SELECTED INDICATORS*                                    Avg. '10-19     2015       2016       2017       2018       2019       2020        2021       2022       2023 E             2024 F

GDP growth (annual %)                                          7.0       7.0        6.9        7.0        7.5        7.1       -3.1          3.0       5.2          5.4               5.8
GDP per capita growth (annual %, real)                         5.6       5.5        5.5        5.6        6.2        5.8       -4.2          1.8       4.0          4.3               4.7
GDP per capita (US$, nominal)                               1184.1    1183.2     1281.3     1397.0     1527.3     1667.8     1584.0       1625.3    1738.9       1876.0            2010.6
Private Consumption growth (annual %)                          6.5       9.4        5.8        3.7        6.8        5.9       -4.0         -0.7      33.0        -16.1               2.2
Gross Investment ( % of nominal GDP)                          20.0      21.4       21.7       21.9       22.6       23.4       23.5         39.3      53.4         37.3              31.2
Gross Investment - Public ( % of nominal GDP)²                   ..        ..         ..         ..         ..         ..         ..           ..        ..           ..                ..

Inflation, consumer prices (annual %, EOP or MRV)¹             2.9       2.8        3.8        2.2        1.6        3.1        2.9          3.8       3.0          2.8                 ..
Inflation, consumer prices (annual %, period average)          2.9       1.2        3.0        2.9        2.5        1.9        2.9          2.8       5.5          3.0               2.8
Base Money (% of GDP)                                         71.0      72.4       79.2       88.2      100.7      116.3      143.3        130.7      89.7         83.0              84.0
Domestic Credit to the Private Sector ( % of GDP)2            66.6      74.3       81.7       86.7       99.6      114.2      139.6        166.3     180.0            ..                ..
10 year interest rate (annual average)¹                          ..        ..         ..         ..         ..         ..         ..           ..        ..           ..                ..
Nominal Exchange Rate (local currency per USD)              4043.2    4025.0     4058.0     4062.0     4067.0     4070.0     4077.4       4100.0    4150.0       4110.0            4100.0
Real Exchange Rate Index (2015=100)                           97.5     100.0      101.8      101.7       98.5       99.1      103.5         79.1      55.7         45.8              42.3

Revenue (% of GDP)                                            20.4       19.7       20.9       21.9       23.8       27.0       23.8        22.0       23.7        21.4               22.0
Expenditure (% of GDP)                                        22.2       20.2       21.1       22.7       23.4       25.5       28.8        29.2       28.2        27.9               27.9
Interest Payments (% of GDP)                                   0.4        0.3        0.4        0.4        0.4        0.4        0.6         0.7        0.6         0.6                0.6
Non-Interest Expenditure (% of GDP)                           21.8       19.9       20.7       22.3       23.0       25.1       28.2        28.5       27.7        27.3               27.4
Overall Fiscal Balance (% of GDP)                             -1.8       -0.5       -0.2       -0.8        0.4        1.5       -4.9        -7.2       -4.5        -6.5               -5.9
Primary Fiscal Balance (% of GDP)                             -1.3       -0.2        0.2       -0.4        0.8        1.9       -4.3        -6.5       -4.0        -5.9               -5.3
General Government Debt (% of GDP)                            30.0       31.2       29.1       30.3       28.3       28.1       36.1        36.3       37.0        34.8               35.8
External Public Debt (% of GDP)²                              29.4       31.3       29.2       29.7       28.5       28.0       34.0        35.2       34.1           ..                 ..

Export growth, G&S (nominal US$, annual %)                    12.4        7.5        9.0        9.4       12.3        8.5        2.1        11.2       31.9        19.0              22.4
Import growth, G&S (nominal US$, annual %)                    12.2        7.6        9.0        7.8        9.3       17.4        9.7        47.8       37.2       -21.1              11.9
Merchandise exports (% of GDP)                                43.7       45.4       45.5       45.2       46.0       46.0       51.8        62.8       71.4        73.4              75.9
Merchandise imports (% of GDP)                                54.9       57.3       56.9       55.6       55.1       54.6       65.7        92.4       93.0        71.9              74.4
Services, net (% of GDP)                                       6.6        7.5        7.0        7.0        7.4        1.8        1.4       -10.9      -33.2       -10.2              -1.6
Current account balance (current US$ millions)             -1602.1    -1680.6    -1756.6    -1634.4    -1540.5    -2155.0    -1938.3    -10711.1    -7437.5       766.4            1164.4
Current account balance (% of GDP)                            -9.1       -9.2       -8.8       -7.4       -6.3       -8.0       -7.5       -39.7      -25.5         2.4               3.4
Foreign Direct Investment, net inflows (% of GDP)             12.0        9.5       12.0       12.1       12.6       13.2       13.5        12.6       11.7        11.4              10.4
Multilateral debt (% of total external debt)2                    ..         ..         ..         ..         ..         ..         ..          ..         ..          ..                ..

                                                                                                                                                               See next page for more indicators
SELECTED INDICATORS*                                                                    Avg. '10-19                  2015               2016                  2017                 2018                 2019             2020          2021          2022         2023 E          2024 F

Population, total (millions)                                                                     15.3                15.4                15.6                 15.8                  16.0                 16.2             16.4          16.6          16.8           16.9            17.1
Population Growth (annual %)                                                                      1.4                 1.4                 1.3                  1.3                   1.2                  1.1              1.2           1.2           1.1            1.1             1.0
Unemployment Rate²                                                                                0.5                 0.4                 0.7                  0.1                   0.1                  0.1              0.3           0.3           0.4              ..              ..

GDP (current LCU, millions)                                                            73974686.8           73422701.6         81241866.0            89830524.8           99544274.8         110014048.2           105899309.1   110548038.2   121006210.9   130652522.2     141145762.6
GDP (current US$, millions)                                                               18278.1              18241.7            20020.2               22114.9              24476.1             27030.5               25972.0       26962.9       29158.1       31788.9         34425.8
GDP per capita LCU (real)                                                               2730101.1            2769713.7          2922496.8             3086269.9            3276522.2           3468153.5             3322017.5     3382908.7     3519610.8     3671316.0       3844388.1
Human Development Index Ranking³                                                            150.0                 150                150                   149                  150                 150                   149           147           148              ..              ..
CPIA (overall rating)2                                                                        3.4                  3.4                3.4                   3.4                  3.4                 3.4                   3.4           3.5           3.6             ..              ..
Economic Management2                                                                          4.0                  4.0                4.0                   4.0                  4.2                 4.2                   4.2           4.2           4.2             ..              ..
Structural Policies2                                                                          3.5                  3.5                3.5                   3.3                  3.3                 3.3                   3.3           3.5           3.5             ..              ..
Policies for Social Inclusion and Equity2                                                     3.4                  3.4                3.4                   3.4                  3.4                 3.5                   3.5           3.6           3.8             ..              ..
Public Sector Management and Institutions2                                                    2.7                  2.7                2.7                   2.7                  2.6                 2.6                   2.7           2.8           2.8             ..              ..


Notes: ".." indicates not available. E = estimate, F = forecast. Data from MFMOD unless otherwise noted.
1/ World Bank GEM database; MRV = Most recent value.
2/ World Development Indicators Database and World Bank Staff Estimates.
3/ The HDI ranking in 2001 is in relation to 175 countries and in 2010 in relation to 169 countries. Methodological enhancements in HDI calculations have resulted in notable improvements in the countries' rankings.

Sources: MFMOD Database, World Bank WDI and GEM databases, IMF.
SELECTED INDICATORS*                                    Avg. '10-19       2015        2016        2017       2018        2019        2020       2021        2022         2023 E              2024 F

GDP growth (annual %)                                          7.7         7.0         6.8         6.9        6.7         6.0         2.2         8.4         3.0           5.2                4.5
GDP per capita growth (annual %, real)                         7.1         6.4         6.2         6.3        6.3         5.6         2.0         8.4         3.0           5.3                4.5
GDP per capita (US$, nominal)                               7610.2      8054.1      8089.9      8784.7     9867.6     10187.0     10532.6     12574.1     12686.5       12373.1            13479.4
Private Consumption growth (annual %)                          8.4         9.3         8.9         7.1        7.5         6.5        -1.7        11.7         0.5          10.1                6.2
Gross Investment ( % of nominal GDP)                          43.2        41.9        41.6        42.0       43.0        42.6        42.0        42.1        42.2          41.0               40.9
Gross Investment - Public ( % of nominal GDP)                  6.8         6.7         7.5         7.5        9.0         5.7         6.9         6.6         6.6           7.0                7.2

Inflation, consumer prices (annual %, EOP or MRV)¹             2.7         1.7         2.1         1.7        1.8         4.5         0.2         1.4         1.8           -0.3                0.1
Inflation, consumer prices (annual %, period average)          2.6         1.4         2.0         1.6        2.1         2.9         2.5         0.9         2.0            0.2                1.0
Base Money (% of GDP)                                        183.0       191.4       198.9       197.2      193.3       193.6       206.4       200.9       212.3          224.9              237.6
Domestic Credit to the Private Sector ( % of GDP)2           144.0       152.6       156.2       154.9      157.8       165.4       182.9       177.3       185.4              ..                 ..
10 year interest rate (annual average)¹                        3.6         3.4         2.9         3.6        3.6         3.2         2.9         3.0         2.8            2.7                2.4
Nominal Exchange Rate (local currency per USD)                 6.5         6.2         6.6         6.8        6.6         6.9         6.9         6.4         6.7            7.2                7.0
Real Exchange Rate Index (2015=100)                           90.8       100.0        95.5        95.0       97.6        96.4        98.5       102.1        98.6           89.4               90.9

Revenue (% of GDP)                                            35.6        35.2        34.7        35.6       37.2        36.5        34.8        35.2        32.5           32.8               30.4
Expenditure (% of GDP)                                        37.2        37.5        37.6        38.0       40.5        41.1        43.4        39.1        38.8           38.6               36.8
Interest Payments (% of GDP)                                   1.1         1.1         1.0         0.9        0.9         1.0         1.0         1.0         1.1            1.2                1.0
Non-Interest Expenditure (% of GDP)                           36.1        36.4        36.5        37.0       39.6        40.2        42.3        38.2        37.7           37.5               35.8
Overall Fiscal Balance (% of GDP)                             -1.5        -2.3        -2.9        -2.4       -3.3        -4.6        -8.5        -4.0        -6.3           -5.8               -6.4
Primary Fiscal Balance (% of GDP)                             -0.5        -1.2        -1.8        -1.4       -2.4        -3.6        -7.5        -3.0        -5.2           -4.7               -5.4
General Government Debt (% of GDP)                            35.6        36.7        36.7        36.2       36.5        38.5        45.4        46.9        50.4           54.2               57.5
External Public Debt (% of GDP)                                1.2         1.2         1.3         1.4        1.4         1.4         1.6         1.5         1.4            1.5                1.8

Export growth, G&S (nominal US$, annual %)                    8.1         -4.2        -6.9        10.5        9.1        -0.8         4.1        29.8         4.5         -6.8                 6.3
Import growth, G&S (nominal US$, annual %)                   10.0        -10.7        -3.0        13.9       15.9        -2.5        -4.8        30.0         1.5         -3.3                 9.6
Merchandise exports (% of GDP)                               20.5         19.3        17.7        18.1       17.5        16.6        16.9        18.1        18.7         17.6                17.5
Merchandise imports (% of GDP)                               16.7         14.1        13.4        14.2       14.7        13.9        13.4        14.9        14.9         14.3                15.9
Services, net (% of GDP)                                     -1.5         -2.0        -2.1        -2.1       -2.1        -1.8        -1.0        -0.6        -0.5         -0.8                 0.2
Current account balance (current US$ millions)           177362.6     293022.3    191337.0    188676.1    24130.9    102909.9    248835.6    352885.8    401860.4     264593.4            158169.5
Current account balance (% of GDP)                            1.9          2.6         1.7         1.5        0.2         0.7         1.7         2.0         2.2          1.5                 0.8
Foreign Direct Investment, net inflows (% of GDP)             1.3          0.6        -0.4         0.2        0.7         0.4         0.7         0.9         0.2         -0.9                -0.6
Multilateral debt (% of total external debt)2                   ..           ..          ..          ..         ..          ..          ..          ..          ..           ..                  ..

                                                                                                                                                                     See next page for more indicators
SELECTED INDICATORS*                                                                   Avg. '10-19                  2015                 2016                 2017                2018                 2019                   2020                 2021                  2022         2023 E         2024 F

Population, total (millions)                                                                 1374.6               1379.9              1387.8               1396.2               1402.8               1407.7                1411.1                1412.4                 1412.2        1411.9         1411.5
Population Growth (annual %)                                                                    0.6                  0.6                 0.6                  0.6                  0.5                  0.4                   0.2                   0.1                    0.0           0.0            0.0
Unemployment Rate                                                                               3.9                  5.2                 4.2                  4.1                  4.0                  4.7                   4.6                   3.8                    2.6           2.7            3.0
International poverty rate ($2.15 in 2017 PPP)³                                                 3.0                  1.2                 0.8                  0.7                  0.4                  0.1                   0.1                   0.1                    0.1           0.1            0.1
Lower middle-income poverty rate ($3.65 in 2017 PPP)³                                          12.6                  9.8                 7.8                  6.8                  5.0                  3.0                   2.0                   1.3                    1.1           0.8            0.6
Upper middle-income poverty rate ($6.85 in 2017 PPP)³                                          39.9                 37.9                34.2                 32.0                 28.1                 24.7                  24.7                  20.8                   19.3          17.2           15.3

GDP (current LCU, millions)                                                           68480866.8           69209369.9           74598050.8           82898276.4          91577426.0           99070839.5           102562836.6           114528292.7          120501703.6        125779096.8    133184808.9
GDP (current US$, millions)                                                           10500328.5           11113528.0           11227075.0           12265317.4          13841901.3           14340665.6            14862526.5            17759146.5           17915602.4         17469318.9     19026401.6
GDP per capita LCU (real)                                                                49016.3              50156.8              53285.7              56643.7             60184.9              63540.4               64808.4               70221.0              72329.4            76132.6        79571.8
Human Development Index Ranking⁴                                                            95.2                  93                   93                   92                  85                   81                    76                    74                   75                   ..             ..
CPIA (overall rating)2                                                                         ..                   ..                   ..                   ..                  ..                   ..                    ..                    ..                   ..                 ..             ..
Economic Management2                                                                           ..                   ..                   ..                   ..                  ..                   ..                    ..                    ..                   ..                 ..             ..
Structural Policies2                                                                           ..                   ..                   ..                   ..                  ..                   ..                    ..                    ..                   ..                 ..             ..
Policies for Social Inclusion and Equity2                                                      ..                   ..                   ..                   ..                  ..                   ..                    ..                    ..                   ..                 ..             ..
Public Sector Management and Institutions2                                                     ..                   ..                   ..                   ..                  ..                   ..                    ..                    ..                   ..                 ..             ..


