1.Procurement Plan. Textual part Preamble 1. In accordance with paragraph 5.9 of the “World Bank Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” (July 2016, revised November 2017 and August 2018) (“Procurement Regulations”), the Bank’s Systematic Tracking and Exchanges in Procurement (STEP) system will be used to prepare, clear and update Procurement Plans and conduct all procurement transactions for the Project. 2. This textual part along with the Procurement Plan tables in STEP constitute the Procurement Plan for the Project. The following conditions apply to all procurement activities in the Procurement Plan. The other elements of the Procurement Plan as required under paragraph 4.4 of the Procurement Regulations are set forth in STEP. 3. The Bank’s Standard Procurement Documents: shall be used for all contracts subject to international competitive procurement and those contracts as specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP. National Procurement Arrangements 4. In accordance with paragraph 5.3 of the Procurement Regulations, when approaching the national market (as specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP), procurement under World Bank financed operations may be carried out in accordance with “Tendering with Unlimited Participation” method set forth in the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “Оn Public Procurement of Goods, Works and Services”, # 168 dated March 3, 2006 (as amended by Law #815, the “Law of the Republic of Tajikistan on “Introduction of Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan on ‘Public Procurement of Goods, Works and Services’” dated April 16, 2012), provided that such arrangements continue to meet requirements of the paragraph 5.4 of the Procurement Regulations and the following conditions: • The request for bids/request for proposals document shall require that bidders/proposers submitting bids/proposals present a signed acceptance at the time of bidding, to be incorporated in any resulting contracts, confirming application of, and compliance with, World Bank Anti-Corruption Guidelines, including without limitation the Bank’s right to sanction and the Bank’s inspection and audit rights; • The request for bids/request for proposals document, including contract forms, acceptable to the Bank shall be used. • The request for bids/request for proposals document and contract shall provide the right to the Bank to review procurement documentation and activities. • Borrower shall put in place an effective complaints review mechanism with procurement related complaints and shall disclose the details in all the bidding documents. All complaints shall be recorded by the Borrower in the appropriate tracking and monitoring system, as agreed between the Bank and the Borrower. • No preference shall be applied under competitive bidding following national market approach. 5. Other national procurement arrangements such as tendering with limited participation, request for quotations, direct contracting, may be used on the above stated conditions. 6. Leased Assets as specified under paragraph 5.10 of the Procurement Regulations: “Not Applicable.” 7. Procurement of Second-Hand Goods as specified under paragraph 5.11 of the Procurement Regulations “Not Applicable.” 8. Domestic preference as specified under paragraph 5.51 of the Procurement Regulations (Goods and Works): “Not Applicable.” 2. Procurement Plan for the project duration Estim Procurem Year Component Contract ated Bank ent Select Evaluati s: title, cost overs approach ion on Start Description (US$) ight / meth method: - and Competiti od: Com Category on: pleti on GOODS & NCSs Substantially Purchase and responsive distribution of basic 2,000,00 Years 2- C2.2 Post National, Open RFB and lowest equipment for 0 3 evaluated PHCs cost Purchase and distribution of Substantially enhanced responsive 2,112,00 C3.2 materials, Post National, Open RFB and lowest Year 3-4 0 equipment and evaluated supplies (Multiple cost packages) Substantially Production and responsive distribution of TLMs 2,325,00 C3.2 Post National, Open RFB and lowest Year 2-3 to KGs/ELCs/CDGs 0 evaluated (Multiple packages) cost Purchase and Substantially distribution of responsive equipment for C2.2 700,000 Post National, Open RFB and lowest Year 2 regional prenatal evaluated and disability cost centers Purchase and Substantially distribution of responsive furniture and C3.2 613,000 Post National, Open RFQ and lowest Year 2-5 equipment to KGs, evaluated ELCs (Multiple cost packages) Substantially responsive Office equipment C4 46,600 Post National, Open RFQ and lowest Year 2 (PIG & districts) evaluated cost Substantially responsive C4 Vehicles (2) 70,000 Post National, Open RFQ and lowest Year 1-2 evaluated cost Printing and Substantially distribution of responsive 2,750,00 C2.2 CGDM materials to Post National, Open RFB and lowest Year 2 0 PHCs (Multiple evaluated packages) cost Substantially responsive Software for CGDM 1,000,00 C2.2 Post National, Open RFB and lowest Year 3 materials to PHCs 0 evaluated cost Substantially Development of responsive communications C2.1 2,500 Post National, Open RFQ and lowest Year 1-2 campaign evaluated materials cost Substantially responsive C4 1-C accounting 10,000 Post National, Open RFQ and lowest Year 1 evaluated cost WORKS Substantially Rehabilitating responsive selected PHC 9,250,00 C3.2 Post National, Open RFB and lowest Year 2-4 facilities (Multiple 0 evaluated packages) cost Substantially Construction of responsive 3,000,00 C3.2 new KG s (Multiple Post National, Open RFB and lowest Year 2-4 0 packages) evaluated cost Substantially Construction of responsive PHCs in pilot 3,000,00 C3.2 Post National, Open RFB and lowest Year 2-4 districts (Multiple 0 evaluated packages) cost Substantially responsive Rehabilitation of 4,000,00 C3.2 Post National, Open RFB and lowest Year 2-4 existing KGs 0 evaluated cost Substantially Construction of responsive new ELCs and 12,500,0 C3.2 Post National, Open RFB and lowest Year 2-4 rehabilitation of 00 evaluated existing ELCs cost Substantially Rehabilitation of responsive existing venues for 7,500,00 Post National, Open RFQ and lowest Year 2-4 C3.2 establishment of 0 evaluated CCDGs cost Rehabilitation of Substantially Regional prenatal responsive C2.2 and disability 450,000 Post National, Open RFQ and lowest Year 2-3 centers (Multiple evaluated packages) cost CONSULTANTS (FIRMS) C1.1 Design of a new 15,000 Post National, Open CQS Based on Year 1 prototype qualification preschool facility s and author supervision Based on Year 1 ECHI survey - C1.3 150,000 Post National, Open CQS qualification baseline s Based on Year 6 ECHI survey - C1.3 150,000 Post National, Open CQS qualification endline s Based on Year 1-3 Develop and pilot C1.3 50,000 Post National, Open CQS qualification national ECD M&E s Carry out Year evaluation Based on 1,3,6 C1.3 (PHC&PGs - 