---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- MINISTRY OF WATER, SANITATION AND HYGIENE JIRAMA ---------------------------------------------------- MADAGASCAR NATIONAL WATER PROJECT (P174477) ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) DRAFT FOR NEGOTIATION February XX, 2022 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN 1. The Government of Madagascar (the Recipient) will implement the Madagascar National Water Project (the Project) with the involvement of the following ministries/organizations/units including (but not limited to): The Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (MWSH), JIRAMA, the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the JIRAMA- Project Implementation Unit (JIRAMA-PIU), the MEAH-Project Implementation Unit (MEAH- PIU), and with the collaboration of the Ministry in charge of National Education, the Ministry of Public Health, the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Civil Service and Social Laws, the Ministry of Land Management and Land Services, the Ministry of Population, Social Protection and Women's Promotion. The International Development Association (the Association) has agreed to finance the Project. 2. The Recipient will implement material measures and actions so that the Project is implemented in accordance with the Environmental and Social Standards (ESSs). This Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP) sets out material measures and actions, any specific documents, or plans, as well as the timing for each of these. 3. The Recipient will also comply with the provisions of any other environmental and social (E&S) documents required under the Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) and referred to in this ESCP, such as the Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF), the Resettlement Framework (RF), the Resettlement Plans (RPs), the Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP), the Labor Management Procedures (LMP), and the Gender Based Violence-Sexual Exploitation Abuse-Sexual harassment Action Plan (GB)V/EAS-HS Action Plan, as well as the timeframes specified in those E&S documents. 4. The Recipient is responsible for compliance with all the requirements of the ESCP, even when implementation of specific measures and actions is conducted by the Ministries, the entities or units referenced in paragraph 1. above. 5. Implementation of the material measures and actions set out in this ESCP will be monitored and reported by the Recipient to the Association as required by the ESCP and the conditions of the legal agreement, and the Association will monitor and assess progress and completion of these material measures and actions throughout the implementation of the Project. 6. As agreed between the Association and the Recipient, through the Project Steering Committee, this ESCP may be revised from time to time during the implementation of the Project, to reflect the adaptive management of Project changes and unforeseen circumstances or in response to an assessment of the performance of the Project conducted under the ESCP itself. In such circumstances , the Recipient will agree to the changes with the Association and will update the ESCP to reflect such changes. Agreement on changes to the ESCP will be documented through an exchange of letters signed between the Association and the Recipient, through the Project Steering Committee. The Recipient will promptly disclose the updated ESCP. 7. Where Project changes, unforeseen circumstances, or Project performance result in changes to the risks and impacts during the implementation of the Project, the Recipient shall provide additional funds, if needs, to implement actions and measures to address such risks and impacts, which may include pollution caused by traffic, irrational water resource management, waste accumulation, traffic and labor risks, social conflict risks, Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and Violence against Children as well as Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Sexual Harassment, child labor and forced labor, and loss of business due to restricted movement or access to land and loss of land due to land acquisition for new infrastructure construction. MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TO BE IMPLEMENTED Timeframe Responsible Entities/Authorities ESCP MONITORING AND REPORTING A REGULAR REPORTS (1) Prepare and submit to the Association regular monitoring reports on the (i) Submit reports to the Association every Responsible Entities : environmental, social, health and safety (ESHS) performance of the Project, three months during Project MEAH-PIU and JIRAMA-PIU including but not limited to the implementation of the (ii) ESCP, (iii) status of implementation, starting six months after preparation and implementation of E&S documents required under the ESCP, (iv) the Effective Date. Stakeholder Engagement activities, (v) GBV Action Plan, and (vi) Labor Persons/Authorities in Charge : Management Procedures, and (vii) functioning of the grievance mechanisms(s). Coordinator of the MEAH PIU in collaboration with the Environmental and Social specialist JIRAMA PIU Coordinator (2) Ensure the compliance of the environmental and social monitoring records - Compliance of the surveillance log Responsible entity : (daily recording, indicator monitoring sheet), prepare and submit to the from the date of the start of the works MEAH-PIU and JIRAMA-PIU Association periodic reports on the environmental and social monitoring after obtaining the Environmental Specifications. Responsible Persons / Authorities: - Semi-annual / annual report to MEAH PIU Coordinator submit at the same time as the JIRAMA PIU Coordinator Environmental and