The World Bank TV: Telecommunications and ICT Development Project (P159395) REPORT NO.: RES58489 RESTRUCTURING PAPER ON A PROPOSED PROJECT RESTRUCTURING OF TV: TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND ICT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT APPROVED ON JANUARY 15, 2019 TO TUVALU DIGITAL DEVELOPMENT EAST ASIA AND PACIFIC Regional Vice President: Manuela V. Ferro Country Director: Stephen N. Ndegwa Regional Director: Sudeshna Ghosh Banerjee Practice Manager/Manager: Mahesh Uttamchandani Task Team Leader: James L. Neumann The World Bank TV: Telecommunications and ICT Development Project (P159395) ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS $ United States Dollar CPMO Central Project Management Office DA Designated Account E&S Environmental and Social ESMP Environmental and Social Management Plan FM Financial management FTTP Fiber to the premises GB Gigabyte ICT Information and communication technologies IDA International Development Association IFR Interim Financial Reports ISR Implementation Status & Results Report M Million Mbps Megabits per Second MJCFA Minister of Justice, Communications and Foreign Affairs MOF Ministry of Finance OHS Occupational Health and Safety OP Operational Policy (World Bank) PDO Project Development Objective PMU Project Management Unit PPP Public Private Partnership SDR Special Drawing Rights TTC Tuvalu Telecommunication Corporation WB World Bank The World Bank TV: Telecommunications and ICT Development Project (P159395) BASIC DATA Product Information Project ID Financing Instrument P159395 Investment Project Financing Original EA Category Current EA Category Partial Assessment (B) Partial Assessment (B) Approval Date Current Closing Date 15-Jan-2019 30-Jun-2024 Organizations Borrower Responsible Agency Tuvalu Project Development Objective (PDO) Original PDO The Project Development Objective is to facilitate improved access to, and reduced cost of, internet services in Tuvalu. OPS_TABLE_PDO_CURRENTPDO Summary Status of Financing (US$, Millions) Net Ln/Cr/Tf Approval Signing Effectiveness Closing Commitment Disbursed Undisbursed IDA-D4030 15-Jan-2019 07-Feb-2019 11-Apr-2019 30-Jun-2024 29.00 .99 26.70 Policy Waiver(s) Does this restructuring trigger the need for any policy waiver(s)? No The World Bank TV: Telecommunications and ICT Development Project (P159395) I. PROJECT STATUS AND RATIONALE FOR RESTRUCTURING 1. Background and context. As in 2018 when the Project was designed, Tuvalu continues to be one of the least digitally connected countries in the Pacific region and is entirely dependent on satellites for international connectivity. Telecommunications and internet services are costly, and services are particularly limited outside the main island of Funafuti. More affordable and reliable internet services would facilitate business development, tourism, and management of natural disasters, and support the delivery of social services such as education and healthcare. The Project was intended to finance the Government’s financial contribution to a public-private partnership (PPP) to design, build and operate the international backbone and domestic access networks to provide more affordable and better internet access to users on Funafuti and the outer islands. The largest part of the PPP was intended to be an investment in a submarine cable that would provide higher capacity international bandwidth, and end-to-end connectivity for Funafuti. The outer islands would have access to improved satellite bandwidth and terrestrial access network infrastructure. 2. Project delays and first restructuring. Not long after the project was approved in 2019, the Project encountered policy-related delays, which were compounded by border closures and other public health restrictions that were imposed from February 2020 until February 2023 due to the COVID-19 global pandemic. During this period, project implementation came to a standstill except for work by the Tuvalu Telecommunication Corporation (TTC) to implement urgent recommendations from Project-financed technical assistance, including price reductions which allowed for key project results to be achieved. By the time restrictions had been lifted, it was clear that the original project design needed to be updated, including to adjust to the post-COVID environment which includes implementation delays, electronic and other component shortages, changed investment priorities and higher costs. Through the Project, Government retained international experts to advise on medium- to long-term investment and reform options to meet the original Project objectives within the new regional and global context. While the work on the medium-long term options was being carried out, the Project undertook a first restructuring on June 24, 2023, to allow the implementation of short-term “quick wins” supporting immediate improvements in telecommunications, making up for the time lost during the pandemic and addressing the most pressing infrastructure needs of TTC. The quick wins included, inter alia, the rollout of a fiber to the premises (FTTP) network on Funafuti, installation of Wi-Fi access points, cells towers, hub and supporting equipment, solar power systems and other network improvements to better utilize Tuvalu’s limited satellite capacity. Laptops and tablets were also included to train women and girls in digital skills and opportunities. 