Lao People's Democratic Republic Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity ************ Ministry of Planning and Investment The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) (Revised Draft) Prepared by: Lao Statistics Bureau 8 July 2022 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Table of Contents Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................. iv Executive Summary....................................................................................................................... i 1. Background Information ................................................................................................... 2 2. Objective of the SEP .......................................................................................................... 3 3. Project Description ........................................................................................................... 4 3.1 Relevance to Higher Level Objectives .......................................................................... 6 4. Project Implementation .................................................................................................... 7 5. Regulatory Frameworks .................................................................................................... 8 5.1 National regulatory frameworks ................................................................................. 8 5.2 World Bank requirements for stakeholder engagement ............................................... 9 6. Stakeholder Identification and Analysis ........................................................................... 10 Table 1: Stakeholder identification and analysis .............................................................. 11 6.1 The Multi-Ethnic Groups of Lao Population ............................................................... 15 6.2 Sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment (SEA/SH) ................................ 16 Table 2: Examples of SEA/SH .......................................................................................... 18 6.2 Stakeholder engagement during project preparation ................................................ 19 7. Stakeholder Engagement Strategy ................................................................................... 20 7.1 Engagement during the time of COVID-19 ................................................................. 22 7.2 Inclusive and early stakeholder engagement ............................................................. 22 7.3 Meaningful consultation ........................................................................................... 23 7.4 Strategy for Inclusion of Gender Dimensions (women , sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment (SEA/SH) .................................................................................... 23 7.5 Communication in languages that are understood by key stakeholders ..................... 24 7.6 Respect and recognition of the rights of ethnic group members ................................. 24 7.7 Ensure health and safety during seasonal disease outbreak ....................................... 24 7.8 Information confidentiality, security and accuracy .................................................... 25 8. Stakeholder Engagement Methods .................................................................................. 25 9. Stakeholder Engagement Program .................................................................................. 26 Table 3: Engagement program ........................................................................................ 27 Table 4: Communication program................................................................................... 29 10. Record of Consultations and Engagement During Project Preparation .............................. 30 Table 5: Environment and social documents consultation and disclosure until project effectiveness ................................................................................................................. 31 Table 6. Comments and Issues Raised and Project Responses .......................................... 34 11. Resources and Responsibilities ........................................................................................ 43 11.1 Resources ............................................................................................................... 43 ii Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) 11.2 Management and responsibilities of SEP ................................................................. 43 12. Grievance Redress Mechanism ........................................................................................ 44 Diagram 1: Grievance mechanism................................................................................... 45 13. Monitoring and Reporting ............................................................................................... 47 14. SEP Implementation Budget ............................................................................................ 48 Table 7. Estimated Budget for SEP Implementation. ........................................................ 48 Annex 1: Form to Submit Grievances .......................................................................................... 50 Annex 2: Do and Don’t Guideline for GBV/SEA/SH/VC ................................................................ 51 Annex 3: Referral pathway services for GBV-SEA/SH/VC ............................................................. 53 Annex 4. List of Persons Met during ESF Preparation in March to May 2022................................ 55 Annex 5. Photos and List of Participants in the National Consultation Workshop on 7 June 2022 . 57 iii Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Abbreviations ADB Asian Development Bank DFAT Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Government of Australia E & S/ES Environmental and social ESS Environmental and Social Standards ESF Environmental and Social Framework ESMP Environmental and Social Management Plan ESCP Environment and Social Commitment Plan GBV Gender-based violence GOL Government of Lao PDR GRM Grievance redress mechanism ICT Information communication and technology LNCCI Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry LSB Lao Statistics Bureau LSS Lao PDR Statistical System LWU Lao Women’s Union MoES Ministry of Education and Sport MoLSW Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare MoIC Ministry of Industry and Commerce MPI Ministry of Planning and Investment MoNRE Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment NA National Assembly NLFC Lao Front for National Development/ Construction PAP Project-affected persons PCU Project Coordination Unit POM Project Operation Manual SEA/SH Sexual exploitation and abuse/sexual harassment SEP Stakeholder Engagement Plan VAC Violence against children VAWC Violence against women and children WB World Bank WFP World Food Program WHO World Health Organization iv Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Executive Summary Project Description This Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) is for the Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002), which aims to improve the capacity of the Lao PDR Statistical System to produce and disseminate good quality statistics in a timely manner and to enhance the use of key statistics, and in case of an Eligible Crisis or Emergency, respond promptly and effectively to it. The project consists of three components, as follows: Component1: Improving the availability and quality of statistics (US$ 11 million) • The objective of this component is to improve the availability and quality of key statistics that meet international standards. Improving availability means adding new statistical products and increasing the frequency of existing statistics while enhancing quality means improving the accuracy, reliability, relevance, and timeliness of statistics. These will be achieved by an improvement in collection of administrative, census and survey data as well as data compilation methodologies. This component will support statistics produced by the LSB and the statistical centers of line ministries or equivalent agencies under the LSB’s technical guidance. It is made up of two subcomponents: i) Economic statistics; and ii) Social statistics. Component 2: enhancing use of statistics (US$ 7 million) • The objective of this component is to enhance use of statistics produced by the LSS through data integration and dissemination. This component also lays a groundwork for the modernization of the LSB and the LSS through piloting data integration and making an investment in an early development of the four pillars for a data governance and management architecture: i) standards and protocols; ii) data management team; iii) ICT infrastructure; and iv) data literacy. This component operationalizes the 2017 Statistics Law that assigns the LSB the responsibility to provide quality assurance and technical endorsement to statistics produced by the LSS as well as to collect, consolidate, and request statistics from the line ministries and to disseminate them at the national level. It is made up of three subcomponents: i) Data integration; ii) Data dissemination; and iii) ICT infrastructure Component 3: institutional and statistical capacity strengthening (US$ 3 million). • The objective of this component is to strengthening institutional capacity and manage the project implementation. It is made up of three subcomponents: i) Strengthening institutional capacity; ii) Project management, and iii) CERC zero component The CERC zero component, designs to provide immediate response to an eligible crisis or emergency, as needed. In the event of an eligible crisis or emergency, the World Bank to re- allocate project funds to support emergency response and recovery. i Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Stakeholders Engagement Analysis The environmental and social risk rating for this project is low. The project does not support civil works, and therefore, no foreseeable major negative impacts on the environment beyond the repair of ICT centers and consulting services, which only involve the replacement and purchase of IT equipment. The environmental risks and impacts are confined to the disposal/recycling of electronic waste and package waste when equipment is replaced and/or repaired. This can be easily mitigated with a waste management plan, which is included in the Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP). The project will also address resource efficiency by considering the purchase and use of energy- efficient equipment. As for social aspects, the project aims to deliver a range of benefits and project activities through improved data and foster evidence-based decision making. However, there may be associated risks, specifically: i. a lack of stakeholder engagement ii. a weak coordination mechanism within and between line departments and amongst line ministries (various statistical data producers, contributors) iii. risks related to the engagement of labor and working conditions of project workers iv. a risk of exclusion and discrimination, particularly of people with disability, ethnic minorities due to culture and language barriers and other vulnerable groups, especially if they are not adequately represented in statistical data collection v. a risk of sexual exploitation and abuse/sexual harassment (SEA/SH) and violence against children (VAC), especially when they directly interact with people during data collection and household surveys vi. risk of data security and privacy breaches. vii. risk of data inaccuracy and lead to cost ineffectiveness viii. risk of weak and/or inaccessible to grievance redress mechanism Overall, the preliminary assessments indicate that these risks and impacts are low and predictable and preventable. They can be mitigated during the lifetime of the project. As for the development of statistical systems, data production by the Lao Statistics Bureau (LSB) and the statistical centers of the line ministries has increased to support the policymaking process. The growth momentum reflects an increasing level of government support and continuing collaborative efforts with bilateral and multilateral donors. These donors have significantly contributed to the growth and maturity of statistical activities in Lao PDR, which has led to increased stakeholder engagement and involvement. However, ineffective institutional coordination between various statistical data producers, contributors and users has caused limitations, as have a lack of qualified personnel. As a result, there has been low capability to effectively engage stakeholders at various levels and limited capacity to manage environmental and social risks and impacts . Acknowledging challenges and limitations, the LSS Modernization Project commits to improving the coordination mechanism and communicating with stakeholders in accordance with government public involvement guidelines (2013) and WB ESF requirements, especially ESS 10. The LSB also ii Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) acknowledges that Lao PDR is culturally diverse with 50 ethnic groups, so the design of the stakeholder engagement tools is culturally appropriate and suitable to communicate with people from different backgrounds. LSB has established an Environmental and Social (ES) team within LSB to assist in the preparation of ESF instruments and consultation with various stakeholders. To improve institutional coordination and communication, LSB has also established central coordination points in Oudomxay to cover the northern part of Lao PDR, Vientiane and Xiengkhouang to cover the central part, and Champasack and Salavan to cover the southern part. Stakeholder Engagement Strategy The Project promotes two-way communication between and amongst its stakeholders. The project consultations will provide opportunities to share information about the project and get feedback, including on issues such as designing survey/data collection forms and statistical analysis; working conditions for contractors; engagement of vulnerable groups, ethnic groups and women; and ways to mitigate potential project risks and impacts. The SEP aims to (i) offer opportunities for stakeholders to raise their concerns, submit their opinions, which will be incorporated into the project when possible, and receive this feedback; (ii) create avenues for complaints handling and grievance management; (iii) create opportunities for information sharing and disclosure; (iv) foster strong project community relationships; and (v) ensure meaningful consultation, inclusion of vulnerable groups, people with disability and the consideration of stakeholder expectations and concerns into the implementation arrangements for the program. This will include feedback on environmental and social mitigation measures and other technical issues and their implementation. The principle that underpins the stakeholder engagement component of the Project is that stakeholder engagement must be done with intelligence, respect and openness. Stakeholder engagement, including surveys and interviews, will be conducted with timely, relevant, understandable and accessible information, and stakeholder consultations will be done in a culturally appropriate manner, free of manipulation, interference, coercion, discrimination and intimidation. As a nationwide project, coordination at the policy level is an important element in the stakeholder engagement process of the Project. The Project will utilize the National Roundtable Process for high- level government–development partner coordination. The roundtable process will be led by the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) and bring government entities, development partners, national development agencies, United Nations bodies, civil society organizations and the private sector together to coordinate funding, development and implementation of the modern statistical system. This will also improve coordination amongst stakeholders at the national level. The organization and management of the Project are designed to support and encourage stakeholder involvement in the decision making on project activities that may affect them or in which they have vested interests. Thus, the project has a decentralized structure, and the specific central coordination points will enable local stakeholders, especially from different provinces, to participate in the development, implementation and utilization of the statistical system. The MPI/LSB has offices, including ICT service centers, in all 17 provinces and one municipality. These ICT service centers provide not only support services to data contributors and users but will also be a point for engaging with stakeholders throughout the project life cycle. The Project commits to iii Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) effectively communicate with the people with diverse ethnic group backgrounds in a culture sensitive and gender responsive manner. It also commits to maintain and disclose a documented record of stakeholder engagements, including a description of the stakeholders consulted, a summary of the feedback received and a brief explanation of how the feedback was taken into account, or the reasons why not. The Project will ensure effective implementation of the SEP and other engagement tools, such as a grievance redress mechanism (GRM), and will pay particular attention to issues related to gender-based violence (GBV) and SEA/SH and vulnerable people, including ethnic groups and people with disabilities. Management, implementation and reporting LSB under MPI will be the main implementing agency. LSB will be responsible for planning, executing and reporting on project activities, including maintaining adequate procurement, financial management and auditing arrangements. LSB will be directly responsible for coordinating and managing SEP. Supervised by LSB, a Project Coordination Unit (PCU) will be in charge of organizing stakeholder engagement activities and providing the required technical support and assistance to undertake stakeholder engagement. For the implementation of the project, the PCU will take the lead in coordinating and communicating with all key stakeholders involved, including MPI/LSB line departments, other relevant line ministries, national and international agencies and donors, as well as local communities and villages. A qualified national consultant will be recruited on an intermittent basis to assist the project on all issues related to ESF instruments and other related technical issues where needed, as well as assist in strengthening the LSB’s capacity for environmental and social management. The Project will prepare quarterly, semi-annual and annual progress reports, as specified in the Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP). These reports will form a part of the overall project progress reports and will also be disclosed to the public. The SES together with ESMP and ESCP documents were disclosed on 23 May 2022. The Executive Summary of the SEP and ESMP was translated to Lao language while the ESCP was fully translated, and they were all disclosed in both Lao and English languages. It was re-disclosed on 8 July 2022 prior to appraisal and approval. These documents will also be translated in Lao language before disclosing them publicly. iv Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) 