PROGRAM (P170435)


             Prepared by the World Bank

                     May 2022

                                                         Technical Assessment

  A.         Program Description

  1.       The government program in mainland Tanzania is anchored in the Health Sector Strategic Plan V
  (HSSP 2021/22 – 2025/26) and comprises Primary Health Care (PHC) services, regional referral hospitals
  and referral services while the PforR Program comprises essential maternal and child health (MCH)
  services at the PHC level, selected regional referral hospitals, and activities to strengthen referral services
  at district and regional levels. The operation is primarily focused on MCH services, but also covers health
  systems functions pertinent to improving provision and quality of MCH services, including human
  resources for health; performance and functionality of health facilities; referral services; management,
  organization, and institutional arrangements; and community health services. The PforR Program will
  support five Key Result Areas: (i) maternal and child health services; (ii) human resources for health; (iii)
  emergency and referral services; (iv) health facility performance and functionality; and (v) management
  and accountability functions. The five Key Results Areas (KRAs) are aligned with the four HSSP V strategic
  directions: (a) provision of health services; (b) organization of health services; (c) health system
  performance; and (d) health system investments and functioning. The scope of the proposed program
  includes recurrent and operating costs, goods, small works, and services.

  B.         Description and Assessment of Program Strategic Relevance and Technical Soundness

  B.1        Strategic Relevance

  2.       Over the last two decades, Tanzania has improved coverage of selected high impact interventions,
  registered improvement in population health outcomes, and reduced the disease burden, which dropped
  from 88,225 to 41,047 disability adjusted life years (DALYs) per 100,000 population between 2000 and
  2019.1 Over the same period, life expectancy increased from 51 to 65 years while under-five mortality and
  infant mortality dropped from 148 deaths and 98 deaths per 1,000 live births to 67 deaths and 43 deaths
  per 1,000 live births, respectively.2 These improvements are attributed partly to the control of major
  communicable diseases including vaccine preventable diseases, diarrheal diseases, malaria, and HIV/AIDS,
  and management of maternal and child health conditions including integrated management of childhood
  illnesses. While Tanzania has made progress, its disease burden remains high. Communicable diseases,
  maternal, neonatal, and nutritional disorders remain major drivers of mortality and illness for the
  population. Neonatal disorders are the third key driver of the disease burden with newborn mortality rate
  of 27 deaths per 1000 live births. Maternal mortality ratio has stagnated at about 530 deaths per 100,000
  live births in mainland Tanzania. The high total fertility rate (TFR, 5.2 per woman) together with early
  marriage and childbearing among adolescent girls are among the factors that partly drive the high
  maternal mortality. Moreover, stunting is persistently high affecting 34 percent of children under five
  years of age. (Table 1 in Annex 1)

  3.       A large share of maternal deaths is attributed to poor obstetric care. Lack of competent and skilled
  staff,3 and problems with anesthesia, equipment, and blood and its products are some of the limitations

1Instituteof Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), Global Burden of Disease, University of Washington.
2Tanzania Demographic and Health Survey and Malaria Indicator Survey 2015/16
3 The 2020 Service Availability and Readiness Assessment shows that only 56% of the facilities could screen for anaemia and only

63% had dipstick to measure protein in urine. This is concerning because anaemia is the third leading cause of maternal deaths in
    in the provision of obstetric care. With regards to deaths among under-5 children, about 102,0004 die
    each year, out of which 66 percent are neonates. The main causes of deaths among under-5 children in
    Tanzania are pneumonia (14 percent), intrapartum (14 percent), preterm (11 percent), congenital (9
    percent), and diarrhea (8 percent). At the current rate of progress, Tanzania is unlikely to achieve the
    health-related sustainable development goals. Most of these conditions are preventable and manageable
    using available cost-effective interventions, and unless Tanzania turns the tide against communicable
    diseases and maternal and child health conditions, it risks a prolonged dual disease burden due to the
    already high burden of the non-communicable diseases. For example, between 2000 and 2019, about 57
    percent of deaths among under-5 children were prevented because of increased vaccination coverage.5
    It is further predicted that increased vaccination coverage and introduction of new vaccines would result
    in a 72 percent reduction in lifetime mortality among under-5 children by 2030.6 Scaling-up
    implementation of the integrated management of childhood illnesses (IMCI) strategy for under-5 children
    is also associated with reduced under-5 mortality. A meta-analysis of IMCI studies from Bangladesh, India
    and Tanzania show that under-5 mortality can be reduced by 13 percent if the IMCI strategy is
    implemented.7 Evidence also shows that about one-third of maternal deaths can be prevented by scaling-
    up family planning services which could delay motherhood, avoid unintended pregnancies and
    subsequent abortions.8

    4.      Tanzania is prone to periodic disease outbreaks. Besides the COVID-19 pandemic, Tanzania lately
    experienced outbreaks of anthrax, cholera, and dengue fever. As of May 6, 2022, Tanzania has reported
    a cumulative total of 33,928 confirmed cases and 803 deaths since March 2020 and witnessed disruptions
    in uptake of pentavalent vaccine, admission of children under five years, and management of cases with
    severe malaria including IPT2 during ante natal care.9 To ensure continued delivery of essential health
    services during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond, the government, in response introduced a new pillar
    on maintaining essential health services as part of the COVID-19 National Response Plan (2021-2022) with
    the aim of (a) mapping services to identify gaps in service delivery; (b) sustaining delivery of quality of
    essential health services; and (c) monitoring and coordination of essential health services during the
    pandemic and beyond.

    5.      The Human Capital Index (HDI) for Tanzania is low, and in 2020 was estimated at 0.39, which is
    below its expected level of development, and places it among the bottom 35 countries globally. Despite
    the decline in the poverty rate, the absolute numbers of the poor increased from 12.3 million in 2011 to
    about 14 million in 2018 because of the high population growth rate, and a large share of the population
    remains vulnerable and risks falling back into poverty. In 2018 almost half the population was living below
    the international poverty line of US$1.9 per day. There is recognition that without improving the health
    of the population, Tanzania will not realize the aspirations enshrined in Vision 2025 and improve its
    human capital. There is a strong justification for government intervention and public financing of essential
    PHC services as a large share of the population, especially the poor rely on these services. In this respect,

4 Sharrow et al (2021). Levels and Trends in Child Mortality: Estimates by the UN Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality
Estimation. UNICEF: New York.
5 Li, X., et al. (2021). Estimating the health impact of vaccination against ten pathogens in 98 low-income and middle-income

countries from 2000 to 2030: a modelling study. The Lancet, 397(10272), pp.398-408.
6 ibid
7 Gera et al. (2012). Integrated management of childhood illness (IMCI) strategy for children under five: Effects on death, service

utilization and illness. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (9).
8 Collumbien et al. (2004). Non-use and use of ineffective methods of contraception. In: Ezzati M, Lopez AD, Rogers A, Murray CJL,

editors. Comparative quantification of health risks: Global and regional burden of disease attributable to selected major risk factors.
Geneva: World Health Organization: p. 1255–320. PMID
9 World Health Organization (Tanzania) Maintain or restore the provision of essential health services during Covid-19 pandemic in

the United Republic of Tanzania. April 11, 2022
     health is considered essential for economic development and poverty reduction in Tanzania and has been
     identified as a priority in (i) the Government’s Tanzania Development Vision 2025 (launched in 1999); (ii)
     the National Development Plan (2021/22-25/26); and (iii) the World Bank’s Country Partnership
     Framework (CPF, Report No. 121790-TZ, FY18-22). Strengthening capacity to provide PHC services and
     improving maternal and child health services are among the key priorities outlined in the various
     documents for Tanzania to improve the health of its population.

