Republic of Rwanda Rwanda-Accelerating Sustainable and Clean Energy Access Transformation (ASCENT MPA – RWANDA) (P180575) Negotiated Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP) November 1, 2023 1|Page ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN 1. The Republic of Rwanda (the Recipient) is preparing the Rwanda – Accelerating Sustainable and Clean Energy Access Transformation (ASCENT MPA – RWANDA) (the Project) with the involvement of the Ministry of Infrastructure (MININFRA), Energy Development Corporation (-EDCL) and The Development Bank of Rwanda (BRD) as set out in the Financing Agreement. The International Development Association (the Association) has agreed to provide financing for the Project as set out in the referred agreement. 2. The Recipient shall ensure that the Project is carried out in accordance with the Environmental and Social Standards (ESSs) and this Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP), in a manner acceptable to the Association. The ESCP is a part of the Financing Agreement. Unless otherwise defined in this ESCP, capitalized terms used in this ESCP have the meanings ascribed to them in the referred agreement. 3. Without limitation to the foregoing, this ESCP sets out material measures and actions that the Recipient shall carry out or cause to be carried out, including, as applicable, the timeframes of the actions and measures, institutional, staffing, training, monitoring and reporting arrangements, and grievance management. The ESCP also sets out the environmental and social (E&S) instruments that shall be adopted and implemented under the Project, all of which shall be subject to prior consultation and disclosure, consistent with the ESS, and in form and substance, and in a manner acceptable to the Association. Once adopted, said E&S instruments may be revised from time to time with prior written agreement by the Association. 4. As agreed by the Association and the Recipient, this ESCP will be revised from time to time if necessary, during Project implementation, to reflect adaptive management of Project changes and unforeseen circumstances or in response to Project performance. In such circumstances, the Recipient through MININFRA and the Association agree to update the ESCP to reflect these changes through an exchange of letters signed between the Association and Recipient, Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MINECOFIN). The Recipient shall promptly disclose the updated ESCP. 2|Page ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) – [name] Project MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBLE ENTITY MONITORING AND REPORTING A REGULAR REPORTING Quarterly (every 3 months) after Prepare and submit to the Association, regular monitoring reports of the EDCL, BRD the Effective Date, and environmental, social, health and safety (ESHS) performance of the Project, throughout the Project including but not limited to the implementation of the ESCP, status of implementation. preparation and implementation of E&S instruments required under the ESCP, stakeholder engagement activities, and functioning of the grievance mechanisms, incidents and accidents, capacity building programs conducted, and activities planned for the next reporting period. B INCIDENTS AND ACCIDENTS Promptly notify the Association of any incident or accident related to the Notify the Association EDCL, BRD Project which has, or is likely to have, significant adverse effect on the immediately and no later than 24 environment, such as pollution of the environment, the affected hours after learning of the communities, the public or workers, including, inter alia, cases of sexual incident or accident. exploitation and abuse (SEA), sexual harassment (SH), and accidents that result in death, serious or multiple injury. Provide sufficient detail regarding the scope, severity, and possible causes of the incident or accident, indicating immediate measures taken or that are planned to be taken to address it, and any information provided by any contractor and/or supervising firm, as appropriate. Subsequently, at the Association’s request, prepare a report on the Provide subsequent report to the incident or accident and propose any measures to address it and prevent Association within a timeframe its recurrence. acceptable to the Association. 