Financing Agreement
  (Learning Acceleration in Secondary Education)




                                                           CREDIT NUMBER 7412-BD

                             FINANCING AGREEMENT

     AGREEMENT dated as of the Signature Date between PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC
ASSOCIATION (“Association”).

        The Recipient and the Association hereby agree as follows:


1.01.   The General Conditions (as defined in the Appendix to this Agreement) apply to
        and form part of this Agreement.

1.02.   Unless the context requires otherwise, the capitalized terms used in this Agreement
        have the meanings ascribed to them in the General Conditions or in the Appendix
        to this Agreement.

                             ARTICLE II — FINANCING

2.01.   The Association agrees to extend to the Recipient a credit, which is deemed as
        Concessional Financing for purposes of the General Conditions, in an amount
        equivalent to two hundred twenty-three million four hundred thousand Special
        Drawing Rights (SDR 223,400,000) (variously, “Credit” and “Financing”), to
        assist in financing:

        (a)     the program described in Part 1 of Schedule 1 to this Agreement
                (“Program”); and

        (b)     the project as described in Part 2 of Schedule 1 to this Agreement

        (the Program and the Project hereinafter jointly referred to as the “Operation”).

2.02.   The Recipient may withdraw the proceeds of the Financing in accordance with
        Section IV of Schedule 2 to this Agreement. All withdrawals from the Financing
        Account to which the amount of the Credit allocated to the Program is credited
        shall be deposited by the Association into an account specified by the Recipient
        and acceptable to the Association.

2.03.   The Maximum Commitment Charge Rate is one-half of one percent (1/2 of 1%)
        per annum on the Unwithdrawn Financing Balance.

2.04.   The Service Charge is three-fourths of one percent (3/4 of 1%) per annum on the
        Withdrawn Credit Balance.

2.05.   The Interest Charge is one and a quarter percent (1.25%) per annum on the
        Withdrawn Credit Balance.

2.06.   The Payment Dates are March 1 and September 1 in each year.

2.07.   The principal amount of the Credit shall be repaid in accordance with the
        repayment schedule set forth in Schedule 3 to this Agreement.

2.08.   The Payment Currency is Dollar.

                            ARTICLE III — OPERATION

3.01.   The Recipient declares its commitment to the objective of the Operation. To this
        end, the Recipient shall carry out the Operation through SHED under MoE in
        accordance with the provisions of Article V of the Program General Conditions,
        Article V of the Project General Conditions, and Schedule 2 to this Agreement.


4.01.   The Effectiveness Deadline is the date ninety (90) days after the Signature Date.

4.02.   For purposes of Section 10.05(b) of the General Conditions, the date on which the
        obligations of the Recipient under this Agreement (other than those providing for
        payment obligations) shall terminate is twenty (20) years after the Signature Date.


5.01.   The Recipient’s Representative is the Senior Secretary/Secretary, or any
        Additional Secretary, or Joint Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Senior Assistant
        Secretary, Assistant Secretary of the Economic Relations Division of its Ministry
        of Finance.

5.02.   For purposes of Section 11.01 of the General Conditions:

        (a)    the Recipient’s address is:

               Economic Relations Division
               Ministry of Finance
               Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
               Sher-e-Bangla Nagar 1207
               Dhaka, Bangladesh; and

        (b)    the Recipient’s Electronic Address is:

               Facsimile:               E-mail:

5.03.   For purposes of Section 11.01 of the General Conditions:

        (a)    The Association’s address is:

               International Development Association
               1818 H Street, N.W.
               Washington, D.C. 20433
               United States of America; and

        (b)    the Association’s Electronic Address is:

               Telex:                   Facsimile:
               248423 (MCI)             1-202-477-6391

AGREED as of the Signature Date.



                                              Authorized Representative
                                           Secretary Sharifa Khan
                                   Name: __________________________/n1/
                                     Title: __________________________/t1/
                                     Date: __________________________/d1/



                                              Authorized Representative
                                          Abdoulaye Seck
                                   Name: __________________________/n2/
                                           Country Director
                                     Title: __________________________/t2/
                                     Date: __________________________/d2/

                                       SCHEDULE 1

                                   Operation Description

The objective of the Operation is to improve student learning and retention, and build
system resilience in secondary education.

The Operation consists of the Program and the Project as follows:

Part 1:       The Program

The Program consists of the following activities:

Results Area 1: Student support for improved learning, retention and resilience

(a)       improving student learning through the assessment of student learning level,
          delivery of an accelerated and streamlined curriculum on foundational skills and
          subjects, delivery of programs to foster reading, and provision of additional and/or
          remedial classes and support to students who are lagging;

(b)       leveraging information and communication technology (ICT) in education to
          promote a blended learning environment, which helps provide targeted and
          individualized support to students and strengthen education system’s resilience to
          future shocks, including by developing digital learning framework, developing e-
          content and providing requisite trainings to teachers and head-teachers as well as
          digitizing learning materials and enhancing connectivity, especially in climate
          vulnerable areas;

(c)       improving student retention by: supporting identification and re-enrollment of
          students that had dropped out of secondary education, with a particular focus on
          the disadvantaged; raising awareness on school-related gender-based violence
          (SRGBV) and building capacity of educational institutions to adopt survivor-
          centered standard operating procedures, including through operationalization of
          psychosocial and mental health counselling, existing sexual harassment prevention
          committees and referral pathways, and linkages to multisectoral service providers;
          providing poverty-targeted stipends to eligible students; and building awareness
          through community and social mobilization; and

(d)       supporting climate change mitigation and adaptation, including by: providing
          remote remedial education; developing and providing educational content on
          climate mitigation and adaptation; equipping students and schools with blended
          learning to help with learning continuity in the event of climate-induced school
          closures; and preventing drop-out of students in climate-vulnerable areas through
          complementary initiatives and incentives.

Results Area 2: Improved teacher competency

(a)    scaling up pre-service and in-service training to secondary teacher for core subject
       mastery, improved pedagogy for blended learning, and climate change mitigation
       and adaptation; and scaling up virtual and in-person platforms for teacher peer-to-
       peer networking, mentoring, coaching and support;

(b)    fostering global best practices in teacher performance, including by using
       formative assessments as part of the day-to-day teaching, and implementing
       targeted approaches to address the differentiated needs of students in classrooms;

(c)    reforming teacher management systems by designing and implementing pilot
       programs, including by recognizing and rewarding teachers who improve
       classroom practices, scaling up management and leadership training for head
       teachers and assistant head teachers, and scaling up behavioral interventions; and

(d)    supporting climate change mitigation and adaptation through teacher training on
       climate change, including through training on emergency preparedness and
       response measures in case of climate-related emergencies, causes and impacts of
       climate change, strategies for climate change mitigation and adaptation,
       Bangladesh’s climate vulnerability, and government policy framework to address
       climate change.