     B.2 Technical Soundness

     6.      The Program Development Objective (PDO) is to scale-up provision and improve quality of
     essential primary health care services with a focus on Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Services. To
     achieve the objective, the Program will strengthen capacity to (i) deliver essential PHC services,
     particularly those related to reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child, adolescent health and nutrition
     (RMNCAH-N) and quality of care, and (ii) provide referral services as part of the continuum of care.

     7.      The Program’s focus on improving delivery and quality of essential health services with particular
     emphasis on RMNCAH-N at the primary health care level is appropriate. Physical access to health facilities
     alongside coverage of essential health services has significantly improved in Tanzania.10 However,
     Tanzania has had limited success with improving quality of care and provision of emergency obstetric
     care, newborn care, family planning, essential emergency and referral services and nutrition services.
     Coverage of essential services for newborn care including signal functions is limited: according to the
     Demographic Health Survey (DHS, 2015), only 47 percent of mothers reported at least two of the six signal
     functions were performed during childbirth.11 Likewise, 81 percent of 53 hospitals and 15 percent of 152
     health centers sampled could perform all the signal functions for comprehensive emergency obstetric
     care with 32 percent of health centers able to provide blood services.12 Treatment coverage of children
     with severe acute malnutrition remains low with only 12 percent receiving adequate management.13

     8.       Low quality of care is a major impediment to improving health service delivery. The specific
     guidelines, while available in most health facilities, are not routinely applied. The stepwise star rating
     quality assessment of health facilities in 2018 rated 20 percent of health facilities 3 stars and above and
     identified gaps with (a) staffing, (b) management of emergencies and referrals, (c) clinical support services
     (laboratories and medicines), and (d) facility infrastructure.14 Poor quality of health services not only
     represents inefficient use of resources, as seen with overcrowding of hospitals with patients requiring
     primary health care services, it also hinders provision of appropriate emergency and referral services,
     especially to those needing critical care as part of the continuum of care. In general, referral services are
     weak, plagued with coordination challenges, and most health facilities are unable to manage basic
     medical emergencies (obstetric or newborn resuscitation) including the treatment of the critically ill

     9.      In addition to gaps in the quality and coverage of RMNCAH-N services, the key bottlenecks
     towards improving provision of essential health care services identified under the Program reflect
     challenges with (a) production and management of the health workforce; (b) performance and

10 Ministry of Health. Annual Health Sector Performance Report (2020)
11 The six signal functions are cord examination, temperature measurement, counseling on danger signs, counseling on breast
feeding, observing breast feeding, and weighing the baby.
12 Service Availability and Readiness Assessment (SARA, 2020).
13 Midterm review of the National Multisectoral Nutrition Action Plan (July 2016 –June 2021)
14 The star rating assessment tool assesses quality of service delivery of health care facilities and rates them on a scale of one to five

  functionality of the health facilities; (c) referrals and management of emergencies; and (d) management
  and accountability functions. These bottlenecks summarized below are derived from the Health Sector
  Strategic Plan V (2021-2026), Human Resource for Health Strategic Plan (2020–2025) and the National
  Road Map Strategic Plan to Improve Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health
  (2020 - 2025) and were informed by the mid-term reviews of the previous plans in 2019. These
  bottlenecks fall within the remit of Ministry of Health (MoH) and President’s Office, Regional
  Administration and Local Government (PORALG) and Tanzania could realize major gains by tackling them
  more effectively.

  10.       Human resources for health (HRH) are an important resource for the delivery of health services,
  and unless the persistent HRH challenges are effectively tackled, it is unlikely Tanzania will be able
  improve provision and quality of health services, especially for frontline services. Countrywide, there is
  an overall staff shortage of 52 percent with dispensaries (69 percent). (Table 2) Recent recruitment efforts
  have not managed to bridge the gap, and staff density remains unchanged owing to the growing
  population and continued health infrastructure expansion.15 These challenges are further compounded
  by shortcomings in pre-service training and competence gaps in clinical practice. Besides shortages of
  critical cadres, many training programs lack qualified tutors, use outdated and inappropriate curricula
  unable to provide competence-based training.16

                                      Table 2. HRH Need versus Availability in 2019
     Facility Levels                     Required         Available        Shortage          Available %       Shortage %
      Dispensary                         99,060           30,625           68,435            30.92%            69.08%
      Health Centre                      32,487           17,954           14,533            55.27%            44.73%
      District Hospital                  21,600           17,443           4,157             80.75%            19.25%
      Other Hospital*                    26,400           11,243           15,157            42.59%            57.41%
      Regional Hospital                  14,226           11,373           2,853             79.95%            20.05%
     National, Zonal, Specialized        14,509           10,349           4,160             71.33%            28.67%
     and Referral Hospital
     Health Training Inst.               1,321            697              624               52.76%            47.24%
      Grand Total                        209,603          99,684           109,919           47.60%            52.40%
  * This category includes voluntary agency hospitals
  Source: Human Resources for Health Strategic Plan 2020-2025

  11.     Many health facilities operate below the designated standards for their level.17 While the overall
  capacity of health facilities to provide general health services increased from 57 percent in 2017 to 69
  percent in 2020, the overall capacity is still low with services for emergency obstetrics and newborn care
  considerably much lower.18 This challenge reflects weaknesses with management and coordination of
  health facility infrastructure investments which are made without provision of complementary inputs
  including staffing, medical equipment and supplies. In recognition, the government under the HSSP V is
  committed to addressing gaps in the functionality of the PHC facilities to ensure the facilities are not only
  ready, but able to provide the requisite services.