3|Page ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) – [name] Project MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBLE ENTITY C CONTRACTORS’ MONTHLY REPORTS Submit montly contratactor Require contractors and supervising firms to provide monthly monitoring reports as annexes to the EDCL, BRD. reports on ESHS performance in accordance with the metrics specified in quarterly reports to be submitted the respective bidding documents and contracts and submit such reports under action A above upon to the Association. request. ESS 1: ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL RISKS AND IMPACTS 1.1 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE 1. Expand the Single PIU in EDCL with qualified staff and resources for 1. EDCL shall recruit or EDCL, BRD. the management of Environmental Social Health and Safety (ESHS) appoint full time the additional 5 risks and impacts of the Project. In addition to the existing 1 Senior staff for the Project before Environmental and Social Safeguards Specialist, 1 Environmental disbursement for of the specific Safeguards Specialist, 1 Social Safeguards Specialist and 1 Gender components in the EDCL thereafter Specialist, recruit additional 2 Environmental Risk Management maintain these positions Specialists, 2 Social Risk Management Specialists and 1 Project throughout Project Health and Safety Specialist. implementation. 2. The Rwanda Development Bank (BRD) shall recruit or appoint a full 2. BRD shall recruit or time Environmental Risk Management Specialist and one Social Risk appoint the specified 2 full time Management Specialist. staff before disbursement of components in the BRD and thereafter maintain these positions throughout Project implementation. 1.2 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL INSTRUMENTS 4|Page ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) – [name] Project MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBLE ENTITY 1. Adopt and implement an Environmental and Social Management 1. The ESMF, for the Project EDCL, BRD Framework (ESMF). The ESMF should include screening forms to be used has been prepared and will be to screen all sub-projects to determine whether ESIAs, ESMPs, EHSP and disclosed prior to effective date other E&S instruments must be prepared and implemented prior to sub- and thereafter implement it project implementation. throughout Project implementation. 2. Adopt and implement an Environmental and Social Impact Assessments 2. ESIAs/ESMPs: Prior to the (ESIAs), and corresponding Environmental and Social Management Plans launching of the bidding process (ESMPs), or other appropriate environmental and social risk management for the respective subproject instruments (environment and social audit, occupational health and safety, activities that require the etc.) required for the respective subproject activities, based on the adoption of such ESIAs/ESMPs, assessment process, in accordance with the ESSs, the ESMF, the EHSGs and and after adoption, implement other relevant Good International Industry Practice (GIIP) in a manner the ESIAs/ESMPs throughout acceptable to the Association. Project implementation. 3. Project Operation Manual (POM): Include the E&S requirements into the 3. POM by Effective Date Project Implementation Manual. At the minimum, the Manual will and thereafter implement describe: throughout project - The roles of Environment and Social (E&S) specialists implementation. - The minimum E&S clauses to be included in the Terms of Reference and tender documents. - Incorporation of E&S indicators into Monitoring and Evaluation system - Audit requirement at completion and Completion timeline 5|Page ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) – [name] Project MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBLE ENTITY 1.3 MANAGEMENT OF CONTRACTORS Consistent with the Project’s ESMF implementation will involve other Integrate E&S provisions as part EDCL, BRD, consultants, partners such as contractors and supervising firms. Incorporate the of the preparation of contractors. relevant aspects of the ESCP, including, inter alia, the relevant E&S procurement documents and instruments, the Labor Management Procedures, and code of conduct, into respective contracts. the ESHS specifications of the procurement documents and contracts with contractors and supervising firms. Thereafter ensure that the contractors and supervising firms comply and cause subcontractors to comply with the ESHS specifications of their respective contracts. To ensure coordination for successful implementation of the Project, the Supervise contractors throughout EDCL shall establish measures which include, but are not limited to: Project implementation. (i) Ascertain that implementing partners (contractors) have adequate human resource with knowledge and skills to perform their project tasks in accordance with their commitments. (ii) Ensure the contractor ESMP (C-ESMP) is costed, with sufficient budget to mitigate E&S risks. (iii) Cause contractors to provide details on contractor’s oversight of environmental, social, health and safety (ESHS) performance. (iv) Cause contractors to prepare a GBV Action Plan as part of the C-ESMP before start of Civil works. (v) Ensure Workers’ Grievance Mechanisms (GM) are set up to adequately address GBV related issues. (vi) Cause implementing partners to apply the relevant aspects of the ESCP and the relevant management tools, including OHS, site rehabilitation and LMP, among