The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Guyana Education Sector Improvement Project (P159519) Guyana Education Sector Improvement Project (P159519) LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN | Guyana | Education Global Practice | IBRD/IDA | Investment Project Financing | FY 2017 | Seq No: 9 | ARCHIVED on 22-Dec-2021 | ISR49683 | Implementing Agencies: Co-operative Republic of Guyana, Ministry of Education Key Dates Key Project Dates Bank Approval Date: 28-Apr-2017 Effectiveness Date: 08-Aug-2017 Planned Mid Term Review Date: 30-Oct-2020 Actual Mid-Term Review Date: 23-Oct-2020 Original Closing Date: 30-Apr-2023 Revised Closing Date: 30-Apr-2023 pdoTable Project Development Objectives Project Development Objective (from Project Appraisal Document) The objectives of the Project are to: (i) improve teaching practices and student achievement in mathematics at the primary level in selected schools; and (ii) strengthen the teaching capacity and improve the learning environment of the University of Guyana Faculty of Health Science. Has the Project Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Project Objective? No Components Table Name Component 1: Integrated Curriculum Reform.:(Cost $5.36 M) Component 2: Strengthening the Teaching Capacity and Improving the Learning Environment for the University of Guyana Faculty of Health Sciences.:(Cost $6.91 M) Component 3: Project Implementation Support.:(Cost $1.06 M) Overall Ratings Name Previous Rating Current Rating Progress towards achievement of PDO Satisfactory Moderately Satisfactory Overall Implementation Progress (IP) Moderately Satisfactory Moderately Satisfactory Overall Risk Rating Moderate Moderate Implementation Status and Key Decisions The Project continues to progress despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Under Component 1, Integrated Curriculum Reform, writing of the new curricula is complete for all grades apart from Nursery 2 which is in draft format. The Project supported the development of guidance for teachers on curriculum prioritization in grades 1-9 in the context of the pandemic. Activities related to the piloting of a comprehensive student assessment system has progressed well and the PIU and MOE are collaborating closely with Cyril Potter College to incorporate the renewed curriculum to the pre-service teacher training. Under Component 2, the evaluations for bids for the University of Guyana Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) building has been finalized and the highest scored bid awaits signing. Given the challenges due to the pandemic, cancellation of the National Grade 2 Exam, and delay in project implementation, the Project will be restructured. 12/22/2021 Page 1 of 8 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Guyana Education Sector Improvement Project (P159519) Risks Systematic Operations Risk-rating Tool Risk Category Rating at Approval Previous Rating Current Rating Political and Governance Low Moderate Moderate Macroeconomic Moderate Moderate Moderate Sector Strategies and Policies Moderate Moderate Moderate Technical Design of Project or Program Moderate Moderate Moderate Institutional Capacity for Implementation and Moderate Moderate Moderate Sustainability Fiduciary Moderate Moderate Moderate Environment and Social Moderate Low Low Stakeholders Substantial Moderate Moderate Other -- Substantial Substantial Overall Moderate Moderate Moderate Results PDO Indicators by Objectives / Outcomes Improve teaching practices and student achievement in primary-level mathematics at selected schools IN01083207 ►PDO 1: Percentage of students with “approaching standard” or “attained standard” in numeracy in the National Grade Two Assessment. (Percentage, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 56.00 50.00 50.00 59.00 Date 31-Dec-2016 20-Apr-2021 13-Dec-2021 30-Apr-2023 The national exam for Grade 2 in Guyana has been cancelled. Furthermore the examinations data for children approaching or meeting the standards in Grade 2 numeracy proved to be more variable than expected due to year-to-year differences in the examinations. The data for 2018 exceeded the final Comments: targets, while the values for 2019 were below baseline. PDO indicator 1 will be revised during the restructuring of the Project to account for these changes, beyond the control of the Project. IN01083209 ►PDO 1: Percentage of students with “approaching standard” or “attained standard” in numeracy in the National. Grade Two Assessment (Girls) (Percentage, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target 12/22/2021 Page 2 of 8 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Guyana Education Sector Improvement Project (P159519) Value 60.00 54.00 54.00 63.00 Date 31-Dec-2016 20-Apr-2021 13-Dec-2021 30-Apr-2023 The national exam for Grade 2 in Guyana has been cancelled. Furthermore the examinations data for children approaching or meeting the standards in Grade 2 numeracy proved to be more variable than expected due to year-to-year differences in the examinations. The data for 2018 exceeded the final Comments: targets, while the values for 2019 were below baseline. PDO indicator 1 will be revised