EDUCATION FACT SHEET INVESTING IN EDUCATION FROM EARLY CHILDHOOD TO LIFELONG LEARNING Education is a human right, a powerful driver of development, and one of the strongest instruments for reducing poverty, improving health, promoting gender equality, peace, resilience, and adaptation to climate change. It delivers large, consistent returns in terms of income, and is a critical factor to ensure equity and inclusion. The World Bank is the largest external financier of education in the developing world. Through financing and technical assistance, we support governments’ efforts in education, benefitting children from birth to adulthood. We help countries share and apply innovative solutions to education challenges, focusing on systemic reforms across the education cycle to skill, reskill and upskill the workforce for lifelong learning. OUR VISION To ensure that everyone can achieve their full potential with access to a quality education and skilling for lifelong learning and equip them with the tools to participate in their country’s development. OUR OBJECTIVE We have set a goal to end Learning Poverty, defined as the share of children who are not able to read and understand a short story of age- appropriate material. We are committed to invest in human capital, improve the quality of and access to education and skilling, and thereby promote greater equity and economic growth. Foundational skills like literacy, numeracy, and socioemotional skills are the building blocks for all other learning. From early childhood to tertiary education and beyond – we help children and youth acquire the skills they need to thrive in school, the labor market and throughout their lives. Our efforts support the achievement of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4). Photo credits (from top to bottom) © Arne Hoel / World Bank © Charlotte Kesl / World Bank © Gerhard Jörén / World Bank Since 2000, the World Bank IMPACT OF WORLD BANK-SUPPORTED has committed more than PROJECTS US$78 BILLION1 305.2 MILLION STUDENTS in supporting education projects, 351.7 M Expected COVERING 160 COUNTRIES reached through our active programs. The World Bank Education Global Practice currently $21.43 BILLION provides implementation in total commitments to projects focusing support to on low- and middle- income countries (LMICs). 162 PROJECTS $7.42 BILLION for a total commitment of in total commitments to active projects in fragility, $27.1 BILLION conflict, and violence (FCV) settings. This includes: 162 ADVISORY SERVICES 104 IDA credits/grants ($16.38 BILLION) to support institutional capacity and technical assistance in 101 countries since July 2017. 46 IBRD loans ($10.25 BILLION) World Bank Education Investments Around the World (US$), as of November 2024. 12 Recipient-Executed Trust Funds number of active projects ($0.47 BILLION) Sub-Saharan Africa $12.62B 73 In addition, the World Bank South Asia $5.56B 24 continues to be an administrative agency Middle East and of Global Partnership for $3.03B 14 North Africa Education (GPE) grants. Latin America and Since 2015, the World Bank $2.82B 21 the Caribbean has managed 64% of all GPE project implementation Europe and Central Asia $2.08B 20 grants ($6.2 billion). East Asia and the Pacific $0.98B 10 1 All dollars are in US$. For more information about the World Bank’s work in education, please visit: Follow the World Bank – Education Global Practice on : @WBG_Education Published in November 2024