The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Benin Social Safety Nets Program (P176680) Benin Social Safety Nets Program (P176680) WESTERN AND CENTRAL AFRICA | Benin | Social Protection & Jobs Global Practice | Requesting Unit: AWCF2 | Responsible Unit: HAWS2 IBRD/IDA | Program-for-Results Financing | FY 2023 | Team Leader(s): Caroline Anne Isabelle Tassot, Saint-Martin Kodjovi Mongan Agbeshie Seq No: 2 | ARCHIVED on 20-Nov-2023 | ISR58522 | Created by: Caroline Anne Isabelle Tassot on 30-Oct-2023 | Modified by: Caroline Anne Isabelle Tassot on 16-Nov-2023 Program Development Objectives PDO Table Program Development Objective (from Program Appraisal Document) The Program Development Objectives (PDO) are to improve the efficiency and adaptivity of the social protection system and to increase the coverage of vulnerable households in the productive social safety net Overall Ratings Name Previous Rating Current Rating Progress towards achievement of PDO Satisfactory Satisfactory Overall Implementation Progress (IP) Satisfactory Satisfactory Implementation Status and Key Decisions The Program became effective a month ago. The roll-out of the first cohort of 75,000 beneficiaries of the Gbessoke productive social safety net (PSSN) is planned for the first quarter of 2024. This is an ambitious calendar with a multi-step process involving the Cellule d'Appui a la Mise en Oeuvre (CAMO) communicating about the Gbessoke PSSN, finalizing the list of beneficiaries, distributing SIM cards, and initiating the first mobile money cash transfer as well as training for the development of income-generating activities (IGA). The preparations for the innovative model of childcare IGA and the impact evaluation for the second cohort of beneficiaries are progressing well but will require significant technical assistance. The reform of the one-stop shops (Guichets Uniques de la Protection Sociale, GUPS) is progressing with the development of the norms and procedure (focusing on the integration of services across different programs to maximize efficiency and offer the most adequate support to vulnerable populations), and development of architectural plans. Data on Financial Performance Disbursements (by loan) Project Loan/Credit/TF Status Currency Original Revised Cancelled Disbursed Undisbursed % Disbursed P176680 IDA-72790 Effective USD 100.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 97.92 0% Key Dates (by loan) Project Loan/Credit/TF Status Approval Date Signing Date Effectiveness Date Orig. Closing Date Rev. Closing Date P176680 IDA-72790 Effective 24-Mar-2023 11-Apr-2023 28-Sep-2023 31-Dec-2027 31-Dec-2027 11/20/2023 Page 1 of 12 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Benin Social Safety Nets Program (P176680) DLI Disbursement Achievement Disbursed amount in Disbursement % for DLI ID DLI Type Description Coc DLI Amount Status Coc DLI Loan: IDA72790-001 EFFICIENT SOCIAL 1 Regular EUR 21,229,000.00 Not Achieved 0.00 PROTECTION DELIVERY IMPROVED ADAPTIVE 2 Regular CAPACITY OF THE SP EUR 27,690,000.00 Not Achieved 0.00 SYS ESTABL THE 3 Regular FOUNDATIONS 4 A SUST EUR 7,384,000.00 Not Achieved 0.00 NAT SAF THE GBESSOKE PROD 4 Regular EUR 31,751,200.00 Not Achieved 0.00 SOCIAL SAF NET IS IMPL PREPARATION PPF 5 ADVANCE TO BE -- 1,476,800.00 -- 0.00 Refinancing REPAID Prior Results THE RECIPIENT HAS 1.1 EUR 1,846,000.00 Not Achieved 0.00 Financing DLI ADOPTED GUPS NORMS Prior Results A MEMORANDUM HAS 2.1 EUR 923,000.00 Not Achieved 0.00 Financing DLI BEEN EXECUTED Program Action Plan Action Description Share RSU data required for the planning of impact evaluation and programming of Gbessoke roll-out Source DLI# Responsibility Timing Timing Value Status One month after Technical ANPS/DGAS Other In Progress effectiveness Completion Measurement Data is used for impact evaluation planning and programming of Gbessoke roll-out Comments Gbessoke Program Operations Manual is updated to reflect findings from monitoring and evaluation, including tracers Action Description surveys of beneficiaries Source DLI# Responsibility Timing Timing Value Status Technical DGAS Recurrent Continuous Not Yet Due The Gbessoke Program Operations Manual reflects findings from monitoring and evaluation of the Gbessoke Completion Measurement implementation Comments Development and implementation of the Environmental and Social Technical Manual which describes the specific Action Description E&S management procedure for this Program 11/20/2023 Page 2 of 12 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Benin Social Safety Nets Program (P176680) Source DLI# Responsibility Timing Timing Value Status