social Project Environmental specialist, the performance reports. Social specialist, and the Project - Actions to be continued during the GBV/SEA-SH specialist. implementation of the project and its activities. B INCIDENTS AND ACCIDENTS Promptly notify the Association of any incident or accident related to the Project Notify the Association within 48 hours Responsible Entities : which has, or is likely to have, a significant adverse effect on the environment, the after learning of the incident or accident MEAH-PIU and JIRAMA-PIU affected communities, the public or workers, including, but not limited to, any allegations of gender-based violence and/or sexual exploitation, abuse, and Persons/Authorities in Charge : harassment (GBV/SEA-HS), project-related workplace accidents or fatalities, MEAH PIU Coordinator worker strikes, and social unrest. JIRAMA PIU Coordinator Provide if needed sufficient details regarding the incident or accident, indicating Subsequent report shall be provided, as immediate measures taken or that are planned to be taken to address it, and any requested, within the time frame specified information provided by any contractor and supervising entity, as appropriate. by the Association. Subsequently as per the Association’s request, prepare a report on the incident or accident and propose any measures to prevent its recurrence. MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TO BE IMPLEMENTED Timeframe Responsible Entities/Authorities C MONTHLY CONTRACTORS’ REPORTS Responsible Entities : Transmit to the Bank monthly E&S reports received from Contractors upon Contractor Monthly Reports submitted to MEAH-PIU and JIRAMA-PIU Association's request. the Association upon request Persons/Authorities in Charge : MEAH PIU Coordinator JIRAMA PIU Coordinator in collaboration with the Environmental Manager and the Social Specialist of each PIU ESS1: ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL RISK ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT 1.1 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE (1) Establish and maintain an organizational structure with qualified staff and resources The recruitment of one environmental Responsible Entities : to support management of E&S of the Project. This shall include the Project specialist and one social specialist, one MEAH-PIU and JIRAMA-PIU Implementation Unit (PIU) within MEAH for subcomponent 2.4 and 3.1, and GBV specialist by JIRAMA PIU and one JIRAMA PIU for Component 1, Subcomponents 2.1, 2.2. and 2.3, and environmental specialist and the social Subcomponents 3.2 and 3.4, which will include each an Environmental specialist, specialist by MEAH. These E&S staffs shall Persons/Authorities in Charge : a Social specialist and a GBV/SEA-SH specialist. They shall be hired and maintained be completed no later than 02 months MEAH-PIU Coordinator on the basis of terms of reference, qualifications and experience acceptable to the after the project's effective date. JIRAMA-PIU Coordinator Association. They shall ensure the application of the provisions of this ESCP and all MEAH Human resources Officer E&S documents prepared within the framework of the project. Additional staff shall be hired prior to the MEAH Procurement Officers launch of the activities whose E&S aspects (2) As necessary for the sound E&S management of the Project, mobilize will be managed by the new staff. additional necessary staff (consultants) who will be in charge of E&S aspects for short- or long-term assignments in accordance with the assessment or institutional needs. The organizational structure to support environmental and social risk management shall be maintained throughout project implementation MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TO BE IMPLEMENTED Timeframe Responsible Entities/Authorities 1.2 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL ASSESSMENT (1) An ESMF including among others risks of social exclusion consideration has The ESMF disclosed on February 18th, Responsible Entities : been prepared by the project. Disclose, consult upon, update as necessary, submit 2022. Once approved, the ESMF shall be MEAH Project Implementation Unit for approval, adopt, re-disclose and thereafter implement the ESMF consistent implemented throughout the JIRAMA Project Implementation Unit with the ESSs and in a manner acceptable to the Association. implementation of the Project. Persons/Authorities in Charge : Any subsequent updates to the ESMF shall - MEAH PIU Coordinator be submitted to the Association for - JIRAMA PIU Coordinator approval prior to implementation - Project E&S Specialists (2) Review and conduct an E&S screening of any proposed sub-project in The ESMPs shall be submitted to the Responsible Entities : compliance with the Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) Association for approval prior to the - MEAH PIU prepared for the Project, and thereafter develop, adopt and implement the sub- initiation of the bidding process for the - JIRAMA PIU project's Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP), as required by the relevant sub-projects. The approved ESMF, in a manner acceptable to the Association. Update, consult upon, disclose ESMPs shall be executed throughout the Persons/Authorities in Charge : and implement E&S screening instruments, prior to issuing the bidding documents. implementation of the relevant sub- - MEAH PIU Coordinator projects. - JIRAMA PIU Coordinator - Project E&S Specialists within the MEAH PUI and JIRAMA PIU. (3) Carry out specifics environmental and social studies for all sub-projects, The specific ESIAs required shall be Responsible Entities : including among others Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIA), and completed and any risk management - MEAH PIU Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMP) in accordance with the ESMF, plans identified shall be prepared prior to - JIRAMA PIU : implementation of the selected - Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA) for Hydraulic subprojects and implemented throughout Persons/Authorities in Charge : Master Plan in Antananarivo. the life of the Project - MEAH PIU Coordinator - Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) for Component 1 - JIRAMA PIU Coordinator - Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) for Component 2 The SESA, ESMPs shall be submitted to the - Project E&S Specialists within the Association for approval prior to the MEAH PUI and JIRAMA PIU. initiation of the bidding process for the relevant sub-projects. The approved ESMPs will be executed throughout the implementation of the relevant sub- projects. MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TO BE IMPLEMENTED Timeframe Responsible Entities/Authorities (4) Ensure that all technical assistance, including (i)feasibility studies, (ii)strategic 4.Before the start of the civil works. Responsible Entities : studies, and (iii) capacity building assessments, (iv) related ToRs and - MEAH PIU (v)programs, are consistent with the ESSs. - JIRAMA PIU Persons/Authorities in Charge : - MEAH PIU Coordinator - JIRAMA PIU Coordinator - Project E&S Specialists within the MEAH PUI and JIRAMA PIU. (5) Ensure that permits and environmental specifications are obtained for the 5. No later than 06 months after Responsible Entities : Project, including any sub-projects. Thereafter, ensure compliance with those submission of ESIAs reports, already - MEAH PIU permits and specifications throughout implementation of the corresponding cleared by the Association to National - JIRAMA PIU activity. Office of Environment (NOE) Persons/Authorities in Charge : - - MEAH PIU Coordinator - JIRAMA PIU Coordinator - Project E&S Specialists within the MEAH PUI and JIRAMA PIU. 1.3. MANAGEMENT TOOLS AND INSTRUMENTS At the latest 3 months after the Effective Responsible Entities: Develop, and update if necessary, a section regarding "Environmental and social Date - MEAH PIU risk management measures" in the Project Implementation Manual (PIM). - JIRAMA PIU Persons/Authorities in Charge : - MEAH PIU Coordinator - Project E&S Specialists within the 2 PIUs 1.4 MANAGEMENT OF CONTRACTORS Responsible Entities: (1) Incorporate the relevant E&S aspects of the ESCP, and relevant environmental During the preparation of the ToRs, and - MEAH PIU and social documents and/or plans, as well as Labor Management Procedures, procurement document throughout the - JIRAMA PIU into the ESHS specifications of the bidding documents issued to contractors. Then execution of the Project ensure that contractors comply with the ESHS specifications in their respective Persons/Authorities in Charge : contracts. - MEAH PIU Coordinator - JIRAMA PIU Coordinator - Procurement Specialist - E&S Specialists MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TO BE IMPLEMENTED Timeframe Responsible Entities/Authorities (2) Develop, submit for approval and implement the following procedures Application of these measures throughout Responsible Entities: applicable to contractors, subcontractors and control firm: Contractor-ESMP (C- the implementation period of the Project - JIRAMA PIU ESMP) – work site, Hygiene, Health, Safety and Environment Plan (HSEP), Environmental and Social Clauses, Codes of Conduct, Grievance Mechanism, Social Persons/Authorities in Charge : Commitments on Child Labor and other elements provided for in the GBV/EAS-HS - JIRAMA PIU Coordinator Action Plan - Procurement Specialist - E&S Specialists 1.5 CONTINGENT EMERGENCY RESPONSE COMPONENT MEAH-PIU 1) Adopt the manual and, if applicable, other relevant ESHS documents in form 1) As a condition of withdrawal of funds and substance acceptable to the Association to ensure that the CERC Manual as under the CERC under Section III.B. of specified the Financing Agreement includes the results of the ESHS assessment Schedule 2 of the Financing Agreement and management arrangements and required management instruments for CERC for the Project. activities. 2) Prepare, disclose, consult, and adopt any environmental and social (E&S) management plans or instruments which may be required for activities under 2) The E&S management plans or CERC component of the Project, in accordance with CERC Manual and, if instruments shall be prepared, disclosed, applicable, CERC-ESMF consulted, and thereafter adopted before the carrying out of the relevant Project activities under CERC component. The E&S management plans or instruments shall be implemented in accordance with their terms, throughout Project implementation. ESS2: LABOR AND WORKING CONDITIONS 2.1 LABOR MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES LMP disclosed on February 18th, 2022. (1) LMP has been prepared for the Project (including the Codes of Conduct Responsible Entities: Once approved, apply it throughout the establishing clauses and sanctions against GBV/SEA/SH acts required for all MEAH PIU Project implementation. Any subsequent project workers namely Project Implementation Unit, contractors and updates to the LMP shall be submitted to subcontractors and their workers). Consistent with ESS2, finalize, adopt, update if Persons/Authorities in Charge : the Association for approval prior to necessary and disclose the LMP that have been developed for the Project. - MEAH PIU Coordinator implementation. Implement the LMP in a manner acceptable for the Association and consistent - Project E&S Specialists with ESS2. MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TO