Auditor's Report along with The Financial Statements of Bangladesh Municipal Development Fund (BMDF) Grameen Bank Bhaban, Level-13, Mirpur-2, Dhaka - 1216 For the year ended 301 June, 2021 A ed Tr,nig Employer Chartered Accountants HUSSAIN FARHAD & CO. Corporate Office: K CJAR71LRLD ACOU\T4NTS : House 1 l, Road-. 12, Block - F. Nikcton Gulha-1 Dbaka-212. Bangladesk 9 :-8 '02)88605-7 X : -88 01681126120 * h h ,5 : w% l w Independent Auditor's Report To the Board of Directors on the Financial Statements of "Bangladesh Municipal Development Fund (BMDF)" Qualified Opinion We have audited the accompanying Financial statements of "Bangladesh Municipal Development Fund (BMDF)" which comprise Statement of Financial Position as at June 30, 2021, Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income and statement of cash flows for the year then ended and notes to the financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies. In our opinion, except for the effects of the matter described in the Basis for Qualified Opinion section of our report, the accompanying financial statements give a true and fair view of the financial position as at June 30, 2021, and of its financial performance and its cash flows for the period from July 01, 2020 to June 30, 2021 then ended in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs). Basis for Qualified Opinion BMDF did not implement International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS-16) for its office rent during the year 2020-21. Instead of applying the recognition requirements of IFRS 16, the company decided to account for lease payments amounting to Tk 6,556,809 as an expense on a straight-line basis over the period under audit, which constitutes a departure from the requirements of IFRS 16. We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISAs). Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements section of our report. We are independent of the company in accordance with the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants' Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (IESBA Code) together with the ethical requirements that are relevant to our audit of the financial statements in Bangladesh, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the IESBA Code. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our qualified opinion. Emphasis of Matter We draw attention to note 3.12 to the financial statements which states managemett explanation for non-submission of any kind of tax returns. Our opinion is not modified in respect of this matter. Other Matter The financial statements of 'Bangladesh Municipal Development Fund (BMDF)' for the year ended June 30, 2020, was audited by Khan Wahab & Co., Chartered Accountants, who expressed an un-modified opinion on those statements as on October 29, 2020. NIdTanner Et IC WFF Chartered Chattogram Office: ASNAF Accountants Yunusco City Cunter (9th Flooro, 81P CDA A%enue. airabad. Chaaugram +88 i 01) X 8598 M U e - com E :RNAA H SSAIN FAR14AD & CO. CorporaMe fice: F-T HI RFEM WCCOF \ TAVT 9 1 i .R~~ 1-2. R Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Governance for the Financial Statements and Internal Controls Management is responsible for the preparation of financial statements that give a true and fair view in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as applicable explained in Note 3.00 and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. In preparing the financial statements, management is responsible for assessing the organization's ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless management either intends to liquidate the organization or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so. Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the organization's financial reporting process. Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor's report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements. As part of an audit in accordance with ISAs, we exercise professional judgement and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also: * Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement rcsulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud max, involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control. * Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to desiV, audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances. * Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by management. * Conclude on the appropriateness of managements use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material Chartered Chattiogran Office: ASNAF AccounIaNs Yurusco 0.i Ceen r (90h Floori 0 CDA vene or rha. Chato n - 2 9 C A g C mNAT HUSSAIN FARHAD & CO. Corporate Office: S lLIH ( .\ i/ 9 5u l a Ra -1-loc- F1 Niketon Funh a.nL DI k.-I211 Ban dh. uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast si,,nificant doubt on the organization's ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditor's report to the related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor's repoit. However, future events or conditions may cause the organization to cease to continue as a going concern. * Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, including the disclosures, and whether the financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation. * Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities or business activities within the organization to express an opinion on the financial statenents. We remain solely responsible for our audit opinion. We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that ve identify during our audit. We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical requirements regarding independence, and to communicate w vith them all relationships and other matters that may' reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and where applicable, related safeguards. Firm Name Hussain Farhad & Co., Chartered Accountants Registration No 4/452/ICAB-84 Signature of the auditor :............................. .. Name of the auditor A.K.M Fazlul Haque FCA, Partne rol rment No: 1090 DVC No. : Place: Dhaka Dated: December 08, 2021 Member oi- ICAEWK c hrtered Chattogran Office: ASNAF A-cutai ui, co ( s m I 'e er Oth I lorl 1~ () A%Xcc jl. i' ., j v A ' s' C'2* . Bangladesh Municipal Development Fund (BMDF) Statement of Financial Position As at 30 June 2021 A mount in Taka Particulars Notes 30.06.2021 30.06.2020 A. APPLICATION OF FUNDS Non-Current Assets Property, Plant and Equipment 4 3,917,415 5,804,632 Current Assets 4,955,244,610 4,683,457,072 Loans & Advances 5 1,642,209,212 1,3872386,415 Accounts Receivables 6 249,266,768 206 62,205 Advance Income Tax 7 111,245,445 91,381,941 Investment in FDR 8 2,483,825,639 2,225,375,120 Cash at Banks 9 468,697 546 773,051,391 Total 4,959,162,027 4,689,261,704 B. SOURCE OF FUNDS Capital Fund 10 1,670,882,744 1,467,897,204 Govt. Equity 2,429,048,665 2,030,019,653 Endowment Fund 11 774,428,315 732,703,588 Seed Capital under MGSP1 12 1,654,620,350 1,297,316,065 Non-Current Liability 429,604,884 497,047,274 Debt (DSL) under MSP 13 429,604,884 497,047,274 Current Liabilities 429,625,734 694,297,573 Advance (MGSP) Received from IDA 14 422380 081 675,714 '94 Security Deposit 15 48, 27 48,327 Other Liabilities 16 7,197,326 18,534,452 Total 4,959,162,027 4,689,261,704 The annexed notes form an i I rt of these financial itatements Finance Manager Managing Director rector Subject to our separate report of even date. Place: Dhaka Hussain Far ad Date: December 08, 2021 Chartered Actownts DVC No. 2112151090ASS68476 4 Bangladesh Municipal Development Fund (BMDF) Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income For the period from 01 July,2020 to 30 June 2021 Amount in Taka Particulars Notes 2020-2021 2019-2020 A. INCOME: 273,750,688 299,734,172 interest lncome 17 271,749,557 235,456,459 Penalty Received 449,900 43,388 Service Charge 1,519,132 63,592,050 Gain on Sale of Fixed Asts is 39,599 626,799 \IisCel1anoJs [ncome 2,500 15,47 Grants 1,512,618,806 2,148,712,583 (1B Special Grant 19 34.329,300 ",495.714 L)A Grants for MlGSP 2() 1,478.289,50t 2,104,16-89 Total Income 1,786,369,494 2,448,446,755 B. EXPENDITURE: 29,516,228 25,885,365 Interest øn GoB Lan 21 4,748,86- 12,173,0-' Operating Expenses (OSR) 22 21 573 171 10,811- 5 De,preciition 23 2,411,194 2,273.134 Miscellaneous Expenses -8300 627,50 Operating Expenses (GoB) 34,302,822 44,483,987 Officers Pay 000 12,449,521 Support Staff Pa, 4,00.000 6,404,424 Allowarnces 24 13,644,818 Adninistative Eixpenses 25 6,280,608 6,026,369 Repairs & Naiitenance 26 570,000 513,767 Other Operating Expenses 27 187,396 (,446, 133 MGSP Expenses (IDA) 1,477,791,108 2,103,387,661 Civil WAorks at Ul Bs (Grants) 28 I 2_7,162 2162,358,474 Consultanc Services 29 45922,604 8,134,795 Incremental Opvrating Costs 0( 2' 191,553 2,745,41 Training / Workshop 460,789 148,149) Total Expenses 1,541;610,158 2,173,7571P13 C. Surplus/ (Deficit) (A - B) 244,759,336.0 274,689,742 Transh,rr,d to Iniwimnnt Fund Il 4L724,727 38,227692 I r,anms 1 d o Cip4tal 10 20?43,0409 2164625 The annexsed otels feom n e iner,l b l e finoancial sta temets' Finance Manager Maa ing Director D etor Su bjet to our separate report ot even datc. Place: D)haka Hussain Far I )atc: December 08, 2021 Cha,irtred A n u fan t 2 15WC8No. 22151~1I90AS668476 Bangladesh Municipal Development Fund (BMDF) Statement of Cash Flows For the year ended 30 June 2021 Amount in laka Particulars 2020-2021 2019-2020 A. Cash Flows from Operating Activities: Surplus of Income over Expenditure 203,014,609 2%16462,050 A djI:;menIt to a cash basis: Depreciation charged 2,411 ,194 2,273,134 Gain on Sale of Fixed Assets (19599) - Increase in L oans and Advances (254,822,797) (430,084,34) Increase in Accounts Receivables (43,004, 564) (38.119,097) Increase in Advance Income Tax (19.8o3,504) (18.605,930) Decrease of Capital Fund (49060) Decrease in Advan C Received from IDA (MGSP) 2134,71 1) (4`- 9 .407) Decrease in Other Liabilities (1 I17 3 [126) (91,97015) Net cash used in operating activities (377,005,570) (780,755,6219) B. Cash Flows from Investing Activities: Purchase of Fixed Assets (524,878) (840,937) Sale Price of Disposed Assets 40.500- Increase in Fixed Deposits (258,450,519) (75, 15, 759) Net cash used in investing activities (258,934,897) (76,656,693) C. Cash Flows from Financing Activities: Increase in Endowment Fund 41,724,727 18,2 7.692 Increase in Seed Capital 57, 104,285 515,389,618 Decrease in Debt (DSL) (6 442,39)) (6- 442 ,90) Net cash generated from financing activities 331,586,622 486,374,919 1). Net Increase/(Decrease) in Cash (A+B+C) (304,353,845) (371,037,405) Cash and Cash Equivalent at beginning of the Near 773,051,391 1, 144088,796 Cash and Cash Equivalent at end of the year 468,697,546 773,M1,391 Finance Manager Ma aging Director )rector Subject to our separate report of even date Place: Dhaka Hussain Far Date: December 08, 2021 OAarter i AC ounta DVC No. 2112151090AS668476 BANGLADESH MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT FUND (BMDF) Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30June, 2021 1.00 LEGAL STATUS OF THE COMPANY ACTIVITIES ANI) SOURCE SOF FUND: 1.01 Legal Status: Bangladesh Municipal Development Fud (F) is a state owned non-bankirng municipal tinancing company, forned under the Companies Act, 1994 with a vws to providing tinancial support to Urban Lcal Bodies (UL,s) for urban infrastructure development. The company was incorporated on March 9,20(2 vide Registration No. C-503 (16 )002 asa Company Limited by Guirantee and not having a share capital. The administrative authority of BMDF: in vested with the Financial Institutions Division under the Ministry ot Finance. 