The World Bank                                                                                        Implementation Status & Results Report
            Georgia National Innovation Ecosystem (GENIE) Project (P152441)

Georgia National Innovation Ecosystem (GENIE) Project (P152441)

 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA | Georgia | Finance, Competitiveness and Innovation Global Practice |
 IBRD/IDA | Investment Project Financing | FY 2016 | Seq No: 13 | ARCHIVED on 01-Dec-2022 | ISR53909 |

 Implementing Agencies: Georgia's Innovation and Technology Agency, Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, Ministry of Finance,
 Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation

 Key Dates

  Key Project Dates

   Bank Approval Date: 18-Mar-2016                                               Effectiveness Date: 21-Jul-2016
   Planned Mid Term Review Date: 26-Oct-2018                                     Actual Mid-Term Review Date: 26-Oct-2018
   Original Closing Date: 30-Apr-2021                                            Revised Closing Date: 31-Mar-2023

 Project Development Objectives

  Project Development Objective (from Project Appraisal Document)
  The PDO is to increase innovative activities of firms and individuals in the Borrower's territory and their participation in the digital economy.

  Has the Project Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Project Objective?

 Components Table

 Innovation Infrastructure:(Cost $1.59 M)
 Innovation Services:(Cost $5.05 M)
 Innovation Financing:(Cost $14.69 M)
 Project Implementation Support:(Cost $2.07 M)

 Overall Ratings

 Name                                                                           Previous Rating                           Current Rating

 Progress towards achievement of PDO                                            Satisfactory                             Satisfactory
 Overall Implementation Progress (IP)                                           Satisfactory                             Satisfactory
 Overall Risk Rating                                                            Moderate                                 Moderate

 Implementation Status and Key Decisions

  All four PDOs have exceeded more than 100% of their End of Project targets.
           159 startups have been financed by project beneficiaries compared to a target of 140.
           1,380 households and firms have been provided access to Internet Services through the project. The target was 1,200.

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            The World Bank                                                                                          Implementation Status & Results Report
            Georgia National Innovation Ecosystem (GENIE) Project (P152441)

             Approximately $75 million in private financing has been catalyzed through the GENIE program compared to a post-restructuring target of
              $7 million. Approximately $30-$35 million has been raised through direct investments while the other $30-$35 million can be attributed to
              acquisition proceeds.
             91 new/improved products/services have been introduced to existing or new markets by Project beneficiaries, compared to a target of 70.

  The project aims to achieve 50% female participation in all programs; Two of the three gender-related indicators have exceeded targets,
  the third is well on course to meet its target.
           54.3% of visitors to the CICs and RIHs (or participants in online programs during the COVID-19 crisis) so far have been female.
           45% of beneficiaries that have received structured training, coaching, mentoring or technical assistance through the program so far have
            been female.
           53.4% of all project beneficiaries are female.

  Nine of the other eleven indicators have met or exceeded their ‘end-of-Project’ targets:
          Four Community Innovation Centers have been established in Rukhi, Akhmeta, Kaspi, and Gurjaani.
          Three Regional Development Hubs have been established in Tbilisi, Telavi, and Batumi.
          There have been 37,823 visitors to CICs and RIHs. The target was 25,000 visitors.
          2,527 individuals have participated in online programs offered since the start of COVID-19 crisis. This is against a target of 1,500.
          2,155 beneficiaries have received business coaching or ecommerce training through the Project.
          1,840 full-time employees have been hired by start-ups that have received financing, coaching, or mentoring. The target was set at 600.
          Start-ups that have received financing, coaching, or mentoring through the Project have generated revenues of $25.6 million against a
           target of $4 million.
          The Project has 42,143 direct project beneficiaries so far.
          Feedback has been collected from 22,945 beneficiaries through citizen engagement.
          3351 have participated in the digital skills training program compared to a target of 3000. 1,551 have completed their training.

