Account and staff 3 Social protection: pensions, social assistance, social safety nets* 33 6.45 41 7.51 23 6.83 Social Inclusion: increasing opportunities for marginalized people 4 26 5.04 38 6.74 21 6.24 to participate fully in markets, services, technologies, and society Gender equity: close gender gaps in health, education, social 5 25 6.40 40 6.62 22 6.55 protection, economic opportunities, and voice and agency *Significantly different between stakeholder groups B13. How EFFECTIVE has the WBG been at achieving development results in each of these areas of infrastructure in the Republic of Congo? (1- Government Government Bilateral/ Principals Institutions Multilateral N Mean N Mean N Mean 1 Transport: roads, bridges, sustainable transportation 27 4.70 46 6.17 22 5.68 2 Water supply and sanitation infrastructure 27 5.37 50 6.68 21 5.86 Digital Development: digital infrastructure, digital services, 3 27 5.85 45 6.87 20 6.30 digital skills development* 4 Urban development: urban planning, services, and institutions 30 5.80 43 6.81 22 6.05 Energy / Extractives: access to energy, transition to cleaner 5 21 4.57 31 5.39 17 5.29 energy sources; governance of oil, gas, and mineral resources *Significantly different between stakeholder groups B14. How EFFECTIVE has the WBG been at achieving development results in each of these areas of finance/institutions/economic growth in th Government Government Bilateral/ Principals Institutions Multilateral N Mean N Mean N Mean Public sector governance: efficiency, effectiveness, 1 29 6.17 45 7.31 21 5.67 accountability, and transparency of the government institutions* Debt sustainability: management, relief, financing, and 2 28 6.32 40 6.72 20 5.75 transparency 3 Trade: access to markets, tariffs, customs 22 5.36 28 5.86 17 4.76 Private sector development: business regulation, access to 4 23 5.39 37 6.14 19 4.68 finance, improved competitiveness 5 Job creation / employment: labor policies, skills development* 26 5.31 38 6.55 19 4.79 Macroeconomic stability: sustainable fiscal policy, effective tax 6 26 6.38 35 6.71 21 5.86 administration, monetary policy* Regional integration: promote common physical and institutional 7 27 4.67 31 5.42 17 4.35 infrastructure 8 Crime and violence: violence prevention and law enforcement 28 5.89 35 6.66 20 5.10 *Significantly different between stakeholder groups B15. How EFFECTIVE has the WBG been at achieving development results in each of these areas of environmental sustainability in the Republi Government Government Bilateral/ Principals Institutions Multilateral N Mean N Mean N Mean Environment / Natural resource management: air/water quality, 1 sustainable land and aquatic resource management, 20 4.40 41 6.73 23 5.52 biodiversity* 2 Climate change: transition to low-carbon economy* 27 5.11 44 6.93 22 5.50 Agriculture and food security: sustainable agriculture, inclusive 3 27 5.48 50 7.18 24 5.79 and efficient food systems* *Significantly different between stakeholder groups B16. What is your level of concern for each of the potential impacts of climate change as it affects your country? (1-"Not concerned at all", 2-" Government Government Bilateral/ Principals Institutions Multilateral N Mean N Mean N