Sample Procurement Plan

I. General

1.   Bank’s approval Date of the procurement Plan 23rd September,
2.   Date of General Procurement Notice: ……………… 2018
3.   Period covered by this procurement plan: Six months from 1st July
     2018 to 31st December, 2018

II. Goods and Works and non-consulting services.

1.   Prior Review Threshold: Procurement Decisions subject to Prior
     Review by the Bank as stated in Appendix 1 to the Guidelines for
                 Procurement Method                 Prior Review         Comments
       1.   ICB and LIB (Goods & Non-               Above US$       No ICB Level
            Consultant Services)                    2,000,000       Contracts
       2.   NCB (Goods & Non-Consultant                 -           No NCB Level
            Services)                                               Contracts.
       3.   Shopping (Goods & Non-Consultant             -          All Contracts
            Services)                                               subject to Post
       4.   ICB (Works)                                  -           The PAD silent on
       5.   NCB (Works)                                  -          works Contracts for
       6.   Shopping (Works)                             -                the OMST

2.   Prequalification. Not applicable
3.   Proposed Procedures for CDD Components (as per paragraph. 3.17 of
     the Guidelines:
4.   Reference to (if any) Project Operational/Procurement Manual: Not
5.   Any Other Special Procurement Arrangements: Not applicable
6.   Summary of the Procurement Packages planned during the first 06 months
     after project effectiveness
           2              3       4          5             6                   7
       Description    Estimat   Packag    Domesti       Review
                         ed       es         c          by Bank          Comments
                       Cost               Prefere       (Prior /
                        US$                 nce          Post)
                      million             (yes/no)
       Summary of        No       No           No            Post   Not planned NCBs for
       the NCB                                                      the first 6 months
       Summary of     364,73      15           No            Post   Going on
       the Shopping    5.00
       Summary of         No        No          No         Post       Not planned for the
       the NCB                                                        first 6 months
       Summary of         No        NO          No         Post
       the Shopping

III. Selection of Consultants

1.    Prior Review Threshold:
                   Selection Method                  Prior Review            Comments
       1.    Competitive Methods (Firms)
             Advertise Internationally           Above US$ 1,000,000
             Advertise locally                             -
             CQS                                           -              All Contracts
             SSS                                           -              subject to Post
       2.    Individual Consultants -IC & SSS              -              Review
2.    Short list comprising entirely of national consultants: Selection
      based on the CQS to cost less than US$ 300,000 in accordance with the
      provisions of paragraph 3.7 of the Guideline.
3.    Any Other Special Selection Arrangements: Selection of Individual
      Consultants will be in paragraph 5.2 and 5.3 of the Guideline.
4.    Consultancy Assignments with Selection Methods and Time

        1             2                3             4            5               6

       Ref   Description of       Estimate      Packages       Review     Comments
       .     Assignment           d                            by Bank
       No.                        Cost                         (Prior /
                                  US$                          Post)
             Firms:               162,790.      01             POST       Though within the
             Summary of           00                                      CQS Threshold,
                                                                          scope is complex
             QCBS                                                         & innovative
             Firms: CQS           151,162.      02             POST
             Firms: SSS           58,140.0      01
             IC-                  34,883.7      01             POST
             Competitively        2
             IC-SSS               14,534.8      01
                  Sri Lanka : Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development Operation
General Information
Country:             Sri Lanka                             Bank’s Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan:    2018-11-05
                                                          Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none)
Project ID:          P159995                               GPN Date:                                                 2020-07-28
Project Name:        Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development Operation
Loan / Credit No:    IBRD / 87430
Executing Agency(ies): inistry of Higher Education and Cultural Affairs

