DCG. 79/340/01/21 13th December, 2021 The Executive Director Private Sector Foundation Uganda (PSFU) Kampala REPORT OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL ON THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF UGANDA SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (USDP-P145309) - PSFU COMPONENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 TH JUNE, 2021 I am enclosing herewith a report which I have already sent to the Rt. Hon. Speaker of Parliament in accordance with Article 163 (4) of the Constitution of Uganda 1995 (as amended). John F. S. Muwanga AUDITOR GENERAL Copy to: The Inspector General of Government, Kampala The Hon. Minister of Ethics & Integrity The Permanent Secretary/Secretary to the Treasury Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development International Development Association - IDA Financial Management Specialist - USDP - PSFU The Project Coordinator - USDP - PSFU rA THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA REPORT OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL ON THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE UGANDA SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (USDP) - PSFU COMPONENT (IDA CREDIT 56120-UG - PROJECT ID P145309) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE 2021 OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL UGANDA TABLE OF CONTENTS T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S ....................... ........................................................................... ........... L IS T O F A C RON Y M S ............................................................................................................................. 2 REPORT OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL ON THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE UGANDA SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (USDP) - PSFU COMPONENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 301H J U N E , 2 0 2 1 ........................ ................................................................................................................... 3 O p in io n .................................................................................. .................................. ..............................3 Bas is for rOpin io n ................................................................................................................................... 3 K e y A u d it M a tte r ................................................................................................................................... 3 * Im plem entation of the A pproved Budget..................................................................................4 O th e r In fo rm a tio n ................................................................................................................................. 7 Management Responsibilities for the Financial Statements .........................................................7 Auditor's Responsibilities for the audit of the Financial Statements.............................................8 O th e r R e p o rtin g R es p o n sib ilitiessl........................................................................................... ...........9 Appendix 1: Implementation of Planned Out-puts/Activities......................................................o 1 LIST OF ACRONYMS Acronym Meaning BEC Budget Execution Circular Bn Billion GoU Government of Uganda IDA International Development Association INTOSAI International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions ISSAIs International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions MDAs Ministries, Departments and Agencies MoFPED Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development OAG Office of the Auditor General PAD Project Appraisal Document PFMA Public Finance Management Act, 2015 PFMR Public Finance Management Regulations, 2016 PPDA Public Procurement & Disposal of Public Assets PS/ST Permanent Secretary / Secretary to the Treasury PSC Project Steering Committee PSFU Public Sector Foundation Uganda SDF Skills Development Facility SOPs Standard Operating Procedures TI Treasury Instructions, 2017 UCF Uganda Consolidated Fund UGX Uganda Shilling USD United States Dollar USDP Uganda Skills Development Project WB World Bank 2 REPORT OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL ON THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE UGANDA SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (USDP) - PSFU COMPONENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE, 2021 THE RT. HON. SPEAKER OF PARLIAMENT Opinion I have audited the accompanying financial statements of Uganda Skills Development Project (USDP) - PSFU Component which comprise the statement of Financial Position as at 30th June 2021, and the Statement of Financial Performance, Statement of Changes in Equity and Statement of Cash Flows together with other accompanying statements for the year then ended, and notes to the financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies. In my opinion, the financial statements of Uganda Skills Development Project (USDP) - PSFU Component for the year ended 30th June 2021 are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with Section 51 of the Public Finance Management Act, 2015 and the Financial Reporting Guide, 2018, the Financing agreement and the World Bank guidelines. Basis for Opinion I conducted my audit in accordance with International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs). My responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements section of my report. I am independent of the Project in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, 1995 (as amended), the National Audit Act, 2008, the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) Code of Ethics, the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA) Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (Parts A and B) and other independence requirements applicable to performing audits of Financial Statements in Uganda. I have fulfilled my other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the IESBA Code, and in accordance with other ethical requirements applicable to performing audits in Uganda. I believe that the audit evidence I have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for my opinion. Key Audit Matter Key audit matters are those matters that, in my professional judgment, were of most significance in my audit of the financial statements of the current period. These matters were addressed in the context of my audit of the financial statements as a whole, and in forming my opinion thereon, and-I do not provide a separate opinion on these matters. I have determined the matter described below to be the key audit matter communicated in my report. * Implementation of the Approved Budget On the 24th of April 2020, Parliament approved the annual budget for MDAs and LGs that contained the specific resource envelope allocated to each vote to implement agreed on outputs. Subsequently, the PS/ST issued a Budget Execution Circular that communicated the budget strategy, policy, and administrative issues to guide the budget implementation for the financial year 2020/2021. I am aware that the Covid-19 Pandemic continues to significantly affect the implementation of several activities. Consequently, a number of activities were not implemented due to budget cuts and lockdown measures instituted to control the spread of the pandemic. It is against this background that the implementation of the budget was again considered a key audit area during the office-wide planning for the current audit year. Uganda Skills Development Project/Private Sector Foundation Uganda is mandated to implement Component 3 of Skilling Uganda Strategy by providing employer-led short term training and recognition of prior learning. This is intended to improve productivity and competitiveness in the formal and informal sectors. To achieve this mandate, the Private Sector Foundation Uganda through Skills Development Facility planned to implement several recurrent and development deliverables under various programs. A review of the budget revealed that the Project had an approved budget of UGX.25.4Bn of which UGX.21.8Bn was released in addition -tothe peni bal-nce of 8.8Bff.-The Tabletelowshows a summary of key deliverables of the Project for the financial year 2020/21 Table showing key deliverables for USDP-PSFU for the year Sn Amount Spent Cumulative Details (Billions) percentage Actual Expenditure 1 Addressing skills shortages in formal 7.5 30% sector Window 1 2 Informal Sector and ]ua khali (Window 2) 6.2 56% 3 Window 3 Innovative skills training 2.7 67% 4 Window 4 Recognition of prior learning 5.1 87.20/ 5 Grants Committee operations 2.0 96% 6 Technical Support 1.1 100% 24.6 The Project planned to achieve its deliverables through implementation of seven (7) outputs with a budget of UGX 25.4 Bn. I reviewed all the six (6) outputs worth UGX.24.6Bn, representing 100% of the total budget. 4 From the procedures undertaken, I noted the following: No Observation Recommendation Achievement of Project Development Objectives The Uganda Skills Development Project (USDP) was formulated I advised the Executive to support implementation of the Skilling Uganda Strategy Director to implement which was lauched in 2012 by the GOU to address the appropriate mitigation prevailing skills imbalances and shortages in Uganda. The PSFU measures to improve on component of the project which is called Skills Development project implementation Facility (SDF) has a total project budget of USD.21.8million speed so as to achieve including operational costs for the entire lifespan of the project. all the planned targets in The component has 4 funding windows as listed below; the remaining Project * Window 1: Skills shortages in the formal sector; period. * Window 2: Skills shortages in informal sector. MSEs, Jua Khali; * Window 3: Innovative training and * Window 4: Recognition of Prior Learning. The SDF is implemented through a Grants Facility mechanism that is co-financed by the private sector through a matching grant contribution, and support training activities that lead to improved productivity and competitiveness in the formal and informal sectors. A review of the USDP-SDF Annual Report for the FY 2020/21 showed that SDF was performing well on most of the parameters and is likely to achieve the Project Development Objectives (PDO) as well as intermediate result-level targets. Despite the positive progress in achievement of project target results, I noted that the Project has made cummulative disbursements of USD. 15,345,592 against cummulative commitments of USD. 17,617,457 representing 87% performance. The table below refers; Grants Disbursement status - Amounts in USD Windows Project Curnulativ Cumulative Outstan 0/0 age Budget e disbursemen ding total commitme ts commit commitmei nts ments s Window 1 6,500,000 5,686,842 4,819,368 867,174 15.3% Window 2 7,000,000 7,003,615 6,365,418 638,167 9.1% Window 3 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,057,771 112,226 17.7% Window 4 2,000,000 2,127,000 2,103,002 323,998 13.3% Total 18,000,000 17,617,157 15,315,592 2,271,86 12.9% Source: USDP-SDF Annual Report 2020/21 Given the limited time remaining to project closure (December 2021), there is a risk that the project targets and overall objective may not be fully achieved. The Executive Director explained that SDF has put in place measures to mitigate implementation challenges and that all 5 project results will be achieved by end of December 2021. He however indicated that payments against commitments may continue for four months after project end, in-line with Financing Agreement. 1.2 Funding of the project I advised the Executive I reviewed the funding estimates from IDA for the financial year Director to ensure all 2020/2021 and noted that USDP-PSFU budgeted to receive UGX.25.4 activities are implemented billion during the year under review. UGX.21.8 billion was received in on time since funds were addition to the opening balance of UGX.8.8 billion. available. I noted that the project had sufficient funds to fund its budget for the year under review. 1.3 Absorption of funds Out of the total available funds of UGX.30.75Bn for the financial year, I advised the Executive UGX. 24.6Bn was spent by the Project resulting into an unspent Director to ensure that balance of UGX.6.14 Bn representing an absorption level of 80%. outstanding activities are implemented before the Actual Actual end of the project. Petals (UGX) (USD) Income -Multi-lateral 21,859,985,261 6,102,573 Development partners -(IDA) 2189,8,61 610,7 Opening fund reserves 8,887,103,125 2,386,145 Available Funds 30,747,088,386 8,488,718 Tcal operating expense 21,607,179,650 6,763,574 Cpsh at bank/Closing 6,139,908,736 1,725,144 Fund reserve Under absorption of released funds resulted in non-implementation of the planned activities outlined below; 1. Industrial visits for VTI and Centres of Excellence to Inter host institutions for collaboration synergies 2. Disbursement of funds to grantees (Call 1 & 2) 3. Capacity building for New grantees (Record keeping/financial, social, Health and safety, M&E, digital skills, soft skills and marketing) The Executive Director promised to ensure that the outstanding activities will be implemented before the end of the project. 1.4 Quantification of outputs/activities Section 13 (15, b) of the PFMA 2015 states that a policy statement submitted by a vote shall contain the annual and three months' work I commended the Executive plans, outputs, targets and performance indicators of the work plans. Director for the good Regulation 11 (3) of PFMR 2016 requires that a vote prepares a work practice of ensuring that plan that indicates the outputs of the vote for the financial year; the outputs and activities are indicators to be used to gauge the performance of the outputs and properly quantified. funds allocated to each activity. To assess the performance of an output, all activities supporting the output must be quantified. I reviewed the extent of quantification of outputs and activities for a sample of seven (7) outputs with a total of twenty nine (29) activities and expenditure of UGX.24.6Bn and noted the following; All the seven (7) outputs with a total of twenty nine (29) activities and expenditure of UGX.21.6Bn that is, all the twenty nine (29) activities (100%) within these out-puts were clearly quantified to enable assessment of performance. 6 The Executive Director acknowledged the commendation and promised to continue to ensure that outputs and activities are quantified. 1.5 Implementation of Quantified outputs I assessed the implementation of six (6) outputs that were fully quantified with a total of twenty nine (29) activities worth UGX.24.6Bn I advised the Executive and noted the following: Director to ensure timely Two (2) outputs with a total of three (3) activities worth delivery of all planned UGX.7.8Bn were fully implemented. The Project implemented all outputs and project the three (3) activities (100%) within these outputs. objectives. Five (5) outputs with a total of twenty six (26) activities worth UGX.16.8Bn were partially implemented. Out of the twenty six (26) activities, the Project fully implemented sixteen (16) activities (62%), the Project partially implemented eight (8) activities (30%), while two (2) activities (8%) remained unimplemented. Non-implementation of planned activities implies that the expected services to the beneficiary communities were not attained. For example, the Project did not implement the following planned activities despite having received the required funds. 