The World Bank RESTRUCTURING ISDS Anhui Aged Care System Demonstration Project (P154716) Integrated Safeguards Data Sheet Restructuring Stage Restructuring Stage | Date ISDS Prepared/Updated: 17-Jun-2021| Report No: ISDSR32335 Regional Vice President: Manuela V. Ferro Country Director: Mara K. Warwick Regional Director: Alberto Rodriguez Practice Manager/Manager: Yasser Aabdel-Aleem Awny El-Gammal Task Team Leader(s): Dewen Wang, Lansong Zhang The World Bank RESTRUCTURING ISDS Anhui Aged Care System Demonstration Project (P154716) . I. BASIC INFORMATION 1. BASIC PROJECT DATA Project ID Project Name P154716 Anhui Aged Care System Demonstration Project Task Team Leader(s) Country Dewen Wang, Lansong Zhang China Approval Date Environmental Category 19-Jun-2018 Partial Assessment (B) Managing Unit HEASP PROJECT FINANCING DATA (US$, Millions) SUMMARY -NewFin1 Total Project Cost 197.84 Total Financing 197.84 Financing Gap 0.00 DETAILS -NewFinEnh1 World Bank Group Financing International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) 118.00 Non-World Bank Group Financing Counterpart Funding 79.84 Borrower/Recipient 79.84 2. PROJECT INFORMATION The World Bank RESTRUCTURING ISDS Anhui Aged Care System Demonstration Project (P154716) PROG_INF O Current Program Development Objective The project development objective (PDO) is to support the government of Anhui province in developing and managing a diversified, three-tiered aged care service delivery system for the elderly, particularly those with limited functional ability. . 3. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to support the government of Anhui province in establishing and managing a diversified (public, private and mixed) aged care service system. This system will have three tiers of home care, community care and institutional care. The key target group and the main beneficiaries of this project intervention will be the elderly with physical or mental impairments and limitations of activities of daily living. It has four components as follows: • Component 1: Supporting the Development of Government Stewardship Capacity. It includes (a) development of a unified information system to facilitate the management of the aged care service system in Anhui; (b) design and piloting of a functional ability and needs assessment to improve the effectiveness and quality of aged care services; (c) development and implementation of quality and service provision standards for aged care services; and (d) provision of professional managerial training to government officials and facility managers of aged care services. • Component 2: Strengthening Community-based and Home-based Care Services. It includes (a) construction, upgrading, refurbishing and/or equipping of community-based care service stations in Anqing and Lu'An; and (b) supporting the provision of aged care services to targeted beneficiaries in Anqing and Lu’An through the purchase of basic aged care services. • Component 3: Strengthening the Delivery and Management of Nursing Care. It includes (a) construction and quipping of skilled nursing facilities, providing skilled nursing beds and services in Anqing and Lu’An; (b) upgrading of the infrastructure, equipment, and institutional management capacity of government-run urban welfare homes in Ningguo City and Xuanzhou; and (c) upgrading of the infrastructure, equipment, and institutional management capacity of government-run rural welfare homes in Suzhou, Anqing and Lu’An. • Component 4: Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation. It includes (a) capacity building activities for managers and operational staff at both the PMOs and the PIUs; (b) technical guidance, through a Project expert panel, to support Project implementation; and (c) monitoring and evaluation of Project activities, including innovative case studies and other surveys, and dissemination of Project experience and lessons learned from key interventions and results. . 4. PROJECT LOCATION AND SALIENT PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS RELEVANT TO THE SAFEGUARD ANALYSIS (IF KNOWN) Anhui is located in eastern part of China, covering an area of 140.1 thousand square kilometers with 570 km from south to north and 450 km from east to west. Its geography has distinct seasons and presents a The World Bank RESTRUCTURING ISDS Anhui Aged Care System Demonstration Project (P154716) transition from warm temperate zone to subtropical zone. The average annual temperature of Anhui ranges from 14 to 17 degrees Celsius. Anhui has 200 to 250 frost-free days. The average annual precipitation of Anhui is 800 to 1,800 millimeters. The Project will be implemented in Anhui province at the provincial, city and county levels, specifically the project cities and counties are Anqing municipality, Lu'An municipality, Suzhou Municipality (including one district and four counties - Yongqiao, Lingbi, Dangshan, Xiaoxian, Sixian), Ningguo county-level city and Xuanzhou district of Xuancheng municipality. The increased physical activities due to restructuring will be in Anqing, Lu’an and Suzhou, which are separately located in southwest of Anhui, west of Anhui and northeast of Anhui. The sites of these increased physical activities are far from environmental sensitive receptors such as biodiversity habitats, drinking water protection zones, cultural heritages, etc., as per environmental and social screening and confirmed during the EA. 5. ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARDS SPECIALISTS ON THE TEAM Aimin Hao, Social Specialist Ross James Butler, Social Specialist Bin Xu, Environmental Specialist SAFEGUARD_TABLE 6. SAFEGUARD POLICIES TRIGGERED Safeguard Policies Triggered Explanation It is confirmed that Environmental Assessment (OP 4.01) is triggered. The proposed physical investments mainly include the construction or improvement of aged care facilities in Anhui Province (e.g. community base stations, urban and rural welfare homes, and nursing facilities). The scale and size of the new construction vary, ranging from community-based stations (dozens of small buildings with several stories) to institutional nursing facilities (two multistory building each with 500-600 beds). The rehabilitation work is to finance small scale civil work and equipment for existing Environmental Assessment (OP) (BP 4.01) Yes community-based and home-based care facilities. The project is a category B project considering the type, location, sensitivity, and scale of the project as well as the nature and magnitude of its potential environmental impacts. An Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) has been developed for the construction or improvement of aged care facilities during project preparation. Given that the project may consist of some activities for which impacts cannot be determined until the activity details have been identified during The World Bank RESTRUCTURING ISDS Anhui Aged Care System Demonstration Project (P154716) project implementation, an ESMF has been prepared, setting out the guidelines and procedures to address the environmental and social impacts of the project activities. Details are in Section II. The proposed new activities under restructuring includes the upgrading and newly construction of community service stations and rural welfare homes, which are similar to the ongoing activities. No new safeguards policy will be triggered, and the EA category of the project will remain B. Given the nature of the new activities, the environmental impacts are limited, short term and site-specific that can be easily mitigated. An ESMP for the new activities has been prepared to address the related environmental impacts by the PPMO. The ESMP for the new activities of the restructuring were disclosed at Anhui PPMO website on June 1, 2022 and the English version ESMP will be disclosed at the World Bank website upon clearance. Performance Standards for Private Sector No Activities OP/BP 4.03 The proposed project activities are located in the urban and sub-urban areas which have been heavily influenced by human activities. The project Natural Habitats (OP) (BP 4.04) No activities will not affect any protected reserves, known as natural habitats, or established or proposed critical natural habitats. The project will not have impacts on the health and quality of forests or the rights and welfare of people Forests (OP) (BP 4.36) No and their level of dependence upon or interaction with forests, or aims to bring about changes in its management or protection. The project will not include procurement of pesticides or pesticide application equipment, nor lead to substantially increased pesticide use and Pest Management (OP 4.09) No subsequent increase in health and environmental risk, or could maintain or expand present pest management practices that are unsustainable. The project will not cause adverse impacts on the Physical Cultural Resources (OP) (BP 4.11) No Physical Cultural Resources (PCRs) in the project influence area. The Task Team reviewed the information provided Indigenous Peoples (OP) (BP 4.10) No by the engaged cities and had discussions with the officials who are responsible for the ethnic minority The World Bank RESTRUCTURING ISDS Anhui Aged Care System Demonstration Project (P154716) affairs in relation to any ethnic minority community in the project areas and the community to be affected by the activities of the project. A social assessment was also done by a professional consulting team to determine whether or not the IP policy needs to be triggered. The team concluded that the project areas in the cities are predominantly Han Chinese and there is no ethnic minority group as defined by OP4.10. The Bank OP 4.10 policy is not triggered and Ethnic Minority Development Plan (EMDP) is not required. The social assessment was also undertaken to analyze elderly people's needs and public demands for aged care services, specific to citizen engagement and support to poor families. The findings of the asocial assessment are integrated into the project design and policy reform of the aged care system in Anhui province. At the project appraisal, it was confirmed that some collective land and structures in Xuanzhou District of Xuancheng will be required. Other civil works are of small scale and on existing public land. An experienced social safeguards consulting team has been contracted by the Project Management Office (PMO) to conduct the resettlement impact assessment of the entire project areas. A Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) was prepared for Xuanzhou subproject