Results Area 3: Improved secondary systems and resilience

(a)    carrying out curriculum and assessment reform by: supporting curriculum
       digitization; use of classroom-based diagnostic and formative assessment;
       implementation of national assessments for secondary institutions; improved use
       of assessment data for policy design and implementation; and inclusion of climate

(b)    fostering climate-smart mindsets, behaviors, and skills among secondary students
       by mainstreaming lessons on climate change mitigation and adaptation in
       secondary lessons and supporting climate-change activism and building climate
       resilience in targeted secondary schools, through promoting climate resilience
       measures, climate-resilient and environmentally friendly construction and
       development of school safety master plans and school safety guidelines for climate
       emergency preparedness as part of school development plans;

(c)    creating an enabling environment for vocational training in secondary grades and
       institutions, and providing performance-based grants (PBGs) to eligible teachers,
       secondary schools, and necessary facilities to support students’ acquisition of
       market relevant skills; and

(d)    strengthening data management, monitoring and evaluation capacity of the
       secondary education subsector.

Part 2: The Project

The Project supports management, monitoring, and evaluation of the Program, including:

(a)    provision of technical assistance to support and strengthen the capacity of MoE for
       Program implementation and monitoring; and

(b)    supporting capacity development of SHED and DSHE in, inter alia: teacher
       professional development, management, and use of ICT; strengthening of quality
       and timeliness of reporting, fiduciary and environmental and social risk
       management; undertaking assessments and evaluation studies, and commissioning
       the Independent Verification Agent; improving climate resilience and energy
       efficiency in schools; and coordination among SHED and DSHE.

                                         SCHEDULE 2

                                      Operation Execution

Section I.      Implementation Arrangements

A.      Institutional Arrangement

1.      The Recipient shall, through its Ministry of Education, vest responsibility to SHED
        as the executing agency primarily responsible for: (a) overall policy guidance for
        the implementation of the Operation; and (b) overall coordination and oversight of
        the Operation.

2.      (a)     The Recipient shall, through SHED, vest responsibility to DSHE as the
                implementing agency primarily responsible for the management and
                implementation of the Operation, including achievement of the
                Disbursement Linked Indicators (DLIs) and Disbursement Linked Results

        (b)     To this end, the Recipient shall, not later than four (4) months after the
                Effective Date, establish and thereafter maintain through the duration of
                the Operation, a program implementation unit (“PIU”) within the DSHE,
                which shall be: (i) headed by a project director and supported by a
                technical assistance team, with composition and terms of reference
                satisfactory to the Association and in accordance with the provisions of
                the Operations Manual; and (ii) vested with the responsibility of day-to-
                day implementation of the Operation.

3.      The Recipient shall, not later than four (4) months after the Effective Date,
        establish and thereafter maintain throughout the duration of the Operation, a
        program steering committee (the “Program Steering Committee”), at the MoE
        which shall: (a) be chaired by the Secretary of SHED and with composition and
        terms of reference satisfactory to the Association and in accordance with the
        provisions of the Operations Manual; and (b) be vested with the responsibility of:
        (i) overseeing the coordination, monitoring, and implementation of the Operation;
        and (ii) providing necessary policy support and guidance for the implementation
        of the Operation.

4.      The Recipient shall, not later than four (4) months after the Effective Date,
        establish and thereafter maintain throughout the duration of the Operation, a
        program implementation committee (the “Program Implementation Committee”),
        at the DSHE which shall: (a) be chaired by the Director General of DSHE and
        with composition and terms of reference satisfactory to the Association and in
        accordance with the provisions of the Operations Manual; and (b) be vested with
        the responsibility of: (i) reviewing the progress of the implementation (financial

     and physical) of the Operation; and (ii) providing recommendations on
     overcoming challenges, if any, in the implementation of the Operation.

B.   Operations Manual

1.   The Recipient, through SHED, shall not later than six (6) months after the Effective
     Date, adopt the Operations Manual in form and substance acceptable to the
     Association. Such Operations Manual shall include, inter alia: (a) the roles and
     responsibilities of key institutions required for implementation of the Operation
     and the Program Action Plan; (b) the Program’s monitoring, evaluation and
     reporting requirements; (c) the verification protocol for the demonstration of the
     satisfaction of each DLR; (d) detailed fiduciary arrangements (including
     procurement and financial management arrangements and protocol for the
     application of the Anti-corruption Guidelines) applicable to the entities involved
     in the implementation of the Program and receiving proceeds of the Credit; (e)
     procedures for the collection, storage, usage, and/or processing of Personal Data;
     (f) the Project administrative, accounting, auditing, reporting, financial,
     disbursement, social and environmental, and procurement procedures, as agreed
     with the Association; (g) the protocols and procedures for the grievance redress
     mechanisms; and (h) the performance indicators for the Operation.

2.   The Recipient, through SHED, shall and shall cause DSHE to, implement the
     Operation in accordance with the provisions of the Operations Manual.

3.   The Recipient shall not amend, abrogate or suspend, or permit to be amended,
     abrogated or suspended any provision of the Operations Manual without the prior
     written agreement of the Association.

4.   Notwithstanding the foregoing, if any provision of the Operations Manual is
     inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement, the provisions of this
     Agreement shall prevail.

C.   Program Action Plan

     Unless otherwise agreed with the Association, the Recipient, through SHED, shall
     and shall cause the DSHE to carry out the Program under the Program Action Plan
     in a manner satisfactory to the Association, and except as the Association shall
     otherwise agree, shall not assign, amend, abrogate, or waive any provision of the
     Program Action Plan.

D.   Environmental and Social Standards for the Project

1.   The Recipient shall ensure that the Project is carried out in accordance with the
     Environmental and Social Standards, in a manner acceptable to the Association.