1.02 Address of Registered Office: The Registered Oftfice of the Companv is at LGEDI Bhåan, Lecl-n. Sher-t-Bangla Nag~ar, Dhak,~-1207, B:hladesh. But subs,meiitenv it has been shifted to Crameen bank Blalan (Level- l3), Mirpur-2, Dhaka- 1216, Bangladesh. 1.03 Objective Activities: The main objective of the Fund is to provide financial su pport on rational basis to ULBs based on transparent and objetive eligtibility criteria in order to reduce urban poverty and improve the environmental conditions of urban communities. B3MDF carries out it5 operations in all City Corporations and Miunicipalities of the Country subject to fulIfillment ol eligible 1riteria. The financing activities of BMDF covered infrustructure development ot foilowing LLBs: nount in Taka IDA Credits No. 37-7BD 47h1BD 5339-BD Fotal Projects MSP MGSP Citv Corporations/ Miunicipaliti 115 6 63 11n9 Financial Supports (Tk.) W90.41 292.62 827.31 1510.34 Grants (Ik.) 3L84 248.73 b61.85 1242.42 Loans (Tk.) 58.56 43.89 165.46 27.92 1.04 Sources of Funds: After successful completion of Municipal Servi ces Prolet (IDA Credit No. 1177-B3D & 4761-BD for US 104 Nillion during 2004-2013, BMDF entered intoa credit Line (IDA Credit No. 5339-I 1D for -SDR 105.80 Oln (ekuivalent to US 162.76 Million) to be provided by [le Go\ nment ot Bangladesh (GoB) and the IDA (kvNorld Bank) as per Financing Agreement dated February lk. 2014 tor implementation of the Municipal Governriance & Servces Project (MGSP). Later, the Financing Agreementi was revised on March 10, 2020. Present allocation for MGSP-BNIDF part is SDR 7985 Million (equivalent to US 111.32 Million) and [ie project period is 2014-2021. 1 lte GoB also provides necessary special grant ito BIDF trough budget line for each year q .7 2.00 BMDFMANAG EENT: The Board of Directors of BMDF consists of 11 (Eleven) Members. The Sr. Secretary, Local Government Division, Mnistry ot LGIRD & C is the Chairman and other A ( hree) \embers trom different Govt. Departments, 3 (Three) Meiibers ron ULBs, 1 (One) Member from Mumcipal Association of 3angladesh (MAB), 1 (One) Mtember rom 3angladesh Bank and 1 (One) Member ifom NGO being selected by the respective departments. 1The Managing Director of BMDF is ako a Director of the Board. Thi Board will hold at least 06 (Six) meetings in a vear. 3.00 ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES: 3.01 Accounting Convention and basis: These Fiancial statements imve been propard i under the fistorial -, e.rn Aceral aind Going Concern basis in accorda:( with applicable intrnatilal A, iting staldlrds (L1Ss) and International Fiancial Reporting Standards (I VRSs and other av and :.les applicable in Bangladesh. 3.02 Financial Statements: Financial statemenis cover one year from t july 2020 to 30 june 2021 consistently and figures have been re-arranged where it is necessary keeping in consistency with BAS-1 and in the format as presented by Companies Act, 994. These include the following components as per lAS- 1 Presentation of Financial Statemen:s i) Sta tenent of Financial Position as at lune 30, 2021 ii) Sta temient of [Profit & [oss and Other Comprehiensive Income for the yea r ended June 30, 2021; iii) Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended line 30, 2021; and iv) Notes to the Financial Statements, Comparative information has been disclosed against each head showing figuros of previous year. 3.03 Current and Non-current assets and liabilities: The company presents assets and liabilities in the statement of financial position based on currenll,tnon-curirent classification, An asset is current when it is: • Expected to be realized or intended to be sold or consumed in normal operating Circle held primarily for the purpose of trading • Expected to be realized within twelve imonths after the reporting period or casi or cash equivalenrt unless rstricted from being exchanged or used to settle a liability for at east twelve ionth1s. All other asset are classifiOd as non-current. A liability is current when it is: Expected to be settled in iinormal operatirg circle Held primarily tor the purposc of irading Due to be settled within twelsve months after the reporting period or There is no unconditional right to defer the settlenent the fiabiltY for at teast tweive nionths after the reporting periods The conipanY classifies all other liabilities as non-e urrent. Held primarily for the purpose of trading Duc to be settled within twelve nionths after the reporting period or There is no unconditional rigt to delfer the setlenent the liability for at least twvÅ 1e nonthis after the reporting periods The compans' classifies at1 other liabilitios as non-current. 8 3.04 Applicatitn of International Accounting Standards (IASs) and International Financial Reporting Standards(IFRSsj: WNe have complied the following LASs & l FRSs as applicable for the financial statements tor the year under re iew: IAS-1 Presentation of Financial Statenments Complied with IAS-7 Statement of Cash Flows Coipelid with IAS-8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimiates and errors. Comuplied with IAS 10 Events after the Reportng Period Complied with lAS- 2 Incone Taxes Non-Complied with IAS- 1- Property, Plant and Equipnient Complied with IAS- x i mpairment of Assets Complied with IAS7 Provisions, Cotingent Liahi bii-es and Con tingent Asseis Complied with IFRS-07 Financial lnstruments: Discl sures Complied with IFRS-09 Financial Ins truments Comwplid with IFRS-15 Revenue fronm Contracts with Customers Coiplied with IFRS-16 Leases Non Complied with 3.05 Compliance with local laws: The Financial Statenients have been prepared in compliance with requirements of the Companies Act 1994, The inceme fax Ordinance, 1984, The Income lax Rule 1984, 1he v AT & Supplementarv Dut v Act 2012, the V AT & Supplnientary Dutyi Rule 201 and other relevant local laws and rules. 3.06 Going Concern: The Conpany has adequate resources to continue in operation for foreseeable future and hence, the financial stateients have been prepared on going concern basis. As per managenient assessment there are no material uncertainties related to events or conditions which mav cast significant doubt upon the Company's abilitv to contiiue asa going concern. 3.07 Property, Plant and Equipment: i. Recognition and measurement: Items of property, plant and equipient are nieasured at cost less accuiulated depreciation and accimulated impairment losses, ii anY. Cost includes expenditure that is directly attributable to the acquisition of the asset and any other costs directly attributable to bringing the asset Io working condition for its intended use and the costs of dismantling and removing the itenis and restoring the site on which they are located. Buildings constructed by the Compary on leasehold land are capitalised and incliided i under the category of esehIld properts ii. Subsequent costs Skb-,int to nittal Icgmin, cost ol replacing part of an iri o' prop, rt plaint and eui.Lie:nt is recognised inì thi carr\ing amunt if the item if it is pro Ybab , tat tlh tuture eonollic beniefits e idted sithin the part %ill flow o tie Coipanv and is, cosi can be ieasured reliabl . All otier repair and iainteance e enses are i in the slahenient of profit rr loss and other i ome as the ar! ineurred. iii. Depreciation D-tepret,tiaon is calculated and charged under straight line method on ali fixed assets other than land. Depreciation has been charged on additions made during the vear inm the month in which those assets are ready to use Ilie Company is following this poicy consistently trom past y ears, The estimated usetul lives and the rates of residual value to property, plant and equipment foi the current and coiparative years are as follows: Computer & Accessories 20% Computer Software 20% Furo ture &: Fitures 10> Other Equipment 20% Vehic les 20% 3.08 Cash and Cash Equivalents: According to IAS-7 *Statement of Cash Flows, cornprise of cash-in-hand and Bank deposivs in the eurrency of BDT & (SD. Presentation of Financial Statemtents' provides that cash and cash equivalents are not restricted in use. Considering the provisions of IAS- and I AS- 1, Cash in hand and Bank batances have been considered as cash and cash equivalents. 3.09 Statement of Cash Flows : Statement ot Cash Flows has been prepared in accordance with LAS 7 "Statement et Cash Flowvs" and the cash flows from the operating activities have been presented under indire,t method as required and considering the provisions of paragraph 19 of IAS?7 which provides that "Entities are Encouraged to Report Cash Flows from Operating Activities usmg the indirect method" 3.10 Payables and Accrued Expenses: Liabilities are recogniced for amounts to be paid in the future lor goods and services received, whether or not billed by the suppljers. 3.11 Provisions: Provisions are Iecognised when the Company has a present obligation (legal or colstruti\ e as a result of a past event, it is probablN that an outflow of resources embodving econimic benefits will be required to settle the obligation and a reliable estimate can be made of the amrount of the obligation. When the Company expects sone er all ot a provision te be- reimbursed, the reimbtisement is recognised as a separate asset, but only when the reimbursement is virtuallv certain, The expense relating to a provision is presented in the sIa tement of profit or loss net of anv reiibursement. It the eftect ot Ilie time value et money is material, provisions are Iisceunted using a current pre-tax rate [hal reflects, when appropriaie, the risks sp,eific oi the hiabilitv. When disounting is used, the increase in the provision due to the passage of time is recognised as a finance cost. Provisions are reviewed at the end of oach reporting period and adjusted to reflect the current best estimate. It ii is probable that an outflow of resources embeding ecenoimic benefits are required te settle the obligation, the provisions are reversed. 