recording that 29 households ( 94 people in total) would be affected by the project activities. Specifically, 28 households (92 people) would be affected by land acquisition; 5 households (19 people) would be affected by both Involuntary Resettlement (OP) (BP 4.12) Yes land acquisition and house demolition, and 1 household (2 people) will be affected by house demolition. Xuanzhou District Social Welfare Home Relocation and Reconstruction Works (the “Works� for short) would require 61.35 mu permanent land acquisition in Xiadu Community. The house demolition would affect 1,268.64 sqm of land where 6 households (21 people) reside. In case of any additional land acquisition or resettlement emerging during project implementation, a Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) was also prepared to guide future land acquisition and resettlement in building community service stations which are foreseeable to be mostly located among existing residential buildings. For hospitals The World Bank RESTRUCTURING ISDS Anhui Aged Care System Demonstration Project (P154716) in Lu’An and Anqing which include institutional elderly care facilities, a due diligence review was done. It showed that there was a legacy issue of 111 households in Lu’An and 195 households in Anqing waiting for resettlement houses that are under construction. The resettlement houses were made ready for these to-be-resettled people. This resettlement action plan and the RPF fully complied and the involuntary resettlement was completed by 2020. The old RAP and RPF implementation was monitored and ensured compliance during the project implementation. At the project restructuring, a social assessment and resettlement due diligence were conducted. The number of both urban and rural care homes to be constructed by the project was cut down. The rest civil works of elderly care homes in the project will be all built or rebuilt on public land which includes 4 mu (0.27 ha) of state-owned land within an existing elderly care home and upgrading of some other existing care homes. Thus, the OP/BP 4.12 policy remains applicable. Since no new land acquisition or resettlement will be required at the restructuring, a due diligence review of the involuntary resettlement was conducted and no legacy issue was found. The project will not finance construction or Safety of Dams (OP) (BP 4.37) No rehabilitation of any dams as defined under this policy. This polices is not triggered. Projects on International Waterways (OP) No The project is not on international waterways. (BP 7.50) Projects in Disputed Areas (OP) (BP 7.60) No The project is not in disputed areas. KEY_POLICY_TABLE II. KEY SAFEGUARD POLICY ISSUES AND THEIR MANAGEMENT A. SUMMARY OF KEY SAFEGUARD ISSUES 1. Describe any safeguard issues and impacts associated with the Restructured project. Identify and describe any potential large scale, significant and/or irreversible impacts. The project will bring positive social benefits to local communities. It will not have any significant adverse environmental or social impacts given that the investments are mainly for the rehabilitation of the existing aged care facilities which are distributed across five cities/district (i.e. Xuanzhou, Ningguo, Lu'An, Suzhou, Anqing) in Anhui Province. The rehabilitation is to finance small scale civil works and provision of equipment for the existing communities-based and home-based care facilities. The scale and size of the new construction vary, ranging from community-based stations (dozens of small buildings with several stories) to institutional nursing facilities (three The World Bank RESTRUCTURING ISDS Anhui Aged Care System Demonstration Project (P154716) multi-story buildings each with 500-600 beds). Potential principal adverse impacts are construction-related impacts including dust, noise, wastewater and short disturbance to local communities. Potential adverse impacts during project implementation include disposal of domestic waste and wastewater from facilities, and limited amount of medical waste from the nursing facilities (approximately 87 tons/year in total). Due diligence was conducted confirming that these waste and wastewater could be collected and disposed by the existing treatment facilities in accordance with relevant Chinese regulations. The environmental performance of this project during implementation is satisfactory according to the external ESMP implementation monitoring reports and mission field visits. As the proposed new activities under restructuring including the rehabilitation and newly construction of community service stations and rural welfare homes, which are the same to the ongoing activities, no new safeguards policy will be triggered, and the EA category of the project remains B. The proposed changes in project activities fall in Components 2 & 3. Under Component 2, Anqing will reduce the number of urban community-based service stations from 114 to 103 but will upgrade 9 small-scale community stations in rural areas. Lu’An will maintain the same number of community servic e stations (19) but has re-selected 14 sites of them. The two cities will expand the government purchase of basic aged care services to rural areas. Under Component 3, Suzhou will reduce the number of rural care homes from the