Lao People's Democratic Republic Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity ************ Ministry of Planning and Investment The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN (ESMP) (Revised Draft) Prepared by: Lao Statistics Bureau 8 July 2022 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Table of Contents ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS..................................................................................................................... 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................................................................... 4 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................. 9 1.1 PROJECT BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................. 9 1.2 RELEVANCE TO HIGHER LEVEL OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................... 11 1.3 ESMP SCOPE AND OBJECTIVE .............................................................................................................. 12 2 POLICY AND LEGAL FRAMEWORK ........................................................................................................... 13 2.1 NATIONAL LEGAL FRAMEWORK ............................................................................................................. 13 2.2 APPLICABLE WORLD BANK ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL STANDARDS (ESS)..................................................... 15 3 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL OVERVIEW ............................................................................................. 21 4 POTENTIAL E&S RISKS, IMPACTS AND PROPOSED MITIGATION MEASURES ............................................. 22 4.1 ANTICIPATED POSITIVE IMPACTS ............................................................................................................ 22 4.2 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL RISKS AND IMPACTS ................................................................................... 23 4.2.1 Environmental Risks and Impacts ............................................................................................... 23 4.2.2 Social Risks and Impacts ............................................................................................................ 25 4.2.3 Summary of E&S Risks, Impacts and Proposed Mitigation Measures ........................................... 26 4.3 CLIMATE ACTION ............................................................................................................................... 39 4.4 COVID-19 RESPONSE ........................................................................................................................ 39 5 ESMP PROCESS AND MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES ................................................................................ 40 5.1 OBJECTIVE AND APPLICATION ............................................................................................................... 40 5.2 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ....................................................................................................................... 41 6 INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS AND CAPACITY BUILDING PLAN .......................................................... 42 6.1 INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS ........................................................................................................... 42 6.2 PROJECT PERSONNEL AND CONSULTANTS ................................................................................................ 44 6.3 CAPACITY NEED ASSESSMENT AND BUILDING ........................................................................................... 45 7 CONSULTATION AND STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT ............................................................................... 48 7.1 OBJECTIVES ...................................................................................................................................... 48 7.2 CONSULTATIONS DURING PROJECT PREPARATION ..................................................................................... 49 7.3 CONSULTATIONS DURING PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION ................................................................................ 61 8 GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL MECHANISM ..................................................................................................... 63 8.1 GRM PROCESS ................................................................................................................................. 63 8.2 RECORDING GRIEVANCES ..................................................................................................................... 66 8.3 FORM TO SUBMIT A COMPLAINT ........................................................................................................... 67 9 MONITORING AND REPORTING .............................................................................................................. 68 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) 9.1 INTERNAL MONITORING ...................................................................................................................... 68 9.2 EXTERNAL MONITORING ..................................................................................................................... 74 9.3 REPORTING ...................................................................................................................................... 74 9.4 INCIDENTS OR ACCIDENTS REPORTING .................................................................................................... 75 10 ESMP IMPLEMENTATION BUDGET.......................................................................................................... 75 ANNEXES ........................................................................................................................................................ 77 ANNEX 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................................... 78 ANNEX 2 NATIONAL LAWS AND REGULATAIONS ............................................................................................. 90 ANNEX 3 INELIGIBLE/NEGATIVE CRITERIA LIST ................................................................................................ 96 ANNEX 4 E-WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN ........................................................................................................ 98 ANNEX 5 LABOUR MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES ........................................................................................... 106 ANNEX 6 CODE OF CONDUCT (COC) TO PREVENT AND MANAGE SEA/SH AND VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN (VAC)............................................................................................................................................................ 134 ANNEX 7 COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SAFETY ................................................................................................ 140 ANNEX 8 CONTINGENCY EMERGENCY RESPONSE COMPONENT (CERC) MANUAL .......................................... 145 ANNEX 9 LIST OF PERSONS MET DURING ESF PREPARATIONS IN MARCH TO MAY 2022 ................................ 152 ANNEX 10 PHOTOS AND LIST OF PARTICIPANTS IN THE NATIONAL CONSULTATION WORKSHOP ON 7 JUNE 2022............................................................................................................................................................. 153 List of Tables Table 1-1 Project components and activities 10 Table 2-1 Key objectives and relevance of World Bank’s E&S Standards to the Project 17 Table 4-1 Potential Negative Environment and Social Risks and Impacts and Mitigation Measures 27 Table 5-1 Overview of ESMP Tools 40 Table 6-1 Key responsibilities for ESMP implementation 43 Table 6-2 List of Training Topics 47 Table 7-1 ESF Instruments Consultation and Disclosure until Project Effective 50 Table 7-2 Record of National Consultation Results 53 Table 7-3 Engagement program during Project Implementation Period 61 Table 7-4 Communication program 63 Table 8-1 Sample Grievance Log for the Project at the central level database 66 Table 9-1 monitoring program 69 Table 10-1 Estimated Budget for the ESMF Implementation 75 List of Figures Figure 6-1 Project Institutional arrangement 42 Figure 6-2 NATIONAL STATISTIC COORDINATION SYSTEM 45 Figure 6-3 Organizational structure of LSB 46 Figure 8-1 Grievance Redress Mechanism 65 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) List of Boxes Box 2-1 Key Lao PDR environmental and social legislations applicable to the project ............................... 13 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ADB - Asian Development Bank LCD - Liquid Crystal Display ALFS - Annual Labour Force Survey LDPA - Lao Disabled People’s Association ARC - Advance Release Calendar LECS - Lao Expenditure and Consumption Survey BMP6 - Bone Morphogenetic Protein 6 LED - Light-Emitting Diode Display BOL - Bank of Lao PDR LFS - Labour Force Survey BOP - Balance of Payment LMP - Labour Management Procedures BRC - Belt Road Initiative LSB - Lao Statistic Bureau CAPI - Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing LSS - Lao PDR Statistical System CERC - Contingency Emergency Response LWU - Lao Women Union Component CHSP - Certified Healthcare Safety Professional HLO - High Level Objective CHS - Community Health and Safety MAF - Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry CIA - Component Implementing Agencies ME - Monitoring and Evaluation CITES - Convention on International Trade MF - Ministry of Finance Endangered Species CoC - Code of Conduct MOU - Memorandum of Understanding COVID 19 - Coronavirus Disease 19 MOIC - Ministry of Industry and Commerce CPI - Consumer Price Index MOHA - Ministry of Home Affairs CPU - Central Processing Unit MONRE - Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment CPF - Country Partnership Framework MOES - Ministry of Education and Sport CRT - Cathode Ray Tube MPI - Ministry of Planning and Investment DQAF - Data Quality Assessment Framework MOLSW - Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare EA - Environmental Assessment NA - National Assembly EAP - Environmental Action Plan NGOs - Non Government Organizations EC - European Committee NGD - National Geographic Department E-GDDS - Enhanced General Data Dissemination NSEDP - National Socio-Economic Development System Plans EHSGs - Environmental Health and Safety Guides OHS - Occupational Health and Safety EHS - Environmental Health and Safety PAD - Project Appraisal Document EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment PACs - Project Affected Communities ESIA – Environmental and Social Impaction PAPI - Paper Assisted Personal Interviewing Assessment ESF - Environmental and Social Framework PBB - Polybrominated Biphenyls ESSs - Environmental and Social Standards PBDE - Polybrominated Biphenyl Ether ES - Environment and Social PCBs - Polychlorinated Biphenyls ESCP - Environment and Social Commitment Plan PIU ESCOP - Environmental and Social Code of PDO - Project Development Objective Practices Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 1 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) ESMP - Environmental and Social Management PHC - Population Housing Census Plan ESMF - Environment and Social Management PMO - Prime Minister Office Framework ESRS - Environmental and Social Review POM - Project Operations Manual Summary ESOs - Environment and Social Officers PIMT - Project Implementation and Management Team EPP - Emergency Preparedness Plan PONRE - Province of Natural Resource and Environment EU - European Union PPE - Personal Protective Equipment FAO - Food Agriculture Organization PPI - Producer Price Index FM - Financial Management PSC - Project Steering Committee FY - Fiscal Year PIU - Project Coordination Unit GBV - Gender-Based Violence QLFS – Quarterly Labour Force Survey GCB - Green Clean and Beautiful RS - Remote Sensing GDP - Gross Domestic Product RD - Research and Development GDDS - General Data Dissemination System SA - Social Assessment GOL - Government of Lao PDR SBR - Statistical Business Register GIIP - Good International Industry Practices SDS - Safety Data Sheet GIS - Geographic Information Systems SDDS - Special Data Dissemination Standards GPE - Global Partnership for Education SDGs - Sustainable Development Goals GPS - Global Positioning System SDNSS - Strategies for the Development of the National Statistical System GRM - Grievance Redress Mechanism SGS - Strengthening Gender Statistics GNI - Gross National Index SEA/SH - Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment GFS - Government Finance Statistics SEP - Stakeholder Engagement Plan HIV - Human Immunodeficiency Virus SEZ - Special Economic Zone ICT - Information Communication and SNA - System of National Accounts Technology IDA - International Development Association SPI - Statistical Performance Indicator IEE – Initial Environmental Examination SSDNSS - Strategy for Sustainable Development of National Statical System IFC - International Finance Corporation SUT - Supply and Use Table IMF - International Monetary Fund TOR - Term of Reference IIP - Index of Industrial Production UDAA - Urban Development Administration Authority ILO - International Labour Organization UN - United Nations INGOs - International Non Government UNFPA - United Nations Sexual Reproductive Health Organizations Agency Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 2 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) IO - Input-Output UNICEF - United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund IOT - Input-Output Table UXO - Unexploded Ordnance IPCP - Infection Prevention and Control Protocol VAC - Violence Against Children IUCN - International Union Conservation of VAWC - Violence against women and children Nature IPI - Import Price Index VMC - Village Mediation Committee (VMC) IEE - Initiative Environmental Examination WB - World Bank ICT - Information Communications Technology WBG - World Bank Group Lao PDR - Lao People Democratic Republic WHO - World Health Organization LAOSTAT - Lao PDR’s Strengthening the National XPI - Export Price Index Statistical System LAOSIS - Lao PDR’s Statistical Information System (Website) LAOINFO - Lao PDR’s Information (Website) Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 3 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Lao PDR has made substantial progress in advancing its national statistical system in recent years. The national statistical system (Lao PDR Statistical System (LSS)), consists of Lao Statistics Bureau (LSB), statistical centers of line ministries, provincial departments, and district and village offices. Activities within the realm of official statistics in Lao PDR have grown over the years. There has been increase in data production from LSB and the statistical centers of line ministries in support of policymaking process. There is strong demand for statistical products from the national government for monitoring and evaluation of National Socio-Economic Development Plans (NSEDP) implementation among other needs. Despite these achievement in the recent years, high-quality data to inform decision making have been insufficient. In terms of global data sources and infrastructure, LSS ranks low in the second lowest quintile. LSS is characterized by (i) ineffective institutional coordination; (ii) inadequate analytical capability; (iii) weak statistical infrastructure, and information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure. The proposed project will support the government’s strategy to improve availability and quality of key statistics and enhance the efficiency of the statistical system for evidence-based decision making. Project Description The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization project (P178002) is to be implemented nation-wide through the Lao Statistical Bureau (LSB) under the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) along with the statistical center of line ministries or equivalent agencies under the LSB’s technical guidance . The project development objective (PDO) is to improve the capacity of the Lao PDR Statistical System to produce and disseminate good quality statistics in a timely manner and to enhance the use of key statistics, and in case of an Eligible Crisis or Emergency, respond promptly and effectively to it. To achieve the project objective, the implementing activities will be under three (03) components. ❖ Component 1: Improving availability and quality of statistics (US$ 11 million): The objective of this component is to improve the availability and quality of key statistics that meet international standards. Improving availability means adding new statistical products and increasing the frequency of existing statistics while enhancing quality means improving the accuracy, reliability, relevance, and timeliness of statistics. These will be achieved by an improvement in collection of administrative, census and survey data as well as data compilation methodologies. This component will support statistics produced by the LSB and the statistical centers of line ministries or equivalent agencies under the LSB’s technical guidance. It is made up of two subcomponents: i) Economic statistics; and ii) Social statistics. ❖ Component 2: Enhancing use of statistics (US$ 7 million): The objective of this component is to enhance use of statistics produced by the LSS through data integration and dissemination. This component also lays a groundwork for the modernization of the LSB and the LSS through piloting data integration and making an investment in an early development of the four pillars for a data governance and management architecture: i) standards and protocols; ii) data management team; iii) ICT infrastructure; and iv) data literacy. This component operationalizes the 2017 Statistics Law that assigns the LSB the responsibility to Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 4 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) provide quality assurance and technical endorsement to statistics produced by the LSS as well as to collect, consolidate, and request statistics from the line ministries and to disseminate them at the national level. It is made up of three subcomponents: i) Data integration; ii) Data dissemination; and iii) ICT infrastructure. ❖ Component 3: Strengthening institutional capacity and project management (US$ 3 million): The objective of this component is to strengthening institutional capacity and effectively manage the Project. It is made up of two subcomponents: i) strengthening institutional capacity and (ii) project management. CERC zero component is included in the subcomponent 3.2 project management. Overall, Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization project is expected to have positive environmental, social and economic benefits and impacts. The project is assigned overall Environmental and Social Risk Classification risk rating of ‘low’. The potential environmental and social risks and impacts are expected to be site specific, limited, temporary, reversible, and readily mitigated. The anticipated key project activities are grouped as follows: • General Condition (public notification, etc.) • ICT Installation, upgrades and maintenance • Package and Electronic waste management • Social Risk Management in terms of collaboration for data surveys, labour management activities, stakeholders’ consultations and collaborations, etc. Purpose and Scope of the ESMP The ESMP will identify and assess environmental and social issues related to the project activities. It will also detail mitigation and management measures in line with the national regulations, World Bank’s Environmental and Social Standards (ESSs), the Good International Industry Practices (GIIP) and the World Bank General Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines (EHSG), requirements. It will provide monitoring program to confirm effectiveness of the required mitigation measures. In addition, roles and responsibilities will be clearly defined for all stages of the project works. The ESMP will compose of: • Project description summary and project rationale, • National regulatory and legislative framework overview. • Significance of the potential environmental and social risks and impacts. • Mitigation methods in line with mitigation hierarchy. • Monitoring approach, which will be the form of Environment and Social Management Plan (ESMP) table including institutional measures, costs, etc. • Stakeholders Consultation and information disclosure. • Grievance redress mechanism including SEA/SH prevention measures. ESMP will contain following management tools: (i) Labour Management Procedures (LMP) with Workers’ Grievance Procedure, (ii) e-waste management plan, (iii) description of technically and financially feasible measures to improve energy efficiency (e.g. use of energy-efficient equipment), (iv) OHS procedure, (v) ESMP Budget, (vi) monitoring and reporting process; (vii) staffing and Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 5 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) operational arrangements, including staff capacity assessment and training; (viii) Code of conduct (CoC) to address SEA/SH and VAC, and (ix) CERC manual. Potential Environmental and Social Impacts The Project will be implemented nation-wide through LSS using the LSB as the implementation agency along with the statistical center of line ministries or equivalent agencies under the LSB’s technical guidance. Despite its achievements in reducing poverty, Lao PDR faces significant longer-term challenges in growth related to the digital economy and youth employment. The project will have mostly positive benefits as the interventions will set up a robust statistical system in the country which will result in, among others, correct estimates of poverty, gender & vulnerability assessments, MDGs, SDG indicators and other. Overall, the environmental and social (ES) risks are considered Low. The Project is expected to bring about significant environmental, social and economic benefits and positive statistic system modernisation development outcomes to the target beneficiaries and the country in many ways. The environmental risks and impacts are expected to be limited, localized, site specific, and temporary. This can be easily mitigated with e-waste management plan, which has prepared as part of the Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP). In addition, the project included description of technically and financially feasible measures to improve energy efficiency (e.g. use of energy-efficient equipment) as part of the ESMP. The key environmental risks and impacts include: • Risks and impacts due to generation of solid waste during meetings, training workshops and field data collection; • Package and e-waste risks from the ICT center equipment upgrade, repair and installation. This risk is detrimental to human health and the environment if not disposed of in an environmentally sound and safe manner; • OHS risks for the staff and workers involved in installing, repairing or upgrading ICT center equipment and service centres to be financed t under Components 1 and 2. Potential social risks and impacts include: (a) lack of stakeholder engagement; (b) risks related to the labor and working conditions of project workers; (c) risk of exclusion and discrimination particularly of ethnic minorities and vulnerable groups; (d) risk of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment (SEA/SH) and Violence Against Children (VAC) when conducting household interviews and (e) risk of data security and privacy. These risks and impacts will be managed and mitigated through LMP, COC on SEA/SH and VAC, LMP, CHSP and the CERC manual as annex, ESCP and the SEP. It is not expected to have an Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) risk under this Project. Grievance Redress The grievance mechanism seeks to resolve concerns promptly, using an understandable process that is culturally appropriate and readily accessible at no cost. Grievances can be submitted if someone believes the Project is having a detrimental impact on the community, the environment, or on their quality of life. Stakeholders may also submit comments and suggestions. There are various mechanisms for different types of grievances, including labor and SEA/SH related grievances. This is described in full in the project’s SEP, as well as in this ESMP. Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 6 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Monitoring and Reporting The first two reports quarterly followed by six-monthly reports will be prepared and submitted to the World Bank throughout Project implementation. Monitoring reports will need to be undertaken in order to: • Assess the efficiency and quality of the environmental and social assessment processes; • Establish evidence- and results-based assessment of the implementation of the ESF instruments (ESMP, SEP and ESCP); and • Provide an opportunity to report the results of the implementation of mitigation measures in future ESMPs and other project related documents. Implementation Arrangements Lao Statistic Bureau (LSB) under the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI), the apex entity of the national statistical system, will be the main implementing agency. The LSB will be responsible for planning, executing, and reporting on project activities including maintaining adequate procurement, financial management and auditing arrangements. The project institutional arrangement consists of (i) Project Steering Committee (PSC); (ii) Project Implementation and Management Team (PIMT); and (iii) Project Implementation Unit (PIU). The PIU will consist of LSB departments, line ministries and statistical centres at the provincial level as Component Implementing Agencies (CIA). The PIU will be supported by international and national consultants, as needed, with a focus on building the capacity of the PIU over the initial phase of the project. To facilitate and guide day-today operations, a Project Operations Manual (POM) will be developed and adopted prior to project effectiveness. Project Implementation Unit (PIU) with the technical support from E&S consultants will be responsible for planning, implementation, monitoring and reporting of ESF instruments (ESMP, SEP and ESCP) including the implementation and management of the GRM. The PIU will assign one E&S coordinator to be responsible for coordination and compliance with environment and social standards of the project activities implemented by LSB departments, line ministries and statistical centers at the provincial level (as component implementing agencies). Budget Budget allocated for ESMP implementation cost includes ESF consultant, capacity building, consultation and communication and monitoring and report. The total indicative cost reviewed is estimated at USD320,000 plus the costs of specific mitigation measures in the ESCOP to be included under contractor (firms) cost for data collection works. This ESMP, together with other project ESF instrument, was first disclosed on 23 May 2022 in the LSB website The ESMP together with SEP and ESCP documents were disclosed on 23 May 2022 in the LSB website before conducting a national consultation workshop on 7 June 2022 to get feedback and comments from broad and comprehensive stakeholders from the entire country. The Executive Summary of the SEP and ESMP was translated to Lao language while the ESCP was fully translated, and they were all disclosed in both Lao and English languages. These ESF instruments have been updated based on the comments and feedbacks received from the public consultation meetings on 7 June 2022. It was re-disclosed on 8 July 2022 prior to Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 7 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) appraisal and approval. The ESF instruments (ESMP, SEP and ESCP) will be translated into Lao language before disclosing them publicly. Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 8 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1.1 PROJECT BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION Following the present global and regional sustainable development momentum, Lao PDR set out key National Social-Economic Development strategies to boost its national economic growth through investment in natural resource sectors, other large infrastructure developments, such as mining, hydropower and transport-related projects. To inform the economic growth and future development decision, the country needs to take in to account producing quality key statistics as evidence-informed decision-making. Lao PDR has made substantial progress in its national statistics system improvement in recent years, the new statistics law, forced since 2017, provided detailed organization of implementing agencies and associated mandates, the Strategy for Sustainable Development of National Statistics System (SSDNSS) has been developed to provide a long-term framework for the improvement of the Lao PDR Statistical System (LSS). Although substantial efforts, data dissemination and integration remain weak, especially in the area of government finance and international investment positions which has attracted international attention. The largest gap in the LSS according to the World Bank’s SPI is in fa ct in data services, in which the country ranks in the lowest quintile of the global ranking, suggesting an opportunity for improvement in areas of data releases, online access, and other data services. To overcome the statistical development challenges, the Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization project has been proposed with three key project proponents with its project Development Objective (PDO) to improve the quality of key statistics, support data sharing across the statistical system and enhance the efficiency of the LSS for evidence-based decision making”. The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization project (P178002) is to be implemented nation-wide through the Lao Statistical Bureau (LSB) under the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) along with the statistical center of line ministries or equivalent agencies under the LSB’s technical guidance . The project development objective (PDO) is to improve the capacity of the Lao PDR Statistical System to produce and disseminate good quality statistics in a timely manner and to enhance the use of key statistics, and in case of an Eligible Crisis or Emergency, respond promptly and effectively to it. To achieve the project objective, the implementing activities are divided into three (03) components. To assure PDO achievements, the main project components are divided into relevant sub-components, and they are assessed through four (04) high-level indicators. The project consists of three components: i) improving availability and quality of statistics; ii) enhancing use of statistics; and iii) institutional and statistical capacity strengthening (See Table 1-1 and Annex 1 for more details). The project structure was determined through discussions with the LSB. The proposed project activities were identified through discussions and consultations with the LSS stakeholders including the LSB, the statistics departments of line ministries and Bank of Lao PDR, the Lao Academy of Social and Economic Sciences, and the National University of Laos, emphasizing an effort to strengthen the LSS as a system and foster data exchange and integration within the LSS. Consultations with key development partners including IMF, UNFPA, UNICEF, ADB, and ILO were carried out to foster collaboration, create synergies and avoid overlapping support among donors. Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 9 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) ❖ Component 1: Improving availability and quality of statistics (US$ 11 million): The objective of this component is to improve the availability and quality of key statistics that meet international standards. Improving availability means adding new statistical products and increasing the frequency of existing statistics while enhancing quality means improving the accuracy, reliability, relevance, and timeliness of statistics. These will be achieved by an improvement in collection of administrative, census and survey data as well as data compilation methodologies. This component will support statistics produced by the LSB and the statistical centers of line ministries or equivalent agencies under the LSB’s technical guidance. It is made up of two subcomponents: i) Economic statistics; and ii) Social statistics. ❖ Component 2: Enhancing use of statistics (US$ 7 million): The objective of this component is to enhance use of statistics produced by the LSS through data integration and dissemination. This component also lays a groundwork for the modernization of the LSB and the LSS through piloting data integration and making an investment in an early development of the four pillars for a data governance and management architecture: i) standards and protocols; ii) data management team; iii) ICT infrastructure; and iv) data literacy. This component operationalizes the 2017 Statistics Law that assigns the LSB the responsibility to provide quality assurance and technical endorsement to statistics produced by the LSS as well as to collect, consolidate, and request statistics from the line ministries and to disseminate them at the national level. It is made up of three subcomponents: i) Data integration; ii) Data dissemination; and iii) ICT infrastructure. ❖ Component 3: Strengthening institutional capacity and project management (US$ 3 million): The objective of this component is to strengthening institutional capacity and effectively manage the Project. It is made up of two subcomponents: i) strengthening institutional capacity and (ii) project management. CERC zero component is included in the subcomponent 3.2 project management. This component will provide immediate response to an eligible crisis or emergency, as needed. In the event of an eligible crisis or emergency, the World Bank to re-allocate project funds to support emergency response and recovery. TABLE 1-1 PROJECT COMPONENTS AND ACTIVITIES Component 1: Improving availability and quality of statistics Subcomponent 1.1 Economic statistics • Activity 1.1.1 System of National Accounts (SNA). • Activity 1.1.2 Price statistics. • Activity 1.1.3 Sectoral statistics • Activity 1.1.4 Annual enterprise survey • Activity 1.1.5 Agricultural survey Subcomponent 1.2 Social statistics • Activity 1.2.1 Annual labor force survey • Activity 1.2.2 Household expenditure and consumption survey • Activity 1.2.3 Census cartography • Activity 1.2.4 Gender statistics Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 10 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Component 2: Enhancing use of statistics Subcomponent 2.1 Data integration • Activity 2.1.1 Integrated data platform • Activity 2.1.2 Data sharing policy framework • Activity 2.1.3 Quality assurance and assessment framework • Activity 2.1.4 Capacity building for data management Subcomponent 2.2 Data dissemination S$ 3 million) • Activity 2.2.1 Centralized data portal. • Activity 2.2.2 Communication and dissemination. • Activity 2.2.3 User engagement and data literacy • Activity 2.2.4 e-GDDS and advance release calendar Subcomponent 2.3 ICT infrastructure Component 3: Institutional capacity strengthening and project management Subcomponent 3.1 Strengthening institutional capacity • Activity 3.1.1 Statistics law and SDNSS 2026 – 2035 • Activity 3.1.2 Human resource development and capacity building Subcomponent 3.2 Project management 1.2 RELEVANCE TO HIGHER LEVEL OBJECTIVES The project is closely aligned with the FY2017 – 2021 World Bank Group Country Partnership Framework (CPF) and the draft FY2023 – 2027 CPF. The FY2017 – 2021 CPF has been extended until FY2023 to better assess the needs resulting from COVID-19 in the next round CPF. The project is aligned with the cross-cutting theme: Strengthening institutions to establish a rules-based environment. Strengthening governance and institution is again included as a cross-cutting theme in the draft FY2023 – 2027 CPF, which also identifies three high-level objectives (HLOs): i) purchasing power and access to public services protected from macroeconomic instability and fiscal pressure on social spending (HLO 1); ii) improved labor incomes of vulnerable households (HLO 2); and iii) sustainable livelihoods through better management of natural resources (HLO 3). Success of this project will support data sharing across the statistical system and evidence-based policymaking, fostering data openness and data-driven cultures to improve transparency and accountability of the government. Additionally, the project aims to address data gaps and improve quality and frequency of the information needed to support monitoring of economic activities, prices, poverty, and labor market conditions and designing of well-targeted public policy and services delivery. Through these activities, the project will contribute to HLO 1 and HLO 2 as well as support the monitoring of these HLO indicators. The project is aligned with the 9th NSEDP 2021–2025 through its direct support to the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework and contributes to measuring progress toward the achievements of the Sustainable Development Goals. The 9th NSEDP 2021–2025 M&E framework has identified 168 indicators to measure and track the progress of six outcomes: economic growth, human capital, well-being, environment, integration and connectivity, and governance. The project will support the Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 11 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) production of selected indicators as well as improving their quality and timeliness through its investment in national account statistics, sectoral statistics, and survey and census data collection. For example, the Lao Expenditure and Consumption Survey (LECS) will contribute to the monitoring of the human capital and well-being outcomes while GDP by region will contribute to the monitoring of the integration and connectivity outcome. The project will also support gender equality statistics, as prioritized by the NSEDP to promote and create opportunities for women and children. Lastly, the project will contribute to improving the availability and reliability of statistics for tracking progress toward the achievement of the SDGs. This project is fully aligned with the SDNSS 2016 – 2025 and Vision 2030. Project activities are fully aligned with the five strategies and work programs identified in the SDNSS 2016 – 2025 and Vision 2030: legislation, infrastructure, production and dissemination, coordination and integration, and resources. In addition to improving data production and dissemination, the project will foster data exchange and integration within the LSS. The project aims to lay a groundwork for data exchange and integration through development of the memorandum of understanding (MOU) framework for data sharing, the LSS Data Quality Assessment Framework (DQAF), ICT infrastructure to support data exchange, and upgrading of the existing coordination mechanisms. The project will also support in assessing the progress of the SDNSS 2016 – 2025 and Vision 2030 and drafting the new SDNSS 2026 – 2035. 1.3 ESMP SCOPE AND OBJECTIVE The ESMP will identify and assess environmental and social risks related to the project activities. It will also detail mitigation and management measures in line with the national regulations, World Bank’s Environmental and Social Standards (ESSs), the Good International Industry Practices (GIIP) and the World Bank General Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines (EHSG), requirements. The anticipated key ES risks are grouped as follows: • ICT Installation and General Condition • Package and Electronic waste management • Social Risk Management Integration of the ESMP It is the responsibility of the Project Implementation Unit (PIU), to ensure that this ESMP is fully integrated into all Project preparation and planning. The ESMP shall form part of any tender documentation for physical works, and it shall be the Clients responsibility to ensure that the technical requirements and data sheets of Project bid documentation are subject to review against this ESMP to ensure that all appropriate safeguard measures are captured at the bid stage. Further, it is the responsibility of the PIU to ensure that this ESMP is considered in the review of any Terms of Reference (TOR) for Technical Assistance developed for the Project. The safeguard requirements for any design or supervision of the Project will be fully integrated into TOR to ensure that all safeguard responsibilities allocated within the ESMP are realized at the early stage. Disclosure The final ESMP will be disclosed locally and at the World Bank external website. Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 12 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) 2 POLICY AND LEGAL FRAMEWORK 2.1 NATIONAL LEGAL FRAMEWORK The Constitution of Lao PDR, ratified in 1991 (updated in 2003), uses the term ‘citizens of all ethnicity’ throughout. It specifically recognizes the need to incorporate the concerns of ethnic groups in developing policy in all sectors, and the Government has reaffirmed its commitment to strengthening the rights of all ethnic groups in various congresses, conferences, decrees, and laws since the 1980s (Articles 8 and 22). Article 75 of the Constitution states that the Lao language and script are the official language and script. Constitutionally, Lao PDR is recognized as a multi-ethnic society, and Article 8 of the Constitution states, All ethnic groups have the right to preserve their own traditions and culture, and those of the nation. Discrimination between ethnic groups is forbidden. Article 8 also declares that “the State pursues the policy of promoting unity and equality among all ethnic groups. All ethnic groups have the rights to protect, preserve and promote the fine customs and cultures of their own tribes and of the nation. All acts of creating division and discrimination among ethnic groups are forbidden. The State implements every measure to gradually develop and upgrade the economic and social level of all ethnic groups.” The key laws and regulations are identified in Box 2-1 below while details are provided in Error! Reference source not found.2. BOX 2-1 KEY LAO PDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL LEGISLATIONS APPLICABLE TO THE PROJECT Subjects Related national policies, strategies, laws, regulations Natural • Constitution of the Lao PDR People’s Democratic Republic (1991, amended Environment No. 63/NA, 08/12/2015 • Law on Environment Protection, No. 29/NA, dated 18/12/2012 • Law on Disaster Management, No. 15/NA, dated 24/06/2019 • Decree on Environmental Impact Assessment, No. 21/GoL, dated 31/01/2019 • Decree on the Promulgation and Enforcement of National Environmental Standards, No. 81/PMO, dated 21 February 2017 • The Decree on Occupational Health and Safety, No. 22/GOL, 05-Feb-2019 • Ministerial Decision on landfill management No. 521/MPWT, 23 February 2007 • Ministerial Instructions on Hazardous Waste Management, No. 0744/MONRE, 11-Feb-2015. Social • The Law on the Development and Protection of Women and Children (2004) g • Law on Hygiene, Prevention and Health Promotion (Amended 2011) • Law on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Children (VAWC) (2014) • Decree on Occupational Health and Safety, No. 22/GoL, dated 05/02/2019 • The Lao Labour Law (2013) Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 13 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) BOX 2-1 KEY LAO PDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL LEGISLATIONS APPLICABLE TO THE PROJECT Subjects Related national policies, strategies, laws, regulations Legislation on • The Constitution of the Lao PDR People’s Democratic Republic (1991, ethnic groups, amended, No. 63/NA, 08/12/2015; including • The Ethnic Minority Policy (1992); engagement • The Law on Lao Front for National Development, No. 49, dated 20/8/2018; • The Law on Media No. 01/NA, dated 4/11/2016; • The 8th National Socioeconomic Development Plan (NSEDP); • The National Assembly of The Lao PDR –2009 and National Assembly Meeting No. VIII, 28/12/2018 for Ethnic Groups in Lao PDR. • The National Guideline on Consultation with Ethnic Groups, 2013; • The Guidelines for the Implementation of the State Decree on the Management and Protection of Religious Activities in the Lao PDR, no 16/MoI, 09/11/2016; Laws and Decrees • The Law on Labour Protection, No. 43/NA, dated 24/12/2013; relevant to • The Law on Grievance Redress, No. 023/NA, dated 09/11/2016; Labour and • The Law on Hygiene, Prevention and Health Promotion, No. 73/NA, dated Labour 22/11/2019; Grievances a • The Law on Prevention of HIV Disease, dated 01/NA, dated 29/6/2010; Codes • The Law on Entry-Exit and Management of Foreigners, No. 59/NA, dated 26 December 2014; • The Law on Lao Union, No. 3-/NA, dated 15/11/2017; • The Law on Anti-Human Trafficking, No. 73/NA, dated 17 December 2015; • The Law on the Protection of Children Rights and Benefits, No. 05/NA, dated 27/12/2006; • The Decision on Occupational Health and Safety at Construction Sites, No. 3006/MLSW, dated 21/08/2013; and • The Decree on Occupational Health and Safety, No. 22/GoL, dated 05/02/2019 Laws and • The Law on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and regulations on Children, Law No. 56/NA, 23/12/2014; Gender-Based • The Law on Anti-Human Trafficking, No. 022/NA, dated 17 December Violence (GBV) 2015; • The Law on the Development and Protection of Women, No.08/NA, dated 22/10/2004; • The Law on Prevention of HIV Disease, dated 01/NA, dated 29/6/2010; • The Family Law, No. 05/NA, dated 26/9/2008; • The Law on the Protection of Children Rights and Benefits, No. 05/NA, dated 27/12/2006; • Second National Plan of Action on Preventing and Elimination of Violence against Women and Violence against Children (2021-2025) and the Fourth National Plan of Action on Gender Equity (2021-2025) Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 14 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) BOX 2-1 KEY LAO PDR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL LEGISLATIONS APPLICABLE TO THE PROJECT Subjects Related national policies, strategies, laws, regulations Laws, policy • Law on Health Care, No. 58/NA, dated 24 December 2014; and procedure • Law on Preventive Vaccination (immunization), 09 August 2018; to combat • Law on Prevention and Control of Communicable Disease, 19 December COVID-19. 2017; • Decision on Healthcare Waste Management, No. 1373, dated 23 November, 2017; • Decision on hygiene condition of healthcare facilities, No. 1667, dated 15 August 2018; • Guideline on prevention of the transmission and infection of COVID-19 at international airport, land border, and transportation stations; • Guideline on prevention of the transmission and infection of COVID-19 at suspected to be infected area or temporary quarantine center; • Guideline on prevention of the transmission and infection of COVID-19 at public place (hotel, guesthouse, offices, schools, and others). • Prime Minister’s Orders on Prevention and Response Measures 2.2 APPLICABLE WORLD BANK ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL STANDARDS (ESS) The WB’s Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) is applied to the Project. The ESF objective goes beyond the traditional ‘do no harm’ approach to maximize development gains. The 10 Environmental and Social Standards (ESSs) set out the requirements for its clients relating to the identification and assessment of ES risks and impacts associated with projects supported by the WB through Investment Project Financing. The ESSs are designed to assist WB clients to fulfil the ESF’s requirements o n the identification and management of ES risks. The ESSs are also designed to support WB clients in their goal to reduce poverty and increase prosperity in a sustainable manner for the benefit of the environment and their citizens, especially in (i) achieving good international practice relating to ES sustainability; (ii) fulfilling their national and international ES obligations; (c) enhancing non- discrimination, transparency, participation, accountability and governance; and (d) enhancing the sustainable development outcomes of projects through ongoing stakeholder engagement. The environmental and social risk classification of the Project is low as indicated in the Environmental and Social Review Summary (ESRS) for this project. The project is not expected to include any civil works. Therefore, no sensitive environmental features would be impacted. It is assessed that six of the ten ESSs are relevant to the Project including: • ESS1 – Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts; • ESS2 – Labor and Working Conditions; • ESS3 – Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention and Management; • ESS4 – Community Health and Safety; • ESS7 – Indigenous Peoples/Sub-Saharan African Historically Underserved Traditional Local Communities; Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 15 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) • ESS10 – Stakeholder Engagement and Information Disclosure. The following four (4) ESSs are not relevant to the project including: • ESS5 – Land Acquisition, Restrictions on Land Use and Involuntary Resettlement; • ESS6 – Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources; • ESS8 – Cultural Heritage; and • ESS9 – Financial Intermediaries. As a result of this assessment, at this stage of project preparation MPI is required to prepare the following instruments in accordance with the World Bank’s Environmental and Social Framework (ESF): 1) Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) with: - The electronic waste management plan (Annex 4); - Description of technically and financially feasible measures to improve energy efficiency (e.g., use of energy-efficient equipment); - Labor Management Procedures (LMP) with OHS procedure and workers’ Grievance Procedure (Annex 5); - Staffing and operational arrangements, including staff capacity needs assessment; - Operational arrangements for project E&S risk management (budget, staffing, training); - Code of conduct (CoC) to address SEA/SH and VAC (Annex 6); - Community health and safety plan (Annex 7); and - A CERC-Manual (Annex 8) 2) Standalone Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP), including Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM); and 3) Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP). Together these documents form the backbone of the Project ES risk management and the initial drafts have been disclosed on 23 May 2022 and consulted with Project stakeholders on 7 June 2022 before submissions to the WB for review and clearance and it was re-disclosed on 8 July 2022 prior to appraisal and approval. These ESF instruments (ESMP, SEP and ESCP) will be translated into Lao language before disclosing them publicly. Due to the programmatic nature of the Project with activities and locations to be identified and detailed during Project implementation, the ESMP has been prepared and it will be applied during Project implementation. Given that the ESF’s vision behind the ESSs goes beyond the traditional ‘do no harm’ approach to maximize development gains, the ESMP also includes means to enhance positive ES impacts of the Project. This ESMP is an integral part of compliance with the ESF. At this stage of project planning the World Bank has assessed the potential for environment and social risks and impacts as low for both environment and social. Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 16 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) The six (6) E&S Standards and their relevance to the Project are summarized in Table 2-1. TABLE 2-1 KEY OBJECTIVES AND RELEVANCE OF WORLD BANK’S E&S STANDARDS TO THE PROJECT World Bank’s Key objectives Relevance to the Project E&S Standards ESS1: Assessment - Identify and assess social and The potential risks and negative and Management environmental impacts, both impacts considered include of Environmental adverse and beneficial, in the environmental and occupational and Social Risks project’s area of influence; health and safety impacts associated and Impacts - Avoid, or where avoidance is not with the installation and use of ICT, possible, minimise, mitigate or health and safety of the data users. compensate for adverse impacts The potential impacts will be on workers, Project Affected addressed and mitigated through Communities (PACs) and the measures under ESMP Annex 5 environment; (Labour Management Procedure), - Adopt differentiated measures so Annex 7 (Community Health and that adverse impacts do not fall Safety), and Annex 4 (E-Waste disproportionately on the Management). disadvantaged or vulnerable, and they are not disadvantaged in The LSB has developed ESMP that was sharing development benefits and initially disclosed for public opportunities resulting from the consultation on 23 May 2022 at the project; LSB’s website: and was consulted with - Utilise national environmental and relevant stakeholders on 7 June 2022. social institutions, systems, laws, regulations and procedures in the assessment, development and implementation of projects, where applicable; - Promote improved social and environmental performance, in ways which recognise and enhance Borrower capacity. ESS2: Labor and - Promote safety and health at The project will involve civil servants Working work; (government staff appointed from the Conditions - Promote the fair treatment, non- implementing and concerned agencies discrimination and equal at all levels), direct workers opportunity of project workers; (consultants hired directly by the - Promote project workers, LSB/PMU) and contracted workers including vulnerable workers such (service providers, employees of as women, person with consulting firms), but is not anticipated disabilities, children (of working to involve any primary supply workers age, in accordance with WB’s ESS) (workers from ongoing providers of and migrant workers, contracted essential goods and materials) or Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 17 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) World Bank’s Key objectives Relevance to the Project E&S Standards workers, community workers and community workers. Labor related risks primary supply workers, as include the risk of (i) workers health appropriate; and safety resulting from unsafe - Prevent the use of all forms of working conditions, (ii) employment forced labour and child labour; discrimination, (iii) labor related - Support the principles of freedom disputes and (iv) Sexual Exploitation of association and collective and Abuse and Sexual Harassment bargaining of project workers in a (SEA/SH) and therefore, this ESMP manner consistent with national includes a Labour Management law; and Procedure (Annex 5) to address any - Provide project workers with gaps between the national Labour Law accessible means to raise with the ESS2. The LMP should be an workplace concerns. integral part of the bidding documents and construction contracts. In addition, the ESMP has annexes on Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) included in LMP (Annex 5), Codes of Conduct (Annex 6). The LMP includes the latest COVID-safe guidelines mandated by the government and/or best practice in the country, in order to maintain a safe working environment for workers and for the community and minimize the risk of COVID transmission. The LMP also includes safe hygiene practices, use of PPE and provisions for ensuring sick workers can self-isolate and access pay. The LMP also directs contractors to establish a Grievance Mechanism for workers, to collect and address potential grievances. ESS3: Resource - Promote the sustainable use of The risk is mainly related to ensuring Efficiency and resources, including energy, use of energy-efficient equipment, Pollution water, and raw materials; proper management of package waste Prevention and - Avoid or minimize adverse and electronic waste generated. The Management impacts on human health and the project considers issues related to the environment by avoiding or dismantled electronic equipment and minimizing pollution from project materials generated when supplying activities; ICT infrastructure with new IT - Avoid or minimize project-related equipment may cause risks to human emissions of short and long-term health and the environment if not climate pollutants; disposed of in an environmentally Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 18 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) World Bank’s Key objectives Relevance to the Project E&S Standards - Avoid or minimize generation of sound and safe manner. Where hazardous and non-hazardous obsolete equipment and materials waste; and cannot be reused, they should be - recycled or disposed of by licensed contractors. The project included e- waste management plan is this ESMP (Annex 4) ESS4: Community - Anticipate and avoid adverse IT equipment will be installed within Health and Safety impacts on the health and safety the existing footprint of facilities. The of project-related communities risk of improper disposal of electronic during the project life cycle from waste could pose risks to community both routine and nonroutine health and safety, CHSP (Annex 7) and circumstances; E-waste Management Plan (Annex 4) - Promote quality and safety, and are included into the ESMP. considerations relating to climate To address the risk of SEA/SH, the change, in the design and project’s CHSP will include provisions to construction of infrastructure; prevent and manage SEA/SH; violence - Avoid or minimize community against children (VAC) and incidence of exposure to project-related traffic HIV/AIDS. road safety risks, diseases and The Project also has a potential risk of hazardous materials; spreading COVID19 to communities - Provide effective measures to and the CHSP will also need to take into address incidents and emergency account the latest COVID-safe events; and guidelines mandated by the - Ensure the safeguarding of government and/or best practice in the personnel and property is carried country. out in a manner that avoids or The SEP includes provision of minimizes risks to the project- information on how the data will be affected communities. collected including how participants and others can seek information, advice or make a complaint. ESS7: Indigenous - Avoid adverse impacts of projects The Project has a nationwide scope. People/Sub- on communities of Indigenous The project area is culturally diverse; Saharan African Peoples, or when avoidance is not there are 50 distinct ethnic groups in Historically feasible, to minimise, mitigate, or Laos. The 50 ethnic groups in Laos are Underserved compensate for such impacts, and classified into four ethno-linguistic Traditional Local to provide opportunities for families namely Hmong-Mien, Mone- Community development benefits, in a Khmer, Chine-Tibetan and Lao-Tai. The culturally appropriate manner; term “Ethnic Groups” is often used for - Foster good faith negotiation with ethnic minority groups belonging to the and informed participation of first three ethno-linguistic families Indigenous Peoples when projects (Hmong-Mien, Mone-Khmer and Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 19 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) World Bank’s Key objectives Relevance to the Project E&S Standards are to be located on traditional or Chine-Tibetan) who meet the customary lands under use by the characteristics and definition of Indigenous Peoples; and Indigenous Peoples under ESS7. Since - Respect and preserve the culture, Lao PDR is a multi-ethnic groups knowledge and practices of country and the engagement of ethnic Indigenous Peoples; groups is an integrated part of the SEP, - Promote sustainable development and thus a separate ethnic benefits and opportunities for development plan (equivalent to an IPP Indigenous People in a manner under ESS7) will not be prepared. The that is accessible, culturally Project will prepare and implement appropriate and inclusive; guidelines for inclusion of - Improve project design and disadvantaged groups including ethnic promote local support by groups and women. SEP has included establishing and maintaining an instructions on how to effectively ongoing relationship based on engage ethnic groups during the meaningful consultation with the implementation period. Indigenous People throughout the The project will mainstream ethnic project’s life’s cycle; groups into activities involving - Obtain FPIC of affected Indigenous data collection and analysis and target People; and these groups specifically and in an - Recognize, respect and preserve appropriate manner, during statistic the culture, knowledge, and collection and allowing for practices of Indigenous People, differentiated statistical analysis. This and to provide them with an will include appropriately naming opportunity to adapt to changing ethnic identities as part of the data conditions in a manner and in a collection. Special attention to the timeframe acceptable to them. needs of ethnic groups in engagement including ensuring translation into relevant languages during data collection. Special attention will be paid to ensure the active participation of the different ethnic groups and representatives in the project’s stakeholder engagement activities and to ensure that any information shared is sensitive to cultural needs. The grievance mechanism for the project has been prepared and communicated taking into consideration the needs of the ethnic groups, and accessibility for ethnic Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 20 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) World Bank’s Key objectives Relevance to the Project E&S Standards groups to submit feedback or grievances. Whenever feasible, locally appropriate GRMs have been built upon. Also, whenever feasible, the GRM includes traditional grievance or conflict resolution systems and appropriately naming ethnic identities as part of the data system. ESS10: - Establish a systematic approach to A Stakeholders Engagement Plan (SEP), Stakeholder stakeholder engagement that will including a GRM, has been prepared. Engagement and help borrowers identify The SEP will be implemented, updated, Information stakeholders and build and and disclosed throughout the different Disclosure maintain a constructive phases of the project life cycle. This was relationship with them, in developed early in the project particular project-affected parties; preparation process to inform - Assess the level of stakeholder engagement to address key risks and interest and support for the develop communication and project and to enable engagement strategies and materials to stakeholders’ views to be taken effectively reach out to affected and into account in project design and interested stakeholders to ensure environmental and social accessibility and culturally performance; appropriateness. The Draft SEP was - Promote and provide means for initially disclosed at the LSB website on effective and inclusive 23 May 2022. A consultation with engagement with project-affected stakeholders was carried out on 7 June parties through the project life 2022. It was re-disclosed on 8 July 2022 cycle on issues that could prior to appraisal and approval. The ESF potentially affect them; and instruments (ESMP, SEP and ESCP) will - Ensure that appropriate project be translated into Lao languages before information on environmental and disclosing them publicly. social risks and impacts is disclosed to stakeholders in a timely, understandable, accessible and appropriate manner and format. 3 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL OVERVIEW Lao PDR has made substantial progress in advancing its national statistical system in recent years. The national statistical system, commonly known as the Lao PDR Statistical System (LSS), consists of the Lao Statistics Bureau (LSB), the statistical centers of line ministries or equivalent organizations, the statistics units of provincial departments, and the statistics units of district and village offices. Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 21 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Activities within the realm of official statistics in Lao PDR have grown over the years. There has been an increase in data production both by the LSB and the statistical centers of line ministries to support the policymaking process. The growth momentum reflects an increasing level of government support and continuing collaborative efforts with bilateral and multilateral donors. A demand for the statistical system’s products is strong, both from the Government of Lao PDR to support monitoring and evaluation of the National Socio-Economic Development Plans (NSEDP) and from international communities. Lao PDR is culturally diverse with 50 ethnic groups. Cities in Lao PDR are small in population, with only the capital city Vientiane having a population of more than 100,000 people and few high-rise buildings. City centers are not very densely built up and have wide peri-urban areas around them. The total population of Laos is 7.3 million people in 2020. Besides the urban-rural divide, because the country is geographically long, there is also often a divide into 3 areas, North, Central and South. The Project will be implemented nation-wide through LSS using the LSB as the implementation agency along with the statistical center of line ministries or equivalent agencies under the LSB’s technical guidance. Since the project aims to support institutional transformation to improve the statistical system in Lao PDR, the project is not expected to include any civil works. Therefore, no sensitive environmental features would be impacted. However, under Component 2, ICT infrastructure and consulting services will require replacement and purchase of IT equipment (computers, printers, tablets). E-waste management could be the environmental issue that will need particular attention. Key stakeholders include line ministries, all ministries contributing their data and statistical users including the National Assembly, government officials, students, etc. Stakeholder consultations will be held at the national and provincial levels with participation of key stakeholders. 4 POTENTIAL E&S RISKS, IMPACTS AND PROPOSED MITIGATION MEASURES 4.1 ANTICIPATED POSITIVE IMPACTS The proposed project is closely aligned with the Country Partnership Framework (CPF) for Lao PDR FY 2017–2021. The CPF has been extended by one year until June 2022 to better assess the needs resulting from COVID-19 in the next round CPF. The project is aligned with the cross-cutting theme: Strengthening institutions to establish a rules-based environment. Governance is again identified as a cross-cutting theme in the Concept Note of the FY22-26. Success of this project will support data sharing across the statistical system and evidence-based policymaking, fostering data openness and data-driven cultures to improve transparency and accountability of the government. The Project will be implemented nation-wide through LSS using the LSB as the implementation agency along with the statistical center of line ministries or equivalent agencies under the LSB’s /technical guidance. Despite its achievements in reducing poverty, Lao PDR faces significant longer-term challenges in growth related to the digital economy and youth employment. Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 22 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) The project will have mostly positive benefits as the interventions will set up a robust statistical system in the country which will result in, among others, correct estimates of poverty, gender & vulnerability assessments, MDGs, SDG indicators and other. The project beneficiaries are divided into groups below: • LSS statistical producers – LSB and statistical centers of line ministries and agencies – are the beneficiaries of the project. The LSB will be the main beneficiary of the project. It will benefit from training and technical assistance to produce quality statistics, investments in its human resources and ICT infrastructure, financing to undertake statistical operations and prepare and publish updated statistics, and technical assistance to strengthen its role as a main coordinator of the LSS. Other project beneficiaries will be statistical centers of line ministries and agencies which produce sectoral and administrative statistics, especially those supported under Activity 1.1.3 and Component 2.1. • Other beneficiaries of the project will be a diverse group of data users. Decision- and policy- makers in ministries and agencies, and members of the National Assembly will benefit from improved availability and timeliness of statistics produced by the LSS and training to promote data literacy, which will allow them to make better use of data and statistics for planning and decision-making processes as well as for monitoring and evaluation of development plans and commitments, and other public programs. The private sector, the civil society, engaged citizens, and media will benefit not only from improved availability and timeliness of statistics but also from more user-centric dissemination practices which will allow them to make evidence-based decision making and hold government accountable. Students, researchers, development partners and international organizations will also benefit from this project for having data for socio-economic analysis and research to support learning, teaching, project planning, etc. 4.2 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL RISKS AND IMPACTS Overall, the environmental and social (ES) risks are considered Low. The Project is expected to bring about significant environmental, social and economic benefits and positive statistic system modernisation development outcomes to the target beneficiaries and the country in many ways. The potential risks associated with the Project activities are minimise and mostly related to weak communication and coordination issues. 4.2.1 Environmental Risks and Impacts Environmental Risks are also considered Low as it involves statistical production by improving availability of statistics ensures that key data and statistics are produced regularly to be made accessible to users and enhancing quality means improving the accuracy, reliability, relevance, and timeliness of statistics through enhanced data collection and data compilation methodologies. It also involves enhancing the efficiency and user relevance of the statistical system as well as the capacity and management skills of the LSB. The project does not support civil works, so the environmental risks and impacts will be confined to disposal/recycling of package and electronic waste when equipment is replaced, upgraded or repaired. It will finance upgrading, repairing and installation of ICT equipment such as desktop computers, laptops, tablets, software to accommodate statistics system, etc. The ICT tools to be financed by the Project will eventually end-up in the waste stream as Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 23 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) electrical and electronic waste (e-waste). E-waste is a very complex waste stream, as it encompasses a wide range of items, metals and chemicals of which some are valuable, and others are hazardous. Valuable metals include gold, silver, copper and iron/steel; and hazardous waste includes heavy metals such as lead, cadmium and mercury. Plastic cabinets often contain flame retardants such as polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) and polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE), which are considered persistent organic pollutants by the Stockholm Convention. These chemicals are considered potentially bio accumulative and toxic to humans and wildlife. Consequently, the use of these compounds has been restricted internationally. Cathode ray tube (CRT) glass which is used in computer monitors contain lead and at present, there is no effective way to deal with leaded glass. The e-waste recycling industry in Lao PDR is rather diverse, and a substantial part of the e-waste is imported from China, India, South Korea, Singapore, Europe and USA. The e-waste recycling process starts with manual separation and dismantling into more homogenous groups of materials (e.g., gold, copper, plastic, circuit boards) for some fractions this is then followed by shredding and sorting/refining process e.g., with water, heat, or with metallurgical processes. There are currently 13 e-waste / battery recycling industries in Lao PDR. In 2016 a total of 200,000 tons of e-waste and 120,000 tons of used batteries were handled and processed. Wastes from recycling of e-waste typically include slag, ashes, and sludge, emissions of dust and wastewater containing metals. There is no information readily available about the environmental performance of these e-waste recycling companies. Although regulations to control collection and disposal of industrial hazardous waste were introduced in 2015, the implementation of these regulations is still in early days and environmentally safe systems for controlled collection, treatment/destruction and disposal of hazardous waste (including e-waste and waste from e-waste recycling) have yet to be developed and introduced systematically. Currently, such waste is likely disposed of together with municipal waste at dump sites or in some cases in controlled landfills. Five controlled landfills are currently under construction (Vangvieng, Pakse, Kayson Phomvihanh, Thakek and Paksan). Theses landfills will be in operation in the next 1-2 years and will provide an environmentally safer option for final disposal of waste from e-waste recycling activities. However, the four project ICT focal point/piloting are locating in Champasack, Salavanh, Oudomxay and Xiengkhouang provinces. An e-waste management procedure is provided as part of the ESMP to address possible package and e-waste concerns, which would be in close collaboration with MoNRE for its implementation. These environmental risks and impacts are expected to be limited, localized, site specific, and temporary, and this can be easily mitigated with e-waste management plan (see Annex 4), which is as part of this Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP). In addition, the project included description of technically and financially feasible measures to improve energy efficiency (e.g., use of energy-efficient equipment) as part of the ESMP. Improve knowledge on reduction and management of e-waste (including used computers, batteries, and electrical appliance will also be promoted. This will include issues such as prevention or reduction of noise or emission of air or water pollutants, e-waste management, waste recycling, substitution of hazardous materials with non-hazardous materials, climate change risks and practical adaption concepts, workplace and personal hygiene to prevent the spread of diseases, and practical means and methods to prevent or reduce the risks of work-related accidents and injuries. Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 24 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Moreover, recognizing high risk on natural disaster in Lao PDR, the Project will also support development of emergency action plans for ICT facilities and service centres by introducing standard emergency procedures and building capacity of Project staff and managers as well as other government officials in related departments of LSB. Table 4-1 identifies the potential risks and impacts of the Project activities and the proposed mitigation measures. All Project activities and locations will be identified, selected, and designed during Project implementation. In response to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, all Project activities will also incorporate appropriate measures to prevent COVID-19 contagion (included Annex 5). 4.2.2 Social Risks and Impacts The Social Risks are considered Low. Potential social risks associated with Project activities include (i) a lack of stakeholder engagement, (ii) a weak coordination mechanism within and between line departments and amongst line ministries (various statistical data producers, contributors), (iii) risks related to the engagement of labor and working conditions of project workers, (iv) a risk of exclusion and discrimination, particularly of people with disability, ethnic minorities due to culture and language barriers and other vulnerable groups, especially if they are not adequately represented in statistical data collection, (v) a risk of sexual exploitation and abuse/sexual harassment (SEA/SH) and violence against children (VAC), especially when they directly interact with people during data collection and household surveys, (vi) risk of data security and privacy breaches, (vii) risk of data inaccuracy and lead to cost ineffectiveness, and (viii) risk of weak and/or inaccessible to grievance redress mechanism . These risks and impacts are low and mostly predictable and preventable. They can be mitigated during the lifetime of the project. As for the development of statistical systems, data production by the Lao Statistics Bureau (LSB) and the statistical centers of the line ministries has increased to support the policymaking process. The growth momentum reflects an increasing level of government support and continuing collaborative efforts with bilateral and multilateral donors. These donors have significantly contributed to the growth and maturity of statistical activities in Lao PDR, which has led to increased stakeholder engagement and involvement. However, ineffective institutional coordination between various statistical data producers, contributors and users has caused limitations, as have a lack of qualified personnel. As a result, there has been low capability to effectively engage stakeholders at various levels and limited capacity to manage environmental and social risks and instruments. Acknowledging challenges and limitations, the LSS Modernization Project commits to improving the coordination mechanism and communicating with stakeholders in accordance with government public involvement guidelines (2013) and WB ESF requirements, especially ESS 10. The LSB also acknowledges that Lao PDR is culturally diverse with 50 ethnic groups, so the design of the stakeholder engagement tools is culturally appropriate and suitable to communicate with people from different backgrounds. LSB has set up an Environmental and Social (ES) team within LSB to assist in the preparation of ESF instruments and consultation with various stakeholders. To improve institutional coordination and communication, LSB has established central coordination points in Oudomxay to Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 25 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) cover the northern part of Lao PDR, Vientiane and Xiengkhouang to cover the central part, and Champasack and Salavan to cover the southern part. 4.2.3 Summary of E&S Risks, Impacts and Proposed Mitigation Measures Table 4-1 presents potential risks/impacts and proposed mitigation measures to be implemented by the Project. Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 26 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) TABLE 4-1 POTENTIAL NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL RISKS AND IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES Type Project Description of Potential Risk and Potential Mitigation Measure Ref. to WB Responsibility / of Potential component Impact ESS Estimated Project Impact Stage 1. General Condition 1.1 Assessme All components • The potential environmental • Prepare, implement, monitoring ESS1 LSB/PIU during nt and and social risks and impacts and reporting of the ESF project management of are defined below in each instruments (ESMP, ESCP and implementation environmental potential impact. SEP); and social risks • Conducting training on the ESF and impacts instruments for PIU; 2. Environmental Risk Management 2.1 Installatio Subcomponent • Risks and impacts due to the • Properly schedule time for ESS1 and ESS3 LSB/PIU during n, repairing and 2.3: generation of packaging installation of the IT infrastructure project replacement Supply and waste, noise and vibration to minimize noise and vibration implementation works of ICT installation of the during the installation, and seal the installation areas to equipment IT infrastructure repairing and replacement control dust; and equipment works of ICT equipment • Clean up the area every time after • Inappropriate handling of E- Installation, repairing and wastes replacement works; • E-waste risks to human health • Providing proper facilities (bins and the environment and storage) for general and including climate change if Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 27 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Type Project Description of Potential Risk and Potential Mitigation Measure Ref. to WB Responsibility / of Potential component Impact ESS Estimated Project Impact Stage not disposed of in an hazardous wastes; environmentally sound and • The use of energy efficient safe manner. equipment; and proper use and regular inspection of ICT equipment to minimize replacement of ICT equipment; • Include resource efficiency and pollution prevention and management measures (effective use of resources, reuse of recyclables, management of general waste and E-waste) in the E-waste management plan (Annex 4) and LMP (Annex 5). • Provide safety training programs for the workers; • Climate change actions are integrated into E-waste management plan and training on E-waste management plan will be provided for project staffs. Prepare, implement, monitoring Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 28 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Type Project Description of Potential Risk and Potential Mitigation Measure Ref. to WB Responsibility / of Potential component Impact ESS Estimated Project Impact Stage and reporting of E-waste management plan (Annex 4) 2.2 Package Subcomponent • E-waste risks to human • Prepare, implement, monitoring ESS1 and ESS3 LSB/PIU during and Electronic 2.3: health and the and reporting of E-waste project waste Supply and environment including management plan (Annex 4); implementation management climate change if not installation of the • Clean up the area every IT infrastructure disposed of in an time after Installation, environmentally sound repairing and replacement and safe manner. works; • Providing proper facilities (bins and storage) for general and hazardous wastes. • Incorporate waste management in the LMP (Annex 5); • Providing proper PPEs and ensure enforcement of application; Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 29 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Type Project Description of Potential Risk and Potential Mitigation Measure Ref. to WB Responsibility / of Potential component Impact ESS Estimated Project Impact Stage • Conducting training on LMP and E-waste management; • Taking initiative action through procurement and supply chain system by taking into account “Green, Recyclables, and Reusable Packaging” (where feasible). • Ensure Extended Producer Responsibility clause is to be integrated in the supply and installation contracts such as the supplier could be made responsible for: (i) buy back of old equipment or take out for safe disposal; and (ii) extended responsibility of end of life collection and Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 30 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Type Project Description of Potential Risk and Potential Mitigation Measure Ref. to WB Responsibility / of Potential component Impact ESS Estimated Project Impact Stage safe disposal of equipment. 2.3 Domestic All components • Littering of garbage on • Clean up the area every time after ESS1 and ESS3 LSB/PIU during solid wastes roadsides and in the Installation, repairing and project community during replacement works; implementation trainings, meetings, data • Providing proper facilities (bins collection and field and storage) for general and survey. hazardous wastes. • Incorporate waste management in the LMP (Annex 5); • Conducting training on LMP; • Taking initiative action through procurement and supply chain system by taking into account “Green, Recyclables, and Reusable Packaging” (where feasible). 3. Social Risk Management Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 31 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Type Project Description of Potential Risk and Potential Mitigation Measure Ref. to WB Responsibility / of Potential component Impact ESS Estimated Project Impact Stage 3.1 Labour All components • Risks related to the • Prepare, implement, monitoring ESS2 LSB/PIU during and Working labour and working and reporting of LMP (Annex 5); project Conditions conditions of project implementation • Conduct trainings on LMP workers; • Risk of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment (SEA/SH); • Risk of labor disputes; • Lack of capacity to implement the Project Management in accordance with World Bank Environmental and Social Standards; • Lack of stakeholder engagement; risks related to the labour and working conditions of project workers. 