The World Bank                                                                                  Implementation Status & Results Report
           Ghana Secondary Cities Support Program (P164451)

Ghana Secondary Cities Support Program (P164451)

 WESTERN AND CENTRAL AFRICA | Ghana | Urban, Resilience and Land Global Practice | Requesting Unit: AWCW1 | Responsible Unit: SAWU1
 IBRD/IDA | Program-for-Results Financing | FY 2019 | Team Leader(s): Catherine Lynch, Smile Kwawukume, Su Jung Song

 Seq No: 9 | ARCHIVED on 11-Oct-2022 | ISR52956 | Created by: Martin Onyach-Olaa on 11-Sep-2022 | Modified by: Martin Onyach-Olaa on 06-

 Program Development Objectives

  PDO Table
  Program Development Objective (from Program Appraisal Document)
  to improve urban management and basic urban services in participating municipal assemblies

 Overall Ratings

 Name                                                                      Previous Rating                         Current Rating

 Progress towards achievement of PDO                                       Satisfactory                           Moderately Satisfactory
 Overall Implementation Progress (IP)                                      Moderately Satisfactory                Moderately Satisfactory

 Implementation Status and Key Decisions

  The Ghana Secondary Cities Support Program (P164451), was approved by the World Bank Board on September 25, 2018. The Financing
  Agreement (FA) signed on December 12, 2018 and the Program declared effective on February 5, 2018.
  The Program Mid Term Review (MTR) was conducted on March 4, 2022.
  Out of a total of GHC 330,715,632.00, an amount of GHC 222,190,300.00 (67.18 percent) has been disbursed as of July 31, 2022. Out of 117 UDG
  sub-project contracts, 61 contracts were completed. Some of the completed sub-projects include 7 urban markets, 11.18 km of stormwater drain, 1
  urban bus terminal, 18.83 km of urban roads, 5 km of pedestrian walkway and 2,109 streetlights installation.

 Data on Financial Performance

 Disbursements (by loan)

 Project       Loan/Credit/TF    Status      Currency        Original   Revised        Cancelled   Disbursed     Undisbursed             % Disbursed

 P164451       IDA-63190         Effective   USD             100.00      100.00             0.00       72.13            24.42                   75%

 P164451       IDA-71410                     USD             145.00      145.00             0.00        0.00           145.00                       0%

 Key Dates (by loan)

 Project        Loan/Credit/TF   Status      Approval Date       Signing Date     Effectiveness Date     Orig. Closing Date     Rev. Closing Date

 P164451        IDA-63190        Effective   25-Sep-2018         12-Dec-2018      05-Feb-2019            30-Jun-2024            30-Jun-2024
 P164451        IDA-71410                    08-Jun-2022         05-Sep-2022      --                     31-Dec-2025            31-Dec-2025

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          The World Bank                                                                                    Implementation Status & Results Report
          Ghana Secondary Cities Support Program (P164451)

 DLI Disbursement

                                                                                       Achievement       Disbursed amount in    Disbursement % for
 DLI ID      DLI Type    Description                  Coc           DLI Amount
                                                                                       Status            Coc                    DLI

 Loan: IDA63190-001

                          MAs have achieved CSG
  DLI 1      Regular                                  XDR           2,130,000.00       Fully Achieved          2,130,000.00                  100 %
                          MAs have scored =/> nat.                                     Partially
  DLI 2      Regular                                  XDR          23,320,000.00                              17,005,973.21                  73 %
                          avg. DPAT score                                              Achieved
                          MAs have achieved UPB
  DLI 3      Regular                                  XDR          29,650,000.00       Fully Achieved         29,649,999.94                  100 %
                          MAs have implemented
  DLI 4      Regular                                  XDR           8,890,000.00       Not Achieved                     0.00
                          AISD Targets
                          RCC have adopted & impl.                                     Partially
  DLI 5      Regular                               XDR              2,130,000.00                               1,278,000.00                  60 %
                          ACSP for MAs                                                 Achieved
                          DPAT/APA Results                                             Partially
  DLI 6      Regular                                  XDR           1,780,000.00                                 178,000.00                  10 %
                          Published by 1st Oct                                         Achieved
                          PF to MAs & Impl. of                                         Partially
  DLI 7      Regular                                  XDR           1,780,000.00                               1,068,000.00                  60 %
                          MLGRD/MDAs AWP                                               Achieved
                          RCCs & MAs staff & Impl.                                     Partially
  DLI 8      Regular                                  XDR           1,420,000.00                                 710,000.00                  50 %
                          of OHLGS ACBP                                                Achieved

