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I p ,,,.}oi Financial Attest Audit Report on the Accounts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Mobilization and Public Resource Management Program Credit No. 6421-PK, Financed by World Bank (IDA) and Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Finance Department for the Financial Year 2020-21 Auditor General of Pakistan Islamabad • TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. List of Abbreviations........... ................................................... 1 Preface ..................................................................................................................................... 2 PART-I Program Overview ................................................................................................... .,,4 Auditor's Report to the Management (Audit Opinion) ............................................... .5 Financial Statements ................................................................................................... 6 PART-II COVERING LETTER TO THE MANAGEMENT ................................................. 20 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................................... 21 MANAGEMENT LETTER ... ··············································22 1. Introduction ........ .. .......... .. ..... ............................................... 23 2. Audit Objectives.............................. ........................... 23 3. Audit Scope and Methodology.......... .. ........................ 23 4. AUDIT FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................. 24 4.1. Financial Management ....................................................................................... 24 4.2. Asset Management. ............................................................................................ 27 4.3. Monitoring and Evaluation ............................................................................... 27 • 4.4. Compliance with Grant/Loan Covenants.... .. .. 28 4.5. Environment ...................................................................................................... 29 4.6. Sustainability ...................................................................................................... 29 4.7. Overall Assessment ............................................................................................ 29 5 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................ 30 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................ 31 ANNEXURE ............................................................................................................... .32 Abbreviations and Acronyms AFS Annual Financial Statements AID Associates in Development BPR Business Process Review CDWP Central Development Working Party DAC Departmental Accounts Committee DLI Disbursement Linked Indicator DPR Disabled Person Relief FAP Foreign Aided Project EOI Expression of Interest FAT Field Audit Team GCC General Conditions of Contract GDRC Grant Disbursement & Review Committee GFR General Financial Rules GRC Grant Review Committee !DA International Development Agency IFMIS Integrated Financial Management Information System IPSAS International Public Sector Accounting Standards !SSA! International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions IT Information Technology KP Khyber Pakhtunkhwa MIS Management Information System MIT Master of Information Technology NIT Notice Inviting Tender • PAK Pakistan PAO Principal Accounting Office PC-I Planning Commission Proforma-I PFM Public Financial Management PMU Program Monitoring Unit sec Special Conditions of Contract ssu Shared Services Unit TMAs Tehsil Municipal Administrations TPVA Third Party Verification Agent UIPT Urban Immovable Property Tax llPage Preface The Auditor-General conducts audits subject to Article 169 and 170 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973, read with Sections 8 and 12 of the Auditor-General's (Functions, Powers and Terms and Conditions of Service) Ordinance, 2001. The audit of "Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Mobilization and Public Resource Management