others; (vii) Monitor the contractors and their associates’ compliance with the ESSs and this ESCP. 6|Page ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) – [name] Project MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBLE ENTITY (viii) Cause implementing partners to have equivalent arrangements with their subcontractors. (ix) Ensure implementing partners (contractors) have Environment and Social safeguards Staff. (x) Ensure that GBV Code of Conduct are included in service providers tender documents in accordance with national laws and the World Bank ESF Requirements. The Recipient will ensure that before all procurement processes begin, the ESIA/ESMP has been adopted; and involve the environmental and social management units in the review of terms of reference, request for proposal, bidding documents, and contracts to ensure compliance by contractors and subcontractors of this ESCP, ESMF, SEP, LMP, ESIA, ESMP and all Project management tools and Instruments listed in Section 1.3. above 1.4 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Ensure that the consultancies, studies (e.g. Feasibility Study for Throughout Project EDCL, BRD Development of grid scale Solar PV with storage, feasibility for potential implementation. agriculture PV countrywide, Feasibility for floating PV systems etc.), capacity building, training, and any other technical assistance activities under the Project, including, inter alia, that E&S risk management instruments are carried out in accordance with terms of reference acceptable to the Bank, that are consistent with the ESSs. Thereafter ensure that the outputs of such activities comply with the terms of reference. ESS 2: LABOR AND WORKING CONDITIONS 7|Page ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) – [name] Project MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBLE ENTITY 2.1 LABOR MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES EDCL, BRD Adopt and implement Labour Management Procedures (LMP), consistent Adopt the LMP prior to effective with national legislation and ESS2, for the Project including, inter alia, date and thereafter implement provisions on working conditions, management of workers relationships, throughout project occupational health and safety (including personal protective equipment, implementation. and emergency preparedness and response), code of conduct (including relating to SEA and SH), forced labor, child labor, grievance arrangements for Project workers, and applicable requirements for contractors, subcontractors, and supervising firms. ToRs in line with the labour management procedures shall be included in all tender documents and contracts. The contracts shall include working conditions requirements consistent with national laws of labour, occupational, health and safety and ESS2, a worker’s code of conduct and a requirement for workers (including subcontractors) to be made aware of the same and be provided with written contracts. Child labor and forced labor (as defined in ESS2 and the National Labor Law) is prohibited in the Project. E2.2 GRIEVANCE MECHANISM FOR PROJECT WORKERS Establish a grievance mechanism Establish, maintain, and operate a grievance mechanism for Project prior to engaging Project workers EDCL, BRD. workers, as described in the LMP and consistent with ESS2 and the and thereafter maintain and Rwandan Labor laws. Workers’ GRM will establish a separate mechanism operate it throughout Project for reporting and managing SEA/SH related grievances that respect Implementation. The workers confidentiality and privacy of those that report cases. grievance committees will be elected before start of works. 8|Page ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) – [name] Project MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBLE ENTITY 2.3 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY (OHS) MEASURES Prior to implementation of the EDCL, BRD. Adopt and implement site specific occupational, health and safety (OHS) ESMPs and C-ESMPs. measures specified in the ESMF and site specific ESMPs. Cause contractors Maintain throughout Project to prepare OHS plans, as part of Contractor ESMPs (C-ESMPs), before their implementation. mobilization for approval by PIU. ESS 3: RESOURCE EFFICIENCY AND POLLUTION PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT 3.1 WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN As per the ESMF, subproject- specific ESS3 related requirements shall be Adopt the WMP prior to any established in subproject instruments. Adopt and implement a Waste subproject commencement and EDCL, contractors, BRD. Management Plan (WMP) to manage hazardous and nonhazardous wastes, implement throughout Project consistent with ESS3 and the National E-wastes Management Policy. As per implementation. the ESMF, subproject- specific ESS3 related requirements shall be established in subproject instruments. Subprojects shall incorporate waste management measures required by Adopt before subproject the ESMF into subprojects Contractors’ CESMPs. commencement (as part of Contractor’s Environment and Social management Plan(C-ESMP) and implement throughout the subproject implementation. 