The World Bank CONCEPT NOTE RAS T1-PROD5 (P500237) CONCEPT NOTE RAS T1-PROD5 (ID:P500237) (OTHER) Page i Nov 23, 2022 The World Bank CONCEPT NOTE RAS T1-PROD5 (P500237) @#&OPS~Doctype~OPS^dynamics@pcnbasicinformation#doctemplate BASIC INFORMATION Activity Information Operation ID Product Line P500237 Advisory Services & Analytics Operation Acronym Operation Name RAS T1 RAS T1-PROD5 Operation Status Draft Processing Is this a Reimbursable Advisory Service (RAS)? (Concept Note is required for RAS) Yes Does this RAS trigger Environmental and Social Risks? No What kind of task description is needed? Concept Note without a Review; approved with the Activity Initiation Note (Track 1) @#&OPS~Doctype~OPS^dynamics@pcnrasinformation#doctemplate Reimbursable Advisory Services Related Information (Original Activity Information) Planned Agreement Signing Date Planned Agreement End Date 01-Dec-2022 01-Sep-2023 Client consent to disclose deliverables Operation related advisory services Yes Yes Billing is contingent upon receiving client's acceptance of Billing Format deliverables Lump-sum Yes Accountability Page ii Nov 23, 2022 The World Bank CONCEPT NOTE RAS T1-PROD5 (P500237) Region/Country Who is the primary beneficiary of this operation? WB Regions or World Global Region(s) Requesting Unit (e.g. EAPSG) Other ITSOP Geographical Identifier World Implementing Unit Responsible Unit (e.g. EECG1) Contributing Practice Areas ITSOP Agriculture and Food Management Team ADM Responsible Team Leader Priya M Bank/IFC Collaboration Is there collaboration between Bank and IFC? Yes CONTEXT: STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Test @#&OPS~Doctype~OPS^dynamics@pcndevelopmentobjective#doctemplate PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVE DO-AIN @#&OPS~Doctype~OPS^dynamics@pcnactivitysummary#doctemplate ACTIVITY TYPE Is this mainly an analytical or an advisory activity? Advisory Page iii Nov 23, 2022 The World Bank CONCEPT NOTE RAS T1-PROD5 (P500237) What does this task primarily focus on? Implemeting Agency Is this activity designated as corporate commitment? Yes Which corporate commitment is being addressed? Other ACTIVITY SUMMARY RAS T1-PROD5 DETAILED ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION @#&OPS~Doctype~OPS^dynamics@pcndeliverables#doctemplate DELIVERABLES Group By: Pillar Deliverable Name Lead Completion Date Processing Type Pillar:AIN AIN-DR-NO Priya M 01-Feb-2023 (P) DR not Required *AIN-DR-YES Krishnakumar 01-May-2023 (P) DR Required Tholkappian * - Primary Deliverable P - Planned | A - Actual | DR - Decision Review @#&OPS~Doctype~OPS^blank@pcnexpectedresults#doctemplate EXPECTED RESULTS AND OUTCOMES Page iv Nov 23, 2022 The World Bank CONCEPT NOTE RAS T1-PROD5 (P500237) @#&OPS~Doctype~OPS^dynamics@pcnresultindicators#doctemplate RESULTS Do you want to track result indicators for this activity? Yes Outcome Indicators AIN-Indi1 Unit of Measure: Minutes Value, Minutes Date Baseline 3 03-Nov-2022 End Target 33 30-Nov-2022 RISKS Please describe the risks related to this activity and how they can be managed. Please also specify RAS-related risks such as financial risks, operational/reputational risk, liability risks, risks related to conflict of interest, risks related to subcontracting, and environmental and social risks. For further guidance on RAS-related risks and management of such risks, please see RAS Guidance. DISSEMINATION and OUTREACH STRATEGY @#&OPS~Doctype~OPS^dynamics@pcnkeydates#doctemplate MILESTONES Schedule Name Original Revised Actual AIN Sign-Off Page v