Program", financed by the World Bank (IDA) and Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Credit No.6421-PK, for the financial year 2020-21 was carried out accordingly. The Directorate General Audit Khyber Pakhtunkhwa conducted audit of "Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Mobilization and Public Resource Management Program" during September 2021 for the period 2020-21 with a view to reporting significant findings to stakeholders. Audit examined the economy, efficiency, and effectiveness aspects of the Program. In addition, Audit also assessed, on a test check basis, whether the management complied with the applicable laws, rules, and regulations in managing the Program. The Audit Report indicates specific actions that, if taken, will help the management realize the objectives of the Program. The Report was finalized in light of written replies/ discussion with the Program Management. The PAO through Management Letter was also requested to convene DAC meeting. However, no DAC meeting was convened till finalization of this report. The Report consists of two parts. Part-I contains Auditor's Report (Audit Opinion) and Financial Statements. Part-II contains Executive Summary, Management Letter and Audit Findings. The Report has been prepared for submission to the World Bank in terms of its Credit Agreement with the Government of Islamic Republic of Pakista Dated: ;o I/), /2021 (Isnir ul Haq) Peshawar Director General Audit Khyber Pakhtunkbwa 21Pnge PART-I 1. PROGRAM OVERVIEW 2. AUDITOR'S REPORT TO THE MANAGEMENT 3. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 3 IP a g i.: PROGRAM OVERVIEW Name of Program Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Mobilization and Public Resource Management Program Sponsoring Authority World Bank (IDA) and Government of Khyber Pakhtunk.hwa Executing Authority Finance Department, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Credit No. 6421-PK PC-I Cost Rs. 2,829.000 million Donor Share USO 100.000 million GoKP Share USO 18.000 million Date of Commencement 17 th June, 2019 st Actual Date of Commencement 1 July, 2019 1h Date of Completion (As per PC·I) 30 June, 2025 Date of Approval by CDWP th 27 December 2019 Loan Closing Date Loan Utilization Status in F.Y Rs. 87.354 million 2020-21 Progressive Expenditure upto last F.Y Rs. 72.142 million i.e, 2019-20 41Page OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR GENERAL AUDIT DGA = 9211306 Fax: .,, 9222417 KHYBERPAKHTUNKHWA PBX: =211250-54 PESHAWAR Auditor's Report to the Management (Audit Opinion) Auditor's Report on the Financial Statements We have audited the accompanying financial statements of "Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Mobilization and Public Resource Management Program", financed by the World Bank (IDA) and Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Credit No.6421-PK, that comprises of Statement of Receipts and Payments, Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Amounts together with the notes forming part thereof for the year ended 30th June, 2021. Management Responsibility It is the responsibility of Program Management to establish and maintain a system of internal control, and prepare and present the Statement of Receipts and Payments in confonnity with the requirements of Cash Basis IPSAS, Financial Reporting under the Cash Basis of Accounting Standard. Auditor's Responsibility The responsibility of the auditor is to express an opinion on the financial statements based on the audit conducted. We conducted our audit in accordance with the International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions. Those standards require that we plan and perfonn the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatements. The audit process includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. It also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. Opinion In our opinion: a) The financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the cash receipts and payments by the program for the year ended 30th June, 2021 in accordance with Cash Basis IPSAS, Financial Reporting under the Cash Basis of Accounting Standard. b) The expenditure has been incurred in accordance wi~.herequ'.rem ents of legal agreements. \ . 