3.2 RESOURCE EFFICIENCY AND POLLUTION PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT EDCL, BRD, Contractors, Consistent with the Project’s ESMF and ESS3, resource efficiency and Adopt and implement Supervisors. pollution prevention and management measures shall be covered under ESIAs/ESMPs as per the the specific ESMPs to be prepared under action 1.2 above, comprising, timeframe under Action 1.2 among others, the following measures and actions: 9|Page ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) – [name] Project MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBLE ENTITY - Feasible measures (financial and technical) for improving efficiency Adopt and implement as part of in consumption of energy, fuelwood and water, as well as other ESIAs/ESMPs as per the resources and material inputs. timeframe under (Action 1.2) - The production, transportation, handling, storage, and use of hazardous materials for the entire cycle of the Project. All these measures shall be adopted and included in the site-specific Construction ESMPs (CESMPs) as required. Before approval, proposed clean cooking solutions for schools will be tested in partnership with Rwanda Standards Board. ESS 4: COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SAFETY 4.1 TRAFFIC AND ROAD SAFETY EDCL, BRD, Appropriate measures shall be identified, and plans prepared and Adopt and implement as part of implemented to ensure road safety and minimize traffic accidents. These ESIAs/ESMPs Prior to the shall be part of the site-specific ESIAs/ESMPs. Traffic management plans/ commencement of the measures shall cover procedures to undertake pre-construction checks for subprojects as part of subprojects any roads to be used for transport of construction- and access materials to ESMP and implemented ensure roads are suitable. Cause contractors to develop their own traffic throughout the sub project management plans (based on the ESMP). implementation. 4.2 COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SAFETY - Adopt in the relevant ESMPs appropriate measures to address the EDCL, contractors and following risks and impacts as set out in the ESMF consistent with As per timelines under 1.2 consultants. ESS4 : - - Transmissible diseases (e.g. HIV/AIDS) and communicable diseases (e.g. corona virus, influenza,) - Hazardous material and other harmful substances 10 | P a g e ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) – [name] Project MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBLE ENTITY - Accidents and other emergencies (e.g., fire response or natural disaster) - Pollution - Abuse by project workers - Emergency management - Risk of Labor influx - Traffic - Gender based violence. - SEA/SH These measures shall include mechanisms to protect individuals or groups who, because of their particular circumstances, may be disadvantaged or vulnerable, and ensure access to the development benefits resulting from the Project. Cause Contractors to develop their own traffic management plan, labour Adopt before subproject influx management plan, emergency management plan, hazardous commencement (as part of material management plan, diseases prevention plan and diligent Contractor’s Environment and implementation will be supervised and monitored by the supervising firms, Social management Plan (C- EDCL and BRD. ESMP) and implement throughout the subproject implementation. 4.3 SEA AND SH RISKS According to the provisions of the ESMF, adopt and implement measures As per timelines under 1.2 EDCL, BRD and actions to assess and manage the risks of gender-based violence (GBV), sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) and sexually transmitted diseases. The ESMPs shall comprise comprehensive and culturally appropriate measures to address risks and impacts and to undertake appropriate sensitization, awareness rising and capacity building for local communities, including social institutions such as schools. The SEP and ESMP shall contain provisions for additional community-based monitoring and reporting. 11 | P a g e ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) – [name] Project MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBLE ENTITY Cause contractors to develop their own management- and community liaison plans covering community health and safety (based on the ESMP), diligent implementation to be supervised and monitored by EDCL. ESS 5: LAND ACQUISITION, RESTRICTIONS ON LAND USE AND INVOLUNTARY RESETTLEMENT 5.1 RESETTLEMENT POLICY FRAMEWORK Adopt and implement a Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) for the Adopt the RPF prior to effective EDCL Project, consistent with ESS5. date and thereafter implement throughout project implementation. 