Environmental and Social No later than 4 months CAMO Other In Progress Systems after effectiveness Steps include (a) Preparation of the ToR and recruitment of the consulting firm/consultant in charge of developing the Completion Measurement Manual (b) Development of the manual (c) Organization of a validation workshop for the Technical Manual and its annexes. Comments Action Description Provision and maintenance throughout the implementation of the E&S/human resources skills program Source DLI# Responsibility Timing Timing Value Status Environmental and Social No later than 3 months CAMO Other In Progress Systems after effectiveness The appointment of qualified human resources to ensure that E&S aspects are taken into account during the Completion Measurement implementation of the program for the institutions that are (i) the CAMO, (ii) CPS/GUPS Comments Action Description Information and awareness of actors and communities on the E&S issues of the Program Source DLI# Responsibility Timing Timing Value Status Environmental and Social CAMO, DDCVDD, Recurrent Continuous Not Yet Due Systems ABE, ATDA - Raising awareness and informing about the environmental and social issues of the program's activities, Completion Measurement -Promotion of good practices in pest control, use of pesticides and natural fertilizers -Strengthening of citizen engagement and GRM Comments Capacity building and training on the development, use and monitoring of E&S tools for central and municipal Action Description stakeholders Source DLI# Responsibility Timing Timing Value Status CAMO in Environmental and Social collaboration with Recurrent Yearly Not Yet Due Systems ABE A training program will be developed for the application of guidelines of the environmental and social technical Completion Measurement manual and for the mastery of E&S safeguards instruments without forgetting the mastery of the E&S filtering process and the exclusion Comments 11/20/2023 Page 3 of 12 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Benin Social Safety Nets Program (P176680) Action Description Elaboration of quarterly environmental and social monitoring reports Source DLI# Responsibility Timing Timing Value Status Environmental and Social CAMO Recurrent Quarterly Not Yet Due Systems Report including an update on all environmental and social safeguard actions implemented during the quarter and Completion Measurement planning of activities for the next quarter. Comments Strengthen MASM’s fiduciary team with - Additional procurements staffs appointed to assist the current PRMP Action Description - Experienced and qualified FM civil servants appointed to the DPAF to improve the FM Source DLI# Responsibility Timing Timing Value Status No later than 3 months Fiduciary Systems MASM Other In Progress after effectiveness Additional procurements staffs appointed to assist the current PRMP and experienced and qualified FM civil servants Completion Measurement appointed to the DPAF to improve the FM Comments Set up a Program Coordination unit and elaborate a Program Operation Manual including financial reports, ACG Action Description protocols and financial reporting of the Program Expenditures templates Source DLI# Responsibility Timing Timing Value Status Fiduciary Systems MASM Other At effectiveness In Progress Program Coordination unit is operational and Program Operation Manual including financial reports, ACG protocols Completion Measurement and financial reporting of the Program Expenditures templates elaborated Comments Action Description Strengthen capacities of internal auditor appointed within the MASM (IGM) and of audit and risk committee members Source DLI# Responsibility Timing Timing Value Status Fiduciary Systems MASM Recurrent Continuous Not Yet Due 11/20/2023 Page 4 of 12 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Benin Social Safety Nets Program (P176680) Training and on the job training of IGM by working with the IGF’s team on existing project. Audit and risks committee Completion Measurement members trained. Audit conducted by IGF team for first 2 years. Comments Share with the World Bank, MASM N+1 draft budget document (Budget program, DPPD) during the year N third Action Description quarter for technical advice. Source DLI# Responsibility Timing Timing Value Status Fiduciary Systems DLI 3 MEF Recurrent Yearly Not Yet Due Appropriate shares of the PEF are included in MASM annual budgets to ensure smooth implementation of program Completion Measurement expenditure framework. Comments Conduct audit based on ToRs agreed upon with WB by private audit firm recruited on competitive basis for first 