GLOBAL PROGRAM RESILIENT HOUSING Detecting Urban Clues for Road Safety Leveraging Big Data and Machine Learning in World Bank Transport Projects DECEMBER 2021 1 Table of Contents List of Figures and Tables�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3 Acknowledgments�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4 Objective, Audience and Structure����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5 Abbreviations���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6 Introduction������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7 PART 1: The Demand for Data to Assess Risks and Conduct Safety Assessments��������������������������������������� 10 1.1 Assessing Road Safety Across the Project Cycle��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10 1.2 Demand for Data to Assess Road Safety���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12 Assessing Overall Project Traffic and Road Safety Risk (OPTRSR)���������������������������������������������� 14 Traffic and Road Safety Assessments�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17 Results Frameworks and Monitoring Plans������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 19 Key Challenges with Current Approaches to Road Safety Analysis���������������������������������������������� 21 PART 2: Big Data and Machine Learning to Strengthen Road Safety in Transport Projects�������������������������� 23 2.1 New Data (and Big Data) in Road Safety Analysis�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 24 How to Access Big Data������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 28 Key Considerations for Selecting the “Right” Big Data Source������������������������������������������������������ 31 2.2 Machine Learning in Road Safety Analysis������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 37 How to Use Machine Learning��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 40 Key Considerations for Using Machine Learning���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 43 2.3 Big Data, Machine Learning and the Future of Road Safety Assessments����������������������������������� 46 PART 3: Case Studies: Applying Big Data and Machine Learning to Assess Road Safety����������������������������� 49 3.1 Objectives of the Case Studies�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 49 3.2 Methodology������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 51 3.3 Case Study 1: Bogotá, Colombia������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 55 3.4 Case Study 2: Padang, Indonesia����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 59 3.5 Findings��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 60 Conclusion������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 62 Annex 1: Most Relevant Big Data Types for Road Safety Analysis������������������������������������������������������������������ 64 Annex 2: Overview of Big Data Sources�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 65 Annex 3: Hotspots and Heatmaps: Uncovering Data Patterns for Road Safety���������������������������������������������� 69 Annex 4: Classes Detected Using Mapillary Vistas Dataset in RIC Model and Input Classes for the RRE Model��76 Annex 5: Average Precision of the Bounding Box Detection and Classification��������������������������������������������� 77 Glossary of Terms������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 78 References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 79 2 List of Figures Figure 1: Road safety is a serious concern in low- and middle-income countries��������������������������������������������� 8 Figure 2: Potential applications of big data and ML in road safety projects������������������������������������������������������ 9 Figure 3: Key road safety activities across the project cycle����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 13 Figure 4: Street view and OSM����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 26 Figure 5: Hotspot analysis of major crashes reported by Waze application users������������������������������������������ 27 Figure 6: ML lifecycle�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 37 Figure 7: Categories of ML and the tasks they can perform����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 38 Figure 8: ANN structure���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 39 Figure 9: ML algorithms and street view������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 42 Figure 10: Labeling a crosswalk in Padang, Indonesia using the Computer Vision Annotation Tool (CVAT)���� 45 Figure 11: Framework for automatic road safety analysis and management powered by ML����������������������� 48 Figure 12: Training phase for road safety segment analysis using ML������������������������������������������������������������ 52 Figure 13: Deployment phase to predict road safety����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 53 Figure 14: RIC and RRE applied to predict road segment risk��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 54 Figure 15: Image segmentation in Bogotá���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 56 Figure 16: Six study areas and crash frequency in Bogotá�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 57 Figure 17: Confusion matrix showing the accuracy of the RRE model������������������������������������������������������������� 57 Figure 18: Road risk prediction in Bogotá����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 58 Figure 19: Road risk prediction in Padang���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 60 List of Tables Table 1: Methods for calculating OPTRSR and identifying risk factors������������������������������������������������������������ 13 Table 2: Methods for assessing OPTRSR and identifying risk factors�������������������������������������������������������������� 16 Table 3: The World Bank Road Safety Screening and Assessment Tool���������������������������������������������������������� 17 Table 4: Overview of primary tools for traffic and road safety assessments��������������������������������������������������� 19 Table 5: Example of indicators that may be included in the Results Framework��������������������������������������������� 20 Table 6: SWOT analysis of using big data in road safety analysis�������������������������������������������������������������������� 25 Table 7: Overview of potential big data sources for Methods I-VII�������������������������������������������������������������������� 32 Table 8: Method I — Crash data-based risk assessment����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 32 Table 9: Method II — iRAP Star Rating (alternative data sources using big data)�������������������������������������������� 33 Table 10: Method III — Estimating road infrastructure risk without crash or iRAP data���������������������������������� 34 Table 11: Method IV — RSSAT������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 35 Table 12: Example of big data sources for road safety indicators in the Results Framework������������������������ 36 Table 13: Categories of ML and algorithms�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 39 Table 14: ML and DL algorithms�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 39 Table 15: Frequently used ML techniques for road safety analysis������������������������������������������������������������������ 40 Table 16: SWOT analysis of using ML in road safety analysis��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 44 Table 17: Potential applications of big data and ML in Methods I to VII���������������������������������������������������������� 47 Table 18: Data used for case study in Bogotá, Colombia���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 55 Table 19: Data used for case study in Padang, Indonesia��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 59 3 Acknowledgments This Guidance Note was prepared by a team from the Global Program for Resilient Housing at the World Bank. The team was led by Sarah Elizabeth Antos (Data Scientist) and Luis Miguel Triveno Chan Jan (Senior Urban Development Specialist). Overall managerial support was provided by Fran- cis Ghesquiere (Practice Manager, Urban EAP) and Radoslaw Czapski (Senior Transport Specialist). The core team included Jessica Gosling-Goldsmith, Charles Wang, Bushra Syed Shafat Ali, and Se- bastian Anapolsky. The Global Program for Resilient Housing supports safe and resilient housing by creating new, cost-saving tools to evaluate homes from the air and the street to help identify those vulnerable to natural and health hazards. While the program focuses on housing, it developed a methodology to extract urban clues from street view imagery with multiple applications including those related to urban mobility and road safety. The note incorporates valuable input and review from Holly Krambeck (Program Manager), Said Dahdah (Lead Transport Specialist), Satoshi Ogita (Senior Transport Specialist), Veronica Ines Raffo (Senior Infrastructure Specialist), Li Qu (Senior Transport Specialist), and Glenn S. Morgan (ESF Con- sultant). During the drafting of this note several industry experts were interviewed. The team would like to express gratitude for the external inputs of: Anthony Germanchev (Principal Professional Leader, Advanced Technologies Lab, Australian Road Research Board), David Hynd (Chief Scientist, TRL), Monica Olyslagers (Safe Cities and Innovation Specialist, iRAP), Professor George Yannis (National Technical University of Athens), and Spencer Rigler (Account Director, TRL). Design was done by Xavier Conesa. This note would not have been possible without generous support from the Global Road Safety Facil- ity and UK Aid. 4 Objective, Audience and Structure The purpose of this Guidance Note is to provide concrete guidance on how big data and machine learning (ML) can be leveraged in road safety analysis. The document presents opportunities to use these new technologies to improve current road safety assessment procedures across the project cycle, in accordance with the World Bank’s latest Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) guide- lines. This Guidance Note is for World Bank task teams who are interested in using new data sources and analytical methods for road safety analysis across various types of projects. In addition, re- searchers, road safety experts, data scientists, and government agencies responsible for road safety assessments, transportation management, and infrastructure development would also find this doc- ument useful to understand how these new technologies can be implemented across World Bank investment projects. This document consists of three parts. Part 1 discusses the World Bank’s current guidelines for incorporating road safety analysis across the project cycle, examines existing data and approaches and identifies opportunities to improve current methods using big data and ML. Part 2 provides an overview of these new technologies and concrete guidance on how they can be integrated into World Bank projects. Part 3 presents case studies on two regions of interest – Bogotá, Colombia and Padang, Indonesia – to demonstrate how ML can be implemented to evaluate road safety. The document con- cludes with recommendations for using big data and ML in road safety assessments in the future. 5 Abbreviations ADB Asian Development Bank API Application Programming Interface DDP Development Data Partnership DL Deep Learning DRIVER Data for Road Incident Visualization, Evaluation and Reporting ESCP Environmental and Social Commitment Plan ESF Environmental and Social Framework FSI Fatalities and Serious Injuries GRSF Global Road Safety Facility (World Bank) ICR Implementation Completion Report IoT Internet of Things iRAP International Road Assessment Programme ITS Intelligent Transport System LMICs Low- and Middle-Income Countries ML Machine Learning OPTRSR Overall Project Traffic and Road Safety Risk OSM OpenStreetMap PCN Project Concept Note PDO Project Development Objective RIC Road Information Collector ROI Region of Interest RRE Road Risk Evaluator RSA Road Safety Audit RSI Road Safety Inspection RSIA Road Safety Impact Assessment RSO Road Safety Observatory RSSAT Road Safety Screening and Appraisal Tool SDGs Sustainable Development Goals TTL Task Team Leader UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle 6 Introduction Transportation services and infrastructure connect people, businesses, and places. They allow citizens to access opportunities, such as jobs, education, health services, recreation, and enable the movement and distribution of goods. As a result, transport services and infrastructure are key to the economic development of cities and regions.1 While the development of transportation systems and infrastructure is vital to economic growth, it is also important to evaluate and mitigate its potential negative externalities and costs to soci- ety.2 According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 1.25 million people are killed on the world’s roads every year and between 20 and 50 million are seriously injured. These costs are dispro- portionately higher in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), which are estimated to endure 93 percent of the world’s fatalities on the road, despite having 60 percent of the world’s vehicles (figure 1).3 According to a 2019 study of select countries, road crashes cost World Bank client countries an estimated 7 percent to 22 percent of their GDP over a 24-year period.4 Road fatalities and injuries are predictable and preventable.5 Research indicates that roughly 70 percent of serious crashes are due to simple and unintentional errors of perception or judgement.6 The most vulnerable road users are pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorcyclists, accounting for more than 50 percent of reported fatalities in LMICs.7 Effective transport planning and management that carefully considers and incorporates measures to address safety risks.8 Speed reductions and the design of infrastructure to promote safer streets have demonstrated clear results in Colombia and India. In Bogotá, Colombia, the speed management program resulted in a 21 percent decrease in traffic fatalities compared to the average for the three preceding years (2015-18).9 In India, Pune has become a regional leader in complete streets, in which streets are designed for all users, rather than only for cars; pedestrians, cyclists, motorists, and transit riders are given safe access with the com- plete streets approach.10 The World Bank is a key supporter of the United Nations (UN) Decade of Action for Road Safety and related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These include SDG 3.6, which seeks to reduce deaths and injuries from road crashes by 50 percent, and SDG 11, which focuses on making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. The World Bank is also a proponent of 1 World Bank, Mobile Metropolises: Urban Transport Matters: An IEG Evaluation of the World Bank Group’s Support for Urban Transport (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2017). 2 Word Bank, Making Roads Safer (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2014). 3 WHO (World Health Organization), Global Status Report on Road Safety 2018 (Geneva: World Health Organization, 2018), 4. 4 World Bank, The High Toll of Traffic Injuries: Unacceptable and Preventable (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2017). 5 Makhtar Diop, “All Road Deaths Are Preventable. We Can Make It Happen,” World Bank, accessed May 14, 2021, 6 International Transport Forum, Zero Road Deaths and Serious Injuries: Leading a Paradigm Shift to a Safe System (Paris: OECD Publishing, 2016). 7 World Bank, Good Practice Note on Road Safety (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2019). en/648681570135612401/Good-Practice-Note-Road-Safety.pdf 8 International Transport Forum, “Best Practice for Urban Road Safety: Case Studies,” International Transport Forum Policy Papers, no. 76 (2020). 9 International Transport Forum, “Best Practice for Urban Road Safety: Case Studies.” 10 Institute for Transportation and Development Policy, “Pune, India Wins 2020 Sustainable Transport Award,” last modified June 27, 2019, 7 the Sustainable Mobility for All (SM4A) initiative, which highlights FIGURE 1: Road safety is a serious concern in low- and safety as one of the pillars of sustainable mobility.11 middle-income countries The World Bank hosts the Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) to provide funding, knowledge, and technical assistance to help de- veloping countries create safer roads. The Facility addresses road safety issues across a wide range of projects, from infrastructure design and vehicle safety to traffic law enforcement, post-crash re- sponse systems, data collection, and institutional strengthening. Since its inception in 2006, the Facility has disbursed a total of USD 44.6 million to improve road safety in 64 countries. 93% It is important, and often required, to incorporate road safety of road fatalities occur in low- and management procedures in transport projects to identify and middle-income countries, despite these countries having 60 percent of the world’s mitigate risks in a timely manner. Governments, international vehicles. development organizations, and other agencies have established SOURCE: Original figure for this publication, based on data from WHO. various tools and systems to facilitate road safety analysis. How- ever, the absence of valid, representative data presents significant challenges to developing a good understanding of road safety risks and reducing crash fatalities and injuries through data-driven, ev- idence-based interventions.12 World Bank, Good Practice Note on Road Safety, 1. 11 World Bank, Guide for Road Safety Opportunities and Challenges: Low and Middle Income Country Profiles (Washington, DC: 12 2020). 8 New technologies such as big data and machine learning (ML) provide promising opportunities to improve existing data sources and methods for road safety analysis. From analyzing anonymized GPS data to understand traffic flows in the Philippines to partnering with data providers that crowd- source information about crash sites in Kenya, governments, World Bank task teams, and other stakeholders are adopting innovative approaches to identify, monitor, and mitigate fatalities and in- juries in high-risk areas.13 Unsupervised learning techniques have been applied in Lima, Peru, using records of different crash types to identify safe areas along routes and safer pedestrian pathways, decreasing the likelihood of pedestrians suffering an crash.14 The Urban Traffic Modeling and Control project at the National University of Medellín has been using deep learning (DL) techniques to clas- sify traffic and identify motorbike usage. In Cartagena, Colombia, data mining and ML algorithms were used to analyze road records and predict the severity of traffic crashes using classification algo- rithms.15 Figure 2 provides an overview of the potential uses of big data and ML in road safety analy- sis that will be discussed in this note. FIGURE 2: Potential applications of big data and ML in road safety projects BIG DATA OR SPATIAL DATA SOURCE Street view Satellite and Internet of Incident Natural Social imagery aerial imagery Things reports phenomena media MACHINE/ Identify road Delineate road Analyze vehicle Identify road crash Find patterns in Extract traffic or conditions, barriers, curvature, complex and population patterns and weather and time road condition data DEEP crosswalks, intersections, road movement develop prediction of day LEARNING pedestrian paths, gradient; provide models street signs, traffic car and truck count lights SOURCE: Original figure for this publication. 13 World Bank, “Open Traffic Data to Revolutionize Transport,” last modified December 19, 2016, https://www.worldbank. org/en/news/feature/2016/12/19/open-traffic-data-to-revolutionize-transport; Guadalupe Bedoya Arguelles, et al., “Smart and Safe Kenya Transport (SMARTTRANS)” (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2019), en/723411574361015073/pdf/Smart-and-Safe-Kenya-Transport-SMARTTRANS.pdf 14 Jesús Lovón-Melgarejo et al., “Identification of Risk Zones for Road Safety through Unsupervised Learning Algorithms,” in 16th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education, and Technology: Innovation in Education and Inclusion, 15 Holman Ospina-Mateus et al., “Using Data-Mining Techniques for the Prediction of the Severity of Road Crashes in Cartagena, Colombia,” in Applied Computer Sciences in Engineering, eds. J. Figueroa-García et al., vol. 1052 (2019): 309-20, 9 PART 1: The Demand for Data to Assess Risks and Conduct Safety Assessments 1.1 Assessing Road Safety Across the Project Cycle World Bank projects follow a project cycle to design, prepare, implement, support, and evaluate projects. The project cycle identifies six stages between project identification and project completion (see figure 3).16 Bank staff work closely with developing country borrowers throughout the project cycle to ensure that projects meet relevant World Bank economic, financial, procurement, and envi- ronmental and social standards. The World Bank has adopted seven pillars to identify key priorities for road safety interventions. These pillars, that aim at preventing road crashes, fatalities, and injuries across all projects include: Road Safety Management, Safer Roads and Mobility, Safer Vehicles, Safer Roads Users, Post-Crash Response, Safer Speeds, and Reduced Exposure. The first five pillars are from the UN Global Plan for Road Safety with the last two new pillars added for the Road Safety GPN.17 Road safety objectives of World Bank projects should be aligned with these pillars and performance indicators must track progress against them. All World Bank investment projects are required to follow the World Bank’s Environmental and Social Framework (ESF), which went into effect on October 1, 2018. The ESF is a set of operational policies and procedures designed to ensure that projects are economically, financially, socially, and environmentally sound. The ESF includes protections for people and the environment from potential adverse risks and impacts that could arise from Bank-financed projects and promotes sustainable development. Within the ESF, ten Environmental and Social Standards (ESS) set out a range of re- sponsibilities for Borrowers designed to help them manage project risks and impacts. In addition, the standards aim to improve environmental and social performance, consistent with good international practice and national and international obligations. The World Bank’s ESF calls for road safety risks to be considered in all investment projects. As rel- evant, Borrowers are required to undertake technical assessments and implement operational mea- sures to avoid or minimize community exposure to project-related traffic and road safety risks. In the context of the ESF, road safety assessments are carried out as part of a project’s Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA). The overall approach to ESA is defined in the standard on Environmental and Social Assessment (ESS1) that describes the requirements for project risk assessment, expec- tations for stakeholder engagement, and for establishing grievance mechanisms. Details describing road safety requirements are provided in the standard on Community Health and Safety (ESS4). The standard on Labor and Working Conditions (ESS2) would also apply in situations where traffic management measures are necessary to address the safety of workers and local communities in and around construction worksites. The ESF standard on Stakeholder Engagement (ESS10) will also play an important role in addressing road safety issues in most projects. The participation of road users 16 The World Bank‘s Guidance Note on preparing the Project Appraisal Document for investment project finances may be useful to prepare its content. 17 World Bank, Road Safety Indicators for Project Monitoring (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2021). 