original 35 to 30 with 1 new site on the existing public land. In addition, 26 rural welfare homes including 7 in Anqing and 19 in Lu’An will be added for upgrading to strengthen service provision capacities in rural areas by using the loan reallocated from Component 2. The reduced activities will reduce corresponding environmental impacts. The proposed new activities will be similar as the ongoing ones. Hence, the new activities will bring similar environmental impacts as the impacts of ongoing activities: (i) construction-related impacts including dust, noise, wastewater and short disturbance to local communities which are site specific, short term and easily to be managed, and; (ii) operational impacts including disposal of domestic waste and wastewater from facilities, and limited amount of medical waste from the nursing facilities (approximately 2.19 tons/year), and due diligence has confirmed that these waste and wastewater can be collected and disposed of by the existing treatment facilities in accordance with relevant Chinese regulations. OP4.12 remains triggered as it was at the project appraisal. During the project appraisal, a limited amount of land acquisition and resettlement was required for an aged care home reconstruction in Xuanzhou. Project activities would affect 29 households (94 people), through land acquisition and house demolition. Specifically, 28 households (92 people) would be affected by land acquisition; 5 households (19 people) would be affected by both land acquisition and house demolition, and 1 household (2 people) would be affected by house demolition. Xuanzhou District Social Welfare Home Relocation and Reconstruction Works (the "Works" for short) would require 61.35 mu permanent land acquisition in Xiadu Community. Of these 61.35mu, 42.475 mu was the area of paddy fields, 1.83 mu was the area of vegetable plots, 2.96 mu was the area of woodland, 1.12 mu was the area of dry land, 8.04 mu was the area of ponds, 0.925 mu was the area of homestead, 0.53 mu was the area of bamboo forests, 0.07 mu was the area of roads, 0.74 mu was the area of ditches, and 2.66 mu was the area of river channels. The project activities would require demolishing private houses of 6 households (21 people) and the total construction area would be 1,268.64m². Among these 6 households, 5 households (19 people) would be also affected by land acquisition. These affected people had been all resettled in the new resettlement site near their original homes by 2018. Due diligence reviews were conducted for hospitals in Anqing and Lu'An which would add institutional elderly care facilities as project activities. The due diligence review concluded that most compensation and resettlement had been completed by December 2015. At the same time, in Lu'An hospital as a consequence of 31.7 mu land acquisition, there remained 111 households waiting to be placed in resettlement houses. The resettlement site called Lijing Yuan was generally completed by the end of December 2020. In Anqing hospital case, the construction started in 2014 and The World Bank RESTRUCTURING ISDS Anhui Aged Care System Demonstration Project (P154716) major works were completed in 2016. Now the construction was fully completed. The Bank-financed activities include equipment and internal decoration of the aged-care facilities within the hospital. As a consequence of 282 mu land acquisition for the Anqing hospital, there are 195 affected households waiting to be placed in resettlement houses. The resettlement site called Nanshan Xiaoqu and he resettlement buildings were completed. This resettlement site had enough houses for all to-be-resettled households and they were ready for use in 2018. The displaced people have been receiving transitional living subsidies, are satisfied with the compensation package. The displaced people have been resettled in the new resettlement site by 2020. There is no resettlement legacy issue at the project restructuring. At the project restructuring, from the proposed changes in components 2 and 3 as described in the third paragraph of this section, there will no new land acquisition or resettlement after the restructuring. 2. Describe any potential indirect and/or long term impacts due to anticipated future activities in the project area. N/A 3. Describe any potential alternatives (if relevant) considered to help avoid or minimize adverse impacts. Most of the physical investments are for rehabilitation/upgrading of existing aged-care facilities. 