The World Bank Burkina Faso Livestock Sector Resilience and Competitiveness Support Project (P178598) Concept Environmental and Social Review Summary Concept Stage (ESRS Concept Stage) Public Disclosure Date Prepared/Updated: 10/05/2022 | Report No: ESRSC03014 Oct 05, 2022 Page 1 of 12 The World Bank Burkina Faso Livestock Sector Resilience and Competitiveness Support Project (P178598) BASIC INFORMATION A. Basic Project Data Country Region Project ID Parent Project ID (if any) Burkina Faso WESTERN AND CENTRAL P178598 AFRICA Project Name Burkina Faso Livestock Sector Resilience and Competitiveness Support Project Practice Area (Lead) Financing Instrument Estimated Appraisal Date Estimated Board Date Agriculture and Food Investment Project 1/17/2023 3/23/2023 Financing Borrower(s) Implementing Agency(ies) Burkina Faso Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Proposed Development Objective Public Disclosure to improve the productivity, commercialization, and resilience of key sedentary livestock production systems for targeted female and male producers in project intervention areas Financing (in USD Million) Amount Total Project Cost 150.00 B. Is the project being prepared in a Situation of Urgent Need of Assistance or Capacity Constraints, as per Bank IPF Policy, para. 12? No C. Summary Description of Proposed Project [including overview of Country, Sectoral & Institutional Contexts and Relationship to CPF] The project will scale-up the achievements of the PADELB that supported the Burkina Faso's livestock sector with a focus to sedentary livestock value chains. The aims of the project would be to fill the productivity gaps by supporting relevant investments and capacity building in animal feeding, health and breeding, and improve access to market and finance for targeted female and male producers in project intervention areas. Essential livestock infrastructure will be built/rehabilitated, market information system established, and operational sub-projects co-financed. The project will also support policy reforms and will contribute to harmonize regulations in the livestock and fishery sector. It will Oct 05, 2022 Page 2 of 12 The World Bank Burkina Faso Livestock Sector Resilience and Competitiveness Support Project (P178598) consolidate PADEL-B achievements and promote investments that contribute to enhance the country capacity to coping with climate shocks, food security crises and insecurity induced fragility affecting livestock producers. D. Environmental and Social Overview D.1. Detailed project location(s) and salient physical characteristics relevant to the E&S assessment [geographic, environmental, social] The project will intervene nation wide. Burkina Faso is located in the heart of Western Africa; it's a landlocked country, with physical geography characterized by a savanna that is grassy in the north gradually giving way to sparse forests in the south. The working age population is characterized by a low educational attainment and high illiteracy rates. In 2018, nearly two-thirds of the working age population had no formal education whereas 22 percent had some low-secondary education or higher. In 2018, the literacy rate was 45 percent among 15-49 years, and 59 percent among the youngest cohort. Women and those living in rural areas are the most disadvantaged. Furthermore, the country is facing a difficult social and political environment and a challenging security situation. Indeed, faced with the socio-political situation, there is a decline in certain achievements of the democratic process, including the integral communalization of the country. The management of the communes is now placed under "special delegations" and the operating arrangements of these institutions are not yet very operational. Also, the multiple terrorist attacks negatively affected the implementation avec development projects. The border areas of the country where livestock activities were once prosperous are now where terrorist attacks are recurrent with a very high rate of population displacement (Sahel, East, North and North-West). The expansion of mining, mainly artisanal gold mining, with the uncontrolled use of harmful chemicals, is also a major challenge for livestock farming. Covid 19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine, food insecurity, insecure land tenure, farmer-pastoralist conflict, gender inequality, Public Disclosure climate change impacts and drying conditions mainly in the north of the country, are other challenging’s points that the country is currently facing D. 2. Borrower’s Institutional Capacity Proposed project implementation will be the responsibility of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock that has already satisfactorily implemented several World Bank-funded Projects among which Burkina Faso Livestock Sector Development Support Project (P159476) and Regional Program for Pastoralism in the Sahel Phase I and II. The second phase of the Regional Program for Pastoralism in the Sahel (P173197) is the first operation of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock prepared and is being implemented under ESF requirements. The proposal is to build on the successful