The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Modernizing the National Statistical System in Tajikistan (P173977) Modernizing the National Statistical System in Tajikistan (P173977) EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA | Tajikistan | Poverty and Equity Global Practice | IBRD/IDA | Investment Project Financing | FY 2021 | Seq No: 5 | ARCHIVED on 20-Dec-2023 | ISR58515 | Implementing Agencies: Agency for Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan Key Dates Key Project Dates Bank Approval Date: 28-May-2021 Effectiveness Date: 18-Nov-2021 Planned Mid Term Review Date: 29-Mar-2024 Actual Mid-Term Review Date: 27-Oct-2023 Original Closing Date: 30-Nov-2026 Revised Closing Date: 30-Nov-2026 pdoTable Project Development Objectives Project Development Objective (from Project Appraisal Document) The PDO is to enable the Agency for Statistics to modernize statistical production, dissemination, and improve user engagement. Has the Project Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Project Objective? No Components Table Name Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of AS and Improving ICT Infrastructure:(Cost $4.16 M) Enhancing the system of statistical production, dissemination and data use:(Cost $5.34 M) Project Management:(Cost $0.50 M) Overall Ratings Name Previous Rating Current Rating Progress towards achievement of PDO Satisfactory Moderately Satisfactory Overall Implementation Progress (IP) Moderately Satisfactory Moderately Satisfactory Overall Risk Rating Low Moderate Implementation Status and Key Decisions The Mid-Term Review (MTR) mission assessed the implementation of the Project activities and results achieved within the Project period from November 2021 to mid-October 2023 in terms of the main evaluation criteria, namely: a) relevance and rationale of the project; b) quality of design; c) efficiency; d) effectiveness; e) project management; f) Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E); g) sustainability and overall risks. The evaluation was done based on: (i) desk review of relevant project documentation, including progress reports of the Project Implementation Group (PIG), Twinning Partnership (TP) consulting firm’s reports, as well as the World Bank’s mission reports; (ii) meetings with the National Bank of Tajikistan and Ministry of Finance as key statistical data providers and users; (iii) meetings with Khatlon Province Statistical Regional Department, local sub-national governments (Jamoats) in Bokhtar and Kushoniyon rayons, arranged during the field mission to Khatlon Province; (iv) on-line Zoom meeting with Asian Development Bank experts as one of the key donor partners providing support to Agency on Statistics (AS) in strengthening its institutional capacity; (v) meetings with TP experts, «Spitamen IT», “Gustarish”, and “FG-Group” companies; (v) direct on-site observations of some project activities during the field visit. 12/20/2023 Page 1 of 9 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Modernizing the National Statistical System in Tajikistan (P173977) The project’s progress towards achieving the project development objective (PDO) as well as its implementation progress are assessed to be Moderately Satisfactory due to slow progress on two independent PDO-level indicators and slower-than-expected progress with some of the activities. The MTR found that overall progress made towards Intermediate Results is good and the targets for all indicators under the Project Outputs have a high likelihood of being achieved by Project end. However, the Bank task team has concerns over the achievement of the PDO, particularly the two PDO-level indicators of (i) Statistical Performance Index and (ii) Open Data Inventory Index. Risks Systematic Operations Risk-rating Tool Risk Category Rating at Approval Previous Rating Current Rating Political and Governance Moderate Moderate Moderate Macroeconomic Substantial Substantial Moderate Sector Strategies and Policies Low Low Low Technical Design of Project or Program Low Low Low Institutional Capacity for Implementation and Moderate Moderate Moderate Sustainability Fiduciary Moderate Moderate Moderate Environment and Social Moderate Moderate Moderate Stakeholders Low Low Low Other Moderate -- -- Overall Moderate Low Moderate Results PDO Indicators by Objectives / Outcomes To enable AS to modernize statistical production, dissemination, and improve user engagement IN01360977 ►Statistical Performance Index (Number, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 55.76 55.76 55.76 70.00 Date 31-Dec-2021 31-Mar-2023 27-Oct-2023 30-Nov-2026 The Statistical Performance Index (SPI) overall score is a composite score measuring country performance across five pillars: data use, data services, data products, data sources, and data Comments: infrastructure. The new Statistical Performance Indicators (SPI) replaces the Statistical Capacity Index (SCI), which the World Bank has regularly published since 2004. Although the goals are the same, to offer a better tool to measure the statistical systems of countries, the new SPI framework has expanded into 12/20/2023 Page 2 of 9 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Modernizing the National Statistical