1 Dated: /o I I;,. /2021 (l&rar 111 Haq) Peshawar Director General Audit Khyber Pakbtunkbwa SI Page FINANCIAL STATEMENTS KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA REVENUE MOBILIZATION AND PUBLIC RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM WORLD BANK/IDACREDIT NO.6421-PK FOR THE YEAR ENDED ON 30th JUNE, 2021 Page No Statement of Receipts & Payments 7 Statement of Comparison of Budget & Actual Amounts 8-9 Notes to the Financial Statements 10-15 Revolving Fund Account Statement 16 Bank Statement 17-18 61Puge .. KP Revenue Mobilization and Public Resource Management Program (PforR) Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments For the Year Ended 30 June 2021 2020-21 2019-20 Amounts in Pak Rupees Receipts/ Receipts/ Note Payments Payments Rf;CEIPTS l'.xlemal Assistance 5. 3,299,221,997 5,907,227,074 Counterpart Funds - GoKP •• 83,993,741,783 66,317,229,350 TOTAL RECEIPTS 87,292,963,780 72,224,456,424 PA YMENTSIEXPENDITURE Program Expenditures Puy and Allowances 7. 3,012,012,764 2,601,979,]94 Operating Expenses 8. 1,110,563,826 511,106,049 Fmployccs Retirement Benefits 83,064,191,042 68,963,886,174 Repair & Maintenance 63,354,476 40,541,689 87,250,122,108 72,117,513,506 Operation Expenditures from Designated Accr>unt noods 9. l,77U30 11,493,573 Consultancy Services /0. 51,151,239 10,632.386 Incremental Operating Costs II. 27,695,901 2,519.221 Training and Workshops 12. 6,736,142 15.3 87,354,414 24,645,180 TOTAL PAYMENTS 87,337,476,522 72,142,158,686 NKr INCREASE I (DU:R~;ASE) IN CASH DURING THE YEAR (44,512,742) 82,297,738 CASH AT nm BEGINNING OF nm n:AR 82,297,738 CASH AT THE END OF THE YEAR 13. 37,784,996 82,297,738 Th" annexed notes lo ! 5 m an integral par/ of these financial s/a/emen/s Audit Officer Office of the Dire eneral Audit Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Gove ent of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa KP Revenue Mobilization and Public Resource Management Program (PforR) Statement of Comparison of Budgeted and Actual Expenditure By Departments For the year ended June 30, 2021 2020-21 (Amounts in P11.k Ranee) Actual _m_,_"_1_'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Note _''_P'_'1 Origin11.I Budget 11 Revised Budget 11 Actual E111enditure Origin11.I Budget Revised Budget E~ cnditure lESIGNATlm AC:C:OIINT :onsultancy Costs 127,840,000 127,840,000 38,377,945 20,000.000 20,000,000 10,632,386 .Joods - (Assets) 15,186,427 1s,186,n1 1,771,130 62,300,000 62,300,000 11,493,573 ncrcmenrnl Operating Costs 86,508,800 86,508,800 27,695,90.l 2 I ,000,000 21.000,000 2,5 I 9,221 !'raining & Workshops 30,000,000 30,000,000 19,509,436 5,000,000 5,000,000 Tot11.I DA Payments (A) 259,535,227 259,535,227 87,354,414 108,300,000 108,300,000 24,645,UiO PROGRAM EXPENIHTlJR~: Excise TII.Iation & Narcotics Control Department Pay & Allowances 634,044,000 716,032,807 716,001,973 617,772,000 600,456,340 600,487,988 Jperating Expenses 79,890,000 11,854,381 12,954,306 118,841,000 70,879,774 65,315,391 l'ensmn Payments 15,127,163 15,127,\63 16,261,000 4,669,095 4,669,0<"lS Repair & Maintenance 249,400 249,400 4,877,000 3,009,911 3,009,911 Sub Total 713,934,000 743,263,751 744,332,842 757,751,000 679,015,120 673,482,385 Finance Department Pay& Allowances 1,205,971,000 1,066,593,020 1,064,7\1,434 1,428,192,000 934,495,613 931,158,866 Operating Expen,e., 20,382,690,000 5,581,483,119 716,658,293 17,869,434,000 2,080,094,142 194,475,894 Pensmn Payments 76,921,196,000 82,892,279,574 83,021,477,308 59,940,774,000 68,914,275,354 68,943,722,510 Rep.air & Maintenance 24,629,000 37,568,290 34,108,452 2!,962,000 23,765,070 21,670,335 Suh Tntal 98,534,486,000 89,577,924,00J 84,836,955,487 79,260,362,000 71,952,630,179 70,091,027,605 Planning & Development Department Pay & Allowances 384,308,000 475,512,835 483,609,696 476,005,000 383,238,141 389,375,153 :>perating Expenses 81,415,000 41,756,518 41,743,921 1 !2,879,000 )7,546,731 37,287,245 Pension Plyments 6,185,000 11,226,683 11,226,043 11,781,000 7,563,137 7,562,137 Repair & Maintenance 3,843,000 6,161,113 6,153,413 7,120,000 4,932,562 4,832,562 Suh Total 475,751,000 534,657,149 542,733,073 607,785,000 433,280,571 439,057,097 Revenue Department Pay & Allowances 536,117,000 677,589,646 677,413,353 629,335,000 702,142,388 614,222,20 I Operatmg Expenses 422,261,000 289,807,915 289,064,724 603,900,000 468,902,735 189,352,091 Pension Payment> 3,262,000 16,185,200 15,333,688 12,202,000 7,441,012 5,623,232 Repair & Maintenance 2,228,000 13,104,63! 