4. Describe measures taken by the borrower to address safeguard policy issues. Provide an assessment of borrower capacity to plan and implement the measures described. An Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) has been developed for the project as a stand-alone document. The ESMP summarizes key environmental impacts and risks, proposes site-specific mitigation measures for design, construction, and operation, including (i) provision of collection and/ treatment facilities for wastewater, and waste to be generated at the aged care facilities; (ii) provision of fire-fighting facilities; (iii) requirements for universal access design of the facilities to be rehabilitated and constructed under the project; and (iv) ECOPs for construction (see ESMP’s Annex 1). These measures for construction phase will be entered into bidding documents and the implementation of the mitigation measures will be supervised by relevant institutions. Specific mitigation measures during operation include (i) disposal of waste and wastewater from these facilities; and (ii) maintenance of safety facilities and emergency plan for accidents. The ESMP also includes a social impact management plan, and specifies monitoring plan (e.g. monitoring requirements for waste, noise etc.), institutional arrangements (e.g. roles and responsibilities for provincial PMO, city PMOs, civil work contractors, on-site supervisors etc..), capacity building (e.g. environmental training), and estimated budget of the ESMP implementation. An ESMP has been prepared by the PPMO and their EA consultants in accordance with national requirements, the World Bank safeguard policies and EHS Guidelines to address the potential environmental and social impacts envisaged for the new activities proposed by the restructuring. The ESMP developed adequate measures to avoid, minimize, mitigate and compensate the potential adverse impacts, including (i) provision of collection and/ treatment facilities for wastewater, and waste to be generated at the aged care facilities; (ii) provision of fire-fighting facilities; (iii) requirements for universal access design of the facilities to be rehabilitated and constructed under the project; and (iv) ECOPs for construction (see ESMP’s Annex 1). These measures for construction phase will be integrated into bidding documents and the implementation of the mitigation measures will be supervised by relevant institutions. Specific mitigation measures during operation include (i) disposal of waste and wastewater from these facilities; and The World Bank RESTRUCTURING ISDS Anhui Aged Care System Demonstration Project (P154716) (ii) maintenance of safety facilities and emergency plan for accidents. The environmental management organization/institutional arrangement and responsibilities, environmental monitoring plan, training plan, grievance redress mechanism, monitoring reporting mechanism and budget estimates of the ESMP implementation were also summarized in the ESMP. The original resettlement action plan (RAP) was approached avoidance to land acquisition and resettlement relocations at the project appraisal. Only Xuancheng city had land acquisition and resettlement and was completed by 2018 before the project restructuring. The original RAP described the adverse impacts related to land-taking, structure demolition by an aged care center. Consistent with World Bank Policy OP 4.12 on Involuntary Resettlement, the objectives of resettlement planning are to ensure that incomes and living standards are improved (or at least restored) for all persons adversely affected by the project. Special care has been taken in resettlement planning to ensure that rehabilitation measures are sufficient for land loss people in those areas where the land-taking from peri- urban are comparatively high. At project restructuring, a social assessment and due diligence review were done for the involuntary resettlement of the project regarding land use and construction of remaining civil works. It is concluded that there will no new land acquisition or involuntary resettlement after the restructuring. All remaining civil works will be done on existing public land. Given that the project may consist of some activities for which impacts cannot be determined until the activity details have been identified during project implementation, the former ESMF and RPF continue to guide and set out the guidelines and procedures to address the environmental and social impacts of the project activities, together with the ESMP. The implementing agency is the Department of Civil Affairs (DOCA) of Anhui Province, that is responsible for overall project implementation. A provincial project management office (PMO) has been established and housed in DOCA, Under the provincial PMO, the PMOs have been established at municipality, city, or county levels. The provincial PMO is responsible for overall coordination with local PMOs throughout the project preparation and implementation. Experienced safeguards consultants have been engaged by provincial PMO during project preparation to prepare safeguards documents. External consultants have been engaged to monitor the compliance of safeguards requirements. The borrower's capacity to plan and implement the safeguards measures are deemed satisfactory. 