10 of all types in the planning and decision making can provide essential user perspectives, information and insights on all aspects of road safety, especially if users are expected to play an active role in implementing project activities related to monitoring, incident reporting, and grievance and dispute resolution. ESS4 anticipates that project activities, equipment, and infrastructure can increase community exposure to risks and impacts. To manage this risk, transport or transport related projects must “identify, evaluate and monitor the potential traffic and road safety risks to workers, affected commu- nities and road users throughout the project life-cycle.” The ESF requires Borrowers to “incorporate technically and financially feasible road safety measures into the project design” to minimize road safety risks and impacts.18 Where appropriate, the Borrower will initiate a road safety assessment for each phase of the project, monitor incidents, and prepare regular reports reviewing outcomes and observations. The ESF standard on Stakeholder Engagement (ESS10) will also play an important role in address- ing road safety issues in most projects. The participation of road users of all types in the planning and decision making can provide essential user perspectives, information, and insights on all aspects of road safety, especially if users are expected to play an active role in implementing project activities related to monitoring, incident reporting, and grievance and dispute resolution. ESS10 requires the preparation of a Stakeholder Engagement Plan which systematically identifies project stakeholders and defines approaches and methods for meaningful engagement throughout the project cycle. Dif- ferent stakeholders that could be affected by road safety include: all road users; project workers in- volved in construction; affected communities; and vulnerable groups within those communities and user groups. ESS10 also requires the preparation of project Grievance Mechanisms which could be structured as one or more channels for raising concerns about road safety, contractor performance or overall project implementation. A Good Practice Note on Road Safety accompanies the ESF to support its implementation and to address road safety on World Bank financed operations.19 The World Bank’s Road Safety GPN guides Borrowers and World Bank task teams in meeting the ESS4 road safety requirements by im- plementing the Safe System approach. Based on the guidelines recommended by the Global Plan for the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety, the Safe System approach considers risks to all types of road users, including drivers, motorcyclists, passengers, pedestrians, bicyclists, and commercial and heavy vehicle drivers. The Safe System framework recognizes that while a certain degree of human error and crash risk is always likely, it is possible to prevent crashes that lead to death or serious injury. The Road Safety GPN recommends strategies and technical approaches to incorporate such a holistic view of road safety that considers interactions among roads and roadsides, travel speeds, vehicles, and road users. The document’s guidelines on evaluating risks across the project cycle in various types of projects, and the data requirements of these procedures are discussed in the follow- ing section. 18 World Bank, Environmental and Social Framework for IPF Operations, ESS4: Community Health and Safety (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2018). 19 World Bank, Good Practice Note on Road Safety. 11 1.2 Demand for Data to Assess Road Safety The Road Safety GPN recommends a variety of data-driven tools and methods to evaluate road safety risks and determine mitigation measures across the project cycle. Comprehensive road safety evaluation tools and procedures require both crash and non-crash data to identify issues and measure their associated risks. The variety, quantity, and quality of data available is an important determinant of the tool for measurement and analysis of various road safety indicators. This section provides an overview of the primary road safety assessment tools that can be used at different stages of the project cycle as well as their data requirements. Figure 3 summarizes the primary road safety activities that may need to be included in the project cycle (depending on the type of project and potential level of road safety risk). A brief description of road safety assessment procedures and tools across the project lifecycle can be found in table 1. This brief review of existing approaches informs the suggestions for improving data collection and analysis for road safety evalu- ation procedures through big data and machine learning (ML). 12 FIGURE 3: Key road safety activities across the project cycle 1 Identification KEY ACTIVITIES Assess project risks (tables 1 and 2) 2 Preparation Conduct road safety assessments and develop mitigation measures (table 3) Prepare ESF documents Include road safety indications in the results framework 3 Appraisal Collect baseline data and define targets for indicators in the results framework 4 Negotiations & KEY ACTIVITIES Board Approval Prepare Implementation Status and Results (ISR) report Regular reporting in Aide Memoire, Memos, and minutes 5 Implementation Support KEY ACTIVITIES 6 Completion & Prepare Implementation Completion Report: assess if targets for indicators in Evaluation the results framework were achieved SOURCE: Modified from Remote Project Supervision and Construction Management of IPF Projects. World Bank (2020). TABLE 1: Methods for calculating OPTRSR and identifying risk factors TYPE OF WHEN TO USE (PROJ- WHEN TO USE (PROJECT RELATIVE COST DATA EXAMPLES OF TOOLS ASSESSMENT ECT STAGE) ACTIVITY) (HIGH, MEDIUM, REQUIREMENTS LOW, DEPENDS) (HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW, DEPENDS) Crash data- Preparation, Pre-Planning and Depends, low- Depends Crash frequency, crash risk factors, based risk Implementation, Design, Monitoring cost models are crash severity analysis assessment Post-Project and Evaluation, Error available Operations Correction and Hazard Elimination Road Safety Preparation Pre-Planning and Low Low Impact Design Assessment (RSIA) Road Safety Preparation, Planning and Design, Medium to High Medium/ iRAP Road Safety Audit Toolkit, Audit (RSA) Implementation Construction and Pre- Depends Austroads Road Safety Audit Toolkit Opening (currently unavailable), ADB Road Safety Audit Toolkit Road Safety Implementation, High High iRAP Inspection Post-Project (RSI) Operations Road Preparation, Post- Planning and High High iRAP, EuroRap, usRAP Assessment Project Design, Independent Program (RAP) Operations Assessment SOURCE: Modified from Remote Project Supervision and Construction Management of IPF Projects (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2020). 13 Assessing Overall Project Traffic and Road Safety Risk (OPTRSR) At the identification stage of the project, Task Teams are required to assess the Overall Project Traffic and Road Safety Risk (OPTRSR). Road safety risks arise from the interaction of many dif- ferent elements, including the road and roadside design, engineering, travel speeds, the extent and type of road use, road user behavior, vehicle safety features (both active and passive), and post-crash response. The OPTRSR estimates potential traffic and road risks, and their associated risk level will inform project Preparation and help define the Borrower’s responsibilities. Assessing OPTRSR also requires the identification of road safety risks that could arise as a result of project activities, for ex- ample, as a result of changing of vehicular or pedestrian traffic patterns, flows or speeds, or from the use of construction equipment or vehicles. This assessment should also identify stakeholder groups that could be affected (project workers, affected communities, or road and vulnerable road users), and institutional risks (i.e., lack of regulations, technical-knowledge, or capacity). Operational road safety risks should be addressed at this stage, not only in the context of the project implementation and construction but also the long-term project operation. The OPTRSR will identify the road safety risk level of the project as Low, Moderate, Substantial or High.20 The Road Safety GPN recognizes four different types of World Bank transport projects that require estimating the OPTRSR. Type A projects include operations which involve road construction or reha- bilitation (such as urban transport projects) or any project which affects existing infrastructure or re- quires the creation of new transport infrastructure such as bus rapid transit lines, metro-lines, ports, railways and aviation infrastructure. Type B projects encompass other transport initiatives which do not finance transport infrastructure directly but which introduce policy changes or management measures intended to promote road safety. These may include measures such as changes to traffic speed; regulations on allowable traffic mix or volume; protections for vulnerable road users (pedes- trians, bicyclists, motorcyclists); or other changes affecting vehicles, routes or facilities (e.g., vehicle import regulations). Type C projects primarily involve transport infrastructure construction with road safety impacts during the construction period only. Type D projects involve vehicle procure- ments, such as procurement of bus fleets or even project vehicles. OPTRSR can arise in any project as a result of the road infrastructure, operating speeds (km/h), road user behavior, vehicle standards, and/or post-crash trauma care.21 Different methods may be implemented for assessing the OPTRSR for each project type at the proj- ect identification stage. Based on data availability, and project type, the assessment of risk should consider all these factors: road infrastructure, operating speeds, road users, vehicle standards, and post-crash trauma care (in particular, response time and readiness of emergency care staff), three methods may be used for identifying the potential traffic and road risks and their associated level in a 20 The principal purpose of this report is to emphasize and explain the OPTRSR risk rating and the methodologies for estimating those risks. The reader should take care to note that the OPTRSR risk rating is distinguished from the project’s overall Environmental and Social risk ratings which are required for every project under the World Bank’s ESF. While the overall E&S risk rating uses similar terminology, its purpose is to define the entire project risk profile taking into account all environmental and social risks and impacts. The overall project E&S risk rating takes account of the OPTRSR rating but there is not necessarily a direct correlation between them (i.e., a high OPTRSR rating may not necessarily be categorized as high E&S risk and vice versa). Each investment project will make the final determination of overall E&S risk rating and the OPTRSR rating on a case-by-case basis. 21 According to Annex 3 in the Road Safety GPN, the Borrower and task team should ensure that the scope of the assessment is proportional to the potential risks and estimated Fatalities and Serious Injuries (FSI) for the project. This may vary for different project types. The OPTRSR process helps determine what further assessments will be relevant to the project. 14 project. The Road Safety GPN recommends identifying ratings and risk levels for each user group as Low, Moderate, Substantial or High.22 Table 2 provides an overview of these methods. Method I: Crash data-based risk assessments are the most reliable method for estimating the OP- TRSR for Type A projects. This method effectively captures the first three criteria (infrastructure, users and speeds), and will also reflect the other two criteria (vehicle standards and post-crash trau- ma care). It is the go-to method when reasonable crash data from the previous three to five years is available for the road or can be estimated from data available from similar road(s) in the country and it can be used to inform the expected levels in the project. Crash data is evaluated along with an as- sessment of vehicle standards and post-crash trauma care to calibrate the overall risk. Method II: When reasonable crash data is not available, and iRAP analysis of the existing road is available, iRAP results and estimated risks for other factors could be used. Dedicated to saving lives through safer roads, the International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) provides tools and train- ing to help countries make roads safe. iRAP Star Ratings are an objective measure of the likelihood and severity of road crashes. iRAP results are often used to deliver broad network level analysis that provide road authorities and others with risk assessment. The focus is on identifying and recording road attributes which influence the most common and severe types of crashes based on scientific evi- dence-based research. This approach determines the risk level of a specific road segment or network without requiring detailed crash data, which is advantageous for developing countries where data may be limited. One-star (black) roads are the least safe – a person’s risk of death or serious injury is highest on these roads – while five-star (green) roads are the safest.23 Method III: When crash data and iRAP Star Ratings are unavailable, subjective estimates of road infrastructure risk and estimated risks for other factors should be used. In the absence of sound crash data, exposure and relative risk can be estimated especially based on WHO estimates for coun- tries, volume by transport mode, well-established relationships between risk and operating speeds and other road design and operating features. Road infrastructure risk can also be estimated by ana- lyzing attributes of the existing infrastructure, such as the extent of separation of pedestrians from traffic and crossing locations, extent of median separation, and presence of roadside safety barriers as well as dedicated bike, or motorcycle lanes. For both Methods II and III and for Type B, C or D projects, the OPTRSR is estimated as the weighted average of each of the identified risks. 22 The Directive for implementing the Environmental and Social Policy for Investment Project Financing (October, 2018) Section III C defines these risks with regard to crashes as: High: “high probability of serious adverse effects to human health…”; Substantial: “there is medium to low probability of serious adverse effects to human health … and there are known and reliable mechanisms available to prevent or minimize such incidents”; Moderate: “low probability of serious adverse effects to human health”; and, Low: “if its potential adverse risks to and impacts on human populations … are likely to be minimal or negligible.” 23 iRAP (International Road Assessment Programme), iRAP Star Rating and Investment Plan Implementation Support Guide (London: iRAP, March 2017). 15 TABLE 2: Methods for assessing OPTRSR and identifying risk factors METHOD RISK FACTORS DATA REQUIREMENTS Crash data-based • FSI crashes • Crash data from the previous 3–5 years or risk assessment estimated from data available from similar roads in the country • Assessment of vehicle standards (safe vehicles) • Post-crash trauma care (response time, quality of attention) iRAP Star Rating • iRAP Star Rating – existing conditions for vehicle occupants • iRAP scores (Low, Medium, Substantial, High) • iRAP Star Rating – existing conditions for motorcyclists (if • Estimates for non-infrastructure risks motorcycles are present on the road or likely to be present post-project) • iRAP Star Rating – existing conditions for bicyclists (if bicycles are present on the road or likely to be present post- project) • iRAP Star Rating – existing conditions for pedestrians (if pedestrians are present on the road or roadside or likely to be present post-project) • Assessment of non-infrastructure risks: operating speeds, road users, vehicle standards, and post-crash trauma care Estimating road • Extent of separation of pedestrians from traffic with • Subjective estimates of road infrastructure risk infrastructure risk provision of safe walking spaces and crossing locations (if for each of the risk criteria without crash or pedestrians are present on the road or roadside or likely to • Estimates for non-infrastructure risks iRAP data be present post-project) • Extent of roadside safety barriers (omit this factor from consideration if the operating speed is <40 km/h) • Extent of median separation (omit this factor from consideration if the operating speed is <60 km/h for a rural road and <40 km/h for an urban road) • Extent of separate well-designed motorcycle lanes (if motorcycles are present on the road or roadside or likely to be present post-project) • Extent of separate off-road bicycle lane (if bicycles are present on the road or roadside or likely to be present post-project) • Assessment of non-infrastructure risks: operating speeds, road users, vehicle standards, and post-crash trauma care SOURCE: Road Safety GPN. The Road Safety Screening and Appraisal Tool (RSSAT) developed by the Transport Global Practice, is required for all World Bank transport projects (Type A) and also recommended for other projects that may involve road safety risks. Its results must be reported in conjunction with the OPTRSR. The RSSAT tool (Method IV) considers the likely fatality rate with and without the project and it is designed to undertake a quick road safety screening of World Bank projects during the concept and preparation stages. It evaluates the safety effects of different design options, and conducts a cost-benefit analysis of the project’s impact on road safety, estimating change in potential Fatalities and Serious Injuries (FSI) due to the project. At the identification stage, RSSAT should be applied, and the results reported in con- junction with the OPTRSR.24 RSSAT does not require crash data to identify likely change in FSI risk, and it is now required for all World Bank financed transport projects to estimate the economic cost of road crashes on project roads.Type A projects should demonstrate Project Safety Impact of 1 or below for all road segments before approval. Table 3 summarizes the data requirements for RSSAT. 24 World Bank, Good Practice Note on Road Safety. 16 TABLE 3: The World Bank Road Safety Screening and Assessment Tool METHOD PROJECT SAFETY COST/BENEFIT IMPACT DATA REQUIREMENTS RSSAT • Project safety impact analysis and Baseline and projected estimates for: safety impact model • Fatalities by mode • Speeds by fleet type • Segment characteristics and road features • Traffic flows SOURCE: Road Safety GPN. Traffic and Road Safety Assessments During the project Preparation stage, the Borrower may need to conduct more in-depth assess- ments to identify and evaluate potential traffic and road safety risks. When traffic and road safety issues are likely to be significant for the community or road users, the objective of the road safety assessment is to consider these risks in more detail to determine the most appropriate mitigation (control) measures that can be implemented in the project. The assessment should consider the Safe System principles to confirm that all opportunities to minimize risks have been realized. The Safe System approach addresses all of these interactive elements in an integrated manner and emphasizes sharing accountability with designers and users of the road network to achieve road safety targets.25 Assessments prepared early in the project cycle help to identify and evaluate potential traffic and road safety risks that may arise from the project activities and/or their implementation. Such as- sessments are intended to help the Borrower mobilize appropriate resources, analyze risks in detail, and identify and adopt the most appropriate mitigation measures. This assessment also guides the preparation of the environmental and social documents, such as the Environmental and Social Im- pact Assessment (ESIA), Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMP), and the Environment and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP). For projects with High or Substantial road safety risks, assessments should be completed before the project is fully appraised to inform project objectives, components and activities, and the re- sults framework.26 Type A projects, or Type B and C projects with major construction activities re- quire more robust or detailed assessments. Substantial and High-risk projects should, as a minimum, include intermediate indicators related to traffic and road safety risk mitigation. Table 4 summarizes the different types of assessment tools (Methods V-VII) that can be used for this purpose as well as their data requirements. One or more of these assessments may be conducted at once or at different phases of project Preparation. Road Safety Audits (RSA) and Road Safety Impact Assessments (RSIA) involve exam- ining a traffic project, which may involve new construction or altering an existing road, to improve traffic and road safety performance. An RSA is a formal procedure to assess the crash risk potential and expected safety performance of a design for a road or traffic scheme. RSIA is a strategic assess- ment of the impact of different planning options. Safe System Assessments (SSA) evaluate the design against Safe System principles to confirm that all opportunities to mitigate risks and maximize road safety have been realized. 25 Tony Bliss and Jeanne Breen, “Meeting the Management Challenges of the Decade of Action for Road Safety,” IATSS Res., 35 (2012): 48–55, 26 For projects with Moderate or Low safety risks, the Borrower and the Bank may agree on more flexible timelines for the completion or road safety assessments and/or mitigation or management measures. Such agreements would be specified In the project’s ESCP. 17 These assessment procedures enable road safety engineering and crash analysis to be used for the prevention of crashes on new or modified roads. They can be conducted at different stages of the project cycle to identify key road safety challenges to guide designers, confirm that safety elements are correctly captured, check for any unsafe feature not apparent at previous stages and check that all the design details have been correctly implemented, identify deficiencies that need to be correct- ed, or to evaluate the road’s performance with traffic and determine areas that require further atten- tion. The earlier road safety risks are assessed within the design and development process the better to ensure that safety is fully integrated into all elements of the project’s infrastructure, with minimal risk of redesign or physical rework at a later stage. The main data needed to perform these types of assessments are FSI, traffic flows, and road fea- tures. Data analyses, modelling or estimates quantify and forecast traffic volumes and road crash FSI. Depending on data availability, these would aim to identify crash locations and crash types, at-risk individuals and groups, and key risk factors influencing exposure to risk, crash involvement, crash severity and post-crash outcomes. Even in the absence of sound crash data, exposure and relative risk can be estimated based on estimates for countries, volume by transport mode, well established relationships between risk and operating speeds, and other road design and operating features. Capacity reviews to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of road safety measures can be relevant when the project involves road safety policy change. 