The World Bank Phase 2 for DGM Program and Global Learning and Knowledge Exchange Project (P170861) Appraisal Environmental and Social Review Summary Appraisal Stage For Official Use Only (ESRS Appraisal Stage) Updated: 11/16/2023 Nov 14, 2023 Page 1 of 9 The World Bank Phase 2 for DGM Program and Global Learning and Knowledge Exchange Project (P170861) I. BASIC INFORMATION A. Basic Project Data Country Region Project ID Parent Project ID (if any) World OTHER P170861 Project Name Phase 2 For Dgm Program And Global Learning And Knowledge Exchange Project Practice Area (Lead) Financing Instrument Estimated Appraisal Date Estimated Board Date Environment, Natural Investment Project n/a Resources & the Blue Financing Economy Borrower(s) Implementing Agency(ies) Conservation Conservation International International For Official Use Only Proposed Development Objective The Project Development Objective is to strengthen networks and partnerships for DGM Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs) at regional and global levels. Financing (in USD Million) Amount Total Project Cost 4.30 B. Is the project being prepared in a Situation of Urgent Need of Assistance or Capacity Constraints, as per Bank IPF Policy, para. 12? No C. Summary Description of Proposed Project Activities [Description imported from the PAD Data Sheet in the Portal providing information about the key aspects and components/sub-components of the project] The current phase two DGM Global Project is a platform for capacity-building and strengthening networks and partnerships among and between IPLCs, and it serves as a chapeau or umbrella for the DGM program as a whole, including the country DGM projects. It will also share the learning and knowledge from the DGM to a wider IPLC community. Nov 14, 2023 Page 2 of 9 The World Bank Phase 2 for DGM Program and Global Learning and Knowledge Exchange Project (P170861) The Additional Finance of the Project implies both an extension of the closing date and additional resources to: i) facilitate knowledge exchange by supporting the successful implementation of the remaining DGM projects in Nepal, Guatemala, the Republic of Congo, and Brazil, and sharing lessons and best practices developed and learned over the years of project implementation among IPLCs from various project countries and with new DGM communities of the CIF’s Nature, People, Climate Program; (ii) engage in enhanced gender activities by providing necessary time to collaborate with newly elected gender committee and promote a stronger emphasis on the inclusion of women and youth in decision-making processes and empowerment within project interventions; (iii) monitor the implementation of ongoing national DGM projects. D. Environmental and Social Overview D.1 Overview of Environmental and Social Project Settings [Description of key features relevant to the operation’s environmental and social risks and opportunities (e.g., whether the project is nationwide or regional in scope, urban/rural, in an FCV context, presence of Indigenous Peoples or other minorities, involves associated facilities, high-biodiversity settings, etc.) – Max. character limit 10,000] The Project Development Objective is to organize and facilitate knowledge exchange, learning, capacity building activities, and strengthen networks and partnerships for DGM IPLCs at regional and global levels. The direct beneficiaries of the DGM Global project are IPLCs who engage with the remaning country projects (Nepal, Guatemala, the Republic of Congo, and Brazil) funded by the DGM as well as distinguished IPLC representatives from other countries including non-FIP countries supporting forest-dependent IPLCs. For Official Use Only The DGM for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (DGM) Global Learning and Knowledge Exchange project (“Global Project�) is a global platform for capacity building and strengthening networks and partnerships among and between IPLC organizations. Serving an umbrella function, the Global Project will promote internal and external outreach, networking and knowledge exchange between DGM activities in FIP countries and other REDD+ countries, and monitoring and reporting on the program. To expand impact and sustainability, the Global Project will support coordination and shared learning across the country projects and provide training on policy and technical topics to regional representatives of IPLCs, to strengthen their voices in climate forums. The project includes four components: Component 1: Global and Regional Learning. The focus of this component is to organize and facilitate knowledge exchange, learning, and capacity building on forests and climate change issues at regional and global levels. Component 2: Governance and Partnerships. This component helps enable the Global Steering Committee (GSC) to fulfill its role within the