The World Bank                                                                                     Implementation Status & Results Report
           Vietnam University Development of VNU-Hanoi, VNU-HCM, and UD (P166656)

Vietnam University Development of VNU-Hanoi, VNU-HCM, and UD (P166656)

 EAST ASIA AND PACIFIC | Vietnam | Education Global Practice |
 IBRD/IDA | Investment Project Financing | FY 2020 | Seq No: 5 | ARCHIVED on 06-Feb-2023 | ISR54665 |

 Implementing Agencies: Socialist Republic of Vietnam, The University of Danang (UD), Vietnam National University-Hanoi, Vietnam National

 Key Dates

  Key Project Dates

   Bank Approval Date: 30-Jun-2020                                             Effectiveness Date: 19-Apr-2022
   Planned Mid Term Review Date: 11-Mar-2024                                   Actual Mid-Term Review Date:
   Original Closing Date: 31-Dec-2025                                          Revised Closing Date: 31-Dec-2025

 Project Development Objectives

  Project Development Objective (from Project Appraisal Document)
  To improve the quality of teaching and research at three targeted national universities.

  Has the Project Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Project Objective?

 Components Table

 Component 1. Vietnam National University Development - VNU-Hanoi:(Cost $123.18 M)
 Component 2. Vietnam National University Development - VNU-HCM:(Cost $116.00 M)
 Component 3. Development of Technical Infrastructure and Essential Facilities - UD:(Cost $117.76 M)

 Overall Ratings

 Name                                                                         Previous Rating                         Current Rating

 Progress towards achievement of PDO                                          Satisfactory                           Moderately Satisfactory
 Overall Implementation Progress (IP)                                         Moderately Satisfactory                Moderately Unsatisfactory
 Overall Risk Rating                                                          Moderate                               Moderate

 Implementation Status and Key Decisions

  The Project continues to make progress to achieve its project development objective (PDO) which is to improve the quality of teaching and research
  at three targeted universities. By October 31, 2022, both outcome indicators (PDO 1: Number of internationally accredited programs and PDO 2:
  Number of articles published in Web of Science and Scopus journals) already surpassed the cumulative targets for year 2.
  The subsidiary agreement and subsidiary contract for the three universities were not signed by end December 2022, pending the Government's final
  resolution towards the collateral asset issue and accordingly no disbursement has been made so far. Timely resolution of the issue is most critical at
  this stage to the efficient project implementation and full achievement of the project objectives. In addition, universities will speed up with the
  submission and the approval of the detailed designs and drafting of bidding documents for civil works packages to ensure they are ready for the
  contractual process, then construction, to take place.

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            The World Bank                                                                                     Implementation Status & Results Report
            Vietnam University Development of VNU-Hanoi, VNU-HCM, and UD (P166656)


 Systematic Operations Risk-rating Tool

  Risk Category                                               Rating at Approval            Previous Rating                Current Rating

  Political and Governance                                    Moderate                     Low                           Substantial
  Macroeconomic                                               Substantial                  Low                           Low
  Sector Strategies and Policies                              Moderate                     Moderate                      Moderate
  Technical Design of Project or Program                      Moderate                     Moderate                      Moderate
  Institutional Capacity for Implementation and
                                                              Substantial                  Moderate                      Moderate
  Fiduciary                                                   High                         Substantial                   Substantial
  Environment and Social                                      Substantial                  Substantial                   Moderate
  Stakeholders                                                Moderate                     Moderate                      Moderate
  Other                                                       --                            --                             --
  Overall                                                     Substantial                  Moderate                      Moderate


 PDO Indicators by Objectives / Outcomes

   To improve the quality of teaching at three targeted national universities

    ►Number of internationally accredited programs (Number, Custom)

                                       Baseline                     Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                              129.00                       171.00                       179.00                    197.00

    Date                               31-Jan-2020                  27-Jun-2022                  31-Oct-2022              31-Dec-2025
                                       The indicator result exceeded the year 2 target by 19 programs by October 31, 2022.