18 TABLE 4: Overview of primary tools for traffic and road safety assessments METHOD OBJECTIVES DATA REQUIREMENTS Road Safety Audits Identify safety concerns. It audits the Analysis of project designs and interventions: specialists assess (RSA) (performed by an safety of the specific design of the road options, such as intersections, signs, crossings; design independent team of chosen scheme. standards, and the relationship of this intervention to main specialists) network. Main data needed includes: • Scheme plans • Crash and FSI data • Traffic mix and volumes • Road features (e.g., design elements, such as bypasses, cycle routes, junction improvements, installation of traffic signals, roundabouts, traffic calming, bend realignment, safety fence schemes and pedestrian crossing facilities) Road Safety Impact Assess the impact of each of the The evaluation of each alternative is based on several factors, Assessments (RSIA) planning options on the safety some of which includes: (performed by members performance of the current road • The scheme objectives of the project design network. It estimates the impact • Crash and FSI data team with road design of possible schemes on safety for • Traffic mix and volumes and road safety auditing an entire geographic area at the • Road features experience) strategic level. • Categorization of roads and streets of that network Safe System Assessment Assess how closely road design and The core of the SSA approach is the “Safe System Matrix” (SSA) operation align with the Safe System framework, which is essentially a risk assessment. The objectives, and to clarify which assessment is done by scoring the risk exposure, likelihood elements need to be modified to and severity from 0–4. The Austroads approach can be used to achieve closer alignment with these perform this type of assessment. Data needed includes: objectives. • Traffic mix and volumes • Road features SOURCE: Road Safety GPN. Since the key objectives of these assessments (i.e., identifying risk elements and estimating crash exposure, likelihood, and severity for different road users) are complex and not standardized, the scoring system is subjective. This can complicate comparisons between sites, especially when these have been assessed by different individuals or teams. It is, therefore, usually most suitable for comparing options at a single site, identifying sources of risk and identifying solutions, rather than for comparing different sites. Results Frameworks and Monitoring Plans In addition to these assessments, a Results Framework that articulates the expected outcomes and impact of the project on road safety should also be developed before project Appraisal. A Results Framework is a management tool that presents how the development objective(s) of an operation will be evaluated, measured and monitored, based on the results chain (outputs, outcomes, and impacts). The Results Framework is based on the Project Development Objective (PDO) that indicates expected project outcomes. Depending on project design, intermediate indicators for each project component can be used to track implementation progress including the units of measurement, baselines, and final target for each indicator. Such details are typically provided in the project’s Monitoring Plan. 19 The Results Framework and Monitoring Plan should include a TABLE 5: Example of indicators road safety indicator with baseline and target values. The Trans- that may be included in the Results Framework port Global Practice has committed to including a road safety indica- EXAMPLE OF INDICATOR TYPE OF DATA THAT tor in all road projects and to increase the road safety focus of urban CAN BE COLLECTED mobility projects. All substantial and high-risk projects should in- Reduction of road Crash data clude at least one indicator that addresses road safety in the Results crashes Framework or as a Disbursement Linked Indicator, as relevant.27 Speed reductions Traffic flows Increased use of Number of helmet There are two types of indicators that should be considered. The helmet and seat belts and seat belt users first kind are intermediate indicators, which mark the progress SOURCE: Original table for this publication. toward fulfilling the development objectives before the final project outcomes are achieved (these may also measure progress in project outputs). Some examples of inter- mediate indicators that may be relevant to transport projects include the number of speed managing devices installed and safety audit compliance. The second are outcome indicators, which evaluate the uptake, adoption, and use of outputs by the target group within the project period. FSI is considered the most important indicator for monitoring the outcome of road safety interventions.28 Table 5 pro- vides some examples of indicators that can be included in the Results Framework, as well as the type of data that can be collected to monitor and evaluate them. Change in FSI is the most frequently tracked metric for impact evaluation of projects and inter- ventions for monitoring the outcome of road safety interventions. In cases where data cannot be obtained, other methodologies to estimate safety risks can also be used. Projects need to undertake baseline data collection to not only establish the appropriate project interventions to address road safety risks, but also as a way of assessing whether the project will improve or worsen the situation. Target values are to measure progress towards a particular indicator. For example, the number of workers killed (zero baseline because the project has not started; and zero target because the objec- tive should always be to avoid fatalities). This indicator should be based on one or more of the World Bank’s seven road safety pillars. During the Implementation phase, the focus shifts toward executing planned activities, and mon- itoring and evaluating indicators. Activities that are included in the Project Appraisal Document (PAD) are to be carried out during this phase. When key information or data for indicators included in the results matrix must be collected, it is important that procurement processes and supervision activities are planned and executed in a timely fashion to achieve expected results. It is also vital that the project design includes close monitoring of the safety performance until the project closes. In some cases, impact evaluations may also be required to monitor the long-term effects of imple- mented interventions. For example, the results matrix would identify the extent of progress towards achieving a particular milestone, like enumerating the number of physical features to separate traffic (e.g., footpaths, cycle lines, traffic signals) installed in the project to address the safety of vulnerable group users, such as pedestrians, bicyclists, or motorcyclists. The Implementation Completion Report (ICR) addresses the targets achieved at the completion of the project. At project completion, the ICR carries out an ex-post analysis of project interventions, and measures outcome and intermediate indicators from the results framework to assess wheth- er targets were achieved during implementation. The ICR will collect the indicators for the results framework for the last time to evaluate whether PDO and intermediate indicators meet their targets. 27 World Bank, Road Safety Indicators for Project Monitoring (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2021). 28 World Bank, Road Safety Indicators for Project Monitoring. 20 If, for example, a PDO is to contribute to the reduction of road traffic injuries and fatalities in selected corridors, with intermediate indicators to track progress towards some interventions, like imple- menting a certain number of physical features to separate traffic, the ICR will quantify this at the end of the project cycle so it can be compared with baseline indicators and expected targets. Key Challenges with Current Approaches to Road Safety Analysis Since data is the cornerstone of all road safety assessments, the availability of high quality, reli- able data is key to extracting useful, actionable insights and improving road safety conditions. Without quality information, it is difficult to estimate crash locations and crash types, at-risk individ- uals and groups, and key risk factors influencing exposure to risk, crash involvement, crash severity, and post-crash outcomes. Meeting data requirements for road safety assessments can be a challenge for various reasons, such as the lack of open data, or data collection costs. There can be a lack of adequate crash data or road ratings in data scarce countries and regions for identifying risk factors (Methods I to III). Governments often lack adequate and reliable data to identify road safety risks and perform road safety assessments. In addition, road crashes tend to be underreported, especially in LMICs. There may also be significant gaps in the data in terms of geographic or temporal coverage, or the data may be missing important variables and categories. Access to data can also be limited for certain data types, or the process of obtaining the data may be too complex, costly, and time-consuming. 21 Collecting data on road safety attributes through manual detection or special equipment can be expensive, time-consuming, and complex.29 Budgeting for data collection can be a challenge for both Borrowers and World Bank task teams, especially for Methods I to IV which are required at the project identification stage. In these cases, data is most often estimated through existing road designs or by local transportation agencies. For Methods V to VII, the most cost-effective method for data collection is the installation of cameras and sensors that record street imagery, speed informa- tion and other data. Images and video are then analyzed by road safety experts to identify relevant attributes, assess road conditions and identify potential risks. Commissioning equipment and hiring resources to manually collect data on road features and design may be a hindrance, especially for smaller-scale projects where the opportunity to benefit from economies of scale is low. In addition to the quality and availability of data, preparing and analyzing road safety data can also be costly, resource-intensive, and technically demanding. Most road safety assessments require data to be combined from various sources, which often involves aggregating, cleaning and preparing the data. Additional resources and specialist expertise may be necessary for this process, and also to analyze the data and extract useful insights using methods such as clustering and developing spatial models. Conventional statistical techniques can also be limited in their ability to identify complex correlations and underlying factors that may contribute to road safety risks across various projects. The purpose of this Guidance Note is to identify new methods for the collection and analysis of road safety data that could overcome the limitations of existing approaches, and also improve their efficacy in identifying risks and opportunities to mitigate crashes. Conducting road safety assessments is a required component of most road investment and infrastructure development proj- ects. Advanced technologies such as big data and ML have the potential to not only supplement existing methods, but also significantly reduce costs while improving the efficacy of road safety as- sessments in identifying risks and opportunities to mitigate crashes. The following section explains how big data and ML can be practically implemented by Borrowers and World Bank task teams for various road safety assessment procedures that are required by World Bank investment projects at various stages of the project cycle. It introduces these methods and provides an overview of big data sources and ML techniques that are useful for road safety as- sessments (tables 6 to 10). Part 2 also discusses best practices and key considerations that are vital to implementing these new methods effectively. A framework for integrating these technologies in road safety assessments is also proposed, and subsequent sections demonstrate how this framework can be applied in LMICs through two original case studies. OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)/ITF (International Transport Forum), Big Data and Transport: 29 Understanding and Assessing Options (Paris: OECD/ITF, 2015), 22 PART 2: Big Data and Machine Learning to Strengthen Road Safety in Transport Projects The World Bank and Global Road Safety Facility are keen to use new technologies, such as big data and ML, in data collection and analysis for road safety to overcome the limitations of existing approaches. As these technologies become more sophisticated and accessible, a growing body of re- search indicates their potential to complement, and eventually even surpass conventional methods. World Bank teams have demonstrated various applications of big data and ML in road safety and other transport and infrastructure projects over the past few years. For example, a task team de- veloped an open data platform in 2015 based on a pilot in Cebu City, Philippines, which sourced data from a taxi company to generate insights for traffic management.30 Another team has developed a “Simplified Methodology” to implement ML in video analysis to extract data on road attributes. The new tool was piloted across over 500 kilometers of road in Mozambique and Liberia in 2019.31 The World Bank, in collaboration with the Philippine government, has also launched the Data for Road Incident Visualization Evaluation and Reporting (DRIVER) system to facilitate data sharing for road safety analysis. This free web-based, open-source platform connects traffic crash data from multiple agencies through a standardized reporting system. DRIVER also provides tools to geo-spatially an- alyze road crash data, predict blackspots, estimate the economic costs of crashes, and evaluate the effectiveness of various interventions to support investments and policy-making for improved road safety.32 World Bank teams are increasingly turning to data partnerships to obtain crash, traffic, and oth- er types of data for road safety analysis. For example, in Kenya, the WHO estimates that up to 75 percent of crashes go unreported.33 SmarTTrans – a collaboration between the Kenyan government and the World Bank – has worked to fill this gap by bringing together crash information both from administrative records and from bystander crash reports from Twitter.34 In addition, the team has leveraged the Development Data Partnership (DDP) to access Waze API and Uber congestion and speed information for all 6,200 km of the city’s road network. Using all data sources, the smarTTrans team is creating near real-time analytics to facilitate the identification of crash hotspots, speeding, and congestion patterns. 30 World Bank, Open Traffic: Easing Urban Congestion (Washington, DC: World Bank, n.d.), files/WBG_BD_CS_OpenTraffic_1.pdf 31 World Bank, Innovative Road Safety Risk Assessment Tool with Automated Image Analysis Technology (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2019). 32 World Bank, GRSF DRIVER Completion Report (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2019), curated/en/245151560919065747/pdf/Data-for-Road-Incident-Visualization-Evaluation-and-Reporting-Lowing-the-Barriers-to- Evidence-Based-Road-Safety-Management-in-Resource-Constrained-Countries.pdf 33 WHO, Global Status Report on Road Safety 2018. 34 Sveta Milusheva et al., “Applying Machine Learning and Geolocation Techniques to Social Media Data (Twitter) to Develop a Resource for Urban Planning,” PLoS ONE 16, 2 (2021), 23 2.1 New Data (and Big Data) in Road Safety Analysis Big data is generally understood as extremely large datasets that are generated by a wide range of data sources, including machines, sensors and other Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Big data can also be captured over the internet through social media and other types of applications, especially those that track locational or transactional data. The large volume of such data is one of many characteristics that make big data especially useful for road safety and other applications in transport and infrastructure development. For example, big data can be generated at immense velocity, especially as more such data is collected real-time and for large populations. It also occurs in a variety of data formats, from structured databases to unstructured text documents, emails, videos, audios, stock ticker data and financial transactions. Big data is also characterized by a high degree of variability since data flows can change over time, de- pending on seasons, off-peak hours or availability of collection methods across an entire population under study. Table 6 provides a SWOT analysis of the use of big data in road safety analysis. For transport, the increasing use of personal mobile devices and vehicle sensors to collect traffic and location data presents a significant opportunity to augment traditional sources of transport data. Annex 1 discusses the most relevant big data types for road safety analysis. It also provides guidance on the potential applications of these sources for evaluating road safety, and the advantages and disadvantages of each source. The following sections discuss how big data can be used for the various road safety assessment methods and tools discussed in Part 1. 24 TABLE 6: SWOT analysis of using big data in road safety analysis STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES • Recent and broad geographic coverage allows researchers to • Requires investment in expertise, software and computing dive deeper into transport issues and get a comprehensive and power to store, access and process big data. current picture of risks. • Availability of data can vary significantly by geography and • Can help obtain real-time data and track up-to-the-minute context. changes in traffic flows and other important variables. • Coverage can be inconsistent or exclude important segments • May be faster and easier to obtain and process, compared to of the population. manual collection. • Most big data sources are not set up to support road safety • Can offer higher spatial and temporal resolution than assessments—it is often data that was collected for other conventional sources. purposes but gets repurposed for road safety analysis. This • Can be more affordable and easier to scale. can lead to the data being biased, incomplete and/or difficult to incorporate in road safety analysis. • Vast quantities of data can limit bias from outliers and other sources of “noise” since data gets aggregated across vast • Need to consider the interoperability of different datasets (i.e., populations. how easy it is to combine different datasets for complex road safety assessment models). • Can help improve data quality since often covers large geographic and/or temporal scope, also allowing for • Changes in privacy laws and other relevant policies can impact comparison against “control” datasets and scenarios. quality, consistency and coverage of data. OPPORTUNITIES THREATS • Provides an alternative approach to road safety data collection • Privacy concerns – data should be de-identified and and analysis that may complement or supplement traditional anonymized before use. approaches or datasets. For example, big data sources may be • Data providers may be reluctant to share data. able to collect more accurate crash data. • Governments, local municipalities, and other stakeholders • Big data analysis can uncover new dynamics, complex must invest in technological infrastructure to support big data behavioral patterns and relationships, and correlations that collection and analysis. conventional statistical methods and data may not be able to • Need to enforce quality control to limit risk of data bias. detect. • Licensing constraints – most private companies, such as • Growing interest in autonomous vehicles is generating more Google, provide limited licenses for data use. data about road systems, vehicles, and vulnerable users that can be integrated into road safety analysis. • Rising momentum for the creation of a “big data platform” where data providers can sell or share data. SOURCE: Original table for this publication. Big data, especially when combined with ML, which is discussed in the following section, can enhance the capabilities of current systems and road safety assessment tools. The increasing use of IoT devices, which range from smartphones to vehicle sensors, as well as Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), is making it possible to collect, access and utilize real-time data about a large range of variables that are relevant to road safety analysis. This includes traffic flows, crash sites, peak timings, travel times and road usage by pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists. The availability of such extensive data creates new possibilities for crash risk modelling, especially to predict the out- comes of various types of road safety interventions as well as possible impacts of road infrastructure projects. As mobile phone use rises globally, smartphones have become a prominent source of big data, though there are many other sources to consider. In addition to the location and velocity of road travelers collected passively through mobile devices, transportation projects can take advantage of street view, aerial, and satellite imagery, traffic monitoring systems, connected vehicles for road safe- ty analysis, as well as crowdsourced data provided by the community through mobile devices.35 An- nex 2 provides an overview of the most relevant and accessible big data sources for World Bank task teams and is a useful starting point to find relevant data sources. TTLs are advised to look for relevant 35 Alex Neilson et al., “Systematic Review of the Literature on Big Data in the Transportation Domain: Concepts and Applica- tions,” Big Data Res. 17 (2019): 35-44. 25 local and regional data providers based on the region(s) of interest that concern their project(s). As big data infrastructure advances globally and new companies and startups begin data collection for var- ious purposes, it is likely that the list of available big data sources in World Bank member countries will expand significantly in coming years. Street view imagery can complement or potentially substitute manual or commissioned road sur- veys to collect data on road safety attributes for various types of assessments. For example, street- view imagery can help obtain baseline data for RSIA more quickly and cheaply, especially if the data is not already readily available. By applying ML algorithms to street view images, road attributes and other data can be detected that are important for road safety assessments. Similarly, there may be instances where satellite imagery or aerial imagery, those collected by an unmanned aerial vehi- cle (UAV) or drone, can be analyzed to detect road or road user attributes. Figure 4 shows the same crosswalk visible in satellite imagery and street view imagery using OpenStreetMap in OSM. ML is discussed in greater detail in the next section. FIGURE 4: Street view and OSM Road safety data can be extracted from images such as road markings and signs, types of road users, and designated paths for vulnerable users. Each image and relevant attributes are geolocated for further analysis. In this instance, the crosswalk identified in OSM can be verified in street view imagery. SOURCE: Original figure for this publication derived from OSM, Mapillary, and Maxar Technologies. Mobile applications and telematics can provide data related to vehicle movement to identify road infrastructure risks. This data includes current and historical average speeds along road segments as well as irregularities, like traffic jams and incidents. This data is useful for most proactive road safety assessment tools, including RSIA, RSA, and RSI. It can be geographically visualized and ana- lyzed, such as through heatmaps or hotspot analysis as shown in figure 5 (see Annex 3 for additional examples and descriptions). Telematics data has also been used to assess driver behavior, facilitate the prediction of crash-prone locations and create geographic visualizations, as discussed in inter- views with researchers at the ARRB and Professor George Yannis from the National Technical Uni- 26 versity of Athens. However, data privacy is an especially important concern when it comes to the use of telematics data.36 FIGURE 5: Hotspot analysis of major crashes reported by Waze application users Bogotá, Colombia Waze Major Crash Cold Spot - 95% Confidence Cold Spot - 90% Confidence Not Significant Hot Spot - 90% Confidence Hot Spot - 95% Confidence Hot Spot - 99% Confidence SOURCE: Original figure for this publication (data provided by Waze App; learn more at Basemap provided by Esri, HERE, Garmin, METI/NASA, USGS. Mobile applications are helping overcome underreporting of road crashes by crowdsourcing inci- dent reports. For example, in Kenya, road crashes have been shown to be largely underreported, es- pecially in areas where incident reporting mechanisms are lacking or underdeveloped.37 Navigation applications such as Waze are providing a valuable new source of crash and traffic data by allowing users to report incidents through their smartphone applications. Each incident report submitted by a user is geolocated and timestamped, which allows it to be combined with other geospatial data to identify segments of a road that are experiencing major or minor crashes, light to stand still traffic jams or hazardous conditions (hazards on the road or on the shoulder, weather alerts or dangerous road surfaces). Additionally, social media platforms like Twitter are used by many people on the ground to report on crashes and traffic conditions and can be leveraged using machine learning al- gorithms to produce additional data on crashes, as was done by the smarTTrans team in Nairobi.38 Lastly, mobile application data can be generated in real-time to assist with monitoring or collected and analyzed over time to develop models. 