How to Assess Gender Data Gaps in the Economic Domain Guidance and Baseline Results for the Strengthening Gender Strengthening Gender Statistics Statistics Project’s Partner Countries How to Assess Gender Data Gaps in the Economic Domain Guidance and Baseline Results for the Strengthening Gender Statistics Project’s Partner Countries Published December 2022 Strengthening Gender Statistics This guidance note was developed by Kiran Correa and Anna Bonfert with support from Honore Agbobly-Atayi, Sarah Bunker, Heather Moylan, Miriam Muller, and Ada Nayihouba under the World Bank Strengthening Gender Statistics Project which receives support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The team is grateful for the valuable assistance and collaboration of partner country national statistics offices in completing the country-level gender data gap assessments. Additionally, we would like to thank Marilia Magalhaes for research assistance and Honora Ann Mara for editorial support. Contents Executive Summary .................................................................................... 1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 3 What Is a Gender Data Gap Assessment?.................. .. ……………………………….3 PART I Steps for Calculating a Gender Data Gap Assessment ....................................... 6 Step 1: Review the Indicator Metadata ...................................................................... 7 Step 2: Review Indicator Availability .......................................................................... 8 Step 3: Categorize Indicator Availability .................................................................... 9 Step 4: Document Pertinent Indicator Information …………………………………...10 Step 5: Develop Improvement Strategies ................................................................ 11 Step 6: Summarize and Validate Results with Relevant Stakeholders ……………13 PART II SGS Project Partner Country Results and Lessons .......................................... 14 Results ......................................................................................................................... 15 Lessons........................................................................................................................ 21 APPENDIXES Appendix A: About the Strengthening Gender Statistics (SGS) Project…………..25 Appendix B. Gender Data Gap Assessment Priority Indicators…………………….26 Appendix C. Suggested Outline for a Gender Data Gap Assessment Report……28 Appendix D. Results by Indicator………………………………………………………...29 Executive Summary High-quality gender data are a prerequisite for effective policy making, but too often gender data gaps inhibit progress on crucial development issues. The Strengthening Gender Statistics (SGS) project works with national statistics offices in 12 partner countries to improve the availability, quality, and use of gender data within the economic domain. At the beginning of each country engagement, the team conducted a gender data gap assessment. This summary report provides guidance on why and how such an assessment is conducted and summarizes the main findings of the 12 assessments. A gender data gap assessment is conducted to understand where and why gaps gender data gaps exist. It serves as a tool to identify current gaps in the production and publication of gender data by applying a systematic review method. Although no standardized method exists for conducting a gender data gap assessment, the process often entails a detailed review of past, current, and planned data collection efforts in a country to understand whether these efforts will allow for the calculation and publication of relevant gender statistics. Depending on the assessment’s purpose, the scope and review methodology may differ. For example, an assessment may focus on a specific thematic area, a particular region of interest, or be limited to certain types of data. Inclusion and exclusion criteria for the assessment may consider indicator coverage, frequency, alignment with international standards, quality, and open access, among others. In the case of the SGS project, the gender data gap assessments focus specifically on economic indicators. Our review includes all gender-related Sustainable Development Goals and the United Nations Minimum Set of Gender Indicators that pertain to one of the following three domains: asset ownership and control, work and employment, and entrepreneurship. In total, 24 indicators are considered for this review. For each country, the team assessed whether each of the 24 was available at the country level. Pinpointing the most salient gender data gaps is difficult because doing so involves more than just tallying whether certain data are collected or not. Data gaps arise for different reasons and can be difficult to quantify and compare. Therefore, our assessment applies a scale of six subcategories to properly classify the availability of any given indicator. Findings of a gender data gap assessment can help focus national statistics offices’ and survey practitioners’ efforts to make progress toward narrowing gender data How to Assess Gender Data Guidance and Baseline Results for Gaps in the Economic Domain the SGS Project’s Partner Countries 1 gaps. The SGS Gender Data Gap Assessment particularly emphasized identifying opportunities to narrow and close the identified gaps. First, each country-level assessment helped to determine which surveys could be leveraged, given the