implementation arrangements of the Burkina Faso Livestock Sector Development Support Project (P159476) that is being implemented under old safeguard policies. The existing PIU of PADEL-B capacities in terms of working with World Bank’s ESF and staffing (the project currently has an environmental specialist who is mutualized between the PRAPSII and PADEL-B) is limited; even if the PIU has received several trainings from the Word Bank in ESF requirements, the team has not had a chance to be fully engaged in an ESF operation. As part of this new operation, it’s expected that the PIU of PADEL-B will be closely engaged in the preparation and implementation of the social and environmental instruments of the proposed project such as Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP), Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP), Labor Management Procedures (LMP), Environmental and Safety Management Framework (ESMF), Resettlement Project Framework (RPF), and other site-specific instruments, etc. The PIU of PADEL-B will be responsible for overall management and coordination of Project activities. It will work in close coordination with the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock’s technical directorates at central and regional levels and will provide social and environmental safeguards, as well as procurement and fiduciary oversight to the preparation of the project. Even though detail implementation arrangements would be worked out during preparation, the PIU of the proposed project shall include E&S safeguards specialists (an environment specialist has to Oct 05, 2022 Page 3 of 12 The World Bank Burkina Faso Livestock Sector Resilience and Competitiveness Support Project (P178598) be mobilized without delay) needed to implement E&S including EAS/HS and security profiles' whose capacity will be built up by the World Bank team to ensure project compliance with the ESF. The project will also include a financial intermediary that has not been identified at this stage of preparation. The FI will be identified by appraisal and its capacity will be assessed. II. SCREENING OF POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL (ES) RISKS AND IMPACTS A. Environmental and Social Risk Classification (ESRC) Substantial Environmental Risk Rating Substantial The environmental risk is rated as “Substantial” due to the civil work activities that will be financed by the proposed project. The civil work activities will consist of (i) building (or rehabilitating) and equipping the national breed improvement center as well as increasing irrigation for fodder production and policy/strategic work (such as regulation of the sector, masterplan for the sector) under component 1, (ii) rehabilitating/upgrading a network of strategically located abattoirs under component 2. The proposed civil works (construction and rehabilitation) may generate adverse environmental risks and impacts that will need to be mitigated and properly managed. Under component 2, the project will also establish grants that will finance investment projects for livestock value chains financing. The potential risks and impacts associated with the project’s activities are related to: (i) Resource efficiency and pollution prevention and management (sourcing of raw materials for civil works, water and energy use, dust, noise, potential contamination of water sources due to construction waste management mainly and some small scale irrigation activities; (ii) Occupational and community health and safety as well as human security; (iii) the project also Public Disclosure aim to improve animal health through vaccination campaigns which will generate additional wastes such as used PPEs, sharps and used and expired vaccine vials. However, the potential risks and impacts associated with the these activities are expected to be reversible with appropriate mitigation measures. A screening process will be put in place to ensure that potential risks and impacts are properly identified and managed. Social Risk Rating Substantial The social risk is rated as Substantial at this stage. The country livestock sector’s activities are often driven by populations living in conditions of fragility such as difficult and limited access to services to improve their activities, climate change, inflation, human and animal health crisis, country insecurity with multiple terrorism attacks and, more than 2 million Internally Displaced Populations (IDP), socio-politics context, etc. Under Component 1 and 2, it is expected activities associated with the equipping of the national breed improvement center as well as acquisition of vaccines and vaccination campaigns for livestock, and construction or/and rehabilitation of infrastructures. The implementation of such activities may be associated with the potential social risks such exclusion mainly for communities living in rural areas including women, people with disabilities and IDP, child and/or forced labor, sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment, etc. Indeed, the security situation has drastically deteriorated these recent months with more than one terrorist attack per week mainly in country border areas where livestock