11,074,631 12,674,000 15,348,763 9,887,299 Sub Total 963,8118,000 996,687,392 992,886,396 1,258,111,000 1,193,834,898 819,0!l4,fl23 Science Technology & Information Techn oJo-.. ' Pay & Allowances 68,fl93,000 70,289,696 70,276,308 88,788,000 66,738,306 66,715,186 Opernting Expenses 46,210,000 50,142,582 50,142,582 20,828,000 24,675,428 24,675,428 Pension Payments 1,081,000 1,026,840 1,026,840 1,001,000 2,309,400 2,309,400 Repair & Maintenance 11,2%,000 11,768,580 11,768,580 573,000 1,141,582 1,141,582 Sub Total 127,480,000 133,227,698 133,214,.JIO 111,190,000 94,864,716 94,861,596 To111.I EEP (B) I00,815,539,000 91,985,759,993 87,250,122,108 81,995,199,000 74,353,625,484 72,117,513,506 TOTAL PAYME TS (A+R) 101,075,074,227 92,245,295,220 87,337,476,522 82,103,499,000 72,142,158,686 P, Office of the Director Gener K Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Government of KP Revenue Mobalization and Public Resource Management Program (PforR) Statement of Comparison of Budgeted and Actual amounts by Function For the year ended .June 30, 2021 2020-21 (Amounts in Pak Runusl 2019-20 (Amount, in Pak Rupees) BudPtted Amounts Bud.,eted Amounts Actual Function Note Original Budget II Revised Budget Actual Exnenditure Original Budget 11 Revised Budget F.xpenditure PAYMENTS IPF Component - f)A Payments L-'='-9,~s._1s=·'-'-'2j I l_ __c8_7·=''~'=·'='--24I L--'='~"·='o=o=.o=oo'-'II ,___ I__'='-'·=''='=·'-'-'"I ,o=•=J=''=·'=o=oJI IL_~2 ~4 18".JoI ~.,~'5~.~ Sub Total lS?,!O5,227 2S9,S)S,l27 87,354,414 108,300,000 108,300,000 24,645,180 PROGRAM EXPEN()JTIJRE Admm1stratmn of l·manc1ul Alfmrs 1,860,392,000 1,251,480,578 1,249,598,992 8,898,611,000 2,474,716,156 55'!,729,605 Tax Management (Customs I Tax. F.xcise) 1,665,833,000 1,691,912,616 1,692,238,223 1,840,138,000 1,573,466,278 I J9~.694,28'i A~c<.lunlmg and Aud1tmg Services 96,645,565,000 87,678,925,135 82,666,228,027 848,711,000 588.213,506 591,861,199 Pensmn-Civil 28,529,000 647,518,290 921,128,468 6~,513,020,000 68,88Q,700,)17 68,814,687,623 Planning 4.5Q,015,000 508.Q6Q,503 517,066,364 546,240,000 388,2Q3,385 394,636,293 16,736,000 25,687,646 2."i,666,709 61,545,000 44,987,186 44,/420,804 Stit1st1cs Centrali7ed Data Processing Service~ 135,607,000 16';,354,554 164,313,654 113,547,000 97,217,716 94,861,596 U62,000 15,911,671 13,881,671 173,367,000 2Q7,030,740 217,620-101 La~d management Sub Total 100,815,539,000 9],9115,759,993 87,250,122,108 81,995,199,000 74,353,625,484 72,117,513,506 TOTALPAYMENl'S 101,075,074,227 92,245,295,220 87,))7,476,522 82,10),499,000 74,461,925,484 72,142,158,686 P ctor PR RMP Goverrnment of K bar Pakhtunkhwa KP Revenue Mobilization and Public Resource Management Program (PforR) Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended June 30, 2021 I. REPORTING l~NTITY Tho: Khyber Pakht1.mkhwa Revenue Mobilization and Public Resollrce Management Program is a Program of the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The objective of the Program is to support the implementation of PFM reforms. The project is flnanccd through a credit arrangement (US $ 118 million equivalent) between Ciovemment of Pakistan and the World Bank under Program for Results (PforR) mode of financing. The Financing Agreement comprising two components: i- Program-for- Results {PforR) tor US$ 100 million equivalent and part ii- lnve~tment Project l'inancing (lPF) for US$ I~ million equivalent was signed on 17th of June, 2019. The implementing agencies arc: 1 Finance Department (FD) 2. Planning and Development Department (P&DD) 3. Excise, Taxation and Norcotice Contorl Department (ET&NCD) 4. !1oard of Revenue (BOR) 5. Science Te1.:hnology and Information Technology (ST&JT) The project has Six Disbursement Link Indicators (DLls), The !DA funds of the Program will be channeled to the GoKP