The World Bank Liberia Urban Resilience Project (P169718) Project Information Document (PID) Appraisal Stage | Date Prepared/Updated: 12-Apr-2022 | Report No: PIDA32809 Mar 17, 2022 Page 1 of 12 The World Bank Liberia Urban Resilience Project (P169718) BASIC INFORMATION OPS_TABLE_BASIC_DATA A. Basic Project Data Country Project ID Project Name Parent Project ID (if any) Liberia P169718 Liberia Urban Resilience Project Region Estimated Appraisal Date Estimated Board Date Practice Area (Lead) AFRICA WEST 04-Apr-2022 17-May-2022 Urban, Resilience and Land Financing Instrument Borrower(s) Implementing Agency Investment Project Financing Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Public Works Development Planning Proposed Development Objective(s) The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to increase flood resilience and access to urban infrastructure in selected neighborhoods and to improve urban management in Liberia. Components Climate Resilient Infrastructure and Urban Upgrading Strengthening Integrated Resilient Urban Development Capacity Project Management Contingent Emergency Response Component PROJECT FINANCING DATA (US$, Millions) SUMMARY -NewFin1 Total Project Cost 40.00 Total Financing 40.00 of which IBRD/IDA 40.00 Financing Gap 0.00 DETAILS -NewFinEnh1 World Bank Group Financing International Development Association (IDA) 40.00 Mar 17, 2022 Page 2 of 12 The World Bank Liberia Urban Resilience Project (P169718) IDA Credit 20.00 IDA Grant 20.00 Environmental and Social Risk Classification Substantial Decision The review did authorize the team to appraise and negotiate Other Decision (as needed) B. Introduction and Context Country Context With a gross national income per capita of just US$570 in 20201, which has decreased steadily from $650 in 2013, Liberia is among the ten poorest countries in the world, however, the country is now projecting a growth trajectory, despite multiple setbacks over the past three decades. The country consolidated peace and stability after two devastating civil wars (1989-2003) and recorded a decade of solid economic growth at an annual average growth rate of 7.4 percent during 2004-2013. However, since 2014, Liberia has endured multiple shocks including the regional outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease, and a sharp decline in global prices of the country’s main exports – rubber and iron ore, which disrupted the growth trajectory and resulted in economic stagnation during 2014-2019. The Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic further compounded Liberia’s weak economic performance, causing real gross domestic product (GDP) to contract by an estimated three percent in 20202, which stalled efforts towards job creation, reversed the declining trend in poverty reduction, constrained domestic resource mobilization, and increased Government expenditures. Consequently, the economy contracted in 2020 amid supply disruption, tight macroeconomic policies, falling global demand for Liberia’s main exports, and stringent measures imposed to contain the pandemic. However, the country’s medium-term growth prospects are expected to improve on the back of macroeconomic stabilization and structural reforms. Growth is expected to pick up, gradually accelerating to 5.2 percent on average during 2022- 25 as economic activity picks up in mining, agriculture, and construction.3 Liberia’s basic infrastructure and social services remain affected by the civil wars, resulting in poor living co nditions for most of the population. The country still faces numerous challenges including environmental degradation, susceptibility to disease and epidemics, exposure to multiple natural disasters, severe deficits in basic service delivery, a highly resource-constrained environment, lagging nutrition and health outcomes, food insecurity, and an economy unable to create sufficient jobs. Liberia has a population of 5.06 million people4 (2021) with a projected population 1 World Bank; 2 World Bank. (2020), Liberia Economic Update, The COVID-19 Crisis in Liberia, Projected Impact and Policy Options for Robust Recovery 3 World Bank (2021) Republic of Liberia: Economic Update, Finding Fiscal Spac Mar 17, 2022 Page 3 of 12 The World Bank Liberia Urban Resilience Project (P169718) growth rate of 2.4 percent (2020). According to the High Frequency Phone Monitoring Survey report launched in August 2020, three out of four of those in the labor force are self-employed in agriculture (36 percent) or non-agricultural activities (40 percent).5 Most agricultural workers are dependent on subsistence farming, modernization of which is constrained by the lack of physical, financial and human capital. Climate-related hazards are negatively affecting the country’s economy and its population. Liberia receives high rainfall especially