15 MoHCDGEC,    HSSP IV mid-Term Review Report 2019; For Zanzibar, the ratios are 0.95 physicians per 10,000 population and 4.65
nurses per 10,000 population
16 Human Resource for Health Strategic Plan 2020–2025
17 Ministry of Health. Annual Health Sector Performance Profile (2019)
18 Service Availability and Readiness Assessment (2020)

     12.       Measures to improve referrals both for emergency and non-emergency cases have had limited
     success and continue to hinder efforts to improve quality of care in Tanzania. While 32 percent of health
     facilities had arrangements for emergency transportation in the rural areas, only 24 percent of urban
     health facilities had such arrangements.19 The majority of district and referral hospitals are crowded with
     primary patients and are ill prepared to respond to emergencies rendering hospitals unable to provide
     the essential critical care services as part of the continuum of care. Furthermore, the current referral
     system is plagued by coordination challenges. A study on the pattern of referrals by referral hospitals
     revealed that 35 percent of all referrals were preventable with the most common reasons for referrals
     related to staffing, equipment, and drugs or supplies including blood.20 Improving referrals and
     management of emergencies is recognized as a priority and many pilot initiatives are on-going, which
     government intends to adapt and roll out countrywide in a phased manner.

     13.     Mainland Tanzania has continued to devolve management of health services delivery to the Local
     Government Authorities (LGAS) and PHC facilities including rolling out Direct Health Financing Facility
     (DHFF) to the PHC facilities. While many of the structures and systems have been elaborated these need
     to be strengthened for health facilities to adequately plan, manage, and report on their performance.
     Among others, it is necessary to strengthen (a) capacity of PHC facilities to coordinate community-based
     health services within their catchment populations, (b) facility governance arrangements, (c)
     management functions at the health facilities including scaling up use of electronic management
     information systems and measures to promote accountability for service delivery, and (d) measures to
     ensure compliance with technical as well as fiduciary (procurement and financial management) standards
     and practices.

     14.      Based on the defined bottlenecks, the Program identified five Key Result Areas (KRAs) with direct
     causal links corresponding to the major bottlenecks affecting delivery of health services at the PHC level.
     The KRAs are geared towards improving provision and quality of RMNCAH-N services at the PHC and
     improving performance and ensuring functionality PHC facilities and referral services as part of the
     continuum of care. Instead of relying on the approach whereby technical programs individually manage
     their investments, the Program is expected to contribute to better coordination and management of the
     investments at the PHC facilities. Through this approach, the health facilities will be able to deliver the
     appropriate complement of the essential health services, which entails ensuring general service
     availability and readiness of the PHC facilities to provide essential and quality services. The Program’s
     KRAs - (a) maternal and child health services; (b) human resources for health; (c) emergency and referral
     services; (d) health facility performance and functionality; and (e) management and accountability
     functions are further explained below.

     15.      The KRA on maternal and child health services aims to consolidate implementation of existing
     RMNCAH-N services and to scale up the services where Tanzania had had limited progress at the PHC
     level. Besides emergency obstetric care, newborn care, where the least progress has been made, will
     receive greater priority with PHC facilities expected to deliver the essential services and perform the basic
     signal functions for newborn care. In addition, the PHC facilities will be supported to adopt continuous
     quality improvement initiatives, oversee the volunteer community health workers (CHWs) and network
     with schools in providing adolescent health services. Guidelines to this effect are to be developed by
     PORALG. The activities under the KRA will be financed though the Health Basket Fund (HBF), and plans
     developed and monitored as part of the Comprehensive Council Health Plans (CCHP) with the Council
     Health Management Teams (CHMTs) being responsible for supporting and supervising the PHC facilities.

19   Tanzania Service Availability and Readiness Assessment (2020)
20   Jumbam et al. BMC Health Services Research (2020) 20:725 (
By channeling funds through the HBF, the Program will leverage funding from other partners and benefit
from arrangements put in place by government and the HBF partners to monitor implementation of HBF
financed programs. The KRA will be assessed based on the performance of the LGAs, and central and
regional entities against a set of indicators comprising RMNCAH-N services delivery indicators and health
systems strengthening indicators targeted towards improving quality of care.

16.      The KRA on HRH is aimed at improving availability of skilled health workers at the primary health
care level and selected regional referral hospitals. The interventions address the persistent challenges
affecting management of the HRH and include: (i) recruitment and equitable deployment of health
workers with a focus on PHC health facilities; (ii) training of cadres in short supply (both clinical and
nonclinical) through short and long-term courses; (iii) strengthening capacity of selected health training
institutions to conduct competency-based trainings; and (iv) clinical mentorship, coaching and
attachment of newly recruited health workers. The government will prepare specific plans for the
implementation of the activities over the Program’s duration. Clinical mentorship, coaching and
attachment will be adapted from the ongoing initiatives in the country implemented in collaboration with
other partners. Through these interventions, besides improving staff availability, Tanzania will improve
management practices to enhance staff productivity.

17.      Management of emergencies and referral services is a major gap, and under this KRA, the
Program will: (i) enhance capacity of PHC health facilities and selected regional referral hospitals to handle
referrals and emergencies including managing critically ill patients in accordance with established
standards and (ii) establish reliable systems for communication and transport to coordinate and manage
referrals between communities, PHC facilities and regional referral hospitals. Based on the several
ongoing pilot initiatives on referrals in the country, the government will develop a model
strategy/program customized at the regional level for adoption and implementation in a phased manner
by the RRHs and PHC facilities including district hospitals. The system is envisaged to include an electronic
dispatch system. At present, there is no coordinated referral system in Tanzania. Once in place the system
will benefit non RMNCAH-N patients and will assist in the establishment of a coordinated referral system
for the country.

18.       The result area on improving performance and functionality aims at ensuring selected PHC health
facilities achieve the recommended service delivery standards. For dispensaries this means performing
signal functions for basic obstetric emergency, while for health centers and district hospitals performing
signal functions for comprehensive obstetric emergency. To this effect, PORALG will develop a plan
detailing the actions to improve performance and ensure functionality of the selected PHC facilities. In
addition, this KRA will support measures to mainstream continuous quality improvement initiatives,
adoption of quality-of-care practices, and implementation of the homegrown star rating assessments to
monitor performance of PHC facilities. Building on the lessons from previous implementation, the star
rating assessment will be simplified, digitized, and revised to incorporate a module to assess clinical
practices at the PHC facilities. In addition, the recently introduced clinical audits will be rolled out in the
regional referral hospitals and district hospitals. The MoH will prepare and circulate appropriate

19.     Finally, the last KRA on management and accountability will strengthen management and
oversight functions at the PHC health facilities, RMNCAH-N coordination functions at all levels, and
management and coordination functions for the Program. Particular attention will be given to
strengthening fiduciary capacity of the LGAs and the PHC health facilities and implementation of the
selected capacity building activities necessary for execution of the Program.