Non- Food /1.ccount-1 through the State Bank of Pakistan {SBP). Disbursement of Program funds will be made twice a year, only upon achievement ofthe [)Lis. Qnq;: the DLI targets arc met, a withdrawal application in accordance with the financing agreements is made The evidence to support the DLls achievements is provided to the World Rank.The World Bank allows the withdrawal on the basis of achievements, verified by a third party. These financial statement presents the items of expenditures of PforR program incurred in the above mentioned departments and the expenditure under !PF component. The financing is made in the form of Credit hased on Standard World Bank (!DA} terms. The Financing Agreement No is 6421- PK 2. STATEMENT OF (:OMPLIANCF: These financial ~tatements have been prepared in accordance with the New Accounting Model (NAM). In December 2000, Auditor (jencral of Paki<;tan prescribed NAM with the approval of the President of Pakistan under Article 170 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. 3. ACCOCNTING CONVENTION AND BASIS OF CONSOLIDATION These financial statements have been prepared under the cash basis of a1.:counting which recognizes transactions and events only when cash is received or paid by the entity. Assets and liabilities in the disclosed notes are on a histori1.:a! wst basis. These financial statements have been prepared as per the requirements of NAM tha1 supports international best practices The statement of cash receipts and payments, statement of n,mparison of budget and actual amounts by function, statement of comparison of budget and actual expenditure by department and notes fonning parts thereof have been prepared on Cash Basis IPSAS - Finan1.:ial Reporting under the Cash Basis of Accounting. The Financial Statements for the financial year 2020-21 have been prepared and presented in order to make a fair prc~cntation of all the relevant financial information without making any change in the fundamentals applied. The reporting and budget period ofthe~e financial statements is the financial year 2020-21 (from 1 July, 2020 to .10 June 2021). These financial statements have been prepared on the basis of data obtained from lFM!S for the regular grant numbers of above mentioned cxcwting entities. The DLls of these entities and the relevant spending made in order to achieve these DLls, from the recurrent budget, is separately reported to present the overall picture of this program. G) KP Revenue Mobilization and Public Resource Management Program (PforR) Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended June 30, 2021 4. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES 4.1 Foreign ('urr-ency Transaction Ca~h receipts and payments arising from transactions in \JS$ !ll'C recorded in Pak Rupees by applying the US$ amount the exchange rate between the Pak Rupee and US $ at the date of receipts and payments. Exchange difterences arisrng at !he settlement of these transactions are re-:ognized in the Statement of Receipts and Payments 4.2 Reporting Currency The reporting currency of these consolidated financial statements is Pak Rupees. 4.3 Recognition of revenue Revenue is n:cognized on the date of receipt of money by bank or clearance of cheque. Revenue is recogniLed on gross basis and any related costs are recorded separately 4.4 Recognition of expenditure Expenditure is recognized on the date when payment is made or cheque is issued. Financial year to which the payments pertain is determined by the date on which a cheque or payment advice is issued. 4.5 Eligible Expenditure of Program The recurrent expenditure incurred by the five implementing departments, in the following heads of chart of accounts is financed hy the World Bank and in these financial statement.,; reported as Eligible Expenditure of the Prq.;rame (EEi') a) F:mployee relatetl expenses This include expenditure in object code AO! for pay and allowances to the officers and staff. b) Operating expenses This includes expenditure in object code A03 for various operating purposes i e fee,;, rnmmunication, utilities, rents, operating leases, motor vehicles fuel. travel & transporation and general expenses, c) Employee retirement