3.2 Occupatio All components • Potential CHS concerns • Prepare, implement, monitoring ESS4 LSB/PIU during nal, health and relate to health and and reporting of LMP (Annex 5); project safety safety risks for data user implementation • Performing Occupational Health in connection with ICT Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 32 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Type Project Description of Potential Risk and Potential Mitigation Measure Ref. to WB Responsibility / of Potential component Impact ESS Estimated Project Impact Stage installation, and service and Safety measures; facilities, workplace • Providing proper facilities (bins practice as interns or and storage) for general and apprentices (for hazardous waste example the use of mechanical or electrical tools and equipment, handling of hazardous materials, and exposure to zoonotic diseases when managing electronical material) and for data users at ICT centres with potentially hazardous work or work environments. 3.3 Labour All components • Risk of exclusion of • Prepare, implement, monitoring ESS2 LSB/PIU during rights, gender vulnerable groups, and reporting of LMP (Annex 5); project and non- including indigenous implementation discrimination people from participating in the project implementation; Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 33 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Type Project Description of Potential Risk and Potential Mitigation Measure Ref. to WB Responsibility / of Potential component Impact ESS Estimated Project Impact Stage accessing to training or jobs under the project; • Risk of Sexual Harassment; • Risk of labor disputes 3.4 Child Subcomponent1.2: • Risk of Sexual Exploitation • Update LSB Communication ESS2 LSB/PIU during labour Social statistics and Abuse and Sexual Guidelines for data collection. project Harassment (SEA/SH) and implementation • Prepare, implement, monitoring Violence Against Children and reporting of LMP (Annex 5); (VAC) when conducting household interviews. • Code of conduct for project workers including data collectors /interviewers 3.5 Communit Subcomponent • CSH associated with dust • Prepare, implement, monitoring ESS4 LSB/PIU during y health and 1.1: generation from road use and and reporting of CHSP (Annex 7); project safety road accident (dead, injury, implementation Macro-economic • Incorporating environmental and statistics; oil spillage etc.). social management and Subcomponent1.2: emergency preparedness procedures in the field work plan; Social statistics • Following technical instruction on vehicle use (vehicle operation, Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 34 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Type Project Description of Potential Risk and Potential Mitigation Measure Ref. to WB Responsibility / of Potential component Impact ESS Estimated Project Impact Stage maintenance and check-up); • Following traffic rules. 3.6 Data Component 2: • Risk of data security and • Implement and enforce data ESS 1 and LSB/PIU during security, Enhancing user privacy security and privacy requirements ESS4 project privacy and relevance of the as covered Law on Statistic, Article implementation confidentiality statistical system 55 on confidentiality; • Training on data security, privacy and confidentiality. 3.7 Violence Subcomponent • Risk of Sexual Exploitation • Prepare and implement COC on ESS 2 and LSB/PIU during to Sexual 1.1: and Abuse and Sexual SEA/SH and VAC (Annex 6); ESS4 project Exploitation Harassment (SEA/SH) and implementation Macro-economic • Update LSB Communication and statistics; Violence Against Children Guidelines for data collection; Abuse/Sexual (VAC) when conducting Harassment Subcomponent1.2: household interviews. • Prepare and implement LMP (SEA/SH) and Social statistics (Annex 5); Violence • Conducting training on LMP and Against COC on SEA/SH and VAC. Children (VAC) 3.8 Stakehold All Components • a lack of stakeholder • Prepare, implement, monitoring ESS10 LSB/PIU during er Engagement engagement and reporting of SEP including project preparation and implementation Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 35 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Type Project Description of Potential Risk and Potential Mitigation Measure Ref. to WB Responsibility / of Potential component Impact ESS Estimated Project Impact Stage and Grievances • risks related to the GRM; Redress engagement of labor and • Ensure project funding is allocated working conditions of project to ESF instruments workers implementation, including SEP. • a risk of exclusion and • LSB’s communication guidelines discrimination, particularly of for data collection will be updated ethnic minorities and other and implemented. The guidelines vulnerable groups, especially will include broad range of if they are not adequately stakeholder engagement as represented in statistical data instructed in SEP, ensure social collection inclusion, poor, vulnerable and • a risk of sexual exploitation ethnic groups. and abuse/sexual harassment • Training on SEP, CoC on SEA/SH (SEA/SH) and violence against and VAC and GRM and ensure children (VAC), especially labor and workers signed when they directly interact provided Code of Conducts. with people during data collection and household • Disseminate and enforce data surveys security and privacy under Article 55 on confidentiality of Law on • risk of data security and Statistic. privacy breaches. Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 36 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Type Project Description of Potential Risk and Potential Mitigation Measure Ref. to WB Responsibility / of Potential component Impact ESS Estimated Project Impact Stage 3.9 Ethnic Subcomponent • Risk of exclusion and • Appropriately naming ethnic ESS7 LSB/PIU during Groups, 1.1: discrimination particularly of identities as part of the data project Cultural and Macro-economic ethnic minorities and collection is covered; implementation beliefs vulnerable groups. statistics; • Recognition of ethnic Subcomponent1.2: groups that include naming ethnic identities as part of Social statistics the data collection and in line with Guideline on Consultation with Ethnic Groups, 2013 and Decree on Ethnic Groups No. 207/GoL (20 March 2020) • Training and capacity building on the ESF instruments and use of local languages for communication, such as during household interviews, as outlined in the SEP Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 37 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Type Project Description of Potential Risk and Potential Mitigation Measure Ref. to WB Responsibility / of Potential component Impact ESS Estimated Project Impact Stage 3.10 Vulnerable Component 1: • Risk of exclusion of vulnerable • Updated LSB Communication ESS2, ESS7 LSB/PIU during Groups (such as Improving the groups, including indigenous Guidelines for data collection. project those with a availability and people from access to implementation disability, quality of statistics consultation and survey. female-headed households, the elderly, the poor, ethnic people) Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 38 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) To reduce climate change vulnerabilities from increased flood risk in particular, the Project will incorporate climate-resilient design measures in the ICT facilities (Component 2) as well as improving basic knowledge on climate adaptation and natural disaster risks for the capacity to be conducted at the ICT Centres and other activities to be implemented under Component 3. 4.3 CLIMATE ACTION The project activities will support institutional transformation to improve the statistical system in Lao PDR. To this end, the project will provide the centers with IT equipment such as computers, which must be energy efficient. It should also be considered that dismantled electronic equipment and materials generated when supplying ICT infrastructure with new IT equipment may cause risks to human health and the environment if not disposed of in an environmentally sound and safe manner. Where obsolete equipment and materials cannot be reused, they should be recycled or disposed of by licensed contractors. The relevant provisions will be included in the e-waste management plan. This plan should address the proper dismantling, storage, handling, and final disposal of e-waste in accordance with internationally recognized practices and should include the monitoring of the types/quantities of waste electrical and electronic equipment disposed of and document evidence of proper management (e.g., recycled, refurbished, discarded, exported). Lao PDR is developing Lao Environmental and Waste Management Project (P175996), which aims to improve environmental, solid waste and plastics, and pollution management in Lao PDR; in these conditions, depending on the timing of project implementation, the project's e-waste management will benefit from the national strategy that will be given under the Lao Environment and Waste Management Project. The e-waste management plan is included in this ESMP (Annex 4). The climate actions under this project will include: • The use of energy efficient equipment; and proper use and regular inspection of ICT equipment’s to minimize replacement of ICT equipment; • Include resource efficiency and pollution prevention and management measures (effective use of resources, reuse of recyclables, management of general waste and E-waste) in the E- waste management plan (Annex 4) and LMP (Annex 5). • Climate change actions are integrated into E-waste management plan and training on E-waste management plan will be provided for project staffs. 4.4 COVID-19 RESPONSE The GOL and World Health Organization (WHO) has issued technical guidance in dealing with COVID- 19, including Risk Communication and Community Engagement, Action Plan Guidance Preparedness and Response; Risk Communication and Community engagement readiness and response; COVID-19 risk communication package for healthcare facilities; getting your workplace ready for COVID-19; and a guide to preventing and addressing the social stigma associated with COVID-19. These materials can be accessed on the WHO website: 2019/technical-guidance. General COVID- 19 response guidelines and suggested hygienic measures and visualizations that could be used to create awareness by the Project are provided also covered in the project’s Labor Management Procedures (Annex 5) to this ESMP in order to maintain a safe working environment for Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 39 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) workers and for the community and minimize the risk of COVID-19 transmission. The LMP includes guidance on hygiene practices, use of PPE and ensuring sick workers can self-isolate and continue to be paid. The project shall ensure the safety of all project personnel and local communities, and other concerned stakeholders from being infected with COVID-19. The Project shall closely monitor COVID- 19 developments in Lao PDR and strictly comply with requirements of the GOL and updated guidance issued by WHO. All measures to address COVID-19 related risks need to be in accordance with the local applicable laws and policies, especially those related to media and communication. The Project must follow the prevention procedure of the COVID-19 pandemic and the new update notification from the National Taskforce Committee for COVID-19 COVID19 measures as part of their contract, through explicitly mentioning it in bid documents and contracts of the Ministry of Health on the webpage: 5 ESMP PROCESS AND MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES 5.1 OBJECTIVE AND APPLICATION As required under the WB’s ESF, the ESMP is designed to comply with the releva nt ESSs. The ESMP includes screening criteria, guidelines, rules and procedures that are appropriate to the nature and scale of the Project and commensurate with the significance of ES risks and impacts ensuring that such risks and impacts will be effectively prevented or mitigated during Project implementation. Given that the WB’s vision behind the ESSs goes beyond the traditional ‘do no harm’ approach to maximize development gains, the ESMP also includes means to enhance positive ES impacts of the Project. The ESMP tools are listed in Table 5-1. TABLE 5-1 OVERVIEW OF ESMP TOOLS ESMP Tool Applicability Objective Measures towards ethnic groups, including but not limited to addressing culture and languages Apply to all Project activity/ Ensure that the vulnerable ethnic barriers, recognizing and subproject that can create groups will have equal access and accurately recording of adverse impacts to opportunity to benefits from the ethnic names and their vulnerable ethnic groups Project identities as part of data collection, etc., are incorporated in the SEP All types of workers Labour Management identified in the LMP Prevent occupational injuries and Procedures (LMP) including contracted workers illnesses (Annex 5) and government workers assigned to the project Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 40 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) ESMP Tool Applicability Objective Health and Safety in ICT Data storage, data users, To ensure that appropriate health and service facilities electronic equipment safety measures are incorporated into (Annex 5 LMP) supported by the Project ICT facilities Code of Conduct (CoC) to prevent and manage To prevent SEA/SH and VAC and CHS SEA/SH and violence All project workers issues. against children (VAC) – Annex 6 To prevent and reduce risks and impacts of Community, Health and Safety (CHS) anticipated also from Community Health and field works and stay in the villages Data collection in all villages Safety Plan (Annex 7) include increased potential for infectious diseases including Covid-19, privacy effect, mental well-being and SEA/SH. Guidance and procedures included in Contingency Emergency this CERC ESMF should be considered Response Component The overall project operation in the Emergency Response Manual (CERC) – Annex 8 (ERM To manage the package and e-waste E-waste management in line with the e-waste management (Annex 4) Including plan of the ESMP as well as utilize Energy Efficiency ICT centres supported by the measures to improve energy measure and Climate project efficiency of the ICT equipment. Also, Actions (Section 4.3) to identify and utilise opportunities for climate change adaptation or mitigation activities 5.2 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Ensure that the consultancies, capacity building, training, and any other technical assistance activities will be carried out in compliance with the ESMP. E-waste management will be carried out in accordance with Annex 4 with technical assistance from ES consultants. Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 41 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) 6 INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS AND CAPACITY BUILDING PLAN 6.1 INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS Lao Statistic Bureau (LSB) under the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI), the apex entity of the national statistical system, will be the main implementing agency. The LSB will be responsible for planning, executing, and reporting on project activities including maintaining adequate procurement, financial management and auditing arrangements with support from a team of implementation support consultants. The project institutional arrangement consists of (i) Project Streering Committee (PSC); (ii) Project Implementation and Management Team (PIMT); and (iii) Project Implementation Unit (PIU). The PIU will consist of LSB departments, line ministries and statistical centers at the provincial level. Figure 6-1 and Table 6-1 present project responsible agencies with their roles and responsibilities. The Project Implementation Unit (PIU) (under LSB) with the technical support from E&S consultants will be responsible for will be responsible for planning, supervision, training/capacity building, implementation, coordination, monitoring and reporting of ESF instruments (ESMP, SEP and ESCP) including the implementation and management of the GRM. The PIU will assign one E&S coordinator to be responsible for coordination and compliance with environment and social standards of the project activities implemented by LSB departments, line ministries and statistical centers at the provincial level (as component implementing agencies). Figure 6-1 Project Institutional arrangement Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 42 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) TABLE 6-1 KEY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR ESMP IMPLEMENTATION Project cycle MPI and LSB Component Implementing Agencies (CIA)1 ESF preparation • The LSB hired E&S consultants to prepare • Component Implementing ESMP, SEP and ESCP. Agencies (CIA) including LSB • E&S Consultants: Advise LSB on E&S departments, line ministries issues, as needed, and provide required and statistical centers at the training and assistance. provincial level, participate in the initial discussion on the project design and their experience and capacity on the implementation of the WB’s ESF standards. ESF review and • Review and approve all ESF instruments • Participate in the national approval (ESMP, SEP and ESCP); consultations and provide • Assess the adequacy and feasibility of the comments and feedback on ESF assessment and consultation the draft ESF instruments. process; • Assess the adequacy and feasibility of the ESF measures and documents. If needed, request appropriate changes to these and reassess prior to final approval; • As applicable, publicly disclose draft and final ESF instruments on the website prior and after project approval. Implementation • Hire two part-time E&S consultants • Implement the approved ESF (environmental consultant and social instruments: ESMP (Annex 4, consultant); Annex 5, Annex 6 and Annex • With technical assistance from the two 7), SEP and ESCP; E&S consultants, will be responsible for • Provide regular E&S progress planning, supervision, training/capacity reporting and preparation building, implementation, coordination, and support to regular monitoring and reporting of ESF monitoring missions; instruments (ESMP, SEP and ESCP) including the implementation and management of the GRM. • Assign one E&S coordinator to be responsible for coordination and compliance with environment and social 1 Component Implementing Agencies: LSB departments, line ministries and statistical centers at the provincial level Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 43 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Project cycle MPI and LSB Component Implementing Agencies (CIA)1 standards of the project activities implemented by CIAs • Supervise and review ESF documents and issues during project implementation. If needed, request changes to E&S measures; • Provide regular progress reporting and preparation and support to regular monitoring missions; • Operate the GRM, including maintaining GRM database and reporting on the GRM. Internal and • Ensure inclusion and review of E&S issues • Evaluate the implementation External and outcomes in mid-term and final and outcomes of E&S Monitoring project evaluation and reporting, measures. including concerning any lessons learned on the sustainability of project; • Conduct review of the project E&S implementation completion reports and confirm compliance of the agreed ESF instruments; • Conduct an independent technical audit of the implementation performance of both environmental and social measures in close coordination with CIAs. The technical audit report will be presented to the WB. 6.2 PROJECT PERSONNEL AND CONSULTANTS Project planning and management will be supported by the provision of technical advisory services, training, operating costs, and the acquisition of goods. Successful implementation of the project requires a dedicated PIU staffed with a project coordinator as well as specialists in financial management (FM), procurement, social and environmental standards, and monitoring and evaluation (M&E). The project will also require regular financial auditing, both internal and external. The unit will be supported by international consultants, as needed, with a focus on building the capacity of the PIU over the initial phase of the project. To facilitate and guide day-today operations, a Project Operations Manual (POM) will be developed and adopted prior to project effectiveness. To facilitate effective planning and implementation of ESF activities, two part time E&S consultants will be mobilized to facilitate the ESF plan and implementation including monitoring, reporting, training, and other capacity building on ESF requirements. Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 44 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) 6.3 CAPACITY NEED ASSESSMENT AND BUILDING The Statistics Law 2017 mandated the Lao Statistics Bureau (LSB) under the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) with the responsibility to coordinate horizontally across different ministries and vertically across provinces, districts and villages to collect, consolidate, and request statistics to disseminate them at the national level. The Statistical Centers of line ministries and equivalent organizations, provinces, capital city and districts, are responsible to execute sample and specific surveys aiming. The overall National Statistics Coordination System is illustrated in Figure 6-2 FIGURE 6-2 NATIONAL STATISTIC COORDINATION SYSTEM Lao Statistic Bureau (LSB) under the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI), the apex entity of the national statistical system, will be the main implementing agency. The organizational structure of the LSB consists of four departments: (i) Department of Economic Statistics responsible for macroeconomic and business statistics; (ii) Department of Social Statistics responsible for social and vital statistics; (iii) Department of Administration responsible for administrative and external relations affairs of LSB, personnel and capacity building; and (iv) Department of Data Services responsible for ICT and data dissemination. It is expected that during the project implementation period Department of Administration and Department of Data Services will be merged, and a new Department of Environmental Statistics will be formed. The LSB will be responsible for planning, executing and reporting on the project activities including maintaining adequate procurement, financial management and auditing arrangement. The LSB organization arrangement is illustrated in Figure 6- 3. Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 45 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) FIGURE 6-3 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF LSB The World Bank has worked closely with the LSB in the previous project called “Lao PDR’s Strengthening the National Statistical System Project; therefore, the LSB has a good understanding of the World Bank’s operational procedures, including fiduciary and safeguards, but has no experience with implementing the Environmental and Social Framework (ESF). Although LSB has previous work with the WB under the Lao PDR’s Strengthening the National Statistical System Project, the current assigned ESF coordinators from each department have no experience with implementing the Environmental and Social Framework (ESF). They informed the assessment team during the interview on 30 March 2022 that despite having worked with WB project, there are many procedures they still do not understand, especially the requirements under the ESF and standards under each ESS. They proposed that the training on ESF should be given to (i) senior management so that their line managers understand what are required by WB and help to support their work during the implementation, (ii) key ESF Unit assigned specifically for implementing ESF instruments so that they can effectively implement and manage ES risks, (iii) key provincial and district officers, especially those who work at the provincial/district ICT centers. While ESF training will be provided to LSB line management from central to district levels, some specific measures such as ethnic groups culture sensitivity, GBV-SEA/SH, and other health and safety procedures such as community guidelines, covid-19 measures will be provided to data collection teams at the local level prior to mobilising to work. The capacity building plan of the ESMP is designed through a provision of training on the environment, health and safety awareness to provide the Project staff and the people involved in implementing the ESMP overall understanding of the organizational environmental and social policies and compliance obligations and the importance of a maintaining a safe and healthy environment. LSB with technical assistance from an ESF consultant will provide trainings and workshops for the LSB key personnel and other stakeholders needed to strengthen capacity on the ESF Instruments (ESMP, SEP and ESCP). Some examples of the training topics are presented in Table 6-2 below: Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 46 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) TABLE 6-2 LIST OF TRAINING TOPICS No. Training Topic Targeted Frequency of Trainers audience repeating training responsible to provide the trainings 1 ESF Instruments (ESMP, SEP, Project Three training E&S Consultants and ESCP) management unit workshops for the (LSB, line first year; one ministries and the training workshop provincial and for year for year 2 to district levels) year 5 2 LSB Technical Guidelines on See above One time per year LSB, E&S Data Collection and consultants Communication covering data security, privacy and confidentiality 3 Training on Ethnic Groups One time in the first E&S Consultants and Gender Sensitivity, GBV, year and one time in and 3rd party trainer SEA/SH third year such as a GBV service provider or LWU may be required. 4 Grievance Redress One time in the first TBC Mechanism (safe disclosure year and one time in and referral) third year 5 Project managers Technical guideline on and focal Points, inclusive, fair and transparent the LSB (managers approaches and measures to and key staff) ensure that ethnic people have access to and benefit from Project support 6 Data collection One time in the first Social consultant ESF communication team year and one time in and data collection manual/guideline for data collection third year. Follow team leader. session Every time before the data collection 7 Others TBC TBC TBC The COVID-19 pandemic protection measures shall be strictly implemented: • Regularly monitor the announcement of the Ministry of Health for possible lockdowns in order to re-schedule or arrange the training plans such as a virtual or online training workshops; Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 47 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) • Wearing masks, use of disinfectant, and practice social distancing; • Limit the number of participants and attendees during each training session to maintain social distancing and encourage participants to wash their hands and check for body temperatures. 7 CONSULTATION AND STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT 7.1 OBJECTIVES The Project has developed a Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) in accordance with the ESF’s ESS10 to ensure effective engagement and meaningful consultation and the consideration of stake holder’s expectations and concerns into the implementation arrangements for the project programme, including feedback on environmental and social mitigation measures and their implementation. It is also to provide opportunities for complaints handling and grievance management, and create platforms for information sharing and disclosure as well as foster strong project community relationships. The basic principle that underpins the stakeholder engagement of the Project is that engaging with stakeholders must be done with timely, openness, inclusiveness, and respect culture diversity of the various ethnic of Lao PDR. SEP addresses inclusive representation of views at the national government/country level to local community level including those of women, people living with a disability, ethnic peoples, and other vulnerable people, as necessary. Therefore, SEP includes specific measures to effectively engage not only various government line agencies, development partners, civil society organizations, but also youth, women, ethnic groups and other vulnerable groups. SEP provides clear instructions to ensure that the Project will engage stakeholders at both project preparation and project implementation and that it will continue to engage stakeholders in each stage of the project life. The SEP isd designed to flexible, responsive and adapted to changes throughout the project life. The SEP should be read together with other project documents (ESMP and ESCP). SEP provides an analysis of different stakeholders and classified them into three broad categories: . They are (i) affected parties — stakeholders who are positively or negatively impacted by the project; (ii) government agencies — stakeholders who are responsible for project implementation; and (iii) interested parties — stakeholders who are not impacted by the project but may be interested in the project outcomes and/or may influence the Project. However, it is important to note that since the Project’s core objective is to improve the statistical system in Lao PDR and the data can be contributed to and used by anyone at any time, the affected parties and interested parties, at times, will fall into the same category because they may be contributing their data or be engaged as users of statistical data. Affected and interested parties: Directly and indirectly affected stakeholders — people and organizations — engage in contributing and using data, including 1) Government line agencies (all ministries contributing their data) 2) International development organizations 3) Lao National Assembly 4) International NGOs Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 48 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) 5) Lao not-for-profit organizations/associations 6) Financial institutions/banks 7) Research institutions/academia 8) Commercial companies/business 9) Communities, groups, villagers: women’s groups, ethnic groups 10) Private sector development 11) Disadvantaged/vulnerable individuals/groups. 7.2 CONSULTATIONS DURING PROJECT PREPARATION The ESMP has been prepared with active participation from those affected through public consultations with relevant stakeholders and the findings incorporated into the ESMP, SEP and inform the Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP). Consultations and discussions with the above-mentioned stakeholders, include representations of different ethnic groups, private sector, NGOs and government (See list of persons met in Annex 9) was conducted from March to May 2022. The results suggest that there may be associated risks, specifically: i. A lack of stakeholder engagement ii. A weak coordination mechanism within and between line departments and amongst line ministries (various statistical data producers, contributors) iii. Risks related to the engagement of labor and working conditions of project workers iv. A risk of exclusion and discrimination, particularly of people with disability, ethnic minorities due to culture and language barriers and other vulnerable groups, especially if they are not adequately represented in statistical data collection v. A risk of sexual exploitation and abuse/sexual harassment (SEA/SH) and violence against children (VAC), especially when they directly interact with people during data collection and household surveys vi. Risk of data security and privacy breaches. vii. Risk of data inaccuracy and lead to cost ineffectiveness viii. Risk of weak and/or inaccessible to grievance redress mechanism These risks and impacts are low and mostly predictable and preventable. They can be mitigated during the lifetime of the project. As for the development of statistical systems, data production by the Lao Statistics Bureau (LSB) and the statistical centers of the line ministries has increased to support the policymaking process. The growth momentum reflects an increasing level of government support and continuing collaborative efforts with bilateral and multilateral donors. These donors have significantly contributed to the growth and maturity of statistical activities in Lao PDR, which has led to increased stakeholder engagement and involvement. Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 49 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) However, ineffective institutional coordination between various statistical data producers, contributors and users has caused limitations, as have a lack of qualified personnel. As a result, there has been low capability to effectively engage stakeholders at various levels and limited capacity to manage environmental and social framework (ESF) instruments. Acknowledging challenges and limitations, the LSS Modernization Project commits to improving the coordination mechanism and communicating with stakeholders in accordance with government public involvement guidelines (2013) and WB ESF requirements, especially ESS 10. The LSB also acknowledges that Lao PDR is culturally diverse with 50 ethnic groups, so the design of the stakeholder engagement tools is culturally appropriate and suitable to communicate with people from different backgrounds. LSB has set up an Environmental and Social (ES) team within LSB to assist in the preparation of ESF instruments and consultation with various stakeholders. To improve institutional coordination and communication, LSB has established central coordination points in Oudomxay to cover the northern part of Lao PDR, Vientiane and Xiengkhouang to cover the central part, and Champasack and Salavan to cover the southern part. Following review by the World Bank, the draft documents will be disclosed by the Client prior to project appraisal and consulted upon. The SEP includes full details of the consultations carried out during project preparation, including concerns/comments and should be read together with this ESMP. TABLE 7-1 ESF INSTRUMENTS CONSULTATION AND DISCLOSURE UNTIL PROJECT EFFECTIVE Who to When to With whom to What to engage about How to engage engage engage engage Consultation with LSB LSB, provinces 30-31 March Online group LSB (Vientiane and its four core E&S 2022 meeting with all Capital, departments in consultants participants Xiengkhouang, Vientiane Capital and Completed province Written representatives of the response to provincial statistics questionnaire offices Consultation with other E&S 30-31 March Implementing Phone interviews stakeholders on consultants 2022 agency: LSB in the provinces coordination, ICT Government WhatsApp infrastructure Completed agencies messaging development, services LSS in the Online meeting, centers, IT equipment, provinces one-on-one data collection: Email - Project purpose, correspondence organization, components, planning system, - Environmental and social assessment Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 50 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Who to When to With whom to What to engage about How to engage engage engage engage - Lessons learned from previous WB projects - Mitigation of risks and impacts, highlighting issues that might affect vulnerable and disadvantaged groups - Differentiated measures taken to avoid and minimize risks Conducted internal 25-29 April Implementing Online group discussion workshop E&S 2022 agency: LSB meeting with line departments of consultants Completed Government LSB on preliminary agencies results and mitigation WB plans Discussed first draft and obtained comments and feedback Circulating semi-final PIU/LSB 25-29 April Departments Zoom draft to heads of E&S Completed under LSB Email departments within consultants Provincial WhatsApp MPI/LSB and obtain statistics Phone calls comments/feedback offices Circulating E&S summary WB in Lao language to key stakeholders and obtain comments/feedback Disclosed of ESF PIU/LSB 23 May 2022 All LSB Website Instruments completed stakeholders Conducted national PIU/LSB 7 June 2022 All Hybrid (physical consultation /country Completed Stakeholders; and virtual) E&S level disclosure of however, dissemination information (formal selected workshop public consultation, in stakeholders person/online) and have been revised ESF instruments invited to join a Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 51 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Who to When to With whom to What to engage about How to engage engage engage engage to reflect consultation consultation feedback/comments. WS to obtain their feedbacks. Updated ESF PIU/LSB 10-13 June E&S physical and instruments (ESCP, E&S 2022 consultants virtual meetings ESMP, SEP internal LSB consultants PIU/LSB circulation) Redisclosure of ESF PIU/LSB 8 July 2022 All Post on LSB instruments ESCP, ESMP stakeholders project website and SEP and the general public Final ESCP, ESMP and PIU/LSB After project Implementing Print/copy and SEP effective date agencies send to relevant (18 July 2022) project sites The project ESF instruments (ESMP, SEP and ESCP) were disclosed on 23 May 2022 (including Lao translations of the Executive Summaries) and it was re-disclosed on 8 July 2022 prior to appraisal and approval. The ESF instruments (ESMP, SEP and ESCP) will be translated into Lao languages before disclosing them publicly. The National Stakeholders Consultation Workshop was organised with participation from relevant stakeholders at the central and provinces on 7 June 2022 with a total number of 93 participants from a wide range of organization. Of these 93 participants, 44 are female and 44 of them are females (Annex 10 Photos and List of Participants). These processes were also used to ensure that the ESF instruments are known to stakeholders. The National Stakeholder Consultation/Workshop on 7 June 2022 was conducted with participation of broad and comprehensive stakeholders from the Central and 17 provinces. The Workshop was hosted and led by the Deputy Head of LSB Ministry of Planning and Investment. The workshop was design in such a way that is easily accessed by large number of stakeholders via either physically and/or virtual participation to ensure that all viewpoints from different sectors’ participants are captured and include in the revised ESF instruments. The workshop was divided into two sessions for two main broad groups: (i) government line ministries and department in both at the Central and provinces in the morning session and (ii) all other stakeholders in the afternoon session. Stakeholders include (i) key development partners (international organisation and the UN agencies), (ii) implementing partners (various government lines ministries and departments), (iii) INGOs/NAPs various non government organizations, (iv) Provincial Statistics Departments from 17 provinces and the capital, (v) Private sector/business owners and (vi) mess media, (vii) students, and (viii) other such as individual consultants (see List of Participants in Annex 10). Participants were encouraged to provide feedback, recommendations, and concerns during the workshop as well as had the opportunity to continue provide feedback and comments until June 10 June 2022. All feedback and Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 52 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) concerns raised during and after the consultations were integrated in the updated ESF instruments (this ESMP, SEP and ESCP). Key discussion questions and answers, including feedback, recommendations and project responses from the stakeholder consultation workshop are include in the Table 7-2 below. TABLE 7-2 RECORD OF NATIONAL CONSULTATION RESULTS Feedback/Comment Remark No Stakeholders Issues/concerns raised by Project responses to Participants issues/concerns 1 Ministry of Planning 1. The process of managing 1. 1. The ESCP addresses and Investment environmental and social reporting and evaluation of (MPI). impacts and risks of should be project progress. ESF Various designed for phases: 1. project instruments will be updated Departments and preparation phase, 2. project based the project actual Key Decision- implementation phase and 3. project design, Makers under MPI post-project phase. During the implementation and progress and under the Lao implementation, the project, presented as per states in the Statistical Bureau should conduct an evaluation ESCP. (LSB) of each document that further 2. The objectives of improving information could be updated; the modern statistic are to 2. The project should also capture generate good and more on the positive impacts as comprehensive data, provide the statistic is important for the platforms for different society as a whole and it will be sectors to contribute, share an opportunity to for different and use by the public. It aims sectors to contribute and share to bring more positive in the and can also build trust with long run as well. the public based on the index 3. Issues related to ethnic of statistics. groups culture and language 3. Managing negative impacts barriers addressed and include (i) allocate budget for estimated budget is communication, including allocated; (ii) community communicate in different health and safety, including ethnic groups languages when covid-19 measures are work in the field work, when/if included; (iii) information necessary, use interpreters for confidentiality, security and local languages. (ii) First-aid kits quality are dressed in the or medicine bags should be project design and in ESMP as included for field works and (iii) part of project management. include security and privacy 4. Data accuracy is not an ESF breaches procedures in ESF element and this will be instruments. addressed in the quality 4. Improve information accuracy - assessment framework. The instruct survey team and design project ESF consultants will survey/data collection support LSB to develop the methodology in such a way that survey/data collection LSB collects accurate data to guidelines, communication avoid cost (time and resources guidelines/field survey to redo the data collection. guiding notes, etc. to make Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 53 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Feedback/Comment Remark No Stakeholders Issues/concerns raised by Project responses to Participants issues/concerns Some specific sure that these concerns are recommendations include, (i) integrated the various appropriately selecting an implementation guidelines agent for data collection to 5. Point number five will also be avoid mistake, (ii) designing of addressed under the project the questionnaire should be design as the preparation concise, clear and easy to prior to mobilizing field staff understand, not to exaggerate, is related to project (iii) train the survey staff to management and not an collect statistical data so that element of ESF instrument. they can understand the data collection form, know how to ask for information from agents and be able to communicate easily during the data collection inquiry, as well as the data collection staff should know in detail about data entry, database entry and be able to edit the data in the database. 