5.2 RESETTLEMENT PLANS Adopt and implement site specific resettlement action plans (RAPs) or Adopt and implement the EDCL proportional resettlement action plans consistent with the requirements respective RAPs, including of the Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF). As part of the preparation of ensuring that before taking of RAP, socio-economic surveys will be conducted to identify vulnerable land and related assets, full groups among the PAPs, as per ESS5 in a manner acceptable to the EDCL, compensation has been provided RDB, and the Association, and displaced people have been resettled and moving allowances have been provided. 5.3 ESS 6: BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION AND SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF LIVING NATURAL RESOURCES 6.1 BIODIVERSITY RISKS AND IMPACTS According to the provisions of the ESMF, ESS6 measures shall be identified ESIAs/ESMPs to be adopted as per EDCL, BRD, contractors. through the site specific ESIAs and ESMPs to be prepared under action 1.2. timeframe under action 1.2. If required, adopt and implement as part of the ESMPs biodiversity Submit for the Bank’s approval protection measures, including as appropriate a stand-alone Biodiversity prior to initiation of activity that Management Plan, in accordance with ESS6 and the ESMF, and in a manner may affect biodiversity. Once acceptable to the Association. approved, the plan shall be 12 | P a g e ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) – [name] Project MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBLE ENTITY implemented throughout Project implementation. ESS 7: INDIGENOUS PEOPLES/SUB-SAHARAN AFRICAN HISTORICALLY UNDERSERVED TRADITIONAL LOCAL COMMUNITIES ESS 8: CULTURAL HERITAGE 8.1 CULTURAL HERITAGE RISKS AND IMPACTS Consistent with the Project’s ESMF and ESS8, and GoR’s policies and legal Before commencement of sub EDCL, consultants, frameworks, measures, and actions to address risks and impacts on cultural project activities and throughout CONTRACTORS, BRD heritage will be identified and management measures included as part of Project implementation site specific ESIAs/ESMPs for subprojects (to be prepared under action 1.2 above), in a manner acceptable to the Association. 8.2 CHANCE FINDS Consistent with the Project’s ESMF and ESS8, and GoR’s policies and legal as per timeframe under action EDCL, consultants, frameworks, incorporate and implement chance finds procedure 1.2. and throughout Project Contractors, BRD (integrated in the ESMF), in case valuable artefacts or culturally valuable implementation materials are found, as part of site specific ESMPs for subprojects (to be prepared under action 1.2 above), in a manner acceptable to the Association. Such procedure (comprising actions to be taken in case of an unexpected cultural heritage discovery) shall be included in all contracts (which will be addressed in CESMPs by contractors) relating to the implementation of the Project. Ensure relevant workers are trained in the requirements of the procedure prior to ground disturbance. ESS 9: FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES 9.1 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (ESMS) Develop, maintain, and implement an ESMS to identify, assess, manage, BRD and monitor the environmental and social risks and impacts of subprojects implemented by BRD. 13 | P a g e ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) – [name] Project MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBLE ENTITY The ESMS shall include, the ESMS will need to establish screening Adopt and implement BRD mechanisms to ensure that site-specific ESSs instruments (ESMPs/ ESIA/ existing ESMS for the project by RAP, as required) are prepared, implemented, and monitored, in a manner effective date and maintain consistent with the ESF. Each ESMP will incorporate a solid waste throughout project management plan, a labor management plan, or an occupational health implementation. and safety plan as required. For E&S management positions/resources that are a part of the organizational structure will be assigned in accordance with the commitment to be reflected in the final ESCP 9.2 FI ORGANIZATIONAL CAPACITY Establish and maintain an organizational capacity and competency for Maintain the already existing BRD implementing the ESMS with clearly defined roles and responsibilities ESMS and its resources at BRD and with specific update for or the Project. The ESMS will be maintained throughout Project implementation. 