specific survey context, in the upcoming months. This exercise identified potential opportunities for including any missing questions/modules and updating respondent selection protocols, ultimately reducing gender data gaps related to the 24 indicators. Second, each assessment highlighted opportunities for analyzing data that are collected but not currently processed and used. Finally, each assessment pointed to opportunities related to data communication and dissemination. A comparison of results across the 12 country-level gender data gap assessments highlights several promising opportunities to narrow existing gender data gaps. At the survey design stage, the assessments have revealed large gaps in the production of sex-disaggregated data on asset ownership, employment, and entrepreneurship. On average, only one-fifth of indicators included in this review is currently available across all countries because of the lack of or inappropriate collection of the relevant data. Technical support to the national statistics offices on survey design could help them properly collect individual-level data and address other methodological concerns. At the data analysis stage, existing data could be much better used to fill gender data gaps. The comparison of results across countries revealed that 38 percent of indicators are currently not published even though the data required to calculate these indicators have been collected in a recent survey or census. In many instances, improving data publication will not require large investments in new survey operations, but will instead require targeted deployment of resources to strengthen data analysis. In a few cases, additional survey questions or use of administrative data may be needed. At the data dissemination stage, most countries could accelerate efforts to make gender data publicly available. Gender factbooks or gender statistical abstracts are good options for disseminating a range of gender data, including economic data, in a compact, user-friendly way. These factbooks can complement other thematic and survey-specific reports, briefs, and abstracts. Among the SGS partner countries, only 5 out of 12 countries have published a gender factbook within the last 10 years. More investments in this area could have an outsized effect on getting gender data out in the public and into the hands of users. How to Assess Gender Data Guidance and Baseline Results for Gaps in the Economic Domain the SGS Project’s Partner Countries 2 Introduction Globally, women control fewer economic resources—including land, financial assets, and employment—than men do, leading to differences in their development outcomes. Gaps in gender data exacerbate the existing issues by misinforming or inadequately shaping policies that should benefit all populations equitably. Collecting data on economic indicators is therefore key to measuring gender inequalities, monitoring progress toward gender-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and conducting research for the design and evaluation of policies and interventions that aim to eliminate gender inequalities. The World Bank’s Strengthening Gender Statistics (SGS) project (appendix A) works with country national statistics offices (NSOs) to strengthen the collection and reporting of sex-disaggregated data on asset ownership and labor outcomes. To begin this effort, the SGS project has conducted gender data gap assessments in each of its 12 partner countries.1 These assessments document the current availability of sex-disaggregated data on asset ownership, employment, and entrepreneurship and identify opportunities to strengthen the collection, analysis, and publication of these data. The ultimate purpose of a gender data gap assessment is to provide a catalyst and road map for improving gender data reporting. This guidance is intended for NSOs and survey practitioners who want to conduct a national gender data gap assessment. Section 2 explains the purpose of a gender data gap assessment, including the specific indicators included in the assessment. Section 3 provides practical guidance on how to conduct a gender data gap assessment. Section 4 concludes by presenting the cross-country results and lessons from the SGS project’s 12 initial assessments in its partner countries. What is a Gender Data Gap Assessment? A gender data gap assessment is conducted at the country level to identify the current gaps in the production and publication of sex-disaggregated data. It provides a baseline understanding of where and why gaps in gender data exist, 1 Individual country gender data gap assessments are available upon request. Please contact for further details. How to Assess Gender Data Guidance and Baseline Results for Gaps in the Economic Domain the SGS Project’s Partner Countries 3 often within a particular topic. The assessments conducted through the SGS project focus specifically on economic indicators in three domains: asset ownership and control, work and employment, and entrepreneurship (box 1). A gender data gap assessment serves as a useful starting point for countries seeking to design and implement efforts to improve gender statistical capacity. A gender data gap assessment in the economic domain should ideally cover 24 priority indicators2 across the three aforementioned domains (appendix B). Priority indicators are those from the SDGs and the United Nations Statistical Division Minimum Set of Gender Indicators that satisfy the following criteria: • The indicator’s metadata call for sex-disaggregation. • Data can be derived from household surveys. • The indicator pertains to one of the three focus areas: asset ownership and control, work and employment, and entrepreneurship. Drawing on the SDG and UNSD minimum indicators has the advantage that indicator metadata are readily available and facilitate benchmarking. Many countries also have their own priorities in these areas, outlined in national strategies and action plans. To maximize the applicability of the assessment results, it is strongly recommended that the assessment also include country- specific priority indicators where applicable. In addition to identifying the current gaps in data production, a gender data gap assessment also summarizes opportunities to narrow and close the identified gaps. First, it helps to determine which surveys can be leveraged, given the specific survey context, in the upcoming months to reduce gender data gaps related to the 24 indicators by including any missing questions/modules and updating respondent selection protocols. Second, it highlights opportunities for analyzing data that are collected but not currently processed and used. Finally, the assessment points to opportunities related to data communication and dissemination. 2 Two indicators are split into parts (a) and (b), and tallied separately, leading to a total of 24 indicators assessed. How to Assess Gender Data Guidance and Baseline Results for Gaps in the Economic Domain the SGS Project’s Partner Countries 4 How to Assess Gender Data Guidance and Baseline Results for Gaps in the Economic Domain the SGS Project’s Partner Countries 5 PART I Steps for Conducting a Gender Data Gap Assessment Conducting a gender data gap assessment involves six main steps, summarized in the following paragraphs and in figure 1. This guidance serves as a basic template that should be adapted as needed to ensure that the final assessment results are as useful as possible. Ultimately, the process is iterative and benefits from frequent consultation with stakeholders, specifically those responsible for data collection and analysis. The gender data gap assessment should be responsive to their feedback and refined as new information is reviewed. Figure 1 Steps to conduct a gender data gap assessment Source: World Bank. Step 1. Review the Indicator Metadata The 24 priority indicators for a gender data gap assessment are drawn from the SDGs and UN Minimum Set of Gender Indicators and are clearly defined in documented metadata (box 2). At the start of a gender data gap assessment, carefully review the metadata for each priority indicator to get a detailed understanding of how the indicator is calculated, required level(s) of disaggregation, and definitions of terms and populations. This step will make it easier to determine whether published national data currently meet the indicator standards and, if not, where discrepancies exist. How to Assess Gender Data Guidance and Baseline Results for Gaps in the Economic Domain the SGS Project’s Partner Countries 7 Step 2. Review Indicator Availability To assess the current availability of indicators, conduct a thorough review of existing survey materials, published documents, and online websites and data portals. This step represents the bulk of the assessment because it requires determining whether and where indicators are currently published. For example, NSOs often publish annual statistical yearbooks, in addition to survey reports summarizing the results of each major survey or census. NSOs also may publish gender factbooks or compendiums with key gender data. Additionally, many NSOs have chosen to publish SDG data and results on dedicated web pages. A gender data gap assessment should review all available resources to determine the publication status of each priority indicator (box 3). The report should record whether the indicators are published across multiple sources or over time. A note on international sources: In some cases, international organizations, such as the World Bank or International Labour Organization, may track or estimate indicators at the national level. Although the gender data gap assessment report can note that data from such organizations exist, the assessment is intended to assess domestic capacity to produce economic data. Therefore, the main assessment results should be based solely on domestic sources of data. How to Assess Gender Data Guidance and Baseline Results for Gaps in the Economic Domain the SGS Project’s Partner Countries 8 Step 3. Categorize Indicator Availability A gender data gap assessment uses a scale that classifies indicator availability on the basis of three characteristics: 1. Whether the indicator is available in the public domain 2. Whether it is calculated according to the international definition (based on the metadata) 3. Whether the data to calculate the indicator are collected on a regular basis (defined as at least every three years. Using the information from the indicator availability review conducted in Step 2, classify each indicator’s availability into one of six categories that fall under three overarching categories: available, partially available, or unavailable (box 4). If an indicator is currently published in accordance with the international definition and data collection standards, it would be considered available. If an indicator is currently published but is, for example, not disaggregated by the categories required to meet the