The World Bank E-32 Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh Phone: (880-2) 5566-7777 Facsimile: (880-2) 5566-7778 Abdoulaye Seck Country Director for Bangladesh and Bhutan 03-Nov-2023 ____________ Ms. Sharifa Khan Secretary Economic Relations Division Ministry of Finance Dhaka, Bangladesh Dear Secretary Khan: Re: IDA Credit 7412-BD Learning Acceleration in Secondary Education Additional Instructions: Disbursement and Financial Information Letter I refer to the Financing Agreement between People’s Republic of Bangladesh (“Recipient”) and the International Development Association (“Association”) for the above-referenced Operation. The General Conditions, as defined in the Financing Agreement, provide that the Recipient may from time-to- time request withdrawals of Credit amounts from the Credit Account in accordance with the Disbursement and Financial Information Letter, and such additional instructions as the Association may specify from time to time by notice to the Recipient. The General Conditions also provide that the Disbursement and Financial Information Letter may set out Program specific financial reporting requirements. This letter constitutes such Disbursement and Financial Information Letter (“DFIL”) and may be revised from time to time. A. Disbursement Arrangements, Withdrawal of Credit Funds, and Reporting of Uses of Credit Funds I. Disbursement Arrangements, Withdrawal of Credit Funds, and Reporting of Uses of Credit Funds applicable to the Program part and the Project part of IDA 7412-BD. (i) Electronic Delivery. Section 11.01 (c) of the General Conditions. The Association may permit the Recipient to electronically submit applications (with supporting documents) through the Association’s web-based portal ( “Client Connection”. This option may be effected if the officials designated in writing by the Recipient w ho are authorized to sign and deliver Applications have registered as users of “Client Connection”. The designated officials may deliver Applications electronically by completing the Form 2380, which is accessible through “Client Connection”. By signing the Authorized Signatory Letter, the Recipient confirms that it is authorizing such persons to accept Secure Identification Credentials (SIDC) and to deliver the Applications and supporting documents to the Association by electronic means. The Recipient may continue to exercise the option of preparing and delivering Applications in paper form. The Association reserves the right and may, in its sole discretion, temporarily or permanently disallow the electronic delivery of Applications by the Recipient. By designating officials to use SIDC and by choosing to deliver the Applications electronically, the Recipient confirms through the authorized signatory letter its agreement to: (a) abide by the Terms and Conditions of Use of Secure Identification Credentials in connection with Use of Electronic Means to Process Applications and Supporting Documentation, available in the Association's public website at and “Client Connection”; and (b) to cause such official to abide by those terms and conditions. II. Disbursement Arrangements, Withdrawal of Credit Funds, and Reporting of Uses of Credit Funds applicable to the Program part of IDA 7412-BD. (i) Schedule 1. The table in Schedule 1 sets out the disbursement methods which may be used by the Recipient, information on registration of authorized signatures, processing of withdrawal applications. (ii) Disbursement Linked Results (DLRs). The Recipient will deliver Applications of amounts of the Credit allocated to individual Disbursement Linked Indicators (DLIs) and Disbursement Linked Results (“DLRs”), pursuant to the provisions of Section IV.A.2 of Schedule 2 and Annex to Schedule 2 of the Financing Agreement. The Applications are to be sent to the Association at any time after the Association has notified the Recipient in writing that it has accepted evidence of achievement of the specific DLIs and DLRs. (iii)Withdrawal Amount. The Withdrawal Application may be for an amount not to exceed the amount of the Credit confirmed by the Association for the specific DLR in respect of which the withdrawal is requested, as specified in the Association’s notice to the Recipient. All withdrawals from the Credit shall be deposited by the Association into the Recipient’s account in Bangladesh Bank. (iv) Advances and Recovery of Advances The Recipient may, in accordance with provisions of the Financing Agreement, request advances of amounts of the Credit allocated to DLIs/DLRs that have not yet been achieved using the Form attached (Attachment 2). The Association records an amount of