  Two of the indicators – both tied to the delayed Digital Skills Training Program – are on track to meet their targets by the end of the
          1,551 participants participated in the pilot and Phase 1 of the program. Another 1,800 entered in the program in May 2022 at the start of
           Phase 2. The project is targeting 3000 participants[1].
          As of October 2022, 792 individuals have received international certification compared to a target of 900.

  [1] Participation is defined as participating in at least 70% of the training time or scoring at least 51% in the internal examination.


 Systematic Operations Risk-rating Tool

  Risk Category                                                 Rating at Approval                Previous Rating                Current Rating

  Political and Governance                                      Moderate                         Moderate                      Moderate
  Macroeconomic                                                 Moderate                         Moderate                      Moderate
  Sector Strategies and Policies                                Moderate                         Moderate                      Moderate
  Technical Design of Project or Program                        Substantial                      Moderate                      Moderate
  Institutional Capacity for Implementation and
                                                                Substantial                      Moderate                      Moderate
  Fiduciary                                                     Moderate                         Moderate                      Moderate
  Environment and Social                                        Low                              Low                           Low
  Stakeholders                                                  Low                              Low                           Low
  Other                                                         --                                --                             --

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            The World Bank                                                                               Implementation Status & Results Report
            Georgia National Innovation Ecosystem (GENIE) Project (P152441)

  Overall                                                      Substantial              Moderate                    Moderate


 PDO Indicators by Objectives / Outcomes

   Increase innovative activities of firms

    ►New/improved products/services introduced to existing or new markets by Project beneficiaries (Number, Custom)

                                        Baseline                     Actual (Previous)      Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                               0.00                         91.00                 91.00                      70.00

    Date                                31-Dec-2015                  31-May-2022           23-Nov-2022                31-Mar-2023

   Increase innovative activities of individuals

    ►Startups financed by project beneficiaries (Number, Custom)

                                        Baseline                     Actual (Previous)      Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                               0.00                         159.00                159.00                     120.00

    Date                                31-Dec-2015                  31-May-2022           23-Nov-2022                31-Mar-2023

   Increase firms' and individuals' participation in the digital economy

    ►Access to Internet Services (number of beneficiaries subscribed) (Number, Custom)

                                        Baseline                     Actual (Previous)      Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                               0.00                         1,380.00              1,380.00                   1,200.00

    Date                                31-Dec-2014                  31-May-2022           23-Nov-2022                30-Apr-2021

    ►Private financing catalyzed through GENIE programs (Amount(USD), Custom)

                                        Baseline                     Actual (Previous)      Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                               0.00                         75,000,000.00         75,000,000.00              7,000,000.00

    Date                                29-Jul-2016                  31-May-2022           23-Nov-2022                31-Mar-2023

 Intermediate Results Indicators by Components

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            The World Bank                                                                                   Implementation Status & Results Report
            Georgia National Innovation Ecosystem (GENIE) Project (P152441)

   Innovation Infrastructure

    ►RIHs established, equipped, and operational (Number, Custom)

                                       Baseline                    Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                             0.00                         3.00                        3.00                      3.00

    Date                              01-Jul-2015                  31-May-2022                 23-Nov-2022              30-Apr-2021

                                       The Tbilisi Techpark is now counted as an RIH

    ►CICs established, equipped, and operational (Number, Custom)

                                       Baseline                    Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                             0.00                         4.00                        4.00                      4.00

    Date                              31-Dec-2015                  31-May-2022                 23-Nov-2022              30-Apr-2021

                                       please note that the previous count (3) was an error

    ►Visitors to CICs and RIHs (Number, Custom)

                                       Baseline                    Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                             0.00                         26,576.00                   37,823.00                 25,000.00

    Date                              31-Dec-2015                  31-May-2022                 23-Nov-2022              31-Mar-2023

    ►Participants in online programs led by RIHs & CICs (Number, Custom)

                                       Baseline                    Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                             0.00                         1,570.00                    2,527.00                  1,500.00

    Date                              29-Jul-2016                  31-May-2022                 23-Nov-2022              31-Mar-2023

    ►Female visitors to CICs and RIHs / participants in online programs (Percentage, Custom)

                                       Baseline                    Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                             0.00                         57.40                       54.30                     50.00