System in Tajikistan (P173977) new areas including in the areas of data use, administrative data, geospatial data, data services, and data infrastructure. The SPI provides a framework that can help countries measure where they stand in several dimensions and offers an ambitious measurement agenda for the international community. IN01360978 ►Open Data Inventory Index (ODIN) (Number, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 41.00 42.00 42.00 60.00 Date 01-Dec-2020 31-Mar-2023 27-Oct-2023 31-Dec-2024 The Open Data Inventory (ODIN) measures how complete a country’s statistical offerings are and whether their data meet international standards of openness. Data assessed in ODIN must be official country data that are published on the national statistics office’s (NSO) website or any other official country website that is linked from the NSO website. Coverage scores are based on the availability of key indicators and Comments: appropriate disaggregations over time and for geographic subdivisions. Openness scores are based on whether data can be downloaded in machine-readable and non-proprietary formats, are accompanied by metadata and whether download options exist such as bulk download and user-selection or APIs, and have an open terms of use or data license. IN01360979 ►Results of the web-based semi-annual user satisfaction surveys have been (i) publicly disseminated and (ii) discussed at the Inter-Agency Statistical Council's semi-annual consultations (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Increase by at least Value 51.7% 68% 72% 20% over the baseline value Date 31-Dec-2021 31-Mar-2023 27-Oct-2023 31-Dec-2025 This indicator measures citizen engagement and ensures that a two-way channel of feedback and Comments: response is established through publication and council action. Intermediate Results Indicators by Components Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of AS and Improving ICT Infrastructure IN01360980 ►Update of the Law on State Statistics, introduction of new Institutional Set-up and improved HR management system (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target The first draft of the Law The draft Law remains of the Republic of to be adjusted in line Tajikistan "On Updated Law on State with the UNECE Amendments and Statistics is passed by Generic Law on Additions to the Law of the Parliament, new Official Statistics for Outdated Law on State the Republic of Tajikistan Institutional Set-up is countries of Eastern Statistics, Institutional "On State Statistics" was approved by the Europe, Caucasus and Set-up, outdated and prepared by the Twinning President’s decree, Value Central Asia. The MTR inefficient HR Partner. modern HRMIS mission revealed that management and HR By order of the AS, a system is introduced, the Draft Law has not policies working group was training and retraining addressed some created, the law was plans are developed important considered, the and being recommendations preliminary version was implemented provided by UNSD. sent for consultation with UNSD. 12/20/2023 Page 3 of 9 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Modernizing the National Statistical System in Tajikistan (P173977) The activities on streamlining of the organizational structure of the AS have not yet started. A new HRMIS system, which has elements of filing staff records and time-recording to manage staff’s work- related tasks, was developed and introduced on a pilot basis and was installed only in the Central Office. The software has been developed without considering changes envisaged further in the AS organizational structure. Trainings of managers and a training plan is needed. Date 01-Jan-2021 31-Mar-2023 27-Oct-2023 29-Dec-2023 This indicator will help monitor progress on the approval of an Updated Statistics Law by the Parliament, Comments: Endorsement of a new Institutional Set-up and introduction of an improved HR management system IN01360983 ►Shifting from paper-based household books to electronic ones in all jamoats (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target 100% of rural jamoats are using a web-based system digital entry system that was All jamoats use electronic developed by TajStat household books, 100% that provides All jamoats use of information on the electronic collection of electronic household population is entered into household-book data books. The national electronic household for rural settlements. 31 jamoats (7.2% of all) and regional books. Collected data is Value use electronic household databases are created The national and regional directly stored on books automatically upon databases are created servers at the AS HQ, data entry at the AS automatically upon data as it gets entered at server at 70% of entry at the AS server at the rayon and jamoats. 