36 Anthony Germanchev (Principal Professional Leader, Advanced Technologies Lab, Australian Road Research Board) and Professor George Yannis (School of Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens), in discussion with the authors, April 2021. 37 Guadalupe Bedoya Arguelles, et al., “Smart and Safe Kenya Transport (SMARTTRANS).” 38 Sveta Milusheva et al., “Applying Machine Learning and Geolocation Techniques to Social Media Data (Twitter) to Develop a Resource for Urban Planning.” 27 A growing number of countries and regions are focusing on developing a big data infrastructure to collect official incident reports. Collecting comprehensive and accurate information about road incidents is an important objective for government transportation agencies. There is growing inter- est in gathering and analyzing the information in big data formats to provide deeper and more com- prehensive insight into road safety risks and the impact of different interventions. The collection of real-time data would also be beneficial for this purpose, for which collecting, storing, and analyzing the information as big data would be most realistic and feasible. How to Access Big Data Big data for road safety generally falls into two categories: public sector and private sector. Tra- ditionally governments have collected and provided data for road safety analysis, such as police re- ports of crash incidents. However, alternative sources are becoming increasingly available as mobile apps are used to crowdsource reports of roadside incidents and companies aggregate traffic speeds from proprietary mobile applications. Often data quality from such sources can vary significantly by location, with certain sources being more effective, reliable, and better developed in some regions compared to others. Task teams are advised to use the list provided in Annex 2 as a starting point and find the most relevant data providers for their project’s region(s) of interest. This Guidance Note focuses on big data sources that are most easily and readily accessible to World Bank task teams. Different sources require different approaches to obtaining relevant data quickly and efficiently. It is important to understand the licensing restrictions that accompany each source. For example, even though a dataset is crowdsourced, it may have licensing restrictions. It is best to consult the World Bank Legal team and data provider to clarify terms of use when necessary. Public sector. Governments can collect, manage, and share data relating to transport, infrastruc- ture, and mobility. Many governments, whether at the national level or even local municipalities, are establishing open data platforms where datasets can be accessed by running a simple search query. Such platforms have already been created in the Philippines as well as in Australia and the United States.39 In other instances, particularly where the data infrastructure is not as advanced, data may have to be requested through the relevant department. It is often possible to obtain datasets relating to crash histories or collected by road sensors from government sources which are extensive enough to be processed as big data in road safety analysis. The World Bank’s Road Safety Observatories (RSO) initiative also has the potential to become an important source of government-generated big data in the future. The Observatories provide a for- mal network of government representatives to share and exchange road safety data and experience in order to improve road safety throughout the region. The World Bank established its first RSO in Latin America (OISEVI), before introducing the initiative in Africa (ARSO) and Asia-Pacific (APRSO). By enhancing road safety data and information systems, the Observatories play a pivotal role in help- ing countries monitor, evaluate and develop more impactful road safety policies and interventions.40 In other cases, publicly available datasets with a global reach may be considered. A good example 39 Australian BITRE (Bureau of Infrastructure and Transport Research Economics), “Australian Road Deaths Database (ARDD),” Australian BITRE, updated May 13, 2021,; ODPH (Open Data Philippines), “Open Data Philippines,” ODPH, accessed June 3, 2021,; US NHTSA (United States National Highway Traffic Safety Administration), “Data,” US NHTSA, accessed May 28, 2021, 40 World Bank, “Better Data for Safer Roads: The Powerful Mission of Road Safety Observatories,” last modified November 5, 2020, observatories 28 of this is OSM, which offers freely available geographic data generated by volunteers who trace satel- lite images around the world to create and update the map consisting of road networks (detailing road types, bridges, tunnels, direction of traffic flow), among other features. OSM data can be combined with other datasets for road safety analysis. While OSM provides an overview of the road geometry, the recency and accuracy of the data requires validation. Due to variability in quality and coverage, OSM data would be considered a starting point and is not recommended for detailed assessments. Private sector. Mobility datasets are generated through ride-hailing services, delivery services, so- cial media, and other mobile applications that collect user location and movement. Companies in the transportation and logistics sector use smartphone applications to digitize their operations and take advantage of higher quality, real-time data to improve efficiency as well. Other companies provide telematics software to track vehicle movement and safety features. Companies and start-ups invest- ing in autonomous vehicle research are providing valuable sources of big data for road safety analy- sis. Some companies also provide APIs that allow developers to access these datasets (often on a lim- ited basis). However, proprietary or commercial data may have to be purchased in some instances, or data partnerships need to be established to access such data. It is also crucial to understand how the data is licensed and can be legally used for different types of analysis. For example, Google restricts digitizing and tracing information as well as using applications to analyze and extract information from street view images, although annotation and labelling is permitted.41 Data Partnership Agreements. World Bank task teams can apply for access to various datasets for road safety analysis through the Development Data Partnership (DDP), which is a formal collabora- tion of private sector companies and international organizations to use third-party data in research and international development.42 It is accessible to all World Bank staff and partners. Upon submit- ting a proposal through the DDP site and signing a licensing agreement, companies provide datasets relevant to road safety, such as human movement (Orbital Insight, Unacast, and Veraset), traffic speed (Mapbox and Waze), social media (Twitter), and weather ( In addition, the site shares guidance on accessing the datasets and contains a searchable inventory of Development Part- ner projects. DDP provides a seamless, efficient, and secure manner for World Bank teams to access data from a broad range of data providers across various regions of interest. It includes templates of data license agreements, access to multi-disciplinary teams for end-to-end support and a centralized IT architecture and processes for ingesting, storing, and pre-processing data, as well as for coding collaboration. Task teams can also benefit from extensive, up-to-date documentation that provides guidelines, code snippets and examples from data partners’ products and services to facilitate their project.43 DDP datasets are primarily intended for experimental purposes. If proven successful, gov- ernments may consider implementing a five-year agreement directly with the company to continue to use the data for road safety analysis. It is also possible to benefit from the platform by becoming a World Bank Data Fellow. Waze for Cities is one example of a data sharing agreement that can be leveraged using the DDP platform. The program allows cities to utilize data standards designed by Waze for closure and inci- dent reporting to reduce data fragmentation and promote transport and government data aggrega- tion. It now has more than 500 global partners including city, state and country government agen- cies, nonprofits and first responders. Moovit, an app focused on public transport, offers Mobility as a 41 Google, “Google Maps, Google Earth, and Street View,” accessed May 14, 2021, products-and-services/geo-guidelines/ 42 Development Data Partnership, 43 Development Data Partnership Documentation, 29 Service (MaaS) solutions for cities, providing personalized apps, payment solutions, real-time transit information, and other analytics. In many cases, data providers help local governments by exchanging data. For example, the city of Tokyo in Japan has partnered with a private firm to develop a smartphone compatible app, Zenryoku Annai!. The app analyzes nearly 360 million observations every second to generate real-time infor- mation on the shortest and least-congested travel routes. A similar intelligent transport system (ITS) in Denmark, Copenhagen Connecting, was implemented to promote transport sustainability through real-time digital traffic control and weather adaptation options. World Bank task teams should con- sider seeking the support of local governments to establish data partnership agreements, particular- ly if the provider is not already a part of the DDP. Data marketplaces. Business leaders are keen to explore the value of the big data they collect as a tradable commodity. This has given rise to data marketplaces which are essentially online platforms dedicated to the buying and selling of data. These marketplaces can provide a more cost-effective source of data compared to other data mining techniques. Dedicated marketplaces for traffic and transport data have also emerged in recent years, although their coverage of LMICs tends to be low. As part of its efforts to establish an artificial intelligence tool for road safety analysis (called Ai- RAP), iRAP is seeking to establish a data marketplace where public and private data providers can trade data for road safety analysis. The data marketplace will focus on three types of data products, according to Monica Olyslagers (Safe Cities and Innovation Specialist at iRAP), who was interviewed for this Guidance Note.44 The first is raw datasets that need to be processed to extract relevant in- formation. The second is datasets that have been at least partially cleaned up and processed by data 44 Monica Olyslagers (Safe Cities and Innovation Specialist, iRAP), in discussion with the authors, April 2021. 30 providers or Ai-RAP and are ready to be plugged into road safety assessments. The third is pre- pared-for-purpose datasets that are specifically commissioned for road safety assessments in differ- ent types of projects. This data marketplace model is currently being piloted in Africa, as part of a project to set up a regional road safety observatory there in collaboration with the World Bank. The new data marketplace will initially focus on aggregating and trading conventional datasets. However, the project team plans to bring on big data providers and incorporate ML in the Ai-RAP tool to allow for more sophisticated analysis in road safety assessment procedures. Borrowers and TTLs are advised to search data marketplaces as a lesser-cost alternative to commissioning data collection for their projects. Key Considerations for Selecting the “Right” Big Data Source This section provides an overview on how different big data sources can be used. The data sources covered in the tables for each method or assessment type should be viewed as guides, rather than concrete, all-inclusive lists. The most appropriate choice of data sources should eventually be deter- mined by considering the costs and benefits of each source. A list of factors that may be useful to consider for this purpose are discussed toward the end of this section. It is also worth noting that while big data may not be a feasible alternative to conventional data for every project or assessment (if only at present), it can still complement and supplement current approaches or be used to validate their outcomes and analyses.45 As discussed in Part 1, assessing OPTRSR is a procedure that must be conducted at the project Identification stage to inform design and other assessments at the Preparation stage. Table 7 pro- vides an overview of potential big data sources for the road safety assessment procedures discussed in Part 1 (Methods I-VII). Tables 8 to 10 discuss data sources that could be useful for each of the three primary methods for estimating OPTRSR, based on their respective data requirements. 45 Holly Krambeck, Magreth Kakoko, and Mireille Raad, Using Computer Vision to Automatically Detect Road Features for Road Safety Audits and Assessments: Inception Report (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2019). 31 TABLE 7: Overview of potential big data sources for Methods I-VII TYPE OF DATA REQUIRED WHICH METHODS POTENTIAL BIG DATA SOURCE EXAMPLES IT’S USED FOR Crash data from 3–5 years Methods I, V and VI Government Government portal or contact Mobile applications and telematics Waze Crowdsourced Waze Operating speeds Methods II to IV Mobile applications and telematics Mapbox, Waze Road features (road Methods III, V, VI, and VII Street view imagery Mapillary markings, signs, traffic Crowdsourced OSM calming measures, etc.) Aerial and satellite imagery Maxar, UAV Road type (urban road, Methods III, V, VI, and VII Street view imagery Mapillary pedestrian area, etc.) Crowdsourced OSM Aerial and satellite imagery Maxar, UAV Mobile applications Orbital Insight Vehicle fleet mean speed Methods III to VII Mobile applications and telematics Mapbox, Waze Traffic flow Methods IV to VII Traffic imagery Mapillary Aerial and satellite imagery Maxar, UAV Mobile applications and telematics Mapbox, Waze SOURCE: Original table for this publication. For crash data-based risk assessments (Method I), at least three years of historical crash data is required to cover three assessment criteria: infrastructure, road users, and speeds. Government data can be sup- plemented with data from mobile applications and telematics software, which may also have crowdsourc- ing capabilities, such as Waze. However, it may be a challenge to access three or more years of historical mobile or crowdsourced data. Table 8 summarizes the different data sources that can be used, although it does not include sources for two assessment criteria (vehicle standards and post-crash trauma care). TABLE 8: Method I — Crash data-based risk assessment REQUIREMENTS DATA SOURCE COMMENTS Crash data Government May be underreported; see Road Safety GPN from 3–5 Mobile applications and Companies providing mobile map apps or crash-related years telematics data within apps could be a resource for crash data Crowdsourced Waze incident reports (minor or major crash) Incident reports from delivery drivers Social media text analysis, such as from Twitter SOURCE: Original table for this publication. If crash data is not available, Method II uses iRAP Star Ratings on the existing road to evaluate road infrastructure risk, and an assessment of the other criteria. Big data can be considered for evaluating road features, traffic flows and users’ behaviour and complement iRAP Ratings. Table 9 highlights alternative big data sources that can be used to assess non-infrastructure risk. iRAP is also exploring the use of big data such as geo-located crash data to produce iRAP Risk Maps of the his- torical crashes per kilometer, and analyze road attributes, traffic flows, and speed data and map the safety performance and Star Rating.46 Such a methodology would also require the use of ML, which is discussed in the next section. Omdena, “Rating Road Safety Through Machine Learning to Prevent Road Accidents,” accessed May 28, 2021, https:// 46 32 TABLE 9: Method II — iRAP Star Rating (alternative data sources using big data) REQUIREMENTS DATA SOURCE COMMENTS Road users (behavior) Seat belt use for front passengers Traffic imagery Road surveillance images have been used to monitor front-row passengers wearing seat belts; potential to apply this to images (or video). Child restraint and rear seat N/A N/A passenger seat belt use Motorcycle helmet use Street view imagery Potential to identify helmet use among motorcyclists. Operating speeds (km/h) during non-peak hours (not speed limits) for each road type Traffic video Government data or collected by team Video images can be used to calculate traffic flows and speeds. Operating speeds Mobile applications and telematics Often provided as average speed per road segment in varying temporal resolutions. SOURCE: Original table for this publication. Big data can also be used to evaluate road safety risk without crash or iRAP data (Method III). Road infrastructure, operating speeds and other risks to road users may be estimated using various sourc- es of big data (table 10). Combined with ML, clustering and other advanced analytical techniques, these data sources can also be used to model high-risk crash sites to project crash risk probability, frequency, and severity. This is discussed more in the following section. 33 TABLE 10: Method III – Estimating road infrastructure risk without crash or iRAP data REQUIREMENTS DATA SOURCE COMMENTS Road infrastructure Extent of separation of pedestrians from Street view imagery Identify safe walking paths and crosswalks, traffic lights traffic with provision of safe walking spaces and signals and crossing locations (if pedestrians are Crowdsourced OSM footways, intersections present or likely to be present post-project) Aerial and satellite imagery Identify walking paths and crosswalks Extent of roadside safety barriers (omit this Street view imagery Identify barriers factor from consideration if the operating Crowdsourced OSM (e.g., cable barriers or guard rails) speed is <40 km/h) Aerial and satellite imagery Depending on image resolution and type of barrier in the ROI Extent of median separation (omit this Street view imagery Identify road medians factor from consideration if the operating Crowdsourced OSM (e.g., cable barriers) speed is <60 km/h for a rural road and <40 km/h for an urban road) Aerial and satellite imagery Depending on image resolution and type of median in the ROI Extent of separate well-designed Street view imagery Identify motorcycle lanes motorcycle lanes (if motorcycles are Crowdsourced OSM (e.g., motorcycle lanes) present on the road or roadside or likely to be present post-project) Aerial and satellite imagery Identify motorcycle lanes Extent of separate off-road bicycle lane (if Street view imagery Identify bicycle lanes bicycles are present on the road or roadside Crowdsourced OSM (e.g., cycleways) or likely to be present post-project) Aerial and satellite imagery Identify bicycle lanes Road users Seat belt use for front passengers Street view imagery Road surveillance images have been used to monitor front-row passengers wearing seat belts; potential to apply to images or video Child restraint and rear seat passenger seat N/A N/A belt use Motorcycle helmet use Street view imagery Potential to identify helmet use among motorcyclists Operating speeds (km/h) during non-peak hours (not speed limits) for each road type Operating speeds Mobile applications and Often provided as average speed per road segment in telematics varying temporal resolutions Road type (pedestrian area; urban area Street view imagery Identify pedestrian and non-pedestrian areas, open without pedestrians; open road, not median roads, and medians separated; open road, median separated) Crowdsourced OSM roadways, footways, cable barriers or guard rails Aerial and satellite imagery Pedestrian area, area without pedestrians, medians Mobile applications Foot traffic, such as from Orbital Insight SOURCE: Original table for this publication. 34 Projects that require reporting RSSAT results (Method IV) in addition to the OPTRSR (such as Type A projects, see Part 1) can turn to the big data sources highlighted in table 11 as an alternative or complement to traditional sources. Where existing data may be scarce or of poor quality, these sources may provide faster, more comprehensive and reliable data to estimate baseline risks. Similar big data sources can be used for road infrastructure evaluations that involve Methods V-VII. Speed limits may be provided by the government. Roadside attributes, intersections, and mid- block attributes can be detected by ML algorithms applied to street view images. TABLE 11: Method IV – RSSAT REQUIREMENTS DATA SOURCE COMMENTS Crash data from 3–5 years Government May be underreported; see Road Safety GPN (annual fatalities, serious Mobile application Companies providing mobile map apps or traffic-related data injury/fatality ratio; fatalities within apps might be a resource for crash data by vehicle occupant, motorcyclist, bicyclist, or Crowdsourced Waze incident reports (minor or major crash) pedestrian) Incident reports from delivery drivers Social media text analysis, such as from Twitter Vehicle fleet mean speed Mobile applications and Often provided as average speed per road segment in varying telematics temporal resolutions Segment characteristics Street view imagery Number of lanes, lane width, paved shoulder width, terrain type, (number of lanes per travel median type, road marking and signs, pedestrian and bicycle direction; lane width, paved facilities, service road shoulder width, terrain type, Crowdsourced OSM median type; road marking and signs; pedestrian and bicycling Aerial and satellite imagery Number of lanes, lane width, paved shoulder width, terrain type, facilities, service road) median type, road marking, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, service road; road signs will be a limitation Dominant roadside object Street view imagery Safety barriers, static roadside objects, minor hazards; in some (safety barrier; minor hazards; cases, cliff or steep drop may be possible slope; trees, poles, and fixed Crowdsourced OSM (e.g., barriers) objects; cliff or steep drops) Aerial and satellite imagery Elevation for slope and steep drops; in some cases, static roadside objects, minor hazards or safety barriers Speed management or traffic Street view imagery Identify physical speed inhibitors calming measures (percentage Crowdsourced OSM traffic calming features by type of road length) Aerial and satellite imagery Identify physical speed inhibitors Intersection characteristics Street view imagery Grade separated, roundabout, signalized junction, unsignalized (grade separated, roundabout, junction signalized junction, Aerial and satellite imagery Grade separated, roundabout unsignalized junction) Pedestrian crossing (grade Street view imagery Grade separated, signalized crossing, marked crossing separated, signalized crossing, Crowdsourced OSM pedestrian crossing features by type marked crossing) Aerial and satellite imagery Grade separated, marked crossing Traffic flow (motorized Street view imagery Static camera at a set location is preferrable and non-motorized; both Aerial and satellite imagery Presents temporal limitations directions, per day) Mobile applications and Provides temporal granularity telematics SOURCE: Original table for this publication. Big data sources may also be useful to monitor and evaluate indicators for the Results Framework. Table 12 provides examples of a few big data sources that could be used for the indicators covered in table 5. 