F6R IMMEDIATE REL'"EASE ·~rEF~N =r10NAL BANK FOR =rRtJCTION AI\JD EVELO l\1 1818 H STREET, N.W., WASHINGTON D. C. 20433 TELEPHONE: EXECUTIVE 3-6360 Bank Press Release No. 69/23 Subject: $5 million loan for water May 7, 1969 supply systems in Cameroon A loan equivalent to $5 million, announced by the World Bank today, will finance about 70% of the cost of expanding the water supply systems in the twc largest cities in Cameroonr Yaounde, the Federal capital, and Douala, the prin- cipal port and the country's main business and industrial center. The expanskn. will nearly double the supply of water in the two cities, which should be suffi- cient to meet the demand for approximately 10 years. The loan will be made to the Societe Nationale des Eaux du Cameroun (SNEC)~ • a semi-public corporation responsible for water supply in Yaounde and Douala and ni.ne smaller cities. Th,~ loan will be for a term of 20 years including a three- year period of grace, with intexest at 6-1/2%. It will be guaranteed by The . Federal Republic of Cameroon. Since The Federal Republic. of Ca11,1eroon was established i,n 1961 there has been a subst.;antial migration fror.o. rura/JL areas to the towns and cities. Due to rapid urban growth, the COL'Ptry is faced with the need to expand water supply facilities in a number of towns. Because of their economic importance and re- curring water shortages in Yaounde and Douala, priority has been given to ex- panding the systems in th~se cities. In both cities only about a fifth of the \ - population live in houses supplied with trater; the remainder use public taps. 1 The expansion now being undertaken will enable SNEC to encourage new ionnections which it has been unable to do in the past, will assure adequate supplies for con-- • tinued ind,•,~strial growth, and will lessen the incidence of water-borne diseases as the cities become more crowded. /more ,... Ba.nk P.R .. No. 69/23 - Cameroon-Water • - 2 - Both cities take and treat water from nearby rivers. The waters of the Oibamba River near Douala are sufficient to meet all foreseeable demands. The flow of the Mefou River, which supplies Yaounde, is low during the dry season so the project includes the construction of an earth dam to create a storage reservoir. Otherwise the worlcs to be undertaken on the two systems ~re similar. At Douala they consist of an additional water treatment plant with a capacity of 22,500 cubic meters a day, reservoirs, distribution mains and ancillary facilities. At Yaounde they include an additional water treatment plant with a capacity of 16,000 cubic meter~ a day, a transmission line to Yaounde, and reservoirs, distribution mains and ancillary facilities. The project is scheduled for completion by early 1971 at a total cost ~ estimated at the equivalent of $7 million. In addition to the Bank loan, Caisse Centrale de Coe,perati0n Economique, a French agency, is lending the equivalent of $1.6 million for the project. The balance, equivalent to about $400,000, will be financed by SNEC from its own resources. - 0 - •