OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS THE WORLD BANK IBR IDA I WORLD BANK GROUP OZAN SEVIML( Country Manager World Bank Office, Tajikistan Date: t Mr. Faiziddin Qahhorzoda Minister of Finance Ministry of Finance 3, Akademikov Rajabovyh Street Dushanbe, 734025 Republic of Tajikistan Re: IDA Grant No. E1010-TJ Additional Financing for Power Utility Financial Recovery Program Additional Instructions: Disbursement and Financial Information Letter Excellency: I refer to the Financing Agreement between Republic of Tajikistan (the "Recipient") and the International Development Association (the "Association") for the above-referenced Program. The General Conditions, as defined in the Financing Agreement, provide that the Recipient may from time to time request withdrawals of Grant amounts from the Grant Account in accordance with the Disbursement and Financial Information Letter, and such additional instructions as the Association may specify from time to time by notice to the Recipient. The General Conditions also provide that the Disbursement and Financial Information Letter may set out Program specific financial reporting requirements. This letter constitutes such Disbursement and Financial Information Letter ("DFIL"), and may be revised from time to time. I. Disbursement Arrangements, Withdrawal of Grant Funds, and Reporting of Uses of Grant Funds. (i) Schedule 1. The table in Schedule I sets out the disbursement methods which may be used by the Recipient, information on registration of authorized signatures, processing of withdrawal applications, and instructions on documentation and reporting of advances. (ii) Withdrawal Application. Applications for withdrawal from the Grant Account ("Withdrawal Applications") of amounts of the Grant allocated to individual Disbursement Linked Results ("DLR") may, pursuant to the provisions of Section IV of Schedule 2 of the Financing Agreement, be sent to the Association at any tine after the Association has notified the Recipient in writing that it has accepted evidence of achievement of the specific DLR. (iii) Withdrawal Amount. The Withdrawal Application may be for an amount not to exceed the amount of the Grant confirmed by the Association for the specific DLR in respect of which the withdrawal is requested, as specified in the Association's notice to the Recipient. (iv) Advances and Recovery of Advances. The Recipient may, in accordance with provisions of the Financing Agreement, request advances of amounts of the Grant allocated to DLIs that have not yet been achieved using the Form attached (Attachment 2). The Association records an amount of the advance as disbursed for an achieved DLR ("recovered") after it has notified the Recipient of its acceptance of the evidence of achievement of the DLR for which the advance was provided. The amount so reclassified becomes available for further advances in accordance with the preceding paragraph. (vi) Electronic Delivery. Section 11.01 (c) of the General Conditions. The Association may permit the Recipient to electronically applications (with supporting documents) through the Association's web-based portal (https:f/ "Client Connection". This option may be effected if the officials designated in writing by the Recipient who are authorized to sign and deliver Applications have registered as users of "Client Connection". The designated officials may deliver Applications electronically by completing the Form 2380, which is accessible through "Client Connection". By signing the Authorized Signatory Letter, the Recipient confirms that it is authorizing such persons to accept Secure Identification Credentials (SIDC) and to deliver the Applications and supporting documents to the Association by electronic means. The Recipient may continue to exercise the option of preparing and delivering Applications in paper form. The Association reserves the right and may, in its sole discretion, temporarily or permanently disallow the electronic delivery of Applications by the Recipient. By designating officials to use SIDC and by choosing to deliver the Applications electronically, the Recipient confirms through the authorized signatory letter its agreement to: (a) abide by the Terms and Conditions of Use of Secure Identification Credentials in connection with Use of Electronic Means to Process Applications and Supporting Documentation, available in the Association's public website at and "Client Connection"; and (b) to cause such official to abide by those terms and conditions. II. Financial Reports and Audits. Section 5.09 of the General Conditions. Audits. Each audit of the Program and Entity (PT, SIB and STB) Financial Statements must cover the period of one fiscal year of the Recipient, commencing with the fiscal year in which the first withdrawal was made. The audited Financial Statements for each such period must be furnished to the Association not later than six (6) months after the end of such period. III. Other Important Information. For additional information on disbursement arrangements, please refer to the Loan Handbook available on the Association website ( and "Client Connection". The Association recommends that you register as a user of "Client Connection". From this website you will be able to prepare and deliver Applications, monitor the near real-time status of the Grant, and retrieve related policy, financial, and procurement information. For more information about the website and registration arrangements, or if you have any queries in relation to the above, please contact the Association by email at AskLoans@i WorldBank.or using the above reference. Yours sincerely, Ozan Sevimli Country Manager World Bank Office, Tajikistan Attachments 1. Form of Authorized Signatory Letter (ASL) 2. Form of Request for Advances Cc with copics: Ministry of Energy and Water Resources (MEWR) Barqi Tojik (BT) Shabakahoi Intiqoli Barq (SIB) Shabakahoi Taqsimoti Barq (STB) о ;.