along the coast and Monrovia is the wettest capital of the world with a yearly average of more than five meters.6 Severe rainfall events occur during the rainy season resulting in localized floods across the country. Climate change is projected to increase temperature7 and impact water availability across Liberia, as well as change the amount and distribution of precipitation with significant inter-annual variability. Climate variability and change is expected to manifest in increased extreme weather events such as heavy rainfall, and storm surges in next 30 years. Sectoral and Institutional Context Liberia has experienced a disproportionate rate of urbanization due to rural-urban migration. Six counties, out of fifteen, account for more than 75 percent of the population: Montserrado (32%), Nimba (13%), Bong (10%), Lofa (8%), Grand Bassa (6%) and Margibi (6%).8 The South-Central region is the most densely populated, largely concentrated in Montserrado County which is also home to the nation’s capital city Monrovia. The national urban population grew from 1.9 million to 2.6 million between 2010 and 2020 and is projected to almost triple to 6.7 million by 2050. Monrovia grew rapidly over the last four decades, with the urban population increasing from about 80,000 in 1960, to over 1.5 million in 2020.9 The share of the urban population peaked during the initial years of the civil war (58 percent in 1991) as people sought safety in urban areas and Greater Monrovia10 became host to numerous Internally Displaced People.11 Monrovia is considered a primate city and is part the Greater Monrovia area, which consists of the cities of Monrovia, Paynesville and surrounding townships that form the biggest urban agglomeration in Liberia. There are three primary cities outside of Greater Monrovia: Buchanan (South Central), Gbarnga and Ganta (North Central), which have populations between 40,000 and 100,00 people.12 In addition, there are seven secondary cities with population between 15,000 and 40,000: Foya Kamara, Harbel, Harper, Kakata, Pleebo, Voinjama, and Zwedru. All other settlements are tertiary rural towns, or villages with populations below 15,000. Greater Monrovia could play an important role in supporting the economic transformation necessary for the country to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and to build back better. It is estimated that Greater Monrovia contributes between 13-19 percent of the country’s GDP.13 Yet, much of the transition to urban jobs in Greater Monrovia went to employment within non-tradeable sectors (85 percent)14, for which growth is conditioned by local demand. About five 5 World Bank (2021) Republic of Liberia: Economic Update, Finding Fiscal Space 6 World Bank, Deltares (2021): Flood risk profile for Greater Monrovia 7 World Bank (2021) Liberia Country Climate Risk Profile 8 UN Habitat, Cities Alliance, Government of Liberia: A National Urban Policy for Liberia: Discussion Paper 9 USAID, West Africa: Land Use and Land Cover Dynamics monrovia; World Bank data portal: 10 Greater Monrovia in the context of this project is defined as the area encompassing the Monrovia City Corporation’s and the P aynesville City Corporation’s territory as well as surrounding Townships 11 World Bank (2020) Greater Monrovia Urban Review 12 UN Habitat (2020): Diagnosis Note for Liberia; Implementing the New Urban Agenda Through National Urban Policy 13 World Bank (2020) Greater Monrovia Urban Review 14 World Bank (2018): Republic of Liberia. From Growth to Development: Priorities for Sustainably Reducing Poverty and Achieving Middle- Income Status by 2030. Systematic Country Diagnostic. Report No. 113720-LR Mar 17, 2022 Page 4 of 12 The World Bank Liberia Urban Resilience Project (P169718) percent of Greater Monrovia’s workforce is still engaged in agriculture, while more than 65 percent have shifted to service sector jobs.15 The majority of Greater Monrovia’s service sector employment is within the informal, low- productive and non-tradeable segments. The markets in and around Greater Monrovia are a critical part of the agriculture value chain. This suggests that Greater Monrovia could play an important role in engaging local supply chains and incentivizing local value additions within the capital area. Unlocking opportunities for agro processing industries would benefit from improved infrastructure and connectivity offered by urban densities. Primary and secondary cities in Liberia suffer similar challenges to those in Greater Monrovia, however, at a smaller scale. The civil war damaged much of Liberia’s infrastructure. Facilities still in-tact have deteriorated due to poor maintenance. Urban growth rates continue to over-burden the capacity of infrastructure and demand for basic services. As a result, primary and secondary cities are facing significant