The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Urban Health, Nutrition and Population Project (P171144) Urban Health, Nutrition and Population Project (P171144) SOUTH ASIA | Bangladesh | IBRD/IDA | Investment Project Financing (IPF) | FY 2024 | Seq No: 1 | Archived on 04-Dec-2023 | ISR00029 Implementing Agencies: Chattogram City Corporation, Dhaka North City Corporation, Dhaka South City Corporation, The Local Government Division of the Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperative, The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare 1. OBJECTIVE 1.1 Development Objective Original Development Objective (Approved as part of Approval package on 30-Aug-2023) To improve delivery of comprehensive primary healthcare services for selected urban areas. Has the Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Project Objective? No 2. COMPONENTS Name Component 1. Improve urban primary HNP services led by the MoHFW:(Cost 100,000,000.00) Component 2. Improve public health services led by the LGD, MoLGRD&C:(Cost 100,000,000.00) 3. OVERALL RATINGS Name Current Progress towards achievement of PDO Satisfactory Overall Implementation Progress (IP) Satisfactory Overall Risk Rating Substantial 4. KEY ISSUES & STATUS Dec 04, 2023 Page 1 of 8 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Urban Health, Nutrition and Population Project (P171144) 4.1 Implementation Status and Key Decisions The Urban Health, Nutrition and Population (HNP) project will support the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) in delivering delivery a package of HNP services including reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child and adolescent health nutrition services, infectious disease services, and services for diagnosis, referral, and management of selected non-communicable diseases like diabetes and hypertension. These services will be delivered through Primary HNP Centers, with at least one female service provider at each Center. To enable this, the project will support the development of primary health service delivery networks, whereby several Primary HNP Centers will be linked to a secondary/tertiary-level facility. In addition, the project will support the Local Government Division (LGD) to develop systems and capacities for delivering environmental health and preventive services such as mosquito control, outhouse management of medical waste, mitigating effects of air and sound pollution, behavior change communication to promote healthy lifestyles and creating awareness, and community-driven interventions for addressing non-communicable diseases. 5. SYSTEMATIC OPERATIONS RISK-RATING TOOL Rating at Approval Risk Category Approval Package - 30 Aug Proposed Rating 2023 Political and Governance Moderate Moderate Macroeconomic Moderate Moderate Sector Strategies and Policies Moderate Moderate Technical Design of Project or Program Substantial Substantial Institutional Capacity for Implementation and Substantial Substantial Sustainability Fiduciary Substantial Substantial Environment and Social Substantial Substantial Stakeholders Moderate Moderate Overall Substantial Substantial Dec 04, 2023 Page 2 of 8 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Urban Health, Nutrition and Population Project (P171144) 6. RESULTS 6.1 PDO Indicators by PDO Outcomes Improve delivery of comprehensive primary healthcare services for selected urban areas Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) Closing Period Indicator Name Value Month/Year Value Date Value Date Value Month/Year Women receiving four or 0.00 May/2023 0 20-Nov-2023 0 20-Nov-2023 255,960.00 Dec/2028 more antenatal care checkup (Number) People registered for 0.00 May/2023 0 20-Nov-2023 0 20-Nov-2023 1,279,800.00 Dec/2028 hypertension screening and follow-up, disaggregated by gender (Number) People registered for 0.00 May/2023 00 20-Nov-2023 00 20-Nov-2023 639,900.00 Dec/2028 hypertension screening and follow-up: male (Number) People registered for 0.00 May/2023 