PROCUREMENT PLAN (Textual Part) Project information: UGANDA: UGANDA COVID-19 RESPONSE AND EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PROJECT (P174041) Project Implementation agency: Ministry of Health Date of the Procurement Plan: September 23, 2020 Period covered by this Procurement Plan: Oct 2020-Apr 2021 Preamble In accordance with paragraph 5.9 of the “World Bank Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” (July 2016) (“Procurement Regulations”) the Bank’s Systematic Tracking and Exchanges in Procurement (STEP) system will be used to prepare, clear and update Procurement Plans and conduct all procurement transactions for the Project. This textual part along with the Procurement Plan tables in STEP constitute the Procurement Plan for the Project. The following conditions apply to all procurement activities in the Procurement Plan. The other elements of the Procurement Plan as required under paragraph 4.4 of the Procurement Regulations are set forth in STEP. The Bank’s Standard Procurement Documents: shall be used for all contracts subject to international competitive procurement and those contracts as specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP. National Procurement Arrangements: In accordance with paragraph 5.3 of the Procurement Regulations, when approaching the national market (as specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP), the country’s own procurement procedures may be used. When the Borrower uses its own national open competitive procurement arrangements as set forth in the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Act, 2013, such arrangements shall be subject to paragraph 5.4 of the Procurement Regulations and the following conditions. The BUBU policy, Reservation or Preference Schemes shall NOT apply When other national procurement arrangements other than national open competitive procurement arrangements are applied by the Borrower, such arrangements shall be subject to paragraph 5.5 of the Procurement Regulations. Leased Assets Not Applicable Procurement of Second Hand Goods: Not Applicable Domestic preference as specified under paragraph 5.51 of the Procurement Regulations (Goods and Works). Goods: is not applicable/ Works: is not applicable Hands-on Expanded Implementation Support (HEIS) as specified under paragraphs 3.10 and 3.11 of the Procurement Regulations is Applicable. Other Relevant Procurement Information. Country procurement approaches will use the flexibility provided by the Bank’s Procurement Framework for fast track emergency procurement by the countries. Key measures to fast track procurement include: (i) use of simple and fast procurement and selection methods fit for an emergency situation including direct contracting, as appropriate; (ii) streamlined competitive procedures with shorter bidding time; (iii) use of framework agreements including existing ones; (iv) procurement from UN Agencies enabled and expedited by Bank procedures and templates; and (v) increased thresholds for Requests For Quotations and national procurement to US$1 million for goods and services and US$5 million for works; among others. As requested by the Borrower, the Bank will provide procurement Hands-on Expanded Implementation Support (HEIS) to help expedite all stages of procurement—from help with supplier identification, to support for bidding/selection and/or negotiations to contract signing and monitoring of implementation. Bid Securing Declaration may be used instead of the bid security. Advance payments may be