35 TABLE 12: Example of big data sources for road safety indicators in the Results Framework EXAMPLE OF INDICATOR TYPE OF DATA THAT CAN BE COLLECTED EXAMPLE OF BIG DATA SOURCE Reduction of road crashes Crash data Government, open source data, Waze Speed reductions Traffic flows Video images, telematics, mobile applications Increased use of helmet and seat belts Number of helmet and seat belt users Street images and security video SOURCE: Original table for this publication. As a broader variety of big data sources become available, Borrowers and TTLs are advised to carefully consider the trade-offs involved when collecting data from various sources. Here is a list of factors to consider, as well as some guidance on how each of these can affect project outcomes and constraints. This is not an exhaustive list. Some factors may be more relevant to some projects than others, while additional considerations may be required for certain projects. In some cases, data from existing sources may not be available and will need to be collected using cameras, sensors, and/or other tools. The World Bank Data Lab provides resources to find, collect, manage, and gain insights from data, including access to Lab Leads who can give project-specific advice.47 • It is worth noting that many of these factors are also interrelated. For example, the types and quan- tity of data required could impact costs of obtaining and processing it. Costs can also vary by region, as can the availability of resources to process and analyze the data. This list may be used in tandem with Annex 2, which provides an overview of the most relevant big data sources for road safety anal- ysis as well as their relative costs, data attributes and formats, and possible limitations. • Type of road safety assessment or procedure. As discussed in Part 1, a broad range of tools and procedures are used for road safety assessments across World Bank projects. Each tool has its own specific data requirements. It is important to consider these before determining appropriate big data sources to complement analysis. • Context/Region(s) of Interest. The types and variety of big data sources available can vary great- ly from region to region, country to country, or even different provinces or localities within the same country. For example, Waze crowdsourced crash data is especially useful for urban regions that are more densely populated compared to rural regions. • Type of data required. As more big data sources become available for road and traffic data, the task team should carefully consider which variables and data types are most relevant to their model before selecting a source. For example, Google offers a number of APIs that may be useful for road safety analysis. This includes Google Maps, Google Traffic and Google Street View. It is important to consider the quantity, duration, and extensiveness of the data required. For exam- ple, some data sources include time-series information, others do not. Some may include specific road features or road user data, while others may just be focused on traffic flows. • Data formats. Big data is collected, stored, and transmitted in a wide range of formats. It is important to consider the usability of available big data formats as well as their interoperability with other types of data. Since many big data sources that are currently available are not custom designed for road safety analysis, task teams should be prepared to have some expertise and re- sources to extract, aggregate, clean, and convert the data into a format that can be combined with other data and/or used with analytical tools and models. • Cost. Given the size of big datasets, costs can arise from accessing, storing, handling, process- ing, and analyzing the data. The cost may be in the form of data licenses, software licenses or 47 World Bank Data Lab, 36 equipment (if the data is being collected specifically for the project at hand). Besides the cost of obtaining the data, it is also important to consider the cost of using it, such as by acquiring the necessary expertise, software tools and processing power for analysis. Annex 2 discusses the relative costs associated with using different big data sources. • Resources required to make data usable. In addition to relevant data sources and the costs that may be associated with accessing them, other resources could also be required to utilize the data in road safety assessment and analysis. This includes technical skills and expertise required to handle and analyze the data. • Time constraints. Some big data sources are faster to access and obtain data from compared to others. For example, open data platforms allow you to run a search query and instantly obtain relevant datasets. Other avenues, such as data sharing agreements, may take longer to deliver the required data. It is important to consider the project timeframe to determine which data source may be more useful for road safety analysis at a given stage. • Licensing constraints. Any official and legitimate data source is accompanied by licensing reg- ulations that outline the terms of use of the provided dataset. Big data sources are no exception. Different data sources have different licensing agreements associated with them. Some, such as open data platforms, may have minimal licensing restrictions. Others, such as APIs and datasets obtained through data partnership agreements, can have more restrictive terms of use. It is im- portant to carefully consider these limitations before choosing a source. TTLs are advised to con- sult the World Bank’s legal team or the data provider to fully understand licensing restrictions associated with different big data sources to avoid legal ramifications. 2.2 Machine Learning in Road Safety Analysis ML is a branch of artificial intelligence. It involves creating algorithms that “learn” patterns, trends and behaviors from data and improve accuracy over time without further programming. As figure 6 illustrates, the lifecycle of an ML model can be typically divided into two phases: training and deploy- ment. In the training phase, training data is fed into the algorithm to obtain a trained model. In the deployment phase, new input data is fed into the trained algorithm (or model) to predict the output. FIGURE 6: ML lifecycle Training data Training the algorithm Trained model New input data Prediction SOURCE: Modified from 37 As shown in figure 7, ML algorithms can be divided into three categories: supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning. The specific tasks they are capable of and the corresponding algorithms that are most widely used for this purpose are also listed in table 13. One significant difference between these categories is the format and the source of the training data. FIGURE 7: Categories of ML and the tasks they can perform Meaningful compression Fraud detection Image classification Structure discovery DIMENSIONALITY Customer Feature elicitation CLASSIFICATION retention REDUCTION Big data visualization UNSUPERVISED SUPERVISED Diagnostics Recommendations LEARNING LEARNING Weather forecasting Advertising CLUSTERING REGRESSION popularity MACHINE predictions LEARNING Customer Targeted Estimating life Market forecasting segmentation marketing expectancy Real-time decisions Game REINFORCEMENT LEARNING Robot navigation Skill acquisition SOURCE: Modified from Supervised learning is a family of algorithms that learn from previous data to map an input (X) to an output (Y). For example, a supervised learning algorithm can be used to predict the risk level or crash frequency (Y) of a road segment given its characteristics (X). “Supervised” means the training data is labelled (i.e., the training data should be pairs of X-Y, where Y is usually called labels). Unsupervised learning algorithms find structures in a dataset in order to group or cluster data points based on their similarity. As the name suggests, these algorithms do not require “supervision” or human intervention in the training phase. This means that, unlike supervised learning, the training data for unsupervised learning algorithms has no labels (Y). These algorithms learn to group X based on similar characteristics. The most common unsupervised learning task is clustering. For example, given the characteristics of a road segment, an unsupervised learning algorithm can classify it into a group of similar segments. It does not need to understand the characteristics that the group rep- resents to complete this task. Reinforcement learning trains a software agent to make decisions that maximize rewards from interactions with an external environment.48 As opposed to supervised learning and unsupervised learning, which require training data to be prepared before training, reinforcement learning gener- ates the training data during the training phase. The data is generated when the agent interacts with the environment. For example, reinforcement learning can be used to train an agent to control traffic lights based on traffic conditions. 48 This agent is a piece of software that makes a decision based on the environment. 38 TABLE 13: Categories of ML and algorithms* ALGORITHMS TASKS *The algorithms listed in this table are not exhaustive. Supervised Learning SVM, DT, RF, KNN, ANN Classification SVM: support vector machine DT: decision trees Regression RF: random forest Unsupervised Learning K-means, PCA, ANN Clustering KNN: k-nearest neighbors ANN: artificial neural networks Dimensionality Reduction PCA: principal component analysis DQN: deep Q-network, which includes and ANN in its Reinforcement Learning Q-Learning, DQN Robotics/Decision-making algorithm Source: Original table for this publication. Artificial neural network (ANN) is a family of ML algorithms that have been inspired by the human brain. ANN is the most versatile ML algorithm – it can be used for supervised learning, unsuper- vised learning, and also reinforcement learning. As shown in figure 8, ANN structures the data and the computation in different layers. Every layer adds more depth to the algorithm; therefore, more layers indicate that it is “deeper”. Such ANNs are called deep neural networks or deep ANN or DNN. ML algorithms that use deep ANN are called deep learning (DL) algorithms. Therefore, from another perspective, ML algorithms can be divided into conventional ML and DL (table 14). FIGURE 8: ANN structure Input 1 Input 2 Output 1 Input 3 INPUT LAYER HIDDEN LAYER OUTPUT LAYER SOURCE: Original figure for this publication. TABLE 14: ML and DL algorithms CONVENTIONAL ML* DL Supervised Learning SVM, DT, RF, KNN, shallow ANN Deep ANN Unsupervised Learning K-means, PCA Deep ANN Reinforcement Learning (RL) RL without deep ANN RL with deep ANN *The conventional ML algorithms listed in this table are not exhaustive. SOURCE: Original table for this publication. Most ML algorithms are conventional ML, such as conventional supervised learning algorithms like support vector machine (SVM), which can be used for classification or regression, for exam- ple, classifying the risk level of a road segment based on its characteristics. Conventional unsu- pervised learning algorithms, such as K-means clustering, automatically identify spatial patterns in datasets, which can be applied to locate clusters or areas with recurring road crashes. Conventional ML works well for small, low dimensional datasets. Meanwhile, DL is a subset of ML that learns the complex patterns from high dimensional (e.g., an image) and large quantities of data (e.g., big data). Supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning algorithms that use deep ANN technique be- 39 long to the DL category. DL’s first successful application is in the computer vision area. For example, image classification is a supervised learning task that utilizes deep neural networks to classify imag- es into different classes (e.g., cars, pedestrians, etc.). How to Use Machine Learning The use of ML methods in road safety analyses is being widely explored.49 As ML methods become more advanced, economical, and accessible, their potential applications in various disciplines contin- ue to grow and become more feasible. In road safety analyses, ML has great potential to overcome the limitations of traditional statistical models in crash analysis and crash probability modeling. The applications of ML in road safety analyses are discussed under three categories: conventional ML, DL, and reinforcement learning, as listed in table 15. It should be noted that some reinforcement learning algorithms using deep ANN belong to DL, but all reinforcement techniques are discussed separately. TABLE 15: Frequently used ML techniques for road safety analysis* ML CATEGORIES SUBCATEGORIES ALGORITHMS TASKS EXAMPLES Conventional ML Supervised SVM Classification Predict risk level based on road Learning DT characteristics. RF Regression Crash frequency prediction based on road KNN characteristics. shallow ANN Unsupervised K-means Clustering Group road segments by characteristics Learning similarity; group drivers based on their driving behaviors. PCA Dimensionality Reduction Identify critical factors of road safety. DL Supervised CNN Image Classification/ Detect road features from images. Learning Object Detection/ Segmentation Unsupervised GAN Clustering/Dimensionality Find the hidden features related to road Learning Reduction safety from map and satellite images of the road environments. Reinforcement Learning N/A Q-Learning Robotics/Decision-making Control traffic lights based on traffic DQN conditions. *The algorithms and examples listed in this table are not exhaustive. CNN: convolutional neural network, a type of deep ANN GAN: generative adversarial networks, a type of deep ANN SOURCE: Original table for this publication. A growing body of research explores various ML techniques to predict the probability of road crashes and assess their severity by training on historical datasets that encompass diverse fac- tors. Conventional ML algorithms are the most frequently used ML algorithms for this purpose. They are summarized in table 15. ML-based approaches to road safety analysis can be used to com- plement, supplement or even potentially substitute conventional road safety assessments. Conventional supervised learning algorithms learn functions that take vectors of variables as in- put to predict the output. Most conventional supervised learning algorithms that are frequently used in data science have been used in road safety analyses, including but not limited to: decision 49 Philippe Barbosa Silva, Michelle Andrade, and Sara Ferreira, “Machine Learning Applied to Road Safety Modeling: A Systematic Literature Review,” Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), 7, no. 6, (2020), 40 trees (DT), random forest (RF), support vector machine (SVM), k-nearest neighbors (KNN), and artifi- cial neural networks (ANN).50 It should be noted that there is no “best” algorithm. Determining which algorithm may be most appropriate for an ML-based road safety analysis is essentially a data science problem for which there are usually no set rules. One algorithm may perform well for a dataset, but badly for another. It is common practice for data scientists to try different algorithms in order to find a suitable one for a specific problem. When using the aforementioned conventional supervised learning algorithms for road safety assessments, the problem is often framed as a classification or regression problem, in which the output (Y) of the ML algorithm is either a class (e.g., risk level or severity: low, moderate, substantial or high) or a scalar (e.g., crash probability, crash frequency) and the input (X) to the ML algorithm could be any parameter (including but not limited to weather, time, road factors, human factors, etc.) that is related to the output. For example, one way to calculate OP- TRSR is to frame it as a classification problem, in which the output of the model is the OPTRSR risk level, while the input is a vector of variables describing road features and typical vehicle operating speeds, or other factors that could be used for evaluating the OPTRSR risk level. Any aforementioned conventional supervised learning algorithm would be suitable for this example. Conventional unsupervised learning algorithms are mainly used for clustering and dimensional- ity reduction purposes. In road safety analyses, K-means can be used for grouping tasks that help find clustering patterns in the data. For example, it can be used to group road segments by similar characteristics or group drivers based on their driving behaviors, so that dangerous road segments or drivers can be identified based on the similarity. In another example of unsupervised learning ap- plication, principal component analysis is used for reducing the dimensions of input data to identify the most critical factors that affect road safety. DL has been applied in various disciplines and achieved impressive performance. DL technologies have progressed significantly over the past few years, especially in image analysis and computer vision, the method’s first successful application. The core technique in this domain is deep convo- lutional neural network (CNN), which is the state-of-the-art approach for object detection, semantic segmentation, and instance segmentation of images. Object detection is a task in which, given an image, the model outputs a bounding box of detected objects (figure 9). Semantic segmentation is a task in which, given an image, the model classifies every pixel into predefined classes (e.g., road lane, traffic light, etc.). Instance segmentation is a task, in which, given an image, the model groups pixels belonging to an instance of the object. 50 Silva, Andrade, and Ferreira, “Machine Learning Applied to Road Safety Modeling: A Systematic Literature Review.” 41 FIGURE 9: ML algorithms and street view After applying an object detection algorithm to a street view image, a bounding box surrounds each predicted object, which also contains a confidence level for each prediction. Logo 90% Window 72% Buildings 85% Merchandise 77% Commerical sign 85% Window 75% Commerical sign 45% Street sign 69% Door 96% Person 72% Car 69% Car 98% Truck 92% Person 81% Person 78% Person 96% Merchandise 83% Merchandise 83% Merchandise 71% BOGOTÁ, COLOMBIA. SOURCE: World Bank Global Program for Resilient Housing. DL-based image analysis has been successfully used in various industries for applications ranging from facial recognition to autonomous driving. It has great potential to be used in road safety analysis to automatically analyze images and infer road attributes that are relevant to road safety assessments. Large sets of images with annotations such as road lanes, traffic lights, speed limit signs, and pedestrians can be compiled for training deep CNNs so that they learn to recognize these objects through images that the models have not previously encountered. If successful, this approach should equip the model to detect road attributes at a regional scale. The detected information can then be used for safety and risk analysis. For example, if the DL mod- el can infer the road segment characteristics (e.g., number of lanes, terrain type, road markings and signs, and pedestrian, bicycling, and motorcycling facilities), the inferred information can readily be used as input for the RSSAT tool (Method IV). This would allow the process of detection and analysis to become fully, or at least significantly automated and scalable at a low cost. DL can also provide a lower-risk alternative to manual detection of certain road attributes and other important variables in road safety analysis. For example, a team used imagery from Baidu Street View to provide a practical, automated alternative to the manual detection of street cracks, which can be labor-intensive, hazardous and difficult to conduct on a large scale.The authors use the Deeplabv3+ network model, a DL neural network, to develop an automated road crack identification system and demonstrate its practicality as a method to generate faster, more accurate and efficient information about road cracks at lower cost compared to manual detection.51 51 Min Zhang et al., “Research on Baidu Street View Road Crack Information Extraction Based on Deep Learning Method,” Journal of Physics: Conference Series, no. 1616 (2020). 42 Reinforcement learning is widely used to design intelligent control and decision-making systems. In road safety and traffic management, reinforcement learning is most commonly employed to devel- op intelligent signal control algorithms. A typical reinforcement learning-based traffic light system makes divisions based on specific input traffic parameters, such as the length of time for which vehi- cles wait at the intersection, the cumulative delay caused by waiting at the intersection, the length of time for which the light stays green for each signal head, etc. The output of the system would be the next color of the light and length of time for which it should remain switched on. Designing traffic systems using reinforcement learning helps save time and improve safety standards. Key Considerations for Using Machine Learning Road safety can be evaluated explicitly using rule-based reasoning systems, such as iRAP star score and RSSAT. However, developing such systems can be complex if there are many input variables. Compared with rule-based evaluation systems, ML algorithms are data-driven and don’t require devel- oping rules; therefore, they are relatively inexpensive to implement. ML algorithms are more suitable for high dimensional inputs. As a broader spectrum of ML algorithms become available, TTLs are advised to carefully consider the trade-offs involved when applying them to road safety analysis. This section discusses various factors that task teams must consider before deciding to use an ML algo- rithm for road safety analysis in their project. Again, this is not an exhaustive list. Some factors may be more relevant to some projects than others, while additional considerations may be required for certain projects. It is worth noting that many of these factors are also interrelated. For example, the feasibility of using ML for a project can be affected by time and budget constraints, the availability of data, and the anticipated resource intensiveness of the data preparation process. Table 16 provides a SWOT analysis of the use of ML in road safety analysis. 43 TABLE 16: SWOT analysis of using ML in road safety analysis STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES • Offers tools and techniques to process big data that may be • Algorithms can be limited in their applicability; models may not more precise compared to traditional methods. perform well on data that is different from the training data’s • Especially effective for feature learning, parameter distribution. optimization, and processing large amounts of big data. • Large amounts of data are needed to train the models and yield • ML algorithms tend to perform better than traditional more accurate models, which may be difficult in data-scarce statistical techniques in cases where high-dimensional and contexts. high-nonlinear data is involved. • Some ML algorithms (e.g., ANN) works like a black box, and can • As the technology develops, novel techniques create new be hard to interpret, therefore an ML algorithm usually requires opportunities to understand complex relationships between thorough validation and test processes before it can be deployed in multiple, interrelated variables and predict outcomes with the real environment and assist decision-making. greater accuracy. • The technology still needs further development before it can be • ML algorithms can be improved continuously as more data mainstreamed for use in road safety assessments. is generated or made available for training. OPPORTUNITIES THREATS/CHALLENGES • May eliminate the need for manual coding of road safety • Requires specialist expertise, tools, and knowledge which may data in the future, making the process less labor-intensive make its usefulness limited in some contexts, especially in and time consuming. developing countries. • Possible to train datasets in one location or for one purpose • May require additional investment in computer power and analytical and use them for another. software. • Provides a powerful method for complex crash risk • Complexity of ML algorithms can make them difficult to implement modelling and other types of predictive analytics in road and analyze. safety. • Ethical considerations, such as bias in ML systems. • As the technology develops, a platform powered by ML • As a data-driven approach, ML relies on high-quality data for could be used across geographies for road assessments. training. Significant bias in the training data could lead to the • As more and more data is generated and collected everyday, failure of model training. Quality control of training data could be this could be potentially analyzed with ML algorithms to difficult, especially when annotating the data requires professional discover new patterns and insights. knowledge. SOURCE: Original table for this publication. Feasibility with project objectives and client requirements. Before deciding to use ML for any proj- ect, it must be ascertained if ML is suitable for the project. Some ML algorithms, such as neural net- works, are not interpretable. They work like a black box. Clients may not have confidence in using them for significant decision-making, unless their predictions can be sufficiently validated. Preparing data to train ML algorithms. ML is a data-driven approach. Therefore, as with any da- ta-related project, it is important to plan the data collection and preparation process. To facilitate this process, make sure to have clearly defined the inputs and outputs of the model at the outset of the project. Section 2.1 provides guidance on how to select data sources, especially where big data may be involved. It is common that, during the training stage, an ML team may find the data is not enough to train a model with satisfactory performance. In this case, more data needs to be collected. In terms of data preparation, teams should be aware of the need to aggregate, clean and annotate data before it can be used for ML modelling. Annotation of data is especially necessary for supervised learning algorithms and entails manually identifying an object drawing a box or polygon around it and giving it a label such as “pothole” or “crosswalk” (figure 10). 