Project information: Bangladesh, Digitizing Implementation Monitoring
and Public Procurement Project (DIMAPPP), P161246
Project Implementation agency: Central Procurement Technical Unit
(CPTU), Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division (IMED)
Date of the Procurement Plan: April 25, 2017
Period covered by this Procurement Plan: April 2017 to December 2018


In accordance with paragraph 5.9 of the “World Bank Procurement Regulations
for IPF Borrowers” (July 2016) (“Procurement Regulations”) the Bank’s
Systematic Tracking and Exchanges in Procurement (STEP) system will be
used to prepare, clear and update Procurement Plans and conduct all
procurement transactions for the Project.

This textual part along with the Procurement Plan tables in STEP constitute the
Procurement Plan for the Project. The following conditions apply to all
procurement activities in the Procurement Plan. The other elements of the
Procurement Plan as required under paragraph 4.4 of the Procurement
Regulations are set forth in STEP.

The Bank’s Standard Procurement Documents: shall be used for all
contracts subject to international competitive procurement and those
contracts as specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP.

National Procurement Arrangements: In accordance with paragraph 5.3
of the Procurement Regulations, when approaching the national market (as
specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP), the country’s own
procurement procedures may be used.
    When the Borrower uses its own national open competitive procurement
    arrangements as set forth in the People’s Republic of Bangladesh (Public
    Procurement Act 2006 - PPA, 1st amendment to PPA (2009) and the Public
    Procurement Rules 2008, as amended in August 2009) , such
    arrangements shall be subject to paragraph 5.4 of the Procurement
    Regulations and the following conditions :
       a) e-GP system of the country for national competitive bidding (NCB)
          shall be followed using Standard/Model Procurement documents
          satisfactory to the Bank
       b) Post bidding negotiations shall not be allowed with the lowest
          evaluated or any other bidder;
       c) Bids should be submitted and opened in public in one location
          immediately after the deadline for submission;
       d) Lottery in award of contracts shall not be allowed;
       e) Bidders’ qualification/experience requirement shall be mandatory

       f) Bids shall not be invited or rejected on the basis of percentage
          above or below the estimated cost.

    When other national procurement arrangements other than national open
    competitive procurement arrangements are applied by the Borrower,
    such arrangements shall be subject to paragraph 5.5 of the Procurement

Leased Assets as specified under paragraph 5.10 of the Procurement
Regulations: “Not Applicable”
Procurement of Second Hand Goods as specified under paragraph 5.11 of
the Procurement Regulations – “Not Applicable”
Domestic preference as specified under paragraph 5.51 of the Procurement
Regulations (Goods and Works). Specify for each
    Goods: is applicable for those contracts identified in the Procurement Plan
Other Relevant Procurement Information.
    Procurement Responsibility: CPTU in IMED is the implementing agency
    (IA) who will be responsible for all procurements, excepting the local
    government institutions (LGIs) under the local government division (LGD).
    All procurements of the LGIs will be managed by LGED who has relevant
    experience and linkage with LGIs (municipality, upazila parishad, zilla
    parishad, etc.). For this purpose, IMED/CPTU will have a MOU with LGED.
    Procurement Threshold

    Bank-financed all contracts at or above the thresholds set out in the below
    table 1 are subject to the Bank’s procurement prior review.
          Table 1: Procurement Prior Review Thresholds (US$ millions)
                                    High    Substantial Moderate       Low
      Type of procurement
                                    risk       risk       risk         risk
  Works (including turnkey,
 supply & installation of plant     5          10           15         20
   and equipment, and PPP)

Goods, information technology
                                   1.5          2           4          6
 and non-consulting services

      Consultants: firms           0.5          1           2          4

   Consultants: individuals        0.2         0.3         0.4        0.5

  Irrespective of the contract value, the following procurement activities are
  subject to the Bank’s procurement prior review:
       a. procurement processes involving contract negotiations as,
          described in paragraphs 6.34-36 of Section VI of the Procurement
          Regulation for Borrowers;

       b. competitive dialogue;

       c. sustainable procurement; and

       d. best and final offer.

  The determination of whether a contract meets the procurement prior
  review threshold is based on the estimated value of the contract,
  including all taxes and duties payable under the contract.
                Bangladesh : Digitizing Implementation Monitoring and Public Procurement Project
General Information
Country:           Bangladesh                                                                              2017-04-25
                                                      Bank’s Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan:
                                                      Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none)
Project ID:        P160758                            GPN Date:                                            2017-04-13
Project Name:      Digitizing Implementation Monitoring and Public Procurement Project
Loan / Credit No:  IDA / 60770, IDA / 68270
                   Central Procurement Technical Unit
Executing Agency(ies):

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                         Estimated Actual Am                                                                                                                                                                 Bid Evaluation Report
                                Loan / Credit N                                                                      Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification High SEA/SH R Procurement D                     Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu              Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement       Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission /                                                           Contract Complet
       Description                                       Component                  Review Type       Method                                                                                     Amount (U ount (US$                                                                                                                                                                 and Recommendation                    Signed Contract
                                       o.                                                                                   h             cess           (Y/N)             isk     ocument Type                         atus         Documents               ation Report                    ent / Justification Notice / Invitation             s Issued        Opening / Minutes                                                                    ion
                                                                                                                                                                                                     S$)       )                                                                                                                                                                           for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Planned     Actual      Planned      Actual                Planned       Actual      Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual  Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual                 Planned      Actual   Planned

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Bid Evaluation Report
                                Loan / Credit N                                                                      Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount       Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu   Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement            Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission /
       Description                                       Component                  Review Type       Method                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and Recommendation               Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                       o.                                                                                   h             cess           (Y/N)        ount (US$)      (US$)              atus         Documents              ation Report          ent / Justification Notice / Invitation                  s Issued        Opening / Minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Planned     Actual   Planned     Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual       Planned     Actual  Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual            Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual
 CPTU/G-05 / Operations and
Maintenance (O&M) of Existi                       Enhancing Digitization of Pu                                                                                                                        Pending Impl
                                IDA / 60770                                      Post             Direct Selection   Direct                                             1,184,720.00           0.00                                                               2017-12-10                2017-12-15                                                                                         2018-01-19                2022-06-30
ng Data Center (DC) at CPTU                       blic Procurement                                                                                                                                    ementation
and at BCC (Main and Mirror

 CPTU/G-01 / Procurement of
                                                  Restructuring CPTU and Insti                                       Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E
Computer and Accessories f      IDA / 60770                                    Prior              Request for Bids                                                      3,000,000.00   2,215,731.01   Signed                                                      2017-12-31   2019-07-28   2018-01-05   2019-08-08                        2018-02-14   2019-09-30   2018-04-05   2020-01-21   2018-05-17   2020-06-09   2018-08-15
                                                  tutionalizing e-GP                                                 l                   nvelope
or PEs of NSPSOs

 CPTU/G-02 / Procurement for                      Digitizing Project Implement                                                           Single Stage - One E                                         Pending Impl
                               IDA / 60770                                       Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                      500,000.00           0.00                                                               2018-01-02                2018-01-07                                     2018-02-04                2018-02-18                2018-03-04                2018-05-03
Office Furnishing /Refurbishin                    ation Monitoring                                                                       nvelope                                                      ementation
g (IMED)