    Date                              12-Aug-2020                  31-May-2022                 23-Nov-2022              31-Mar-2023

   Innovation Services


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            The World Bank                                                                                    Implementation Status & Results Report
            Georgia National Innovation Ecosystem (GENIE) Project (P152441)

    ►Participants in structured digital skills training programs (Number, Custom)

                                       Baseline                    Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                             0.00                         1,313.00                     1,551.00                  3,000.00

    Date                              11-Aug-2020                  31-May-2022                  23-Nov-2022              31-Mar-2023

    ►Beneficiaries of business coaching or eCommerce training (Number, Custom)

                                       Baseline                    Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                             0.00                         1,230.00                     2,115.00                  2,000.00

    Date                              31-Dec-2015                  31-May-2022                  23-Nov-2022              31-Mar-2023

    ►Individuals obtaining international certification through project training programs (Number, Custom)

                                       Baseline                    Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                             0.00                         449.00                       792.00                    900.00

    Date                              04-Aug-2020                  31-May-2022                  23-Nov-2022              31-Mar-2023

    ►Females receiving structured training, coaching, mentoring or technical assistance (Percentage, Custom)

                                       Baseline                    Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                             0.00                         27.00                        27.00                     50.00

    Date                              01-Jul-2016                  31-May-2022                  31-May-2022              31-Mar-2023

   Innovation Financing

    ►Full-time employees hired by start-ups that have received financing, coaching or mentoring (Number, Custom)

                                       Baseline                    Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                             0.00                         1,649.00                     1,649.00                  500.00

    Date                              29-Jul-2016                  31-May-2022                  31-May-2022              31-Mar-2023

    ►Revenue of start-ups that have received financing, coaching or mentoring (Amount(USD), Custom)

                                       Baseline                    Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                             0.00                         18,226,834.00                18,226,834.00             4,000,000.00

    Date                              29-Jul-2016                  31-May-2022                  31-May-2022              31-Mar-2023

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            The World Bank                                                                                          Implementation Status & Results Report
            Georgia National Innovation Ecosystem (GENIE) Project (P152441)

   Project Implementation Support

    ►Direct project beneficiaries (Number, Custom)

                                       Baseline                       Actual (Previous)               Actual (Current)           End Target

    Value                              0.00                          30,658.00                        30,658.00                  35,000.00

    Date                               31-Dec-2015                   31-May-2022                      31-May-2022                31-Mar-2023

     Female beneficiaries (Percentage, Custom Supplement)

                                     Baseline                       Actual (Previous)               Actual (Current)            End Target

     Value                           0.00                           52.30                           52.30                       50.00

    ►Citizen engagement: user feedback collected from project beneficiaries (Number, Custom)

                                       Baseline                       Actual (Previous)               Actual (Current)           End Target

    Value                              0.00                          19,347.00                        19,347.00                  15,000.00

    Date                               01-Jul-2015                   31-May-2022                      31-May-2022                31-Mar-2023

 Performance-Based Conditions

 Data on Financial Performance

 Disbursements (by loan)

 Project        Loan/Credit/TF    Status       Currency         Original    Revised       Cancelled      Disbursed        Undisbursed                % Disbursed

 P152441        IBRD-85950        Effective    USD                40.00       23.50          16.50           23.01                0.49                      98%

 Key Dates (by loan)

 Project         Loan/Credit/TF    Status       Approval Date       Signing Date      Effectiveness Date          Orig. Closing Date      Rev. Closing Date

 P152441         IBRD-85950        Effective    18-Mar-2016         28-Mar-2016       21-Jul-2016                 30-Apr-2021             31-Mar-2023

Cumulative Disbursements

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            The World Bank                                                                        Implementation Status & Results Report
            Georgia National Innovation Ecosystem (GENIE) Project (P152441)

  Restructuring History

  Level 2 Approved on 04-Apr-2019 ,Level 2 Approved on 18-Nov-2020 ,Level Approved on 02-Dec-2020 ,Level Approved on 27-May-2021

  Related Project(s)

 There are no related projects.

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