2 300,000 Post National, Open CQS qualification rounds; KGs&ELCs s - 3 rounds) Conduct Analysis, Year 1 ECD awareness Based on C3.1 and advocacy and 222,000 Post National, Open CQS qualification plan development s in Sugd and DRS Conduct Analysis, Year 1 ECD awareness Based on C3.1 and advocacy and 296,000 Post National, Open CQS qualification plan development s in Khatlon Based on Year 2-4 Quality Assurance C3.3 100,000 Post National, Open CQS qualification of Civil Works s Based on Quality Assurance C3.3 50,000 Post National, Open CQS qualification Year 3-5 of Goods s PROCUREMENT Tajikistan : Early Childhood Development to Build Tajikistan’s Human Capital Project PLAN General Information Country: Tajikistan 2021-05-10 Bank’s Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan: 2023-11-29 Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none) Project ID: P169168 GPN Date: 2022-03-29 Project Name: Early Childhood Development to Build Tajikistan’s Human Capital Project Loan / Credit No: IDA / D6070 Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan Executing Agency(ies): WORKS Activity Reference No. / Estimated Actual Am Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification High SEA/SH R Procurement D Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission / Contract Complet Description Component Review Type Method Amount (U ount (US$ and Recommendation Signed Contract o. h cess (Y/N) isk ocument Type atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes ion S$) ) for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/002 / Re habilitating 264 PHC facilities Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota : Pakage 2, Gorniy Mastcho Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-04-1 IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 165,304.00 0.00 Signed 2022-08-20 2022-10-15 2022-08-19 1. RHC Pastigav tions nvelope 3 ts PD) 2. RHC Rog 3. RHC Sabag MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/008 / Re habilitating 264 PHC facilities : Package 8, Kubodiyon distri Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota ct Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-04-1 IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 167,536.00 0.00 Signed 2022-08-20 2022-10-15 2022-08-18 1. RHC "Pakhtakor ” tions nvelope 3 ts PD) 2. RHC "Kubodiyon ” 3. RHC "N. Khusrav" 4. RHC "Arabhona" 5. RHC "Chimgilish" MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/011 / Re habilitating 264 PHC facilities : Package 11, Kushoniyon dis Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-04-1 trict IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 181,520.00 0.00 Signed 2022-08-20 2022-10-15 2022-08-19 tions nvelope 3 1. RHC Loik Sherali ts PD) 2. RHC Voroshilov 3. RHC Malik Giyoev 4. RHC Chorsu MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/004 / Re habilitating 264 PHC facilities : Package 4, Fayzobod distric Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-01-1 t IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 186,929.00 0.00 Signed 2022-08-20 2022-10-15 2022-08-19 tions nvelope 3 1. RHC Durahshon ts PD) 2. RHC Buston 3. RHC Chukurak 4. RHC Boboi Vali MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/015 / Re habilitating 264 PHC facilities : Package 15, Rudaki district Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota 1. RHC Dusti Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-04-1 IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 161,089.00 0.00 Signed 2022-08-22 2022-10-17 2022-09-14 2. RHC Guliston tions nvelope 5 ts PD) 3. RHC Shainak 4. RHC Sarikishti bolo 5. RHC Rossia MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/010 / Re habilitating 264 PHC facilities : Package 10, Jaikhun district Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-04-1 1. RHC №2 Panj village IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 192,219.00 0.00 Signed 2022-08-20 2022-10-15 2022-08-19 tions nvelope 3 2. RHC Vahdati Milli ts PD) 3. RHC Rudaki 4. RHC Orzu MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/016 / Re habilitating 264 PHC facilities : Package 16, Fayzabad distri Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Under Imple 2023-04-1 ct IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 200,000.00 0.00 2022-08-22 2022-10-17 tions nvelope mentation 5 1. RHC Sari Chinor ts PD) 2. RHC Zarkamar 3. RHC Miskinobod 4. RHC Fathobod MOF/ECDP/RFQW/022/001 / Rehabilitating 264 PHC facilit ies: Package 1, Varzob distrci Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-04-1 t IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 200,000.00 0.00 Signed 2022-08-20 2022-10-15 2022-08-19 tions nvelope 3 1. RHC Chorbog /Varzob ts PD) 2. RHC Zideh/Varzob 3. RHC Husheri/Varzob 4. RHC Porut/Varzob MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/009 / Re habilitating 264 PHC facilities :Package 9, Dusti district Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Imp 2023-04-1 1. RHC "Eshbek Sattorov" IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 183,566.00 0.00 2022-08-20 2022-10-15 tions nvelope lementation 3 2. RHC "Kabodiyon" ts PD) 3. RHC "Shahrinav" 4. RHC "Dehkonobod" MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/014 / Re habilitating 264 PHC facilities : Package 14, Hamadoni distr ict Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-04-1 1. RHC Safedob IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 195,402.00 0.00 Signed 2022-08-20 2022-10-15 2022-08-19 tions nvelope 3 2. RHC RHC Tagnob ts PD) 3. RHC Guliston 4. RHC Pakhtakor 5. RHC Choubek 6. RHC Khalifaev MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/012 / Re habilitating 264 PHC facilities : Package 12, Vakhsh district Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Under Imple 2023-04-1 1. RHC "Rudaki" IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 197,217.00 0.00 2022-08-20 2022-10-15 tions nvelope mentation 3 2. RHC "Haqiqat" ts PD) 3. RHC "Ainidin Kurbonov" 4. RHC "Istiqlol" MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/013 / Re habilitating 264 PHC facilities : Package 13, Vose district 1. RHC Mehrobod1 Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-04-1 2. RHC Guliston IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 200,000.00 0.00 Signed 2022-08-20 2022-10-15 2022-08-19 tions nvelope 3 3. RHC Zarkoron ts PD) 4. RHC Ohchar 5. RHC Chorbog 6. RHC Vosebod Page 1 MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/003 / Re habilitating 264 PHC facilities : Package 3, Gisar district Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-01-1 1. RHC Vatan IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 200,000.00 0.00 Signed 2022-08-20 2022-10-15 2022-08-19 tions nvelope 3 2. RHC Nilu ts PD) 3. RHC Lolagi 4. RHC Kafshduzon MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/005 / Re habilitating 264 PHC facilities : Package 5, Tojikobod-Rudak i