 CPTU/G-03 / Procurement of                       Digitizing Project Implement                                                           Single Stage - One E                                         Pending Impl
                                IDA / 60770                                      Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                      300,000.00           0.00                                                               2018-01-15                2018-01-20                                     2018-02-10                2018-02-24                2018-03-10                2018-04-21
Office Equipment /Computer                        ation Monitoring                                                                       nvelope                                                      ementation

CPTU/G-04 / Procurement for
                                                  Restructuring CPTU and Insti                                                           Single Stage - One E                                         Pending Impl
Office Equipment/Furnishing/ IDA / 60770                                       Post               Request for Bids   Open - National                                      300,000.00           0.00                                                               2018-01-15                2018-01-20                                     2018-02-10                2018-02-24                2018-03-10                2018-04-24
                                                  tutionalizing e-GP                                                                     nvelope                                                      ementation
Refurnishing (CPTU)

 CPTU/G-11 / Establishment o                      Enhancing Digitization of Pu                                                           Single Stage - One E                                         Pending Impl
                               IDA / 60770                                       Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                      250,000.00           0.00                                                               2018-02-15                2018-02-20                                     2018-04-03                2018-05-03                2018-06-07                2022-06-30
f Call Centre for e-GP helpdes                    blic Procurement                                                                       nvelope                                                      ementation
k at CPTU

 LGED/G-02 / Developing e-G
                                                  Enhancing Digitization of Pu                                                           Single Stage - One E
P Resource center at 22 Grea IDA / 60770                                         Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                    1,800,000.00           0.00   Canceled                                                    2017-11-15                2017-11-20                                     2017-12-11                2018-01-08                2018-01-22                2018-03-23
                                                  blic Procurement                                                                       nvelope
ter Districts (LGED)

 LGED/G-01 / Procurement of
                                                  Enhancing Digitization of Pu                                       Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E
Computer and accessories fo IDA / 60770                                          Prior            Request for Bids                                                      2,700,000.00           0.00   Canceled                                                    2017-09-28                2017-10-03                                     2017-11-14                2017-12-14                2018-02-01                2018-06-01
                                                  blic Procurement                                                   l                   nvelope
r LGIs (Zila Parisad, Pourasha

 CPTU/G-51 / Procurement of
Red Hat JBoss Enterprise App                      Enhancing Digitization of Pu                                                                                                                        Pending Impl
                               IDA / 60770                                       Post             Direct Selection   Direct                                               312,500.00           0.00                                                               2019-01-25                2019-02-10                                                                                         2019-03-31                2022-06-30
lication Platform (64-Core Pre                    blic Procurement                                                                                                                                    ementation
mium for 4 years)

 CPTU/AF G-02 / Procurement
of Hardware, Software and R
                                                  Enhancing Digitization of Pu                                       Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E                                         Under Imple
elated Good & Services to E IDA / 68270                                          Prior            Request for Bids                                                      3,000,000.00           0.00                                                               2021-06-06   2022-05-05   2021-06-16   2022-10-17                        2021-07-28                2021-08-27                2021-10-01                2022-01-02
                                                  blic Procurement                                                   l                   nvelope                                                      mentation
nhance Cyber Security Protec
tion and Monitoring (CsPM) of
e-GP System

 CPTU/AF G-01 / e-GP Data S                       Enhancing Digitization of Pu                                       Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E
                                IDA / 68270                                      Post             Request for Bids                                                      3,500,000.00   3,178,462.27   Signed                                                      2021-11-07   2021-11-16   2021-11-28   2022-01-02                        2022-01-16   2021-12-12   2022-02-22   2022-05-05   2022-03-29   2022-06-30   2022-06-30
erver Warranty (AMC)                              blic Procurement                                                   l                   nvelope

 CPTU/AF G-03 / e-GP Hardwa
                                                  Enhancing Digitization of Pu                                       Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E                                         Under Imple
re to Increase Capacity of the IDA / 68270                                       Post             Request for Bids                                                      3,000,000.00           0.00                                                               2021-08-18   2022-12-01   2021-12-31   2022-12-04                        2022-03-04                2022-05-05                2022-06-30                2022-12-27
                                                  blic Procurement                                                   l                   nvelope                                                      mentation
Existing Servers

 CPTU/G-10 / IT Accessories a                     Restructuring CPTU and Insti                    Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E                                         Pending Impl
                              IDA / 68270                                      Post                                 Open - National                                         5,500.00           0.00                                                                                         2022-12-25                                                                                         2023-01-27                2023-02-11
nd Supplies                                       tutionalizing e-GP                              tions                                  nvelope                                                      ementation

 CPTU/G-08 / Office Stationer                     Restructuring CPTU and Insti                    Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E                                         Pending Impl
                                IDA / 68270                                    Post                                 Open - National                                         5,500.00           0.00                                                                                         2023-01-09                                                                                         2023-02-27                2023-04-28
y                                                 tutionalizing e-GP                              tions                                  nvelope                                                      ementation

 CPTU/G-07 / Office Stationer                     Restructuring CPTU and Insti                    Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E                                         Pending Impl
                                IDA / 68270                                    Post                                 Open - National                                         5,500.00           0.00                                                                                         2023-02-01                                                                                         2023-03-22                2023-05-21
y                                                 tutionalizing e-GP                              tions                                  nvelope                                                      ementation

CPTU/G-09 / IT Accessories                        Restructuring CPTU and Insti                    Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E                                         Pending Impl
                                IDA / 68270                                    Post                                 Open - National                                         5,500.00           0.00                                                                                         2023-02-19                                                                                         2023-04-09                2023-06-08
& Supplies                                        tutionalizing e-GP                              tions                                  nvelope                                                      ementation

                                                  Restructuring CPTU and Insti                    Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E                                         Pending Impl
CPTU/G-12 / Office Supplies     IDA / 68270                                    Post                                 Open - National                                         5,500.00           0.00                                                                                         2023-03-01                                                                                         2023-04-19                2023-06-18
                                                  tutionalizing e-GP                              tions                                  nvelope                                                      ementation

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Bid Evaluation Report
                                Loan / Credit N                                                                      Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount       Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu   Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement            Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission /
       Description                                       Component                  Review Type       Method                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and Recommendation               Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                       o.                                                                                   h             cess           (Y/N)        ount (US$)      (US$)              atus         Documents              ation Report          ent / Justification Notice / Invitation                  s Issued        Opening / Minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Planned     Actual   Planned     Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual       Planned     Actual  Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual            Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual
 CPTU/NCS-01 / Engagement                         Restructuring CPTU and Insti                                                           Single Stage - One E
                               IDA / 60770                                     Post               Request for Bids   Open - National                                      600,000.00     362,337.51   Signed                                                      2018-01-15   2018-03-25   2018-01-20                                     2018-02-10                2018-02-24   2018-08-12   2018-03-10   2018-09-03   2022-12-04
of an Outsourced firm for Offi                    tutionalizing e-GP                                                                     nvelope
ce support

 CPTU/SD-34 / Hiring of Event
Management Firm (Venue, C                         Restructuring CPTU and Insti                                                                                                                        Under Imple
                               IDA / 60770                                     Post               Direct Selection   Direct                                                27,000.00           0.00                                                               2017-12-31   2017-09-28   2018-01-05   2017-10-18                                                                            2018-01-12                2018-01-28
atering and logistics Support)                    tutionalizing e-GP                                                                                                                                  mentation
to Manage DIMAPPP Launchi
ng Ceremony.

