THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) GOVERNMENT OF UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA PRESIDENT’S OFFICE REGIONAL ADMINISTRATION AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT (PORALG) MSIMBAZI BASIN DEVELOPMENT PROJECT P169425 NEGOTIATED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIALCOMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) September 9, 2022 1|Page THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) 1. The Government of United Republic of Tanzania (the “Recipient�) through President’s Office Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG) is planning to implement the Msimbazi Basin Development Project through PORALG PCT with Tanzania National Roads Agency (TANROADS) and various Local Government Authorities (LGAs) being the implementing Agencies that will be coordinated by the Dar Es Salaam City Council (DCC). The International Development Association (hereinafter the Association) has agreed to provide financing for the Project. 2. The Government of United Republic of Tanzania will implement material measures and actions so that the Msimbazi Basin Development Sub-projects are implemented in accordance with the World Bank’s Environmental and Social Standards (ESSs). This Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP) sets out a summary of the material measures and actions. 3. The Government of United Republic of Tanzania will also comply with the provisions of any other E&S document required under the ESF such as the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP), Resettlement Action Plan (RAP), Stakeholders Engagement Plan (SEP), and Labor Management Procedures (LMP) and any other documents that will be identified for the Project will be developed. 4. The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania is responsible for compliance with all requirement of the ESCP even when implementation of specific measures and actions are conducted by the Ministry, Agency or Unit referenced in 1 above. 5. Implementation of the material measures and actions set out in this ESCP will be monitored and reported to the World Bank by the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania through PO-RALG PCT as required by the ESCP and the conditions of the legal agreement, and the World Bank will monitor and assess progress and completion of the material measures and actions throughout implementation of the Project. 6. As agreed by the World Bank and The Government of United Republic of Tanzania, this ESCP may be revised from time to time during Project implementation, to reflect adaptive management of Project changes and unforeseen circumstances or in response to assessment of Project performance conducted under the ESCP itself. In such circumstances, Government of the United Republic of Tanzania will agree to the changes with the World Bank and will update the ESCP to reflect such changes. Agreement on changes to the ESCP will be documented through the exchange of letters signed between the World Bank and the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania through PO-RALG will promptly disclose the updated ESCP. 7. Where Project changes, unforeseen circumstances, or Project performance result in changes to the risks and impacts during Project implementation, the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania shall provide additional funds, if needed, to implement actions and measures to address such risks and impacts, which may include: environmental, health, and safety impacts, labour influx, Sexual exploitation and abuse and/or Sexual harassment. 2|Page THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP): Summary of the Material Measures and Actions to Mitigate the TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBILE Msimbazi Basin Development Project’s Potential Environmental and ENTITY/AUTHORITY Social Risksand Impacts ESCP MONITORING AND REPORTING A REGULAR REPORTING Quarterly throughout Projectimplementation Environmental and Social Team at the PCT in Prepare and submit to the Bank regular monitoring reports PORALG, DCC-PIT, on the environmental, social, labor, health and safety TANROADs PIT Funding (ESHS) performance of the Project, including but not from Project’sbudget.1 limited to implementation of the ESCP, status of preparation and implementation of E&S instruments required under the ESCP including the RAP Implementation ( to be reported separately), stakeholder engagement activities, and the functioning of the grievance mechanism(s). B INCIDENTS AND ACCIDENTS Promptly after learning of the incident or Respective Project Promptly notify the Bank of any incident or accident related or accident, (Notify the TTL of the World Coordinator at the PCT in having an impact on the Project which has, or is likely to have, Bank not later than 36 hours after PORALG, DCC-PIT, a significant adverse effect on the environment, the affected occurrence of the accident/incident). If a TANROADs and the World communities, the public or workers including, among others, report is requested by the Bank, the same Bank construction accidents, pollution, sexual discrimination, allegations shall be delivered within a timeframe of sexual abuse, exploitation, or harassment. Provide sufficient acceptable to the Bank. details regarding the incident or accident, indicating immediate measures taken to address it, and include information provided by any contractor and supervising entity, as appropriate. Subsequently, at the Bank’s request, prepare a report on the incident or accident, and propose measures to prevent its recurrence. C CONTRACTORS MONTHLY REPORTS Be done in a monthly basis Contractors, Respective In contracts for works using the Bank’s standard procurement Project Coordinator at the documents, contractors are required to provide monthly PCT in PORALG, DCC-PIT, monitoring reports to the Project Implementing Team (PIT) and if TANROADs and the World needed, such monthly reports would be submitted to the Bank Association by the Recipient upon request. ESS 1: ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL RISKS AND IMPACTS 3|Page THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP): Summary of the Material Measures and Actions to Mitigate the TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBILE Msimbazi Basin Development Project’s Potential Environmental and ENTITY/AUTHORITY Social Risksand Impacts 1.1 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Prior to loan effectiveness. PCT at PORALG, DCC-PIT, TANROADs Establish and maintain an organizational structure that is adequate Maintained throughout Project to support management of E&S risks including resources to implementation support the management of ESHS risks and impacts of the Project, that are Environmental Officers and Sociologists/Community Development Officers with a clear chain of command A social specialist with experience on Grievance Handling and response shall be part of thisorganizational structure. 1.2 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL ASSESSMENT During planning and preparation phase of The Environmental and Prepare, consult, update, disclose, adopt, and implement policy specific sub-projects. Social team at the PCT in frameworks and management plans - Strategic Environmental and PORALG, DCC-PIT and Social Assessment (SESA); and Environmental and Social Impact TANROAD’s PCT Assessment and Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESIA/ESMP) - that have been prepared for the Project, in a manner acceptable to the Bank. 1.3 MANAGEMENT TOOLS AND INSTRUMENTS For each subproject and Project activity The PCT at PORALG, DCC- requiring the preparation of an ESMP, this PIT and TANROAD’s PIT Assess all Project activities in accordance with the ESMF for the shall be completed, in a form and substance Project and thereafter, prepare, consult, adopt, disclose and acceptable to the Bank, before launching of implement any Environmental and Social Management Plans the corresponding bidding process. Once (ESMP) required for the respective subprojects or Project approved, the ESMPs shall be implemented activities, in accordance with the ESSs, the ESMF and in a manner throughout implementation of the respective acceptable to the Bank. subprojects or respective Project activities 4|Page THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP): Summary of the Material Measures and Actions to Mitigate the TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBILE Msimbazi Basin Development Project’s Potential Environmental and ENTITY/AUTHORITY Social Risksand Impacts 1.4 MANAGEMENT OF CONTRACTORS During preparation of procurement The PCU at PORALG, PIU Develop and implement procedures for managing documents and prior to at TANROADS and PIU at contractors and subcontractors. commencement of works. DCC Incorporate the relevant aspects of this ESCP, including the relevant E&S instruments and/or plans, and labor and working Procedures to be maintained throughout the conditions, into the environmental, labor, social, health and safety Project implementation. specifications of the procurement documents and contracts of contractors. Contractors shall ensure that subcontractors comply with these obligations. Thereafter, ensure that the contractors comply with the environmental, labor, social, health and safety specifications of their respective contracts. Contractors shall prepare C-ESMPs acceptable to the PIU prior to commencement of works. ESS 2: LABOR AND WORKING CONDITIONS 2.1 LABOR MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES Throughout project implementation The PCT at PORALG Prepare and implement the Labor Management Procedures (LMP) for the Project to ensure that all requirements for implementation have been adopted. LMP will be maintained and updated as needed, depending on changing project circumstances. 2.2 GRIEVANCE MECHANISM FOR PROJECT WORKERS Prior to implementation of works and • The PCT at PORALG, Develop and maintain a grievance mechanism for Project workers will be maintained and updated PIT at TANROADS and as described in the LMP. Ensure that the Grievance Redress throughout the Project implementation. respective LGAs Mechanism has the capacity to receive complaints on sexual Contractors work’scontract to • Contractors harassment in the workplace and to treat them with confidentiality. incorporate GRM. Budget Operational throughout the Project Contractors’ E&S budget implementation. 5|Page THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP): Summary of the Material Measures and Actions to Mitigate the TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBILE Msimbazi Basin Development Project’s Potential Environmental and ENTITY/AUTHORITY Social Risksand Impacts 2.3 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY (OHS) Prior to initiating works Contractor with over sight MEASURES from PORALG PCT. PIT at Develop and implement occupational, health and safety (OHS) the DCC and TANROADS measures in line with OSHA Act 2003 and the World Bank Budget Environmental and Social Framework, including disease/pandemic prevention and contingency planning for an • Contractors’ E&S outbreak. Contractor to develop and implement a Contractor’s OHS management plan as specified in the Bill of Quantities withSafety Audits carried out monthly, which should be conducted by the contractors. ESS 3: RESOURCE EFFICIENCY AND POLLUTION PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT 3.1 WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN: Prepare, adopt, and implement Prepare, adopt, and implement and e-Waste PO-RALG, NEMC, PIT e-Waste Management Plan. Management Plan. Developed Six months after Project effectiveness and thereafter implemented throughout Project implementation. 