World Bank Group Country Survey FY 2023 – Malaysia

The World Bank Group is interested in gauging your views as someone involved in development
in Malaysia. The following survey will give us greater insight into how the Bank’s work is
perceived by its clients, partners, opinion leaders, and decision makers in Malaysia.

A local independent firm has been hired to oversee the logistics of this survey. This ensures
anonymity and confidentiality. None of the results will be attributable to a specific individual. We
hope you’ll be candid. If you feel that you do not have enough information on a subject to answer
a question, please select “Don’t know”.

If you have any questions about this survey, please contact us at:

Please click the arrow below to begin the survey. By starting the survey, you indicate that you
have read the purpose of the survey and voluntarily agree to participate.

The World Bank Group Country Survey FY23      Malaysia                               page 1 of 15
 1. Which of the following best describes your current affiliation? (Select only 1 response)
  1     Office of the President, Prime Minister, Minister

  2     Office of a Parliamentarian (Legislative body)
        Government Institution: Employee of a Ministry / Ministerial Department / Project Implementation Unit /
  3     Independent Government Institution (e.g., Central Bank, Regulatory or Oversight Agency) / Judiciary /
        State-Owned Enterprise

  4     Local Government Office or Staff

  5     Bilateral or Multilateral Agency (e.g., embassy, development organization, development bank, UN Agency)
        Civil Society Organization: local and regional (NGO; Community Based Organization; Private Foundation;
        Professional / Trade association, Faith-Based Group, Youth Group)

  7     Private Sector: Private Company / Financial Sector Organization / Private Bank

  8     Academia / Research Institute / Think Tank

  9     Media

 10     Other (please specify)

 2. How familiar are you with the work of the World Bank Group in Malaysia?
         1             2         3         4         5              6      7      8       9              10
 Not familiar at
                                                                                                 Extremely familiar

 3. Currently, do you professionally collaborate/work with the World Bank Group (IBRD, IFC,
 MIGA, ICSID) in your country?
 1    Yes
 2    No

 4. Which, if any, of the following agencies of the World Bank Group do you primarily
 collaborate/work with in Malaysia? (Select only 1 response)
 1    The World Bank (IBRD)
 2    The International Finance Corporation (IFC)
 3    The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA)
 4    International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)

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 A1. In general, would you say that Malaysia is headed in ... ?
 1    The right direction
 2    The wrong direction
 3    Not sure

 A2. To what extent, do you trust each of the following groups to do what is right?
                                                                     To no degree                      To a very significant    Don't
                                                                     at all                                         degree      know
  1    The national government                                       1       2   3    4        5   6   7     8     9       10    

  2    Local government                                              1       2   3    4        5   6   7     8     9       10    

  3    Parliament/legislative branch                                 1       2   3    4        5   6   7     8     9       10    
  4    Malaysia Central Bank (Bank Negara Malaysia)                  1       2   3    4        5   6   7     8     9       10    

  5    The World Bank Group                                          1       2   3    4        5   6   7     8     9       10    

  6    The International Monetary Fund                               1       2   3    4        5   6   7     8     9       10    

  7    The United Nations (UN)                                       1       2   3    4        5   6   7     8     9       10    
  8    Regional development banks (ADB, JICA, etc.)                  1       2   3    4        5   6   7     8     9       10    

  9    Private sector                                                1       2   3    4        5   6   7     8     9       10    

 10    Civil society (e.g., NGOs, CBOs)                              1       2   3    4        5   6   7     8     9       10    

 11    Academia/think tanks/research institutions                    1       2   3    4        5   6   7     8     9       10    
 12    Media                                                         1       2   3    4        5   6   7     8     9       10    

 A3. How effective has the World Bank Group been in achieving development results in
        1            2      3       4      5   6        7        8       9                10                           
 Not effective at
                                                                                     Very effective              Don't know

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 To what extent do you agree/disagree with the following statements about the World Bank
 Group’s work in Malaysia?
                                                                              Strongly                                       Strongly      Don't
                                                                              disagree                                          agree      know
        The World Bank Group currently plays a relevant role in
 A4                                                                            1       2       3   4    5    6      7   8    9        10    
        development in Malaysia.
        The World Bank Group’s work is well aligned with what
 A5                                                                            1       2       3   4    5    6      7   8    9        10    
        I consider the development priorities for Malaysia.
        The World Bank Group’s work helps end extreme
 A6                                                                            1       2       3   4    5    6      7   8    9        10    
        poverty in Malaysia.

