INTRODUCING: MAKING TEACHER POLICY WORK In our upcoming report, Making Teacher Policy Work, we asked ourselves why, despite the growing evidence on effective teacher policies, we still do not observe high- quality teaching and learning in the classroom? The report argues that we need to go beyond what works in teacher policy to how to support teachers in different contexts to adopt what works, while making sure it is implementable at scale and can be sustained over time. Consider, for example, a new early grade The report presents two key takeaways on how reading policy that requires teachers to adopt to make the design and implementation of new pedagogical techniques in the classroom teacher policies more effective: 1. but do not support teachers appropriately For teacher policies to be adopted in adopting them. Teachers may not know at the individual level, they must what the most effective teaching practices be clear, doable, and rewarding. are for early grade reading, as they have not experienced this themselves nor shown what Effective teacher policies facilitate individual- these look like. Even if teachers knew what level change by addressing barriers that instructional approaches could be useful, they teachers face in making the targeted changes. may not know how to implement them, as they To increase the likelihood that a given policy have not been well-supported to develop and will have its intended impact, policymakers practice these skills. And even if teachers knew should first identify the targeted change(s) what the most effective teaching practices needed, then diagnose what barriers stand in are and have been provided opportunities to the way of these change(s) by asking themselves practice these techniques, they still may not be three questions: Is the targeted change clear motivated to implement them in the classroom. for teachers? Is the targeted change doable for Therefore, for any teacher policy to succeed, teachers? Is the targeted change rewarding for it is essential to consider how teachers will teachers? Policymakers should then put in place experience it and what barriers they could face strategies to mitigate the identified barriers. in adopting the specific changes targeted by Moving the focus from only what changes are the policy. Further, it is not enough to consider expected of teachers to (also) how to support barriers at the individual level, but also at the teachers to achieve those outcomes in a given system level, as the policies will need to be context is a critical step toward making teacher implemented at scale and sustained over time. policy work. 2. For teacher policies to work at implement the policy at scale and over time? scale and over time, they must Is it politically acceptable? In other words, be operationally feasible and do we have an enabling political environment to politically acceptable. implement the policy? Have we built trust and coalitions with critical interest groups as to These requirements must be supported by ensure that the critical elements of the policy a robust data system to steer and manage will be preserved over time? And do we have data change. To identify what elements may impact and data systems available to help prioritize, the sustainability and scale of a teacher policy adapt, and iterate the policy? Moving the focus in a particular context, policymakers should from just “what works” to “what works and is ask themselves these three questions: Is it also implementable at scale and can be sustained operationally feasible? In other words, do over time” is another critical step toward making we have adequate we have adequate resources, teacher policy work and unlocking the full funding, and technical and management capacity to effectiveness of teacher policies. In sum, teacher policy design and implementation must be grounded in a deep understanding of how teachers experience these policies, and what is required for systems to effectively scale and sustain these policies. Looking at teacher policies through this lens helps us understand why some programs enable change to take place and take root, successfully improving the teaching and learning experience in the classroom, and why others do not. World Bank. 2023. Making Teacher Policy Work. Washington, DC: World Bank. License: Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0 IGO