2.   Without limitation upon paragraph 1 above, the Recipient shall ensure that the
     Project is implemented in accordance with the Environmental and Social
     Commitment Plan (“ESCP”), in a manner acceptable to the Association. To this
     end, the Recipient shall ensure that:

     (a)     the measures and actions specified in the ESCP are implemented with due
             diligence and efficiency, as provided in the ESCP;

     (b)     sufficient funds are available to cover the costs of implementing the ESCP;

     (c)     policies and procedures are maintained, and qualified and experienced
             staff in adequate numbers are retained to implement the ESCP, as provided
             in the ESCP; and

     (d)     the ESCP, or any provision thereof, is not amended, repealed, suspended
             or waived, except as the Association shall otherwise agree in writing, as
             specified in the ESCP, and ensure that the revised ESCP is disclosed
             promptly thereafter.

3.   In case of any inconsistencies between the ESCP and the provisions of this
     Agreement, the provisions of this Agreement shall prevail.

4.   The Recipient shall ensure that:

     (a)     all measures necessary are taken to collect, compile, and furnish to the
             Association through regular reports, with the frequency specified in the
             ESCP, and promptly in a separate report or reports, if so requested by the
             Association, information on the status of compliance with the ESCP and
             the environmental and social instruments referred to therein, all such
             reports in form and substance acceptable to the Association, setting out,
             inter alia: (i) the status of implementation of the ESCP; (ii) conditions, if
             any, which interfere or threaten to interfere with the implementation of the
             ESCP; and (iii) corrective and preventive measures taken or required to be
             taken to address such conditions; and

     (b)     the Association is promptly notified of any incident or accident related to
             or having an impact on the Project which has, or is likely to have, a
             significant adverse effect on the environment, the affected communities,
             the public or workers, including, in accordance with the ESCP, the
             environmental and social instruments referenced therein and the
             Environmental and Social Standards.

5.      The Recipient shall establish, publicize, maintain and operate an accessible
        grievance mechanism, to receive and facilitate resolution of concerns and
        grievances of Project-affected people, and take all measures necessary and
        appropriate to resolve, or facilitate the resolution of, such concerns and grievances,
        in a manner acceptable to the Association.

E.      Additional Implementation Arrangements

1.      The Recipient, through SHED, shall, and shall cause DSHE, to:

        (a)     Without limitation on the provisions of Article V of the General
                Conditions, carry out the Program in accordance with financial
                management, procurement and environmental and social management
                systems acceptable to the Association and included in the applicable
                Operations Manual which are designed to ensure that:

                (i)      the Credit proceeds are used for their intended purposes, with due
                         attention to the principles of economy, efficiency, effectiveness,
                         transparency, and accountability; and

                (ii)     the actual and potential adverse environmental and social impacts
                         of the Program are identified, avoided, minimized, or mitigated,
                         as the case may be, all through the agreed environment and social
                         management measures and procedures, as well as through an
                         informed decision-making process.

        (b)     no later than three (3) months after the Effective Date, create separate main
                Program code for the Program Expenditures.

Section II.     Excluded Activities

        The Recipient shall ensure that the Program excludes any activities which:

A.      in the opinion of the Association, are likely to have significant adverse impacts
        that are sensitive, diverse, or unprecedented on the environment and/or affected
        people; or

B.      involve the procurement of: (1) works (including constructions, high valued
        machinery contracts, land acquisition, and activities that are likely to have
        significant adverse impacts that are sensitive, diverse, or unprecedented on the
        environment and/or affected people); (2) goods, estimated to cost fifty million
        Dollars ($50,000,000) equivalent or more per contract; (3) non-consulting
        services, estimated to cost fifty million Dollars ($50,000,000) equivalent or more
        per contract; (4) consulting services, estimated to cost twenty million Dollars

        ($20,000,000) equivalent or more per contract; (5) recurrent expenditure items of
        government officers and government teachers, salary allowances, and recurring
        and capital grants (teacher salary); (6) fuel cost; (7) textbook procurement; or (8)
        good requiring international procurement.

Section III.    Operation Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation

A.      Operation Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation

The Recipient shall furnish to the Association each Program Report and Project Report not
later than two (2) months after the end of each calendar semester, covering the calendar
semester. Except as may otherwise be explicitly required or permitted under this
Agreement or as may be explicitly requested by the Association, in sharing any
information, report or document related to the activities described in Schedule 1 to this
Agreement, the Recipient shall ensure that such information, report or document does not
include Personal Data.

B.      Verification Protocols for the Program

1.      The Recipient, through SHED, shall:

        (a)     undertake a verification process to certify the fulfillment of the DLRs set
                out in the Annex to Schedule 2 to this Agreement. To this end the
                Recipient, through SHED, shall select and engage no later than four (4)
                months after the Effective Date and thereafter maintain throughout the
                period of implementation of the Program, the services of one or more
                Independent Verification Agent(s) with qualification and experience and
                under terms of reference satisfactory to the Association, in order to: (i)
                support the Program’s monitoring and evaluation; (ii) verify the data and
                other evidence supporting the achievement of the DLRs set out in the
                Annex to Schedule 2 to this Agreement and recommend corresponding
                payments to be made, as applicable; and

        (b)     furnish to the Association corresponding verification report, in form and
                substance agreed with the Association.

Section IV.     Withdrawal of the Proceeds of the Financing

A.      General

1.      Without limitation upon the provisions of Article II of the Program General
        Conditions, and Article II of the Project General Conditions, and in accordance
        with the Disbursement and Financial Information Letter, the Recipient may
        withdraw the proceeds of the Financing to: (a) with respect to the Program, finance

        Program Expenditures (inclusive of Taxes), on the basis of the results (DLRs)
        achieved by the Recipient, as measured against specific indicators (DLIs) in the
        amount allocated against Categories (1) through (8) of the below table and Annex
        to Schedule 2 to this Agreement; and (b) with respect to the Project, finance
        Eligible Expenditures in the amount allocated and, if applicable, up to the
        percentage set forth against Category (9) of the below table.