 CPTU/NCS-02 / Engagement
                                                  Enhancing Digitization of Pu                                                           Single Stage - One E
of Outsourcing Firm for Office IDA / 60770                                       Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                      250,000.00     203,302.34   Signed                                                      2018-01-15   2018-07-24   2018-01-20                                     2018-03-03                2018-04-02   2018-10-08   2018-05-07   2018-10-21   2022-06-30
                                                  blic Procurement                                                                       nvelope
Support (IMED)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Page 1
 CPTU/NCS-05 / Consulting Fi
                                                 Professionalizing Procureme
rm for Training Management IDA / 60770                                          Post             Direct Selection     Direct                                                           130,000.00             94,891.83   Signed                                                              2017-12-06                2017-12-09   2018-01-16                                                                                 2018-01-10   2018-01-22   2018-03-11
                                                 nt and Citizen Engagement
Abroad (UK and Turkey)

 CPTU/NCS-04 / Consulting Fi
                                                 Professionalizing Procureme
rm for Training Management     IDA / 60770                                      Post             Direct Selection     Direct                                                           150,000.00         149,110.21      Signed                                                              2017-12-11                2017-12-16   2018-01-24                                                                                 2018-01-17   2018-02-01   2018-03-18
                                                 nt and Citizen Engagement
Abroad (Australia and New Z

 CPTU/NCS-03 / Online Conne
ctivity for CPTU and IMED for                    Enhancing Digitization of Pu
                              IDA / 60770                                       Post             Direct Selection     Direct                                                           448,900.00         284,610.59      Signed                                                              2018-03-01   2018-06-14   2018-03-20   2018-06-14                                                                                 2018-05-31   2018-07-31   2022-06-30
MIS, e-GP and Utility Goods (                    blic Procurement
1 July 2018 to 30 June 2022)

 CPTU/NCS-07 / Online Conne
ctivity for CPTU and IMED for                    Enhancing Digitization of Pu                                                                                                                                             Pending Impl
                              IDA / 60770                                       Post             Direct Selection     Direct                                                            51,100.00                  0.00                                                                       2018-01-07                2018-01-14                                                                                              2018-01-30                2018-06-30
MIS, e-GP and Utility Goods (                    blic Procurement                                                                                                                                                         ementation
1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018)

 CPTU/NCS-54 / Service Provi
                                                 Professionalizing Procureme                                                                Single Stage - One E                                                          Pending Impl
der Firm for Hiring Vehicles a IDA / 60770                                      Post             Request for Bids     Open - National                                                  240,000.00                  0.00                                                                       2019-05-15                2019-05-20                                          2019-06-13                2019-06-27                2019-07-28                2022-06-30
                                                 nt and Citizen Engagement                                                                  nvelope                                                                       ementation
nd Transport Facilities

 CPTU/AF NCS-02 / Engagem
                                                 Restructuring CPTU and Insti
ent of Outsourcing firm for    IDA / 68270                                    Post               Direct Selection     Direct                                                           258,429.21         198,147.39      Signed                                                              2021-07-05   2021-09-15   2021-07-30   2021-09-22                                                                                 2021-09-30   2021-10-21   2023-12-31
                                                 tutionalizing e-GP
Office Support (IMED)

 CPTU/AF NCS-01 / Engagem
                                                 Digitizing Project Implement
ent of an Outsourcing Firm fo IDA / 68270                                       Post             Direct Selection     Direct                                                           142,860.00         116,749.77      Signed                                                              2022-04-04   2022-05-22   2022-04-25   2022-06-07                                                                                 2022-06-30   2022-06-30   2023-12-31
                                                 ation Monitoring
r Office Support (CPTU)

 CPTU/AF NCS-03 / Online Co
                                                 Enhancing Digitization of Pu
nnectivity for CPTU and IMED IDA / 68270                                        Post             Direct Selection     Direct                                                           121,430.00             89,537.94   Signed                                                              2022-04-03   2022-05-22   2022-04-24   2022-06-08                                                                                 2022-06-30   2022-06-30   2023-12-31
                                                 blic Procurement
for MIS, e-GP and Utility Goo

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Combined Evaluation
                               Loan / Credit N                                                                        Market Approac         Contract Type         Estimated Amo Actual Amount                                                         Expression of Interest Short List and Draft R Request for Proposals Opening of Technical                Evaluation of Technic
       Description                                      Component                  Review Type        Method                                                                                   Process Status              Terms of Reference                                                                                                                                        Report and Draft Neg            Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                      o.                                                                                     h                                        unt (US$)      (US$)                                                                    Notice          equest for Proposals        as Issued         Proposals / Minutes                     al Proposal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        otiated Contract
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Planned        Actual        Planned      Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual    Planned     Actual           Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual

 CPTU/S-01 / Consultancy fir
                                                 Professionalizing Procureme                     Quality Based Sel    Open - Internationa
m for capacity development     IDA / 60770                                      Prior                                                                                 8,000,000.00   12,463,250.00   Signed               2017-04-25                   2017-05-16   2017-05-18   2017-06-13   2017-10-17                             2017-07-25   2017-12-18   2017-08-15   2018-03-21   2017-08-29   2018-08-06   2017-10-03   2018-10-10   2022-06-30
                                                 nt and Citizen Engagement                       ection               l
and professionalization

 CPTU/S-10 / Impact Assessm
                                                 Restructuring CPTU and Insti                    Consultant Qualifi                                                                                  Pending Impleme
ent of e-GP and other selecte IDA / 60770                                     Post                                    Open - National                                  295,000.00             0.00                        2017-12-14                   2017-12-21                2018-01-25                                                                                              2018-02-01                2018-02-15                2020-10-10
                                                 tutionalizing e-GP                              cation Selection                                                                                    ntation
d interventions

 CPTU/S-07 / Design /Update                      Digitizing Project Implement                    Quality Based Sel    Open - Internationa
                               IDA / 60770                                      Prior                                                                                 3,000,000.00    5,595,872.90   Signed               2018-01-15     2019-11-15    2018-01-22   2019-12-31   2018-03-05   2020-08-25                             2018-03-26   2020-10-28   2018-04-16   2021-01-26   2018-04-30   2021-04-18   2018-06-04   2021-06-06   2020-12-05
on-line PMIS for IMED                            ation Monitoring                                ection               l

 CPTU/S-13 / M&E Consultant                      Restructuring CPTU and Insti                    Consultant Qualifi
                               IDA / 60770                                    Post                                    Open - National                                  300,000.00      300,529.63    Signed               2017-12-26     2019-10-02    2018-01-09   2021-06-20   2018-02-20   2019-10-06                                                                                 2018-03-13   2020-02-20   2018-03-27   2020-03-04   2022-09-10
(M&E)                                            tutionalizing e-GP                              cation Selection

 CPTU/S-02 / Consulting firm f                   Enhancing Digitization of Pu                    Quality Based Sel    Open - Internationa
                               IDA / 60770                                      Prior                                                                                 4,500,000.00    9,933,506.88   Signed               2018-01-25     2018-12-12    2018-02-17   2019-01-08   2018-05-25   2019-08-21                             2018-06-22   2019-11-06   2018-07-13   2020-01-02   2018-07-27   2020-02-03   2018-09-07   2020-03-05   2022-09-09
or overall e-GP enhancement                      blic Procurement                                ection               l