                                       VNU-HN reached 36 (+4 from baseline)

                                       UD reached 35 (+11 from baseline)
                                       VNU HCM reached 108 (+35 from baseline)

                                       The annual aggregate targets for the three universities are 14 programs accredited in year 1 and 17 programs accred
                                       (cumulative: 31). By October 31, 2022, the aggregate achievement of the three universities was 50 programs accre

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           The World Bank                                                                                     Implementation Status & Results Report
           Vietnam University Development of VNU-Hanoi, VNU-HCM, and UD (P166656)

   To improve the quality of research at three targeted national universities

    ►Number of articles published in Web of Science and Scopus journals, in relation to full-time academic staff (Number, Custom)

                                       Baseline                     Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                              12,747.00                    17,886.00                   20,247.00                 30,930.00

    Date                               31-Jan-2020                  27-Jun-2022                 31-Oct-2022               31-Dec-2025
                                       The indicator result exceeded year 2 target by 212 articles by October 31, 2022 .
                                       VNU-HN reached 10648 (+2408 from baseline)
                                       UD reached 2165 (+858 from baseline)
                                       VNU HCM reached 7641 (+4441 from baseline)
   Comments:                           The annual aggregate targets for the three universities are 3699 publications in year 1 and 3589
                                       publications in year 2, respectively (cumulative: 7288). By October 31, 2022, the aggregate achievement
                                       of the three universities was 7500 publications equivalent to 103% of the cumulative target for years 1 and

 Intermediate Results Indicators by Components

   Intervention area 1 - Improved Quality of Teaching and Learning

    ►IR 1- Modern research infrastructure built and in operation (Percentage, Custom)

                                       Baseline                     Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                              0.00                         0.00                        0.00                      100.00

    Date                               31-Jan-2020                  27-Jun-2022                 31-Oct-2022               31-Dec-2025
                                       The target of 20% has not been achieved by the end of 2022. The civil works programs will only start by
                                       the end of 2022 for VNU-HN and VNU-HCM and by the end of the first semester of 2023 for UD.
   Comments:                            IR 6 might be revised to be similar to IR 1 in terms of description, baseline and targets.

   ►IR 2- On-time graduation student rates for programs using technology and innovations by education levels (bachelor and master)
   (Percentage, Custom)

                                       Baseline                     Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                              63.00                        63.00                       0.00                      75.00

    Date                               31-Jan-2020                  27-Jun-2022                 31-Oct-2022               31-Dec-2025
                                       The indicator is being revised and baseline/targets will be re-estimated.
                                               VNU Hanoi will agree with the Bank the baseline in year 2 and provide the Bank with the targets
   Comments:                                    for years 4-5 (2023-2024 and 2024-2025)
                                               VNU HCM will re-establish the baseline in year 2 and targets for years 3-5 when the Vietnamese
                                                study program is replaced by the Vietnamese study program for foreigners.

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           The World Bank                                                                                       Implementation Status & Results Report
           Vietnam University Development of VNU-Hanoi, VNU-HCM, and UD (P166656)

                                                UD will include the 2020-2021 data and provide with the Bank the baseline in year 2 and targets
                                                 for years 3-5 after discussions with member universities.
                                                The indicator will be revised following the footnote above. Baseline in 2020 and targets for years
                                                 1-2 will be moved to 0. Universities will re-establish baseline in year 2 and targets for years 3-5.

    ►IR 3 - Student satisfaction with the learning experience (Percentage, Custom)

                                      Baseline                      Actual (Previous)             Actual (Current)           End Target

    Value                            0.00                           0.00                          0.00                       83.40

    Date                             31-Jan-2020                    27-Jun-2022                   31-Oct-2022                31-Dec-2025
                                      The indicator is being revised and baseline/targets will be re-estimated.
                                               VNU Hanoi will estimate the baseline for year 2 and the targets for years 4-5 (2023-2024 and
                                               VNU HCM will estimate the baseline for year 2 and targets for years 3-5 when the Vietnamese
                                                study program is replaced by the Vietnamese study program for foreigners.
   Comments:                                   UD will include the 2020-2021 data and estimate the baseline for year 2 and targets for years 3-
                                                5 after discussions with member universities.
                                      Note for future restructuring
                                      The indicator will be revised following the footnote above. Baseline in 2020 and targets for years 1-2 will
                                      be moved to 0. Universities will re-establish baseline in year 2 and targets for years 3-5.