increased to 40 percent, secured with the advance payment guarantee. The time for submission of bids/proposal can be shortened to 15 days in competitive national and international procedures, and to three days for the Request for Quotations. However, if bidders request an extension it should be granted. BFP will be provided at Client’s request. Use will be made of the Bank’s SBD for COVID-19 emergency procurements. PROCUREMENT Uganda : Uganda COVID-19 Response and Emergency Preparedness Project PLAN General Information Country: Uganda 2020-10-20 Bank’s Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan: 2022-08-27 Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none) Project ID: P174041 GPN Date: Project Name: Uganda COVID-19 Response and Emergency Preparedness Project Loan / Credit No: TF / B2865, IDA / 67620 Ministry of Health Executing Agency(ies): WORKS Activity Reference No. / Estimated Actual Am Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification High SEA/SH R Procurement D Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission / Contract Complet Description Component Review Type Method Amount (U ount (US$ and Recommendation Signed Contract o. h cess (Y/N) isk ocument Type atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes ion S$) ) for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned UG-MOH-276307-CW-RFB / C Request for Bids - Component 1: Case Detectio onstruction of Satellite Labor Single Stage - One E Small Works SPD 1,794,238.1 Under Imple 2022-11-2 IDA / 67620 n, Confirmation, Contact Tra Post Request for Bids Limited 2,351,504.00 2022-02-09 2022-02-15 2022-02-14 2022-02-15 2022-03-28 2022-03-15 2022-04-27 2022-03-31 2022-06-01 atories at Lira and Fort portal nvelope (1 envelope proce 0 mentation 8 cing, Recording, Reporting Regional Referral Hospitals u ss) nder Two (02) Lots UG-MOH-303063-CW-RFQ / Request for Quota Component 2: Strengthening Construction of Intensive Car Request for Quota Single Stage - One E tions - Small Work Under Imple 2023-03-1 IDA / 67620 Case Management and Psyc Post Limited 3,045,000.00 0.00 2022-07-18 2022-07-19 2022-09-12 e Units ( ICUs) at Arua, Hoim tions nvelope s (Emergency) SP mentation 1 hosocial Support a and Kabale Regional Referr D -Competitive al Hospitals GOODS Activity Reference No. / Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission / Description Component Review Type Method and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h cess (Y/N) ount (US$) (US$) atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual UG-MOH-195305-GO-RFQ / P Component 1: Case Detectio Request for Quota Single Stage - One E rocurement of COVID-19 PCR TF / B2865 n, Confirmation, Contact Tra Post Limited 300,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2020-11-02 2020-12-10 2021-01-09 tions nvelope Test Kits cing, Recording, Reporting UG-MOH-195308-GO-RFQ / P Component 1: Case Detectio Request for Quota Single Stage - One E rocurement of Universal Tran TF / B2865 n, Confirmation, Contact Tra Post Limited 90,000.00 82,526.00 Signed 2020-11-03 2020-12-08 2020-12-11 2021-02-09 2021-01-10 tions nvelope sport Media cing, Recording, Reporting UG-MOH-195195-GO-RFQ / P Component 1: Case Detectio Request for Quota Single Stage - One E rocurement of Four (4) Ther TF / B2865 n, Confirmation, Contact Tra Post Limited 240,000.00 189,500.00 Signed 2020-11-03 2020-11-30 2020-12-11 2021-01-06 2020-12-14 tions nvelope mal Scanners (Busia, Mutuku cing, Recording, Reporting la , Arua , Katuna) UG-MOH-195307-GO-RFQ / P Component 1: Case Detectio Request for Quota Single Stage - One E rocurement of Reagents for S TF / B2865 n, Confirmation, Contact Tra Post Limited 363,407.00 179,471.47 Signed 2020-11-03 2020-12-08 2020-12-07 2021-02-02 2021-01-06 tions nvelope pecialised Testing for Co-mor cing, Recording, Reporting bidities UG-MOH-195193-GO-RFQ / P Component 1: Case Detectio rocurement of 1 Set of Bacte Request for Quota Single Stage - One E TF / B2865 n, Confirmation, Contact Tra Post Limited 160,000.00 19,898.26 Signed 2020-11-03 2020-11-03 2020-12-11 2021-02-26 2021-01-10 rial filtration Efficiency Appar tions nvelope cing, Recording, Reporting atus for Face Masks UG-MOH-203436-GO-RFQ / P Component 2: Strengthening Request for Quota Single Stage - One E rocurement of Autoclave for TF / B2865 Case Management and Psyc Post Limited 24,000.00 27,000.00 Signed 2020-11-17 2020-11-17 2020-12-25 2020-12-17 2021-01-24 tions nvelope NDA hosocial Support UG-MOH-203441-GO-RFQ / P Component 3: Project Manag Request for Quota Single Stage - One E TF / B2865 Post Limited 31,000.00 20,116.01 Signed 2020-11-16 2020-11-03 2020-12-24 2020-11-25 2021-01-23 rocurement of ICT Equipment ement, Monitoring and Evalu tions nvelope ation UG-MOH-203443-GO-RFQ / P Component 3: Project Manag Request for Quota Single Stage - One E TF / B2865 Post Limited 60,000.00 19,898.26 Signed 2020-11-16 2021-01-03 2020-12-24 2020-12-07 2021-01-23 rocurement of Breathability f ement, Monitoring and Evalu tions nvelope ace Masks ation UG-MOH-195306-GO-RFQ / P Component 1: Case Detectio Request for Quota Single Stage - One E rocurement of COVID-19 Rea TF / B2865 n, Confirmation, Contact Tra Post Limited 700,000.00 695,495.00 Signed 2020-11-03 2020-11-17 2020-12-11 2021-01-28 2021-01-10 tions nvelope gents cing, Recording, Reporting UG-MOH-265475-GO-RFQ / P Component 3: Project Manag Request for Quota Single Stage - One E IDA / 67620 Post Limited 8,648.00 8,838.65 Completed 2021-12-05 2021-12-16 2022-01-30 2022-02-11 2022-07-29 2022-02-28 rocurement of 4 Laptops und ement, Monitoring and Evalu tions nvelope er UCREPP ation UG-MOH-267404-GO-RFQ / P Component 3: Project Manag Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Under Imple IDA / 67620 Post Limited 6,656.00 0.00 2021-12-20 2022-02-14 2022-08-13 rocurement of Office Statione ement, Monitoring and Evalu tions nvelope mentation ry ation UG-MOH-267406-GO-RFQ / P rocurement of Sample Collec Component 1: Case Detectio tion materials (swabs with tr Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl IDA / 67620 n, Confirmation, Contact Tra Post Limited 90,411.00 0.00 2021-12-20 2022-02-14 2022-08-13 ansport media) for COVID-19 tions nvelope ementation cing, Recording, Reporting Laboratory sample collection for patient identification and management UG-MOH-267407-GO-RFQ / P Component 2: Strengthening rocurement of 08 Vertical Au Request for Quota Single Stage - One E IDA / 67620 Case Management and Psyc Post Limited 76,712.00 69,543.64 Signed 2021-12-20 2021-12-16 2022-02-14 2022-03-17 2022-08-13 toclaves with 110L Capacity f tions nvelope hosocial Support or RRHS Isolation facilities UG-MOH-267408-GO-RFQ / P rocurement of 06 Biosafety C Component 2: Strengthening abinets (6ft) for Lira , Mbale , Request for Quota Single Stage - One E IDA / 67620 Case Management and Psyc Post Limited 76,712.00 76,696.63 Signed 2021-12-20 2021-12-21 2022-02-14 2022-04-05 2022-08-13 Moroto, Mbarara, Regional R tions nvelope hosocial Support eferral Hospitals , Mulago Nat ional Referral Hospital and