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                            Estimated     Actual                                                                        Draft Bidding                                                                        Bid Evaluation Report
                                 Loan / Credit                                                                               Procurement        Prequalification   High SEA/SH      Procurement                               Process     Draft Pre-qualification     Prequalification                             Specific Procurement   Bidding Documents as Proposal Submission /                                                   Contract
       Description                                      Component            Review Type       Method    Market Approach                                                                             Amount      Amount                                                                         Document /                                                                           and Recommendation         Signed Contract
                                     No.                                                                                       Process               (Y/N)             Risk        Document Type                               Status           Documents            Evaluation Report                              Notice / Invitation           Issued         Opening / Minutes                                                    Completion
                                                                                                                                                                                                      (US$)       (US$)                                                                         Justification                                                                              for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Planned      Actual      Planned      Actual     Planned       Actual    Planned    Actual      Planned      Actual  Planned     Actual    Planned      Actual     Planned     Actual    Planned

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Draft Bidding                                                                         Bid Evaluation Report
                                 Loan / Credit                                                                               Procurement        Prequalification    Estimated      Actual Amount      Process   Draft Pre-qualification      Prequalification                              Specific Procurement    Bidding Documents as Proposal Submission /
       Description                                      Component            Review Type       Method    Market Approach                                                                                                                                                Document /                                                                            and Recommendation         Signed Contract     Contract Completion
                                     No.                                                                                       Process               (Y/N)         Amount (US$)        (US$)           Status         Documents             Evaluation Report                               Notice / Invitation            Issued         Opening / Minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Justification                                                                               for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Planned      Actual       Planned      Actual      Planned       Actual    Planned      Actual     Planned      Actual  Planned     Actual    Planned      Actual     Planned     Actual     Planned     Actual

                                                 Program Operations and
/ Supply & installation of                                                                 Request for                     Single Stage - One
                                IBRD / 87430     Technical Support        Post                           Limited                                                        9,300.00         8,410.10   Completed                                                                              2018-10-21 2018-07-01                                                                      2018-12-16 2018-10-16 2019-06-14 2018-11-01
Photocopy Machines (Colour-                                                                Quotations                      Envelope
2 ITEMS & 2 Black & White)

/ Supply & installation of
Printers (2 units of Heavy                       Program Operations and
                                                                                           Request for                     Single Stage - One
Duty Monochromatic, 2      IBRD / 87430          Technical Support        Post                           Limited                                                        4,000.00         2,545.71   Completed                                                                              2018-10-21                                                                                 2018-11-14 2018-07-16 2018-11-28 2018-10-02
                                                                                           Quotations                      Envelope
Colour Printers, 3                               Component
Monochromatic -

/ Supply & installation of
Multimedia Projectors -
a. 02 nos. of Short/Ultra                        Program Operations and
                                                                                           Request for                     Single Stage - One
Short throw, Native Resolution IBRD / 87430      Technical Support        Post                           Limited                                                        4,700.00         2,531.65   Completed                                                                              2018-11-01                                                                                 2018-12-01 2018-12-19 2018-12-15 2019-02-12
                                                                                           Quotations                      Envelope
= 1920 x 1080                                    Component
b. 01 no. of Portable
Multimedia Projector with
Native Resolution = 1920 x

 LK-MOHCA-82125-GO-RFQ                           Program Operations and
                                                                                           Request for                     Single Stage - One
/ Supply & installation of      IBRD / 87430     Technical Support        Post                           Limited                                                          585.00          374.35    Completed                                                                              2018-10-23                                                                                 2018-11-27 2018-07-16 2018-12-11 2018-09-17
                                                                                           Quotations                      Envelope
Television Screen                                Component

/ Camtasia Software -
                                                 Program Operations and
AHEAD/OMST/GOODs/NS/09                                                                     Request for                     Single Stage - One
                                IBRD / 87430     Technical Support        Post                           Limited                                                          300.00          273.71    Completed                                                                              2018-10-20                                                                                 2018-10-25 2018-06-28 2018-10-26 2018-07-10
Camtasia Studio single user                                                                Quotations                      Envelope
license (Personal &
Professional Edition)

                                                 Program Operations and
/ Fax Machine purchased for                                                                Request for                     Single Stage - One
                                IBRD / 87430     Technical Support        Post                           Limited                                                          200.00          174.87    Completed                                                                              2018-10-23                                                                                 2018-11-23 2018-08-20 2018-11-30 2018-09-13
the OMST -                                                                                 Quotations                      Envelope