100% of jamoats. administrative levels below. Percent of Jamoats use e- collection is unavailable. Date 18-Feb-2021 31-Mar-2023 27-Oct-2023 31-Dec-2025 This indicator will help monitor progress on the transition from paper-based household books to electronic Comments: ones in all jamoats (sub-district level of the government) of the country 12/20/2023 Page 4 of 9 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Modernizing the National Statistical System in Tajikistan (P173977) IN01360985 ►Increased traffic and data usage/download from AS official website (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Terms of reference were prepared for the development of new software tools for the website/portal and for data visualization, including GIS, including the relationship of the site/portal with electronic reporting and its implementation, contributing to the creation of a foundation for an integrated A new website connection to a single Increased the number AS website having platform was created, system of ministries and of downloads by 50%. minimal features for: and its architecture departments . At least 5 government ‘Open Data’ access; data was designed. The Value agencies uploaded download; and filling in the content of The merger of the administrative and underlying data the pages of a website databases of the other datasets to the warehouse has not yet started. ministries on the AS AS servers servers will be after the implementation of the data processing center. At present, the terms of reference "Designing a network infrastructure for data processing, storage, security, etc. in modernized data processing and backup centers" have been prepared. Date 01-Jan-2021 31-Mar-2023 27-Oct-2023 28-Jun-2024 This indicator will help monitor the extent to which the AS website has improved and become user-friendly Comments: and allows for easy accessing of data at various data-bases on the AS website. Specifically, the indicator will measure the volume of downloads as well as uploads of data to AS servers. IN01360987 ►Gender disparity in staff count by gender at AS: top level female managers at the oblast and rayon level (Percentage) (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Currently, 41.1 percent of The share of female in Currently 37.4 % of AS AS employees are total AS staff (incl. At least 10 percentage staff are female and Value women, and 26.8 percent MCC) slightly point increase from the 25.6% of management of management staff are increased to 41.7% by baseline staff are female women (civil servants). October’2023. Date 05-Apr-2021 31-Mar-2023 27-Oct-2023 30-Sep-2026 Comments: This indicator will measure the number of female managers at regional and district offices of AS IN01360989 ►Data managed by AS has sufficient data privacy and security (physical and electronic) measures (Text, Custom) 12/20/2023 Page 5 of 9 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Modernizing the National Statistical System in Tajikistan (P173977) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target The hardware and software purchased for the Data Centers (including LAN & WAN), has safeguards in the form of firewalls and other malicious intrusion detection appliances that prevent intrusion, cyber-attacks and thereby may cause unauthorized access A company report was to the network and the received on the work AS has HW and SW data. These measures done on the issue of for secure storage and would also protect the "Designing and subsequent archiving network from ‘denial of implementing a network of surveys. Data Limited capacity to service’ type of cyber- infrastructure for data having sensitive Value provide protection of attacks that can cripple processing, storage, personal and private primary data and bring down the security, etc. in data – both individuals network and the modernized data and enterprises, are databases for processing and backup programmatically extended periods. As centers." Work in this anonymized secure transmission of direction is ongoing data is concerned, either while collecting jamoat household books data, or while using e-Reporting for collecting data, or while getting data from MDAs, the VPN (Virtual Private Network) software in place provides a secure channel for data in transit. Date 23-Feb-2021 31-Mar-2023 27-Oct-2023 28-Jun-2024 Comments: This indicator will measure data privacy and security measures maintained by AS. Enhancing the system of statistical production, dissemination and data use IN01360981 ►Compilation and dissemination of national accounts using the concepts and definitions of 2008 SNA standard (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target The SNA expert will An action plan has The general conduct an on-the-job been drawn up for the framework, concepts National accounts training from 17 to 21 SNA 2008 transition and definitions follows compilation is in April 2023. Training project. Twinning 2008 SNA standards transition from using program and list of partner provided with Economic Value 1993 SNA to 2008 SNA participants agreed. recommendations to statistics being with Economic statistics A company has been improve current compiled in discrete being compiled in hired to calculate gross methodologies and periods and SNA cumulative periods fixed capital formation comply with the 2008 meeting at least level 4 under the 2008 SNA and SNA standards, to of SNA 2008 standard preparations are improve the quality of 12/20/2023 Page 6 of 9 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Modernizing the National Statistical System in Tajikistan (P173977) underway to conduct a annual SNA survey on the stock and calculations, and