� �, � � � � о � •а у � .� � � � ? {i � F "J гч � У�. У � Q о � сС •--� U Ci �7' J Cr С4 аа � Е д � � и о �✓,' 'U. о .гv U.... � д а? G � � � v а � ,� . �,� к � �� U й� гл -о с с г,��, .�. v*. � � � л С9 � ,✓ г� и.��. и .� +°J.� n,�j sC у ° ! � � q � и � �� А �, �, � � с � � •� а ,� г�1 ,��. � � •_6 й_ b А -J J �� й U G�А О•� '�� V<С �С �:. у, � г� у � Q :Л �R ,S� . С:,� ,�.Л.. � , [у С' .г'у q + `t: .� � Ч� Е й c�i .� о ° 7 •� 3 ° о e�i � `� ,� � .� _� о � А � .� �� ,: � �. � f � о � � ^ ,с у � � �, s U а ,. �� w �;;, �' v L fi � �°-, � � �' � Q � � '� � ..` � � "� � .�4 ,� га С� � � и г� С `3 G . � fi � � � м � � t", � �' �,' �А � © и �, са сС � J� ...... о � ✓) � ..� _� С.' 4�-а �.. 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'.� �. о � о � i � � г� z � � aLi L `а •,,��„ < � � � �, � .С 4=' `" �р- ь +' •й 'д � � � А � •` � J � •О � sб сд � 'v ,,,� "-' � С'�' ? � Г-' Q �.. .--1 'б ^ � С� �L � N Attachment 1: Form of Authorized Signatory Letter ASL) [Letterhead] Ministry of Finance [Street addressj The World Bank Radnicka cesta 80, 9th floor Zagreb, HR- 10000, Croatia Attention: Loan Department (WFACS) Re: IDA Grant No. E1010-Tj Additional Financing for Power Utility Financial Recovery Program I refer to the [Grant] [Credit] Agreement ("Agreement") between the International Development Association (the -Association")[, acting as implementing of the ]i and [nanle of recipientl (the "Recipient"), dated - providing the above [Grant] [Creditl. For the purposes of Section 2.03 of the General Conditions as defined in the Agreement, any 2[one] of the persons whose authenticated specimen signatures appear below is authorized on behalf of the Recipient to sign applications for withdrawal [and applications for a special commitment] under this [Grant] [Credit]. For the purpose of delivering Applications to the Association, including bv electronic means, '[each] of the persons whose authenticated specimen signatures appears below is authorized on behalf of the Recipient, acting 4 [individually] 5[jointly], to deliver Applications, and evidence in support thereof on the terms and conditions specified , Association. This confirms that the Recipient is authorizing such persons to acceptsecure Identification Credentials (SIDC) and to deliver the Applications and supporting documents to the Association bv electronic means. In full recognition that the Association shall rely upon such representations Instruction to the Recipient: add text in line with the Grant Agreement if applicable-, if not applicable delete it. Please delete this./boinote in final letter that is sent to the Associations 2 Instruction to the Recipient: stipulate if more than one person needs to sign Applications, and how many or which positions, and if any thresholds apply. Please delete 1hisjboinote in final letter thai is sent to the Association. 3 Instruction to the Recipient: stipulate if niore than one person needs tojointly sign Applications, if so, please indicate the actual number. Please delete thisfbotnote infinal letter thai is sent to the Associulion, 4 Instruction to the Rccipienu use this bracket if any one of the authorized Persons may sign; if this is not applicable, please delete. Please Mete this./botnote in final letter that is 6ent to thcAysociation. 5 Instruction to the Recipienc use this bracket o" if se ,eral individuals mustjointly sign each Application if this is not applicable, please delete. Plcase delete thisfootnole infinalletter that is sent to MeAssociation. and warranties, including without limitation, the representations and warranties contained in the Terms and Conditions of Use of Secure Identification Credentials in connection with Use of Electronic Means to Process Applications and Supporting Documentation ("Terms and Conditions of Use of SIDC"), the Recipient represents and warrants to the Association that it will cause such persons to abide by those terms and conditions. This Authorization replaces and supersedes any Authorization currently in the Association records with respect to this Agreement. [Name], [position] Specimen Signature: [Name], [position] Specimen Signature: [Name], [position] Specimen Signature: Yours truly, / signed / [Position] Attachment 2: Form of Request for Advances [Letterhead] Ministry of Finance/Implementing Entity [Street address] [Date] The World Bank Radnicka cesta 80, 9th floor Zagreb, HR-10000, Croatia Attention: Loan Department (WFACS) Re: IDA Grant No. E1O1O-TJ Additional Financing for Power Utility Financial Recovery Program Dear Sir/Madam, We refer to the [Grant] [Financing] Agreement between the Association (the -Association") and [insert the name of the Recipient] (the "Recipient") dated [insert date] providing for the above [Grant] [Credit]. In accordance with the provisions of the Disbursement Letter and Schedule _, Section of the [Grant][Financingl Agreement, to support the implementation of the above Program and to facilitate the achievement of the planned results, we request an Advance in the amount of [insert amount] [We request that the Advance be disbursed in [currency requested /br disbursement] equivalent to the Total Advance Requested above.]2 We acknowledge that the amount disbursed will be charged to the [Grant][Credit] Account in the currency of the Financing at the rate of exchange in effect at the time of disbursement. Sincerely, [insert Name, and Position] The Proposed Advance should be in the currency of the DLI/DLR as set out in the disbursement table in the [Grant]jFinancing] Agreement, and in accordance with provisions in the Disbursement and Financial Information Letter. Normally, this is the currency of commitment of the JGrant][Creditj. 2 Use this text to designate the currency of the Advance if it should be different from the currency set out in the disbursement table in the [Grant][Financing] Agreement.