 Loan: IDA71410-001

                          MAs have achieved CSG
  1          Regular                                  USD           3,500,000.00       Not Achieved                     0.00
                          minimum condition
                          MAs have scored =>
  2          Regular                                  USD          32,372,091.00       Not Achieved                     0.00
                          average DPAT score
                          MAs have achieved urban
  3          Regular                                  USD          77,790,746.00       Not Achieved                     0.00
                          performance benc
                          MAs implemented the
  4          Regular                                  USD          22,157,163.00       Not Achieved                     0.00
                          AISD Targets
                          RCC adopted their ACSP
  5          Regular                                  USD           2,880,000.00       Not Achieved                     0.00
                          for MAs
                          DPAT/APA reslts publishd
  6          Regular                                  USD           2,250,000.00       Not Achieved                     0.00
                          Oct 1 each FY
                          Implemt of
  7          Regular      MLGDRS/MDAs AWSP of         USD           2,250,000.00       Not Achieved                     0.00
                          ACBP to support
  8          Regular                                  USD           1,800,000.00       Not Achieved                     0.00
                          participating MAs & RCCs

 Program Action Plan

                               Hiring of a Social Development Specialist at the Program Execution level in addition to the current Environmental
  Action Description
                               Specialist under the LGCSP.

  Source                       DLI#                  Responsibility           Timing                    Timing Value            Status

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          The World Bank                                                                                 Implementation Status & Results Report
          Ghana Secondary Cities Support Program (P164451)

  Other                                              MLGRD                   Due Date               31-Jan-2019                Completed

  Completion Measurement       IVA contract.


                               Establishing the E&S Team of MMA with clear terms of reference comprising of (i) Safeguards Focal person; (ii) 2-3
  Action Description
                               team members preferably from the Engineering, Health and Social Welfare Units of MMAs

  Source                       DLI#                  Responsibility          Timing                 Timing Value               Status

  Environmental and Social
                                                     MMA, OHLGS              Due Date               31-Dec-2018                Completed

  Completion Measurement       Field verification.


  Action Description           Annual E & S performance review of MAs to validate existence of a functional E & S system and assess compliance.

  Source                       DLI#                  Responsibility          Timing                 Timing Value               Status

                                                     MLGRD, EPA,
  Environmental and Social
                                                     Independent             Recurrent              Continuous                 In Progress

  Completion Measurement       ToR for the performance review and annual performance review report.


                               Strengthen consultations, information disclosure and grievance redress by developing guidelines on consultations
  Action Description
                               and stakeholder engagement with support from the World Bank.

  Source                       DLI#                  Responsibility          Timing                 Timing Value               Status

  Other                                              MLGRD, MAs              Due Date               31-Dec-2018                Completed

  Completion Measurement       Guidelines on consultations and stakeholders engagement.


  Action Description           Coordination and implementation of gender related activities between the MGCSP, MLGRD, RCCs and the MAs

  Source                       DLI#                  Responsibility          Timing                 Timing Value               Status

  Technical                                          MLGRD, RCC, MAs         Recurrent              Yearly                     In Progress

                               (i) The dissemination of the gender strategy in 2022 or 2023 and provision of trainings/workshops for RCCs and MAs
  Completion Measurement       with CSOs and NGOs in 2023-2025. (ii) Gender activities documented in the annual progress report during Year 4-

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        The World Bank                                                                                  Implementation Status & Results Report
        Ghana Secondary Cities Support Program (P164451)


                             Improvement in MA revenue mobilization drive; Building capacity of MA revenue officers for improved IGF
  Action Description
                             mobilization and collection

  Source                     DLI#                  Responsibility          Timing                  Timing Value               Status

  Fiduciary Systems                                MoF, OHLGS, RCC         Recurrent               Continuous                 In Progress

  Completion Measurement     Increase in IGF


                             Training and capacity building for producing financial reports through GIFMIS; with Regional transaction processing
  Action Description         centers located at RCCs used by participating MAs that have no direct access to GIFMIS

  Source                     DLI#                  Responsibility          Timing                  Timing Value               Status

  Fiduciary Systems                                CAGD/GIFMIS             Recurrent               Semi-Annually              In Progress

                             Adoption and implementation of annual MLGRD/MDAs technical back-up support plan to support continuous
  Completion Measurement
                             development of accountants.