1- complete disbursement of funds to all planned Grants, Monitoring and supervision of all internship placements, 2- Payment of individual external evaluators to undertake due diligence of selected grant applications. Details in Appendix 1 The Executive Director promised to ensure timely delivery of all project planned outputs and project objectives. Other Information The Executive Director is responsible for the other information. The other information comprises the statement of responsibilities of the Executive Director and the commentaries by the Head of Accounts and the Executive Director, and other supplementary information. The other information does not include the financial statements and my auditors' report thereon. My opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and I do not express an audit opinion or any form of assurance conclusion thereon. In connection with my audit of the financial statements, my responsibility is to read the other information and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially consistent with the financial statements or my knowledge obtained in the audit, or otherwise appears to be materially misstated. If, based on the work I have performed, I conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information; I am required to report that fact. I have nothing to report in this regard. Management Responsibilities for the Financial Statements Under Article 164 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, 1995 (as amended) and Section 45 of the Public Finance Management Act, 2015, the Executive Director is accountable to Parliament for the funds and resources of Uganda Skills Development Project (USDP) - PSFU component. 7 The Executive Director is also responsible for the preparation of financial statements in accordance with the requirements of the Public Finance Management Act 2015, and the World Bank Financial Guidelines, and for such internal control as management determines necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatements whether due to fraud or error. In preparing the financial statements, the Executive Director is responsible for assessing the Project's ability to continue delivering its mandate, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to the delivery of the Project development objective, and using the World Bank Financial guidelines unless the Executive Director has a realistic alternative to the contrary. The Executive Director is responsible for overseeing the Project's financial reporting process. Auditor's Responsibilities for the audit of the Financial Statements My objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor's report that includes my opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISSAIs will always detect a material misstatement, when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users, taken on the basis of these financial statements. As part of an audit in accordance with ISSAls, I exercise professional judgement and maintain professional scepticism throughout the audit. I also:- * Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for my opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control. * Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Project's internal control. * Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by the Project management. * Conclude on the appropriateness of management's use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the project's ability to deliver its Project development objective. * Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, including the disclosures, and whether the financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation. 8 I communicate with the Executive Director regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that I identify during my audit. I also provide the Executive Director with a statement that I have complied with relevant ethical requirements regarding independence, and to communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on my independence, and where applicable, related safeguards. From the matters communicated with the Executive Director, I determine those matters that were of most significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current period and are therefore the key audit matters. I describe these matters in my auditor's report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, I determine that a matter should not be communicated in my report because the adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication. Other Reporting Responsibilities In accordance with Section 19 (1) of the National Audit Act, 2008, I report to you, based on my work described on the audit of Financial Statements, that; except for the matters raised in compliance with legislation section below, and whose effect has been considered in forming my opinion on financial statements, the activities, financial transactions and information reflected in the financial statements that have come to my notice during the audit, are in all material respects, in compliance with the authorities which govern them. John F.S. Muwanga AUDITOR GENERAL 13th December, 2021 9 Appendix 1: Implementation of Planned Out-puts/Activities Output Activities Planned Budgeted Amount Spent Achieved Varian Audit Audit Target amount (UGX) (UGX) Target ce conclusion Comment for the by Fully, partially, Financial Financial or Not year year end implemented @ annual perform ance report (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) G= (F-C) Addressing Orientation and award of 2 3 Fully N/A skills Grants 5,830,694,460 7,488,077,326 1 Implemented shortages in Disbursement of Funds to 218 244 Fully N/A formal grantees 26 Implemented Window 1 Monitoring and supervision 268 187 Partially Under of grantees (81) Implemented performed Progress/experience 117 0 Partially Under sharing meetings for (117) Implemented performed lessons, collaboration and synergies Subsidies to Awareness to potential 50 46 Partially Under private private enterprises to (4) Implemented performed enterprises prospective companies to to increase host internships number of Grants Committee 3 3 Fully interns Approval - Implemented Disbursement of funds 27 14 Partially Under (13) Implemented performed Monitoring and supervision 1000 578 Partially Under of internship placements (422) Implemented performed Industrial visits for VTI 20 0 Not Under and CoE to Inter host (20) Implemented performed institutions for collaboration synergies Informal Disbursement of funds to 429 410 Partially Under Sector and grantees (Call 1 & 2) 4,548,146,252 6,164,157,740 (19) Implemented performed Jua khali Orientation of Grantees & 160 160 Fully (Window 2) award of Grants - Implemented Capacity building for New 160 0 Not Under grantees (Record (160) Implemented performed keeping/financial, social, Health and safety, M&E, digital skills, soft skills and marketing) GASA suport to Grants 13 13 Fully N/A process (Application, - Implemented screening, feedback and monitoring) across the 4 Windows Window 3 Disbursement to 16 16 16 Fully N/A Innovative Grantees 5,361,289,560 2,664,344,295 - Implemented skills training Orientation Grantees and 25 32 Fully N/A signing of grants 7 Implemented Window 4 Disbursements for the 10 10 Fully N/A Recognition awarded 10 Grantees 5,763,868,560 5,145,953,621 - Implemented of prior learning Grants Staff Salary and benefit is 15 Fully N/A Committee 2,395,519,587 2,034,956,089 - Implemented operations Grants Approval 6 7 Fully N/A Committee meetings 1 Implemented Grants Approval 2 1 Partially N/A Committee monitoring (1) Implemented visits Stakeholder awareness 1 1 Fully N/A creation - Implemented Field visits/supervision 36 42 Fully N/A visits 6 Implemented SDF office running & 1 1 Fully N/A administration costs - Implemented PSFU institutional fees. 1 1 Fully N/A - Implemented Technical Impact study (Window 1 & 1 1 Fully N/A Support 2) Consultant (Lump sum) 1,471,247,250 1,098,820,806 - Implemented Follow on Impact study for 1 1 Fully N/A W3 & W4) - Implemented Payment for renewed 4 4 Fully N/A contract for M&E - Implemented consultancy (Lump sum contract) Payment for short term 4 4 Fully N/A consultancies - Implemented (Communication Specialist, Environmental Specialist, M&E and Internal Auditor) Final Payment of 1 1 Fully N/A Management Information - Implemented System and extension of contract Payment of individual 400 284 Partially N/A external evaluators to (116) Implemented undertake due diligence of selected grpnt applications TOTAL 2991 25,373,765, 24,596,309, 2079 669 877 11 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) ACCOUNTS AND MANAGEMENT REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2021 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 GLOSSARY OF ABBREVIATION EAC - East African Community AM&RM - Activity Monitoring & Result Measurement BoU - Bank of Uganda BSFL - Black Soldiers Fly BTC - Belgium Technical Cooperation BTVET - Business Technical Vocational Education and Training CBO - Community Based Organization CNC - Computer Numeric Control CoE - Center of Excellence DA - Designated Account DIT - Directorate of Industrial Training DP - Development Partner ECITB - Engineering Construction Industrial Training Board FY - Financial Year GAC - Grants Approval Committee GASA - Grants Application Support Assistants GIZ - German Agency for International Cooperation GM[S - Grants M/lanagement Information System GoU - Government of Uganda GRM - Grievance Redress Mechanism HGV - Heavy Goods Vehicle ICE - Institute of Civil Engineering ICT - Information and Telecommunication Technology IDA - International Development Association IFRs - Interim Financial Reports M&E - Monitoring and Evaluation MIS - Management Information System MoES - Ministry of Education and Sports MoFPED - Ministry of Finance Planning & Economic Development MoU - Memorandum of Understanding MGLSD - Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development NCHE - National Council for -ligher Education NGO - Non-Government Organizations NOTU - National Organization of Trade Unions NPA - National Planning Authority OAG - Office of the Auditor General OPITO - Offshore Petroleum Industrial Training Organization UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 OVC - Orphans and Vulnerable Children PCU - Project Coordination Unit PSC - Project Steering Committee PSFU - Private Sector Foundation Uganda PWD - Persons With Disabilities SDF - Skills Development Facility SDR - Special Drawing Rights SOP - Standard Operating Procedures STC - Short Term Consultant TELS - Technical Education Learning System Ugx - Uganda Shillings UNBS - Uganda National Bureau of Standards USA - United States of America USD - United States Dollars USDP - Uganda Skills Development Project USSIA - Uganda Small Scale Industries Association VTI - Vocational and Training Institution WB - World Bank UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 Project Information 1-2 2.0 Project Management Report 2 2.1 Project background 2 2.2 Project scope 3 2.3 Governance 3-4 2.4 Funding windows 4-5 2.5 SDF Funding for the FY 2020/21 6 2.6 Performance Highlights for the FY ended 30 June 2021 6-19 3.0 Statement of Project Management Responsibilities 20 4.0 Financial Statements 21 4.1 Statement of Comprehensive Income 21 4.2 Statement of Financial Position 22 4.3 Statement of Cash Flows 23 4.4 IDA Designated Account Statement 24-25 4.5 Notes to the Financial Statements 26 - 29 Appedixl: Disbursements to grantees during FY2020/2 1 30-42 Appedix2: Undisbursed funds to grantees during FY2020/21 42-48 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 1.0 PROJECT INFORMATION Funders International Development Association 1818 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20433 United States of America Government of Uganda represented by NoFPED Plot 2-12 Apollo Kaggwa Road P.O. Box 8147 Kampala, Uganda Office and Place of Business Private Sector Foundation Uganda SDF Coordination Unit Plot 43, Nakasero Road, P.O Box 7683, Kampala Tel: 0312263850 Email: sdFisdfuianda.ore Website: \ .Wy,vscl futanda.or PSFU Project Coordination Unit team Francis Kisirinya - Ag.Executive Director Ruth Biyinzika Musoke - Hcad-SDF/Project Manager Dr. Edith Kakuba Nalyati - Senior Grant Specialist/Ass.Grants Manager(left) Elijah Tugume - Financial Management Specialist Robert Musana - Procurement Specialist Loy Kabuuka Nakabugo - Project Administrator Timothy Luyombo - Project Accountant Fredrick Nabbimba - Grant Specialist Fredrick Mugisa - Grant Specialist Mary Kajumba Violet - Grant Specialist Jane Clare Naddamba - Procurement Officer Edgar Byarugaba - Accounts Assistant Henry Sewagudde - Accounts Assistant(Left) Daniel MIugoya - Client Relations Officer Fred Bawunha - Internal Auditor(STC) Julius Byenkya Atwooki - Social Safeguard Specialist(STC) Esther Nabukeera Sempiira - M&E Technical Advisor(STC) UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 1.0 PROJECT INFORMATION - (cont'd) Bankers Bank of Uganda P.O. Box 7120 Kampala, Uganda Auditors: Office of the Auditor General Apollo Kagwa Road Plot 2C P.O Box 7083 Kampala 2.0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT REPORT The Management of the Skills Development Facility (SDF) at Private Sector Foundation Uganda (PSFU) presents its Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 30th June 2021. 