infrastructure related challenges related to transportation, water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), solid waste management, electricity, and digital infrastructure. Outside of Greater Monrovia there is no government piped water and sewage system, no secondary roads are paved and there are no engineered drainage systems. In terms of connectivity, cities in the North Central region do not have adequate road connectivity between primary and secondary cities. Ninety percent of the total Liberian population live within a 2-hour commuting distance from a large city, those who live beyond the range of the Monrovia-Ganta Corridor are faced with challenges regarding market accessibility. In Gbarnga, 17 percent to 35 percent of the roads are in adequate condition and further north in Voinjama less than 16 percent of the roads are in good condition.16 There is inadequate infrastructure and limited services to enable access to safe drinking water in all communities. It is estimated that 90 percent of the Liberian population does not have access to safe drinking water. Sanitation is inadequate due to insufficient and damaged sanitation infrastructure. About 42 percent of the Liberian population practices open defecation17. Primary and secondary cities have no capacity to manage solid waste. Local government authorities are challenged with gaps in maintaining waste management operations due to financial and human capacity constraints. They estimate that only 15 percent of the population have access to waste collection disposal facilities.18 Liberian cities are particularly vulnerable to climate change. Greater Monrovia due to its low-lying, flat topography and pluvial flooding (from the rain) poses the highest flood risk. Although fluvial (river) floods are of the greatest depth, pluvial flooding creates the highest risk in terms of damage due to the area covered and frequency. By 2050, precipitation is expected to increase with 9 – 32%, sea level rise 0.3 m and peak river flows from St Paul River by 7-8%19. Severe fluvial flooding can affect larger areas of the city given the low-lying nature of the land around the Mesurado and Stockton Creek. These factors will be taken into account throughout design of the new infrastructure. The existing built-up area requires a combination of grey – green – blue interventions to mitigate the growing impacts of urban flooding. Flood impacts residential areas and infrastructure is set to increase, including disruptions in access to markets and schools, and significant health risks for the population. A disaster and climate risk assessment for Greater Monrovia reveals that about 140,000 people in Greater Monrovia are directly affected by predominantly pluvial flooding on average every year. Critical infrastructure affected by flooding each year includes about 100 schools, five health units and 150 kilometers of road in Greater Monrovia alone. Average annual direct economic damage due to flooding is 15 World Bank (2020): Greater Monrovia Urban Review. A Spatial Analysis investigating Constraints and Opportunities 16 Iimi,Atsushi; Rao, Kulwinder (2018). Firm Location, Transport Connectivity, and Agglomeration Economies: Evidence from Liberia. Policy Research Working Paper; No. 8411. World Bank, Washington, Available at 17 WHO, UNICEF (2017): Joint Monitoring Program 18 Interview with local government leaders during National Urban Policy development 19 World Bank, Deltares (2021): Flood risk profile for Greater Monrovia Mar 17, 2022 Page 5 of 12 The World Bank Liberia Urban Resilience Project (P169718) about US$20 million (0.6 percent of GDP).20 In 2018, flood events in Greater Monrovia and the surrounding areas resulted in almost 30,000 affected people, including thousands of children.21 A projected climate change induced, one- meter rise in sea level by the end of century, would place almost 230,000 people at risk and would cause the loss of 2,150 square kilometers of coastal land, including much of Greater Monrovia, valued at US$250 million.22 Coastal erosion risks are currently being addressed by the United Nations Development Program through the “Monrovia Metropolitan Climate Resilience Project�.23 Buchanan is also severely challenged with pluvial flooding which has experienced significant coastal erosion. Similar to Monrovia, Buchanan is located at the Atlantic Ocean and similar climate change characteristics are likely to be expected. A 2018 assessment of the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) revealed that 2,940 people in Buchanan have been affected by floods in that year.24 Ganta and Gbarnga are inland cities and experience flooding in low lying areas during the rainy season. Past events have shown the exposure and impact of existing flood risks. Gbarnga has been exposed to heavy rainfalls in 