DGM in addition to strengthening IPLC networks and organizations in global forums. Component 3: Monitoring, Reporting, GRM, and Communications. This component covers the costs for implementation of DGM Global communications, robust monitoring, and reporting (M&R), and an efficient project- related Grievance and Redress Mechanism (GRM). Component 4: Management of the DGM Global Executing Agency: This component covers the incremental operational, technical, and managerial costs of the GEA team to carry out its tasks and overall responsibilities required to support the management of project activities. The AF includes new activities such as: As part of Component 1 in addition to the regular activities, extra resources will be allocated to support gender subcommittee initiatives and the design and implementation of women's leadership training. In Component 2 new activities will be incorporated to bolster the efforts of the GSC Sustainability Working Group, with a particular focus Nov 14, 2023 Page 3 of 9 The World Bank Phase 2 for DGM Program and Global Learning and Knowledge Exchange Project (P170861) on enhancing donor engagement, promoting DGM's success, sharing lessons learned, and developing the sustainability strategy. D.2 Overview of Borrower’s Institutional Capacity for Managing Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts [Description of Borrower’s capacity (i.e., prior performance under the Safeguard Policies or ESF, experience applying E&S policies of IFIs, Environmental and social unit/staff already in place) and willingness to manage risks and impacts and of provisions planned or required to have capabilities in place, along with the needs for enhanced support to the Borrower – Max. character limit 10,000] The DGM Program administrative organization and structure revolves around two levels - the Global and the Country- based. The key constituents of the implementation structure are two: Steering Committees – the National Steering Committees (NSC) in DGM Country Projects and the GSC of the DGM Global Project, the decision- making bodies. Both Committees are comprised primarily of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities. The execution of the program is the responsibility of the Executing Agencies –NEA in the countries and GEA for the Global project. The GEA is Conservation International (CI) that was selected through a competitive process administered by World Bank and will continue implementing activities of the Global Project in compliance with the World Bank’s ESF. During the past three years of implementation of the Project, CI successfully managed the environmental and social risks identified in the Project (considered as low) by implementing the social and environmental instruments produced by CI under the ESF (Stakeholder Engagement Plan, Environmental and Social Commitment Plan, and Labor Management Procedures). CI has a dedicated environmental and social standards team which focuses on managing the environmental and social risks of the Project. For Official Use Only II. SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL (ES) RISKS AND IMPACTS A. Environmental and Social Risk Classification (ESRC) Low A.1 Environmental Risk Rating Low [Summary of key factors contributing to risk rating, in accordance with the ES Directive and the Technical Note on Screening and Risk Classification under the ESF – Max. character limit 4,000] Knowledge activities under the global portion of the program for which this AF is sought are not likely to generate negative environmental and social impacts and, moreover, likely to generate/ support positive environmental and social outcomes. A.2 Social Risk Rating Low [Summary of key factors contributing to risk rating, in accordance with the ES Directive and the Technical Note on Screening and Risk Classification under the ESF – Max. character limit 4,000] The proposed Project’s Social Risk is assessed as Low for this AF. Based on the analysis of the project activities, it was confirmed that the project per se is not likely to cause significant risks or negative impacts on human populations. On the contrary, it is expected to have positive social impacts by increasing the voice and representation of IPLCs in global fora, as well as, generating knowledge sharing among IPLCs through learning programs and fellows exchange programs. The risks identified, mostly related to the need of conducting the proposed learning exchange and global Nov 14, 2023 Page 4 of 9 The World Bank Phase 2 for DGM Program and Global Learning and Knowledge Exchange Project (P170861) programs in a way that are culturally appropriate for IPs are addressed by culturally appropriate communication campaigns and fellow selection criteria. These elements are detailed in the SEP prepared for the project. Furthermore, CI also includes in the Global exchange