2.      The following table specifies each category of withdrawal of the proceeds of the
        Financing (including the DLIs as applicable) (“Category”), and the allocation of
        the amounts of the Financing to each Category:

           Category             Amount of the Financing     Percentage of Expenditures
     (including DLIs as               Allocated                    to be Financed
         applicable)             (expressed in SDR))            (inclusive of Taxes)
(1) DLI #1: Improved teacing       31,280,000
ability of targeted teachers                                           NA

(2) DLI #2: Improved                37,230,000
learning outcomes through                                              NA
learning     recovery and
acceleration measures

(3) DLI #3: Blended learning        26,060,000
for math, Bangla, and climate                                          NA
education for improved
learning     and       access

(4) DLI #4: Improved                31,280,000
students’ access to secondary                                          NA
education and increased

(5) DLI #5: National                13,400,000
assessment implemented to                                              NA
improve teaching-learning

(6) DLI #6: Improved school         26,800,000
management for learning and                                            NA

(7) DLI #7: Skilling                31,280,000
secondary     students for                                             NA
climate change mitigation
and adaptation

(8) DLI #8: Enabiling               11,170,000
environment for vocational                                             NA

training    for     secondary
teachers created

(9) Eligible Expenditures              14,900,000                          100%
under the Project for Goods
(excluding vehicles), non-
consulting           services,
consulting services, Training
and      Workshops,       and
Incremental Operating Costs
TOTAL AMOUNT                         223,400,000

B.      Withdrawal Conditions for the Program; Withdrawal Period

1.      Notwithstanding the provisions of Part A of this Section, with respect to Categories
        (1) through (8), no withdrawal shall be made:

        (a)        on the basis of DLRs achieved prior to the Signature Date.

        (b)        for any DLR under Category (1) through (8), until and unless the Recipient
                   has furnished evidence satisfactory to the Association that said DLR has
                   been achieved.

2.      Notwithstanding the provisions of Part B.1(b) of this Section, the Recipient may
        withdraw an amount not to exceed fifty-two million one hundred twenty-five
        thousand Special Drawing Rights (SDR 52,125,000) as an advance under
        Categories (1)-(8); provided, however, that if the DLR(s) in the opinion of the
        Association, is (are) not achieved (or only partially achieved, in accordance with
        Annex to Schedule 2) by the Closing Date, the Recipient shall refund such advance
        (or portion of such advance as determined by the Association in accordance with
        the provisions of paragraph (2) of this Part B) to the Association promptly upon
        notice thereof by the Association. Except as otherwise agreed with the Recipient,
        the Association shall cancel the amount so refunded. Any further withdrawals
        requested as an advance under any Category shall be permitted only on such terms
        and conditions as the Association shall specify by notice to the Recipient.

3.      Notwithstanding the provisions of Part B.1(b) of this Section, if any of the DLRs
        under Category (1) through (8) has not been achieved by the date by which the said
        DLR is set to be achieved (or such later date as the Association has established by
        notice to the Recipient), the Association may, by notice to the Recipient: (a)
        authorize the withdrawal of such lesser amount of the unwithdrawn proceeds of
        the Financing then allocated to said Category which, in the opinion of the
        Association, corresponds to the extent of achievement of said DLR, said lesser
        amount to be calculated in accordance with the formula set out in Annex to
        Schedule 2; (b) reallocate all or a portion of the proceeds of the Financing then

     allocated to said DLR to any other DLR ; and/or (c) cancel all or a portion of the
     proceeds of the Financing then allocated to said DLR.

C.   Withdrawal Conditions for the Project

     Notwithstanding the provisions of Part A of this Section, no withdrawal shall be
     made, with respect to Category (9):

     (a)     for payments made prior to the Signature Date.

D.   Operation Withdrawal Period

     The Closing Date is December 31, 2028.

             ANNEX TO SCHEDULE 2 – Disbursement-Linked Indicators, Disbursement-
                                    Linked Results

Disbursement                           Disbursement Linked Results (DLRs in SDR amounts)
 Indicators           Year 1                Year 2               Year 3            Year 4               Year 5

DLI #1.         DLR 1.1: Training       DLR 1.2:           DLR 1.3:           DLR 1.4:            DLR 1.5: Share
Improved        manual approved.        Number of          Number of          Number of           of trained teachers
teaching        The manual should       teachers           teachers trained   teachers trained    achieving
ability of      cover the following     trained in one     in one of the      in one of the       competency in
targeted        domains: (i) core       of the             following          following           trained domains
teachers        subject mastery         following          domains: core      domains: core       (core subject
                (math and Bangla,       domains: core      subject            subject mastery,    mastery,
                both content and        subject            mastery,           pedagogy for        pedagogy for
                pedagogy); (ii)         mastery,           pedagogy for       blended learning,   blended learning,
                pedagogy for            pedagogy for       blended            climate change      climate change
                blended learning;       blended            learning,          mitigation,         mitigation and
                (iii) climate change    learning,          climate change     adaptation meets    adaption)
                mitigation and          climate change     mitigation,        yearly target       increases by
                adaptation and (iv)     mitigation,        adaptation         (cumulative:        15percent
                methodology for         adaptation         meets yearly       Year 4: 15,000).
                teacher pre-training    meets yearly       target
                evaluation and          target (Year 2:    (cumulative:
                baseline                2,000)             Year 3: 6,000).
Allocated       DLR 1.1:                DLR 1.2:           DLR 1.3:           DLR 1.4:            DLR 1.5:
Amount(s) in    Roll over: Yes,         Roll over: Yes,    Roll over: Yes,    Roll over: Yes,     Roll over: No
                until December 31,      until              until December     until December
31,280,000      2025                    December 31,       31, 2027           31, 2028            Allocated amount:
                                        2026                                                      7,448,000
                Allocated amount:                          Allocated          Allocated
                5,958,000               Allocated          amount:            amount:             Scalability: No
                                        amount:            5,958,000          5,958,000
                Scalability: Yes        5,958,000                                                 7,448,000
                                                           Scalability: Yes   Scalability: Yes    upon achievement
                1,489,500               Scalability:                                              of target
                for each of the         Yes                2,979,000
                domains covered in                         for 2000 trained   2,979,000
                the manual              2,979,000          teachers and       for 4500 trained
                                        for 1,000                             teachers and
                                        trained            2,979,000
                                        teachers and       for additional     2,979,000
                                                           2,000 trained      for additional
                                        2,979,000          teachers           4,500 trained
                                        for additional                        teachers
                                        1,000 trained

Disbursement                          Disbursement Linked Results (DLRs in SDR amounts)
 Indicators          Year 1                Year 2               Year 3             Year 4             Year 5