2021 that led to flooding of the Jor river and subsequent damages to houses, roads and vehicles, leading to displacements.25 Ganta has also experienced flooding of the St. John River in the past, which has affected businesses and cross-border movement of people in and out of Guinea.26 Climate change projections suggest that the rainfall in these interior cities may show a slight decrease during monsoon season in contrast to the coastal zone. Outdated zoning laws, inefficient permitting processes, the absence of a land cadaster, and the lack of urban planning capacity and related enforcement exacerbates climate risk, resulting in a proliferation of informal settlements, often in low-lying flood plains. The land cover of greater Monrovia has almost doubled since 1975. Informal settlements accommodate two thirds of Greater Monrovia's population, an estimated 70 per cent of the built- up area in Greater Monrovia is informally developed. Within these, there are about 113 demarcated slum communities dispersed across the city. Land use patterns indicate that these often occupy low lying land and wetland areas with a high proportion of informality within 5km buffer around wetland areas. Population density in these informal settlements is also among the highest. This means that two out of three Monrovians reside in such informal settlements, with limited or no security of tenure, on public or private land that is often illegally encroached on. Responsibilities for urban planning, zoning, management and permitting in Greater Monrovia is fragmented and capacity is weak. The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) financed a Master Plan for Greater Monrovia in 2009, but it was not adopted, updated nor implemented. There is currently no urban planning law and the Liberia Zoning Act stems from 1979. Zoning schemes and their implementation are to be promoted by the Liberia Land Authority (LLA) per the LLA Act (2016) but roles and responsibilities between involved institutions remain unclear. The construction permitting process is manual and requires citizens to comply with several steps and payments at the city corporations, MPW, and LLA, making the process cumbersome, leading to low levels of compliance and enforcement of permits. All processes are negatively affected by a general lack of spatial data and infrastructure asset management systems. Outside of Greater Monrovia, MPW attempts to control construction activities, which is challenging due to the centralized nature of the institution. 20 World Bank, Deltares (2021): Flood risk profile for Greater Monrovia 21 22 World Bank, Deltares (2021): Flood risk profile for Greater Monrovia 23 24 NDMA (2018): Emergency, Response, Recovery & Logistics Field Assessment Matrix Report Assessment Report 25 Front Page Africa (2021): Liberia: Disaster Struck-flooding Leaves Many Homeless in Bong slider/liberia-disaster-struck-flooding-leaves-many-homeless-in-bong/ 26 Daily Observer (2015): Liberia: St. John River Flooding Stalls Businesses in Ganta; Mar 17, 2022 Page 6 of 12 The World Bank Liberia Urban Resilience Project (P169718) C. Proposed Development Objective(s) Development Objective(s) (From PAD) The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to increase flood resilience and access to urban infrastructure in selected neighborhoods and to improve urban management in Liberia. Key Results 1. The following outcome indicators are proposed to measure the PDO: Outcome Indicator 1. Increase flood resilience Area protected from flooding 2. Increase access to urban infrastructure People benefitting from improved urban infrastructure 3. Improve urban management Urban Management Capacity Enhanced D. Project Description Urban development challenges and climate risks in Greater Monrovia, and across Liberia require an integrated approach that concurrently enable the delivery of basic services, reduce climate risks, and increases capacities for the sustainable management of urban areas. In response, this project is designed to a) mitigate climate and flood risks through structural and non-structural measures; b) provide basic services/infrastructure investments in underserved neighborhoods; and c) improve institutional capacity for urban planning and management. A climate and flood risk assessment for Greater Monrovia has been completed that informs the resilience objectives, which will be integrated into infrastructure design, urban planning, data development, capacity building for policy and decision-making, and investment planning. To meet its development objectives, the proposed Project will have four components. Component 1: Climate Resilience Infrastructure and Urban Upgrading. This component will support flood risk management and community upgrading infrastructure in prioritized areas of Greater Monrovia. Investments in