participation criteria to ensure gender balance. Codes of conduct to ensure ethic and appropriate behavior are also included in the fellows travel agreements. B. Environment and Social Standards (ESS) that Apply to the Activities Being Considered B.1 Relevance of Environmental and Social Standards ESS1 Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts [Explanation - Max. character limit 10,000] ESS1 is relevant for the project. The identified benefits for the project include i) increasing the voice and representation of IPLCs in global fora; ii) generating knowledge sharing and exchange of good practices among IPLCs through learning exchange programs and global fellows; iii) increasing the capacity of IPLCs and Global governance DGM structures to carry out their activities by providing capacity assistance in budgeting, monitoring and evaluation and management. Potential risks and impacts are mostly associated with the adequate participation of IPLCs in a culturally appropiate and inclusive manner (Component 1). Mitigation risks meassures are detailed in the SEP prepared for the project, as well as in the selection criteria for fellow selection and in the preparation of learning programs to ensure that materials are delivered in a culturally appropriate and inclusive manner. Fellow exchange For Official Use Only agrements will also include codes of conduct to ensure ethical behavior in other countries and avoid cases of sexual exploitation and abuse. CI is also already implementing these strategies as per the participatory nature of the activities this organization implements. The project has also prepared a Labor Management Procedures (LMP) detailing the various categories of project workers (direct workers and contractors hired by CI for specific activities related to logistical tasks on learning exchanges and other knowledge events) and the corresponding treatment and dispositions for each of these categories. ESS3, ESS5 , ESS6, ESS8, and ESS9 are not considered relevant for this project. Areas where “Use of Borrower Framework� is being considered: ESS10 Stakeholder Engagement and Information Disclosure [Explanation - Max. character limit 10,000] ESS10 is relevant for the project. Conservation International has prepared a project SEP. The SEP has identified the following as the actors as key for project implementation and engagement: i) Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities; ii) the Global Steering Committee (GSC); iii) National Steering Committees (NSC); iv) National Executing Agencies, v) other DGM beneficiaries and vi) other international organizations with whom IPLCs will establish partnerships. The GSC has been informed and consulted about the project throught the Global Steering Committee Annual Meeting, including the last meeting which took place in Brazilia in June 2023 . The GSC is participatory and inclusive in nature by including representatives of NSC and IPLCs. For the purposes of DGM Global Learning and Nov 14, 2023 Page 5 of 9 The World Bank Phase 2 for DGM Program and Global Learning and Knowledge Exchange Project (P170861) Knowledge Exchanges, given the NEA and NSC’s in-depth knowledge about the environmental and social characteristics of the DGM country area and nearby populations, they play a key role in identifying risks, potential impacts and opportunities for the GEA to consider and address in the Global Learning and Knowledge Exchange planning and implementation process. To support IPLC participation in DGM Global activities, during project implementation, the GEA provides resources that enable their participation, this includes translation and interpretation services during meetings and activities. In addition, GEA funds the travel, per diem, and accommodations of GSC members in order for them to participate actively in the project planning process. The SEP has been updated and redisclosed. ESS2 Labor and Working Conditions [Explanation - Max. character limit 10,000] ESS2 is relevant for the project. The GEA (Conservation International) is implementing activities under this project. It consists of direct workers and consultants. The project prepared Labor Management Procedures which sets out: terms and conditions of employment; principles regarding non-discrimination and equality of opportunity; guidance on workers’ organizations; policies on child and forced labor; measures for occupational health and safety, including addressing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse/Harassment (SEA/H) issues; and, the establishment of a grievance mechanism for labor disputes. Consultants and staff also abide by codes of conduct as per CI regulations. Global fellows travel agreements will include codes of conduct. Activities for the AF will be primarily implemented by For Official Use Only Conservation International staff and are not expected to have