20.     In summary, the proposed Program is technically sound, and the design takes into consideration
the respective mandates of the key entities involved in its execution. The Program is adequately
structured with clear linkages between Program activities and the results. It focuses on the key challenges
facing delivery of essential health services at the PHC level in Tanzania and is geared to improving quality
of care and scaling up provision of evidence-based and cost-effective RMNCAH-N interventions. In
addition, the Program will contribute towards Tanzania’s COVID-19 response by strengthening capacity
to maintain the delivery of essential health services. The Program builds on local as well as global
experiences including the last Program, Strengthening PHC for Results (P152736).

B.3 Institutional Arrangements

21.      There are adequate governance and coordination arrangements in place at the national, regional
and LGA levels to implement the Program. The MoH and PORALG will oversee implementation of the
PforR Program in line with their respective mandates. Both MoH and PORALG have coordination
arrangements with each other and other stakeholders including development partners through the
existing technical working groups. In addition, the Program will use the coordination mechanisms for the
HBF whereby partners and government meet quarterly to review implementation of PHC services. A
Steering Committee will also be established between the key implementing agencies to provide
implementation oversight.

22.      In accordance with the decentralization strategy, subnational Program activities will be carried
out by the government institutions at regional and local government as well as health facility levels. The
Council Health Management Teams (CHMTs) working under the Local government Authorities (LGAs) are
responsible for coordinating the delivery of PHC services and will oversee implementation of Program
activities at the LGAs. The CHMTs report to the District Council. The Program activities will be included in
the respective Comprehensive Council Health Plans (CCHPs) prepared by the LGAs. The CCHPs include
health facility plans approved by Health Facility Governing Committees (HFGCs). At the health facilities
(public, faith-based, and private), the HFGCs are charged with overseeing implementation of the health
facility plans. For the regional referral hospitals, hospital managers together with relevant Hospital
Services Boards oversee operations of the hospitals. To facilitate referral services, the respective regional
referral hospitals will liaise with the surrounding LGAs to establish appropriate mechanisms for referrals.

C.       Description and Assessment of Program Expenditure Framework

23.      After contracting in 2020, Tanzania’s economy is expected to recover in the medium term; but
stay fragile due to the COVID-19 pandemic and prevailing external factors.21 The real GDP growth rate is
projected to reach 4.5–5.5 percent in 2022 and average about 6 percent over the medium term as exports
and domestic demand recover. Per capita GDP growth for 2021 is estimated at 1.3 percent, before
accelerating to 2.9 percent in 2022. Although exports have increased, Tanzania’s current account deficit
is projected to widen to 3.7 percent of GDP in 2022 due to rising imports. Public spending rose from 16.4
percent of GDP in 2019/20 to 18.6 percent in 2020/21 and the fiscal deficit is projected to widen to 4.2
percent of GDP in 2022, driven by pandemic-related public spending and the implementation of several
major capital projects.22 In 2020, inflation reached 3.7 percent, and is expected to stay below 5.0 percent
in the medium term. The value of nominal public debt-to-GDP ratio was estimated at 40.6 percent in

21 World Bank. Tanzania Economic Update March 2022, Issue 17
22 Over the period, development expenditures increased from 6.5 percent of GDP to 8.2 percent, while recurrent expenditures

rose from 9.9 percent of GDP to 10.4 percent.
24.      Health is among the priority sectors in Tanzania, coming behind infrastructure and education.
Compared with general government expenditure, health spending has grown at a much lower rate. Over
the last several years, the share of public spending on health in relation to total public spending has been
declining from 9.3 percent in 2013/14 to 7.4 percent in 2021/22. The budget allocation accounted for 1.5
percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), down from and 1.8 percent, respectively over the same period.
The downward trend in the share of health spending is explained by increased government spending on
the implementation of several flagship capital projects.

25.     Overall, total health expenditures increased by an average of 5.2 percent between 2010 and 2017.
Over the same period, total per capita expenditure increased from US$23.6 to US$28.5, while government
per capita expenditure increased from US$ 7.7 to US$11.6. Under the current scenario, Tanzania’s per
capita health spending falls far below the recommended US$86 required to achieve universal health
coverage. Furthermore, external funding represents a significant share of public health spending (60
percent) with a large proportion (85 percent) being off budget. According to the 2019/2020 National
Health Accounts, household health expenditures were estimated at 28 percent of total health
expenditures. In addition to committing to reversing the drop in government funding to the health sector,
the government has prepared a bill to expand social health insurance as its key strategy to achieve
universal health coverage. Tanzania attained middle income status in 2019 and has the fiscal capacity to
reverse the decline and sustain the increase in domestic financing for health in relation to general
government spending.

              Table 3. Financing Sources of Government Public Health Expenditures (Percentage)

                         2017/18                    2018/19                  2019/20               2020/21           2021/22
                    Budget   Expenditure   Budget     Expenditure   Budget      Expenditure   Budget   Expenditure   Budget
  Government          61%           63%       55%             60%       41%            35%      50%           39%       57%
  Foreign             22%           13%       24%             16%       34%            33%      30%           35%       22%
  ...Basket            9%            8%        6%              5%        6%             7%       3%            4%        5%
  ...Non-Basket       13%            6%       18%             12%       28%            27%      27%           31%       17%
  National Health
  Insurance Fund      13%           23%       16%             23%       21%            30%      16%           23%       18%
  Health Fund          1%            0%        4%              1%        4%             1%       2%            2%        2%
  User Fees            3%            1%        1%              0%        1%             1%       1%            1%        1%

26.     Tanzania has a well-established structure of planning and budgeting, both at the central and
decentralized levels. A Public Expenditure Review (PER) process is conducted every year to assess the
consistency of the approved budget and actual public expenditures against the government policy priority
objectives and helps with fiscal policy formulation and management. In addition to audit reports by the
Controller Accountant General (CAG), the MoH with support of partners regularly undertakes National
Health Accounts (NHA) and resource tracking and mapping for the health sector. Together, these
processes can provide a comprehensive review of the expenditure framework of the Government’s
program on primary health care. Over the Program’s duration, the conduct of NHAs and resource tracking
and mapping is to be institutionalized within the MoH, which will ease generation of the necessary
information relevant for reviewing budgetary performance, resource flows and spending in the sector.

27.    With respect to budgetary composition, the largest share of the health sector’s budget in FY
2019/20 went to salaries at 33.5 percent, followed by institutional capacity building at 31.8 percent and
     curative services at 7.1 percent, while prevention and control of communicable diseases was allocated
     3.7 percent (Figure 1).23 The low allocation to prevention and control of communicable diseases reflects
     significant off budget spending on the area. For FY 2019/20, recurrent budget and development budget
     stood at 59.2 percent and 40.8 percent, respectively.