benefits The government employees after their retirement from service are entitled to pension. The communtation and monthly pension to the retired employees or to their families are paid by the Accountant General KP and recorded in object code A04. d) Repair and Maintenance Expenditure in object code A 13 on account of repair and maintenance is also recognized a:; eligible expenditure for the program 4.6 Cash balance For the purpose of statement of receipts and payments, ca~h balance comprise cash with National Bank of Pakistan designated i revolving fund account. KP Revenue Mobilization and Public Resource Management Program (PforR) Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended June 30, 2021 Nute 2020"21 2019-20 Amounts in Pak Rupees 5. EXTERNAL ASSISTANCF. l.lesignutcd Account Receipts 5./ 42,841,672 106,9112.918 Provin~1al Consolidated Fund 5.2 3,256J80,325 5,800,284,156 3,299,221,997 5,907,227,074 5.1 This represents US $ 259,169@ Rs 165 304 per$ transferred by the lnlema!1onal Development AssocIa!1on to the Designated I Revolving Fund Account No A 119 of the prOJect maintained ,n NBP Peshawar Cantt Branch, on the basis of withdrawal application submitted by the pro1ect. Note 2020-21 2019-20 Amounts in Pak Rupees 5.2 External Assistance in Provincial Consolidated Fund 1st Tranche USO 8,229,484.80 @ Rs. 156 5783 1,288,558,740 1,930.637,614 2nd Tranche USO 12,567,652.00@ Rs 156 5783 1,967,821585 1,743,869,310 3rd Tranche 2,125,777,212 5.2.1 3,256,380,325 5,800,284,156 5.2. J US $ 20,797,137 00 al average rate of Rs 156.5783 per$ were received from the World Bank In the Provincial Consolidated Fund Non-Food Account-I of the Govt· of Khyber Pakh1unX:hwa maintained in State Bank of Pakistan Karachi 2020-21 2019-20 Amounls in Pak Rupees 6. ('OllNTERPART Fl:NDS- r.oKP Fxc,se and Taxation Department 744,332.842 673,482,385 Finance Department H4,H36,95S,487 70,091,027.605 Planning & Development Department 542,733,073 439,057,097 Revenue Department 992.886,396 819,084,823 Science Technology & Information Technology 133,2I4J!O 94,861,596 87,250,122,108 72,117,513,506 l.ess: DLI Receipts (3,256.380,325) (5,800,284,156) 83,99J,741,78J 66,317,229,350 7, PAY AND ALLOWANCES- ~;~;p Pay of Officers & Staff 1,353,282,628 1,317,779,459 Allowances 1,658,730,136 1,284,199,935 J,012,012,764 2,601,979,394 KP Revenue Mobilization and Public Resource Management Program (PforR) Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended June 30, 2021 2020-21 2019-20 Amounts in Pak Rupees 8. OPf',RATING EXPENSES- ~:~;p Commurneation~ 57,130, l 63 JH,0.l7J4J Utilities 76,591,549 59,469,186 Occupancy Costs 77,105.317 113,997,492 Motor Vehicles 850, 70 l 595,663 Travel & Transportation 152,520,655 123,807,738 General Operntmg 746,365,441 175,198,627 1,110,563,826 511,106,049 9. GOODS - (ASSETS) IT Equipments 837,23 I 7,413,579 Machinery and Equipment 459,348 1,125,249 Fumitt1re and Fixture 474,551 2,954,745 1,771,130 11,493,573 10. CO!'iSllLTANCY COSTS Con,ulrnnts - Individuals 10.1 22,197,235 3,841,075 Consultants - 1'1rms 10.2 28,954,004 6,791,311 51,151,239 10,632,386 10.1 Consultants - Individuals Coordinator PMU 5,748,000 2,467,742 Fmanc1al Managem~nt Specialist 4,271,080 360,000 Prornrement Specialist 4,907,870 240,000 Social Safeguard Specialist 4,957,333 773,333 hnvmmmen!al Specialist 452,952 MIS Specialist 1,860,000 22,197,235 3,841,075 10.2 Consultants - Firms Third Party Verfication (TPY) Finn 3,407,416 2,.'iB,S46 Husiness Pro~ess Review Finn 25,546,588 4,257,765 28,954,004 6,791,311 11. INCI-I.EMENTALOPERATING COSTS General Operatmg Expenses II.I 12,082,696 760,020 Remunerations and Salaries 11.2 15,613,207 1,759,201 27,695,903 2,519,221 KP Revenue Mobilization and Public Resource Management Program (PforR) Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended June 30, 2021 2020-21 2019-20 Amounts in Pak Rupees 11.1 General Operatini;: Expenses Telephone Charge, 271,244 16,549 l'lectromc Commumcatwn 798,330 Courier Charges 2,070 970 Rent for Ottice Uuildmg 2,9.19,640 Electncity 1,034,934 41,207 Water Charges 53,670 Security charges 261,360 POI. Charges for Official Vehicles 433,07\ 85200 Travelling Charges 1,468,669 Stationery 894,265 