DLI #2.        DLR 2.1:                DLR 2.2:           DLR 2.3:            DLR 2.5:          DLR 2.7:
Improved       Dissemination and       Number of          Number of           Number of         Share of students
learning       training on learning    schools            schools             schools           achieving grade
outcomes       loss and recovery       implementing       implementing        implementing      level competency
through        data and strategies     learning           learning            learning          in grade 8 is at: (i)
learning       – This DLR is           acceleration       acceleration        acceleration      65percent for
recovery and   considered met          program            program             program           Math and (ii)
acceleration   when (i)                (formative         (formative          (formative        90percent for
measures       Information on          assessments        assessments         assessments and   Bangla, as per the
               learning losses and     and                and                 remediation       latest National
               learning recovery       remediation        remediation         among grade 6     Assessment of
               strategies is           among grade 6      among grade 6       and 8 students)   Secondary
               disseminated to at      and 8 students)    and 8 students)     meets yearly      Students (NASS)
               least 50percent of      meets yearly       meets yearly        targets
               Upazilas; and (ii)      targets (Year      targets             (cumulative:
               teacher guidelines      2: 1,200)          (cumulative:        Year 4: 7,200)
               for formative                              Year 3: 3,000)
               assessments and                                                DLR 2.6:
               remediation among                          DLR 2.4:            Number of
               students in grade 6                        Number of           schools
               and 8 for math and                         schools             implementing
               Bangla are                                 implementing        reading program
               approved                                   reading             among grade 6
                                                          program among       and 8 students
                                                          grade 6 and 8       meets yearly
                                                          students meets      targets
                                                          yearly targets (:   (cumulative:
                                                          Year 3: 3,000)      Year 4: 7,200)

Allocated      DLR 2.1:                DLR 2.2:           DLR 2.3:            DLR 2.5:          DLR 2.7:
Amount(s) in   Roll over: Yes,         Roll over: Yes,    Roll over: Yes,     Roll over: Yes,   Roll over: No
 37,230,000    until December 31,      until              until December      until December
               2025                    December 31,       31, 2027            31, 2028          Allocated amount:
                                       2026                                                     7,446,000
               Allocated amount:                          Allocated           Allocated
               7,446,000               Allocated          amount:             amount:           Scalability: Yes
                                       amount:            3,723,000           3,723,000
               Scalability: Yes        7,446,000                                                3,723,000
                                                          Scalability: No     Scalability: No   upon achievement
               3,723,000               Scalability: No                                          of (i) and
               upon achievement                           3,723,000           3,723,000
               of (i) and              7,446,000          upon                upon              3,723,000
               3,723,000               upon               achievement of      achievement of    upon achievement
               upon achievement        achievement        target              target            of (ii)
               of (ii)                 of target

Disbursement                         Disbursement Linked Results (DLRs in SDR amounts)
 Indicators           Year 1              Year 2               Year 3             Year 4               Year 5

                                                         DLR 2.4:            DLR 2.6:
                                                         Roll over: Yes,     Roll over: Yes,
                                                         until December      until September
                                                         31, 2027            30, 2028

                                                         Allocated           Allocated
                                                         amount:             amount:
                                                         3,723,000           3,723,000

                                                         Scalability: No     Scalability: No

                                                         3,723,000           3,723,000
                                                         upon                upon
                                                         achievement of      achievement of
                                                         target              target
DLI #3.         DLR 3.1:              DLR 3.2:           DLR 3.3:            DLR 3.4:             DLR 3.5: At least
Blended         e-content (grade 6    Blended            Blended             Blended learning     40percent of
learning for    math and Bangla,      learning           learning            implemented in at    students in
math, Bangla,   grade 8 math and      implemented        implemented in      least 2,100          targeted schools
and climate     Bangla, climate       in at least 700    at least 1,400      secondary            (cumulative) are
education for   education)            secondary          secondary           institutions         actively using
improved        developed and         institutions       institutions        (cumulative)         blended learning
learning and    piloted for math,                        (cumulative)                             for English and/or
access          Bangla, and                                                                       math
implemented     climate education
Allocated       DLR 3.1:              DLR 3.2:           DLR 3.3:            DLR 3.4:             DLR 3.5:
Amount(s) in
26,060,000      Roll over: Yes,       Roll over: Yes,    Roll over: Yes,     Roll over: Yes,      Roll over: No
                until December 31,    until              until December      until December
                2025                  December 31,       31, 2027            31, 2028             Allocated amount:
                                      2026                                                        7,445,000
                Allocated amount:                        Allocated           Allocated
                7,446,000             Allocated          amount:             amount:              Scalability: Yes
                                      amount:            3,723,000           3,723,000
                Scalability: Yes      3,723,000                                                   3,722,500
                                                         Scalability: Yes    Scalability: Yes     for 20percent of
                1,489,200             Scalability:                                                students and
                each for e-content    Yes                1,861,500           1,861,500            3,722,500
                for grade 6 math,                        for 350             for 350              for additional
                grade 6 Bangla,       1,861,500          institutions; and   institutions; and    20percent of
                grade 8 math,         for 350            1,861,500                                students
                grade 8 Bangla,       institutions;      for additional      1,861,500
                climate education     and                350 institutions    for additional 350

Disbursement                           Disbursement Linked Results (DLRs in SDR amounts)
 Indicators           Year 1                Year 2                Year 3        Year 4          Year 5

                                        for additional
DLI #4.         DLR 4.1: Prepare        DLR 4.2:            DLR 4.3: (i)                   DLR 4.4: (i)
Improved        or revise and adopt     SRGBV               SRGBV and                      Grade 10 (of those
students’       guidelines for (i)      protocol            mental health                  started in grade 6)
access to       poverty-targeted        activated, and      support                        retention rate
secondary       stipends (revised       poverty-            provided (At                   improved by
education and   Harmonized              targeted            least 30percent                4percent; and (ii)
increased       Stipend Program         stipends            of students in                 grade 10 (of those
retention       (HSP) criteria and      disbursed with      targeted                       started in grade 6)
                additional outreach     (i)(a) at least     schools                        retention rate for
                strategies for          5,000               (cumulatively)                 girls improved by
                students in climate-    institutions        can identify at                3percent
                vulnerable areas);      have sexual         least one
                (ii) school-related     harassment          mechanism for
                gender-based            prevention          reporting
                violence (SRGBV);       committees          SRGBV and/or
                and (iii) mental        (SHPCs) set         accessing
                health support          up, (b) referral    mental health
                                        pathways            support); (ii) At
                                        established, (c)    least 50percent
                                        standard            of eligible cases
                                        operating           reported to
                                        procedures          SHPCs in
                                        (SOPs)              targeted
                                        adopted; and        institutions
                                        (ii) poverty-       (cumulatively)
                                        targeted            are handled
                                        stipends            according to
                                        disbursed for       protocol; and
                                        grades 6-12         (iii)
                                        based on the        disbursement of
                                        manual              poverty-
                                                            stipends for
                                                            grades 6 -12
                                                            based on the
Allocated       DLR 4.1:                DLR 4.2:            DLR 4.3:                       DLR 4.4:
Amount(s) in
31,280,000      Roll over: Yes,         Roll over: Yes,     Roll over: Yes,                Roll over: No
                until December 31,      until               until December
                2025                    December 31,        31, 2027                       Allocated
                                        2026                                               Amount:

Disbursement                         Disbursement Linked Results (DLRs in SDR amounts)
 Indicators           Year 1              Year 2               Year 3            Year 4            Year 5

               Allocated Amount:                         Allocated                            7,446,000
               8,942,000              Allocated          Amount:
                                      Amount:            7,446,000                            Scalability: Yes
               Scalability: Yes       7,446,000
                                                         Scalability: Yes                     3,723,000
                                      Scalability:                                            upon achievement
               2,980,666.67           Yes                2,978,400                            of (i) and
               each for (i); (ii);                       upon                                 3,723,000
               (iii)                  3,723,000          achievement of                       upon achievement
                                      upon               (i);                                 of (ii)
                                      of (i)             2,233,800
                                      (1,489,200         upon
                                      for SHPC;          achievement of
                                                         (ii) and
                                       for referral      2,233,800
                                      establishment;     upon
                                                         achievement of
                                      744,600.00         (iii)
                                      for SOPs) and

                                      of (ii)
DLI #5.                               DLR 5.1:                              DLR 5.2:
National                               NASS 2024                            NASS 2026
Assessment                            carried out                           carried out
implemented                           nationally for                        nationally for
to improve                            grades 6, 8 and                       grades 6, 8 and
teaching-                             10 and the                            10 and the
learning                              findings                              findings
                                      published                             published
Allocated                             DLR 5.1:                              DLR 5.2:
Amount(s) in
 13,400,000                           Roll over: Yes,                       Roll over: Yes,
                                      until                                 until December
                                      December 31,                          31, 2028
                                      Allocated                             Amount:
                                      Amount:                               6,700,000
                                                                            Scalability: No

Disbursement                            Disbursement Linked Results (DLRs in SDR amounts)
 Indicators            Year 1                Year 2               Year 3            Year 4           Year 5

                                         Scalability: No

                                         6,700,000                             6,700,000
                                         upon                                  upon
                                         achievement                           achievement of
                                         of target                             target
DLI #6.          DLR 6.1: MoE            DLR 6.2: (i)       DLR 6.3: (i)       DLR 6.4: (i)
Improved         approves manuals        Certifications/    Certifications/a   Certifications/aw
school           for: (i) PBGs which     awards             wards              ards distributed to
management       includes eligibility    distributed to     distributed to     top 100 learning
for learning     criteria for            top 100            top 100            accelerator
and resilience   teachers, students,     learning           learning           schools as per
                 and secondary           accelerator        accelerator        manual (DLR
                 schools; and (ii)       schools as per     schools as per     6.1, part (i)); and
                 climate resilience      manual (DLR        manual (DLR        (ii) additional 100
                 measures to be          6.1, part (i));    6.1, part (i));    schools
                 promoted at             and (ii)           and (ii)           implementing
                 targeted secondary      additional 100     additional 100     climate resilience
                 schools (including      schools            schools            measures as per
                 (a) implementing        implementing       implementing       manual (DLR
                 climate resilience      climate            climate            6.1, part (ii))
                 measures such as        resilience         resilience         meets yearly
                 rainwater               measures as        measures as per    target
                 harvesting and          per manual         manual (DLR        (cumulative
                 greening of school      (DLR 6.1, part     6.1, part (ii))    target for Year 4:
                 grounds;                (ii)) meets        meets yearly       600 schools).
                 implement climate       yearly target      target
                 mitigation              (cumulative        (cumulative
                 measures such as        target for Year    target for Year
                 improving energy        2: 200 schools)    3: 400 schools)
                 efficiency, waste
                 reduction; (b)
                 construction; and
                 (c) emergency
                 preparedness for
                 adverse climate
                 events by
                 institutions in
                 creating a school
                 safety master plan,

Disbursement                            Disbursement Linked Results (DLRs in SDR amounts)
 Indicators            Year 1                Year 2               Year 3            Year 4              Year 5

                 with school safety
                 evacuation plans,
                 in the event of a
                 climate disaster
                 such as a flood or a
                 cyclone as part of
Allocated        DLR 6.1:                DLR 6.2:           DLR 6.3:           DLR 6.4:
Amount(s) in     Roll over: Yes,         Roll over: Yes,    Roll over: Yes,    Roll over: Yes,
26,800,000       until December 31,      until              until December     until December
                 2025                    December 31,       31, 2027           31, 2028
                 Allocated Amount:                          Allocated          Allocated
                 6,700,000               Allocated          Amount:            Amount:
                                         Amount:            6,700,000          6,700,000
                 Scalability: Yes        6,700,000
                                                            Scalability: Yes   Scalability: Yes
                 3,350,000               Scalability:
                 upon achievement        Yes                3,350,000          3,350,000
                 of (i) and                                 upon               upon
                 3,350,000               3,350,000          achievement of     achievement of
                 upon achievement        upon               (i) and            (i) and
                 of (ii)                 achievement
                                         of (i) and         3,350,000          3,350,000
                                                            upon               upon
                                         3,350,000          achievement of     achievement of
                                         upon               (ii)               (ii)
                                         of (ii)

DLI #7.          DLR 7.1: (i)            DLR 7.2:           DLR 7.3:           DLR 7.4:            DLR 7.5: Share
Skilling         DSHE publishes          Number of          Number of          Number of           of students in
secondary        baseline on climate     secondary          secondary          secondary           targeted schools
students for     awareness among         students that      students that      students that       for specific year
climate          secondary students      received           received           received            exhibiting positive
change           and teachers; and       instruction on     instruction on     instruction on      climate change
mitigation and   (ii) DSHE issues a      climate change     climate change     climate change      mindsets or
adaptation       circular to schools     mitigation and     mitigation and     mitigation and      behaviors
                 for plantation of at    adaptation         adaptation         adaptation          increases by
                 least 2 trees           through            through            through dedicated   30percent over
                                         dedicated          dedicated          sessions meets

Disbursement                          Disbursement Linked Results (DLRs in SDR amounts)
 Indicators            Year 1              Year 2               Year 3            Year 4                Year 5