 LK-MOHCA-82661-GO-RFQ                           Program Operations and
                                                                                           Request for                     Single Stage - One
/ Pen Drives and Hard Drives IBRD / 87430        Technical Support        Post                           Limited                                                          900.00          346.85    Completed                                                                              2018-10-25                                                                                 2018-11-22 2018-09-04 2018-12-22 2018-09-27
                                                                                           Quotations                      Envelope
- AHEAD/OMST/GOODs/11(ii)                        Component

/ Laptop Computers -
(Processor-Intel Core i5 8th                     Program Operations and
                                                                                           Request for                     Single Stage - One
generation, System Memory -     IBRD / 87430     Technical Support        Post                           Limited                                                        2,500.00         2,358.92   Completed                                                                              2018-10-19 2018-10-01                                                                      2018-11-06 2018-11-05 2018-11-13 2018-12-13
                                                                                           Quotations                      Envelope
8 GB Ram, Hard Disk - 1 TB                       Component
HDD, Display - 14.3" - 15.6"
with Windows 10, 3 yrs. com.

/ Supply and Installation of
Air Conditioner for the
Internal Audit Office -
                                                 Program Operations and
AHEAD/OMST/GOODs/11(iv)                                                                    Request for                     Single Stage - One
                                IBRD / 87430     Technical Support        Post                           Limited                                                        1,200.00          732.41    Completed                                                                              2018-10-23                                                                                 2018-11-20 2018-11-08 2018-11-27 2018-12-12
(wall Mounted, Split Inverter                                                              Quotations                      Envelope
Type, 24,000 BTU with 5 yrs.
warranty for the Compressor
and one year warranty for the
Air Conditioner)

                                                 Program Operations and
 LK-MOHCA-82707-GO-RFQ                                                                     Request for                     Single Stage - One
                                IBRD / 87430     Technical Support        Post                           Limited                                                          175.00          101.93    Completed                                                                              2018-11-06 2019-03-25                                                                      2018-12-11 2019-04-25 2018-12-25 2019-05-03
/ Digital Camera                                                                           Quotations                      Envelope

 LK-MOHCA-82711-GO-RFQ                           Program Operations and
                                                                                           Request for                     Single Stage - One
/ Conference Table with         IBRD / 87430     Technical Support        Post                           Limited                                                        9,000.00        10,881.00   Completed                                                                              2018-11-12 2018-12-03                                                                      2018-12-24 2019-01-09 2019-01-23 2019-03-01
                                                                                           Quotations                      Envelope
Chairs                                           Component

/ Supply & installation of                       Program Operations and
                                                                                           Request for                     Single Stage - One
Desktop Computers, Laptops IBRD / 87430          Technical Support        Post                           Limited                                                       35,000.00        38,728.87   Completed                                                                              2018-10-21                                                                                 2018-12-16 2018-07-16 2019-06-14 2018-11-01
                                                                                           Quotations                      Envelope
with docking stations & UPSs (                   Component

 LK-MOHCA-82677-GO-RFQ                           Program Operations and
                                                                                           Request for                     Single Stage - One
/ Supply & installation of      IBRD / 87430     Technical Support        Post                           Limited                                                          875.00             0.00   Canceled                                                                               2018-10-23                                                                                 2018-11-27             2018-12-11
                                                                                           Quotations                      Envelope
Public Addressing System                         Component

 LK-MOHCA-82709-GO-RFQ                           Program Operations and
                                                                                           Request for                     Single Stage - One
/ Supply and Installation of IBRD / 87430        Technical Support        Post                           Limited                                                        6,000.00             0.00   Canceled                                                                               2018-11-12                                                                                 2018-12-24             2019-01-23
                                                                                           Quotations                      Envelope
Intercom System for the OMST                     Component