3. Second restructuring request. A request for a second Project restructuring was received from the Government on November 7, 2023 to implement recommendations for the medium- and long-term development of the sector as proposed by the international experts financed by the Project. These recommendations are anchored around the continued strengthening of TTC infrastructure, operations and governance, and securing the deployment of an international submarine cable to enter service by late 2026 or early 2027, without a PPP. Recommendations also included securing interim satellite capacity to increase international bandwidth capacity until the submarine cable lands and quickly ramping up efforts to increase demand and utilization of digital services including within Government and across the wider economy. 4. Rationale for restructuring. The rationale for this restructuring is to support the Government in implementing its strategy for the development of its digital sector. The additional satellite capacity will greatly improve the quality and availability of internet services in Tuvalu until the international submarine cable enters into service. It will also complement the FTTP network, on-island content caching and other improvements to the telecommunications network already being implemented under the “quick wins”. Financing for activities to support the development of digital government and the digital economy will build on the technical assistance already included under subcomponent 1(c) The World Bank TV: Telecommunications and ICT Development Project (P159395) (strategies to facilitate digital adoption) and help government implement initiatives to grow demand and take best advantage of improved internet services. The procurement of the submarine fiber optic cable will commence in early 2024 with an anticipated lead time until the cable enters into service in approximately 2½ to 3 years. Tuvalu is forecast to run out of available satellite capacity in 3½ years. 5. Progress Towards Achieving the Project Development Objective (PDO). The Project is proposed to be rated Moderately Satisfactory for progress towards achieving the PDO at the next Implementation Status & Results Report (ISR). This marks a significant turnaround in performance. The Project was rated Unsatisfactory between December 2020 and December 2022, and Moderately Unsatisfactory in June 2023. Over the past two years TTC has implemented many of the product pricing and service measures recommended by international expert consultants retained under the Project, which has led to a strong growth in revenues and puts TTC in a good position to implement additional investments. The benefits of these changes are reflected in progress under the PDO level indicators monitoring the increase in access to internet services and reduction in the price of internet services. People provided with new or enhanced access to broadband internet has increased to 4,500 which meets the original end target. Persons reporting internet use once per week has increased to 4,500 exceeding the end target of 1,500. The price of fixed internet services and mobile internet services has decreased to $6.33 (US$/GB) which reflects a decrease of 76% and 55% (respectively). The end target of $5.00 has not yet been achieved, but TTC is on track to meet this target in 2024. At the intermediate results level, in-service international bandwidth has increased from 50Mbps to 1,000Mbps (the original end target is 1,000Mbps). 6. Overall Implementation Progress. The Project is proposed to be rated Moderately Satisfactory for Implementation Progress at the next ISR. Since April 2023, implementation progress of component one (technical assistance) has been progressing well. Work on the strategy for the long-term development of the sector has been completed and accepted by Government. Component 2A (PPP) is being dropped and the Government is ready to move ahead with implementing the new activities reflected in this restructuring. Procurement of international satellite capacity ($4.5M) has already started and notification of award is estimated by the end of March, 2024. All quick wins under Component 2B (TTC) added as part of the first restructuring approved on June 24, 2023, are on track for completion over the next six months and it is proposed to rate this component in the next ISR as Satisfactory. Overall disbursements are low at SDR 0.66m (about US$$0.9, approximately 3.1%), although this is increasing rapidly in line with disbursement estimates for the “quick wins”. 