 CPTU/S-29 / Developing Citiz                    Professionalizing Procureme                     Consultant Qualifi                                                                                  Under Implement
                              IDA / 60770                                       Post                                  Open - National                                  500,000.00             0.00                        2017-12-17     2018-08-09    2018-01-15                2018-02-26   2018-11-29                                                                                 2018-03-28   2019-03-18   2018-05-07                2019-05-07
en Portal (firm)                                 nt and Citizen Engagement                       cation Selection                                                                                    ation

CPTU/S-35 / Development of                       Digitizing Project Implement                    Quality Based Sel                                                                                   Pending Impleme
                               IDA / 60770                                      Post                                  Open - National                                   50,000.00             0.00                        2018-04-16                   2018-05-07                2018-06-20                                          2018-07-18                2018-08-17                2018-09-16                2018-10-21                2022-06-30
Digital Archive (IMED)                           ation Monitoring                                ection                                                                                              ntation

 CPTU/S-36 / Review and Furt                     Professionalizing Procureme                     Quality Based Sel
                              IDA / 60770                                       Post                                  Open - National                                  100,000.00             0.00   Canceled             2018-08-01                   2018-08-22                2018-10-05                                          2018-11-02                2018-12-02                2019-01-01                2019-02-05                2020-02-05
her Upgrading to Pool of Nati                    nt and Citizen Engagement                       ection
onal Trainer

 CPTU/S-37 / Need Assessme                       Digitizing Project Implement                    Consultant Qualifi
                               IDA / 60770                                      Post                                  Open - National                                  200,000.00      215,489.25    Signed               2017-12-20     2018-04-08    2018-01-10   2018-04-09   2018-02-23   2018-06-26                                                                                 2018-03-25   2018-10-03   2018-04-29   2018-10-28   2018-10-26
nt Firm (IMED)                                   ation Monitoring                                cation Selection

 CPTU/S-30 / Open Contractin                     Professionalizing Procureme                     Quality Based Sel
                              IDA / 60770                                       Prior                                 Open - National                                  500,000.00             0.00   Canceled             2017-10-15                   2017-11-05                2017-12-19                                          2018-01-16                2018-02-15                2018-03-17                2018-04-21                2019-04-21
g Activities including Data M                    nt and Citizen Engagement                       ection

 LGED/S-01 / Capacity Develo                     Enhancing Digitization of Pu                    Quality And Cost-
                             IDA / 60770                                        Prior                                 Open - National                                 3,700,000.00            0.00   Canceled             2017-11-15                   2017-11-22                2018-01-10                                          2018-02-07                2018-03-07                2018-04-18                2018-05-23                2020-10-13
pment Program for LGIs (LGE                      blic Procurement                                Based Selection

 CPTU/S-03 / Engagement of
a firm for providing e-GP rel                    Enhancing Digitization of Pu                    Quality Based Sel    Open - Internationa
                               IDA / 60770                                      Prior                                                                                 2,870,000.00    4,720,658.73   Signed               2018-01-04     2018-11-11    2018-01-25   2018-12-01   2018-03-10   2019-07-28                             2018-04-15   2019-10-02   2018-05-15   2019-11-27   2018-06-14   2020-02-09   2018-07-19   2020-03-11   2022-01-02
ated training to the PEs of NS                   blic Procurement                                ection               l
PSOs, tenderers and banks

 CPTU/S-52 / Selection of Aud
                                                 Restructuring CPTU and Insti                    Least Cost Selecti
it Firm to Conduct Internal Au IDA / 60770                                    Post                                    Open - National                                     7,000.00        9,124.97   Signed               2019-01-15     2021-09-27    2019-01-29                2019-03-14   2021-11-22                             2019-04-11   2021-10-12   2019-04-27   2022-01-25   2019-05-26   2022-04-27   2019-06-23   2022-02-09   2019-09-30
                                                 tutionalizing e-GP                              on
dit under DIMAPPP

 CPTU/49 / Selection of consu
lting firm for training Manage
                                                 Professionalizing Procureme                     Consultant Qualifi
ment in Public Procurement S IDA / 60770                                        Post                                  Limited                                          150,000.00      139,678.33    Signed               2019-02-12     2019-05-05                              2019-02-26   2019-05-19                                                                                 2019-03-28   2019-07-22   2019-04-11   2019-07-23   2019-04-18
                                                 nt and Citizen Engagement                       cation Selection
ystem in Peru & Venezuala in
Latin American Countries.

 CPTU/50 / Selection of consu
lting firm for training Manage                   Professionalizing Procureme                     Consultant Qualifi
                               IDA / 60770                                      Post                                  Limited                                          140,000.00      133,886.71    Signed               2019-02-10     2019-08-01                              2019-02-24   2019-10-03                                                                                 2019-03-26   2019-12-22   2019-04-16   2019-12-22   2019-04-23
ment in Public Procurement S                     nt and Citizen Engagement                       cation Selection
ystem in Fiji & Samoa in Sout
h Pacific Countries.

 CPTU/S-45A / Consultancy S
                                                 Enhancing Digitization of Pu                    Consultant Qualifi
ervices for Microsoft Premier IDA / 60770                                       Post                                  Open - National                                  500,000.00      526,281.00    Signed               2019-11-28     2019-12-05    2019-12-12   2019-12-09   2020-01-16   2020-02-13                                                                                 2020-01-30   2020-09-23   2020-03-01   2020-10-19   2022-06-30
                                                 blic Procurement                                cation Selection
Support for e-GP System in B

 CPTU/S-56 / Independent Thi
                                                 Enhancing Digitization of Pu                    Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa
rd Party IT Audit Firm for e-G IDA / 60770                                      Post                                                                                   185,000.00      113,760.00    Signed               2020-04-05     2020-06-28    2020-04-26   2020-06-29   2020-06-09   2020-09-24                             2020-07-07   2020-11-08   2020-08-06   2020-12-21   2020-09-10   2021-02-28   2020-10-15   2021-03-07   2021-10-15
                                                 blic Procurement                                Based Selection      l
P System Audit.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Page 2
 CPTU/AF S-07 / Short trainin
g on contract management (i
                                                    Professionalizing Procureme                     Consultant Qualifi                                                                          Pending Impleme
nsurance, LC, incoterm, arbit IDA / 68270                                          Post                                  Open - National                           500,000.00            0.00                     2021-08-17                 2021-09-07                2021-12-12                                                                             2022-01-25                2022-03-15                2022-09-11
                                                    nt and Citizen Engagement                       cation Selection                                                                            ntation
ration/dispute resolution, app
lication of force majeure prov
ision etc.)