2.1 Project Background The Uganda Skills Development Project (USDP) is a US $100 million, five year Government of Uganda (GoU) Project financed under IDA credit Number 5612-UG. The project realised exchange gain of US$1.42 Million as shown in the table below; Component Implementing Allocation Allocation Allocation Exchange Agency in SDR in US S in US S difference(gaiin) (Million) (Million) (Million) as USS(Million) at 30"' Ju ne 2021 1. Institutionalizing Minl of 15.32 21.55 21.85 0.30 systemic reforms in Education & skills development Sports 2. Improving Quality Min of 39.81 55.97 56.79 0.82 and Relevance of Education & Skills Sports Development 3. Employer-led PSFU / Min of 12.51 17.60 17.84 0.24 short-term training Finance and recognition of Planning & prior learning c Econ Devt 4. Project PSFU / Min of 3.46 4.88 4.94 0.06 Management, Finance Monitoring and Plain Evaluation &Econ Devt 5. Unallocated All 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 71.10 100.00 101.42 1.42 Exchange rate as at 30t" June 202 1, SDRl.0=USD 1.42642000 2 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 2.2 Project scope Uganda Skills Development Project (USDP) supports the implementation of the Skilling Uganda strategy and its focus is on supporting the design of an initial set of reforms that will set the foundation for transforming skills development in the country, and targeting the investment program on meeting the skills needs of priority sectors ie Agriculture, construction, Manufacturing, Transport & Logistics, ICT, and Tourism & Hospitality. The project supports systemic reforms targeted at making the skills development system in the country more efficient and effective. The project's focus is on improving quality and relevance of skills training in specific training institutions and also lay the foundations for scaling up interventions across institutions that provide training for the target sectors. Secondly, the project creates a scalable model for high quality and market - relevant vocational and technical training which can be replicated across different sectors. The model comprises establishing Centers of Excellence (CoE) with a network of vocational institutions (with well-prepared students; well-trained faculty; high quality, relevant curricula; adequate facilities and equipment; teaching resources and assessment systems), an institutional framework that encompasses sectoral skills councils that assess needs and develop occupational standards with employer representation at every level (national, sectoral and institutional), reliable information systems and a re-branding of the image of Business Technical Vocational Education and Training( BTVET )vis a vis students and employers. It supports the delivery of short-term training for workers in the formal and informal sectors to address acute skills shortages that strengthen the competitiveness of the private sector, and which can also be scaled up. 2.3 Governance The Project Steering Committee (PSC) The PSC is in place and provides policy/strategic guidance and oversight. It receives and takes action on reports from the Grant Approval Committee. The PSC provides a mechanism for GoU to plan and effectively monitor USDP implementation towards attainment of the project development objective of enhance the capacity of institutions to deliver high quality, demand-driven training programs in target sectors. The Permanent Secretary/Secretary to Treasury of the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development acts as the Chairman of the Steering Committee, while the USDP PCU, MoES act as the Secretariat of the Project Steering Committee. The PSC meets quarterly to review project implementation progress Grants Approval committee (GAC) (include GAC representation) A private sector dominated GAC is in place, it was appointed by the Permanent Secretary of the MoFPED, The committee roles under SDF include provision of required oversight of implementation of all the activities under Component 3 of the JSDP. Accordingly, the Grant Committee ensures efficient and acknowledged -J UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 instrument for strengthening the skills and competence base of the Ugandan labor force, hereby making the Uganda Private Sector more competitive and improving access to gainful employment. GAC comprise of thirteen member (13), nominated fron government ministries such as finance, trade, agriculture, education, development partners and the private sector. The members of the Committee undertake their responsibility with due care and integrity. Committee members are drawn from both the public and private with representation sematic areas of manufacturing, construction and agriculture. Project Coordination and Implementation arrangement The Project is implemented through two agencies in GoU, i.e MoES and the MoFPED.(i) The MoES is responsible for the implementation of Components 1, 2 and 4 through a Project Coordination Unit (PCUl) accountable to the MoES, whose organization, staffing, attributions and responsibilities are fully described further down; and (ii) The MoFPED is responsible for the implementation of Components 3 and 4 through the Private Sector Foundation Uganda (PSFU) and supported by a Project Coordination Unit (PCU2). Project Coordination Unit (PCU2), under PSFU's technical and fiduciary oversight, aims to serve as the operational base for Skills Development Facility, the Grants Committee and other related bodies. It consists various technical units (Procurement Disposal Unit, Internal Audit, Financial Management Unit and others as relevant. The PCU is accountable to the Permanent Secretary of the MoFPED. 2.4 Funding Windows SDF has four windows that target various categories of beneficiaries in formal and informal sectors. Funding modalities and key eligible activities for each window are highlighted in table below: Funding windows Window Target Highlights of eligible activities Grant contribution beneficiaries Window 1: Small, Medium and - Practical & Technical training Ceiling: US$ 250,000 Skills shortages large enterprises", programs Up to 80% (Small and in the formal including increased - Apprenticeship & internship Medium companies) sector. access to internships Up to 50%(Large companies) Up to 100% ( Internship) Window 2: Self-employed, - Short and medium-term Ceiling: US$ 50,000. Skills shortages workers and upgrading practical and US$ 100,000 for National in informal apprentices in the Technical training programs umbrella organisations sector. informal (Jua khali) -Short basic entrepreneurship, Up to 90% Grant contribution MSEs, Jua sector, master management and IT (The 10% contribution of Khali craftsmen, micro - Teaching skills for Craftsmen beneficiary can be in kind) and small &Staff of association 4 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 Window Target Highlights of eligible activities Grant contribution beneficiaries enterprises and - Training tools members of cooperatives and associations Window 3: - Public or Private - Development of learning and Ceiling: US$ 350,000 Innovative Training institutes assessment materials Up to 75% training*2 - Companies that Curriculum development (The 25% contributed by the have independent - Equipment, tools and applicant) training wings instruction materials, - minor infrastructure development Window 4: -Private Sector / Selection of test centres for Ceiling: US$ 300,000 Recognition of Industry accreditation; Training of Up to 90% prior learning organisations assessors and supervisors; (The 10% contributed by the - Trade Unions Training of (selected) trainers; applicant) - Informal sector Development of test material; associations Development of curricula and - Training learning materials; EqUipment institutions for testing purposes for accredited test centres; Assistance to further develop the Worker's PAS system Notes: *I Small Enterprises: Operating with less than 50 employees and below 360 m7illion annual turnover, AIedium enterprises: Between 50 and 100 employees. Annual turnover or assets between UGX 360 million and UGX 30 billion; and Large enterprises: Afore than 100 employees and an annual turnover or assets exceeding UGX30 billion. *2 Innovative training: Training proaramS or training concepts can be innovative in several ways. They may either cater/fbr groups that have not been cateredfbr befbre, the mode of training may be new in a Ugandan context, it may be based on new models in financing, e.g. through income-generation or partnerships between the training provider and a company, or the actual content of the training may be novel and be aligned to technological advancement of a product. The Facility initially focused on three sectors: Agriculture; Construction; and Manufacturing, including auto mechanics. Later on, with consultation with the Grants Committee and Mid Term Review Mission Team and approval, three additional sectors were considered for support by these are: Transport and Logistics, Information and Communication Technology (ICT); and Tourism and Hospitality 5 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 2.5 Skills Development Facility Funding for the FY 2020/21 The opening balance was US $2,386,145 (Ugx.8,887,103,125). In addition, SDF received US $6,100,000 (Ugx.22,181,142,913) from IDA during the FY2020/21. The designated account closing balance as at 30th June 2021 was US $1,725,554(Ugx.6,139,908,736). 2.6 Skills Development Facility (SDF) Performance Highlights for FY Ended 30"' June 2021 This section highlights and discusses developments in the grant making process from I" July 2020 to 30"' June 2021. It reflects activities undertaken during the reporting period and cLimLlative progress on activities undertaken, challenges, lessons learnt and proposed mitigation meaSures. Highlights of Achievements to date: 1) To date, 882 grants awarded across the four (4) Windows as summarized in table 2.6.0 below 2) A total of $15.3 Million (87%) disbursed to the grantees to reach a cumulative 79,837 trainee/beneficiaries. Of these 58,165 completed their skills training. 3) Certification of Products from 10 Companies by UNBS and other bodies as a result of SDF skilling and improved quality; several other companies have expressed the desire and submitted the request for certification to UNBS and other bodies. 4) Seven training institutions accredited to offer new/innovative training courses and international certification under as City and Guild. These 1nclude 5 Public (Kiryandongo, Nawanyago, Kibatsi, Iganga Technical Institutes and Nakawa Vocational Institute and two (2) private (Nile Vocational Institute & MAN/IZA Consult/USSIA). 5) Overall 753 collaborations have been established across the 4 Windows. These include 28 MoUs signed between CoES, VTls and companies hosting and employing interns. MolUs have been signed with training service providers, Institutions and companies that are involved in hosting of interns and training of grantees beneficiaries. 11,043 certilied under DIT across the four windows 6) Capacities of Grantees (institution staff, company employees) and their partners built for training, assessment, and certification. Other areas strengthened through, practical demonstration, provision of simplified accounts books, structLred training to mitigate against grantees capacity gaps identified 7) A notable contribution to Oil and Gas sub sector in Uganda under Window 3 and Window 4; where the supported institutions assessment and offer certification of trainees with national (DIT) and international bodies (City and Guild, OPITO, Cambridge, etc.) A total of 3830 trainees assessed and certified as artisans, craftsman, masonry, plumbing, electricians, Pipefitters, machine operators and Heavy Goods Vehicle Drivers among others are expected to seek jobs that benefit the sector. 8) 314 persons with disabilities and 741 trainees .n refugee areas involved in skilling (welding, bakery. phone repair and shoe making); enabling them to earn income, thus reduced vulnerability. Reached 15 organizations working with refugees. 6 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 9) Several benefits of the management and mitigation of environment, social, health and safety risks, including COVID-19, that have enhanced the outcomes of the project. Table 2.6.0: Summary of Grantees and Trainees (Beneficiaries) per Window Window Number Number Number of Number of Number of Project Life of of grants grants/completed beneficiaries beneficiaries that beneficiaries targeted awarded projects enrolled as per have so far targets grants grant awards completed training Window Formal 180 270 120 8,481 1,350 1 Sector 4,30 Internship 72 62 2793 2.323 1500 Window 2 250 514 441 56,217 43,959 25,000 Window 3 15 16 9 1,146 844 300 Window4 29 10 7 5,451 2.558 725 Total 474 882 639 79,837 58,165 28,875 The following activities were (lone during FY 2020/21. PROJECT MANAGEMENT PSFU Board of Directors The PSFU board continued to provide supervision oversight and guidance through regular consultations, meetings and feedback on the quarterly reports submitted by the SDF secretariat. Grants Approval Committee The Grants Approval Committee continued to provide the oversight role to the SDF Secretariat. Key activities include: 1) Approval of Grants award: to date 872 grantees awarded across the 4 windows, including 2) Provide feedback on reports from SDF Secretariat and quality assurance on the project managenent such as periodical visits to grantees before and after awarding. SDF Secretariat The SDF Secretariat that led and supported the SDF operations; including 31 staff and periodical consLIltants; that stIpported the implementation Procurement SDF procurement is done using the World Bank and Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Athority guidelines. The Competitiveness Enterprise Development Project (CEDP) contracts committee provides over site, approvals, and recommendations of the procurement process including (review of terms of reference, short listing bidding documents, reqUest for proposal and recommendations for contract awards or changes to the contract). During FY2020/21, activities carried out included: renewal of contracts for staff, consultants and filing of monthly procurement reports. Internal Audit: The project performed bi-annual internal audits as required by Project Operations Manial. The Internal Auditor also performed specific audit on SDF grantees. 7 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 SDF Management Information System (MIS) development A Grants Management Information System (GMIS) was developed to facilitate on-line grants applications process (submission of concepts and proposals, due diligence assessments and evaluation) across the 4 Windows. The system commenced in 2019 with Window 2 Call 2 application; where 1,417 (96%) applications were received on-line and only 55 (4%) were submitted as hard copies. All the subsequent calls used the system, which has demonstrated efficiency in the grants processing cycle. The system captures baseline information of the grantees application, while the routine M&E data is captured and analysed through the M&E web-based database hosted by Business Synergies. The M&E database captures the grantees beneficiaries' data (enrolled, ongoing training, completed and drop out; that can be clisaggregated by gender, district and Window). The M&E system is linked to the MIS and the summary data is portrayed on the dash-board. PROGRESS UNDER FUNDING WINDOWS INTERNSHIP PROGRAM SDF Internship program is in response to the government's Business, Technical, Vocational Education and Training (BTVET) strategy aimed at reducing the skills mismatch and ensuring that graduates are equipped with ready-to-work skills. It provides an opportunity for the instructors and students as well as the host companies to bridge the gap between the students' classroom theory and the actual work practices and hands-on experiences. The Internship combine short-term practical, technical and soft skills training on the-job learning for the students undertaking Diploma and Certificate programs in both public and private training institutions. The placement and training are completed under guided supervision and technical instruction for a period ranging from 1- 4 months. Summary of achievements under internship program: 1) A total of 72 companies/organizations received grants to host and provides hands-on internship training for 2,793 studcnts mainly from public institutions. The companies ensure that all the enrolled youth complete the placement. 