        Figure 1: Key Budget Allocations by Institutional Objectives of MoH (FY 2019/20 as a
                                   share of total budget of MoH)

                         23.9%                                         Institutional Capacity of Ministry to Implement its Core Functions
                 3.7%                                                  Provision of Curative Services improved
                                                                       Prevention and Control of Communicable and non-Recurrablediseases
                            31.8%                                      and Neglected tropical Diseases Improve

      Source: Ministry of Finance and Planning, Budget book 2019/20 Volumes 2, 3 and 4 and Supply Votes (Ministerial)

     28.     The LGAs receive on average between 50 percent and 60 percent of health sector’s budget in the
     country through �?scal transfers from the central government (Figure 2). Based on available data, in FY
     2021/22, 66 percent of the health budget allocated to LGAs was on recurrent items, including salaries and
     29 per cent for development purposes. With respect to the cost centers, the largest share of the LGA
     budget on health in FY 2021/22 was allocated to dispensaries at 49 percent, followed by council
     administration at 19 percent and health centers at 18 percent, while council hospitals and voluntary
     agency hospitals were allocated 14 percent and 1 percent respectively (Figure 3). It is worth noting that,
     the high allocation to administration reflects budget allocation to on the salaries for the entire LGA level.

                     Figure 2. Share of Budgets and Expenditures by Level
       80%                                                                                                      45%
               55%                         56%       57%            58%             57%            59%                          66%
       60%                  73%
       20%     45%                         44%       43%            42%             43%            41%          55%
                            27%                                                                                                 34%








                    2017/18                     2018/19                  2019/20                           2020/21             2021/22

                                                           Central            LGA

               Figure 3. LGAs Budget allocation by Cost Centers

23   Health Budget brief 2020, mainland Tanzania UNICEF

                                                             Council Administration
                                   19%                       (CHMT)
                          49%                                Council Hospital Services
                                                1%           Voluntary Agency Hospital

                                                             Health Centres

29.      In Tanzania, there are three budget line items: Personnel Emoluments (PE), Other Charges (OC)
and Development (Local and External). All non-salary recurrent spending is within the OC. Fund flows to
LGAs from domestic resources are transferred directly from Ministry of Finance and Planning (MoFP) as
(i) PE block grants and (ii) recurrent health block grants (LGA level OC). In addition, part of OC allocations
through external financing is sent to LGAs and PHC facilities (from HBF) directly from the MoFP under the
Direct Health Financing Facility (DHFF), while medicines allocations which are transferred as goods instead
of cash from Medical Stores Department to LGAs are channeled via the MoH. LGAs also receive own-
sources revenues through user fees, National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) and Community Health Fund
(CHF) but given low enrollment in the NHIF and CHF programs and high level of exemptions, these
represent a small share of health spending (Table 3). HBF funds are allocated using an allocation formula
that include a combination of capitation and output indicators. Furthermore, the NHIF and the improved
Community Health Fund now pay facilities directly. These reforms are encouraging as they constitute a
shift away from input-based allocation toward a system that finances outputs, which can incentivize
health providers to improve utilization and quality of health services.

30.       With the introduction of the Direct Health Facility Financing (DHFF), PHC facilities gained formal
recognition as public spending entities and now have individual Charts of Accounts (COA) which gives
individual facilities the opportunity to prepare their own plans and budgets. In addition, the FM systems
were enhanced through development of a Facility Financial Account and Reporting System (FFARS) to
manage and report expenditures at primary health facilities. Despite these efforts, prioritization of the
budget towards MCH services remains a challenge. Building on the ongoing efforts, the Program will
support interventions geared towards harmonizing financial management information systems at the PHC
facilities as well as planning and budgeting to enhance greater emphasis on MCH and quality
improvement interventions.

31.     Budget execution in the health sector has been lower compared with the national budget
performance, with significant underperformance in relation to the development budget financed both by
local and foreign sources. While budget execution in the health sector improved from 54.5 percent in FY
2017/18 to 71.6 percent in FY 2018/19, this was still much lower compared with 87 percent and 79
percent for the national budget for the same period. Budget performance for foreign-financed
development was estimated at 59.9 percent, while the rate for locally financed development budget was
estimated at 43.4 percent in 2018/19. Late releases and procurement challenges are the main reasons for
the underperformance. In addition, geographic inequality in the distribution of grants including DHFF
among the LGAs remains substantial. In both 2018/19 and 2019/2020 69.5 percent and 67.9 percent of
the LGAs had their per capita expenditure below the average across all LGAs of US$2.05. The significant
variances in per capita health sector allocations are also seen with the regions. For instance, Geita region,
the health budget per capita was TSh 8,570, which was less than the regional average of TSh 13,437. It
   must be highlighted that, disparities in the allocation of resources to LGAs are significantly affected by the
   availability of health facilities and medical personnel.

   32.      The scope of the proposed Program includes recurrent and operating costs, goods, works and
   services.24 Project expenditure framework aligns to government budget and expenditure lines and budget
   framework. This PforR will finance non salary operation costs (other charges - OC) including contracts with
   selected HRH staff with a focus on MCH services, medicines, medical supplies, commodities,
   infrastructure development for selected facilities to ensure functionality of the PHC facilities. In addition,
   project will cover operation costs and capital expenditures for referral and emergency services focusing
   on the MCH services at the RRH hospitals. Though the project is focusing on the PHC services, some
   expenditures will be incurred at the central level (MOH and PORALG) to finance part of the operational
   costs to facilitate lower-level entities in provision of essential PHC services.

   33.      The total cost of the government program is estimated at US$2,347 billion over the next five
   years, of which US$205 million (9 percent of the total Program cost) will be financed under the proposed
   PforR operation. Funding for the PforR operation includes: (i) US$180 million in IDA credit and (ii) US$30
   million in Global Financing Facility (GFF) Essential Health Services grant. The HBF development partners
   are expected to contribute US$163 million (or 7 percent) through parallel financing. The balance will
   largely be financed from the government, although a portion will be financed through other sources. The
   sources and schedule of government program financing are summarized in Tables 4 and 5, and the details
   included in Table 6a and 6b in Annex 1.

                          Table 4. Financing Sources of the Government Program 2023-2027
        Source                                                                  Amount                        Percent of Total
                                                                                (US$ millions)
        Government budget                                                                1,862                          79%
        International Development Association (IDA) credit                                 180                           8%
        GFF Essential Health Services grant                                                 25                           1%
        Health Basket Fund                                                                 163                           7%
        Other sources                                                                      118                           5%
        Total Program Financing                                                          2,347                          100%

                                     Table 5. Schedule of Program Financing 2023-2027
                                          Government of               IDA/GFF/Other                   Total
                                            Tanzania                      Grants
        FY 2023                                  423,573,562                  64,528,763             488,102,324
        FY 2024                                  409,717,671                  77,528,763             487,246,434
        FY 2025                                  400,870,728                  73,528,763             474,399,491
        FY 2026                                  396,979,764                  59,528,763             456,508,527
        FY 2027                                  394,090,743                  52,528,763             446,619,505
        Total                                  2,025,232,467                327,643,814            2,347,876,281

24 It
    excludes high-risk activities, defined as those that: (i) are judged to be likely to have significant adverse impacts that are sensitive,
diverse, or unprecedented on the environment and/or affected the population; and/or (ii) involve procurement of goods, works, and
services under high-value contracts.