 CPTU/AF S-13 / Workshop an
                                                    Enhancing Digitization of Pu                    Quality And Cost-                                                                           Under Implement
d Training on National Tende IDA / 68270                                           Post                                  Open - National                           500,000.00            0.00                     2021-08-01   2022-05-23    2021-08-22   2022-06-16   2021-11-16                                          2021-12-14            2022-02-13   2022-03-20                2022-04-24                2023-11-30
                                                    blic Procurement                                Based Selection                                                                             ation
rers Database

 CPTU/AF S-56 / Independent
                                                    Enhancing Digitization of Pu                    Consultant Qualifi   Open - Internationa                                                    Pending Impleme
Third-Party IT Audit Firm for     IDA / 68270                                      Post                                                                            300,000.00            0.00                     2022-01-15                 2022-03-22                2022-07-25                                                                             2022-09-27                2022-12-12                2023-06-10
                                                    blic Procurement                                cation Selection     l                                                                      ntation
e-GP System Audit

 CPTU/AF S-06 / Develop/upd
                                                    Enhancing Digitization of Pu                    Consultant Qualifi                                                                          Pending Impleme
ate e-GP online training mod      IDA / 68270                                      Post                                  Open - National                           200,000.00            0.00                     2021-08-01                 2021-08-31                2021-11-27                                                                             2022-01-30                2022-03-20                2023-10-31
                                                    blic Procurement                                cation Selection                                                                            ntation
ule and video tutorials for PE
and bidders

 CPTU/AF S-58 / “Engagemen
t of Consulting Firm to Assist
CPTU to obtain ISO 27001:                           Enhancing Digitization of Pu                    Consultant Qualifi
                               IDA / 68270                                         Post                                  Limited                                    18,000.00      16,375.28    Signed            2021-08-03   2021-08-03                              2021-08-17   2021-09-15                                                                2021-09-07   2021-10-11   2021-09-20   2021-11-11   2021-11-19
2013 Certification for Bangla                       blic Procurement                                cation Selection
desh e-GP (Electronic Govern
ment Procurement) System”

Activity Reference No. /
                                  Loan / Credit N                                                                        Market Approac        Contract Type   Estimated Amo Actual Amount                                                   Invitation to Identifie Draft Negotiated Cont
       Description                                         Component                  Review Type        Method                                                                            Process Status         Terms of Reference                                                               Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                         o.                                                                                     h                                 unt (US$)      (US$)                                                       d/Selected Consultant            ract
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Planned       Actual        Planned      Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual
                                                    Restructuring CPTU and Insti                    Individual Consult
CPTU/S-12 / Sr. e-GP Advisor IDA / 60770                                         Post                                    Direct                                    300,000.00     325,216.19    Signed            2017-06-29   2017-08-02    2017-07-07   2017-07-10   2017-07-21   2017-08-13   2017-07-31   2017-09-06   2022-06-30
                                                    tutionalizing e-GP                              ant Selection

 CPTU/S-20 / Senior IT Securit                      Restructuring CPTU and Insti                    Individual Consult
                               IDA / 60770                                       Post                                    Direct                                    240,000.00     237,034.94    Signed            2017-07-19   2017-06-27    2017-07-27   2017-07-10   2017-08-01   2017-08-13   2017-08-10   2017-09-05   2022-06-30
y Assurance Consultant                              tutionalizing e-GP                              ant Selection

 CPTU/S-27 / Public Policy Im                       Restructuring CPTU and Insti                    Individual Consult
                                  IDA / 60770                                    Post                                    Direct                                    150,000.00     226,001.37    Signed            2017-07-19   2017-09-06    2017-07-24   2017-07-10   2017-07-27   2017-08-13   2017-08-03   2017-09-05   2022-06-30
plementation Advisor (PPIA)                         tutionalizing e-GP                              ant Selection

 CPTU/S-14 / Senior Communi                         Restructuring CPTU and Insti                    Individual Consult
                            IDA / 60770                                          Post                                    Direct                                    270,000.00     223,259.90    Signed            2017-07-19   2017-10-05    2017-07-24   2017-07-10   2017-07-27   2017-08-13   2017-08-02   2017-09-05   2022-03-31
cation Consultant (SCC)                             tutionalizing e-GP                              ant Selection

 CPTU/S-21 / Help Desk Mana                         Restructuring CPTU and Insti                    Individual Consult
                            IDA / 60770                                          Post                                    Direct                                    240,000.00     134,687.59    Signed            2017-07-19   2017-09-19    2017-07-26   2017-07-17   2017-07-30   2017-08-09   2017-08-06   2017-09-05   2021-06-30
ger (Call Center Manager)                           tutionalizing e-GP                              ant Selection

 CPTU/S-22 / Senior System A
                                                    Restructuring CPTU and Insti                    Individual Consult
dministrator (SSA)/System A IDA / 60770                                          Post                                    Direct                                    240,000.00     144,322.18    Signed            2017-07-20   2017-10-08    2017-07-27   2017-07-18   2017-08-02   2017-08-02   2017-08-08   2018-08-05   2021-06-30
                                                    tutionalizing e-GP                              ant Selection
dministrator (SA)

 CPTU/SD-13 / Up-gradation,
Operation & Maintenance of                          Professionalizing Procureme
                                  IDA / 60770                                      Post             Direct Selection     Direct                                     70,000.00      59,231.88    Signed            2017-07-19   2017-06-29    2017-07-27   2017-07-18                             2017-08-08   2017-09-25   2017-12-31
Digital Billboards, Digital Arc                     nt and Citizen Engagement
hive and Public Procurement
Mobile Application.

 CPTU/S-32 / Jr. Financial Man                      Restructuring CPTU and Insti                    Individual Consult
                               IDA / 60770                                       Post                                    Direct                                    154,000.00     167,684.57    Signed            2017-08-14   2017-09-06    2017-08-24   2017-08-09   2017-08-31   2017-08-31   2017-09-08   2017-09-05   2021-12-31
agement Consultant (JFMC)                           tutionalizing e-GP                              ant Selection

 CPTU/S-15 / Senior Procurem                        Restructuring CPTU and Insti                    Individual Consult
                             IDA / 60770                                         Post                                    Open                                      240,000.00     186,150.67    Signed            2017-07-23   2017-08-03    2017-08-20   2018-04-15   2017-08-22   2018-05-14   2017-09-17   2018-06-28   2021-10-05
ent Consultant (SPC)                                tutionalizing e-GP                              ant Selection

CPTU/S-16 / Senior Financial                        Restructuring CPTU and Insti                    Individual Consult
                                  IDA / 60770                                    Post                                    Open                                      240,000.00     213,111.21    Signed            2017-07-26   2017-10-16    2017-08-30   2017-12-04   2017-09-07   2017-12-12   2017-10-12   2018-01-01   2021-12-31
Management Consultant (SF                           tutionalizing e-GP                              ant Selection

 CPTU/S-17 / Senior Applicati
                                                    Restructuring CPTU and Insti                    Individual Consult
on Administrator (SAA)/Appli      IDA / 60770                                    Post                                    Open                                      240,000.00     130,674.45    Signed            2017-08-29   2017-09-19    2017-10-19   2018-01-23   2017-11-16   2018-01-24   2017-12-28   2018-03-01   2022-06-30
                                                    tutionalizing e-GP                              ant Selection
cation Administrator (AA)

 CPTU/S-18 / Senior Database
                                                    Restructuring CPTU and Insti                    Individual Consult
Administrator (SDBA)/Databa IDA / 60770                                          Post                                    Open                                      240,000.00     119,983.39    Signed            2017-09-10   2017-10-16    2017-11-05   2018-02-04   2017-11-26   2018-03-01   2018-01-07   2018-03-01   2022-06-30
                                                    tutionalizing e-GP                              ant Selection
se Administrator(DBA)