international standard, it would be considered partially available. Unavailable indicators are those for which the underlying data are currently collected through surveys but are not estimated (that is, the data are not analyzed), or the necessary data are not collected through current survey questions at all. How to Assess Gender Data Guidance and Baseline Results for Gaps in the Economic Domain the SGS Project’s Partner Countries 9 Step 4. Document Pertinent Indicator Information In addition to classifying the availability of each indicator, a gender data gap assessment captures other pertinent information that can help pinpoint specific gaps and thus inform future strategies for improvement. Specifically, for each of the 24 SGS priority indicators, summarize information such as the current status of the indicator (that is, whether data are collected and published), the organization(s) responsible for data collection, current data source(s) and frequency of collection, the latest year of data available, and whether the indicator aligns with other national priority indicators. Also include any relevant comments regarding issues or opportunities in data collection and indicator calculation. A relevant comment could include a notation that, although all the data required to calculate the indicator are collected, the survey did not follow best practices for data collection, which may compromise data quality. One best practice highlighted in the SGS Guidance on Survey Design is that of respondent selection and the importance of self-reporting by respondents to collect more accurate data (see box 5). Table 1 provides one option for organizing the data. Table 1 Detailed indicator information Indicator Definition or formula (if different from international definition) Alignment with Sustainable Development Goals and/or United Nations Statistical Division Minimum Gender Indicator List National priority indicator? (Yes/No) Indicator tier Organization(s) responsible for the data collection Data source(s) Last year of available data Survey frequency Indicator status Comments Source: Advanced Data Planning Tool (ADAPT), PARIS21. How to Assess Gender Data Guidance and Baseline Results for Gaps in the Economic Domain the SGS Project’s Partner Countries 10 Step 5. Develop Improvement Strategies The second part of a gender data gap assessment focuses on highlighting strategies to close the identified reporting gaps. Every gap presents an opportunity to improve data production and country reporting capacity. Small changes in how data are collected, analyzed, and disseminated can have a sizable impact not just on data reporting but also potentially on whether and how data are ultimately used in policy making. The SGS project categorizes gaps into four different components following the data production cycle (figure 2), which can guide the development of suggestions and strategies for improvement. 1. The data for an indicator are not collected. Obtaining the necessary information to calculate a missing indicator may require data collection through new surveys or administrative data collection. Although the design and implementation of new surveys and administrative processes are beyond the scope of the SGS project, a gender data gap assessment can highlight this gap and potentially be used to advocate for needed data collection operations. 2. The data for an indicator may be collected, but the quality of data collection may be weak. If so, the second part of the assessment should provide suggestions for strengthening survey methodology. Suggestions may include improvements to questionnaires, enumerator recruitment and training, and respondent selection criteria. 3. The data collection for an indicator may be methodologically sound but the data may not be analyzed. The assessment can highlight cases in which the currently collected data could be disaggregated by sex and other relevant characteristics and could be used to calculate missing indicators for reporting. 4. An indicator may be produced but not disseminated and used. The assessment can highlight ways to communicate published indicators through different media and to different audiences to maximize their utility. How to Assess Gender Data Guidance and Baseline Results for Gaps in the Economic Domain the SGS Project’s Partner Countries 11 Figure 2 Areas of SGS project support Source: World Bank. Note: SGS = Strengthening Gender Statistics. The SGS project has created several resources to assist in the development of concrete recommendations for improving different aspects of the data production cycle (box 5). These resources can be used when completing step 5. How to Assess Gender Data Guidance and Baseline Results for Gaps in the Economic Domain the SGS Project’s Partner Countries 12 Step 6. Summarize and Validate Results with Relevant Stakeholders The final step of a gender data gap assessment is to summarize and validate the results with relevant stakeholders. The results can be summarized in a variety of ways, but the general recommendation is to produce a report documenting the full results, even if shorter versions (for example, briefs, memos, or presentations) are used for communication and policy purposes. Appendix C provides a suggested template for a gender data gap assessment report. The results can then be shared and validated with relevant stakeholders. As mentioned previously, stakeholders such as NSO staff involved in gender data production would ideally be involved in