11,610 Htre of Vehicles 2,507,900 157,500 Newspapers, Periodicals and Hooks 5,800 2,125 Advertismg & Puhlicity 157,587 269,941 Repairs of Mahinery & Fquipment 205,303 58,490 Repairs or Furniture & Fixtures 45,396 Unforeseen/ Miscallcnous 1,003,457 116,428 12,082,696 760,020 I J .2 Remunerations and Salarie~ l'roJect Office Manager !,504.005 428,571 Sr. bnance Officer 1,575,000 54,167 Sr. Procurement Of11ccr 1,586,704 358,871 M&E Officer 938,387 241,871 Accountants 2,067.224 78,000 Admin Assistants 1,523,000 147,935 Associates 3,206,01 I 169,720 Young Professional Offucers 2,171,064 225,808 Suppor1 "i(aff 1,039,812 52,258 15,6IJ,207 1,759,201 12, Trai11ing & Workhsop Training/ Workshop/ Scmmars 6,736,142 13. C:ASII AT BANK Designated Account Balance 37,784,996 82,297,738 16.l 37,784,996 82,297,738 This represents dosing hank balance in Designated/Revolving fund Account maintained m NBP Peshaw<1r Cant! IJ.l Branch. 14, AUTHORIZATION FOR ISSLIR Under section 7 of the Auditor General's (r'unctmns, Powers and Terms and Conditions of Service) Act, 2012. read with Article 171 of the Constitution of lslamic Repuhlic of Pakistan, the Auditor•(ieneral submits the certified Financial Statements of the World Bank funded Program for Results together with the audit report.:, on these Fman~ial Statement~ !11.ese financial ,tatements have been authonzed for issue on November 30, 2021 KP Revenue Mobilization and Public Resource Management Program (PforR) Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended June 30, 2021 15. GENERAL 15.1 Level of Precision f'igures in these Financial Statements have been rounded off to the nearest million rupees. unless othen.111se slated 15.2 Corresponding Vigures Corresponding figures have not been presented as the entity is established recently and presenting its Fmanc1al Statements for the first time. Record Certification L'i.3 Payment~ of 87.4 million mcorred by PMU KPRMP are certified by Field Audit Team and payments of 87,250 million (bemg part of Provincial Consolidated hmd} of five execulmg departments were incurred under voted current expenditure t u the Accountant General KP, which will be separately certified by the Audit m the Annual Fmanc1al Sta ments Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Office of the Dire Go~errnment of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa BANK RECONCILIATION STATEMENT KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA REVENUE MOBILIZATION & PUBLIC RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (KPRM&PRMP) IDA 64210 REVOLVING FUND ACCOUNT- (FOREIGN CURRENCY) NO. 4164767040 As on 30th June, 2021 Balance as per Bank Statement as on 30th June, 2021 PKR 38,345,970 $231,972.431 Less: UNPRESENTED CHEQUES/CHEQUE ISSUED BUT NOT YET PRESENTED Voucher Conversion Cheque Dated Particulars Cheque No. Amount in PKR Amount in USO No. Rate 08.06.2M 236 As1m Jarnshed 2093729\Jl 4,000 165.304 s 24.20 28.06.2021 250 Institute of Chartered Accountant 209373012 556,974 165.304 s 3,369,39 PKR 560,974 s 3,393.59 Balance as per Cash Book, as on 30th June, 2021 PKR 37,784,996 s 228,S78.84 Checked HY APPROVED BY PREPARED BY J1_ Account Officer <;i2- Senior Fina1fcc Officer Pmjec KPRM & PRMP KPRM & PRMP KPRM , ! NATIONAL BANK OF PAKISTAN PESHAWAR CANTT; (0386) STATEMENT PERIOD: Jul·ZDI IDA LOAN NO: 6421-PK NAME OF PROJECT: KP REVENUE MOBILIZATION AND PUBLIC RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME REVOLVINGFUNDACCOUNTNO: A-119 0.00 --~U DEPOSIT/ RECEIPT PAYMENT/ WITHDRAWAL BALANCE EXCHANGE USO EQU!VT: EXCHANGE USO EQUIVT: CHEQUE/ SBP BSC RATE (NOTlONAL) PKR (ACTUAL) RATE USD EQU!VT: PKR (ACTUAL) [lliOTIONAL) DATE LETTER NO: PKR lACTUAL) 97,853,001.00 635,222.65 25.06.2020 BALNACE 3,629,237.00 154.0452 23,559.56 94,223,764.00 611,663.09 29.06.2020 185138160 94,876.00 154.0452 615.90 94,128,888.00 611,047.19 29.06.2020 185138177 32,831.00 154.0452 213.13 94,096,057.00 610,834.07 29.06.2020 185138180 1,155,000.00 154.0452 7,497.80 92,941,057.00 603,336.27 29.06.2020 185138174 147,737.00 154.0452 959.05 92,793,320.00 602 377.22 29.06.2020 185138181 167,268.00 154.0452 1,085.84 92,626,052.00 601,291.38 30.06.2020 185138170 I 1,693,823.00 154.0452 10,995.62 