Mean 1 Forest fires 36 2.11 53 2.30 27 2.33 2 Decreased crop yields/food insecurity 34 3.21 55 3.33 27 3.22 3 Climate-driven migration 35 2.63 52 2.50 26 2.50 4 More frequent and severe floods 35 3.26 56 3.21 27 3.41 5 More frequent and severe droughts / heatwaves 35 2.43 56 2.21 27 2.30 6 Effects on public health 35 3.03 56 2.96 27 3.07 7 Air pollution 36 2.83 54 2.63 27 2.70 8 Extinction of plant/animal species 36 2.92 56 2.80 27 2.63 9 Land and forest degradation 37 2.86 55 2.98 27 3.00 10 Loss of jobs 35 2.80 56 3.00 27 3.00 11 Increase in natural disasters 35 2.37 56 2.41 27 2.59 12 Increase erosion of shoreline 34 3.18 56 2.79 27 2.89 13 Unsafe drinking water* 36 3.31 55 3.22 27 3.26 14 Diminished water supply for people and the economy 36 2.56 56 2.71 27 2.44 COMMUNICATION PREFERENCES D5. To what extent do you agree with the following statements: (1-"To no degree at all", 10-"To a very significant degree") Government Government Bilateral/ Principals Institutions Multilateral N Mean N Mean N Mean The WBG helps address the current food crisis and enables 1 32 5.47 49 6.55 24 6.12 greater preparedness to future food security crises The WBG helps the Republic of Congo boost climate resilience 2 30 5.57 48 6.90 24 6.21 and mitigate the effects of climate challenges. The WBG helps create more and better jobs in the Republic of 3 32 4.91 47 5.60 21 5.05 Congo. The WBG is committed to comprehensive debt solutions that 4 29 6.03 39 6.36 24 6.21 bring real benefits to people in the Republic of Congo. The WBG supports countries to ensure transition to more 5 25 5.44 44 6.43 22 5.59 diversified and cleaner sources of energy The WBG is working with governments, the private sector, and other partners to support critical facilities during the COVID-19 6 32 7.12 43 7.28 21 6.95 pandemic, while increasing vaccinations and reducing health impacts. The WBG helps strengthen human capital in the Republic of 7 Congo through improving health care, nutrition, education, jobs, 30 6.43 51 7.35 25 6.96 and skills.* The WBG helps the Republic of Congo rebuild trust between 8 24 4.08 36 5.22 21 5.38 citizens and the state to create a new social contract. The WBG helps improve gender equity and empower women 9 28 5.36 41 6.76 23 6.04 and girls in the Republic of Congo. The World Bank helps the Republic of Congo strengthen 10 economic management to create an improved climate for 28 6.50 47 6.60 23 7.00 sustainable private sector-led growth *Significantly different between stakeholder groups Government Government Bilateral/ Principals Institutions Multilateral N Mean N Mean N Mean Overall Mean Ratings for the twelve indicator questions* 39 6.70 60 7.34 29 6.89 *Significantly different between stakeholder groups eholder Groups (scale questions) Civil Society Organization Private Sector Academia N Mean N Mean N Mean 42 5.14 22 4.32 15 7.47 ree at all", 10-"To a very significant degree") Civil Society Organization Private Sector Academia N Mean N Mean N Mean 39 3.64 19 5.37 11 5.91 41 6.68 23 6.48 15 7.73 30 4.40 21 5.62 11 5.36 33 6.33 21 6.24 12 7.42 26 5.35 22 5.77 11 6.00 29 5.52 22 7.45 10 6.90 39 8.00 21 5.52 12 7.50 33 5.09 18 4.56 10 5.10 33 5.58 18 6.89 10 7.10 30 5.33 17 5.24 10 6.40 33 6.61 