     D.      Description and Assessment of Program Results Framework and Monitoring and Evaluation

     34.      The Health Management Information Systems (HMIS) is the primary information system for the
     health sector in Tanzania. The HMIS is operational countrywide and integrated into the District Health
     Information System (DHIS2), a web-based software package. It comprises facility-based health records
     and is used for routine health services management, providing data on morbidity, mortality, health
     infrastructure, and service coverage. In addition, Tanzania has made progress rolling out the use
     electronic medical records in the health facilities, though all dispensaries are yet to be covered. The
     systems are robust and continue to undergo necessary upgrades.

     35.    The Program’s monitoring and evaluation framework (M&E) will rely on the government’s routine
     HMIS with most of the data for the indicators generated through the DHIS2. Some indicators will be
     monitored through other government management and administrative information databases and
     information systems established under the Program. Using the government’s systems will ensure the
     Program’s M&E arrangements are aligned with the government’s overall M&E framework as outlined in
     the HSSP V and consistent with the M&E platforms created for the sector wide approach (SWAp) including
     the HBF.

     36.      The DLIs selected under the Program address the major bottlenecks affecting the delivery of
     essential PHC services in Tanzania. The DLIs comprise a combination of actions and outputs and were
     chosen taking account of the mandates of the implementing entities and reflect priority actions from all
     levels of the health system (national, regional and district) that need to be incentivized to promote
     delivery of PHC services. As part of monitoring progress towards achieving the PDO, the Bank team will
     conduct regular implementation support missions based on the detailed Implementation Support Plan
     (Annex 9), whose focus would be on timely implementation of the agreed Program Action Plan (Annex 8),
     provision of necessary technical support, conducting fiduciary reviews, and monitoring adherence to
     verification protocols, where appropriate.

     37.      The respective M&E Units in the MoH and PORALG will have the primary responsibility for
     coordinating M&E activities under the Program. The respective units will recruit/assign a dedicated M&E
     officer to handle the day-to-day activities of the Program. The CHMTs are responsible for providing M&E
     support to the PHC facilities, while the Regional Health Management Teams (RHMTs) supervise the
     CHMTs and are responsible for data quality audits. The Program will support some of the main activities
     including strengthening M&E capacity at the PHC level and scaling up use of electronic medical records
     by the health facilities.

     E.      Program Economic Evaluation

     38.     Improved maternal and child health is associated with increased economic growth and reduced
     poverty. One maternal death is reported to reduce GDP by US$0.42 per capita per year (in 2015 prices)25
     in Africa, while poor child health contributes to stunting, poor cognitive development, and poor
     performance at school.26,27 In neighboring Uganda, implementing highly effective maternal and newborn
     health interventions is associated with US$10,311 per death averted and US$177 per life-year gained. The

25 Kirigia et al. (2006). Effects if maternal mortality on gross domestic product in WHO African region. African Journal of Health
Services (13): 86-95.
26 Shonkoff et al. (2012). An integrated scientific framework for child survival and early childhood development. Pediatrics, 129(2),

27 Victoria, C et al. (2008). Maternal and child undernutrition: consequences for adult health and human capital. The Lancet (371):

     cost per life-year gained as a percentage of the GDP is 25.6 percent.28 It is evident that investing in
     RMNCAH-N under the proposed Program could facilitate reduction in maternal and child mortality. The
     Program seeks to increase the quantity and quality of PHC giving priority to emergency obstetric and
     newborn care where there is a huge need. It also seeks to improve quality of antenatal, newborn, and
     postnatal care services. Improved services will enable pregnant women, mothers, newborns and other
     children below the age of five to live a quality life and to avert death.

     Cost-benefit analysis of selected RMNCAH-N interventions

     39.    A cost-benefit analysis was conducted to ascertain if the expected benefits from the planned
     investment outweigh the costs. While several PHC interventions will be implemented through the
     Program as outlined in Box 1, the analysis only focuses on maternal and child health outcomes, specifically
     the number of deaths and Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) averted. By using DALYs, both the quantity
     and quality of life of women and children are incorporated. The main assumptions made when
     undertaking the analysis are provided in Box 1.

     Box 1: Assumptions used for the economic analysis
     The direct beneficiary population under the program are children aged 0-59 months; and women in child-bearing
     age (15-49) estimated at 9,804,919 and 15,037,837, respectively, countrywide. In line with the program’s
     development objective, the goal is to scale-up delivery of quality essential PHC services with a focus on RMNCAH-
     N. This will be achieved by improved delivery of proven cost-effective interventions on maternal and child health
     services; improved management and accountability in the health system; and enhanced functionality and
     performance of health facilities including management of emergencies and referrals, and availability of
     medicines, vaccines, and other medical commodities; and improved availability and capacity of health workers.
     It is assumed that the program will expedite the reduction of deaths among under-5 children by 5 percent and 4
     percent on average annually, which is higher than the annual average rates of 4.1 percent and 2.9 percent which
     were observed over the periods 1990-2020 and 2000-2017, respectively. Apart from averting deaths, DALYs will
     also be averted.

     It is assumed that women aged 15-49 will benefit from the program through income gains from lives saved and
     increased productivity due to wage losses averted and reduced or averted expenditures on medical expenses.
     The children aged 0-59 months will benefit from the program through reduced or averted expenditures on
     medical expenses. The number of lives saved are expressed in DALYs to incorporate the quality of life, and each
     DALY averted was assumed to be equivalent to the GDP per capita of US$1,076.50 in 2020 in Tanzania. Each DALY
     averted for women was equivalent to US$1,076.50 while for children it was assumed to be equivalent US$359
     (one third of the GDP per capita of US$1,076.50 in 2020). However, full income gains for children are assumed to
     start accruing after the age of 15. The five-year program implementation period (2022-2027) is extended by 15
     years to 2038 given that investments in human development produce long term economic benefit. Further, both
     the costs and benefits are discounted at a three percent discount rate in line with guidelines from the World
     Health Organization (Edejer et al. 2003). WHO guide to cost-effectiveness analysis.