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Page 1
 LK-MOHCA-100400-GO-RFQ                           Program Operations and
                                                                                            Request for                                Single Stage - One
/ 02Nos of black and white IBRD / 87430           Technical Support        Post                                 Limited                                                               386.00                   0.00   Canceled                                                                                   2019-03-06                                                                                        2019-05-08                2019-06-07
                                                                                            Quotations                                 Envelope
printers                                          Component

 LK-MOHCA-100402-GO-RFQ                           Program Operations and
                                                                                            Request for                                Single Stage - One
/ 04 Nos of Steel cupboards IBRD / 87430          Technical Support        Post                                 Limited                                                               663.00                350.11    Completed                                                                                  2019-03-06 2019-03-06                                                                             2019-05-01 2019-04-08 2019-05-31 2019-04-09
                                                                                            Quotations                                 Envelope
(for OMST use)                                    Component

 LK-MOHCA-100410-GO-RFQ                           Program Operations and
                                                                                            Request for                                Single Stage - One
/ Software to develop       IBRD / 87430          Technical Support        Post                                 Limited                                                             11,033.80              1,824.21   Completed                                                                                  2019-03-20 2019-04-04                                                                             2019-05-15 2019-07-22 2019-06-29 2020-07-21
                                                                                            Quotations                                 Envelope
automated accounting system                       Component

 LK-MOHCA-100406-GO-RFQ                           Program Operations and
                                                                                            Request for                                Single Stage - One
/ 01 No of GPS (MAP R 64 SC) IBRD / 87430         Technical Support        Post                                 Limited                                                               420.00                   0.00   Canceled                                                                                   2019-03-13                                                                                        2019-05-08                2019-06-07
                                                                                            Quotations                                 Envelope
for OMST use                                      Component

/ Procurement of non-patent
literature databases and
                                 IBRD / 87430     Program Component        Post             Direct Selection    Direct                                                              67,000.00            23,740.00    Signed                                                             2019-08-13 2019-07-22 2019-08-27 2019-09-20                                                                               2019-09-20 2019-11-08 2022-09-19
commercial patent databases
for Research, Innovation and
Commercialization of AHEAD

                                                  Program Operations and
/ Procurement of an
                                 IBRD / 87430     Technical Support        Post             Direct Selection    Direct                                                              11,500.00            11,500.00    Completed                                                          2020-12-30 2020-11-28 2020-12-30 2020-12-01                                                                               2020-12-31 2021-01-31 2020-12-31 2021-02-08
additional access of a
commercial patent database.

 LK-MOHCA-82688-GO-RFB /
                                                  Program Operations and
Procurement of Vehicles                                                                                                                Single Stage - One
                         IBRD / 87430             Technical Support        Post             Request for Bids    Open - National                                                    290,000.00                  0.00   Canceled                                                           2018-11-15              2018-11-29                                    2018-12-20                2019-01-03                2019-02-07                2019-06-07
a. 4 Cars in 1500 CC                                                                                                                   Envelope
b. 1 Van in 12 seats

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Draft Bidding                                                                         Bid Evaluation Report
                                  Loan / Credit                                                                                          Procurement        Prequalification    Estimated       Actual Amount           Process      Draft Pre-qualification      Prequalification                                Specific Procurement   Bidding Documents as Proposal Submission /
       Description                                       Component            Review Type        Method         Market Approach                                                                                                                                                               Document /                                                                            and Recommendation                Signed Contract        Contract Completion
                                      No.                                                                                                  Process               (Y/N)         Amount (US$)         (US$)                Status            Documents             Evaluation Report                                 Notice / Invitation           Issued         Opening / Minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Justification                                                                               for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Planned        Actual     Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual    Planned       Actual    Planned      Actual  Planned     Actual    Planned      Actual            Planned       Actual      Planned     Actual

/ Site Coordinator for                            Program Operations and                                                                                                                                              Under
                                                                                            Request for                                Single Stage - One
construction of anatomy     IBRD / 87430          Technical Support        Post                                 Limited                                                              4,300.00                  0.00   Implementati                                                                               2022-03-17 2022-03-23                                                                             2022-03-31                2023-03-31
                                                                                            Quotations                                 Envelope
building, University of Sri                       Component                                                                                                                                                           on