districts Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-01-1 1. RHC Nilkon IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 177,500.00 0.00 Signed 2022-08-20 2022-10-15 2022-08-19 tions nvelope 3 2. RHC Sharaf ts PD) 3. RHC Sangtuda 4. RHC Ishkobod 5. RHC Dova 6. RHC Kulpista MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/006 / Re habilitating 264 PHC facilities Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota : Package 6, Rudaki district Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-01-1 IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 173,720.00 0.00 Signed 2022-08-20 2022-10-15 2022-08-19 PHC Chorgultepa tions nvelope 3 ts PD) PHC Istiklol PHC Sultonobod MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/017 / Re habilitation 264 PHC facilities . Package 17, Fayzobod-Tojik obod districts Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-06-1 1. RHC Mehrobod /Jamoat IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 184,235.00 0.00 Signed 2022-10-20 2022-12-15 2022-09-26 tions nvelope 3 Mehrobod Village Mehrobod ts PD) 2. RHC Elok /Jamoat Kallai Dasht Elok village 3. RHC Sino /Jamoat Vashgi rds 4. RHC Fathobod / Tojikbod MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/018 / Re district habilitation 264 PHC facilities , Package 18, Dusti district Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota 1. RHC «Kuhdoman ” Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-04-2 IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 193,779.00 0.00 Signed 2022-09-05 2022-10-31 2022-09-27 2. RHC «Istiklol" tions nvelope 9 ts PD) 3. RHC «Komsol» 4. RHC «Ergash Sultonov» 5. RHC «Gogol» MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/019 / Re habilitation 264 PHC facilities , Package 19, Vose district Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota 1. RHC Chavrez Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Imp 2023-01-2 IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 162,123.00 0.00 2022-09-05 2022-10-31 2. RHC Gelot tions nvelope lementation 9 ts PD) 3. RHC h. Barot 4. RHC Darnaich 5. RHC Tugharak MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/020 / Re habilitation 264 PHC facilities , Package 20, Vose district 1. RHC Nabobahor Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-04-3 2. RHC Sulhobod IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 176,969.00 0.00 Signed 2022-10-05 2022-11-01 2022-09-28 tions nvelope 0 3. RHC Istiklol ts PD) 4. RHC Mehrobod 5. RHC Shobika 1 6. RHC S. Sharif MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/021 / Re habilitation 264 PHC facilities Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota , Package 21, Faizobod distri Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Imp 2023-05-1 IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 171,443.00 0.00 2022-10-04 2022-11-19 ct tions nvelope lementation 8 ts PD) 1. RHC Fayzobod 2. RHC Chilchashma 3. RHC Lolagi MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/023 / Re habilitation 264 PHC facilities , Package 23, Kubodiyon dist Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-02-2 rict IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 174,399.00 0.00 Signed 2022-10-05 2022-11-30 2022-10-17 tions nvelope 8 1. RHC "Kamarob" ts PD) 2. RHC "Chargurgon" 3. RHC "Farogat" 5. RHC "Vahdat" MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/024 / Re habilitation 264 PHC facilities , Package 24, Vose district 1. RHC Chavoni Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-02-2 2. RHC H. Kurbon IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 194,917.00 0.00 Signed 2022-10-05 2022-11-30 2022-10-28 tions nvelope 8 3. RHC Kaftarkhona ts PD) 4. RHC Shobika 2 5. RHC Gulrud 6. RHC Kaduchi 2 MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/026 / Re habilitation 264 PHC facilities , Package 26, Gissar district Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-05-2 1. RHC Javoni IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 200,000.00 0.00 Signed 2022-09-30 2022-11-30 2022-10-18 tions nvelope 9 2. RHC Dekhkonobod ts PD) 3. RHC Mehrobod 4. RHC Oybosh MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/027 / Re habilitation 264 PHC facilities , Package 27, Jaihun-Dusti dis Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Imp 2023-05-2 trict IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 200,000.00 0.00 2022-09-30 2022-11-30 tions nvelope lementation 9 1. RHC Vakhsh ts PD) 2. RHC Yakkadin 3. RHC Lohuti 4. RHC A. Navoi MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/028 / Re habilitation 264 PHC facilities , Package 28, Gissar Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota 1. RHC Nurafshon Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-02-2 IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 188,365.00 0.00 Signed 2022-09-30 2022-11-30 2022-10-24 2. RHC Guriyet tions nvelope 8 ts PD) 3. RHC Iskich 4. RHC Guli Surkh 5. RHC Sangchashma Page 2 MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/029 / Re habilitation 264 PHC facilities , Package 29, Gissar Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota 1. RHC Niyogon Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-02-1 IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 200,000.00 0.00 Signed 2022-09-30 2022-11-14 2022-11-17 2. RHC Mountain House tions nvelope 2 ts PD) 3. RHC Dahbed 4. RHC Bobosurkhon 5. RHC Gulkhani MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/045 / Re habilitation of existing KGs / Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota Package 1/ Vose district/ Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-05-0 IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 190,353.00 0.00 Signed 2022-10-05 2022-11-02 2022-10-18 1. Kindergarten No.8 tions nvelope 1 ts PD) 2. Kindergarten No.5 3. Kindergarten No.4 MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/046 / Re habilitation of existing KGs / Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Under Imple 2023-04-3 Package 2/ Vose district/ IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 181,636.00 0.00 2022-10-05 2022-11-01 tions nvelope mentation 0 1. Kindergarten No. 1 ts PD) 2. Kindergarten No. 2 MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/030 / Re habilitation 264 PHC facilities Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-03-0 , Package 27, Jaihun Qubodiy IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 109,914.00 0.00 Signed 2022-10-25 2022-12-02 2022-11-17 tions nvelope 2 on district ts PD) 1. RHC Harangon 2. RHC Tagob MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/031 / Re habilitation 264 PHC facilities Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota , Package 29, Varzob Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-03-1 IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 169,438.00 0.00 Signed 2022-10-31 2022-12-15 2022-11-17 1. RHC Luchob tions nvelope 5 ts