1. Background Information This Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) is for the Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002). The overall objective of the Project is to improve the quality of key statistics, support data- sharing across the statistical system and enhance the efficiency of the Lao PDR Statistical System (LSS) for evidence-based decision making. The modernization of the LSS will allow the system to respond to the growing demand for data and foster evidence-based decision making. The key principles of modernizing the LSS include: • utilizing the most recent technology and methodology to enhance variety, frequency and quality of data collection, reduce the cost of data collection, support effective data management and dissemination, and improve outreach to public users • adhering to international standards to improve the quality of data and statistics and support Lao PDR in strengthening its regional and global integration • transitioning to a more integrated statistical system to capitalize on administrative data and increase the value of the LSS’s statistical products • ensuring the relevance of the statistical system to all user types through enhancing data dissemination and improving data literacy to help foster the demand-driven, user-centric statistical system required in the modern world • maximizing development support to create synergies and avoid overlapping donor support. This SEP includes strategies and information concerning how the Project will engage with its stakeholders to ensure they can easily access project information, provide feedback and recommendations, and express their concerns through a project grievance mechanism. The SEP promotes constructive and responsive relationships essential for the successful management of the Project’s environmental and social risks. Although the direct assessment was limited due to the COVID- 19 pandemic, the SEP utilized virtual consultations with different stakeholders, including key representatives of the implementing departments within the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI): The Cabinet Office of the Lao Statistics Bureau (LSB), the Department of Economic Statistics, the Department of Social Statistics, the Department of Data Services and the Department of Administration. The virtual consultations were conducted during March 2022 with the objective to better understand project activities, the project design, the type of facilities/data centers required, who will be involved, project management, the design, collection and distribution of the data/statistics and the end data users. In addition, the project has circulated draft ESF instruments and hosted a national consultation workshop on7 June 2022 where broad and extensive stakeholders from entire the country were invited to express their views through various communication tools (email, WhatsApp, phone, SMS and joined workshop physically and/or virtually). The issues and concerns raised by the stakeholders were collected and incorporated in the development of the ESF instruments as well as project design as some of the concerns raised were related to technical implementation of the project. The discussions with different stakeholders, including key decision-makers from various departments of the LSB and other stakeholders helped to design engagement strategies that are suitable in the local context of the Lao PDR, specifically relative to the context of modernizing the LSS. Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 2 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) The environmental and social risk rating for this project is low. The Project does not support civil works, and environmental risks and impacts are confined to the disposal/recycling of electronic waste and package waste when equipment is replaced and/or repaired. This can be easily mitigated with a e-waste management plan, which is included in the Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP). The Project will address resource efficiency by considering the purchase and use of energy- efficient equipment. As for social aspects, the project aims to deliver a range of benefits and project activities through improved data and foster evidence-based decision making. However, there may be associated risks, specifically: i. a lack of stakeholder engagement ii. a weak coordination mechanism within and between line departments and amongst line ministries (various statistical data producers, contributors) iii. risks related to the engagement of labor and working conditions of project workers iv. a risk of exclusion and discrimination, particularly of people with disability, ethnic minorities due to culture and language barriers and other vulnerable groups, especially if they are not adequately represented in statistical data collection v. a risk of sexual exploitation and abuse/sexual harassment (SEA/SH) and violence against children (VAC), especially when they directly interact with people during data collection and household surveys vi. risk of data security and privacy breaches. vii. risk of data inaccuracy and lead to cost ineffectiveness viii. risk of weak and/or inaccessible to grievance redress mechanism These risks and impacts are low and mostly predictable and can be mitigated during the lifetime of the Project. Acknowledging the challenges and limitations, the LSS modernization project commits to improving the coordination mechanism and stakeholder communication in accordance with government public involvement guidelines (2013) and the WB’s ESF requirements, especially ESS 10. The LSB also acknowledges the fact that Lao PDR is culturally diverse with 50 ethnic groups, so the design of the stakeholder engagement tools need to be culturally appropriate and suitable to communicate with people from different backgrounds. The central coordination points are currently based in Oudomxay to cover the northern part of Lao PDR, Vientiane and Xiengkhouang to cover the central part, and Champasack and Salavan to cover the southern part. The coordination points many expand to other provinces (tentative proposed three more provinces) in order to accommodate the upcoming works. Currently, the project has assigned an Environmental and Social (ES) Unit/Team Unit specifically to assist the ESF document preparation and this Unit will oversee E&S issues and ES risk management during the implementation period. 2. Objective of the SEP The objective of the SEP is to establish a systematic approach to stakeholder engagement that will help the Project identify affected and interested stakeholders, especially those who are working in the areas of information sharing and digital technology, and to build and maintain meaningful two-way Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 3 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) communication with them about project risks and benefits throughout the project life cycle. It will assess the level of stakeholder interest and support for the Project and consider stakeholder views in the Project design and management of potential environmental and social impacts. Regarding project- level implementation and management, the SEP aims to promote effective, meaningful and inclusive stakeholder engagement, including adolescents from rural communities and diverse ethnic groups, on information that could bring benefits as well as issues that could otherwise affect them. The SEP will ensure that appropriate communication and project information on environmental and social risks and impacts is disclosed to all relevant stakeholders in a timely, understandable, accessible and culturally appropriate manner and format. The SEP considers gender and the circumstances of vulnerable and marginalized individuals and members of ethnic groups since Lao PDR has multi-ethnic groups, consisting of people with diverse backgrounds. It is designed to be gender inclusive and ethnically sensitive and forms an integral part of the early project screening, assessment, decision making and management and monitoring of the Project’s environmental and social risks and impacts. The development of this SEP follows the National Agreement on Approval and Enforcement of the Guideline on Public Involvement in the Project Environmental Impact Assessment Process, No. 707/MoNRE (2013); the Government Decree on Ethnic Groups No. 207/GoL (2020), Article 17 on the Dissemination of Information, Instruction, Policy, Law and Regulation for Lao multi-ethnic groups; the Government Distancing Measures and COVID-19 Response Plan (2020); and the WB ESSs,1 especially ESS10: Stakeholder Engagement and Information Disclosure. This project relies heavily on the involvement of multi-ethnic groups and communities who may require special engagement, disclosure and consultation processes as set out in ESS1 and ESS7. 3. Project Description The project consists of three components: i) improving availability and quality of statistics; ii) enhancing use of statistics; and iii) institutional and statistical capacity strengthening. The project structure was determined through discussions with the LSB. The proposed project activities were identified through discussions and consultations with the LSS stakeholders including the LSB, the statistics departments of line ministries and Bank of Lao PDR, the Lao Academy of Social and Economic Sciences, and the National University of Laos, emphasizing an efforts to strengthen the LSS as a system and foster data exchange and integration within the LSS.2 Consultations with key development partners including IMF, UNFPA, UNICEF, ADB, and ILO were carried out to foster collaboration, create synergies and avoid overlapping support among donors. Component 1: Improving availability and quality of statistics (US$ 11 million): The objective of this component is to improve the availability and quality of key statistics that meet international 1ESS 1: Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts; ESS 2: Labor and Working Conditions; ESS 3: Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention and Management; ESS 4: Community Health and Safety; ESS 5: Land Acquisition, Restrictions on Land Use, and Involuntary Resettlement; ESS 6: Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources; ESS 7: Indigenous Peoples/Sub-Saharan African Historically Underserved Traditional Local Communities; ESS 8: Cultural Heritage; ESS 9: Financial Intermediaries; ESS 10: Stakeholder Engagement and Information Disclosure. 2 A full list of the LSS stakeholders participating in project preparation is provided in Annex xx. Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 4 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) standards. Improving availability means adding new statistical products and increasing the frequency of existing statistics while enhancing quality means improving the accuracy, reliability, relevance, and timeliness of statistics. These will be achieved by an improvement in collection of administrative, census and survey data as well as data compilation methodologies. This component will support statistics produced by the LSB and the statistical centers of line ministries or equivalent agencies under the LSB’s technical guidance. It is made up of two subcomponents: i) Economic statistics; and ii) Social statistics. Component 2: Enhancing use of statistics (US$ 7 million): The objective of this component is to enhance use of statistics produced by the LSS through data integration and dissemination. This component also lays a groundwork for the modernization of the LSB and the LSS through piloting data integration and making an investment in an early development of the four pillars for a data governance and management architecture: i) standards and protocols; ii) data management team; iii) ICT infrastructure; and iv) data literacy. This component operationalizes the 2017 Statistics Law that assigns the LSB the responsibility to provide quality assurance and technical endorsement to statistics produced by the LSS as well as to collect, consolidate, and request statistics from the line ministries and to disseminate them at the national level. It is made up of three subcomponents: i) Data integration; ii) Data dissemination; and iii) ICT infrastructure. Component 3: Strengthening institutional capacity and project management (US$ 3 million): The objective of this component is to strengthening institutional capacity and effectively manage the Project. It is made up of two subcomponents: i) strengthening institutional capacity and (ii) project management. CERC is included in the subcomponent 3.2 project management. Table 3-1 Project components and activities Component 1: Improving availability and quality of statistics Subcomponent 1.1 Economic statistics • Activity 1.1.1 System of National Accounts (SNA). • Activity 1.1.2 Price statistics. • Activity 1.1.3 Sectoral statistics • Activity 1.1.4 Annual enterprise survey • Activity 1.1.5 Agricultural survey Subcomponent 1.2 Social statistics • Activity 1.2.1 Annual labor force survey • Activity 1.2.2 Household expenditure and consumption survey • Activity 1.2.3 Census cartography • Activity 1.2.4 Gender statistics Component 2: Enhancing use of statistics Subcomponent 2.1 Data integration • Activity 2.1.1 Integrated data platform • Activity 2.1.2 Data sharing policy framework • Activity 2.1.3 Quality assurance and assessment framework • Activity 2.1.4 Capacity building for data management Subcomponent 2.2 Data dissemination S$ 3 million) • Activity 2.2.1 Centralized data portal. Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 5 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) • Activity 2.2.2 Communication and dissemination. • Activity 2.2.3 User engagement and data literacy • Activity 2.2.4 e-GDDS and advance release calendar Subcomponent 2.3 ICT infrastructure Component 3: Institutional capacity strengthening and project management Subcomponent 3.1 Strengthening institutional capacity • Activity 3.1.1 Statistics law and SDNSS 2026 – 2035 • Activity 3.1.2 Human resource development and capacity building Subcomponent 3.2 Project management 3.1 Relevance to Higher Level Objectives The project is closely aligned with the FY2017 – 2021 World Bank Group Country Partnership Framework (CPF) and the draft FY2023 – 2027 CPF. The FY2017 – 2021 CPF has been extended until FY2023 to better assess the needs resulting from COVID-19 in the next round CPF. The project is aligned with the cross-cutting theme: Strengthening institutions to establish a rules-based environment. Strengthening governance and institution is again included as a cross-cutting theme in the draft FY2023 – 2027 CPF, which also identifies three high-level objectives (HLOs): i) purchasing power and access to public services protected from macroeconomic instability and fiscal pressure on social spending (HLO 1); ii) improved labor incomes of vulnerable households (HLO 2); and iii) sustainable livelihoods through better management of natural resources (HLO 3). Success of this project will support data sharing across the statistical system and evidence-based policymaking, fostering data openness and data-driven cultures to improve transparency and accountability of the government. Additionally, the project aims to address data gaps and improve quality and frequency of the information needed to support monitoring of economic activities, prices, poverty, and labor market conditions and designing of well-targeted public policy and services delivery. Through these activities, the project will contribute to HLO 1 and HLO 2 as well as support the monitoring of these HLO indicators. The project is aligned with the 9th NSEDP 2021–2025 through its direct support to the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework and contributes to measuring progress toward the achievements of the Sustainable Development Goals. The 9th NSEDP 2021–2025 M&E framework has identified 168 indicators to measure and track the progress of six outcomes: economic growth, human capital, well-being, environment, integration and connectivity, and governance. The project will support the production of selected indicators as well as improving their quality and timeliness through its investment in national account statistics, sectoral statistics, and survey and census data collection. For example, the Lao Expenditure and Consumption Survey (LECS) will contribute to the monitoring of the human capital and well-being outcomes while GDP by region will contribute to the monitoring of the integration and connectivity outcome. The project will also support gender equality statistics, as prioritized by the NSEDP to promote and create opportunities for women and children. Lastly, the project will contribute to improving the availability and reliability of statistics for tracking progress toward the achievement of the SDGs. Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 6 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) This project is fully aligned with the SDNSS 2016 – 2025 and Vision 2030. Project activities are fully aligned with the five strategies and work programs identified in the SDNSS 2016 – 2025 and Vision 2030: legislation, infrastructure, production and dissemination, coordination and integration, and resources. In addition to improving data production and dissemination, the project will foster data exchange and integration within the LSS. The project aims to lay a groundwork for data exchange and integration through development of the memorandum of understanding (MOU) framework for data sharing, the LSS Data Quality Assessment Framework (DQAF), ICT infrastructure to support data exchange, and upgrading of the existing coordination mechanisms. The project will also support in assessing the progress of the SDNSS 2016 – 2025 and Vision 2030 and drafting the new SDNSS 2026 – 2035. 4. Project Implementation The LSB under the MPI will be the main implementing agency. The LSB will be responsible for planning, executing, and reporting on project activities, including maintaining adequate procurement, financial management and auditing arrangements. The LSB is responsible for providing the overall direction of the national statistical system by drafting the development strategy of the system. It thus has a great deal of influence on the development of the horizontal system and the official statistics that the system generates. Operationally, the LSB has the responsibility to collect, consolidate, and request statistics from the line ministries and disseminate them at the national level. The ministries are obliged to seek the LSB’s technical endorsement on the surveys to be conducted. Currently, the LSB consists of four departments: i. Department of Economic Statistics — responsible for macroeconomic and business statistics ii. Department of Social Statistics — responsible for social and vital statistics iii. Department of Administration — responsible for administrative and external relations affairs of the LSB, personnel and capacity-building iv. Department of Data Services — responsible for ICT and data dissemination. It is expected that during the project implementation period the Department of Administration and the Department of Data Services will be merged, and a new Department of Environmental Statistics will be formed. Capacity gaps between management (Director General and Deputy Director General) and technical staff levels exist. With support from the Strengthening the National Statistical System Project, the LSB prepared a human resources strategy to address institutional capacity issues. This strategy is being implemented under the 9th National Socioeconomic Development Plan (2021–2025). Building on existing coordination mechanisms, the LSB will take the lead on coordinating with key stakeholders to implement the Project. Key stakeholders include the LSB departments, relevant line ministries and agencies and donors. Some coordination mechanisms have been put in place; for example, the MPI established the statistical working group, chaired by the LSB and co-chaired by WB and the United Nations Population Fund, to coordinate donor support on statistics. To avoid overlapping activities and create synergies, the Project will build on existing coordination mechanisms to coordinate donor support, including coordinating with WB. Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 7 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) 5. Regulatory Frameworks 5.1 National regulatory frameworks National frameworks contain instructions on stakeholder engagement and community consultation. Several decrees and instructions are provided by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MoNRE) to assist with the environmental and social impact assessment and management. The more recently developed frameworks are outlined here. The Agreement on the Approval and Enforcement of Guidelines on Public Involvement in Project Environmental Impact Assessment Process 707/MoNRE (05 February 2013): Defines processes and opportunities for communities to participate in planning and decision making related to investment projects and raises issues related to project implementation, including a process to resolve social and environmental impacts that may arise (and do this in a fair and conflict-free manner). The Agreement outlines two main objectives: • To ensure project implementation is in accordance with the rules and regulations, is transparent and involves everyone (particularly those affected by investment projects) • To ensure affected people receive fair and reasonable treatment and compensation for the impacts that arise from investment projects. Ministerial Instruction on the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for Investment Projects and Activities No. 8030/MoNRE (17 December 2013): Article 2.14 on Public Involvement of the Project and Article 2.15 on Public Involvement Process provide instructions on how project-affected persons (PAP) and other stakeholders can participate in and receive information on the development plan of the investment projects and activities. The project has an obligation to cooperate and provide information on the local, social, environmental and natural environment status. It must report to stakeholders on the progress of environmental and social management and monitoring measures in the local area and nearby locations. In addition, key stakeholders have the right to participate in field inspections, monitoring activities and consultation meetings at all levels to comment on project preparation and review related environmental and social impact assessment reports. The public involvement process requires that MoNRE, local administrations, investment groups and the project owner have joint duty and responsibility for conducting the process of public involvement with PAP and other stakeholders during the social and environmental impact assessment. The affected persons have the right to be involved in various stages of assessment, implementation and reporting. All reports, communications and disseminations of environmental and social impact assessment reports, including feedback from PAP and other stakeholders, should be conducted in Lao and local (ethnic) languages. The local authority of the village/district and district/province should be informed of and invited to join and provide feedback on project activities in their local areas. PAP and other stakeholders must have access to information about the project activities. Law on Handling of Petitions No. 012/NA (2015): Provides objectives, principles and processes for applying and handling different types of grievances, petitions and complaints that may be raised by Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 8 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) citizens. The guideline instructs that all complaints and petitions are to be filed by their line authorities at the local level and up to the national level. The grievance redress processes are divided into three stages: • Proposals are to be submitted to, and resolved by, the directly concerned authorities • If the issue is not solved, then the grievance is to be submitted to, and resolved by, the judicial institutions at the district level • If the complainant is still not satisfied with the result, the petition is to be submitted to, and resolved by, the provincial assembly. Government Decree on Ethnic Groups No. 207/GoL (20 March 2020): Point 1, Article 17 on the dissemination of information, instructions, policies, laws and regulations to Lao multi-ethnic groups requires that information be presented via a translator, newspaper and digital or electronic tools. Point 2 requires that the expansion of the communication network and media to the entire country be accessible for all ethnic groups. Point 3 requires the development and improvement of communication systems in the countryside, with the objective to improve quality and training to increase ethnic groups’ access to information. Point 2, Article 18 on the access to legal information and justice promotes helping disadvantaged, vulnerable and disabled ethnic people access legal information and justice — ethnic groups can pursue justice procedures and official documentation and administration without incurring a fee. Guideline on Ethnic Group Consultation (2012): Issued by the Lao Front for National Development, it provides guidelines for consultation with ethnic groups. It aims to ensure all ethnic groups who benefit from or are potentially adversely affected by a development project, regardless of the funding source, are fully engaged in meaningful consultation at all stages — from project preparation to implementation. The guide also aims to ensure that potentially affected ethnic groups are fully informed of project objectives, including positive and adverse impacts on their livelihood and environment. Ethnic groups must be provided with opportunities to articulate their concerns. The guidelines provide principles and processes to assist with facilitating meaningful consultations to obtain free and informed consent from all ethnic groups affected by development projects in a culturally sensitive manner and prior to project commencement. 5.2 World Bank requirements for stakeholder engagement The WB ESSs recognize the importance of open and transparent engagement between the borrower and project stakeholders. This is an essential element of good international practice. It states that effective stakeholder engagement can improve the environmental and social sustainability of projects, enhance project acceptance and make a significant contribution to successful project design and implementation. ESS 10: Stakeholder Engagement and Information Disclosure requires that a project: • engages with stakeholders throughout the project life cycle and that the engagement must begin as early as possible in the project development process and in a timeframe that enables meaningful consultation with stakeholders on project design Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 9 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) • provides stakeholders with timely, relevant, understandable and accessible information, and consults with them in a culturally appropriate manner, which is free of manipulation, interference, coercion, discrimination and intimidation • maintains and discloses a documented record of stakeholder engagements, including a description of the consulted stakeholders, a summary of the feedback received and a brief explanation of how the feedback was considered, or the reasons why it was not. The process of stakeholder engagement required by ESSs includes the following: • stakeholder identification and analysis • engagement methodology-how the engagement with stakeholders will take place • disclosure of information regarding stakeholder consultations • addressing and responding to grievances • reporting to stakeholders. 6. Stakeholder Identification and Analysis Since the Project aims to support institutional transformation to improve the statistical system in Lao PDR, the project cover is nationwide. It is expected to involve diverse individuals and groups of stakeholders from national to village levels. Key stakeholders include line ministries, all ministries contributing their data and users of statistical data, the National Assembly, government officials, research institutions, academia and students, as well as local communities, mass organizations and the private sector. Stakeholder consultations will be held at the national and provincial levels with the participation of key stakeholders. During data collection/population census/household survey, consultations will be held at the local community and household levels. At this stage of project preparation, three broad categories of stakeholders have been identified. They are (i) affected parties — stakeholders who are positively or negatively impacted by the project; (ii) government agencies — stakeholders who are responsible for project implementation; and (iii) interested parties — stakeholders who are not impacted by the project but may be interested in the project outcomes and/or may influence the Project. However, it is important to note that since the Project’s core objective is to improve the statistical system in Lao PDR and the data can be contributed to and used by anyone at any time, the affected parties and interested parties, at times, will fall into the same category because they may be contributing their data or be engaged as users of statistical data. Affected and interested parties: Directly and indirectly affected stakeholders — people and organizations — engage in contributing and using data, including 1) government line agencies (all ministries contributing their data) 2) international development organizations 3) Lao National Assembly 4) international NGOs 5) Lao not-for-profit organizations/associations 6) financial institutions/banks Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 10 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) 7) research institutions/academia 8) commercial companies/business 9) communities, groups, villagers: women’s groups, ethnic groups 10) private sector development 11) disadvantaged/vulnerable individuals/groups. As there are many different organizations and actors at different levels involved in contributing or using data, the section below provides a brief explanation of how these organizations might be related to the Project. Table 2: Stakeholder identification and analysis Stakeholders Project relevance WB Group The WB worked closely with the LSB in the previous project – Lao PDR’s Strengthening of the National Statistical System Project. The LSB has a good understanding of the WB’s operational procedures, including fiduciary procedures and safeguards. The project implementation team will be established and headed by the Deputy Head of the LSB and include project staff from the LSB’s departments, qualified persons who will be trained in the WB’s procurement and financial management procedures and be responsible for procurement and financial management works under the Project, and qualified persons to support ICT-related activities and environmental and social management. Asian Currently, the ADB is supporting the LSB to implement the project Lao: Development Strengthening Gender and Social Inclusion Data and Analysis in the Lao Statistics Bank (ADB) System, with financing from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) of the Government of Australia. This project is part of regional technical assistance in promoting a transformative gender equality agenda in Asia and the Pacific. The project focuses on mainstreaming gender equity, disability and social inclusion into data collection, analysis and policy development in the Lao PDR. The LSB will work closely with the ADB on this project. Australian The Australian Government’s DFAT has a long history of supporting knowledge Government and skill development through higher education and strengthening the (DFAT) and the professional careers of those who are already employed as well as addressing the Basic Education leadership skills of those in senior positions. Through the Basic Education Quality Quality and and Access in the Lao PDR program, DFAT not only supports the Education Sector Access in the Lao Development Plan but also supports the Research Institution for Education PDR program Sciences’ annual education statistics that include, for instance, the Annual Report on National Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes. DFAT can contribute information on higher education, especially on qualified human resources, Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 11 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Stakeholders Project relevance scholarships and international development support to the education system of Lao PDR. UNICEF UNICEF supports GoL in the areas of health, nutrition, water and sanitation, child protection, education and social inclusion. UNICEF is one of the key actors working in partnership with MPI and line government agencies that have data on the health and education of young students, adolescents, women and child health, early marriage and human trafficking of women and children. GIZ, the German GIZ, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development Federal Ministry plays a critical role in providing and improving information systems in Lao PDR. for Economic It currently supports MPI, MoNRE and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Cooperation and on land and forest-related information. It further supports MoNRE on the Development development of a land registration system, agriculture and land-based. It also assists the MoIC with registering all foreign and domestic business investments. Lao Women’s The LWU is a mass organization with a mandate to enhance women’s capacity Union (LWU) for self-development and promote the role of women in society to implement related policies and plans. The LWU plays a critical role in providing and supporting activities related to the women and sex disaggregated data in various sectors. It is mandated to provide preventive activities on violence against women and children and protect and support victims by offering counselling, healthcare, free legal support and witness protection for victims during prosecution. The project will collaborate with the LWU not only on issues related to women’s engagement in project activities or related to women and child protection but also on data collection, population census and household surveys. The National The National Assembly (NA) approves the Constitution and laws, deciding on the Assembly fundamental issues of the nation and overseeing the observance and Commission’s implementation of the Constitution and laws by state agencies. It represents the Secretariat rights, powers and interests of multi-ethnic people. The LSB will coordinate with the NA on topics related to the Constitution, policies and laws, as well as parliamentary activities of its members and representatives for women and ethnic groups. National The National Commission supports the government in researching policies and Commission for strategies for women’s advancement and coordinates the implementation of the policies on gender equality and the elimination of discrimination against women Advancement of with national and international stakeholders. The LSB will coordinate with the Women, National Commission on data related to women and children. Mothers and Children Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 12 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Stakeholders Project relevance Lao People’s The Youth Union is a mass organization dedicated to mobilizing young people Revolutionary throughout the country to contribute to national development. It operates at the Youth Union central, provincial, municipal, district and village levels. Members work to enhance the Government’s four-aspect ideology on advancing competition ideology: (i) training and studies, (ii) organizational activities and nation-building, (iii) vocational training (e.g., foreign language skills, technology skills), and (iv) job creation through economic activities. The LSB will coordinate with the Youth Union at all levels during the data collection through the population census and household surveys. Ministry of The Ministry of Health is responsible for establishing and implementing activities Health related to health, nutrition, water and sanitation, and more recently, awareness campaigns related to COVID-19. It is also responsible for recording and providing information related to healthcare services and medical research and development. It is also responsible for emergency-related services and has one- stop crisis centers for each province throughout the country. The Project will not only communicate with the Ministry of Health on health-related data statistics but also on emergency services, including physical and mental treatment in the event of GBV and violence against women and children. Ministry of MoLSW plays a crucial role in promoting vocational training, occupational skills Labor and Social development and finding jobs for Lao citizens. It is also responsible for drafting Welfare and implementing policies on welfare, work, retirement, veterans and civil (MoLSW) servants. Further, it is responsible for implementing social protection policies, as well as eliminating child labor, coordinating child protection and providing assistance for child victims. MoLSW will be a key partner for an integrated labor market database, including employment, national capacity development, incomes and expenditures, social welfare, women and child protection. The Lao Front The NLFC is the main organization overseeing issues related to ethnic groups. for National However, it receives limited support and therefore often has limited resources. Development/ Despite thorough research, the assessment was unable to identify any activity by Construction the NLFC in the development sector. In addition, the Government Decree on (NLFC) Ethnic Groups No. 207/GoL (20 March 2020) allocated roles and responsibility for all ethnic groups to the Ministry of Home Affairs. The LSB will coordinate with the NLFC on issues related to ethnic groups, and it will closely work with the NLFC at the local level during data collection, especially during the national population census and household surveys. Lao National The LNCCI was established in 1989 and is an independent body that represents Chamber of the business community in Lao PDR. It is the nexus between state and private Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 13 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Stakeholders Project relevance Commerce and enterprises and represents employers, groups and joint ventures across all Industry (LNCCI) agencies that have been established under the laws of Lao PDR. It currently has more than 4,000 members represented through the Chambers of Commerce in 17 provinces plus Vientiane Capital City, and business associations and groups. That makes the LNCCI the largest and most representative business community in Lao PDR. The LSB will coordinate with the LNCCI regarding business, trade and labor issues at the local, regional, national and international levels. MoNRE MoNRE has diverse roles and responsibilities regarding natural resources and the environment, including climate, biodiversity and ecosystems, air, land/soil, forest, water and energy, together with the human dimension, risk and resilience. It is also responsible for drafting guidelines, instructions, policies and regulations and monitoring all social and environmental impacts. It has vast knowledge and information not only on the topics mentioned above but also related to business investments throughout the country, especially investments in land, agriculture and forestry, industry, energy and mining. MoIC The LSB will coordinate with MoIC during the implementation period, especially during the piloting of the integrated macroeconomic database and integrating framework for macroeconomic statistics to facilitate economic analysis and policy formulation. NGOs and not- These organizations cover broad sectoral development and focus areas. For for-profits instance, some of these organizations work closely with UN agencies on issues related to ethnic groups, children, human trafficking, SEA/SH, GBV and the environment. They can therefore be very useful sources of information. Bank of Lao PDR Similarly, the LSB will coordinate with the Bank of Lao PDR as well as other ministries (MoES, MoLSW, MPI, Ministry of Finance) during the implementation period, especially during the piloting of the integrated macroeconomic database and integrating framework for macroeconomic statistics to facilitate economic analysis and policy formulation. Private/business The private sector pays critical roles in contributing statistically data for both sector international/foreign and domestic investments and sectors that they are invested in. Statistic data on national economic development performance is also an area that LSB updates frequently. For instance, the Department of Enterprise Registration Management (DERM), MoIC reports that female entrepreneurs account for 44.82% of all enterprises registered in Lao PDR (Lao consisting of mostly micro and small enterprises). This demonstrates a significant role of women involved in contributing to the national economic development. Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 14 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Stakeholders Project relevance Remote area Lao PDR is a multi-ethnic society with 50 officially recognized ethnic groups and communities a broad diversity of subgroups. The project activities will be dispersed and speakers of nationwide across all 18 provinces (including Vientiane Capital) and 148 districts. Lao as a second Many remote populations, unemployed people, youth and women will be language consulted by the project for data collection. Some of these populations speak Lao as a second language. The LSB will take rural areas, ethnic groups, gender and culture diversity and sensitivity into consideration and will integrate them into the project design. Poor and Many rural communities, poor households, venerable women (including vulnerable vulnerate women headed households), youth, poor ethnic groups, with groups identities that are distinct from Lao mainstream groups, are often among the most marginalized and vulnerable segments of the population. In many cases, their economic, social, and legal status limits their capacity and ability to participate in and benefit from the project. LSB will make sure they are equally engaged with people while working with them. People with Lao PDR also consisting of people with various disabilities, including those who Disabilities (and suffered from Unexplored Ordinances (UXO). Their disability includes physical UXO Victims. or mental impairment that substantially limits them from major life activity. LSB will ensure that they are also engage with the project either individually through population census or through their representatives and/or originations. 6.1 The Multi-Ethnic Groups of Lao Population Lao PDR is officially made up of 50 different ethnic groups but according the National Assembly‘s (NA) Agreement N˚213 of 24 November 2008, Lao PDR only recognized Lao nationality, and therefore regardless of which ethnic background people come from, they are all Lao citizens and that all are equal by law in terms of dignity and rights. It is for this reason that the term ‘ethnic minority’ and/or ‘indigenous people’ is not used, even though the Lao-Tai is main group and so instead the term ‘ethnic group or multi-ethnic groups’ has been officially accepted. The Lao PDR’s constitution (1991) notes the need to incorporate the concerns of ethnic groups in developing policy across sectors, and reaffirmed its intention to strengthen the rights of all ethnic groups (Articles 8 and 22). Article 75 of the constitution specifically indicates that “the Lao language and script are the official language and script�. Article 8 of the Constitution states, “All ethnic groups have the right to preserve their own traditions and culture, and those of the nation. Discrimination between ethnic groups is forbidden.� Article 8 further declares that: “The State pursues the policy of promoting unity and equality among all ethnic groups. All ethnic groups have the rights to protect, preserve and promote the fine customs and cultures of their own tribes and of the nation. All acts of creating division and discrimination among ethnic groups are forbidden. The State implements every measure to gradually develop and upgrade the economic and social level of all ethnic groups.� In line with Lao PDR terminology, the term ethnic groups will be used in this SEP instead indigenous people. It is important to note that the Lao-Tai group dominate politically, culturally, and economically Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 15 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) and generally inhabit the river plains, particularly along the Mekong River; meanwhile, according to the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, the majority of the non-Lao-Tai groups inhabit the rugged mountain territory that covers about 79 percent of the country and experience high-levels of marginalization. Lao PDR classified ethno-linguistic groups into the following main groups: Lao-Tai, Mon-Khmer, Sino- Tibetan, Hmong-Iumien and others (Palaungic -smaller groups such as Bid and mainly in Bokeo). Ethnic groups in the Lao-Tai ethno-linguistic family have many linguistic similarities that permit mutual understanding, as do the groups in the Sino-Tibetan ethno-linguistic family. The Mon-Khmer ethno- linguistic family has many ethnic groups and sub-groups, and their languages are not mutually understood. The same difficulties with linguistic understanding prevail with the Hmong-Iumien ethnic groups. This can be illustrated from the fact that although the Hmong, the Yao the Akka are group in the same linguistic group, their dialects are completely different. This linguistic and corresponding educational situation poses great challenges for communication - and for development in general. As government staff often do not speak the local languages, they have to work with the Lao Front for National Development (LFND), the Lao Women´s Union, or others as interpreters to reach the local villages. To some degrees, many of these ethnic groups meet the eligibility criteria of World Bank’s indigenous peoples, which can be identified by the following characteristics: • Self-identification as members of a distinct indigenous social and cultural group and recognition of this identity by others; • Collective attachment to geographically distinct habitats, ancestral territories, or areas of seasonal use or occupation as well as to the natural resources in these habitats and territories; • Customary cultural, economic, social, or political systems that are distinct or separate from those of the mainstream society or culture; and • A distinct language or dialect, often different from the official language or languages of the country or region in which they reside. This includes a language or dialect that has existed but does not exist now due to impacts that have made it difficult for a community or group to maintain a distinct language or dialect. Since the project’s scope is nationwide and in line with the ESS 7, this SEP has been designed to ensure that all 50 ethnic groups, including ethnic groups’ women and marginalized groups, are fully informed, consulted, and provided with adequate and legitimate opportunities to actively participate in project design and the determination of project implementation arrangements, operation, as well as the project’s closure. Specifically, it is to ensure that not only the ethnic groups’ rights are safeguarded, but they are also must be actively engaged in project activities in a culturally appropriate manner and that they should be communicated in a language that is understood by them. It further ensures meaningful and inclusive consultations take place and ethnic groups are actively engaged throughout the lifecycle of the project. 6.2 Sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment (SEA/SH) Local Context: A recent study on GVB and the national survey on violence against children in Lao PDR, published in 20183, reveal that violence against children is a common reality in Lao PDR. Also, sexual 3 Priority actions to ending violence against children in Lao PDR, A multi-sectoral response to the national Violence against Children Survey (2018), UNICEF_Multisectoral-response_ENG_18may18_wBleed-1.pdf Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 16 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) exploitation and trafficking of women and young girls is commonly found; however, efforts to combat the sale and sexual exploitation of children have been limited by lack of funding, resources and data, and the current impunity for people trafficking or exploitation of children. A recent study conducted by the WB and Solution for Youth Empowerment revealed that digital technology, especially online work offers women new opportunities to overcome mobility restrictions, limited flexibility and restrictive social and gender norms. Digital communication and jobs enable people to generate income, improve productivity and increase financial autonomy. Presently, the Lao economy is predominately led by small and medium enterprises. Over 44 percent of the small and medium businesses are led or run by women, indicating that increasingly more women will likely be involved in digital technology as well as contribute and use statistical data. While it is difficult to identify and manage risks not directly caused by the project, the consulted stakeholders provided some recommendations and suggested the project should focus on providing accurate information and conducting consultations to understand the complex relationship between people’s right to privacy, their right to protection in the online context and the use of information. Constant stakeholder consultations can also be effective in finding the best way to manage digital- technology-related risks, including technology-facilitated SEA/SH, digital dangers for women, youth and children and other forms of exploitation. The Project will include measures to inform its stakeholders of the risks and assist them in obtaining information to better understand the risks. Another potential risk is related to GBV, sexual exploitation and child abuse as they are not commonly discussed in Lao PDR. The program for household data collection will need to ensure that any risks of SEA/SH, VAC and data privacy during interviewing are addressed. Issues around GBV, SEA/SH and VAC include, but are not limited to, (i) urban and rural communities, more so among women and ethnic group communities, which accept and justify certain forms of abuse and harassment, mostly related to culture, politeness and/or not wanting to offend other people and guests; (ii) a relatively high prevalence of physical, emotional and sexual violence was reported and recorded in the recent surveys mentioned above; (iii) despite Lao PDR having substantial legal frameworks to safeguard the rights and interests of women and children, services and help systems for SEA/SH are limited; and (iv) the issue is only vaguely understood at all administrative levels and at the individual level. Because understanding of the concepts and issues around GBV, SEA and children’s rights is still very limited, information will be made available to people at the selected ICT and service centers. The capacity building and management under Component 3 will include a clear, concise code of conduct laying out policy principles and requirements that meet the legal and regulatory objectives regarding violence against women and children (VAWC) and community health and safety. This code of conduct should be made available at the project level and implemented at selected ICT service centers. Information, training and dissemination of information on child protection, GBV and SEA/SH will be incorporated into the project design prior to the commencement of each subproject component/activity and/or each consultation. To promote a better understanding of GBV, the working definitions that are widely used amongst development agencies are provided in the list below, and examples of how SEA/SH can occur are displayed in Table 2. Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 17 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Sexual exploitation: Any actual or attempted abuse of a position of vulnerability, differential power or trust for sexual purposes, including, but not limited to, profiting monetarily, socially or politically from the sexual exploitation of another (UN Glossary 2017). Sexual abuse: The actual or threatened physical intrusion of a sexual nature, whether by force or under unequal or coercive conditions (UN Glossary 2017). Sexual harassment: Any unwelcome sexual advance, request for sexual favor, verbal or physical conduct or gesture of a sexual nature, or any other behavior of a sexual nature that might reasonably be expected or be perceived to cause offence or humiliation to another, when such conduct interferes with work, is made a condition of employment or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment. (UN Secretary General’s Bulletin on the Prohibition of Discrimination, Harassment, Including Sexual Harassment, and Abuse of Authority, 2008). Sexual exploitation and abuse: A form of GBV, where there is actual or attempted abuse of a person’s vulnerability by someone who has or is perceived to have power over a person or is trusted for sexual purposes. This may involve actual or threatened violence or inducements, such as protection, food or shelter, in exchange for sex. Sexual harassment versus SEA: SEA occurs against a beneficiary or member of the community. Sexual harassment occurs between personnel/staff of an organization or company and involves any unwelcome sexual advance or unwanted verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. The distinction between the two is important so that agency policies and staff trainings can include specific instructions on the procedures to report each. (As defined in the UN Secretary’s Bulletin – Special measures for protection from sexual exploitation and abuse, 9 October 2003, ST/SGB/2003/13). Table 2: Examples of SEA/SH Sexual exploitation occurs when - A person is promised employment on the project site in access to or benefit from project- exchange for sex. related goods, works, non-consulting - A project worker/staff requests a sexual favor in services or consulting services is used exchange for data. to extract sexual gain. - A project worker connecting water lines to homes requests a sexual favor for access to the water connection. - A project worker denies a woman passage through a worksite unless she performs a sexual favor. Sexual abuse occurs when a project - A project worker or a contractor stays in the cafeteria worker (contractor staff, after dinner and sexually assaults a kitchen staff subcontractor staff, supervising member. Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 18 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) engineer) uses force or unequal - A project worker touches an administrative staff power vis-a-vis a community member’s breasts and says there is more to come. member/villager or colleague to - A supervisor for a subcontractor asks his female perpetrate or threaten to perpetrate colleague to join him for a business dinner with the main an unwanted sexual act. contractor. After dinner he asks her to entertain “the boss� in his room as an appreciation for the contract and her work. Sexual harassment occurs within the - A project worker sends sexually explicit text messages context of the company of a to a coworker. subcontractor or contractor and -A project worker takes inappropriate pictures, such as a relates to employees of the company naked child or woman or persons taking a bath in the experiencing unwelcome sexual river, and posts these pictures on social media, such as advances or requests for sexual favors Facebook. or acts of a sexual nature that are - A project worker leaves an offensive picture that is offensive and humiliating among the sexually explicit on a co-worker’s desk. same company’s employees. -A supervisor asks his female staff to accompany him to dinner and when she serves him drinks/food, he touches her leg. - A project worker asks his female colleague to give him a kiss or touch him or asks to kiss or touch her. 6.2 Stakeholder engagement during project preparation Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and associated precautionary measures, fieldwork and in-person communication with stakeholders was not possible. Communication was conducted via digital tools and online systems. Based on this experience, adopting modes of communication that use modern technology and internet access is crucial. Therefore, this SEP is designed to be sensitive, flexible and technologically responsive to different stakeholders in order to maximize stakeholder engagement. While the home office has become a central part of coordination and communication, direct contact requires special measures regarding social distancing and the use of protective equipment (e.g., masks, gloves and antibacterial products). Communication methods applied during the project preparation included: • Visual and verbal digital communication with tools such as WhatsApp, SMS, phone, Webex and Zoom • Email communication. Physical communication and coordination, during preparation and thereafter, will be based on the instructions in the COVID-19 Task Force guidelines. The LSB will take into account that online/digital communication has become part of the daily routine, and digital communication for stakeholder engagement will be integrated into this SEP. Lessons learned from consultation suggest that, at the individual level, constant access to the internet and proper equipment, such as a computer, mobile Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 19 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) phone and online storage for documents, are crucial for stakeholder engagement. This factor alone might pose engagement challenges during project implementation. Despite limitations, the project preparation and assessment team managed to engage and consult with various stakeholders, including the representatives from the Department of Statistics Bureau at the central and provincial levels: (i) the National Service Center explained the needed for improved data storage at the user centers; (ii) selected pilot provinces explained their the plan to establish/improve statistical service centers Champasak and Xiengkkoung, which will coordinate with line ministries in the provinces and districts, as well as (iii) consulted with various stakeholders at the central and from different provinces via the National Stakeholders Consultation Worksop on 7 June 2022, (see Table 6. Comments and Issues Raised and Project Responses). Their feedback, comments and suggestions have shaped the ESF instruments design for implementation and monitoring and evaluation. The feedback and comments will also be incorporated the project operation manual (POM). Their current engagement also will encourage future informed participation of the population census and household and national surveys to avoid adverse impacts and communicate in a culturally appropriate manner. Engagement with identified specific stakeholders help to ensure the greatest possible contribution from the stakeholder parties toward successful project implementation and will enable the project to draw on their pre-existing expertise, networks and agendas. It will also facilitate community and institutional endorsement of the Project by various parties. Access to local knowledge and experience also becomes possible through the active involvement of stakeholders. 