steps 1 through 5 of the assessment. Regardless, at the end of the assessment, NSO staff and other identified relevant stakeholders should be consulted to verify that all sources of data have been captured and that the assessment results and suggested improvement strategies accurately reflect the data production situation in the country. Use feedback to refine the assessment, and repeat the validation process as needed. How to Assess Gender Data Guidance and Baseline Results for Gaps in the Economic Domain the SGS Project’s Partner Countries 13 PART II SGS Partner Country Results and Lessons This section summarizes the results of the SGS Gender Data Gap Assessments conducted in the 12 current SGS project partner countries, starting with a high- level, cross-country overview of indicator availability across the three economic domains.3 It then provides lessons based on both the SGS Gender Data Gap Assessment results and the process for conducting the assessment. Results Large variation exists within SGS partner countries in current production and dissemination of asset, employment, and entrepreneurship indicators (figure 3). Looking at the availability of all indicators, the percentage of the priority indicators currently available (regularly or irregularly) within countries ranges from 0 percent to 58 percent. The average availability across countries, however, is just 20 percent. This finding means that, on average, four out of five priority indicators are either partially available or not available. Figure 3 Availability of 24 assessment indicators across SGS partner countries Source: World Bank calculation based on SGS GDGA for each partner country. 3 Individual reports document detailed country results. Appendix D presents the results for all countries by indicator. How to Assess Gender Data Guidance and Baseline Results for Gaps in the Economic Domain the SGS Project’s Partner Countries 15 On average across countries, the greatest availability is of employment indicators. Across the 12 SGS partner countries, an average of 24 percent of the employment indicators are available (regularly or irregularly), compared to just 12 percent of asset and 13 percent of entrepreneurship indicators. Figure 4 illustrates the distribution of countries by the percentage of available employment indicators. Despite the comparatively better performance in this domain, 6 out of 12 countries currently publish less than half of the priority indicators. Figure 4 Distribution of countries based on percent of available employment indicators Source: World Bank calculation based on SGS GDGA for each partner country. In all but one country, at least one employment indicator is available (regularly or irregularly) (figure 5). Several indicators were consistently unavailable across countries: • Average income of small-scale food crop producers, disaggregated by sex and indigenous status • Frequency of fatal occupational injuries (generally not collected through survey data) • Prime age employment-to-population ratio disaggregated by sex, household type, and presence of children Countries more commonly produced indicators such as labor force participation rate disaggregated by sex and child labor rates disaggregated by sex and age. How to Assess Gender Data Guidance and Baseline Results for Gaps in the Economic Domain the SGS Project’s Partner Countries 16 Figure 5 Availability of 17 employment indicators across SGS partner countries Source: World Bank calculation based on SGS GDGS for each partner country. Note: SGS = Strengthening Gender Statistics. Countries report only a limited number of asset indicators. In most countries, only one out of five asset indicators is currently available (regularly or irregularly) (figure 6). Three countries do not currently publish any of the asset indicators (figure 7). Figure 6 Distribution of countries based on percent of available asset indicators Source: World Bank calculation based on SGS GDGA for each partner country. How to Assess Gender Data Guidance and Baseline Results for Gaps in the Economic Domain the SGS Project’s Partner Countries 17 The asset indicators included in the SGS Gender Data Gap Assessment cover land ownership and rights, financial assets, and mobile phones. In general, data are most available for mobile phone ownership. Availability of data on individual ownership of financial accounts is mixed. Availability of data on the three indicators related to land ownership (one on agricultural land, two on both agricultural and nonagricultural land) and secure tenure rights is weakest. In many cases, countries do not collect in full the data needed to calculate the two indicators related to land assets. Surveys often lack questions on, for example, security of tenure rights and landholders’ perception of how secure tenure rights are. Another common issue is that surveys ask about household rather than individual ownership and rights. Several countries, however, collect data for agricultural land thanks to agriculture modules in household surveys collecting data on ownership and rights of agricultural land at the individual level. Figure 7 Availability of five asset indicators across SGS partner countries Source: World Bank calculation based on SGS GDGA for each partner country. Note: SGS = Strengthening Gender Statistics. Most countries lack indicators on women’s entrepreneurship (figure 8). Eight out of 12 SGS partner countries do not publish either of the two priority indicators of