PD) 2. RHC Yakka-chuguz 3. RHC Lowyer Chormagza koni MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/047 / Re habilitation of existing KGs / Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota Package 3/ A. Jomi district/ Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-04-1 IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 196,842.00 0.00 Signed 2022-12-01 2023-01-12 2022-11-04 1. Kindergarten No.6 tions nvelope 2 ts PD) 2. Kindergarten No.4 3. Kindergarten No.1 MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/048 / Re habilitation of existing KGs / Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-04-0 Package 4/ Kubodiyon distric IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 130,512.00 0.00 Signed 2022-11-30 2023-01-01 2022-11-14 tions nvelope 1 t/ ts PD) 1. Istiklol 2."Vahdat" MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/049 / Re Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-07-2 habilitation of existing KGs / IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 160,511.00 0.00 Signed 2023-03-05 2023-04-30 2022-12-01 tions nvelope 9 Package 5/ Dusti district/ 1. K ts PD) indergarten No. 1 MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/050 / Re Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-03-3 habilitation of existing KGs / IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 101,004.00 0.00 Signed 2022-12-03 2022-12-30 2022-11-29 tions nvelope 0 Package 6/ Jaihun district/ 1. ts PD) Kindergarten No.1 MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/051 / Re Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-03-3 habilitation of existing KGs / IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 135,809.00 0.00 Signed 2022-12-03 2022-12-30 2022-12-01 tions nvelope 0 Package 7/ Gissar city/ 1. Kin ts PD) dergarten No.8 MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/052 / Re Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota habilitation of existing KGs / Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-03-3 IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 199,718.00 0.00 Signed 2022-12-03 2022-12-30 2022-11-29 Package 8/ Faizobod district/ tions nvelope 0 ts PD) 1. Kindergarten No.4 MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/053 / Re Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota habilitation of existing KGs / Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-03-3 IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 199,926.00 0.00 Signed 2022-12-03 2022-12-30 2022-12-01 Package 9/ Rudaki district/ 1. tions nvelope 0 ts PD) Kindergarten No.1 2. Kindergarten No.5 MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/054 / Re Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota habilitation of existing KGs / Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-03-3 IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 199,911.00 0.00 Signed 2022-12-03 2022-12-30 2022-12-01 Package 10/ Kushoniyon distr tions nvelope 0 ts PD) ict/ 1. Kindergarten No.5 MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/055 / Re habilitation of existing KGs / Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-03-3 Package 11/ Vahsh district/ 1 IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 199,942.00 0.00 Signed 2022-12-03 2022-12-30 2022-12-01 tions nvelope 0 . Kindergarten No.5 ts PD) 2. Kindergarten No.6 MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/056 / Re Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota habilitation of existing KGs / Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-03-3 IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 196,373.00 0.00 Signed 2022-12-03 2022-12-30 2022-12-01 Package 12/ Hamadoni distri tions nvelope 0 ts PD) ct/ 1. Kindergarten No.3 MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/057 / Re Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota habilitation of existing KGs / Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-03-3 IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 163,866.00 0.00 Signed 2022-12-03 2022-12-30 2022-12-01 Package 13/Hamadoni distric tions nvelope 0 ts PD) t/ 1. Kindergarten No.2 MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/058 / Re habilitation of existing KGs / Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-03-3 Package 14/ Vahsh district/ IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 199,778.00 0.00 Signed 2022-12-03 2022-12-30 2022-12-01 tions nvelope 0 1. Kindergarten No.1 ts PD) 2. Kindergarten No.3 MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/059 / Re habilitation of existing KGs / Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-03-3 Package 15/ Kushoniyon distr IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 199,787.00 0.00 Signed 2022-12-03 2022-12-30 2022-12-04 tions nvelope 0 ict/ ts PD) 1. Kindergarten No.4 2. Kindergarten No.7 MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/060 / Re Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-04-1 habilitation of existing KGs / IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 177,886.00 0.00 Signed 2022-12-03 2023-01-14 2022-12-01 tions nvelope 4 Package 16/ Gissar City/ 1. Ki ts PD) ndergarten No.3 MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/061 / Re Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota habilitation of existing KGs / Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-03-3 IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 198,765.00 0.00 Signed 2022-12-03 2022-12-30 2022-12-01 Package 17/ Faizobod district tions nvelope 0 ts PD) / 1. Kindergarten No.3 Page 3 MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/062 / Re Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota habilitation of existing KGs / Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-01-0 IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 155,723.00 0.00 Signed 2022-12-03 2022-12-30 2022-12-04 Package 18/ A. Jomi district/ tions nvelope 8 ts PD) 1. Kindergarten No.2 MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/063 / Re Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota habilitation of existing KGs / Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-01-0 IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 191,040.00 0.00 Signed 2022-12-03 2022-12-30 2022-12-04 Package 19/ Rudaki district/ tions nvelope 8 ts PD) 1. Kindergarten No.3 MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/064 / Re Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota habilitation of existing KGs / Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Under Imple 2023-01-0 IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 188,223.00 0.00 2022-12-03 2022-12-30 Package 20/ Kubodiyon distri tions nvelope mentation 8 ts PD) ct/ 1. Kindergarten No.1 MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/065 / Re Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Under