 CPTU/S-19 / Senior Web Dev                         Restructuring CPTU and Insti                    Individual Consult
                            IDA / 60770                                          Post                                    Open                                      240,000.00      94,130.47    Signed            2017-09-10   2018-07-02    2017-11-01   2018-11-26   2017-11-22   2018-11-14   2018-01-03   2019-09-30   2022-08-07
eloper (SWD)/Web Developer                          tutionalizing e-GP                              ant Selection

 CPTU/S-26 / Quality Assuran                        Digitizing Project Implement                    Individual Consult                                                                          Pending Impleme
                                  IDA / 60770                                      Post                                  Open                                      180,000.00            0.00                     2018-01-15                 2018-02-28                2018-03-14                2018-04-25                2022-06-30
ce Consultant (QAC) for IME                         ation Monitoring                                ant Selection                                                                               ntation

 CPTU/S-25 / M&E consultant                         Digitizing Project Implement                    Individual Consult                                                                          Under Implement
                                  IDA / 60770                                      Post                                  Open                                      180,000.00            0.00                     2018-01-16   2019-10-21    2018-02-27   2020-02-26   2018-03-20   2020-03-12   2018-05-01                2022-06-30
(M&E) for IMED                                      ation Monitoring                                ant Selection                                                                               ation

 CPTU/S-11 / Principle Project
                                                    Restructuring CPTU and Insti                    Individual Consult                                                                          Under Implement
Management Expert/Consult         IDA / 60770                                    Prior                                   Open                                      330,000.00            0.00                     2017-08-14                 2017-11-10   2017-12-11   2017-11-17   2022-03-08   2017-12-06                2022-06-01
                                                    tutionalizing e-GP                              ant Selection                                                                               ation

 CPTU/S-05 / Engagement of                          Enhancing Digitization of Pu
                            IDA / 60770                                            Prior            Direct Selection     Direct                                   5,000,000.00   5,247,062.11   Signed            2017-11-21   2017-12-17    2017-12-13                                          2017-12-31   2018-02-01   2019-12-31
O&M Firm for e-GP system (A                         blic Procurement

 CPTU/S-04 / Engagement of
                                                    Professionalizing Procureme
a consulting firm for behavior IDA / 60770                                         Prior            Direct Selection     Direct                                   1,000,000.00    930,381.38    Signed            2017-12-17   2017-12-17    2017-12-31                                          2018-03-11   2018-06-19   2022-06-22
                                                    nt and Citizen Engagement
al Change Communication .

 CPTU/S-08 / Consulting Firm                        Professionalizing Procureme
                                  IDA / 60770                                      Prior            Direct Selection     Direct                                   2,000,000.00   2,391,247.98   Signed            2017-12-07   2017-12-17    2017-12-24                                          2018-01-18   2018-06-24   2022-04-03
for Citizen Engagement                              nt and Citizen Engagement

 CPTU/S-06 / MCIPS Courses f                        Professionalizing Procureme
                             IDA / 60770                                           Prior            Direct Selection     Direct                                   2,000,000.00   2,027,861.15   Signed            2018-03-15   2019-10-20    2018-03-25   2020-02-03                             2018-05-27   2021-06-23   2022-06-30
or Procurement Professionals                        nt and Citizen Engagement

 CPTU/S-24 / e-GP Internation                       Restructuring CPTU and Insti                    Individual Consult
                              IDA / 60770                                        Post                                    Direct                                    180,000.00     201,671.32    Signed            2018-01-25   2017-07-10    2018-02-04   2017-12-06   2018-02-15   2017-12-21   2018-03-22   2017-12-17   2023-01-05
al Consultant                                       tutionalizing e-GP                              ant Selection

 CPTU/S-28 / Translator Cons                        Restructuring CPTU and Insti
                                  IDA / 60770                                    Post               Direct Selection     Direct                                    108,000.00      72,780.50    Signed            2018-01-15   2018-04-16    2018-01-25   2018-05-16                             2018-03-31   2018-07-30   2020-05-31
ultant (Firm)                                       tutionalizing e-GP

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Page 3
 CPTU/S-09 / Consulting firm
                                              Restructuring CPTU and Insti
to support CPTU restructurin    IDA / 60770                                Post      Direct Selection     Direct     300,000.00     336,244.00    Signed            2018-01-21   2018-03-20    2018-01-31                                          2018-03-14   2018-04-22   2019-03-14
                                              tutionalizing e-GP
g and institutionalization

 CPTU/S-23 / PMIS consultant                  Digitizing Project Implement           Individual Consult                                           Under Implement
                                IDA / 60770                                  Post                         Open       240,000.00            0.00                     2018-03-15   2019-10-21    2018-05-03                2018-05-17                2018-06-07                2022-07-24
(IMED)                                        ation Monitoring                       ant Selection                                                ation

 CPTU/S-31 / Engagement of                    Digitizing Project Implement           Individual Consult                                           Pending Impleme
                                IDA / 60770                                  Post                         Limited    300,000.00            0.00                     2018-04-15                 2018-04-29                2018-05-20                2018-07-01                2022-06-30
Expert Individuals(IMED)(On                   ation Monitoring                       ant Selection                                                ntation
need based)

 CPTU/S-40 / Workshop Mana
                                              Digitizing Project Implement
gement Consultant for IMED'     IDA / 60770                                  Post    Direct Selection     Direct      15,000.00      13,240.50    Signed            2017-12-03   2017-12-04    2017-12-13   2017-12-05                             2018-02-07   2017-12-06   2018-08-06
                                              ation Monitoring
s Showcasing in ITC Fair

 CPTU/S-42 / Consulting Servi
ces for e-GP Training (PE Use
rs, Organization Admin and R                  Enhancing Digitization of Pu
                              IDA / 60770                                    Post    Direct Selection     Direct     630,000.00     581,347.79    Signed            2018-03-25   2018-03-21    2018-04-11   2018-03-27                             2018-05-03   2018-04-15   2018-12-31
egister Tenderer from NSPSO                   blic Procurement
's and Others as Interim Arra
ngement Up to December/20

 CPTU/S-33 / Consulting Servi
ces for e-GP Training (PE Use
                                              Enhancing Digitization of Pu
rs and Organization Admin tr IDA / 60770                                     Post    Direct Selection     Direct     500,000.00     463,393.53    Signed            2018-01-15   2017-09-10    2018-02-01   2017-09-10                             2018-02-22   2017-09-25   2018-05-26
                                              blic Procurement
aining from NSPSO's as Interi
m arrangement up to Dece
mber/2017) .

 CPTU/S-43 / Selection of Con
sulting Firm for Training Man                 Restructuring CPTU and Insti
                              IDA / 60770                                  Post      Direct Selection     Direct     122,000.00     109,573.40    Signed            2018-08-12   2018-11-05    2018-08-18   2018-11-05                             2018-09-04   2018-11-08   2018-10-14
agement in "Public Procurem                   tutionalizing e-GP
ent System" in Australia and
New Zealand.

 CPTU/S-44 / Selection of Con
sulting Firm for Training Man                 Restructuring CPTU and Insti
                              IDA / 60770                                  Post      Direct Selection     Direct     122,000.00     155,798.16    Signed            2018-09-13   2018-08-05    2018-09-23   2018-08-05                             2018-10-07   2018-08-12   2018-11-16
agement in "Public Procurem                   tutionalizing e-GP
ent System" in Africa Region.

