The World Bank                                                                                    Implementation Status & Results Report
         Housing Recovery Project (P166537)

Housing Recovery Project (P166537)

 LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN | Dominica | Urban, Resilience and Land Global Practice |
 IBRD/IDA | Investment Project Financing | FY 2018 | Seq No: 12 | ARCHIVED on 18-Dec-2023 | ISR58916 |

 Implementing Agencies: Central Service Unit, Commonwealth of Dominica, Dominica Agricultural Industrial & Development Bank, Dominica Social
 Security, Ministry of Housing and Urban Development

 Key Dates

  Key Project Dates

   Bank Approval Date: 13-Apr-2018                                           Effectiveness Date: 07-Aug-2018
   Planned Mid Term Review Date: 29-Jan-2021                                 Actual Mid-Term Review Date: 29-Apr-2021
   Original Closing Date: 29-Dec-2023                                        Revised Closing Date: 30-Jun-2025

 Project Development Objectives

  Project Development Objective (from Project Appraisal Document)
  The Project Development Objectives (PDOs) are to contribute both to the recovery of housing for households affected by Hurricane Maria and to
  improve the application of resilient building practices in the housing sector

  Has the Project Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Project Objective?

  Board Approved Revised Project Development Objective (If project is formally restructured)
  The Project Development Objectives (PDOs) are to: to contribute to the recovery of housing for households affected by Hurricane Maria, to improve
  the application of resilient building practices in the Recipient’s housing sector, and to provide immediate and effective response to an Eligible
  Emergency Crisis or Emergency

 Components Table

 Support for Housing Recovery Systems and Capacity Building:(Cost $2.70 M)
 Support for Reconstruction of Houses:(Cost $27.46 M)
 Project Management and Coordination:(Cost $3.80 M)
 CERC Component:(Cost $6.04 M)

 Overall Ratings

 Name                                                                      Previous Rating                         Current Rating

 Progress towards achievement of PDO                                       Moderately Satisfactory                Moderately Satisfactory
 Overall Implementation Progress (IP)                                      Moderately Satisfactory                Moderately Unsatisfactory
 Overall Risk Rating                                                       Substantial                            Substantial

 Implementation Status and Key Decisions

  The implementation of the Housing Recovery Project continues to progress. The key milestones include: (i) 301 contracts have been signed, 96
  houses are under construction, and 205 houses have achieved practical completion; (ii) 380 plans have been submitted to the Physical Planning
  Division for approval, of which 308 have been approved; and (iii) 415 beneficiaries have been enrolled and have signed beneficiary agreements.

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            The World Bank                                                                                         Implementation Status & Results Report
            Housing Recovery Project (P166537)

  Furthermore, a new alternative design and supervision arrangement (ADSA) has been put in place to replace the underperforming Design and
  Supervision firm. Despite the progress, there are some issues causing delays in project implementation including: (i) poor performance of some
  contractors which has resulted in the need to terminate several contracts; (ii) need for variations in sites due to various construction and site
  challenges; (iii) continues increases in construction costs, which may require an increase to the grant ceiling; and (iv) inability of some beneficiaries
  to provide sufficient proof of land tenure documentation.


 Systematic Operations Risk-rating Tool

  Risk Category                                                Rating at Approval                Previous Rating               Current Rating

  Political and Governance                                     High                             Substantial                  Substantial
  Macroeconomic                                                High                             Moderate                     Moderate
  Sector Strategies and Policies                               Moderate                         Moderate                     Moderate
  Technical Design of Project or Program                       Moderate                         Moderate                     Moderate
  Institutional Capacity for Implementation and
                                                               High                             High                         High
  Fiduciary                                                    Substantial                      Substantial                  Substantial
  Environment and Social                                       Substantial                      Substantial                  Substantial
  Stakeholders                                                 Substantial                      Substantial                  Substantial
  Other                                                        High                             Substantial                  Substantial
  Overall                                                      High                             Substantial                  Substantial


 PDO Indicators by Objectives / Outcomes

   Recovery of housing for households affected by Hurricane Maria

    ►Direct project beneficiaries (Number, Custom)

                                        Baseline                     Actual (Previous)              Actual (Current)           End Target

    Value                               0.00                         7,760.00                       7,805.00                   8,720.00

    Date                                27-Feb-2018                  12-Jun-2023                    08-Dec-2023                29-Dec-2023

      % Female (Percentage, Custom Supplement)

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           The World Bank                                                                                  Implementation Status & Results Report
           Housing Recovery Project (P166537)

                                      Baseline                      Actual (Previous)       Actual (Current)          End Target

     Value                           0.00                          48.00                    48.00                     48.00

    ►Number of households with resilient housing recovered using project subsidies (Number, Custom)

                                       Baseline                      Actual (Previous)       Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                              0.00                          178.00                  205.00                    420.00

    Date                               19-Feb-2018                   12-Jun-2023             08-Dec-2023              29-Dec-2023