M ulago Histopathology Lab UG-MOH-267411-GO-RFQ / P Component 1: Case Detectio rocurement of Specialized Te Single Stage - One E Pending Impl IDA / 67620 n, Confirmation, Contact Tra Post Request for Bids Limited 143,836.00 0.00 2021-12-16 2021-12-21 2022-02-01 2022-03-03 2022-04-07 2022-10-04 sting for Comorbidities' for 1 nvelope ementation cing, Recording, Reporting 6 Regional Hospitals and 16 High Volume Facilities UG-MOH-267416-GO-RFQ / P Component 1: Case Detectio rocurement of 40,000 Covid- Request for Quota Single Stage - One E IDA / 67620 n, Confirmation, Contact Tra Post Limited 197,260.00 169,620.84 Completed 2022-01-05 2021-12-21 2022-03-02 2022-03-21 2022-08-29 2022-04-22 19 Rapid Diagnostics Tests ( tions nvelope cing, Recording, Reporting RDTS) to Support COVID 19 T esting UG-MOH-267419-GO-RFB / P Component 1: Case Detectio rocurement of 12,000 PCR C Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl IDA / 67620 n, Confirmation, Contact Tra Post Limited 300,000.00 0.00 2022-01-04 2022-03-01 2022-08-28 OVID -19 Reagents for Autom tions nvelope ementation cing, Recording, Reporting ated Platfoams to support CO VID-19 testing Page 1 UG-MOH-276309-GO-RFQ / P Component 1: Case Detectio Request for Quota Single Stage - One E rocurement of Six (06) Auto IDA / 67620 n, Confirmation, Contact Tra Post Limited 150,000.00 148,920.00 Signed 2022-02-14 2022-02-07 2022-04-11 2022-07-12 2022-10-08 tions nvelope mated PCR Equipment cing, Recording, Reporting UG-MOH-277300-GO-DIR / Pr ocurement of COVID-19 Vacc Component 4: Vaccines Acq IDA / 67620 Prior Direct Selection Direct 79,892,970.00 79,892,970.23 Signed 2022-02-11 2022-06-10 2022-02-16 2022-06-13 2022-03-23 2022-03-16 2022-09-19 ines and Related Supplies an uisition and Deployment d the Provision of Certain Ser vices Component 2: Strengthening UG-MOH-287980-GO-RFQ / P Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Under Imple IDA / 67620 Case Management and Psyc Post Limited 1,290,000.00 0.00 2022-04-12 2022-05-23 2022-06-07 2022-12-30 rocurement of 30 ICU Beds tions nvelope mentation hosocial Support UG-MOH-296937-GO-RFQ / P Component 4: Vaccines Acq Request for Quota Single Stage - One E rocurement of Safety Boxes f IDA / 67620 Post Limited 306,422.50 220,395.41 Signed 2022-06-05 2022-05-27 2022-07-31 2022-07-12 2022-12-31 uisition and Deployment tions nvelope or used syringes and needles 5 Liters UG-MOH-296938-GO-RFQ / P rocurement of Syringes, RUP Component 4: Vaccines Acq Request for Quota Single Stage - One E IDA / 67620 Post Limited 653,139.00 529,785.00 Signed 2022-06-05 2022-05-27 2022-07-31 2022-07-12 2022-12-31 ( with reuse prevention featu uisition and Deployment tions nvelope re) 2ml, with needle, fixed 21 G x 40 mm UG-MOH-296939-GO-RFQ / P rocurement of Auto Disable ( Component 4: Vaccines Acq Request for Quota Single Stage - One E IDA / 67620 Post Limited 1,931,595.00 1,590,174.00 Signed 2022-06-05 2022-05-27 2022-07-31 2022-07-12 2022-12-31 AD) Syringes, 0.3ml with Nee uisition and Deployment tions nvelope dle 23G x 25mm UG-MOH-296940-GO-RFQ / P Component 4: Vaccines Acq Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Under Imple rocurement of Auto Disable ( IDA / 67620 Prior Limited 2,415,266.00 0.00 2022-06-05 2022-07-31 2022-12-31 uisition and Deployment tions nvelope mentation AD) Syringes, 0.5ml with Nee dle 23G x 25 MM UG-MOH-296941-GO-RFQ / P rocurement of Injection Mate Component 4: Vaccines Acq Request for Quota Single Stage - One E rials ( Powder Free Examinati IDA / 67620 Post Limited 