                             Enforce follow-up measures and address audit recommendations (internal and external) as per PFM Act 2016, Act
  Action Description         Strengthen internal audit units to effectively report financial improprieties

  Source                     DLI#                  Responsibility          Timing                  Timing Value               Status

                                                   MDAs, OHLGS,
  Fiduciary Systems                                                        Recurrent               Continuous                 In Progress
                                                   RCC, MAs

  Completion Measurement     Follow-up reports (statement of audit recommendation implementation)


                             Strengthen Audit Committees (ACs) in terms of training and capacity building on reviewing audit reports and following
  Action Description
                             up on recommendations.

  Source                     DLI#                  Responsibility          Timing                  Timing Value               Status

                                                   MoF, IAA, OHLGS,
  Fiduciary Systems                                                        Recurrent               Continuous                 In Progress
                                                   RCC, MAs

  Completion Measurement     Adoption and implementation of annual MLGRD/MDAs technical back-up support plan.

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          The World Bank                                                                                   Implementation Status & Results Report
          Ghana Secondary Cities Support Program (P164451)

                               Evidence of AC meetings to review audit recommendations.


                               Continuous M&E of procurement execution and contract performance, and undertake annual procurement
  Action Description

  Source                       DLI#                  Responsibility           Timing                  Timing Value               Status

                                                     MLGRD, PPA, RCC,
  Fiduciary Systems                                                           Recurrent               Continuous                 In Progress

  Completion Measurement       Procurement and contract performance tracking form


                               Generate and maintain up-to-date records of grievances received, treated, referred to other agencies. Prepare annual
  Action Description           grievance redress report, showing grievances received, proportion handled and cases referred to CHRAJ and other

  Source                       DLI#                  Responsibility           Timing                  Timing Value               Status

  Environmental and Social                           CHRAJ, MLGRD,
                                                                              Recurrent               Continuous                 In Progress
  Systems                                            MAs

                               Annual grievance redress report.
  Completion Measurement
                               Biannual CHRAJ report.


  Action Description           Develop grievance redress manual/guideline

  Source                       DLI#                  Responsibility           Timing                  Timing Value               Status

  Other                                              MLGRD                    Due Date                31-Dec-2019                Completed

  Completion Measurement       Grievance redress manual/guideline


                               Develop websites for participating MAs; Ensure publication of key fiscal information on notice boards
  Action Description

  Source                       DLI#                  Responsibility           Timing                  Timing Value               Status

  Other                                              MLGDRD                   Recurrent               Continuous                 In Progress

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        The World Bank                                                                                    Implementation Status & Results Report
        Ghana Secondary Cities Support Program (P164451)

                             (i) POM defines key fiscal information, (ii) MAs’ websites and notice boards with the key fiscal information published,
  Completion Measurement
                             (iii) document the status of websites and notice boards in annual progress report


  Action Description         All participating MAs appoint Audit committee members in accordance with the PFM Act 2016

  Source                     DLI#                   Responsibility           Timing                  Timing Value               Status

  Fiduciary Systems                                 MLGDRD, MAs              Recurrent               Continuous                 In Progress

  Completion Measurement     Annual Audit Committee report


                             Develop a robust E&S screening mechanism and management framework process using the GOG’s guidelines, and
  Action Description
                             ensure publication of key E&S documents on Ministry and MA websites.

  Source                     DLI#                   Responsibility           Timing                  Timing Value               Status

  Environmental and Social                          MLGDRD, EPA,
                                                                             Recurrent               Yearly                     In Progress
  Systems                                           MAs

                             Screening mechanism manual prepared and submitted to the Bank. E&S instruments disclosed on websites of the
  Completion Measurement
                             Ministry and MAs.