 A7. To what extent does the World Bank Group influence the development agenda in
         1                2       3       4       5       6       7       8        9                   10                         
 To no degree at                                                                                        To a very
                                                                                                                            Don't know
 all                                                                                           significant degree

 A8. How significant a contribution do you believe the World Bank Group's knowledge work
 and activities make to development results in Malaysia?
 Knowledge work includes analytical reports, data, policy notes, hands-on advice, and knowledge-sharing
 workshops or training programs. This may be delivered as part of ongoing WBG operations or through
 Reimbursable Advisory Services (RAS).
             1                2       3       4       5       6       7        8           9                10                        

 Not significant at all                                                                                 Very significant         Don't know

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 B1. Which areas should the World Bank Group prioritize in its work in Malaysia to have the
 most impact on development results in the country? (Choose no more than 5)
        Gender equity: close gender gaps in health, education, social protection, economic opportunities, and voice
        and agency
  2     Water supply and sanitation infrastructure

        Health: universal health coverage, primary health systems, pandemic preparedness, eradicating infectious

  4     Transport: roads, bridges, sustainable transportation

        Energy / Extractives: access to energy, transition to cleaner energy sources; governance of oil, gas, and
        mineral resources
        Public sector governance: efficiency, effectiveness, accountability, and transparency of government
  6     institutions
  7     Agriculture and food security: sustainable agriculture, inclusive and efficient food systems

  8     Education: education quality, more resilient and equitable education systems

  9     Climate change: mitigation, adaptation, and transition to a low-carbon economy

  10    Digital Development: digital infrastructure, digital services, digital skills development

  11    Macroeconomic stability: sustainable fiscal policy, effective tax administration, monetary policy

        Social Inclusion: increasing opportunities for marginalized people to participate fully in markets, services, and

  13    Crime and violence: violence prevention and law enforcement

  14    Private sector development: business regulation, access to finance, improved competitiveness

        Environment / Natural resource management: air/water quality, sustainable land and aquatic resource
        management, biodiversity; disaster risk management
  16    Urban development: urban planning, services, and institutions

  17    Cost of living / income inequality

  18    Law and justice: efficient and fair justice institutions

  19    Foreign direct investment

  20    Trade: access to markets, tariffs, customs

  21    Social protection: pensions, social assistance, social safety nets

  22    Job creation / employment: labor policies, skills development
  23    Regional integration: promote common physical and institutional infrastructure

  24    Debt sustainability: management, relief, financing, and transparency

  25    Other (please specify): ________________________

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  B2. What is your level of concern for each of the potential impacts of climate change as it
  affects your country?
                                                                                A little   Somewhat      Very
                                                                              concerned    concerned   concerned
                                                                    at all
   1    Forest fires                                                                                    
   2    Decreased crop yields/food insecurity                                                           
   3    Climate-driven migration                                                                        
   4    More frequent and severe floods                                                                 
   5    More frequent and severe droughts / heatwaves                                                   
   6    Effects on public health                                                                        
   7    Air pollution                                                                                   
   8    Extinction of plant/animal species                                                              
   9    Land and forest degradation                                                                     
  10    Loss of jobs                                                                                    
        Increase in natural disasters (for example, cyclones or
  11                                                                                                    
        sea-level surges)
  12    Increase erosion of shoreline                                                                   
  13    Unsafe drinking water                                                                           
  14    Diminished water supply for people and the economy                                              

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  C1. When thinking about the WBG’s role in Malaysia, which activity or activities do you VALUE
  the most? (Choose no more than 2)
         Bringing together different stakeholder groups (including other development agencies and donors) to
         support Malaysia’s development efforts
    2    Providing data and statistics
    3    Producing research on global development issues (e.g., reports, publications, research papers)
    4    Providing advisory services and analytics to support design or implementation of policies
         Providing financial resources (i.e., investment lending, Development Policy Loans, Trust Funds,
    6    Capacity building and training
    7    Mobilizing third-party financial resources
    8    Other (please specify): ________________________

  To what extent is the WBG an effective development partner in Malaysia, in terms of each of
  the following?
                                                                   To no degree                To a very significant   Don't
                                                                   at all                                   degree     know
   C2     Responsiveness to needs                                   1    2    3   4   5    6   7      8    9    10      

   C3     Access to WBG staff and experts                           1    2    3   4   5    6   7      8    9    10      
   C4     Flexibility when circumstances change                     1    2    3   4   5    6   7      8    9    10      

   C5     Being a long-term partner                                 1    2    3   4   5    6   7      8    9    10      

  C6. Which THREE of the following groups should the WBG collaborate with more in
  Malaysia? (Choose no more than 3)
   1    The national/federal government
   2    Local government
   3    Parliament/legislative branch
   4    Regional development banks (ADB, JICA, etc.)
   5    Private sector
   6    Civil society (e.g., NGOs, CBOs)
   7    Other donors and development partners
   8    Academia/think tanks/research institutions
   9    Media
   10   Other (please specify): ________________________