1,351,294.00 1,105,877.00 Signed 2022-06-05 2022-05-27 2022-07-31 2022-07-12 2022-12-31 uisition and Deployment tions nvelope on Gloves, Surgical Masks, A EFI Kits) for Covid-19 Vaccina tion. UG-MOH-303060-GO-DIR / Pr Component 4: Vaccines Acq Under Imple ocurement of COVID-19 Vacc IDA / 67620 Prior Direct Selection Direct 11,332,200.00 0.00 2022-07-11 2022-07-20 2022-07-16 2022-08-26 2022-08-20 2022-12-31 uisition and Deployment mentation ine doses through COVAX UG-MOH-307486-GO-DIR / Pr Component 4: Vaccines Acq Direct - Internation Under Imple ocurement of Transport Item IDA / 67620 Post Direct Selection 1,313,659.63 0.00 2022-08-05 2022-08-04 2022-08-10 2022-05-05 2022-09-14 2023-03-13 uisition and Deployment al mentation s and Cold Chain Services NON CONSULTING SERVICES Activity Reference No. / Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission / Description Component Review Type Method and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h cess (Y/N) ount (US$) (US$) atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual UG-MOH-195318-CS-INDV / Component 3: Project Manag Under Imple TF / B2865 Post Direct Selection Direct 18,750.00 0.00 2020-10-26 2020-10-23 2020-10-31 2020-12-05 2021-06-03 Procurement of a Project Driv ement, Monitoring and Evalu mentation er ation CONSULTING FIRMS Activity Reference No. / Combined Evaluation Loan / Credit N Market Approac Contract Type Estimated Amo Actual Amount Expression of Interest Short List and Draft R Request for Proposals Opening of Technical Evaluation of Technic Description Component Review Type Method Process Status Terms of Reference Report and Draft Neg Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h unt (US$) (US$) Notice equest for Proposals as Issued Proposals / Minutes al Proposal otiated Contract Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual UG-MOH-204464-CS-CQS / P ROCUREMENT OF CONSULTA NCY SERVICES FOR ENVIRON Component 2: Strengthening Consultant Qualifi MENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT TF / B2865 Case Management and Psyc Post Limited 50,000.00 29,760.00 Signed 2020-11-19 2020-11-10 2020-11-24 2021-02-04 2020-12-14 2021-02-04 2021-01-14 2021-02-09 2021-07-13 cation Selection ASSESSMENT FOR THE PROP hosocial Support OSED REMODELLING OF TWO LABORATORIES AT LIRA AND FORTPORTAL REGIONAL HOS PITALS UG-MOH-291422-CS-CQS / P rovision of Consultancy Servi Component 1: Case Detectio Consultant Qualifi Under Implement ces for Supervision of Constr IDA / 67620 n, Confirmation, Contact Tra Post Limited 188,000.00 0.00 2022-04-22 2022-05-31 2022-05-06 2022-06-05 2022-07-10 2022-12-30 cation Selection ation uction for the Satellite Labor cing, Recording, Reporting atories at Lira and Fort portal Regional Referral Hospitals UG-MOH-300663-CS-CQS / P rocurement of Consultancy S ervices (Firms) for ESIA for th Component 2: Strengthening e Proposed Remodeling of Hi Consultant Qualifi Under Implement IDA / 67620 Case Management and Psyc Post Limited 275,000.00 0.00 2022-06-24 2022-06-20 2022-07-08 2022-07-18 2022-08-07 2022-09-11 2023-03-10 gh Dependency Units, Operat cation Selection ation hosocial Support ing Theatres, General Hospit als and Upgrade of selected Health Centres and Call and Dispatch Centers. UG-MOH-311991-CS-CQS / C ONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR DESIGN REVIEW AND CONST Component 2: Strengthening Consultant Qualifi Pending Impleme RUCTION SUPERVISION FOR IDA / 67620 Case Management and Psyc Post Limited 243,600.00 0.00 2022-08-29 2022-09-12 2022-10-12 