5. Addressing on good preparation prior to mobilizing field staff to avoid challenges while working in the field such as issues dealing with lack of equipment, no personnel, no service vehicles and no budget etc. 6. Project should use the existing integrated grievance mechanism approved by the government, except for the specific ones. 7. In the event there is an adverse effect occurred during implementation project period, how will the project manage the risks? 8. How will the project ensure about the sustainability of the project and how it will be managed? 9. How many stages are there in the impact assessment process and at what stages? Prior to the implementation of the project and what kind of evaluation? Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 54 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Feedback/Comment Remark No Stakeholders Issues/concerns raised by Project responses to Participants issues/concerns 10. Risks may arise positively or negatively during the implementation of this project, in particularly the Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP), How many stakeholders will be involved? How to manage to indicator and monitor for this project? Ministry of Home 1. The project should pay IT related capacity building, Affairs attention to training and especially on how to use IT capacity building for relevant properly are addressed under staff and pay attention to the the project design as they are an proper maintenance of IT element of ESF instrument. equipment 1. 2. If any infrastructure is to be 2. PPEs is addressed under improved, such as painting health and safety and work, the workers should be emergency procedures. focused on environmental 3. Social inclusion and security protection during painting regarding information of the work so the protective ethnic is addressed under measures (PPEs) such as masks SEP on engagement of ethnic and safety shoes must be in groups and vulnerable place. people as well as data 2 3. Project should provide security is integrated into the information security and project design privacy breaches. Personal 4. GRM also included in ESF information of ethnic groups instruments. The ESF project and the disadvantaged groups consultant will update and should be protected. assist LSB to establish a team 4. Grievance mechanism should to communicate and be communicated and made implement the GRM, that available for the public, also include hotline. especially for the ethnic groups, during the implementation of projects. The grievance mechanism should include a hotline communication method. Ministry of Industry Agree with the current ESF 3 and Commerce instruments Ministry of Energy 1. Agree with the current ESF E-waste management is and Mine instruments included in the ESF instruments. 4 2. It is desirable to pay attention to the e-waste management, especially in the local area, so Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 55 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Feedback/Comment Remark No Stakeholders Issues/concerns raised by Project responses to Participants issues/concerns that the staff of each province and each district should be clearly understand about the e-waste management 5 Ministry of Labor 1. Agree with the current ESF Appreciate that the Ministry of and Social Welfare instruments Labor and Social Welfare will 2. The Ministry of Labor and monitor labor. Social Welfare will be Labor management plan and monitored and assessed the health and safety procedures health and safety of workers are included in the ESF for the project. instruments for the project to monitor as well. 6 Phongsaly 1. Is it possible for the 1. All WB funded projects’ Province’s Statistic documents to be integrated documents are developed Center from the local, Lao Statistical based on ESF-requirements Bureau (LSB), government and according the triggered ESSs. donors to be linked in the However, the ESF same way? instruments can only 2. The project should have clear addressed certain document guidelines on the documents inconsistency use of, equipment, vehicles, within the scope of the energy management, project by bring them to communication meet the ESSs standards. tools/technology (Lao ESF instruments cannot telephone signal near the bring internal government Chinese border is poor, the documents and other Chinese network signal is donors documents into used) consistency. 3. There are many ethnic groups, 2. This point is also not an languages are not the same, element of ESF instrument. the ESF toll should capture LSB will updated it more of these issues and do communication guidelines to more research on ethnic (i) meet WB ESS culture. requirements and (ii) local 4. Health and safety of field staff. suitability. Communication The project should develop and data collection guidelines/policy to check and guidelines will include approve all work before instruction on the use of starting to implement the project equipment, vehicles, actual work in the field and etc as part of POM. must have a clear definition 3. Ethnic groups culture and and work plan, including language barriers are budget, equipment, vehicle, addressed in the ESF etc. The local staff should be instruments. trained to understand the use 4. Guidelines/policy to check of equipment, properly and approve all work before Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 56 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Feedback/Comment Remark No Stakeholders Issues/concerns raised by Project responses to Participants issues/concerns manage e-waste in accordance starting to implement the with ESF instructions. actual work in the field, etc 5. There should be a clear are included in the project timeline for the management design will be implementation of work and incorporate in POM, not an coordination between the ESF element. ESF central level to provinces and instruments are design to local community. There should address health and safety be guideline on how to during the implementation. appoint people to directly 5. Technical training (on the responsible for coordination. how to use provided IT equipment, etc) is part of the project activities. 6. E-waste management included in the ESF Instruments. 7. Coordination between the central level to provinces and local community is not element of ESF instrument, project institution arrangement and management included in project design and to be implemented under component 3 7 Representative from 1. In collecting statistics at the 1. Data confidentially and Vientiane Province’s local level, all employees security of information is Statistic Center should have an ethic in included. The Law on concealing important Statistics article 55 addresses information and must not this, and the communication disclose information without guidelines to be developed by permission the project will include this as 2. To collect statistical well. information in the provinces 2. Use of personal vehicles for and districts, most of the staff the project will not be use personal vehicles and encourage under the project. there is a risk of accidents in This is not an element of ESF the field, causing damage to instruments and the project the property of the staff. will address in the POM. 3. In addition, collecting statistics 3. Ethnic sensitivity and culture in remote areas is difficult to appropriateness while communicate with due to the communicating with ethnic large number of ethnic groups groups is included in ESF and all employees who go to instruments and will be collect statistics should addressed in the Communication Guidelines Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 57 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Feedback/Comment Remark No Stakeholders Issues/concerns raised by Project responses to Participants issues/concerns respect the cultural traditions of each ethnic group). 8 Representative 1. Inform the detailed 1. SEP provide communication from Huaphan implementation plan of the programme. Coordination Province’s Statistic project to the relevant parties mechanism will also be Center in detail, including the addressed in the project responsibilities of each party operation manual and under from the central level to the project management local level; component 3. 2. There should be had a 2. After project effective date, guideline to carry out the the project will develop an detailed implementation operation manual to be used methods for uniformity in by the project across the implementation, especially at country. the local level of the Lao 3. Allocation and management Statistical Bureau because the of budget is addressed under Provincial Statistics Center is Component 3-Project integrated with the Provincial management Department of Planning and Investment, as part of the Planning Department, the responsible statistical department should be included in the implementation plan; 3. Regarding the budget for the implementation in the past, the projects involved from the central level to the local level, most of the budget is spent at the central level, mostly at the local level and the people are still involved. 9 Representative from 1. Agree with current ESF 1. Ethnic groups culture and Champasack instruments language barriers are Province’s Statistic 2. In Champassak province, it is addressed in ESF instruments, Center difficult to collect statistics in especially SEP. Pakxong district because it 2. LSB will updated it Small young rains all year round and people communication guidelines to entrepreneurs rarely stay at home. Most (i) meet WB ESS (coffee) people go to the garden requirements and (ii) local because they grow cassava and suitability. 3. Another problem is that the 3. This is not an element of ESF signal connection is instruments. Field equipment problematic in Khong district like telephone and internet because it is on the Lao- signal and use of vehicles will Cambodian border, so the be address in communication Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 58 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Feedback/Comment Remark No Stakeholders Issues/concerns raised by Project responses to Participants issues/concerns telephone signal network is and data collection often inaccessible. guidelines. 4. In addition, there have been 4. ESF instruments are design to difficulties due to COVID 19 address health and safety virus disease outbreak, so the during the implementation. staff are not able to go to Covid-19 measures are collect statistics on a regular included in ESMP basis). 5. Project offers different 5. Information, including GRM channels for people to use should be made available to the GRM. people/public digitally. 10 Xiengkhouang 1. Don’t know where to get This is not an element of ESF Province’s information, Information, instruments. SEP addressed Statistic Center especially related to inclusive social engagement as employment opportunity well as information sharing. Xiengkhouang Small should be available at the local young level entrepreneurs (pig, 2. Local market prices information chicken, fish and should be made available to agriculture business and there should be products) instruction on how to get information with going to the department of Statistics Representative 1. Attention should be paid to 1. The project has worked and from UNDP identifying and synthesizing will continue working with different stakeholders as the different sectors/groups who project involves many parties in are both data contributors the implementation of this and users. Improve project. Therefore, it is coordination mechanism will necessary to have a detailed be addressed under plan for working together and Component 3-project coordinate between the management and this should working groups, especially the be reflected in the project staff of the surveyors to collect operation manual. The ESF 11 data to go to work in the field, instruments, SEP is leading the ethnic people addressing effective and (affected people) with different inclusive stakeholders’ cultural traditions in remote engagement. Ethnic groups, areas; sensitivity, culture diversity 2. The other side of this project is and language barriers are that it will have a positive included in SEP and will also impact and bring many addressed in various benefits, as secondary positive communication and data impact (e.g., Enhance statistics collection guidelines. can be used by and benefit to other stakeholders so it is a Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 59 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Feedback/Comment Remark No Stakeholders Issues/concerns raised by Project responses to Participants issues/concerns secondary positive impacts), if 2. The ESCP requires project to we can implement in commit to implement ESF accordance with the instruments. environmental and social framework instruments (ESMP, SEP and ESCP) of this project and will make the work of collecting statistical data effectively and efficiently according to the project goals. Gender for 1. In particular, the capacity The LSB communication and Development building project of the Lao data collection guidelines will Association Statistical Bureau, which is an incorporate gender important topic and has lenses/gender and ethnic groups identified the issue of gender sensitivities. mainstreaming in ethnic groups, our organization has After project effective date and been working, especially in the after the recruitment of ESF target areas of some provinces consultants, support by WB, of Lao PDR, so it is considered gender/ethnic groups/culture 12 that capacity training has been sensitivity training will be adapted for these target provided to project groups. Therefore, we would management team as part of like the project to provide ESF training. The project then further details, such as training will be responsible to provide on gender sensitivity in ethnic training to project staff and groups, particularly the survey/data collection team implementation and prior to mobilizing them to the coordination groups of this field. project. Lao Disabled 1. Would like to get clear and SEP address inclusive People’s Association detailed information about stakeholders’ engagement, (LDPA) people with disabilities because include People with Disability. people with disabilities have many forms (such as physical The detailed information on disabilities, visual impairments, type disabilities will be address ear and mouth and mental under Subcomponent 1.2 Social disabilities), in particular, the statistics. The project will ensure 13 information on people with type of disabilities are reflected mental illness is very limited, so in the Household Survey Forms. would like to ask the Lao Statistical Bureau to provide clear and accurate information on people with disabilities with age and gender about people with disabilities. Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 60 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Feedback/Comment Remark No Stakeholders Issues/concerns raised by Project responses to Participants issues/concerns Representative from 1. The statistical should include 1. Gender statistic are UNFPA clear information about age, addressed under Subcomponent sex and gender for the 1.2 Social statistics household’s census and Activity 1.2.4 Gender statistics population survey (the 2015 14 was not as clear, hope that the 2. coordination mechanism will 2025 is clearer, more be addressed in the project comprehensive) operation manual and under 2. Would like to all parties to be project management involved in the implementation component 3. of this project. 15 Bank of Lao PDR) Agree with the current ESF instruments and the project 7.3 CONSULTATIONS DURING PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION Stakeholders will be kept informed as the project develops, including reporting on project environmental and social performance and implementation of the stakeholder engagement plan and grievance mechanism. Consultations on specific activities shall be undertaken. In addition to written reports submitted to relevant departments/offices, reporting shall be undertaken in the form of open meetings/workshops at national level. SEP activities and indicative timeline of implementation are provided in the SEP. Table 7-3 and Table 7-4 below demonstrate stakeholder’s engagement and communication during project implementation period. TABLE 7-3 ENGAGEMENT PROGRAM DURING PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD What to Who to engage? When to engage? With whom How to engage? engage (responsibilities) to engage? about? (targeted stakeholders) Policy level MPI, LSB, the four Annually, prior to Policy - Roundtable coordination LSB department preparation of planning level meetings with line heads and their annual work plans within MPI, - Virtual (web) ministries and representatives and budgets LSB meetings other ongoing from the projects under provinces at the the LSB roundtable meetings Commitments, LSB 6-monthly WB, project - Distribution by division of PIU Annually during managers, email responsibilities implementation coordinators, - Call for comments in the ESCP and as stated in assistants - (Web) workshop Evaluation of ESCP and - Response to compliance consultants comments at central and Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 61 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) What to Who to engage? When to engage? With whom How to engage? engage (responsibilities) to engage? about? (targeted stakeholders) provincial level Guidelines, LSB Guidelines and WB, project - Distribution by procedures procedures are to managers, email and codes of be communicated coordinators, - Call for comments conduct in the prior to assistants - (Web) workshop ESMF commencement and - Response to Evaluation of of project consultants comments what works activities at central and - Feedback to and what not provincial project planning Annually, during levels implementation GRM: LSB WB, project - Questionnaire 6-monthly Experiences, managers, - (Web) workshop evaluation, Annually, during coordinators, - Site visits implementation need for assistants - Distribute changes, and summary of feedback on consultants, comments, etc. project ICT centers at implementatio central and n provincial levels National level LSB Annually, as part WB, project - (Web) workshops project of preparation of managers, - Email group planning annual workplans coordinators, exchange Evaluation of and budgets assistants past and implementatio consultants, n of the ESMP training centers at central and provincial levels Provincial level Annually, as part ICT central - Meetings/worksho project LSB, PIU of preparation of and the four ps with ICT at the planning annual workplans pilot central and Evaluation of and budgets provinces? provincial levels past Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 62 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) What to Who to engage? When to engage? With whom How to engage? engage (responsibilities) to engage? about? (targeted stakeholders) implementatio n of the ESMP TABLE 7-4 COMMUNICATION PROGRAM Who to With whom What to When to Communicate to How to Communicate Communicate Communicate (Responsibilities) Communicate Project plans, LSB, PIU Annually The public (all TV and radio activities and When there are stakeholders), interviews results important especially Facebook postings results prior to each Website survey/data Newspaper articles collection Project LSB, PIU 6-monthly WB Report progress MPI GRM LSB, PIU Training on Public ICT centers How it works GRM- after Statistics offices in and how to project each province use it effectiveness Village meetings with 6-monthly translation/interpreter Annually into ethnic languages ESMP PIU After project ICT centers ESMF explained with How to effectiveness Statistics translation into ethnic implement the offices in each languages ESMP in Annually or in province Email distribution practice case of any Posters (ethnic Division of changes languages) responsibilities Site visits with explanations 8 GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL MECHANISM 8.1 GRM PROCESS Three different GRM channels are developed and will be communicated, implemented by the project (i) the overall GRM to be use by general public when they have concerns, feedback, issues with the project implementation under various components and activities, (ii) GRM for GBV-SEA/SH related cases, and (iii) GRM for workers. The overall GRM is set out in this ESMP. It has been updated and designed not only to meet the requirements of the ESS 10 but also to be in line with the Ministry of Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 63 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Justice’s directions on complaints and petitions. The GRM will be used under MPI/LSB throughout the project life cycle to: • record, categorize and prioritize grievances from project-affected stakeholders; • settle grievances via consultation with stakeholders (and inform those stakeholders of the resolution); and • forward unresolved cases to the relevant authority or specialist third-party service providers. This GRM is also applicable to grievances related to GBV, SEA/SH and VAC, although complainants can also choose to submit their complaints directly to GBV service providers, and/or the project will use referral system to assist survivor and will assist in referring the cases to suitable service providers. In addition, a GRM designed specifically for labor workers is included LMP and annexed to the ESMP. The GRMs are developed in a culturally appropriate and user-friendly way to be accessible for the diverse stakeholders. Prior to project implementation, training on GRMs will be provided to relevant stakeholders. The GRM is illustrated below in Figure 8-1. The key principles of the grievance mechanism are to ensure that: • the basic rights and interests of all involved stakeholders, affected people, including ethnic groups, are protected • the concerns of stakeholders and affected people, including ethnic groups, arising from the project implementation process are adequately addressed • involved stakeholders and affected people, including ethnic groups, are aware of their rights to access grievance procedures free of charge for the above purposes. The purpose of the GRM is to resolve any complaints that may arise during the implementation of the project and to improve operational procedures or measures as appropriate to avoid similar issues arising in the future. The GRM is intended to address concerns and complaints promptly and transparently at no cost to the complainant and without discrimination for any reports made by project-affected people. The GRM works within the existing legal frameworks of the Lao PDR and does not preclude or prevent complainants from seeking independent recourse through the courts of law in the Lao legal system. The GRM utilizes existing redress mechanisms at community level, project level and judiciary level. The details of each of those components are described as follows. To ensure the GRM is readily accessible to beneficiaries and stakeholders, grievances can be submitted via multiple reporting channels. The grievance mechanism is illustrated in Figure 8-1 below. All grievances received by all reporting channels shall be reported to and managed by a GRM registrar at the LSB under the Inspection Unit of the Department of Administration. However, under this project, LSB will appoint a key person to responsible for handling of all GRM at the central level and coordinate with the provincial level. The GRM registrar will be made available at the provincial and central levels. The role of the GRM registrar is to maintain a centralized register of grievances, ensure grievances are referred to the appropriate authority for action and monitor outcomes. Upon receiving a report of a grievance, the GRM registrar will screen, categorize and prioritize the case. If the initial recipient (see ‘reporting channels’) has sufficient capacity, the case can be managed at that level. Otherwise, the GRM registrar will refer the Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 64 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) case to a grievance committee at district, province or central level according to the risk, complexity and urgency of the grievance. If the case cannot be resolved, it will be escalated to the grievance committee at the next level until it reaches LSB/MPI. The GRM must respond to potential grievances on a variety of topics concerning different project components. A grievance shall be resolved as soon as practicable, and in any case, a grievance shall either be resolved or referred to the next level in the grievance mechanism within 10 to 15 working days of receipt. FIGURE 8-1 GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 65 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) 8.2 RECORDING GRIEVANCES 238. A focal point shall be established at central level, under the LSB for managing all aspects of the various GRM mechanisms. 239. Established and managed by the LSB, a digital complaints register will be established as part of the project to record any concerns raised by any stakeholder during the implementation of the Project. Any serious complaint (such as life-threatening, relating to SEA/SH or criminal) will be advised to the World Bank within 24 hours of receiving the complaint. 240. A summary list of complaints received, and their disposition, along with key statistics on the number of complaints and duration taken to close out, must be included in six-month quarterly reports. The focal point at central level, under the LSB, shall be responsible for organizing this. Each record is allocated a unique number reflecting year and sequence of received complaint (for example 2021-01, 2021-02 etc.). Complaint records (letter, email, record of conversation) should be stored together, electronically (software to be determined by the focal point of the LSB) or in hard copy under the responsibility of the Project’s. 241. Grievances will be recorded in a Grievance Logs (Please see Table 8-1). The log shall be applied. 242. This information shall include: • Stakeholder name and contact details (if not anonymous). • Details of the nature of the grievance. • Date received, way it was responded to, and • How it was submitted, acknowledged, responded to, and closed out. 243. Grievances can be submitted anonymously, or the aggrieved person can also request their name be kept confidential. Responsibility for the Grievance Log will be with the LSB. TABLE 8-1 SAMPLE GRIEVANCE LOG FOR THE PROJECT AT THE CENTRAL LEVEL DATABASE Grievance Log Name of Sex Contact Date Details of the To whom Actions to Date How was Complainant (M/F) info Received nature of the was resolve grievance the (or grievance grievance grievance was response anonymous) submitted settled provided? (Environmental (and what impacts, social stage) impacts, labour, health, SEA/SH, etc.) Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 66 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) 8.3 FORM TO SUBMIT A COMPLAINT Grievance Form ID Number: ___________ Date Received: ___________ Complaints Received by (please check (√) the appropriate box): □ LSB central □ LSB ICT Service Centres □ Provincial □ District □ Village □ Hotline Complaint made via (please check (√) the appropriate box): □ In person □ Phone □ E-mail □ SMS □ Website □WhatsApp □Messenger □Facebook □ Hotline □ Complaint Box / Other advice □ Community/Village Meeting □ Others______________ FULL NAME AND LAST NAME of Complainant (or Anonymous): ___________________________________________________________________ GENDER: □ Male □ Female AGE: _____________________________ CONTACT DETAILS (by post, by telephone, by e-mail, SMS, WhatsApp, Messenger, FaceBook): __________________________________________________________________________________ STATEMENT OF GRIEVANCE (Reason for complaint and activity leading to complaint. Please include as much details as possible to answer the following questions: (i) what happened, (ii) when did it happen, (iii) who did it happen to, (iv) what was the impact of what happened. Include additional information as needed/desired. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ REMEDY REQUESTED BY COMPLAINT: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE: _____________________ DATE: ________________________ FOR ADMIN USE ONLY: Grievance ID________________________ Registration Location:________________________________ Grievance Received by: Name and surname ______________________________Date:_______________ Action Taken or Required Next Steps: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 67 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) 9 MONITORING AND REPORTING Monitoring is the method of ensuring the ESF instruments (this ESMP, ESCP and SEP) are being implemented in accordance with ESMF and ESCP, and are effective. Semi-annual monitoring reports will need to be undertaken in order to: • Improve environmental and social management practices; • Ensure the efficiency and quality of the environmental and social assessment processes; • Establish evidence- and results-based environmental and social impact assessment; and • Provide an opportunity to report the results of the implementation of mitigation measures in future ESMPs and other project related documents. To facilitate effective implementation of the ESMP requirements, the LSB will put in place the following monitoring and reporting system which includes self-monitoring, reporting and reporting and external monitoring and reporting. 9.1 INTERNAL MONITORING Self-monitoring is implemented to (i) achieve environmental and social objectives, (ii) mitigate environmental and social impacts associated with the project activities and (iii) meet applicable and relevant legal requirements. The self-monitoring plan designates responsibility for each implementing agency (LSB, lines ministries, organizations, provincial, and district and village offices) to monitor environmental and social and health & safety throughout the project operation. The objectives of environmental inspections are to: • Identify environmental and social and safety risks and hazards associated with project operations; • Assess the effectiveness of operational control measures2; • Identify if further controls/corrective actions are required; • Issue relevant instructions to the responsible project operators (contractors and project staff, etc.) to implement corrective actions. In addition to the main monitoring objectives, the self-mentoring also guilds the implementing agency to check and ensure that proper measures are implemented related to environmental, health, and safety guideline (EHSG) developed for the World Bank Group (WBG) projects and those related to Good International Industry Practices (GIIP) through the procurement system that promotes environmentally friendly packaging, reusing and recycling the office recyclables and safe handling of E-waste, electronic and hazardous waste. The overall self-monitoring program is illustrated in Table 9- 1 below. Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 68 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) TABLE 9-1 MONITORING PROGRAM Means of Aspect Standard monitoring Monitoring Frequency Responsibility verification 1. General waste • Check that the recyclables have been Visual • Daily during ICT infrastructures Officer appointed by the • Packaging; properly segregated; inspection installation; LSB at central, line • Recyclable; • Check general housekeeping and • During the field trip; agencies, provincial, • tidiness; • Weekly routine inspection for district and village • Check and assure that no littering of office operation. levels. garbage during a field trip. 2. E-waste, electronic and • Check that proper bins/containers are Visual • Daily ICT infrastructures Officer appointed by the hazardous waste available and used for each waste type; inspection installation; LSB at central, line • Broken digital device • Check if proper waste disposal labels • Daily during maintenance of agencies, provincial, screen and parts are displayed correctly on the bins; ICT infrastructures; district and village (computer); • Check if proper PPEs are used properly • Weekly routine inspection for levels. • Used lithium batteries; during waste handling; office operation. • Used lamps; • Check that hazardous waste is not • disposed to the environment; • Check a record of the amounts and types of waste stored and delivered (if any); 3. Dust impact during the • Check that the workplace is properly Visual • Daily during ICT infrastructures Officer appointed by the field in the communities sealed during the renovation and inspection installation; LSB at central, line with unpaved roads installation works; • During the field trip. agencies, provincial, • Check that vehicle speed limit through district and village the communities, during field work, is levels. in accordance with the traffic rules. Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 69 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) 4. Occupation Health and • Check that appropriate PPEs (safety Visual • Daily during ICT infrastructures Officer appointed by the Safety hard hat, safety boots, gloves, safety inspection installation; LSB at central, line glasses, ear protection buds and • During the field trip. agencies, provincial, masks) are provided to and used by district and village staff during the work operation; levels. • Check that activities with high potential risks and hazards (cut, burn, electrocution, etc.) are performed and/or closely supervised by experience staff; • Check that vehicle speed limit is in accordance with the traffic rules. 5. Community health and • Check the compliance with driving Visual • During the field trip. LSB at central, line safety rules and regulation; inspection agencies, provincial, and • Check road accidents (damage to district community and public assets, injuries and/or deaths) 6. Trainings on ESF • Check the training and reports Visual • Quarterly for the first six Project ESF team with instruments including including but not limited to number of Inspection and months followed by bi-annual support from E&S ESMP, SEP, ESCP and ESF training events, training dates, training documentation consultants annexes on OSH, CHSP and topics, number of participants with COC on SEA/SH (Annex 4- segregation of male and females and Annex 7) their organization, trainers, training outcomes, evaluation, list of participants and training materials Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 70 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) 7. Conduct consultations on • Check the consultation reports Training and • Quarterly for the first six Project ESF team with ESF instruments including including but not limited to number of consultation months followed by bi-annual support from E&S ESMP, SEP, ESCP and ESF consultation events, number of reports consultants annexes on OSH, CHSP and participants with segregation of male COC on SEA/SH (Annex 4- and females and their organization, Annex 7) issues raised, outcomes, evaluation, list of participants and consultation materials 8. Participation of vulnerable • Check the implementation of a LSB Documents • Up-on project activities related ESF consultants and ethnic groups Communication Guidelines and ensure and field to ethnic groups (e.g., during Officer appointed by the that it incorporates ethnic group assessment data collection) LSB at central, line sensitivity/culturally responsive and • During the field trip agencies, provincial, meaningful consultation. district and village • Where needed, conduct small group levels. meetings at village level using appropriate translators or ethnic language speakers, with village groups split by gender. • Pay special attention to ethnic and gender sensitivity, taking into account ethnic groups’ gender perspectives and incorporating them into the communication strategy. • Ensure implementation of the code of conduct for workers that include ethnic groups while engagement then Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 71 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) data collection and other project activities. • Ensure that the project and its staff and community workers respect ancestral and spiritual land and forest use and remain sensitive to customary use of land by the community, especially ethnic groups. 9. SEA/SH and Violence • Check whether information and Documents • Quarterly for the first six Project ESF team with Against Women and training on GBV-SEA/SH based on the Assessment months followed by bi-annual support from E&S Children (VAWC) WB Good Practice Note and the Field work consultants national and international convention on elimination of violence against women and children are provided to appropriate stakeholders. • Ensure implementation of the Codes of Conduct on GBV-SEA/SH and VAWC 10. GRMs For overall • Check whether GRM are properly Quarterly for the first six months Project ESF team and E&S project For worker in the communicated with relevant followed by bi-annual consultants event of engaging workers. stakeholders (e.g., Whether workers For GBV-ESA/SH in the are informed about the relevant GRM event violation occurred upon their recruitment and their right to redress, confidentiality and protection against any reprisals from the employer, etc.) • In the event project received a complaint, check whether it has been Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 72 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) processed and filed accordance to its designated categories and it is correctly report through the GRM systems and referral paths if related GBV-ESA/SH and/or CA. Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 73 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) 9.2 EXTERNAL MONITORING An external monitoring of the implementation performance of both environmental and social measures will be conducted by consultants to be hired by the project in close coordination with LSB. Efforts will be made to invite representatives from local communities and mass organizations to participate in the process. The annual audit will assess project compliance with ESMP, specifically whether (i) the ESMP process, including SEP and ESCP, is being correctly adhered to (ii) relevant mitigation measures have been identified and implemented effectively and (iii) the extent to which all stakeholder groups are involved in subproject implementation. The technical audit will also indicate whether any amendments are required in the ESMP approach to improve its effectiveness and ensure that the project investment ESMP is developed/cleared and effectively implemented. The external monitoring report will be presented to the WB. 9.3 REPORTING LSB will prepare a quarterly report within the first 6 months after the project effective date. Thereafter, LSB will consolidate six-month monitoring reports focuses on presenting the status of compliance, any unexpected impacts, and implementation of corrective actions. The LSB shall establish reporting and document handling procedures as appropriate to the organization set up. • Carry out inspection activities as per the monitoring program outlined in Table 9-1 and prepare the Inspection Report incorporating detailed environmental and social findings, health and safety incidents and the status of corrective actions. The formal communication language is English, and this will be applied to all written communication; • Communicate the Inspection Report internally within the organizational hierarchy with regards to environmental and social findings, health and safety incidents; • Report the environmental and social management performances and health and safety controls to the relevant external financing agencies based on the agreed obligations. • Number of national, regional, and/or provincial staff and counterparts trained on ESF compliance. • Number of technical recommendations provided during supervision and monitoring that has been implemented. Monitoring will also cover grievance redress, implementation of the SEP consultation and disclosure activities. Monitoring of environmental and other social impacts should focus on ensuring that all environmental and social mitigation measures are implemented as per the ESMP (including the LMP). Data should be gender-disaggregated as much as possible. In case, consulting firms hired under the Project shall prepare and submit monthly monitoring reports on ESHS performance in accordance with the metrics specified in the respective bidding documents and contracts. The reports will be submitted to the World Bank. Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 74 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) 9.4 INCIDENTS OR ACCIDENTS REPORTING The incident report is a vital written recording of the facts related to a workplace accident, injury, or near miss. Its primary purpose is to uncover the circumstances and conditions that led to the event in order to prevent future incidents. The incident report will contain a minimum of the following information: (i) type of incident, (ii) location/date/ time of incident, (iii) name of the incident recorder/description of the incident (sequence of events); (iv) results of the incident (information of injured and affected people/damaged environment and properties), (v) actions done, (vi) witness statements, (vii) video or photos of the incidence or accident and (viii) additional action needed (if any). Accidents with significant adverse effects include injured, electrocution, fire, traffic accident, severe weather during field trip and COVID-19 pandemic resulting in serious injury or fatality. Incidents with significant adverse effects include criminal acts including violence, sexual exploitation and abuse against persons related to the Project (project employees, visitors, contractors, villagers). The notification to the WB will provide sufficient detail regarding the incident or accident including any fatalities or serious injuries, indicating immediate measures taken or planned to be taken to address the incident or accident, and any information provided by any contractor and supervising entity, as appropriate. Annex 5 LMP (A5.10) includes a sample form for accident reporting. As soon as the involved project staff and people are safe from the accident, the appointed staff shall fill in the Incident or Accident Report and, in any case proceed the report to a supervisor or manager within 48 hours of becoming aware of the incident or accident. The MPI, through its LSB, will immediately inform the WB as required in the ESCP. 10 ESMP IMPLEMENTATION BUDGET ESMP implementation cost will include including ESF consultant, capacity building, consultation and communication and compliance monitoring. The total indicative cost reviewed is estimated at USD320,000 (See Table 10-1) plus the costs of specific mitigation measures in the ESCOP to be included under contractor cost for small civil works. TABLE 10-1 ESTIMATED BUDGET FOR THE ESMF IMPLEMENTATION No. Item Notes Estimated Cost (USD) 1 Recruitment of Two part-time E&S consultants with 10 120,000 quality E&S working days per month for the first year and consultants one part-time social consultant with 30 working days per year from year 2 to year 5 (20 days for monitoring and reporting and 10 days for follow up trainings) 2 ESF Capacity Logistics, travelling allowance and per diem 70,000 building/trainings expenses; Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 75 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) No. Item Notes Estimated Cost (USD) Three training workshops for the first year; one training workshop for year 2 and 5; two training workshops per year for year 3 and year 4. 