2 Action Description years. Afterwards WB will assess capacity of SAI to decide if it can carry out adequate and timely audit. Source DLI# Responsibility Timing Timing Value Status Fiduciary Systems MASM Recurrent Yearly Not Yet Due Audit conducted based on ToRs agreed upon with WB by private audit firm recruited on competitive basis for first 2 Completion Measurement years. Afterwards WB will assess capacity of SAI to decide if it can carry out adequate and timely audit. Comments HCPC will share with the World Bank information on the allegations of fraud and corruption using the template agreed Action Description in the POM on a semi-annual report basis. Source DLI# Responsibility Timing Timing Value Status Fiduciary Systems HCPC Recurrent Semi-Annually In Progress HCPC reports shared with the WB on the allegations of fraud and corruption using the template agreed in the POM Completion Measurement on a semi-annual report basis. Comments Risks Systematic Operations Risk-rating Tool Risk Category Rating at Approval Previous Rating Current Rating 11/20/2023 Page 5 of 12 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Benin Social Safety Nets Program (P176680) Political and Governance Moderate Moderate Moderate Macroeconomic Substantial Substantial Substantial Sector Strategies and Policies Moderate Moderate Moderate Technical Design of Project or Program Substantial Substantial Substantial Institutional Capacity for Implementation and Substantial Substantial Substantial Sustainability Fiduciary Moderate Moderate Moderate Environment and Social Moderate Moderate Moderate Stakeholders Low Low Low Other Substantial Substantial Substantial Overall Substantial Substantial Substantial RiskComments Comments Benin’s vulnerability to shocks might pose changes in targeted areas and beneficiaries. Climate-induced disasters are becoming recurrent in Benin and threaten food security and population’s livelihoods. Rising insecurity spilling over from the Sahel is a risk for the safety of staff involved in implementation of the operation and beneficiaries and their communities. The insecurity risk also poses a challenge to the macroeconomic framework as resources might be shifted away from social programs toward defense spending. Additionally, with the successive evolution of the pandemic since 2020, the risk of a new COVID-19 variant remains. If these risks arise, they are expected to disrupt the effective rollout of the Program. The Program will support the development of emergency preparedness and response efforts to equip the MASM with adequate tools to manage crises. The residual risk is rated Substantial Results PDO Indicators by Objectives / Outcomes Improve the efficiency of the social protection system IN01360777 ►GUPS fully delivering services intended for eligible households under the Gbessoke and ARCH health insurance programs (Percentage, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 Date 05-May-2022 16-Jun-2023 14-Nov-2023 30-Jun-2027 Percentage of GUPS fully delivering services intended for eligible households under the Gbessoke and ARCH Health insurance programs. This involves (1) having adequate staffing and equipment and (2) Comments utilizing the MASM MIS to manage the delivery chain (processes of outreach, intake, assessment of needs, eligibility determination, and management of benefits and grievances). Improve the adaptivity of the social protection system IN01360778 ►Communes with flood risk areas fully covered by the RSU+ (Percentage, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 Date 05-May-2022 16-Jun-2023 14-Nov-2023 30-Jun-2027 11/20/2023 Page 6 of 12 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Benin Social Safety Nets Program (P176680) Reflects the percentage of communes at flood risk (as defined by ANPC) whose population is completely Comments covered by the RSU+. Increase coverage of vulnerable households in the productive social safety net IN01360779 ►Beneficiaries of the productive social safety net program (Number, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 120,000.00 Date 05-May-2022 16-Jun-2023 14-Nov-2023 30-Jun-2027 Number of households receiving their productive start-up grant in accordance with the Gbessoke Program Operation Manual. This indicator captures the number of households benefitting from both the preparatory Comments support and the start-up grant for IGA development, while the CRI includes all households receiving the preparatory support, including those who ultimately did not receive the start-up grant in addition. IN01360780 Beneficiaries of the productive social safety net program - Female (Number, Custom