BE IMPLEMENTED Timeframe Responsible Entities/Authorities (2) Ensure the signing of contracts, including the code of conduct, with all Direct Prior engaging any Project workers. Responsible Entities: Workers, contracted workers, and primary supply workers in accordance with the Before the start of service for the project - JIRAMA PIU LMP. staff and to be maintained throughout the - MEAH PIU implementation of the project. Persons/Authorities in Charge : - Coordinator of the JIRAMA PIU/ MEAH PIU - Resource person from the Contractors and his subcontractors - Procurement Specialist - E&S Specialists (3) Ensure the signing of contracts and the code of conduct by the Contractors in Prior to engaging firms and Responsible Entities: accordance with the LMP. subcontractors for the Project - JIRAMA PIU - MEAH PIU -Contractors in charge of the works and the subcontractors of the Project Persons/Authorities in Charge : - Coordinator of the JIRAMA PIU/ MEAH PIU - Project E&S specialists within the JIRAMA PIU/ MEAH PIU - Specialist in GBV - E&S resource persons from JIRAMA/Contractors MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TO BE IMPLEMENTED Timeframe Responsible Entities/Authorities 2.2 GRIEVANCE MECHANISM FOR PROJECT WORKERS Establish, maintain, and operate a Grievance mechanism (GM) for any Project- GM shall be put in place prior to the Responsible Entities: related labor and employment issue (including SEA/SH), easily accessible to recruitment of Project workers and - JIRAMA PIU Project workers as described in the LMP, in line with ESS2 and national labor laws. implemented throughout the project - MEAH PIU implementation period -Contractors in charge of the works and the subcontractors of the Project Persons/Authorities in Charge : - Coordinator of the PIUs - Project E&S specialists within the JIRAMA PIU and MEAH-PIU - GBV Specialist - E&S resource persons from JIRAMA/Contractors 2.3 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY (OHS) MEASURES (1)Integrate into the Project Operations manual and all contracts signed, Implementation manual to be developed Responsible Entities: including for PIU workers, the measures relating to occupational health and safety and submitted to the Association for - MEAH PIU contained in ESS2 and, as applicable, the labor code and related national validation prior to the effective date of the - JIRAMA PIU regulations in force, and as spelled out in the LMP. project. - Contractors in charge of the works and the subcontractors of the Project (2) Consistent with ESS2, develop a section on emergency response management Any subsequent updates to this Project in the Project Operations Manual, and ensure that Contractors and/or Operations manual shall be submitted to Persons/Authorities in Charge : subcontractors prepare and implement an emergency preparedness and response the Association for approval prior to - Coordinator of the PIU plan, and coordinate with related measures implementation. Once approved, the - Project E&S specialists within the manual shall be maintained and JIRAMA PIU (3) Consistent with ESS2, develop a personnel safety protocol for working in high- implemented throughout the execution of - Specialist in GBV risk security areas. the project. - E&S resource persons from JIRAMA/Contractors MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TO BE IMPLEMENTED Timeframe Responsible Entities/Authorities (4) Develop, adopt, and implement specific provisions for pandemic health barrier At the start of the activities and Responsible Entities: measures such as COVID-19 for Project workers, to be developed under the ESMF throughout the implementation of the - MEAH PIU and include these measures in the LMP and relevant ESIAs/ESMPs in a manner Project as long as the Covid-19 pandemic - JIRAMA PIU satisfactory to the Association. persists. - Contractors in charge of the works Persons/Authorities in Charge : - Coordinator of MEAH PIU - Coordinator of the JIRAMA PIU - Project E&S Specialists within MEAH and JIRAMA - JIRAMA/enterprise E&S resource persons ESS 3: RESOURCE EFFICIENCY AND POLLUTION PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT 3.1 WASTE MANAGEMENT Prepare, disclose, consult upon, adopt and thereafter implement specific ESMPs, The ESMPs, including Construction Waste Responsible Entities: which include Construction Waste Management Plans, to minimize adverse Management Plans, shall be developed, - MEAH PIU impacts of the Project on the environment and natural resources in accordance submitted to the Association for approval - JIRAMA PIU with ESS 3. The plans shall comply with best practice principles - avoidance, before the start of the relevant civil works - Contractors in charge of the works reuse and recycling options are to be preferred, where feasible, to disposal. and implemented throughout the project. - Consultants and service providers Resource efficiency must be a specific component of the plans. Any subsequent updates to the ESMPs must Persons/Authorities in Charge : be submitted to the Association for - JIRAMA PIU Coordinator approval before implementation. Once - Project E&S Specialists approved, the ESMPs are to be - JIRAMA/Contractor/provider (E&S) implemented throughout the life of the resource persons project. 