 CPTU/S-45 / Consultancy Ser
                                              Enhancing Digitization of Pu
vices for Microsoft Premier S IDA / 60770                                    Post    Direct Selection     Direct     500,000.00            0.00   Canceled          2018-07-31   2019-08-08    2018-08-30                                          2018-10-24                2022-06-30
                                              blic Procurement
upport (For three years)

 CPTU/S-41 / Consultancy Ser                  Restructuring CPTU and Insti
                                IDA / 60770                                Post      Direct Selection     Direct      15,000.00      13,609.47    Completed         2018-05-15   2017-12-19    2018-05-21   2017-12-19                             2018-05-30   2018-01-15   2018-08-28   2019-01-16
vices for Interior Design of IM               tutionalizing e-GP

 CPTU/S-46 / Management Co
                                              Professionalizing Procureme
nsultant for IMED's Showcasi IDA / 60770                                     Post    Direct Selection     Direct     300,000.00      18,200.01    Signed            2018-09-25   2018-10-01    2018-09-26   2018-10-01                             2018-10-04   2018-10-03   2019-04-02
                                              nt and Citizen Engagement
ng in Development Fair 2018

 CPTU/S-53 / Consultancy Ser
vices for Operation and Mana
                                              Enhancing Digitization of Pu
gement (O&M) of e-GP Syste IDA / 60770                                       Prior   Direct Selection     Direct    2,262,000.00   2,321,408.83   Signed            2019-05-07   2019-05-16    2019-05-15   2019-06-12                             2019-06-13   2019-08-18   2020-02-29
                                              blic Procurement
m in Bangladesh (Short-term
Changeover Contract)

 CPTU/S-36A / Expansion of N
                                              Professionalizing Procureme
ational Trainers Pool on Publi IDA / 60770                                   Post    Direct Selection     Direct     100,000.00     113,159.05    Signed            2020-02-02   2021-02-09    2020-02-12   2021-06-29                             2020-04-17   2022-02-02   2020-10-14
                                              nt and Citizen Engagement
c Procurement.

 CPTU/S-55 / Training Coordin                 Professionalizing Procureme            Individual Consult
                              IDA / 60770                                    Post                         Direct      14,200.00      14,159.29    Signed            2020-01-23   2020-01-20    2020-02-02   2020-02-17   2020-02-23   2020-02-04   2020-03-29   2020-02-27   2020-09-25
ation Consultant                              nt and Citizen Engagement              ant Selection

 CPTU/S-25A / M&E Consultan                   Restructuring CPTU and Insti           Individual Consult                                           Pending Impleme
                            IDA / 60770                                    Post                           Open       100,000.00            0.00                     2020-08-20                 2020-10-03                2020-10-18                2020-11-22                2022-06-30
t for IMED                                    tutionalizing e-GP                     ant Selection                                                ntation

 CPTU/S-55A / Training Coord                  Digitizing Project Implement           Individual Consult                                           Under Implement
                                IDA / 60770                                  Post                         Direct      42,200.00            0.00                     2021-02-07   2021-02-18    2021-02-17                2021-03-10                2021-04-14                2022-06-30
ination Consultant (National)                 ation Monitoring                       ant Selection                                                ation

 CPTU/AF S-22 / System Admi                   Digitizing Project Implement           Individual Consult
                            IDA / 68270                                      Post                         Direct      99,369.00      97,637.01    Signed            2021-05-18   2021-06-15    2021-05-28   2021-06-23   2021-06-09   2021-06-29   2021-06-30   2021-06-29   2023-12-31
nistrator                                     ation Monitoring                       ant Selection

 CPTU/AF S-21 / Help Desk M                   Digitizing Project Implement           Individual Consult
                            IDA / 68270                                      Post                         Direct      90,333.00      89,003.93    Signed            2021-05-18   2021-06-15    2021-05-28   2021-06-23   2021-06-09   2021-06-29   2021-06-30   2021-06-30   2023-12-31
anager (Call Center Manager                   ation Monitoring                       ant Selection

 CPTU/AF S-20 / Senior IT Sec                 Digitizing Project Implement           Individual Consult
                              IDA / 68270                                    Post                         Direct      79,939.00      72,802.26    Signed            2022-03-02   2022-04-27    2022-03-30   2022-06-07   2022-04-27   2022-06-16   2022-06-30   2022-06-20   2023-12-31
urity Assurance Consultant                    ation Monitoring                       ant Selection

 CPTU/AF S-17 / Application A                 Digitizing Project Implement           Individual Consult                                           Pending Impleme
                              IDA / 68270                                    Post                         Direct      63,821.00            0.00                     2021-12-02                 2022-01-10                2022-01-31                2022-02-28                2023-12-31
dministration (AA)                            ation Monitoring                       ant Selection                                                ntation

CPTU/AF S-18 / Database Ad                    Digitizing Project Implement           Individual Consult                                           Pending Impleme
                                IDA / 68270                                  Post                         Direct      63,821.00            0.00                     2021-12-02                 2022-01-10                2022-01-31                2022-02-28                2023-12-31
ministrator (DBA)                             ation Monitoring                       ant Selection                                                ntation

 CPTU/AF S-11 / Principal Proj                Digitizing Project Implement           Individual Consult                                           Under Implement
                               IDA / 68270                                   Post                         Direct     104,952.00            0.00                     2022-03-01   2022-06-15    2022-04-12                2022-05-10                2022-06-28                2023-12-31
ect Management Expert/Cons                    ation Monitoring                       ant Selection                                                ation

 CPTU/AF S-27 / Public Policy                 Digitizing Project Implement           Individual Consult                                           Pending Impleme
                                IDA / 68270                                  Post                         Direct      88,472.00            0.00                     2022-03-01                 2022-04-26                2022-05-17                2022-06-30                2023-12-31
Implementation Advisor (PPI                   ation Monitoring                       ant Selection                                                ntation

 CPTU/AF S-14 / Sr. Communi                   Digitizing Project Implement           Individual Consult                                           Under Implement
                                IDA / 68270                                  Post                         Direct      88,214.29            0.00                     2022-01-05   2022-03-14    2022-02-02                2022-02-23                2022-03-31                2023-12-31
cation Consultant (SCC)                       ation Monitoring                       ant Selection                                                ation

CPTU/AF S-32 / Jr. Financial                  Digitizing Project Implement           Individual Consult
                             IDA / 68270                                     Post                         Direct      85,827.00      67,593.24    Signed            2021-10-04   2021-12-06    2021-11-08   2021-12-20   2021-11-29   2021-12-28   2021-12-30   2021-12-30   2023-12-31
Management Consultant (JFM                    ation Monitoring                       ant Selection

 CPTU/AF S-15 / Sr. Procurem                  Digitizing Project Implement           Individual Consult
                                IDA / 68270                                  Post                         Direct      76,132.00      69,518.43    Signed            2022-04-03   2022-04-27    2022-05-01   2022-06-07   2022-05-22   2022-06-20   2022-06-30   2022-06-20   2023-12-31
ent Consultant (SPC)                          ation Monitoring                       ant Selection