drainage infrastructure will improve connectivity of drainage networks and are prioritized to reduce climate and flood risk. Associated neighborhood and market upgrading interventions will improve living and working conditions and access to public services. This component will finance (a) feasibility and design studies, (b) consultations on the design, (c) required environmental and social framework (ESF) studies and instruments, and associated implementation; (d) services of works supervision engineer, and (e) related servicing and maintenance contracts. Four geographical key intervention areas are being considered, based on their flood risk/climate vulnerability, government priorities, economic significance, balance between MCC and PCC and consideration of other ongoing donor investments. The prioritization of these areas and associated investments in these areas will be confirmed through a feasibility study. The selected areas of intervention include a) Northern Bushrod Island, including Duala market (MCC), b) Central Monrovia – Soniwein drainage system (MCC), c) Omega Market Area (PCC), and d) South Eastern Paynesville, Duport Road area (PCC). Climate vulnerability has been accounted for through assessment of pluvial, fluvial and coastal flood risk in the entire Greater Monrovia area. Three out of four areas have a relatively high risk per unit area, whereas the fourth area has the potential to become a high risk area due to the ongoing rapid developments. Component 2: Strengthening Integrated Resilient Urban Development Capacity. Beyond Greater Monrovia, primary cities across the country are growing rapidly, and while they do not face the same intensity of urban challenges due to Mar 17, 2022 Page 7 of 12 The World Bank Liberia Urban Resilience Project (P169718) their much smaller populations, support to effectively plan urban growth and associated infrastructure and service delivery needs, can help these cities to avoid some of the challenges that Greater Monrovia now faces. This Component will therefore support resilient integrated spatial planning, capacity needs assessment and investment plans in Greater Monrovia, including Paynesville, as well as the next three largest cities in Liberia, Buchanan, Ganta, and Gbarnga. Activities will use climate risk maps to orient and inform resilient urban growth and development. It will also provide dedicated capacity building of municipalities and other institutions associated with resilient urban development planning and control, and solid waste management service delivery. Capacity building activities are intended to contribute to better resilient planning and development control, integrating gender-informed urban design, increasing . fiscal space, and improved coordination. . Legal Operational Policies Triggered? Projects on International Waterways OP 7.50 No Projects in Disputed Areas OP 7.60 No Summary of Assessment of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts . The environmental risk rating for this project is Substantial under the World Bank ESF. This risk rating takes into consideration, amongst other things, the type of project and nature of its activities, the sensitivity of project areas as well as E&S implementation capacity. Project component 1 includes rehabilitating priority city-wide and neighborhood level infrastructure investments, and existing public assets in Greater Monrovia. The civil works may involve demolition, excavation, alterations, new constructions and other civil works. The potential impacts of the Project will include management and disposal of the dredged sediments and other dredged materials, and solid waste (e.g. litter) during construction and operation. The project will likely bring about general pollution issues (e.g. dust emission) and may use hazardous materials/chemicals associated with construction activities. These activities might create short-term disturbance to the environment and create inconveniences to people in the project area. Since most of the project activities will take place in densely populated urban communities and within the city where restriction to project locations may not be possible, issues such as community health and safety, noise and dust pollution are some of the risks and impacts to be addressed. Community health and safety issues, especially with regards to the safety of the rehabilitated community infrastructures, such as market buildings, public toilets and community centers, will need to be considered in the design, construction, and operation phases of these facilities. There is presence of sensitive habitats adjacent to the project sites including wetlands, flood plains and drainage lines some of which are classified as RAMSAR sites, which might be impacted by the proposed project activities. The potential environmental risks and impacts