is most active, both against national armed and communities, several localities in the West, North, Center North, Sahel, and East regions are almost inaccessible and populations who continue to leave from their villages. Certain targeted beneficiaries would be excluded from the benefits of the project such as women not part of formal producer organizations (i.e. women among the internally displaced population), young people, ethnic minorities, communities living far from decision-making centers, people with disabilities, etc. The context of insecurity in the country is really a risk that may negatively impact the overall implementation of project activities, mainly in terms of key stakeholder’s Oct 05, 2022 Page 4 of 12 The World Bank Burkina Faso Livestock Sector Resilience and Competitiveness Support Project (P178598) participatory consultation, social inclusion, vulnerable groups involving, data collection during studies and/or civil works. These risks would be anticipated by improving communication, awareness campaigns and dissemination of information, strengthening the institutional capacities of certain key stakeholders, more inclusive consultation and citizen engagement mechanisms, functional grievance mechanisms both for communities and workers, etc. It is also expected that under Component 2 "Livestock value chains development", civil works associated with some constructions to establish or rehabilitate livestock infrastructure market development and support to productive investments along targeted Livestock. These activities may lead to potential social risks such as land acquisition, involuntary resettlement or land use issues, labor and working conditions issues including child labor, sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment, health, and safety of populations during civil works, etc. Regarding the involuntary resettlement, the current security situation with the IDP makes things very challenging mainly for preparation and implementation of mitigation instruments. Furthermore, the experience of the Borrower regarding implementation of environmental and social risk management under the ESF is limited; PADEL-B and PRAPS I, were prepared and implemented under old operational policy. The PIU of PADEL-B that will help with the proposed project preparation is not familiar with ESF projects’ preparation and will require hands on support. B. Environment and Social Standards (ESSs) that Apply to the Activities Being Considered B.1. General Assessment ESS1 Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts Overview of the relevance of the Standard for the Project: Public Disclosure This standard is relevant. The civil work activities will consist of (I) building (or rehabilitating) and equipping the national breed improvement center (CMAP) under component 1, (ii) rehabilitating/upgrading a network of strategically located abattoirs under component 2. These activities could generate adverse environmental and social risks and impacts such as the risk of exclusion of certain vulnerable groups including women, youth, and rural communities, in consultation processes and their risks of lack of access to project benefits, resource efficiency and pollution prevention and management (sourcing of raw materials for civil works, water and energy use, dust, noise, potential contamination of water sources due to construction waste management mainly and Occupational and community health and safety as well as human security. Under component 2, the project will also establish grants that will finance investment projects for livestock value chains through a Financial Intermediary. The Capacity of the FI will be assessed as per the requirements of ESS9. A screening process will be put in place to ensure that the E&S risks and impacts associated with these activities will be assessed and mitigated addressed appropriately. Given that the sites of the expected investments are not known at this stage, an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) will be prepared before project appraisal to provide guidance on conducting environmental and social risk assessment and measures to address all identified environmental and social risks and impacts including the E&S risks and impacts associated with the grants for livestock value chains financing. The ESMF will provide guidance on screening, scoping and managing unavoidable environmental and social impacts, and on the level of environmental and social assessment and types of instruments needed (i.e. ESIA, ESMP, etc.). The pre- appraisal mission may identify a list of sub-projects with known sites. In such cases, the site specific ESIAs will be prepared and disclosed before project appraisal. Oct 05, 2022 Page 5 of 12 The World Bank Burkina Faso Livestock Sector Resilience and Competitiveness Support Project (P178598) From a social perspective, the ESMF will include mitigation measures related to social inclusion, participatory approaches during consultation processes, grievances redress mechanisms both for project’s stakeholders and involved workers. A Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) that identifies the key stakeholders of the project and actions