2) Of these 2,323 have completed their internship training and the remaining expected to complete their placement by 30'' September 2021 3) Sixty two (62) companies that received grants complemented the implementation of the internship placement projects. Ten companies hosted 2-3 cohorts of interns, based on their request coupled with good performance. 4) About 72% of those who completed the internship progran were employed or started their own businesses; of thesel 7.3% were retained by the host companies, and 11.8% started their own businesses or enterprises. The retention is based on the skills acquired; attitude to work and behaviour during the placement as well as through the companies' recruitment processes. A combination of both the technical skills and soft skills is necessary for the retention of the Interns. 8 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 Benefits of the internship program: Real life work experiences that provides additional skills not taught at the institutions such as communication, self-management, mentoring, working on farms and teams * Students were able to share their knowledge with the institution workers, thus contributing to the companies labour, production and income. Interns set-up learning demonstration farms/sites that continued at the host institutions (e.g. mushroom at Mityana Agro Vet Institute and Chai seed gardens at Environmental and Conservation Agricultural Enhancement Uganda, in Mityana; 20 acres of trees planted by Nyabyeya students and 30 acres of rice and maize by Yumbe Interns at Delight Uganda in Nwoya I [nterns who acquired employment opportunities at the companies or partners organizations after the internship placement - Income to the host communities or businesses where the interns reside or hosted during the placement. * Collaboration and networking experiences of the host companies during SDF orientation, information sharing meetings and Skills fair WINDOW 1: FORMAL SECTOR SUPPORT TO COMPANIES This window targets skilling company employees, their suppliers and subcontractors to enhance their productivity, competitiveness and profitability. Funding is provided to co-operation activities between, on the one side, small enterprises, medium and large firms from the formal sector and, on the other training providers. Training is provided to a single employer with enough trainees or to several employers with similar training needs. The Company and the trainer define the content and duration of the training. The trainees are employees of the Company, or a Qroup of sub-contractors supplying goods or services to the company/companies, such as farmers, constructors. Summary of achievements to date: 1) Three (3) calls for applications made under this window 2) 270 companies have cumulatively been awarded compared to the project target of 180; the grant is in support of skilling the employees in modern or advance technical trades in order to meet international standards and competitions. o 120 have completed their skills projects and 114 are ongoing, some in the final stages of completing their projects. o 28 grants were deallocated due to poor performance in regard to accountabilities: while 8 grantees under Window I- call 3 sometime after the award declined the grants, citing they were small amounts compared to the skilling they desired. o 107 grantees under Window I call 3 continued to skill their company staff, subcontractors or suppliers. The effort was to first train Trainers of Trainees 9 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 (ToTs), who in turn are training workers, employees, associations., farmers, and others linked to the organisations for improved productivity. 3) A total of 14,230 employees and companies' suppliers' staff/employees have been enrolled for the skilling interventions. To date, 8,481 are reported to have completed the skilling program. Under Agriculture, manufacturing, mechanic and automobile repairs, Transport and Logistics, Tourism and Hospitality and Information, Communications and Technology (ICT). 4) Over 2,701 trainees have been assessed and certified by Directorate of Jidustrial Training (DIT). The DIT certificates are used as evidence and recognition of skills acquired and facilitate seeking promotion in the Companies or employment elsewhere within the country and beyond. 5) Over 1,490 new jobs have been created as a result of SDF intervention. In addition, some trained employees, the training beneficiaries are retained by the employers, while others started their own businesses or moved elsewhere for employment after acquiring additional competence and certification 6) Ten companies acquired UNBS and other bodies certification of their products resulting from the enhance capacity, increased productivity and improved quality of the products. WINDOW 2: SKILLS SUPPORT IN THE INFORMAL SECTOR (.JUA KHALI) The fragmented nature of the informal sector activities requires intermediary institutions such as trade associations of informal sector enterprises. cluster associations, registered co-operatives and NGOs are lead agencies in applying for the grant on behalf of members. Some applicants are national umbrella organization, on behalf of a number of chapters of the organization; such as National organizations of Trade Unions in Uganda (NOTU). Associations and business organizations seeking support from SDF under Window 2 are reqUired to satisfy the following: * The organization/association must have been in existence for at least 1 year * The beneficiaries of the skilling are self-employed micro enterprises or master craftsperson's' employees or apprentices * The training must be responsive to the training needs of the micro enterprises in acquisition of skills for increased productivity, employment, competitiveness and sustainability * The applicant must show how the training will lead to increased productivity and competitiveness * The support must strengthen the capacity of associations to cater for the interests of their members. The applying association/organization is required to identify a Skills trainer; may be a private or public vocational training institultion, but also NGOs/CBOs, business support agencies and advisory centers or rural technology facilities. The trainer must be accredited by MOES or a recognized body, with demonstrable capacity (knowledge, skill, practical experience, training facilities, and the necessary machines/tools, the most current technology) to provide the training 10 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 requested by the applicant. Trainees are assessed and certified majorly by the Directorate of Industrial Training (DIT). Summary of Achievements under this windows to date: Under this Window, two calls for applications were made in March 2017 and May 2019. A total of 514 organizations received grants to skill their members and selected community members in various skills and trades. A total of 441; representing 86% of the grantees completed the implementation of the skilling projects and majority of the remaining grantees are the final stages of completion, submission of accountability and reports, close out and reimbursement. The Window has cumulatively registered the following achievements: * US$ 676,943 realized as own-contribution by grantees in forms of training venue, land, office space, meals and trainee transport, among other things. * Over 56,217 individuals were enrolled to acquired skills under Window 2. These include 26,637 (47%) women, who are mostly engaged in agricultural and crafts cottage related activities. 18,046 (32%) Youth have been skilled; mainly engaged in welding, metal fabrication, -leather products making, bakery and agriculture trades. * 50,406 beneficiary trainees completed their skilling interventions in various skills program. This represents 90% of the total enrolment. The majority are in the agricultural and small cottage, home-based related skills. * The beneficiary organizations, the grantees are spread in 60% (n=94) of the districts in Uganda. Majority of them are in Kampala (38.8%; n=52) and Wakiso (21%; n=28) districts. SDF realized the disparity and in call 2, 14 new districts incliding Budaka, Bukwo, Bundibugyo, Buyende, ibanda. Kagadi, Kazo, Kyankwanzi, Madi-Okollo, Manafwa, Maracha, Moroto, Rubiriizi and Sironko benefitted. * 314 people with disabilities and 684 refugees have also been skilled in various trades such as welding, bakery, phone repair and shoe making; enable them to earn income and reduce vulnerability. Whereas all the grantees are expected to complete implementation of their skilling projects by 30"' September 2021, there has been an interruption in the implementation due to COVID-19 pandemic and lock down for the period May and June 2021. The observance of COVID-19 prevention SOPs have slowed down and some cases halted a number of project activities, including meetings, trainings and project monitoring and support to close out activities. The issue is about the reasonably big number of trainees involved in these activities. Some grantee staff or their family members fell sick, which also affected implementation of the activities. WINDOW 3 - INNOVATIVE TRAINING Window 3 deals with innovative skills training of private and autonomous public training institUtions, interested in developing new innovative models, new training concepts and new training programs in response to identified need. The training must be relevant to the labour market and able to attract reasonable number of qualified participants, with likelihood to 11 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 contribute to the country's economic development. The innovative training curriculum facilitate the trainees to acquire high demand skills. SDF has extended grants to 16 institutions for innovative training initiatives towards international standards and certifications; Ankole Western University, Africa Institute for Strategic Animal Resource Services and Development (AFRISA), Datamine Technical Business School, Kabasanda Technical Institute, Muni University, Q-Training, TEXTFAD Training Institute, Uganda Martyrs University, Delight Uganda Limited, Mbarara University of Science & Technology, Uganda Technical College Kichwamba, African College of Commerce & Technology, ISBAT University, Life Care Charity Kampala, Uganda Christian University and Uganda Freight Forwarders Association. Summary of Achievements under this window * 9 training curricula have been developed; 3 of them have been approved and 5 submitted to National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) for approval. * Capacity of 130 trainers/assessors in Universities and Technical Institutes enhanced; in turn 844 people trained on the new courses in various areas of welding & fabrication, plumbing, building, weaving among others * Bio fertilizer - a product of Black Soldier Fly (BSFL) lavae was developed by Uganda Martyrs University, as an alternative livestock feed. Rearing and stocking Lip of the larvae is ongoing. * 2 CNC technology machines for Kabasanda Technical Institute and Datarnine Technical Business School purchased from AMATROL USA to boost the innovative technical training - Technical Education Learning Systems (TELS). 12 Instructors from 6 Technical Institutions were trained and are expected to replicate the training in their institutions. As a result, Kabasanda Technical Institute received applications from Coca Cola and AZAM Millers to train their technicians in repairing the factory CNC machines. The Institute has also been earmarked as Centre of Excellence by the Ministry of Education. * 2 training mobile units purchased to enhance Q-Training's capacity. This enabled Q- Training to win a contract under Total E&P to train and certify 75 youth in 2G & 3G welding with OPITO and ECITB. 14 welding graduates placed for industrial internship with Bwendero Dairy Farm, Fabrication Systems Company and Victoria Engineering * AFRISA- 2 fish-ponds and a smoking kiln constructed and functional; with 159 trained on fish harvest and value addition. Manuals for catfish juvenile production systems, aquaponics, and pond-based aquaculture abd Fish value addition developed. * To-date own contribution both in-Kind and cash totaling Ugxl,988,812,376 comprising of Cash Ugx 885,009,559 and In-kind Ugx 1,103,802,817. Lessons learnt under Window 3 The following have been learnt Under this Window: 12 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 * The need for a dedicated team of staff (PSFU and grantees) for the success of such complicated project interventions * Public Private Partnerships are key for project success that should be harnessed for jobs creation for example the (PSFU/Aquafarm and AFRISA to implement the Makerere University/Afrisa innovation curriculum * Networks facilitate and ease business contact * Skilling programs should be geared towards job or enterprise creation; and with start- upi capital to trainees * Innovations aligned towards value addition are key WINDOW 4 - RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING (RPL) AND SKILLS CERTIFICATION Under this Window, SDF funds initiatives by Public, Private Sector Industries or organizations and Trade Unions interested in participating in the development of a system for certification of skills and competencies acquired through informal and non-formal means. It focLIses on construction, oil, gas and manufacturing sectors, which require highly qualified and specialized labour force. Aims at acquisition of accreditation status for private, public training institutes and certification of workers with national & International bodies like DIT, City & Guilds and ECITB and OPITO. SDF has extended grants to 10 organisations; Nawanyago Technical Institute. Kiryandongo Technical Institute, Nile Vocational Institute, Nakawa Vocational Training Institute, The Association of Principals of Technical &Vocational Institute of Uganda, Maganjo Institute of Career Education, Uganda Chamber of Mines & Petroleum/ SEAOWL, Mnamza Consulting/ Uganda Small Scale Industries Association, Safeway Right Way Consortium and Uganda Petroleum Institute Kigumba(UPIK). Summary of Achievements under this window * 7 institutions/organizations have completed their project activities (Safe Way Right Way, Uganda Chamber of Mines and Petroleum, Maganjo Institute of Career Education. Uganda Petroleum Institute Kigumba. Nakawa Vocational Training Institute, Kiryandongo Technical Institute, The Association Principles for Technical Vocational Institute of Uganda). * 4 institutions acquired accreditation with City & Guilds; these are Iganga, Kiryandongo, Nawanyago and Kibatsi Technical Institutes in a record time of 3 months. The Institutions offer International certification of students at subsidized costs from these bodies. They registered a total of 258 trainees for assessment and accreditation for Level 1 (56), Level 2 (25) and Proficiency level (177) for the June 2021 assessment and certification. * Nakawa Vocational Training Institute and Nile Vocational Institute received accreditation by ECITB * 130 instructors from all the 10 institutions/companies trained and certified; they will prepare trainees and support the assessment processes. 