7. Financial Management (FM). FM performance has been rated Moderately Satisfactory since it was upgraded from Moderately Unsatisfactory in April 2023. The rating reflects improved FM performance over the past year, including: (i) all audited financial statements have been submitted and are up to date; (ii) all Interim Financial Reports (IFRs) have been submitted and accepted by the World Bank (WB). TTC will be responsible for implementing the new activities under component 2A. The Central Project Management Office (CPMO) took over the finance and accounting functions for the Project in April 2023 and the Project’s files have been transferred from the previous project accountant to CPMO. CPMO will continue to be responsible for the finance and accounting function of the Project, which includes preparing the Project statement of expenses, IFRs and annual financial statements for auditing purposes. CPMO, an agency under the Ministry of Finance (MOF), was established on June 1, 2021 by the Government with the main task of overseeing the WB-funded program in Tuvalu. However, the appointment of the current FM specialist for CPMO ends in March 2024 and steps need to be taken to ensure this position is filled and there is no gap in FM support to this Project or the wider WB portfolio in Tuvalu. The Project Operations Manual and Project budget will be updated by the end of November 2023 to reflect the new expenditures included under this proposed restructuring. 8. Procurement. The procurement performance rating has been upgraded to Moderately Unsatisfactory (from Unsatisfactory in the archived ISR of December 2022). This upgrade in the performance rating is informed by the positive The World Bank TV: Telecommunications and ICT Development Project (P159395) progress with regards to procurement activities. The “Technical Assistance for the Strengthening of the Tuvalu Telecom Corporation and Development of Digital Services” was successfully procured and a contract signed with the selected consultant on April 18, 2023. Five new contracts were signed over the last 4 months with a total commitment of $1.2 million. Seven activities are under procurement for completion before December 2023. TTC is proactively monitoring the procurement processes and achieving results. The Systematic Tracking of Exchanges in Procurement (STEP) system has been revised to reflect the latest procurement activities and is up-to-date. TTC will lead procurement activities under the proposed new subcomponent 2A, with procurement supervision, quality assurance and support provided by the CPMO. The critical procurement activities under the proposed restructuring are the procurement of high-speed satellite capacity, technical assistance to support negotiations with submarine cable system operators, the procurement of the submarine cable system. Market information regarding possible cable system operators and the procurement approach for this procurement were identified under the recently completed Technical Assistance for the Strengthening of the Tuvalu Telecom Corporation and Development of Digital Services activity. 9. Environmental and Social (E&S) Safeguards. The Project is subject to safeguard policies, triggering OP 4.01 (Environmental Assessment). Currently, residual environment and social risks are rated to be Low, and Project safeguard performance is rated as Satisfactory as there has been no civil works. The project confirmed that TTC is a new implementing agency responsible for implementing the revised subcomponent 2B and the proposed revised subcomponent 2A. CPMO retains responsibility for Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) implementation. The proposed restructuring is not expected to increase the environmental and social risk classification of the Project. The revised subcomponent 2B funds local infrastructure which involves minor works such as cable pulling in existing ducts for laying fiber cable network, small towers for mobile radio and power supply upgrades for the network and Wi- Fi access points in outer islands. The existing Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) already includes the requirement for E&S risk identification and management measures for small-scale outer island works. The ESMP will be updated as the project design progresses, and fiber rollout routes are confirmed. There are minor and manageable environmental and social risks associated with the fiber rollout including: (i) Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) for workers; and (ii) OHS risks associated with encountering unknown cables and services. No works will be financed on areas