     40.     As a result of the program, about 5,736 maternal deaths and 527,414 DALYs will be averted over
     the period 2022-2038. The program is also expected to avert 53,625 deaths and 5,178,553 DALYs among
     children over the same period. These gains are equivalent to reductions in maternal deaths from 524 to
     170 per 100,000 live births between 2022 and 2038, and Under-5 deaths from 49 to 16 per 1,000 live
     births over the same period (Figure 4). Expressing the results from the cost-benefit analysis in monetary
     terms also shows that the proposed program will be a very good investment for the country. At the three

 Johns et al. (2019). The costs and cost-effectiveness of a district-strengthening strategy to mitigate the 3 delays to quality
maternal health care: results from Uganda and Zambia. Global Health: Science and Practice, 7(Supplement 1), pp.S104-S122.
     percent discount rate, the net present value of costs and benefits are US$203.9 million and US$2,273.1
     million, respectively. Subsequently, the benefit to cost ratio is estimated at 11:1 which implies that that
     for every US$1 invested through this program, the benefit will be US$11. Furthermore, the cost per DALY
     averted is estimated at US$45 which is significantly lower than: (a) the US$518 cost-effectiveness
     threshold for low-middle income countries;29 and (b) the US$1,076.50 GDP per capita for Tanzania in
     2020. The summary of the Program costs and benefits are captured in Annex 1 Table 9.

                                                                   Figure 4: Expected Reduction in Under-5 and Maternal Mortality

                                              600                                                                                                                           60

                                                                                                                                                                                 Maternal deaths per 100,000 live births
        Under-5 deaths per 1000 live births

                                              500                                                                                                                           50
                                              400                                      364                                                                                  40

                                              300                                                                                                                           30

                                              200                                                                                                                    170    20

                                              100                                                                                                                    16     10

                                                0                                                                                                                           0















                                                      Under-5 deaths per 1,000 live births                           Maternal deaths per 100,000 live births

     Sensitivity analysis

     41.      Results from the sensitivity analysis (Table 7) also shows that the proposed investment will be
     viable (i.e., benefit-cost ratio more than one) even at higher discount rates of five and 10 percent. It is
     also worth noting that the cost-benefit analysis did not look at the full complement of gains that can be
     achieved from implementing interventions at the PHC level. As such, the estimates could have been
     underestimated. This is because focus was only on maternal and child health outcomes, but the program
     can also impact positively on fathers, epidemics, non-communicable diseases, and other conditions which
     require a viable PHC system. In addition, given the difficulty in accounting for potential benefits from
     efficiency improvements, these were excluded from the analysis. Therefore, the result of this analysis
     should be interpreted as an underestimation of the potential benefits from the program.

                                                                                                 Table 7: Sensitivity Analysis
                                                Discount rate                          Cost per Life Saved                         Cost per DALY averted                             Benefit-Cost Ratio
                                                                                             (US$)                                         (US$)
                                              3% (ideal scenario)                            4,366                                           45                                                                            11
                                                     5%                                      4,680                                           49                                                                            10

29Woods, B., Revill, P., Sculpher, M. and Claxton, K., 2016. Country-level cost-effectiveness thresholds: initial estimates and the need for further
research. Value in Health, 19(8), pp.929-935.
              10%                             5,405                           56                            8

F.      Technical Risk Rating

42.     The overall design of the operation is complex; however, it is technically sound and risk of non-
implementation of Program activities is low. The risks are mitigated by mainstreaming implementation of
the operation within the government systems, leveraging successful platforms like the HBF, building on
lessons from the previous Program (P152736) and where necessary rolling out implementation of specific
interventions in a phased manner. The roles of the main implementing entities reflect their respective
mandates to ensure accountability. Although the limited capacity of Program implementers remains a
concern, the Program’s annual capacity building plans are expected to help address this issue. Any
residual risks will be mitigated using DLIs, Program’s annual capacity building as well as TA to be
financed through parallel financing from development partners. These are summarized Table 8.

                     Table 8. Technical Assessment: Key Risks and Mitigation Strategies
Risks                                            Mitigation
                                                  Technical Design
Complex design                                  - Mainstream implementation of the operation within the
                                                    government systems, leveraging successful platforms like the
                                                    HBF, building on lessons from the previous Program (P152736)
Insufficient financing for the Program          - Use of the D-Fund platform to ensure Program budgetary is
                                                    monitored within the government’s budgetary framework
New initiatives (Regional referral systems,     - The initiatives will build on existing successful pilots undertaken
Mentorship, and attachment) being                   in the country.
implemented for the first time                  - Rolling out implementation in a phased manner to allow for
                                                    learning during implementation.
                               Risk of non-implementation of certain Program activities
Cost overruns for health infrastructure         - Detailed assessments will be carried out to inform planning and
related activities                                  execution of all major Program activities including health
                                                    infrastructure ones.

Failure to ensure the health facilities are      -    Detailed implementation plans developed, with specific
functional                                            timebound actions
                                                 -    Necessary capacity building activities included under the
                                                      separate DLIs
Non-implementation due to delayed releases -          Accountability mechanisms for each level ofimplementers
of funds                                   -          DLIs to stimulate performance at every single level: national,
                                                      regional, LGAs and PHC facilities
Non-implementation due to lack of capacity -          Detailed annual capacity building plans under theProgram for all
                                                 -    TA provided by development partners t  houghparallel financing


                                                         Annex 1
                                  Table 1: Tanzania Mainland Key Health Statistics
  Indicators                                                                 2005    2010   2015   2019
  Infant mortality rate (deaths per 1,000 live births)                        68      51     43    36
  Neonatal mortality rate (deaths per 1,000 live births)                      32      26     25    20
  Under-5 mortality rate (deaths per 1,000 live births)                      112      81     67    50
  Maternal mortality ratio (deaths per 100,000 live births)                  578     454    556
  Life expectancy at birth (years)                                            56      62     66
  Stunting among children under five (%)                                      44      42     34    32
  Total fertility rate (number)                                               5.7    5.4    5.2    4.9
  Contraceptive prevalence rate (modern method) (%)                           20      27     32
  Malaria prevalence among children under 5 years (%)                         18      9     14.8   7.3
  Children under five years using Insecticide Treated Nets (%)                16      64     54    56
  Women who received at least two doses of intermittent preventive                    27     35    56
  treatment of malaria in the last pregnancy in the last two years (%)
  Births taking place in health facilities                                    45      50     63    76
  Children age 12-23 months fully immunized (%)                               71      75     75    90
  People who know their HIV status on Antiretroviral Therapy (%)                             81    92
  Estimated new and relapsed Tuberculosis cases detected (%, all forms)               32     39    53
  Children with diarrhea who received ORS (%)                                         44     45     -
  ANC (at least 4 visits) among pregnant women (%)                                    43     51
  Women (aged 15-49 years) with children under five years who took iron                     17.5   28.5
  and folic acid during pregnancy for past birth for 90 days or more (%)
Source: Demographic and Health Surveys (2005, 2010 and 2015), HealthStats, UNICEF, UNAIDS, UN
IGME, 2019. Tanzania National Nutrition Survey (2014 and 2018).