Notes: ".." indicates not available. E = estimate, F = forecast. Data from MFMOD unless otherwise noted. Poverty data are expressed in 2017 PPP, versus 2011 PPP in previous editions - resulting in major changes. See
1/ World Bank GEM database; MRV = Most recent value.
2/ World Development Indicators Database and World Bank Staff Estimates.
3/ Last grouped data available to calculate poverty is for 2020 provided by NBS.Projection using neutral distribution (2020) with pass-through = 0.85 based on GDP per capita in constant LCU.Actual data: 2020. Nowcast: 2021-2023. Forecasts are from 2024 to 2026.
4/ The HDI ranking in 2001 is in relation to 175 countries and in 2010 in relation to 169 countries. Methodological enhancements in HDI calculations have resulted in notable improvements in the countries' rankings.

Sources: MFMOD Database, World Bank WDI and GEM databases, IMF.
SELECTED INDICATORS*                                    Avg. '10-19    2015      2016      2017      2018      2019      2020      2021      2022       2023 E        2024 F

GDP growth (annual %)                                          3.3       4.5       2.4       5.4       3.8      -0.6     -17.0      -4.9      20.0         8.0          3.5
GDP per capita growth (annual %, real)                         3.1       4.3       2.3       5.3       3.8      -0.5     -17.2      -5.3      19.4         7.3          2.8
GDP per capita (US$, nominal)                               4968.7    5034.2    5279.6    5868.3    5919.1    5971.4    5121.9    4552.5    5319.0      5804.3       6060.9

Inflation, consumer prices (annual %, EOP or MRV)¹             2.8       1.6       3.9       2.8       4.9      -0.9      -2.8       3.0       3.6         4.6           4.5
Inflation, consumer prices (annual %, period average)          3.0       1.6       3.9       2.8       4.8      -0.9      -2.8       3.0       3.1         5.1           3.3
Base Money (% of GDP)                                         65.3      66.6      65.8      75.1      65.8      75.5     102.7     157.8     150.6       159.2         171.7
Domestic Credit to the Private Sector ( % of GDP)2            82.8      78.8      84.4      86.2      92.8     102.2     123.3     134.4     118.3           ..            ..
10 year interest rate (annual average)¹                          ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..          ..            ..
Nominal Exchange Rate (local currency per USD)                 2.0       2.1       2.1       2.1       2.1       2.1       2.0       2.1       2.2         2.2           2.2
Real Exchange Rate Index (2015=100)                           97.4     100.0     102.3     107.1     100.6     102.8     103.7      90.9      90.7        88.1          85.9

Revenue (% of GDP)                                               ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..           ..            ..
Expenditure (% of GDP)                                           ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..           ..            ..
Interest Payments (% of GDP)                                     ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..           ..            ..
Non-Interest Expenditure (% of GDP)                              ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..           ..            ..
Overall Fiscal Balance (% of GDP)                             -2.0      -1.8      -1.3      -1.8      -5.5      -2.7     -13.0     -11.7     -10.3         -5.1          -7.3
Primary Fiscal Balance (% of GDP)                                ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..           ..            ..
General Government Debt (% of GDP)                               ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..           ..            ..
External Public Debt (% of GDP)²                              14.6      14.5      14.4      14.1      13.2      13.1      20.4      28.2      32.2            ..            ..

Export growth, G&S (nominal US$, annual %)                     7.0      -6.6       0.3       9.7       4.7       2.3     -50.6     -12.6     107.2        29.6           5.5
Import growth, G&S (nominal US$, annual %)                     7.1     -10.4       1.3      12.3       9.7       7.1     -35.1       9.3      49.2         7.4           5.1
Merchandise exports (% of GDP)                                23.2      20.8      18.7      18.4      18.0      18.9      18.5      20.6      21.1        20.0          20.1
Merchandise imports (% of GDP)                                45.6      40.2      38.9      38.8      42.4      44.4      33.3      42.6      54.0        50.9          50.7
Services, net (% of GDP)                                      16.0      16.0      16.3      15.4      16.6      15.1      -1.9      -5.2      11.7        20.1          19.8
Current account balance (current US$ millions)              -293.2    -160.0    -172.8    -359.5    -460.4    -703.7    -646.4    -669.3    -855.4      -298.7        -425.6
Current account balance (% of GDP)                            -6.2      -3.5      -3.6      -6.7      -8.5     -12.8     -13.7     -15.9     -17.3        -5.5          -7.4
Multilateral debt (% of total external debt)2                    ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..          ..            ..

                                                                                                                                               See next page for more indicators
SELECTED INDICATORS*                                                                Avg. '10-19            2015          2016         2017          2018         2019        2020        2021           2022         2023 E          2024 F

Population, total (millions)                                                                  0.9            0.9           0.9           0.9          0.9          0.9         0.9          0.9           0.9            0.9             0.9
Population Growth (annual %)                                                                  0.2            0.2           0.1           0.1          0.0         -0.1         0.2          0.5           0.6            0.7             0.7
Unemployment Rate²                                                                            4.3            4.3           4.3           4.3          4.3          4.4         4.8          4.9           4.3              ..              ..
International poverty rate ($2.15 in 2017 PPP)³                                               0.8              ..            ..            ..           ..         1.3         2.9          3.7           1.8            1.2             1.0
Lower middle-income poverty rate ($3.65 in 2017 PPP)³                                         9.2              ..            ..            ..           ..        12.4        19.5         21.9          14.6           12.2            11.4
Upper middle-income poverty rate ($6.85 in 2017 PPP)³                                        45.6              ..            ..            ..           ..        52.6        64.4         67.2          57.1           52.1            49.9

GDP (current LCU, millions)                                                              9141.2         9822.1       10327.3 11065.0 11650.6 11761.9                       9613.2       8914.1      10963.0         12032.4        12654.2
GDP (current US$, millions)                                                              4547.7         4617.4        4848.7 5393.1 5439.6 5484.6                          4714.3       4209.3       4945.4          5435.0         5715.9
GDP per capita LCU (real)                                                               10208.1        10444.5       10686.3 11250.4 11679.6 11618.3                       9618.2       9107.3      10869.7         11659.2        11983.0
Human Development Index Ranking⁴                                                          105.7           106           105     104     104     106                          107          110          104                ..             ..
CPIA (overall rating)2                                                                        ..             ..            ..      ..      ..      ..                         3.4          3.5          3.5               ..             ..
Economic Management2                                                                          ..             ..            ..      ..      ..      ..                         3.2          3.2          3.2               ..             ..
Structural Policies2                                                                          ..             ..            ..      ..      ..      ..                         3.5          3.7          3.7               ..             ..
Policies for Social Inclusion and Equity2                                                     ..             ..            ..      ..      ..      ..                         3.8          3.8          3.8               ..             ..
Public Sector Management and Institutions2                                                    ..             ..            ..      ..      ..      ..                         3.2          3.3          3.2               ..             ..


Notes: ".." indicates not available. E = estimate, F = forecast. Data from MFMOD unless otherwise noted. Poverty data are expressed in 2017 PPP, versus 2011 PPP in previous editions - resulting in major changes. See
1/ World Bank GEM database; MRV = Most recent value.
2/ World Development Indicators Database and World Bank Staff Estimates.
3/ Calculations based on EAPPOV harmonization, using 2019-HIES.Projection using neutral distribution (2019) with pass-through = 0.87 (Med (0.87)) based on GDP per capita in constant LCU. Actual data: 2019. Nowcast: 2020-2023. Forecasts are from
4/ The HDI ranking in 2001 is in relation to 175 countries and in 2010 in relation to 169 countries. Methodological enhancements in HDI calculations have resulted in notable improvements in the countries' rankings.

Sources: MFMOD Database, World Bank WDI and GEM databases, IMF.
SELECTED INDICATORS*                                    Avg. '10-19      2015        2016        2017        2018        2019       2020       2021       2022      2023 E                 2024 F

GDP growth (annual %)                                          5.4         4.9         5.0         5.1         5.2         5.0       -2.1        3.7        5.3        5.0                    4.9
GDP per capita growth (annual %, real)                         4.1         3.6         3.8         3.8         4.0         3.9       -3.1        2.6        4.3        4.1                    4.1
GDP per capita (US$, nominal)                               3633.7      3331.7      3562.8      3837.6      3893.9      4135.2     3871.9     4293.3     4725.6     4866.7                 5126.3
Private Consumption growth (annual %)                          5.1         4.8         5.0         5.0         5.1         5.2       -2.7        2.0        5.0        4.9                    4.9
Gross Investment ( % of nominal GDP)                          32.2        32.8        32.6        32.2        32.3        32.3       31.7       30.8       29.1       29.3                   29.3
Gross Investment - Public ( % of nominal GDP)                  3.1         3.7         3.2         3.1         2.6         2.5        2.3        2.4        2.2        2.2                    2.1

Inflation, consumer prices (annual %, EOP or MRV)¹             4.7        3.4         3.0         3.6         3.1         2.6         1.7        1.9        5.5        2.6                    2.8
Inflation, consumer prices (annual %, period average)          4.7        6.4         3.5         3.8         3.3         2.8         2.0        1.6        4.1        3.7                    3.0
Base Money (% of GDP)                                         38.7       39.5        40.4        39.9        38.8        38.8        44.7       46.4       43.5       42.2                   46.4
Domestic Credit to the Private Sector ( % of GDP)2            35.8       39.1        39.4        38.7        38.8        38.4        38.7       37.0       35.3          ..                     ..
10 year interest rate (annual average)¹                        7.6        8.3         7.7         7.1         7.7         7.6         7.2        6.5        7.1        6.7                    6.6
Nominal Exchange Rate (local currency per USD)             11803.7    13389.4     13308.3     13380.8     14236.9     14147.7     14582.2    14308.1    14849.9    15236.9                15500.0
Real Exchange Rate Index (2015=100)                          105.1      100.0       103.5       104.4        98.6       103.2       101.9      100.8      104.8      104.8                  103.1

Revenue (% of GDP)                                            13.9        13.1        12.5        12.3        13.1        12.4       10.7       11.8       13.5       13.3                    12.9
Expenditure (% of GDP)                                        15.8        15.7        15.0        14.8        14.9        14.6       16.8       16.4       15.8       14.9                    15.1
Interest Payments (% of GDP)                                   1.4         1.4         1.5         1.6         1.7         1.7        2.0        2.0        2.0        2.1                     2.1
Non-Interest Expenditure (% of GDP)                           14.4        14.3        13.6        13.2        13.2        12.8       14.8       14.4       13.8       12.8                    13.1
Overall Fiscal Balance (% of GDP)                             -2.0        -2.6        -2.5        -2.5        -1.8        -2.2       -6.1       -4.6       -2.4       -1.7                    -2.2
Primary Fiscal Balance (% of GDP)                             -0.6        -1.2        -1.0        -0.9        -0.1        -0.5       -4.1       -2.5       -0.4        0.4                    -0.2
General Government Debt (% of GDP)                            26.5        27.5        28.3        29.4        29.8        30.2       39.3       40.7       39.5       39.0                    38.4
External Public Debt (% of GDP)                               12.9        12.2        12.1        12.1        12.2        11.4       13.2       12.2       11.5       11.0                    12.6

Export growth, G&S (nominal US$, annual %)                     5.7       -13.8        -2.1        15.7         9.1        -5.6      -10.8       38.3       27.9       -7.2                    4.1
Import growth, G&S (nominal US$, annual %)                     8.3       -17.8        -3.9        14.6        19.6        -6.6      -21.7       36.1       25.5       -3.1                    3.5
Merchandise exports (% of GDP)                                18.3        17.3        15.5        16.6        17.3        15.1       15.4       19.6       22.2       18.9                   18.5
Merchandise imports (% of GDP)                                16.7        15.7        13.9        14.8        17.4        14.7       12.8       15.9       17.4       15.5                   15.6
Services, net (% of GDP)                                      -1.0        -1.0        -0.8        -0.7        -0.6        -0.7       -0.9       -1.2       -1.5       -1.3                   -0.8
Current account balance (current US$ millions)            -18578.7    -17518.7    -16952.3    -16196.1    -30633.1    -30279.1    -4433.3     3510.7    13215.1    -1567.3                -9487.2
Current account balance (% of GDP)                            -1.9        -2.0        -1.8        -1.6        -2.9        -2.7       -0.4        0.3        1.0       -0.1                   -0.7
Foreign Direct Investment, net inflows (% of GDP)              1.5         1.2         1.7         1.8         1.2         1.8        1.3        1.5        1.4        1.1                    1.3
Multilateral debt (% of total external debt)2                    ..          ..          ..          ..          ..          ..         ..         ..         ..         ..                     ..