13 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 * 2284 trainees assessed and received DIT, ECTIB and OPITO certification * 175 drivers were retrained, assessed and certified under the EAC curriculum. They are all employed by various companies including Total, Bollore Logistics among others. Two HGV trucks purchased for Safe Way Right Way to train drivers. These were commissioned on 20th April 2021 by the State Minister for Investment, Hlonourable Evelyn Anite. * Maganjo Institute of Career Education established an online database www.1una.miananjoinstitute.com to assess, profile and promote certified masons. A total of 870 artisans and masons were assessed and certified. * 2 grantees (Safe Way Right Way and Maganjo Institute of Career Education received additional funds to train and certify more workers in their different occupational areas; including Heavy Goods Vehicles, Masonries and craftsmen. Continuity and Sustainability for Window 3 and 4 Interventions The following are pointers to the continuity and sustainability of the Window 4 training interventions; * The trainers/assessors in the training institutions whose capacity has been enhanced will be available for continued quality of training in the supported institutions. * Policies, health, safety and quality management systems established in the supported institutions that will enhance their quality training. * The implementation manuals, tools, materials and equipment acquired will continLe to be available in support of improving the quality of training and l management system. * The SDF skilling program paved way for new courses and Institutions are using these new courses and accreditation to promote and publicize their training program for increased enrolment for ICE, ECITB and City and Guild assessments and certifications. * All these have a multiplier effect, to propel continuity and sustainability. The trainers and institution managers are optimistic that the TVET curriculum reforms will go a long way in implementing the lessons learnt under SDF program. Lessons learnt under Window 4 * The need to review the TVET policy to enhance and ensure a vibrant practical skills training system * International certification is critical in the Oil & Gas given the high standard of the industry. With more international accredited institutions locally, it is likely to reduce the cost of certification. * More local workers will have a chance to be employed in the industry, with the certification as evidence of more value of the skills acquired. SDF Contribution to the Oil and Gas sub-sector SDF skilling is making a notable contribution to the Oil and Gas sub sector in Uganda. Institutions sLIpported under Window 3 and Window 4 for assessment and certification of trainees with national (DIT) and international bodies (City & Guild, OPITO, ECITB, American Welding 14 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 Society (A WS) and Cambridge Internaional); provide skills training relevant to Oil & Gas sub- sector. These are expected to reduce the cost of assessment for international certification. SDF's Support for Vulnerable Groups (Women, Youth, PWDs and Refugees) Women Social risk review and assessment of the SDF skilling program and response interventions to ensure GBV and other forms of violation of rights of women are more effectively managed during the skilling activities. A reasonable number of women (26,637 = 47%) reached under Window 2; that are mostly engaged in agricultural and crafts cottage related activities. Youth 18,046 youth have been skilled, accounting for 32% of Window 2 beneficiaries and are mainly engaged in welding, metal fabrication, leather products making, bakery and Agriculture trades, as well as the internship program under Window I reaching. PWDs * 314 persons with disabilities have been equipped with skills (welding, bakery, phone repair and shoe making); enabling them to earn income, thus reduced vulnerability SDF interventions among the refugee communities SDF recognises refugees that face problems of poverty, joblessness, crime, violence, and other economic challenges. Interventions include: * 15 organizations/companies operating in refugee hosting districts and communities provided skilling activities; Arua, Isingiro, Kamwenge, Kiryandongo, Yumbe, Mbarara and Kibale districts and Rwamwanja congelese refugee settlement in Mbarara. * A total of 741 trainees were skilled in making products such as cooking stoves, box cases, chairs etc.); that they sell to earn income. Grantees Capacity Building: The capacity building of grantees has far-reaching benefits in regard to the implementation of the skilling projects and the organizations' improved management practices, productivity, continuity and sustainability. SDF has built capacity of grantees across the four Windows in various skills gaps identified before and during implementation and monitoring. These include records keeping for accountability, monitoring and reporting. Other aspects include digital skills, entrepreneurship, marketing, governance/leadership, communication and Interpersonal skills. Capacity building is done at the following stages: Collaboration, Partnerships and Networks * Overall 753 collaborations have been established across the 4 Windows. These include 28 MoUs signed between CoES, VTIs and companies hosting and employing interns. MoUs have been signed with training service providers, Institutions and companies that host interns and the training of grantees beneficiaries. * SDF Grants to Government Vocational Institutions such as Kabasanda and Nakawa Vocational Institutes under Window 3 and Window 4 respectively. Public and Private Universities have benefited from the granting process. Kabasanda has been earmarked as a Centre of Excellence after SDF skilling support under Window 3. 15 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 * SDF prioritized CoEs and VTIs as training service providers under window 1; and a list of Pre-qualified Institutions was shared with the grantees during the application process and information shared during the pre-award training. * DIT Assessment for trainees: 10,730 trainees have been assessed and awarded DIT certificates under various skills and Windows: carpentry & joinery, crafts making, tailoring & knitting, apiary establishment, management & hygiene, mushroom value chain, welding, bricklaying & concrete practice, bakery, craftmanship and masonry. * MoES monitoring of SDF grantees activities: The Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Education, the Commissioner for Business, Technical and Vocational Education Training and other technical staff have participated in the monitoring visits to several grantees. * Networks and collaborations have been established with both private and public Universities directly through grants (Uganda Christian University, Uganda Martyrs University, Makerere/AFRISA, Mbarara University, Muni University, Isbat and Ankole University). Kyambogo University/TEXFAD are involved in the training, Makerere University Business School working with Window 4 grantees to improve their business plans. Collaboration at the central level and Ministries * SDF has closely worked with the central line ministries (MoFPED, MGLSD, Industry, Commerce and Trade) and other government bodies and agencies such as National Planning Authority (NPA). NPA provided support in the conduct of the Results Study and ensuring the activities are aligned to the National Development plan. * SDF has collaborated with BTC/ENABEL that is also involved in World Bank skilling interventions in Uganda. SDF has a representative from BTC/ENABEL and SDF project Manager is a member on the BTC/ENABEL selection committee. The cross representation provides opportunities to share information and experiences as well as minimize duplication of efforts and resources. MNledia Engagements to Promote and Publicise Skills Development Achievements The period March - June 2021, is characterised with increased media engagement to promote and publicise the Skills development and the various achievements of the projects across the different Windows. To date the project has had 15 episodes aired on Bukedde Television, a vernacular national Television station. Monitoring and Evaluation of SDF component An important aspect of PSFU/SDF responsibilities is to ensure grantees implement quality projects, with minimal or no challenges. M&E facilitates follow up of project and grantees interventions to check whether they are implemented as planned and/or if there are deviations, corrective actions are taken in a timely manner as well as ensure reporting is done as required.The M&E of SDF granting activities is undertaken at different levels: 16 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 Grantees - Grantees plan and implement the monitoring and supervision of the training/skilling activities; and they submit periodical reports as specified in their contract. SDF orient and continuously guide the grantees on the required reporting and accountability. * The Activity Monitoring and ResulIts Measurement (AM&RM) Consultant (Business Synergies); plays an important task in the field visits and reporting on the progress of the grantees' activities. The field visits are done to all active grantees, ensure their training data is entered in the on-line M&E data base, mentor them and support them prepare the required reports and provide hands-on demonstrations. The visits also help to assess value for money. Internal M&E Activities by M&E Advisor and SDF staff; The advisor provides technical support and complement the SDF staff monitoring of grantees, supervise the performance of AM&RM Consultant and ensure follow-up of the issues and recommendations from the monitoring visits and the corrective and/or remedial actions. * SDF Indicators Performance: The M&E fi-amework is continually updated and revised by SDF. Results Study: SDF contracted a consultancy firm, Friends Consult Limited to conduct the study in June 2020 and a final report was submitted in February 2021. The focus of the study was to assess labour productivity, employment, revenue, income, benefits and impact of the project. The final report has been widely shared and disseminated to stakeholders and partners and is also available on the PSFU website. In addition SDF conducted a complementary exploratory assessment for Windows 3 and 4, in April 2021 to document the experiences and lessons and provide recommendations for future similar engagements. Mitigating Social, Environmental, Safety and Health Risks in SDF. Social, environmental risk management and stakeholders' engagement, grievance management are key aspects of World Bank projects. The Social Risk Management Consultant provide technical support to SDF in mitigating social and environmental risks potentially associated with the skilling process, that may affect the trainees, their families, trainers, community members, company employees and other stakeholders during and after the skilling. Measures have been put in place to mitigate these risks and to address any grievances associated with the skilling process.To date, no cases of rape, defilement or sexual harassment, children related risks linked to SDF have been reported Stakeholder engagement and grievance management The SDF GRM is now more effective and efficient; with 3 levels, clear procedures, and a referral pathway. Grantees are now required to disclose grants to districts and community. This includes benefits and risks of the skilling activities, where and how to report grievances. Grievance management at SDF project is ongoing and grievances reports are analysed and tracked. No new grievance was reported in this reporting period. All the previous cases have been resolved through mediation. 17 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 Emerging issues/challenges and actions taken i) COVID-19 prevention lockdown that has twice affected and in some cases halted the grants operations and skilling activities: Action: Several COVID-19 response measures put in place to address and minimize these challenges; such as preventions measure including buying of masks, social distance during training, online training, mnonitoring and accountabilities. ii) Delayed accountabilities and reports by grantees. This leads to delays in funds disbursements and reimbursements Action: A 2-days training w,as organized for Windows I and 2 grantees. It is expected that the training equipped the grantees with the required knowledge and skills. SDF will continue to handhold the grantees on a case-by-case, support and guide them; the new ones and those at different stages to ensure improvements in quality and timeliness of the accountabilities and reports. As a result of COVID-19 and restrictions in movements, we have encouraged all our grantees to submit accountabilities electronically but will submit hardcopies when things nOrmalize. iii) Limited resources and approach to ensure vulnerable groups (Youth, Women, OVC, PWDs) to leverage nation-wide coverage. These vulnerable and special Interest groups require special skilling approaches, which sometimes are not easy to articulate in their concept notes and proposals. Action: SDF presented this observation to GAC) or consideration of underserved districts under Window 2. Eventually grants were awarded to 14 new districts withoul necessarily faulting the granting process Lessons Learnt: * International accreditation of training instittiIons requires a lot of preparation and resources that could not be undertaken without government support. * The training costs under Window 3 grantees, across the sectors, and in particular transport and Logistics sector, remain high for most trainees; will still require external/government support. * Training providers need to change the curriculum and teaching approach to provide more hands-on practical skills * The need to involve and get buy-in of all the relevant stakeholders right from the project design, facilitates effective project implementation. Proposed/Future Action: Directly engaging training institutions to train a pool of beneficiaries. The selected training Institutions should be demand based and guided by set criteria. This way PSFU will deal with fewer competent institutions. The selected VTIs should be in proximity of applicants or with modalities to reach where the trainees are. This would also reduce on 18 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 operational, coordination and monitoring costs, such as transport and equipment as well as strengthen synergies within government institutions' * Consider consultancy firms in unique areas of training that are not readily available in the prequalified training providers Considerations for Future Skilling interventions To consolidate the gains and impact of the SDF skilling interventions, the following are proposed for future consideration in a similar skilling intervention: Provide skills that intensify business development (certification) and market linkages including on-line marketing * Skilling for value chain development and value addition, such as fruits value chain; and support programs that have extensive approaches and strategies for enhancing the value chain * Increased apprenticeship and internship alongside digital and on-line skilling * Ensure sectorial focus to highlight and promote fast (rowing sectors (such as ICT, transport and logistics, procurement and marine and rescue * Government should establish a skilling fund/budget line for the private sector; that is accessed on a competitive and proven impact basis. Ag. Executi Director Project Monager Financial Management Specialist Kampala, Uganda Date2.. 