/ Technical Assistant (Finance)                   Program Operations and                                                                                                                                              Under
                                                                                            Request for                                Single Stage - One
– Operations Technical           IBRD / 87430     Technical Support        Post                                 Limited                                                              4,100.00                  0.00   Implementati                                                                               2022-03-30 2022-03-30                                                                             2022-04-18                2023-07-04
                                                                                            Quotations                                 Envelope
Secretariat (OTS), University of                  Component                                                                                                                                                           on
Ruhuna (RUH)

/ Technical Assistant                             Program Operations and                                                                                                                                              Pending
                                                                                            Request for                                Single Stage - One
(Procurement), Operations    IBRD / 87430         Technical Support        Post                                 Limited                                                              3,500.00                  0.00   Implementati                                                                               2022-04-19                                                                                        2022-04-29                2023-06-30
                                                                                            Quotations                                 Envelope
Technical Secretariat (OTS),                      Component                                                                                                                                                           on
University of Kelaniya (UOK)

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Combined Evaluation
                                  Loan / Credit                                                                                         Contract Type        Estimated         Actual Amount                                                       Expression of Interest    Short List and Draft     Request for Proposals   Opening of Technical      Evaluation of
       Description                                       Component            Review Type        Method         Market Approach                                                                 Process Status          Terms of Reference                                                                                                                                    Report and Draft           Signed Contract        Contract Completion
                                      No.                                                                                                                   Amount (US$)           (US$)                                                                  Notice            Request for Proposals          as Issued          Proposals / Minutes    Technical Proposal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Negotiated Contract
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Planned         Actual       Planned     Actual       Planned       Actual     Planned      Actual      Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual     Planned     Actual         Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual

 LK-MOHCA-83252-CS-CQS /                          Program Operations and                    Consultant
Baseline Beneficiary     IBRD / 87430             Technical Support        Post             Qualification       Open - National                                    52,325.58        32,815.42   Signed                2018-11-15     2019-10-02 2018-11-29 2019-10-17 2019-01-10 2019-12-02                                                                                 2019-01-24 2020-01-13 2019-02-14 2020-02-10 2019-07-14
Satisfaction Survey                               Component                                 Selection

/ "Consultancy services to
identify and protect
potentially valuable
                                                  Program Operations and
intellectual property                                                                       Quality And Cost-
                                 IBRD / 87430     Technical Support        Post                                 Open - International                             162,790.00              0.00   Canceled              2018-11-07     2019-09-16 2018-11-21 2018-12-16 2018-12-19 2019-09-18                                   2019-01-30 2019-10-31 2019-02-13 2019-12-06 2019-02-27                  2019-03-20                2022-03-19
arising from research                                                                       Based Selection
conducted by universities and
higher education institutions
under AHEAD operation in
different jurisdictions"

 LK-MOHCA-82459-CS-CQS /
Consultancy services on
                                                  Program Operations and                    Consultant
Automated Accountancy
                            IBRD / 87430          Technical Support        Post             Qualification       Limited                                            98,837.21             0.00   Canceled              2018-10-25                                            2018-11-08                                                                                      2018-12-08                2019-01-12                2019-10-09
System for World Bank
                                                  Component                                 Selection
Financial Activities of the

                                                  Program Operations and                    Consultant
/ Consultancy services on
                                 IBRD / 87430     Technical Support        Post             Qualification       Open - National                                    11,033.00             0.00   Canceled              2019-02-27                   2019-03-13               2019-04-10                                                                                      2019-04-17                2019-05-22                2019-08-20
develop a website for
                                                  Component                                 Selection
knowledge hub