                                                                                                                                                                   See next page for more indicators
SELECTED INDICATORS*                                                                    Avg. '10-19                     2015                     2016                     2017                     2018                     2019                      2020            2021             2022           2023 E            2024 F

Population, total (millions)                                                                   256.5                   258.4                    261.6                    264.7                    267.7                     270.6                    273.5           276.4            279.1            281.7            284.0
Population Growth (annual %)                                                                     1.3                     1.3                      1.2                      1.2                      1.1                       1.1                      1.1             1.0              1.0              0.9              0.8
Unemployment Rate                                                                                6.0                     6.2                      5.6                      5.5                      5.3                       5.3                      7.1             6.5              5.9              5.3              5.3
International poverty rate ($2.15 in 2017 PPP)³                                                 10.1                     8.4                      7.6                      6.7                      5.4                       4.4                      3.8             3.6              2.5              1.9              1.5
Lower middle-income poverty rate ($3.65 in 2017 PPP)³                                           38.1                    36.2                     33.8                     29.9                     26.5                      24.7                     23.5            22.4             20.3             18.1             16.3
Upper middle-income poverty rate ($6.85 in 2017 PPP)³                                           72.6                    73.5                     68.8                     65.6                     62.9                      61.9                     60.8            60.7             60.5             58.9             57.0

GDP (current LCU, millions)                                                       11161670310.0            11526332800.0            12401728500.0            13589825700.0            14838756000.0            15832657200.0             15443353200.0       16976751400.0    19588089900.0    20892376700.0    22566055833.7
GDP (current US$, millions)                                                            933899.4                 860854.2                 931877.4                1015618.7                1042271.5                1119099.9                 1059054.8           1186509.7        1319076.3        1371171.2        1455874.6
GDP per capita LCU (real)                                                            34287985.8               34764315.6               36071049.7               37456609.9               38950313.9               40458688.1                39203193.0          40237327.2       41951989.8       43661005.3       45456551.2
Human Development Index Ranking⁴                                                          114.2                      113                     115                      114                       113                     111                       112                  113             112                 ..               ..
CPIA (overall rating)2                                                                        ..                       ..                       ..                       ..                       ..                       ..                        ..                  ..               ..               ..               ..
Economic Management2                                                                          ..                       ..                       ..                       ..                       ..                       ..                        ..                  ..               ..               ..               ..
Structural Policies2                                                                          ..                       ..                       ..                       ..                       ..                       ..                        ..                  ..               ..               ..               ..
Policies for Social Inclusion and Equity2                                                     ..                       ..                       ..                       ..                       ..                       ..                        ..                  ..               ..               ..               ..
Public Sector Management and Institutions2                                                    ..                       ..                       ..                       ..                       ..                       ..                        ..                  ..               ..               ..               ..


Notes: ".." indicates not available. E = estimate, F = forecast. Data from MFMOD unless otherwise noted. Poverty data are expressed in 2017 PPP, versus 2011 PPP in previous editions - resulting in major changes. See
1/ World Bank GEM database; MRV = Most recent value.
2/ World Development Indicators Database and World Bank Staff Estimates.
3/ Calculations based on EAPPOV harmonization, using 2011-SUSENAS and 2023-SUSENAS.Projection using annualized elasticity (2011-2023) with pass-through = 1 based on GDP per capita in constant LCU. Actual data: 2023. Forecasts are from 2024 to 2026.
4/ The HDI ranking in 2001 is in relation to 175 countries and in 2010 in relation to 169 countries. Methodological enhancements in HDI calculations have resulted in notable improvements in the countries' rankings.

Sources: MFMOD Database, World Bank WDI and GEM databases, IMF.All fiscal figures are for the central government.
SELECTED INDICATORS*                                    Avg. '10-19     2015       2016       2017       2018       2019       2020      2021       2022      2023 E              2024 F

GDP growth (annual %)                                          7.3       7.3        7.0        6.9        6.3        5.5        0.5        2.5        2.7        3.7                 4.0
GDP per capita growth (annual %, real)                         5.8       5.8        5.4        5.3        4.6        4.0       -1.0        1.1        1.3        2.3                 2.6
GDP per capita (US$, nominal)                               1979.7    2120.2     2293.6     2408.3     2527.0     2599.0     2590.8     2523.3     2012.5     1983.1              2096.8

Inflation, consumer prices (annual %, EOP or MRV)¹             3.8       0.9        2.5        0.2        1.5        6.2        3.1        5.2       39.2       24.3                25.3
Inflation, consumer prices (annual %, period average)          3.7       1.3        1.6        0.8        2.0        3.3        5.1        3.8       22.7       31.2                21.2
Base Money (% of GDP)                                         50.1      51.6       52.5       56.6       61.1       67.3       81.4       76.9       76.9       73.9                69.8
Domestic Credit to the Private Sector ( % of GDP)2            20.9         ..         ..         ..         ..         ..         ..         ..         ..         ..                  ..
10 year interest rate (annual average)¹                          ..        ..         ..         ..         ..         ..         ..         ..         ..         ..                  ..
Nominal Exchange Rate (local currency per USD)              8205.3    8147.9     8179.3     8351.5     8489.2     8679.4     9054.6     9745.3    14327.5    18717.8             21293.2
Real Exchange Rate Index (2015=100)                           87.9     100.0      100.0       97.4       93.2       95.3       94.9       87.0       74.4       71.4                73.0

Revenue (% of GDP)                                            19.0       20.2       16.0       16.1       16.2       15.6       12.7      14.9       14.7       14.9                 15.2
Expenditure (% of GDP)                                        22.7       25.8       21.1       21.6       20.9       18.9       17.9      16.1       15.0       15.1                 16.6
Interest Payments (% of GDP)                                   1.1        1.0        1.2        1.4        1.7        1.7        1.5       1.2        1.8        1.8                  2.7
Non-Interest Expenditure (% of GDP)                           21.5       24.8       19.9       20.2       19.3       17.2       16.4      14.9       13.2       13.2                 13.8
Overall Fiscal Balance (% of GDP)                             -3.7       -5.6       -5.1       -5.5       -4.7       -3.3       -5.2      -1.3       -0.2       -0.2                 -1.4
Primary Fiscal Balance (% of GDP)                             -2.6       -4.6       -3.8       -4.1       -3.0       -1.6       -3.7       0.0        1.5        1.7                  1.3
General Government Debt (% of GDP)                            52.4       53.1       54.2       55.8       57.2       59.0       62.3      77.9       95.9       95.2                 94.7
External Public Debt (% of GDP)                               47.1       45.4       48.0       49.3       51.4       53.0       57.4      66.5       83.7       82.6                 81.8

Export growth, G&S (nominal US$, annual %)                    17.9       11.3       12.9       11.3       17.1        6.5       -5.3      18.0       25.7        8.2                  5.0
Import growth, G&S (nominal US$, annual %)                    19.6       10.2       -5.3        6.1       25.3        0.3      -18.8       9.3       24.0        8.5                  5.8
Merchandise exports (% of GDP)                                25.5       25.4       26.9       29.5       31.4       31.3       33.4      41.4       63.0       58.4                 56.2
Merchandise imports (% of GDP)                                34.2       39.4       34.0       39.4       40.4       38.8       34.2      39.1       58.4       57.6                 59.2
Services, net (% of GDP)                                      -0.2       -1.6       -1.2        3.2       -1.5       -0.4       -0.5      -0.7       -1.2        2.7                  5.9
Current account balance (current US$ millions)             -1408.9    -2267.6    -1384.6    -2031.8    -2354.2    -2267.3    -1126.2    -535.7     -260.9     -192.9               -464.3
Current account balance (% of GDP)                            -9.3      -15.8       -8.8      -12.1      -13.1      -12.1       -5.9      -2.9       -1.7       -1.3                 -2.9
Foreign Direct Investment, net inflows (% of GDP)              6.0        7.5        5.9        9.9        7.5        4.0        5.1       5.7        3.4          ..                   ..
Multilateral debt (% of total external debt)2                    ..         ..         ..         ..         ..         ..         ..        ..         ..         ..                   ..

                                                                                                                                                             See next page for more indicators
SELECTED INDICATORS*                                                                   Avg. '10-19                   2015                  2016                  2017                2018                   2019                 2020                2021                  2022        2023 E          2024 F

Population, total (millions)                                                                     6.8                   6.8                   6.9                   7.0                 7.1                    7.2                  7.3                  7.4                 7.5            7.6             7.7
Population Growth (annual %)                                                                     1.5                   1.4                   1.5                   1.5                 1.5                    1.5                  1.5                  1.4                 1.4            1.4             1.3
Unemployment Rate²                                                                               2.2                   2.5                   2.9                   3.3                 3.3                    3.3                  3.6                  3.6                 2.6              ..              ..
International poverty rate ($2.15 in 2017 PPP)³                                                  9.0                     ..                    ..                    ..                7.1                      ..                 7.0                  7.0                 6.9            6.8             6.7
Lower middle-income poverty rate ($3.65 in 2017 PPP)³                                           36.5                     ..                    ..                    ..               32.5                      ..                32.2                 32.0                31.9           31.7            31.4
Upper middle-income poverty rate ($6.85 in 2017 PPP)³                                           74.7                     ..                    ..                    ..               70.5                      ..                70.2                 70.0                69.9           69.6            69.3

GDP (current LCU, millions)                                                          111378718.1          117252000.0           129279000.0            140748996.3         152418189.1           162690585.3          171705383.4           182584102.0          217107907.2      283366517.5     345429082.7
GDP (current US$, millions)                                                              13502.7              14390.4               15805.7                16853.1             17954.3               18744.4              18963.3               18735.5              15153.2          15138.9         16222.5
GDP per capita LCU (real)                                                             14585227.2           14993622.8            15804565.8             16636664.9          17410194.9            18102588.0           17927642.1            18118500.0           18351037.7       18777627.4      19269775.9
Human Development Index Ranking⁴                                                           141.9                  141                   140                    141                 141                   142                 142                    140                 139                 ..              ..
CPIA (overall rating)2                                                                       3.3                   3.3                   3.2                    3.2                 3.2                   3.0                 3.0                    3.0                 3.0                ..              ..
Economic Management2                                                                         3.3                   3.3                   3.0                    3.0                 3.0                   2.7                 2.7                    2.7                 2.7                ..              ..
Structural Policies2                                                                         3.2                   3.3                   3.3                    3.2                 3.2                   3.0                 3.2                    3.2                 3.2                ..              ..
Policies for Social Inclusion and Equity2                                                    3.5                   3.4                   3.4                    3.4                 3.5                   3.4                 3.4                    3.4                 3.4                ..              ..
Public Sector Management and Institutions2                                                   3.1                   3.1                   3.1                    3.1                 3.1                   2.8                 2.8                    2.8                 2.8                ..              ..


Notes: ".." indicates not available. E = estimate, F = forecast. Data from MFMOD unless otherwise noted. Poverty data are expressed in 2017 PPP, versus 2011 PPP in previous editions - resulting in major changes. See
1/ World Bank GEM database; MRV = Most recent value.
2/ World Development Indicators Database and World Bank Staff Estimates.
3/ Calculations based on EAPPOV harmonization, using 2012-LECS and 2018-LECS.Projection using annualized elasticity (2012-2018) with pass-through = 0.5 based on GDP per capita in constant LCU. Actual data: 2018. Nowcast: 2019-2023. Forecasts are from 2024 to 2026.
4/ The HDI ranking in 2001 is in relation to 175 countries and in 2010 in relation to 169 countries. Methodological enhancements in HDI calculations have resulted in notable improvements in the countries' rankings.

Sources: MFMOD Database, World Bank WDI and GEM databases, IMF.
SELECTED INDICATORS*                                    Avg. '10-19    2015      2016      2017       2018        2019       2020      2021       2022         2023 E           2024 F

GDP growth (annual %)                                          5.4       5.0       4.4       5.8        4.8        4.4       -5.5        3.3        8.7           3.7             4.3
GDP per capita growth (annual %, real)                         3.8       3.4       2.9       4.3        3.5        3.1       -6.6        2.1        7.5           2.6             3.2
GDP per capita (US$, nominal)                              10365.4    9699.6    9555.7    9979.7    11074.0    11132.1    10164.3    11134.6    11993.2       11648.7         12924.8
Private Consumption growth (annual %)                          7.1       5.9       5.9       6.9        8.0        7.7       -3.9        1.9       11.2           4.7             5.2
Gross Investment ( % of nominal GDP)                          24.5      25.9      25.5      25.1       24.2       22.9       20.9       19.3       18.2          19.2            18.7
Gross Investment - Public ( % of nominal GDP)                  9.0       9.0       8.6       8.0        7.2        6.2        5.2        4.3        4.0           4.4             4.4

Inflation, consumer prices (annual %, EOP or MRV)¹             2.1       2.6       1.7       3.5        0.2        1.0       -1.3        3.3        3.9            1.5             1.5
Inflation, consumer prices (annual %, period average)          2.1       2.1       2.1       3.8        1.0        0.7       -1.1        2.5        3.3            2.6             2.5
Base Money (% of GDP)                                        130.9     133.5     129.0     123.4      125.4      125.9      141.3      135.5      124.0          126.5           133.9
Domestic Credit to the Private Sector ( % of GDP)2           117.3     123.1     122.0     117.2      120.3      120.7      133.8      127.2      113.3              ..              ..
10 year interest rate (annual average)¹                        3.9       4.1       3.8       4.0        4.1        3.7        2.8        3.2        4.1            3.9             3.8
Nominal Exchange Rate (local currency per USD)                 3.6       3.9       4.1       4.3        4.0        4.1        4.2        4.1        4.4            4.6             4.4
Real Exchange Rate Index (2015=100)                          104.6     100.0      96.3      94.6       99.6       98.4       96.7       94.6       92.2           89.2           100.1

Revenue (% of GDP)                                            18.6      18.6      17.0      16.1       16.1       17.5       15.9       15.1       16.4           17.3             15.7
Expenditure (% of GDP)                                        22.3      21.8      20.1      19.0       19.8       20.9       22.0       21.5       22.0           22.3             20.1
Interest Payments (% of GDP)                                   2.0       2.1       2.1       2.0        2.1        2.2        2.4        2.5        2.3            2.5              2.6
Non-Interest Expenditure (% of GDP)                           20.3      19.7      18.0      17.0       17.7       18.7       19.6       19.0       19.7           19.8             17.5
Overall Fiscal Balance (% of GDP)                             -3.7      -3.2      -3.1      -2.9       -3.7       -3.4       -6.2       -6.4       -5.6           -5.0             -4.4
Primary Fiscal Balance (% of GDP)                             -1.7      -1.1      -1.0      -0.9       -1.6       -1.2       -3.7       -3.9       -3.2           -2.5             -1.8
General Government Debt (% of GDP)                            51.2      53.6      51.9      50.0       51.2       52.4       62.0       63.3       60.3           64.3             63.9
External Public Debt (% of GDP)                               14.4      16.8      16.8      14.8       12.4       13.7       16.2       17.2       14.4           15.4             16.7

Export growth, G&S (nominal US$, annual %)                     3.1     -16.1      -3.9      11.1       10.1       -3.1      -12.8       27.1       18.6         -12.7             15.5
Import growth, G&S (nominal US$, annual %)                     4.5     -14.4      -2.9      11.2       10.1       -5.0      -11.7       27.2       19.7         -10.7             17.3
Merchandise exports (% of GDP)                                61.4      57.9      55.0      58.4       57.3       54.0       55.0       64.9       69.1          57.8             55.3
Merchandise imports (% of GDP)                                51.1      48.6      46.8      49.9       49.4       45.8       45.3       53.5       58.7          50.5             38.4
Services, net (% of GDP)                                      -0.9      -1.8      -1.5      -1.7       -1.2       -0.7       -3.3       -4.2       -3.1          -2.3            -12.7
Current account balance (current US$ millions)             14640.5    9001.4    7209.5    8905.2     8003.5    12774.5    14057.6    14524.2    12519.3        4995.2           9641.8
Current account balance (% of GDP)                             4.7       3.0       2.4       2.8        2.2        3.5        4.2        3.9        3.1           1.2              2.2
Foreign Direct Investment, net inflows (% of GDP)             -0.4      -0.2       1.1       1.2        0.7        0.4        0.2        2.0        0.9           0.3              1.6
Multilateral debt (% of total external debt)2                    ..        ..        ..        ..         ..         ..         ..         ..         ..            ..               ..