2021 19 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 3.0 STATEMENT OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT'S RESPONSIBILITIES Section II B.1 of the Project Agreement between IDA and the Government of Uganda requires that the Project management maintains a financial management system and prepares financial statements in accordance with consistently applied and acceptable accounting standards, both in a manner adequate to reflect the operations and financial condition of the Project Implementing Entity; including the operations, resources and expenditure related to its respective Part of the Project. The management of Skills Development Facility (SDF) is responsible for preparing the financial statements for each financial year which gives a true and fair view of the state of affairs of project as at the end of the financial year. Project management is required to ensure that the project keeps proper accounting records which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the project. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the project. The management is ultimately responsible for the internal controls. The overall management delegate responsibility for internal control to project management. Standards and systems of internal control are designed and implemented by management to provide reasonable assurance as to the integrity and reliability of the financial statements and to adequately safegLUard, verify and maintain accountability of the project's assets. Appropriate accounting policies supported by reasonable and prudent judgments and estimates, are applied on a consistent basis. These systems and controls include the proper delegation of responsibilities within a clearly defined framework, effective accounting procedures and adequate segregation of uties. The management of the Project accepts responsibility for statement of comprehensive income, statement of financial position and designated account statement which has been prepared using appropriate accounting policies supported by reasonable and prudent judgements and estimates. The management of the project is of the opinion that the statement of comprehensive income, statement of financial position and designated account statement gives a true and fair view of the state of the financial affairs of the project and of the results of its activities. The management of the project further accepts responsibility for the maintenance of accounting records which may be relied upon in the preparation of the financial statement of the project, as well as adequate systems of internal financial cdntrol. Ag.Executive i ector Project Manager Financial Management Specialist Kampala, Uganda 2021 20 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 4.0 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 4.1 STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENDITURE STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENDITURE FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE 2021 FY 2020/21 FY 2019/20 Actual Actual Actual Actual (Notes) (Ugx) (USD) (Ugx) (USD) Income received MUlti-lateral Development 21,859,985,261 6,102,573 21,507,522,218 5,800,000 partners -(IDA) Total operating income 21,859,985,261 6,102,573 21,507,522,218 5,800,000 Operating expenses Employee costs 1,717,834,737 427,167 1,863,331,988 504,052 Goods and services consumed 1,794,576,731 493,261 2,432,539,602 658,028 Matching grant 21,094,768,182 5,798,146 13,808,882,859 3,735,453 Total operating expense 24.607.179.650 6.763.574 18.104.754.449 4.897.533 Excess of income over (2,747,194,389) (661,001) 3,402,767,769 902,467 Expenditure for the Year Opening fund reserves 8,887,103,125 2,386,145 5,484.335,356 1,483,678 Cumulative reserves 6,139,908,736 1_725 144 8,887,103.125 2,386,145 The financial statements were approved by SDF management on-2 k --- and signed on their behalf by: -- -- ---- -- - - - Ag.Executive irector Project Man ger Financial Management Specialist 21 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 4.2 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 30TH JUNE 2021 FY 2020/21 FY 2019/20 (Note) (Ugx) (USD) (Ugx) (USD) ASSETS Non-Current Assets Current assets Cash at bank 6,139,908,736 1,725,144 8,887,103,125 2,386 ,145 Total Assets 6,139,908,736 1.725,144 8.887,103.125 2,386,145 REPRESENTED BY Fund balance 6,139,908,736 1,725,144 8,887,103,125 2,386,145 Current Liabilities - - - Total funds and 6.139,908,736 1,725,144 8,887 103 125 2,386 145 Liabilities The financial statements were approved by SDF management on- and signed oii their behalf by: Ag.Executive irector Project Manager Financial Management Specialist 22 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 4.3 STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30""' JUNE 2021 Notes FY 2020/21 FY 2019/20 (Ugx) (USD) (Ugx) (USD) Excess of Revenue over (2,747,194,389) (661,001) 3,402,767,769 902,467 Expenditure for the Year Advance to grantees Net increase in cash and (2,747,194,389) (661,001) 3,402,767,769 902,467 cash equivalent Cash and cash equivalent as 8,887,103,125 2,386,145 5,484,335,356 1,483,678 at 0 1/07/2020 Cash and cash equivalent as 6.139,908,736 1,725,144 8,887,103,125 2,386,145 at 30/06/2021 The financial statements were approved by SDF management on- ---------- and signed on their behalf by: Ag.Executivei ector Project Manager Financial Management Specialis 2 3 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 4.4 IDA DESIGNATED ACCOUNT STATEMENT Cumulative FY2020/21 FY2019/20 Expenditure Us$ Us$ Us$ Balance as at 1-t July 2020 2,386,145 1,483,678 - Designated Account receipts 6,100,000 5,800,000 21,328,842 8,486,145 7238678 21.328.842 Component 3 Employer-led short-term training and recognition of prior learning Works Consultancy &Training Goods/non-consultancy service Operating costs - - - Natching grant 5,899,234 3,814,438 15,345,592 5,899,234 3A814438 15,345,592 Component 4. project Management Works - 11,062 Consultancy &Training 302,024 819,589 2,876,707 Goods/non-consultancy service 68,040 67,448 339,017 Operating costs 491,292 196,058 1,030,910 801-356 1,083,095 4.257,696 Total expenditure from DA 6,760,590 4,897,533 19,603,288 Bank balances as at 30t" June 2021 1L725554 2,386,145 Bank Balances as at 30th June 2021 BOU IDA Ugx Account 000080088000241' 26,915 107,312 BOU IDA US $ Account 000080088400048 1,698,639 2,278,833 1,725,554 2.386 145 Ag.Executive ector Project Manager Financial Management Specialist Closing balance of Uganda shillings account was translated at Shs3,504.83/US$1 24 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 IDA Designated Account Statement cont'd Receipts from IDA during the year ended 301" June 2021 Cumulative FY2020/21 FY2019/20 disbursements Date Ref. Details US $ US $ US $ 16/09/2020 PSFU-SDFO]6 Advance to DA 1,600,000 05/03/2021 PSFU-SDF018 Advance to DA 3,000,000 _ 07/06/2021 PSFU-SDF019 Advance to DA 1,500,000 - - Total Expenditure by Direct Was - - Total Project receipts 6Q100,000 5800-000 21,328,842 The financial statements were approved by SDF management on -------------- ------------- and signed on their behalf by: Ag.Execiitive ector Project Manager Financial Management Specialist 25 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 4.5 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 4.5.1 ACCOUNTING POLICIES a) Basis of accounting The financial statements are prepared on a modified cash basis. The day today transactions are recorded on a cash basis. Adjustments are made at the end of the accounting period including outstanding accounts payables and receivables. b) Receipts and payments The receipts are recorded on the date received and payments recorded when actually paid. c) Fixed assets Fixed assets are expensed in full in the year of purchase. No depreciation is charged in the accounts. A memorandum record / fixed assets register is maintained for the record and safeguard of assets acquired for the project. d) Reporting Currency Funds from the IDA are translated into the reporting currency (UGX) using the Bank of Uganda ruling rates on the respective dates of transactions. Payment transactions in foreign currency are translated in reporting currency at BOU transfer rate to which the transactions relate. Hence the average of transfer rates is used to convert transactions in US Dollars into the UGX equivalent amounts. Exchange differences are realized in the Statement of Comprehensive Income in the year in which they arise. The financial statements are prepared in Uganda Shillings, but also indicating the equivalent in US dollars. The IDA Designated Account is maintained in US dollars and Project Account into which transfers from DA are made is maintained in Uganda Shillings. c) Foreign currency rate Opening exchange rate Shs3,725.33/US$1 Average exchange rate Shs3,638.19/US$1 Closing exchange rate(BOU) Shs3,559.07/US$1 IFR funds translation rate Shs3,504.83/US$ I 1) Comparative figures SDF is in its fifth year of operation and therefore, comparative figures for FY20 19/20 have been reported. 26 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 4.5.2 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Loans and Grants from Foreign Governments and Agencies Budget Donor-IDA FY2020/21 FY2020/21 FY2019/20 (Ugx) (Ugx) Us S - (Ugx) US S Receipts 25,388,089,937 22,181,142,913 6,100,000 21,444,846,000 5,800,000 Foreign exchange differences - (321,157,652) 2,573 62,676,218 - Total 25,388,089,937 21,859,985261 6,102,573 21,507.522.218 5 800000 Exchange difference of Ugx321,157,652 and US$2,573 arose as a result of variations in currency exchange rates between Uganda Shillings and US Dollar. Receipts into Designated Account were translated into Uganda Shillings at an average rate of Shs3636.26/US$1. Cash balance at the beginning of the year denominated in Uganda shillings was translated into US Dollar at year Bank of Uganda (BOU) closing rate of Ugx3725.33/US$1 of FY2019/20. During the year, transfers from the Designated account were translated at an average rate of Ugx3638.19/USSI and balance on Designated Account at 30-06-2021 was translated at BOU closing exchange rate of Ugx3559.07/US$ 1. The variations in exchange rates used gave rise to accumuiation of exchange differences as shown below. Analysis of foreign exchange difference Computation of foreign exchange difference on Designated Account FS Figs in (Ugx) Exchange rate (USD)Equivalent DA cash b/f-(l JLIly 2020) 8,489,404,083 3,725.33 2,278,833 Receipts 3,636.26 6.100.000 Total receipts(A) 30.670.546.996 8.378.833 Less: Payments Payments from DA 182,113,475 3,638.19 50,056 Transfers to PA 24.121.699.696 3,638.19 6.630.137 Total payments (B) 24.303.813.171 6.680.193 Closing DA balance 6,045,576,173 3,559.07 1,698,639 Less: Difference(A-B) 6.366.733.825 1.698.639 Exchange difference (321,157,652) Computation of foreign exchange difference on Project Account DA cash b/f-(1 July 2020) 397,699,042 3,706.01 107,3 12 Receipts 24.121.699.696 3,638.19 6.630.137 Total receipts(A) 24.519.398.738 6.737.449 Less: Payments Payments from DA 24,425,066,175 3,638.19 6,713,518 Transfers to PA - - 27 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 Total payments (B) 24.425.066.175 6713.518 Closing DA balance 94,332,563 3,559.07 26,505 Less: Difference(A-B) 94.332.563 23,931 Exchange difference 2573 Employee costs Budget Budget /expenditure FY2019/20 FY 2020/21 FY 2019/20 item (Ugx) (Ugx) (USD) (Ugx) (USD) Contract staff salaries 280,000,000 188,114,000 51,705 265,155,923 71,728 Consultancy services 1,621,048,770 1,529,720,737 420,462 1,598,176,065 432,324 (Technical support) I Total 1,881,048,770 1,717,834,737 472i167 1,863,331,988 50405 2 Technical support relates to staff whose contracts were concluded using IDA procurement procedures. Employee cost include salaries and all statutory expenses. Goods and services consumed Budget /expenditure item Budget FY 2020/21 FY 2019/20 FY2020/21 (Ugx) (Ugx) (USD) (Ugx) (USD) Allowances(For activity) 26,472,000 25,927,280 7,126 32,670,200 8,838 Incapacity & Death 10,000,000 10,000,000 2,749 Advertising and public relations 100,000,000 58,671,004 16,126 114,812,450 31,058 Workshops and seminars 100,000,000 60,070,646 16,511 110,020,000 29,762 Staff Training - - - 81,134,832 21,948 Books and periodicals - - - 3,000,000 812 Computers Supplies 10,000,000 3,800,000 1,044 18.229,931 4,931 Welfare and Entertainment 20,000,000 7,522,000 2,068 28,992,012 7,843 Stationery and Printing 50,000,000 43,934,120 12,076 29,074,880 7,843 Telecommunications 44,093,120 42,752,100 11,751 30,330, 620 8,205 Information & Tel Technology 36,000,000 15,126,800 4,158 29,695,140 8,033 Office Rent 280,000,000 247,830,117 68,119 192,561,614 52,090 Cleaning 15,000,000 6,535,000 1,796 8,240,500 2,229 Consultancy services short-term 1,474,247,247 1.124,53 1,015 309,091 1,544,875,448 417,906 Insurance 24,000,000 16,451,673 4,522 14,825,335 4,010 Travel Inland 60,000,000 28,984,388 7,967 98,759,562 26,716 Fuel 67,228,800 67,195,000 18,469 45,033,098 12,182 Maintenance-vehicle 36,000,000 29,510,688 8,111 32,616,261 8,823 Maintenance -other 6,000,000 5,734,900 1,576 17,667,719 4,779 28 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 Total 2,359,041,167 1,794,576,731 49;261 2,432,539,602 658_028 Matching grant Details Budget FY2020/21 FY2019/20 FY2020/21 (Ugx) (Ugx) (USD) (Ugx) (USD) Matching grant 21,128,000,000 21,094,768,182 5,798,146 137808,882,859 3,735.453 Total 21,128,000,000 21,094,768,182 5,798,146 13,808,882,859 3 _735 ,453 Fund balance/Cumulative reserves Details FY 2020/21 FY 2019/20 (Ugx) (USD) (Ugx) (USD) Excess of Revenue over (2,747,194,389) (661,001) 3,402,767,769 902,467 expenditure for the Year Add: opening fund balance 8,887,103,125 2,386,145 5,484,335,356 1,483,678 Total 6,139,908.736 1725 144 8.887,103,125 2,386145 Cash at Bank Bank Account FY 2020/21 FY 2019/20 (Ugx) (USD) (Ugx) (USD) IDA Operations Account 94,332,563 26,505 397,699,042 107,312 IDA Designated Account 6,045,576,173 1,698,639 8,489,404,083 2,278,833 Total 6.139,908,736 1,725,144 8,887,103.125 2 38. 