Imple 2023-01-0 habilitation of existing KGs / IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 132,827.00 0.00 2022-12-03 2022-12-30 tions nvelope mentation 8 Package 21/ Dusti district/ 1. ts PD) Kindergarten No.2 MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/066 / Re Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2023-03-3 habilitation of existing KGs / IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 159,267.00 0.00 Signed 2022-12-03 2022-12-30 2022-12-04 tions nvelope 0 Package 22/ Jaihun district/ 1 ts PD) . Kindergarten No.2 MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/034 / Re habilitation 264 PHC facilities Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota , Package 34 Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Imp 2023-07-2 IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 174,775.00 0.00 2023-02-28 2023-04-25 RHC Chorteppa / Rudaki distr tions nvelope lementation 4 ts PD) ict, Jamoat of Chorteppa villa ge, Juibodom village MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/035 / Re habilitation 264 PHC facilities Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota , Package 35 Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Under Imple 2023-07-2 IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 123,838.00 0.00 2023-02-28 2023-04-25 RHC Zainabobod / Rudaki dis tions nvelope mentation 4 ts PD) trict, Jamoat of Zainabobod v illage, Komsomol village MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/036 / Re habilitation 264 PHC facilities , Package 36 Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota RHC "Ok-oltin" / Kubodiyon di Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Under Imple 2023-07-2 IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 197,520.00 0.00 2023-02-28 2023-04-25 strict, Jamoat T. Sangin tions nvelope mentation 4 ts PD) RHC «20th anniversary of Ind ependence ”/ Dusti district, j amoat 20th anniversary of In dependence MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/037 / Re habilitation 264 PHC facilities Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Under Imple 2023-07-2 , Package 37 IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 106,256.00 0.00 2023-02-28 2023-04-25 tions nvelope mentation 4 RHC "Shubai-3"/Kushoniyon ts PD) district, J.Bokhtariyon National Procure MOF/ECDP/RFB/023/1 / Cons Implementing nationwide sel ment Document - Single Stage - One E 2024-03-0 truction of a new KG in Jamo IDA / D6070 ected elements of the Basic Post Request for Bids Open - National 1 Envelope proce 1,300,000.00 0.00 Signed 2023-05-28 2023-06-13 2023-06-02 2023-06-30 2023-07-12 2023-07-30 2023-07-20 2023-09-03 2023-08-03 nvelope 1 at I. Somoni town, Kushoniyo Package ss (Non Bank-SPD n district ) National Procure MOF/ECDP/RFB/023/2 / Cons Implementing nationwide sel ment Document - Single Stage - One E 2024-03-0 truction of a new KG in Mosc IDA / D6070 ected elements of the Basic Post Request for Bids Open - National 1 Envelope proce 1,300,000.00 0.00 Signed 2023-05-28 2023-06-13 2023-06-02 2023-06-30 2023-07-12 2023-07-30 2023-07-20 2023-09-03 2023-08-03 nvelope 1 ow settlement, Hamadoni dis Package ss (Non Bank-SPD trict ) MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/068 / Re habilitation of existing KGs: National Procure Kindergarten №4 / Hamadoni Implementing nationwide sel ment Document - Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Under Imple 2024-01-2 district, Jamoat Moscow str. B IDA / D6070 ected elements of the Basic Post Open - National 1 Envelope proce 196,766.00 0.00 2023-06-02 2023-07-28 tions nvelope mentation 4 obochon G. Package ss (Non Bank-SPD Kindergarten No. 1 "Sayyora" ) / Kubodiyon district National Procure MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/067 / Re Implementing nationwide sel ment Document - habilitation of existing KGs: Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Imp 2024-01-2 IDA / D6070 ected elements of the Basic Post Open - National 1 Envelope proce 141,757.00 0.00 2023-06-02 2023-07-28 Kindergarten No. 6 / Rudaki d tions nvelope lementation 4 Package ss (Non Bank-SPD istrict, Chorgulteppa village J ) amoat National Procure MOF/ECDP/RFBW/022/001 / Implementing nationwide sel ment Document - Single Stage - One E 2024-09-1 Rehabilitation of the Machito IDA / D6070 ected elements of the Basic Post Request for Bids Open - National 1 Envelope proce 449,950.00 0.00 Signed 2023-05-28 2023-06-13 2023-06-02 2023-07-14 2023-07-12 2023-08-13 2023-07-20 2023-09-17 2023-08-04 nvelope 1 n disability center Package ss (Non Bank-SPD ) MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/032 / Re habilitation 264 PHC facilities , Package 32 /Vakhsh District Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota /, Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Imp 2023-04-0 IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 199,983.00 0.00 2022-12-09 2023-01-05 1."Kirov-3" tions nvelope lementation 5 ts PD) 2."Navruz" 3."Uzbekiston" 4."Dusti" 5."Mashaal" MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/033 / Re Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Imp 2023-04-0 habilitation 264 PHC facilities IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National tions (Non Bank-S 82,038.00 0.00 2022-12-09 2023-01-05 tions nvelope lementation 5 , Package 33, Hamadoni 1. R ts PD) HC Sarhadchi GOODS Activity Reference No. / Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission / Description Component Review Type Method and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h cess (Y/N) ount (US$) (US$) atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual MOF/ECDP/RFQ/021/001 / Pr Project management and co Request for Quota Single Stage - One E IDA / D6070 Post Open - National 46,600.00 59,766.42 Completed 2021-08-02 2021-09-27 2021-08-05 2021-12-26 2021-09-30 ocurement of office equipme ordination tions nvelope nt MOF/ECDP/RFQ/021/002 / Pr Project management and co Request for Quota Single Stage - One E IDA / D6070 Post Open - National 70,000.00 89,366.94 Completed 2021-08-02 2021-09-27 2021-07-12 2022-03-26 2021-09-24 ocurement for 2 Vehicles ordination tions nvelope MOF/ECDP/RFQ/021/004 / Pu Project management and co Request for Quota Single Stage - One E IDA / D6070 Post Open - National 25,000.00 22,520.83 Completed 2021-09-04 2021-10-30 2021-10-08 2022-04-28 2021-10-22 rchase of furniture for the PI ordination tions nvelope G office MOF/ECDP/RFQ/021/005 / Pu Project management and co Request for Quota Single Stage - One E rchase of equipment for vide IDA / D6070 Post Open - National 35,000.00 28,588.56 Completed 2021-10-01 2021-11-26 2022-02-21 2022-05-25 2022-03-20 ordination tions nvelope o conferencing MOF/ECDP/RFQ/021/003 / Eq Project management and co Request for Quota Single Stage - One E IDA / D6070 Post Open - National 57,000.00 54,874.55 Completed 2021-11-20 2022-01-15 