during the restructuring of the Project to account for these changes, beyond the control of the Project. IN01083210 ►PDO 1: Percentage of students with “approaching standard” or “attained standard” in numeracy in the National Grade Two Assessment (Boys). (Percentage, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 51.00 45.00 45.00 54.00 Date 31-Dec-2016 20-Apr-2021 13-Dec-2021 30-Apr-2023 The national exam for Grade 2 in Guyana has been cancelled. Furthermore the examinations data for children approaching or meeting the standards in Grade 2 numeracy proved to be more variable than expected due to year-to-year differences in the examinations. The data for 2018 exceeded the final Comments: targets, while the values for 2019 were below baseline. PDO indicator 1 will be revised during the restructuring of the Project to account for these changes, beyond the control of the Project. IN01083211 ►PDO 2: Increase in the percentage of pilot school teachers meeting standards in student-centered teaching practices. (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value TBD in 2018. 22% 22% +10% Date 31-Dec-2016 20-Apr-2021 13-Dec-2021 30-Apr-2023 Three rounds of observations using the Teach instrument are now complete. The standard for "student- centered practices" has been defined by the Ministry of Education as an average score of 3.5 or higher (5- point scale) on the Instruction elements of the Teach instrument (Lesson Facilitation, Checking for Understanding, Feedback, and Critical Thinking). The baseline from these observations in pilot schools, conducted in Term 3 of 2019, was 7 percent. Follow-up observations in Term 1 and Term 2 of the 2019-2020 school year found 21 percent and 29 Comments: percent of teachers, respectively, meeting the standard. Since the indicator is worded as the "increase" in pilot school teachers meeting the standards, values of the indicator are reported as the difference between the most current percentage of pilot schools meeting the standards and the baseline of 7 percent. At last measurement, results exceeded the end-target. The target of PDO 2 related to improvement in Teach scores will be increased to +20% rather than +10%, given that the target was already reached in the first year of observation. Strengthen the teaching capacity and improve the learning environment of the UG FHS IN01083208 ►PDO 3: Medicine program at the University of Guyana meets CAAM-HP accreditation criteria for course delivery, student performance assessment and facilities. (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target All three criteria in All three criteria in progress/partially met: 23 progress/partially met: Value Criteria are not met. of 70 faculty members 39 of 70 faculty Criteria are met. completed University of members completed Michigan course (course University of Michigan 12/22/2021 Page 3 of 8 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Guyana Education Sector Improvement Project (P159519) delivery); assessment course (course strategy complete and delivery); assessment being implemented strategy complete and (student assessment); being implemented construction to begin in (student assessment); 2021 (facilities). construction to begin in 2021 (facilities). Date 31-Dec-2016 20-Apr-2021 13-Dec-2021 30-Apr-2023 Intermediate Results Indicators by Components Component 1: Integrated Curriculum Reform. IN01083212 ►IRI 1: Curriculum framework developed. (Yes/No, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value No Yes Yes Yes Date 31-Dec-2016 20-Apr-2021 13-Dec-2021 30-Apr-2023 IN01083214 ►IRI 2: Core subjects' curricula revised. (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Grades 1-9 and Grades 1-4 curriculum All core subjects Value No Nursery 1 curriculum revised revised revised Date 31-Dec-2016 20-Apr-2021 13-Dec-2021 30-Apr-2023 In the original design, this indicator was intended to track progress by academic subject. However, the sequencing of the curriculum revisions is now by grade level instead of subject. To ensure comparability of actual progress to the initial design of the results framework, the team will in these comments report on the percentage of the total curriculum actually revised against the percentage implied by the original Comments: target. As of December 6, 2021, All grades (1-9 and Nursery 1) has been completed apart from Nursery 2, which is in draft format. The intermediate target from the original results framework is two subjects out of four by August 2021 (i.e. 50 percent), which the Project have achieved. IN01083216 ►IRI 3: Nursery curriculum revised. (Yes/No, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value No No No Yes Date 31-Dec-2016 20-Apr-2021 13-Dec-2021 30-Apr-2023 The curriculum for Nursery 1 has been fully revised and is in a draft format for Nursery 2. Progress Comments: towards achieving this target is on track. IN01083218 ►IRI 4: Teachers trained in the new curriculum. (Number, Custom) 12/22/2021 Page 4 of 8 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Guyana Education Sector Improvement Project (P159519) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 533.00 961.00 6,500.00 Date 31-Dec-2016 20-Apr-2021 