3.12 Taxation MDFaaled Tixpaer Idenlii atien umb,r (I) as on overber I kn 2\1m as artitvial ii rid1v31 pe,o 1i,t -1 B\CO uttti coring I'' 4ýr-w ;ý Q,--. ý t--ý'4ý lrO/ OO / OO ~f~ ~ö/~/~O~issued by thie-\liistr\-et Fiii,iu. 17 e lI U: is completely a govermnent owned organimation . The existiing TIN is not appropriate for BMDF. Therefere above mentioned Il certificate needs to be amended and after aiendment, BMDF vil] submit incomie tax return , i appcable , in accordance iwith law lowever, BIM DF as a non profit organtization may get exepntion , reduction in rate or other modification if the Gov ernment notifed by official aizrte under section -44 of Income lax Ordinancel 984. BMDF have alreadV obtained a legal opinion fom MohammIad NUrul Islam (Advocate- Law Chanber ) as on iDecember 0o 2021 in this regard and took initiativ es ackordingl. 3.13 Materiality and Aggregation i Ih material :em as coniidered by management te be s'cam ha been pweented e p.arativ in financial staternis. No amrount as 1 ben seti ett vles tDhe co-'ani 's the e righ t to set oft tit ai r ln ts an in tend s to set 'l en net ba ino iii t]d expe iditre are onraesenteci a e f basis c whe. permnitted by the rele\ant accouniing s:andarts. 3.14 Ev ents after the reporting period: Events after the reporting period that provide additional information about the compani'1s position at the sItatement ot linanciai position date are reflected in the finaicial statenien t* as per lnternatin :al Accounting Standards AS 10: Events after the Reporting Period. All material events occurring after the balance sheet date have been considered and where necessarv, adjusted for or disclosed. 3.15 General: Auditors are paid only statutory audit [ee approved by tho shareholders in the last AGM. Figii ros appearing the financial statmnts have ben rounded off to the nearest Taka. 1iguros have been restated wheneeer nocessar to contorn to the Current Years presentation. 3.16 Conparative information Comparative information hav ben d isclosed in respect ti the year 2019-20 for a1 numerical inlormation of th, inancial statemnis and also the narrative and klsciptive inrma:ion wihen it is relevant tor understanding ot the current periods fmancial tiatements a, per IAS 1 para 41 3.17 Reporting Currencies and Level of Precision: The figures in tho financial statements represent Bangladeshi Taka currencv and rounde off to tho nearest Taka. 3.18 Civil Works implemented in ULBs under MGSP: Civil works implemnted in ULBs has been alicated as follows: Con trihiition of Ui i%1 1\la1chig l-Iindl ior, itribution of B\ tl :t m i d b1 I i) 0 Total infrustructure development 100% under the Mdunicipal Governance & Services Projct (1GSP), BM F funding covors 9l% ot the project cost where 80% is considered as grant and 20° as loan. Poriod of reove\ry ot an is l y-ears with 1 year grace period recoverable in n installments and 1 installment tor grace period interest. Interest rate 5% is applicabile for disbursed loan amiont. In case of oarlier Municipal Services Project (MSP), BMDF financing was 90% of tho project cost, whero 85 was considored as grant and 15% as loan. 3.19 General Comments: (a) All funds have teen used in accordancc witi conditons nf tho GoB and kl,olopniort partner, with due regard to cconoiy and iion and onl or the purposo ol wlioh the financing was provided. (b Cokds, wotrks and servtcis havo been prscu rot in accorda ncn with the PiHic Procuremont Act 2006 and the Public Procurement Rules 2008 and the provisions of the Goß3 and developinent partner; (K) AI necessary supporting documents, records and accounts of tho company to show thait klar linkagos emst between the books of accounts and reports presented to Ihe devolopnint partinr; (d) T ho Staternent of Expenditures (SxEs) support tho related withdrawals. (ei he Special Account has ben operatod/minaintied in accordancc with the prwision o1 the GoB and development partner; and (f) Internal control mechanisims are maintained enough for safeguard of sound financial managenient; Amount in Taka 30.06.2021 30.06.2020 4.00 Property, plant and equipment Opening Balance 22, 771 254 24,0045 17 Add: Addition during the year 524,878 840,937 23.2c6. 132 24,843,454 Less: Disposal during the year 7b+,240 2,074,200 Closing Balance 22,526,892 22,771,254 Less: Accumulated Depreciation 18,609,477 16,966,622 Written down Value 3,917,415 5,804,632 The Sdedule of Non-Current Assets has been shown in Annexure - A. 5.00 Loans & Advances: Notes Loans to LLBs: MSP 5.01 237 b722,20 275 329290 MGSIP 5.02 1,402,0119(2 1,109,313,t25 (a) Loans 1,639,638,682 1,384,642,915 Advance to Employees 5.04 70,530 11,500 Advance to RAJUK 5.05 2,500,000 23 00 000 Other Advances 5.06 0 232.000 (b) Advances 2,570,530 2,743,500 (a + b) Total Loans & Advances 1,642,209,212 1,387,386,415 5.01 Loans to ULBs under MSP: Opening Balance 275,329,290 297,488,910 Less: Recovered during the year 37 70 570 22,159,020 Closing Balance 237,622,720 275,329,290 The Schedule of Loans to LLBs financed under MSP has been shown in Annexure - B. 5.02 Loans to ULBs under MGSP: Opening Balance 1,109313tn25 181.143 Add: Disbursed during the year (Note: 5.02.1) 357.304,285 5 in 1,466,617,910 1,1, ',770,739 Less: Recovered during the vear 64,601,948 2,457, 134 Closing Balance 1,402,015,962 1,109,313,625 5.02.1 Loans Disbursed to ULBs under MGSP during the year: Civil korks (100%) at ULB.s under MUSP (Note: 2800) 1,786,521,447 2,577, 4-,00 Less: Grants (80%) to UL3s for Civil Works 1,429,217,162 2,062, 358,-4 Loans (20%) to ULBs for Civil Works 357,304,285 515,589,616 The Schedule of Loans to ULBs financed under IGSP has been shown in Annexure - C. 5.03 Loan Recovery under 3 Credits: IDA Credit No. Total Receivable (Principal + Interest) 3177-BD 747,692,859 747,692,859 4761-BD 474,81 b, 160 474,816,160 5339-BD 733,755,280 471,666,315 Total Receivable under 3 Credits 1,956,264,299 1,694,175,334 Amount in Taka 30,06.2021 30.06.2020 I otal Recovery (Principal + Interest) 3177-BD 652,307,483 652,307,483 471l-BD 345,956.399 345.05o,399 5339-BD 398,642,125 28,083,162 Total Recovery under 3 Credits 1,396,906,007 1,285,347,044 Rate of Loan Recovery under 3 Credits 71 6 5.03.1 Loan Recovery under MSP: IDA Credit No. Total Receivable (Principal + Interest): 3177-lBD 747 n92,S b4- n02.899 4761-BD 474 beI 10 4- Sl! 10 Total Receivable under MSP 1,222,509,019 1,222,509,019 [otal Recovery (Principal + Interest): 3177-BD 2 17.483 652 3107,483 47t)[BD 3,5,9 4jf, Total Recovery under MSP 998,263,882 998,263,882 Rate of Loan Recovery under Credit No. 3177 87. 87, Rate of Loan RecoverN under Credit No. 4761 73' 73, Rate of Loan Recovery under MISP 82 82 5.03.2 Loan Recovery under MGSP: Total Receivable (Principal + Interest) 5339-BD 733,755,280 471,666,315 Total Recovery (Principal + Interest) 5339-13D 398,642,125 287,083,162 Rate of Loan Recovery Under NIGSP/ Credit No. 5339 54% 61W 5.04 Advance to Employees: Opening Balance 11,500 - Add: Paid during the year 2,501,705 ,352,537 2,313,205 71332,53,7 Less: Adjusted during the year 2,442,675 -,341,037 Closing Balance 70,530 11,500 5.05 Advance to RAJUK: Opening Balance 2,500,000 2,500,000 Add: Paid during the year _ - 2,500,000 2,500,000 Less: Adjusted during the \ear - - Closing Balance 2,500,000 2,500,000 5.06 Advance to Others: Opening Balance 232,000 132,000 Add: Paid during the year 1,000 10 000 3821000 3 38.000 Less: Adjusted during the year 382,00 10On.000 Closing Balance 0 232,000 The Schedule of Advances has been shown in Annexure - D. 14 Amount in Taka 6.00 Accounts Receivables: 30.06.2021 30.06.2020 Interest Receivable from LLBs (Note: 6.01) 140,917,568 85,991,216 Interest Receivable on FDRls (Note: 6.02) 108,349,200 1202 70,989 Closing Balance 249,266,767.84 206,262,204.85 6.01 Interest Receivable from ULBs: Opening Balance 85,991, 216 704 14,062 MSP 34,254,019 31,361,546 C1S 51,737,192 2 11 Add: Addition during the year: 105,428,454 3],499,745 MSP 3,218,097 I,777127 MGSP 102,210,357 25, 22,18 191,419,670 1024 13807 Less: Received during the year: 50,502,102 11, 22,Si t AMsP 4,084,905 2,884,654 MGsP 46,417,197 13,537,937 Closing Balance 140,917,568 85,991,216 Nl 1-3387,211 341,254,019 MGSP 107,530,352 57 , l7,1 Fhe tchedules of Interest Receivable from ULBs have been shown in Annexure - E & F. 6.02 Interest Receivable on FDRs: t Opening Balance 120,270,989 97,229,047 i css: A.justed last \car iterest Receivablc on FDR 49,069 - 120,221,920 97,220,047 Add: Addition during the vear 108,349,200 1 2:2,886 228,571,120 21 o,441,933 Less: Received during the year 120,221,920 .170,44 Closing Balance 108,349,200 120270,989 7.00 Advance Income Tax: Opening Balance 91,381,941.26 72,7 o,011 Add: Tax deducted during the year (Note: 7.01) 19,83,504.2 1 18,t05,930.05 111,245,445.47 91,381,941 Less: Adjusted during the year _ C losing Balance 111,245,445.47 91,381,941.26 7.01 Income Tax Deducted at Source (TDS): I)S from FDRs 19.766,345 18,548,735 TDS from SNDs 7,159 57 195 Total 19,863,504 18,605,930 Details ofTDS from FDRs by Banks have been shown in Annexure - G. Amount in Taka 8.00 Investment in FDRs: 30.06.2021 30.06.2020 Janata Bank Ltd. 1,134,645,991 927,638,720 Agrani Bank Ltd. 82,499,068 - Bangladesh Krishi Bank Ltd. 74500,000 - (a) FDRs at State Owned Commercial Banks (SOCB) 1,29-1,64059 u27, 8,720 EXIM Bank Ltd. 28,891,085.54 146,98,748,75 IFIC Bank Ltd. 82,000,000.00 1253 50,000,00 National Bank Ltd. 339,144,426.58 353,351,285.12 Padna (Ex. Farmers) Bank Ltd. 28,915,892.46 3I,201, 665.% Premier Bank Ltd. - 35 ~13,836.15 Social Islami Bank Ltd. 667,929 r55 n05. 12 ,83.9 AB Bank Ltd. 45 300,000.00 - (b) FDRs at Private Commercial Banks (PCB) 1,192,18058023 1,297,7,39991 (a + b) Total FDRs 2,483,825,639.03 2,225,375,119.82 T he Schedule of Fixed Deposits has been shown in Annexure - G. 9.00 Cash at Banks (SNDs): Name of Bank & Branch SND Ac No. Janata Bank Ltd., Motijheel Corp. 23736000939 422,380,081 675,714.794 Janata Bank ltd., Mirpur-10 0100014231506 6,359,251 5,598,714 Janata Bank Ltd., Mirpur-10 01000 1423179 - ,anata Bank Ltd., Mirpur-10 G00070499414 34, 7,200 u250, 18o Janata Bank Ltd., Mirpur-10 010001423121 I n6 1,93 (a) SNDs at State Owned Commercial Banks (SOCB) 463,497, 38 690,365,27 National Bank Ltd., Mirpur 036000342 5,200,188 82,485,7o5 (b) SNDs at Private Commercial Banks (PCB) 5,200, 188 82 48,75 (a + b) Total Short Notice Deposits (SNDs) 468,697,546 773,051,391 The above Bank balances have been reconciled with respective bank statements, 9.01 Deposits at Commercial Banks: Notes FDRs at SOCB Period 1 ear 8.00 (a) 1,291,t45,059 92,638 720 SNDs at SOCB: Payable on demand 9.00 M( 463,497358 no0.363,627 (a) Deposits at State Owned Commercial Banks 1,755,142,417 1,618,204,347 FDRs at PCB: Period I year 8.00 (b) 1,192,180,580 1,297,736,400 SNDs at PCB: Payable on demand 9.00 (b) 5,200,188 82,485,765 (b) Deposits at Private Commercial Banks 1,197,380,768 1,380,222,165 (a + b) Total Deposits at Commercial Banks 2,952,523,185 2,998,426,511 Deposits at State Owned Commercial Banks (in 1) 59, 54'0 Deposits at Private Commercial Banks (in %) 410o 46' 16 Anuunt in Taka 30.06.2021 30.06.2020 10.00 Capital Fund: O)penig Blane 146,97C,204 1,2L45154 Less: Adjusted last Year 1n te rest Receivable r FDR 49 - 1,467,84,15 1 l43,154 Add: Surplus of Income over Ixpenditure 203,03-4,69 236.4,-'050 Closing Balance 1,67D,882,744 1,467,897,204 The Schedile or Capital generted froi Surpilus of Income okner Ispenditure after adjustments since xep:on has been sho n in Annexure - I. IIffi Endowment Fund: Opening Balance 72,703,588 . Add: Net Interest on FDRs ot E ndownent Fund 41724,727 82 774,428.315 732.703,588 l ess Financd durring the vear - Closing Balance 774,428,315 732,703,588 The Ninistrs of i Inrance provided 1 k0. Crore as ndowient Fund, Detais of 1ndw iN ment Fund invested in FDRs have been shown in Annexure - G. 12.00 Seed Capital under MGSP: Opening Ivlanc L,297.3Al65 78- 72c 447 Add: Capitalized during the year SNote. 