3.2 RESSOURCE EFFICIENCY AND POLLUTION PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT Prepare, disclose, consult upon, adopt and thereafter implement specific ESMPs As soon as the environmental and social Responsible Entities: for subprojects with high pollution risks, incorporating specific pollution assessment of an activity or subproject - JIRAMA PIU prevention and management measures in accordance with the measures identifies a significant pollution risk. - Contractors in charge of the works described in the ESMF. All ESMPs shall be approved by the - Consultants and service providers Association and disseminated at the national level and on the Association's Persons/Authorities in Charge : website. - JIRAMA PIU Coordinator Clearance of the ESMPs shall be a - Project E&S Specialists prerequisite for the initiation of bidding - JIRAMA/Contractor/provider (E&S) process for relevant subprojects resource persons MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TO BE IMPLEMENTED Timeframe Responsible Entities/Authorities 3.3 RATIONAL MANAGEMENT OF WATER RESOURCES Responsible Entities: Develop and implement individual ESMPs incorporating specific water efficiency Same timeline as for the preparation, - MEAH PIU measures in accordance with the measures described in the ESMF as well as the clearance, disclosure and implementation - JIRAMA PIU prevention and management of pollution for the entire Project. of ESMPs - Contractors and Subcontractors in charge of the works - Consultants and service providers Persons/Authorities in Charge : - JIRAMA PIU Coordinator - Project E&S Specialists - JIRAMA/Contractor/provider (E&S) resource persons ESS 4: COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SAFETY 4.1 TRAFFIC AND ROAD SAFETY Prepare, consult upon, adopt, disclose and subsequently implement measures and Prepare prior to the start of project Responsible Entities: actions to assess and manage traffic-related risks such as transportation equipment activities and monitor compliance - MEAH PIU during construction/rehabilitation of various infrastructures, and include these throughout project implementation. - JIRAMA PIU measures in the ESMPs to be developed and implemented to the satisfaction of the - Contractors in charge of the works Association. - Mission of Control Persons/Authorities in Charge : - JIRAMA PIU Coordinator - Project E&S Specialists - JIRAMA/Contractor/provider (E&S) resource persons 4.2 COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SAFETY Responsible Entities: (1) Develop, adopt, and implement measures and actions to assess and manage Prior to start of the relevant activities and - JIRAMA PIU the potential risks and impacts of Project activities on local populations, such as throughout the implementation of the - Contractors in charge of the works Project worker behavior, labor influx, GBV-SEA/SH risks, judged relevant Project. - Mission of Control personnel security risks, and emergency response, and include these measures in the ESMPs to be developed under the ESMF in a manner satisfactory to the Persons/Authorities in Charge : Association. - JIRAMA PIU Coordinator - Project E&S Specialists - JIRAMA/Contractor/provider (E&S) resource persons MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TO BE IMPLEMENTED Timeframe Responsible Entities/Authorities (2) Develop, adopt, and implement specific provisions for pandemic health barrier Prior to start of the relevant activities and Responsible Entities: measures such as COVID-19 for local populations in the face of Project labor thereafter maintained throughout the - JIRAMA PIU influx, and include these measures in the ESMPs to be developed and satisfactorily implementation of the Project. - Contractors in charge of the works implemented - Mission of Control Persons/Authorities in Charge : - JIRAMA PIU Coordinator - Project E&S Specialists - JIRAMA/Contractor/provider (E&S) resource persons (3) As part of the Environmental and Social Assessment, the borrower shall Prior to start of the relevant activities and Responsible Entities: conduct a Risk Hazard Assessment (RHA) for the activities that have the potential thereafter maintained throughout the - JIRAMA PIU to generate emergency events. Based on the results of the RHA, the Borrower implementation of the Project. - Contractors in charge of the works shall prepare an Emergency Response Plan (ERP) in coordination with the - Mission of Control relevant local authorities and the affected community Persons/Authorities in Charge : - JIRAMA PIU Coordinator - Project E&S Specialists - JIRAMA/Contractor/provider (E&S) resource persons 4.3 GBV AND SEA RISKS DURING PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION Responsible Entities: (1) Develop, adopt, and implement a GBV/SEA-SH Action Plan for the project as GBV/SEA-SH action plan to be finalized - MEAH PIU part as the ESMF, in accordance with ESS4, relevant World Bank guidelines and and submitted to the Association for - JIRAMA PIU national legislation on GBV. approval no later than two months after -Contractors in charge of the works effective date. Once approved, it shall be (for activity ii) (2) Ensure that codes of conduct and GBV/SEA-SH prevention measures are applied and maintained throughout the integrated into all contractual and procurement documents (ToRs, DAOs, workers' implementation of the project. Persons/Authorities in Charge : contracts). - MEAH PIU Coordinator Any subsequent updates to this GBV/SEA- - JIRAMA PIU Coordinator SH Action Plan shall be submitted to the - Project E&S specialists Association for approval before -Project GBV specialist implementation. Once approved, the - E&S resource persons from JIRAMA / GBV/SEA-SH Action Plan must be the Contractor implemented throughout the project. MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TO BE IMPLEMENTED Timeframe Responsible Entities/Authorities 4,4, SECURITY RISK MANAGEMENT AND INVOLVEMENT OF SECURITY Responsible Entities: PERSONNEL: (1): SMP is part of ESIA and shall be - MEAH PIU (1) Carry out a specific Security Risk Assessment (SRA) for the Project locations prepared, submitted to the Association for - JIRAMA PIU and thereafter