                             The E&S screening mechanism has been drafted by the client. AF ESSA has been disclosed on the Ministry’s
                             website, RAP disclosure notices are published on the notice boards of the MAs and RCCs,

                             Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) and Sexual Harassment (SH) response committee at the MA level to
  Action Description         proactively create a safe place for all gender-based violence related issues.

  Source                     DLI#                   Responsibility           Timing                  Timing Value               Status

  Environmental and Social
                                                    MLGDRD                   Recurrent               Yearly                     In Progress

                             First Minutes of Committee Meeting including the Committee composition satisfactory to the Bank
  Completion Measurement

  Comments                   SEA/SH committee reports yet to be shared with the Bank.

                             MOU with EPA Training Institute to develop and deliver training modules to MLGRD, EPA staff, RCCs, MMAs and
  Action Description         their E & S consultants: (i) Procurement procedures to manage relevant E&S risks; (ii) ESHS monitoring procedures
                             and reporting

  Source                     DLI#                   Responsibility           Timing                  Timing Value               Status

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            The World Bank                                                                                       Implementation Status & Results Report
            Ghana Secondary Cities Support Program (P164451)

  Environmental and Social
                                                         MLGDRD, EPA               Other                 Continuous                     In Progress

  Completion Measurement           Training modules developed and trainings delivered to the associated entities recorded in annual progress report


  Action Description               All Implementing Agencies to use the Ghana e-GP for the procurement under the Program

  Source                           DLI#                  Responsibility            Timing                Timing Value                   Status

                                                         MLGDRD, MAs,
  Fiduciary Systems                                                                Recurrent             Continuous                     In Progress

  Completion Measurement           Trained, onboarded and start using e-GP after the AF effectiveness



 Systematic Operations Risk-rating Tool

  Risk Category                                               Rating at Approval               Previous Rating               Current Rating

  Political and Governance                                    Moderate                        Moderate                     Substantial
  Macroeconomic                                               Substantial                     Substantial                  Substantial
  Sector Strategies and Policies                              Moderate                        Moderate                     Moderate
  Technical Design of Project or Program                      Moderate                        Low                          Moderate
  Institutional Capacity for Implementation and
                                                              Moderate                        Moderate                     Moderate
  Fiduciary                                                   Substantial                     Substantial                  Substantial
  Environment and Social                                      Substantial                     Substantial                  Substantial
  Stakeholders                                                Moderate                        Moderate                     Moderate
  Other                                                       --                               --                            --
  Overall                                                     Substantial                     Substantial                  Substantial

  Political and governance and technical design have been downgraded because of the many staff changes that have taken place in the MLGDRD
  and MAs and some incomplete BoQs for some of the sub-projects at the MAs level.
  Mitigation measures: For the staff transfer in MAs, the mission agreed with OHLGS to ensure that staff transfers are limited as much as possible to
  the Program MAs. The following measures will be taken to improve procurement and contract management issues: strengthened and delinking
  design review process from the design consultants to the MAs, enhanced supervision of supervision consultants by strengthening the oversight role
  of the MAs as the clients, and more active engagement of MA staff

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           The World Bank                                                                                   Implementation Status & Results Report
           Ghana Secondary Cities Support Program (P164451)


 PDO Indicators by Objectives / Outcomes

  To improve urban management and basic urban services in participating Municipal Assemblies
    ►People provided with improved urban infrastructure/services under the GSCSP (Number (Thousand), Custom)

                                     Baseline                    Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                            0.00                        777.00                       785.00                    2,050.00

    Date                             27-Jun-2018                 15-Apr-2022                  02-Sep-2022               31-Dec-2025
                                     This is to measure the cumulative number of direct beneficiaries provided with improved access to
    Comments                         infrastructure and services under the Program through Urban Development Grants. The target is set to
                                     benefit 40 percent of the population of Program Participating cities.
     of which female (Number (Thousand), Custom Breakdown)

                                   Baseline                     Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)           End Target

     Value                         0.00                        401.00                       404.00                     1,040.00