9.3 SENIOR MANAGEMENT REPRESENTATIVE Designate a senior management representative to have overall BRD will designate a Senior BRD accountability for environmental and social performance of BRD. Manager Representative by the Effective Date. ESS 10: STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE 10.1 STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT PLAN PREPARATION AND IMPLEMENTATION Adopt the disclosed SEP by EDCL, BRD Adopt and implement a Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) for the Project, implement throughout project consistent with ESS10, which shall include measures to, inter alia, provide implementation. stakeholders with timely, relevant, understandable and accessible information, and consult with them in a culturally appropriate manner, 14 | P a g e ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) – [name] Project MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBLE ENTITY which is free of manipulation, interference, coercion, discrimination and intimidation. 10.2 PROJECT GRIEVANCE MECHANISM Establish, publicize, maintain and operate an accessible project GRM. The Establish prior to commencement EDCL, BRD grievance mechanism will ensure reception and timely response to any of project activities. It will be complaints made about the Project (including those from members of the operationalized and maintained communities, local businesses, and other stakeholders) and will be the throughout project basis for developing appropriate mitigation strategies. implementation. The grievance redress mechanism will include the following elements: - Modalities by which stakeholders can submit their complaints, including, but not limited to, submissions in person, by phone, text message, letters or e-mail. - A log where complaints are registered in writing, maintained as a database; - Publicly advertised service standards outlining the length of time stakeholders can expect to wait for acknowledgement, response and resolution of their complaints; - Transparency about the grievance procedure, governing structure and decision makers; - An option for moving to mediation in cases where complainants are not satisfied with the proposed resolution and as appropriate; - An appeal process (including the national judiciary) to which unsatisfied complainants may be referred when an agreed resolution by other means has not been reached. - A mechanism to receive and handle SEA/SH complaints in accordance the requirements of law as well as ESS2. The Project’s Grievance Mechanism to cover special provisions for victims of GBV as appropriate. Workers Code of Conduct to comprehensively 15 | P a g e ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) – [name] Project MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBLE ENTITY cover the areas of GBV, SEA and STD, including relevant disciplinary measures, penalties and provisions for prosecution. The grievance mechanism shall be equipped to receive, register, and facilitate the resolution of SEA/SH complaints, including through the referral of survivors to relevant gender-based violence service providers, all in a safe, confidential manner. CAPACITY SUPPORT CS1 The following types of training shall be provided to the relevant target groups, such as PIU staff, stakeholder community, grievance redress Planning for capacity building EDCL, BRD. committees, project workers, consultants, contractors, sub-contractors: training at the start (during the first year) of the Project. This plan - Orientation training to staff of REG-EDCL/EAQIP, PIU and BRD on will be updated annually based on the World Bank ESF and its implementation modality (screening, the need assessment findings and scoping etc.) annual plan collected from the Project implementing - Capacitating the district authorities for resettlement activities institutions. Throughout Project preparation and implementation. - Labor Management Plan and related procedures, - Cultural heritage management - Traffic and road safety, - Management of environmental and social safeguards during project implementation - training on environmental health, safety, SEA/SH and GBV before working in schools and communities. 16 | P a g e ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) – [name] Project MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBLE ENTITY - Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) - Grievance redress mechanism and reporting - Occupational Health and Safety, community health and safety, (including emergency prevention, preparedness, and response arrangements), - Waste management - Environmental and Social Impacts Assessment of the Projects (ESIA) and RAP - Climate change, environmental pollution control, and Social Risk management - Environmental and Social Audit for Projects CS2 - The PCU and PIU shall develop and implement training and Prior to commencing EDCL safeguards team, awareness for Project workers and the community on occupational implementation and in regular contractors, supervisor, health and safety including on emergency prevention and basis throughout the Project BRD. preparedness, as well as on consultation and capacity building of Implementation. local communities regarding GBV, SEA/SH and STD. 17 | P a g e