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  C7. To what extent is the WBG an effective development partner in Malaysia, in terms of
  collaborating with the following groups:
                                                 To no degree                       To a very significant   Don't
                                                 at all                                           degree    know
   1    The national/federal government           1      2      3   4   5   6   7     8       9      10      
   2    Local government                          1      2      3   4   5   6   7     8       9      10      

   3    Parliament/legislative branch             1      2      3   4   5   6   7     8       9      10      
        Regional development banks (ADB, JICA,
   4                                              1      2      3   4   5   6   7     8       9      10      
   5    Private sector                            1      2      3   4   5   6   7     8       9      10      

   6    Civil society (e.g., NGOs, CBOs)          1      2      3   4   5   6   7     8       9      10      

   7    Other donors and development partners     1      2      3   4   5   6   7     8       9      10      
        Academia/think tanks/research
   8                                              1      2      3   4   5   6   7     8       9      10      
   9    Media                                     1      2      3   4   5   6   7     8       9      10      

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The following questions ask about the WBG’s advisory services and analytical (knowledge)
work in Malaysia.
Advisory services and analytics are non-lending activities that help clients or audiences advance a
development objective. These may include analytical reports, data, policy notes, hands-on advice, and
knowledge-sharing workshops or training programs. Advisory services and analytics may be delivered as
part of ongoing World Bank Group operations or through Reimbursable Advisory Services (RAS).

  C8. Have you used the WBG’s advisory services and analytics in the past?
  1     Yes
  2     No
  3     Not sure

  To what extent do you believe that the WBG Global Knowledge and Research Hub in Malaysia:
                                                             To no degree at                   To a very significant   Don't
                                                             all                                            degree     know

             Provides opportunity for Malaysia to share
   C9        more broadly its knowledge with                  1       2    3   4   5   6   7     8      9      10       
             developing countries
             Helps Malaysia strengthen its research
  C10                                                         1       2    3   4   5   6   7     8      9      10       
             Helps Malaysia’s efforts to reach developed
  C11                                                         1       2    3   4   5   6   7     8      9      10       
             nation status

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  C12. To what extent do you agree/disagree with the following statements?
  (If you have NO exposure to, or experience with, the World Bank Group’s advisory services and analytical work
  – please respond “Don’t know”)
                                                                Strongly                           Strongly   Don't
                                                                disagree                              agree   know
       I am satisfied with the quality of the WBG’s advisory
   1                                                            1     2    3   4   5   6   7   8   9    10     
       services and analytical work in Malaysia.
       The WBG’s advisory services and analytical work are
   2                                                            1     2    3   4   5   6   7   8   9    10     
       The World Bank Group’s advisory services and
   3   analytical work include appropriate level of             1     2    3   4   5   6   7   8   9    10     
       stakeholder involvement during preparation
       The WBG brings global expertise to Malaysia as part
   4                                                            1     2    3   4   5   6   7   8   9    10     
       of its advisory services and analytical work.
       The World Bank Group’s analytical products are
   5                                                            1     2    3   4   5   6   7   8   9    10     
       adequately disseminated
       The WBG’s advice and recommendations are
   6                                                            1     2    3   4   5   6   7   8   9    10     
       tailored to Malaysia’s context.
       I anticipate using the WBG's advisory services and
   7                                                            1     2    3   4   5   6   7   8   9    10     
       analytical work in the future.


  D1. In your opinion, what is the most important thing the WBG could do to help increase
  its effectiveness in Malaysia? (Please be specific)

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  E1. How do you get most of your information about economic and social development
  issues in Malaysia? (Choose no more than 3)
   1   Television (TV)                                       6    Blogs
   2   Radio                                                 7    Podcasts
   3   Newspapers (Print or online)                          8    e-Newsletters
   4   Social media
                                                             9    Other (please specify): _________________
   5   Research papers / Official statistics

  E2. How would you prefer to obtain information from the WBG?
  (Choose no more than 3)
   1    e-Newsletters                                        6    Website
        Direct contact with staff (e.g., in person,
   2                                                         7    Direct messaging (e.g., WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber)
        virtually, phone, email)
                                                                  Event/conference/ seminar/workshop (in person
   3    Blogs                                                8
                                                                  or online)
   4    Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter)               9    Interviews and press conferences
   5    Podcasts                                             10   Other (please specify): _________________

  E3. Do you recall seeing or hearing anything about the WBG in the last 30 days?
  1    Yes
  2    No