would need to be explored further in parallel with the feasibility and design study through an ESIA, including among others, issues related to soil, water availability and use for construction, cultural heritages, impacts on sensitive natural habitats such as wetlands and flood plains, inconvenience to the people during implementation. This project is not expected to pose any long term or irreversible impacts or risks. The social risk rating related to the project classified as Substantial under the World Bank ESF, and the same rating will continue based on the type of project, nature of its activities including; i) the likely risk to exclude women and most vulnerable people from the project benefit thereby widening the inequality gaps, ii) the unknown nature of the implementing agency PMU’s capacity to manage social risks and impacts, iii) lack of a single entity governing Greater Monrovia and often-overlapping mandates of involved entities which is likely to create coordination and collaboration Mar 17, 2022 Page 8 of 12 The World Bank Liberia Urban Resilience Project (P169718) challenges, however overall social impacts of the project are expected to be positive. The social risks of the project shall also be assessed time to time and be changed and disclosed, if needed. Project component 1 includes rehabilitating and constructing priority city-wide and neighborhood level infrastructure investments, and existing public assets in Greater Monrovia and these activities trigger the risks of demolition, excavation, alterations and relocations of squatters and encroachers. The project activities may also create short-term disturbances and inconveniences to people in the project area. The identification of actual project footprint will be determined when screening of the corridor will be conducted after determination of actual right of way and number of affected people will be determined for rehabilitation/resettlement. The project will develop Abbreviated Resettlement Action Plan/Resettlement Action Plan (ARAP/RAP) to compensate the affected people and ensure that the action plan is fully implemented at least 90 days before any works commence at a given site in line with the developed Resettlement Policies Framework (RPF) . Most of the project activities will take place in densely populated urban communities and within the city where restriction to the project locations may not be possible, issues such as public health and safety, noise and dust pollution are some of the risks and impacts to be addressed. Other community health and safety issues may include safety of the rehabilitated community infrastructures, such as market facilities, public toilets and community centers, will need to be considered in the design, construction, and operation phases of these facilities. The potential risks and impacts would need to be explored further including issues related to soil, water availability, and use for construction, cultural heritage, inconvenience to the people during implementation, if any, among others. Sexual Exploitation & Abuse / Sexual Harassment (SEA/SH) is widespread in Liberia. Nationally, 60 percent of women and girls have experienced physical violence and 9 percent have experienced sexual violence (2020 DHS). The project may require deployment of outside workers for specialized works. Subsequently the local Liberian conditions and influx of outside workers may complicate this issue. To avoid any incidences of GBV, a gender specialist with work experience in SEA/SH risks management shall be part of civil works supervision teams. The project’s SEA/SH risk rating is moderate, particularly in light of Liberia’s SEA/SH, entrenched gender inequality, and the potential for the project to increase SEA/SH risks. Services for SEA/SH survivors (including healthcare, psychosocial support and justice) limited, even in urban settings. Further, transactional sexual relationships are often viewed as a survival mechanism for adolescent girls in urban areas to obtain food, housing, clothing, school fees and other essentials. The project has the potential to increase these risks in a number of ways, including by bringing workers and laborers implementing the project’s infrastructure activities into contact with vulnerable women and girls. The SEA/SH risks and mitigation measures would be detailed as part of ESMPs as well it would also include accountability and responsibility Framework for SEA/SH risks management. Mar 17, 2022 Page 9 of 12 The World Bank Liberia Urban Resilience Project (P169718) E. Implementation Institutional and Implementation Arrangements Project Steering Committee (PSC). A PSC will be established to provide strategic oversight, review annual work plans and budgets, regularly review implementation status, support in resolving policy coordination challenges