44 FIGURE 10: Labeling a crosswalk in Padang, Indonesia using the Computer Vision Annotation Tool (CVAT) SOURCE: World Bank Global Program for Resilient Housing. Teams are advised to incorporate a quality control process to ensure data being used for any ML model, especially test data, is of good quality and truly valid and representative of the population or situation under study. For an ML-based project, steps include: (i) identifying data required for the model; (ii) data collection, cleaning, annotation; (iii) trial and error training; (iv) validation; (v) deploy- ment. Task teams should estimate the duration of these tasks, considering their expected complexity and potential challenges (which can vary by context and availability of resources such as expertise and processing power). This will help them determine if ML is feasible for their project, how it com- pares to traditional methods and how incorporating ML can impact project timelines. It is worth not- ing that once deployed in the production environment, ML provides significant acceleration for the whole process, for example, DL-based image analysis can exponentially save the time for collecting data to be used in the road risk estimation. A challenge for most ML algorithms is generalization, or how well a model can perform based on test data (also called unseen data). Models may not perform well on unseen data that is different from the training data’s distribution. For example, a model that is trained on images collected on rural roads in an arid climate may not achieve the same level of performance on images in urban roads in another country. The transferability of the model depends on how similar the features in the images are. Therefore, before training ML algorithms, it is prudent to consider the diversity of the training data, especially in terms of where, how and when it was collected. It is worth noting that some researchers have found that artificial intelligence and ML algorithms can be easily and accu- rately applied to different types of urban networks within the same city.52 To determine if using ML fits a budget or can even deliver a cost-advantage, it is important to un- derstand associated costs. Costs of using ML can arise from the hiring of experts to develop and pro- gram models, as well as from the data collection and preparation process (which includes cleaning 52 Apostolos Ziakopoulos and George Yannis, “Using AI for Spatial Predictions of Driver Behavior” (presentation, ITF International Transport Forum Roundtable on Artificial Intelligence in Road Traffic Crash Prevention, 2021). 45 and annotation). The cost of storing data (on local hardware or on the cloud) should also be accounted for, especially if the inputs involve big data. Depending on the model and quantity of data being input, and especially if a DL model is employed, you may also need to invest in additional computational resources (graphics processing unit-equipped local computers or nodes on the cloud). Front-end and back-end systems may also need to be established for automatic analysis services. Deploying ML algorithms requires specialized expertise, often in the form of dedicated team members that are ML experts. TTLs can choose to hire experts and manage the process internally or acquire resources externally. An in-house, “do-it-yourself” approach ensures more control over every aspect of the process, which may be especially important where significant customization or trial and error may be required. However, this approach requires labor and time, and may be more costly in the long run. Using an external resource or tool, on the other hand, may be a faster option but can come at the expense of some visibility and control over the development of the model. It is important to consider these trade-offs to ensure the team is adequately resourced to use ML effec- tively in the project. 2.3 Big Data, Machine Learning and the Future of Road Safety Assessments Artificial intelligence presents many exciting possibilities for automation and analysis in trans- port and infrastructure development. ML is increasingly used for road safety analysis. ML’s inher- ent capability of managing uncertainties in data and models makes it extremely suitable for solving road safety related issues. Uncertainty is a defining element of crash risk modelling and, in fact, a source of complexity that has thus far limited the usefulness of traditional statistical models. More- over, ML algorithms such as deep ANN can capture nonlinear patterns in data, making them the first choice for processing road safety big data. Table 17 provides a summary of possible applications of big data and ML in road safety analysis given the current state of the technologies. 46 TABLE 17: Potential applications of big data and ML in Methods I to VII POTENTIAL APPLICATIONS HOW BIG DATA CAN HELP HOW ML CAN HELP Estimating Road Infrastructure Risk Video and photo images, APIs, satellite • Process images to evaluate road attributes (Methods III, V, VI, and VII) imagery and/or crowdsourced images • Identify road features that could cause crashes • Identify risk factors contributing to crash occurrence • Identify safety conditions in infrastructure Traffic Flows APIs, aerial imagery, open-source • Process images to classify vehicles, identify (Methods IV to VII) traffic data, road sensor data, wireless congestion hotspots, vehicle detection, or speeds technology, street cameras, GPS data, • Assess traffic flows mobile devices, real-time traffic data • Develop risk maps • Map the safety performance and Star Rating • Traffic flows prediction Crash Risk Assessment Meteorology data, geo-located • Create crash prediction models (Methods III to VII) crash data, video and photo images, • Develop risk maps APIs, open-source traffic data, road • Analyze different conflict scenarios and high-risk sensor data, historical crash data, behavior crowdsourced crash data (e.g., Waze) Incident Reporting/Crash Data Video recording, crash data, photo • Identify hotspots through clustering techniques (Methods I, V and VI) images, crowdsourced data (Google Maps, Waze) Analyzing Crash Severity Video and photo images, sensor data • Process images to evaluate road attributes (Methods III to VII) • Develop crash prediction models SOURCE: Original table for this publication. Combining big data and ML can provide an integrated framework for automatic road safety analy- sis and management. This framework, demonstrated in figure 11, employs platforms (such as Mapil- lary) to provide geo-tagged street level imagery for inputs to the DL model to infer useful information (e.g., road characteristics). The DL-inferred data is then combined with multi-source big datasets (e.g., region-specific historical crash data) for better analysis and management of road safety. For ex- ample, the combined information can readily be used as the input to Method I-VII for estimating the OPTRSR. Moreover, ML algorithms (e.g., ANN) have the potential to substitute traditional methods and tools (iRAP, RSSAT, etc.) for evaluating risks and safety indicators like OPTRSR. 47 FIGURE 11: Framework for automatic road safety analysis and management powered by ML Geo-tagged street level images (Big) data sources Complementary information Road curvature Historical crash APIs Baseline fatalities In-house data … Third-party data … Methods/tools iRAP Star Rating Score RSSAT RSA Deep learning model Image analysis DL inferred information RSIA Lanes SSA Shoulder ML models Street lighting … Pedestrians crossing … SOURCE: Original figure for this publication. At present, much of the research and innovation in the use of ML for advanced road safety and risk modelling is being driven by universities and other research institutions. As other stakeholders, such as governments, developers of road safety tools and international organizations such as the World Bank look to apply ML in their projects, there is an opportunity to create dedicated tools that would harness big data and ML for road safety analysis. Such applications have the potential to re- duce the risk of human error and allow road safety assessments to be mostly, if not fully, automated. The following section presents practical examples of how big data and ML can assess urban road safety. It applies an integrated framework introduced in section 2.3 to explore the opportunities and limitations of new data sources and assess the ML models. To evaluate the robustness of the proposed framework, the Integrated Framework for Road Risk Prediction was applied in two cities of different sizes, regions, and data availability were chosen: Bogotá, Colombia, a rapidly urbanizing metropolis in Latin America, and Padang, Indonesia, a secondary city in East Asia. The study found that ML applied to street view imagery identified relevant road (and road user) characteristics to gen- erate a model that predicts road risk with 72.5 percent accuracy in Bogotá. This framework was ap- plied in Padang to test its replicability; preliminary results are encouraging for its potential to predict road safety for areas with limited crash data. The section concludes with a reflection and guidance for replicability. 48 PART 3 Case Studies: Applying Big Data and Machine Learning to Assess Road Safety 3.1 Objectives of the Case Studies This section presents how the Integrated Framework for Road Risk Prediction can be applied in two different cities of interest: Bogotá, Colombia and Padang, Indonesia. The study examines how useful ML is in evaluating road safety and how easily the integrated framework can be replicated. All code is freely available for other teams to use and develop further.53 The objectives of the case studies are to: 1. Learn how well big data and ML can be used to identify road features, estimate road safety, cate- gorize road segments based on their risk level, and identify high-risk segments. 2. Evaluate the utility of several big data sources that are freely available for road safety analysis in diverse geographic areas.54 3. Assess the replicability of the proposed approach. Located on two different continents, the selected locations offer an opportunity to apply the frame- work on paved, urban roads in contrasting environments, particularly related to data availability and usability. For example, the government of Bogotá has made significant efforts to increase crash data collection and dissemination. The government offers an online portal with the location of each crash over the past year publicly available. In addition, there was high coverage for data derived from mobile phones, such as crowd-reported crashes. In contrast, information on the crash locations for Padang could not be found online, and methods for data collection are largely manual or paper based.55 In addition, mobile application data was scarce for crowdsourced crash reports. As a result, Padang offers the opportunity to explore the utility of ML when data coverage is limited. 53 The code for the Integrated Framework for Road Risk Prediction is open source and accessible on GitHub: However, some datasets require partnership with DDP to access. 54 Freely available meaning at no cost; however, some data sources are not publicly available and require a license. 55 World Bank, Indonesia Public Expenditure Review 2020: Spending for Better Results (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2020). 49 BOGOTÁ AND PADANG: BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT With a population of more than 7 million, the capi- tal district of Bogotá is Colombia’s largest city. As a critical economic hub with a growing population, Bo- gotá stands out as one of the most congested cities in the world.56 The government has prioritized road safety and achieved significant gains over the past few decades, reducing the city’s traffic fatality rate by more than 60 percent between 1996 and 2006 alone.57 More recent interventions during the UN Decade for Action for Road Safety include establishing a Nation- al Road Safety Plan and a National Road Safety Agency (Agencia Nacional de Seguridad Vial) fea- turing a National Road Safety Observatory in collaboration with the World Bank.58 In addition, in 2017, the city’s government launched “Vision Zero,” which aimed to implement a range of speed management strategies to eliminate pedestrian and driver fatalities. The program has delivered measurable results, such as a 27 percent reduction in fatalities across corridors where speed limits have been introduced, and further interventions are planned to sustain its impact.59 Despite these initiatives and road safety improvements in Bogotá, challenges remain, and new policies would benefit from timely and affordable analytics on road safety. Padang is the capital of the Indonesian province of Western Sumatra with a population of around 1 million. The government of Indonesia introduced various initiatives to address road safety during the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety. Established in 2011, the National Road Safety Master Plan achieved a 10 percent reduction in annual road fatalities be- tween 2013 and 2016. However, data collection and management systems that rely on manual screen- ing significantly challenge the country’s progress in road performance and safety.60 Initiatives such as the establishment of the Integrated Road Asset Management System and the World Bank’s new Asia-Pacific Road Safety Observatory present a valuable opportunity for the country to improve its road safety data systems.61 For this case study in Padang, crash data was scarce from alternative sources. Therefore, it offers the opportunity to explore the utility of the pre-trained ML models in a new region with limited data coverage. 56 INRIX 2018 Global Traffic Scorecard. In 2018, drivers lost 272 hours in road congestion. 57 ODI (Overseas Development Institute), “Bogotá,” ODI: Think Change. Accessed October 12, 2021, from 58 World Bank, Colombia - Programmatic Productive and Sustainable Cities Development Policy Loans (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2020). Sustainable-Cities-Development-Policy-Loans 59 Darío Hidalgo and Claudia Adriazola-Steil, “Bogotá’s Vision Zero Road Safety Plan Is Saving Lives,” TheCityFix, last modified September 26, 2019, adriazola-steil/ 60 World Bank, Indonesia Public Expenditure Review 2020: Spending for Better Results. 61 DT Global, “Indonesia: Establishment of Integrated Road Asset Management Systems,” accessed October 4, 2021, 50 3.2 Methodology The ML-based framework implemented in these case studies was developed to provide a quick screen to evaluate road safety. The framework ascertains road characteristics traditionally collected or an- notated to provide a road safety prediction. ML models were developed specifically for this frame- work during these case studies, one to extract road characteristics from street view images and one to determine road risk based on the derived road characteristics. To do so, first, the models needed to be trained to extract road characteristics and determine the road risk based on crash data. Then the models could be applied to make predictions in new areas without crash data. Therefore, there were two phases in this framework, first the training phase to train the models (figure 12), and then the deployment phase to make new predictions with the models (figure 13). In each phase there were three steps, both of which began with data collection and preparation. OpenStreetMap (OSM), Waze, and Mapillary were used to develop this framework (additional examples of these datasets and relat- ed analysis can be found in Annex 3). The OSM road network provided the foundation for analysis. It is free- ly available and scalable. OSM uses lines to represent roads and points to represent links among the roads. In OSM, the geometric road lines are split into road segments (called ways) that are connected by the points (called nodes). No modifications were made to the OSM geom- etry to maintain its synchronicity with other big datasets referencing OSM ways and nodes. The Waze crash data consists of coordinates representing the location where users of the Waze application are when they see and report a crash.62 The Waze crash points were joined to the nearest OSM road segment (within 20 meters). For each road segment, the crash frequen- cy, or crash per meter, was calculated to normalize the frequency of crashes. Since OSM road segments vary in length and there could be multiple reports per crash, calculating the crash frequency provided crash trends. To identify road segments with more frequent crashes per meter, the crash frequency was split into high and low risk. Mapillary was used to obtain street view images, which were primari- ly collected by the World Bank’s Global Program for Resilient Housing. Since many images are captured along a street, and many images can be linked to a single road segment, the image closest to the centroid of the road segment was selected. The radius for this selection was with- in three meters of the centroid. This approach standardizes the image selection and classification: one image represents the scene of one road segment. For each OSM road segment, a street view image taken near the centroid of the segment was downloaded using Mapillary API v4. SOURCE: Original examples for this publication based on data from OSM, Waze, and Mapillary. Copyright OpenStreetMap contributors, Microsoft, Esri Community Maps contributors. Basemap from Esri, HERE, Garmin, METI/NASA, USGS. 62 Data provided by Waze App. Learn more at 51 The Training Phase The training phase consisted of two significant steps that were powered by ML to extract information from street view images and to make predictions on risk level based on extracted data. Each step had an ML model at its core that needed to be trained based on data. Therefore, there were three steps in the training phase. Step 1. Select the region of interest and prepare data A generalized polygon of the region of interest was used to collect data from OSM, Waze, and Mapil- lary. The road network database was prepared, and the street view images closest to the centroid of the road segment were downloaded as inputs for the models. FIGURE 12: Training phase for road safety segment analysis using ML Geo-tagged street level images (Big) data sources Road network OSM Waze Road network (crash frequency) Mapillary database Deep learning model Image analysis DL inferred Neural Network Road Information information classifier Collector (RIC) Lanes Road Risk Evaluator Shoulder (RRE) Street lighting Low risk Pedestrians crossing High risk … SOURCE: Original figure for this publication. Step 2. Develop ML model for identifying road characteristics The first custom ML model developed for this case study was the Road Information Collector (RIC), shown in figure 12. It is a deep convolutional neural network, Mask R-CNN, which can classify and count objects detected in images.63 The RIC model was trained with images from the updated Map- illary Vistas Dataset (initially released in 2017), which provides detailed characteristics for types of road markings and barriers, traffic lights and signs, and vulnerable road users such as pedestrians, motorcyclists, and bicyclists.64 Other identifiable characteristics include flat terrain, which charac- terizes road gradient, and the presence of potholes, which could indicate paved, urban road quality. The RIC takes street view images as the input and can detect more than 100 classes of objects as the output (for a complete list of the features the RIC model detects, refer to Annex 4). The model can Kaiming He et al., “Mask R-CNN,” 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (2017): 2980-2988. 63 G. Neuhold et al., “The Mapillary Vistas Dataset for Semantic Understanding of Street Scenes,” 2017 IEEE International 64 Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) (2017): 5000-5009, doi: 10.1109/ICCV.2017.534 52 detect and classify some road features better than others (for the precision score in detecting and classifying the objects, see Annex 5). Step 3. Develop ML model for evaluating road risk The second ML model developed was the Road Risk Evaluator (RRE). The RRE is a neural network classifier with two hidden layers; each has 50 neurons. The RRE was trained using paired data for each road segment, the road attributes from the RIC and the assigned road risk from the road net- work database. Similar work was conducted by a team using a neural network to predict the crash frequency of road segments.65 The Deployment Phase Once the two ML models are trained, they can be added to an automated workflow in the deployment phase. This means the trained ML models can now predict the risk level for any road segment with the required input data – a street view image. Crash data is not required in the deployment phase. FIGURE 13: Deployment phase to predict road safety Street level images for each road segment Road network Region of interest OSM Mapillary Deep learning model Image analysis DL inferred Neural Network Road Information information classifier Collector (RIC) Lanes Road Risk Evaluator Shoulder (RRE) Street lighting Low risk Pedestrians crossing High risk … SOURCE: Original figure for this publication. The deployment phase uses three steps to predict risk within an automated workflow (figure 13). Step 1. Select the region of interest and download data For the selected region of interest, the code will download the road network from OSM and calculate the centroid of each road segment. The code will then download from Mapillary API a street view image taken near the centroid of the road segment. Qiang Zeng et al., “Rule Extraction from an Optimized Neural Network for Traffic Crash Frequency Modeling,” Accident 65 Analysis & Prevention 97 (2016): 87-95. 53 Step 2. Identify road characteristics For each road segment, the downloaded image will be fed into the RIC to extract road characteristics. For each image, the RIC will output the numbers of detected objects for each class (refer to Annex 4 for classes). These numbers are put together to form a vector for each image. Step 3. Evaluate road risk Each vector produced by the RIC will be fed into the RRE to calculate the risk level: high or low. To illus- trate the automated workflow of the deployment phase, figure 14 shows the risk prediction for a road segment. The RIC detected a flat road, car, and motorcycle; therefore, the RRE predicted the road seg- ment as low risk. This framework requires no historical crash data to identify high- or low-risk roads. FIGURE 14: RIC and RRE applied to predict road segment risk RIC RRE construction--flat—road x 1 Risk level: Low object--vehicle—car x1 object--vehicle—motorcycle x1 SOURCE: Original figure for this publication, based on data from Mapillary and annotated with classifications from the model. The two case studies presented illustrate the training and deployment phases. The training phase was conducted in Bogotá, where data was collected to train the ML model RRE, while the RIC model was trained on the Mapillary Vista Dataset. Then the models were applied in the deployment phase to predict the risk level for each road segment in Bogotá, Colombia. The second case study was in Padang, Indonesia. The RIC and RRE models trained in the previous case study were applied directly (i.e., without re-training) in a deployment phase to predict road risk in Padang. This demonstrates that, ideally, there is no need to re-run the training phase for future applications since the RIC and RRE are already trained. 