to ensure their inclusion through consultation and participation including key steps of grievance redress mechanism during the project implementation will be developed and disclosed both in-country and on the World Bank's website prior to appraisal. SEA/SH risks mitigation measures will be integrated into E&S instruments and an SEA/SH Prevention and Response Action Plan with an estimated budget allocation, response protocol, and accountability mechanisms to prevent and respond to any SEA/SH incident will be outlined and set up during the project implementation phase. This will include but not be limited to the mapping of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) services in the areas of intervention, as well as the drafting and signature of codes of conduct forbidding SEA/SH, with sanctions for non-compliance; training for workers and awareness raising on SEA/H risks and measures for communities; separate consultations with women and a project Grievance Mechanism (GM) that is sensitive to the management of SEA/H complaints and informed by a survivor-centered approach with distinct entry points, as well as referral pathways to GBV services and procedures that are confidential and survivor-centered. The site-specific ESIAs, including their ESMPs and subsequent Contractor’s ESMPs will be developed during project implementation. In the event that the sites of the investments will be determined during project preparation, the Borrower will prepare site-specific ESIAs before project appraisal if the specific sites for sub-projects are identified during the preparation. The ESMF and ESIAs will make use of the general and sector specific EHSGs for the identified activities in relation to occupational and community health and safety. Relevant procedures relating to cultural heritage for “chance finds” will also be included in the ESMF. The Borrower will monitor the environmental and social Public Disclosure performances in accordance with the Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP). The preparation and implementation of the Contractor’s ESMPs especially for new construction works will be the responsibility of the selected contractor. The contractors’ ESMPs will include clearly defined mitigation measures during the construction phase. Contractors will be required, as a condition of their contracts, to prepare, implement and comply with their ESMP, including Labor Management Procedures and Occupational Health and Safety measures outlined in the ESIA/ESMP and security management plans consistent with the project SMP, including the signing of codes of conduct. The timeline for these commitments will be outlined in the ESCP and will be monitored and updated as needed throughout the life of the project. Areas where “Use of Borrower Framework” is being considered: The Borrower Framework will not be used ESS10 Stakeholder Engagement and Information Disclosure This standard is relevant. Stakeholder and civil society engagement is critical for this project. The Borrower will consult with key identified stakeholders during the project preparation phase, and mainly during the development of the SEP, and ESMF. The Borrower will first sensitize public officials and authorities at central, regional, and local levels, followed by consultation with local leaders and communities, women, and youth. Sensitization aims to ensure that stakeholders fully understand the objectives of the project, the processes, and the benefits, and how they can participate effectively. The Borrower will develop the SEP during the preparation phase to guide consultation and Oct 05, 2022 Page 6 of 12 The World Bank Burkina Faso Livestock Sector Resilience and Competitiveness Support Project (P178598) engagement with stakeholders and key actors, including members of civil society, women’s and youth organizations and groups during project implementation. At this stage, the key stakeholders identified through the consultation and participation process include (i) the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock - who would take on the coordination function for the implementation of the project, (ii) local authorities and livestock value chains’ stakeholders at the national, regional and local levels including livestock producers organized into viable groups (cooperatives, associations, inter-professions), the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), specialized staff (veterinarians and others from public and private sector and professional and paraprofessional staff) as well as microfinance institutions, selected PFIs and commercial banks. All stakeholder consultations during this project preparation phase will be carried out in accordance with the national COVID-19 prevention strategy, and the technical note on stakeholder engagement in World Bank-supported operations when there are constraints on conducting public meetings (March 20, 2020). The SEP will include a mapping of project key stakeholders and an updating description of the Grievance Mechanism (GM) of PADEL-B that is already functional at the ground. The GM for this proposed project shall be transparent and accessible to key stakeholders—mainly vulnerable