entrepreneurship. No country currently publishes both. How to Assess Gender Data Guidance and Baseline Results for Gaps in the Economic Domain the SGS Project’s Partner Countries 18 Figure 8 Availability of two entrepreneurship indicators across SGS partner countries Source: World Bank calculation based on SGS GDGA for each partner country. Note: SGS = Strengthening Gender Statistics. Less than half of countries have published a gender factbook. The SGS Gender Data Gap Assessments also reviewed how and where countries publish gender data. Gender factbooks or gender statistical abstracts are a good way to disseminate a range of gender data, including economic data, in a compact, user- friendly way. These factbooks can complement other thematic and survey-specific reports, briefs, and abstracts. Globally, 49 percent of developing countries have published a gender factbook according to the SGS team’s calculations. Among SGS partner countries, 5 out of 12 countries (42 percent) have published a gender factbook within the last 10 years (figure 9). However, only one SGS partner country, Burkina Faso, has published a gender factbook since 2019. Several countries are in the process of developing such publications, to be released over the next couple of years. Table 2 provides a summary of the availability of gender factbooks in SGS partner countries. How to Assess Gender Data Guidance and Baseline Results for Gaps in the Economic Domain the SGS Project’s Partner Countries 19 Figure 9 Number of SGS countries with and without gender factbooks Source: World Bank calculation based on SGS GDGA for each partner country. Note: SGS = Strengthening Gender Statistics. Table 2 Availability of gender factbooks in SGS partner countries Country Factbook? Year Name of publication name Bangladesh Yes 2018 Gender Statistics of Bangladesh 2018 Benin No Burkina Faso Yes 2020 Femmes et Hommes au Burkina Faso en 2020 Cameroon No Congo, Rep. No Djibouti No Ghana Yes 2014 Women and Men in Ghana Lao PDR No Madagascar No Mali Yes 2017 Femmes et Hommes au Mali Somalia No Tanzania Yes 2018 Women and Men - Facts and Figures, 2018 Source: World Bank calculation based on SGS GDGA for each partner country. Note: SGS = Strengthening Gender Statistics. How to Assess Gender Data Guidance and Baseline Results for Gaps in the Economic Domain the SGS Project’s Partner Countries 20 Lessons Several lessons emerged while conducting these inaugural SGS Gender Data Gap Assessments. These lessons relate not only to the assessment results but also to the assessment process. The following paragraphs summarize the lessons from the SGS Gender Data Gap Assessment results by SGS project component and key take-aways related to the overall process of assessing data gaps. Component 1. Data production Overall, large gaps exist in the production of sex-disaggregated data on asset ownership, employment, and entrepreneurship. As previously mentioned, on average only one-fifth of indicators is currently available across all countries because of the lack of or inappropriate collection of the relevant data. Most surveys collect household-level data. Because these data don’t provide information on owners’ or individuals’ rights over the land, this limited type of data collection makes it impossible to compute the gender indicators related to land ownership. Technical support to NSOs on survey design could help them properly collect individual-level data on assets including land. Infrequency of data collection presents a common challenge. In almost all SGS partner countries, most available and partially available indicators are considered “irregularly collected” because the gaps in data collection are greater than three years. Including relevant questions across multiple surveys could help increase data collection frequency. Disaggregation of data needs to go beyond sex to other socio-demographic and economic characteristics. In many cases, indicators are classified as “partially available” because, although disaggregated by sex, they have not been disaggregated by other characteristics required by the indicator definition, such as disability, migration, and urban/rural status. In some cases, surveys may need new questions. In other cases, surveys already routinely collect this individual information, and the improvement would occur under the data analysis component. How to Assess Gender Data Guidance and Baseline Results for Gaps in the Economic Domain the SGS Project’s Partner Countries 21 Component 2. Data analysis Countries have already collected considerable data that can be used to calculate indicators and fill the assessment gaps. On average across countries, 38 percent of indicators are currently not published even though a recent survey or census has collected the data required to calculate the indicator. Thus, in many instances, improving data publication will not require large investments in new survey operations, but rather involve targeted deployment of resources to strengthen data analysis. In a few cases, additional survey questions or use of administrative data may be needed. Component 3. Data dissemination Most countries would benefit from publishing a gender factbook to disseminate data on international and national gender priorities, including economic priorities, in one place. Key take-aways related to the assessment process Consider a wide range of surveys, including surveys that may not be about economic issues specifically. The most common sources of indicators in SGS