54 3.3 Case Study 1: Bogotá, Colombia The Training Phase Step 1. Select the region of interest and prepare data In Bogotá, a road network database was created to prepare training data for the ML models. First, a generalized polygon of the region was used to retrieve roads from OSM and six months of crash re- ports from Waze (July–December 2020). The crashes were joined to the nearest OSM road segment within 20 meters. The crash frequency, or crash per meter, was calculated and road segments were divided into high risk (crash frequency >0.5) and low risk (crash frequency <=0.5) in the road network database. This means a crash per meter of 1 represents one crash per meter in the six months of the Waze data collected. Street view imagery was downloaded using the Mapillary API to collect images close to the centroid of each road segment. Table 18 provides an overview of the data sources for this case study. TABLE 18: Data used for case study in Bogotá, Colombia DATA SOURCES ATTRIBUTES REMARKS ROAD NETWORK OSM Road network (road segment length) Provided through an open license. CRASHES Waze Road alerts (crashes reported by users, coordinates) Obtained through DDP. ROAD CHARACTERISTICS Mapillary Street view image detections (crosswalk, curb, Selection of image annotation tags used (images and tags) guard rail, human, marking, pothole, sidewalk, sign, in study; more available through Mapillary streetlight, traffic sign, utility pole) Traffic Sign and Vistas. Multiple detections per image are possible. SOURCE: Original table for this publication. Step 2. Develop ML model for identifying road characteristics The RIC was developed and trained to perform instance segmentation. It is a deep convolutional neural network that identified the classes, or objects in the image, and provided the count of these classifications. The model was trained using the Mapillary Vistas Dataset using a total of 124 classes (Annex 4).66 The resulting output is a count of the classes identified by the bounding boxes, shown in figure 15, which is represented through a series of integers. Training data: Mapillary Vistas Dataset (124 classes) Input: Street view image near the centroid of a road segment Output: A vector of integers (each element represents the count of detected objects that belong to a class) Figure 15 depicts the RIC in action on an image from Bogotá. The bounding boxes surrounding each object in the image indicate classes the model identified. Confidence levels are provided next to the name of the object segmented by the bounding box. The closer the confidence level is to 1, the higher the confidence in the prediction. Looking at the center of the image, the bicyclist was identified with 0.5 confidence, and other vulnerable road users were recognized, such as a motorcyclist (0.84) and pedestrian (0.75). Vehicles were segmented with high confidence for the bus (0.7), motorcycle (0.88), 66 G. Neuhold et al., “The Mapillary Vistas Dataset for Semantic Understanding of Street Scenes.” 55 and car (0.99). The RIC segmented traffic signs, support and utility poles, flat road, and road mark- ings as well. FIGURE 15: Image segmentation in Bogotá SOURCE: Original figure for this publication, based on data from Mapillary. The sample image shows favorable results for image segmentation. The performance of the RIC mod- el in terms of the average precision of the bounding box detection and classification for each class is provided in Annex 5. In the next step, road attribute data extracted through the RIC were inputs for the prediction model to link the road characteristics with the likelihood of a crash in the road networks examined. Step 3. Develop the ML model RRE for evaluating road risk To develop the RRE, six study areas in Bogotá, Colombia were selected to reduce computational load. These study areas were drawn to include a wide variety of neighborhoods (poor, rich) and placed throughout the city. They also contain high and low crash frequency road segments and comprehen- sive street view image coverage. Figure 16 shows the six study areas along with the crash risk from the road network database, high risk (crash frequency >0.5) and low risk (crash frequency <=0.5). 56 The low- and high-risk road segments in these FIGURE 16: Six study areas and crash frequency in Bogotá areas were the training data for the model. Based on the segment risk derived from the road net- work database and the characteristics for each road segment derived from the RIC, the model was trained to evaluate a road segment as high or low risk. Training data: The following input-output pairs obtained from road segments in six study areas in Bogotá, Colombia. Input: A vector of integers, which is the output of RIC* Output: 0 (low risk) or 1 (high risk) * Only 106 out of 124 classes are used as the input to RRE. A total of 18 classes irrelevant to road characteristics, such as sky, bird, etc., were re- moved from the vector before entering into the RRE. In searching for an optimal architecture of the neural network, the number of layers and neu- rons were tested for the best performance. Test- ing showed that more layers or neurons do not significantly improve the performance on this Crash per meter dataset. The RRE was used to evaluate whether 0.5 - 3.2 a road segment was low or high risk based on a 0.0 - 0.5 street view image. SOURCE: Original figure for this publication, based on data from OSM and data provided by the Waze App. Learn more at Overall performance of the ML FIGURE 17: Confusion matrix showing the accuracy of the RRE model Predictions of low-risk road segments were cor- rect 70 percent of the time, and predictions of high-risk road segments were correct 75 percent of the time (figure 17). The mean accuracy and F1- score were both 72.5 percent. The closer the ac- Low 0.7 0.3 curacy and F1-score are to 100 percent, the better the performance of the model. In the case of this True value model, a random guess of a binary classification is 50 percent, which makes these results prom- ising. These results suggest the model would perform well in similar contexts as Bogotá. If needed, there would be potential to fine-tune the High 0.25 0.75 model for increased accuracy and precision in other areas. Low High Prediction SOURCE: Original figure for this publication. 57 TIPS FOR INTERPRETING ML PERFORMANCE The performance of an ML model can be evaluated using accuracy, precision, recall, and the F1-score. These are derived by counting the correct predictions (true positives and true negatives) and incorrect predictions (false positives and false negatives). accuracy = correct predictions / all predictions precision = true positives / (true positives + false positives) recall = true positives / (true positives + false negatives) F1-score = 2*((precision * recall) / (precision + recall)) A confusion matrix shows how well the model performed in predicting road risk through a comparative chart of the true positives, true negatives, false positives, and false negatives. Bogotá Results Following the three-step workflow of the deploy- FIGURE 18: Road risk prediction in Bogotá ment phase described in section 3.2, road risk was predicted for the entire road network in Bo- gotá. In total, 98,488 images were processed to make the predictions shown in figure 18. Road segments without an image within 3 meters were not predicted. Overall, high crash frequen- cy from Waze and high-risk predictions exhibit- ed similarity along some segments, particularly on arterial roads; however, the model tended to moderately overpredict high risk. Risk level High Low No data SOURCE: Original figure for this publication, based on data from Mapillary, OSM and Waze. 58 3.4 Case Study 2: Padang, Indonesia The Deployment Phase The model that was built in Bogotá was applied in Padang. Similar to Bogotá, the road network was accessed through OSM, and street view images were downloaded using the Mapillary API. Waze crash data was joined to the OSM road network to compare with risk predictions. Padang had limited geospatial crash data to validate the model. Table 19 provides a description of the datasets. TABLE 19: Data used for case study in Padang, Indonesia DATA SOURCES ATTRIBUTES REMARKS ROAD NETWORK OSM Road network (road segment length) Provided through an open license. CRASHES Waze Road alerts (crashes reported by users, coordinates) Obtained through DDP. ROAD CHARACTERISTICS Mapillary Street view image detections (crosswalk, curb, Selection of image annotation tags in study; (images and tags) guard rail, human, marking, pothole, sidewalk, sign, more available through Mapillary Traffic Sign streetlight, traffic sign, utility pole) and Vistas. Multiple detections per image are possible. SOURCE: Original table for this publication. Padang Results In Padang, preliminary results pointed to the framework’s potential in scanning roads for safety. Figure 19 shows predictions where arterial road segments were predominately designated as high risk (red lines). Residential areas were interspersed with low- and high-risk road segments. Similar patterns of road segments predicted as high risk along arterial roads and a mix of low and high risk along residential and tertiary road segments were largely found. 59 FIGURE 19: Road risk prediction in Padang Risk level High Low SOURCE: Original figure for this publication, based on data from OSM and data provided by the Waze App. Learn more at Drone imagery provided by the World Bank Global Program for Resilient Housing. In general, where there were crashes reported by Waze, high-risk road segments were predicted. These preliminary results were encouraging; however, verifying the results was difficult because there was not sufficient data. While the deployment of the framework in Padang requires further validation with more data, ML-based approaches such as this are promising to offer initial road safety scans. 3.5 Findings The Integrated Framework for Road Risk Prediction demonstrates the strength of ML to identify road segment safety with substantial accuracy (72.5 percent) in Bogotá. Preliminary results in Padang support replicating the framework with further validation in other areas. Using advanced ML tech- niques, the framework applied a streamlined approach that relied on road characteristics and crash frequency to determine crash risk in the training phase. Then the ML models applied in the deploy- ment phase could predict road risk based on road characteristics without historical crash data. The alternative data sources used to train the models were robust – thousands of annotations, high-resolution images, and crash data joined to extensive road networks – and of suitable quality for the models to provide a road safety scan. To identify road characteristics, the RIC was trained using the Mapillary Vistas Dataset, which has a breadth and depth of annotations from different contexts, providing geographic diversity. The RRE was trained using a pairing of the road characteristics and a road network database created from OSM road segments and Waze crash data. OSM road segments 60 offered global scalability and were sufficient for a coarse assessment in these case studies. Waze data availability was dependent on the area (and the users of the app). Given the potential for duplicate crash reports, Waze data was not relied on for accurate crash data in Bogotá; instead, it was used to identify crash patterns of high- and low-risk road segments. The framework is not suitable for detailed road assessments. However, it can be applied to screen roads for safety without historical crash data if the RIC model is enhanced with more training data and calibrated for the local street view context; the RRE model can be modified and enhanced with fine-grained training data. It is replicable in other areas with the following recommendations, which are applicable for developing other ML-based frameworks for road safety. Incorporate training data to fine-tune the model for a specific location. Typically, ML models trained on data collected from one region do not work well for a new region. This is called domain shift: the testing data has a different distribution than the training data. In this case, including data collected from the new region in the training phase will usually help. It is important to evaluate the data and consider any influences the collection method may have on the potential to introduce bias into the project. For example, if local crash data is introduced to train the RRE, it would help validate and potentially improve the model’s application in the location of interest. Both RIC and RRE can be con- tinually trained with newly obtained data so that the knowledge learned from previous data can be carried on for new regions while the model is still applicable to the previous regions. It is essential to ensure that models are based on sufficient, high-quality training data. In general, at least a few thousand annotations are recommended to identify objects from images with simple context, depending on the characteristics of the object. Whether the street view images are obtained through big data platforms such as Mapillary or collected by the team, street view imagery covering different geographical regions makes the trained object detection model, like the RIC, more robust. Since street level images capture the visual scene (road characteristics and road users) at a single point in time, it is important to consider these implications when using a snapshot of that time of day, day of week, and season. Relatedly, a road characteristic may be covered or occluded in a street view image; for instance, when a passing truck blocks a sign. Imagery collected at a frequent distance, such as every two meters, permits greater flexibility to analyze the road scene and predict risk using the RIC and RRE. OSM road networks require review for recency and accuracy, and possibly editing to ensure suitable quality and coverage in other areas. If high-quality, granular crash data shows a clear pattern of more risk classes, three classes could be predicted: for example, high, medium, and low risk. 61 Conclusion Big data and ML offer promising opportunities to improve current road safety assessment proce- dures for sustainable development. Road safety assessments are often required for new transport and infrastructure developments to be approved or as part of their monitoring and evaluation once they are completed. However, conducting road safety assessment procedures can be expensive and time-consuming. Alternative data sources and ML can optimize this process by identifying patterns using complex predictive models. The Integrated Framework for Road Safety offers one approach using street view imagery that can be accessed through Mapillary or collected by the team to provide a road safety scan. With further training, this framework has the potential to provide detailed road safety assessments, mitigating the need for manual annotations (or years of historical crash data). In addition to the pilots and studies conducted by the researchers and representatives of road safety or- ganizations interviewed for this note, there are many ML models contributing to road safety efforts, which typically outperform statistical models in predicting road safety.67 Integrate alternative data sources and ML into road safety assessments with care. Finding valid, representative data can be a significant challenge in evaluating risks and reducing crash fatalities and injuries through data-driven, evidence-based interventions. Teams can directly partner with private companies and data providers to retrieve alternative sources of data. And data sharing platforms, such as DDP, offer streamlined solutions. However, commercial data sources are not typically established to collect data for road safety analysis, and their data may be inadequate for road safety assessment methods and procedures. Data can be biased, incomplete, and challenging to synchronize with con- ventional analytical tools. The implications of collecting and analyzing big data using ML require thor- ough consideration. Data privacy and security are central concerns; data needs to be de-identified and anonymized and stored according to institutional guidelines.68 Data and models need to be screened for biases that can affect their outcomes. For example, imbalanced access to smartphones or social media may amplify gender or community bias.69 Teams can adhere to best practices and data policies and make their ML models and results transparent and openly shared. Resources such as “A Frame- work for Understanding Sources of Harm throughout the Machine Learning Life Cycle” and “The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence” may be helpful for teams implementing ML in their projects.70 The approach used for the case studies in this note can be extended to evaluate specific measures of road safety. For example, while the framework uses the crash frequency and may identify the number of relevant road users in a street view image, it does not thoroughly consider the number of (vulnerable) road users nor does it consider the probability of a crash causing fatalities or serious injuries. The approach could 67 Philippe Silva, Michelle Andrade, and Sara Ferreira, “Machine Learning Applied to Road Safety Modeling: A Systematic Literature Review,” Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering 7, no. 6 (2020): 775-790, 68 World Bank, World Development Report 2021: Data for Better Lives (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2021). doi:10.1596/978-1- 4648-1600-0 69 World Bank, Use of AI Technology to Support Data Collection for Project Preparation and Implementation: A ‘Learning-by-doing’ Process (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2021). 70 Harini Suresh and John Guttag, “A Framework for Understanding Sources of Harm throughout the Machine Learning Life Cycle” in Proceedings of Equity and Access in Algorithms, Mechanisms, and Optimization (EAAMO ‘21),; Nick Bostrom and Eliezer Yudkowsky, “The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence,” in The Cambridge Handbook of Artificial Intelligence, ed. Keith Frankish and William M. Ramsey (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014): 316-334. 62 also be extended using complementary data such as road geometry, traffic flow, traffic volume, traffic speed, weather, season, and other factors affecting visibility along the road or road surface conditions. The case studies illustrate the potential of big data and ML to reduce the manual inspection of roadways and provide road safety insight where otherwise the information is in short supply, thereby contributing to safer roads. For big data to be fully leveraged for road safety analysis, governments, road safety advocates, and international development organizations will want to consider investing in platforms and tools that specialize in collecting and analyzing data for road safety. Ongoing efforts to establish regional road safety data observatories provide an opportunity to gather data providers and create a data mar- ketplace specifically for road safety analysis, especially where alternative or traditional sources are scarce. Government regulations and initiatives to encourage private companies to share data could further integrate big data in international development projects, including road safety. It is essential for key stakeholders in road safety assessment to collaborate closely with pioneers of these technol- ogies to realize their potential in road safety analysis.71 Initiatives such as the Artificial Intelligence in Road Traffic Crash Prevention Roundtable hosted by the International Transport Forum (ITF) in early 2021 is an example of one such opportunity. Conversations with World Bank team leaders and transport specialists reveal that developing a tool to provide a single, easy-to-use solution to access and utilize big data for road safety analysis is in high demand. There is potential to automate some of the processing and analysis for which specialist expertise is currently required, and initiatives such as Ai-RAP and the World Bank Simplified Methodology suggest that practical, scalable solutions could be a reality soon.72 As big data and ML become more accessible, and as their adoption accelerates world- wide, road safety practitioners, governments, road safety advocates, and international organizations can unlock their immense potential to improve the quality and efficiency of road safety assessments. 71 Subasish Das and Greg P. Griffin, “Investigating the Role of Big Data in Transportation Safety,” Transportation Research Record 2674, no. 6 (2020): 244–52, 72 Monica Olyslagers (Safe Cities and Innovation Specialist, iRAP) and Satoshi Ogita (Senior Transport Specialist, World Bank), in discussion with the authors, April 2021. 63 ANNEX 1: Most Relevant Big Data Types for Road Safety Analysis DATA COLLECTION POTENTIAL SOURCES POTENTIAL ADVANTAGES LIMITATIONS APPLICATIONS Street view • Apple Look Around Identify road • Provides objective • Coverage is incomplete, particularly imagery • Google Street View attributes for evidence of conditions in rural and low-income areas. road safety in the field. • Licensing restrictions for ML • KartaView assessments. • Can be used in regions application. • Mapillary where government data • Collected by team is not available. Mobile • Mobile application Identify vehicle • App data is usually low • Coverage is lighter in rural areas or applications and data movement, traffic cost and current. cities where use of app is low. telematics • Telematic companies flows and road • Telematic data could • Often requires data sharing use by various show risky driving agreements with private companies. • Rideshare companies types of users behavior. for crash risk. identification and road safety assessments. Crowdsourced • Waze Obtain crash data • Can supplement • Requires app use in the region of • Delivery drivers and information government data, interest. related to road particularly if incidents • Needs coordination and resources to • OSM use, such as are underreported or collect reports from delivery drivers. • Social media types of road government provided • Data quality may be low. users and their road networks are • Social desirability bias can occur, relative density unavailable. where users feel inclined to share at a specific specific types of information to location. Can help reinforce a positive or negative to identify road perspective. risks. Government • Government transport Most frequently • Data often has many • Data can be messy (human error). agencies used to obtain attributes or details that • Data often not shared. • Road safety crash data, have been manually observatories including added. statistics related • Data often has been to crash severity, collected for many years crash frequency in the same manner, as well as allowing for temporal fatalities and analysis. injuries statistics. Aerial and satellite • Earth observation Identify road • Covers large geographic • Requires balancing the cost with imagery agencies attributes for area. recency and granularity of imagery. • Private companies road safety assessments. Meteorological • Meteorological Review weather • Infer driving conditions • There are varying levels of sensors agencies conditions that (i.e., if road surface granularity. • Local universities may affect road conditions are not safety, such as available in government • Private companies crashes. crash data). SOURCE: Original table for this publication. 