                                                                                                                                                           See next page for more indicators
SELECTED INDICATORS*                                                                Avg. '10-19              2015              2016              2017              2018             2019             2020             2021              2022            2023 E            2024 F

Population, total (millions)                                                                 30.8             31.1              31.5              32.0              32.4             32.8             33.2              33.6             33.9              34.3               34.7
Population Growth (annual %)                                                                  1.5              1.5               1.5               1.4               1.3              1.2              1.2               1.1              1.1               1.1                1.1
Unemployment Rate                                                                             5.4              7.7               7.8               8.0               7.8              7.6              8.9               8.5              8.4               3.9                4.1
Upper middle-income poverty rate ($6.85 in 2017 PPP)³                                         6.9              4.8                 ..                ..              3.4                ..               ..              2.3              1.7               1.5                1.4

GDP (current LCU, millions)                                                          1165892.6 1176941.0                1249698.0         1372310.0         1447760.0        1512738.0 1418491.0                1548898.0        1791358.0         1822647.5         1972244.3
GDP (current US$, millions)                                                           319667.6  301354.8                 301255.5          319109.1          358788.9         365177.8  337456.2                 373832.4         407027.6          399648.8          448128.1
GDP per capita LCU (real)                                                              37325.9   37881.7                  38993.1           40679.8           42092.5          43407.9   40549.7                  41420.4          44520.3           45660.5           47107.5
Human Development Index Ranking⁴                                                          69.3       69                       66                67                69               69        65                       68               63                  ..                ..
CPIA (overall rating)2                                                                       ..        ..                       ..                ..                ..               ..        ..                       ..               ..                ..                ..
Economic Management2                                                                         ..        ..                       ..                ..                ..               ..        ..                       ..               ..                ..                ..
Structural Policies2                                                                         ..        ..                       ..                ..                ..               ..        ..                       ..               ..                ..                ..
Policies for Social Inclusion and Equity2                                                    ..        ..                       ..                ..                ..               ..        ..                       ..               ..                ..                ..
Public Sector Management and Institutions2                                                   ..        ..                       ..                ..                ..               ..        ..                       ..               ..                ..                ..


Notes: ".." indicates not available. E = estimate, F = forecast. Data from MFMOD unless otherwise noted.
1/ World Bank GEM database; MRV = Most recent value.
2/ World Development Indicators Database and World Bank Staff Estimates.
3/ Calculations based on EAPPOV harmonization, using 2022-HIS.Projection using neutral distribution (2021) with pass-through = 0.7 (Low (0.7)) based on private consumption per capita in constant LCU. Actual data: 2021. Nowcast: 2022-2023. Forecasts are from 2024 to 2026.
4/ The HDI ranking in 2001 is in relation to 175 countries and in 2010 in relation to 169 countries. Methodological enhancements in HDI calculations have resulted in notable improvements in the countries' rankings.

Sources: MFMOD Database, World Bank WDI and GEM databases, IMF.
SELECTED INDICATORS*                                    Avg. '10-19    2015      2016       2017       2018       2019      2020       2021       2022        2023 E             2024 F

GDP growth (annual %)                                          7.9       2.5       1.5       5.6        7.6        5.5       -4.4       1.6        5.0           7.1                4.8
GDP per capita growth (annual %, real)                         5.8       0.4      -0.7       3.3        5.3        3.2       -6.2       0.0        3.4           5.6                3.4
GDP per capita (US$, nominal)                               3910.6    3869.9    3648.6    3685.5     4165.5     4394.9     4087.5    4686.4     5141.7        5956.6             6356.8
Private Consumption growth (annual %)                          9.2       8.1       1.8       4.3       11.7        5.8        2.1      -5.9        8.1           7.4                8.6
Gross Investment ( % of nominal GDP)                          31.0      18.3      18.7      22.3       26.8       28.0       23.3      26.1       29.3          26.8               33.6
Gross Investment - Public ( % of nominal GDP)²                   ..        ..        ..        ..         ..         ..         ..        ..         ..            ..                 ..

Inflation, consumer prices (annual %, EOP or MRV)¹             8.0       2.0       1.2       6.3        8.2        5.3        2.5      14.0       13.3           7.9                7.1
Inflation, consumer prices (annual %, period average)          8.3       6.6       0.7       4.3        6.8        7.3        3.7       7.3       15.2          10.6                8.5
Base Money (% of GDP)                                         50.6      44.2      50.8      56.6       59.8       55.2       64.6      78.9       89.5          70.8               66.7
Domestic Credit to the Private Sector ( % of GDP)2            50.9      54.5      56.9      52.8       55.4       48.9       45.8      47.5       41.0             ..                 ..
10 year interest rate (annual average)¹                          ..        ..        ..        ..         ..         ..         ..        ..         ..            ..                 ..
Nominal Exchange Rate (local currency per USD)              1914.0    1995.5    2165.0    2454.9     2472.2     2663.5     2813.3    2849.3     3140.7        3430.7             3536.8
Real Exchange Rate Index (2015=100)                          103.7     100.0      96.8      86.7       88.4       90.6       86.8      85.8       88.9          93.1               99.3

Revenue (% of GDP)                                            29.6      26.1      24.4       28.4       31.2       31.8      27.6       32.0       33.8          34.5               33.7
Expenditure (% of GDP)                                        35.7      31.2      39.7       32.2       28.6       30.8      36.7       35.0       33.1          31.9               34.7
Interest Payments (% of GDP)                                   3.0       3.2       4.1        4.1        3.2        2.3       2.5        1.9        1.5           1.6                1.3
Non-Interest Expenditure (% of GDP)                           32.7      28.0      35.6       28.1       25.4       28.5      34.2       33.1       31.6          30.3               33.5
Overall Fiscal Balance (% of GDP)                             -6.1      -5.0     -15.3       -3.8        2.6        1.0      -9.1       -3.0        0.7           2.6               -1.0
Primary Fiscal Balance (% of GDP)                             -3.1      -1.8     -11.2        0.3        5.8        3.3      -6.7       -1.1        2.1           4.2                0.2
General Government Debt (% of GDP)                            58.0      62.5      93.1       86.8       76.6       69.2      79.0       64.5       62.1          44.1               43.8
External Public Debt (% of GDP)²                              39.8      34.5      45.9       65.4       60.8       58.8      84.0       75.8       60.8             ..                 ..

Export growth, G&S (nominal US$, annual %)                    15.4     -15.5       9.1       21.3       12.8        9.7      -9.1       17.1       22.8          40.4             -14.9
Import growth, G&S (nominal US$, annual %)                    18.3     -26.4       6.0       16.4       37.5        3.1     -20.6       26.1       30.9          13.7               4.9
Merchandise exports (% of GDP)                                42.0      38.8      43.5       51.1       49.7       50.6      51.9       51.9       56.4          67.7              52.0
Merchandise imports (% of GDP)                                44.9      33.9      31.4       38.0       44.6       42.4      38.9       43.1       49.3          46.4              44.4
Services, net (% of GDP)                                     -10.3      -6.2     -12.1      -10.7      -15.0      -14.0     -10.8      -10.7      -13.5         -13.2             -13.5
Current account balance (current US$ millions)             -2461.7    -948.5    -699.7    -1155.4    -2206.8    -2161.7    -674.6    -2108.4    -2303.5         146.9           -2543.0
Current account balance (% of GDP)                           -21.0      -8.3      -6.3      -10.1      -16.7      -15.2      -5.0      -13.4      -13.2           0.7             -11.5
Foreign Direct Investment, net inflows (% of GDP)             12.6       0.7     -37.7       12.7       16.2       16.3      12.6       13.1       13.9           7.3               7.0
Multilateral debt (% of total external debt)2                    ..        ..        ..         ..         ..         ..        ..         ..         ..            ..                ..

                                                                                                                                                           See next page for more indicators
SELECTED INDICATORS*                                                                Avg. '10-19                2015                2016               2017                2018                2019               2020                2021                2022               2023 E              2024 F

Population, total (millions)                                                                 2.9                  3.0                3.0                3.1                3.2                  3.2                3.3                  3.3                3.4                 3.4                  3.5
Population Growth (annual %)                                                                 1.9                  2.1                2.2                2.2                2.2                  2.2                1.9                  1.6                1.5                 1.4                  1.3
Unemployment Rate²                                                                           5.4                  4.9                7.2                6.4                5.4                  5.4                6.6                  7.8                8.2                   ..                   ..
International poverty rate ($2.15 in 2017 PPP)                                               0.7                    ..               0.7                  ..               0.7                    ..               0.8                    ..               0.2                 0.2                  0.2
Lower middle-income poverty rate ($3.65 in 2017 PPP)³                                        7.8                    ..               8.5                  ..               6.9                    ..               7.5                    ..               2.4                 2.1                  1.9
Upper middle-income poverty rate ($6.85 in 2017 PPP)                                        39.2                    ..              41.9                  ..              38.3                    ..              37.7                    ..              22.1                20.9                 20.2

GDP (current LCU, millions)                                                        22627875.7          22894780.9          23931342.6        28010710.6          32582629.1          37839225.4          37883041.7          44702733.2          54877809.2          70444358.6          78544658.4
GDP (current US$, millions)                                                           11559.1             11473.2             11053.7           11410.3             13179.6             14206.4             13465.7             15688.9             17473.2             20533.3             22208.1
GDP per capita LCU (real)                                                           7303737.2           7722333.6           7671377.2         7924251.4           8341960.0           8611731.3           8081364.7           8081386.2           8355500.5           8822117.6           9122735.8
Human Development Index Ranking                                                          96.6                  94                  96                96                  94                  95                  93                  99                  96                   ..                  ..
CPIA (overall rating) 2
                                                                                          3.3                 3.3                 3.2               3.3                 3.4                 3.4                   ..                  ..                  ..                  ..                  ..
Economic Management2                                                                      3.0                 2.8                 2.5               2.8                 3.2                 3.2                   ..                  ..                  ..                  ..                  ..
Structural Policies2                                                                      3.3                 3.2                 3.3               3.3                 3.3                 3.2                   ..                  ..                  ..                  ..                  ..
Policies for Social Inclusion and Equity2                                                 3.7                 3.7                 3.7               3.7                 3.8                 3.8                   ..                  ..                  ..                  ..                  ..
Public Sector Management and Institutions2                                                3.4                 3.4                 3.3               3.3                 3.2                 3.3                   ..                  ..                  ..                  ..                  ..


Notes: ".." indicates not available. E = estimate, F = forecast. Data from MFMOD unless otherwise noted. Poverty data are expressed in 2017 PPP, versus 2011 PPP in previous editions - resulting in major changes. See
1/ World Bank GEM database; MRV = Most recent value.
2/ World Development Indicators Database and World Bank Staff Estimates.
3/ Calculations based on EAPPOV harmonization using 2016-HSES, 2018-HSES, and 2022-HSES. The consumption aggregate was updated in 2022.Projection using annualized elasticity (2016-2018) with pass-through = 1 based on GDP per capita in constant LCU. Actual data: 2022. Nowcast: 2023. Forecasts are from 20
4/ The HDI ranking in 2001 is in relation to 175 countries and in 2010 in relation to 169 countries. Methodological enhancements in HDI calculations have resulted in notable improvements in the countries' rankings.