Breakdown) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 96,000.00 Date 05-May-2022 16-Jun-2023 14-Nov-2023 30-Jun-2027 Intermediate Results Indicators by Results Areas RA1: Improve efficiency and adaptivity of the social protection system IN01361156 ►GUPS fully staffed (Percentage, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 Date 05-May-2022 16-Jun-2023 14-Nov-2023 30-Jun-2027 Comments Proportion of GUPS fully staffed according to the norms and procedures outlined in DLR 1.1 IN01361158 ►GUPS fully equipped (Percentage, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 Date 05-May-2022 16-Jun-2023 14-Nov-2023 30-Jun-2027 Proportion of GUPS fully equipped per the minimum requirements outlined in the GUPS norms and Comments procedures, including the availability of electricity, water and internet connection. IN01361160 ►Households registered in the first cohort of RSU intakes (2019-2022) whose data has been updated per the RSU manual (Percentage, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 11/20/2023 Page 7 of 12 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Benin Social Safety Nets Program (P176680) Date 05-May-2022 16-Jun-2023 14-Nov-2023 30-Jun-2027 Comments The RSU is up to date, in accordance with the RSU operations manual, to serve programs targeting needs. IN01361161 ►Programs entering data sharing protocols with the RSU (Number, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 8.00 8.00 8.00 15.00 Date 05-May-2022 16-Jun-2023 14-Nov-2023 30-Jun-2027 Number of programs entering data sharing protocols with the RSU, with data sharing protocols approved by Comments APDP IN01361162 ►Households within flood-prone zones registered in the RSU (Percentage, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 Date 05-May-2022 16-Jun-2023 14-Nov-2023 30-Jun-2027 Comments Proportion of households within flood-prone zones duly registered in the RSU IN01361163 ►Operational framework of cash transfer shock recovery adopted by the relevant authorities (Yes/No, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value No No No Yes Date 05-May-2022 16-Jun-2023 14-Nov-2023 30-Jun-2027 This indicator is considered once the shock response procedures are developed and adopted by the Comments relevant authorities. IN01361164 ►Protocol for shock recovery through cash transfers is piloted and evaluated (Yes/No, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value No No No Yes Date 05-May-2022 16-Jun-2023 14-Nov-2023 30-Jun-2027 Shock response pilot implemented and lessons learned included in shock response manual, in the event of Comments a shock. IN01361165 ►Direct beneficiaries of shock response cash transfers (Number, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,500.00 Date 05-May-2022 16-Jun-2023 14-Nov-2023 30-Jun-2027 Number of households who benefitted from cash assistance through the shock response pilot (in the event Comments of a shock). IN01361166 11/20/2023 Page 8 of 12 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Benin Social Safety Nets Program (P176680) ►The integrated MIS for Gbessoke program and other social benefits is operational (Yes/No, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value No No No Yes Date 05-May-2022 16-Jun-2023 14-Nov-2023 30-Jun-2027 This indicator is met once the integrated MIS to be developed under the WURI Project, is fully operational Comments and used for Gbessoke program and other social benefits. IN01361167 ►Gbessoke beneficiaries referred to Alafia or ARCH microcredit programs (Percentage, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 90.00 Date 05-May-2022 16-Jun-2023 14-Nov-2023 30-Jun-2027 This indicator captures the percentage of Gbessoke beneficiaries who are referred to Alafia or ARCH Comments microcredit programs. IN01361169 ►Gbessoke beneficiaries enrolled in the Alafia microcredit program (Percentage, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 Date 05-May-2022 16-Jun-2023 14-Nov-2023 30-Jun-2027 This indicator captures the percentage of Gbessoke beneficiaries who are enrolled in the Alafia microcredit Comments program IN01361171 ►Proportion of extreme poor Gbessoke beneficiaries who are enrolled in ARCH health insurance program (Percentage, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 Date 05-May-2022 16-Jun-2023 14-Nov-2023 30-Jun-2027 This indicator captures the percentage of eligible Gbessoke beneficiary households that are enrolled in the Comments ARCH health insurance program. RA2: Support the expansion of a productive social safety net IN01361157 ►Beneficiaries of social safety net programs (Number, Corporate) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 