      Date                         27-Jun-2018                 15-Apr-2022                  02-Sep-2022                31-Dec-2025
    ►Composite annual average urban performance benchmark percentage score by Progam MAs (Percentage, Custom)

                                     Baseline                    Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                            0.00                        63.30                        63.30                     80.00

    Date                             27-Jun-2018                 12-Oct-2021                  02-Sep-2022               31-Dec-2023

                                     Average percentage score of institutional performance benchmarks (DLI3) that the participating sub-national
                                     entities have achieved

 Intermediate Results Indicators by Results Areas

  Results Area 1: Institutional Performance at Program MAs
    ►Program MAs with Municipal Structure Plans (15 years) (Number, Custom)

                                     Baseline                    Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                            0.00                        14.00                        14.00                     35.00

    Date                             27-Jun-2018                 15-Apr-2022                  02-Sep-2022               31-Dec-2025

    Comments                         This is to measure the number of participating MAs with Municipal Structure Plans (15 years).
    ►Program MAs with Municipal Local Plans covering at least 30% of the municipal area (Number, Custom)

                                     Baseline                    Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)          End Target

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           The World Bank                                                                                  Implementation Status & Results Report
           Ghana Secondary Cities Support Program (P164451)

    Value                            0.00                        23.00                       23.00                     35.00

    Date                             27-Jun-2018                 15-Apr-2022                 02-Sep-2022               31-Dec-2025

                                     This is to measure the number of Program participating MAs with local plans covering at least 30% of MA’s
                                     administrative boundary.
    ►Program MAs monitoring key municipal services (Number, Custom)

                                     Baseline                    Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                            0.00                        21.00                       21.00                     35.00

    Date                             27-Jun-2018                 15-Apr-2022                 02-Sep-2022               31-Dec-2025

                                     This is to measure the number of Program participating MAs that monitor key municipal services as defined
                                     and guided in the POM (linked to DLI 3 performance benchmark).
    ►MAs that execute at least 80 percent of their O&M budget (Number, Custom)

                                     Baseline                    Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                            0.00                        16.00                       16.00                     35.00

    Date                             27-Jun-2018                 15-Apr-2022                 02-Sep-2022               31-Dec-2025

                                     This is to measure the number of Program participating MAs that execute at least 80 percent of their O&M
    ►MAs with improved and up to date Revenue Administration (Computer-based) systems (Number, Custom)

                                     Baseline                    Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                            0.00                        22.00                       22.00                     35.00

    Date                             27-Jun-2018                 15-Apr-2022                 02-Sep-2022               31-Dec-2025

                                     This is to measure the number of Program participating MAs that have an improved and up to date Revenue
                                     Administration (Computer-based) systems, as defined and guided in the POM.
    ►MAs that satisfy at least 80% of the defined governance capacity criteria (Number, Custom)

                                     Baseline                    Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                            0.00                        13.00                       13.00                     30.00

    Date                             27-Jun-2018                 15-Apr-2022                 02-Sep-2022               31-Dec-2025

                                     This is to measure the number of Program participating MAs that satisfy at least 80% of the governance
                                     capacity criteria, defined in the POM
    ►MAs that implement at least 80% of the planned gender programs as per the annual action plan (Number, Custom)

                                     Baseline                    Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                            0.00                        13.00                       13.00                     35.00

    Date                             27-Jun-2018                 15-Apr-2022                 02-Sep-2022               31-Dec-2025

                                     This is to measure the number of Program participating MAs that implement at least 80% of the planned
                                     gender programs as per the annual action plan

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           The World Bank                                                                                      Implementation Status & Results Report
           Ghana Secondary Cities Support Program (P164451)

    ►MAs that implement climate/disaster urban resilience checklist at planning, designing, construction, and O&M stages (Text, Custom)

                                           Baseline                 Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)           End Target

    Value                              to be updated               n/a                           n/a                        35.00

    Date                               13-Mar-2022                 13-Mar-2022                   02-Sep-2022                31-Dec-2025
                                       This is to measure the number of Program participating MAs that implement climate and disaster urban
    Comments                           resilience checklist at planning, designing, construction, and O&M stages, as defined and guided in the