2022-11-16 2023-05-15 cation Selection ntation THE CONSTRUCTION OF ICUS hosocial Support AT ARUA, HOIMA AND KABAL E REGIONAL REFERRAL HOSP ITALS. INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANTS Activity Reference No. / Loan / Credit N Market Approac Contract Type Estimated Amo Actual Amount Invitation to Identifie Draft Negotiated Cont Description Component Review Type Method Process Status Terms of Reference Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h unt (US$) (US$) d/Selected Consultant ract Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual UG-MOH-195312-CS-INDV / Component 3: Project Manag Under Implement TF / B2865 Post Direct Selection Direct 26,875.00 0.00 2020-10-26 2020-10-23 2020-10-30 2020-12-02 2021-05-31 Procurement of an M&E Offic ement, Monitoring and Evalu ation er ation UG-MOH-195313-CS-INDV / Component 3: Project Manag Under Implement TF / B2865 Post Direct Selection Direct 13,958.00 0.00 2020-10-26 2020-10-23 2020-10-30 2020-11-24 2021-05-23 Procurement of a Laboratory ement, Monitoring and Evalu ation Mentor ation UG-MOH-195314-CS-INDV / Component 3: Project Manag Individual Consult Under Implement TF / B2865 Post Direct 13,958.00 0.00 2020-10-26 2020-10-23 2020-10-30 2020-11-01 2020-12-02 2021-05-31 Procurement of a Laboratory ement, Monitoring and Evalu ant Selection ation Mentor ation UG-MOH-195315-CS-INDV / Component 3: Project Manag Under Implement TF / B2865 Post Direct Selection Direct 13,958.00 0.00 2020-10-26 2020-10-23 2020-10-30 2020-12-02 2021-05-31 Procurement of a Laboratory ement, Monitoring and Evalu ation Mentor ation Page 2 UG-MOH-195316-CS-INDV / Component 3: Project Manag Under Implement TF / B2865 Post Direct Selection Direct 15,625.00 0.00 2020-10-26 2020-10-23 2020-10-30 2020-12-02 2021-05-31 Procurement of an ICT Office ement, Monitoring and Evalu ation r ation UG-MOH-205552-NC-RFP / Pr Component 3: Project Manag Individual Consult Pending Impleme TF / B2865 Post Open 18,750.00 0.00 2020-12-02 2021-01-01 2021-01-17 2021-02-17 2021-08-16 ocurement of Project Driver ement, Monitoring and Evalu ant Selection ntation ation UG-MOH-216935-CS-CDS / P Component 3: Project Manag Pending Impleme rocurement of Project Operat TF / B2865 ement, Monitoring and Evalu Post Direct Selection Direct 8,060.00 0.00 2021-02-01 2021-02-05 2021-02-11 2021-03-31 ntation ions Officer ation UG-MOH-216936-CS-CDS / P Component 3: Project Manag Under Implement TF / B2865 Post Direct Selection Direct 3,900.00 0.00 2021-02-01 2021-02-05 2021-02-11 2021-03-31 rocurement of Project Admini ement, Monitoring and Evalu ation strator ation UG-MOH-216938-CS-CDS / P Component 3: Project Manag Pending Impleme TF / B2865 Post Direct Selection Direct 3,900.00 0.00 2021-02-01 2021-02-05 2021-02-11 2021-03-31 rocurement of a Procurement ement, Monitoring and Evalu ntation Assistant ation UG-MOH-217213-CW-DIR / P rocurement of Consultancy S Component 2: Strengthening Under Implement ervices for the Design and Co TF / B2865 Case Management and Psyc Post Direct Selection Direct 100,000.00 0.00 2021-02-11 2021-03-02 2021-02-15 2021-02-21 2021-03-31 ation nstruction Supervision of the hosocial Support Remodelling and Expansion o f Laboratories UG-MOH-276308-CS-CDS / P rocurement of a Consultant t o undertake Environmental a nd Social Impact Assessment Component 2: Strengthening Under Implement for the Three Intensive Care IDA / 67620 Case Management and Psyc Post Direct Selection Direct 53,513.00 0.00 2022-02-08 2022-02-02 2022-02-18 2022-02-24 2022-04-24 