150,000.00 Date 05-May-2022 16-Jun-2023 14-Nov-2023 30-Jun-2027 Comments IN01361159 Beneficiaries of social safety net programs - Female (Number, Corporate Supplement) 11/20/2023 Page 9 of 12 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Benin Social Safety Nets Program (P176680) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 96,000.00 IN01361168 ►Beneficiaries who have completed the productive training component (Percentage, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 80.00 Date 05-May-2022 16-Jun-2023 14-Nov-2023 30-Jun-2027 Proportion of the beneficiaries of the social safety net programs who have completed the productive training Comments component IN01361170 ►Cash transfer payments made within timeframe defined in operations manual (Percentage, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 100.00 100.00 100.00 95.00 Date 05-May-2022 16-Jun-2023 14-Nov-2023 30-Jun-2027 This indicator measures the predictability of cash transfers. It captures the share of payments that are done Comments within the required timeframe as per the operations manual. IN01361172 ►Grievances addressed within timeframe defined in the operations manual (Percentage, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 95.00 Date 05-May-2022 16-Jun-2023 14-Nov-2023 30-Jun-2027 This indicator will measure the effectiveness of the GRM system by looking at the percentage of grievance Comments solved on time. IN01361173 ►Female Gbessoke beneficiaries who are first time owners of mobile money account (Percentage, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 Date 05-May-2022 16-Jun-2023 14-Nov-2023 30-Jun-2027 This indicator captures the effectiveness of the Gbessoke program in narrowing the gender gap of female Comments ownership of mobile money account by looking at the share of female Gbessoke beneficiaries who are first time owners of mobile money account. IN01361174 ►Female Gbessoke beneficiaries who receive cash transfers via their own mobile account (Percentage, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 Date 05-May-2022 16-Jun-2023 14-Nov-2023 30-Jun-2027 This indicator measures the share of female Gbessoke beneficiaries who have a their own mobile money Comments account and who receive cash transfers via this mobile account. IN01361175 ►Gbessoke beneficiaries informed of the rights of people living with disabilities and of existing programs for their care (Percentage, Custom) 11/20/2023 Page 10 of 12 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Benin Social Safety Nets Program (P176680) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 90.00 Date 05-May-2022 16-Jun-2023 14-Nov-2023 30-Jun-2027 This indicator captures the effectiveness of the GUPS in promoting the rights of people living with disabilities and access to disability care services among Gbessoke beneficiaries. It measures the percentage of Comments Gbessoke beneficiaries who confirmed that they were informed of the rights of people living with disabilities and of existing programs for their care. IN01361176 ►New partnerships with donors or other programs to support the Gbessoke program (Number, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 Date 05-May-2022 16-Jun-2023 14-Nov-2023 30-Jun-2027 This indicator measures the government's efforts to enter into new partnerships with donors or other Comments programs to support/fund the Gbessoke program. Disbursement Linked Indicators DLI_IND_TABLE ►DLI 1 Efficient social protection delivery (Outcome, 25,000,000.00, 0%) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) Year 5 (2027) Value N/A N/A N/A N/A Date -- 16-Jun-2023 14-Nov-2023 -- Comments ►DLI 2 Improved adaptive capacity of the social protection system (Outcome, 31,000,000.00, 0%) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) Year 5 (2027) DLR 2.6: Households in flood- Value N/A N//A N//A prone zones are duly registered in the RSU Date -- 16-Jun-2023 14-Nov-2023 -- Comments ►DLI 3 Establish the foundations of a sustainable national productive social safety net program (PSSNP) (Outcome, 8,000,000.00, 0%) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) Year 5 (2027) Value N/A N/A N/A N/A 11/20/2023 Page 11 of 12 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Benin Social Safety Nets Program (P176680) Date -- 16-Jun-2023 14-Nov-2023 -- Comments ►DLI 4 The Gbessoke productive social safety net program is implemented to promote economic inclusion (Outcome, 34,400,000.00, 0%) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) Year 5 (2027) Value N/A N/A N/A N/A Date -- 16-Jun-2023 14-Nov-2023 -- Comments 11/20/2023 Page 12 of 12