145 Budget performance FY2020/21 Budget /expenditure item Budget FY2020/21(Ugx) Actual %absorption FY2021/21(Ugx) Contract staff salaries 280,000.0000 188,114,000 67% Allowances(For activity) 26,472,000 25,927,280 98% Incapacity & Death 10,000,000 10,000,000 100% Advertising and public relations 100,000,000 58,671,004 59% Workshops and seminars 100,000,000 60,070,646 60% Computers Supplies 10,000,000 3,800,000 38% Welfare and Entertainment 20,000,000 7,522,000 38% Stationery and Printing 50,000,000 43,934,120 88% Telecommunications 44,093,120 42,752,100 97% Information & Tel Technology 36,000,000 15,126,800 42% Office Rent 280,000,000 247,830,117 89% Cleaning 15,000,000 6,535,000 44% Consultancy services short-term 1,474,247,247 1,124,531,015 76% Consultancy services Long-term 1,621,048,770 1,529,720,737 94% 29 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 Insurance 24,000,000 16,451,673 69% Travel Inland 60,000,000 28,984,388 48% Fuel 67,228,800 67,195,000 99.9% Maintenance-vehicle 36,000,000 29,510,688 82% Maintenance -other 6,000,000 5,734,900 96% Grants 21,128,000,000 21,094,768,182 99.8% Total 25,388,089,937 24,607,179650 97% Although the effects of COVID-19 initially affected implementation progress, innovative ways of implementation were put in place to achieve budget performance. AppendixI: Disbursements to grantees during FY2020/21 No. Grantee name Amount(Ugx) Amount(USS) Internship I Aloesha Organic Natural Health 51,520,000 14,161 2 Bat Valley Threatre 23,690,000 6,511 3 BN Enterprises 36,995,400 10,169 4 Bullen Construction and supplies limited 36,995,400 10,169 5 Didas Uniform Makers Limited 72,832,000 20,019 6 H and M foods and outside catering Itd 48,385,735 13,299 7 Indigenous Community Development Ltd 45,346.550 12,464 8 Landmark Junior School Limited 81,512,500 22,405 9 Malaika Vocational and Business Institute 35,395.289 9,729 10 Mulya Farm Products Limited 30,843,722 8,478 11 Naluyima Regina Mukilbi 44,j88,977 12,256 12 Orchids House Farm Limited 31,859,630 8,757 13 Resty Agrotech Limited 79,469,609 21843 14 Rugando College Limited 18,384,000 5,053 15 Smooth Life Innovations Ltd 38,957,379 10,708 16 Ssedika Real Estate Limited 49,376,888 13,572 17 Success Academic Foundation of Uganda 30,785,000 8,462 18 Tooro Native Robusta Coffee SMC Limited 43,102,220 11,847 19 Unisource Engineering Limited 46,565,190 12,799 Sub total 846,605,489 232,700 Window I -Formal sector 20 291 Suites Hotel-Lira (U) Limited 15,360,000 4,222 21 Abenakyo Farm Limited 38,451,896 10,569 22 Abia Group Ltd 41,300,000 11,352 23 Aen Uganda Limited 21,600,000 5,937 24 Afri fruits Investment Company Limited 15,828,000 4,351 25 African Encounters Limited 12,800,000 3,518 26 Agri Frontiers Consult Limited 31,180,000 8,570 27 Ahiwa Company Limited 17,670,000 4,857 30 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 28 Aimax Technologies Limited 19,200,000 5,277 29 All in trade Limited 19,200,000 5,277 30 Alvimo General Investment Ltd 65,534,800 18,013 31 Applied Principles consulting ltd 54,720,000 15,040 32 Arch Apartments Ltd 44,256,905 12,165 33 Around Africa Safaris 19,200,000 5,277 34 Asasira Traders Limited 24,768,000 6,808 35 Awa Foods Uganda Limited 14,400,000 3,958 36 Bakawa and Sons Holdings Ltd 120,000,000 32,983 37 Bamzee Engineering Company Limited 158,500,000 43,566 38 Bena General Agencies Limited 14,400,000 3,958 39 Biggi Family Project 25,058,016 6,887 40 Bird Uganda Safaris Ltd 19,200,000 5,277 41 Birya United Agencies Limited 13,180,000 3,623 42 BoLIch Uganda Limited 43,200,000 1 1,874 43 Busolo Investments Limited 50,160,000 13,787 44 Byeffe Foods Company Ltd 6,637,600 1,824 45 Cecipau Mixed Farm 15,264,000 4,195 46 Comfort Hotel Limited 11,788,000 3,240 47 Community Fund Limited 7,900,000 2,171 48 Computer-Wise (U) Ltd 38,400,000 10,555 49 Concfeed International Limited 18,230,000 5,01 1 50 Cramac Investments Limited 171,000,000 47,001 51 Crystal Print Ltd 19,200,000 5,277 52 Curry Distributors Limited 19,200,000 5,277 53 Deen Establishments 17,888,000 4,917 54 Didas Uniform Makers Limited 55,288,400 15,197 55 Doshnut (U) Ltd 19,200,000 5,277 56 Eagle Biz Network Ltd 19,200,000 5,277 57 Eastern Rice Company Limited 29,136,240 8,008 58 Edenes Fair Traders Limited 19,200.000 5,277 59 Edwin Farmers Ltd 35,000,000 9,620 60 Elite Computers Uganda limited 14,400,000 3,958 61 Empower East Africa Limited 84,000,000 23,088 62 Endevour Business Solutions(U) Limited 19,200,000 5,277 63 Enotu construction Limited 32,640,000 8,971 64 Erimu Company limited 37,785,000 10,386 65 ESTRO-PAM Uganda 18,000,000 4,948 66 Eurosat Group of Companies Ltd 48,880,000 13,435 67 Felexi Motors Limited 19,200,000 5,277 68 Food and Diet processor 13,003,200 3,574 69 Footsteps Furniture Company Limited 44,800,000 12,314 31 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 70 Frutrac Limited 16,800,000 4,618 71 Fundi Building Center 18,000,000 4,948 72 Future Technologies Ltd 25,600,000 7,036 73 Gigraco Enterprises U Limited 14,400,000 3,958 74 Global Village Tea Company 60,000,000 16,492 75 Goodwill Stones Workshop 20,160,000 5,541 76 Gorilla Safari Lodge limited 21,890,000 6,017 77 Graben 4PL Limited 19,200,000 5,277 78 Granite Dyke U Limited 79,527,800 21,859 79 Great Lakes Constructors Limited 254,800,000 70,035 80 Great Lakes Safaris Limited 20,000,000 5,497 81 Green and White Enterprises 19,200,000 5,277 82 Green Power International limited 17,700,000 4,865 83 Grow wide Uganda Ltd 36,400,000 10.005 84 Growfront Enterprises Ltd 14,400,000 3,958 85 HK Industrials Limited 13,312,000 3,659 86 Hotel Margherita Ltd 48,620,000 13,364 87 Hotloaf Bakery limited 16,320,000 4.486 88 Hydrocon (U) Ltd 19,200,000 5,277 89 Idha Tujje Agencies 43,200,000 11,874 90 Imperial Paints 14,400,000 3,958 91 inspire Africa Establishments Ltd 84,600,000 23,253 92 fsheba Contractors 15,360,000 4,222 93 Jay Fortune Limited 32,000,000 8,796 94 Jeba (U) Limited 13,400,000 3.683 95 J-gates IT Solution ltd 23,040,000 6,333 96 Jil Insights Uganda limited 19,200,000 5,277 97 Jokawa and Associates Limited 14,400,000 3,958 98 Kalim General Services Limited 19,200,000 5,277 99 Kambucha Fresh Uganda ltd 18,422,610 5,064 100 Kana Grain Millers Limited 13,160,000 3,617 101 Katende Harambe Rural ubarn training centre 27,050,000 7,435 102 Kazinga Channel View Resort Limited 46,360,000 12,743 103 Kinko Enterprises Limited 14,400,000 3,958 104 Kirindimula Farm Limited 36,000,000 9,895 105 Krystal Ice Limited 19,200,000 5,277 106 Kunta Africa Limited 13,633,200 3,747 107 Kwanzi Agro Initiatives 19,200,000 5,277 108 Kyamuhunga Tea Company Ltd 41,580,000 11,429 109 Lakeside Escape Limited 19,200,000 5,277 110 Lily Benefit Investments limited 136,416,000 37,496 Ill Lujoto Constructors and Designer 12,660,000 3,480 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 112 M& Lothbrok (U) Ltd 24,826,400 6,824 113 Mabaale Technical Institute 18,200,000 5,002 114 Maendeleo Company Limited 12,881,950 3,541 115 Naktech Investments limited 17,280,000 4,750 116 Malaika Coatings Limited 15,900,000 4,370 117 MMacks Investment Limited 24.000.000 6,597 11 8 Moshek Investments Limited 1 9 200,000 5,277 119 Mukono Central Millers Ltd 12,288,000 3,378 120 MUIkusu Motors 27,931,176 7,677 121 Mulen International Ltd 19,200,000 5,277 122 Multi Flowers Services Ltd 17,110,000 4,703 123 Multiplex Limited 58,240,000 16,008 124 Multiplex Real Estate Limited 48,160,000 13,237 125 Mutebi Metal Works Limited 17,900,000 4,920 126 Muttico Technical Services ltd 18.200,000 5,002 127 Nanirembe Offsprings Limited 18,485,000 5,081 128 Namulondo Investments Limited 21,443,744 5,894 129 Narka Investment Co. 76.262,000 20,962 130 Nation Oil Distributors Limited 219,107,000 60,224 131 Network Associates Limited 79,350,000 21,810 132 Ngaali Uganda Limited 19,200,000 5,277 133 Nile Harves U Limited 12,480,000 3,430 134 Nnek Technicals Limited 63,281,000 17,394 135 Noble Farms Uganda Limited 15,600,000 4,288 136 Oasis 24 seven Limited 19,200,000 5,277 137 Ocean Beverages Limited 16,320,000 4,486 138 Okeba Uganda Limited 17,200,000 4,728 139 Paper Toils (U) Limited 34,560,000 9,499 140 Perfect Multiple Engineering and Consultancy services 89,440,000 24,584 141 Piba Consult Limited 35,520,000 9,763 142 PK Agroprocessors Limited 12,660,000 3,480 143 Precision engineering works Limited 38,264,000 10,517 144 Premier Dairies Ltd 18,097,000 4,974 145 Prince Kimbugwe Foundation 61,600,000 16,931 146 Prutaz construction Limited 38,483,200 10,578 147 Rada Shoes Limited 26,640,000 7,322 148 Rialink Solutions Limited 38,932,800 10,701 149 Ridar Hotel Ltd 19,200.000 5,277 150 Rwizi Arch Hotel ltd 19,200,000 5,277 151 Semilino Enterprises U Ltd 54,934,000 15,099 152 Sido Digital Print Solutions 58,240,000 16,008 153 Signature Suites Limited 41,600,000 11,434 33 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 154 Silver Building Construction Limited 13,440,000 3,694 155 Silver Nile exporters Limited 10,851,000 2,983 156 SJ car Paints 53,760,000 14,777 157 Source of the Nile 14,791,800 4,066 158 SS Hotel SMC Ltd 19,200,000 5,277 159 Ssezibwa Falls Resort 72,000,000 19,790 160 Strat Group Ltd 25,600.000 7,036 161 Syba enterprises Limited 17,856,000 4,908 162 Talemwa Holdings U Ltd 12,500,000 3,436 163 T-car Works Ltd 19,200,000 5,277 164 Tetra Technical Services U Ltd 25,600,000 7,036 165 The New Forest Company Limited 15,296,000 4,204 166 Tooro Native Robusta Coffee SMC Ltd 40,500,000 11,132 167 Tsabeko (U) Limited 14,400,000 3,958 168 Twiz Quick Supplies and Services Company Limited 19,200,000 5,277 169 Uganda Baati Current 25,000,000 6,872 170 Uganda Driving Standard agency Limited 14,400,000 3,958 171 Vena Grains Millers limited 19,200,000 5,277 172 Victoria Engineering ad pumps Ltd 44,800,000 12,314 173 Victoria Seeds Limited 18,720,000 5,145 174 Waterwax Limited 14,400,000 3,958 175 Wina Classic Shoe Care centre ltd 19,200,000 5,277 176 Wion Motors Limited 19,200,000 5,277 177 WK Ranch Feeds Limited 14,400,000 3,958 178 Yistam Enterprises 31,650,000 8,699 179 Zomeka Investments Ltd 7,680,000 2, 111 Sub total 5,230,951,737 1,437,789 Window 2 -Formal informal sector 180 Action for integrated community development 26,877,000 7,387 181 Empower a woman Uganda 15,000,000 4,123 182 Green Management Initiative 6,880,000 1,891 183 Kyamuhunga Youth Bee Keepers Association 15,075,000 4,144 184 Action for social Education and Development Initiative 6,950,000 1,910 185 Adyaka Rural Youth Development Initiative (ARYODI) 23,400,000 6,439 186 African Development Model(LAFAD) 23,400,000 6,432 187 Agaliawamu Development Group 14,400,000 3,958 188 Agency for Education Systems Improvements Ltd 10,544,224 2,898 189 Anyapo Awei Multipurpose Cooperative Society Limited 8,880,000 2,441 190 Arise And Shine Association 31,850,000 8,754 191 Arise Women Advancement Centre 15,000,000 4,123 192 Bakyabumba Farmers' Co-operative Society Limited 39,060,000 10,736 193 Balitta Lwogi Development Group 7,350,000 2,020 34 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 194 Balugambire Agro Business Center 19,200,000 5,277 195 Basoka kwavula Ssali cooperative 15,000,000 4,123 196 Bawanguzi Savings Group 39,210,000 10,777 197 Bayambayeyambye Dev't Association 7,280,000 2,001 198 Bbumba Development Organisation 15,000,000 4,123 199 Bidhampola Community Development Association 14,400,000 3,958 200 Brac Uganda 29,886,000 8,215 201 Bubulo West Women Leaders in Action 13,650,000 3,752 202 Bubulo West Women Leaders in Action cooperative savings 6,650,000 1,828 203 Budaka Catholic Womens Guild 14,400,000 3,958 204 Buddu Agricultural Farmers Association (BAFA) 18,000,000 4,948 205 Budget Technical Services 13,301,600 3,656 206 Bufa Cooperative Society 23,400,000 6,432 207 Bufumira Islands Development Association 12,063,180 3,316 208 Bugembe Farmers & Charcoal BriqUette Making Group 14,400,000 3,958 209 Bugiri Farmers Association Limited 16,014,000 4,402 210 Bugiri Female Youth Tailoring 15,000,000 4,123 211 Bugweri Disabled Persons Organisation (BDPO) 36,000,000 9,895 212 Bukedi Bee Keeepers Association 13,650,000 3,752 213 Bulawa Farmers Group 45,500,000 12,506 BUIlunguli Farmers' Multipurpose Cooperative Society 214 Limited 24,850,000 6,830 215 Bundibugyo Improved Cocoa 15,300,000 4,205 2 16 Bunyolo Women Development Network 7,784.250 2,140 217 Buremba Community Initiative 45,210,000 12,427 218 Busala Investments 2014 Ltd 22,880,000 6,289 219 Busongora Joint Farmers Association 13,650,000 3,752 220 Butambala Women Empowerment Dev't 30,000,000 8,246 221 Bwavu Nsolo Farmers association 7,380,000 2,028 222 Byabomuka Growers Association 8,000,000 2,199 223 Canacana Leather Works 8,085,000 2,222 224 Care and Empowerment of the 15,000,000 4,123 225 Caritas Kabale Diocese 14,000,000 3,848 226 Chema Intergrated Farmers Association 13,500,000 3.7 11 227 Child to tree Uganda 8,466,150 2,327 228 ChildLink Foundation Uganda Limited 28,702,700 7,889 229 Christian Action to End Poverty Ltd 1,395,350 384 230 Citizens Relief Initiative Limited 6,400,000 1,759 23 1 Coalition for Health Promotion and Social Development 15,000,000 4,123 232 Community Action for Rural Transformation 6,950,000 1,910 233 Community Initiatives for Social Transformation Uganda 56,000,000 15,392 234 Creative Farmers Limited 12,660,000 3,480 35 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 235 Cwiny Mito Womens group 6,880,000 1,891 236 Devine Skills Uganda 15,000,000 4,123 237 Dhifansumira Farmer Organization (DFO) 29,328,000 8,061 238 Disabled Organic Fruit and Vegetable Processors Association 6,889,00001,894 239 Divine Offspring Mercy Ministries Uganda 12,600,000 3,463 240 Divine Skills Uganda 8,250,000 2,268 241 Doho Irrigation Scheme Farmers Cooperative Soceity ltd 35,700,000 9,813 242 Dokolo Youth Alliance Project 19,250,000 5,291 243 Dr. Sarah Nkonge Foundation 16,000,000 4,398 244 Eggwanika BUCADEF 28,000,000 7,696 245 Empowering Hands Initiative 22,320,000 6,135 246 Environmental Conservation and Agricultural Enhancement U 10,150,000 2,790 247 Farmers Development Trust 8,400,000 2,309 248 Federation of small and medium sized enterprises U ltd 31,882,280 8,763 249 FINASP Sustainable Livelihood 18,000,000 4,948 250 Fish Farming Cluster Kaliro 19,330,000 5,313 251 Foundation for Development 13,650,000 3,752 252 Friends of Kimaanya Parish Association 8,400,000 2,309 253 Gola Kic Community Development 8,000,000 2,199 254 Gomba action for Development 38,986,150 10,716 255 Gomba District Farmers Association 10,000,000 2,749 256 Gomba Enviroment Protection Association 24,363,500 6,697 257 Graca Machel Skills Development Centre 27,200,000 7,476 258 Gweri Development Initiative 7,000,000 1,924 259 Hallelujah Youth Group 6,900,000 1,897 260 Hands of Grace 17,280,000 4,750 261 Hands of Mercy Foundation 14,400,000 3,958 262 Heifer Project International 68,000,000 18,691 263 Help disabled Children Excel 15,000,000 4,123 264 Hloirma District Farmers Association 30,800,000 8,466 265 Holima District Union of Persons with Disabilities 41,010,000 11,272 266 Hope and Glory Foundation 20,000,000 5,497 267 Hope Kebir Women Group 1,680,000 462 268 11uman Rights of Women and Girls 18,000,000 4,948 269 Hunger Alert (Limited by Guarantee) 8,400,000 2,309 270 Idudi United Teachers Association 4,810,000 1,322 271 Igoola community Initiative 13,650,000 3,752 272 Initiative for Rural Dev't Uganda 9,211,000 2,532 273 Innovation Systems and cluster program Uganda Ltd 25,000,000 6,872 274 Innovations for Transformation Initiative 22,200,000 6,102 275 Intergrated Agritech U Limited 38,400,000 10,555 276 Irarak United Group 15,750,000 4,329 36 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 277 Isunga Agritech Centre 37,200,000 10,225 278 Jie Community Animal Health Workers Association 13,650,000 3,752 279 Jinja District Farmers Association 12,810,000 3,521 280 Jinja Municipality East Development 13,650,000 3, 752 281 Jua Kali Aluminium 2,112,500 581 282 Kaberamaido Operation Save the Needy 16,200,000 4,453 283 Kaberamaido Sustainable Dev't Initiative 7,580,000 2,083 284 Kabukolwa Farmers' Cooperative Society Limited 5,680,000 1,561 285 Kabunyata Bazimbl Development Group 18,000,000 4,948 286 Kagumu Dev't Organisation 8,400,000 2,309 287 Kalamba Community Development 15,000,000 4,123 288 Kalangala Fish Smokers Association 18,900,000 5,195 289 Kaligo Primary School Old