groups, including referrals to locally available medical, psychosocial and/or legal aid services for any SEA/SH survivor signaling abuse. The GM will be used to receive and resolve project-related complaints; it establishes a systematic approach for consultation and engagement and helps promote an inclusive and participatory approach for stakeholder engagement in addressing any potential risks and negative impact, including a distinct channel for SEA/SH issues; promotes and provides means for effective and inclusive engagement of the project's affected parties throughout the project life-cycle; and ensures that appropriate Public Disclosure program information is disclosed to stakeholders in a timely, understandable, accessible and appropriate manner. The SEP will be reviewed and approved by the Bank, and will be disclosed publicly both in-country and on the World Bank’s website by project appraisal B.2. Specific Risks and Impacts A brief description of the potential environmental and social risks and impacts relevant to the Project. ESS2 Labor and Working Conditions This standard is relevant. The project will involve direct workers and contracted workers. The direct workers include the civil servants assigned to the project and consultants hired for technical assistance. The project will also include contractors and sub-contractors who will be hired predominantly under Component 1 and 2 where there will be: (i) civil works undertaken associated with new building construction or rehabilitation and equipping the national breed improvement center as well as acquisition of vaccines and vaccination campaigns for livestock; (ii) rehabilitating/upgrading a network of strategically located abattoirs. The terms and conditions of the contracts for any worker involved in the project will be consistent with national labor law, particularly the provisions of the relevant national law (Decree No 2018-0092/PRES/PM/MINIFID) and the requirements of ESS2. Civil servants working in connection with the project will remain subject to the terms and conditions of their existing public sector employment unless there is an effective legal transfer of employment or engagement to the project that is not expected. Oct 05, 2022 Page 7 of 12 The World Bank Burkina Faso Livestock Sector Resilience and Competitiveness Support Project (P178598) During the construction works, contractors will be required to provide laborers with necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), such as boots, hardhats, and other equipment, depending on the areas in which they are deployed. The Borrower will prepare Labor Management Procedures (LMP) prior to board approval and before project staff are employed, to establish the terms and conditions of employment, as well as non-discrimination and equality of opportunity; the freedom to associate with workers’ organizations; exclusion of child or forced labor from project activities; prevention and control against sexual exploitation, abuse or sexual harassment (SEA/SH); outlining adequate occupational health and safety measures and a labor grievance mechanism (GM). The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock and contractors will be required to sign and abide by a code of conduct for workers that would address community health and safety risks, including risks of SEA/SH and child labor. ESS3 Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention and Management The proposed activities (construction and rehabilitation) as well as livestock producers' activities will likely have implications for Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention and Management due to the (i) consumption of energy, water, and raw material; (ii) the management and disposal of wastes (wood, iron, plastic, packaging, animal wastes and organic wastes). As part of the ESMF, the Borrower will identify relevant measures for improving the efficient use of energy, water, and raw materials. It is anticipated that dust and noise will be generated by digging and construction/rehabilitation activities during project implementation. Those most likely to be affected are workers and people living within proximity of work sites. The implementation of mitigation measures such as dust suppression and vehicle maintenance will be incorporated into the contractor's ESMP (C-ESMP). The construction works will present Public Disclosure short-term nuisance to the neighbors to some of the project sites. The Environmental and Social Management instruments to be prepared will include mitigation measures to minimize and manage the noise levels such by applying standard restrictions to hours of site work where appropriate. Construction/ rehabilitation activities will generate solid waste (and potentially hazardous wastes i.e. Asbestos in old buildings to be rehabilitated) which will primarily include excavated soil and solid wastes. The waste generated by the construction works will be disposed of at approved sites according with national laws and regulations. ESS4 Community Health and Safety The project team, including contractors and consultants, will be required to observe a Code of Conduct for workers, which addresses community health and safety