3 Communication Development and dissemination of ESF 50,000 (implementation of communication materials such posters SEP) especially on COC on SEA/SH and VAC, GRM, Data security, privacy and confidentiality etc. 4 Monitoring and Two quarterly reports followed by b-annual 80,000 reporting of ESMP, reports. The monitoring mission will be SEP and ESCP carried in central level and provincial levels Total Budget USD) 320,000 Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 76 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) ANNEXES ANNEX 1: PROJECT DESCRIPTION ANNEX 2: NATIONAL LAWS AND REGULATAIONS ANNEX 3: Ineligible/Negative Criteria List ANNEX 4 E-waste Management Plan ANNEX 5 Labour Management Procedures ANNEX 6 SCODE of Conduct (CoC) to prevent and manage SEA/SH and violence against children (VAC). ANNEX 7 Community Health and Safety ANNEX 8 Contingency Emergency Response Component (CERC) Manual ANNEX 9 List of Person Met during March to May 2022 ANNEX 10 Photos and List of Participants in the National Consultation Workshop on 7 June 2022 Revised Draft ESMP, July 2022 Page 77 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) ANNEX 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION A1.1 Project Development Objective PDO Statement: The PDO is to improve the capacity of the Lao PDR Statistical System to produce and disseminate good quality statistics in a timely manner and to enhance use of key statistics, and in case of an Eligible Crisis or Emergency, respond promptly and effectively to it. A1.2 PDO Level Indicators The achievement of the PDO level results will be measured by three high-level indicators. The proposed indicators assess: i. The progress in production and dissemination of core statistics as measured by publication of GDP by industry, expenditure, and income, GNI, and quarterly GDP in the same year. Baseline (No). Target (Yes). ii. The timeliness of key statistics as measured by the number of indicators complied with the e- GDDS recommended timeliness (number). Baseline (1). Target (5). iii. The use of statistics as measured by the number of datasets and publications downloaded in one year (percent). Baseline (0). Target (50). The first PDO indicator measures the availability and quality of core statistics specifically for the System of National Accounts (SNA). As of 2022, only annual GDP by industry is available. The first PDO indicator is directly linked to the project’s support to an implementation of the 2008 SNA, particularly to advancing from the pre-SNA phase to Milestone 1 and Milestone 2 of the implementation, making available GDP by expenditure and income, GNI, and quarterly GDP (Figure 1). The second PDO focuses on the timeliness of key statistics and the third PDO measures use of statistics. Of all the key statistics prescribed by the e-GDDS, only CPI publication complies with the e- GDDS recommended timeliness (Table 1 in PAD). The second PDO indicator is linked to the project’s support to production of real sector indicators and pilot of an integrated data platform, which will allow the LSB to access administrative data sources in a more timely manner. The third PDO indicator is linked to the project’s support to dissemination, user engagement and data literacy, which is expected to result in an increase in the number of datasets and publications downloaded from the LSB website. A1.3 Project Components The project consists of three components: i) improving availability and quality of statistics; ii) enhancing use of statistics; and iii) institutional and statistical capacity strengthening. The project structure was determined through discussions with the LSB. The proposed project activities were identified through discussions and consultations with the LSS stakeholders including the LSB, the statistics departments of line ministries and Bank of Lao PDR, the Lao Academy of Social and Economic Sciences, and the National University of Laos, emphasizing an effort to strengthen the LSS as a system and foster data exchange and integration within the LSS. Consultations with key development partners including IMF, UNFPA, UNICEF, ADB, and ILO were carried out to foster collaboration, create synergies and avoid overlapping support among donors. Component 1: Improving availability and quality of statistics (US$ 11 million) Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 78 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) The objective of this component is to improve the availability and quality of key statistics that meet international standards. Improving availability means adding new statistical products and increasing the frequency of existing statistics while enhancing quality means improving the accuracy, reliability, relevance, and timeliness of statistics. These will be achieved by an improvement in collection of administrative, census and survey data as well as data compilation methodologies. This component will support statistics produced by the LSB and the statistical centers of line ministries or equivalent agencies under the LSB’s technical guidance. It is made up of two subcomponents: i) Economic statistics; and ii) Social statistics. ❖ Subcomponent 1.1 Economic statistics (US$ 5 million) ➢ Activity 1.1.1 System of National Accounts (SNA). The project will support an implementation of the 2008 SNA, particularly to advancing from the pre-SNA phase to Milestone 1 and Milestone 2 of the implementation (Figure A1-1). This activity will make available i) quarterly GDP to enable timely economic monitoring and policy responses; and ii) the rest of the world accounts and gross national income (GNI) to facilitate effective policy design required in the context of increasing regional integration through trade, investment, and migration. During an initial phase of implementation, the project will finance technical assistance to support compilation of GDP by expenditure in current and constant prices and improve sectoral statistics required for compilation of quarterly GDP, the rest of the world accounts, GNI and the tourism satellite accounts. In a later phase of implementation, the project will finance technical assistance to support compilation of these accounts and indicators. Additionally, the activity includes rebasing GDP from 2012 to 2019 and 2025 to comply with international best practices and to improve the quality of GDP estimates.3 The LSB has started the process of rebasing GDP to 2019 but has not yet completed. The project will finance the IO structure survey and technical assistance to complete the process. The 2025 rebasing will be underpinned by the population and housing census 2025 (Activity 1.2.3), LECS 2023/24 (Activity 1.2.2), the IO structure survey 2025, and the agriculture survey 2025 (Activity 1.1.4) to ensure that GDP estimates fully capture Laos’ current economic structure and condition. Relevant trainings and knowledge exchange activities will also be supported by the project. ➢ Activity 1.1.2 Price statistics. This project will finance technical assistance, trainings, and surveys to support in constructing and improving main price indices: the consumer price index (CPI), the producer price index (PPI), the construction price index and the import- export price index. For CPI, these includes updating the CPI basket and weights based on LECS 7 (Activity 1.2.2), modernizing data collection methodology by transitioning from PAPI to CAPI data collection. For the import-export price index, the project will finance technical assistance to improve data collection (from administrative sources) and compilation methodology. For PPI and the construction price index, the project will support survey design, survey data collection using CAPI, and compilation methodology. Complete, accurate and timely price statistics are crucial for monitoring economic 3 International best practice is to ensure constant price series are not allowed to run for more than 5, or at most, 10 years without rebasing. Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 79 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) conditions and estimating GDP at constant prices (Activity 1.1.2). Publication. ➢ Activity 1.1.3 Sectoral statistics. This project will finance technical assistance to improve the quality and availability of data from administrative records required for national accounts compilation (Activity 1.1.1). The key agencies include the Ministries of Finance; Industry and Commerce; Planning and Investment; Energy and Mine; Agriculture and Forestry; and Information, Culture and Tourism, and Bank of Lao PDR (Table A1-1 below). Supporting activities were identified in consultation with the relevant agencies. Technical assistance will focus on improving the quality, frequency and timeliness of data collection and compilation to support quarterly GDP compilation while using technology to reduce the cost of data collection. Relevant trainings and knowledge exchange activities will also be supported by the project ➢ Activity 1.1.4 Annual enterprise survey. The project will finance the annual enterprise survey 2025 – 2027 to develop and establish a tool for regular updates of Laos’ business statistics. More frequent business statistics are critical for gaining a better understanding of private sector dynamics. Technical assistance to design the sampling methodology, questionnaire, and fieldwork strategies will focus on cost effectiveness and sustainability of survey implementation. This implies that the questionnaire needs to be short and concentrate of the main economic variables, and a hybrid data collection approach, such as combining face-to-face and online methods, needs to be deployed. The LSB already deployed the hybrid data collection approach in the latest economic census 2018/19. The new economic census 2025 will be used as a sampling frame. The project will also finance data collection and technical assistance to data analysis and relevant trainings. This activity will be carried out in consultation with the Ministry of Industry and Commerce. Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 80 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) FIGURE A1-1 SNA MILESTONES †The MRDS is a set of accounts that essentially groups together the accounts recommended in milestones 1 and 2. Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 81 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) TABLE A1-1 SECTORAL STATISTICS SUPPORTED BY THE PROJECT Ministry/Organization Relevant statistics Activities supported by project Bank of Lao PDR • Balance of Payment (BOP) Pilot an integrated data platform • International Investment (Subcomponent 2.1) Position (IIP) • Financial sector data as sourced data for the institutional sector accounts, GDP and GNI Ministry of Finance • Government finance Pilot an integrated data platform statistics (GFS) (Subcomponent 2.1) • Public and external debt • Tax and custom as sourced data for the institutional sector accounts, GDP, and SBR. Ministry of Industry • Trade Technical assistance to update a and Commerce • Manufacturing, wholesale manual for data collection and and retail services compilation and to develop an online • Investment platform for data collection. Relevant • Enterprise registration trainings. as sourced data for GDP and Pilot an integrated data platform SBR (Subcomponent 2.1) Ministry of Planning • Investment Technical assistance to develop an and Investment • SEZ-related investment online platform for data collection. as sourced data for GDP Ministry of Energy and • Investment (energy and Technical assistance to update a Mine mine) manual for data collection and • Production (energy and compilation and to develop a mine) guideline for collecting data of • Consumption, export enterprise consumption and other (energy and mine) energy sources such as gasoline, as sourced data for GDP charcoal, etc. Relevant trainings. Ministry of Agriculture • Agricultural production Support data collection and and Forestry (crop, livestock, forestry, compilation of production and prices and fishing) of agricultural products. Relevant as sourced data for GDP trainings. Ministry of • Tourism data Technical assistance to support a Information, Culture as sourced data for the tourism collection of outbound tourism data and Tourism satellite accounts (tourists, expenditure), direct and indirect employment. Update tourist spending data. Relevant trainings. Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 82 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) ➢ Activity 1.1.5 Agricultural survey. The project will finance the agricultural survey 2025 which will provide updates to Laos’ agricultural statistics following the agricultural census 2019/20 and support GDP rebasing and SNA compilation (e.g., institutional sector accounts and environment statistics). This activity includes technical assistance to design the survey instrument, sampling methodology, and fieldwork strategies, data collection, data analysis and relevant trainings. The Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology will be investigated to improve data collection. For example, the Global Positioning System (GPS) can be used to support field activities such as geo-referencing plots, households, or farms, and measuring the area of a plot or landscape patch, while Remote Sensing (RS) or satellite images can provide more precise crop sown area estimation and help in crop loss assessment due to various weather-related disasters. Because satellite images can be costly, the design will focus on cost effectiveness and a possibility of leveraging on the census cartography (Activity 1.2.3). Results and lessons from the pilot will be incorporated in the next agricultural census 2029/30. It will be carried out in consultation with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). ❖ Subcomponent 1.2 Social statistics (US$ 6 million) ➢ Activity 1.2.1 Annual labor force survey. The project will finance the annual labor force survey (ALFS) 2024 – 2027 to develop and establish a tool for regular welfare and labor market monitoring. Previously, the LSB has conducted the LFS on an irregular basis in 2010, 2017 and 2022 with data collection running for 1-2 months. Annual labor market statistics such as employment and unemployment reported by the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare are projections based on the latest LFS and other economic indicators. The ALFS will help in monitoring changes in unemployment, sectoral employment, occupations, skills mismatch, and migration, and serve the national accounts compilation (e.g., income data). It will also help policymakers gain a better understanding of labor market adjustments to economic shocks or labor market policies such as a minimum wage increase. The activity includes survey design, data collection, data analysis, and dissemination. Technical assistance on survey design will focus on cost effectiveness and sustainability of survey implementation, support to the national accounts compilation (Activity 1.1.1), complementarity with the enterprise survey (Activity 1.1.3) and the household expenditure and consumption survey (Activity 1.2.2), and capability to scale up to the quarterly LFS (QLFS) and to serve as a welfare monitoring too during crisis or emergency. Field activities will be implemented during a 12-month period, which allows the ALFS to be easily scaled up to the QLFS. ➢ Activity 1.2.2 Household expenditure and consumption survey. The project will finance the implementation of the Lao Expenditure and Consumption Survey 2023/24 (LECS 7), following LECS 6 which was conducted in 2018/19. In addition to measuring poverty and welfare, LECS 7 will be used for rebasing GDP (Activity 1.1.1), improving GDP by expenditure estimates (Activity 1.1.1), and updating the CPI basket (Activity 1.1.2). Building on the LECS Advisory Note prepared by the World bank in 2021, the project will support technical assistance to review the questionnaire to improve poverty and welfare measurement as well as information collected for national accounts and CPI and pilots of Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 83 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) the recommended changes in the questionnaire design to evaluate the effects of the new design and/or methodology. 4 Additionally, an interim household survey is needed to increase the frequency of poverty monitoring to every three years as per the recommendation in the LECS Advisory Note. 5 The project will finance the activity to develop and establish the interim household survey. Technical assistance will focus on cost saving methodologies in the design and collection of the survey such as sample size and depth or breadth of topics while ensuring comparability of the poverty estimates. This activity also includes data collection, data analysis and dissemination of both LECS 7 2023/24 and interim household survey 2026. ➢ Activity 1.2.3 Census cartography. The project will finance the census cartography for the Population and Housing Census 2025 (PHC 2025). According to the PHC 2025 plan prepared by UNFPA, two digital innovations will be introduced to the PHC 2025: i) CAPI data collection; and ii) digital census maps. These digital enumeration maps will be installed on the tablets and integrated with the digital questionnaires. The project will support in producing the geocoded maps of housing, health facilities, schools, forests, and infrastructures of the country. These maps can be used for evaluating risk-prone areas and access to public services, enabling better and more targeted policy response in the event triggered by natural hazards. They can also be used to support other censuses and surveys. Because the LSB has little experience in the mapping exercise, this activity will be implemented in close collaboration with the National Geographic Department (NGD), Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) and supported by staff training and recruitment (Subcomponent 3.1). ➢ Activity 1.2.4 Gender statistics. The project will support strengthening production and dissemination of gender statistics. This activity will be carried out in collaboration with the World Bank Strengthening Gender Statistics (SGS) project implemented by the World Bank Gender Group, Poverty and Inequality Global Practice, and Development Data Group’s Living Standards Measurement Study team. 6 The SGS team has conducted preliminary assessment and identification of the gaps in gender statistics with a focus on survey design and post-survey data dissemination and analysis, particularly in areas of ownership of productive assets, access to more and better jobs, and entrepreneurship. The team will provide technical assistance to support in improving survey instruments, producing gender statistics factbooks, and training on gender concepts, analysis, and report writing. This activity will complement the SGS project in designing and implementing the labor force 4 The note was prepared by the World Bank’s Development Economics Data Group to provide recommendations and guidance for collecting household survey data more frequently, in a resource efficient manner, that allows for effective use of data by policy makers. The note informs the re-design of the LECS implementation schedule and questionnaire modules. 5 The World Bank recommends that countries conduct one survey at least every three years. 6 The World Bank Strengthening Gender Statistics project, with support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, partners with National Statistical Offices in twelve IDA-19 countries to support the production of gender data in the economic domain. The project is expected to end in December 2023, with possibility of extension. Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 84 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) and enterprise surveys that incorporate a gender lens, and in financing production and dissemination of gender statistics factbooks and gender analysis. Component 2: Enhancing use of statistics (US$ 7 million) The objective of this component is to enhance use of statistics produced by the LSS through data integration and dissemination. This component also lays a groundwork for the modernization of the LSB and the LSS through piloting data integration and making an investment in an early development of the four pillars for a data governance and management architecture: i) standards and protocols; ii) data management team; iii) ICT infrastructure; and iv) data literacy. This component operationalizes the 2017 Statistics Law that assigns the LSB the responsibility to provide quality assurance and technical endorsement to statistics produced by the LSS as well as to collect, consolidate, and request statistics from the line ministries and to disseminate them at the national level. It is made up of three subcomponents: i) Data integration; ii) Data dissemination; and iii) ICT infrastructure. ❖ Subcomponent 2.1 Data integration (US$ 1 million) ➢ Activity 2.1.1 Integrated data platform. The project will pilot an integrated data platform hosted by the LSB. The platform will be designed and implemented to store census and survey data collected by the LSB and selected administrative data from line ministries including the Ministries of Finance, Planning and Investment, Industry and Commerce, Home Affairs, and Labour and Social Welfare, and Bank of Lao PDR, and selected administrative data from provincial statistics centers in Vientiane Capital, Oudomxay, Vientiane, and Champasack. Priority was given to line ministries and provincial statistics centers whose information system is well-developed or has been supported by the World Bank projects (Figure A1-2 and Table A1-2). 7 Under this activity, the project will finance the designing and overall implementation of the platform. The design will consider data deposit workflow, data management and storage, data access, and data security. The implementation will also be supported by the data sharing policy framework (Activity 2.1.2), the quality assessment framework (Activity 2.1.3), data management team (Activity 2.1.4), and ICT infrastructure (Subcomponent 2.3). By facilitating data sharing, an integrated data platform will support the SNA implementation and improve the timeliness of SNA statistics. 7 The four provincial statistics centers were set up under the LAOSTAT 2013 – 17. Infrastructure investment at the provincial and district levels will not be covered by this project. Instead, it is expected that vertical data integration and relevant infrastructure investment will be supported by loans from the Government of Hungary. Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 85 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Figure A1-2 Integrated data platform TABLE A1-2 PILOT ADMINISTRATIVE DATA FOR AN INTEGRATED DATA PLATFORM Ministry/Organization Data World Bank projects Bank of Lao PDR • Balance of Payment (BOP) - • International Investment Position (IIP) Ministry of Finance • Government finance statistics Enhancing Public Finance (GFS) Management through • Public and external debt Information and • Tax and custom Communication Technology and Skills (P167534) Ministry of Planning and • Investment - Investment • SEZ investment Ministry of Industry and • Enterprise registration Lao PDR Competitiveness and Commerce Trade Project (P164813) Ministry of Home Affairs • Vital statistics Lao PDR Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Project (P167601) Ministry of Labour and • Labor market indicators Lao PDR Priority Skills for Social Welfare Growth (P172774) ➢ Activity 2.1.2 Data Sharing Framework (DSF). The project will finance technical assistance to review and improve the data sharing policy and procedure framework between government agencies and between government and non-government agencies, including Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 86 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) an MOU template for data sharing. The framework will consider formats, quality, timeliness, metadata, data protection, etc. ➢ Activity 2.1.3 Data Quality Assessment Framework (DQAF). The project will finance technical assistance to prepare a quality assessment framework for the LSS based on the United Nations (UN) statistical principles and international best practices. Principles, guidelines, and toolkits for quality control of statistics produced by the LSS will be developed. This activity also includes technical assistance to implement quality control with the pilot administrative data, assess their quality, and propose improvement plans. It will complement an implementation of the in-house quality control funded by the Government of Luxembourg. ➢ Activity 2.1.4 Capacity building for data management. This activity supports investments in human resources and provides training to increase the capacity of LSB staff to implement quality control and manage data stored in the integrated data platform. ❖ Subcomponent 2.2 Data dissemination (US$ 3 million) ➢ Activity 2.2.1 Centralized data portal. A centralized data portal will be set up as a one-stop shop where public users can access data and statistics. The activity also includes integrating or linking the existing but fragmented portals (, LAOSIS, SDG Open data, LAOINFO). The portal will build on the integrated data platform (Activity 2.1.1) and use data visualization to enhance data dissemination and make data access easier and more user friendly. For example, an interface for labor market monitoring can be developed utilizing labor force survey data and administrative data from the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare. Microdata library will be included providing a catalogue, documentation, and access to public-use and restricted-use microdata files. ➢ Activity 2.2.2 Communication and dissemination. The project will finance technical assistance and training to support economic and microdata dissemination. This includes updating the data dissemination strategy, producing metadata, anonymizing microdata, documenting microdata, and producing public-use and restricted-use files for dissemination. This activity will also support production of statistics, publications, and video for disseminating through the centralized data portal (Activity 2.2.1) and dissemination activities. Communication activities such as advertising the census and survey fieldwork and publication through traditional media and social media, press releases and interviews about new data and survey results will also be provided. ➢ Activity 2.2.3 User engagement and data literacy. The project will finance technical assistance to develop the LSS’s user engagement strategy and activities to promote user engagement as outlined by the strategy. These include but not restricted to implementing a biannual user satisfaction survey and collecting website feedback to gauge the value of their products to users and use these surveys to improve outreach, publications, and dissemination activities. The key respondents of this survey will include ministerial departments, international organizations, academia, and the private sector. The results from these surveys will inform the areas where more work needs to be done and will help improve the work program of LSB in subsequent years. Additionally, the project will Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 87 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) finance activities to build data literacy among statistical users such as government officials, senior leaders, members of the National Assembly, and public users. These include but not restricted to delivering the customized and contextualized data use and literacy program, developed by the World Bank’s Development Data Group, to the target audience. The program aims to broadly expand and enable data access, consumption, and use for decision-making at all levels through a combination of skills development, institutional strengthening, and behavior change engagements. ➢ Activity 2.2.4 e-GDDS and advance release calendar. This activity will complement activities under Subcomponent 1.1 and Subcomponent 1.2 to improve the availability and timeliness of core statistics. The project will finance technical assistance to develop an advance release calendar (ARC) outlining the schedule of release of core statistics to the public. At present, only CPI has a release calendar, which the LSB was able to adhere to most of the times. ARC is encouraged under the e-GDDS and required under the SDDS. Under this project, ARC will be developed considering three aspects: i) the periodicity and timeliness suggested by the e-GDDS; ii) the LSB’s capacity to adhere to ARC to ensure that its credibility and accountability will be improved rather than undermined; and iii) a standard that meets the requirements for the SDDS subscription. ❖ Subcomponent 2.3 ICT infrastructure (US$ 3 million). The project will finance technical assistance to assess the LSB’s ICT capacity and develop an ICT plan to support the modernization of the LSB and the LSS. The project will also finance investment to update and improve existing infrastructure (e.g., PCs, tablets, printers, software licenses, network connection, data center, etc.) and to modernize ICT infrastructure. The new infrastructure will support the LSB in moving to a hybrid data center architecture (a combination of cloud-based and on-premises infrastructures), managing the integrated data platform, implementing the centralized data portal, and responding to the increasing demand for data security. This activity will complement investment in ICT infrastructure for a vertically integrated data system funded by the Government of Hungary. Component 3: Strengthening institutional capacity and project management (US$ 3 million) ❖ Subcomponent 3.1 Strengthening institutional capacity (US$ 1.2 million) ➢ Activity 3.1.1 Statistics law and SDNSS 2026 – 2035. The project will finance technical assistance to review the 2017 statistics law and provide recommendations for an amendment of the law to strengthen the LSB’s mandate to lead and coordinate the LSS toward modernization. The activity also includes technical assistance to evaluate the implementation of the SDNSS 2016 – 2025 and Vision 2030, assess the LSB’s readiness to implement different aspects of modernization, and identify managerial bottlenecks, inadequacies in the organizational structure, human resources and ICT infrastructure, and budgeting inefficiencies among others. Incorporating lessons learned and findings from the assessments, a new draft SDNSS 2026-2035 and Vision 2040 will be prepared in line with the LSS modernization agenda. ➢ Activity 3.1.2 Human resources development and capacity building. The project will Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 88 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) finance an implementation of the human resources strategy which is expected to be completed in 2024.8 The activity will support investments in building human capacity of existing LSB staff and potential staff. Financing will be provided to support development of a learning plan for existing staff and implementation of the priority trainings identified such as data science, macroeconomic modelling and forecasting, sampling and statistics, statistical analysis, R&D, information technology, management, and language. T he LSB’s participation in international cooperation missions and knowledge-sharing events will also be financed. Through collaboration with academic institutions, this activity will support internship programs for students and young researchers, update the curriculum for high- demand subject areas such as data science, and upgrade data labs for college students allowing them to have better access to data for policy research. ❖ Subcomponent 3.2 Project management (US$ 1.8 million) ➢ Project planning and management will be supported by the provision of technical advisory services, training, operating costs, and the acquisition of goods. Successful implementation of the project requires a dedicated PIU staffed with a project coordinator as well as specialists in financial management (FM), procurement, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), IT, and environmental and social safeguards. The unit will be supported by international consultants, as needed, with a focus on building capacity of the PIU over the initial phase of the project. It is important to bring in adequate procurement support to assist the PIU in establishing and implementing a twinning arrangement which is complicated and time consuming. To facilitate and guide day-today operations, a Project Operations Manual (POM) will be developed and adopted prior to project effectiveness. This subcomponent will also finance regular financial auditing, both internal and external. ➢ CERC zero component: This component will provide immediate response to an eligible crisis or emergency, as needed. In the event of an eligible crisis or emergency, the World Bank to re-allocate project funds to support emergency response and recovery. 8 Preparation of the strategy is supported by the Government of Luxembourg. Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 89 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) ANNEX 2 NATIONAL LAWS AND REGULATAIONS The Law on Environmental Protection, No. 29/NA, dated 18 December 2012 defines principles, regulations and measures related to protection, control, preservation and rehabilitation of the environment, in order to ensure environmental quality, reduction of impacts and pollution created by human activities. • Article 12 promotes the creation of a green, clean and beautiful environment free of pollution as a cornerstone in environmental management. Article 82 assigns village authorities with the duty to keep the village green, clean and beautiful and to protect streams and community forest. • Article 23, 24, 25, 26 stipulate general requirements to develop and implement environmental management and monitoring plans, use clean technology and comply with the environmental standards, prevent and control pollution and clean-up and rehabilitate the environment in case of accidental release of hazardous chemicals. Articles 33, 34, 35 contain general requirement to strictly comply with the National Environmental Quality Standards and the National Pollution Control Standards. Article 38, 39 and 40 define general requirements to handle, treat and dispose general waste and hazardous waste in accordance with specific regulations; and to control and monitor potential pollution. Article 52 sets out general obligations to use and manage natural resources in a sustainable manner, to assess potential impacts and protect natural resources, pay royalties and service fees. • Article 21 and 22 require certain types of investment projects to conduct either an IEE or EIA and to prepare an IEE/EIA report for review and approval by MONRE (EIA) or PONRE (IEE). • Article 79 establishes the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) as the lead environmental authority and regulator with the responsibility to implement the ESIA System and to inspect and ensure that the environmental and social impacts from investment projects are mitigated. The Decree on Environmental Impact Assessment No. 21/PMO of 31 January 2019 defines the principles, regulations, and procedures on management, monitoring, and inspection of EIA to prevent, reduce, or restore negative environmental impacts and to ensure that the affected people are compensated and assisted in restoring and improving their living conditions. Article 9 categorizes projects in IEE (Group 1) type projects and EIA (Group 2) type projects. Articles 19 to 30 provide procedures for undertaking an EIA including the review and approval process and appointment of a panel of expert to assist with the technical review. Articles 36-39 include provisions on public involvement during the EIA process and project implementation. The decree sets out the investment projects’ responsibilities for preparing and complying with their IEE/EIAs, and for monitoring and reporting on environmental impacts and mitigation measures. Ministerial Agreement No 8056/MONRE of 17 December 2013 determines the type and size of projects that shall undertake an IEE, EIA or none. The Law on Disaster Management, No. 15/NA, dated 24/06/2019 determines the principles, regulations and measures on disaster risk management to enforce the effective, efficient and proactive actions, under the provision of information in a prompt, accurate manner. Accordingly, it aimed at Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 90 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) establish an active surveillance to decrease the impacts of disasters to health, lives, assets, public properties, people, environment and infrastructure, as well as the post-disaster recovery, rehabilitation and renovation. This also includes the connection with regional and international stakeholders, in order to contribute to the socio-economic development towards the green growth, sustainability and prosperity. The Decree on National Environmental Standards, No. 81/GOL dated 21 February 2017 determines ambient environmental quality standards and emission limit values for air, noise, and wastewater emission from different types of activities Ministerial Instruction on Hazardous Waste Management No: 0744/MONRE dated 11 February 2015 identifies and classifies hazardous waste, includes provisions on import, export, transfer, storage, use, recycling and disposal of hazardous waste. The objective is to prevent and reduce the generation of hazardous waste. Lao Labour Law, No. 43 NA, 24 December 2013 defines the principles, regulations and measures on administration and monitoring of labour skills development, recruitment, and labour protection in order to enhance the quality and productivity of work in society. Article 5 requires that all working conditions are safe, that salary or wages paid are in full, and that all responsibilities in regard to social insurance are implemented for the employees. Article 59 stipulates prohibits unauthorized forced labour in any form. Article 119 requires employers to maintain a safe workplace and ensure good work conditions for the health of the employees, and to provide appropriate facilitation of welfare for employees in the workplace. The employer shall supply information, recommendations, training and protection for employees so that they may undertake their work safely. The employer shall supply individual safety gear to employees in full and in good condition according to international standards. Article 122 requires that the employer must inspect and assess risks to safety and health of the workplace regularly and report the results to the Labour Inspection Agency at least once per year. Article 123: Companies with 100 or less employees must have at least one employee responsible for labour health and safety. Companies with over one hundred employees must appoint a unit and in case of necessity, a safety and health board responsible for labour health and safety shall be established. Article 124: Companies with fifty or more employees must have a medical practitioner. Article 125: Workplace accident or occupational disease that causes major injury or death, must be reported to the Labour Administration Agency within three days. Article 128: If an employee is injured as a result of a labour accident or occupational disease, the employer or social insurance implementation agency must take responsibility for the cost of treatment as determined in the Law on Social Insurance. The Decree on Occupational Health and Safety No 22/GOL of 5 February 2019 requires employers to provide annual health check-ups for its employees. Employers shall record work accidents and occupational diseases and report to the Labour Management Authorities. An employer or the social security organization is responsible for covering the cost of treatment, allowances and compensation to victims of work accidents or occupational diseases. The 1992 ethnic group policy, ‘Resolution of the Party Central Organization Concerning Ethnic Group Affairs in the New Era’, focuses on gradually improving the lives of ethnic groups while promoting their ethnic identity and cultural heritage. It is the cornerstone of the national ethnic group policy. The policy addresses key issues to related national identity and equality between all ethnic groups in Lap PDR, with the objective to increase the level of solidarity among ethnic groups as members of the greater Lao Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 91 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) family and improve the living conditions and social welfare of ethnic group women and children step by step. Article 12 of the Government Decree on Ethnic Groups No. 207/GOL , issued on 20 March 2020, addresses education. Article 12 Point 1 requires improvement and development of infrastructure related to education to cover all and allow access by rural, remote communities. Point 2 requires that poor ethnic groups be provided with free access to education so that poor children are able to enter schools. Point 3 requires improvement in teachers’ capacity and allocation of suitable teachers to meet the actual needs of ethnic group students in remote locations. It also requires emphasis on ethnic group teachers as well as improvement and adjustment of teachers’ knowledge and teaching techniques for both single-class and multi-age/multi-grade classes. This Decree covers all aspects of basic social welfare for ethnic groups. For instance: • Article 13: Access to health care, Point 3: Free health services for the poor, especially childbirth and for children under 5 • Article 13: Point 5: Help ethnic women and children access full health care • Article 13: Point 11: Raise awareness in ethnic communities of the negative impact of early marriage • Article 18: Access to legal information and justice, Point2: Promote and help poor, vulnerable and disabled ethnic people to access to legal information and justice • Article 19: Human