prepare, adopt, and implement a Security Management Plan (SMP) prior review and approval, adopted and a -Contractors in charge of the works based on the outcome of the SRS consistent with the requirements of ESS1 and summary/description of the SMP shall be (for activity ii) ESS4 as part of the ESIA to be developed for the project, all in a manner acceptable disclosed by with the same timeline for the to the Association. preparation of each ESIA. Persons/Authorities in Charge : (2) Security personnel shall be recruited throughout Project implementation (2): (a), (b), and (c) - Prior to engaging - MEAH PIU Coordinator through a contract with private security firms or Recipient’s military or other security personnel and thereafter - JIRAMA PIU Coordinator security actors may be engaged. When private security personnel is engaged to implemented throughout Project - Project E&S specialists Project workers, sites, assets, and activities, the Recipient shall ensure that, implementation; (d) and (e) as set out - E&S resource persons from JIRAMA / contractors that need to rely on security services for their personnel and property under actions 10.1 and 10.2 respectively; the Contractor adopt and implement relevant measures in accordance with the measures and within the timeframes requested by specified in the ESIA and SMP and in their respective contracts, guided by the the Association principles of proportionality and GIIP, and by applicable law, in relation to hiring, rules of conduct, training, equipping, and monitoring of such personnel, all consistent with ESS4. The Recipient shall: (a) Assess the risks and impacts of engagement of the security or military personnel, and implement measures to manage such risks and impacts, as reflected in the ESIA and SMP, guided by the principles of proportionality and GIIP, and by applicable law, in relation to hiring, rules of conduct, training, equipping, and monitoring of such personnel. (b) Adopt and enforce standards, protocols and codes of conduct for the selection and use of security personnel, and screen such personnel to verify that they have not engaged in past unlawful or abusive behavior, including SEA/SH or excessive use of force and exclude any individuals who have perpetrated any such abuse; (c) Ensure that such personnel is adequately instructed and trained prior to deployment and on a regular basis, on the use of force and appropriate conduct, as set out in the ESIA and SMP, all satisfactory to the Association; (d) Ensure that the stakeholder engagement activities under the Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) include a communication strategy on the involvement of security or military personnel under the Project; (e) Ensure that any concerns or grievances regarding the conduct of security or military personnel are received, monitored, documented (taking into account the need to protect confidentiality), resolved through the Project’s grievance mechanism (see action 10.2 below) and reported to the Association not later than 07 days after being received; MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TO BE IMPLEMENTED Timeframe Responsible Entities/Authorities 4.5. DAM SAFETY Responsible Entities: Implement any measures identified in the action plan expected to result from the Start after receiving the report related - JIRAMA PIU dam assessment currently underway Dam assessment. Persons/Authorities in Charge : - JIRAMA PIU Coordinator - Project E&S Specialists ESS 5: LAND ACQUISITION, RESTRICTIONS ON LAND USE AND INVOLUNTARY RESETTLEMENT 5.1 RESETTLEMENT PLANS (1) A Resettlement Framework (RF) has been prepared for the project. The RF disclosed on February 18th, 2022. Responsible Entities: Update as necessary, submit for approval, adopt, re-disclose, and thereafter Once approved, it shall be applied and - MEAH PIU implement the RF in accordance with the provisions of ESS 5, and in a manner maintained throughout the acceptable to the Association. implementation of the project. Persons/Authorities in Charge : Any subsequent updates to the RF shall be - MEAH PIU Coordinator submitted to the Association for approval - Project E&S Specialists before implementation. (2) Prepare, adopt and implement, as necessary, individual Resettlement Plans As soon as the social Responsible Entities: (RPs) in accordance with the requirements of the Resettlement Framework (RF) screening/assessment of an activity or - MEAH PIU and ESS 5, and in a manner acceptable to the Association. sub-project indicates the need for land - JIRAMA PIU acquisition and/or involuntary resettlement. Persons/Authorities in Charge : - MEAH PIU Coordinator All RPs must be approved by the - JIRAMA PIU Coordinator Association and disseminated locally, - Project E&S Specialists nationally, and on the Association's website prior to implementation of activities. Each RP must be implemented in full before the start of any corresponding work that may lead to resettlement or land acquisition MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TO BE IMPLEMENTED Timeframe Responsible Entities/Authorities (3) Develop implementation reports for any RPs. These reports shall be submitted (i) Monthly progress report of the RP Responsible Entities: to the Association for approval prior to the start of the work (e.g. construction of prior first week of the next month, - MEAH PIU new stations and related activities, new reservoirs, etc.). (ii) Completion Report with attached - JIRAMA PIU evidence must be sent to the Bank before the end of the relevant RP Persons/Authorities in Charge : - MEAH PIU Coordinator - JIRAMA PIU Technical Specialists 5.2. SECURING OF FUNDS FOR COMPENSATION Responsible Entities: - Ministry of Finance (1) Inclusion of compensation