PROCUREMENT PLAN (Textual Part) Project information: Tuvalu Telecommunications and ICT Development Project (P159395) Project Implementation agency: The Ministry of Communications and Transport (MCT) Date of the Procurement Plan: XXX[please add] Period covered by this Procurement Plan: from 2018 to 2020 Preamble In accordance with paragraph 5.9 of the “World Bank Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” (July 2016) (“Procurement Regulations”) the Bank’s Systematic Tracking and Exchanges in Procurement (STEP) system will be used to prepare, clear and update Procurement Plans and conduct all procurement transactions for the Project. This textual part along with the Procurement Plan tables in STEP constitute the Procurement Plan for the Project. The following conditions apply to all procurement activities in the Procurement Plan. The other elements of the Procurement Plan as required under paragraph 4.4 of the Procurement Regulations are set forth in STEP. The Bank’s Standard Procurement Documents: shall be used for all contracts subject to international competitive procurement and those contracts as specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP. National Procurement Arrangements: In accordance with paragraph 5.3 of the Procurement Regulations, when approaching the national market (as specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP), the country’s own procurement procedures may be used. At this stage, no contracts are expected to be procured by approaching the national market. Leased Assets as specified under paragraph 5.10 of the Procurement Regulations: Not Applicable. Procurement of Second Hand Goods as specified under paragraph 5.11 of the Procurement Regulations – Not Applicable. Domestic preference as specified under paragraph 5.51 of the Procurement Regulations (Goods and Works) – not applicable. PROCUREMENT Tuvalu : TV: Telecommunications and ICT Development Project PLAN General Information Country: Tuvalu 2019-02-14 Bank’s Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan: 2022-07-24 Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none) Project ID: P159395 GPN Date: 2019-04-08 Project Name: TV: Telecommunications and ICT Development Project Loan / Credit No: IDA / V0490 Ministry of Communication and Transport Executing Agency(ies): WORKS Activity Reference No. / Estimated Actual Am Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification High SEA/SH R Procurement D Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission / Contract Complet Description Component Review Type Method Amount (U ount (US$ and Recommendation Signed Contract o. h cess (Y/N) isk ocument Type atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes ion S$) ) for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned GOODS Activity Reference No. / Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission / Description Component Review Type Method and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h cess (Y/N) ount (US$) (US$) atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual NON CONSULTING SERVICES Activity Reference No. / Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission / Description Component Review Type Method and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h cess (Y/N) ount (US$) (US$) atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual TV-MOCT-104003-NC-PPP / P PP Based investment into TT 2. Enhancing Connectivity In Public Private Part Open - Internationa Pending Impl C for enhanced International IDA / V0490 Prior 26,500,000.00 0.00 2019-04-01 2019-04-06 2019-06-15 2019-11-17 2019-12-22 2021-06-14 frastructure nership l ementation and National connectivity Infr astructure and ICT Services CONSULTING FIRMS Activity Reference No. / Combined Evaluation Loan / Credit N Market Approac Contract Type Estimated Amo Actual Amount Expression of Interest Short List and Draft R Request for Proposals Opening of Technical Evaluation of Technic Description Component Review Type Method Process Status Terms of Reference Report and Draft Neg Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h unt (US$) (US$) Notice equest for Proposals as Issued Proposals / Minutes al Proposal otiated Contract Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual TV-MOCT-99458-CS-CQS / Pr Consultant Qualifi IDA / V0490 3. Project Management Post Open - National 50,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-02-07 2019-02-28 2019-04-13 2019-05-13 2019-06-17 2019-12-14 oject Audit Services cation Selection TV-MOCT-104006-CS-QCBS / Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa Legal Techincal and Transact IDA / V0490 1.Technical Assistance Prior 484,620.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-04-01 2019-07-18 2019-04-22 2019-06-05 2019-07-03 2019-08-02 2019-09-06 2019-10-11 2020-10-10 Based Selection l ional Technical Assistant TV-MOCT-106500-CS-CQS / Digital Adoption Strategies fo Consultant Qualifi Open - Internationa IDA / V0490 1.Technical Assistance Post 250,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-12-02 2019-12-23 2020-02-05 2020-03-06 2020-04-10 2020-10-07 r government services digital cation Selection l commerce with Suitable cybe r protection TV-MOCT-169146-CS-CQS / T he Government of Tuvalu an d WorldBank have agreed o n a PPP model and GoT now s Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa Under Implement eeks a client focussed Transa IDA / V0490 1.Technical Assistance Prior 500,000.00 0.00 2021-10-15 2021-10-27 2021-10-20 2021-11-08 2021-11-04 2022-05-18 2021-11-14 2021-11-24 2021-12-13 2022-01-06 2022-10-03 Based Selection l ation ction Advisory consultancy to support an approach