2022-10-21 ation units of Kabale, Hoima and A hosocial Support rua Regional Referral Hospita ls, Two Isolation units of Kiso ro Hospital and Rwekubo HCI V in Ntoroko District UG-MOH-281665-CS-CDS / R Component 3: Project Manag Pending Impleme ecruitment of a Monitoring a IDA / 67620 ement, Monitoring and Evalu Post Direct Selection Direct 54,600.00 0.00 2022-03-04 2022-03-14 2022-05-18 2022-12-31 ntation nd Evaluation Specialist ation UG-MOH-281671-CS-CDS / R Component 3: Project Manag Pending Impleme IDA / 67620 Post Direct Selection Direct 32,500.00 0.00 2022-03-04 2022-03-14 2022-05-18 2022-12-30 ecruitment if an ICT Officer ement, Monitoring and Evalu ntation ation UG-MOH-281673-CS-CDS / R Component 3: Project Manag Under Implement IDA / 67620 Post Direct Selection Direct 30,160.00 0.00 2022-03-04 2021-12-10 2022-03-14 2022-05-18 2022-12-30 ecruitment of Laboratory Sci ement, Monitoring and Evalu ation entist ation UG-MOH-281677-CS-CDS / R Component 3: Project Manag Under Implement ecruitment of a Laboratory S IDA / 67620 ement, Monitoring and Evalu Post Direct Selection Direct 30,160.00 0.00 2022-03-04 2021-12-10 2022-03-14 2022-05-18 2022-12-31 ation cientist ( Mentor ) ation UG-MOH-281678-CS-CDS / R Component 3: Project Manag IDA / 67620 Post Direct Selection Direct 30,160.00 2,270.90 Signed 2022-03-04 2021-12-10 2022-03-14 2021-12-13 2022-05-18 2021-12-15 2022-12-31 ecruitment of Laboratory Sci ement, Monitoring and Evalu entist ation UG-MOH-281686-CS-CDS / R Component 3: Project Manag IDA / 67620 Post Direct Selection Direct 26,000.00 1,957.67 Signed 2022-03-04 2021-12-10 2022-03-14 2021-12-10 2022-05-18 2021-12-15 2022-12-31 ecruitment of a Procurement ement, Monitoring and Evalu Assistant ation UG-MOH-281688-CS-CDS / R Component 3: Project Manag IDA / 67620 Post Direct Selection Direct 26,000.00 1,957.67 Signed 2022-03-04 2021-12-10 2022-03-14 2021-12-10 2022-05-18 2021-12-15 2022-12-31 ecruitment of a Procurement ement, Monitoring and Evalu Assistant ation UG-MOH-281690-CS-CDS / R Component 3: Project Manag IDA / 67620 Post Direct Selection Direct 26,000.00 1,957.67 Signed 2022-03-04 2021-12-10 2022-03-14 2021-12-10 2022-05-18 2021-12-15 2022-12-31 ecruitment of a Procurement ement, Monitoring and Evalu Assistant ation UG-MOH-281691-CS-CDS / R Component 3: Project Manag IDA / 67620 Post Direct Selection Direct 26,000.00 1,957.67 Signed 2022-03-04 2021-12-10 2022-03-14 2021-12-10 2022-05-18 2021-12-15 2022-12-31 ecruitment of a Stores Officer ement, Monitoring and Evalu ation UG-MOH-281693-CS-CDS / R Component 3: Project Manag Pending Impleme IDA / 67620 Post Direct Selection Direct 26,390.00 0.00 2022-03-04 2022-03-14 2022-05-18 2022-12-31 ecruitment of a Project Admi ement, Monitoring and Evalu ntation nistrator ation UG-MOH-281694-CS-CDS / R Component 3: Project Manag Pending Impleme IDA / 67620 Post Direct Selection Direct 7,410.00 0.00 2022-03-04 2022-03-14 2022-05-18 2022-12-31 ecruitment of a Project Drive ement, Monitoring and Evalu ntation r ation UG-MOH-281699-CS-CDS / R Component 3: Project Manag Pending Impleme IDA / 67620 Post Direct Selection Direct 7,410.00 0.00 2022-03-04 2022-03-14 2022-05-18 2022-12-31 ecruitment of a Project Drive ement, Monitoring and Evalu ntation r ation UG-MOH-281700-CS-CDS / R Component 3: Project Manag Under Implement IDA / 67620 Post Direct Selection Direct 7,410.00 0.00 2022-03-04 2021-12-02 2022-03-14 2022-05-18 2022-12-31 ecruitment of a Project Drive ement, Monitoring and Evalu ation r ation UG-MOH-293461-CS-INDV / Component 