3.2 RESOURCE EFFICIENCY AND POLLUTION During construction phase, project PO-RALG, NEMC, PIT, PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT: Resource efficiency and implementation and Local community, pollution prevention and management measures will be covered Contractors under the ESMP to be prepared under action 1.2 above. ESS 4: COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SAFETY 4.1 TRAFFIC AND ROAD SAFETY: In consultation with the Prior to Commencement of each sub- Contractors with community, develop and implement measures and actions to project works. oversight from PO- assess and manage traffic and road safety risks for construction. RALG PCT, PITs at Contractors will develop road safety management plan as part of Maintained throughout TANROADS and PIT at the C-ESMP to address environmental, social and economic construction the DCC impacts on local communities at the project area. . activities Source of financing: contractors’ E&S budget 4.2 COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SAFETY: Develop and After contract awardand prior to TARURA, TANROADS and implement measures and action to assessand manage specific risks commencement of works. contractors. (including risks of a disease/pandemic outbreak) and impacts to Maintained throughout • Contractors’ E&S the community arising from Project activities, including in construction budget. relation to Sub-Project Workers and any risks of labor influx.. activities. 6|Page THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP): 4.3 GBV AND SEA RISKS: Prior to works initiation. PIUs at TANROADS and Engage qualified institutions (e.g., NGOs, Government Hospitals LGAs as well as Contractors. etc.), to give Toolbox talks on GBV and SEA risks for continuous Maintained throughout the Project • Contractors’ E&S implementation. budget. awareness and offer GBV (psychosocial and legal) referral services as needed. • Develop and train the community and workers on a grievance/ feedback management process for reporting cases on GBV and SEA. • Develop a Code of Conduct that includes worker’s and contractor’s obligations vis-à-vis SEA, and issues related to GBV to be signed by contractors and workers. Define, as part of the GBV Prevention and Response Action Plan monitoring mechanisms to ensure that all the mitigation and response measures are in place and working accordingly. ESS 5: LAND ACQUISITION, RESTRICTIONS ON LAND USE AND INVOLUNTARY RESETTLEMENT 5.1 RESETTLEMENT PLANS Assess, prepare and implement All subproject RAPs will be finalized PO-RALG PCT resettlement action plans [RAPs] for sub projects consistent with the and implemented prior to TANROADS and requirements of the RPF and ESS5 before carrying out the associated commencement of any works. respective LGAs civil works. DART 5.2 GRIEVANCE MECHANISM Prior to project’s effectiveness PO-RALG PCT, Develop and implement the arrangements for the grievance mechanism TANROADS, DART and for resettlement as described in theRPF and SEP in line with ESS10 Upon finalization of sub-projects’ Respective LGAs requirement Develop and disclose a grievance/ feedback management Resettlement ActionPlan. process for project affected people . E&S Teams of PIUs ESS 6: BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION AND SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF LIVING NATURAL RESOURCES []. 6.1 BIODIVERSITY RISKS AND IMPACTS: Before subprojects commencement. PO-RALG PCT, Develop and implement measures and actions to assess and manage LGAs, contractors and risks and impacts on biodiversity, includingidentification of different Consultants. types of habitat and circumstances in which offsets will be used. Contractors’ E&S budget ESS 8: CULTURAL HERITAGE 8.1 CHANCE FINDS: Identify measures to address risks and impacts on Before subprojects commencement PO-RALG PCT , cultural heritage. and maintained throughout the TANROADS and Project implementation. LGAs PIUs Contractors Consultants 7|Page THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP): ESS 10: STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE 10.1 STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT PLAN PREPARATION AND Throughout theProject implementation PO-RALG PCT, IMPLEMENTATION TANROADS and Prepare and Implement the SEP and report on stakeholder LGAs PITs. consultation in the implementation of the project in the Monthly Progress Reports (MPRs) and Quarterly reports. Adopt the SEP for all sub-projects. 10.2 Project Grievance Mechanism : Prepare adopt maintain and operate a Prior to project implementation PO-RALG PCT, grievance mechanism as described in the SEP By March 2022 TANROADS and LGAs PITs. CAPACITY SUPPORT (TRAINING) CS1 Training may be required in but not limited to: • PO-RALG PCT and PO-RALG PCT, Occupational health and safety; TANROADs E&S teams TANROADS and Gender mainstreaming in construction works; • PIU at each LGAs LGAs PITs. Implementation and monitoring of HIV/AIDS, STIs and STDs and • Some officials at ward level preventive measures towards pandemic diseases such as Covid 19; • Contractors and Consultants OSHA Environment and social risks management; staff Grievances management implementation and monitoring Monitoring of ESMP The trainings should be conducted as Land acquisition and resettlement; part of Project preparation and on biannual basis during project implementation CS2 Training may be required in but not limited to: Quarterly for some items CSC, Occupational health and safety; Monthly for Occupational Health and Contractor, Implementation and monitoring of HIV/AIDS, STIs and STDs and Safety PO-RALG PCT, preventive measures towards pandemic diseases such as Covid 19; TANROADs, Grievances Handling PIU, Monitoring of ESMP, Traffic Management Plan OSHA TBD: To be Determined. DCC: Dar Es Salaam City Council – Formerly known as Ilala Municipal Council, the PIU will have staff from other LGAs that include Kinondoni, Ubungo, Kisarawe and the DCC 8|Page