/ Consultancy services to file
a Patent Cooperation Treaty
(PCT) application and enter                                                                 Consultant
the national phase protection IBRD / 87430        Program Component        Post             Qualification       Open - National                                     4,000.00         5,367.83   Completed             2019-04-23     2019-03-27 2019-05-01                  2019-05-15 2019-04-09                                                                           2019-05-22 2019-05-22 2019-06-05 2019-05-30 2022-06-04 2021-04-05
where relevant for an                                                                       Selection
invention arising from fields
of Physics, ICT & Technology a

/ Consultancy services to file
a Patent Cooperation Treaty
(PCT) application and enter                                                                 Consultant
the national phase protection    IBRD / 87430     Program Component        Post             Qualification       Open - National                                     4,000.00         5,296.96   Completed             2019-09-17     2019-07-28 2019-09-17                  2019-09-24 2019-10-02                                                                           2019-10-15 2019-11-08 2019-11-19 2019-12-09 2020-11-13 2021-04-01
for fields of Polymer Science,                                                              Selection
Chemistry, Physics &
Technology based on an
Invention -UBL -USJP

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Page 2
QCBS / Consultancy services
to identify and protect
potentially valuable
                                                 Program Operations and
intellectual property                                                                      Quality And Cost-
                                IBRD / 87430     Technical Support        Post                                 Open - National                            162,790.00       179,577.08   Signed           2020-01-06   2020-01-06 2020-01-27                 2020-03-11 2020-03-06                         2020-04-08 2020-06-01 2020-05-08 2020-06-29 2020-06-12 2020-07-14 2020-07-17 2021-04-21 2021-07-17
arising from research                                                                      Based Selection
conducted by universities and
higher education institutions
under AHEAD operation in
different jurisdictions

/ Consultancy services to
carry out freedom to operate
searches on suitable
technologies ready for
                                                 Program Operations and                    Consultant
commercialization                                                                                                                                                                       Under
                                IBRD / 87430     Technical Support        Post             Qualification       Open - National                             16,000.00             0.00                    2020-07-29   2022-01-21 2020-08-19 2022-01-21 2020-10-02                                                                                     2020-11-01            2020-12-06            2022-12-06
developed by universities and                                                                                                                                                           Implementation
                                                 Component                                 Selection
higher education institutions
under Accelerating Higher
Education Expansion and
Development (AHEAD)

/ Consultancy to Develop a
                                                 Program Operations and                    Consultant
Learning Platform and
                                IBRD / 87430     Technical Support        Post             Qualification       Open - International                       100,000.00             0.00   Canceled         2021-03-02                 2021-03-17              2021-04-16                                                                                2021-04-23            2021-05-07            2022-05-02
Learning App to Support the
                                                 Component                                 Selection
Employment Prospects of

/ The development of a
learning website with an app
                                                 Program Operations and                    Consultant
including features for social                                                                                                                                                           Under
                               IBRD / 87430      Technical Support        Post             Qualification       Open - International                        25,000.00             0.00                    2021-10-06   2021-12-02 2021-10-25 2022-01-21 2021-11-08                                                                                     2021-11-11            2021-11-18            2022-11-13
and collaborative learning and                                                                                                                                                          Implementation
                                                 Component                                 Selection
a mentoring platform. The
development of content for
the above.

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Invitation to
                                 Loan / Credit                                                                                        Contract Type    Estimated       Actual Amount                                                                          Draft Negotiated
       Description                                      Component            Review Type        Method         Market Approach                                                          Process Status    Terms of Reference         Identified/Selected                               Signed Contract    Contract Completion
                                     No.                                                                                                              Amount (US$)         (US$)                                                                                  Contract
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Planned       Actual       Planned       Actual    Planned     Actual      Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual

 LK-MOHCA-82467-CS-INDV                          Program Operations and                    Individual
/ Consultant for Technical      IBRD / 87430     Technical Support        Post             Consultant          Limited                                     34,883.72             0.00   Canceled         2018-12-17                 2018-12-22              2019-01-12              2019-02-16            2020-02-16
Assistance to SLIATE/ ATIs                       Component                                 Selection