other than where Government has land tenure and access rights. Potential benefits include improved internet and access to information, education, access to emergency services and livelihood; risks include exclusion or inequity for digital services; cybersecurity concerns; and cyber-bullying, addiction and exposure to illicit material. There are also potential risks relating to unequal access based on gender, age, ability, income and remoteness. These risks will be managed as part of stakeholder engagement activities under the project, and review by Bank staff of all outputs to ensure Bank policy is adequately addressed. The implementing arrangements for the project have been revised; however, CPMO will continue to provide implementation support across the Bank's portfolio, including safeguards. They are adequately resourced with an international safeguards consultant and one local staff to oversee safeguards aspects. II. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CHANGES 10. Scope of restructuring. This restructuring proposes to: (i) revise components and costs; (ii) extend the current closing date from June 30, 2024 to December 1, 2025 for a cumulative extension of about 23 months; (iii) revise the results framework to include new activities and enable the tracking of their implementation progress; (iv) revise the overall risk rating to reduce the risk rating from High to Substantial; (v) make a reallocation between disbursement categories; (vi) revise the disbursement arrangements adding non-consulting services (NCS) as an eligible expense type under Category 1; (vii) revise the implementation arrangements to make TTC the implementing entity for all of component 2; (viii) revise the legal covenants to revise the date of the mid term review and revise the terms of the cooperation agreement between the Recipient and TTC; and (ix) revise the disbursement estimates and implementation schedule. The World Bank TV: Telecommunications and ICT Development Project (P159395) 11. Changes to components. The following changes are proposed to Component 1 and Component 2A;which are also reflected in detail in Section IV of this restructuring:  Component 1: Enhancing Digital Services. The component description will be revised. The component name is changed to “Enhancing Digital Services” “from “Technical Assistance”. Subcomponent activities will be revised by: (a) revising subcomponent 1(a) to clarify that support includes strengthening arrangements for the oversight, monitoring and enforcement of performance standards by TTC; (b) removing subcomponent 1(b) which provides support relating to the design and implementation of PPP transaction and supervision of the PPP partner; and (c) adding support for the design and rollout of critical foundations for digital government services and the digital economy.  Component 2A: Enhancing Digital Infrastructure. The subcomponent description will be revised. The subcomponent name is changed to “Enhancing Digital Infrastructure” from “Enhancing Connectivity Infrastructure (PPP)”. The activities are revised to support the Government’s implementation plans towards the current long-term strategy for the development of the digital sector by: (a) Removing the activity for a PPP transaction for the design, build and operation of international backbone and domestic access networks; (b) adding an activity to support the deployment of high-speed satellite capacity and IP transit, and strengthen core TTC infrastructure, systems, corporate governance and oversight; and (c) adding technical assistance for the design and procurement of a submarine cable operator to connect Funafuti via a submarine fiber optic cable to the global internet. 12. Changed component costs. The following changes are proposed to component costs. Table 1: Current and proposed components/costs (in millions)* Current components/costs Proposed components/costs Current components SDR US$ Proposed components SDR US$ 1.Technical Assistance 1.4 2.0 1. Enhancing Digital Services 5.0 6.9 2A. Enhancing Connectivity Infrastructure 17.0 23.5 2A. Enhancing Digital Infrastructure 13.0 18.0 (PPP) 2B. Enhancing Connectivity Infrastructure 2.2 3.0 2B. Enhancing Connectivity 2.2 3.0 (TTC) Infrastructure (TTC) 3. Project Management 0.4 0.5 3. Project Management 0.8 1.1 Total 21.0 29.0 Total 21.0 29.0 *Based on SDR-USD exchange rates at the time of negotiations 13. Results framework. To reflect the new activities supporting the revised subcomponent 2A and the extended Project timetable, the results framework will be revised to: (i) extend the end target dates; (ii) adjust the target data to account for the extended time; and (iii) where appropriate, align the indicators with the new project activities, which are spelled out in detail as well in Section IV. The Project Management Unit (PMU) will update the Project Operations