                                       sessions meets     sessions meets     target               baseline (to be
                                       target (year 2:    target             (cumulative          determined)
                                       15,000             (cumulative        target for year 4:
                                       students)          target for year    45,000 students
                                                          3: 30,000
Allocated        DLR 7.1:              DLR 7.2:           DLR 7.3:           DLR 7.4:             DLR 7.5:
Amount(s) in
31,280,000       Roll over: Yes,       Roll over: Yes,    Roll over: Yes,    Roll over: Yes,      Roll over: No
                 until December 31,    until              until December     until December
                 2025                  December 31,       31, 2027           31, 2028             Allocated
                                       2026                                                       Amount:
                 Allocated Amount:                        Allocated          Allocated            5,958,000
                 7,448,000             Allocated          Amount:            Amount:
                                       Amount:            5,958,000          5,958,000            Scalability: Yes
                 Scalability: Yes      5,958,000
                                                          Scalability: Yes   Scalability: Yes     2,979,000
                 3,724,000             Scalability:                                               for 15percent
                 upon achievement      Yes                2,979,000          2,979,000 for        increase and
                 of (i) and                               for 10,000         10,000 students
                 3,724,000             2,979,000          students and       and 2,979,000 for    2,979,000
                 upon achievement      for 10,000                            additional 5,000     for additional
                 of (ii)               students and       2,979,000          students             15percent
                                                          for additional                          increase
                                       2,979,000          5,000 students
                                       for additional
                                       5,000 students
DLI #8.          DLR 8.1: Manual       DLR 8.2:                              DLR 8.3:
Enabling         for vocational        Complete                              Complete
environment      training for          vocational                            vocational
for vocational   secondary teachers    training for                          training for 1,000
training for     developed and         700 secondary                         secondary
secondary        approved              teachers                              teachers
teachers                                                                     (cumulative)
Allocated        DLR 8.1:              DLR 8.2:                              DLR 8.3:
Amount(s) in
11,170,000       Roll over: Yes,       Roll over: Yes,                       Roll over: Yes,
                 until December 31,    until                                 until December
                 2025                  December 31,                          31, 2028
                 Allocated Amount:                                           Allocated
                 3,723,333             Allocated                             Amount:
                                       Amount:                               3,723,334

Disbursement                      Disbursement Linked Results (DLRs in SDR amounts)
 Indicators          Year 1            Year 2               Year 3        Year 4       Year 5

               Scalability: No                                       Scalability: No
                                   Scalability: No
               3,723,333                                             3,723,334
               upon achievement    3,723,333                         upon
               of target           upon                              achievement of
                                   achievement                       target
                                   of target

                                     SCHEDULE 3

                                 Repayment Schedule

                                                      Principal Amount of the Credit
                Date Payment Due                                 repayable
                                                       (expressed as a percentage)*
 On each March 1 and September 1:
 commencing March 1, 2029, to and including                        1.65%
 September 1, 2048
 commencing March 1, 2049, to and including                        3.40%
 September 1, 2053

* The percentages represent the percentage of the principal amount of the Credit to be
repaid, except as the Association may otherwise specify pursuant to Section 3.05(b) of the
General Conditions.



1.     “Anti-Corruption Guidelines” means (a) for purposes of paragraph 5 of the
       Appendix to the Program General Conditions, the Association’s “Guidelines on
       Preventing and Combating Fraud and Corruption in Program-for-Results
       Financing,” dated February 1, 2012, and revised July 10, 2015; and (b) for
       purposes of paragraph 5 of the Appendix to the Project General Conditions, the
       “Guidelines on Preventing and Combating Fraud and Corruption in Projects
       Financed by IBRD Loans and IDA Credits and Grants”, dated October 15, 2006
       and revised in January 2011 and as of July 1, 2016.

2.     “Category” means a category set forth in the table in Section IV.A.2 of Schedule 2
       to this Agreement.

3.     “Disbursement Linked Indicator” or “DLI” means in respect of a given Category,
       the indicator related to said Category as set forth in the table in Section IV.A.2 of
       Schedule 2 to this Agreement.

4.     “Disbursement Linked Result” or “DLR” means in respect of a given Category,
       the result under said Category as set forth in the table in Section IV.A.2 of
       Schedule 2 to this Agreement, on the basis of the achievement of which, the
       amount of the Financing allocated to said result may be withdrawn in accordance
       with the provisions of said Section IV.

5.     “DSHE” means the Recipient’s Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education, a
       directorate under SHED of MoE, or any successor thereto.

6.     “Education Boards” mean nine boards collectively under SHED that are
       responsible for conducting the public examinations, or any successor thereto.

7.     “Environmental and Social Commitment Plan” or “ESCP” means the
       environmental and social commitment plan for the Project, dated August 21, 2023,
       as the same may be amended from time to time in accordance with the provisions
       thereof, which sets out the material measures and actions that the Recipient shall
       carry out or cause to be carried out to address the potential environmental and
       social risks and impacts of the Project, including the timeframes of the actions and
       measures, institutional, staffing, training, monitoring and reporting arrangements,
       and any environmental and social instruments to be prepared thereunder.

8.     “Environmental and Social Standards” or “ESSs” means, collectively: (i)
       “Environmental and Social Standard 1: Assessment and Management of
       Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts”; (ii) “Environmental and Social

      Standard 2: Labor and Working Conditions”; (iii) “Environmental and Social
      Standard 3: Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention and Management”; (iv)
      “Environmental and Social Standard 4: Community Health and Safety”; (v)
      “Environmental and Social Standard 5: Land Acquisition, Restrictions on Land
      Use and Involuntary Resettlement”; (vi) “Environmental and Social Standard 6:
      Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural
      Resources”; (vii) “Environmental and Social Standard 7: Indigenous Peoples/Sub-
      Saharan Historically Underserved Traditional Local Communities”; (viii)
      “Environmental and Social Standard 8: Cultural Heritage”; (ix) “Environmental
      and Social Standard 9: Financial Intermediaries”; (x) “Environmental and Social
      Standard 10: Stakeholder Engagement and Information Disclosure”; effective on
      October 1, 2018, as published by the Association.

9.    “Fiscal Year” or “FY” means the Recipient’s fiscal year commencing from July 1
      and ending on June 30 of each year.

10.   “General Conditions” means the Program General Conditions and/or the Project
      General Conditions, as the case may be.

11.   “Harmonized Stipend Program” means the Recipient’s harmonized stipend
      program to be supported by the Program.