Sources: MFMOD Database, World Bank WDI and GEM databases, IMF.
SELECTED INDICATORS*                                    Avg. '10-19     2015       2016       2017       2018       2019       2020      2021       2022         2023 E            2024 F

GDP growth (annual %)                                          7.3       8.0        7.0        5.9        6.1        6.3        6.6       -9.0     -12.0            4.0               1.3
GDP per capita growth (annual %, real)                         6.4       7.1        6.2        5.1        5.4        5.5        5.8       -9.7     -12.6            3.3               0.6
GDP per capita (US$, nominal)                               1146.2    1272.9     1148.7     1210.6     1254.2     1279.4     1405.1     1468.6    1224.6         1140.6            1066.3

Inflation, consumer prices (annual %, EOP or MRV)¹             5.8       10.6       6.5        4.4        5.4          ..         ..         ..        ..             ..                ..
Inflation, consumer prices (annual %, period average)          2.4        5.1      10.0        6.8        4.0        7.3        9.1        2.2       9.6           27.4              20.1
M2 ( % of GDP)²                                                  ..         ..        ..         ..         ..         ..         ..         ..        ..             ..                ..
Domestic Credit to the Private Sector ( % of GDP)2            16.7       18.1      22.0       24.5       26.2       26.6       29.0          ..        ..             ..                ..
10 year interest rate (annual average)¹                          ..         ..        ..         ..         ..         ..         ..         ..        ..             ..                ..
Nominal Exchange Rate (local currency per USD)              1061.7      995.0    1218.8     1259.0     1355.7     1477.2     1500.5     1365.9    1710.4         2013.4            2322.3
Real Exchange Rate Index (2015=100)                           88.5      100.0      72.9       72.6       68.7       66.8       67.2       72.9      71.7           61.8              55.0

Revenue (% of GDP)                                            22.8       25.9       21.9       20.7       19.3       20.4       20.7      16.2       22.1           19.8              19.1
Expenditure (% of GDP)                                        25.0       26.1       25.8       23.0       21.7       26.0       29.6      23.8       26.7           26.2              25.0
Interest Payments (% of GDP)                                   1.3        1.3        1.2        1.4        1.5        1.1        1.9       2.3        2.9            2.3               2.4
Non-Interest Expenditure (% of GDP)                           23.7       24.8       24.6       21.6       20.2       24.8       27.7      21.5       23.8           23.9              22.0
Overall Fiscal Balance (% of GDP)                             -2.2       -0.2       -3.9       -2.2       -2.3       -5.5       -8.9      -7.6       -4.6           -6.4              -5.9
Primary Fiscal Balance (% of GDP)                             -0.9        1.2       -2.7       -0.9       -0.8       -4.4       -7.0      -5.2       -1.7           -4.1              -3.5
Public Sector Debt (% of GDP)                                 40.4       33.5       34.4       35.7       39.8       40.6       42.3      53.9       59.8           60.1              63.1
External Public Debt (% of GDP)                               15.1       14.8       15.8       15.0       16.1       14.9       15.1      17.0       21.6           22.9              27.2

Export growth, G&S (nominal US$, annual %)                    10.5       14.9       -5.9       -0.4       10.7       12.2        7.0     -22.6      -13.7          12.9              -7.4
Import growth, G&S (nominal US$, annual %)                    19.2       24.3       11.0        1.0       11.9       -3.0        6.0     -20.2      -12.0          26.8              -2.9
Merchandise exports (% of GDP)                                15.2       15.8       15.9       14.9       15.8       16.0       14.3      12.6       14.1          17.8              18.6
Merchandise imports (% of GDP)                                16.5       18.7       22.7       21.9       22.9       21.2       19.9      15.5       16.5          23.9              26.0
Services, net (% of GDP)                                       0.8        2.0        1.7        1.9        1.4        3.1        3.8       1.0        0.1           0.3               0.3
Current account balance (current US$ millions)             -2142.3    -2306.8    -3304.0    -2851.3    -3781.8    -1105.1    -1362.1    -296.1    -1602.9       -3892.7           -3909.5
Current account balance (% of GDP)                            -3.4       -3.5       -5.5       -4.5       -5.7       -1.6       -1.8      -0.4       -2.4          -6.3              -6.8
Foreign Direct Investment, net inflows (% of GDP)              4.0        6.8        5.2        7.3        2.6        2.3        2.4       3.1        2.0             ..                ..
Multilateral debt (% of total external debt)2                    ..         ..         ..         ..         ..         ..         ..        ..         ..            ..                ..

                                                                                                                                                             See next page for more indicators
SELECTED INDICATORS*                                                                    Avg. '10-19                  2015                 2016                  2017                 2018                   2019               2020          2021           2022          2023 E          2024 F

Population, total (millions)                                                                     51.2                 51.5                 51.9                 52.3                  52.7                  53.0                53.4          53.8           54.2            54.6            55.0
Population Growth (annual %)                                                                      0.8                  0.8                  0.8                  0.8                   0.7                   0.7                 0.7           0.7            0.7             0.7             0.7
Unemployment Rate²                                                                                0.8                  0.8                  1.0                  1.4                   0.8                   0.4                 1.5             ..             ..              ..              ..

GDP (current LCU, millions)                                                            63641672.5           65204832.3           72650448.0            79690363.0           89547993.9           100244307.2             112633324.5   107916476.5    113480192.8    125338951.9     136111566.5
GDP (current US$, millions)                                                               58877.4              65531.4              59607.3               63298.4              66053.0               67860.5                 75065.1       79006.1        66345.3        62253.0         58610.1
GDP per capita LCU (real)                                                               1282644.8            1319973.3            1401162.1             1472071.5            1551195.3             1636807.9               1731989.1     1564295.6      1366639.8      1411431.4       1419473.5
Human Development Index Ranking³                                                            152.8                 154                  151                   151                  148                   144                     143           145            144               ..              ..
CPIA (overall rating)2                                                                        3.0                  3.1                  3.1                   3.0                  3.0                   3.0                     3.0           2.3            2.1              ..              ..
Economic Management2                                                                          3.7                  3.7                  3.7                   3.7                  3.7                   3.7                     3.7           2.5            2.2              ..              ..
Structural Policies2                                                                          2.9                  2.8                  2.8                   2.8                  3.0                   3.0                     2.8           2.2            2.0              ..              ..
Policies for Social Inclusion and Equity2                                                     2.7                  2.8                  2.8                   2.6                  2.6                   2.6                     2.7           2.4            2.4              ..              ..
Public Sector Management and Institutions2                                                    2.9                  3.0                  3.0                   2.9                  2.8                   2.8                     2.8           2.0            1.9              ..              ..


Notes: ".." indicates not available. E = estimate, F = forecast. Data from MFMOD unless otherwise noted.
1/ World Bank GEM database; MRV = Most recent value.
2/ World Development Indicators Database and World Bank Staff Estimates.
3/ The HDI ranking in 2001 is in relation to 175 countries and in 2010 in relation to 169 countries. Methodological enhancements in HDI calculations have resulted in notable improvements in the countries' rankings.

Sources: MFMOD Database, World Bank WDI and GEM databases, IMF.
SELECTED INDICATORS*                                    Avg. '10-19    2015      2016      2017      2018      2019      2020      2021       2022        2023 E        2024 F

GDP growth (annual %)                                          5.3       6.6       5.5       3.5      -0.3       4.5      -3.2      -0.8        5.2          2.7           4.8
GDP per capita growth (annual %, real)                         2.6       3.9       2.9       1.1      -2.6       2.1      -5.2      -2.8        3.2          0.9           2.9
GDP per capita (US$, nominal)                               2466.5    2502.1    2332.7    2495.1    2584.3    2593.8    2438.4    2616.7     3111.9       2942.7        2915.6

Inflation, consumer prices (annual %, EOP or MRV)¹               ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..         ..            ..            ..
Inflation, consumer prices (annual %, period average)          5.2       6.0       6.7       5.4       4.6       3.7       4.9       4.5        5.3           2.2           4.1
Base Money (% of GDP)                                          7.8       8.6       9.9       7.4       6.6       7.1       7.1       6.9        6.3           6.9           7.1
Domestic Credit to the Private Sector ( % of GDP)2            21.3      22.6      22.1      19.4      18.7      18.1      18.8      17.4       15.1             ..            ..
10 year interest rate (annual average)¹                          ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..         ..            ..            ..
Nominal Exchange Rate (local currency per USD)                 2.8       2.8       3.1       3.2       3.3       3.4       3.5       3.5        3.5           3.7           3.9
Real Exchange Rate Index (2015=100)                           94.5     100.0      92.9      93.7      90.8      93.0      92.6      89.2       96.1          90.6          85.7

Revenue (% of GDP)                                            19.0      18.3      16.1      15.9      17.7      16.3      14.7      15.2       16.7          19.0          18.8
Expenditure (% of GDP)                                        22.4      22.9      20.9      18.4      20.3      21.3      23.6      22.0       22.0          23.5          22.7
Interest Payments (% of GDP)                                   1.7       1.8       1.9       2.3       2.4       2.6       2.6       2.5        2.5           2.6           2.6
Non-Interest Expenditure (% of GDP)                           20.7      21.1      18.9      16.1      17.9      18.7      21.0      19.6       19.5          20.9          20.1
Overall Fiscal Balance (% of GDP)                             -3.4      -4.6      -4.7      -2.5      -2.6      -5.0      -8.9      -6.9       -5.3          -4.4          -3.9
Primary Fiscal Balance (% of GDP)                             -1.7      -2.8      -2.8      -0.2      -0.1      -2.4      -6.2      -4.4       -2.8          -1.8          -1.3
General Government Debt (% of GDP)                            27.9      29.9      33.7      32.5      36.7      40.2      48.8      52.8       48.4          52.4          52.2
External Public Debt (% of GDP)²                               8.8       6.9       9.3      10.1      14.1      17.4      21.6      23.2       21.3             ..            ..

Export growth, G&S (nominal US$, annual %)                    11.1      -5.3      -3.4      23.3       3.3      11.2     -20.1      11.2       48.5        -20.2           3.2
Import growth, G&S (nominal US$, annual %)                     5.3     -34.7     -19.6      48.3       3.9      15.7     -16.3      -2.5       -7.1          5.2           3.5
Merchandise exports (% of GDP)                                38.5      38.9      39.5      43.8      42.3      46.1      39.0      39.8       49.1         40.6          41.6
Merchandise imports (% of GDP)                                17.7      11.8      10.0      13.5      13.3      15.9      13.8      12.2        9.3         10.2          10.4
Services, net (% of GDP)                                      -9.8      -5.5      -4.5      -5.7      -5.1      -5.2      -5.3      -5.0       -4.0         -4.4          -4.5
Current account balance (current US$ millions)              2208.3    4406.9    5175.1    5347.8    5450.8    5471.9    4603.8    5768.8    10408.7       6991.8        7200.3
Current account balance (% of GDP)                             9.3      20.3      24.9      23.5      22.6      22.1      19.4      22.2       33.0         23.0          23.5
Foreign Direct Investment, net inflows (% of GDP)              0.6       1.3      -0.3      -1.5       3.3      -2.3      -3.5      -1.5       -1.2         -1.1          -1.3
Multilateral debt (% of total external debt)2                    ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..         ..           ..            ..

                                                                                                                                                See next page for more indicators
SELECTED INDICATORS*                                                                  Avg. '10-19           2015           2016            2017           2018           2019           2020          2021               2022     2023 E      2024 F

Population, total (millions)                                                                    8.6            8.7            8.9            9.1            9.3            9.5            9.7            9.9             10.1       10.3        10.5
Population Growth (annual %)                                                                    2.6            2.6            2.5            2.4            2.4            2.3            2.2            2.0              1.9        1.8         1.8
Unemployment Rate²                                                                              2.4            2.4            2.5            2.5            2.5            2.4            2.7            2.8              2.8          ..          ..

GDP (current LCU, millions)                                                               59156.7       60139.4        65038.2         72521.7        79404.7        83845.2        82255.4        91328.7       110833.2       112078.9    119828.4
GDP (current US$, millions)                                                               21208.9       21723.5        20758.9         22742.7        24109.8        24751.1        23773.4        26034.4        31562.8        30397.7     30659.9
GDP per capita LCU (real)                                                                  6331.4        6651.4         6845.5          6919.8         6741.9         6886.5         6526.7         6345.7         6546.3         6602.3      6796.8
Human Development Index Ranking³                                                            158.9          159            158             158            159            157            155            155            154               ..          ..
CPIA (overall rating)2                                                                        3.1           3.0            3.0             3.0            3.0            3.0            2.8            2.8            2.9              ..          ..
Economic Management2                                                                          3.4           3.0            3.0             2.8            3.0            3.0            2.7            2.7            2.7              ..          ..
Structural Policies2                                                                          3.5           3.5            3.5             3.5            3.5            3.5            3.3            3.3            3.3              ..          ..
Policies for Social Inclusion and Equity2                                                     2.6           2.6            2.6             2.6            2.6            2.6            2.5            2.5            2.6              ..          ..
Public Sector Management and Institutions2                                                    2.9           2.9            2.9             2.9            2.9            2.7            2.7            2.7            2.8              ..          ..


Notes: ".." indicates not available. E = estimate, F = forecast. Data from MFMOD unless otherwise noted.
1/ World Bank GEM database; MRV = Most recent value.
2/ World Development Indicators Database and World Bank Staff Estimates.
3/ The HDI ranking in 2001 is in relation to 175 countries and in 2010 in relation to 169 countries. Methodological enhancements in HDI calculations have resulted in notable improvements in the countries' rankings.

Sources: MFMOD Database, World Bank WDI and GEM databases, IMF.
SELECTED INDICATORS*                                    Avg. '10-19    2015       2016       2017       2018       2019        2020      2021        2022         2023 E            2024 F

GDP growth (annual %)                                          6.4       6.3       7.1        6.9        6.3        6.1        -9.5       5.7          7.6          5.6                5.8
GDP per capita growth (annual %, real)                         4.6       4.6       5.3        5.1        4.5        4.4       -11.0       4.1          6.0          4.0                4.2
GDP per capita (US$, nominal)                               2878.7    2974.3    3038.2     3077.4     3194.7     3413.8      3224.4    3460.5       3498.5       3773.9             3857.1
Private Consumption growth (annual %)                          5.9       6.4       7.1        6.0        5.8        5.9        -8.0       4.2          8.3          5.6                5.9
Gross Investment ( % of nominal GDP)                          22.8      22.2      25.0       25.6       27.3       27.2        21.3      22.3         23.3         23.3               24.5
Gross Investment - Public ( % of nominal GDP)                  3.6       3.1       4.1        4.3        5.3        5.3         4.9       6.0          5.9          5.1                5.1

Inflation, consumer prices (annual %, EOP or MRV)¹             2.9       0.8        2.2        2.8        5.3        2.3        3.3        3.1         8.2           3.9                3.4
Inflation, consumer prices (annual %, period average)          3.0       0.7        1.3        2.9        5.2        2.4        2.4        3.9         5.8           6.0                3.6
M2 ( % of GDP)                                                   ..        ..         ..         ..         ..         ..         ..         ..          ..            ..                 ..
Domestic Credit to the Private Sector ( % of GDP) 2           38.7      39.9       42.9       45.6       47.6       48.0       52.0       49.9        48.9             ..                 ..
10 year interest rate (annual average)¹                        4.7       4.1        4.1        4.1        4.1        4.1        4.1        4.1         4.1           4.1                4.1
Nominal Exchange Rate (local currency per USD)                46.5      45.5       47.5       50.4       52.7       51.8       49.6       49.3        54.5          55.6               56.0
Real Exchange Rate Index (2015=100)                           95.2     100.0       97.6       92.8       90.0       93.6       99.7       99.4        96.0          97.5               90.2

Revenue (% of GDP)                                            14.5      15.1       14.5       14.9       15.6       16.1       15.9       15.5        16.1          15.7               15.9
Expenditure (% of GDP)                                        16.6      16.0       16.8       17.1       18.7       19.5       23.5       24.1        23.4          22.0               21.1
Interest Payments (% of GDP)                                   2.4       2.2        2.0        1.9        1.9        1.8        2.1        2.2         2.3           2.6                2.6
Non-Interest Expenditure (% of GDP)                           14.3      13.8       14.8       15.2       16.7       17.6       21.4       21.9        21.1          19.4               18.4
Overall Fiscal Balance (% of GDP)                             -2.1      -0.9       -2.3       -2.1       -3.1       -3.4       -7.6       -8.6        -7.3          -6.2               -5.1
Primary Fiscal Balance (% of GDP)                              0.3       1.3       -0.3       -0.2       -1.1       -1.5       -5.5       -6.4        -5.0          -3.6               -2.5
General Government Debt (% of GDP)                            44.1      42.7       40.2       40.2       39.9       39.6       54.6       60.4        60.9          60.2               59.8
External Public Debt (% of GDP)                               16.0      14.8       14.2       13.4       13.8       13.3       17.3       18.3        19.1          18.8               19.6

Export growth, G&S (nominal US$, annual %)                     8.5      -4.1        2.3       17.2        4.3        4.8      -15.5        9.7        12.6          4.8                9.0
Import growth, G&S (nominal US$, annual %)                     9.9       2.3       13.7       15.3        9.8        1.0      -23.7       26.6        20.6         -1.5                5.1
Merchandise exports (% of GDP)                                15.7      14.1       13.4       15.8       15.0       14.2       13.3       13.8        14.3         12.5               12.4
Merchandise imports (% of GDP)                                25.1      21.7       24.6       28.0       29.7       27.3       22.7       27.2        31.5         27.3               27.4
Services, net (% of GDP)                                       2.5       1.8        2.2        2.6        3.3        3.5        3.8        3.6         3.9          4.3                5.2
Current account balance (current US$ millions)              3391.1    7265.7    -1198.9    -2143.0    -8877.0    -3046.8    11578.4    -5942.7    -18115.7     -11679.6           -10218.7
Current account balance (% of GDP)                             1.4       2.4       -0.4       -0.7       -2.6       -0.8        3.2       -1.5        -4.5         -2.6               -2.2
Foreign Direct Investment, net inflows (% of GDP)              1.9       1.8        2.6        3.1        2.9        2.3        1.9        3.0         2.3          2.0                2.0
Multilateral debt (% of total external debt) 2                   ..        ..         ..         ..         ..         ..         ..         ..          ..           ..                 ..