                                       Annex 1. Table 6a. Detailed Program Budget

Area                     (2021/2022)   2022/2023     2023/2024          2024/2025     2025/2026     2026/2027     Total           Percentage
                           Budget                                       Projections
Salary Recurrent (PHC)

Personal Emoluments      196,106,832   198,067,900   200,048,579        202,049,065   204,069,555   206,110,251   1,010,345,350         43%

Non-salary recurrent
Other Charges (block
grant)                   10,342,397    11,717,589    12,303,468         12,918,642    13,564,574    14,242,803    64,747,076             3%

  Health Basket Fund     35,434,180    55,859,928    49,400,000         49,400,000    49,400,000    49,400,000    253,459,928           11%
PHC Medicines &
Equipment                37,939,749    38,319,146    38,702,338         39,089,361    39,480,255    39,875,057    195,466,158            8%

Infrastructure           138,970,958   106,415,258   95,773,732         86,196,359    77,576,723    69,819,051    435,781,123           19%
Development Budget
Foreign                                13,000,000    24,000,000         22,000,000    13,000,000    8,000,000     80                   2.4%
 Regional Referral

Other Charges            30,319,382    30,319,382    31,835,351         33,427,119    35,098,475    36,853,398    167,533,725            7%

Development              24,309,088    24,403,121    23,182,965         19,318,945    19,318,945    19,318,945    105,542,922            4%
Development Budget
Foreign                                10,000,000    12,000,000         10,000,000    5,000,000     3,000,000     40,000,000             2%

TOTAL                    473,422,586   488,102,324   487,246,434        474,399,491   456,508,527   446,619,505   2,352,876,281        100%

                                          Annex 1. Table 6b. Detailed Program Budget
                                                  PforR Program
Implementing   Expenditure                                                               Total     GoT          IDA    GFF     HBF     Others
                                                  (US$ millions)
Agency         Themes
                                Year 1   Year 2     Year 3     Year 4       Year 5

LGA                             198.07   200.05     202.05         204.07   206.11   1,010.35    1,010.35

LGA            Block Grant      11.72    12.30      12.92      13.56        14.24    64.75       64.75

               Provision of
LGA            quality MCH      50.27    44.46      44.46      44.46        44.46    228.11                 61        20      147
               Provision of
               quality MCH      5.59     4.94       4.94       4.94         4.94     25.35                  9                 16.4
& Regions
MOH            Medicines &      38.32    38.7       39.09      39.48        39.88    195.47      166.15                                29.32

PORALG         Infrastructure   106.42   95.77      86.2       77.58        69.82    435.78      370.41                                65.37

MOH            training &       4        12         6          2            3        27                     27
PORALG                          2                   4          2                     8                      8
MOH                             30.32    31.84      33.43      35.1         36.85    167.53      155.14                                12.4

MOH            Hospital         24.4     23.18      19.32      19.32        19.32    105.54      94.99                                 10.55

               Referral and
MOH            emergency        10       12         10         5            3        40                     30        10
               gaps and
PORALG                          2        10         6          7                     25                     25

LGA                             3                   4                       3        10                     10
               PHC facilities

MOH                             1        1.5        1          1.5          1        6                      6

PORALG                          1        0.5        1          0.5          1        4                      4
               for facilities

TOTAL                           488.10   487.25      474.40        456.51   446.62   2,352.88    1,861.78   180.00    30.00   163.46   117.64

                                               Annex 9. Table 6: Summary of Benefits and Cost of the Program
         Expected impact on           No. of deaths                                Expected benefits
                                                          DALYs averted                                   Total Deaths   Total DALYs   Total benefits   Program cost
              mortality                  averted                                         (US$)
                                                                                                            averted        averted         (US$)           (US$)
 Year    Women      Children       Women Children       Women      Children     Women          Children
 2022     0.0%        0.0%            0           -        -           -           -               -           -             -               -               -
 2023     3.0%        4.1%           330       4,182    30,345     403,857    32,666,595    144,917,199      4,512        434,202       177,583,794     21,500,000
 2024     3.5%        4.5%           373       4,402    34,341     425,084    36,967,697    152,534,188      4,775        459,424       189,501,885     43,000,000
 2025     4.0%        5.0%           412       4,671    37,873     451,061    40,770,089    161,855,722      5,083        488,934       202,625,810     89,000,000
 2026     4.0%        5.0%           395       4,437    36,358     428,508    39,139,285    153,762,936      4,833        464,866       192,902,221     49,000,000
 2027     4.0%        5.0%           380       4,215    34,904     407,083    37,573,714    146,074,789      4,595        441,986       183,648,503     27,500,000
 2028     4.0%        5.0%           375       3,993    34,444     385,644    37,078,765    138,381,910      4,368        420,088       175,460,676
 2029     4.0%        5.0%           370       3,771    33,984     364,205    36,583,817    130,689,032      4,141        398,189       167,272,849
 2030     4.0%        5.0%           365       3,549    33,524     342,767    36,088,868    122,996,153      3,914        376,291       159,085,022
 2031     4.0%        5.0%           360       3,327    33,064     321,328    35,593,920    115,303,275      3,687        354,393       150,897,195
 2032     4.0%        5.0%           355       3,105    32,605     299,890    35,098,972    107,610,396      3,460        332,494       142,709,368
 2033     4.0%        5.0%           350       2,883    32,145     278,451    34,604,023     99,917,518      3,233        310,596       134,521,541
 2034     4.0%        5.0%           345       2,661    31,685     257,012    34,109,075     92,224,639      3,006        288,698       126,333,714
 2035     4.0%        5.0%           340       2,439    31,225     235,574    33,614,126    253,595,282      2,779        266,799       287,209,408
 2036     4.0%        5.0%           335       2,217    30,766     214,135    33,119,178    230,516,646      2,552        244,901       263,635,824
 2037     4.0%        5.0%           330       1,995    30,306     192,697    32,624,229    207,438,010      2,325        223,003       240,062,240
 2038     4.0%        5.0%           325       1,773    29,846     171,258    32,129,281    184,359,375      2,098        201,104       216,488,656
TOTAL                               5,736      53,625   527,414   5,178,553   567,761,634 2,442,177,069     59,360       5,705,968     3,009,938,702    230,000,000
Net Present Value at 3% discount rate                                                                       46,727       4,492,135     2,273,111,742    203,990,898
Cost per Life Saved (US$)                                          4,366
Cost per DALY averted (US$)                                          45
Benefit-Cost Ratio                                                   11