2021-12-06 2022-04-15 2021-12-30 uipment for the district office ordination tions nvelope s Page 4 MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/001 / Pu Project management and co Request for Quota Single Stage - One E IDA / D6070 Post Open - National 23,000.00 24,215.34 Completed 2022-03-05 2022-04-14 2022-02-26 2022-06-13 2022-04-07 rchase of furniture for district ordination tions nvelope offices MOF/ECDP/RFB/022/002 / Pu Implementing nationwide sel Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E rchase and distribution of ba IDA / D6070 ected elements of the Basic Prior Request for Bids 2,000,000.00 0.00 Signed 2022-08-18 2022-12-13 2022-08-23 2023-02-06 2022-10-04 2023-03-06 2022-11-03 2023-07-26 2022-12-08 2023-08-25 2023-06-06 l nvelope sic equipment for PHCs Package MOF/ECDP/RFB/022/003 / Pu Improving access to the Basi rchase and distribution of eq Single Stage - One E IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Request for Bids Open - National 700,000.00 0.00 Signed 2022-10-02 2022-11-09 2022-10-09 2022-11-06 2022-12-08 2022-12-06 2022-12-11 2023-01-10 2023-01-07 2023-07-09 uipment for the 3 regional di nvelope ts sability and 4 centers for pre natal care MOF/ECDP/RFB/022/005 / Pu rchase and distribution of en Improving access to the Basi Single Stage - One E hanced materials, equipment IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Request for Bids Open - National 710,675.00 0.00 Signed 2022-10-31 2022-11-10 2022-11-05 2022-12-03 2022-12-08 2022-12-18 2022-12-16 2023-01-18 2023-01-07 2023-07-17 nvelope , and supplies in targeted dis ts tricts Package 1 - Furniture MOF/ECDP/RFB/022/006 / Pu rchase and distribution of en Improving access to the Basi Single Stage - One E hanced materials, equipment IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Request for Bids Open - National 522,970.00 0.00 Signed 2022-10-31 2022-11-10 2022-10-31 2022-11-28 2022-12-08 2022-12-13 2022-12-16 2023-01-13 2023-01-07 2023-07-12 nvelope , and supplies in targeted dis ts tricts Package 2 - Equipment MOF/ECDP/RFB/023/002 / Pu Improving access to the Basi Single Stage - One E rchase and distribution of fur IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Request for Bids Open - National 1,017,620.00 0.00 Signed 2023-06-29 2023-08-07 2023-07-04 2023-08-15 2023-09-05 2023-09-14 2023-09-05 2023-10-19 2023-09-30 2024-04-16 nvelope niture and equipment to reha ts bilitated KGs MOF/ECDP/RFB/022/001 / Pri Implementing nationwide sel Single Stage - One E Under Imple nting and distribution of 500 IDA / D6070 ected elements of the Basic Post Request for Bids Open - National 1,350,000.00 0.00 2023-09-01 2023-09-12 2023-09-06 2023-10-18 2023-10-11 2023-11-17 2023-12-22 2024-06-19 nvelope mentation 000 Outpatient Children Dev Package elopment Card NON CONSULTING SERVICES Activity Reference No. / Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission / Description Component Review Type Method and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h cess (Y/N) ount (US$) (US$) atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual MOF/ECDP/RFQ/022/025 / Re habilitation 264 PHC facilities , Package 25, Vose district 1. RHC Pakhtakor Improving access to the Basi Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2. RHC Sarichashma IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National 191,781.00 0.00 Signed 2022-09-30 2022-11-30 2022-10-28 2023-05-29 tions nvelope 3. RHC Bahoriston ts 4. RHC H. Rajabov 5. RHC Navobod 6. RHC Zarkamar 1 CONSULTING FIRMS Activity Reference No. / Combined Evaluation Loan / Credit N Market Approac Contract Type Estimated Amo Actual Amount Expression of Interest Short List and Draft R Request for Proposals Opening of Technical Evaluation of Technic Description Component Review Type Method Process Status Terms of Reference Report and Draft Neg Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h unt (US$) (US$) Notice equest for Proposals as Issued Proposals / Minutes al Proposal otiated Contract Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual MOF/ECDP/CQS/021/003 / D Implementing nationwide sel Consultant Qualifi esign of a new prototype pre IDA / D6070 ected elements of the Basic Post Open - National 15,000.00 0.00 Signed 2021-11-14 2022-06-03 2021-12-05 2022-01-18 2022-06-29 2022-02-17 2022-07-18 2022-03-24 2022-07-19 2023-08-26 cation Selection school facility and author sup Package ervision MOF/ECDP/CQS/022/003 / Dr awing up defective acts, cost Implementing nationwide sel estimates, bills of quantities f Consultant Qualifi IDA / D6070 ected elements of the Basic Post Open - National 100,000.00 0.00 Signed 2022-02-22 2022-05-24 2022-03-08 2022-04-05 2022-06-17 2022-04-12 2022-06-25 2022-05-01 2022-06-25 2022-11-27 or existing PHC and KG facilit cation Selection Package ies (approximately 24-25 faci lities), carrying out field supe rvision MOF/ECDP/CQS/022/004 / Dr Strengthening capacity to d awing up defective acts, cost eliver the Basic Package of E Consultant Qualifi Pending Impleme estimates, bills of quantities f IDA / D6070 Post Open - National 161,607.00 0.00 2022-08-15 2022-09-05 2022-10-19 2022-11-18 2022-12-23 2023-06-21 arly Childhood Development cation Selection ntation or existing PHC and KG facilit services ies , carrying out field superv ision Lot 2 MOF/ECDP/CQS/022/007 / Dr Strengthening capacity to d awing up defective acts, cost eliver the Basic Package of E Consultant Qualifi estimates, bills of quantities f IDA / D6070 Post Open - National 189,620.00 0.00 Signed 2022-08-15 2022-05-30 2022-09-05 2022-10-19 2022-06-16 2022-11-18 2022-06-25 2022-12-23 2022-06-25 2023-06-21 arly Childhood Development cation Selection or existing PHC and KG facilit services ies ), carrying out field super vision Lot 5 MOF/ECDP/CQS/022/008 / Dr Strengthening capacity to d awing up defective acts, cost eliver the Basic Package of E Consultant Qualifi estimates, bills of quantities f IDA / D6070 Post Open - National 149,124.00 0.00 Signed 2022-08-15 2022-05-30 2022-09-05 2022-10-19 2022-06-16 2022-11-18 2022-06-25 2022-12-23 2022-06-25 2023-06-21 arly Childhood Development cation Selection or existing PHC and KG facilit services ies ), carrying out field super vision Lot 6 MOF/ECDP/CQS/022/005 / Dr Strengthening capacity to d awing up defective acts, cost eliver the Basic Package of E Consultant Qualifi Under Implement estimates, bills of quantities f IDA / D6070 Post Open - National 152,762.00 0.00 2022-08-15 2022-05-26 2022-09-05 2022-10-19 2022-11-18 2022-12-23 2023-06-21 arly Childhood Development cation Selection ation or existing PHC and KG facilit services ies ), carrying out field super vision Lot 3 MOF/ECDP/CQS/022/006 / Dr Strengthening capacity to d awing up defective acts, cost eliver the Basic Package of E Consultant Qualifi estimates, bills of quantities f IDA / D6070 Post Open - National 116,598.00 0.00 Signed 2022-08-15 2022-05-26 2022-09-05 