7. Stakeholder Engagement Strategy The objectives of the Stakeholder Engagement Plan are to (i) offer opportunities for stakeholders to raise their concerns and submit their opinions, to incorporate this into the project when possible, and to provide this feedback to stakeholders, (ii) create avenues for complaints handling and grievance management, (iii) create opportunities for information sharing and disclosure, (iv) foster strong project community relationships, and (v) ensure meaningful consultation and the consideration of stakeholder’s expectations and concerns into the implementation arrangements for the program, including feedback on environmental and social mitigation measures and other technical issues and their implementation. In order to achieve this, the project has outlined specifical activities that will be implemented by the project. These include - providing meaningful information in a format and language that is readily understandable - providing information in advance of consultation activities when possible - disseminating information in a manner and location easy for stakeholders to access it - establishing a dialogue that gives the Project and stakeholders the opportunity to exchange views and information, and have issues heard and addressed - ensuring inclusiveness in representation of views, including those of women, the elderly, people living with a disability, ethnic peoples, and other vulnerable people, as necessary Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 20 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) - ensuring any obstacles to participation that are identified are removed so that views of different stakeholders can be obtained - ensuring there are clear mechanisms for responding to people’s concerns, suggestions, and/or grievances - incorporating feedback of stakeholders into project design, and report back to stakeholders - monitoring stakeholder engagement activities and include project stakeholders in monitoring to the extent possible - incorporating stakeholder engagement as part of the Project management responsibilities of the LSB, and ensure staff, especially the Environment and Social team members are equipped with specific responsibilities and budget. The project promotes two-way communication between and amongst its stakeholders. The project consultations will provide opportunities to share information about the project and get feedback, including on issues such as designing survey/data collection forms and statistics analysis, working conditions for contractors, engagement of vulnerable groups, ethnic groups, women, and ways to mitigate potential project risks and impacts. The LBS has developed and implemented survey guidelines/manuals, which are designed specifically for data collection (the communication and data collection guidelines). The guidelines include data collection procedures and instructions on how to communicate and coordinate with different line agencies/organisations. The existing guidelines will be revisited, reviewed and updated by the project ES Unit in order to ensure that they are consistent with the WB’s ESS4, ESS7 and 10. The updated guidelines will be sent for WB review and approval. The communication and data collection guidelines will include aspects of social inclusion, addressing culture diversity, ethnic groups sensitivity language barriers, people with disability, gender friendly, etc. Methods that will be used by the Project to guide consultations with local-level stakeholders, particularly at village/households levels, include: - face-to-face consultations, which should be inclusive of all stakeholder groups such as women, elderly, people living with a disability and other vulnerable persons, including breaking it down by gender and age when appropriate - one-on-one household interviews and focus group discussions, which will be conducted in a locally/culturally sensitive manner and without external interference or pressure so that interviewees can speak freely - virtual consultations, making sure that stakeholders have access to online facilities/equipment and have a stable internet connection - notices of meetings/consultations, which shall be conducted in a language that is easily understood by locals, through verbal translation into local languages and communicated in advance at prominent locations - comments and suggestions received from stakeholders, which shall be collected and incorporated into this SEP, the ESMP and in ongoing project implementation as much as possible; stakeholders shall be made aware how this was done in follow-up meetings/consultations. Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 21 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) The approach to engagement activities will not only take into account the needs of ethnic groups, vulnerability, language, literacy as well as consent, and child protection measures as part of the engagement process. During the preparation for data collection, the survey/Interview/engagement material will be designed to ensure an atmosphere of openness, free consensus and respect among stakeholders. This includes asking for permission prior to conducting any survey/interview and data collection. As a nationwide project, coordination at policy level is an important element in the stakeholder engagement process of the Project. The Project will utilize the National Roundtable Process for high- level government-development partner coordination. The roundtable process is led by MPI, and it brings government entities, development partners, national development agencies, United Nations bodies, civil society organizations and the private sector together to coordinate funding, development and implementation of activities. The organisation and management of the Project is designed to support and encourage involvement of stakeholders in decision making on project activities that may affect them or which they have vested interests in. Thus, the project has a decentralised structure and specific central coordination points to enable local stakeholders to participate in the development of subproject activities to respond to local needs and conditions. For instance, MPI/LSB has offices, including ICT service centers in all 17 provinces and one municipality. These ICT service centers provide support services to data users. The Project’s focal pilot centers are in Champasack, Salavan, Xiengkhaoung and Oudomxay, providing information for the north, central and south of Lao PDR. The following section provides explanation of the Project’s engagement strategy. 7.1 Engagement during the time of COVID-19 The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the Lao labor/employment, services, market, education and sports sectors with nationwide closures impacting a large number of people, including youth, migrants and students. The COVID-19 Response Plan was developed by MoES with the support of UNICEF, WFP and WHO. The COVID-19 Response Plan is implemented through the schools in Lao PDR. Under this project, it will be implemented through the collaboration with the ICT centers, the Education Cluster and the network of Labour and Social Welfare (part of government covid-19 measures). COVID-19 measures have been included in the ESMP, and this SEP will strictly follow the instructions provided under the COVID-19 Response Plan. 7.2 Inclusive and early stakeholder engagement All consultations will be carried out in an inclusive manner that takes into account equity, youth, gender, disability and ethnic groups. The engagement process during the implementation period will consider the needs of diverse groups by providing good facilitation through appropriate translators or ethnic language speakers to ensure that stakeholders understand project information and meaningfully participate in the consultation and discussion. To include viewpoints from vulnerable people, the Project will facilitate small, focused meetings where vulnerable stakeholders are more Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 22 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) comfortable asking questions or raising concerns. The Project will also provide special assistance for the grievances of vulnerable groups, including grievances for GBV and SEA/SH. 7.3 Meaningful consultation The project will ensure meaningful consultation and quality of engagement at all levels during project preparation and other project activities. Meaningful consultation is a two-way process that: • begins early in the project planning process to gather initial views on the project proposal and inform project design • encourages stakeholder feedback, particularly as a way of informing project design and engagement by stakeholders in the identification and mitigation of environmental and social risks and impacts • continues on an ongoing basis as risks and impacts arise • is based on the prior disclosure and dissemination of relevant, transparent, objective, meaningful and easily accessible information that is understandable to stakeholders and conducted in a timeframe that enables meaningful consultations with stakeholders in a culturally appropriate format and in relevant ethnic languages • considers and responds to feedback • supports active and inclusive engagement with project-affected parties • is free of external manipulation, interference, coercion, discrimination and intimidation • is documented and disclosed by the project. The project will provide adequate information as well as engage with and seek the support of those who could be affected by project activities, including the population census, household surveys and the collection of macroeconomic data. This should include considering existing traditional knowledge offered by the different ethnic groups and villagers and ensuring active, free, effective, meaningful and informed participation of individuals and groups in the data collection and engagement processes. 7.4 Strategy for Inclusion of Gender Dimensions (women , sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment (SEA/SH) In Lao PDR, gender-based violence (GBV) remains an issue. The Project has incorporated GBV/SEA/VAWC, youth and child protection in its reporting system and GRMs. The ESMP has included a template for a Code of Conduct to prevent and manage SEA/SH and VAC. A Code of Conduct will be included in the letter of appointment for government staff and contractors. At the implementation stage, the project will inform stakeholders about sexual exploitation and abuse and risks of sexual harm, child abuse and child protection and reporting mechanisms. The project will also ensure equal rights for all ethnic groups, women and men while acknowledging differences between women and men and taking specific measures to accelerate equality when necessary. The Project’s key GBV strategies will be based on the following principles to assist potential GBV survivors and ensure long-term prevention interventions: - Do not cause or increase the likelihood of GBV/SEH/VAWC Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 23 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) - Proactively seek to identify and take action to mitigate GBV risks in the environment and in program design and implementation - Proactively facilitate, monitor and provide safe access to services for project staff, contractors and victims/survivors. To promote a better understanding for its staff and project contractors, the Project will require key contractors and key staff to attend GBV training, which can either be provided by an internal or external GBV expert. At a minimum, initial training will include: • a definition of GBV, in particular SEA/SH, and an explanation on how they might be related to the Project • an explanation of how GBV may be triggered by the Project and what migration measures are required by different project components • roles and responsibilities of actors involved in the Project, and prohibited behavior • case reporting mechanisms, accountability structures and referral procedures within agencies and for community members to report cases related to project staff • locally available services for survivors and how to access them • follow-up activities to reinforce training content. 4 7.5 Communication in languages that are understood by key stakeholders Although Lao is the official language, many ethnic group members still do not speak and/or understand Lao. Therefore, during project engagement, especially for the population census, other data collections, household surveys and statistics system development, the Project will provide information in the appropriate ethnic languages and use ethnic interpreters to address the language barrier, avoid misunderstandings and enhance cooperation and participation. Any information dissemination must be clear and in a simple local language to support comprehension by those who are less literate. 7.6 Respect and recognition of the rights of ethnic group members The project will pay special attention to ethnic and gender sensitivity by taking into account ethnic groups’ gender perspectives and incorporating them into the communication strategy. All management strategies, including the Code of Conduct and training material development, must include consultations with ethnic groups, men and women and engagement with their viewpoints. 7.7 Ensure health and safety during seasonal disease outbreak To ensure health and safety of project staff and its stakeholders, the project will pay attention to seasonal disease outbreak and/or seasonal health risk/vulnerability such malaria during the raining season and/or diarrhea during the hot/summer season. The project will include these measures in the communication and data collection guidelines and provide training to staff/contractors prior to mobilizing them. 4 Good Practice Note – Addressing SEA/SH in IPF Involving Major Civil Works, The World Bank, 2020 Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 24 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) 7.8 Information confidentiality, security and accuracy LSB sees the importance of respecting privacy, safeguarding data and enabling trust and it will provide security to avoid privacy breaches in accordance with Law on Statistics and WB good practices on data privacy and responsible handling of personal data. LSB project will update its communication and data collection guidelines to make sure it includes confidently, privately and ethics in data collection and sharing. The LSB will also include good practices on information/data collection in its quality assessment framework, train staff/contractors and field survey team on how to accurately collect data. 7.9 Disclosure of project information and maintenance of track records All information is documented, stored and disclosed by the Project. The prior disclosure and dissemination of relevant, transparent, objective, meaningful and easily accessible information is understandable to stakeholders must be conducted in a timeframe that enables meaningful consultations with stakeholders (in a culturally appropriate format and in relevant local languages). 8. Stakeholder Engagement Methods The LSB has existing guidelines for communicating and coordinating the collection of data, and these guidelines will be updated by the Project to meet WB standards, specifically ESS, 4 ESS7 and ESS 10, and be consistent with other projects currently operating under the LSB. The guidelines will be submitted to WB review and approval prior to implementation. As the stakeholder identification and analysis shows, the LSB will communicate with various stakeholders at different levels. Because the stakeholders come from diverse backgrounds and are pursuing different development objectives (just as the Lao PDR is comprised of diverse ethnic groups), the engagement methods will be flexible and context specific for appropriate communication with a vast array of stakeholders. The preferred method is to use simple communication and engagement processes to obtain accurate data. Adding to the LSB’s existing communication guidelines and methods, the following simple techniques could support the continuity of communication and engagement: • develop and send notification letters to explain the objective of a specific task • for data collection, request a person’s consent to be consulted and interviewed • aim for direct contact/communication — where possible, attend meetings and group interviews and discussions using social distancing measures and protective equipment • for visual and verbal digital communication, use tools such as WhatsApp, Teams, Telegram, Facebook, SMS, phone, Webex, Zoom, and other online tools • use email communication • for sharing tools and drives: Google, Office/Teams, Dropbox • use ethnic interpreters/representatives to ensure the inclusion of vulnerable people, people with disability and disadvantaged people within the project areas • where appropriate, interview women and men separately to obtain fair and equitable feedback • where needed, conduct workshops, in-depth consultations and data collection • where possible and appropriate, use project press releases and press conferences. Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 25 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) The SEP is a live document for the entire period of the Project and will be regularly updated as the Project progresses through its various phases, to ensure timely identification of any new stakeholders and interested parties and their collaboration with the Project. The methods of engagement will also be revised periodically to maintain their effectiveness and relevance to the Project’s evolving environment. 