     Number of female-headed households (primary beneficiaries) (Percentage, Custom Supplement)

                                      Baseline                      Actual (Previous)       Actual (Current)          End Target

     Value                           0.00                          31.00                    31.00                     35.00

   Improve the application of resilient building practices in the housing sector

    ►Number of households that accessed general advice service from TAC and benefit from streamlined permitting process (Number, Custom)

                                       Baseline                      Actual (Previous)       Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                              0.00                          670.00                  670.00                    600.00

    Date                               19-Feb-2018                   12-Jun-2023             08-Dec-2023              29-Dec-2023

     Number of female-headed households (primary beneficiaries) (Percentage, Custom Supplement)

                                      Baseline                      Actual (Previous)       Actual (Current)          End Target

     Value                           0.00                          37.00                    37.00                     35.00

   Financial assistance provided to individuals and small businesses affected by COVID 19

    ►Number of employees and self-employed receiving income support (Number, Custom)

                                       Baseline                      Actual (Previous)       Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                              0.00                          3,454.00                3,454.00                  4,000.00

    Date                               17-Aug-2020                   22-Apr-2022             22-Apr-2022              30-Jun-2021

                                        Program has closed.

     Percentage of which are women (Percentage, Custom Supplement)

                                      Baseline                      Actual (Previous)       Actual (Current)          End Target

     Value                           0.00                          53.00                    53.00                     50.00


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           The World Bank                                                                                Implementation Status & Results Report
           Housing Recovery Project (P166537)

    ►Number of senior citizens over 70 years receiving pension support (Number, Custom)

                                     Baseline                  Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                            0.00                      2,713.00                    2,713.00                  2,700.00

    Date                             17-Aug-2020               22-Apr-2022                 22-Apr-2022              30-Jun-2021

                                     Program has closed.

     Percentage of which are women (Percentage, Custom Supplement)

                                   Baseline                   Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)          End Target

     Value                         0.00                       46.00                       46.00                     50.00

    ►Number of businesses receiving reimbursable financial assistance (Number, Custom)

                                     Baseline                  Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                            0.00                      662.00                      662.00                    400.00

    Date                             30-Jun-2021               22-Apr-2022                 22-Apr-2022              31-Dec-2021

                                     Program has closed.

     Percentage reimbursable financial assistance issued to women owned or managed MSEs (Percentage, Custom Supplement)

                                   Baseline                   Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)          End Target

     Value                         0.00                       52.00                       52.00                     65.00

 Intermediate Results Indicators by Components

   Support for Reconstruction of Houses

    ►Number of subsidies disbursed (Number, Custom)

                                     Baseline                  Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                            0.00                      1,202.00                    1,310.00                  2,100.00

    Date                             19-Feb-2018               12-Jun-2023                 08-Dec-2023              29-Dec-2023

    ►Number of building permits issued (Number, Custom)

                                     Baseline                  Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                            0.00                      254.00                      308.00                    420.00

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           The World Bank                                                                                        Implementation Status & Results Report
           Housing Recovery Project (P166537)

    Date                             27-Feb-2018                  12-Jun-2023                      08-Dec-2023              29-Dec-2023

   Project Management and Coordination

    ►Number of communication campaigns delivered to affected communities and general public (Number, Custom)

                                      Baseline                     Actual (Previous)               Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                            0.00                         9.00                             9.00                      7.00

    Date                             19-Feb-2018                  12-Jun-2023                      08-Dec-2023              29-Dec-2023

    ►Share of grievance cases resolved within 6 weeks of submission (Percentage, Custom)

                                      Baseline                     Actual (Previous)               Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                            0.00                         91.00                            78.00                     100.00

    Date                             19-Feb-2018                  12-Jun-2023                      08-Dec-2023              29-Dec-2023

 Performance-Based Conditions

 Data on Financial Performance

 Disbursements (by loan)

 Project       Loan/Credit/TF    Status      Currency        Original     Revised      Cancelled      Disbursed       Undisbursed               % Disbursed

 P166537       IDA-62320         Effective   USD               10.00        10.00           0.00            7.00             2.52                      74%

 P166537       IDA-D3070         Effective   USD               30.00        30.00           0.00           24.93             3.95                      86%

 Key Dates (by loan)

 Project        Loan/Credit/TF   Status      Approval Date       Signing Date       Effectiveness Date       Orig. Closing Date       Rev. Closing Date

 P166537        IDA-62320        Effective   13-Apr-2018         10-May-2018        07-Aug-2018              29-Dec-2023              30-Jun-2025
 P166537        IDA-D3070        Effective   13-Apr-2018         10-May-2018        07-Aug-2018              29-Dec-2023              30-Jun-2025

Cumulative Disbursements

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         The World Bank                                                                               Implementation Status & Results Report
         Housing Recovery Project (P166537)

  Restructuring History

  Level 2 Approved on 13-May-2020 ,Level 2 Approved on 03-Aug-2021 ,Level 2 Approved on 26-Jul-2023

  Related Project(s)

 There are no related projects.

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