the advance as disbursed for an achieved DLIs/DLRs (“recovered”) after it has notified the Recipient of its acceptance of the evidence of achievement of the DLI/DLR for which the advance was provided. The amount so reclassified becomes available for further advances in accordance with the preceding paragraph. III. Disbursement Arrangements, Withdrawal of Credit Funds, and Reporting of Uses of Credit Funds applicable to the Project part of IDA 7412-BD. Disbursement Guidelines. The Disbursement Guidelines for Investment Project Financing dated February 2017, (“Disbursement Guidelines”) are available in the Association’s public website at and its secure website “Client Connection” at The Disbursement Guidelines are an integral part of this Disbursement and Financial Reporting Letter for the Project part, and the manner in which the provisions in the guidelines apply to the Financing is specified below. General Provisions (Schedule 2). The table in Schedule 2 sets out the disbursement methods which may be used by the Recipient, information on registration of authorized signatures, processing of withdrawal applications (including minimum value of applications), instructions on supporting documentation. 2 B. Financial Reports and Audits. (i) Financial Reports. The Recipient shall prepare and furnish to the Association not later than forty-five (45) days after the end of each quarter, Interim Unaudited Financial Report (IUFR) covering the quarter for the Project part. (ii) Audits. Each audit of the Financial Statements shall cover the period of one (1) fiscal year of the Recipient, commencing with the fiscal year in which the first withdrawal was made. The audited Financial Statements for each such period shall be furnished to the Association not later than nine (9) months after the end of such period for the Program part. The audited Financial Statements for each such period shall be furnished to the Association not later than six (6) months after the end of such period for the Project part. C. Other Important Information. For additional information on disbursement arrangements, please refer to the Loan Handbook available on the Association’s website ( and “Client Connection”. The World Bank recommends that you register as a user of “Client Connection”. From this website you will be able to prepare and deliver Applications, monitor the near real-time status of the Credit, and retrieve related policy, financial, and procurement information. For more information about the website and registration arrangements, or if you have any queries in relation to the above, please contact the Association by email at using the above reference. Sincerely, INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION _________________ Abdoulaye Seck Country Director for Bangladesh and Bhutan South Asia Region Attachments 1. Form of Authorized Signatory Letter 2. Sample form for Advances 3. Format of Interim Unaudited Financial Report 3 Schedule 1 : Disbursement Provisions A. Basic Information Country People’s Republic of Bangladesh Closing Date Section IV.D of Schedule 2 to Credit IDA Recipient People’s Republic of Bangladesh the Financing Agreement. Number 7412-BD Name of the Learning Acceleration in Secondary Disbursement Six months after the Closing Program Education Deadline Date Date. B.Disbursement Methods and Supporting Documentation Disbursement Methods Methods Supporting Documentation Reimbursement (financing Yes Confirmation issued by the Association of achieved results) Advance Yes Request in the format provided (Attachment 2) C. Advances Financial Institution - Bangladesh Bank Limit SDR 52,125,000 Name BDT Currency Authorized Signatures The form for Authorized Signatories Letter is provided in Attachment 1 of this letter Withdrawal and Documentation Applications Authorized Signatories Letter: Withdrawal and Documentation Applications: The World Bank The World Bank Plot E32, Agargaon No. 11, Taramani Main Road Sher-e Bangla Nagar Taramani, Chennai – 600 113 G.P.O. Box 97 India Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh Attention: Team Lead, WFACS Attention: Country Director for Bangladesh and Bhutan 4 Schedule 2: Disbursement Provisions Basic Information Country People’s Republic of Bangladesh Closing Date Section IV.D of Schedule 2 to the Recipient People’s Republic of Bangladesh Financing Agreement. Credit IDA 7412- Name of the Project Learning Acceleration in Disbursement Four months after the Closing Date. Number BD Secondary Education Deadline Date Subsection 3.7 ** Disbursement Methods and Supporting Documentation Methods Available Disbursement Methods Supporting Documentation Section 2* Subsections 