5.021 357304.285 515,589<18 LN54,62350 L.2976 3 165 Less: Adjusted during the year Closing Balance 1,654,620,350 1,297,316,365 1he Ministriy of Finance approved to capitaliie non-retundable loan amount a 20 - f ivil works from U 1 B over the period of IGSP (DA Credit \o 5339-1)1 as the Seed Capital of BMDF 13.00 Debt (DS.) under MSP: Opening Balance 497(47,2-74 7,4,489,t4 Add: Addition durmg the Year 497,147274 564- 41 4 Less: Installments paid to GoP 67 442,390 n7 1i l1 Closing Balance 429 604,884 497 47 74 1The Schedule of l Dcbt (DSL) under IDA Credits (MSP) has been shown in Annexure - 1. Amount in laka 30.06.2021 30.06.2020 14.00 Advance (MGSP Fund) Received from IDA: pi ng ia la ine 673,714,794 1 5.52121 \ J J e i dur ing the yea r1 82,25.080 2.18.0'0.000 2,257.973,874 .25,5211 1Less: Used du ring Ile yea (Note 31.00 1 335,93,79 2619,806.407 Clos ing Halance 422,380,081.20 675,714,794 he Schedule ot Projec-t ources & L ses oif Funds lor NGSP has been shown in Annexure - K. 14.01 Advance (Special Grantl Received from GoB: Opening 1Ialance 0.00 - Add: Rc,ei.ed during the year 35,000001 45 0100 35,000,000 45.609 000 K ess: x pended during tlhe vear (Ne: 1401 1) 34,329,300 44495794 Less Refunded during tlie year 670,700 1 , l,206 Closing Balance 0.00 0.00 l he Scheduie of Special Grant received from GoB has been shoN ii in Annextire - J. 14.01 Expenditures from GoB Special Grant: Officers P'V 8 00000 12,449,521 Sup port St,t 'av 4, 000,00 4i,4,124 Allowance 24.00 13,644,818 17,64-,773 Adrniistrative Ex penses 25 00 6 2800608 6 ..2 69 Repairs& Mntenane 2b ffi70,000 513 7 Other Operating Expen s 27 00 1 87,396 1,44l 3 Rievene Ex penditu res 34,302,822 44,483,988 Capital Expenditures 26,478 11 07 Total 344329,29975 44,495,94 15.00 Security Deposit. Opening lalance 48,327 48327 Add Ad dition during [lh, Year 4827 48,127 L ess: Refu nled/ Adjusted during the veår Closing Balance 48,327 48,327 16.00 Other Liabilities: \dvance Äipplication Ie' 2,00 2.000 Advance A pplication Procesing Fee 10,01 10.000 VAT Iaya be Advance Service Charge (Note, in 01) 2, 013,807 18.522 452 Interest on Lan biPayile to)Goß (Note: 16.02) 171,519 Tta] 7,197,326 18,534A452 l 3 Amount in Taka 30.06.2021 30.06.2020 16.01 Advance Service Charge: Opening Vlåance 18,522,452 8549110 Add: Received during the vear - 505.60 A\dd: I rans(irred from V AT Pavable - 4745 18,522,452 89,343,23 L ess: Recoied as income 248,400 63 592,050 Sess: Ad justed (VAT Pavable) 37260 2 I2484 1 ess Adju'tcd w ith LTIa 14 455495 Less: Reunded to 1ULs o767,490 1U02.037 Closing Balance 2013,80 182452 1 he Scdule of Advan,e Ser vice Charge has been sIwi n in Annexure - N. 16.02 Interest on Loan Payable to GoB: Opening Kilan -ce 25 0 19 057 And: Additon during tlie vear: Receivable 12 610,394 207762 Received 7,831,681 l,036 762 [ov isoined -6,71 603 20,442,075 3631 5 84 I ess: Paid !u ring the Ytar (Credit \o 5339-Bl) 15 270, 3 5m 84 Closing Balance 5,171,519 Dvitais of iterest Receiabe & Received from UL bs under MIGSV a gainst Interest on Loan Paxable tto Gob has been shoi, n in Annexure - F. 2020-2021 2019-2020 17.00 Interest lnivinie: Interest on l oans to LIS 1P51- (Anexure - L 3,2180117 577 127 MIGSP (AÅnniexure - 1 81,768,286 20 578,04 Interest on FDIRs (Annexure - c) 77,441536 89 1940 Interest on I DRs (Recevable) (Note 6.02) 108,349200 119 212,886 ln terest on 1N D 1s 972,430 57je43 Total 271,749,557 235,456,459 18.00 Cain on Sale of Fixed Asets: Sale Price of Disposed Assets 40,500 62n,800 Add: Aciumulated Depreciation on Assets Disposed 768,339 2,074,19 808.839 2 7(0.9 l ess Cost Ml ixed Assets I sposed 76,240 2074,20 Cain on Sale of Fixed A,sts 39,599 62,_799 19.00 Income from CoB Special Crant: Received trom GoB U5,000000 45.60 000 less: Refuznd. of Unspent Amount to Gi 670,700 l 111206 Income from CoB Special Grant 34,329,300 44,49,794 hIle Schedule of Special Grant reecived trom Gob has been shown in Annexure - 19 Amount in Taka 2020-2021 2019-2020 20.00 Income from IDA Grants for MGSP: Notes Fund Rv,eieo roi IDn\ lsed 3 I0 -3-7 2,l,80.407 Les l lIns to l BS (Seed Capital) 12.35 7,,Y4,1- 515,589,61t Income from IDA Grants for MGSP 1,478,289,506 2,104,216,789 21.00 Interest Expense on GoB Loan: IDA Credit No. , 177-BD (MSP): 11th Installmet 1,910,000 12th Installenit 1,5340000 IDA Credit No. 4761-BD> (MP): 41h Installrment 311.487 5th Installment 3,218 863 - IDA C redit No 5339-BD1) II st Installment - 0 (Not: 10 02) Total 4,748, 12.173, 22.00 Operating Expenses (Own Source Revenue): Officers Pay 5,254,201 I00 - Support Staff Pa 2,740,652.0 - Bangla New Y ear Allownae 50,007 0 Education Allowsance 30,000 Op ra] t11 Con tiii0nency 34,839 t ý1 Printing & Binding 20,565 - Chtarge Allcwsanc 44.043 22__082 rynAlluvance 34,00 Entertainment Allowance t01100 I Iuse Rlent Allowance 4,704,3 - Registration MVxpss 147.423 Advertisemntl pnses 31,665 Books & Period als 153, Convevance Expenses 14.15 Interlet Exrenses n9,769 Gas & 1Fuel1 Expenses 5337 Co rier J47 Cfile kent 1,318.28 2.015.707 U¯tility Srvice Charge - 33,113 Liectricity? Expense 92_24 Watel E xpense 18.218 Tra veli ng-InternaI 1:x pense 47,750 64,280 Reward 23,152 CP 1 Emplever Contribution (Annexure - NI! 1,877.2M0 1'736,02 Gratuiv Expense 2,997.13 4.48,01 Computer Accessories 45,814 Petrol & Lubricant 187,52 30938 1 lonorarium-Exteral 299,483 114,314 Stationer 99,811 239,883 Insurance Expense 1,008.565 1.26L027 Velhile Repairs & Maintenane 164,004 Conputer Repairs & Maitenance 72,00 Maclnery & Eqlpment Repars & Majitenance 18,078 29,592 Other Vaban Re pairs & Maintenance 384 Eintertainment Ex pense 20,403 cleaning Bi 342 Bank Charges 4,824 87,625 Total 21,573,171 10,811,645 Amount in Taka 2020-2021 2019-2020 23.00 Depreciation Expense: Comn pu ter &, Aessories 304 245 258, 39 Comn pu ter Softwar Furniture & Fures 85 256 104,481 Office 1 quipment 441.3 3 4 Vehlice 1 378,000 1578,J00 Total 2,411,194 2,273,134 DetLaI1 of Deprec ation Expense are shown iit Annexure - A. 24.00 Allowances: ConvevaceTI 400,000 751000 E-ducation 37ud28.0 Festival 3,40195 1071>5 B3ang10 New Yecar 30%000f 29 7.7 Hjouse ient 2101000 11,404.% 8 Med icalI10h00 O60 Fntertainment 168,000 162,00 Honorarium- Inlernal 84,19 84,584 Charge Allowance 11600 38A20 Overtime Allowance 542104 487,2 Total 13,644,818 17,643,773 Spent trolv: GoB Speial Grant 13n44.818 17,643.71 I Ä ( ants for MGS -1 25.00 Administrative Expenses: Reward S4l16 110 00 Clearing rxpenses 55 67 Conveyance Expenses 1000 Entert,iinment Expenses 577,138 400,1100 Lega1l Ex perses 41. >3 Electricity ExpenSe- 328,449 492 70 Utiiie Service Cha rge 23-7,290 310,01 vater xpenses 61.899 72,28 Courier Expenses 125 2 035 Postage Lpenses 2-2t 1-51 Inernet |pent s 1 80,001 178 4 Tel epi ne I xpne 1 i, 351 17.70 Ad ve rtisienent lxpenses h5,000 40 ,' Books & Periodiiala 000 62 Pu blica ion ix penses - 18Fp2 Office Rent 3,91.100 5.243174 Travelling, & Conveyanœe 30,000 Oit 1;oircing 514,800 514,810 Total 6,280,608 7,679,b73 SP-t fr-l, GoB8 Special Grant 6,2804608 ,026,, ev IDA Grants for MG1P 6350 26.00 Repairs & Maintenance: Computer 1K0-00 877 Furniturv Machinery & lqu ipmni t 40,000 50,30) Vehicle 360,000 704,4 >8 Others Växn Repairs & Maintenance 20,000 21.348 Total 570,000 953,673 Spent from: Go Spcial Gran>it 5780 5117,7 IDA Grants 439,>1 Amount in Taka 2020-2021 2019-2020 27.00 Other Operating Expeises: Bank Charge & Comi:ssin 6000 20 868 Audit Fee F0,000 UlIO Registration lke 500001 C7omputer Acc essories.l 2642- 1 raveliing 1 \penses (Intexrnal)ri 50000 34- 6i Petrol. Oi & l.ubric-ant 370,00 42,050 Gas & Fuel 231,162 200 000 Stationery (Otllhers 4 001 24, 431 Printing iiiling 20 - Professional Service 128S834 l lonorarium / leiuneratoni,i- ixternal 400,1100 40,00 Innovation I10200 - U nexpected I xpenses/Op)eration Contingency 100000 20300 T raining Fxpenses (Intern - Total 1,807,396 1,917,846 Spent fron GoB Specia G rant 18073% ,446,133 i lA Grants for MGSP 471 .713 llik Operating 1 x pen s iit from G l pecial Grant hx beeni shown U jhe ce, ni du! f Special Grant receivd Iren uutI Annexuce -j). 28.00 Civil Works at ULBs (Grants under MIGSP): (ivil W'o6k.- 1, ,. at Cl IHs under MGSPI 1,78t,521,447 030 1.577.4<:< L es Lians i2U to Ii- lis tor Civil Works n7304,285 n 5158 Grants (80J to LBs for Civil Works 1 429,217,162 2,062,358,474 29.00 Consultancy Ser ices tinder NIGSP: No. Name l'arliculars 1 AKM Kaniru zzaman 1 vi Projec anage,r 4,028253 ,77 296 S bdui Ghani E nvironriental Specialit 2,162 131 2562685 N Md. Nazrul Islamn Social Safeguaid specialist 2,355 635 2 83t 036 4 Musiasim Mahmod Khan A rhitect 1,523 151 1,374 628 5 Ashrafuzza:nan Civil .ngineer 2589 176 2.71 35 6 G Mlami Zakal nntoring & E ii ation Spc 1972,84 887 8 7 b'bal Bahar 1 aroque Irocuremeni Specialist 2,875 303 1548869 8 \,1 Tha - smi s 1 i g -ral! Enxe- 1503,l20 , %4 9 Md Abusiyed Badsha 1lectrical Engineer 1,367 779 87176 10 GI l luma-un Kabir Quatiiitv SurveN i ngineer 1025 974 1 82240 11 Jarmal Hossin Quantity Su rvey Egineer 5593007 51 .289 12 liran Hasaii QuaItitV Survey niigirer 1,45 049 551.988 13 AugustinG rmes lr,nsultant=Accounts 1,285804 n55023 14 Md. Shazalbin Islam jr. .sultant-.A,c,icount 1 285.244 15 Animeshi ChIlandra Roy Superi sin Lngiicer 1 491,094 1 .73.654 16 Jahid-Al-Mamun Supervision Eng,ineer 711,545 1.238,185 17 Md Aninu l Islaim Suervision Engineer 1 525.721 1 ,5i 18 Md. Mahad: I lasan Rubel Su perision Enginer t695.2 , 1184,130 19 A-A nin Supervision Fngineer 1,195,398 l 19,205 20 Md. Zaiuil luq Sueri ivision ligineer 1,631.432 9108.310 23 Mid Sayful Islam Supervision Engineer L267380 50279 22 I lasnat Maruf Supervision Engineer 1.619450 459 70Q 21 Md liakot Hoissaiii Supervisio5n Engineer 1 665,163 486 54 24 Id. izanur Rahman Supevisi Engineer 1,248988 465 244 25 1d7 K1 haled Sau uah ab Ia'hem i 'roreim ent Speeialist 649 875 2 iro I Issaii Superv imio Engleer 254032 27 GM HumI i uny,un Ka biir Supervision Enineer 55871 28 Sved Rowrak Ali Supervisin Engineer 69,247 29 Md F aruk Hossain Supervisin Engineer 84 ,417 SNId. A bdullal A Mamiun Supervisin Engineer 622.175 S1 Mid Btellal Ihossen Supervisiti Engineer -549,620 32 Nid Apel Mahmud Supervision Engineer 413.73 Ashok Kumar Super,ision Eingneer -24L94 34 Mid. \Nor Alam Supervisin Engineer 253220 35 Gai NMd. Mølsin - -nanc Tan nagernent