5. Identify the key stakeholders and describe the mechanism for consultation and disclosure on safeguard policies, with an emphasis on potentially affected people. In accordance with OP4.01, public consultations have been conducted during the EA process, including meetings with project affected people and local Environmental Protection Bureaus. The consultation on the EA safeguards document was undertaken from 2016 to July 2017. Feedback and concerns from the consultation have been addressed in the project design and in the EA documents. The draft EA documents were locally disclosed at the governmental website on July 21, 2017 with a notice published at local newspaper on July 20, 2017. The final ESMP and ESMF were disclosed in-country on December 21, 2017. The ESMP and ESMF were disclosed on the World Bank's external website on December 27, 2017 and December 28, 2017 respectively. Public consultations were carried out in May 2022 during the EA and SA process for the new activities under restructuring following the Bank Safeguard policies and Chinese regulations in the form of interview, questionnaire survey and public meetings with project-affected persons, local governments, aged care service providers and other relevant stakeholders. Opinions and concerns expressed have been addressed in the ESMP. The ESMP was disclosed at Anhui DOCA website on June 1, 2022 and the English version of the ESMP will be disclosed at the World Bank website upon clearance. The World Bank RESTRUCTURING ISDS Anhui Aged Care System Demonstration Project (P154716) In line with OP 4.12, public consultations were also conducted in the affected areas with the affected farmers and other stakeholders from 2016 to July 2017, and May 2022. Relevant social assessment has been done with the detailed mitigation measures agreed and arranged for land acquisition and resettlement, social impact assessment was done based on field investigation, interviews and surveys with local official and residents in project sites as well. The Social Assessment (SA) was disclosed on the government website on November 23, 2017 and the Bank's external website on the same day. The final documents of Resettlement Action Plan (RAP), Due Diligence Review (DDR), Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) were disclosed at the government website and the World Bank's external website on January 3, 2018. At the project restructuring, the due diligence report on involuntary resettlement was prepared and disclosed on June 30 2022 in local project sites, and its English version will be disclosed at the World Bank website upon clearance. Grievance Redress. A mechanism covering each level PMOs has been established for grievance redress. Project level GRM has now been posted on the websites of PPMO. During project implementation, all grievances (if any) will be properly addressed and documented in alignment with GRM and reported to the Bank. Grievances will be filed in writing. Starting at county level, the grievances can be elevated to municipal PMO or PPMO if affected people are not satisfied with the resolution at the lower level. The affected people could also file their cases in court if they are not satisfied with the resolution by the project authority. All grievances and their resolution will be recorded and be feedbacked to the affected people on a timely basis. As of the restructuring, no significant grievances or complaints were received by PMOs as reported by PPMO and external environmental and social monitoring. DISCLOSURE_TABLE B. DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS ENV_TABLE Environmental Assessment/Audit/Management Plan/Other Date of receipt by the Bank Date of submission for disclosure 13-Oct-2023 02-Nov-2023 For Category ‘A’ projects, date of distributing the Executive Summary of the EA to the Executive Directors “In country� Disclosure Country Date of Disclosure China 11-Oct-2023 Comments RESETTLE_TABLE Resettlement Action Plan/Framework Policy Process The World Bank RESTRUCTURING ISDS Anhui Aged Care System Demonstration Project (P154716) Date of receipt by the Bank Date of submission for disclosure 19-Oct-2023 02-Nov-2023 “In country� Disclosure Country Date of Disclosure China 11-Oct-2023 Comments COMPLIANCE_TABLE C. COMPLIANCE MONITORING INDICATORS AT THE CORPORATE LEVEL EA_TABLE OP/BP/GP 4.01 - Environment Assessment Does the project require a stand-alone EA (including EMP) report? Yes If yes, then did the Regional Environment Unit or Practice Manager (PM) review Yes and approve the EA report? Are the cost and the accountabilities for the EMP incorporated in the credit/loan? Yes IR_TABLE OP/BP 4.12 - Involuntary Resettlement Has a resettlement plan/abbreviated plan/policy framework/process framework Yes (as appropriate) been prepared? If yes, then did the Regional unit responsible for safeguards or Practice Manager Yes review the plan? PDI_TABLE The World Bank Policy on Disclosure of Information Have relevant safeguard policies documents been sent to the World Bank for Yes disclosure? Have relevant documents been disclosed in-country in a public place in a form and language that are understandable and accessible to project-affected groups Yes and local NGOs? ALL_TABLE All Safeguard Policies The World Bank RESTRUCTURING ISDS Anhui Aged Care System Demonstration Project (P154716) Have satisfactory calendar, budget and clear institutional responsibilities been Yes prepared for the implementation of measures related to safeguard policies? Have costs related to safeguard policy measures been included in the project Yes cost? Does the Monitoring and Evaluation system of the project include the monitoring Yes of safeguard impacts and measures related to safeguard policies? Have satisfactory implementation arrangements been agreed with the borrower Yes and the same been adequately reflected in the project legal documents? III. APPROVALS Dewen Wang Task Team Leader(s) Lansong Zhang Approved By Safeguards Advisor Nina Chee 16-Nov-2023 Yasser Aabdel-Aleem Awny El- Practice Manager/Manager 17-Nov-2023 Gammal .