                                                                                                                                                              See next page for more indicators
SELECTED INDICATORS*                                                                 Avg. '10-19                 2015              2016               2017               2018                2019               2020              2021                2022          2023 E        2024 F

Population, total (millions)                                                                 102.4              103.0              104.9             106.7               108.6              110.4              112.2              113.9               115.6          117.3         119.1
Population Growth (annual %)                                                                   1.7                1.7                1.8               1.8                 1.7                1.7                1.6                1.5                 1.5            1.5           1.5
Unemployment Rate                                                                              4.1                4.4                3.7               3.5                 3.3                3.2                6.4                7.5                 4.5            4.5           4.5
International poverty rate ($2.15 in 2017 PPP)³                                                6.8                6.5                  ..                ..                3.0                  ..                 ..               3.0                 2.3            1.9           1.6
Lower middle-income poverty rate ($3.65 in 2017 PPP)                                          26.7               27.1                  ..                ..               18.3                  ..                 ..              17.8                15.3           13.7          12.2
Upper middle-income poverty rate ($6.85 in 2017 PPP) ³                                        59.5               60.1                  ..                ..               53.5                  ..                 ..              55.3                51.8           49.4          46.8

GDP (current LCU, millions)                                                          13927836.5         13944157.5         15132381.5        16556651.1          18265190.3         19517863.2         17951573.6         19410614.5          22024515.0        24633961.4    25726622.2
GDP (current US$, millions)                                                            296311.1           306445.9           318627.0          328480.7            346841.9           376823.4           361751.1           394087.4            404284.3          442815.1      459404.0
GDP per capita LCU (real)                                                              144087.4           145498.5           153159.8          160916.4            168236.0           175598.9           156321.3           162803.2            172584.0          179432.2      186992.3
Human Development Index Ranking⁴                                                          115.3                115                118               119                 118                115                115                118                 113                 ..            ..
CPIA (overall rating)2                                                                        ..                 ..                 ..                ..                  ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                  ..                ..            ..
Economic Management2                                                                          ..                 ..                 ..                ..                  ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                  ..                ..            ..
Structural Policies2                                                                          ..                 ..                 ..                ..                  ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                  ..                ..            ..
Policies for Social Inclusion and Equity 2                                                    ..                 ..                 ..                ..                  ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                  ..                ..            ..
Public Sector Management and Institutions 2                                                   ..                 ..                 ..                ..                  ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                  ..                ..            ..


Notes: ".." indicates not available. E = estimate, F = forecast. Data from MFMOD unless otherwise noted. Poverty data are expressed in 2017 PPP, versus 2011 PPP in previous editions - resulting in major changes. See
1/ World Bank GEM database; MRV = Most recent value.
2/ World Development Indicators Database and World Bank Staff Estimates.
3/ Calculations based on EAPPOV harmonization, using 2021-FIES.Projection using neutral distribution (2021) with pass-through = 1 (High (1)) based on GDP per capita in constant LCU. Actual data: 2021. Nowcast: 2022-2023. Forecasts are from 2024 to 2026.
4/ The HDI ranking in 2001 is in relation to 175 countries and in 2010 in relation to 169 countries. Methodological enhancements in HDI calculations have resulted in notable improvements in the countries' rankings.

Sources: MFMOD Database, World Bank WDI and GEM databases, IMF.
SELECTED INDICATORS*                                    Avg. '10-19     2015      2016      2017      2018      2019      2020      2021      2022       2023 E       2024 F

GDP growth (annual %)                                          2.4        3.9       8.0       1.4      -0.6       4.5      -3.1      -7.1      -5.3         8.0          4.5
GDP per capita growth (annual %, real)                         1.5        2.9       6.9       0.4      -1.6       3.4      -4.5      -8.7      -6.8         6.4          3.0
GDP per capita (US$, nominal)                               3979.2     4048.5    4105.8    4261.6    4266.9    4308.3    4042.7    3857.7    3745.6      4134.7       4199.3

Inflation, consumer prices (annual %, period average)          1.7        1.9       0.1       1.3       3.7       2.2       1.5      -3.0       8.8        12.0           6.5
Base Money (% of GDP)                                         12.1       13.1       9.8      11.4      14.2      17.1      18.7      24.9      34.6        31.8          30.1
Domestic Credit to the Private Sector ( % of GDP)2            72.2       72.1      75.7      77.6      81.5      83.3      87.0      96.7      95.0           ..            ..
10 year interest rate (annual average)¹                          ..         ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..          ..            ..
Nominal Exchange Rate (local currency per USD)                 2.5        2.4       2.6       2.5       2.5       2.6       2.7       2.6       2.6         2.7           2.9
Real Exchange Rate Index (2015=100)                           90.6      100.0      92.2      92.6      89.7      88.2      83.7      83.3      89.9        85.4          81.7

Revenue (% of GDP)                                            27.7       26.7      26.2      27.7      28.9      30.0      34.9      36.5      38.5        36.0          32.3
Expenditure (% of GDP)                                        30.6       30.5      27.3      26.1      29.1      27.5      29.2      34.7      33.1        33.0          34.8
Interest Payments (% of GDP)                                   0.8        0.9       0.8       0.8       0.8       0.7       0.7       0.3       0.5         0.5           0.5
Non-Interest Expenditure (% of GDP)                           29.8       29.6      26.5      25.3      28.3      26.8      28.5      34.4      32.6        32.5          34.2
Overall Fiscal Balance (% of GDP)                             -2.9       -3.8      -1.1       1.6      -0.2       2.5       5.7       1.7       5.4         3.0          -2.5
Primary Fiscal Balance (% of GDP)                             -2.1       -2.9      -0.3       2.4       0.6       3.2       6.4       2.1       5.9         3.5          -1.9
General Government Debt (% of GDP)                            50.2       56.4      49.0      46.7      49.4      44.3      43.2      46.3      43.6        35.5          30.3
External Public Debt (% of GDP)                               48.2       54.0      47.2      45.4      48.5      43.7      42.9      46.1      43.6        33.4          28.5

Export growth, G&S (nominal US$, annual %)                      6.8       1.8       8.6       8.1       9.0      12.4     -20.6     -61.3       3.4       164.9          16.0
Import growth, G&S (nominal US$, annual %)                      4.7      -7.1       0.5       0.4       7.0       5.0      -6.8       0.7       5.3        30.5           7.6
Merchandise exports (% of GDP)                                  3.8       3.4       4.4       4.3       4.1       5.5       5.2       4.1       3.8         4.7           4.8
Merchandise imports (% of GDP)                                 38.8      39.2      36.4      34.9      36.8      38.3      36.4      37.8      41.3        47.4          49.7
Services, net (% of GDP)                                       14.3      15.4      14.2      15.6      17.4      19.4      13.0      -3.9      -2.9        10.4          13.5
Current account balance (current US$ millions)                -29.6     -21.7     -37.1     -18.3       4.9      23.0       3.9    -122.1     -94.1       -36.3         -41.0
Current account balance (% of GDP)                             -3.9      -2.6      -4.4      -2.1       0.5       2.5       0.5     -14.5     -11.3        -3.9          -4.3
Foreign Direct Investment, net inflows (% of GDP)               1.2       3.3       0.7      -1.0       1.8       0.3      -0.4       1.1       0.6         1.1           0.6
Multilateral debt (% of total external debt)2                     ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..          ..            ..

                                                                                                                                               See next page for more indicators
SELECTED INDICATORS*                                                                  Avg. '10-19          2015         2016          2017         2018           2019         2020        2021         2022             2023 E    2024 F

Population, total (millions)                                                                    0.2          0.2           0.2          0.2           0.2           0.2          0.2          0.2          0.2              0.2       0.2
Population Growth (annual %)                                                                    0.9          0.9           1.0          1.0           1.0           1.1          1.4          1.8          1.7              1.5       1.5
Unemployment Rate²                                                                              8.3          8.8           8.8          9.4           9.5           9.1          9.8          9.9         10.3                ..        ..

GDP (current LCU, millions)                                                                1989.5       1997.8 2205.8              2243.6       2254.4         2390.1       2344.1       2169.5       2170.2             2550.6    2812.8
GDP (current US$, millions)                                                                 808.8        824.2   843.9              884.8        894.8          913.0        868.9        843.9        832.9              933.1     961.5
GDP per capita LCU (real)                                                                  9571.1       9466.4 10124.1            10163.3      10001.6        10338.2       9875.9       9015.9       8398.6             8937.1    9208.3
Human Development Index Ranking³                                                            108.6         109     108                108          112            116          112          112          116                   ..        ..
CPIA (overall rating)2                                                                        4.0          4.0     4.0                4.0          4.0            4.0          4.0          4.0          4.0                  ..        ..
Economic Management2                                                                          4.2          4.2     4.2                4.2          4.2            4.2          4.2          4.2          4.2                  ..        ..
Structural Policies2                                                                          3.9          3.8     3.8                3.8          3.8            3.7          3.7          3.7          3.7                  ..        ..
Policies for Social Inclusion and Equity2                                                     3.9          3.8     3.9                3.9          3.9            3.9          3.9          3.9          3.9                  ..        ..
Public Sector Management and Institutions2                                                    4.1          4.1     4.1                4.1          4.1            4.2          4.1          4.1          4.1                  ..        ..


Notes: ".." indicates not available. E = estimate, F = forecast. Data from MFMOD unless otherwise noted.
1/ World Bank GEM database; MRV = Most recent value.
2/ World Development Indicators Database and World Bank Staff Estimates.
3/ The HDI ranking in 2001 is in relation to 175 countries and in 2010 in relation to 169 countries. Methodological enhancements in HDI calculations have resulted in notable improvements in the countries' rankings.

Sources: MFMOD Database, World Bank WDI and GEM databases, IMF.
SELECTED INDICATORS*                                    Avg. '10-19    2015      2016      2017      2018      2019      2020      2021      2022       2023 E        2024 F

GDP growth (annual %)                                          3.8       1.7       5.6       3.1       2.7       1.7      -3.4      -0.6      -4.1         1.9           2.8
GDP per capita growth (annual %, real)                         1.3      -0.9       3.0       0.6       0.3      -0.6      -5.6      -2.9      -6.2        -0.3           0.6
GDP per capita (US$, nominal)                               2145.8    2135.0    2195.5    2283.9    2449.8    2398.5    2222.3    2182.7    2203.6      2067.9        1953.4

Inflation, consumer prices (annual %, EOP or MRV)¹             3.1       3.2      -2.5       1.9       3.7       2.6         ..        ..        ..           ..            ..
Inflation, consumer prices (annual %, period average)          3.0      -0.6       0.5       0.5       3.5       1.6       3.0      -0.1       5.5          4.7           3.7
Base Money (% of GDP)                                         30.0      33.3      34.9      34.4      32.5      30.2      36.4      36.2      35.3         35.1          34.7
Domestic Credit to the Private Sector ( % of GDP)2            28.2      33.0      34.2      33.2      30.7      30.7      32.6      32.4      31.9            ..            ..
10 year interest rate (annual average)¹                          ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..           ..            ..
Nominal Exchange Rate (local currency per USD)                 7.8       7.9       8.0       7.9       8.0       8.2       8.2       8.2       8.2          8.8           9.6
Real Exchange Rate Index (2015=100)                           92.9     100.0      97.6      98.2     101.5     102.5      97.2      93.0     102.6         91.8          82.5

Revenue (% of GDP)                                            42.5      42.3      38.3      39.2      38.9      32.0      33.4      31.2      32.6         28.8          30.8
Expenditure (% of GDP)                                        40.3      39.3      41.4      40.1      34.7      32.9      36.0      34.8      36.8         33.0          35.2
Interest Payments (% of GDP)                                   0.2       0.1       0.1       0.1       0.1       0.2       0.2       0.2       0.3          0.5           0.4
Non-Interest Expenditure (% of GDP)                           40.1      39.2      41.3      40.0      34.6      32.8      35.8      34.6      36.5         32.5          34.8
Overall Fiscal Balance (% of GDP)                              2.2       2.9      -3.2      -0.9       4.1      -0.9      -2.5      -3.6      -4.1         -4.2          -4.4
Primary Fiscal Balance (% of GDP)                              2.4       3.0      -3.1      -0.8       4.2      -0.8      -2.3      -3.4      -3.8         -3.7          -4.0
General Government Debt (% of GDP)                            12.1       9.0       7.1       8.5       7.9       7.9      13.5      15.4      16.9         20.4          24.0
External Public Debt (% of GDP)                                9.2       8.5       6.7       6.8       6.0       5.8       9.9       9.5      11.2         12.6          14.0

Export growth, G&S (nominal US$, annual %)                    12.0      -7.1       5.3       7.8      13.8     -13.1     -27.5      -3.5      -5.9         16.0        -11.0
Import growth, G&S (nominal US$, annual %)                     9.4      -9.3       1.0       8.5      10.0       0.6     -26.1      11.3      17.0          1.4        -10.7
Merchandise exports (% of GDP)                                33.5      32.1      31.3      31.9      33.2      28.5      24.7      24.0      21.2         24.5         21.7
Merchandise imports (% of GDP)                                34.9      33.4      30.4      31.4      32.8      30.7      26.3      30.3      34.1         38.0         34.9
Services, net (% of GDP)                                      -7.3      -5.8      -6.1      -6.0      -4.6      -7.7      -6.6      -7.0      -8.1         -5.0         -4.0
Current account balance (current US$ millions)               -72.0     -35.3     -48.8     -62.8     -47.8    -154.0     -25.1     -78.3    -212.1       -177.6       -151.9
Current account balance (% of GDP)                            -6.2      -2.7      -3.5      -4.3      -3.0      -9.5      -1.6      -5.1     -13.3        -11.6        -10.3
Foreign Direct Investment, net inflows (% of GDP)              4.8       2.1       2.6       2.4       1.0       1.8       0.4       1.5       2.5          2.0          1.9
Multilateral debt (% of total external debt)2                    ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..           ..           ..