18 6.06 9 5.67 38 7.42 21 6.48 12 6.42 29 5.59 20 5.75 13 8.69 31 3.26 19 5.53 11 5.27 31 3.55 20 5.20 10 6.30 35 4.46 21 3.95 12 5.42 35 3.74 19 3.58 10 6.10 Civil Society Organization Private Sector Academia N Mean N Mean N Mean 32 5.75 18 4.50 12 7.00 up’s work in the Republic of Congo? (1-"Strongly disagree", 10-"Strongly agree") Civil Society Organization Private Sector Academia N Mean N Mean N Mean 39 6.79 18 5.56 13 7.31 34 7.03 19 6.11 12 7.33 38 6.16 17 4.24 11 6.18 Civil Society Organization Private Sector Academia N Mean N Mean N Mean 38 5.97 17 4.88 10 6.60 Civil Society Organization Private Sector Academia N Mean N Mean N Mean 35 7.94 18 6.94 12 7.92 of each of the following? (1-"To no degree at all", 10-"To a very significant degree") Civil Society Organization Private Sector Academia N Mean N Mean N Mean 34 6.62 16 6.75 10 7.40 31 6.13 17 5.65 13 7.85 39 8.08 14 6.57 12 8.50 30 6.10 19 5.53 10 6.80 41 6.61 16 5.94 9 6.33 27 7.30 11 7.36 8 7.12 14 6.86 10 7.40 7 6.14 19 4.79 10 6.10 9 5.33 23 5.35 14 4.71 6 5.33 28 4.50 12 5.83 7 5.14 21 4.71 10 5.90 6 5.50 of human development in the Republic of Congo? (1-"Not effective at all ", 10-"Very effective") Civil Society Organization Private Sector Academia N Mean N Mean N Mean 35 6.34 14 6.79 13 7.85 33 6.24 15 7.27 13 7.08 34 5.79 14 5.36 8 5.88 33 5.45 14 4.86 11 6.36 31 6.55 14 5.64 10 6.70 of infrastructure in the Republic of Congo? (1-"Not effective at all ", 10-"Very effective") Civil Society Organization Private Sector Academia N Mean N Mean N Mean 30 5.23 15 6.00 10 6.10 35 5.69 17 5.65 9 5.78 30 5.37 15 6.87 12 8.25 30 5.30 14 5.93 8 5.38 26 3.96 14 4.07 8 5.75 of finance/institutions/economic growth in the Republic of Congo? (1-"Not effective at all ", 10-"Very effective") Civil Society Organization Private Sector Academia N Mean N Mean N Mean 27 4.96 15 4.47 11 6.00 26 5.12 16 5.62 12 6.58 24 3.96 14 4.36 9 5.67 24 5.00 16 4.44 9 5.89 28 4.96 15 3.80 9 5.67 22 4.68 13 4.15 10 6.20 23 4.00 13 3.62 10 5.10 27 4.96 14 5.14 9 5.67 of environmental sustainability in the Republic of Congo? (1-"Not effective at all ", 10-"Very effective") Civil Society Organization Private Sector Academia N Mean N Mean N Mean 33 5.36 16 5.12 9 6.78 34 5.32 16 5.44 9 6.67 38 6.05 16 5.12 9 6.22 cts your country? (1-"Not concerned at all", 2-"A little concerned", 3-"Somewhat concerned", 4-"Very concerned") Civil Society Organization Private Sector Academia N Mean N Mean N Mean 41 2.27 20 2.40 11 2.55 40 3.17 20 3.15 14 3.14 41 2.63 20 2.40 12 2.17 42 3.24 20 3.00 12 3.08 42 2.31 19 2.16 12 2.17 41 2.93 20 3.20 12 2.67 39 2.54 20 2.60 14 2.43 38 2.95 20 2.80 14 2.71 41 2.93 20 2.70 12 2.58 39 2.79 20 2.95 12 2.92 40 2.17 20 2.50 12 2.58 39 2.82 20 2.90 12 2.75 38 2.74 19 3.05 14 2.50 40 2.65 19 2.63 13 2.62 a very significant degree") Civil Society Organization Private Sector Academia N Mean N Mean N Mean 36 6.50 13 5.00 10 6.80 32 6.81 16 5.56 12 7.17 30 6.17 12 3.08 10 5.30 27 5.74 16 5.12 9 4.89 27 5.81 16 5.06 9 4.33 32 7.16 16 7.00 12 6.50 38 6.26 15 5.00 14 7.86 30 5.40 16 4.94 9 3.89 36 6.08 16 5.19 11 6.45 31 6.42 17 5.47 12 7.00 Civil Society Organization Private Sector Academia N Mean N Mean N Mean 42 6.78 23 5.97 15 7.81