partner countries included labor and child labor surveys, Living Standards Measurement Surveys, general household surveys, agricultural surveys and censuses, and population censuses. Other surveys in partner countries—for example, enterprise surveys, Demographic and Health Surveys, Multiple Indicators Cluster Surveys, and surveys of technology use—often included one or more relevant indicators. The assessment should review all potential sources of data. Review survey questionnaires to understand what questions are asked and to whom they are asked. In many cases, indicator definitions build on multiple survey questions. Reviewing the survey questionnaire can determine whether it collects all the relevant pieces of data needed to calculate the indicator. Understanding to whom questions are asked—for example, household head, each family member individually, a random sample of family members, all household How to Assess Gender Data Guidance and Baseline Results for Gaps in the Economic Domain the SGS Project’s Partner Countries 22 members, or just those over a certain age—is also important to understand the quality of the data and who the data cover. Cast a wide net when reviewing publications for gender-related economic indicators. In addition to survey reports, SGS partner countries published data in gender factbooks, statistical abstracts, thematic briefs, previous evaluations of gender data, and online portals including social media outlets. Although a lot of the data and publications were housed in the NSO website, in some cases, information was stored on the websites of government ministries, such as those that cover women and children or labor and employment. Additionally, many countries have built or are in the process of developing dedicated websites to track progress toward the SDGs. These websites are often linked through the NSO website but may be housed within the website of a planning ministry or office of the prime minister. The process is iterative by design. New or different information may emerge about the same indicator as each document or resource is reviewed. For example, the labor force participation rate by sex may be published in multiple places and over multiple years. Recording new information as it appears creates a more complete picture of all the places where a given indicator is published and all the ways it is collected and reported. Document supplementary information to ensure the gender data gap assessment is actionable. The goal of the assessment is to highlight opportunities for improvement in gender data reporting. Documenting the details, such as the relevant national and international stakeholders, can help in those efforts, for example by identifying who might need to be brought into conversations regarding improving a survey questionnaire or implementing a training. Identifying issues with the formulation of survey questions, frequency of data collection, and analytic challenges likewise makes it easier to develop improvement strategies. How to Assess Gender Data Guidance and Baseline Results for Gaps in the Economic Domain the SGS Project’s Partner Countries 23 APPENDIXES How to Assess Gender Data Guidance and Baseline Results for Gaps in the Economic Domain the SGS Project’s Partner Countries 24 Appendix A. About the SGS Project Having reliable and complete data on how economic realities for men and women differ and what social factors influence them is essential for designing effective policies necessary for developmental progress. Too often, data gaps inhibit progress on crucial development issues. To address these gaps, the SGS project works with partner countries to improve the availability, quality, and use of gender data as well as to generate lessons for global engagement on the topic. Launched in October 2020 with support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the SGS project catalyzes planned or ongoing World Bank statistical capacity projects in partner countries eligible for International Development Association assistance by providing technical assistance to NSOs on survey design and postsurvey analysis and dissemination. Premised on a demand-driven approach, the project seeks to reduce gender data gaps in the economic domain, specifically in asset ownership, employment, and entrepreneurship, in partner countries by the end of 2023. It also seeks to create spillover influence to increase focus on gender gaps in broader World Bank statistical capacity operations. The SGS project provides support in three key areas of the data production cycle to help overcome common data challenges. Under SGS component 1 on data production, the SGS project provides targeted fixes to survey design and implementation protocols within each country’s specific survey context. Under SGS component 2 on data analysis, the SGS project offers country-tailored data analysis training on generating basic gender statistics calculated using internationally recognized methodology. Finally, under SGS Component 3 on data dissemination, the SGS project supports the production of gender abstracts and factbooks and works with partner countries to promote the dissemination of data sets and associated reports. Currently, the SGS project supports 12 partner countries: Bangladesh, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Djibouti, Ghana, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Madagascar, Mali, the Republic of Congo, Somalia, and Tanzania. How to Assess Gender Data Guidance and