9. Stakeholder Engagement Program To carry out more effective stakeholder engagement, the Project will work closely with existing networks and improve communication by using the instructions outlined in the engagement strategy and engagement methods above. In line with other existing/previous WB-funded projects under MPI/LSB, this stakeholder engagement program is divided into two main components: 1. Stakeholder engagement activities mainly aimed at encouraging active stakeholder involvement for the data collection and regarding issues that may affect them or issues that they would like to influence. 2. Communication activities mainly aimed at providing the stakeholders with project-relevant information and news. However, there is not a hard divide between these two approaches. In practice and whenever the opportunity arises, communication activities may also include the active engagement of the people involved, and similarly, engagement activities will often include the dissemination of information. The stakeholder engagement program is summarized below in Table 3. The methods of engagement are likely to change over time; indeed, the stakeholders themselves may suggest other methods and may also take the lead on certain arrangements. Disclosure of information is an ongoing process in the Project. The information will be disclosed in both English and Lao and, where needed, local dialects of ethnic groups which can be easily understandable by the local ethnic groups will be prepared and communicated by the project. The information disclosure and communication component are summarized below in Table 4. The Project will use multiple channels to publish information linked to project implementation. These include that: • all relevant project documents, assessments and implementation plans are disclosed on the LSB website, project website and WB website • the project-level implementation plan and information will be made available to local authorities, villages and communities in the Lao language. Also, verbal translation into ethnic languages will be provided during meetings. • the publication of posters, infographics, online material and public notifications in the targeted areas is accessible to local communities and relevant key stakeholders. • all ITC materials will consider rural ethnic communities and be made comprehensible for illiterate people Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 26 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) • notifications will be broadcast through local and national media such as national and local television and newspapers • stakeholder workshops will be held and press releases made • electronic of the ESMP, SEP and GRM will be made available in English, and the Executive Summary will be made available in both Lao language and English and made accessible to project beneficiaries, key stakeholders and the general public. Table 3: Engagement program What to Who to When to engage? With whom How to engage? engage about? engage? to engage? (responsibilities) (Targeted stakeholders) Disclose and LSB - Prior to All - Roundtable consult on draft Appraisal stakeholders meetings Project environmental - (Web) meetings / Coordinating Publicly and social workshops Unit (PCU) available to management - Email group all measures exchange and stakeholders (ESCP, SEP, request for feedback from 23 May ESMP) response 2022 - LSB website Policy level MPI, LSB, the - Prior to project Policy - Roundtable coordination four LSB effectiveness planning meetings with line department - Annually, prior level within - Virtual (web) ministries and heads and to preparation MPI, LSB meetings other ongoing their of annual work projects under representative plans and the LSB s from the budgets provinces at the roundtable meetings Commitments, LSB - Prior to WB, project - Distribution by division of finalization managers, email PCU responsibilities - Annually during coordinators - Call for comments in the ESCP implementatio , assistants - (Web) workshop n and - Response to consultants comments Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 27 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) What to Who to When to engage? With whom How to engage? engage about? engage? to engage? (responsibilities) (Targeted stakeholders) Evaluation of at central compliance and provincial level Guidelines, LSB - Prior to WB, project - Distribution by procedures and finalization managers, email codes of - Annually, coordinators - Call for comments conduct in the during , assistants - (Web) workshop ESMF implementatio and - Response to n consultants comments Evaluation of at central - Feedback to project what works and planning and what not provincial levels GRM: LSB - Prior to WB, project - Questionnaire Experiences, finalization managers, - (Web) workshop evaluation, - Annually, coordinators - Site visits need for during , assistants - Distribute summary changes, implementatio and of comments, etc. feedback on n consultants, project ICT centers implementatio at central n and provincial levels National level LSB - Annually, as WB, project - (Web) workshops project part of managers, - Email group planning preparation of coordinators exchange annual , assistants Evaluation of workplans and and past budgets consultants, implementatio training n of the ESMP centers at central and Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 28 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) What to Who to When to engage? With whom How to engage? engage about? engage? to engage? (responsibilities) (Targeted stakeholders) provincial levels Provincial level - Annually, as ICT central - Meetings/workshop project part of and the four s with ICT at the LSB, PCU planning preparation of pilot central and annual provinces? provincial levels Evaluation of workplans and past budgets implementatio n of the ESMP Table 4: Communication program Who to With whom What to Communicate When to to How to Communicate Communicate (Responsibilities Communicate Communicat ) e Project plans, LSB, PCU - Annually The public (all - TV and radio activities and - When there stakeholders) interviews results are , especially - Facebook postings important prior to each - Website results survey/data - Newspaper articles collection Project LSB, PCU - 6-monthly MPI - Report progress GRM LSB, PCU - Project Public - ICT centers effectivenes - Statistics offices in How it works s each province and how to - 6-monthly - Village meetings with use it - Annually translation/interprete r into ethnic languages ESMP PCU - Project ICT centers - ESMF explained with effectivenes translation into ethnic How to s languages implement Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 29 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Who to With whom What to Communicate When to to How to Communicate Communicate (Responsibilities Communicate Communicat ) e the ESMP in - Annually or Statistics - Email distribution practice in case of offices in - Posters (ethnic any changes each province languages) Division of - Site visits with responsibilitie explanations s 10. Record of Consultations and Engagement During Project Preparation This section provides information on stakeholder consultations during project preparation and appraisal to ensure that the appropriate project information on environmental and social risks and impacts and mitigation measures is discussed and disclosed to stakeholders in a timely, understandable, accessible and appropriate manner and format. The consultation also serves to obtain feedback and suggestions to strengthen the project design and risk management instruments. As presented in Table 3 above, the Project will promote and provide means for effective and inclusive engagement with various stakeholders throughout the project life cycle, including with persons potentially affected by the Project and project beneficiaries. Table 5 below illustrates the consultation and disclosure process for the environmental and social (E&S) documents until the Project’s effectiveness is established. Under the LSS Modernisation Project, the PCU will provide coordination for the Project, liaise with the WB and other relevant agencies and be responsible for the consultation and development of the Project’s environmental risk management and monitoring. Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 30 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Table 5: Environment and social documents consultation and disclosure until project effectiveness When to With whom to What to engage about Who to engage How to engage engage engage Consultation with LSB LSB, provinces 30-31 LSB (Vientiane Online group and its four core March Capital, Xineg meeting with all E&S consultants departments in 2022 Khuang, participants Vientiane Capital and Champasack, Written representatives of the Oudomxay response to provincial statistics Completed questionnaire offices - Consultation with other E&S consultants 30-31 Implementing Phone stakeholders on March agency: LSB interviews in coordination, ICT 2022 the provinces Government infrastructure agencies WhatsApp development, services messaging centers, IT equipment, Completed LSS in the data collection: provinces Online meeting, one-on-one - Project purpose, organization, Email components, correspondence planning system, - Environmental and social assessment - Lessons learned from similar projects - Mitigation of risks and impacts, highlighting issues that might affect vulnerable Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 31 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) When to With whom to What to engage about Who to engage How to engage engage engage and disadvantaged groups - Differentiated measures taken to avoid and minimize risks Conducted internal 25-29 April Implementing Online group discussion workshop 2022 agency: LSB meeting E&S consultants with line departments of Completed Government LSB on preliminary agencies results and mitigation plans WB Discussed first draft and obtained comments and feedback Circulating semi-final PCU/TVED/MoES 25-29 April Departments Zoom draft to heads of under LSB E&S consultants Completed Email departments within Provincial statistics MoES and obtain WhatsApp offices comments/feedback Phone calls WB Circulating E&S summary in Lao language to key stakeholders and obtain comments/feedback National consultation PCU/LSB First weekAll Stakeholders, Hybrid (physical workshop on final-draft of June however, selected and virtual) E&S E&S consultants ESCP, ESMP and SEP stakeholders have dissemination Completed been invited to and discussion join a consultation workshop WS to obtain their feedbacks. Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 32 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) When to With whom to What to engage about Who to engage How to engage engage engage Final ESCP, ESMP and PCU/LSB Updated All stakeholders Post on LSB SEP version and the general project website will be public available in late June Final ESCP, ESMP and PCU/LSB After Implementing Circulate SEP project agencies electronic effective version to date relevant parties and project sites The project ESF instruments (ESMP, SEP and ESCP) were disclosed on 23 May 2022 (including Lao translations of the Executive Summaries) and the National Stakeholders Consultation Workshop was organised with participation from relevant stakeholders at the central and provinces on 7 June 2022 with a total number of 93 participants and 44 of them are females (See Annex 6). These processes were also used to ensure that the ESMP is known to stakeholders. A National Stakeholder Consultation/Workshop was conducted on 7 June 2022 with participation of broad and comprehensive stakeholders from the Central and 17 provinces. The Workshop was hosted and led by the Deputy Head of LSB Ministry of Planning and Investment. The workshop was design in such a way that is easily accessed by large number of stakeholders via either physically and/or virtual participation to ensure that all viewpoints from different sectors’ participants are captured and include in the revised ESF instruments . The workshop was divided into two sessions for two main broad groups: (i) government line ministries and department in both at the Central and provinces in the morning session and (ii) all other stakeholders in the afternoon session. Stakeholders include (i) key development partners (international organisation and the UN agencies), (ii) implementing partners (various government lines ministries and departments), (iii) INGOs/NAPs various none government organizations, (iv) Provincial Statistics Departments from 17 provinces and the capital, (v) Private sector/business owners and (vi) mess media, (vii) students, and (viii) other such as individual consultants (see Annex 6 for more information). Feedback, recommendations, and concerns raised during the consultations were integrated in the updated ESF instruments (ESMP, SEP and ESCP) as well as in the POM. Key discussion questions and answers, including feedback, recommendations and project responses are include in the Table below. Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 33 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Table 6. Comments and Issues Raised and Project Responses Feedback/Comment Remark No Stakeholders Issues/concerns raised by Project responses to Participants issues/concerns 1 Ministry of Planning 1. The process of managing and Investment environmental and social 1. The ESCP addresses reporting (MPI). impacts and risks of should be and evaluation of project Various designed for phases: 1. project progress. ESF instruments will Departments and preparation phase, 2. project be updated based the project Key Decision- implementation phase and 3. actual project design, Makers under MPI post-project phase. During the implementation and progress and under the Lao implementation, the project, presented as per states in the Statistical Bureau should conduct an evaluation of ESCP. (LSB) each document that further information could be updated; 2. The objectives of improving 2. The project should also capture the modern statistic are to more on the positive impacts as generate good and the statistic is important for the comprehensive data, provide society as a whole and it will be platforms for different sectors an opportunity to for different to contribute, share and use by sectors to contribute and share the public. It aims to bring more and can also build trust with the positive in the long run as well. public based on the index of statistics. 3. (i) issues related to ethnic 3. Managing negative impacts groups culture and language include (i) allocate budget for barriers addressed and communication, including estimated budget is allocated; communicate in different ethnic (ii) community health and groups languages when work in safety, including covid-19 the field work, when/if measures are included; (iii) necessary, use interpreters for information confidentiality, local languages. (ii) First-aid kits security and quality are dressed or medicine bags should be in the project design and in included for field works and (iii) ESMP as part of project include security and privacy management. breaches procedures in ESF instruments . 4. Data accuracy is not an ESF 4. Improve information accuracy - element and this will be instruct survey team and design addressed in the quality survey/data collection assessment framework. The methodology in such a way that project ESF consultants will LSB collects accurate data to support LSB to develop the avoid cost (time and resources survey/data collection to redo the data collection. guidelines, communication Some specific guidelines/field survey guiding Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 34 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Feedback/Comment Remark No Stakeholders Issues/concerns raised by Project responses to Participants issues/concerns recommendations include, (i) notes, etc. to make sure that appropriately selecting an agent these concerns are integrated for data collection to avoid the various implementation mistake, (ii) designing of the guidelines questionnaire should be concise, clear and easy to 5. Point number five will also be understand, not to exaggerate, addressed under the project (iii) train the survey staff to design as the preparation prior collect statistical data so that to mobilizing field staff is they can understand the data related to project management collection form, know how to and not an element of ESF ask for information from agents instrument. and be able to communicate easily during the data collection inquiry, as well as the data collection staff should know in detail about data entry, database entry and be able to edit the data in the database. 5. Addressing on good preparation prior to mobilizing field staff to avoid challenges while working in the field such as issues dealing with lack of equipment, no personnel, no service vehicles and no budget etc. 6. Project should use the existing integrated grievance mechanism approved by the government, except for the specific ones. 7. In the event there is an adverse effect occurred during implementation project period, how will the project manage the risks? 8. How will the project ensure about the sustainability of the project and how it will be managed? Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 35 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Feedback/Comment Remark No Stakeholders Issues/concerns raised by Project responses to Participants issues/concerns 9. How many stages are there in the impact assessment process and at what stages? Prior to the implementation of the project and what kind of evaluation? 