                                                                                                                                                See next page for more indicators
SELECTED INDICATORS*                                                                   Avg. '10-19            2015          2016           2017           2018          2019           2020          2021          2022         2023 E     2024 F

Population, total (millions)                                                                      0.6           0.6            0.6           0.6            0.7            0.7           0.7            0.7              0.7       0.7        0.8
Population Growth (annual %)                                                                      2.5           2.6            2.5           2.5            2.4            2.4           2.4            2.4              2.3       2.2        2.2
Unemployment Rate²                                                                                0.9           0.7            0.7           0.7            0.7            0.7           0.9            1.0              1.5         ..         ..

GDP (current LCU, millions)                                                                10180.0        10352.0       10964.0        11593.0       12847.0        13234.0        12617.0       12690.0        13021.0        13518.1    14123.2
GDP (current US$, millions)                                                                 1309.5         1308.0        1379.0         1470.0        1615.0         1619.0         1536.0        1545.0         1596.0         1531.1     1478.1
GDP per capita LCU (real)                                                                  15615.1        15406.6       15862.1        15956.3       16006.1        15905.4        15007.4       14570.9        13662.0        13617.9    13698.5
Human Development Index Ranking³                                                             150.3           152           153            155           155            155            156           155            156               ..         ..
CPIA (overall rating)2                                                                         2.9            3.0           3.0            2.9           2.9            2.9            2.9           2.9            3.0              ..         ..
Economic Management2                                                                           3.2            3.3           3.3            3.2           3.2            3.2            3.2           3.2            3.2              ..         ..
Structural Policies2                                                                           3.1            3.2           3.2            3.2           3.2            3.2            3.2           3.2            3.2              ..         ..
Policies for Social Inclusion and Equity2                                                      2.7            2.7           2.7            2.7           2.7            2.7            2.7           2.8            2.8              ..         ..
Public Sector Management and Institutions2                                                     2.7            2.7           2.7            2.7           2.7            2.7            2.7           2.6            2.7              ..         ..


Notes: ".." indicates not available. E = estimate, F = forecast. Data from MFMOD unless otherwise noted.
1/ World Bank GEM database; MRV = Most recent value.
2/ World Development Indicators Database and World Bank Staff Estimates.
3/ The HDI ranking in 2001 is in relation to 175 countries and in 2010 in relation to 169 countries. Methodological enhancements in HDI calculations have resulted in notable improvements in the countries' rankings.

Sources: MFMOD Database, World Bank WDI and GEM databases, IMF.
SELECTED INDICATORS*                                    Avg. '10-19      2015       2016       2017       2018       2019       2020       2021        2022          2023 E            2024 F

GDP growth (annual %)                                          3.6        3.1        3.4        4.2        4.2        2.1       -6.1         1.6         2.5            1.9               2.8
GDP per capita growth (annual %, real)                         3.1        2.6        3.0        3.7        3.9        1.9       -6.3         1.4         2.3            1.7               2.7
GDP per capita (US$, nominal)                               6075.8     5708.8     5854.5     6437.1     7124.5     7628.6     7001.8      7070.5      6913.1         7171.8            7535.8
Private Consumption growth (annual %)                          3.3        2.6        2.9        3.1        4.6        4.0       -0.8         0.6         6.2            7.1               3.4
Gross Investment ( % of nominal GDP)                          24.4       24.5       23.7       23.1       22.8       22.6       23.2        23.5        23.4           23.0              23.0
Gross Investment - Public ( % of nominal GDP)                  5.9        6.3        6.4        6.0        5.8        5.7        6.4         6.5         6.1            5.6               5.6

Inflation, consumer prices (annual %, EOP or MRV)¹             1.4       -0.9        1.1        0.7        0.3        0.9       -0.2         2.2         6.0           -0.8               -0.7
Inflation, consumer prices (annual %, period average)          1.6       -0.9        0.2        0.7        1.1        0.7       -0.8         1.2         6.1            1.2                1.0
M2 ( % of GDP)                                                   ..         ..         ..         ..         ..         ..         ..          ..          ..             ..                 ..
Domestic Credit to the Private Sector ( % of GDP) 2          139.8      149.4      146.2      144.6      144.1      143.4      160.1       164.3       156.4              ..                 ..
10 year interest rate (annual average)¹                        3.0        2.7        2.1        2.5        2.6        2.0        1.3         1.7         2.6            2.7                2.6
Nominal Exchange Rate (local currency per USD)                32.3       34.2       35.3       33.9       32.3       31.0       31.3        32.0        35.1           34.8               34.5
Real Exchange Rate Index (2015=100)                          101.6      100.0       97.7      100.6      104.1      110.2      108.3       102.4        99.8          101.0               99.3

Revenue (% of GDP)                                            21.2       22.2       21.4       20.8       21.2       20.9       20.7        19.8        19.8            20.8              21.1
Expenditure (% of GDP)                                        21.4       22.0       21.0       21.2       21.0       20.5       25.2        26.5        24.2            23.0              23.0
Interest Payments (% of GDP)                                   1.0        1.0        0.8        0.9        1.0        1.0        1.0         1.2         1.3             1.2               2.1
Non-Interest Expenditure (% of GDP)                           20.4       21.0       20.2       20.2       20.0       19.5       24.3        25.2        22.9            21.9              20.9
Overall Fiscal Balance (% of GDP)                             -0.2        0.2        0.4       -0.4        0.2        0.4       -4.5        -6.7        -4.4            -2.3              -1.9
Primary Fiscal Balance (% of GDP)                              0.8        1.2        1.2        0.5        1.2        1.4       -3.5        -5.4        -3.1            -1.1               0.2
General Government Debt (% of GDP)                            41.0       42.1       41.0       41.1       41.4       40.9       50.1        57.7        59.7            62.1              62.6
External Public Debt (% of GDP)                                2.5        2.6        2.4        1.9        1.6        1.3        0.9         1.0         1.0             0.9               0.8

Export growth, G&S (nominal US$, annual %)                     6.2       -2.6        2.1        9.9        7.9       -1.4      -20.3        14.7         9.5            6.2               5.2
Import growth, G&S (nominal US$, annual %)                     6.6       -9.8       -3.7       12.0       14.5       -3.8      -14.9        27.6        13.0           -2.3               4.0
Merchandise exports (% of GDP)                                53.3       53.2       51.6       51.2       49.6       44.6       45.4        53.4        57.5           54.4              53.2
Merchandise imports (% of GDP)                                48.6       46.7       43.0       44.1       45.1       39.7       37.3        47.1        54.8           51.1              50.6
Services, net (% of GDP)                                       2.3        3.9        4.9        5.3        4.4        4.5       -2.9        -6.4        -4.8            0.1               1.6
Current account balance (current US$ millions)             20070.1    27752.9    43438.0    43951.9    28478.9    38256.4    20933.5    -10268.5    -15742.4         6572.2            7105.5
Current account balance (% of GDP)                             4.5        6.9       10.5        9.6        5.6        7.0        4.2        -2.0        -3.2            1.3               1.3
Foreign Direct Investment, net inflows (% of GDP)             -0.3        1.0       -2.4       -1.3       -0.7       -0.9       -4.7        -0.8         0.7           -0.4              -1.0
Multilateral debt (% of total external debt) 2                   ..         ..         ..         ..         ..         ..         ..          ..          ..             ..                ..

                                                                                                                                                                See next page for more indicators
SELECTED INDICATORS*                                                                Avg. '10-19                 2015               2016                2017                2018               2019              2020              2021               2022            2023 E           2024 F

Population, total (millions)                                                                 70.0               70.3                70.6                70.9                71.1               71.3              71.5              71.6               71.7              71.8            71.9
Population Growth (annual %)                                                                  0.5                0.5                 0.4                 0.4                 0.3                0.3               0.2               0.2                0.1               0.1             0.1
Unemployment Rate²                                                                            0.6                0.6                 0.7                 0.8                 0.8                0.7               1.1               1.0                0.9                 ..              ..
International poverty rate ($2.15 in 2017 PPP)³                                               0.1                0.0                 0.0                 0.0                 0.0                0.1               0.0               0.0                0.0               0.0             0.0
Lower middle-income poverty rate ($3.65 in 2017 PPP)                                          1.6                0.8                 1.0                 0.8                 0.9                0.6               0.7               0.6                0.5               0.4             0.3
Upper middle-income poverty rate ($6.85 in 2017 PPP) ³                                       18.5               14.6                15.7                15.1                15.6               13.1              13.2              12.2               11.0              10.3             9.1

GDP (current LCU, millions)                                                        13770285.3          13743480.0          14590337.0          15488664.0         16373343.0         16889174.0         15661291.0        16188611.0         17378015.0        17921213.0         18682785.8
GDP (current US$, millions)                                                          425887.8            401296.2            413366.3            456381.5           506746.5           543976.7           500461.9          506256.5           495645.8          514944.8           541719.9
GDP per capita LCU (real)                                                            135660.2            135450.7            139483.3            144713.7           150337.9           153129.5           143527.1          145522.5           148906.9          151490.3           155543.3
Human Development Index Ranking⁴                                                         76.4                  72                  72                  72                 72                 71                 67                69                 66                 ..                 ..
CPIA (overall rating)2                                                                      ..                  ..                  ..                  ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                ..                 ..                ..                 ..
Economic Management2                                                                        ..                  ..                  ..                  ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                ..                 ..                ..                 ..
Structural Policies2                                                                        ..                  ..                  ..                  ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                ..                 ..                ..                 ..
Policies for Social Inclusion and Equity 2                                                  ..                  ..                  ..                  ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                ..                 ..                ..                 ..
Public Sector Management and Institutions 2                                                 ..                  ..                  ..                  ..                 ..                 ..                 ..                ..                 ..                ..                 ..


Notes: ".." indicates not available. E = estimate, F = forecast. Data from MFMOD unless otherwise noted. Poverty data are expressed in 2017 PPP, versus 2011 PPP in previous editions - resulting in major changes. See
1/ World Bank GEM database; MRV = Most recent value.
2/ World Development Indicators Database and World Bank Staff Estimates.
3/ Calculations based on EAPPOV harmonization, using 2014-SES, 2020-SES, and 2021-SES.Projection using annualized elasticity (2014-2020) with pass-through = 1 based on GDP per capita in constant LCU. Actual data: 2021. Nowcast: 2022-2023. Forecasts are from 2024 to 2026.
4/ The HDI ranking in 2001 is in relation to 175 countries and in 2010 in relation to 169 countries. Methodological enhancements in HDI calculations have resulted in notable improvements in the countries' rankings.

Sources: MFMOD Database, World Bank WDI and GEM databases, IMF.
SELECTED INDICATORS*                                    Avg. '10-19    2015      2016      2017      2018      2019      2020      2021      2022       2023 E        2024 F

GDP growth (annual %)                                          3.2       2.8       3.4      -3.1      -0.7       2.0      -8.3       2.9       4.0         2.1           3.6
GDP per capita growth (annual %, real)                         1.3       1.0       1.8      -4.6      -2.2       0.5      -9.7       1.3       2.5         0.6           2.2
GDP per capita (US$, nominal)                               1170.4    1322.9    1349.5    1285.5    1241.2    1314.1    1216.5    1180.7    1246.6      1275.8        1319.8
Private Consumption growth (annual %)                          3.1      -1.2       4.5       3.0       1.7       3.8      -1.3      -2.7      14.0         3.0           4.0
Gross Investment ( % of nominal GDP)                          41.6      35.5      38.0      32.7      32.7      25.4      14.4      13.9      17.6        19.4          21.0
Gross Investment - Public ( % of nominal GDP)                 34.2      28.2      30.6      24.0      28.4      21.4      12.0      10.7      13.7        15.2          16.6

Inflation, consumer prices (annual %, EOP or MRV)¹             4.9      -0.5       0.0       0.8       2.3         ..        ..        ..        ..          ..             ..
Inflation, consumer prices (annual %, period average)          4.2       0.6      -1.5       0.5       2.3       0.9       0.5       3.8       7.0         8.4            3.3
Base Money (% of GDP)                                         41.4      40.3      44.4      51.5      54.2      46.8      54.9      71.7      72.7       100.7           95.9
Domestic Credit to the Private Sector ( % of GDP)2            13.6      13.3      12.6      16.2      16.0      13.0      13.4       8.4      12.7           ..             ..
10 year interest rate (annual average)¹                          ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..        ..          ..             ..
Nominal Exchange Rate (local currency per USD)                 1.0       1.0       1.0       1.0       1.0       1.0       1.0       1.0       1.0         1.0            1.0
Real Exchange Rate Index (2015=100)                           91.8     100.0      99.3      98.0      95.0      98.0      96.9      94.6     106.8        98.4           96.9

Revenue (% of GDP)                                             56.9     50.7      45.1      42.0      47.3      43.2      45.9      45.5      43.4         42.2          40.7
Expenditure (% of GDP)                                         87.8     83.8      98.7      75.6      76.3      73.6      71.8      92.4     104.1         86.2          83.8
Interest Payments (% of GDP)                                    0.0      0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.1       0.1       0.2       0.1          0.0           0.0
Non-Interest Expenditure (% of GDP)                            87.8     83.8      98.7      75.6      76.3      73.5      71.7      92.3     104.0         86.2          83.8
Overall Fiscal Balance (% of GDP)                             -30.9    -33.1     -53.6     -33.6     -29.0     -30.3     -25.9     -47.0     -60.7        -44.0         -43.1
Primary Fiscal Balance (% of GDP)                             -30.9    -33.1     -53.6     -33.6     -29.0     -30.2     -25.8     -46.8     -60.5        -44.0         -43.1
General Government Debt (% of GDP)                              3.7      2.9       4.7       6.6       9.3      11.5      13.8      15.2      15.2         18.3          19.4
External Public Debt (% of GDP)²                                4.3      2.9       4.3       6.9       9.2       9.4      10.2       6.4       7.7            ..            ..