resources development, Point5: Promote and support women’s and men’s knowledge and ability for the development of future generations. The Law on Hygiene, Prevention and Health Promotion (Amended 2011) focuses on controlling the elements of the environment which are dangerous or may be dangerous to the body, to mental health and social status of human. This law promotes investment in health and hygiene prevention, addresses community health and hygiene, and ensures that all building construction includes hygiene principles. It also requires health and hygiene in the workplace for workers and states that all facilities must put in place wastewater and solid waste management, and anti-fire systems. The Law on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Children (VAWC), No. 56/NA 2014 defines the principles, rules and measures for preventing and combating VAWC by prevention, protection, provision of assistance to victims of violence and handling of such violence to protect the rights and legitimate interests of women and children; aims to eliminate all forms of VAWC, uphold the roles and dignity of women and children, achieve gender equality, and contribute to developing society in order to maintain peace, public order, solidarity, justice and civilization, and protect and develop the country. The Law is designed to specifically address VAWC that results in or is likely to result in danger, harm, or physical, psychological, sexual, property or economic suffering by women and children. The Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Children No. 05/NA, 2006 defines principles, rules and measures relating to the administration, monitoring and inspection of the implementation of the protection of the rights and interests of multi-ethnic children. These include measures against those committing offenses toward children, in order to ensure that children are whole in body, mind and spirit, so that they have good attitudes, knowledge and ability and are able to live good lives and become good successors of the nation. Article 26 on children’s education says that the State has policies to Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 92 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) promote and create conditions to ensure that children receive education by expanding formal education, professional training centers and skills training centers provided by both the State and the private sector, and by providing sufficient teachers, textbooks and materials. The Law on the Development and Protection of Women and Children (2004) is designed to guarantee and promote the roles of women, to define fundamental measures for developing and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of women, and to define the responsibilities of the State, society and family toward women. It has the following aims: promoting the knowledge, capability and revolutionary ethic of women; gender equality; eliminating all forms of discrimination against women; and preventing and combating trafficking in women and children, and domestic VAWC. This is in order to create conducive conditions for women to participate and be a force in national defence and development. The law defines sexual violence as ‘an act or attempted act that results in harm to the sexual rights of women and children such as rape, forced sex, any act of obscenity, sexually indecent assault, unwanted sexual comments or sexual touching; or the sending of women or children to another person for sexual purposes. The law encompasses domestic and public violence, including in educational institutions, workplaces and alternative care settings. The Law on Anti-Trafficking in Persons, No. 73/NA of 17 December 2015 defines the principles, rules and measures regarding the administration, monitoring, supervision, inspection of anti-trafficking in persons to protect the rights, interests, lives, health, dignity, freedom of the citizens and to preserve national traditions and customs aiming at keeping the society safe and secure, in good order and contributing to the national development and protection. The law sets out preventive measures and enforcement measures to combat trafficking of persons and includes provisions on victim protection, compensation and assistance. The Ministry of Education and Sport is responsible for creating conditions which enable Lao citizens, notably women and children living in remote areas, to have access to basic general education and to prevent school children and students from becoming the victims of trafficking, and for incorporating anti-trafficking measures in educational curriculums; and creating favourable conditions for the victims to continue their education free of charge. Lao PDR has adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) , which outlines the fundamental rights of children including the right to be protected from economic exploitation and harmful work, from all forms of SEA, and from physical or mental violence, as well as ensuring that children will not be separated from their family against their will. These rights are further refined by two Optional Protocols, one on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography; and the other on the involvement of children in armed conflict. Lao PDR adopted the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women in 1981. This testifies to the country’s political will to work in partnership with the international community to advance and protect the legitimate interests of Lao women in general and women of all ethnic groups in particular. In conjunction with the protection and promotion of women’s rights in political and socioeconomic fields, the Government of Lao PDR has given due attention to establishing a domestic legal system that will gradually meet international standards. The Family Law (1990) states that ‘the husband and wife have equal rights in all aspects within the family. The husband and wife together make decisions on their own family matters, and are mutually obliged to love, show mutual respect and share a joint obligation for child-rearing and education and build a genuine family bond, happiness and advancement’ (Article 13). In addition to these laws and Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 93 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) regulations, the Government of Lao PDR has expressed its commitment to promoting gender equality in a number of policy documents. It approved the Development Plan for Lao Women (1998–2003), which led to the National Commission for the Advancement of Women, Mothers and Children being established in 2003. The plan has been revised every five years and includes goals and programs to promote Lao women’s legal awareness; and to improve their education, skill levels, health, nutrition, and income-generating opportunities, as well as to reduce their workload. The law on Lao Women Union (No. 31/NA, 2013) addresses the government of Lao PDR promotes the development, protection and advancement of women and support their participation, decision-making and equitable benefit-sharing in all development activities according to the Article 4. The Law on Lao Front for National Development, No. 49/NA, issues on 20 August 2018 defines religious leaders on regular basis to give advice on matters pertinent to religious freedom and faith of the Lao people aiming to ensure solidarity, unity and make religious activities are in line with religious principles, the national constitution and laws, in particular, the Prime Ministerial Decree No. 92 on management 3 and protection of religious activities in the Lao P.D.R. In case there is some misunderstanding on religious matter in some locality, and to meet with religious leaders and local administrative authority to together solve the problem peacefully. The Ethnic Groups Committee under the National Assembly is charged with drafting and evaluating proposed legislation concerning ethnic groups and lobbying for its implementation, as well as the implementation of socioeconomic development plans. Ethnic group research is the responsibility of the Institute for Cultural Research under the Ministry of Information and Culture. The lead institution for ethnic affairs is the mass (political) organization, the Lao National Front for Construction, which has an Ethnic Affairs Department. The Law on Health Care, No. 58/NA, dated 24 December 2014 determines the principles, regulations and different measures relating to the organization, activities, management and control of health care activities, in order to ensure that all citizens, families and communities have access to equal, full, equitable and quality health care services, and to protect the rights and interests of health care professional workers, with the aim of increasingly developing modern health care services to enable all citizens to have good health and to be able to effectively contribute to the protection and development of the nation. The Law on Hygiene, Prevention and Health Promotion (Amended 2011) focuses on controlling the elements of the environment which are dangerous or may be dangerous to the body, to mental health and social status of human. This law promotes investment in health and hygiene prevention, addresses community health and hygiene, and ensures that all building construction includes hygiene principles. It also requires health and hygiene in the workplace for workers and states that all facilities must put in place wastewater and solid waste management, and anti-fire systems. The Law on Prevention of HIV Disease, dated 01/NA issues on 29 June 2010 defines effective principles, regulations, measures, management and monitoring of HIV/AIDS control and prevention in order to reduce HIV infection, and AIDS with the aim to promote good health and a HIV free environment among all Lao people, so that they can contribute to the development and the protection of the country. The Law on Prevention and Control of Communicable Disease, 19 December 2017 determines the principles, regulations and measures on the management, monitoring, and supervision of prevention Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 94 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) and control of communicable disease, to ensure its implementation in a constant and quality manner, with the aim to prevent the incidence and prevalence of disease, decrease sickness and deaths to all populations which are applicable at regional and international levels, so that they can effectively contribute to the protection and development of the nation. GoL Policy, Guidelines and Procedure to combat COVID-19, Since March 2020, considering the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic in neighbouring countries such as China, Thailand, Vietnam, and others, the GOL took strict actions to prevent infection within Lao PDR. Three policy and guideline were issued on 13 March 2020 to control COVID-19 transmission and infection i.e. (a) guideline on prevention of the transmission and infection of COVID-19 at international airport, land border, and transportation stations; (b) guideline on prevention of the transmission and infection of COVID-19 at suspected to be infected area or temporary quarantine center; and (c) guideline on prevention of the transmission and infection of COVID-19 at public place (hotel, guesthouse, offices, schools, and others). On 29 March 2020, the Prime Minister issue an Order on Reinforcement Measures on Containment, prevention and full response to the COVID-19 pandemic (No. 06/PM, Vientiane Capital). Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 95 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) ANNEX 3 INELIGIBLE/NEGATIVE CRITERIA LIST The following activities are ineligible for financing under the Project: 1) Production and/or trading of tobacco or any products containing tobacco and alcoholic beverages; 2) Gambling, casinos and equivalent enterprises; 3) Production and/or trading in weapons and munitions; 4) Using asbestos as construction material; 5) Using raw material and/or hazardous & toxic (Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun/B3) wastes in large quantities. The project cannot finance activities which uses, produces, stores or transports raw material and hazardous & toxic waste such as toxic substance, material which may cause fire or explosion; 6) Siting and/or actions which could potentially destroy protected and biodiversity sensitive areas, natural habitat and/or critical natural habitat. The Project cannot finance activities that is located within, adjacent to or traversing protected areas and biodiversity sensitive areas such as natural conservation areas, protected forests etc. or any activity which may alter the function or effectiveness of protected and sensitive areas, cause adverse impact to biodiversity and habitats. Further on protection of biodiversity and habitats, especially vulnerable and endangered species listed in the criteria and categories of the International Union Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List and Annex 1 and 2 of the Convention on International Trade Endangered Species (CITES). Additionally, the Project cannot finance any sub-project or activity which causes significant conversion and/or degradation of the natural habitat or any critical natural habitat environment including those of terrestrial, coastal and marine ecosystems that have High Conservation Value, essential ecosystem areas, significant biodiversity and / or protected conservation zones; 7) Siting and/or actions which could potentially destroy cultural conservation areas. The Project must not finance any project which degrades or destroys cultural value of a cultural conservation area, not only limited to artefact and cultural structure, but also locations considered sacred or having high spiritual value for local people. In the contract agreement with the contractor, there must be provisions and guideline concerning what measures must be taken if these artefacts and structures are found within the project site; 8) Siting and/or actions which could potentially result in land acquisition or involuntary resettlement under eminent domain principle. The project cannot finance activities that result in the forced evictions or physical or economic displacement of the affected communities, including indigenous and tribal peoples, and activities that may constrain or terminate access of local communities to land or resources that they traditionally use; 9) Using excessive timber, water and energy. The project cannot finance activities that utilize the excessive use of natural resources with large civil works; 10) Using timber from illegal logging. The Project must not finance infrastructure related to or support illegal logging; Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 96 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) 11) Employment of child labor and forced labor and against national labor law and local labor regulation. The Project cannot finance activities involving any forms of child labor. A child for this project refers to anyone below the age of 18 years old. Related to forced labor, the project cannot finance activities involving any forms of forced labor, and also trafficked persons, includes the practice of the bonded /indentured labor, excessive limitations of freedom of movement, excessive notice periods, physical punishment, use of security or other personnel to force or extract work from project workers, or other restrictions that compel a project worker to work in a non-voluntary basis. The Project also cannot finance activities involving work without formal contractual agreements that comply with GoL regulations, including with donors, intermediary and / or channelling agencies, and beneficiaries; 12) Production and/or trading in radioactive materials. This does not apply to the purchase of medical equipment, quality control (measurement) equipment and any equipment where the International Finance Corporation (IFC) considers the radioactive source to be trivial and/or adequately shielded; 13) Production and/or trading in any product or activity deemed illegal under host country laws or regulations or international conventions and agreements, or subject to international bans, such as pharmaceuticals, pesticides/herbicides, ozone depleting substances, PCB's, wildlife or products regulated under CITES; 14) Involving traditional mining practice which uses the prohibited substances, e.g., mercury, other radioactive substances; 15) Utilization of stone / minerals from illegal mining (unable to show a copy of the mining permit issued by the relevant agency); 16) Drift net fishing in the marine environment using nets in excess of 2.5 km. in length; 17) Involving activities that relates to infrastructure development located in international water area, disputed area, and/or on land that cannot prove clean and clear status; 18) Involving activities related to local political parties. The project will not finance any activities that support political activities such as political candidate’s campai gn; 19) Large civil works; 20) Procurement of hazardous substances in large quantities; 21) Land acquisition and resettlements; 22) Activities that may have adverse impacts on indigenous people; and 23) Other activities involving higher risks (e.g., traditional mining, industrial-based livelihood, large scale commercial plantation or excessive use of resources). Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 97 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) ANNEX 4 E-WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN Document Approvals No. Component Name Signature Date 1 CIA 2 PIU- A4.1 Activity Schedule Estimated Start Date: Enter Date Substantial Completion Date: Enter Date Anticipated Hauling Schedule, if applicable: MM-YYYY to MM-YYYY (include allowable days and times for hauling) A4.2 E-Waste Management Guidelines In the development of the e-waste management plan, the Project will take into consideration uncertainties on how well potential e-waste recycling companies manage waste, emissions and health and safety; the current general lack of environmentally safe disposal sites for hazardous waste; and that in the near future, controlled landfills with much greater environment protection than the current dumpsites will be operational with support from ADB. A4.3 Implementation of this E-Waste Management Plan The Project Implementation Unit (PIU) (under LSB) with the technical support from E&S consultants will be responsible for will be responsible for planning, supervision, training/capacity building, coordination, monitoring and reporting of this E-waste management plan. The Component Implementing Agencies (CIA) include LSB departments, line ministries and statistical centers at the provincial level as well as the supply and installation companies will be responsible for implementation and regular reporting of this E-waste management plan to PIU. The responsible agencies in implementation of the E-waste management plan are provided in Table A4-1 below. Activities Responsible agencies Avoidance and minimization of e-waste PIU, CIA, the supply and installation companies Provide temporary Storage of E-waste PIU, CIA, the supply and installation companies Implement packaging waste management PIU, CIA, the supply and installation companies Carry out E-waste recycling and disposal Authorised recycle companies and Urban Development Administration Authority (UDAA) Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 98 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Activities Responsible agencies Implement data security PIU and CIA Conduct training and Awareness Raising PIU Develop and implement specific E-Waste PIU and CIA Management Plan Provide facilities for temporary storage of E- PIU, CIA, the supply and installation companies waste Implement emergency procedure PIU, CIA, the supply and installation companies Emergency response procedures is provided in Section A3-12 below and more details on incident/accident reporting procedure and form are provided in Section 9.4 of this main ESMP and Annex 5 LMP (A5.10). A4.4 Avoidance and minimization of e-waste a) Develop and implement a procurement policy for electrical and electronic equipment that: • requires products to be in compliance with EU Directive 2002/95/EC on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment. With certain exemptions, this EU directive requires that new electrical and electronic equipment put on the market does not contain lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) or polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE). • requires products to be in compliance with EU Directive 2009/125/EC on establishing a framework for setting of eco-design requirements for energy-related products. To be considered, the product should have the CE marking as required by the Directive, whereby the manufacturer or its authorised representative ensures and declares that the product complies with all relevant provisions of the applicable implementing measure of the Directive. b) Appoint an officer responsible for determining when an electrical or electronic equipment has reached its end-of-life. c) d) Develop methods to extend the life of electrical or electronic equipment. This could include handing over to other users. This should include a procedure to check if the equipment could be used in another department, training institute or job centre – or handed over to students for use at their home/accommodation. Electronic equipment that has been handed over should be tacked so that once the end-of-life has been reached, the equipment will be recycled/disposed of appropriately.Purchase printer cartridges from suppliers that will take back the used cartridges for remanufacturing. In this way, the entire shell of the cartridge, which is made of plastic is used again instead of being recycled or disposed of at a landfill. Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 99 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) e) Ensure Extended Producer Responsibility clause is to be integrated in the supply and installation contracts such as the supplier could be made responsible for: (i) buy back of old equipment or take out for safe disposal; and (ii) extended responsibility of end of life collection and safe disposal of equipment. A4.5 Temporary Storage of E-waste a) E-waste should be stored in a well-ventilated room with impervious surface in a dry atmosphere at room temperature, not exposed to sunlight or rainfall. The equipment should be stored on pallets or shelves. b) Fragile equipment such as computer monitors (Cathode Ray Tube, CRT) and fluorescent lamps should be carefully handled and stored to avoid damages (e.g., put in the original packing). c) E-waste should not be stored together with other waste types. d) Batteries should be disconnected from the products. e) Lithium batteries should be stored in a way that ensures that the battery terminals do not get in contact with any metals or other battery terminals. f) There should be no dismantling of electronic or electrical products. g) E-waste should be stored for as short a period as practicable. A4.6 Packaging waste management The measure for handling the package waste that will be generated with ICT installations or repairs are summarised below: a) Include resource efficiency and pollution prevention and management measures (effective use of resources, reuse of recyclables, management of packaging wastes). This includes but limited to: • The use of energy efficient equipment; and proper use and regular inspection of ICT equipment to minimize replacement of ICT equipment; • Proper segregation and storage of packaging wastes for reuse by suppliers and recyclables (selling to the licensed recyclable companies) to minimize packaging wastes to be disposed at the designated landfill; • Include “Green, Recyclables, and Reusable Packaging” as part of ES specifications for the supply contract. b) Taking initiative action through procurement and supply chain system by taking into account “Green, Recyclables, and Reusable Packaging” (where feasible). c) Engage, communicate and include the initiative action “Green, Recyclables, and Reusable Packaging” as part of ES specification for the supply contract which includes but not limited to the followings: Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 100 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) • Identify areas to eliminate or reduce plastic in the supply chains; • Packaging goods or equipment in one container (where feasible) to avoid packaging waste; • Encourage the use of biodegradable, returnable and reusable packaging containers reduces the environmental costs of production and disposal; • Proper storage and disposal of un-reusable packaging wastes. b) Training and awareness raising on the “Green, Recyclables, and Reusable Packaging”, resource efficiency and pollution prevention and management measures for project staffs and suppliers. A4.7 E-Waste Recycling and Disposal a) Identify and categorize the various e-waste types that are likely to be generated under the Project b) Identify suitable e-waste recycling companies that have the necessary government authorizations to recycle the relevant types of e-waste. c) Carry out inspections of pre-selected companies to check that the management of the e-waste is environmentally sound, in accordance with health and safety standards and in compliance with relevant requirements. This should include checking: a. that data storage equipment is physically destroyed b. that e-waste is stored and handled under weatherproof cover c. that the operator keeps a record of final disposal of waste from the dismantling and recycling process d. that final disposal of waste is only done at sites with the required authorization e. that there is appropriate fire prevention and fire-fighting equipment f. that any final disposal is consistent with end-of-life handling instructions in the product declaration g. compliance with restrictions on export of hazardous waste under the Basel Convention h. that emissions and discharges from the operations are monitored for content of hazardous substances and that relevant emission/effluent limit values are complied with i. that the work area is clean and free of dust j. that there is no burning or heating of e-waste components k. that workers are wearing appropriate PPE (protective helmets, protective footwear, protective gloves, eye and face protection, hearing protectors, respirators) l. that dust levels are controlled by local exhaust ventilation. A4.8 Data security d) Before being taken out of use or handed over to other users, all data will be permanently erased from hard drives in computers, smartphones, printers, scanners, copiers and any other electronic equipment that may store data. Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 101 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) e) The IT managers of LSB and MOLSW with technical assistance from the Project will develop the specific procedures for erasing data from electronic equipment. A4.9 Training and Awareness Raising f) Training and awareness raising on proper management of e-waste will be carried out as part of regular office meetings for personnel and at training sessions for project staffs working for the project. g) Key do’s and don’ts include: a. Do’s: • Always dispose e-waste in the designated bins or containers marked “E-Waste” and as specified in the e-waste management plan b. Don’ts: • Do not give e-waste to informal recyclers or unorganized scrap dealers. • Do not dispose e-waste in garbage bins for municipal waste. A4.10 E-Waste Management Plan h) Based on the above guidelines, develop a site-specific E-Waste Management Plan with the following general content: a. E-Waste Management Responsible Unit/Position b. E-waste Management: Table A4-2 List and Description of W-Waste Anticipated Potentia E-Waste Temporary Recycling Final Waste quantity l Transport Reuse Description Storage Company Destination Hazards CRT Monitors LCD/LED Displays Keyboards CPUs Laptops Batteries Cell phones Printers/scanners Printer Cartridges Copy Machines Lamps containing mercury Audio/Video Equipment Wiring Package waste Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 102 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Table A4-3 Material Handling Information9 Material from Table A4-1 On-Site Storage and Handling. Describe any special pollution prevention procedures for use or handling of this material. Describe how material will be stored, protected from rainwater, etc. Identify sensitive site areas or special measures that will be undertaken to protect the environment. Identify contractor responsible for management of material on-site. Company name and phone number Identify hauler(s) responsible for removal of this material from site. Company name and phone number Proposed Destination (landfill, clean fill site, recycling center, etc.). Name, Address, Contact Information and facility waste permit number if applicable. If hauling to an established, commercial materials recovery facility or waste disposal facility, document how all hauling will comply with established haul routes, respective traffic laws, and will commence only during the disposal facility’s hours of operation. If hauling to an off-site land disturbing activity, document how hauling will comply with established haul routes, traffic laws and any restrictions imposed by the affected locality (e.g., only on certain days or times). A4.11 Facilities for Temporary Storage of E-waste d. E-waste collection and transport, recycling and final disposal e. Monitoring and Record keeping A4.12 Emergency Procedure Name of Emergency Procedure procedure To reduce the risk of human life loss and injury and minimize property damage Objective in the event of an emergency situation 9 This will be prepared for each waste item. Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 103 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Name of Emergency Procedure procedure • Environmental and Social Standard 2 Labour and Working Conditions Lao PDR • Law on Hygiene, Prevention and Health Promotion (Amended 2011) Legislation • Decree on Occupational Health and Safety, No. 22/GoL, dated and/or World 05/02/2019 Bank Standard • The Lao Labour Law (2013) Description Preparation PIU, with support from E&S consultants, will develop and conduct training on specific emergency procedures • Notification procedures and list of persons to contact in case of different emergencies • List and contact coordinates for medical facilities and medical professionals • Provision of fire extinguishing equipment • Provision of first aid kit • Identification of a safe place in case evacuation is necessary • Determine emergency levels and thresholds • Regular training and drills with PIU staffs and local emergency agencies (e.g., police, medical facilities, Office of Labour and Social Welfare, Public Health Office) Small spill of • Immediately inform the Foreman flammable or • Eliminate all ignition sources. Stop leak if without risk. Move containers combustible from spill area. liquids • Absorb with an inert material and place in an appropriate waste disposal container. • Use spark-proof tools and explosion-proof equipment. Dispose of via a licensed waste disposal contractor. Large spill of • Evacuate surrounding areas flammable or • Keep unnecessary and unprotected personnel from entering. Do not combustible touch or walk-through spilled material. No flares, smoking or flames in liquids hazard area. Avoid breathing vapor or mist. • Put on appropriate personal protective equipment. Floors may be slippery; use care to avoid falling • Eliminate all ignition sources • Stop leak if without risk • Move containers from spill area Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 104 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Name of Emergency Procedure procedure • Approach release from upwind. Prevent entry into drains, ditches, water courses, or confined areas • Dike spill area and do not allow product to reach ditches, drains or surface or groundwater • Contain and collect spillage with non-combustible, absorbent material e.g., sand or earth • Use spark-proof tools and explosion-proof equipment • Contaminated absorbent material may pose the same hazard as the spilled product • Dispose of the waste as advised by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) • Person on scene shall immediately inform the CIA (appointed persons) • The CIA shall provide immediate first aid and arrange that the injured person is brought to the nearest medical facility • The CIA shall immediately contact a medical professional (from Serious injury predetermined contacts) to get instructions and be advised on which medical facility to which the injured person should be transported • The CIA shall inform the PIU • Follow the reporting procedure and form in Annex 5 LMP (A5.10). • Person observing or being informed about an imminent risk of flooding shall immediately contact the CIA/PIU. • The CIA/Data Collection Team Leader will assess the emergency based on the predetermined emergency levels and threshold and in coordination with the PIU (if contactable) determine the appropriate Flooding during response: field data o Alert and gather all personnel to be ready for evacuation collection o Contact the relevant local emergency agency in accordance with notification and contact procedures as provided in Annex 5 LMP (A5.10) o Arrange immediate evacuation to the predetermined safe place o Inform family (parents or spouse) of injured staffs and will bring the injured staffs to the safe place Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 105 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) ANNEX 5 LABOUR MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES A5.1 Instructions: Site- Specific ESMPs will update this information. Labour Management Procedures (LMP) is mandated by WB ESS2 to identify the main labour requirements and risks associated with a project and to determine the resources necessary to address project labour issues. The LMP is a living document to be reviewed and updated throughout development and implementation of the project. The LMP applies to all project workers, irrespective of contracts being full-time, part-time, temporary or casual. A5.2 USE OF LABOUR IN THE PROJECT The World Bank ESS2 defines four categories of project workers: • Direct workers - people employed or engaged directly by the LSB (including the project proponent and the project implementing agencies) to work specifically in relation to the project. • Contracted workers - people employed or engaged through third parties to perform work related to core functions of the project, regardless of location. These could be either international or national workers. • Community workers - people employed or engaged in providing community labour, generally voluntarily. There will be no community workers engaged on the Project. • Primary supply workers – people employed or engaged by Borrower’s primary suppliers who, on an ongoing basis, provide directly to project goods or materials essential for the core functions of the project. Where government civil servants are working in connection with the project, whether full-time or part-time, they will remain subject to the terms and conditions of their existing public sector employment agreement or arrangement, unless there has been an effective legal transfer of their employment or engagement to the project. The project is expected to have the following type of workers: Table A5-1. Expected Type of Workers Category of worker Estimated Number Characteristics of Project Timing of of Project Workers Workers Labour Requirements Civil servant TBD Workers at the LSB at central, Throughout the provincial and district levels. May whole project also include staff from other line cycle ministries. Project support staff TBD Consultants and supporting staffs Throughout the and consultants such as an ESF consultant. TA and whole project other contracts will also be cycle included. Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 106 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Category of worker Estimated Number Characteristics of Project Timing of of Project Workers Workers Labour Requirements Direct office repair TBD Contractor team engaged to build Project worker/labor small offices and/or ICT centers implementation repair/renovation Contracted workers TBD Civil society, NGO or consultant Project staff may be hired to deliver implementation training activities such as HIV/AIDs or SEA/SH, or conduct additional assessments, ideally Lao and/or Lao-based. The project will ensure that no workers of any type are under than 18 years. There will be no community workers engaged on the Project. A5.3 ASSESSMENT OF KEY POTENTIAL LABOUR RISKS The project will not engage in civil work; however, it will hire a range of workers for the overall delivery of the project, which include districts and villages’ key personal during for instance data collection of population census. The engagement is usually short-term contracts and their presence in the community, including rural villages, may heighten risks of SEA/SH and VAC. Table A5-2: Key potential labour risks Project Activity Key Labour Risks General project • Road travel to provinces (OHS) administration and • Sedentary work (OHS) implementation (hiring of consultants, monitoring and • Air travel (OHS) reporting, financial • Presence of foreign workers management, audits, E&S management, project • Covid-19 transmission risks coordination) • SEA/SA risks for staff, in particular women Collection and use of data • Air/road and train travel (OHS) • Sedentary work (OHS) • Accidents or emergencies (OHS) • Health and safety risks of workplace accidents and injuries, particularly for data user in connection with ICT and service facilities, workplace practice as interns or apprentices (for example the use of mechanical or electrical tools and equipment, handling of hazardous materials, and exposure to zoonotic Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 107 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Project Activity Key Labour Risks diseases10 when managing electronical material) and for data users at ICT centres with potentially hazardous work or work environments. • Health and climate change risks of e-waste including used computers, batteries, electrical appliance, noise or emission of air or water pollutants, e-waste management, waste recycling, substitution of hazardous materials with non-hazardous materials, climate change risks, spread of diseases from workplace and personal hygiene, work-related accidents and injuries. • SEA/SH and VAC during data collection consultations close to communities • Covid-19 transmission risks • Risk on natural disaster Delivering trainings for • SH/SEA and VAC to workers and community community • Spread of sexually transmitted diseases • Covid-19 transmission risks • General waste and healthcare waste from the used Covid-19 prevention PPE • Road travel to provinces (OHS and CHSP) Implementation of TA • Road travel to provinces (OHS) activities including trainings, • Sedentary work (OHS) meetings, workshops, etc. • SH/SEA and VAC when designers and/or project consultations close to communities and/or within staff and/or participants in trainings • Covid-19 transmission risks A5.4 BRIEF OVERVIEW OF THE LABOUR LEGISLATION: TERMS AND CONDITIONS 10 A zoonosis (plural zoonoses, or zoonotic diseases) is an infectious disease caused by a pathogen (an infectious agent, such as a bacterium, virus, parasite or prion) that has jumped from an animal (usually a vertebrate) to a human. Typical zoonotic diseases include avian influenza, tuberculosis and brucellosis, salmonellosis Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 108 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) The workers in Lao PDR are managed and protected under a relative comprehensive labour framework. The main laws relating to labour matters in Lao PDR are listed below: • The Constitution of Lao PDR (2015) no. 63/NA dated December 8, 2015. • Law on Social Security (Amended 2018) no. 54/NA, dated June 27, 2018. • Law on Labor (Amended 2013) no. 43/NA, dated December 24, 2013. • Law on Hygiene, Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (Amended 2011) no.08/NA, dated December 21, 2011. • Law on Health Insurance (2018) no. 60/NA, dated December 13, 2018. • Decree on the Ethics and Morals of Civil Servants no .184/PM, dated June 26, 2019. • Ministerial Agreement on Occupational Health and Safety in the Construction Site no. 3006/MLSW, dated August 21, 2013; and • Guidelines on the Implementation of the Law on Social Security (Amended) no. 2751/MLSW, dated July 24, 2015. The Constitution of Lao PDR (2015). Article 27 define that “The State and society attend to developing skilled labour, upgrading labour discipline, promoting vocational skills and occupations and protecting the legitimate rights and benefits of workers”. Law on Labour (Amended 2013). The main law regulating employment relationships in Lao PDR is the Labour Law 2013. As indicated above, an amended Labour Law no. 43/NA was adopted on December 24, 2013, by the National Assembly of Lao PDR. This law defines the principles, regulations and measures on administration, monitoring, labour skills development, recruitment, and labour protection in order to enhance the quality and productivity of work in society, so as to ensure the transformation to modernization and industrialization aimed at safeguarding the rights of employees and employers, as well as the legitimate interests and the continual improvement of their livelihoods, while contributing to the promotion of investment, national socio-economic development, and regional and international links. The law grants certain protections to groups of employees (including women, child, etc.) as presented in the followings: • Gender Equity. Article 96 states that “Female employees have the right to employment and professions in every sector that do not conflict with the law, including production, business and management, and may participate in training, labor skills improvement and providing expertise. Female employees shall receive a salary or wages equal to that of male employees, excepting some forms of work that has negative effects upon the reproductive health of women, which must be protected in every case”. • Prevent Child Labor. Article 101 states that “Employers may accept employees under the age of 18 years but not younger than 14 years; however, they are prohibited from working overtime. When necessary, the employer may accept and use youth employees under the age of fourteen, but not younger than twelve years, and must ensure the work is light work”; Article 102 lists the tasks prohibited for minor employees, it defined that “Cases wherein the use of youth employees is prohibited are including (i) work in activities, duties and locations Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 109 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) that are unsafe, dangerous to the health of the body, psychology or mind; (ii) forced labor; (iii) work to repay debts; (iv) human trafficking; (v) trade or deception into the sex industry or solicitation of prostitution, photography or pornography; and (vi) trade or deception into the movement and production, transportation, possession of narcotics or addictive substances”. • Disabled Laborers. Article 33 state that “promotion of occupational freedom, working from the home, and the hiring of disadvantaged persons, women, disabled persons, or the elderly”. The Law on Labour in general is a comprehensive document that meets many of the ESS2 requirements. Table A5-3 presents a matrix of distance analysis showing correlation between main ESS2 criteria and the labour law. Law on Social Security (Amended 2018). This law defines the principles, rules and provisions for the organization, implementation, management, monitoring, and inspection of social security affairs with a view to make it systematic, strengthened, and effective for better protecting rights and interests of employers and employees who contribute to the Social Security Fund, and receive social security benefits, as well as to assure livelihood improvement, social solidarity, and national socio-economic development. Law on Health Insurance (2018). This law defines principles, regulations and measures concerning the management and utilization of the national health insurance scheme in an appropriate manner and in consistent with the rules of law to ensure the access to health care services of insured individuals, including all ethnic groups thoroughly and equitably. The law is aiming to promote healthy for all and improve labour force to contribute to the protection and development of the nation. Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 110 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) TABLE A5-3: GAP ANALYSIS ON THE LAW ON LABOUR (AMENDED 2003) VS ESS-2 REQUIREMENT ESS2 REQUIREMENT LAW ON LABOUR KEY GAPS COMMENT MEASURES Terms and conditions of An employment contract is an agreement No major gaps are - Project direct workers will have employment between an employee and an employer noted. However, verbal clear terms and conditions of or between an employee representative form of contract is not a employment. and an employer representative good practice and not Contractors to be required to regarding conditions of work, salary or formally recognized comply with Labour Law wages, welfare, and other policies (Article under ESS2 as it can be provisions. 75) changed and violated by The project will ensure that no Employment contracts may take two either party (employer workers of any type are under forms that includes verbal or written and employees) without 18 years. There will be no (Article 77) any written evidence community workers engaged on and official references. the Project. Non-discrimination and Operations based on an employment No major legislative No clear enforcement Non-discrimination and equal equal opportunity contract between the employee and the gaps identified mechanism opportunity to be applied to employer, ensuring both parties benefit employment of project direct without discrimination (Article 5) workers. Obstructing employment or using direct Fair and non-discriminatory or indirect force to make an employee employment practices to be stop work due to marital status, gender required for contracted workers. discrimination, or infection of HIV (141) Where contractors hire workers from the beneficiary community, disadvantaged and vulnerable community members are to have equal access to opportunities. Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 111 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) ESS2 REQUIREMENT LAW ON LABOUR KEY GAPS COMMENT MEASURES Rights to organize Section XIV Tripartite Organizations, that No major gap Lao’s trade unions are GRM will be available to includes the labour administration prominent in workers, and can be used for agency, agencies representing employers, government example to submit complaints if agencies representing employees and organization but not workers are denied bargaining and collective labour contracts common in other their right to organize sectors SEA/SH Regulations in Laos exist to protect the No clear enforcement Cultural barriers may Workers are informed about rights of women, violence against women mechanism prevent reporting of GBV-SEA/SH and relevant GRM and children. However, this is not directly SEA/SH. Lao Women’s related to SEA/SH upon their required in road projects. Lack of service providers Union is an important recruitment. They also need to counterpart given their sign SEA/SH Code of Conduct role in the villages. and other Staff Code of Conduct (see Annex 6) Prevention / restriction Employers may accept employees under ESS2 does not allow Employment of The project does not involve of child labour the age of 18 years but not younger than workers under 14 years children working in civil work, it will ensure that no 14 years; however, they are prohibited (unless the national law farming alongside with child under 18 years involved in from working overtime. When necessary, specifies a higher age). parents is culturally project activities through repair the employer may accept and use youth Para 17-19 details accepted. works and/or data collection employees under the age of 14, but not specific requirements and dissemination work by for workers under 18 adding pre-condition for years (and above engaging a contract/employee. 14/higher minimum age), including that they Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 112 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) ESS2 REQUIREMENT LAW ON LABOUR KEY GAPS COMMENT MEASURES younger than 12 years, and must ensure are not engaged in Age of employees to be verified the work is light work11 (Article 101) hazardous work or that and monitored as part of Cases wherein the use of youth the work interferes with contract supervision. Suppliers employees is prohibited are including (i) a child’s education, to certify non-use of child work in activities, duties and locations health or development. labour, with verification that are unsafe, dangerous to the health ILO12 (2014) notes that measures in high-risk sectors of the body, psychology or mind; (ii) prohibitions on child forced labour; (iii) work to repay debts; labour apply only in (iv) human trafficking; (v) trade or formal employment, deception into the sex industry or whereas most child solicitation of prostitution, photography workers work in non- or pornography; and (vi) trade or formal agriculture deception into the movement and production, transportation, possession of narcotics or addictive substances” (Article 102) 11 Light work refers to work that is not harmful to the child and does not i nterfere with a child’s education, or her ability to benefit from education (that work will be only a few hours from time to time). 12 Lao PDR has ratified a total of 10 ILO Conventions, including five of the eight ILO Fundamental Conventions (C029 - Forced Labor Convention, C100 - Equal Remuneration Convention, C111 - Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, C138 - Minimum Age Convention, and C182 - Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention), one of four Governance Conventions (C144 - Tripartite Consultation (International Labor Standards) Convention) and four of 178 Technical Conventions (C004 - Night Work (Women) Convention, C006 - Night Work of Young Persons (Industry) Convention, C013 - White Lead (Painting) Convention, and C171 - Night Work Convention) Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 113 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) ESS2 REQUIREMENT LAW ON LABOUR KEY GAPS COMMENT MEASURES Prevention of forced. Unauthorized use of forced labour No gaps Forced labour, including debt labour (Article 59) bondage, is prohibited in any form. Grievance mechanism Section XIII Resolution of labour disputes The national legislation Project to assign one ESS was not specifically mentioned for the does not guarantee supporting staff for LSB to track mechanism. According to Article 148 - workers’ access to a and monitor the process of resolution of labour disputes will be grievance mechanism worker grievance mechanism. undertaken according to the following Project will evaluate and report methods: on implementation of the Compromise. mechanism. Administrative resolutions. Project will include GRM in each Resolution by the committee for labour biannual report and present to dispute resolution; Implementation Support Court rulings; and Missions (ISM) Dispute resolution consistent with international protocols defined two Identification of Labour occupational health and safety is Largely consistent Enforcement of safety The project will provide pre- potential hazards a joint activity between the employer and standards is weak, in conditions for a contract to the employee in the assurance of the informal and avoid, not include hazardous occupational safety and health in the construction sectors waste in their proposal. workplace, including risk. The project will also screen and assessment of the work environment, check for hazardous wastes as it appropriate measures for reducing has measures in place in the hazards and risks (Article 117) ESMP with procedures to Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 114 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) ESS2 REQUIREMENT LAW ON LABOUR KEY GAPS COMMENT MEASURES The employer must inspect and assess establish occupation, health, risks to safety and health within the and safety risk assessment and labour unit and workplace regularly mitigation measures (Article 122) Provision of Article 119 - Obligations of the employer No major gaps Strategy built for direct project preventive and for the protection of labour safety and staff in Occupational, Health and protective measures health Safety (OHS) Workplace safety measures for contract workers under the requirements on Environment, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) as part of LMPLMP Training of workers Not clearly listed safety training, are Requirement for safety ESMP require adequate safety and maintenance of mentioned training is not clearly training for all staffs/workers training records spelled out in the Project will establish a record national law system of capacity building/training for its staff, include PMU, and for its short- term contractors/employee through project period. Documentation and Whenever an accident occurs within a ESS2 requires reporting All workplace health and safety reporting of labour unit that causes the employees to procedures incidents to be recorded in a occupational accidents, take time off work for four or more days, register, as part of ESMP. Minor disease and incidents the employer must record the cause of incidents and near misses the accident in detail and report it to the should be reported to LSB and Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 115 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) ESS2 REQUIREMENT LAW ON LABOUR KEY GAPS COMMENT MEASURES Labour Administration Agency (Article WB on a monthly basis; serious 125) incidents should be reported immediately. This will be included in the staffs/service contracts. Emergency Not specifically mentioned Emergency All worksites to have health and Preparedness Preparedness response safety plan including emergency measure is not plans in line with the ESMP specifically mentioned in the national law Remedies for adverse Employers need to maintain the Largely consistent All workers to be insured for impacts workplace, safety systems, environment except the requirement occupational hazards including and atmosphere when working to ensure for safety training and relating to Covid-19 good conditions for the health of the Emergency transmission at the workplace. employees; and provide appropriate Preparedness response This will be included in the facilitation of welfare for employees in measure staffs/service contracts. the workplace (Article 119) Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 116 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) A5.5 OVERVIEW OF THE LABOUR LEGISLATION: OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY The three key Lao labour legislations regarding OHS are the Law on Labour, Law on Hygiene, Disease Prevention and Health Promotion and Ministerial Agreement on Occupational Health and Safety in the Construction Site. Labour Law which governs all different sectors and industries in Lao PDR enacts general regulations on the occupational health and safety at the workplaces and the regime on Labour accidents, occupational disease of employees. Under this law, the employers are required to implement measures to ensure OHS at the workplace, and the employees must comply with them. The main measures are as follow: • Instill appropriate measures to ensure workplace health and safety for the employee working under its administration. • Ensure the workplace, machinery, equipment, and procedures in the production of metals or chemicals and explosive materials in the labor unit are safe or do not pose a danger to the health of employees. • Regularly inspect all safety measures and improve any that are inappropriate. • Assess risks to employee health and safety at least once per year and then report to the Labor Administration Agency. • Maintain the workplace, safety systems, environment and atmosphere when working to ensure good conditions for the health of the employees. • Provide appropriate facilitation of welfare for employees in the workplace. • Supply information, recommendations, training, and protection for employees so that they may undertake their work safely. • Supply individual safety equipment to employees in full and in good condition according to international standards. • Prohibit the use of addictive substances or drink, or any mind-altering substances in or around the workplace. • Hold training on basic health and safety knowledge, protection from occupational diseases, namely HIV, for the employees at least once per year; and • Appoint employees responsible for labor health and safety. However, the labour law also provides responsibilities to employers if an employee is a victim of a workplace accident or an occupational disorder, as well as the rights and insurance packages to which the workers involved are entitled in these situations. Law on Labour, Law on Hygiene, Disease Prevention and Health Promotion . This law seeks to assure occupational health and labour hygiene. It also provides state management and rights and obligations of organizations and individuals in occupational safety and hygiene. Labour hygiene refers to maintaining and ensuring working conditions that protect the health of workers in the various sectors Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 117 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) from diseases, toxic chemicals, and radioactive materials hazardous to the health or life of workers and people in the vicinity. Employers shall provide safety equipment to workers, and shall ensure the hygiene of working premises, specifically employers shall provide premises with sufficient light and air circulation, the appropriate temperature, and levels of humidity, vibration, sound, smell, and dust that are within the defined standards provided under regulations. Ministerial Agreement on Occupational Health and Safety in the Construction Site . Determining the criteria for the promotion and development of construction sites that meet the safety and health requirements of employees, create measures to the prevention of accidents and occupational diseases to protect the lives, properties of employees and employers were working at construction sites. Hence, when a Lao employee employed in Lao PDR who has contributed to social insurance is injured or is ill or even dies during his or her jobs, all associated expenses, such as reimbursement for being unable to work, retraining and even lump payments for permanent impairments or death, are covered by the Social Insurance Fund of Lao PDR. A5.6 RESPONSIBLE STAFF These following individuals/agencies are expected to work in the different aspects of the project. Engagement and Management of Contractors and ICT supply and installation companies. The Lao Statistics Bureau (LSB) under the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) is responsible for contractor and ICT supply company engagement and compliance with contract conditions. The LSB, with the technical support from an ESF consultant, is responsible for overseeing all aspects of implementation of the project, including compliance and contractor induction. Due to the nature of small civil works, contractor expects not to engage a subcontractor. Labour and Working Conditions. Contractors and ICT supply companies will keep records in accordance with specifications set out in this LMP. The LSB may at any time require records to ensure that labour conditions are met. LSB will review records against actual, at a minimum on a monthly basis, and can require immediate remedial actions if warranted. A summary of issues and remedial actions will be included in quarterly reports to the World Bank. Training of Workers. Contractors are required to, at all times, have a qualified safety officer on board. If training is required, this will be the contractor’s r esponsibility. The safety officer will provide instructions to contractor staff. The contractor will be obligated to make staff available for any mandatory trainings required by LSBLSB, as specified by the contract. Addressing Worker Grievances. The Contractors will be required to implement a Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) for workers which responds to the minimum requirements in this LMP. The LSB will review records on a monthly basis. LSB will keep abreast of GRM complaints, resolutions and reflect in quarterly reports to the World Bank. Occupational, Health and Safety . LSB will ensure day-to-day compliance with specified safety measures and records of any incidents. Minor incidents and near misses should be reported to LSB on a monthly basis; serious incidents should be reported immediately (See Section A4.10 Incident Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 118 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Reporting Procedure and Form). Minor incidents should be reflected in the quarterly reports to the World Bank, and major issues should be flagged to the World Bank immediately. LSB, all workers and data collectors including staffs of ICT supply and installation companies will: • Comply with Lao legislation, WB’s ESS2 requirements and other applicable requirements which relate to OHS hazards (Section A4.7) including this LMP; • Comply with driving and road safety rules and regulations; • Enable active participation in OHS risks elimination through promotion of appropriate skills, knowledge and attitudes towards hazards; • Continually improving the OHS management system and performance; • Communicate this policy statement to all persons working on the project with emphasis on individual OHS responsibilities; • Provide laminated signs of relevant safe working procedures in a visible area on work sites, in English and local language as required; • Littering, open burning or burial of any form of waste or materials is strictly prohibited; • Wear PPE as suitable to the task and hazards of each worker, without cost to the worker, including Covid-19 related-PPE as necessary; • Be responsible for implementing COVID19 measures as part of their contract, through explicitly mentioning it in bid documents and contracts; • Provide SEA/SH training to all staffs including contractors and ICT supply companies; • Put in place processes for project workers to report work situations that they believe are not safe or healthy and to remove themselves from situations they have reasonable justification to believe are unsafe; • Confirm appropriate measures are in place for working in communities with known risk of conflict / violence; • Ensure availability of first aid boxes in all work locations; • Provide employees with access to toilets; • Properly dispose of solid waste and E-waste at designated permitted disposal/landfill sites; and • Make this policy statement available to all interested parties. A5.7 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES LSB shall incorporate standardized environmental and social clauses in the tender documentation and contract documents in order for potential bidders to be aware of environmental and social performance requirements that shall be expected from them, are able to reflect that in their bids, and required to implement the clauses for the duration of the contract. LSB will enforce compliance by contractors with these clauses. Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 119 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) As a core contractual requirement, the contractor is required to ensure all documentation related to environmental and social management, including the LMP, is available for inspection at any time by the LSB. The contractual arrangements with each project worker must be clearly defined. All environmental and social requirements will be included in the bidding documents and contracts. Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) for Project Employees In connection with the identified health and safety aspects associated to the project activities in Table 5-2 and and the health and safety risks and impacts outlined in TableA5-4, This section contains guidelines to ensure that appropriate health and safety measures are incorporated into the project implementation. H&S cover (i) minor civil works for ICT infrastructures, (ii) safety of the data users ICT and services centres, (iii) handling and management of electronic material, digital/e-waste etc. The Occupation Health and Safety risks relevant to the project implementation are as in Table A5-4. TABLE A5-4 HEALTH AND SAFETY FOR PROJECT EMPLOYEES Step Responsible • Assess health and safety risks and hazards from the project Officers appointed by implementation. Following are key health and safety risks and the LSB at central, line hazards associated with the project activities: agencies, provincial, - Traffic accidents and hazards associated with the mobilization of district and village equipment and manpower for renovation and infrastructure levels. installation; - Traffic accidents and hazards associated with field trips (data collection, project coordination, etc.); - Electrocution and injured from office renovation and ICT infrastructure installation and operation; - Injures (cut and burn) from handling of E-waste; - Health risk from inadequate handling of waste. • Identify the legal requirements and responsibilities for health and As above safety at the workplace - The specific guidelines on environmental, health, and safety (EHSG) established by the World Bank Group and existing relevant health and safety guidelines by the project implementing organizations. • Identify risk prevention or mitigation measures that the employer As above shall implement: - The project staff and people involved in the project implementation shall carry out the Occupation Health and Safety control in accordance with the relevant mitigation measures outlined in Section A5.6. • Identify training needs for the employees As above - General housekeeping and tidiness; - COVID-19 prevention measures; Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 120 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Step Responsible - Signage (e.g., hazard signs, what PPE to wear at the specific site, emergency evacuation routes, emergency call numbers) and markings (e.g., yellow lines to mark hazardous areas); - Fire extinguisher; - Safe storage facilities for chemicals; - Safety Data Sheets for the chemicals used in training; - First aid kits • Identify appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that the As above employees would need when working at the workplace - Follow the health and safety instructions provided in Section A5.6. • Carry out a regular inspection to ensure proper implementation of As above health and safety prevention and protection measures: - Follow the monitoring standards and frequency as provided in Table 9-1 in this main ESMP. • Incorporate the required risk prevention or mitigation measures, As above and the training needs in the agreement with the employer UXO risk is not expected for this project. Age of Employment For this project, the minimum age will be 18 years. This rule will apply for both national and international workers. Workers will be required to provide proof of their identify and age before commencing any works on site. The following age verification template will be applied. Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 121 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Age Verification Template for Project Workers To be completed for all project workers and attached to contracts 1. Worker’s Age: ______________ 2. Sex of worker: _____________ 3. Requested for Proof of Age: Y N 4. If NO, provide reason: _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 5. If YES, type of documentation provided (circle all that apply and attach a copy): a) National ID Card b) Family Book c) Work Permit d) School report/testimony (from teacher, principal) e) Other (please describe) _________________________________________ 6. Is there doubt about the authenticity of documents provided in Q5 or other signs that the worker is underage (under 18 years) or has provided false documentation? a. If NO, no further verification is needed. 7. If YES, interviews to verify age will need to be conducted13. Please describe result of interviews (who it was conducted with, age verification method, etc.). _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 8. Was age verified in the interview (i.e., worker is at or above age requirements of 18y or above)? a. If YES, no further steps are needed. b. If NO, the worker cannot be hired. Terms and Conditions and Equal Opportunities 13 Interviews should be conducted with parents, child, school official and/or local official. Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 122 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) All terms and conditions as outlined in the World Bank Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) ESS2, paragraphs 10 to 15 apply to contracted workers. In addition, • In line with national law, the maximum working hours are limited to 8 hours per day, 6 days a week. • Employers shall guarantee that the workers shall have at least one resting day per week. The employers shall also make arrangements for the employees to take vacation according to law during Lao New Year and any other holidays prescribed by laws and regulations. • Employment opportunities will be available to all. This includes equal pay for equal work, regardless of whether the person performing the work is male or female. • The wages paid by the employers to the workers shall not be lower than the local minimum wage of Lao PDR. • Provisions of the Labour Law must be followed, including maternity leave for females if applicable. The labour contract shall be provided to workers writing and shall have the following provisions: a) The term of the labour contract; b) Work content; c) Labour protection and working conditions; d) Remuneration for labour; e) Labour discipline; f) Conditions for termination of the labour contract; g) Responsibility for breach of labour contract; h) Individual Staff Code of Conduct; i) Grievance Redress Mechanism. A5.8 STANDARD PRACTICE TO PREVENT COVID-19 CONTAGION Given the global issues related to COVID-19 pandemic, all communities who work for project will apply the basic knowledge and procedures to prevent COVID-19. The below provides some specific guidance on Infection Prevention and Control Protocol (IPCP) of the COVID-19 recommended by WHO. Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 123 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Figure A5-1 Hand Washing with Soap and Water P a g e 124 | 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Figure A5-2 Hand Hygiene with Alcohol-Base Hand Rup (AHR) Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 125 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Figure A5-3 Respiratory hygiene and cough Respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette is a standard precaution that should be applied by communities to contain respiratory secretions (e.g., when coughing, sneezing…) to avoid spreading respiratory infections. Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 126 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Figure A5-4 Surgical Mask FIGURE A5-5 EYES PROTECTION (SAFETY GLASS, GOGGLES OR FACE SHIELD) Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 127 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) A5.9 GRIEVANCE MECHANISM Three different GRM channels are developed and will be communicated and implemented by the project (i) the overall GRM to be use by general public when they have concerns, feedback, issues with the project implementation under various components and activities, (ii) GRM for GBV-SEA/SH and (iii) GRM for workers The overall GRM is set out in this ESMP. It has been updated and designed not only to meet the requirements of the ESS 10 but also to be in line with the Ministry of Justice’s directions on complaints and petitions. The GRM will be used under MPI/LSB throughout the project life cycle to: • record, categorize and prioritize grievances from project-affected stakeholders; • settle grievances via consultation with stakeholders (and inform those stakeholders of the resolution); and • forward unresolved cases to the relevant authority or specialist third-party service providers. This GRM is also applicable to grievances related to GBV, SEA/SH and VAC, although complainants can also choose to submit their complaints directly to GBV service providers, and/or the project can assist in referring the cases to service providers. In addition, a GRM designed specifically for labor workers is included LMP and in the ESMP. The GRMs are developed in a culturally appropriate and user-friendly way to be accessible for the diverse stakeholders. Prior to project implementation, training on GRMs will be provided to relevant stakeholders. The GRM is illustrated below in Figure A5-6. The key principles of the grievance mechanism are to ensure that: • the basic rights and interests of all involved stakeholders, affected people, including ethnic groups, are protected • the concerns of stakeholders and affected people, including ethnic groups, arising from the project implementation process are adequately addressed • involved stakeholders and affected people, including ethnic groups, are aware of their rights to access grievance procedures free of charge for the above purposes. The purpose of the GRM is to resolve any complaints that may arise during the implementation of the project and to improve operational procedures or measures as appropriate to avoid similar issues arising in the future. The GRM is intended to address concerns and complaints promptly and transparently at no cost to the complainant and without discrimination for any reports made by project-affected people. The GRM works within the existing legal frameworks of the Lao PDR and does not preclude or prevent complainants from seeking independent recourse through the courts of law in the Lao legal system. The GRM utilizes existing redress mechanisms at community level, project level and judiciary level. The details of each of those components are described as follows. To ensure the GRM is readily accessible to beneficiaries and stakeholders, grievances can be submitted via multiple reporting channels. Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 128 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) The grievance mechanism is illustrated in Figure A5-6 below. All grievances received by all reporting channels shall be reported to and managed by a GRM registrar at the LSB under the Inspection Unit of the Department of Administration. The GRM registrar will be made available at the provincial and central levels. The role of the GRM registrar is to maintain a centralized register of grievances, ensure grievances are referred to the appropriate authority for action and monitor outcomes. Upon receiving a report of a grievance, the GRM registrar will screen, categorize and prioritize the case. If the initial recipient (see ‘reporting channels’) has sufficient capacity, the case can be managed at that level. Otherwise, the GRM registrar will refer the case to a grievance committee at district, province or central level according to the risk, complexity and urgency of the grievance. If the case cannot be resolved, it will be escalated to the grievance committee at the next level until it reaches LSB/MPI. The GRM must respond to potential grievances on a variety of topics concerning different project components. A grievance shall be resolved as soon as practicable, and in any case, a grievance shall either be resolved or referred to the next level in the grievance mechanism within 10 to 15 working days of receipt. FIGURE A5-6 GRIEVANCE MECHANISM Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 129 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Form to Submit Grievances Grievance Form ID Number: ___________ Date Received: ___________ Complaints Received by (please check (√) the appropriate box): □ LSB central □ LSB ICT Service Centres □ Provincial □ District □ Village □ Hotline Complaint made via (please check (√) the appropriate box): □ In person □ Phone □ E-mail □ SMS □ Website □WhatsApp □Messenger □Facebook □ Hotline □ Complaint Box / Other advice □ Community/Village Meeting □ Others______________ FULL NAME AND LAST NAME of Complainant (or Anonymous): ___________________________________________________________________ GENDER: □ Male □ Female AGE: _____________________________ CONTACT DETAILS (by post, by telephone, by e-mail, SMS, WhatsApp, Messenger, Facebook): __________________________________________________________________________________ STATEMENT OF GRIEVANCE (Reason for complaint and activity leading to complaint. Please include as much details as possible to answer the following questions: (i) what happened, (ii) when it happened, (iii) who did it happen to, (iv) what was the impact of what happened. Include additional information as needed/desired. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ REMEDY REQUESTED BY COMPLAINT: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE: _____________________ DATE: ________________________ FOR ADMIN USE ONLY: Grievance ID________________________ Registration Location: ________________________________ Grievance Received by: Name and surname ______________________________Date: _______________ Action Taken or Required Next Steps: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 130 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) A5.10 INCIDENT OR ACCIDENT REPORT PROCEDURE Incident or Accident Report procedure Serous Case: Accident Minor Case Occurred: Do not move the injured person (IP) Accident Reporter/ Worker who are not injured: 1. Immediately calls Provincial Rescue/ Nearest Hospital: • Rescue Number: xxx • Nearest Hospital: xxx Accident Reporter/ Worker who are not injured: 2. Take photos or record video of the accident for reporting 3. Calls contractor site engineer (CSE): active number 4. Send the IP to nearest hospital by Rescue/hospital car Contractor site engineer (CSE): 5. Immediately heads to the accident site or hospital where the IP transferred to 6. Inspect and take photos for reporting 7. Calls site supervision (SS)-name and active number of SS Activity owner, local authorities, and site supervision (SS): 8. Immediately heads to the accident site or hospital where the IP transferred to 9. Inspect, take photos and fill the accident report form 10. Report to PCO and send photos of accident in the WhatsApp group on the day of accident occurred. LSB/MPI/MOLSW 11. Inform and report to WB within 48 hours 12. Follow up the situation of IP Filing Accident Report 13. Keep a copy of Accident Report at contractor office, PCO, DHR, WB 14. Include the accident report in the monthly and quarterly safeguard monitoring report Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 131 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Accident Report Date of the Accident: Time: Location: Type of Accident: Detailed Description of the Accident: Responses / Corrective Actions Taken: Possible Causes(s) of the Accident: Suggested Preventive Measures: Submitted by: Position: Signature: Date: Reviewed by: ____________________ Date: __________ Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 132 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) A5.11 CAPACITY BUILDING While the provisions outlined in this LMP are mostly consistent with the requirements of the Labour Law 2013, with only limited additional provisions (for example, the Worker Grievance Redress Mechanism) to meet the requirements of ESS2, the LMP considerably exceeds actual practice in labour management in Lao PDR. Therefore, to ensure that project partner agencies, contractors and suppliers, and particularly local construction contractors, can meet these obligations, the project will develop and deliver trainings and simple awareness raising materials. Key project personnel who will require training include: • Human resources staff or administration staff responsible for recruitment of direct project workers in LSB; • Procurement staff in LSB; • Relevant staff of the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare. • Relevant staff from other ministries benefiting from training activities, etc • Staff, consultants and consultants’ staff acting as contract supervisors and responsible for monitoring compliance with the policy; • Communities. LSB will also prepare a simple booklet, in Lao language and with easy-to understand illustrations, explaining the requirements of the LMP as applicable to contracted workers and data users in the project. The booklet will include details of the Worker Grievance Redress Mechanism. This booklet will be disseminated to all project direct workers and data users and explained to them during induction training. Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 133 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) ANNEX 6 CODE OF CONDUCT (COC) TO PREVENT AND MANAGE SEA/SH AND VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN (VAC). In Lao PDR, although Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA), Sexual Harassment (SH), and Violence Against Children (VAC) are not commonly discussed, there are several key issues associated with SEA/SH and VAC. These issues include, but not limited to the following: (i) both urban and rural communities, more so among women and ethnic group communities, accept and justify certain forms of violence; (ii) quite a high prevalence of physical, emotional and sexual violence was reported and recorded in recent surveys; (iii) despite Lao PDR having substantial legal frameworks to safeguard the rights and interests of women and children, services and help systems are limited; and (iv) the issue is only vaguely understood at all administrative levels and at the individual level. Generally, the understanding of the concepts, degree and issues of SEA/SH and VA is still very limit and it should be made available to people at the selected ICT and service centres and include in the capacity building and management, Component 3 of the project , and it is recommended that a clear concise code of conduct laying out policy principles and requirements that meet the objectives of laws and regulations on Violence against women and children (VAWC) and on community health and safety should be made available at the project level and implemented at the selected ICT service centres. Information, training and dissemination of information on SEA/SH and VAC should be designed, incorporated in Project planning, and implemented prior to the commencement of each subproject component/activity. The project social safeguard consultant will assist LSB in identifying risks of SEA/SH and VAC (using World Bank’s Good Practice Note and Gender Based Violence Risk Assessment Screening Tool), particularly Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and sexual harassment that can emerge during the implementation of Project activities, especially with construction works for all ICT infrastructure and service centres. A6.1 CODE OF CONDUCT (COC) TO PREVENT AND MANAGE SEA/SH AND VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN (VAC). The Project has incorporated SEA/SH and VAC, youth, child protection in its reporting system and grievance redress mechanisms. The project is a promotes zero tolerance of child abuse and it is mandatory reporting of confirmed or suspected child abuse. SEA/SH and VAC, youth and child protection trainings will be provided for project staff, the survey/outreach team and ICT centres with the objective of raising awareness of existing and potential SEA/SH and VAC risks. The Code of Conduct (CoC) to eliminate Gender Based Violence and Sexual Exploitation and Child Abuse and Exploitation (CAE) is presented in Error! Reference source not found.1. This CoC must be signed by all project staffs, data collectors, contractors, ICT companies and all consultants engaged with project activities. BOX 1: CODE OF CONDUCT (COC) TO PREVENT AND MANAGE SEA/SH AND VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN (VAC). I, ______________________________, acknowledge that preventing gender-based violence (SEA/SH) and violence against children (VAC) is important. The company considers that SEA/SH or Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 134 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) VAC activities constitute acts of gross misconduct and are therefore grounds for sanctions, penalties or potential termination of employment. All forms of SEA/SH or VAC are unacceptable be it on the work site, the work site surroundings, or at worker’s camps. Prosecution of those who commit SEA/SH or VAC may be pursued if appropriate. I agree that while working on the project I will: • Treat women, children (persons under the age of 18), and men with respect regardless of race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth or other status. • Not use language or behaviour towards women, children or men that is inappropriate, harassing, abusive, sexually provocative, demeaning or culturally inappropriate. • Not participate in sexual activity with children—including grooming or through digital media. Mistaken belief regarding the age of a child and consent from the child is not a defence. • Not engage in sexual favours or other forms of humiliating, degrading or exploitative behaviour. • Not have sexual interactions with members of the communities surrounding the workplace that are not agreed to with full consent by all parties involved in the sexual act. This includes relationships involving the withholding or promise of actual provision of benefit (monetary or non-monetary) to community members in exchange for sex—such sexual activity is considered “non-consensual” within the scope of this Code. • Report through the GRM or to my manager suspected or actual GBV and/or CAE by a fellow worker, whether in my company or not, or any breaches of this code of conduct. • Wherever possible, ensure that another adult is present when working in the proximity of children. • Not invite unaccompanied children into my home, unless they are at immediate risk of injury or in physical danger. • Not sleep close to unsupervised children unless absolutely necessary, in which case I must obtain my supervisor’s permission, and ensure that another adult is present if possible. • Use any computers, mobile phones, or video and digital cameras appropriately, and never to exploit or harass children or to access child pornography through any medium • Refrain from physical punishment or discipline of children. • Refrain from hiring children for domestic or other labour, which is inappropriate given their age or developmental stage, which interferes with their time available for education and recreational activities, or which places them at significant risk of injury. • Comply with all relevant local legislation, including labour laws in relation to child labor. • When photographing or filming a child for work related purposes, I must: Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 135 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) • Before photographing or filming a child, assess and endeavour to comply with local traditions or restrictions for reproducing personal images. • Before photographing or filming a child, obtain informed consent from the child and a parent or guardian of the child. As part of this I must explain how the photograph or film will be used. • Ensure photographs, films, videos and DVDs present children in a dignified and respectful manner and not in a vulnerable or submissive manner. Children should be adequately clothed and not in poses that could be seen as sexually suggestive. • Ensure images are honest representations of the context and the facts. • Ensure file labels do not reveal identifying information about a child when sending images electronically. I understand that it is my responsibility to avoid actions or behaviors that could be regarded as SEA/SH or VAC or breach this Individual Code of Conduct. I do hereby acknowledge that I have read the foregoing Individual Code of Conduct, do agree to comply with the standards contained therein and understand my roles and responsibilities to prevent and respond to SEA/SH and VAC. I understand that any action inconsistent with this Individual Code of Conduct or failure to take action mandated by this Individual Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action and may affect my ongoing employment. Signature: _________________________ Printed Name: _________________________ Title: _________________________ Date: _________________________ A6.2 DO AND DON’T GUIDELINE FOR GBV/SEA/SH/VC The following are basic things to do and not do in response to a reported incident of GBV/ SEA/SH/VC by someone associated with the Project. This document is intended to give interim guidance to project teams (e.g., LSB/PIU) while handling and referring the case. It does not replace comprehensive guidance or specialist expertise. Receiving the Disclosure DO DO NOT Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 136 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) • Show the person empathy and • Do not judge. compassion. • Do not show or communicate doubt or • Use a survivor-centre approach – this disbelief. means treating the survivor with dignity • Do not ask for details about their experience. and respect, making every effort to protect their safety and well-being, and • If translation/interpreting is needed, request not taking any actions without their support from GBV service providers in finding consent. an appropriate female interpreter. Do not recruit someone from the local community. • Prioritize the survivor’s rights, needs and wishes in all decisions. • Make sure that a safe, comfortable place is chosen for speaking to the survivor alone. Services DO DO NOT • Give the survivor (or the person who • Do not try to determine if the incident is reports the GBV/SEA/SH incident) the best project-related or not before ensuring access information that you have about GBV to services – all survivors should receive care services (health, psychosocial (including regardless of whether the perpetrator is counselling, case management) police, associated with the project or not. justice) in your area. (Include all kinds of relevant service providers – government agencies, development organizations, non-government and civil society organizations.) Safety DO DO NOT • Take all possible steps to protect the • Do not take any decisions or actions without safety of the survivor. the permission of the survivor. • Make adjustments to the schedule or location of the alleged perpetrator – or the survivor, if needed – to protect the survivor’s safety while an investigation is being conducted. • Involve a GBV service provider and/or specialist in the assessment of risk. Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 137 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Confidentiality DO DO NOT • Keep any identifying information in a • Do not share any information that can identify locked drawer or cabinet, and limit access the survivor with anyone (including members to this information. of the project team), without their direct permission. Support DO DO NOT • Seek specialist guidance as soon as • Do not share any information that could be possible. The WB task team has GBV used to identify the survivor or perpetrator in specialists who can support you. seeking support. • In seeking support, share ONLY non- • Do not encourage anyone associated with the identifying information. project to seek information or ask questions that may compromise confidentiality or put the survivor at risk. Informing the World Bank • All incidents of GBV must be reported • Do not share any information that could be through the LSB and must be reported to used to identify the survivor or perpetrator in the World Bank within 24-48 hours.14 seeking support. • Share ONLY non-identifying information. If available, share: o the type of incident; o age & sex of the survivor; o whether the perpetrator is known to be associated with the project; 14The Environment and Social Incident Response Toolkit from WB’s Good Practice Note on Addressing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment (SEA/SH) in Investment Project Financing involving Major Civil Works, outlines the requirements for reporting SEA/SH cases and has a protocol that defines incidents using three categories. “Indicative” events are addressed within the Task Team and “Serious” events need to be elevated to the Country Manager/Director, Global Practice Manager, Social and Environmental Practice Managers, Relevant Program Leaders, and Environmental and Social Standards Advisor (previously called Regional Safeguards Advisor), who may then advise the appropriate Vice Presidents. Finally, a “Severe” event should be reported to the Vice Presidents by the Task Team within 24 -48 hours of notification. GBV incidents are classed as Severe events. Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 138 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) o whether the survivor was referred to services. A6.3 REFERRAL PATHWAY SERVICES FOR GBV-SEA/SH/VC A national and subnational coordination mechanism and referral pathway is in the process of being developed and is expected to be completed within 2020. This action is a result of cooperation between the LWU and the Governments of Australia and the United Kingdom to implement CEDAW. The pathway and referral mechanism are a critical piece of a working and responsive national system that aims to protect and respond to women and girl victims/survivors of violence in a timely manner and in times of crisis. A functioning referral pathway will allow victims/survivors of violence to access with ease the services available per sector and will improve coordination among the sectors. The collaboration will also invest in the positive role men and boys can play to prevent VAWC by rolling out in nine communities a manual on engaging men and boys for GBV prevention. Contact point: LWU +856 21312 253 – 211; 030 51185532; The United Nations Population Fund is taking the lead in providing support to establish an Essential Services Package (ESP) to GoL for gender equality and GBV prevention-related interventions. The ESP is a guidance tool that provides a coordinated set of essential and quality multisectoral services to be provided to all women and girls who have experienced GBV. It includes services that should be provided by the health, social services, police and justice sectors. The ESP translates international commitments on ending and responding to GBV into concrete actions to be implemented at the country level though a survivor-centered approach. The ESP is remarkable because it is the first global guideline to set out the coordinated quality service provision that survivors of violence should receive – everywhere and anywhere. Contact point: Ms. Sisouvan Vorabouth, Gender Program Analyst: Reachoutlaos: Mental and emotional hotline service available over Facebook 24/7 or telephone Sundays & Wednesdays 6–9 p.m. (English/Lao). Contact point: LSB Emergency Contact/Hotline: Lao Statistics Bureau Ministry of Planning and Investment Ban Dongnasok, Sikhotthabong District, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR Tel: + 856-21-214740; Fax: + 856-21-242022 E-mail: Web: Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 139 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) ANNEX 7 COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SAFETY The risks and impacts of Community, Health and Safety (CHS) anticipated also from field works and stay in the villages include increased potential for infectious diseases including Covid-19, privacy effect, mental well-being and SEA/SH. Because of this, proportionate and tailored provisions will be included in specific project Community Health and Safety Plans (CHSP) to be developed prior to any field activity being started. This plan will in line the World Bank’s ESS4 – Community Health and Safety. This Standard addresses the need, with particular attention provided to vulnerable communities, to prevent or reduce the risks and impacts to community health and safety that occur from project- related activities. A7.1 Objectives The Community, Health and Safety Plan aims to anticipate and prevent adverse health and safety effects from both routine and non-routine situations in the impacted local community during the life cycle in the project. A7.2 Responsibilities The key entities responsible for implementing this CHSP are the LSB (PIU) and CIA. Key responsibilities are as follows: LSB has roles and responsibilities to: ➢ Prepare and implement this CHSP; ➢ Responsible for ensuring safe behavior by project staff to ensure such that community safety is protected. ➢ Monitor the efficient implementation of CHSP requirements. ➢ Investigates and analyzes community safety incidents when/if they occur and raises conclusions and remedial steps needed by management when necessary. ➢ Advise management of compliance and of conditions requiring attention; and ➢ Conduct regular CHS inspections; and ➢ Evaluate their effectiveness and suggests improvements where indicated. All Project staffs have roles and responsibilities to: ➢ Take all reasonable and practical steps to care for their own health and safety and avoid affecting the health and safety of coworkers and the public. ➢ Follow all instructions and use the equipment properly. ➢ Not interfere with any safety arrangements; and ➢ Report any circumstances which may not comply with the project’s CHS management system. A7.3 Potential Risks and Impacts IT equipment will be installed within the existing footprint of facilities. The risk of improper disposal of electronic waste could pose risks to community health and safety; therefore, the E-waste Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 140 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) management plan has been included into this ESMP. With data being collected and stored, data security and privacy is a key component build into the project, including awareness training on data security and privacy. Data security and privacy topics are incorporated as an integral part of the capacity building for statistical producers and users and strengthening of the institutions of the implementing agency, under component 3.1. To prevent general risks during population/household survey, the project will provide information, training to its staff and measures to manage electronic risks. All management strategies, including Codes of Conduct and training material development will include consultation and engagement with ethnic groups and with men’s and women’s viewpoints. The project will include measures to inform its stakeholders of the risks and assist them in obtaining information to better understand the risks. The project will also include in the training material and make aware of different forms of digital- technology-related risks, including technology-facilitated sexual violence and digital danger for women, youth and children and exploitation. The ESMP has include a template of a Code of Conduct (CoC) to prevent and manage SEA/SH and violence against children (VAC). The Codes of Conduct (CoC) will be included in the letter of appointment for government staff and contractors and anyone who work for the project. The project will also ensure equal rights for all ethnic groups, women and men, while acknowledging differences between women and men and taking specific measures aimed at accelerating equality when necessary. A7.4 Community Health and Safety The Project is committed to continuous efforts to identify and eliminate or manage the security risks associated with its activities and to continually enhance its health, protection, and environmental efficiency in general. • Design and maintain facilities, establish management systems, provide training, and conduct operations in a manner that safeguards people and property. • Respond quickly, effectively, and with care to emergencies or accidents resulting from its operations, cooperating with industry organizations and authorized government agencies. • Comply with all applicable laws and regulations and apply responsible standards. • Stress to all employees, contractors, and others working in its behalf their responsibility and accountability for safety performance on the job and encourage safe behavior off the job; and • Undertake appropriate reviews and evaluations of its operations to measure progress and to ensure compliance with this safety policy. A7.5 Human Rights The Project is committed to safeguarding its personnel, facilities, and activities and upholding human rights. The strategy, procedures, and activities of the project embody the spirit and intent of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and the spirit and intent of the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (International Labour Organization, 1998). A7.6 Risk and Mitigation Measures Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 141 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Table A7-1 outlines the potential risks and impacts associated with community health and safety along with prevention and intervention steps to prevent or minimize these impacts. It also includes the monitoring necessary to determine the effectiveness of those actions. TABLE A7-1 RISKS AND IMPACT MITIGATION ON THE COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SAFETY Risk/Impacts Mitigation Measures Monitoring Frequency • Traffic and • The Project will provide training road Visual Routine associated injury or safety measures (driving rules and inspection accident to regulations), including the restriction community of speed in settlements and other members, Project areas in compliance with the speed employees or limit rule, the requirement to wear a livestock resulting helmet when driving a motorbike, the from field trips prohibition of alcohol consumption while driving. That measure will be met under the Law on Land Traffic (2000) regulation and the Decree No 188 on Fines and Measures against Violators of Road Traffic Laws and Regulations (2007). • Project stakeholders should immediately dial emergency number #1623 in case of an accident (national coverage). • CHS risks of • Implement the E-waste management Visual Routine improper disposal of plan (Annex 4) inspection electronic waste could pose risks to community health and safety • With data being • Including awareness training on data Verification Annual and collected and security and privacy to its staff and case by case stored, risk on data short-term data collection team at all security and privacy level. • Data security and privacy topics as per the Law on Statistic Article 55 (deals directly with data security and confidentiality) will be incorporated as an integral part of the capacity building for statistical producers and users and strengthening of the institutions of the implementing agency, under component 3.1. Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 142 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Risk/Impacts Mitigation Measures Monitoring Frequency • LSB will prepare a subset of the data security/privacy field through integrating the need for regular awareness raising for project staff on data security/privacy (including measures to prevent any unauthorized access to, or losses of confidential information); • Pay special attention to ethnic and gender sensitivity by taking into account ethnic groups’ gender perspectives and incorporating them into the communication strategy, the SEP • The SEP also includes provision of information on how the data will be collected including how participants and others can seek information, advice or make a complaint. • Sexually transmitted • The Project prohibits any sexual Verification Annual diseases: potential exploitation and abuse and is for staff who staying committed to preventing it in any in the community sites; would provide • The Project will collaborate with other incentives to mass organization will also support increase the number the project conducting training at of STDs, HIV/AIDs district and village level plus taking an (staff entering and active role both helping to minimize leaving the the risks through awareness-raising on workplace may SEA and STDs; attract service and • Implement LMP (Annex 5) sex workers, • Apply COC on SEA/SH to all Project creating conditions staffs including contractors (Annex 6); for increase in STDs) • Staff education to focus attention on the identification and treatment of curable • The project staff • Make sure your workplaces are clean Visual Routine who will be working and hygienic. inspection in the community or • Physical distancing - avoiding body nearby areas. During contact, including shaking hands, the staff travelling maintaining a distance of at least 1.5-2 to each community, m between staff and other people in Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 143 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Risk/Impacts Mitigation Measures Monitoring Frequency it will be chance of the local community, and avoiding getting and large gatherings. spreading COVID-19 • Promote regular and thorough to the local people. handwashing by staffs, contractors, and local communities. • Consider whether a face-to-face meeting or event is needed; and • Have surgical masks available to offer every staff who is working in the local communities. • The below provides some specific guidance on Infection Prevention and Control Protocol (IPCP) of the COVID- 19 recommended by WHO. Risks may include potential for sexual harassment or sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA), gender- based violence (GBV), and child violence (VAC). Regardless of this, this ESMP will provide environmental health and safety requirements (with particular attention to GBV), community engagement training, CHS guidance, GBV and VAC, and STD/HIV/AIDS prevention for all land registration teams, workers (civil servants and outsource workers / contractors) to ensure the success of the project. Code of Conduct (COC) will be included in the letter of LSB employees and team appointments and contracts (for contract workers) in accordance with relevant national laws and laws to be adopted and applied in the project. Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 144 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) ANNEX 8 CONTINGENCY EMERGENCY RESPONSE COMPONENT (CERC) MANUAL A8.1 Introduction This document is prepared as an addendum to the existing ESMP of the Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002). It describes additional information on the environment and social safeguard (ESS) requirements for the implementation of the proposed activities. Lao Statistic Bureau (LSB) of the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) will be the subproject owner. The National Disaster Prevention and Control Committee (NDPCC) will be the CERC Implementing Agency and responsible for guiding and coordinating all CERC activities and is chaired by the Vice Prime Minister. The guidance and procedures included in this CERC ESMF should be considered in the Emergency Response Manual (ERM) that will be prepared during the project implementation, and will contain the environmental and social requirements, if the CERC is activated. The guidelines and procedures included in this ESMPCERC Addendum takes into account the Bank’s safeguard requirement for the CERC (Bank’s Guidance on CERC, October 2017). II. Identification of potential activities that the CERC could finance. The activities to be carried if the CERC Component is activated include: goods, services, and works as identified in Table A8-1. The Location of the contingency activities will be nationwide when needed. It is important to mention that the activities or subprojects that will be financed by the CERC Component, should avoid activities or subproject with complex environmental and social aspects (for example land acquisition and/or resettlement), because the CERC objective is to support immediate priority activities (less than 18 months). The subprojects with more environmental and social complexity, could be financed with other specific sources of financing. Table A8-1: Positive list of goods, services and works (reference: ERM dated August 27, 2018 A8.2 Identification of potential activities that the CERC could finance: The activities to be carried if the CERC Component is activated include: goods, services, and works as identified in Table A8-1. The Location of the contingency activities will be nationwide when needed. 4. It is important to mention that the activities or subprojects that will be financed by the CERC Component, should avoid activities or subproject with complex environmental and social aspects (for example resettlement), because the CERC objective is to support immediate priority activities (less than 18 months). The subprojects with more environmental and social complexity, could be financed with other specific sources of financing Table A8-1: Positive list of goods, services and works Item Goods • ICT equipment and supplies • Cleaning supplies including hand hygiene and disinfectants; • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) stockpiles, including masks, gowns and gloves; Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 145 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) • Equipment and supplies for temporary housing/living during field data collection (gas stoves, utensils, tents, beds, sleeping bags, mattresses, blankets, hammocks, mosquito nets, kit of personal and family hygiene, etc.) • Lease of vehicles (Vans, trucks and SUVs) Services • Consulting services related to emergency response including, but not limited to urgent data collection and installation of ICT equipment. • Technical Assistance in developing TORs for data collection companies. • Non-consultant services to deliver any of the activities described in the “Goods” section of this table (e.g., debris removal, dump trucks, drones survey) Works • Repair of damaged ICT equipment; • Small repair of LSB office and Statistical centers at the provincial level. • Removal and disposal of debris associated with any eligible activity. Training • Conduct necessary training related to emergency response including, but not limited to the Implementation of the Emergency Action Plan (EAP) to be prepared when the CERC is activated. • Training on rapid needs assessment and other related assessments including those related to ESF instruments. Emergency Operating Costs • Incremental expenses by the Government for a defined period related to early recovery efforts arising as a result of the impact of an eligible emergency. This includes, but is not limited to: operational costs15 and rental of equipment A8.3 Potential Environmental and Social (ES) Impacts The Project will be implemented nation-wide through LSS using the LSB as the implementation agency along with the statistical center of line ministries or equivalent agencies un der the LSB’s technical guidance. Despite its achievements in reducing poverty, Lao PDR faces significant longer-term challenges in growth related to the digital economy and youth employment. The project will have mostly positive benefits as the interventions will set up a robust statistical system in the country which will result in, among others, correct estimates of poverty, gender & vulnerability assessments, MDGs, SDG indicators and other. 15 As per Amended Financing Agreement, signed January 28, 2020 ”Operating Costs” means the reasonable costs of goods and non-consulting services required for the day-to-day coordination, administration and supervision of Project activities, including leasing and or routine repair and maintenance of vehicles, equipment, facilities and office premises, fuel, office supplies, utilities, consumables, communication expenses (including postage, telephone and internet costs), website maintenance, translation, printing and photocopying expenses, bank charges, publications and advertising expenses, insurance, Project-related travel, subsistence and lodging expenses, and other administrative costs and costs of contractual staff directly related to the Project, but excluding salaries, bonuses, fees and honoraria of equivalent payment of members of the Recipient’s civil service.” Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 146 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Overall, the environmental and social (ES) risks of this project are considered Low. However, it dexpends on activities implemented under the CERC. The Project is expected to bring about significant environmental, social and economic benefits and positive statistic system modernisation development outcomes to the target beneficiaries and the country in many ways. The potential risks associated with the Project activities are minimise and mostly related to weak communication and coordination issues. These environmental risks and impacts are expected to be limited, localized, site specific, and temporary, and they can be mitigated through the application of well-established E-waste management plan, LMP with OHS and Covid-19 prevention measures, COC on SEA/SH and VAC and CHSP provided as part of the ESMP (see Annex 4 to Annex 7). The ICT tools to be financed by the Project will eventually end-up in the waste stream as electrical and electronic waste (e-waste). E-waste is a very complex waste stream, as it encompasses a wide range of items, metals and chemicals of which some are valuable, and others are hazardous. Valuable metals include gold, silver, copper and iron/steel; and hazardous waste include heavy metals such as lead, cadmium and mercury. Plastic cabinets often contain flame retardants such as polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) and polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE), which are considered persistent organic pollutants by the Stockholm Convention. These chemicals are considered potentially bio accumulative and toxic to humans and wildlife. Consequently, the use of these compounds has been restricted internationally. Cathode ray tube (CRT) glass which is used in computer monitors contain lead and at present, there is no effective way to deal with leaded glass. The e-waste recycling industry in Lao PDR is rather diverse, and a substantial part of the e-waste is imported from China, India, South Korea, Singapore, Europe and USA. The e-waste recycling process starts with manual separation and dismantling into more homogenous groups of materials (e.g., gold, copper, plastic, circuit boards) for some fractions this is then followed by shredding and sorting/refining process e.g., with water, heat, or with metallurgical processes. Potential CHS concerns relate to health and safety risks for data user in connection with ICT and service facilities, workplace practice as interns or apprentices (for example the use of mechanical or electrical tools and equipment, handling of hazardous materials, and exposure to zoonotic diseases 16 when managing electronical material) and for data users at ICT centres with potentially hazardous work or work environments. Improve knowledge on reduction and management of e-waste (including used computers, batteries, and electrical appliance will also be promoted. This will include issues such as prevention or reduction of noise or emission of air or water pollutants, e-waste management, waste recycling, substitution of hazardous materials with non-hazardous materials, climate change risks and practical adaption concepts, workplace and personal hygiene to prevent the spread of diseases, and practical means and methods to prevent or reduce the risks of work-related accidents and injuries. 16 A zoonosis (plural zoonoses, or zoonotic diseases) is an infectious disease caused by a pathogen (an infectious agent, such as a bacterium, virus, parasite or prion) that has jumped from an animal (usually a vertebrate) to a human. Typical zoonotic diseases include avian influenza, tuberculosis and brucellosis, salmonellosis Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 147 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Moreover, recognizing high risk on natural disaster in Lao PDR, the Project will also support development of emergency action plans for ICT facilities and service centres by introducing standard emergency procedures and building capacity of Project staff and managers as well as other government officials in related departments of LSB. The Social Risks of this project are considered Low. However, it depends on activities implemented under the CERC. Potential social risks associated with Project activities include (a) lack of stakeholder and inclusive engagement and clear communication; (b) risks related to the labor and working conditions of project workers; (c) risk of exclusion and discrimination particularly of ethnic minorities and vulnerable groups if not adequately represented in statistical data collection; (d) risk of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment (SEA/SH) and Violence Against Children (VAC) when conducting household interviews and (e) risk of data security and privacy. These risks and impacts are low, and they are being addressed in the SEP and will be implemented during the lifetime of the project. The risk rating takes into consideration lack or minimal ES capacity of LSB. The low ES capacity of LSB will be addressed and support by the World Bank and ES consultant during the first year of project implementation. The ES consultant will help the project to promote and provide means for effective and inclusive engagement with project-affected parties, as instructed in the SEP, throughout the project life-cycle. It is not expected to have an UXO risk under this Project. To ensure that adverse impacts will not occur given the nature of emergency, the items and the following activities are prohibited for financing under the Project: 1) Production and/or trading of tobacco or any products containing tobacco and alcoholic beverages; 2) Gambling, casinos and equivalent enterprises; 3) Production and/or trading in weapons and munitions; 4) Using asbestos as construction material; 5) Using raw material and/or hazardous & toxic (Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun/B3) wastes in large quantities. The project cannot finance activities which uses, produces, stores or transports raw material and hazardous & toxic waste such as toxic substance, material which may cause fire or explosion; 6) Siting and/or actions which could potentially destroy protected and biodiversity sensitive areas, natural habitat and/or critical natural habitat. The Project cannot finance activities that is located within, adjacent to or traversing protected areas and biodiversity sensitive areas such as natural conservation areas, protected forests etc. or any activity which may alter the function or effectiveness of protected and sensitive areas, cause adverse impact to biodiversity and habitats. Further on protection of biodiversity and habitats, especially vulnerable and endangered species listed in the criteria and categories of the International Union Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List and Annex 1 and 2 of the Convention on International Trade Endangered Species (CITES). Additionally, the Project cannot finance any sub-project or activity which causes significant conversion and/or degradation of the natural habitat or any critical natural habitat environment including those of terrestrial, coastal and Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 148 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) marine ecosystems that have High Conservation Value, essential ecosystem areas, significant biodiversity and / or protected conservation zones; 7) Siting and/or actions which could potentially destroy cultural conservation areas. The Project must not finance any project which degrades or destroys cultural value of a cultural conservation area, not only limited to artefact and cultural structure, but also locations considered sacred or having high spiritual value for local people. In the contract agreement with the contractor, there must be provisions and guideline concerning what measures must be taken if these artefacts and structures are found within the project site; 8) Siting and/or actions which could potentially result in land acquisition or involuntary resettlement under eminent domain principle. The project cannot finance activities that result in the forced evictions or physical or economic displacement of the affected communities, including indigenous and tribal peoples, and activities that may constrain or terminate access of local communities to land or resources that they traditionally use; 9) Using excessive timber, water and energy. The project cannot finance activities that utilize the excessive use of natural resources with large civil works; 10) Using timber from illegal logging. The Project must not finance infrastructure related to or support illegal logging; 11) Employment of child labor and forced labor and against national labor law and local labor regulation. The Project cannot finance activities involving any forms of child labor. Related to forced labor, the project cannot finance activities involving any forms of forced labor, and also trafficked persons, includes the practice of the bonded /indentured labor, excessive limitations of freedom of movement, excessive notice periods, physical punishment, use of security or other personnel to force or extract work from project workers, or other restrictions that compel a project worker to work in a non-voluntary basis. The Project also cannot finance activities involving work without formal contractual agreements that comply with GoL regulations, including with donors, intermediary and / or channelling agencies, and beneficiaries 12) Production and/or trading in radioactive materials. This does not apply to the purchase of medical equipment, quality control (measurement) equipment and any equipment where the International Finance Corporation (IFC) considers the radioactive source to be trivial and/or adequately shielded; 13) Production and/or trading in any product or activity deemed illegal under host country laws or regulations or international conventions and agreements, or subject to international bans, such as pharmaceuticals, pesticides/herbicides, ozone depleting substances, PCB's, wildlife or products regulated under CITES; 14) Involving traditional mining practice which uses the prohibited substances, e.g., mercury, other radioactive substances; 15) Utilization of stone / minerals from illegal mining (unable to show a copy of the mining permit issued by the relevant agency); 16) Drift net fishing in the marine environment using nets in excess of 2.5 km. in length; Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 149 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) 17) Involving activities that relates to infrastructure development located in international water area, disputed area, and/or on land that cannot prove clean and clear status; 18) Involving activities related to local political parties. The project will not finance any activities that support political activities such as political candidate’s campaign; 19) Large civil works; 20) Procurement of hazardous substances in large quantities; 21) Land acquisition and resettlements; 22) Activities that may have adverse impacts on indigenous people; and 23) Other activities involving higher risks (e.g., traditional mining, industrial-based livelihood, large scale commercial plantation or excessive use of resources). A8.4 Environmental and Social Management Framework Process When the CERC component is activated, LSB assisted by ESF consultant will carry out the following steps: • Step 1: Application of the Ineligible/Negative Criteria List (Annex 3). The prohibited activities for CERC under Section A8.3 will also be applied. Given that the CERC objective is to support immediate priority activities (18 months), the activities with resettlement issues will be avoided. • Step 2: Identification of ES issues and preparation of mitigation plans. Based on the results from Step 1, LSB will implement E-waste Management Plan, LMP, COC on SEA/SH and VAC and CHSP for the CERC activities (See Annex 4 to Annex 7) • Step 3: Implementation and M&E. The E-waste Management Plan, LMP, COC on SEA/SH and VAC and CHSP will be implemented according to the agreed implementation arrangement. LSB will monitor the implementation on the ground and report the results to the WB. • Step 4: Completion and Evaluation. Once the CERC subproject has been completed, LSB will monitor and evaluate the results before closing the contract. Any pending issues and/or grievance must be solved before the subproject is considered fully completed. LSB will submit the completion report describing the compliance of safeguard performance and submit it to WB when required. A8.5 Institutional Arrangement for Project Implementation As mentioned above, LSB will lead the implementation with TA from consultants. LSB will report to the CERC Implementing Agency (i.e., The National Disaster Prevention and Control Committee (NDPCC) which is responsible guiding and coordinating all CERC activities and is chaired by the Vice Prime Minister. The Disaster Management Division within Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare is the lead coordinator. NDPCC will provide the inputs to DOW to prepare the package to activate the CERC including the declaration of disaster, the latest impact assessment of situation reports and the list of goods and works to be included in the Emergency Action Plan (EAP). Figure A8-1 below presents organization arrangement for CERC as well as those for the ESMF addendum. Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 150 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Figure A8-1 Implementation Arrangement for CERC Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 151 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) ANNEX 9 LIST OF PERSONS MET DURING ESF PREPARATIONS IN MARCH TO MAY 2022 No. Name list Position Organization Environment and Social framework instruments (ESMP, SEP and ESCP) preparation/kick off meeting, dated 31/03/2022 (Video conference 1 Mr. Phetsavanh Head of Division, Social Statistical Lao Statistical Boutlasy Department Bureau (LSB) 2 Ms. Chanthapany Deputy of Division, Administration LSB Mahathilard Department 3 Ms. Vanhpheng Deputy of Division, Statistical LSB Phengsavath Management Department 4 Ms. Samta Sacktikhoun Technical, Social Statistical LSB Department 5 Ms. BangEon Technical, Statistical Management LSB Sibounheuang Department 6 Mr. Latsamy Technical, Administration LSB Phunngathong Department 7 Mr. Sipaseuth Navongsa Technical, Economic Statistical LSB Department 8 Mr. Khetsada Technical, Social Statistical LSB Phommachanh Department Meeting with LSB at the LSB office, dated 13/05/2022 (Face to face) 9 Mr. Phousavanh Deputy of Administration LSB Chanthasombut Department 10 Ms. Chanthapany Deputy of Division, Administration LSB Mahathilard Department 11 Ms. Vanhpheng Deputy of Division, Statistical LSB Phengsavath Management Department 12 Ms. BangEon Technical, Statistical Management LSB Sibounheuang Department 13 Mr. Latsamy Technical, Administration LSB Phunngathong Department 14 Mr. Sipaseuth Navongsa Technical, Economic Statistical LSB Department Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 152 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) ANNEX 10 PHOTOS AND LIST OF PARTICIPANTS IN THE NATIONAL CONSULTATION WORKSHOP ON 7 JUNE 2022 Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 153 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) List of Participants attended in person Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 154 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 155 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 156 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) List of Online Participants, Morning Session Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 157 of 162 Ministry of Planning and Investment The World Bank Lao Statistics Bureau The Lao PDR Statistical System Modernization Project (P178002) List of Online Participants, Afternoon Session Revised Draft ESMP Annex, July 2022 Page 158 of 162