   Intervention area 2 - Research Excellence and Knowledge Transfer

    ►IR 4 - Proportion of articles published in Web of Science and Scopus journals, with female author(s) (Percentage, Custom)

                                      Baseline                      Actual (Previous)             Actual (Current)           End Target

    Value                            32.00                          34.00                         35.00                      37.00

    Date                             31-Jan-2020                    27-Jun-2022                   31-Oct-2022                31-Dec-2025
                                      The calculation of the result target for year 2 only include UD and VNU HCM (31+39.4)/2= 35%
                                      The result target for year 2 for this indicator has been partially met, because VNU Hanoi did not report any
                                              VNU Hanoi will review and decide the institutional arrangement for the reporting of this
   Comments:                                   indicator’s results between functional departments/ member universities and provide the Bank
                                               with the result and evidence for such result
                                              UD: 31% (target exceeded)
                                              VNU-HCM: 39.4% (target not met)

    ►IR 5 - Number of functional partnerships (international and domestic) (Number, Custom)

                                      Baseline                      Actual (Previous)             Actual (Current)           End Target

    Value                            73.00                          73.00                         97.00                      225.00

    Date                             31-Jan-2020                    27-Jun-2022                   31-Oct-2022                31-Dec-2025
                                      The result target for year 2 (127) for this indicator has not been met.
                                              VNU HN: Information and data provided were insufficient for verification

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           The World Bank                                                                                      Implementation Status & Results Report
           Vietnam University Development of VNU-Hanoi, VNU-HCM, and UD (P166656)

                                               UD: 20
                                               VNU HCM: 4

    ►IR 6 - Modern research infrastructure built and in operation (Number, Custom)

                                     Baseline                      Actual (Previous)              Actual (Current)           End Target

    Value                            0.00                          0.00                          0.00                        40.00

    Date                             31-Jan-2020                   27-Jun-2022                   31-Oct-2022                 31-Dec-2025
                                      The 2022 target remains as the baseline value of 0%. No updated result is required for 2022.
                                      The civil works programs will only start by the end of 2022 for VNU-HN and VNU-HCM and by the end of
                                      the first semester of 2023 for UD. The first laboratories will probably not be built before 2024.

    ►IR 7 - Number of research groups getting external grants above threshold, especially interdisciplinary teams (Number, Custom)

                                     Baseline                      Actual (Previous)              Actual (Current)           End Target

    Value                            9.00                          9.00                          9.00                        31.00

    Date                             31-Jan-2020                   27-Jun-2022                   31-Oct-2022                 31-Dec-2025
                                      The result target for year 2 for this indicator has not been met. The result of 9 is the cumulative target
                                      reported from the baseline.
                                               VNU HN: Insufficient data
                                               UD: 0
                                               VNU HCM: Insufficient data

   Intervention area 3 - Governance and Project Management

    ►IR 8 - Improved management information system (MIS) and beneficiary feedback system (Text, Custom)

                                     Baseline                      Actual (Previous)             Actual (Current)            End Target
                                                                                                 A unified student           A unified management
                                     No unified management         No unified management
                                                                                                 satisfaction survey         information and
    Value                            information and unified       information and unified
                                                                                                 partially established at    beneficiary feedback
                                     feedback system               feedback system
                                                                                                 UD and VNU HCMC             system is in place.
    Date                             31-Jan-2020                   27-Jun-2022                   31-Oct-2022                 31-Dec-2025
                                      The result target for year is partially met.
                                              VNU HN: No information and evidence for the unified SSS established in 2022 or progress of
                                               such process except that the SSS questionnaire and regulations are in place
                                              UD: The unified SSS is planned in 2023. Positive progress has been achieved in the
   Comments:                                   development of SSS to prepare for the unified SSS to be deployed in all MUs and schools: pilot
                                               survey rolled out; questionnaire analyzed and validated
                                              VNU HCM: The unified SSS is expected to be introduced in 2023 after the questionnaire is
                                               piloted and validated in the first quarter of 2023

    ►IR 9 - Improved governance (Text, Custom)

                                     Baseline                      Actual (Previous)              Actual (Current)           End Target