64 ANNEX 2: Overview of Big Data Sources Data sources accessible through DDP are indicated as free for World Bank task teams. DATA ACCESS ATTRIBUTES RESOLUTION COST COMMENTS AND FORMAT STREET VIEW IMAGERY Apple Look Around Early stages; Requires processing to derive Image N/A Offers extremely limited contact physical features related geographic coverage. company to road safety, such as: crosswalks, speedbumps, Google Street view Not accessible 360 photos must N/A Global coverage is fairly painted lines, roads, road according to be at least 4K extensive. shoulders, sidewalks, license (image) streetlights, traffic signs and KartaView Open license others specific to region of Depends on Free Images are free, though image interest. camera (image) processing is required (see street view training data); global coverage is variable. Mapillary DDP Depends on Free Images are free, though image camera (image) processing is required (see street view training data); global coverage is variable. Collected by team Requires Depends on High Collection every two meters permission and camera (image or recommended for images. coordination video) Images or video require with local processing; see street view government training data. STREET VIEW TRAINING DATA Mapillary Traffic Sign DDP Traffic signs Resolution can Free More than 300 traffic sign be very high or classes covering six continents. very low. The Mapillary Vistas DDP Physical features related to model performs Free Coverage spans six continents. road best on images crosswalks, speedbumps, with the same painted lines, roads, road resolution level shoulders, sidewalks, of the training streetlights, traffic signs dataset. (image) (others possible) Annotation by team Hire a team Physical features related to High Consider collaborating with road, specific to region of stakeholders in a region of interest interest to label images using crosswalks, speedbumps, a Computer Vision Annotation painted lines, roads, road Tool (CVAT) or a labeling team shoulders, sidewalks, with training. streetlights, traffic signs 2,000 labels per class is (others possible) recommended for a simple classification. World Bank’s Open source Physical features related to Free Video analysis produces a GRSF Road Risk road richer dataset. Assessment road grade and curvature, Piloted in Liberia and software* pedestrian crossings, Mozambique. * The software is included delineation, roadside severity, in this section as video lane width, and number of training data is limited lanes in World Bank countries. Contact Satoshi Ogita (World Bank), for access. 65 DATA ACCESS ATTRIBUTES RESOLUTION COST COMMENTS AND FORMAT MOBILE APPLICATIONS AND TELEMATICS Grab Contact Contact company N/A N/A Coverage offered in Cambodia, company Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam. HERE Not accessible Traffic Every minute N/A Detailed road network coverage according current and historical speeds, (text, number) in more than 200 countries and to standard jams, crashes, road closures comprehensive traffic speeds license and road construction in more than 80 countries. Mapbox Movement DDP Movement activity index; Aggregated daily Free See Mapbox Movement driving activity index available or monthly at 100 data processing guidelines in select locations meter resolution for recommendations and (text, number) considerations when using this dataset. Mapbox Traffic DDP Traffic (typical speed) each Typical speed per Free road segment, identified by a road segment start and end node, has 2,016 in five-minute typical speed predictions (7 increments over days × 24 hours × 12 five- a week (text, minute periods) number) Moovit Contact Urban transit Contact company N/A company (public and on-demand) Ola Cabs DDP Travel time and potholes Contact DDP Free Coverage provided in India. Orbital Insight DDP Foot traffic Each minute; 2019 Free Foot traffic using mobile time of day, day of week, to present (text, location data in region of velocity (stationary, walking), number) interest, subject to data dwell time availability per country. TomTom Contact Traffic Every minute per Free to Global coverage is variable. company current and historical speeds, road segment Medium jams, crashes, road closures (text, number) and road construction Uber Movement Contact Traffic Average travel Free Geographic coverage is limited company travel times between zones, time, average to a selection of major cities. average speed per segment speeds per hour, Currently no API. and traffic density time of day or Was previously part of DDP. quarter of year (text, number) Unacast DDP Human movement Coordinates, Free Mobile Location Data Inventory horizontal for geographic coverage accuracy, available through the DDP timestamp, time website. zone (text, number) Veraset DDP Human movement Coordinates, Free horizontal accuracy, timestamp (text, number) Waze DDP Traffic (alerts, jams, Every minute; Free Includes weather alerts and irregularities) location provided major and minor crashes by major and minor crashes; as coordinates, application users; see Waze severity of congestion or road segment, under Crowdsourced section. irregularities; current and street name (text, typical speed on jammed number) segments; coordinates, road segment (start and end node), street name; road type; driving direction (NSEW); turn type; alerts (construction, road closure and weather) 66 DATA ACCESS ATTRIBUTES RESOLUTION COST COMMENTS AND FORMAT WhereIsMy DDP Informal transit network Determined in Medium Specializes in producing Transport collaboration to High informal transit data according with team to General Transit Feed Specifications (GTFS). Supports team in collecting and processing data in exchange for the team covering in-field costs of data collection and facilitating engagement with local transport authorities. CROWDSOURCED OSM Open license Road segments Centerline of road Free May include additional road road type, length, and features segments, referred attributes: lanes, name, to as ways and smoothness, surface, speed relations limit, and width, and other (text, number) information such as overtaking permitted or lighting. Twitter DDP Road incidents User-dependent; Free tweeted can be associated with a place or location (text, number) Waze DDP Road incidents Every minute; Free reported using app location provided as coordinates, road segment, street name (text, number) Delivery drivers Coordinated by Road incidents Depends on High team reported using app collection (text, number) GOVERNMENT Government or road Government Incidents XY coordinate Free to Processing requires standard safety observatory contact or (date, time, severity, type) per incident (text, Low GIS software such as ArcGIS or open data number) QGIS (free). platform Storage is small, typically <1GB per urban area over multiple years. Road segments Road segments Low (type, width, speed limit) (text, number Traffic lights XY coordinate per Low May include intersection type (intersection type) traffic light (text, (pedestrian, bicyclist, for number) example). SATELLITE AND AERIAL IMAGERY (AND OTHER REMOTE SENSING) Maxar Technologies Contact Elevation and roads Less than 1m High Requires processing to derive company (image) road networks. Was previously part of DDP. Orbital Insight DDP Car and truck count; roads Car and truck Free Car and truck count derived count: high from satellite imagery. resolution, Limited Geospatial Intelligence 2013 to present; Platform credits to derive roads: medium roads in region of interest; not resolution, 2016 to for routable road networks; present not suitable for narrow roads (image, number) in urban areas or dirt or mountainous roads in rural areas. 67 DATA ACCESS ATTRIBUTES RESOLUTION COST COMMENTS AND FORMAT Security or traffic Collected Traffic density and volume Depends on Medium cameras by team or camera (image to High through external or video) resource Unmanned aerial Collected by Elevation, roads, traffic density Depends on Medium Recent research suggests vehicle (UAV) team and volume camera (image to High traffic density and volume are or video) possible to calculate. METEOROLOGICAL SENSORS OpenWeather Contact Weather 40-year historical Low Price is economical for the company (weather type, temperature, archive for any 40-year history of a single wind speed and direction, coordinates by the coordinate or city. cloud coverage; rain and snow hour; or by city or Contact provider for details on volume by hour and per 3 1 km, 5 km, 10 km pricing and to download many hours) or customized grid locations. (text, number) DDP Weather 500m radius with Free (weather type, temperature precipitation and humidity; wind speed, recordings as low direction, gust; precipitation as 30 feet off the type, intensity; snow and ice ground; time steps accumulation; visibility, moon range from one day phase) to one minute (text, number) SOURCE: Original table for this publication. 68 ANNEX 3: Hotspots and Heatmaps: Uncovering Data Patterns for Road Safety Data visualizations are provided in the case study regions using alternative data sources, such as OSM, Mapbox, and Waze, as well as a select government dataset. Bogotá, Colombia Temporal data visualizations show road safety patterns between years, seasons, months, weeks, days, and times of day. The Waze crash data used to train the ML model covered a period of six months, from July through December 2020. It was anticipated that the pandemic would affect the number of Waze crash reports, and potentially traffic patterns, as crashes reported by the govern- ment noticeably decreased compared to prior years (figure 3.1). The government dataset revealed fewer incidents starting in March 2020, suggesting that the number of crashes was affected by the pandemic, though it is worth noting that the speed limit was also reduced from 60km/h to 50 km/h in May 2020 (figure 3.2). With this in mind, the Waze data was used to identify road safety trends. FIGURE 3.1: Road crashes with damage, injury or death in Bogotá, 2016–2020 With damage With injury With death 23,530 23,775 22,606 21,260 12,874 10,412 10,096 11,857 11,799 8,015 567 536 485 491 371 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 SOURCE: Original figure for this publication, based on data from Datos Abiertos Secretaría Distrital de Movilidad. FIGURE 3.2: Road crashes per month in Bogotá, 2016–2020 Dec Jan 2020 Nov 2019 Feb 2018 2017 Oct Mar 2016 Road crashes Sep Apr per month ≤ 1,500 ≤ 2,000 Aug May ≤ 2,500 ≤ 3,000 Jul Jun ≤ 3,256 SOURCE: Original figure for this publication, based on data from Datos Abiertos Secretaría Distrital de Movilidad. 69 Hotspot analysis groups crash locations to determine statistically significant clusters of crashes. Government and Waze datasets were analyzed during the same six-month window (figure 3.3). Be- tween the two datasets, similar hotspots were found near Avenida Boyacá and Calle 6 along the high- way in the south, Avenida Norte-Quito-Sur (NQS). Overall, Waze had more hotspots than the govern- ment dataset. Some minor road incidents captured by Waze may have gone unreported to the police. This trend can be seen in minor collisions clustering further north in the city. This cluster does not appear in the government data. Instead, clusters of government-reported crashes with only damage (no injury or fatality) appear in a central band. The approach to identify hotspots can vary, including the clustering method, size, shape, and search area of neighboring hotspots. FIGURE 3.3: Hotspot analysis of government and Waze crash data in Bogotá, July–December 2020 Cold Spot Confidence: 99% 95% 90% Not significant Hot Spot Confidence: 90% 95% 99% Government (all crashes) Government (death or injury) Government (damage only) Waze (all crashes*) Waze (major) Waze (minor) *Includes major and minor crashes, as well as those not categorized as either type. SOURCE: Original figure for this publication, based on data from Datos Abiertos Secretaría Distrital de Movilidad and the Waze App. Learn more at Basemap provided by Esri, HERE, Garmin, METI/NASA, USGS. 70 As with other alternative sources of data derived from mobile devices and apps, Waze crash reports are influenced by the location of the users, which affects where and when the crashes are reported. While Waze data notes major and minor incidents, the dataset will not include additional crash de- tails typically obtained from an official source, such as type, severity, class, and reason. Even though users can validate reports (e.g., thumbs up) to provide a confidence and reliability rating and flag false reports, there is potential for duplication in Waze data. Deduplication was not conducted for this analysis because this study was interested in relative crash patterns. Identifiable temporal patterns display when major crashes are aggregated by the day of the week and hour of the day (figure 3.4). In Bogotá, major crash reports increased between 6 and 7 p.m., having the most crashes during this window on Friday. Fewer incidents occurred on Sunday. FIGURE 3.4: Major crashes reported on Waze in Bogotá, July–December 2020 Mon Tue Wed Thu ≤ 100 Fri ≤ 200 ≤ 300 Sat ≤ 400 ≤ 507 Sun 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Hour of day SOURCE: Original figure for this publication, based on data provided by the Waze App. Learn more at 71 Spatial and temporal analysis can be combined to identify areas for closer inspection that exhibit pat- terns over time. This is valuable given human movement or behavioral changes, including the effects of a pandemic, road construction, or updated speed limits, during the examined period. Emerging hotspot analysis reviews clusters of crashes that are consistent over time and ones that are intensify- ing or diminishing (figure 3.5).73 In this example, each week was analyzed. Intensifying hotspot areas were statistically significant hotspots for 90 percent of the weeks analyzed with increasing intensity of hotspots, including the final week. FIGURE 3.5: Emerging hotspot analysis of Waze crashes in Bogotá, July–December 2020 SOURCE: Original figure for this publication, based on data provided by the Waze App. Learn more at Basemap provided by Esri, HERE, Garmin, METI/NASA, USGS. 73 For a complete list of definitions, see “How Emerging Hot Spot Analysis Works”: 72 If interventions or investments target a specific road, more geographically detailed information is required to make decisions. Hotspot analysis applied to road segments visualizes statistically signif- icant crash frequencies along roads, as shown in figure 3.6. FIGURE 3.6: Hotspot analysis using Waze crash frequencies in Bogotá, July–December 2020 Hot Spot confidence 99% 95% 90% Not Significant SOURCE: Original figure for this publication, based on data provided by OSM and the Waze App. Learn more at 73 Padang, Indonesia Heatmaps visualize the density of crashes. While Waze data was sparse in Padang, some spatial patterns could be detected. A heatmap shows at least three distinct areas of high crash density that could be further examined during a site inspection (figure 3.7). FIGURE 3.7: Heatmap of crashes reported using the Waze app in Padang, April 2019–July 2021 HIGH DENSITY (YELLOW) LOW DENSITY (BLACK) SOURCE: Original figure for this publication, based on data provided by the Waze App. Learn more at Basemap provided by Esri, HERE, Garmin, METI/NASA, USGS. 74 Road safety assessments may require operating speeds of road segments. Mapbox collects this data from mobile devices and provides typical speeds per road segment in 5-minute increments. In Padang, Mapbox speeds were visualized for a Thursday from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (figure 3.8). Using the OSM road type to group and designate minor and major roads as a proxy for a low or high-speed limit (speed limits were sparsely noted in OSM), minor roads are visualized with thinner lines than major roads. The average speed typically slowed near intersections in pink (<25 km/h) when compared to major roads in purple (25-50 km/h). High-speed road segments exceeding 50 km/h are found heading north and south along Jalan By Pass. Identifying road segments with high speeds using Mapbox supports road safety assessments and the implementation of speed manage- ment or traffic calming measures. FIGURE 3.8: Mapbox typical speeds in Padang on Thursday, 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Speed (km/h) 50.1 - 64.8 25.1 - 50.0 0.1 - 25.0 No Data SOURCE: Original figure for this publication, based on data provided by Mapbox. Basemap provided by Esri, HERE, Garmin, METI/ NASA, USGS. 75 Annex 4: Classes Detected Using Mapillary Vistas Dataset in RIC Model and Input Classes for the RRE Model All classes listed were detected using the marking--discrete--arrow--other object--sign--other Mapillary Vistas Dataset. Classes in bold marking--discrete--arrow--right object--sign--store were the input for the RRE Model. marking--discrete--arrow--split-left-or- object--street-light straight object--support--pole animal--bird marking--discrete--arrow--split-right-or- object--support--pole-group animal--ground-animal straight object--support--traffic-sign-frame construction--barrier--ambiguous marking--discrete--arrow--straight object--support--utility-pole construction--barrier--concrete-block marking--discrete--crosswalk-zebra object--traffic-cone construction--barrier--curb marking--discrete--give-way-row object--traffic-light--general-single construction--barrier--fence marking--discrete--give-way-single object--traffic-light--pedestrians construction--barrier--guard-rail marking--discrete--hatched--chevron object--traffic-light--general-upright construction--barrier--other-barrier marking--discrete--hatched--diagonal object--traffic-light--general-horizontal construction--barrier--road-median marking--discrete--other-marking object--traffic-light--cyclists construction--barrier--road-side marking--discrete--stop-line object--traffic-light--other construction--barrier--separator marking--discrete--symbol--bicycle object--traffic-sign--ambiguous construction--barrier--temporary marking--discrete--symbol--other object--traffic-sign--back construction--barrier--wall marking--discrete--text object--traffic-sign--direction-back construction--flat--bike-lane marking-only--continuous--dashed object--traffic-sign--direction-front construction--flat--crosswalk-plain marking-only--discrete--crosswalk-zebra object--traffic-sign--front construction--flat--curb-cut marking-only--discrete--other-marking object--traffic-sign--information-parking construction--flat--driveway marking-only--discrete--text object--traffic-sign--temporary-back construction--flat--parking nature--mountain object--traffic-sign--temporary-front construction--flat--parking-aisle nature--sand object--trash-can construction--flat--pedestrian-area nature--sky object--vehicle--bicycle construction--flat--rail-track nature--snow object--vehicle--boat construction--flat--road nature--terrain object--vehicle--bus construction--flat--road-shoulder nature--vegetation object--vehicle--car construction--flat--service-lane nature--water object--vehicle--caravan construction--flat--sidewalk object--banner object--vehicle--motorcycle construction--flat--traffic-island object--bench object--vehicle--on-rails construction--structure--bridge object--bike-rack object--vehicle--other-vehicle construction--structure--building object--catch-basin object--vehicle--trailer construction--structure--garage object--cctv-camera object--vehicle--truck construction--structure--tunnel object--fire-hydrant object--vehicle--vehicle-group human--person--individual object--junction-box object--vehicle--wheeled-slow human--person--person-group object--mailbox object--water-valve human--rider--bicyclist object--manhole void--car-mount human--rider--motorcyclist object--parking-meter void--dynamic human--rider--other-rider object--phone-booth void--ego-vehicle marking--continuous--dashed object--pothole void--ground marking--continuous--solid object--sign--advertisement void--static marking--continuous--zigzag object--sign--ambiguous void--unlabeled marking--discrete--ambiguous object--sign--back marking--discrete--arrow--left object--sign--information 76 Annex 5: Average Precision of the Bounding Box Detection and Classification An Average Precision (AP) score closer to 100 indicates a better performance in correctly detecting and classifying an object. AP scores equal to zero mean that no data is available. 77 Glossary of Terms Big Data Large data sets that require significant processing power and/or complex computational techniques to reveal patterns, trends, and correlations. Development Data A partnership between international organizations and companies, created to Partnership (DDP) facilitate the use of third-party data in research and international development. Deep Learning (DL) A branch of artificial intelligence that involves creating algorithms for deep artificial neural networks, inspired by the human brain, to learn complex patterns from high dimensional and large quantities of data. Fatalities and Serious A metric of those killed or seriously injured in a traffic crash which is used to Injuries (FSI) monitor traffic safety performance. Fatalities are defined as those who die within 30 days of the crash. Intelligent Transport The collection, analysis, and transmission of transportation, vehicle, and System (ITS) infrastructure data that informs users with real-time updates and improves future operations and predictions. Internet of Things (IoT) Devices that are connected to the internet to send and/or receive data. Machine Learning (ML) Method to systematically derive patterns, identify trends, and make conclusions from data with minimal human intervention. Neural Network A set of connected algorithms typically organized in three layers: input layer, hidden layer(s), and an output layer. Overall Project Traffic The entire traffic and road safety risk of a project that evaluates the road and Road Safety Risk infrastructure, vehicle operating speeds, road user behavior, vehicle standards, (OPTRSR) and post-crash trauma care. Road Crash The collision of a vehicle with another entity, such as a car, bicycle, stationary object, pedestrian, or animal, that causes injury or damage to one or more of the entities on a road or road-related area. Road Safety System to reduce risks to road users, preventing death or injury. Road Safety Systematic review of the current road or traffic scheme to identify hazardous Assessments areas. Road Safety Audit (RSA) Independent, systematic evaluation of the modification or addition to the road or traffic scheme to determine the crash potential and safety performance for all road users. Road Safety Impact The safety performance ranking of planned road construction or modification Assessment (RSIA) design schemes and their effect on the surrounding road network. Road Safety Observatory A regional network of government representatives that facilitates the sharing and (RSO) exchange of road safety data and expertise. 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However, the requirements for several road safety assess- workflow illustrated through these case studies ments, provides a convenient overview of rel- shows potential for replicability. All code for the evant big data sources, and explains machine Integrated Framework for Road Safety is free and learning fundamentals for the application of publicly available for repurposing and refining to these advanced technologies, specifically for local context through a link provided in the note. road safety. The note proposes an Integrated The framework exemplifies current capabilities Framework for Road Safety, which takes the to reduce the reliance on manual image anno- reader step-by-step through a machine learning tations and highlights the potential to conduct workflow to evaluate road risk, using case stud- a road safety scan without years of historical ies in Bogotá, Colombia and Padang, Indonesia. crash data. The increasing availability of big The Integrated Framework for Road Safety uses data and the growing use of machine learning machine learning to identify road characteris- models for road safety point to rapidly evolving tics from street view images and predict road technological solutions that have immense ca- segment risk based on those identifiable char- pacity to improve the quality and efficiency of acteristics. As a result, road segment risk was road safety assessments in developing coun- predicted with 72.5 percent accuracy in Bogotá. tries. 83