to mark et to identify and contract a s uitable private sector partner to deliver the Project. TV-MOCT-292801-CS-CQS / Digital Adoption Strategies fo Consultant Qualifi Open - Internationa Pending Impleme IDA / V0490 1.Technical Assistance Post 250,000.00 0.00 2022-06-03 2022-06-24 2022-08-07 2022-09-06 2022-10-11 2023-04-09 r GOvernment services and d cation Selection l ntation igital commerce with suitable cyber protections INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANTS Activity Reference No. / Loan / Credit N Market Approac Contract Type Estimated Amo Actual Amount Invitation to Identifie Draft Negotiated Cont Description Component Review Type Method Process Status Terms of Reference Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h unt (US$) (US$) d/Selected Consultant ract Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual TV-MOCT-99456-CS-INDV / E Individual Consult nvironmental Impact and Saf IDA / V0490 3. Project Management Post Limited 10,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-02-07 2019-02-12 2019-03-05 2019-04-09 2019-10-06 ant Selection eguards Assesment TV-MOCT-99454-CS-INDV / N Individual Consult IDA / V0490 1.Technical Assistance Post Open 250,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-02-07 2019-03-28 2019-04-18 2019-05-23 2019-11-19 ew policy and legislation dev ant Selection elopment TV-MOCT-104000-CS-INDV / ICT regulation regime develo Individual Consult IDA / V0490 3. Project Management Prior Open 300,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-04-01 2019-05-20 2019-06-10 2019-07-15 2020-01-11 pment and implementation w ant Selection ith PPP contract Management TV-MOCT-104001-CS-INDV / Individual Consult Environmental Management IDA / V0490 3. Project Management Post Limited 20,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-04-01 2019-04-06 2019-04-27 2019-06-01 2019-11-28 ant Selection Plan Monitoring TV-MOCT-104002-CS-INDV / 2. Enhancing Connectivity In Individual Consult Techonology Specialist Desig IDA / V0490 Prior Open 400,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-03-21 2019-05-09 2019-05-30 2019-07-04 2019-12-31 frastructure ant Selection ner / Project Manager TV-MOCT-112957-CS-CDS / Book-Keeper for Telecommu IDA / V0490 3. Project Management Post Direct Selection Direct 14,390.81 0.00 Canceled 2019-05-03 2019-05-13 2019-06-24 2019-12-21 nications and ICT Developme nt Project (P159395) TV-MOCT-124600-CS-CDS / L egal Technical and Transacti IDA / V0490 3. Project Management Prior Direct Selection Direct 484,620.00 280,000.00 Signed 2019-09-02 2019-09-03 2019-09-07 2019-10-04 2019-11-11 2018-05-23 2020-05-09 onal Technical Assistance Page 1 TV-MOCT-163667-CS-INDV / MJCFA requires the provision of an assistant Project Manag er based permanently in Tuv Individual Consult alu for the Submarine Cable IDA / V0490 3. Project Management Prior Limited 250,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2020-03-08 2020-03-13 2020-04-03 2020-05-08 2020-11-04 ant Selection procurement and Constructio n as part of the capacity buil ding and skill transfer. They will shadow the Senior Projec t Manager at all times. TV-MOCT-99453-CS-INDV / P Individual Consult IDA / V0490 3. Project Management Prior Open 250,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-02-18 2019-03-19 2019-03-18 2019-03-25 2019-04-08 2020-04-20 roject Manager ant Selection TV-MOCT-167019-CS-INDV / Tuvalu has received financin g from the World Bank for Co mmunications and ICT Devel Individual Consult IDA / V0490 3. Project Management Post Open 250,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2020-04-03 2020-05-22 2020-06-12 2020-07-17 2021-01-13 opment Project (P159395), a ant Selection nd intends to apply part of th e proceeds for consulting ser vices from a Senior Project M anager with international exp erience. TV-MOCT-163200-CS-CDS / T he Sector Oversight ICT Tech nical Advisor will provide sen ior-level advisory and progra Individual Consult IDA / V0490 1.Technical Assistance Prior Open 300,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2020-04-03 2020-05-22 2020-06-12 2020-07-17 2021-01-13 m management support to th ant Selection e Tuvalu Government throug h the MJCFA in the developm ent of tactical and operatio nal government ICT Services for 2 Years. TV-MOCT-260290-CS-INDV / Individual Consult Under Implement Senior Project Manager for IC IDA / V0490 3. Project Management Prior Open 300,000.00 0.00 2022-03-02 2022-04-25 2022-04-20 2022-05-11 2022-06-15 2022-12-12 ant Selection ation T infrastructure. TV-MOCT-260296-CS-INDV / The Government of Tuvalu is seeking an individual contrac Individual Consult Under Implement tor for the role of Assistant Pr IDA / V0490 3. Project Management Post Open 150,000.00 0.00 2022-03-14 2022-04-07 2022-05-02 2022-05-23 2022-06-27 2022-12-24 ant Selection ation oject Manager for ICT infrastr ucture and services develop ment program to be funded by the World Bank. TV-MOCT-292538-CS-INDV / Individual Consult Pending Impleme Financial Management/Projec IDA / V0490 3. Project Management Post Open 80,000.00 0.00 2022-04-27 2022-06-15 2022-07-06 2022-08-10 2023-02-06 ant Selection ntation t Accountant TV-MOCT-292540-CS-INDV / Individual Consult Pending Impleme Environmental Management IDA / V0490 1.Technical Assistance Post Open 20,000.00 0.00 2022-05-16 2022-07-04 2022-07-25 2022-08-29 2023-02-25 ant Selection ntation Plan Monitoring TV-MOCT-292541-CS-INDV / Individual Consult Pending Impleme IDA / V0490 1.Technical Assistance Post Open 30,000.00 0.00 2022-05-16 2022-07-04 2022-07-25 2022-08-29 2023-02-25 Sector Oversight Technical A ant Selection ntation ssistance Page 2