risks, including gender-based violence and child labor. The expected civil works will be associated with the construction and upgrading of national breed center and abattoirs and the overall risks and impacts to community health and safety are considered to be moderate to substantial. The mitigation measures for the civil works will be stipulated clearly in the Contractor’s ESMPs, , and the contractor will be fully responsible for preparing a security management plan (such as for fences and security guards) for the project sites. During the upgrading works, the Borrower will minimize the potential exposure to any hazardous materials that may affect the health of the communities and will implement measures to ensure the safe delivery of construction materials, storage and waste. It has not yet been determined what the scale of the labor influx associated with the project activities will be. However, a preliminary SEA/H assessment showed a moderate risk rating and the borrower will develop a mitigation Oct 05, 2022 Page 8 of 12 The World Bank Burkina Faso Livestock Sector Resilience and Competitiveness Support Project (P178598) plan which will be implemented throughout the project life-cycle. Mitigation measures within the ESMPs will provide safe and confidential venues to report SEA/H-related complaints. A code of conduct, including measures against SEA/H for ensuring community health and safety, will be prepared and included in all bidding documents. Contractors will be responsible for ensuring their workers’ compliance with codes of conduct. The project GM will be designed to safely and ethically register complaints and address and properly document complaints and allegations (including SEAH) during project implementation. Necessary preventive measures and awareness raising to direct workers and contracted workers against COVID19 contagion will also be implemented and monitored throughout the project implementation. Due to the security conditions, the project will conduct a security risk assessment and prepare a security management plan (SMP) before board approval. ESS5 Land Acquisition, Restrictions on Land Use and Involuntary Resettlement Among activities listed under Component 2 "Livestock value chains development" mainly those of subcomponent 2.1 "support for Livestock Infrastructure and Market Development", it is expected that the project will finance civil works to establish or rehabilitate essential livestock infrastructure such as: (i) common assets for value addition (milking equipment, cooling centers, transport, services, etc.); (ii) support for climate-smart upgrading/establishment of livestock markets with perimeter fencing, simple administrative buildings, water sources, weighbridges, paddocks, loading ramps, and veterinary outposts, etc.; (iii) support to rehabilitate/upgrade a network of strategically located Public Disclosure abattoirs. These activities could impact private assets (individual and/or collective) and lead to involuntary resettlement. As the sites of these planned physical investments are not yet known to date, a Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) will be prepared and served to guide the preparation of subsequent Resettlement Action Plans (RAP)s when project sites are known and well delimited. The RPF will be consulted upon, approved, and disclosed both in the country and on World Bank's web site prior to the project board approval. When required, RAPs will be prepared, disclosed, and implemented in satisfaction manner to the Bank prior to the commencement of civil works at the proposed project implementation phase. ESS6 Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources The proposed project is not expected to involve protected areas and biodiversity sites. The ESMF will provide guidance on screening and mitigation measures to ensure that project activities do not alter or cause destruction of any critical or sensitive natural habitats. ESS7 Indigenous Peoples/Sub-Saharan African Historically Underserved Traditional Local Communities There are no known Indigenous Peoples/Sub-Saharan African Historically Undeserved Traditional Local Communities in the project area. ESS8 Cultural Heritage Oct 05, 2022 Page 9 of 12 The World Bank Burkina Faso Livestock Sector Resilience and Competitiveness Support Project (P178598) It is not anticipated that the project will have a potential impact on known cultural heritage. However, the project will finance activities involving excavation during the construction or the rehabilitation phases of some infrastructures. The ESMF will identify cultural heritage in the general project areas, that might be affected by project activities, and include provisions and procedures to follow in case of “Chance Finds”. The environmental and social assessment process will confirm the existence of cultural heritage and make provisions to manage subsequent any “chance finds”. Therefore, all C-ESMPs and construction and rehabilitation contracts should include a “Chance Finds” clause which will require contractors to stop construction/rehabilitation in the event that cultural property sites are encountered during civil works. ESS9 Financial Intermediaries