3: Project Manag Individual Consult Under Implement IDA / 67620 Post Open 51,400.00 0.00 2022-05-06 2022-05-06 2022-06-24 2022-07-15 2022-08-19 2022-12-31 Recruitment of a Project Engi ement, Monitoring and Evalu ant Selection ation neer ation UG-MOH-293463-CS-INDV / Component 3: Project Manag Individual Consult Recruitment of a Technical O IDA / 67620 ement, Monitoring and Evalu Post Open 37,520.00 0.00 Canceled 2022-05-06 2022-06-24 2022-07-15 2022-08-19 2022-12-31 ant Selection fficer for Refugees and Host ation Communities UG-MOH-293465-CS-INDV / Component 3: Project Manag Individual Consult Recruitment of Monitoring an IDA / 67620 ement, Monitoring and Evalu Post Open 40,000.00 3,968.25 Signed 2022-05-06 2022-05-08 2022-06-24 2022-06-17 2022-07-15 2022-07-18 2022-08-19 2022-07-18 2022-12-31 ant Selection d Evaluation Officer ation UG-MOH-293468-CS-INDV / Component 3: Project Manag Individual Consult IDA / 67620 Post Open 37,520.00 0.00 Canceled 2022-05-06 2022-06-24 2022-07-15 2022-08-19 2022-12-31 Recruitment of a Procuremen ement, Monitoring and Evalu ant Selection t Officer ation UG-MOH-293469-CS-INDV / Component 3: Project Manag Individual Consult IDA / 67620 Post Open 39,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2022-05-06 2022-06-24 2022-07-15 2022-08-19 2022-12-31 Recruitment of an Operations ement, Monitoring and Evalu ant Selection Officer ation UG-MOH-293472-CS-INDV / Component 3: Project Manag Individual Consult IDA / 67620 Post Open 37,520.00 0.00 Canceled 2022-05-09 2022-06-27 2022-07-18 2022-08-22 2022-12-31 Recruitment of an Accounts ement, Monitoring and Evalu ant Selection Officer ation UG-MOH-296904-CS-CDS / R Component 3: Project Manag Under Implement ecruitment of an Administrati IDA / 67620 ement, Monitoring and Evalu Post Direct Selection Direct 13,000.00 1,324.07 2022-05-27 2022-06-10 2022-06-06 2022-06-17 2022-08-10 2022-12-31 ation ve Assistant ation UG-MOH-296908-CS-CDS / R Component 3: Project Manag ecruitment of a Technical Offi Under Implement IDA / 67620 ement, Monitoring and Evalu Post Direct Selection Direct 37,520.00 0.00 2022-05-31 2022-06-10 2022-06-10 2022-06-10 2022-08-14 2022-12-31 cer for Refugee and Host Co ation ation mmunity Health Services UG-MOH-296910-CS-CDS / R Component 3: Project Manag Under Implement IDA / 67620 Post Direct Selection Direct 39,000.00 0.00 2022-05-30 2022-06-10 2022-06-09 2022-08-13 2022-12-31 ecruitment of an Operations ement, Monitoring and Evalu ation Officer ation UG-MOH-296911-CS-CDS / R Component 3: Project Manag Under Implement IDA / 67620 Post Direct Selection Direct 13,000.00 0.00 2022-05-27 2022-06-10 2022-06-06 2022-08-10 2022-12-31 ecruitment of an Administrati ement, Monitoring and Evalu ation ve Officer ation Page 3 UG-MOH-310073-CS-CDS / R Component 3: Project Manag Under Implement IDA / 67620 Post Direct Selection Direct - National 18,760.00 0.00 2022-08-18 2022-08-18 2022-08-28 2022-10-05 2022-12-31 ecruitment of an Accounts Of ement, Monitoring and Evalu ation ficer ation UG-MOH-310075-CS-CDS / R Component 3: Project Manag Under Implement IDA / 67620 Post Direct Selection Direct - National 18,760.00 0.00 2022-08-19 2022-08-18 2022-08-29 2022-10-06 2022-12-31 ecruitment of a Procurement ement, Monitoring and Evalu ation Officer ation UG-MOH-310949-CS-CDS / H Component 3: Project Manag Under Implement IDA / 67620 Post Direct Selection Direct - National 2,850.00 0.00 2022-08-18 2022-08-22 2022-08-28 2022-10-12 2022-12-31 ire of a Project Driver ement, Monitoring and Evalu ation ation Page 4