10. Risks may arise positively or negatively during the implementation of this project, in particularly the Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP), How many stakeholders will be involved? How to manage to indicator and monitor for this project? Ministry of Home 1. The project should pay 1. IT related capacity building, Affairs attention to training and especially on how to use IT capacity building for relevant properly are addressed under 4 staff and pay attention to the the project design as they are proper maintenance of IT an element of ESF instrument. equipment 2. If any infrastructure is to 2 PPEs is addressed under be improved, such as health and safety and painting work, the workers emergency procedures. should be focused on 3. social inclusion and security environmental protection regarding information of the during painting work so ethnic is addressed under SEP the protective measures on engagement of ethnic groups (PPEs) such as masks and and vulnerable people as well as safety shoes must be in data security is integrated into place. the project design 3. Project should provide information security and 4. GRM also included in ESF privacy breaches. Personal instruments. The ESF project information of ethnic consultant will update and groups and the assist LSB to establish a team to disadvantaged groups communicate and implement should be protected. the GRM, that also include 4. Grievance mechanism hotline. should be communicated and made available for the public, especially for the ethnic groups, during the Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 36 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Feedback/Comment Remark No Stakeholders Issues/concerns raised by Project responses to Participants issues/concerns implementation of projects. The grievance mechanism should include a hotline communication method. Ministry of Industry Agree with the current ESF 5 and Commerce Ministry of Energy 1. Agree with the current ESF and Mine instruments E-waste management is 2. It is desirable to pay attention included. to the e-waste management, 6 especially in the local area, so that the staff of each province and each district should be clearly understand about the e-waste management 7 Ministry of Labor 1. Agree with the current ESF and Social Welfare instruments Appreciate that the Ministry of 2. The Ministry of Labor and Labor and Social Welfare will Social Welfare will be monitor labor. monitored and assessed Labor management plan and the health and safety of health and safety procedures workers for the project. are included in the ESF instruments for the project to monitor as well. 8 Phongsaly 1. Is it possible for the 1. All WB funded projects’ Province’s Statistic documents to be integrated documents are developed Center from the local, Lao Statistical based on ESF-requirements Bureau (LSB), government and according the triggered ESSs. donors to be linked in the However, the ESF instruments same way? can only addressed certain 2. The project should have clear documents inconsistency within document guidelines on the the scope of the project by use of, equipment, vehicles, bring them to meet the ESSs energy management, standards. ESF instruments communication cannot bring internal tools/technology (Lao government documents and telephone signal near the other donors documents into Chinese border is poor, the consistency. Chinese network signal is used) Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 37 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Feedback/Comment Remark No Stakeholders Issues/concerns raised by Project responses to Participants issues/concerns 3. There are many ethnic groups, 2. This point is also not an languages are not the same, element of ESF instrument. LSB the ESF toll should capture will updated it communication more of these issues and do guidelines to (i) meet WB ESS more research on ethnic requirements and (ii) local culture. suitability. Communication and 4. Health and safety of field staff. data collection guidelines will The project should develop include instruction on the use of guidelines/policy to check and project equipment, vehicles, etc approve all work before as part of POM. starting to implement the actual work in the field and 3. ethnic groups culture and must have a clear definition language barriers are addressed and work plan, including in the ESF instruments . budget, equipment, vehicle, etc. The local staff should be 4. Guidelines/policy to check trained to understand the use and approve all work before of equipment, properly starting to implement the actual manage e-waste in accordance work in the field, etc., are with ESF instructions. included in the project 5. There should be a clear management design will be timeline for the incorporate in POM, not an ESF implementation of work and element. ESF instruments are coordination between the design to address health and central level to provinces and safety during the local community. There should implementation. be guideline on how to appoint people to directly Technical training (on the how responsible for coordination. to use provided IT equipment, etc) is part of the project activities. e-waste management included in ESF 5. Coordination between the central level to provinces and local community is not element f ESF instrument, project institution arrangement and management included in project Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 38 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Feedback/Comment Remark No Stakeholders Issues/concerns raised by Project responses to Participants issues/concerns design and to be implemented under component 3 9 Representative from 1. In collecting statistics at the 1. confidentially and security of Vientiane Province’s local level, all employees information is included. The Law Statistic Center should have an ethic in on Statistics article 55 addresses concealing important this, and the communication information and must not guidelines to be developed by disclose information without the project will include this as permission well. 2. To collect statistical information in the provinces 2. Use of personal vehicles for and districts, most of the staff the project will not be use personal vehicles and encourage under the project. there is a risk of accidents in This is not an element of ESF the field, causing damage to instruments and the project will the property of the staff. address in the POM. 3. In addition, collecting statistics in remote areas is difficult to 3. Ethnic sensitivity and culture communicate with due to the appropriateness while large number of ethnic groups communicating with ethnic and all employees who go to groups is included in ESF collect statistics should respect instruments and will be the cultural traditions of each addressed in the ethnic group). Communication Guidelines 10 Representative 1. Inform the detailed 1. SEP provide communication from Huaphane implementation plan of the programme. Coordination Province’s Statistic project to the relevant parties mechanism will also be Center in detail, including the addressed in the project responsibilities of each party operation manual and under from the central level to the project management local level; component 3. 2. There should be had a guideline to carry out the 2. After project effective date, detailed implementation the project will develop an methods for uniformity in operation manual to be used by implementation, especially at the project across the country. the local level of the Lao Statistical Bureau because the 3. Allocation and management Provincial Statistics Center is of budget is addressed under integrated with the Provincial Component 3-Project Department of Planning and management Investment, as part of the Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 39 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Feedback/Comment Remark No Stakeholders Issues/concerns raised by Project responses to Participants issues/concerns Planning Department, the responsible statistical department should be included in the implementation plan; 3. Regarding the budget for the implementation in the past, the projects involved from the central level to the local level, most of the budget is spent at the central level, mostly at the local level and the people are still involved. 11 Representative 1. Agree with current ESF 2. Ethnic groups culture and from Champasack instruments language barriers are addressed Province’s Statistic 2. In Champassak province, it is in ESF instruments , especially Center difficult to collect statistics in SEP. Pakxong district because it rains Small young all year round and people rarely LSB will updated it entrepreneurs stay at home. Most people go communication guidelines to (i) (coffee) to the garden because they meet WB ESS requirements and grow cassava and (ii) local suitability. 3. Another problem is that the signal connection is problematic 2. This is not an element of ESF in Khong district because it is on instrument. Field equipment the Lao-Cambodian border, so like telephone and internet the telephone signal network is signal and use of vehicles will be often inaccessible. address in communication and 4. In addition, there have been data collection guidelines. difficulties due to COVID 19 4. ESF instruments are design virus disease outbreak, so the to address health and safety staff are not able to go to during the implementation. collect statistics on a regular Covid-19 measures are included basis). in ESMP 5. Information, including GRM 5. Project offers different should be made available to the channels for people to use people/public digitally. GRM. 12 Xiengkhouang 1. Don’t know where to get This is not an element of ESF Province’s information, Information, instrument. SEP addressed Statistic Center especially related to inclusive social engagement as employment opportunity well as information sharing. Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 40 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Feedback/Comment Remark No Stakeholders Issues/concerns raised by Project responses to Participants issues/concerns Xiengkhouang Small should be available at the young local level entrepreneurs (pig, 2. Local market prices chicken, fish and information should be agriculture made available to business products) and there should be instruction on how to get information with going to the department of Statistics Representative 1. Attention should be paid to 1. The project has worked and from UNDP identifying and synthesizing will continue working with different stakeholders as the different sectors/groups who project involves many parties in are both data contributors and the implementation of this users. Improve coordination project. Therefore, it is mechanism will be addressed necessary to have a detailed under Component 3-project plan for working together and management and this should be coordinate between the reflected in the project working groups, especially the operation manual. The ESF staff of the surveyors to collect instruments, SEP is addressing data to go to work in the field, effective and inclusive leading the ethnic people stakeholders’ engagement. (affected people) with different cultural traditions in remote Ethnic groups, sensitivity, 13 areas; culture diversity and language 2. The other side of this project is barriers are included in SEP and that it will have a positive will also addressed in various impact and bring many communication and data benefits, as secondary positive collection guidelines. impact (e.g. Enhance statistics can be used by and benefit to 2. The ESCP requires project to other stakeholders so it is a commit to implement ESF secondary positive impacts), if instruments. we can implement in accordance with the environmental and social framework instruments (ESMP, SEP and ESCP) of this project and will make the work of collecting statistical data Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 41 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Feedback/Comment Remark No Stakeholders Issues/concerns raised by Project responses to Participants issues/concerns effectively and efficiently according to the project goals. Gender for 1. In particular, the capacity The LSB communication and Development building project of the Lao data collection guidelines will Association Statistical Bureau, which is an incorporate gender important topic and has lenses/gender and ethnic identified the issue of gender groups sensitivities. mainstreaming in ethnic groups, our organization has been After project effective date and working, especially in the target after the recruitment of ESF areas of some provinces of Lao consultants, support by WB, PDR, so it is considered that gender/ethnic groups/culture 14 capacity training has been sensitivity training will be adapted for these target provided to project groups. Therefore, we would management team as part of like the project to provide ESF training. The project then further details, such as training will be responsible to provide on gender sensitivity in ethnic training to project staff and groups, particularly the survey/data collection team implementation and prior to mobilizing them to the coordination groups of this field. project. Lao Disabled 1. Would like to get clear and SEP address inclusive People’s Association detailed information about stakeholders’ engagement, (LDPA) people with disabilities because include People with Disability. people with disabilities have many forms (such as physical The detailed information on disabilities, visual impairments, type disabilities will be address ear and mouth and mental under Subcomponent 1.2 Social disabilities), in particular, the statistics. The project will 15 information on people with ensure type of disabilities are mental illness is very limited, so reflected in the Household would like to ask the Lao Survey Forms. Statistical Bureau to provide clear and accurate information on people with disabilities with age and gender about people with disabilities. Representative from 1. The statistical should include 1. Gender statistic are 16 UNFPA clear information about age, addressed under sex and gender for the Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 42 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Feedback/Comment Remark No Stakeholders Issues/concerns raised by Project responses to Participants issues/concerns household’s census and Subcomponent 1.2 Social population survey (the 2015 statistics was not as clear, hope that the Activity 1.2.4 Gender statistics 2025 is clearer, more comprehensive) 2. coordination mechanism will 2. Would like to all parties to be be addressed in the project involved in the implementation operation manual and under of this project. project management component 3. 17 Bank of Lao PDR) Agree with the current ESF instruments and the project 11. Resources and Responsibilities 11.1 Resources Supervised by LSB, the PCU will be in charge of organizing stakeholder engagement activities and provide the required technical support and assistance to undertake stakeholder engagement. A budget estimate of US$50,000 will be allocated to ensure effective implementation of SEP and stakeholder engagement activities. The estimated budget excludes the cost of human resources such as ESF consultants, which is included in the ESMP and it does not include consultations under different project components and sub-components, which are embedded in data collection, household inventory/surveys and various statistics-related activities. 11.2 Management and responsibilities of SEP The LSB will be directly responsible for coordinating and managing SEP. The project implementation team will be headed by the LSB’s deputy head and include project staff from the LSB departments. The LSB/PCU will take the lead on coordinating and communicating with all key stakeholders, such as MPI/LSB line departments, other relevant line ministries and national and international agencies and donors, as well as local communities and villages involved in the implementation of the project. The LSB will establish an E&S team. A qualified national consultant will be recruited to assist the project on all issues related to ESF instruments and in strengthening the LSB’ s capacity on E&S management. Assisted by the E&S consultant, the E&S team will take lead in consultations, information disclosure, reporting on grievance resolution, developing and updating ESF-related monitoring reports, and reporting to the project management team. Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 43 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) 12. Grievance Redress Mechanism The overall GRM is set out in this SEP. It has been updated and designed not only to meet the requirements of the ESS 10 but also to be in line with the Ministry of Justice’s directions on complaints and petitions. The project ESF consultants will communicated and train project staff on how to use the provided GRM systems under this project. The project ESF team will make sure that different GRM procedures, as specified below, are implemented in accordance with the instructions and it will be used under MPI/LSB throughout the project life cycle to: • record, categorize and prioritize grievances from project-affected stakeholders; • settle grievances via consultation with stakeholders (and inform those stakeholders of the resolution); and • forward unresolved cases to the relevant authority or specialist third-party service providers. This GRM is also applicable to grievances related to GBV, SEA/SH and VAC, although complainants can also choose to submit their complaints directly to GBV service providers, and/or the project can assist in referring the cases to service providers. In addition, a GRM designed specifically for labor workers is included LMP and in the ESMP. The GRMs are developed in a culturally appropriate and user-friendly way to be accessible for the diverse stakeholders. Prior to project implementation, training on GRMs will be provided to relevant stakeholders. The GRM is illustrated below in Diagram 1. The key principles of the grievance mechanism are to ensure that: • the basic rights and interests of all involved stakeholders, affected people, including ethnic groups, are protected • the concerns of stakeholders and affected people, including ethnic groups, arising from the project implementation process are adequately addressed • involved stakeholders and affected people, including ethnic groups, are aware of their rights to access grievance procedures free of charge for the above purposes. The purpose of the GRM is to resolve any complaints that may arise during the implementation of the project and to improve operational procedures or measures as appropriate to avoid similar issues arising in the future. The GRM is intended to address concerns and complaints promptly and transparently at no cost to the complainant and without discrimination for any reports made by project-affected people. The GRM works within the existing legal frameworks of the Lao PDR and does not preclude or prevent complainants from seeking independent recourse through the courts of law in the Lao legal system. The GRM utilizes existing redress mechanisms at community level, project level and judiciary level. The details of each of those components are described as follows. To ensure the GRM is readily accessible to beneficiaries and stakeholders, grievances can be submitted via multiple reporting channels. The grievance mechanism is illustrated in Diagram 1 below. All grievances received by all reporting channels shall be reported to and managed by a GRM registrar at the LSB under the Inspection Unit of the Department of Administration. The GRM registrar will be made available at the provincial and Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 44 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) central levels. The role of the GRM registrar is to maintain a centralized register of grievances, ensure grievances are referred to the appropriate authority for action and monitor outcomes. Upon receiving a report of a grievance, the GRM registrar will screen, categorize and prioritize the case. If the initial recipient (see ‘reporting channels’) has sufficient capacity, the case can be managed at that level. Otherwise, the GRM registrar will refer the case to a grievance committee at district, province or central level according to the risk, complexity and urgency of the grievance. If the case cannot be resolved, it will be escalated to the grievance committee at the next level until it reaches LSB/MPI. The GRM must respond to potential grievances on a variety of topics concerning different project components. A grievance shall be resolved as soon as practicable, and in any case, a grievance shall either be resolved or referred to the next level in the grievance mechanism within 10 to 15 working days of receipt. Diagram 1: Grievance mechanism Applicant Complaints Reporting channels ICT centers Central/Provinces Village/District Hotline Registration & Screening GRM Registrar LSB Coordination Moderate High Extreme Low Investigation & Resolution District Provincial LSB/MPI ICT Grievance Grievance Cabinet Center Director Committee Committee Escalation 12.1 Grievance mechanism for workers There will be a specific GRM for project workers, as per the process outlined below. This considers culturally appropriate ways of handling the concerns of project staff and contracted workers. Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 45 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Processes for documenting complaints and concerns have been specified, including time commitments to resolve issues. In addition, this GRM should be communicated to all relevant stakeholders (such as workers and the community where needed) as part of project engagement. Special communications will be held with the vulnerable groups identified at each location. All project workers will be informed of the grievance mechanism process as part of their contract and induction package. The process for the Worker GRM is as follows: • The first step is that the aggrieved person/party may report their grievance in person, by phone, text message, mail or email (including anonymously if required) to the contractor as the initial focal point for information and raising grievances. For complaints that were satisfactorily resolved by the aggrieved person/party or contractor, the incident and resultant resolution will be logged and reported to the LSB and concerned management. A person or party with a SEA/SH-related grievance should also use this channel as the starting point for information and raising grievances. Alternatively, the SEA/SH party may choose to go to the service provider engaged by the contractor. • As a second step, where the aggrieved person/party is not satisfied, the contractor will refer the aggrieved party to the LSB. Grievances may also be referred or reported to the LSB management if deemed suitable. The LSB endeavors to address and resolve the complaint and inform the aggrieved person/party within two weeks or less. For complaints that were satisfactorily resolved by the LSB, the incident and resultant resolution will be logged by the LSB. Where the complaint has not been resolved, the LSB will refer it to the project manager/director for further action or resolution. • As a third step, if the matter remains unresolved, or the aggrieved person/party is not satisfied with the outcome, the LSB should refer the matter to the Project Steering Committee for a resolution, which shall aim to resolve the grievance within three weeks or less. The LSB will log details of the issue and the resultant resolution status. A person or party with a SEA/SH-related grievance may choose to use this channel or go to the service provider engaged by the contractor or as needed by the grievance person. Up until the third stage, there will be no fees for the lodgment of grievances. However, if the complaint remains unresolved or the complainant is dissatisfied with the outcome proposed by the Project Steering Committee, the aggrieved person may refer the matter to the appropriate legal or judicial authority, at the complainant’s own expense. A court decision will be final. Each grievance record should be allocated a unique number, reflecting year and sequence of the received complaint (for example 2021-01, 2021-02 etc.). Complaint records (letter, email, record of Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 46 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) conversation) should be stored together, electronically or in hard copy. The GRM focal point under the PMU of the LSB will be responsible for undertaking a regular (at least monthly) review of all grievances to analyze and respond to any common issues arising. The LSB is also responsible for oversight of the GRM and regular reporting of the grievance status in regular project reports. 13. Monitoring and Reporting The E&S monitoring and reporting will be conducted periodically and routinely to avoid the occurrence of environmental and social risks in all improvement activities of the statistics system. The monitoring and reporting not only report on activities conducted in relation to stakeholder engagement in general but will also emphasize the risk prevention activities by the Project. This includes, for instance, the monitoring and reporting of ESF capacity-building events, engagement of different stakeholders at all levels — from the central to local village levels. More precisely, the monitoring and reporting will focus on consultation and communication on how and whether information or messages are communicated and delivered to involved stakeholders, project staff and the community involved. The Project will monitor and report on whether information that is designed to be communicated to different stakeholders, both statistical data contributors and/or users, is culturally appropriate, gender inclusive, and easy to understand by the public. The Project will also monitor and report on whether local ethnic group languages are used for non-Lao-speaking communities. Engagement and communication activities/topics may include, but are not limited to: - electronic waste management - safety and security/confidentiality in contributing and using the statistics data system - health and safety of project staff, workers, the community and data contributors/users - the Environmental and Social Code of Practice - labor management procedures - occupational health and safety measures - emergency-related actions and plans - GRM — how the project handles and addresses grievances - Codes of Conduct regarding GBV and Child Protection - incidence related to GBV/SEA/SH/VC The project will prepare quarterly, semi-annual and annual progress reports, as specified in the ESCP, and the reports will consist of the above-mentioned topics and will include: - activities conducted during each month - public outreach activities (meetings with stakeholders) - use of ethnic languages (material and interpreters) - entries in the grievance register - number of ESF capacity-building events - type of information developed and delivered Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 47 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) - plans for the next month and longer-term plans. These reports will form a part of the overall project progress reports and will also be disclosed to the public. 14. SEP Implementation Budget The total budget for implementing the SEP is roughly estimated to 50,000 USD and this only cover communication and implementation of the SEP, including the development and dissemination of ESF communication materials such posters especially on COC on SEA/SH and VAC, GRM, Data security, privacy and confidentiality. A separate budget is roughly estimated for and included in the ESMP, which covers budget for technical assistance from the ESF consultant/s, training on ESF and ESMF and monitoring missions on ES aspects. A budget estimate for SEP implementation is presented in Table 7 Detailed budgets will be prepared during preparation of annual workplans and project operation manual. Table 7. Estimated Budget for SEP Implementation. Project List of information Methods proposed Target Estimated stage to be disclosed stakeholders Budget ($) Total estimated budget 50,000 Human Recruitment of ESF Develop ToR for ESF All Included in Resources consultation consultants stakeholders ESMP during the Post advertisement in advertising various media sources period Project Update project’s Information leaflets, posters, All implementati ESF instruments and brochures, audio-visual stakeholders 15,000 on Develop and materials, social media and update LSB other direct communication communication channels guidelines such as emails, mobile/ Safety telephone calls, document/poster SMS, WhatsApp etc. development Codes of conduct Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 48 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Project List of information Methods proposed Target Estimated stage to be disclosed stakeholders Budget ($) Total estimated budget 50,000 Specific targeted Verbal communication Ethnic groups 15,000 communication: Ethnic groups language interpretation/ translation Feedback of Public notices: Electronic All project publications and press stakeholders 5000 consultations releases on the MPI/LSB websites; press releases in the local media (both print and electronic). GRMs and Information leaflets, posters, All 10,000 SEA/SH referral and brochures; audio-visual stakeholders assistance materials, social media and other direct communication channels such as email mobile/ telephone calls, SMS, WhatsApp etc. Development and installation of GRM databases at the PMU and CMUs Emergency/contingency 5,000 Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 49 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Annex 1: Form to Submit Grievances Grievance Form ID Number: ___________ Date Received: ___________ Complaints Received by (please check (√) the appropriate box): □ LSB central □ LSB ICT Service Centres □ Provincial □ District □ Village □ Hotline Complaint made via (please check (√) the appropriate box): □ In person □ Phone □ E-mail □ SMS □ Website □WhatsApp □Messenger □FaceBook □ Hotline □ Complaint Box / Other advice □ Community/Village Meeting □ Others______________ FULL NAME AND LAST NAME of Complainant (or Anonymous): ___________________________________________________________________ GENDER: □ Male □ Female AGE: _____________________________ CONTACT DETAILS (by post, by telephone, by e-mail, SMS, WhatsApp, Messenger, FaceBook): __________________________________________________________________________________ STATEMENT OF GRIEVANCE (Reason for complaint and activity leading to complaint. Please include as much details as possible to answer the following questions: (i) what happened, (ii) when did it happen, (iii) who did it happen to, (iv) what was the impact of what happened. Include additional information as needed/desired. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ______ __________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ REMEDY REQUESTED BY COMPLAINT: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ______ __________________________________________________________________________________ ___ SIGNATURE: _____________________ DATE: ________________________ FOR ADMIN USE ONLY: Grievance ID________________________ Registration Location:________________________________ Grievance Received by: Name and surname ______________________________Date:_______________ Action Taken or Required Next Steps: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 50 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Annex 2: Do and Don’t Guideline for GBV/SEA/SH/VC The following are basic things to do and not do in response to a reported incident of GBV/ SEA/SH/VC by someone associated with the Project. This document is intended to give interim guidance to project teams (e.g., LSB/PCU) while handling and referring the case. It does not replace comprehensive guidance or specialist expertise. Receiving the Disclosure DO DO NOT • Show the person empathy and compassion. • Do not judge. • Use a survivor-centre approach – this means • Do not show or communicate doubt or treating the survivor with dignity and respect, disbelief. making every effort to protect their safety and • Do not ask for details about their well-being, and not taking any actions without experience. their consent. • If translation/interpreting is needed, • Prioritize the survivor’s rights, needs and wishes request support from GBV service in all decisions. providers in finding an appropriate • Make sure that a safe, comfortable place is female interpreter. Do not recruit chosen for speaking to the survivor alone. someone from the local community. Services DO DO NOT • Give the survivor (or the person who reports the • Do not try to determine if the incident is GBV/SEA/SH incident) the best information that project-related or not before ensuring you have about GBV services (health, access to services – all survivors should psychosocial (including counselling, case receive care regardless of whether the management) police, justice) in your area. perpetrator is associated with the project (Include all kinds of relevant service providers – or not. government agencies, development organizations, non-government and civil society organizations.) Safety DO DO NOT • Take all possible steps to protect the safety of • Do not take any decisions or actions the survivor. without the permission of the survivor. Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 51 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) • Make adjustments to the schedule or location of the alleged perpetrator – or the survivor, if needed – to protect the survivor’s safety while an investigation is being conducted. • Involve a GBV service provider and/or specialist in the assessment of risk. Confidentiality DO DO NOT • Keep any identifying information in a locked • Do not share any information that can identify drawer or cabinet, and limit access to this the survivor with anyone (including members information. of the project team), without their direct permission. Support DO DO NOT • Seek specialist guidance as soon as possible. •Do not share any information that could be The WB task team has GBV specialists who used to identify the survivor or perpetrator in can support you. seeking support. • In seeking support, share ONLY non- • Do not encourage anyone associated with the identifying information. project to seek information or ask questions that may compromise confidentiality or put the survivor at risk. Informing the World Bank • All incidents of GBV must be reported • Do not share any information that could be through the LSB and must be reported to used to identify the survivor or perpetrator in the World Bank within 24-48 hours.5 seeking support. • Share ONLY non-identifying information. If available, share: o the type of incident; o age & sex of the survivor; 5The Environment and Social Incident Response Toolkit from WB’s Good Practice Note on Addressing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment (SEA/SH) in Investment Project Financing involving Major Civil Works, outlines the requirements for reporting SEA/SH cases and has a protocol that defines incidents using three categories. “Indicative� events are addressed within the Task Team and “Serious� events need to be elevated to the Country Manager/Director, Global Practice Manager, Social and Environmental Practice Managers, Relevant Program Leaders, and Environmental and Social Standards Advisor (previously called Regional Safeguards Advisor), who may then advise the appropriate Vice Presidents. Finally, a “Severe� event should be reported to the Vice Presidents by the Task Team within 24 -48 hours of notification. GBV incidents are classed as Severe events. Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 52 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) o whether the perpetrator is known to be associated with the project; o whether the survivor was referred to services. Annex 3: Referral pathway services for GBV-SEA/SH/VC A national and subnational coordination mechanism and referral pathway is in the process of being developed and is expected to be completed within 2020. This action is a result of cooperation between the LWU and the Governments of Australia and the United Kingdom to implement CEDAW. The pathway and referral mechanism is a critical piece of a working and responsive national system that aims to protect and respond to women and girl victims/survivors of violence in a timely manner and in times of crisis. A functioning referral pathway will allow victims/survivors of violence to access with ease the services available per sector and will improve coordination among the sectors. The collaboration will also invest in the positive role men and boys can play to prevent VAWC by rolling out in nine communities a manual on engaging men and boys for GBV prevention. Contact point: LWU +856 21312 253 – 211; 030 51185532; The United Nations Population Fund is taking the lead in providing support to establish an Essential Services Package (ESP) to GoL for gender equality and GBV prevention-related interventions. The ESP is a guidance tool that provides a coordinated set of essential and quality multisectoral services to be provided to all women and girls who have experienced GBV. It includes services that should be provided by the health, social services, police and justice sectors. The ESP translates international commitments on ending and responding to GBV into concrete actions to be implemented at the country level though a survivor-centered approach. The ESP is remarkable because it is the first global guideline to set out the coordinated quality service provision that survivors of violence should receive – everywhere and anywhere. Contact point: Ms. Sisouvan Vorabouth, Gender Program Analyst: Reachoutlaos: Mental and emotional hotline service available over Facebook 24/7 or telephone Sundays & Wednesdays 6–9 p.m. (English/Lao). Contact point: LSB Emergency Contact/Hotline: Lao Statistics Bureau Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 53 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Ministry of Planning and Investment Ban Dongnasok, Sikhotthabong District, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR Tel: + 856-21-214740; Fax: + 856-21-242022 E-mail: Web: Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 54 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Annex 4. List of Persons Met during ESF Preparation in March to May 2022 No. Name list Position Organization Environment and Social framework instruments (ESMP, SEP and ESCP) preparation/kick off meeting, dated 31/03/2022 (Video conference 1 Mr. Phetsavanh Head of Division, Social Lao Statistical Bureau Boutlasy Statistical Department (LSB) 2 Ms. Chanthapany Deputy of Division, LSB Mahathilard Administration Department 3 Ms. Vanhpheng Deputy of Division, LSB Phengsavath Statistical Management Department 4 Ms. Samta Sacktikhoun Technical, Social Statistical LSB Department 5 Ms. BangEon Technical, Statistical LSB Sibounheuang Management Department 6 Mr. Latsamy Technical, Administration LSB Phunngathong Department 7 Mr. Sipaseuth Navongsa Technical, Economic LSB Statistical Department 8 Mr. Khetsada Technical, Social Statistical LSB Phommachanh Department Second meeting with LSB at the LSB office, dated 13/05/2022 (Face to face) 9 Mr. Phousavanh Deputy of Administration LSB Chanthasombut Department 10 Ms. Chanthapany Deputy of Division, LSB Mahathilard Administration Department 11 Ms. Vanhpheng Deputy of Division, LSB Phengsavath Statistical Management Department Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 55 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) No. Name list Position Organization 12 Ms. BangEon Technical, Statistical LSB Sibounheuang Management Department 13 Mr. Latsamy Technical, Administration LSB Phunngathong Department 14 Mr. Sipaseuth Navongsa Technical, Economic LSB Statistical Department Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 56 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Annex 5. Photos and List of Participants in the National Consultation Workshop on 7 June 2022 57 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) List of Participants attended in person 58 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 59 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Revised Draft SEP, July 2022 Page 60 of 69 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) List of Online Participants, Morning Session 61 Ministry of Planning and Investment Lao Statistics Bureau The World Bank The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) List of Online Participants, Afternoon Session 62