4.3 and 4.4 Direct Payment Yes Copy of Records - Invoice Reimbursement Yes Interim Unaudited Financial Report (Attachment 3 of the DFIL) For the reason set forth in subsection 5.2 of the Disbursement Guidelines, providing advance proceeds into a designated account is not a disbursement method currently Advance No available under this Credit Copy of Letter of Credit. Special Commitments Yes Proforma Invoice if cited in the Letter of Credit Minimum Value of Applications (subsection 3.5) The minimum value of applications for Reimbursement, Direct Payment and Special Commitment is USD 10,000 equivalent. Authorized Signatures (Subsection 3.1 and 3.2 **) The form for Authorized Signatories Letter is provided in Attachment 1 of this letter Withdrawal and Documentation Applications (Subsection 3.3 and 3.4 **) Authorized Signatories Letter: Withdrawal and Documentation Applications: The World Bank The World Bank Plot E32, Agargaon No. 11, Taramani Main Road Sher-e Bangla Nagar Taramani, Chennai – 600 113 G.P.O. Box 97 India Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh Attention: Team Lead, WFACS Attention: Country Director for Bangladesh and Bhutan Additional Instructions (i) All payments for expenditures claimed under this Financing must be made using the banking system, except expenditures paid using the petty cash system following the Recipient’s existing policy. The petty cash limit as per the Recipient’s existing policy is BDT 100,000. *Sections and subsections indicated relate to the Disbursement Guidelines for Investment Project Financing dated Financing 2017. Attachment 1 – Form of Authorized Signatory Letter [Letterhead] Ministry of Finance [Street address] [City] [Country] [DATE] The World Bank Plot E32, Agargaon Sher-e Bangla Nagar G.P.O. Box 97 Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh Attention: Country Director for Bangladesh and Bhutan Re: IDA Credit 7412-BD (Learning Acceleration in Secondary Education) I refer to the Financing Agreement (“Agreement”) between the International Development Association (the “Association”) and People’s Republic of Bangladesh (the “Recipient”), dated _______, providing the above Financing. For the purposes of Section 2.03 of the Project General Conditions and Section 2.02 of the Program General Conditions as defined in the Agreement, any 1[one] of the persons whose authenticated specimen signatures appear below is authorized on behalf of the Recipient to sign applications for withdrawal and applications for a special commitment under this Financing. For the purpose of delivering Applications to the Association, 2[each] of the persons whose authenticated specimen signatures appears below is authorized on behalf of the Recipient, acting 3 [individually] 4[jointly], to deliver Applications, and evidence in support thereof on the terms and conditions specified by the Association. 5 [This confirms that the Recipient is authorizing such persons to accept Secure Identification Credentials (SIDC) and to deliver the Applications and supporting documents to the Association by 1 Instruction to the Recipient: Stipulate if more than one person needs to sign Applications, and how many or which positions, and if any thresholds apply. Please delete this footnote in final letter that is sent to the Association. 2 Instruction to the Recipient: Stipulate if more than one person needs to jointly sign Applications, if so, please indicate the actual number. Please delete this footnote in final letter that is sent to the Association. 3 Instruction to the Recipient: Use this bracket if any one of the authorized persons may sign; if this is not applicable, please delete. Please delete this footnote in final letter that is sent to the Association. 4 Instruction to the Recipient: Use this bracket only if several individuals must jointly sign each Application; if this is not applicable, please delete. Please delete this footnote in final letter that is sent to the Association. 