2022-10-19 2022-06-16 2022-11-18 2022-06-25 2022-12-23 2022-06-25 2023-06-21 arly Childhood Development cation Selection or existing PHC and KG facilit services ies ), carrying out field super vision Lot 4 MOF/ECDP/CQS/022/010 / Su pervision of the progress and quality of construction/rehabi Improving access to the Basi litation and restoration works Consultant Qualifi Pending Impleme IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National 300,000.00 0.00 2023-02-16 2023-03-09 2023-03-29 2023-04-08 2023-05-13 2024-08-05 in the target area to ensure t cation Selection ntation ts hat the main objectives of th e project are achieved in acc ordance with the project doc umentation. MOF/ECDP/CQS/022/013 / Q Improving access to the Basi Consultant Qualifi Pending Impleme IDA / D6070 Post Open - National 50,000.00 0.00 2023-02-16 2023-03-09 2023-04-02 2023-04-12 2023-05-17 2024-02-16 uality assurance c Package in targeted distric cation Selection ntation ts MOF/ECDP/CQS/021/001 / N Implementing nationwide sel GO to conduct Analysis, ECD Consultant Qualifi IDA / D6070 ected elements of the Basic Post Open - National 191,949.00 0.00 Signed 2023-05-28 2023-06-09 2023-06-18 2023-08-01 2023-07-11 2023-08-31 2023-07-24 2023-10-05 2023-07-30 2024-04-02 awareness and advocacy and cation Selection Package plan development in Sugd an d DRS Page 5 MOF/ECDP/CQS/021/002 / N Implementing nationwide sel GO to conduct Analysis, ECD Consultant Qualifi IDA / D6070 ected elements of the Basic Post Open - National 232,305.00 0.00 Signed 2023-05-28 2023-06-09 2023-06-18 2023-08-01 2023-07-11 2023-08-31 2023-07-24 2023-10-05 2023-07-30 2024-04-02 awareness and advocacy and cation Selection Package plan development in Khatlon MOF/ECDP/CQS/023/006 / D evelopment of a communicat Improving access to the Basi Consultant Qualifi ion strategy and materials fo IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National 56,648.00 0.00 Signed 2023-06-05 2023-06-09 2023-06-26 2023-08-09 2023-07-11 2023-09-08 2023-07-26 2023-10-13 2023-07-28 2023-10-16 cation Selection r Social and Behavioural Cha ts nge Communications (SBCC) Campaigns. MOF/ECDP/CQS/022/009 / Ar Strengthening capacity to d chitectural & engineering fir eliver the Basic Package of E Consultant Qualifi Under Implement IDA / D6070 Post Open - National 131,540.00 0.00 2023-09-01 2023-09-28 2023-09-22 2023-11-05 2023-12-05 2024-01-09 2024-07-07 m to design & supervise the arly Childhood Development cation Selection ation construction of 18 primary h services ealth care facilities INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANTS Activity Reference No. / Loan / Credit N Market Approac Contract Type Estimated Amo Actual Amount Invitation to Identifie Draft Negotiated Cont Description Component Review Type Method Process Status Terms of Reference Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h unt (US$) (US$) d/Selected Consultant ract Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual MOF/ECDP/IIC/021/001 / Inte Project management and co Individual Consult IDA / D6070 Post Open 276,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2021-07-26 2021-12-17 2021-09-13 2022-02-18 2021-10-04 2021-11-08 2023-10-29 rnational ECD Technical Advi ordination ant Selection sor MOF/ECDP/SSS/021/001 / La Project management and co IDA / D6070 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,500.00 1,500.00 Completed 2021-05-14 2021-06-07 2021-05-16 2021-06-01 2021-05-21 2021-06-12 2021-06-10 2021-08-15 wyer ordination MOF/ECDP/IC/021/002 / Envi Project management and co Individual Consult IDA / D6070 Post Open 28,800.00 28,800.00 Terminated 2021-06-28 2021-07-22 2021-08-16 2021-09-28 2021-09-06 2021-09-29 2021-09-25 2021-10-15 2024-09-09 ronmental Safeguard Consult ordination ant Selection ant MOF/ECDP/IC/021/003 / Soci Project management and co Individual Consult IDA / D6070 Post Open 28,800.00 28,800.00 Terminated 2021-06-28 2021-06-15 2021-08-16 2021-09-15 2021-09-06 2021-09-15 2021-09-25 2021-09-30 2024-09-09 al Safeguard Consultant ordination ant Selection MOF/ECDP/IIC/021/002 / Inte Implementing nationwide sel rnational Consultant for the d Individual Consult Under Implement IDA / D6070 ected elements of the Basic Post Open 30,000.00 0.00 2021-09-19 2022-01-25 2021-10-15 2022-04-09 2021-11-05 2022-06-01 2021-12-10 2022-05-09 evelopment of a district plan ant Selection ation Package planning tool for the ECD MOF/ECDP/IIC/021/006 / Inte rnational consultant to devel Implementing nationwide sel Individual Consult op guidelines for the creation IDA / D6070 ected elements of the Basic Post Open 30,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2021-09-26 2021-09-23 2021-10-22 2021-11-12 2021-12-17 2022-01-31 ant Selection and operation of existing and Package alternative models of presch ool education MOF/ECDP/IC/021/011 / Loca l Consultant to develop guide Implementing nationwide sel Individual Consult lines for the creation and ope IDA / D6070 ected elements of the Basic Post Open 2,500.00 0.00 Canceled 2021-09-26 2021-10-22 2021-11-12 2021-12-17 2022-01-31 ant Selection ration of existing and alterna Package tive models of preschool edu cation MOF/ECDP/IIC/021/008 / Inte Implementing nationwide sel rnational Consultant for the r Individual Consult IDA / D6070 ected elements of the Basic Post Open 64,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2021-11-15 2021-09-23 2021-12-11 2022-01-01 2022-02-05 2022-04-06 eview and revision of KG and ant Selection Package ELC curricula, equipment and TLMs MOF/ECDP/IC/021/012 / Loca Implementing nationwide sel l Consultant for the review an Individual Consult IDA / D6070 ected elements of the Basic Post Open 3,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2021-11-15 2021-12-11 2022-01-01 2022-02-05 2022-04-06 d revision of KG and ELC curr ant Selection Package icula, equipment and TLMs MOF/ECDP/IC/021/013 / Loca Implementing nationwide sel Individual Consult l Consultant for developing c IDA / D6070 ected elements of the Basic Post Open 3,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2021-11-15 2021-12-11 2022-01-01 2022-02-05 2022-04-06 ant Selection urricula, equipment and TLM Package s for CDGs MOF/ECDP/IIC/021/007 / Inte Implementing nationwide sel Individual Consult rnational consultant to desig IDA / D6070 ected elements of the Basic Post Open 39,750.00 0.00 Signed 2021-11-21 2022-04-27 2021-12-17 2022-05-24 2022-01-07 2022-06-01 2022-02-11 2022-04-12 ant Selection n a new preschool facility pro Package totype MOF/ECDP/IIC/021/003 / Inte Implementing nationwide sel rnational Consultant on revisi Individual Consult IDA / D6070 ected elements of the Basic Post Open 24,150.00 0.00 Completed 2021-09-19 2021-12-20 2021-10-15 2022-04-15 2021-11-05 2023-05-16 2021-12-10 2022-01-24 on and adaptation of prenata ant Selection Package l care guidelines and tools an d training materials MOF/ECDP/IIC/022/001 / Inte