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           The World Bank                                                                                   Implementation Status & Results Report
           Vietnam University Development of VNU-Hanoi, VNU-HCM, and UD (P166656)

                                                                                              Some regulations and
                                    No effective policies in     No effective policies in     strategies in place or   Policies are in place
    Value                           place to facilitate modern   place to facilitate modern   being developed to       for modern
                                    governance                   governance                   facilitate modern        governance
    Date                            31-Jan-2020                  27-Jun-2022                  31-Oct-2022              31-Dec-2025
                                    The result target for year 2 is partially met.
                                    Results 9.1 and 9.2
                                    VNUHN’s strategy is to improve governance practices towards data-based governance.
                                    Regarding the enhancement of accountability at VNU HN, MUs have been granted more autonomy,
                                    specifically in financial aspects. MUs have started to share resources for teaching in terms academic
                                    Result 9.3
                                    VNU HN has developed the digital transformation strategy in 2022 and officially announced and
                                    implemented by decision no 1323/QD – ĐHQGHN on 22/04/2022. The content of the strategy covers
                                              Digital transformation in university governance
                                              Digital transformation in training
                                              Digital transformation in research
                                              Digital transformation in IT infrastructure
                                              Digital transformation in content and data resources

                                    Results 9.1 and 9.2
                                    Regulations on autonomy and accountability of MUs are being developed.
                                    MUs and institutes have established their own ‘university council’ to comply with the Revised Law on
                                    Higher Education and Decree 99 on university autonomy.
                                    UD has also developed KPIs and criteria for assessing the organizational performance of MUs, institutes
   Comments:                        and schools.
                                    With regard to academic integrity, UD has introduced regulations on plagiarism since 2015, however, in
                                    2022, there were no activities in relevant aspects.
                                    Result 9.3
                                    No ICT strategy is available. UD signed a contract with a consulting firm to develop the ICT strategy in

                                    VNU HCM
                                    Results 9.1 and 9.2

                                    VNU HCM collaborated with VNU HN to develop the draft regulation for a national university. The draft
                                    has been submitted to MOET for approval. This is part of the pathway to autonomy and accountability and
                                    governance improvements to implement the Revised Law on Higher Education and Decree 99 on
                                    To implement the Revised Law and Decree 99, MUs have revised their charters and internal regulations.
                                    The changes are to grant or exercise more autonomy to member universities.
                                    VNU HCM leaders have assigned the task of developing regulations and policies on academic integrity,
                                    including research ethic codes, to the Department of Research.
                                    Result 9.3
                                    No ICT strategy is available. VNU HCM plans to develop the ICT strategy in 2023.

 Performance-Based Conditions

 Data on Financial Performance

 Disbursements (by loan)

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           The World Bank                                                                                 Implementation Status & Results Report
           Vietnam University Development of VNU-Hanoi, VNU-HCM, and UD (P166656)

 Project       Loan/Credit/TF    Status      Currency        Original   Revised     Cancelled     Disbursed     Undisbursed                % Disbursed

 P166656       IDA-67230         Effective   USD               98.87      98.87           0.00         0.00           98.87                         0%

 P166656       IDA-67240         Effective   USD               98.00      98.00           0.00         0.00           98.00                         0%

 P166656       IDA-67250         Effective   USD               98.00      98.00           0.00         0.00           98.00                         0%

 Key Dates (by loan)

 Project        Loan/Credit/TF   Status      Approval Date       Signing Date     Effectiveness Date    Orig. Closing Date      Rev. Closing Date

 P166656        IDA-67230        Effective   30-Jun-2020         20-Dec-2021      19-Apr-2022           31-Dec-2025             31-Dec-2025
 P166656        IDA-67240        Effective   30-Jun-2020         20-Dec-2021      19-Apr-2022           31-Dec-2025             31-Dec-2025
 P166656        IDA-67250        Effective   30-Jun-2020         20-Dec-2021      19-Apr-2022           31-Dec-2025             31-Dec-2025

Cumulative Disbursements

  Restructuring History

  There has been no restructuring to date.

  Related Project(s)

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           The World Bank                                                           Implementation Status & Results Report
           Vietnam University Development of VNU-Hanoi, VNU-HCM, and UD (P166656)

  There are no related projects.

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