Export growth, G&S (nominal US$, annual %)                      7.1      2.6       5.7      13.3      11.1      -3.9     -51.3      -1.8      60.7          1.9           4.5
Import growth, G&S (nominal US$, annual %)                      0.6      1.8      -7.5     -11.9      -0.8      -1.9     -19.0       3.2      16.9          3.1           9.2
Merchandise exports (% of GDP)                                  1.8      1.1       1.2       1.0       1.6       1.5       1.1       2.1       2.1          1.7           1.7
Merchandise imports (% of GDP)                                 40.9     41.0      34.3      39.5      39.2      35.2      33.3      38.5      40.8         36.7          36.7
Services, net (% of GDP)                                      -53.1    -36.5     -34.4     -21.5     -22.3     -21.2     -17.4     -15.6     -16.7        -20.1         -22.6

                                                                                                                                               See next page for more indicators
SELECTED INDICATORS*                                                                              Avg. '10-19           2015           2016          2017          2018           2019          2020          2021           2022            2023 E            2024 F
Current account balance (current US$ millions)                                                          925.8           203.6         -544.5        -283.5        -191.2          132.9        -308.0          43.0         -284.0           -353.8            -759.3
Current account balance (% of GDP)                                                                       82.6            12.8          -32.9         -17.7         -12.2            7.9         -19.5           2.8          -17.0            -20.4             -41.7
Foreign Direct Investment, net inflows (% of GDP)                                                         1.4            -1.9            0.4          -0.4          -3.1           34.2          -4.6          -4.3           -4.1              1.7               1.7
Multilateral debt (% of total external debt)2                                                               ..              ..             ..            ..            ..             ..            ..            ..             ..               ..                ..

Population, total (millions)                                                                                 1.2            1.2            1.2           1.2           1.3           1.3           1.3           1.3            1.3               1.4              1.4
Population Growth (annual %)                                                                                 1.9            1.8            1.6           1.5           1.5           1.5           1.5           1.6            1.5               1.4              1.4
Unemployment Rate²                                                                                           4.2            4.5            4.7           4.7           4.7           4.5           4.8           5.0            4.9                 ..               ..
International poverty rate ($2.15 in 2017 PPP)³                                                             24.4              ..             ..            ..            ..            ..         29.4          28.8           27.8              27.5             26.6
Lower middle-income poverty rate ($3.65 in 2017 PPP)                                                        69.2              ..             ..            ..            ..            ..         73.3          72.9           72.1              71.9             71.2

GDP (current LCU, millions)                                                                             1402.3         1595.2        1652.6        1598.2         1566.2        1682.6        1581.4         1559.6        1672.0            1735.9            1821.2
GDP (current US$, millions)                                                                             1402.3         1595.2        1652.6        1598.2         1566.2        1682.6        1581.4         1559.6        1672.0            1735.9            1821.2
GDP per capita LCU (real)                                                                               1275.4         1322.9        1346.6        1284.6         1256.9        1263.0        1140.8         1155.2        1183.6            1190.9            1217.1
Human Development Index Ranking                                                                          133.3           137           140           139            139           140           138            153           155                  ..                ..
CPIA (overall rating)2                                                                                     3.0            3.0           3.0           2.9            2.8           2.8           2.8            2.8           2.8                 ..                ..
Economic Management2                                                                                       3.5            3.7           3.5           3.2            3.0           3.0           3.0            3.0           3.0                 ..                ..
Structural Policies2                                                                                       2.9            3.0           3.0           2.8            2.8           2.8           2.8            2.8           2.8                 ..                ..
Policies for Social Inclusion and Equity2                                                                  2.9            2.9           2.9           2.9            2.9           2.9           2.9            2.9           2.9                 ..                ..
Public Sector Management and Institutions2                                                                 2.5            2.5           2.5           2.5            2.5           2.6           2.6            2.6           2.6                 ..                ..


Notes: ".." indicates not available. E = estimate, F = forecast. Data from MFMOD unless otherwise noted. Poverty data are expressed in 2017 PPP, versus 2011 PPP in previous editions - resulting in major changes. See
1/ World Bank GEM database; MRV = Most recent value.
2/ World Development Indicators Database and World Bank Staff Estimates.
3/ Calculations based on EAPPOV harmonization, using 2007-TLSLS and 2014-TLSLS.Projection using annualized elasticity (2007-2014) with pass-through = 1 based on GDP per capita in constant LCU. Actual data: 2014. Nowcast: 2015-2023. Forecasts are from 2024 to 2026.
4/ The HDI ranking in 2001 is in relation to 175 countries and in 2010 in relation to 169 countries. Methodological enhancements in HDI calculations have resulted in notable improvements in the countries' rankings.

Sources: MFMOD Database, World Bank WDI and GEM databases, IMF.
SELECTED INDICATORS*                                    Avg. '10-19     2015       2016       2017       2018        2019       2020      2021       2022      2023 E               2024 F

GDP growth (annual %)                                          6.6        7.0        6.7        6.9        7.5        7.4        2.9        2.6        8.1        5.0                  5.5
GDP per capita growth (annual %, real)                         5.5        5.9        5.6        5.9        6.5        6.4        1.9        1.7        7.3        4.3                  4.9
GDP per capita (US$, nominal)                               2586.0     2595.2     2760.7     2992.1     3267.2     3491.1     3586.3     3759.9     4178.3     4318.1               4651.6
Private Consumption growth (annual %)                          6.3        8.8        6.4        7.2        6.9        7.0        0.4        2.2        7.7        3.5                  5.0
Gross Investment ( % of nominal GDP)                          30.2       30.2       29.9       30.5       30.3       30.4       30.3       31.0       30.8       30.0                 30.6
Gross Investment - Public ( % of nominal GDP)                  5.8        5.9        5.3        5.9        5.6        5.5        7.2        6.4        6.7        5.7                  5.4

Inflation, consumer prices (annual %, EOP or MRV)¹             6.0        0.6        4.7        2.6        3.0        5.2        0.3        1.9        4.6        3.5                  3.9
Inflation, consumer prices (annual %, period average)          6.0        0.6        2.7        3.5        3.5        2.8        3.2        1.8        3.1        3.2                  3.5
Base Money (% of GDP)                                        112.5      116.0      126.4      130.2      131.4      137.2      150.5      157.9      149.0      157.8                163.7
Domestic Credit to the Private Sector ( % of GDP)2            91.0       90.4       98.9      104.0      105.3      108.0      115.5      124.4      126.4          ..                   ..
10 year interest rate (annual average)¹                        7.9        6.8        6.7        5.6        4.8        4.7          ..         ..         ..         ..                   ..
Nominal Exchange Rate (local currency per USD)             21368.7    21697.6    21935.0    22370.1    22602.0    23050.2    23208.4    23159.8    23275.2    23740.7              23978.1
Real Exchange Rate Index (2015=100)                           92.8      100.0      100.2       98.9       97.5       98.6       99.6       97.8      102.8      102.9                103.0

Revenue (% of GDP)                                            19.6       19.2       19.6       20.6       20.4       20.2       18.8       18.8       19.0       17.2                  15.2
Expenditure (% of GDP)                                        21.4       22.8       21.4       21.5       20.5       19.8       21.3       20.1       19.3       18.4                  16.8
Interest Payments (% of GDP)                                   1.3        1.6        1.5        1.6        1.5        1.4        1.3        1.2        1.0        0.9                   1.1
Non-Interest Expenditure (% of GDP)                           20.1       21.2       19.9       20.0       19.0       18.4       19.9       18.9       18.3       17.5                  15.7
Overall Fiscal Balance (% of GDP)                             -1.8       -3.5       -1.8       -1.0       -0.1        0.3       -2.5       -1.4       -0.2       -1.3                  -1.6
Primary Fiscal Balance (% of GDP)                             -0.5       -1.9       -0.2        0.6        1.5        1.7       -1.1       -0.2        0.7       -0.4                  -0.5
General Government Debt (% of GDP)                            36.6       39.8       42.1       41.1       39.5       37.6       39.0       38.7       34.0       37.3                  37.7
External Public Debt (% of GDP)                               16.9       16.7       16.8       16.5       15.2       14.3       14.1       12.7       10.2       11.2                  11.4

Export growth, G&S (nominal US$, annual %)                    16.4        7.5        9.1       20.7       13.3        8.6        3.3       17.2       13.0       -2.1                  3.2
Import growth, G&S (nominal US$, annual %)                    13.8       11.8        6.8       21.4       11.0        6.5        3.1       25.4        9.7       -3.1                  4.4
Merchandise exports (% of GDP)                                66.0       67.7       68.7       76.5       78.6       79.0       81.5       91.7       90.5       83.3                 74.9
Merchandise imports (% of GDP)                                62.7       64.6       64.4       72.6       73.3       72.6       72.7       86.9       84.2       76.7                 72.0
Services, net (% of GDP)                                      -1.5       -2.0       -1.7       -1.4       -1.2       -0.7       -3.0       -4.3       -3.1       -2.7                 -0.2
Current account balance (current US$ millions)              3842.9    -2041.0      625.0    -1649.0     5899.4    13101.2    15060.0    -4628.0    -1074.0     8195.4               7839.1
Current account balance (% of GDP)                             1.4       -0.9        0.2       -0.6        1.9        3.9        4.3       -1.3       -0.3        1.9                  1.7
Foreign Direct Investment, net inflows (% of GDP)              4.2        4.5        4.5        4.8        4.8        4.7        4.4        4.2        3.7        4.3                  4.3
Multilateral debt (% of total external debt)2                    ..         ..         ..         ..         ..         ..         ..         ..         ..         ..                   ..

                                                                                                                                                              See next page for more indicators
SELECTED INDICATORS*                                                                    Avg. '10-19                     2015                   2016                     2017                     2018                     2019                    2020                    2021              2022            2023 E           2024 F

Population, total (millions)                                                                     91.7                   92.2                    93.1                     94.0                     94.9                    95.8                     96.6                     97.5              98.2             98.9             99.5
Population Growth (annual %)                                                                      1.0                    1.0                     1.0                      1.0                      0.9                     0.9                      0.9                      0.8               0.7              0.7              0.6
Unemployment Rate                                                                                 1.4                    1.8                     1.9                      1.9                      1.2                     1.4                      4.1                      2.7               3.0              2.2              2.0
International poverty rate ($2.15 in 2017 PPP)                                                    1.8                      ..                    1.3                        ..                     1.2                       ..                     0.7                        ..              1.0              0.9              0.8
Lower middle-income poverty rate ($3.65 in 2017 PPP)                                              9.0                      ..                    6.4                        ..                     5.3                       ..                     3.8                        ..              4.2              3.9              3.6
Upper middle-income poverty rate ($6.85 in 2017 PPP)                                             34.3                      ..                   27.1                        ..                    22.2                       ..                    18.7                        ..             19.7             18.7             17.6

GDP (current LCU, millions)                                                         5160504600.0            5191324000.0            5639401000.0            6293905000.0             7009042000.0             7707200000.0            8044386000.0             8487475600.0          9548737670.0    10134435929.8    11097573119.7
GDP (current US$, millions)                                                             238472.7                239258.4                257096.1                281353.6                 310106.5                 334365.3                346615.8                 366474.8              410253.8         426880.3         462821.1
GDP per capita LCU (real)                                                             39850535.9              40099467.8              42352528.8              44855240.7               47756108.1               50808967.0              51793317.2               52669466.2            56531160.4       58967374.4       61831082.6
Human Development Index Ranking⁴                                                           113.5                     114                     113                     116                      115                      113                     105                      108                   107                ..               ..
CPIA (overall rating)2                                                                       3.8                     3.7                       ..                      ..                       ..                       ..                      ..                       ..                    ..               ..               ..
Economic Management2                                                                         4.0                     3.7                       ..                      ..                       ..                       ..                      ..                       ..                    ..               ..               ..
Structural Policies2                                                                         3.4                     3.5                       ..                      ..                       ..                       ..                      ..                       ..                    ..               ..               ..
Policies for Social Inclusion and Equity2                                                    4.0                     4.1                       ..                      ..                       ..                       ..                      ..                       ..                    ..               ..               ..
Public Sector Management and Institutions2                                                   3.5                     3.5                       ..                      ..                       ..                       ..                      ..                       ..                    ..               ..               ..


Notes: ".." indicates not available. E = estimate, F = forecast. Data from MFMOD unless otherwise noted. Poverty data are expressed in 2017 PPP, versus 2011 PPP in previous editions - resulting in major changes. See
1/ World Bank GEM database; MRV = Most recent value.
2/ World Development Indicators Database and World Bank Staff Estimates.
3/ Calculations based on EAPPOV harmonization, using 2016-VHLSS, 2020-VHLSS, and 2022-VHLSS.Projection using annualized elasticity (2016-2020) with pass-through = 0.7 based on GDP per capita in constant LCU. Actual data: 2022. Nowcast: 2023. Forecasts are from 2024 to 2026.
4/ The HDI ranking in 2001 is in relation to 175 countries and in 2010 in relation to 169 countries. Methodological enhancements in HDI calculations have resulted in notable improvements in the countries' rankings.

Sources: MFMOD Database, World Bank WDI and GEM databases, IMF.