any negative impacts related to labor and working conditions. No community workers are expected to be engaged by the project. ESS3 Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention and Management [Explanation - Max. character limit 10,000] ESS3 standard is not relevant at the Concept Stage. The proposed Project will neither finance nor support any civil works, thus no pollution prevention and management measures will apply. ESS4 Community Health and Safety [Explanation - Max. character limit 10,000] ESS4 is relevant for the project. The project includes measures to address SEA/H risks including Codes of Conduct for staff managing the program, as well as participants in the Global Steering Committee. In doing so, the project applis CI Code of Ethics which includes dispositions related to anti-harassment and work place conduct as well as applicable national laws. ESS5 Land Acquisition, Restrictions on Land Use and Involuntary Resettlement [Explanation - Max. character limit 10,000] Nov 14, 2023 Page 6 of 9 The World Bank Phase 2 for DGM Program and Global Learning and Knowledge Exchange Project (P170861) ESS5 is not relevant. The proposed Project will not finance physical infrastructure and is not expected to involve land acquisition leading to economic or physical displacement to formal or informal occupants. No involuntary land taking will be financed. Hence, the Project is not expected to generate any negative impact covered under ESS5. ESS6 Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources [Explanation - Max. character limit 10,000] ESS6 is not relevant. The proposed Project will neither finance nor support any civil works or policies that might affect biodiversity or management of living natural resources. ESS7 Indigenous Peoples/Sub-Saharan African Historically Underserved Traditional Local Communities [Explanation - Max. character limit 10,000] ESS7 is relevant for the project as the capacity building activities planned under the project will directly affect IPLC organizations in a positive way. Activities under the project supports knowledge exchanges, learning and capacity building on REDD+ and climate change issues at regional and global levels, and strengthens the networks and alliances of IPLC organizations within and across regions to enhance their representation and voice in regional and global policy fora. While some of the fora may take place in areas where IPs are present, activities planned under the AF project don’t include investments in sub-projects (works) at the country level. The SEP details how IPLCs will For Official Use Only engaged in a culturally appropriate and significative manner as well as the criteria to select participants in global fellow exchanges. Workshops and learning exchanges will also be organized in an inclusive and culturally appropriate manner, in accordance with the principles and objectives of ESS 7. An IPPF will not be prepared for the AF under this standard. ESS8 Cultural Heritage [Explanation - Max. character limit 10,000] ESS8 is not relevant. The proposed Project will finance knowledge creation related activities and capacity building. In this context is not expected that such activities could directly or indirectly affect tangible or intangible cultural heritage. ESS9 Financial Intermediaries [Explanation - Max. character limit 10,000] ESS9 is not relevant. The proposed Project will not channel funds to a Financial Intermediary with objective of sub lending. B.2 Other Relevant Project Risks N/A Nov 14, 2023 Page 7 of 9 The World Bank Phase 2 for DGM Program and Global Learning and Knowledge Exchange Project (P170861) C. Legal Operational Policies that Apply OP 7.50 Projects on International Waterways No OP 7.60 Projects in Disputed Areas No B.3 Reliance on Borrower’s policy, legal and institutional framework, relevant to the Project risks and impacts Is this project being prepared for use of Borrower Framework? No Areas where “Use of Borrower Framework� is being considered: N/A III. World Bank Environmental and Social Due Diligence A. Use of Common Approach No For Official Use Only Financing Partners N/A !V. CONTACT POINTS World Bank Task Team Dinara Besekei Sutton Title: Natural Resources Management Leader: Specialist Email: Borrower/Client/Recipient Borrower: Conservation International Implementing Agency(ies) Implementing Agency: Conservation International V. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT Nov 14, 2023 Page 8 of 9 The World Bank Phase 2 for DGM Program and Global Learning and Knowledge Exchange Project (P170861) The World Bank 1818 H Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20433 Telephone: (202) 473-1000 Web: VI. APPROVAL Task Team Leader(s): Dinara Besekei Sutton ADM Environmental Specialist: ADM Social Specialist: Practice Manager (ENV/SOC) For Official Use Only Nov 14, 2023 Page 9 of 9