Baseline Results for Gaps in the Economic Domain the SGS Project’s Partner Countries 25 Appendix B. SGS Gender Data Gap Assessment Priority Indicators The SGS project has developed a list of priority indicators and works toward improving the availability and quality of these indicators. These indicators were selected from the Sustainable Development indicators and the UN Minimum Set of Gender indicators if they satisfy the following criteria: (1) the indicator metadata call for sex-disaggregation; (2) data can be derived from household surveys; and (3) the indicator pertains to one of the three SGS focus areas—that is, asset ownership and control, employment, and entrepreneurship. Custodian SDG UNSD # Indicator Description Tier agencies indicator minimum indicator Assets Proportion of adults (15 years and older) with an account at a 1 bank or other financial institution or with a mobile-money 1 World 8.10.2 I.11 service provider*+ Bank 2 Proportion of individuals who own a mobile telephone, by sex*+ 2 ITU 5.b.1 I.18 (a) Proportion of total agricultural population with ownership or secure rights over agricultural land, by sex; and (b) share of 3 2 FAO 5.a.1 I.12 women among owners or rights-bearers of agricultural land, by type of tenure*+ World Bank Proportion of total adult population with secure tenure rights to 4a 2 and UN 1.4.2 land, (a) with legally recognized documentation+ Habitat Proportion of total adult population with secure tenure rights to World Bank 4b land (b) who perceive their rights to land as secure, by sex and 2 and UN 1.4.2 type of tenure+ Habitat Employment Average number of hours spent on unpaid domestic and care UNSD/UN 5 work, by sex, age and location Note: Separate domestic work 2 5.4.1 I.1 Women and care work, if possible)* + Average number of hours spent on total work (total work 6 2 UNS I.2 burden), by sex* D Labor force participation rate for persons aged 15–24 and 7 1 ILO I.3 15+, by sex* 8 Proportion of employed who are own-account workers, by sex* 1 ILO I.4 How to Assess Gender Data Guidance and Baseline Results for Gaps in the Economic Domain the SGS Project’s Partner Countries 26 Proportion of employed who are contributing family workers, by 9 1 ILO I.5 sex* Proportion of youth (aged 15–24 years) not in education, 10 1 ILO 8.6.1 I.7 employment, or training, by sex and age*+ Percentage distribution of employed population by sector, 11 each sex (sectors here refer to Agriculture; Industry; 1 ILO I.8 Services)* Proportion of informal employment in nonagriculture 12 2 ILO 8.3.1 I.9 employment, by sex*+ Custodian SDG UNSD # Indicator Description Tier agencies indicator minimum indicator 13 Unemployment rate, by sex, age, and persons with disabilities*+ 1 ILO 8.5.2 I.10 Average hourly earnings of female and male employees, by occupation, age, and persons with disabilities+ Note: The 14 corresponding UNSD indicator is Gender gap in wages, by 2 ILO 8.5.1 I.13 occupation, age and persons with disabilities* 15 Proportion of employed working part-time, by sex* 2 ILO I.14 Prime-age employment-to-population ratio by sex, household 16 1 ILO I.15 type and presence of children* Average income of small-scale food producers, by sex and 17 2 FAO 2.3.2 indigenous status+ 18 Proportion of women in managerial positions+ 1 ILO 5.5.2 Proportion and number of children aged 5–17 years engaged in 19 2 ILO/UNICEF 8.7.1 child labor, by sex and age+ Frequency rates of nonfatal occupational injuries, by sex and 20a 2 ILO 8.8.1 migrant status+ Frequency rates of fatal occupational injuries, by sex and 20b 2 ILO 8.8.1 migrant status+ Entrepreneurship 21 Proportion of employed who are employer, by sex* 1 ILO I.6 Percentage of adult population who are entrepreneurs, by sex 22 Note: This indicator was previously on the UNSD minimum 3 indicator list but was removed in the most recent round. Source: Inter-Agency Expert Group on Gender Statistics’ Advisory Group on Gender Indicators and content/uploads/2020/03/MappingGenderDataGaps_Economic.pdf. Note: FAO = Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; ILO = International Labour Organization; ITU = International Telecommunication Union; SDG = Sustainable Development Goal; UNSD = United Nations Statistics Division. *UN Minimum Indicators List Indicator +Data2X Gender-Relevant SDG Economic Opportunity Indicator How to Assess Gender Data Guidance and Baseline Results for Gaps in the Economic Domain the SGS Project’s Partner Countries 27 Appendix C. Suggested Outline for a Gender Data Gap Assessment Report Section 1. Background a. Assessment purpose b. Assessment methodology Section 2. Results: Indicator availability Section 3. Opportunities for improving reporting on sex-disaggregated data on asset ownership and labor outcomes a. Opportunities for closing identified gaps b. Activities and timeline for improvements Appendixes a. Indicators covered in the assessment b. Information on how sex-disaggregated data on asset ownership, employment and entrepreneurship are currently collected and presented nationally c. Key stakeholder mapping How to Assess Gender Data Guidance and Baseline Results for Gaps in the Economic Domain the SGS Project’s Partner Countries 28 Appendix D. Results by Indicator Source: World Bank calculation based on SGS GDGA for each partner country. Note: LFPR = labor force participation rate; SGS = Strengthening Gender Statistics. How to Assess Gender Data Guidance and Baseline Results for Gaps in the Economic Domain the SGS Project’s Partner Countries 29