Specialis Si, Sleila Ahlmed [cenom is - 37 AliIir arkib Khan Urban revelopment Specialist 38S Md. l økman Ilossain Sic I Safegut i Spec - 39 Amar Krishna Baidya Monitorig & ivaluatiun Spec - 40t Md. KamrLzzaman Quantity Survey Lngineer - 41 Mid Radib AI Amin Quantity Surv Engineer - 42 Pintu Saha Communication Specialist 606,944 - PMIU 40,713,827 37,000,988 45 Kazi Nabiul I aque Organizatinal Dk,evelopment an 1.07.219 52,25 44 Md. Abbas Uddin I egah, and Governance SI 56,122 45 Au lena \lk M. ota Financial lanagement Specals 487430 46 \Id. Anisur Rahman Urban Planning iid Infrastiueti 4016040 - 47 Md. Asqu am ofqer NJ&E and NIS Special-st 471002 48 N. Khursbed Alam Social Safeguard Speciais 239,854 49 Md. Saiful Momen Fnvirimeiit Safeguard Speciali 367,042 50 oamad Sfi I li ,que Market and Busines Plan IDeve 562,212 51 Nawshad Ahmed Municipal Financing Specialist 47,25 52 I iufiqu e Mohiuddin Project Development and Mana; 409,2 A53K Softiare (all customizatin) UI R Nisc. Procurement Activities Ad & Coim.Metings 153.9, 606,554 OSCB 5,208,777 1,133,807 Total 45,922,604 38,134,795 lhe Schedule of Cnsultanc Servies Ix penses has been ha s n in Annexure - K. 30.00 Ineremental Operating Costs under MGSP: Off iters Pay 180,320 I ravelling- Internal Expenses 285940 Office Rent L322,521 - ElectriCity Ixpenses 115,789 U tlt Service Charge 10 30 Cleaning 1311 10,000 1-aer Epenses 001 I -e & Lubricant 10n,325 Velicle Repair & Nitenance 332,648 Administrative Ex penses - 1,653504 tepairs & Naiite,anlek - 439>06 Otlher Operating Expenses - 471 -13 total 2,190,553 2,745,443 31.00 Expenditures under MGSP: Notes Cixil Works (Grants 80) at L-1s 28.00 1,429,217,162 2.062,358,474 Crmisukancy Services 29.00 45.922,014 38,134,795 Iraining / W\' rkshop 460,789 148,41 I ncrenental Operating Costs, 0 0 2,190,553 2,745,4 Ia) Non-Capitalized Expenditures 1,477,791,108 2,103,387,661 Ciwil Vorks (ams 20°) t I[ 3 02 137 04283 1 ! bt6 Proclurement2 of Goods 4U'wa0 i'C .3 (b) Capitalized E\penditures 1;1,02685 ib41746 (a+) Total Expenditures under MGSP 1,3,.;93,793 2,19,606,407 )etails of 1,e f Fund under MGSP have ben shown ui Annexure - L. � � га зс гi гr--; °м, гi гц � *` гСi_ .а с е. � " .д _ .д . tc z �� г� �r у о „ -, r', i_п т о С С п `- �п ,ri х - м ^^ -- r'�. iг^.` - - , С � � � � � � G � г r;. .� 3 �С {j`�'r ,ч �С � -- r r� г_i r; ,'",' Г� �n� tr '4�` ' > :. � � г� � а � ir � � R -. х'�j��.J , . � ' �° � � г- - s��. � � � LL ,� -,rt` ._ ч. х . � .� г.; т � � � - у п 1i ..... � г•г . � .- г ' С < �t :�; r^ Гi . �_.... . . х__- . '�' М - r - -r �, т [� ra f'. r., и-: � - да 7 . гА '+ Г:Р Г! f�.�.- г+`. 3r ;✓. „С � �-f� Г} h � . CF � U Гй -- . ГЭ � Т м � � '_ � � r� � э�с � �� т ,сч .r, r; , . � � , м г � �л � � -.� 3:•� Т � ..1� М, h � СА ц � � ы Ге � F.+ (`' Т11''� .� i� � ы ;у;... м. - "т � �, ' ra ri = � а - � � ^ п ��• � � ~� � С С+ ;l �._ �, -i �'', � - �` _ . .. _ tf`. �у 'д' ь°��'� _ �� _ -� - �у Fг�-. .эrу � � ." 1� � �"� w- М С . �f €`�t �1 N � �С N � 'ь+ N �`.` =4 Г! .м м ;F �С � � гi h S� � т." Г„ гt г"� м.' � � v = с ,fi r Г F Гц - �' °�t � Т � � � n С Г9 . - � � 9 �+ � �� -- w - ы-7 .+-. г ' й , � � � ы �', л, _ .� 'g ^� `° � гГi � ., .. fi? � С" °L �л - ë�i с�� гi Г � � � �� �I � " Е� �; � � � � . � r` _ _ �. � � = ,, С''1 �.� гi �tS м. � i^�, ir, х �",у R� " :.. ,^r ^ м' м г-, м ,G !�1 �..� И� С :S N 1f'7 х lf1 С7 '�Т N ( `�� iч ,п�'�.�, � t ,� п:. q�` . <У lГ �и�I' О � м г_ � . - М г' � � С'.� t,^ м � s} _ w � а С л � `.` _ h` � r , , � � � �; ., � .. ' � л - � � J х � х � � J х � V С � � � � � � , � °- с ы :.с '' и � '4•+ '•• у` ,с ��=r г`: `п` ц Г� � _ �' _ й 'ri "' ' - ... � С �n e�I п ir `,� с. с: er �� ".� - х ", ¢ ; - "' и - =i х �г% _ � г, iг N - .� С - ^� S _ ! _ ^1* '' 1 П С� � е}, n � ,� , r Г•� .. _ ( � А �. h м ✓ � 4�}." ° � t f � l � - I. r � � Х .+ Л _ � � � � � � � � У � � � й ,� � � � J � � � . С г_ ,=i i � '.i Т � . � � c�i м, - - f: � _ _ .. .J - - � Annexure - B Bangladesh Municipal Development Fund (BMDF) Schedule of Loans financed under MSP As at 30 June, 2021 AmouTit in Taka St. Name of ULBs Opening Disbursed Recovered Closing No. Balance during tile year during the year Balance 47 b C d e_ f=c+d-e _TL AkkelL)ur -1 uan 02 Alamdanga - Loan 03 Amrah -Loan 04 Anitali -Loan (2nd) 05 Bagerhat - Loan 06 Bagha - Loan 2,607,733.29 2,W7,77)3,79 07 Banskhali-[.oaii 1,857,415.77 1,857,415.77 08 Haralekha-Loan 1,386,169.63 1,386,169.65 10 Barisal City Corp. (2nd)Join 14 592 907.90 14 592,90TW 11 IBarisal City Corp. - Loan 12 Barura-Loan 2,000,919.15 - 2,000,919:15 13 Bashurbat-1-can 571,311.45 207,756 36S,335.43 14 Bauphal-Loan 457,352.15 - 457 352.35 15 B. Bana (2nd -I.oan - - 16 B.Baria -Loan 17 Bera(2nd) - I-Dan 18 Bera (3rJ)-I,oan 4,578 422.05 4,378,422.03 19 Bera -1-oan 20 Bhanga- I oan - - 21 Bhola (2nd)- Loan :041041,55 3,814 972 1,634 969.55 22 f3hola -Loan - - 23 Bhuapur - I oan 1,04,107,74 1,034,107,74 24 Biram pur -Loan 520,525.52 320525.32 26 Bonpara-Loaji 710,1518(l -10,152.80 27 Borguna - Loan 28 Borhanuddin -1 oan 2,027.14(1.89 2,027 146,P 29 lChakaria (2nd)-Loan 4,1 1.-;22, 1 4,134,32? 6:) 30 Chakaria - Loan 2,463,0192 31 Chandanaish - Loan - 32 Chandina-Loan 1,44,3.,1.00 1,443,361 00 33 Chandpur (2nd)-T.oan 1,798,81-1.05 lj'W,040.00 159,774.05 14 Chandpur -L,)an - 35 lChapai Nawabgonj- Loan - - 36 Chapai Nawabgonj-Loan (2nd) 406,103.85 406,103.85 37 Charfasson -Lt)an 836,12&75 836,128.75 38 Chargat - Loan 326,474.95 32 6A74.95 39 Chatk-hil -Loan 662,998.45 662,99845 40 Chamiohor - Loan 984,701.85 984,701,85 41 Chaumohani(2nd) - Loan - - 42 Chaumohani - Loan 43 Chhatak - I om - 44 Chittagong City Corporation-Loan 3,012,91630 1,129,839.00 1,88;,0,7.3() 45 Chowgachha-Loan 1 971,637 0( 1 971.657.00 46 Chuadanga (2nd)-Loan 2,027,59b.20 I j 82,735 00 844,841,20 47 lChuadanga - I.oan - 48 Cox's Bazar-Loan 1,640,791.00 1,640,791.00 49 DaTshana - 1-,)an 1,343,065.48 1,343,065.48 50 Debidwar (2nd)-Loan 307,2o4_-) 307,294.50 51 Debi dwar-Loan 0.19 32 Dhaka North Cit-v Corp.-T-oan 580,732,00 580 743.00 5,1 a 'a South City Corporation-Loan 2,7 15.25 oo (0 5) 54 Dhunat - Loan 1,783,037_1) L783,017.20 33 Dinaipur-I oan 1, 13 2,322,282.15 56 Dohar-Loan 15 3,683 94T 15 26 Bangladesh Municipal Development Fund (BMDF) Schedule of Loans financed under MSP As at 30 June, 2021 Amount in Taka SI Name of ULBs Opening Disbursed Recovered Closing No. Balance during the year during the year Balance a b r d c fc+d-e 57 Dupchanchia-Loan 6,941,677.70 - - .7941067 .0 59 Feni-Loan 1,093,315.35 - 781,090.00 312,425.35 60 Fulbaria-Loar 3,607,759.40 - 3,607,; D940 61 Gabtali - Loan 942,773.60 - 942,775.60 62 Galachipa-Loan 999,667.40 - - 999,667.40 63 Gatail -Loan 1,156,817.49 - - 1,156,817.49 64 Gazipur(2nd) - I oan - - - 65 Ganpur -Loan - - 66 Ghorashal(2nd) - Loan - - - 67 Ghorashal -Loan - - - 68 Goalunda-Loan 3,056,111.10 - 3.056,1110 69 Gobindagonj - Loan 683,986.88 - - 683,9 8 6 .8 8 70 Godagari (2nd)-1 oan 1,544,231,75 - - 1.544,231.73 71 Godagari-Loan 1,906,420.84 - 1,906,42084 72 Gopalgonj-Loan 736,757. 25 420,99600 315,761,25 73 Gopalpur -Loan 796,962,23 - - 796,962.23 74 [labigonj (2nd)-Loan 506,366.95 - 101.270.00 405,096.95 75 labigonj-Loan - - - 76 Hajigonj (2nd)-Loan 495,713 85 - 247.860.00 247,853.38 78 1 lakirnpur-Loan 2.307,86330 2,307,863,30 79 1 Horinakunda - Loan 1,849,52348 - 1,849,52348 80 Ishwardi(2nd) - Loan - - 81 Ishwardi - Loan - - - 82 [Nhwargonj-Loan 2,052,30180 - - 2,052,30180 83 1slampur - Loan 2,812,229 97 - - 2.812,229.97 84 Jamalpur - Loan 85 Jessore - loan 86 Jhenaidah - Loan - - 88 Jibannagar - Loan 1,681,75031 - 1,681,730.31 89 Jikorgacha - Loan - - - 90 Joypurhat(2nd) - Loan - 91 Jovpurhat - Loan 93 Kabirhat -Loan 1,341,324.83 - 141,324.83 94 Kahaloo - Loan 691,7-4625 -91,74b.25 95 Kakoftat - Loan - 96 Kalai Loan 1,5233 01.88 1,523,301.88 97 Kalapara-Loan - 98 Kaliakair - Loan - - 99 KaliA-T OA 1,228.56.25 1.22, 76.2- 100 Kaligonj - Loan ,759,395.12 - 3,79,59512 101 Kalihati - Loan 1,031,910.92 - - 1.031,910.92 102 Keshabpur-Loan 1,375,407.65 - 1,138,272.00 237,131.65 103 Khulna City Corp.-Loan 5,005,208.25 2,780,670.00 2,224,538.25 104 Kishoregonj-Loan 2,288,987.50 2,288,987.50 105 Kotchandpur (2nd)-Loan 2,634,128.05 - 2654,128 05 106 Kotchandpur-Loan 967,438.80 - - 967,438.80 107 Kumarkhali-.oan 2,722,807.60 - - 2,722,807,60 108 Kurigram-Loan 4,053,400.55 - 812,481.00 3,240,919.55 110 Laksam (2nd)-L.oan 2,787,324.75 663,650.00 2,123,674.75 112 Laksham -Loan 113 Lalmohan(2nd) -Loan 2,609,737.48 - 2,609,737.48 114 1 almohan - Loan 3,044,033.03 - - 3,044,03303 115 1 almonirhat - Loan 2,238,054.93 - 921,550.00 1,316,504.95 116 Lama (2nd) - Loan 3,920,0575 - 3,920,05..75 117 Lama (3rd)-Loan 7,344873.3.05 7,544,87.505 27 Bangladesh Municipal Development Fund (BMDF) Schedule of Loans financed under MSP As at 30 June, 2021 Amount in Taka Sl. NameofULBs Opening Disbursed Recovered Closing No. eBalance during the year during the year Balance b c d e f=c+d-c 118 Lama -11an 2,755,407 33 - 2,755,407.33 119 Taxrnipur -Loan - - 120 Madhabdi (2nd)-Loan 6,491,306.75 4-6,491306 73 121 Magura -Loan - - - - 122 Manikgonj - Loan - - 123 Meherpur(2nd) - Loan 486,48840 486,488 40 124 Meherpur -Loan - - - 125 Melandah -Loan - - - 126 Mirsarai-Loan 1,153,25029 - - 1,153,250 29 127 Mohespur -Loan 3,133,30899 3,1313,308 99 128 Mongla Port-Loan - - -- 129 Monohardi-l oan 700,010 70 - - 700,010 70 130 Mothbaria - Loan 315,923.93 - - 515,925 93 131 Moulvibazar-l oan 2,676,41865 - 1,189,516.00 1.486,902 65 133 Muktagacha - Loan - 134 Mundumala-Loan 3,094,200.00 3,094,200.00 135 WhmensLng - Loan 136 Nabigonj-Loan 630,113.13 530,11315 137 Nageswai-Loan - - 138 Naogaon - Loan 97,368.17 - 97,368 00 0 .7 139 Narail-Loan 1,438,298.85 - 1,438.298 140 Narayangonj City Corp.-Loan (2nd) 3,324,053.85 - 2,374,335.00 9491885 28 Bangladesh Municipal Development Fund (BMDF) Schedule of Loans financed under MSP As at 30 June, 2021 Amount in Taka Name of ULBs Opening Disbursed Recovered Closing No Balance during the year during the year Balance a b c d e c + -e 141 Narsingdi(2nd) - Loan - - 142 Nawhata (2nd)-Loan 2,907,012.35 - 2W, 012 3 143 Nawhata - Loan 3,218,422.16 - 3 421 -A42 lb 144 Nilpharnari-Loan 2,576,619.73 - 1,77,75200 858,&67,75 145 Noakhali-Loan 445,934.00 - 445,034.00 147 Nowapara(2nd) - Loan 4,371,969.48 4,571,969.48 148 Nowapara -loan - 149 Pabna (2nd)--oan 1,894,153.02 - 1,894,153.00 0.02 150 Pabna- Loan 152 Panchbibi (2nd)-Loan 377,247.90 - 235,770.00 141 4--0 153 1'anchbibi -Loan - 154 Parbatipur - Loan 368,549.95 - 38,349.95 135 Patgrani-loan - 156 ati\a-l.)an 2,415,734.83 - - 2 t41,7485 157 7aakli-Lor 7,472677.17 - 2,359,794.00 5 112 881.17 158 Phulpur-1oan 1,557,60445 - - 1,3,604.45 139 Pirojpur - Loan 160 Raipur - Loan 161 Rajbari -Loan - - 163 Rangamati-L.oan 2,742,679.50 1,828,446.o0 914,?33 50 164 Rangpur (2nd)-l-oan 9,554,52.95 - 9,554,523.95 165 Rangpur- Loan - 166 Raozan-Loan 1,377,761.75 - 1.377,76173 * 167 RCC (2nd)-Loan 15,230,291.20 936,631.00 14,293,660.2o 168 RCC - Loan - 169 Santhia -Loan 1,695,246.95 1,695,246.95 170 Sarishabari -Loan 254,058.43 - 24,05643 171 Satkania (2nd)-Loan 3,21 733.00 1,341,616.00 2,180,117.00 172 Satkania - Loan - 174 Satkhira -Loan -- 175 Savar (2nd)-Loan 1,634.605_15 726,484.00 908,12135 176 Savar - Loan - - 177 Senbag -Loan 178 Setabgonj-Loan 920,294.00 - 920,294.00 179 Shahzadpur - Loan 377,180.25 - 17-,18025 180 Shaistagonj-1 oan 1,022,637.76 - - 1.022,657 76 181 Shibgonj (Bogra) -Loan 1,324,898 20 - - 1,32,8%8.0 182 Shibgonj(Chapai) -loan 1,679,808.68 - - 1,67O,F0868 lWk Shoilakupa Loan 2,1%,020 02 i Z i 02002 184 Singair-Loan 2,261,21295 - - 2261,212.95 185 Singra (2nd)-l.oan 1,816,977.13 - - 1.81b,977.15 186 Singra-Loan - 187 Sirajganj - Loan - - 188 Sitakunda (2n0)- I..oan 1,376,427. 