5 Instruction to the Recipient: Add this paragraph if the Recipient wishes to authorize the listed persons to accept Secure Identification Credentials and to deliver Applications by electronic means; if this is not applicable, please delete the paragraph. Please delete this footnote in final letter that is sent to the Association. electronic means. In full recognition that the Association shall rely upon such representations and warranties, including without limitation, the representations and warranties contained in the Terms and Conditions of Use of Secure Identification Credentials in connection with Use of Electronic Means to Process Applications and Supporting Documentation (“Terms and Conditions of Use of SIDC”), the Recipient represents and warrants to the Association that it will cause such persons to abide by those terms and conditions.] This Authorization replaces and supersedes any Authorization currently in the Association records with respect to this Agreement. [Name], [position] Specimen Signature: ____________________ [Name], [position] Specimen Signature: ____________________ [Name], [position] Specimen Signature: ____________________ Yours truly, / signed / ______________ [Position] 6 Instruction to the Recipient: In case signatory(ies) are authorized separately for part(s)/category(ies) included in the Financing Agreement, the authorized signatories letter may make reference to the relevant part(s)/category(ies) in the subject line. Please delete this footnote in final letter that is sent to the World Bank. Attachment 2 Sample Form for Advances [Ministry Letterhead] [Date] The World Bank No. 11, Taramani Main Road Taramani, Chennai – 600 113 India Attention: Team Lead, WFACS Subject: Re: IDA Credit 7412-BD Learning Acceleration in Secondary Education Dear Sir/Madam, We refer to the Financing Agreement between People’s Republic of Bangladesh (“Recipient”) and International Development Association (“Association”), dated [insert date] providing for the above Financing. In accordance with the provisions of the Disbursement and Financial Information Letter and Schedule 2, Section IV.A.2 of the Financing Agreement, to support the implementation of the above Program and to facilitate the achievement of the planned results, we request an Advance in the amount of [insert amount] 6. [We request that the Advance be disbursed in [currency requested for disbursement] equivalent to the Total Advance Requested above.]7 We acknowledge that the amount disbursed will be charged to the Financing Account in the currency of the Financing at the rate of exchange in effect at the time of disbursement. Sincerely, [insert Name, and Position]8 6 The Proposed Advance should be in the currency of the DLI/DLI Target as set out in the disbursement table in the Financing Agreement, and in accordance with provisions in the Disbursement and Financial Information Letter. Normally, this is the currency of commitment of the Credit. 7 Use this text to designate the currency of the Advance if it should be different from the currency set out in the disbursement table in the Financing Agreement. 8 To be signed by the person(s) authorized on behalf of the Recipient to sign applications for withdrawal under the Credit as set out in the applicable Authorized Signatory Letter. Attachment 3 – Format of IUFR Learning Acceleration in Secondary Education - Investment Project Financing Part IDA Credit No. 7412-BD Project Sources & Uses of Funds For the quarter ended, 20XX (BDT in Million) Current quarter Year to Date Cumulative to Date Particulars GOB IDA OTHER Total GOB IDA OTHER Total GOB IDA OTHER Total Opening Cash Balance: GoB bank account Opening Balance Total Sources of Funds IDA Funds Government Funds Sources of Funds Total Total Resources Available Less: Uses of Funds CATEGORY 1: Uses of Funds Total Closing Balance: GoB bank account Closing Balance Total Learning Acceleration in Secondary Education - Investment Project Financing Part IDA Credit No. 7412-BD Uses of funds by project Actvities For the quarter ended, 20xx (BDT in Million) Actual Planned Variance PAD Life of the Current Year to Cumulativ Current Year to Cumulativ Current Year to Cumulativ Project xx quarter Date e to date quarter Date e to date quarter Date e to date Project Components Years Grand Total Learning Acceleration in Secondary Education - Investment Project Financing Part Statement of contracts subject to Bank's Prior Review IDA Credit No. 7412-BD For the quarter ended, 20xx Total Amount paid for the currrent quarter Delivery date Contract/Pac Signing date of Contract Cumulative Description of the Contract Contractor's Name invoiced GOB Actual delivery kage No the Contract amount IDA OTHER Total Expenditure amount Fund date Learning Acceleration in Secondary Education - Investment Project Financing Part Statement of contracts not subject to Bank's Prior Review IDA Credit No. 7412-BD For the quarter ended ….., 20xx Amount paid for the current quarter Delivery date If this is operating costs and if the amount is exceeding BDT Contract/Package Signing date of 250,000, Cumulative Description of the Contract Contractor's Name Contract amount Total invoived Association's prior GOB Actual delivery No the Contract IDA OTHER Total Expenditure and paid amount approval with date Fund date to be mentioned to claim. Else, not to be claimed.