  Results Area 2: Infrstructure delivery
    ►Cumulative average urban infrastructure delivery percentage by Program MAs (Number, Custom)

                                           Baseline                 Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)           End Target

    Value                              0.00                        0.00                          44.58                      100.00

    Date                               27-Jun-2018                 12-Oct-2021                   02-Sep-2022                31-Dec-2025
                                       This is to measure cumulative average delivery rate of UDG infrastructure investments in the Program
                                       participating MAs. The indicator will be determined based on actual and cumulative delivery of infrastructure
                                       investments against annual delivery targets, the methodology of calculating delivery rate will be specified in
                                       the POM and the APA guideline.
    ►Urban roads built or rehabilitated using UDG (Text, Custom)

                                           Baseline                 Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)           End Target
                                                                                                                            Set as per
                                                                                                                            accumulated in work
    Value                              0.00                        17.31 km                      18.83 km
                                                                                                                            plans for Program
    Date                               27-Jun-2018                 15-Apr-2022                   02-Sep-2022                31-Dec-2025

    Comments                           This is to measure the cumulative km of roads rehabilitated/constructed under the Program
    ►Municipal local economic infrastructure built or rehabilitated using UDG (Text, Custom)

                                           Baseline                 Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)           End Target
                                                                                                                            Set as per
                                                                                                                            accumulated in work
    Value                              0.00                        7.00                          9.00
                                                                                                                            plans for Program
    Date                               27-Jun-2018                 15-Apr-2022                   02-Sep-2022                31-Dec-2025

                                       This is to measure the number of municipal local economic infrastructure built or rehabilitated under the
    ►Drains built or rehabilitated using UDG (Text, Custom)

                                           Baseline                 Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)           End Target
                                                                                                                            Set as per
                                                                                                                            accumulated in work
    Value                              0.00                        10.39                         11.19
                                                                                                                            plans for Program

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           Ghana Secondary Cities Support Program (P164451)

    Date                             27-Jun-2018                 15-Apr-2022                   02-Sep-2022               31-Dec-2025

    Comments                         This is to measure the km of drains built or rehabilitated under the Program
    ►Public parks and greenery built or rehabilitated using UDG (Text, Custom)

                                      Baseline                    Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)          End Target
                                                                                                                         Set as per
                                                                                                                         accumulated in work
    Value                            0.00                        0.00                          2.00
                                                                                                                         plans for Program
    Date                             27-Jun-2018                 15-Apr-2022                   02-Sep-2022               31-Dec-2025

    Comments                         This is to measure the cumulative area of green parks constructed/rehabilitated under the Program.
    ►Satisfaction of beneficiaries with improved access to infrastructure and services supported by the Program (Text, Custom)

                                      Baseline                    Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                            to be updated               n/a                           n/a                       to be determined

    Date                             15-Apr-2022                 15-Apr-2022                   02-Sep-2022               31-Dec-2025
                                     This is to measure the satisfaction of the beneficiaries with improved access to infrastructure and services
                                     supported by the Program. The baseline will and the end target will be established by the 2022 satisfaction
                                     survey. The final satisfaction survey in 2025 will measure the success of the indicator. Baseline survey is
                                     planned as soon as the Program fund disburse after the effectiveness. The ToR is drafted and the baseline
                                     study will be completed within the first half of 2023.

  Results Area 3: Regional and National Government Support to MAs
    ►RCCs Annual Capacity Support Plans for MAs implemented (Percentage, Custom)

                                      Baseline                    Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                            0.00                        86.90                         86.90                     100.00

    Date                             27-Jun-2018                 15-Apr-2022                   02-Sep-2022               31-Dec-2025

    Comments                         This is to measure the percentage implementation of RCCs Annual Capacity Support Plans
    ►OHLGS Annual Capacity Building Plan implemented (Percentage, Custom)

                                      Baseline                    Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                            0.00                        100.00                        100.00                    100.00

    Date                             27-Jun-2018                 15-Apr-2022                   02-Sep-2022               31-Dec-2025

    Comments                         This is to measure the percentage implementation of OHLGS Annual Capacity Building Plan
    ►MLGRD/MDAs approved Annual Workplan implemented (Percentage, Custom)