Project management and co Individual Consult IDA / D6070 Post Open 50,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2021-10-08 2021-11-26 2021-12-17 2022-01-21 2024-01-11 rnational M&E Consultant ordination ant Selection MOF/ECDP/IC/021/004 / Loca Implementing nationwide sel l Consultant for the develop Individual Consult Under Implement IDA / D6070 ected elements of the Basic Post Open 2,500.00 0.00 2021-10-10 2022-05-20 2021-11-05 2022-06-20 2021-11-26 2022-07-01 2021-12-31 2022-07-01 2022-05-30 ment of a district plan planni ant Selection ation Package ng tool for the ECD (educatio n) MOF/ECDP/IC/021/001 / Loca Implementing nationwide sel l Consultant for the develop Individual Consult IDA / D6070 ected elements of the Basic Post Open 2,500.00 0.00 Signed 2021-10-10 2022-05-26 2021-11-05 2022-06-20 2021-11-26 2022-06-23 2021-12-31 2022-07-01 2022-05-30 ment of a district plan planni ant Selection Package ng tool for the ECD (health) MOF/ECDP/IC/021/006 / Loca Implementing nationwide sel l Consultant on revision and Individual Consult IDA / D6070 ected elements of the Basic Post Open 1,350.00 0.00 Signed 2022-01-10 2022-02-18 2022-02-05 2022-06-10 2022-02-26 2022-06-17 2022-04-02 2022-06-20 2022-07-01 2022-12-20 adaptation of prenatal care g ant Selection Package uidelines and tools and traini ng materials MOF/ECDP/IC/021/005 / Loca l Consultant on revision and Implementing nationwide sel Individual Consult adaptation of prenatal care tr IDA / D6070 ected elements of the Basic Post Open 1,350.00 0.00 Signed 2022-01-10 2022-01-26 2022-02-05 2022-06-10 2022-02-26 2022-06-17 2022-04-02 2022-06-20 2022-07-01 2022-12-20 ant Selection aining materials based on th Package e revised/adapted prenatal c are guidelines MOF/ECDP/IIC/021/004 / Inte Implementing nationwide sel rnational Consultant for upda Individual Consult IDA / D6070 ected elements of the Basic Post Open 42,900.00 0.00 Completed 2022-04-04 2022-01-26 2022-04-30 2022-05-02 2022-05-21 2022-06-15 2022-06-25 2022-09-23 ting the national CGDM progr ant Selection Package am and training materials MOF/ECDP/IC/021/007 / Loca Implementing nationwide sel l Consultant for updating the Individual Consult IDA / D6070 ected elements of the Basic Post Open 1,600.00 0.00 Signed 2022-04-04 2022-01-26 2022-04-30 2022-06-10 2022-05-21 2022-06-20 2022-06-25 2022-06-20 2022-09-23 2022-12-20 national CGDM program and ant Selection Package training materials Page 6 MOF/ECDP/IC/021/008 / Loca Implementing nationwide sel l consultant for revision and Individual Consult IDA / D6070 ected elements of the Basic Post Open 1,600.00 0.00 Completed 2022-04-04 2022-01-05 2022-04-30 2022-06-10 2022-05-21 2022-06-17 2022-06-25 2022-06-20 2022-09-23 2022-12-20 adaptation on updating traini ant Selection Package ng materials of CGDM progra m MOF/ECDP/IIC/022/002 / Inte rnational consultant to devel op guidelines for the creation Implementing nationwide sel Individual Consult Under Implement and operation of existing and IDA / D6070 ected elements of the Basic Post Open 60,000.00 0.00 2022-02-06 2022-04-18 2022-03-04 2023-07-14 2022-03-18 2022-04-15 2022-07-31 ant Selection ation alternative models of presch Package ool education and for the revi ew and revision of KG and EL C curricula, equipment and T LMs MOF/ECDP/IC/022/003 / Loca l Consultant to develop guide lines for the creation and ope Implementing nationwide sel Individual Consult Under Implement ration of existing and alterna IDA / D6070 ected elements of the Basic Post Open 5,000.00 0.00 2022-02-06 2022-07-19 2022-03-04 2022-10-07 2022-03-18 2022-10-14 2022-04-08 2022-11-01 2022-07-24 ant Selection ation tive models of preschool edu Package cation and for the review and revision of KG and ELC curric ula, equipment and TLMs MOF/ECDP/IC/022/006 / Loca Implementing nationwide sel l Consultant for the review an Individual Consult Under Implement IDA / D6070 ected elements of the Basic Post Open 5,000.00 0.00 2022-02-06 2022-07-19 2022-03-04 2022-10-14 2022-03-18 2022-10-17 2022-04-08 2022-12-01 2022-07-24 d revision of KG and ELC curr ant Selection ation Package icula, equipment and TLMs MOF/ECDP/IIC/022/003 / Inte Project management and co Individual Consult Under Implement IDA / D6070 Post Open 276,000.00 0.00 2022-03-30 2023-06-12 2022-05-18 2022-05-09 2022-06-08 2022-05-12 2022-07-13 2022-05-16 2024-07-12 rnational ECD Technical Advi ordination ant Selection ation sor MOF/ECDP/IC/021/002-1 / Co Project management and co Individual Consult Under Implement IDA / D6070 Post Open 23,600.00 0.00 2022-04-26 2022-04-27 2022-05-26 2022-05-28 2022-06-23 2024-06-12 nsultant on Environmental is ordination ant Selection ation sues MOF/ECDP/IC/022/001 / Loca Implementing nationwide sel l Consultant for the develop Individual Consult Under Implement IDA / D6070 ected elements of the Basic Post Open 2,500.00 0.00 2022-05-17 2022-05-20 2022-06-12 2022-06-20 2022-07-03 2022-06-23 2022-08-07 2022-11-05 ment of an Operational Manu ant Selection ation Package al for BP and materials for tra ining OMBP (health) MOF/ECDP/IC/022/002 / Loca Implementing nationwide sel l Consultant for the develop Individual Consult IDA / D6070 ected elements of the Basic Post Open 2,500.00 0.00 Completed 2022-05-17 2022-05-20 2022-06-12 2022-06-20 2022-07-03 2022-06-27 2022-08-07 2022-11-05 ment of an Operational Manu ant Selection Package al for BP and materials for tra ining OMBP (education) MOF/ECDP/IC/021/003/1 / Co Project management and co Individual Consult Pending Impleme IDA / D6070 Post Open - National 20,655.00 0.00 2022-08-16 2022-10-04 2022-10-25 2022-11-29 2023-05-28 nsultant on Social and Gende ordination ant Selection ntation r Issues MOF/ECDP/IC/021/002/1 / Co Project management and co Individual Consult Pending Impleme IDA / D6070 Post Open - National 23,696.00 0.00 2022-08-16 2022-10-04 2022-10-25 2022-11-29 2023-05-28 nsultant on Environmental is ordination ant Selection ntation sues MOF/ECDP/IC/022/005 / Inter Strengthening capacity to d Individual Consult Open - Internationa national Consultant for financ IDA / D6070 eliver the Basic Package of E Post 48,500.00 0.00 Signed 2022-08-17 2022-09-20 2022-10-05 2023-07-14 2022-10-26 2023-08-11 2022-11-30 2023-08-22 2023-05-29 ant Selection l ing mechanizm for preschool arly Childhood Development facilities services MOF/ECDP/IC/022/005/1 / Lo Improving access to the Basi Individual Consult cal Consultant for financing IDA / D6070 c Package in targeted distric Post Open - National 5,000.00 0.00 Signed 2023-06-05 2023-06-09 2023-07-24 2023-07-11 2023-08-14 2023-08-21 2023-09-18 2023-08-23 2024-03-16 ant Selection mechanism for preschool inst ts itutions MOF/ECDP/IIC/022/004 / Inte Project management and co Individual Consult Open - Internationa Pending Impleme IDA / D6070 Post 50,000.00 0.00 2023-11-26 2024-01-14 2024-02-04 2024-03-10 2024-09-06 rnational M&E Consultant ordination ant Selection l ntation Page 7