 CPTU/AF S-12 / Sr. e-GP Advi                 Digitizing Project Implement           Individual Consult
                              IDA / 68270                                    Post                         Direct     109,012.00      98,567.24    Signed            2022-04-03   2022-04-27    2022-05-08   2022-06-07   2022-05-29   2022-06-16   2022-06-30   2022-06-20   2023-12-31
sor                                           ation Monitoring                       ant Selection

CPTU/AF S-16 / Sr. Financial                  Digitizing Project Implement           Individual Consult
                                IDA / 68270                                  Post                         Direct     120,950.00     106,583.92    Signed            2021-10-04   2021-12-06    2021-11-08   2021-12-14   2021-11-29   2021-12-28   2021-12-30   2021-12-30   2023-12-31
Management Consultant (SF                     ation Monitoring                       ant Selection

 CPTU/AF S-55 / Training Coor                 Professionalizing Procureme            Individual Consult                                           Under Implement
                              IDA / 68270                                    Post                         Open        73,809.52            0.00                     2022-02-06   2022-04-27    2022-05-08                2022-05-29                2022-06-30                2023-12-31
dination Consultant (TCC)                     nt and Citizen Engagement              ant Selection                                                ation

                                                                                                                                                                                      Page 4
 CPTU/AF S-02 / e-GP Enhanc                  Enhancing Digitization of Pu                                                                     Under Implement
                               IDA / 68270                                  Prior   Direct Selection     Direct   6,920,000.00         0.00                     2021-10-24   2022-05-18    2022-01-09   2022-07-19                             2022-04-17                2023-10-18
ement and O&M (Phase-2)                      blic Procurement                                                                                 ation

 CPTU/AF S-03A / e-GP Relate                 Enhancing Digitization of Pu                                                                     Under Implement
                             IDA / 68270                                    Post    Direct Selection     Direct   1,000,000.00         0.00                     2021-12-28   2022-05-22    2022-02-22   2022-07-31                             2022-05-31                2023-12-31
d Training for PE (Phase 2)                  blic Procurement                                                                                 ation

 CPTU/AF S-01 / Procurement
                                             Professionalizing Procureme                                                                      Under Implement
Capacity Development Progr     IDA / 68270                                  Post    Direct Selection     Direct    834,679.00          0.00                     2021-10-03   2022-07-26    2021-12-08                                          2022-04-30                2023-12-31
                                             nt and Citizen Engagement                                                                        ation
am (Phase 2)

 CPTU/AF S-04 / Communicati                  Professionalizing Procureme                                                                      Under Implement
                            IDA / 68270                                     Post    Direct Selection     Direct    300,000.00          0.00                     2022-01-25   2022-08-07    2022-03-21                                          2022-06-30                2023-12-31
on consultant (Phase 2)                      nt and Citizen Engagement                                                                        ation

 CPTU/AF S-08 / Update citize
n portal+ develop app to ena                 Professionalizing Procureme
                              IDA / 68270                                   Post    Direct Selection     Direct    300,000.00    305,363.75   Signed            2021-12-20   2022-05-25    2022-02-22   2022-06-16                             2022-07-26   2022-06-30   2023-01-22
ble feedback by the citizen +                nt and Citizen Engagement
geo tagging + maintenance t
ill FY23

 CPTU/AF S-09 / Panel of proc
urement experts for emerge
ncy procurement assessment
                                             Digitizing Project Implement           Individual Consult                                        Pending Impleme
and development of improve IDA / 68270                                      Prior                        Open      650,000.00          0.00                     2021-09-21                 2021-11-23                2021-12-14                2022-02-01                2023-11-30
                                             ation Monitoring                       ant Selection                                             ntation
d procedures/tools, sustainab
le procurement policy, contra
ct management manual and
other activities

 CPTU/AF S-24 / e-GP Internat                Digitizing Project Implement           Individual Consult                                        Pending Impleme
                              IDA / 68270                                   Post                         Direct     59,523.00          0.00                     2021-08-01                 2021-09-01                2021-10-13                2021-12-01                2023-12-31
ional Consultant                             ation Monitoring                       ant Selection                                             ntation

 CPTU/AF S-57 / Assessment t
o Determine Requirement of                   Enhancing Digitization of Pu           Individual Consult                                        Pending Impleme
                             IDA / 68270                                    Post                         Open       50,000.00          0.00                     2021-09-01                 2021-11-30                2022-01-12                2022-03-01                2022-08-28
e-GP New Data Centre Includi                 blic Procurement                       ant Selection                                             ntation
ng Alternative Modalities.

 CPTU/AF S-19 / Web Develop                  Digitizing Project Implement           Individual Consult                                        Pending Impleme
                            IDA / 68270                                     Post                         Direct    282,188.91          0.00                     2021-08-01                 2021-09-06                2021-10-31                2021-12-31                2023-12-31
ers                                          ation Monitoring                       ant Selection                                             ntation

/ Consultancy Firm for Capaci                Professionalizing Procureme                                                                      Pending Impleme
                              IDA / 68270                                   Post    Direct Selection     Direct   1,465,321.00         0.00                     2021-07-18                 2021-07-28                                          2021-10-01                2022-06-30
ty Development and Professi                  nt and Citizen Engagement                                                                        ntation
onalization (Amendment)

 CPTU/AF S-9A / Procurement
Expert for Strengthening Em                  Digitizing Project Implement           Individual Consult                                        Under Implement
                            IDA / 68270                                     Post                         Direct     45,000.00          0.00                     2021-11-30   2021-12-06    2021-12-10                2021-12-20                2022-01-11                2022-09-08
ergency Procurement and Co                   ation Monitoring                       ant Selection                                             ation
ntract Management Framewo

 CPTU/AF S-9B / Procurement
Expert for consultancy servic                Digitizing Project Implement           Individual Consult
                              IDA / 68270                                   Post                         Direct     45,000.00     42,942.44   Signed            2021-11-30   2021-12-06    2021-12-10   2022-01-12   2021-12-20   2022-06-16   2022-01-04   2022-06-19   2022-09-01
es to develop sustainable pro                ation Monitoring                       ant Selection
curement policy and implem
entation roadmap.

 CPTU/AF S-19(A) / Selection                 Restructuring CPTU and Insti           Individual Consult                                        Pending Impleme
                               IDA / 68270                                Post                           Direct     46,500.00          0.00                     2022-06-05                 2022-06-15                2022-06-20                2022-06-30                2023-12-31
of Web Developer (National)                  tutionalizing e-GP                     ant Selection                                             ntation

 CPTU/AF S-19(B) / Selection                 Restructuring CPTU and Insti           Individual Consult
                               IDA / 68270                                Post                           Direct     46,000.00     37,817.33   Signed            2022-06-05   2022-06-02    2022-06-15   2022-06-07   2022-06-20   2022-06-16   2022-07-17   2022-06-20   2023-12-31
of Web Developer (National)                  tutionalizing e-GP                     ant Selection

 CPTU/AF S-19(C) / Selection                 Restructuring CPTU and Insti           Individual Consult                                        Pending Impleme
                               IDA / 68270                                Post                           Open      190,000.00          0.00                     2022-06-15                 2022-08-11                2022-09-01                2022-10-13                2023-12-31
of Web Developer (Internatio                 tutionalizing e-GP                     ant Selection                                             ntation

                                                                                                                                                                                  Page 5