Manual to reflect the revised results framework upon approval of this restructuring. The following revisions are proposed: The World Bank TV: Telecommunications and ICT Development Project (P159395) (a) The existing intermediate indicator under Component 2 “Persons reporting Internet use once per week” is moved under PDO indicator “Increase in access to internet services” with a breakdown to count those persons who are female. (b) The following existing intermediate indicators under Component 2A related to the dropped PPP transaction are no longer relevant and are accordingly deleted: (i) PPP transaction completed; (ii) Length of optical fiber cable built; and (iii) Private capital mobilized as a percentage of total capital mobilized (%). (c) The following intermediate indicators are to be added to reflect the new activities under Component 2A: (i) Submarine cable contract negotiations completed; (ii) Regulatory contract implemented between Govt and TTC; (iii) Digital Tuvalu Office established; and (iv) Corporate governance and oversight of TTC improved. 14. Closing date. The Project closing date is proposed to be extended by approximately 17 months from June 30, 2024 to December 1, 2025. This is the second extension for a cumulative extension of about 23 months. This would allow time for Government to work towards implementing its long-term strategy for the development of its digital sector by financing medium term satellite capacity; increasing utilization and demand for digital services; and towards the long term, by supporting the start of the design and procurement of the international submarine cable. 15. Changes to disbursement categories. The types of eligible expenditures under Parts 1&3 will be revised to add non-consulting services (NCS) as an eligible expense type. The proposed financing under Parts 1&3 will be increased by SDR 4,000,000. The proposed financing under Part 2 will be decreased by SDR 4,000,000. These changes are to align with the expected expenditures with the changes in activities under Component 1 and Component 2A, and the need to increase project management support over the extended Project implementation period. There will be no shortage of funds under Component 2. Table 2. Original and Proposed Categories of Expenditures and Associated Financing Expenditure Current Proposed Proposed Original Category Revised Category Financed Financing (SDR) Financing (SDR) difference (%) CS Gds OC Tng Wksp Gds NCS CS OC Tng 1,270,000 5,270,000 4,000,000 100 Pt 1&3 Wksp Pt 1&3 Gds Wrks NCS CS OC - 19,180,000 15,180,000 -4,000,000 100 Tng Wksp Pt 2 PPF REFINANCING - 550,000 550,000 - Amount payable pursuant to Section 2.07 of the General Condition Total: IDA D4030 21,000,000 21,000,000 100 CS=Consulting Services, Gds=Goods, OC=Operating Costs, NCS=Non-consulting Services, Tng=Training, Wrks=Works, Wksp=Workshop, PPF=Project Preparation Facility, Pt=Part/Component 16. Overall implementation risks. Implementation risk is currently rated High, but is proposed to be reduced to Substantial as a result of this second restructuring. Political and governance risks are reduced from High to Substantial. Institutional Capacity for Implementation and Sustainability is reduced from High to Substantial. Sector strategies and policies is reduced from Substantial to Moderate. Stakeholder risks are also reduced from Substantial to Moderate. Substantial residual risks remain under macroeconomic and fiduciary risks. Overall, the decrease in residual risk ratings The World Bank TV: Telecommunications and ICT Development Project (P159395) reflects the strong implementation progress which has been achieved since April 2023 and the impact of high intensity technical and implementation support from the WB task team. Political, governance and stakeholder risks are reduced following the change in project design and dropping the PPP transaction. These ratings will be further assessed at the next implementation support mission and the residual risk ratings may be lowered further if positive momentum is maintained. 17. Legal Covenants. The deadline to carry out a Mid-term review will also be revised from not later than November 30, 2023 to not later than August 31, 2024 (Section II.A.2 of Schedule 2). The Recipient will also make amendments to its Cooperation Agreement between the Minister of Justice, Communications and Foreign Affairs (MJCFA) and TTC that was signed August 1, 2023 setting out TTC’s responsibility for implementing Part 2 of the Project and reflecting the proposed Project closing date of December 1, 2025. 