This standard is relevant at this stage of preparation. Under component 2 (subcomponent 2.2), a Livestock Improvement Financial Facility (LIFF) will be created to allow eligible livestock producers (individuals, groups, or cooperatives) and other livestock value chain stakeholders to access finance for productive livestock investment packages (i.e., sub-projects). A Financial Intermediary (FI) is therefore announced but not yet identified; it will be associated in the project implementation design. The Bank will assess the Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) of the FI agency once clearly identified to determine if it consists of adequate measures to identify, assess, manage, and monitor the environmental and social risks and impacts of overall subprojects on an ongoing basis throughout the project implementation period. The Bank will make sure that they have sufficient experience of the Bank's procedures and requirements on the management of E&S risks and impacts. These teams will be closely engaged in the preparation and implementation of the social and environmental instruments, including the SEP, Public Disclosure ESCP, LMP, ESMF and other site-specific instruments. The Bank will require that the ESMS to set out the requirements to (a) screen all FI subprojects against any exclusions in the legal agreement; (b) screen all FI subprojects for environmental and social risks and impacts; (c) require that FI subprojects be prepared and implemented in accordance with relevant environmental and social national and local laws and regulations; (d) require specified FI subprojects to apply the relevant requirements of the ESSs; and (e) conduct appropriate environmental and social due diligence of FI subprojects, including environmental and social assessment. The ESMS will be assessed and updated if needed before activities can start. Any remedial measures for the ESMS to meet ESF requirements will be reflected in the Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP). C. Legal Operational Policies that Apply OP 7.50 Projects on International Waterways No OP 7.60 Projects in Disputed Areas No III. WORLD BANK ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL DUE DILIGENCE A. Is a common approach being considered? No Financing Partners Oct 05, 2022 Page 10 of 12 The World Bank Burkina Faso Livestock Sector Resilience and Competitiveness Support Project (P178598) TBD B. Proposed Measures, Actions and Timing (Borrower’s commitments) Actions to be completed prior to Bank Board Approval: The Borrower will prepare the following instruments by appraisal for disclosure both in-country and on the World Bank's external website: -Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) -Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP) -Drafts of Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) -Drafts of Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) -Security Risk Assessment The Borrower will prepare the following instruments by board approval for disclosure both in-country and on the World Bank's external website: -Labor Management Procedures (LMP) -ESIA/ESMP and RAP if required for identified sites -Preparation of the FI ESMS -Security Management Plan (SMP) Possible issues to be addressed in the Borrower Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP): The ESCP will include the following provisions: Public Disclosure -Borrower will hire dedicated environmental and social specialists to monitor implementation of the ESCP including the E&S instruments and to update them as needed throughout the project life cycle. -Preparation of trimestral and annual progress reports. - Preparation of Grievance Redress Mechanisms linked both with ESS2 and ESS10 requirements as soon as the project is effective - Update the SEP, ESMF and LMP as needed throughout project implementation. - Prepare ESIA/ESMP for subprojects/sites identified during implementation - Prepare an SEA/SH Prevention and Response Action Plan before project activities begin. - Prepare a security management plan -Report any incident/accident during implementation to the Bank accordingly to the ESIRT. C. Timing Tentative target date for preparing the Appraisal Stage ESRS 15-Oct-2022 IV. CONTACT POINTS World Bank Oct 05, 2022 Page 11 of 12 The World Bank Burkina Faso Livestock Sector Resilience and Competitiveness Support Project (P178598) Contact: Ernest Ruzindaza Title: Senior Agriculture Economist Telephone No: 53546347 Email: Contact: Elisee Ouedraogo Title: Senior Agriculture Economist Telephone No: 5354+3007 / - -235 Email: Borrower/Client/Recipient Borrower: Burkina Faso Implementing Agency(ies) Implementing Agency: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries V. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT The World Bank 1818 H Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20433 Telephone: (202) 473-1000 Web: Public Disclosure VI. APPROVAL Task Team Leader(s): Elisee Ouedraogo, Ernest Ruzindaza Practice Manager (ENR/Social) Pia Peeters Recommended on 04-Oct-2022 at 07:05:50 GMT-04:00 Safeguards Advisor ESSA Nathalie S. Munzberg (SAESSA) Cleared on 05-Oct-2022 at 18:02:54 GMT-04:00 Oct 05, 2022 Page 12 of 12