throughout project implementation and ensure ownership and institutional sustainability beyond the project term. The PSC will be chaired by MFDP and MCC, Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) and PCC will be co-chairs. Members will be EPA, LLA, MPW, and NDMA. Details of the PSC’s roles and responsibilities are outlined in Terms of Reference (TOR), which will be reflected in the PIM. Project Technical Committee (PTC). A PTC will be established to guide technical discussions and coordinate technical input to TORs, specifications, evaluation committees, and technical reviews of consultancy outputs. The PTC would ensure that technical inputs are provided in time and would regularly monitor implementation progress at the technical level. The PTC will be chaired by MPW, and members will include EPA, MCC, MFDP, MIA, and PCC. The PMU will serve as the secretariat for the PTC. AFD and the World Bank are observers to this group. Details of the PTC’s roles and responsibilities are outlined in TORs, which will be reflected in the PIM. Both the PTC and the PSC will promote cross-learning between municipalities across the country. Project Management Unit (PMU). The project will establish a PMU at MPW, which has the national mandate for major construction works and the maintenance of public infrastructure. The PMU will be responsible for day-to-day project implementation, coordination between all involved administrative and technical agencies, preparing annual work plans and budgets, preparing procurement plans and managing procurement processes, contract management, monitoring compliance with environmental and social standards, and M&E. Financial management functions will be implemented by the Public Financial Management Unit (PFMU) hosted at the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP). The PMU will at a minimum be staffed with a Project Coordinator, two Procurement Specialists, Finance Officer, Environmental Specialist, Social Development and Gender Specialist, Communication and Community Engagement Specialist, Lead Project Engineer, Hydraulic Engineer, Urban Planner, Junior Information and Digital Communications Specialist, and an Administrative Assistant as well as Drivers. Technical Assistance and Project Management Consultancy. Due to the limited capacities within Liberia, a project management consultancy firm would be recruited using a time-based contract for the duration of the project, which would be flexible and scaleable, which would be drawn upon as needed. The consultancy will be used to swiftly fill specific technical and project management needs for specific assignments, ranging from specific engineering or environmental expertise, to procurement, legal and contract management needs. Deliverables will include drafting TORs, taking part in project evaluation committees, quality control of studies and designs delivered by other consultancies, supporting supervision and contract management, providing targeted technical advice in response to a specific request, etc. Parallel WB and AFD projects will work together using the same institutional arrangements, including a joint Project Management Unit (PMU) and the same PTC and PSC. Fiduciary and Environmental and Social Framework processes, policies and regulations will remain in line with the respective financier. No services are delegated. The World Bank and AFD will conduct joint implementation support missions wherever feasible and project management costs will be shared. A common PIM is being developed that articulates the common procedures to undertake and any specific differences in light of different policies and regulations. The two financiers have committed to help the client implement the two parallel projects in a streamlined way that minimizes the burden on the government. Mar 17, 2022 Page 10 of 12 The World Bank Liberia Urban Resilience Project (P169718) Adequate measures will be put in place to coordinate work planning and budgeting for project management for clear and transparent budgeting and planning. . CONTACT POINT World Bank Robert Curle Jesse Reid Senior Disaster Risk Management Specialist Linus Benedikt Pott Land Administration Specialist Borrower/Client/Recipient Ministry of Finance and Development Planning Samuel Tweah, Jr Minister Implementing Agencies Ministry of Public Works James Reynolds Assistant Minister for Planning and Programming FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT The World Bank 1818 H Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20433 Telephone: (202) 473-1000 Web: APPROVAL Robert Curle Jesse Reid Task Team Leader(s): Linus Benedikt Pott Mar 17, 2022 Page 11 of 12 The World Bank Liberia Urban Resilience Project (P169718) Approved By Practice Manager/Manager: Country Director: Khwima Lawrence Nthara 12-Apr-2022 Mar 17, 2022 Page 12 of 12