18. Institutional arrangements. The institutional arrangements will be revised to make TTC the implementing agency responsible for subcomponent 2A. TTC will continue to be the implementing agency responsible for implementing subcomponent 2B. MJCFA will retain responsibility for the implementation of the other Project components and will continue to have overall responsibility for the implementation of this Project. The CPMO, established on June 1, 2021 within the MOF, will remain responsible for providing advisory and technical support on Project implementation to the PMU on an as-needed basis, including on project management, procurement, financial management, social and environmental management, monitoring and evaluation, outreach and communications. The acting Director for the CMPO will continue as Project manager on an interim basis until a permanent PMU is established in MJCFA. An implementation unit will also be established within TTC to support the implementation of component 2. The CPMO will also continue to provide fiduciary support to MJCFA and TTC consistent with its role and responsibilities for the WB- funded program in Tuvalu. 19. Implementation schedule. The implementation schedule will be revised to reflect the changed activities of the Project, and the proposed approximately 17-month extension period of this Restructuring. III. SUMMARY OF CHANGES Changed Not Changed Results Framework ✔ Components and Cost ✔ Loan Closing Date(s) ✔ Reallocation between Disbursement Categories ✔ Disbursements Arrangements ✔ Disbursement Estimates ✔ Overall Risk Rating ✔ Legal Covenants ✔ The World Bank TV: Telecommunications and ICT Development Project (P159395) Institutional Arrangements ✔ Implementation Schedule ✔ Implementing Agency ✔ DDO Status ✔ Project's Development Objectives ✔ PBCs ✔ Cancellations Proposed ✔ Safeguard Policies Triggered ✔ EA category ✔ Financial Management ✔ Procurement ✔ Other Change(s) ✔ Economic and Financial Analysis ✔ Technical Analysis ✔ Social Analysis ✔ Environmental Analysis ✔ IV. DETAILED CHANGE(S) OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_COMPONENTS_TABLE COMPONENTS Current Current Proposed Proposed Cost Action Component Name Component Name Cost (US$M) (US$M) 1.Technical Assistance 2.00 Revised 1.Enhancing Digital Services 6.90 2A. Enhancing Connectivity 2A. Enhancing Digital 23.50 Revised 18.00 Infrastructure (PPP) Infrastructure 3. Project Management 0.50 Revised 3. Project Management 1.10 2B. Enhancing Connectivity 2B. Enhancing Connectivity 3.00 No Change 3.00 Infrastructure (TTC) Infrastructure (TTC) TOTAL 29.00 29.00 The World Bank TV: Telecommunications and ICT Development Project (P159395) OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_LOANCLOSING_TABLE LOAN CLOSING DATE(S) Original Revised Proposed Proposed Deadline Ln/Cr/Tf Status Closing Closing(s) Closing for Withdrawal Applications IDA-D4030 Effective 29-Dec-2023 30-Jun-2024 01-Dec-2025 01-Apr-2026 OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_REALLOCATION _TABLE REALLOCATION BETWEEN DISBURSEMENT CATEGORIES Financing % Current Allocation Actuals + Committed Proposed Allocation (Type Total) Current Proposed IDA-D4030-001 | Currency: XDR iLap Category Sequence No: 1 Current Expenditure Category: Gds NCS CS OC Tng Wksp Pt 1&3 1,270,000.00 157,291.25 5,270,000.00 100.00 100.00 iLap Category Sequence No: 2 Current Expenditure Category: Gds wrks NCS CS OC Tng Wksp Pt 2 19,180,000.00 297,611.28 15,180,000.00 100.00 100.00 iLap Category Sequence No: 3 Current Expenditure Category: PPF REFINANCING 550,000.00 239,970.21 550,000.00 Total 21,000,000.00 694,872.74 21,000,000.00 OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_DISBURSEMENT_TABLE DISBURSEMENT ESTIMATES Change in Disbursement Estimates Yes Year Current Proposed 2019 409,000.00 409,425.00 2020 118,000.00 118,258.00 2021 159,000.00 158,720.00 The World Bank TV: Telecommunications and ICT Development Project (P159395) 2022 0.00 0.00 2023 100,000.00 48,025.00 2024 20,000,000.00 2,250,000.00 2025 8,214,000.00 5,750,000.00 2026 0.00 20,265,572.00 OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_SORT_TABLE SYSTEMATIC OPERATIONS RISK-RATING TOOL (SORT) Risk Category Rating at Approval Current Rating Political and Governance  Low  Substantial Macroeconomic  Moderate  Substantial Sector Strategies and Policies  Moderate  Moderate Technical Design of Project or Program  High  Moderate Institutional Capacity for Implementation and  High  Substantial Sustainability Fiduciary  Substantial  Substantial Environment and Social  Low  Low Stakeholders  Substantial  Moderate Other Overall  High  Substantial OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_LEGCOV_TABLE LEGAL COVENANTS Loan/Credit/TF Description Status Action The MCT shall maintain a Project Management Unit After delay complied IDA-D4030 (PMU) acceptable to the Association: FA Schedule 2, No Change with Section I B. The Recipient shall ensure that the Project is carried out in accordance with the Project Operational Manual IDA-D4030 Complied with No Change acceptable to the Association: FA Schedule 2, Section I D. The World Bank TV: Telecommunications