  E4. Where do you recall seeing or hearing this information? (Check all that apply)
   1    Television (TV)
   2    Radio
   3    Newspapers (Print or online)
   4    Event / conference / seminar (in person or online)
   5    WBG Website
   6    Social media
   7    Direct contact with WBG staff (e.g., in person, virtually, phone, email)
   8    Blogs
   9    Podcasts
  10    e-Newsletters
  11    Direct messaging (e.g., WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber)
  12    Other (please specify): _________________

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  E5. On what social media platforms do you recall seeing this information? (Check all that
   1   Facebook

   2   Instagram

   3   Twitter

   4   LinkedIn

   5   YouTube

   6   WhatsApp

   7   Other (please specify): _________________

  E6. What topics were included in what you saw or heard? (Check all that apply)

   1    WBG work or research on climate change (mitigation, adaptation)

   2    WBG work or research on food insecurity

   3    WBG work to provide debt relief for developing countries

   4    WBG global economic forecasts

   5    WBG research or work in support for education systems in developing countries

   6    WBG work or research on energy (increasing energy supply, reducing dependence of fossil fuels)

   7    WBG work or research on inclusive growth in Malaysia

   8    WBG work or research to promote Sustainable Finance in Southeast Asia

   9    Other (please specify): ________________________

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  E7. To what extent do you agree with the following statements:
                                                                  To no degree               To a very significant   Don't
                                                                  at all                                  degree     know
       The WBG helps address the current food crisis and
   1   enables greater preparedness to future food                1     2    3   4   5   6   7     8     9    10      
       security crises

       The WBG supports countries to ensure transition to
   2                                                              1     2    3   4   5   6   7     8     9    10      
       more diversified and cleaner sources of energy

       The WBG helps countries boost climate resilience
   3                                                              1     2    3   4   5   6   7     8     9    10      
       and mitigate the effects of climate challenge

       The WBG provides support to improve access and
   4                                                              1     2    3   4   5   6   7     8     9    10      
       quality of education in developing countries.

       The WBG is committed to comprehensive debt
   5   solutions that bring significant benefits to people in     1     2    3   4   5   6   7     8     9    10      
       poor countries
       The WBG’s work on inclusive growth aims to ensure
   6   that the benefits of economic development are              1     2    3   4   5   6   7     8     9    10      
       shared equitably across all segments of society
       The WBG leverages Malaysia's expertise in Islamic
       finance, green finance, and socially responsible
   7                                                              1     2    3   4   5   6   7     8     9    10      
       investing to promote sustainable finance in
       Southeast Asia

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  E8. Over the past SIX MONTHS, how often did you engage with the WBG in any of the
  following ways?
                                                                        Every few   Every few   Every few   Not
                                                                          DAYS       WEEKS      MONTHS      at all
       Read or heard a story about the WBG in national or local media
   1                                                                                                         
       (newspaper, TV, radio)
       Read or heard a story about the WBG in international media
   2                                                                                                         
       (newspaper, TV, radio)

   3   Read a WBG post / tweet on social media                                                               

   4   Visited a WBG website (e.g., read a blog, used its data)                                              

       Attended a WBG event/conference/seminar/workshop (in
   5                                                                                                         
       person or online)
   6   Read some, or all, of a WBG research paper or publication                                             
       Had an exchange with WBG staff, in person, virtually, or by
   7                                                                                                         
   8   Read a WBG e-newsletter                                                                               

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  F1. Which, if any, of the following is the primary specialization of your work?
  (Select only 1 response)
   1     Education                                                11   Trade
   2     Health                                                   12   Environment / Natural resource management
         Poverty reduction, social protection, labor policies,
   3                                                              13   Climate change
   4     Gender                                                   14   Agriculture and food security
   5     Transport                                                15   Urban development
   6     Water, sanitation                                        16   Disaster risk management
   7     Digital development                                      17   Finance and markets
   8     Energy / Extractives                                     18   Generalist (specialize in multiple sectors)
   9     Public sector governance, anti-corruption                19   Other (please specify): ____________________
   10    Macroeconomics, fiscal management                        20   None of the above

  F2. Within your organization, would you describe yourself as ….
  1     Junior level
  2     Mid-level staff
  3     Mid-level decision-maker / manager
  4     Senior level

  F3. What’s your gender?
  1     Female
  2     Male

  F4. What’s your age?
  1     25 and under
  2     26-35
  3     36-45
  4     46-55
  5     56 and above

  F5. Which best represents your geographic location?
  1     Putrajaya and Kuala Lumpur / Klang Valley
  2     Rest of Peninsular Malaysia
  3     Sabah
  4     Sarawak

                             Thank you for completing this survey!

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