Nov 23, 2022 The World Bank CONCEPT NOTE RAS T1-PROD5 (P500237) Completion Summary 01-Dec-2023 @#&OPS~Doctype~OPS^dynamics@pcnbudget#doctemplate BUDGET Budget Plan vs Actual (USD) Total Budget (Multi-Year) FY Budget (2023) Cumulative RAS Budget FY WPA RAS Budget Source of Fund Expenditure to Burn Rate Activity Plan WPA Plan Expenditure Burn (Direct Cost) Date (%) (YTD) Rate (%) Reimbursable Advisory 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Services Budget Plan (USD) Do you want to plan the budget by FY? No Total Cost (Direct + Indirect & Source of Fund Total Direct Cost Sustaining) Grand Total 10,000.00 0.00 Reimbursable Advisory Services 10,000.00 0.00 Pricing Estimated Value of Agreement (Price) in USD Envisaged currency of Agreement 16,000.00 INR Actual Indirect & Sustaining Rate (Value of agreement vs. Exchange Rate Total direct cost) 60% 3.56 Estimated Value of Agreement (in currency of the Agreement) 57,000.00 Rationale for deviation from uniform pricing methodology I&S-60% Page vi Nov 23, 2022 The World Bank CONCEPT NOTE RAS T1-PROD5 (P500237) @#&OPS~Doctype~OPS^dynamics@pcnclient#doctemplate Clients or Audience Does this activity have a client? Yes Organizations & Contacts AIN-org Activity Leadership/Oversight British Indian Ocean Territory Contacts @#&OPS~Doctype~OPS^dynamics@pcnteam#doctemplate TEAMS Core Team Name Role Specialization Unit Team Leader(ADM Priya M ITSOP Responsible) Krishnakumar Tholkappian Team Member ITSOP @#&OPS~Doctype~OPS^dynamics@pcninstitutionaldata#doctemplate INSTITUTIONAL DATA Does this activity contribute towards design and/or implementation of financing projects? Yes Does this activity contribute towards development of SCDs and CPFs? Yes Substantial contribution towards specific financing or country engagement products: Page vii Nov 23, 2022 The World Bank CONCEPT NOTE RAS T1-PROD5 (P500237) Operation ID Operation Name Product This is a test project in P500174 production - IPF Multi products Investment Project Financing 1 Does this activity address climate change adaptation and/or mitigation? No Pandemic Response Is this activity a response to COVID-19? No @#&OPS~Doctype~OPS^dynamics@pcnannexdeliverables#doctemplate ANNEX A. DELIVERABLES DETAILS AIN Deliverable Name Decision Review Required? Status AIN-DR-YES Yes Planned Planned date Actual date Deliverable Creation 23-Nov-2022 Decision Review approval 01-Dec-2022 Deliverable Completion 01-May-2023 Lead Krishnakumar Tholkappian Deliverable document(s) expected to be disclosed Yes Provide a brief description of the deliverable test Provide a brief summary of outputs before recommending decision review of the deliverable (if needed) or changing its status to Completed. If applicable, include links to external documents and websites. Deliverable Name Decision Review Required? Status Page viii Nov 23, 2022 The World Bank CONCEPT NOTE RAS T1-PROD5 (P500237) AIN-DR-NO No Planned Planned date Actual date Deliverable Creation 23-Nov-2022 Deliverable Completion 01-Feb-2023 Lead Priya M Deliverable document(s) expected to be disclosed Yes Provide a brief description of the deliverable test2 Provide a brief summary of outputs before recommending decision review of the deliverable (if needed) or changing its status to Completed. If applicable, include links to external documents and websites. @#&OPS~Doctype~OPS^dynamics@pcnannexsubtasks#doctemplate don’t re move subtask Page ix Nov 23, 2022 The World Bank CONCEPT NOTE RAS T1-PROD5 (P500237) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Page x Nov 23, 2022