90 - 1 L)o42 0 189 Sitakunda - Loan 903,354.28 - - 903,1842$ 190 Sonagazi - Loan 209,54072 - - 209,540 .72 192 Sreemongal-Loan 1,102.729 35 - 490.100.00 612,629.3_ 193 Sreepur - Loan - 195 Swarupkathi-l,oan 1,613,623.80 - - 1,613,623.80 196 Svlhet City Corp.-loan 2,2337757730. 1,276,43O2.)0 957,325.50 197 Fangail(2nd) - Loan 1,215,458.28 - 1,215,458 28 198 Tangail (3rd)-loan 2,157,922.30 - - 2,157,922.30 199 Tangail -I oan - 200 Tanore -Loan 687,994.37 - - 687,994.37 201 Tongi (2nd)-Loan 3,929,147 15 - 2,8:0 3400 1,122,607.15 Grand Total 275,329,290.24 - 37,706,570.00 237,622,720.24 29 Annexure - C Bangladesh Municipal Development Fund (BMDF) Schedule of Loans financed under MGSP As at 30 June, 2021 Amount in Taka S. Nae of UBs Opening Disbursed Recovered Closing No. Balance during the year during the year Balance a b c d e f=c+d-e 01 Alarndanga-Loan 5,357,584.00 - - 5,357,584.00 02 Amtali-Loan 33,086,897.00 - 431,402.00 32,655,495.00 03 Bakergnij-Loan 13,138,280.00 - - 13,138,280.00 04 Barguna-Loan 16,601,154.80 - - 16,601,154.80 05 Bauphal-Loan 2,851,789.00 - - 2,851,789.00 06 B.Baria-Loan 11,638,100.00 4,311,382.00 736,718.00 07 Benapole-Loan 22,367,354.00 - - 22,367,354.00 08 Betagi-Loar 1,854,360.00- 447,608.00 1,406,752.00 (9 Betagi- Loan (2nd) 298,553.00 2,177,685.00 74,162.00 2,402,076.00 10 Bhanga-Loan 13,198,637.00 - 13,198,637.00 11 Bhola-Loan (3rd) 35,491,05200 -3,491,052.00 12 Bhola-Loan (4th) 7,094,710.00 4,597,317.00 11,692,027.00 13 Bogra-Loan 10,894,201.00 - 2,642,597.00 8,251.604.00 14 Bonpara-Loan 4,878,322.00 - - 4,78,322.00 15 Chandpur-Loan (3rd) 16,257,263.00 - 2709,54400 13,547,719.00 16 Chandpur-Loan (4th) 17,737,952.00 10,519,092.00 807,58300 27,449,461.00 17 Chottograi City Corp.-Loar 54,703,065,00 25,462,622.00 80,165,687.00 i8 Chowmuhani-Loan 10,878,559.00 23,010,792.00 1,763,S54.00 32,125,497.00 19 Dhamrai-Loan 7,307,934.00 4,521,789.00 - 11,829,723.00 20 Dhanbari-Loan 11,077,655.00 - 11,077,n55.00 21 Dinajpur-Loan 9,365,687.00 - 9,365,687.00 22 DNCC-Loan 91,992,035.00 56,039,697.00 - 148,031,732.00 23 Dohar-Loan 13,524,207.00 571,993.00 12,952,214.00 24 Faridpur-Loan 14,610,153.00 - 3,478,610.00 11,131,543.00 25 Ghorasal-Loan 24,909,103.00 24,909,103.00 26 Habiganj-Loan 6 1763,526.00 2,631 729.00 659.434. 00 R,735,821 00 27 Hajigai-Loan 7,731,208.40 - 31,208.40 28 Homna-Loan 9,091 ,318.00 12,508,242.00 1,536,300.00 20063,260.00 29 Jhenaidah-Loan (2nd) 6,579,699.60 985,118.00 5,594,581.60 30 Jhenaidah-Loan (3rd) 12,490,042.00 - 12,490,042.00 31 joypurhat-Loan 19,295,541.80 19,295,541.80 32 Kakonhat-Loan 4,496,247.00 - - 4496,247.00 33 Kalapara-Loan 9,226,243.00 700,000.00 8,526,243.00 Kaliakoir-Loan (2nd) 9762,701.00 - 3,029,805.00 6,732,896. 00 35 Kaliakoir-Loan (3rd) 10,060,512.00 8,968,181.00 - 19,028,693.00 Bangladesh Municipal Development Fund (BMDF) Schedule of Loans financed under MGSP As at 30 June, 2021 Amount in Taka SL. Name of ULBs Opening Disbursed Recovered Closing No. Balance during the year during the year Balance a b c d e f=c-+ d-e 36 Kanchan-Loan 7,734,438,00 1,126,784.00 6,607,654 00 37 KLshorhat-Loan 8,858,964M00 - - 8,858,964 00 3g Khagrachhari-Loan 3,694,088,00 495,740.00 783,883.00 2 405,945.00 39 Khagrachhari-Loan (2nd) 5 823 991 00 2,922,736.00 - 8,746,727,00 40 Khulna City Corp.-Loan 22L506201100 37,339,309,00 4,753,122.00 55,092,79800 4 Kushtia-Lcan 0.20 - 0.20 42 Laksam-Loan 13,815,551.60 - 837,06.00 12,978,245,60 43 Lakshrnipur-Loan 8,674,091 .00 8,114,214.00 20,559,877.00 44 Magura-Loan 12,037,203.00 - 3,156,168.00 8,881,035.00 45 Manikgonj-Loan 34,969,44900 15,588,999.00 - 50,558,448.00 46 Mongla Port-Loan (2nd) 6,427,207.00 - 1,117,76.00 5,309,431.00 47 Mongla Port-Loan (3rd) 8,862,304.00 9,820,364.00 1,513,432.00 17,169,23600 48 Moulvibazar-Loan 10,420,975.40 10,420,975.40 49 Muladi-Loan 8,401,427.00 - - 8,401,427.00 50 Myrnensingh-Loan 14,932,046,00 14,932,046.00 51 Nandigrarn-Loan 7,768,284.00 7,768,284,00 52 Narsingdi-Loan 61,412,653.00 42,789,001.00 - 104,201,654.00 53 Nilphamari-Loan 7,049,017.00 8,486,421.00 498,552.00 13,036,886.00 54 Noakhali-Loan (2nd) 19,922,575.40 - 4,527,860.00 15,394,7115.40 5- Noakhali-Loan (3rd) 16,516,432.00 13,772,131.00 3,079,936.00 27,208,627.00 56 Pabna-Loan (3rd) 11,185,090,00 - 2,130,496.00 9,054,594.00 57 Pabna-Loan (4th) 35,060,624.00 25,583,736.00 -6(0644,360.00 58 Panchbibi-Loan (3rd) 5,058,783.00 - 1,053,910.00 4,004,873.00 59 Panchbibi-Loan (4th) 12,486,8315.00 6,538,025.00 2,038,200.00 16,986,660.00 60 Phulpur-Loan 10,189,816.00 - - 1,189,816.00 61 Rajbari-Loan 12,901,922.80 1,048,414.00 1.968,212.00 11,982,124.80 62 Rarngonj-Loan 9,540,902.00 5,349,508.00 14,890,410.00 63 Satkania-Loan 13,094,697.20 463,655.00 - 13,558,352.20 64 Savar-Loan 33,354,846.00 10,077,3950 1,246,581.00 42,185,66100 65 Shakhipur-Loan 5,757,119.00 5,757,119.00 66 Singra-Loan 10,183,871.00 10,183,871.00 67 Sirajganj-Loan 23,159,331.00 13,824,852.00 - 36,984,183.00 68 Sonagazi-Loan 17,313 395.00 - - 12,313,395.00 69 Sreernangal-Loan (2nd) 8,905,958.80 1,272,282.00 7,633,676.80 70 Sreernangal-Loan (3rd) 8,716,982.00 4,341,596.00 388,931.00 12,669,645.00 71 Sreepur-Loan 22,879,950.00 5,266,9060 - 28,146,856.00 72 Sunarnganj-Loan 14,387,858.60 - 14,387,858.60 73 Taherpur-Loan 4,356,497.00 3,158,351.00 844,909.00 5,669,939.00 74 Thakurgaor-Loan 9,340,193.00 - 9,340,193.00 Grand Total 1,109,313,624.60 357,304,285.00 64,601,948.00 1,402,015,961.60 31 Annexure - D Bangladesh Municipal Development Fund (BMDF) Schedule of Advances As at 30 June, 2021 Amount in Taka Opening Paid during Adjusted Closing Balance the year during the year Balance ai b c d e=b + c-d Mr. Sved Hasinur Rahman, MD - 618 00 62473 00 - Mr Ahmmad /aman Tariq, UDS - 7 6900 7:6; - Md2 Mustaizur Rahman Khan, PS i5t,23 15.25.0 L- Md. Amir Ftysal FI S193200 56.93220 - Mr. Mid. Mukul Miah, MO - 48,115.00 45,115 00 Mr. Md. Albsanul Kabir Sohan, PRO 0465 20.00 - Mr. Sharifur R,ahman, AO - 2 .255.00 24,25 -00 Ir. Nirmal Kumar, JERO-02 2 240.00 26,242 00 Mr. \1 A Jali, A A - 120 2 0 AKMI Kamruz ama. PM, 5 PML10.000.00 10002.00 Abdul Ghani, Envir. Specialist, PM 74 0.00 74 98100"- Mid. Na,"rul slam 55, PMU - X4W000.00 14,000.00 - Mr. Farid Ahmad, OA( G&S) 785 7 00 785 7 00 - Md. Nuru/aman, Driver-01 547.00 18,334,00 ",513.00 Md. Babul Issin, Driver-02 47.00 84100 000.00 Md. Akiher Uyzmman, Driver-03 9500,00 27.847,00 2 7 00 15, 60 00 Sree Milmi Kumar Saha, Driver-04 0000 18347.00 500.00 1234700 Md. Abdul Matin, Massenger 1,3,233.00 13 23300 Md. Hanifur Rahman, OR-02 3,000.00 3 009.00 Mr. Md. Sanaul Kamal (Petty Cash) 1 0 75 00100 - Advance to Ernployee" 11,500.00 2,501,705.00 2,442,675.00 70530.00 Advance to Rajuk 2500000.00 500 00000 Advance to RAJUK 2,500,000.00 - 2,500,000.00 BR AC CDM5 - T50.10000 150L000.00 - mr. P.-. lakra barty 232,00.0 232000.00 - Advance to Others 232,000 150,000 382,000 - Grand Total 2,743,500 2,651,705 2,824,675 2,570,530 32 Annexure - E Bangladesh Municipal Development Fund (BMDF) Schedule of Interest Receivable from ULBs under MSP As at 30 une, 2021 .Amount in Iaka Transactions Opening Receivable Interest Interest Total Closing IDA si. Received Name of ULBs Balance (Accrued i (Acerued in Received Interest Balanc Credit (01.07.2020) current year) (Accrued in Rýeceived in (30.06.2021) - previous current year) current year years a b c d il f g=+f h=c+d-s i 01 Akkelpur -- - 17¯-BD 02 Alamdanga -177-B) 03 Amtah -- - 177-B3 04 Armtah (2nd) -_-- - 47o -B, 05 B.Baria- - - - 3177-BD 06 B Baria (2nd)-- - M17-BD 07 B ,rha t - - - - - 3177-BD 08 Bagha 354,180 554,180 3177-BD 09 Banskha 363,988 7,498 -7L48r 3177-BD 10 Bai,1l kha 307,868 12,610 - - 32C478 4761-BD 11 Baruna - - - - - 3177-BD 12 Barial Citv Corp. -- 3177-BD 13 Barisal CC (nd) L812032 196,378 - 2, 008410 4761-BD 14 Ba rura 4138 19136 4 -3524 4761-BL 15 Bashurhat 24,670 14,282 2 0 ,470 422 4761-BD 16 Bauphal 15,592 13,513 - 20, 4761-BLI 17 Bera - - - 177-BD 18 Bera (2nd) -1~~BL 19 Bera (3rd) 286,152 52.028 --BD 4l BD 20 lhanga - - - 1¯¯-BD 21 Bol - - 17-BI 22 Bhola (2nd) 231,622 122,623 231,622 102 186 333 18 20.417 471-BP 23 Bhuapur 58,19 - - 17-BD 24 Bi,rmpur -- - -17~-B 25 Bonpara 49,11 15,387 - - 0"8 4-1-BD 26 Borwianuddin 231.323 - 2l1, 12 11-BP 27 Chakaria 277,090 - 277,) 1(77-BD 28 Chakaia (2nd) 1,122,606 31,582 L11541 l8 461-BP 29 Chankdanaish - 1-BP 30 Chandina 25808 15,638 2~'- 476-BP 31 Chand pur - - - 32 Chandpur (2nd) 62,58 - d2)38 o2 38 4~_l BP 33 Chap j Nawabganj 1l-BP 34 Chapa \awab (21d) 77-BD 35 Ch fal ain 41,800 4 - >177-BD 36 Char ghat 8,,n2 1 in2 51~7-BD 37 Chatkil 24,861 - - - 24 snl 51-BP 38 Chatmohar 31- - - 1~-BD 39 Chaunohani l - -177-BD 40 Chaumohani (2nd) - - - - 5177-BD 41 Chhatak f 3177-BD 42 Chittagong City Corp. - 122,399 98,861 98,81 2 58 4761-BD 43 Chtowgachha 319,484 20,082 - 33 566 4761-BD 44 Chuadanga - - 177-BD Bangladesh Municipal Development Fund (BMDF) Schedule of Interest Receivable from ULBs under MSP As at 30 June, 2021 Anount in Taka Transactions si. Opening Receivable Interest Interest Total Closing Sl. Name of ULBs Balance (Accrued in Received Received Interest Balance IDA No. (ccrud inCredit (01.07.2020) current year) (rein (Accrued in Received in (30.06.2021) No. previous current year) current year years) a b c d c f g=e+f h=c+d-g i 45 Chuadanga (2nd) 105,605 46,467 105,605 27,458 133,063 19,000 4761-BD 46 Cox's Bazar 101,085 38,090 - - 139 175 4761-BD 47 Darshana 167,883 - - 167 3 17-7-BD 48 Debidwar - - - - 3177-BED 49 Debidwar (2nd) 12,484 - - 12,484 4761-BD 50 Dhaka North C.C - 47,186 - 47,186 47,186 - 4761-BD 51 Dhaka South C,C 195.160 31,477 195,160 31,477 226,637 - 4761-BD 52 Dhunat 278602 - - 278,602 3177-BD 53 Dinajpur 197,J55 51,234 - 248,289 4761-BD 54 Dohar 161,168 99,771 - - - 260,939 4761-BD 55 Dupchachia 1,464,899 45,937 - - - 1,310,36 4761-BD 56 Faridpur - - - - 3177-BD 57 Feni 13,h69 35,149 13,669 35,149 48,818 - 4761-BD 58 Fulbaria 775,930 13,268 - 789.198 3177-BD 59 Gabtali 141,418 - - - 141,418 3177-BD 60 Galachipa 192,120 10,152 - - - 22,272 4761-BD 61 Gazipur - - - 3177-BD 62 Gazipur (2nd) - - A177-BD 63 Ghatail 79,530 - - - 7uB.30 177-bD 64 Ghorashal - - - 3177-BD 65 Choiashal (2nd) - - 3177-BD 66 Goalundo 829,818 23,346 853,164 4761-BD 67 Gobindagonj 72,675 - - - 72.675 3177-ED 68 Godagari 178,730 - - 178.710 