0 20-Nov-2023 0 20-Nov-2023 639,900.00 Dec/2028 hypertension screening and follow-up: female (Number) Mosquito control unit of the No May/2023 No 20-Nov-2023 No 20-Nov-2023 Yes Dec/2028 LGD strengthened (Yes/No) 6.2 Intermediate Results Indicators by Components Dec 04, 2023 Page 3 of 8 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Urban Health, Nutrition and Population Project (P171144) Component 1. Improve urban primary HNP services led by the MoHFW Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) Closing Period Indicator Name Value Month/Year Value Date Value Date Value Month/Year Children who are fully 0.00 May/2023 0 20-Nov-2023 0 20-Nov-2023 35,550.00 Dec/2028 immunized ages 0-12 months, disaggregated by gender (Number) Children who are fully 0.00 May/2023 0 20-Nov-2023 0 20-Nov-2023 17,750.00 Dec/2028 immunized ages 0-12 months: male (Number) Children who are fully 0.00 May/2023 0 20-Nov-2023 0 20-Nov-2023 17,750.00 Dec/2028 immunized ages 0-12 months: female (Number) Pregnant women who 0.00 May/2023 0 20-Nov-2023 0 20-Nov-2023 136,512.00 Dec/2028 received nutrition services (Number) Primary HNP Center with 0.00 May/2023 0 20-Nov-2023 0 20-Nov-2023 100.00 Dec/2028 solar panels where feasible (Percentage) Primary HNP Center with no 50.00 May/2023 50 20-Nov-2023 50 20-Nov-2023 100.00 Dec/2028 stock-out of essential medicines in the last one month (Percentage) Primary HNP Center with at 0.00 May/2023 0 20-Nov-2023 0 20-Nov-2023 100.00 Dec/2028 least one female service provider (Percentage) People reached through 0.00 May/2023 0 20-Nov-2023 0 20-Nov-2023 1,850.00 Dec/2028 communications and Dec 04, 2023 Page 4 of 8 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Urban Health, Nutrition and Population Project (P171144) outreach activities, disaggregated by gender (Number) People reached 0.00 May/2023 0 20-Nov-2023 0 20-Nov-2023 925.00 Dec/2028 through communications and outreach activities: male (Number) People reached 0.00 May/2023 0 20-Nov-2023 0 20-Nov-2023 925.00 Dec/2028 through communications and outreach activities: female (Number) A user/beneficiary feedback 0.00 May/2023 0 20-Nov-2023 0 20-Nov-2023 3.00 Dec/2028 survey conducted (Number) Component 2. Improve public health services led by the LGD, MoLGRD&C Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) Closing Period Indicator Name Value Month/Year Value Date Value Date Value Month/Year Outhouse management of 0.00 May/2023 0 20-Nov-2023 0 20-Nov-2023 3.00 Dec/2028 medical waste sites put in place according to standards (Number) Early warning system for No May/2023 No 20-Nov-2023 No 20-Nov-2023 Yes Dec/2028 climate-sensitive diseases established for tracking at least one disease (Yes/No) Trees planted to mitigate the 0.00 May/2023 0 20-Nov-2023 0 20-Nov-2023 450,000.00 Dec/2028 effects of climate change (Number) Dec 04, 2023 Page 5 of 8 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Urban Health, Nutrition and Population Project (P171144) Dec 04, 2023 Page 6 of 8 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Urban Health, Nutrition and Population Project (P171144) 7. DATA ON FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 7.1 Cumulative Disbursements 7.2 Disbursements (by loan) Loan/Credit/TF Status Original Revised Cancelled Disbursed Undisbursed % Disbursed Not IDA-74020 200.00 200.00 0.00 0.00 198.31 0% Effective 7.3 Key Dates (by loan) Loan/Credit/TF Status Approval Signing Effectiveness Orig. Closing Rev. Closing Not IDA-74020 30-Aug-2023 22-Nov-2023 31-Dec-2028 31-Dec-2028 Effective Dec 04, 2023 Page 7 of 8 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Urban Health, Nutrition and Population Project (P171144) 8. KEY DATES Key Events Planned Actual Approval 30-Aug-2023 30-Aug-2023 Effectiveness 31-Jan-2024 Mid-Term Review No. 01 31-Aug-2026 Operation Closing/Cancellation 31-Dec-2028 9. RESTRUCTURING HISTORY There has been no restructuring to date 10. ASSOCIATED OPERATION(S) There are no associated operations Dec 04, 2023 Page 8 of 8