90,932,229.00 590,295.76 30.06.2020 185138172 292,512.00 154.0452 1,898.87 90,639,717.00 588,396.89 30.06.2020 185138175 85,701,588.00 556,340.52 ~ 03:07.2020 185138171 • 4,938,129.00 154.0452 32,056.36 2,810.00 154.0452 18.24 85,698,778.00 556,322.28 16.07.2020 185138187 111,624.00 154.0452 724.62 85,587,154.00 555,597.66 16.07.2020 185138182 126,094.00 154.0452 818.55 85,461,060.00 554,779.11 16.07.2020 185138176 , 462,149.00 154.0452 3,000.09 84,998,911.00 551,779.02 16.07.2020 185138169 41,430.00 154.0452 268.95 84,957,481.00 551,510.08 16.07.2020 185138173 , 113,160.00 154.0452 734.59 84,844,321.00 550,775.49 17.07.2020 185138183 147,430.00 154.0452 957.06 84,696,891.00 549,818.43 17.07.2020 185138185 3,425.00 154.0452 22.23 84,693,466.00 549,796.20 17.07.2020 185138188 10,894.00 154.0452 70.72 84,682,572.00 549,725.48 17.07.2020 185138189 100,000.00 154.0452 649.16 84,582,572.00 549,076.32 20.07.2020 185138193 1,270,856.00 154.0452 8,249.89 83,311,716.00 540,826.43 , 20.07.2020 185138191 35,366.00 154.0452 229.58 83,276,350.00 540,596.85 22.07.2020 185138192 7,971.00 154.0452 51.74 83,268,379.00 540,545.10 23.07.2020 185138195 9,235.00 154.0452 59.95 83,259,144.00 540,485.15 23.07.2020 185138184 2,563,425.00 154.0452 16,640.73 80,695,719.00 523,844.42 24.07.2020 8194 " '" -~ 1 -. A~i~t . iifi{i <:- t h', ·; . - ,;'-'ll ._ nl~~·~;;.._,.,.~ ~~­ ("-u~oifz-;!-l~fgnature ,.._ NBP) ., / t:,C <-.: ":\. ._-: , r ·,"} :+ C ~~"r, ~- ' ,,.- '0. ,(' ~ :.\ 0' ff -;--0 -...._Q <,,' (, q,"' NATIONAL BANK OF PAKISTAN PESHAWAR CANU; (0386) STATEMENT PERIOD: jun-211 IDA LOAN NO: 6421-PK NAME OF PROJECT: KP REVENUE MOBILIZATION AND PUBLIC RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME REVOLVING FUND ACCOUNT NO: A-119 o.oo u.uv - -- 0 00 8.122,999.00 50,743.54 . CHEQUE/ SBP BSC PAYMENT/ DATE LETTER NO: DEPOSIT/ RECEIPT WITHDRAWAL BALANCE PKR [ACTUAL) .,, EXCHANGE USD EQUIVT, (NOTIONAL) PKR(ACTUAL) EXCHANGE RAT< USO EQUIVT: PKR (ACTUALl USDEQUIVT: {NOTiONALl 31.05.2021 BALNACE 46,468,969.00 282,715.97 , 04.06.2021 209372985 70,000.00 154.0452 454.41 46,398,969.00 282,261.56 • 07.06.2021 209372992 25,187.00 154.0452 163.50 46,373,782.00 282,098.05 • 07.06.2021 209372990 5,756.00 154.0452 37.37 46,368,026.00 282,060.69 07.06.2021 209372989 180,233.00 154.0452 1,170.00 46,187,793.00 280,890.69 • 07.06.2021 209372988 16,475.00 154.0452 106.95 46,171,318.00 280,783.74 , 07.06.2021 209372986 74,406.00 154.0452 483.01 46,096,912.00 280,300.72 • 09.06.2021 209372991 29,204.00 154.0452 189.58 46,067,708.00 280,111.14 10.06.2021 209372984 19,147.00 154.0452 124.29 46,048,561.00 279,986.85 ~ 10.06.2021 209372999 236,840.00 154.0452 1,537.47 45,811,721.00 278,449.38 · 10.06.2021 209373000 24,716.00 154.0452 160.45 45,787,005.00 278,288.93 • 11.06.2021 209372993 51,800.00 154.0452 336.26 45,735,205.00 277,952.67 14.06.2021 209372995 15,400.00 154.0452 99.97 45,719,805.00 277,852.70 14.06.2021 209372998 15,000.00 154.0452 97.37 45,704,805.00 277,755.32 · 15.06.2021 209372889 4,000.00 154.0452 25.97 45,700,805.00 277,729.36 16.06.2021 209372994 4,000.00 154.0452 25.97 45,696,805.00 277,703.39 17.06.2021 209372987 8,687.00 154,0452 56.39 45,688,118.00 277,647.00 a 17,06.2021 209373001 3,400.00 154.0452 22.07 45,684,718.00 277,624.93 · 18.06.2021 209373003 27,426.00 154.0452 178.04 45,657,292.00 277,446.89 , 21.06.2021 209373004 142,500.00 154.0452" 925.05 45,514,792.00 276,521.83 23.06.2021 209372996 11,900.00 154.0452 77.25 45,502,892.00 276,444.58 • 24.06.2021 25.06.2021 • 25.06.2021 209373005 209373010 209373009 - 6,926.00 11,255.00 95,263.00 154.0452 154.0452 154.0452 44.96 73.06 618.41 45,495,966.00 45,484,711.00 45,389,448.00 276,399.62 276,326.56 275,708.15 25.06.2021 209373008 424,676.00 154.0452 2,756.83 44,964,772.00 272,951.32 • 25.06.2021 209373002 1,420,853.00 154.0452 9,223.61 43,543,919.00 263,727.71 25.06.2021 209373007 702,247.00 154.0452 4,558.71 42,841,672.00 259,169.00 25.06.2021 209373007 3,678,225.00 165.304 22,251.28 39,163,447.00 236,917.73 , 28.06.2021 209373011 798,330.00 165.304 4,829.47 38,365,117.00 232,088.26 29.06.2021 209373006 19,147.00 165.304 115.83 38,345,970.00 231 972.43 -------- ~ ·...._.....-·· _,.,/''_/, ,/ /