movement of fixed assets prepare the input- in the private sector and output table. tourism. Date 15-Feb-2021 31-Mar-2023 27-Oct-2023 31-Dec-2025 Comments: This indicator will help measure progress towards full transition to 2008 SNA standards IN01360984 ►Submission of regular mandatory reports by external entities electronically (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target 64 reporting forms, 1 form for dehkan farmers, 12 HBS modules and 22 reporting forms, administrative statistics or 34%, adopted electronically (by the end of 2022). An IT software 35 reporting forms, 1 Testing is being carried consulting firm has form for dekhkan farmers out to switch to an prepared 157 reporting 80 % of mandatory and 12 modules of HBS electronic format for forms (including reports are submitted Value or 20,2% admitted obtaining information on instructions for via an e-reporting electronically (at the end population migration and completion) out of the system of 2020) vital statistics - civil 223 forms (including status (births, deaths, management reports). marriages and divorces. For a full transition to electronic reporting, a tender was held and an assessment is underway for hiring a company Date 31-Dec-2020 31-Mar-2023 27-Oct-2023 31-Dec-2024 Comments: This indicator will measure the share of reports submitted electronically IN01360986 ►Number of anonymized survey micro-datasets available online (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target 0 – number of survey micro-datasets available online. Additionally, No progress under this Number of survey preparations have begun indicator has been 0 – number of survey micro-datasets for surveys on persons observed and no Value micro-datasets available available online is with disabilities, tourism survey micro-data are online increased by 50% from and fixed assets. After available online baseline value completion of surveys will through AS website. be included in the NADA system. Date 21-Feb-2022 31-Mar-2023 27-Oct-2023 28-Aug-2026 12/20/2023 Page 7 of 9 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Modernizing the National Statistical System in Tajikistan (P173977) Comments: This indicator will measure progress on availability of micro-datasets from household and firm surveys. IN01360988 ►Number of UNSD Minimum List gender indicators available using data collected within the past 5 years (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target While AS reports that the number of gender indicators has increased from 23 in 47 indicators are 2021 to 47 in 2023, the available, taking into MTR was not able to At least 50% account the surveys verify this number, Value 23.00 improvement over the (78%). However, these since AS website is baseline value are not readily available largely missing this on the AS website. information. It is important that this information becomes available online for all users. Date 12-Feb-2021 31-Mar-2023 27-Oct-2023 31-Dec-2024 The indicator will measure the volume of gender indicators available that meet the UNSD minimum list of Comments: gender indicators Project Management IN01360982 ►Efficient internal and external stakeholder communication and coordination regarding the project is maintained (Number, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 6.00 7.00 10.00 Date 01-Jan-2021 31-Mar-2023 27-Oct-2023 31-Dec-2024 This indicator will measure the cumulative number of stakeholder meetings/workshops held on this project. The project had its official launch in December 2021, where governmental and non-governmental stakeholders were invited for project presentation. To enhance coordination among development partners and the AS, a working group on data and statistics was established under the umbrella of the Development Coordination Council (DCC). This approach was intended to ensure sufficient awareness of Comments: the project among development partners, contributing to the sustainability of results. In the context of user-engagement, AS has established a modern ‘Call Center’ to provide end-users a single point of contact to answer their AS’ data-related questions. The software for the Call Center and the underlying IP (Internet Protocol) Telephony infrastructure was installed at AS. It is important that the Call Center functions effectively and that IP telephony usage benefits are conveyed to the staff so staff uses it more actively. Call Center could also be programmed to design and implement phone-based surveys. Performance-Based Conditions Data on Financial Performance Disbursements (by loan) 12/20/2023 Page 8 of 9 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Modernizing the National Statistical System in Tajikistan (P173977) Project Loan/Credit/TF Status Currency Original Revised Cancelled Disbursed Undisbursed % Disbursed P173977 IDA-D8360 Effective USD 10.00 10.00 0.00 5.89 3.37 64% Key Dates (by loan) Project Loan/Credit/TF Status Approval Date Signing Date Effectiveness Date Orig. Closing Date Rev. Closing Date P173977 IDA-D8360 Effective 28-May-2021 25-Jun-2021 18-Nov-2021 30-Nov-2026 30-Nov-2026 Cumulative Disbursements Restructuring History There has been no restructuring to date. Related Project(s) There are no related projects. 12/20/2023 Page 9 of 9