12.   “Incremental Operating Costs” mean the reasonable costs required for the day-to-
      day coordination, administration and supervision of Project activities, for leasing
      and/or routine repair and maintenance of vehicles, equipment, facilities and office
      premises; office rent; office supplies; utilities; consumables; communication
      expenses; translation; printing, photocopying and postal expenses; bank charges;
      advertising expenses; insurance; costs of clearing, forwarding, inspection, survey
      and transportation of goods; Project-related meeting expenses; Project-related
      travel, subsistence and lodging expenses, provided that such Incremental
      Operating Costs are paid to the eligible recipient through the banking system
      (except for petty cash expenses following the Recipient’s existing policy), subject
      to Association’s prior consent if such costs exceed Bangladeshi Taka 250,000; and
      salaries and allowances of contractual staff (other than consultants) but excluding
      salaries and salary top ups of the Recipient’s civil servants, workshop allowances,
      sitting allowances, cash per diems, honoraria, and fuel.

13.   “Independent Verification Agent” or the acronym “IVA” means the Independent
      Verification Agent(s) to be appointed by the Recipient for the purpose of verifying
      DLRs in accordance with Section III.B.1(a) of Schedule 2 to this Agreement.

14.   “Ministry of Education” or “MoE” means the Ministry of Education of the
      Recipient, or any successor thereto.

15.   “National Assessment of Secondary Students” means a system wide assessment
      on a nationally representative sample basis commissioned by an independent

16.   “Operations Manual” means the operations manual prepared in respect of the
      Program and the Project referred to in Section I.B of Schedule 2 to this Agreement,
      which shall set forth guidelines for the implementation of the Operation, as may
      be amended from time to time with the prior agreement of the Association.

17.   “Personal Data” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable
      individual. An identifiable individual is one who can be identified by reasonable
      means, directly or indirectly, by reference to an attribute or combination of
      attributes within the data, or combination of the data with other available
      information. Attributes that can be used to identify an identifiable individual
      include, but are not limited to, name, identification number, location data, online
      identifier, metadata and factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic,
      mental, economic, cultural or social identity of an individual.

18.   “PIU” means the unit to be established pursuant to Section I.A.2(b) of Schedule 2
      to this Agreement.

19.   “Procurement Regulations” means, for purposes of paragraph 87 of the Appendix
      to the Project General Conditions, the “World Bank Procurement Regulations for
      IPF Borrowers”, dated July 2016, revised November 2020.

20.   “Program Action Plan” means the Recipient’s plan dated August 21, 2023, and
      referred to in Section I.C of Schedule 2 to this Agreement, as may be amended
      from time to time with the agreement of the Association.

21.   “Program General Conditions” means the “International Development Association
      General Conditions for IDA Financing, Program-for-Results Financing”, dated
      December 14, 2018 (Last revised on July 15, 2023).

22.   “Program Expenditures” means an expenditure the payment for which meets the
      requirements of Section 2.03 of the General Conditions, and which is incurred
      under the following budget heads and is consequently eligible for financing out of
      the proceeds of the Credit: main Program code to be created by the Recipient in
      accordance with Section I.E.1.b of Schedule 2 to this Agreement, 3231, 3211,
      3221, 3244, 3255, 3256, 3257, 3258, 3631, 4112, as the numbering of such
      corresponding budget lines may be revised from time to time with the agreement
      of the Association but without affecting the description of the Program.

23.   “Program Implementation Committee” means the committee to be established
      pursuant to Section I.A.4 of Schedule 2 to this Agreement and is the project
      implementation committee for the purposes of the ‘Guideline on Formulation,

      Processing, Approval and Revision of Development Projects in the Government
      Sector’ dated June 2022 issued by the Planning Division, Ministry of Planning of
      the Recipient.

24.   “Program Steering Committee” means the committee to be established pursuant to
      Section I.A.3 of Schedule 2 to this Agreement and is the project steering committee
      for the purposes of the ‘Guideline on Formulation, Processing, Approval and
      Revision of Development Projects in the Government Sector’ dated June 2022
      issued by the Planning Division, Ministry of Planning of the Recipient.

25.   “Project General Conditions” means the “International Development Association
      General Conditions for IDA Financing, Investment Project Financing”, dated
      December 14, 2018 (Last revised on July 15, 2023).

26.   “SHED” means the Secondary and Higher Education Division, a division within
      the MoE, or any successor thereto.

27.   “Signature Date” means the later of the two dates on which the Recipient and the
      Association signed this Agreement and such definition applies to all references to
      “the date of the Financing Agreement” in the General Conditions.

28.   “Training and Workshops” means the reasonable costs required for the
      participation of personnel involved in training activities, workshops, seminars,
      conferences and study tours under the Project, which have been approved by the
      Association in writing on a bi-annual basis, including: (a) travel, hotel, and
      subsistence costs associated to training, workshops, seminars, conferences and
      study tours provided that such costs are paid directly to the eligible recipient using
      the banking system; and (b) costs associated with rental of training and workshop
      facilities; preparation and reproduction of training, workshop, seminar and
      conference materials; and other costs directly related to preparation and
      implementation of any training course, workshop, seminar, conference or study
      tour; but excluding sitting allowances and honorarium of any nature.

29.   “Verification Protocol” means the Recipient’s protocol set out in the Operations
      Manual in the form acceptable to the Association, setting forth the means by which
      the achievement of DLRs will be verified under the Program, as such Verification
      Protocol may be amended from time to time with the prior written agreement of
      the Association.

30.   “Year” means any of the Years 1 through 5 of the Program implementation, as the
      context shall determine.

31.   “Year 1” means the first year of implementation of the Program activities, expected
      to take place from the date of the Agreement to December 31, 2024, in order to

      achieve the results shown in the table in the Annex to Schedule 2 to this

32.   “Year 2” means the second year of implementation of the Program activities,
      expected to take place from January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2025, in order to
      achieve the results shown in the table in the Annex to Schedule 2 to this

33.   “Year 3” means the third year of implementation of the Program activities,
      expected to take place from January 1, 2026, to December 31, 2026, in order to
      achieve the results shown in the table in the Annex to Schedule 2 to this

34.   “Year 4” means the fourth year of implementation of the Program activities,
      expected to take place from January 1, 2027, to December 31, 2027, in order to
      achieve the results shown in the table in the Annex to Schedule 2 to this

35.   “Year 5” means the fifth year of implementation of the Program activities,
      expected to take place from January 1, 2028, to the Closing Date, in order to
      achieve the results shown in the table in the Annex to Schedule 2 to this