3177-BD 69 Godagari (2nd) 321,902 12,490 - - 314 32 4-l BD 70 Gopalgonj - 28 946 28,946 28,-46 4761-BD 71 Gopalpur 45,753 - - - - 45,753 3177-BD 72 Habigan- - - - - - W17-BD 73 Habiganj (2nd) 12,027 16,458 12,027 - 12,027 16,458 4761-BD 74 Hajigonj (2nd) 6.196 17,040 6,196 13,942 20,138 3,098 4761-BD 75 Hakimpur 274,062 - - 2 -1 062 ,177-3D 76 Horinakunda 263,180 - - - - 263.180 3177-BD 77 Ishwardi - - - - - - 3177-BD 78 Ishwardi (2nd) - - - - - - 3177-BD 79 Ishwargonj 373,691 18,814 - - - 392,505 4761-BD 80 Islampur 432,470 - - - - 432,170 3177-BD 81 Janalpur - - - - - 177B 82 Jessore - - - - 3177-BD 83 jhenaidah - - - - -3177-BD 84 Jhikorgacha - - - 3177-BD 85 Jibannagar 229,781 - - 229,781 3177-BD 86 Joypurhat -- - - - 3177-BD 87 Joypurhat (2nd) - - - - 3177-BD 88 Kabirhat 71,174 - - - 1174 1177-BD 89 Kahaloo 47,557 - - 47 117-BD 34 Bangladesh Municipal Development Fund (BMDF) Schedule of Interest Receivable from ULBs under MSP As at 30 June, 2021 Amount in Taka Transactions Opening Receivable Interest Interest Total Closing Sl. Nameof ULBs Balance (Accrued in Rceied Received Interest Balance i (01.07.2020) current year) (rein (Accrued in Received in (30.06.2021) Ce. yars current year) current year years) a b c d f g=e+f h=c+d-g i 90 Kakonhat - - - - 3177-BD 91 Kalai 161,853 - - - 161,853 3177-BD 92 Kalapara - - - - - - 3177-BD 93 Kalia 248,039 10,238 - - 258,277 4761-BD 94 Kahakair - - - - - - 3177-BD 95 Kaligonj 703,383- - - - 703,383 3177-ED 96 Kalihati 70,944 - - - - 70,944 3177-BD 97 Keshabpur 238,325 15,414 238,325 12,450 250,775 2,964 4761-BD 98 Khulna City Corp. 62,565 180,743 62,565 180,743 243,308 - 4761-BD 99 Kishoregonj 98,842 57,226 - - - 156,068 4761-ED 100 Kotchandpur 133,023 - - - - 131,023 3177-BD 101 Kotchandpur (2nd) 727,120 16,588 - - - 743,708 4761-BD 102 Kuniarkhali 585,405 21,394 - - 606,799 4761-BD 103 Kurigran 671,030 47,154 235,767 - 235,767 482,417 4761-BD 104 Kushtia - - - - - - 3177-BD 105 Laksan - - - - - - 3177-BD , 106 Laksam (2nd) 323,528 43,138 157,616 157,616 209,050 4761-BD 107 Lalmohan 418,272 - - -418,272 3177-BD 108 Lalmohan (2nd) 339,007 - - - - 007 3177-BD 109 Lalmonirhat 251,786 - 161,273 - 161,273 90,513 3177-BD 110 Lana 520,508 - - - - 520,508 3177-BD I1 Lama (2nd) 1,102 515 - - - - 1,102,315 3177-ED 112 Lama (3rd) 2,049,085 57,647 - - - 2,106,732 4761-BD 113 Laxinipu - - - - - - 3177-BD 114 Madhabdi - - - - - - 317/-BD 115 Madhabdi (2nd) 802,053 96,099 - - - 898,152 4761-BD 116 Magura - - - - 3177-BD 117 Manikgonj - 3177-D 118 Meherpur - - - - - - 317-BD 119 Meherpur (2nd) 17,751 - - - - 17,751 17 7-ED 120 Mclindah - 3177 BD 121 Mirsarai 151,363 - - - - 151,363 3177-BD 122 Moheshpur 274,159 - - - - 274,19 3177-ED 123 Mongla port - - - - - 3177-ED 124 Morohardi 113,696 7,146 - - - 120,842 4761-ED 125 Mothbaria 29,020 - - - - 2 (120 126 Moulvibazar 63,193 81,780 6319 48,25 111,518 33,455 476.-1 127 MUktagacha _ _________ 3 -131) 128 NLundunTla 831,68 27,934 - S59,502 4761-ED 129 Mvmninsingh BI- - - 3177-EI 130 Nabigonj 74,604 474 - - 75,078 3177-BD 131 Nageswari - - - - - - 3177-BD 132 Narail 257,097 15,582 - - - 272,679 4761-ED 133 Narayar. CC (2nd) 77,166 83,101 77,165 71,229 148,394 11,873 4761-BD 134 Narsingdi- - - - -31 ED 35d Bangladesh Municipal Development Fund (BMDF) Schedule of Interest Receivable from ULBs under MSP As at 30 June, 2021 Anount in Taka Transactions Opening Receivable I Interest Total Closing Name of ULBs Balance (Accrued in R e Received Interest Baeancd No. (,Xccrued in ý'red)it (01.07.2020) current year) previu (Accrued in Received in (30.06.202> prev ous o current year) current year year) b4 c d e f ge+f hc +d- 135 Narsingdi (2nd) - -I)B 136 Nilphanari 0,837 78,730 7n, 738 ,30 139,5-67 - E -BI) 137 Noagaon 2,466 - 2,4 2,46b - 31 BD 138 Noakhali 9,754 4,184 9754 4, 84 13,938 3177-BD 139 Noapara - - - 177-BD 140 Noapara (2nd) ,1 l15 - - - 1 l 11 3 1177-0) 141 \okhata 302.878 -C 78 3 177-BHD 142 Nowhata (2nlI 51),'7 27'1300 - 2556 4t1BD 143 Pabna 17 - i-BD 144 Pabna (2nd) '7 3S47. 23p7 38,475 62,12 4761 -BD 145 Panchbibi - - - 3-17-BD 146 Panchbibi (2nd) 1,~1n 12,968 4,71n 12.968 17,m84 - 171-BD 147 Parbatipm 1471 - - - - 1471 I7_-BLI 148 Patgrain - 7 BL) 149 Pat a 436,374 26,447 - - 4n, 821 4761-BD 150 Patuakhali 796,430 108,157 486,707 486,707 417.880 47n-BD 151 Phulpur 95,959 36,159 - - 13,118 476 l -B 152 Pirojpur - - - 177.6 153 Raipur - - -i17BD 154 Rajbari -PD 155 Raphau City Corp. 7 1--BD 156 Raj. Ct Co (2nd l 1 1240 255,420 19739 - 197-3i9 1 156 u 471-BI) 157 Ranganati n4_¯ 83,804 ý4 58 83.804 14832 4~n1BD 158 Rangpur - - - 317~-BD 159 Rangpur (2ndl) 1,326,876 54287 - 1,! In3 4l-b 160 Raozan 17'709 19469 - - 1 -)l 178 47-l) 161 Santnia l 1 1,010 46,i 18 2'~ 128 ~77-BD 162 Sarihabari 12,703 - -2, 3177-B3 163 Satkamia - 3177-13 164 Satkania (2nd) 4-1,661 - 293,478 - 93 478 178,I83 . l-Bi 164 Satkhira 11-7 bII 166 Savar - - - - i D77-BD 167 Savar (2nd) 38.595 49,947 38-595 29,514 80 2 47M -nl) 168 Senbag - - - - 3 . 177-B) 169 Setabgonj I38,043 - -18 <-43 177-BD) 170 Shahzadpur 9.431 -,177-BD 171 Shaistagon 134223 - 14223 7-BI) 172 Shakhipur -- 173 Shibgoni(Bogra) 124.210 -1 -n 11-D 174 Shibgonj (Chapai) 23(0,976 - - - 23o re 317 175 Shoilakupa 320,674 - 320,'74 177-BL) 176 Singair 212,120 40,853 - - - 2;2,7 471-1) 177 Singra - - - 177-13D 178 Sing:a (2nd) 244,896 21,724 1266 62 4761-BD 179 Sirajgonj 3 177- B) '07 Bangladesh Municipal Development Fund (BMDF) Schedule of Interest Receivable from ULBs under MSP As at 30 June, 2021 Amount in Taka Transactions Opening Receivable Interest Interest lotal Closing Sl. Name of UILBs Balance (Accrued in Received Received Interest Balance IDA No. cretya) (Accrued illii ~ Credit (01.07.2020) current year (Accrued in Received in (30.06.2021) No. previous current year) current year years) a b d e f g=+f h=c+d-g i 180 Sitakunda 7,0,814 - -50,814 3177-BD 181 Sltakunda (2nd) 3b6,7l7 10,814 -177,531 47h1-BD 182 Sonagazi - - - 3]177-13f 183 Sreenangal 13,784 39.' 13,784 14 45S7 n58 4761-BD 184 Sreepur - - - - - - 1--D 185 Swa:upkath 57 4h2 12326 - - - 36;7 47i1-BD 1 8 Clht liit) Corp. - 87.754 - 8,$4 87754 - 4761-BD 187 Tangail - - - - - - I17-BD 188 Tangail (2ld) 16.21 - - - - 1 3 3177-BD 189 Tangail (3Srd) TTh 20,464 - - - 01 47o1-BD 190 Taiore b1,700 - - - - 31 --B1 D 191 Tongi (2nd) 49,114 126,294 49,114 12n,294 17,408 - 4-61-BD Total 14,254,019 3,218,097 2,830,108 1,254,797 4,084,905 33,387,211 Workings: Receivable this ear 3218 0u Recovered - this yvear 1,254,70 Interest Accrued in current year (A) 1,963,300 Receivable - upto prevIous years 34 254,019 Recovered - this %ear 2,830,108 Interest Accrued in previous years (B) 31,423,911 Total Interest Accrued/ Receivable (A+B) 33,387,210 37 Annexure - F Bangladesh Municipal Development Fund (BMDF) Schedule of Interest Receivable from UI LBs under MGSP As at 30 June, 21321 Amount in Taka Iransations .I nterest Opening Receivable IntereNt t Clasin sLi. Received -Total I nterest IDA \ane of ULB% Balance (Accrued mn Received Balan C o.(Auerued ini Received in Baa ~Credit (01,07.2020) current year) i (Ac rued in 131.06.2021) - pre ou~ current vear current veari years- izb cd f ti = ÷ h= + -g i 1 Alam,danga691g j59 - 50 5 02 Aitad 2 192 L2_978 - 3 ->539I 11 Bakorgto n 495,873 04 Barguna1 74574 42o,558 - 388112 5739-i 5 iauphal 53708 88578 - - 2 28i 533911 06 B Baria 978 CC7 Y757 00 978,657 5T-H1) 07 BenapAe 1,75233 789.738 -- 2473 5339-B1 og Betagi 7139 78,329 P7,1 783q29 00 145,468 - 339-B1 09 H?tagi 2nd) - 166,865 1o6865i0 166865 - 57'- (11 10 l3hanga 2,197 7 394,12 - - 259,[89 5339-B1 I I11 hola(3(rd) 7 74 139-- 41 577e11 12 1hoa (4h) 148 44I4- 448 33-91 13 B0gra 6 100 4581 052 r 0 228 5;,2-11 14 Bonpara 4 7 175 6 76 5,96 53 Chaincpur (3rd) - 762059 7,233. 0 1-;. 6 Chancpur4th) 1701 3 i17, .00 1817063 -150IB 17 Chttegram Cityk or nd - 9,93(2771 333, n7 0 333137 ro04 24 5736-D 18 Chowmuhani (3rd) 2,370178 2 370,178 0 2,370 178 5336HD 19 Dhanrai 8831"2 883 122 5339-1B 2(0 Dhanbari 21 16.54 327525 - 2447,U8') 1-BD 21 Dinalpur 1, 13,3273 29 607 --- 1L428' 383 ; 9-.1D ..... ..I. . . . . 22 Dhikc Nrth1O A~ (2nd) - 1,5121r-- I~1I 1 I 23 Dohar 8 411 40,032 19 2-' g 24 Faridpur 182 27 643,543 826 1339 25 Choraisal i22.587 931882 55 5 539- 2, Habigai 21952 5 51,1 27 Haig9j ,40134 16938-49 53 28 Hom,na- 2,379.376 814 06 814063 565313 5339-7D 29 Jhenaidah (2nd )n0754 27'-44, 74 74M700 235 527 2I 1877 5376-1 30 Jhenaidah (3rd) - 3,094,378 - 3 7 5331-}1) 31 Joypurhat 1,88.354 7449 - 2.725303 5337-1 32 Kaknrbhat 324,172 13,3 - 446125o9I 33 Kalapara 214375 4ni ri3 2142--1 214 46I 15 33 H5 T Kdhk,i 127811 ,KO,4)45I- S7~1I 34 Kaliakoir (2nd) 568,0903-;¯2 ~ SoS116I1 ________4_____94________ 35 Kaliakoir (rd 7 44r 21 44, 7 i36anlhan 4P31,418 137,- 163,,,,,"OG 7781.71 17 4 37 Keshrhal ,9 014 na 7 38 Khagrachhari 12987 K - 1292787 3Khagrachan (n 40 Khulna Cor nd 6,387,008 37n'1r24.. î 3 "25 4 D2nd 41 Kusha 42 Laksam 1,87 ,840 387,254 340 155 - 341,155 -81 43 LaxrmLipur 2,263,,631 l 1,4,536 2772,70r 2I 5 107 7630 0,5 577-Dl 44 MNlguTk 7 15,069 483,288 7136 6300 LO8493 426 561-)W Bangladesh Municipal Development Fund (BMDF) Schedule of Interest Receivable from ULBs under MGSP As at 30 June, 2021 Amount in Taka Transactions Interest Opeing Receivable Rees nterest Closing 5J. Recejved Iottals nterest °3 [DA Name of LLBs Balance (Acerued in Received . Balance 01.07.2020} current year) A . (Accrued in (30.06.2021) No. prev ious current year tiurrent year) years) 1 d e g=e+f =+- c 43 ian j :nd) - ',171,75t 2.537,405001 2 ,537,45 J 34 533-BD 46 longlaport (2nd) 3013,402 Ä 3,402 339-B 47 \1lngIapor t ( J 2,033 ,'-4 2 0 4300 2,03,74 - 5339-Bl 4S M111vibaa, I=r; l 2~4,644 1 L,192 533%BD 49 \Iuladi 1,487,753 2o2545 - ,75C,298 5339-BD 59 Nvm nsingli - 03, 5 35 1 - 1 2 -iI 51 Nandigram run sk4 279,88 52 Narsingkh (l i - (3n~),944 7,77944 533 53 Nilphamr (2nd) - 1 121 -43 1o 274 00 1 121 33BD 54 Noakhåh 120 48nr74J 83- 24 4 4843 o2 i1j 339- So Pabna,3ri, 1 , 492o5 13,s1 '- 1 0 41312 5339-11 Ph rani J7b, 53 133B '' landnb, 1t 1,7. 94 4 9~ 15 . 19 34 1- 5339-BP 58 hpar 141 - -r1',423593 60) P-huii lir 7S4,709 3813 7 ]j,1,4~33- 61 Rajbari (2nd 2,420083 392,73 "0224 - 912224 1,90 33-Bl 62 Ramganj 111 il 1,1,tl 1 5339-1)1D 63 Satkar iå 2,72,n2 41 - 3,064523 5339-BI) 64 vi- 3rd 5183 2,804,80h 00 2,804,806 345,379 5339-1D) 63 Shakhipur 9335o2 195,442 12 004 331) 66 Sängra394 318,247 - 2241 33 o~ irgeen~ 1nd) -395,033 - - 3,595 3 53m 58 S994/ 2,039,8n3 350,590 - 2,~, ~ 39%5 338.9 69 Sreeniigal 2nd ) 111,324 392,28 1 1) 24 2:0.44 318 h 18.341 i33BD 70 ,reeningl 3rd - iD45,257 93;, 0 15 15 33"D 1 Srecpur 2n, 2,409824 240-824 533'BD -2 b unamrgan rA 15 2694 - - - 53 7 Taherpur 24=g39 42_371 24,i 148 289.1- 3,S943 53394z i ~4 Thakurg.n 1713,737 317,73 - 1431472 3394-I Total 51,737,192 102,210,357 7,258,790 39K1l,407 46,417197 107,530,352 Tnterest payabk, to,B 1-347,438 20,442071 1451,758 7,8381 9,283,439 21,50070 Workings: RNeecivable - this r 102 ,357 Recuvered - this ear 39,584 Interest Accrued in current year (A) 63,051950 Total Accrued lnte res), I ,n,c 50,441 Se0.0 Total Accrued Interest: iPa 'e tc GoB Receivale). - uT p årre v ,ers 3 32 1Recovered - this year '-179 Interest Accrued in previous years (B) 44,47S,402 Total Interest Akerued / Receivable (A+1B) 107,530,352 iotal AC rued In t, res: ln,ome 024,282 Tota Accjued Interest: PaIable to G)B 2t, 50,70 ら-&-1→; . ,. � _ . �. _ _ _ � _ _� ' _ � - - __ - � - ' . . - _ г = - ,, � _ ! ' ' ,, ( - .. ~'�. � i ' .. ,, I I. а ', . _ ,, ,,, _ _ _ - � �`£ ', ,, ,, � � '�.. . - , ; _ _ ,. � - _ ..... = ....... i .