amounts in Finance laws. (1) During the preparation of Finance - MEAH PIU Laws, and funds should be available in a - JIRAMA PIU dedicated account before the start of the work; (2) The resettlement cost will be supported by the project fund. However, the government shall ensure the opening of a resettlement dedicated account and that (2) The dedicated account for this account will be supplied with a minimum of a provision corresponding to the resettlement, shall be available within half of compensation as defined in the Resettlement Framework, to enable six months (06) of project effectiveness. sufficient availability of funds to start payment of compensations. As soon as the final cost of compensations is known, once the different Resettlement Plans are elaborated, the corresponding amount will be fully supplied in this dedicated account to ensure that any financial compensation due to the affected people is paid (3) Opening and funding of an escrow before the start of each work requiring land acquisition, resettlement or access account, if necessary and approved by restrictions. the Association, shall set up at the beginning of work requiring securing (3) In the event that exceptional difficulties are encountered related to the payment funds, to be left open for a period of PAPs for the reasons spelled out in ESS5, ensure that the compensation of PAPs acceptable to the Association are placed in a secure, interest-bearing escrow account before the start of work requiring land acquisition, reinstallation or access restrictions, all in a manner acceptable to the Association. 5.3 GRIEVANCE MECHANISM Before the start of resettlement activities Responsible Entities: An overall GM is developed for the project as a whole as spelled out in the ESMF, and before the start of work. - MEAH PIU RF, and SEP. However, when developing any RP, ensure that this GM is adapted to - JIRAMA PIU be proportional to the scope and the location of the corresponding resettlement activity. Persons/Authorities in Charge : - MEAH PIU Coordinator - JIRAMA PIU Coordinator - Project E&S Specialists MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TO BE IMPLEMENTED Timeframe Responsible Entities/Authorities ESS6. BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION AND SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF LIVING NATURAL RESOURCES 6.1 BIODIVERSITY RISKS AND IMPACTS Responsible Entities: Borrower will carry out an ESIA/ESMP for the WTP in accordance with Prior to any disturbance of the site - JIRAMA PIU requirements of ESS6 during project preparation and implementation. The risks concerned. Once validated, the - Contractors or subcontractors and impacts on biodiversity and aquatic ecosystem related to the WTP will be ESIA/ESMP thus established will be assessed as part of WTP ESIA process and this ESIA will include measures to avoid, applied throughout the implementation of Persons/Authorities in Charge : mitigate, minimize or compensate for the disturbance or negative biological the project activity. - JIRAMA PIU Coordinator impacts through the siting of the works, engineering design or construction - Project E&S Specialists practices. - Contractor E&S resource persons 6.2 RISKS AND IMPACTS ON NATURAL OR CRITICAL HABITATS Prepare, disclose, consult upon and adopt specific ESMPs in accordance with the Responsible Entities: measures described in the ESMF, or possible ESIA for subprojects, to avoid and/or Prior to any disturbance of the concerned - JIRAMA PIU minimize potential impacts of Project activities that will occur in the vicinity of site. Once finalized, the ESMP shall be - Contractors or subcontractors these habitat types. These ESMPs shall be developed in accordance with the applied throughout the implementation of provisions of ESS6 in a manner acceptable to the Association. the project activity. Persons/Authorities in Charge : - JIRAMA PIU Coordinator Include in the ESMP measures to protect aquatic habitats so that water - Project E&S Specialists withdrawals do not harm the aquatic ecosystems concerned. - Contractor E&S resource persons ESS 7: INDIGENOUS PEOPLES/SUB-SAHARAN AFRICAN HISTORICALLY UNDERSERVED TRADITIONAL LOCAL COMMUNITIES NOT RELEVANT ESS 8: CULTURAL HERITAGE 8.1 CHANCE FINDS Prior to the start of Responsible Entities: (1) Ensure that “chance-find� clauses as defined in the project ESMF are included construction/rehabilitation activities. - JIRAMA PIU in all works contracts, even in cases where the probability of discovery is low. Procedures applicable throughout the - Contractors or subcontractors work and continuously until the closing of (2) Develop and implement, if necessary, a Cultural Heritage Management Plan, in the project Persons/Authorities in Charge : case of a chance discovery, in accordance with the provisions of ESS8, and in a - JIRAMA PIU Coordinator manner acceptable to the Association - Project E&S Specialists (3) Apply the “chance-find� procedures described in the ESMF, in accordance with - Contractor E&S resource persons ESS8 and national legislation MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TO BE IMPLEMENTED Timeframe Responsible Entities/Authorities 8.2 CULTURAL HERITAGE Responsible Entities: (1) Develop a specific communication and awareness strategy for all Contractor in Document to be developed in the first year - JIRAMA PIU charge of civil works and its employees, taking into account the procedures of the project. - Contractors or subcontractors described in the ESMF, to avoid and/or mitigate potential impacts of the implementation of Project activities on the cultural heritage of the sites Persons/Authorities in Charge : concerned. - JIRAMA PIU Coordinator - Project E&S Specialists (2) If avoidance