                                      Baseline                    Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)          End Target

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           The World Bank                                                                                  Implementation Status & Results Report
           Ghana Secondary Cities Support Program (P164451)

    Value                              0.00                      95.00                       95.00                     100.00

    Date                               27-Jun-2018               15-Apr-2022                 02-Sep-2022              31-Dec-2025

   Comments                       This is to measure the implementation rate of MLGRD/MDAs approved Annual Workplan
   ►Improved Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfer System (IGFTS) adopted with timely allocation and publication of UDGs to MAs (Text,

                                       Baseline                   Actual (Previous)          Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                              -                         Dec 16, 2021                To be updated             October 1 of 2024

    Date                               27-Jun-2018               31-Dec-2021                 02-Sep-2022              31-Dec-2024

                                       This is to measure whether improved Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfer System (IGFTS) adopted with
                                       timely allocation and publication of UDGs to MAs

 Disbursement Linked Indicators
    ►DLI 1 Extent to which Participating Municipal Assemblies have achieved Capacity Support Grant (CSG) Minimum Conditions (Output,
   7,168,844.00, 42%)

                                Baseline                       Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)             FY 24

    Value                       0.00                           3,000,000.00                3,000,000.00                 0.00

    Date                        --                             15-Apr-2022                 02-Sep-2022                  --


   ►DLI 2 Extent to which Participating Municipal Assemblies have scored equal to or above the national average DPAT Score (Intermediate
   Outcome, 55,953,782.00, 43%)

                                Baseline                       Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)             FY 24

    Value                       0.00                           23,951,000.00               23,951,000.00                35.00

    Date                        --                             15-Apr-2022                 02-Sep-2022                  --


   ►DLI 3 Extent to which Participating Municipal Assemblies have achieved Urban Performance Benchmarks Targets (Intermediate Outcome,
   145,446,570.00, 29%)

                                Baseline                       Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)             FY 24

    Value                       0.00                           41,762,000.00               41,762,000.00                80.00

    Date                        --                             15-Apr-2022                 02-Sep-2022                  --


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           The World Bank                                                                                Implementation Status & Results Report
           Ghana Secondary Cities Support Program (P164451)

   ►DLI 4 Extent to which Participating Municipal Assemblies have implemented the Annual Infrastructure Service Delivery Target
   (Intermediate Outcome, 22,157,163.00, 0%)

                                Baseline                      Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)            FY 24

    Value                       0.00                          0.00                        0.00                        90.00

    Date                        --                            13-Mar-2022                 02-Sep-2022                 --


   ►DLI 5 Regional Coordinating Councils have adopted and implemented their Annual Capacity Support Plans (ACSP) for MAs. (Output,
   4,652,166.00, 27%)

                                Baseline                      Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)            FY 24

    Value                       0.00                          1,800,000.00                1,800,000.00                16.00

    Date                        --                            13-Mar-2022                 02-Sep-2022                 --


    ►DLI 6 DPAT/APA Assessments Results Published by October 1 of each FY (Output, 3,105,975.00, 8%)

                                Baseline                      Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)            FY 24

    Value                       -                             250,000                     250,000                     October 1

    Date                        --                            13-Mar-2022                 02-Sep-2022                 --


   ►DLI 7 Timely Allocation and Release of Program Funds to Municipal Assemblies; and Implementation of MLGRD/MDAs Annual Workplan
   to support Participating MAs (Output, 3,730,965.00, 40%)

                                Baseline                      Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)            FY 24

    Value                       -                             1,500,000                   1,500,000                   Yes

    Date                        --                            13-Mar-2022                 02-Sep-2022                 --


   ►DLI 8 Key RCCs and MAs staff have been assigned and OHLGS Annual Capacity Building Plan (ACBP) to support Particpating MAs and
   RCCs has been implemented (Output, 2,784,536.00, 36%)

                                Baseline                      Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)            FY 24

    Value                       No                            1,000,000                   1,000,000                   Yes

    Date                        --                            13-Mar-2022                 02-Sep-2022                 --

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        The World Bank                                     Implementation Status & Results Report
        Ghana Secondary Cities Support Program (P164451)


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