��,.. ....... _ _` ( , - - , ,.. _ _ д' . - ....�,. :� , �i ;�I .....��.. 1 � ._ .. - �,...... , + 1 - � _ а_ . - � _ _ _ - . � - ' . - _ - _ � - _ _ - - - - . . � . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ - -. . � . . _ 1 '_ _ - � i _ С �- - I I I I 4 - � '� i 5 _ ' _ I . �i ' � ' _ � = 3 � € - � _ �` - I � � � I � г i � _ у � � < : 1 I _ ,., ' . - . . . . . (... .ч . - � - -= i . ' ; �i - - - - - , _ � j Г . - ' I � _ I - I , ' , i ',.. _ _ _ . � .... z" У. _ . ',. - - _ _ _ .� _ � : . ��.. , . �,,. _ _ _ _ " - ° - - . -. . . . . _ , ,,,, •,' - - г - ; _ - . i = _ - - - - -� � . ... - ,,', - Е ' I . - , . , , � �-J- � ',, . 1 ' _ 'I � _ � - ' � � - с - � ' � � _ j , - - _ :� � : � _ _ i ; _ _ � � I г _ �� . . . I� i - , х - I .. . - ' f �� _ , . i - I- _ i �- q . �, � к , I i , . . , - I ' . 1 1 '. . _ _ ' i . � �, , � � - , _ ' _ __ _ --- � 4 - г_Ir � _ - _ �. - 3' - � , . � % а - -. - _ ' 1 . . � - 8 - I i - _� - - а а - - - - - - 1 1 I� _ � I I .. 1 3� - _ - - .,__ . , IIII -I - _ 1 _ _ ,, З � , . I � I ��? Е � ,,. i ,I �,. �,, � ,, i I � , '. , �� i , �. t �. � � у ,',. ( � - ' �, � .',, i ',, . � - _ ' . ( 1 � ! , ,, ! ,,. - - . ( - . � � . . i , , ,,. , � ( - � I - . .�,. Ё � ! . � j '� , ', , � ' � С � ��, 1 6 , ,,,, . . �� � ,,.. ' , . ,. �, I , ,. . _ . . .. � .,. � � , _ ' � . I � � � � � � ... I� � ,,,. '' �7 _ � ,, i ,, . - д - ,. _ , � ., " - I � " - �, � 1 I ' . I _ _ I � ,. , i . I 1 , ,. I i .i I ,,. , , I + 5 С ,,, ,, ,',, . . 3 ,. _ iI . , .._ __�_. . " Э � � � - , - _ _ _ _ � , , е� r. - 1 -` � ' . _ � у = - � � _ С с � I �з .r . - �. i ! _ ' .. . _ � � � 1� . � -_ _ _ - I . '�. �1 - _ _: уΡI�. _ � . ,,, � _ __-' "' _ ' _ _' __ _ - _ � . � 1 , . i -.� - _ ' ' _ I' _ _ _ __ " ' . - ' _ _ " _ _ _ � II ' . .. , . . - . . � - - - - I_ - _ " _ ° i _ - � , ' i � - . _ _ _ _ _ - .- _ . ,. ? - = - . °с _ - � ' _ . _ ' ' �� . _ I � `�' �'_ . 1 : � � _ _ _� � F , - -_ � ` I __ . п - - _ ' _ _ - _ _ ' ' i � - � �� 3 , . . � ь_. ... _ _ _ . _�___ _ 9 = - _ � .' 3 � - _ � У '� I х _ _ _ ._ - # _ _ _ _ � _ - � �� _・―皇 Annexure - I Bangladesh Municipal Development Fund (BMDF) Schedule of Debt (DSL) under IDA Credits (MSP) As at 30 JUTIO, 202-1 IDA Credits No. 3177-BD 4761-BD Amount in Tk. Opening Balame 2 11340,990 151,148,074 564,489,664 Add: Pwable,,, Disbursed during, the Nv,ir - - Less: Refund to GoB during the year (29,262,190) (67,412390) Less- Adjustment - - Flosing Balance 175,160,990 321,886,284 49*7,047,274 Annexure - j Bangladesh Municipal Development Fund (BMDF) Schedule of Special Grant Received from GoB For the vear ended 30 june 2021 Equipment, Incremental Particulars Furniture & Operating Costs Amount in Taka Computer Fund Recei, (,d 26,479 14329,209.73 43 Annexure - K Bangladesh Municipal Development Fund (BMDF) Municipal Governance & Services Project (MGSP) Schedule of Consultancy Services (Remuneration & Reimbursable) Expenses For the year ended 70 ine, 2021 Alnount in Taka No. Name Particulars Cumulative FY 2020-21 \ PMU: Individual Consultants 1 A1 MI Kamruiainan Proeict Mkanager 1K284,998 4021253 2 Ahbd ul Ghan i nvironnuental Späciist 11,263,360 2,12,3 3 Md. Narul Islam Social Safeguaurd Specialist 8,668,131 2 355,631 4 Mustasim Nahmood Khan Arhitect 6I 40,020 1523,131 5 Ashrafuzziaman Civil Engineer 1 1,16,690 2,584 176 6 Golam Zakaria Moitoring & Evaluation Spe. 6,434,716 L972,834 7 Iqbal Bihar Fartique Procuremen 1 Specialist 4,424,174 2,875,305 8 Md. Shahidul Islam Structural iigincer 9r34,37 1303,176 9 Md. Abushyed Badsha Electrical Engineer 3129009 1367,779 10 CM 1 lumayin Kabir Quantity Survex Engineer 2,378,214 1,295,974 11 Jamal H 0ossain Quantity Survey Engineer 1,120296 559,007 12 iran Hasan Quantity Survey Engineer 2,004,f37 452,049 13 Augustin Gomes fr Consultant-Accounts 940827 1285,804 14 Md. Shazahan Islam Jr. Consultant-Accou nts 1,941,095 1,285,244 15 Animesh Chandra Roy Supervision lngineer 3,1064,748 L49l9 16 Jahid-AI-Mamun Supervision Engineer 2,130,105 71 545 17 Md Amniul Islam Supervision Engiieer 2,781801 1,525751 18 Md. Mahadi H asan Rubel Supervision Engineer 2,879,346 1695,216 19 Al-Amin Supervision Engineer 2,314.603 1 195,398 20 Md. Zaiul iug Supervisin Engineer 2,539,742 1,631L432 21 Md Sayful Islam Su pervision Engineer 1,769,659 L,267,38 22 Hasnat Maruf Supervisimn Engieer 2,1079,219 1619,450 23 Md Liakot fhssain Supervisioun Engineer 2,151,517 L06,163 24 Md. Nizanur Rahman Supervision Engineer 1,714,232 1,248,988 25 Md. Khaled Saifullah Hashemi Prncurement Specialist 649,873 26 Firoz l lossain Supervisin Engineer 2.681 560 27 GM H Iumayun Kabir Su pervision Engineer 2,488,291 28 Syed Rownak Ami Supervision Engineer l3,118,507 29 Md. Faruk Hossain Supervision Enginteer 824.417 30 Md, Abdullah Al Mamun Supervision Engineer 622,175 - 31 Md. Bellal Hossen Supervision Ergineer 549,620 32 Md. Apel Mahmud Supervision Engineer 41,373 - 33 Ashok Kumar Supervision Fngineer 243,934 34 Md. Noor Aai Supervision Engineer 23n,270 35 Gazi Md. kolhsin Financial \anagemenlt Specialist 8J91,905 36 Sheila Ahmed Economist 6,718,260 - 37 Abdur Rakib Khan Lrban Development Specialist 1 36]222 38 Md. Lokman Hossain Social Safeguard Spec. 849,208 - 39 Amar Krishna Baidva Monitoring & Evaluation Spec 632,341 - 40 Md. Kan-rzzaman Quantity Survey Engineer 729,183 41 Md. Ridib Al Amin Quantity Surve Engineer 235,109 42 Pilu a C Imununaiton Specialt 606,944 606,944 Misc. Procurement Actvities Advertisernent ÷ Cm Meetings L 1513,796 153936 Sub-total: A (PML - Cs) 135,227,686 40,867,763 Annexure - K BANGLADESH MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT FUND (BMDF) Municipal Governance & Services Project (MGSP) Schedule of Consultancy Services (Remuneration & Reimbursable) Expenses For the year ended 30 June, 2021 Anmount in Taka No. Name Particulars Cumulative FY 2020-21 B Others: Individual Consultants 43 1MA Kashem Financial Management Spec. 300,100 44 SN Humvun Civil Engineering Expert 4800) - 43 11 Zabed A1 Nridha Financial Nanagement Spec. 2,999,999 - 46 AKM11Shah ;\am Social Safeguard Expert 1,500')00 - 47 1. Khushed Alam Social Safeguard Expert 499,999 48 S1 Atiqul Islam Environmental Expert 1'500,000 - 49 Tariqul I laque Civil Engineering Expert 1,000,000 - 50 Aminur RahianNI Fariq Environmental Spec. 500,000 - 51 N. Khairul Islam Civil Engineering Expert 500,000 - 52 1. Re/aul Karini Environmental Expert 500,000 53 1. Abdullah A 1artuque Software Specialist 400,000 - 34 Khondoker Liaquat Ali Procurement Specialist 3,300,000 - 55 S11 Salim Monitoring & Evaluation Spec. 3,747,983 - Sub-total: B (Short-term/time based ICs) 17,427,981 - C OSCB: Firm 56 Grant Ihorton Consult lc Jointy with i FC n,7983252- OSCB: Individual Consultants Kazi N abiul H laque Orgaizatiornal Dievelopmnt and 1,07,219 a7 i \i u IRM Specialist (leami leader) Mt Abbas Uddin Iegal, Policy and Governance 568,122 368,122 58 Specialist Ab H-lena Ml. Nlostola Financial Management Specialist 487,1430 487,430 Md. ANnisur Rahman Urban Planning and hirastructure 60 MDevelopment Specialist 61 Md. Ashfaqul Alam Joarder Nl&E and MIS Specialist 471,002 471,002 62 NI Khurshed Alam Social Safeguard Specialist 239,854 239,F54 NIdL Saiful Mlonion Environment Safeguard 167,642 367.642 63Specialist Mohammad Svful loque Mlarket and Busincss Plan 562,202 562202 64 Dev elopnent Specialist Nawshad Ahmed Nunicipal Financing Specialist 467,259 467 258 Fatique \Iohiuddun Project Developient and 4)9,072 409072 66 lanagement Specialist Sub-total: C (OSCB) 12,380,419 5,054,841 D M&S Consultant: Tirm 57 Aqua Cons & Associates 11nitoring & Supetrvision Consu 88,597,591 - Sub-total: 1) (M&S Cornsultant) 88,597,591 - F Other: Firm 58 \K Softw are Ially Custonization for I1 FR 525,000 Sub-total: F (Others) 525,000 Total Consultancy Services A+B+(+D+F 254,158,676 45,922,604 一!個〕 Annexure - M Bangladesh Municipal Development Fund (BMDF) Schedule of Employer's Contribution to Contributory Prov. Fund As at 30 j tine, 2021 SI. No. Name of Employees Designation Taka 01 Ms. SxTeda Sultana Nasrin FM 32,564 02 Mr. Nasir Uddin Al-u-ned Chowdhur\- CS 148,896 03 Mr. Ahn-imad Zaman Tariq UDS 98,316 04 Mr. Md. Anamul I-loque FAcC 94,260 03 Mr. Md. NIustafizur Rahman KI-ian PS 94,260 06 Mr. Md. Amir Faysal El 79,656 07 Mr. Md. Mukul Miah 90,564 08 Mr. Aamir Hossain Shikder UL13CBC 82,572 09 Mr. N-Iridha Shahinoor Rahman AcO 82,572 10 Mr. Ahsanul Kabir Sohan PRO 74,892 11 Mrs, Rabeva Khatun CFO 74,892 '12 Mr. Nld. Sharifur Rahman AO 74,892 13 1kir. Mohamrnad Nazir Hossain BC&AO 74,892 14 Mr. Nlohammad Alek,%,Iiah JERO-I 77,400 15 Mr. Nirrnal Kumar Karmaker JERO-2 77,400 '16 Mr. Md. Abdul Jalil AAO 77,400 17 Mr. Md. Sanaul Kamal Accountant 54,600 18 Mr. Farid Ahmed OA (G&S) 6, 7/ 3 6 19 Mr. Md. Abul Hasan ivlridha AutoCAD Op 36,736 20 Mr. Md. Shohidul Islam Com. Op D6,736 21 Mr. Nid. Nuruzzarlian Driver-I 34,908 22 Mr. Md. BabUl Hossain Driver-2 34,908 23 Mr. Nld. Akther Uzzaman Driver-3 32,628 24 IvIr.?\,lilon Kumar Shaha Driver-4 32,628 25 Mr. Nittananda Singha (Ripon) OR-1 27,936 26 Mr. Md. Abdul Matin Messenger 27,936 27 Mr. Hanifur Ralu-nan OR-2 26,100 Total 1,877,280 Less: Adjusted with Forfeture A/c - Net: EmploNer's Contribution Tratisferred to CPF 1,877,280 47 Bangladesh Municipal Development Fund (BMDF) Schedule of Advance Service Charge (MGSP) As at 30 11ne, 2021 Openin, Balance Service Charge Inconie Du ring the Year Adjusted with ClOSiTg 13aI4PC Name of ULBs Recevied During Re.und to IBs 7.. the Year Serv ice Charge VAT Loan (30ÅRn t11 1 Kaliakair Iauraiava + 2 - 2 M1ngla Port Faurasha.a 3 s cemian Pa,urashava 4 IeInaiThV PaurasiAa 5 ( handpur Paura1hava S - -___00 6 1haka N Lrith Cio crp 2 48 00137 7 1 uima Parasia 18-00 1 1 attogr am C p 9 Khiulna Cits CorporaLion 10 Amntah Päiirasha å W2 431 11 Keshoriat Paurashava 12 iniarbaii aura9a 7 1 : 13 1 Litiva Paurashava 741 20 - 4 2{1 14 Paar larashavi M-l 15/lranj alraa a \ It - 18 KurkgaPi Iaura,shil :Ä.S48 1 19 Nangalkot tairasli,ka 54 010 - 20 1 asnupur Iaurashin a Wb229 a --fl orpoertio 121h KKa kl(1 22 lihaka 14,uthti < < rp+rien 2.las14 000 l --is 1''1 23 barhat aurashaa g1,148 2 lknal iaurasha\a 12 241 m12 26 Rapha t 1 Lorpi oranen 1n 2~ bogra Pauraahaa li-2 - 28 1 Lajigonjmash1 - r a 29 1,agazi Paurashao ;l 30 Bakergani PaurasNa\-a 8418 åhnga l niuraaha a ¯422 - h - 32 Magura aurashava s4 - Total 18z22.42 - 2484i 37,2H 14,4; 1 oÅ-4 2.1,lA7 1! 4 х � /1 ошпиre - i? 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