/ Individual Foreign
                                                 Program Operations and                    Individual
Consultants for Development
                                IBRD / 87430     Technical Support        Post             Consultant          Limited                                     14,534.88             0.00   Canceled         2018-12-06                 2018-12-11              2019-01-01              2019-02-05            2019-08-04
of Ranking methodology for
                                                 Component                                 Selection
Sri Lankan universities and
non - state HEI's

 LK-MOHCA-83257-CS-CDS /
                                                 Program Operations and
Consultancy Services for
                          IBRD / 87430           Technical Support        Post             Direct Selection    Direct                                      58,140.00             0.00   Canceled         2018-11-15                 2018-11-25                                      2019-01-29            2019-07-28
Prepration of Third Party
Verification Reports

INDV / Hiring of a                               Program Operations and                    Individual
Procurement Consultant for      IBRD / 87430     Technical Support        Prior            Consultant          Direct                                      15,000.00        14,928.67   Signed           2021-09-20   2021-09-28 2021-09-30 2021-09-20 2021-10-21 2021-09-30 2021-11-25 2021-09-21 2022-05-24
Project Activities of AHEAD                      Component                                 Selection

INDV / Strengthening the                         Program Operations and                    Individual
Quality Assurance systems of    IBRD / 87430     Technical Support        Post             Consultant          Direct                                       6,720.00         6,637.03   Signed           2021-11-09   2021-11-01 2021-11-11 2021-11-01 2021-11-12 2021-11-12 2021-11-14 2021-11-12 2022-05-13
the Non-State Higher                             Component                                 Selection
Education Sector in Sri Lanka

                                                 Program Operations and                    Individual
INDV / Hiring of a Consultant
                                IBRD / 87430     Technical Support        Post             Consultant          Limited                                     15,000.00        14,841.60   Signed           2021-12-07   2021-12-07 2021-12-12 2021-12-10 2021-12-22 2021-12-11 2022-01-17 2021-12-13 2023-01-12
for Implementation,
                                                 Component                                 Selection
Monitoring and Evaluation

INDV / Individual Consultancy
                                                 Program Operations and                    Individual
to provide expertise for the                                                                                                                                                            Under
                                IBRD / 87430     Technical Support        Post             Consultant          Open                                        40,000.00             0.00                    2022-02-18   2022-02-24 2022-03-14                 2022-03-15              2022-03-15            2023-06-30
improvement of English                                                                                                                                                                  Implementation
                                                 Component                                 Selection
language skills activities
under the AHEAD Operation

                                                 Program Operations and
/ Enriching English Language                                                                                                                                                            Pending
                                IBRD / 87430     Technical Support        Post             Direct Selection    Direct                                     154,600.00             0.00                    2022-02-09                 2022-02-16                                      2022-02-22            2023-06-30
Skills Enhancement (ELSE)                                                                                                                                                               Implementation
Development Projects (DPs)

/ Improving the research,
development & innovation
culture at University by                         Program Operations and
providing funds to conduct    IBRD / 87430       Technical Support        Post             Direct Selection    Direct                                     203,300.00             0.00                    2022-03-11                 2022-03-13                                      2022-03-16            2023-06-26
research, and                                    Component
commercialization of research
by creating an enabling
environment at Universities

/ Consultant for Enhancing
Learning, Teaching, and
Assessment (ELTA) to improve
                                                 Program Operations and
the academic and socio-                                                                                                                                                                 Pending
                             IBRD / 87430        Technical Support        Post             Direct Selection    Direct                                     132,085.00             0.00                    2022-03-15                 2022-03-17                                      2022-03-20            2023-06-30
emotional skills of                                                                                                                                                                     Implementation
undergraduates to enable a
maximum number of
graduates to obtain

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Page 3
INDV / Senior Academic                  Program Operations and          Individual
Expert - Management,     IBRD / 87430   Technical Support        Post   Consultant   Open   107,096.00   0.00                    2022-04-01            2022-05-20   2022-06-10   2022-07-15   2023-06-30
Monitoring, and Human                   Component                       Selection
Resources Development

                                                                                                                                              Page 4