13-Dec-2021 28-Feb-2023 The target for IRI 4 will be revised under the restructuring of the Project to reflect the teacher population in Comments: the pilot schools. IN01083220 ►IRI 5: Mathematics and English learning assessments aligned with the revised curriculum (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Diagnostic Assessment developed as COVID repurposed MindBloom's Mathematics and Thirty (30) NCERD staff objectives. Math & English learning Value No trained on the design of Language assessments aligned examination items. assessments were to the revised revised for Grades 1-9. curriculum. Thirty (30) NCERD staff trained on the design of examination items. Date 31-Dec-2016 20-Apr-2021 13-Dec-2021 30-Apr-2023 IN01083222 ►IRI 6: Impact Evaluation on teaching practices. (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target The results from the Baseline information is Baseline information is Impact Evaluation on Value IE not developed. collected. collected. teaching practices are analyzed. Date 30-Dec-2016 20-Apr-2021 13-Dec-2021 30-Apr-2023 Given delays in the curriculum roll-out due to COVID, it was decided that the impact evaluation will use learning assessment results for students in Grades 3-4, using the diagnostic assessment, and Teach Comments: observation results for teachers in Grades 1-2, as these two groups were exposed to the renewed curriculum pre-pandemic. IN01083223 ►IRI 7: Teachers trained in social inclusive practices. (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 533.00 961.00 5,000.00 Date 31-Dec-2016 20-Apr-2021 13-Dec-2021 28-Feb-2023 Training in social inclusive practices has been fully integrated into the training on the new curriculum; therefore this IRI is expected to track IRI 4. IRI 7 will be eliminated under the restructuring of the Comments: Project as social inclusive practices are included in the new curriculum, and hence captured under IRI 4. IN01083224 12/22/2021 Page 5 of 8 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Guyana Education Sector Improvement Project (P159519) ►IRI 8: Survey of teachers’ and parents’ satisfaction with the new curriculum and teaching methods conducted in conjunction with the Impact Evaluation. (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Not designed - to be Not designed - to be combined with Impact combined with Impact Survey conducted and Value No such survey exists. Evaluation endline - Evaluation endline results analyzed. final report expected (timing TBD). July 2022. Date 31-Dec-2016 20-Apr-2021 13-Dec-2021 30-Apr-2023 Component 2: Strengthening the Teaching Capacity and Improving the Learning Environment for the University of Guyana Faculty of Health Sciences. IN01083213 ►IRI 9: Lecturers at the UG Health Sciences faculty trained in course delivery. (Number, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 23.00 39.00 70.00 Date 31-Dec-2016 20-Apr-2021 13-Dec-2021 30-Apr-2023 IN01083215 ►IRI 10: Health Science facility constructed. (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target The evaluation process for the Faculty of Health Sciences Tender process prepared Construction Value No Building at the for launch completed. University of Guyana was completed, with signing awaiting. Date 31-Dec-2016 20-Apr-2021 13-Dec-2021 30-Apr-2023 IN01083217 ►IRI 11: Beneficiaries’ survey to University of Guyana Health Sciences Faculty: students, lecturers and administrative staff. (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Baseline survey Baseline survey Survey conducted and Value No such survey exists. conducted and results conducted and results results analyzed. analyzed. analyzed. Date 31-Dec-2016 20-Apr-2021 13-Dec-2021 30-Apr-2023 IN01083219 ►IRI 12: Direct project beneficiaries (IDA Core Indicator). (Number, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 9,702.00 10,118.00 153,000.00 Date 31-Dec-2016 20-Apr-2021 13-Dec-2021 30-Apr-2023 IRI 12 targets to be revised under the Project restructuring to reflect the student and teacher population of Comments: the pilot schools. 12/22/2021 Page 6 of 8 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Guyana Education Sector Improvement Project (P159519) IN01083221 Female beneficiaries (Percentage, Custom Supplement) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 54.00 54.00 50.00 Performance-Based Conditions Data on Financial Performance Disbursements (by loan) Project Loan/Credit/TF Status Currency Original Revised Cancelled Disbursed Undisbursed % Disbursed P159519 IDA-60090 Effective USD 13.33 13.33 0.00 6.49 7.44 47% Key Dates (by loan) Project Loan/Credit/TF Status Approval Date Signing Date Effectiveness Date Orig. Closing Date Rev. Closing Date P159519 IDA-60090 Effective 28-Apr-2017 22-Jun-2017 08-Aug-2017 30-Apr-2023 30-Apr-2023 Cumulative Disbursements 12/22/2021 Page 7 of 8 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Guyana Education Sector Improvement Project (P159519) PBC Disbursement Achievement Disbursed amount in Disbursement % PBC ID PBC Type Description Coc PBC Amount Status Coc for PBC Restructuring History There has been no restructuring to date. Related Project(s) There are no related projects. 12/22/2021 Page 8 of 8