of impacts to Cultural Heritage resources is not possible, then - Contractor E&S resource persons develop and implement a specific Cultural Heritage Management Plan. ESS 9: FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES NOT RELEVANT ESS 10: STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE 10.1 STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT PLAN PREPARATION AND IMPLEMENTATION Responsible Entities: A SEP has been prepared by the project. Adopt, update if necessary, consult upon, SEP disclosed on February 18th, 2022. - MEAH PIU disclose and implement the SEP in accordance with ESS 10 Once approved, apply it throughout the Project implementation. All subsequent updated versions of this Persons/Authorities in Charge : SEP shall be submitted to the Association - MEAH PIU Coordinator for approval. - Project E&S Specialists 10.2 PROJECT GRIEVANCE MECHANISM Responsible Entities: The project has temporary GM to manage grievances till the implementation of the GM to be finalized at the same time as the - MEAH PIU final GM of the project. The Project GM was developed under the SEP. This GM shall SEP. GM to be updated periodically, as - JIRAMA PIU have the capacity to handle SEA/SH allegations. The GM shall be finalized at the needed, throughout the implementation of same time as the SEP. the project. Any updates to the GM must Persons/Authorities in Charge : be submitted to the Association for - MEAH PIU Coordinator Finalize, adopt and implement the GM as described in the Stakeholder Engagement approval prior to implementation. Once - JIRAMA PIU Coordinator Plan (SEP) approved, ensure operationalization of - Project E&S Specialists GM and monitoring throughout project implementation. CAPACITY SUPPORT (TRAINING) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TO BE IMPLEMENTED Timeframe Responsible Entities/Authorities CS1 The following trainings (non exhaustive list) themes should at least be conducted Responsible Entities: as part of the Worker capacity building program: Before the start of activities and - MEAH PIU (i) Stakeholder Mobilization for all Project stakeholders implemented throughout the life of the - JIRAMA PIU (ii) Labor Code and Labor Management Procedures for Project Labor Project (iii) Health and safety for workers and communities: hazards and risks, Persons/Authorities in Charge : measures to deal with hazards and risks, emergency procedures for - MEAH PIU Coordinator Project workers - Project E&S Specialists (iv) Emergency preparedness and response for PIUs employees, Project - NGO resource persons, etc. contractors workers (v) Mitigating the risks of Gender-Based Violence for Project workers, (vi) Training on inclusion of vulnerable and disadvantaged groups in the consultation process for PIUs employees, public authorities, (vii) Complaint management mechanism for all Project stakeholders (viii) Development, implementation, monitoring and reporting in accordance with the WMP (ix) Sensitization, awareness and prevention of sexually transmitted infections: HIV/AIDS, ... for Project Labor (x) Raising awareness on GBV including SEA-HS and child protection for Project contractors and subcontractors, (xi) Raising awareness on barrier measures against the spread of Covid- 19 for all Project stakeholders MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TO BE IMPLEMENTED Timeframe Responsible Entities/Authorities CS2 The following training themes (non-exhaustive list) in community capacity building should be at least conducted: Responsible Entities: (i) Effective environmental and social risk management for all concerned From the time of the environmental and - MEAH PIU communities and the PAPs social assessments of the activities / sub- (ii) Community governance, accountability systems projects concerned (ESMF, RPF, etc.), and (iii) WASH for all water and sanitation infrastructures users (JIRAMA to continue before the start of the related Persons/Authorities in Charge : water consumers, school students, teachers, school staff, health activities and throughout the life of the - MEAH PIU Coordinator practitioners, public institutions staff,…) Project - Project E&S Specialists (iv) Operationalization and maintenance of infrastructure (water points - NGO resource persons, etc. committees, local Associations, public institutions, Health Center staff, …) (v) Establishment of a community-based early warning and response system (EWRS) focused on local conflict prevention and resolution for all concerned communities (vi) Complaint and conflict management mechanisms for all Project stakeholders, especially concerned communities, schools, health centers, (vii) Training on the inclusion of vulnerable and disadvantaged individuals and groups for target vulnerable and disadvantaged individuals and groups (viii) Victims of GBV to existing services to fight against GBV for all concerned communities CS3 The following themes (non-exhaustive list) should be conducted for National Responsible Entities: and regional Stakeholder capacity building : Before the start of the activities concerned - MEAH PIU (i) World Bank Environmental and Social Framework and throughout the life of the Project (ii) National environmental and social assessment framework (iii) Preparation of ToRs for ESIAs and RPs Persons/Authorities in Charge : (iv) Implementation of the ESMF, RF, ESMP, RP, etc. - MEAH PIU Coordinator (v) Monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the ESMF, RF, ESMP, - Project E&S Specialists RP, etc. - NGO resource persons, etc. (vi) Mobilization of stakeholders (vii) Operationalization and maintenance of infrastructure and provide guidance for better decentralization and citizen engagement ; (viii) Social review of sub-projects