and ICT Development Project (P159395) The Recipient shall carry out a Mid-term review by not later than November 30, 2023 (or such later date IDA-D4030 Not yet due Revised acceptable to the Association: FA Schedule 2, Section II.A.2. The Recipient shall carry out a Mid-term review by not later than August 31, 2024 (or such later date Proposed NYD acceptable to the Association: FA Schedule 2, Section . II.A.2. The World Bank TV: Telecommunications and ICT Development Project (P159395) . Results framework COUNTRY: Tuvalu TV: Telecommunications and ICT Development Project Project Development Objectives(s) The Project Development Objective is to facilitate improved access to, and reduced cost of, internet services in Tuvalu. Project Development Objective Indicators by Objectives/ Outcomes RESULT_FRAME_TBL_PDO Indicator Name PBC Baseline End Target Increase in access to internet services People provided with access to the Internet (CRI, Number) 2,800.00 6,500.00 Action: This indicator has been Revised People provided with access to the Internet - Female (CRI, 1,400.00 3,500.00 Number) Action: This indicator has been Revised Persons reporting internet use once per week (Number) 0.00 5,000.00 Action: This indicator has been Revised of which female (Number) 0.00 2,500.00 Rationale: Information on persons identifying improved internet services and gender disaggregated data is expected by the next Action: This indicator has been Revised implementation support mission. Broadband available on 8 inhabited Outer Islands (Yes/No) No Yes The World Bank TV: Telecommunications and ICT Development Project (P159395) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_PDO Indicator Name PBC Baseline End Target Action: This indicator is New Reduction in the price of internet services. Price of fixed internet service (US$/GB) (Amount(USD)) 26.00 3.50 Action: This indicator has been Revised Price of mobile internet services (GB) (Amount(USD)) 14.00 3.50 Action: This indicator has been Revised Project beneficiaries reporting satisfaction with improved internet services. Persons identifying improved internet services (Number) 0.00 3,000.00 Action: This indicator has been Revised of which female (Number) 0.00 1,500.00 Action: This indicator has been Revised PDO Table SPACE Intermediate Results Indicators by Components RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 1. Enhancing Digital Services (Action: This Component has been Revised) ICT Policy formulated and adopted (Yes/No) No Yes Action: This indicator has been Revised ICT regulatory framework developed and adoped No Yes (Yes/No) Action: This indicator has been Revised The World Bank TV: Telecommunications and ICT Development Project (P159395) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 Demand-side analysis completed (Yes/No) No Yes Action: This indicator has been Revised 2A. Enhancing Digital Infrastructure (Action: This Component has been Revised) Submarine cable contract negotiations completed No Yes (Yes/No) Action: This indicator is New Regulatory contract implemented between Govt No Yes and TTC (Yes/No) Action: This indicator is New Digital Tuvalu Office established (Yes/No) No Yes Action: This indicator is New Corporate governance and oversight of TTC No Yes improved (Yes/No) Action: This indicator is New In-service international bandwidth (Mbps) 50.00 1,750.00 (Number) Action: This indicator has been Revised Price of wholesale international internet 750.00 650.00 250.00 bandwidth (Amount(USD)) Action: This indicator has been Revised PPP transaction completed (Yes/No) No Yes Action: This indicator has been Marked for Deletion Length of optical fibre cable built (Kilometers) 0.00 500.00 1,000.00 The World Bank TV: Telecommunications and ICT Development Project (P159395) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 Action: This indicator has been Marked for Deletion Private capital mobilized as a percentage of total 0.00 10.00 capital mobilized (%) (Percentage) Action: This indicator has been Marked for Deletion 2B. Enhancing Connectivity Infrastructure (TTC) Availability of fiber services in the deployment 0.00 80.00 area (homes passed) (Percentage) Action: This indicator has been Revised Premises with a fiber connection (Percentage) 0.00 20.00 Action: This indicator has been Revised Number of people reached through digital literacy and skills programs (disaggregated by gender) 0.00 250.00 (Number) Action: This indicator has been Revised of which female (Number) 0.00 125.00 Action: This indicator has been Revised 3. Project Management Grievances responded and/or resolved within the 0.00 75.00 stipulated service standards (Percentage) Action: This indicator has been Revised IO Table SPACE The World Bank TV: Telecommunications and ICT Development Project (P159395) The World Bank TV: Telecommunications and ICT Development Project (P159395)