Boys and Girls Association 14,400,000 3,958 290 Kamu Kamu Development Group 7,400,000 2,034 29I Kamwe Business Enterprises 21,867,000 6,010 292 Kapuwai Women Positive with HIV AIDS 22,778,000 6,261 293 Karamoja Intergrated Development 16,800,000 4,618 294 Karooro Okuirut Foundation 63,000,000 17,316 295 Kasaali Farmers Cooperative Society Ltd 36,000,000 9,895 296 Kasese District Farmers Association 8,040,000 2,210 297 Kasolo Foundation Limited 83,822,000 23,039 298 Kasolwe Saving and Credit Cooperative Society Limited 18,000,000 4,948 299 Kasuubo Tukole Group 10,500,000 2,886 300 Kateera Kwagalana Farmers Group 7,520-000 2,067 301 Katerera Area Cooperative Enterprise ltd 21.600,000 5,937 302 Katwe Metal Fabricators Cluster Ltd 38,695,800 10,636 303 Katwe Small Scale Industries Development Association 10,400,000 2,859 304 Kaucho B Prosper Group 13,500,000 3,711 305 Kawanda Historical Kadogos SACCO 2 1600,000 5,937 306 Kawempe Division Children's Protection Forum 27,333,000 7,5 13 307 Kayunga District Farmers Association 14,000,000 3848 308 Kibinge Coffee Farmers 'Co-operative Society Limited 54,600,000 15,007 309 Kigasa Akira Group 15,400,000 4,233 310 Kigenda Kyondo Farmers' Association 22,815,000 6,271 31I Kigezi Action for Development (KAD) 60,000,000 16,492 312 Kikoni Yoth Auto garage 46,360,000 12,743 313 Kilembe Investments ltd 19,200,000 5,277 314 Kira Youth Opportunity Network 24,000,000 6,597 315 Kirombe Christian Youth Association 4,000,000 1,099 Kisenyi Jua Kali Community Dev't Cooperative Society 316 Limited 39,382,400 10,825 317 Kisigula Ddembe Womens Grop 21,174,320 5,820 37 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 318 Kisoro Women United for Development 14,700,000 4,040 319 Kisule - Butanza Development Group 14,400,000 3,958 320 Kitenga Development Foundation 7,300,000 2,006 321 Kitgum District Farmers Association 15,000,000 4,123 322 Kitodrico Multipurpose Cooperative Society 16,800,000 4,618 323 Kiwemba Farmers Cooperative Society Limited 18,000,000 4,948 324 Kwagalana Womens Group Development 15,000,000 4,123 325 Kyabakuza Women Development 6,138,000 1,687 326 Kyadondo Women Development Association 15,000,000 4,123 327 Kyakuwaire Business Enterprises Ltd 40,950,000 11,256 328 Kyebajja Ngobona Development 12,089,250 3,323 329 Kyebando co-operative Society Limited I8,000,000 4,948 330 Light in the shadow 5,800,000 1,594 331 Love a Friend Youth Development Organisation 46,920,000 12,897 332 Lugoba Skills Development Centre 7,580,000 2,083 333 Lungujja Community Health Caring Organisation 18,480,000 5,079 334 Lutino Adunu 5,000,000 1,374 335 LIUuka Farmers Cooperative Society 39,346,800 10,815 336 Lwala Girls Abducted Survivors Association 12,000,000 3,298 337 Lwanda Youth Patriotic And Transformation Association 25,258,000 6,942 338 Lwankoni Organic Farmers Association 8,230,000 2,262 339 Lwengo Development Foundation Ltd 28,000,000 7,696 340 Lwesambya Twegatte Womens Group 15,000,000 4,123 341 Mabona United Community Integrated Dev't 5,882,050 1,617 342 MADFA Cooperative Society 8.400,000 2,309 343 Makerere Women Dev't Association 4,200,000 1,154 344 Manyakabi Area Cooperative 62,400,000 17,151 345 Maracha Community Foundation 16,000,000 4,398 346 Maranatha Community Initiative 22,777,700 6,261 347 Nfasaka Disabled Persons Association 13,200,000 3,628 348 Masaka Disabled Persons Association 5.200,000 1,429 349 Masaka District NGO forum 22,250,000 6,116 350 Masindi District Farmers Association 4,500,000 1,237 351 Masupa Enterprises 7,020,000 1,930 352 Matale Farmers Association 7,300,000 2,006 353 Mice Uganda Limited 12,000,000 3,298 354 Miisa Foundation 14,400,000 3,958 355 Millenium Strides 23,250,000 6,391 356 Minyinya Farmers' Cooperative Society 27,124,000 7,455 357 Miracle Internet Cafe And Computer Training Center 19,500,000 5,360 358 Mission Beyond Kaliro Vocational and Technical HLub 17,700,000 4,865 359 Mpigi Town youth development group 13,536,000 3,721 38 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 360 Mt Elgon Hotel and Spa Ltd 15,360,000 4,222 361 Mubanique Co. Limited 12,240,000 3,364 362 Mubende Agribusiness Development Initiative 15,300,000 4,205 363 Mulago Youth Development 12,600,000 3,463 364 Mushroom Training and resource centre 10,000,000 2,749 365 Myanzi Area Cooperative 13,500,000 3,711 366 Nakaseke Vocational Skills Youth Development Association 18,000,000 4,948 367 Nakosi Mixed Farm 42,000,000 11,544 368 Namubuka Grain Producers Area Cooperative Enterprise Ltd 7,700,000 2,116 369 Namulonge Horticulture Farmers Grop 8,400000 2,309 370 Namusita Bifanduba Chacoal Producer and farming united 12,826,673 3,526 371 Namwendwa Dair yFarmers cooperative SACCO 18,000,000 4,948 372 Nankoma Traditional Healers and Village Health Team 4,200,000 1,154 373 National Organisation of Trade Unions 32,000,000 8,796 374 National Strategy for the Advancement of Rural Women in U 24,895,240 6,843 375 National Union of Coffee Agribusinesses and Farm Enterp 56,000,000 15,392 376 Ndongo United Herbalist Association 8,000,000 2,199 377 Nkokonjeru SACCO 7,700,000 2,116 378 Nkonge Community Development 13,650,000 3,752 379 Nkugute Youth Development Group 35,700,000 9,813 380 Nsambya Carpentry and crafts Development Association 6,480,000 1,781 381 Nsanziiro Community Foundation 22,769,700 6,259 382 Ntende Development Initiative 15,120,000 4,156 383 Nyabuswa Coffee Farmers Association 20,000.000 5,497 384 Obulamu Bwebugagga Hydrocephalus Spina 31,888,800 8,765 385 Olok Farmers Development Forum 35,700.000 9,813 386 Olok United Farmers Association 15,300,000 4,205 387 Oniangaber pig farmers cooperative society ltd 12,240,000 3,364 388 Pallisa Civil Society Organisation Network 32,400,000 8,906 389 Pallisa Farmers Association 34,479,400 9,477 390 Phoebe Education Fund for orphans and vulnerable children 17,600,000 4,838 391 Pokino Multi-Purpose Group 24,300,000 6,679 392 Rainbow HoUse of Hlope in Uganda 23,241,075 6,388 393 Rakai Community Initiative For Development 13,500,000 3,711 394 Rays Of Glory Gospel Ministries 15,000.000 4,123 395 Reach out wives of soldiers 53,520,500 14,711 396 Rebuild rural African Network 10,674,200 2,934 397 Reign Group Limited 14,777,434 4,062 398 Rolina Women and Youth Dev't Initiatives 9,510,000 2,614 399 Rural Agency for sustainable organisation 17,192,000 4,725 400 Rural Community in Development Limited 62,726,550 17,241 401 Rural Livelihood Support Initiative 12,000,000 3,298 39 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 402 Rural Women Savings Association 23,250,000 6,391 403 Rwenzori Empowerment Programmes of Transformation 10,000,000 2,749 404 Rwetech Farmers' Cooperative Society 7,840,000 2,155 405 Safina Cooperative Saving and Credit Society Limited 30,000,000 8,246 406 Salaam Perfect Women's Community Based 19,460,000 5,349 407 Scope Foundation 7,317,560 2,011 408 Self-help entrepreneurship Skills Uganda 6,950,000 1,910 409 Skilling Youth Generation Uganda 15,000,000 4.123 410 Slum Habitants Initiative 18,000,000 4,948 411 Small Is Great Women And Girls Empowerment 22,575,000 6,205 412 Sseninde Foundation 50,400,000 13,853 413 Ssese Association for Value Addition 20,500,000 5,635 414 ST Stephen Integrated Fish Farming Group 12,960,000 3,562 415 Support Child Excellence Uganda 6,566,740 1,805 416 Tactic Investment U ltd 25,950,000 7,133 417 Taso Entebbe 18,000,000 4,948 418 Ten Mangoes Agribusiness Initiative 30,000,000 8,246 419 The Access Center 15,120,000 4,156 420 The Association of Uganda Emptier's Association 21,000,000 5,772 421 The Central Archdiocesan Province 12,000,000 3,298 422 The Council for Economic Empowerment of women in Africa 29,567,640 8,127 423 The Friends United Integrated Farmers 7,490,000 2.059 424 The registered Trustees of Masaka Diocese 24,000,000 6,597 425 Traditional and modern health practitioners together against 18,000,000 4,948 426 True Vine Action Center 22,689,200 6,236 427 Tukhole [nho Farming and Fishing 12,960,000 3,562 428 Tukolerawamu Youth Development Association 13,500,000 3,711 429 Tukolerewamu Mlamba Development Cooperative Society 21,000,000 5,772 430 Tunakusitula Farmers Group 39,200,000 10,775 431 Twegeme Kwamajaro Savings credit 14,400,000 3,958 432 Twezimbe Area Cooperative Enterprises 20,500,000 5,635 433 Ubuntu Community Empowerment 21,000,000 5,772 434 Uganda Agribusiness Alliance Limited 40,320,000 11,082 435 Uganda Banana Producers Cooperative Union Limited 21,600,000 5,937 436 Uganda Coffee Farmers Alliance 52,500,000 14,430 437 Uganda Development Services 13,500,000 3,711 438 Uganda Federation of Movie 49.200,000 13,593 439 Uganda Fish Processors and Exporters Association 45,080,000 12,391 440 Uganda Herbs and Research Centre 7,749,485 2,130 441 Uganda Joinery and Steel fab 19,200,000 5,277 442 Uganda Manufacturer Association 60,000,000 16,492 443 Uganda Motor spare Traders Association 15,000,000 4,123 40 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 444 Uganda National Association of the Blind 7,497,200 2,061 445 Uganda National Farmers Federation 40,300,000 11,077 446 Uganda Scouts Association 31,619,800 8,691 447 Uganda Small Industries Association Kabarole 17,280,000 4,750 448 Uganda Small Scale Industries Agency 12,600,000 3,463 449 Uganda Small Scale Industries Association - Luweero 36,416,000 10,009 450 Uganda Tailors Association 24,000,000 6,597 451 Uganda Tourism Association (UTA) 70,000,000 19,240 452 Uganda Women Basketry Association 34,016,240 9,350 453 Uganda Women Effort to Save Orphans 30,000,000 8,246 454 Uni-Trust Community Dev't Company ltd 36,480,000 10,027 455 Visa Fund 21,600,000 5,937 456 Wairama Development Association 32,000,000 8,796 457 Wakiso People with AcqUired Brain Injury Association 7,239,000 1,990 458 Wendigwa Youth Development Group 18,000,000 4,948 Wobulenzi Vocational Skills Youth Development Link 459 Limited 37,000,000 10,170 460 Women of Substance 15,000,000 4,123 461 Youth for Life Uganda 14,515,800 3,990 462 Youth Integrated Development Organisation 23,250,000 6,391 Sub total 5,747,607,441 1,579,799 Window 3 -Innovative Training 463 Africa Institute for Strategic Animal Resource Services 106,384,000 29,241 464 Ankole Western University 171,912,000 47,252 465 Datamine Technical Business School 44,556,281 12,247 466 Delight Uganda Limited 255,046,800 70.103 467 Isbat University 123,375,000 33,911 468 Life Care Charity Limited 355,595,600 97740 469 Mbarara University 370,932,000 101,955 470 Q-Training Limited 181,153,040 49,792 471 Textfad Limited 31,500,000 8,658 472 Uganda Christian University 95,212,500 26,170 473 Uganda Freight Forwarders Association 200,006,075 54,974 474 Uganda Technical College Kichwamba 200,000,000 54,972 475 Muni University 375,000,000 103,073 Sub total 2,510,673,296 690,089 Window 4-Recognition of Prior Learning 476 African College of Commerce 134,440,000 36,952 477 Maganjo Institute of Career Education Ltd-Extension 1,601,986,406 440,324 478 Mramza Consulting Group 327,983,200 90,150 479 Nakawa Vocational Training Institute 289,299,000 79,517 480 Nawanyago Technical Institute 328,411,998 90,268 41 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 481 Nile Vocational Institute 492,898,200 135,479 482 Safe Way Right Way 630,619,333 173,333 483 The Association of Principals of Technical & vocational Instit 146,520,000 40,273 484 Uganda Chamber of Mines and petroleum limited 267,140,000 73,427 485 Uganda Petroleum Institute Kigumba 21 1,628,900 58,169 Sub total 4,430,924,037 1,217,892 Grand Total 18,766,762,000 5,158,269 Exchange rate: IUSD=Ugx.3,638.19 Appendix2: Undisbursed funds to grantees for FY2020/21 SN Name of Grantee Unpaid Unpaid amount(Ugx) amount(USS) Window one-Internship 1 Resty Agrotech Limited 21,034,902 5,910 2 BN Enterprises Limited 17,130,000 4,813 3 Unisource Engineering limited 21,437,546 6,023 4 Bullen Construction and Supplies limited 17,040,000 4,788 5 Smooth life Innovations limited 17,880,849 5,024 6 Ssedika Real Estates limited 21,I67,524 5,947 7 Lusse Investments lid 81,177,204 22,809 8 Petisa Investments ltd 70,778,782 19,887 9 Success Academic Foundation of Uganda 43,074,623 12,103 10 Ziriddamu Gardens Ltd 84,287,131 23,682 11 R&G Investments ltd 104,115,000 29,253 12 Twiz Quick Supplies and service co ltd 19,3 15,000 5,427 13 Muttico Technical Services 100,000,000 28,097 14 Farmnet Solutions uganda Limited 14,444,600 4,059 15 Malaika Vocational and Business Institute 33,990,699 9,550 Sub total 666,873,860 187,373 Window one-formal sector 16 Balugambire Agro Business Centre Limited 26.000,000 7,305 17 Concfeed International ltd 26,970,000 7,578 18 Doshnut (U) Ltd 26,000,000 7,305 19 Anchor Foods ltd 9,840,000 2,765 20 Victoria Seeds Ltd 12,480,000 3,507 21 Frutrac ltd 22,750,000 6,392 22 Namirembe Offsprings Limited 26,715,000 7,506 23 Kana Grain Millers Limited 9,440,000 2,652 24 Okeba Uganda Ltd 28,000,000 7,867 42 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 25 PK Agroprocessors Ltd 8,540,000 2,400 26 Moshek Investments Ltd 26,000,000 7,305 27 WK Ranch Feeds 8,200,000 2,304 28 Curry Distributors Ltd 26,000,000 7,305 29 Kwanzi Agro initiatives and investments Ltd 26,000,000 7,305 30 Premier Diaries Ltd 29,903,000 8,402 3I Ngaali Uganda Ltd 26,000,000 7,305 32 Deen Establishments 27312000 7,674 33 Agri-Frontiers Consult Limited 10,100,000 2,838 34 Kinko Enterprises Ltd 9,600,000 2,697 35 Noble Farms Uganda ltd 29,600,000 8,317 36 Lujoto Constructors and Designers Ltd 9,940,000 2,793 37 Mubanique Company Limited 10,360,000 2,911 38 Afrifruits investment Company Ltd 15,372,000 4,319 39 Talemwa Holdings(U) Ltd 10,100,000 2,838 40 Jokawa and Associates limited 8,200,000 2,304 41 Awa Foods Limited 8,200,000 2,304 42 Creative Farmers Limited 9,940,000 2,793 43 Tooro Native Robtista Coffee SMC-Ltd 7,500,000 2,107 44 Birya United Agencies ltd 9,420,000 2,647 45 Jeba (U) Limited 20,500,000 5,760 46 Bena General Agencies Ltd 8,200,000 2,304 47 Gigraco Enterprises Uganda Ltd 8,200,000 2,304 48 Oasis 24 Seven Limited 12,800,000 3,596 49 Ahiwa Company Limited 12,800,000 3,596 50 Aloesha Organic Natural Health Products 20,640,000 5,799 51 Around Africa Safaris 12,800,000 3,596 52 Bird Uganda Safaris 12,800,000 3,596 53 Enotu Construction Limited 21,760,000 6,114 54 Footsteps FurniturC Co. Ltd 19,200,000 5,395 55 Growfront Enterprises Ltd 12,800,000 3,596 56 Hydrocon Uganda Limited 12,800,000 3,596 57 Kalim General Services Limited 12,800,000 3,596 58 Maktech Investments Ltd 11,520,000 3,237 59 Mice Uganda Asyanut Safaris and Incentives 12,000,000 3, 372 60 Mt. Elgon Spa & Hotel Limited 10,240,000 2,877 61 Mulen International Limited 12,800,000 3,596 62 Rwizi Arch Hotel 12,800,000 3,596 63 Strat Group Ltd 38,400,000 10,789 64 Tetra Technical Services Limited 38,400,000 10,789 43 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 65 Sido Digital Print Solutions Limited 24,960,000 7,013 66 MLltiplex LImited 24,960,000 7,013 67 Multiplex Real Estates Limited 20,640,000 5,799 68 All in Trade Limited 12,800,000 3,596 69 Water Wax 9,600,000 2,697 70 Fundi Building Centre 11,400,000 3,203 71 Malaika Coatings Limited 11,400,000 3,203 72 Mmacks Investments ltd 40,000,000 11,239 73 Kilembe Investments Limited 11,400,000 3,203 74 Green and White Enterprises 11,400,000 3,203 75 Graphic Systems Uganda Limited 21,500,000 6,041 76 Uganda Baati Limited 25,000,000 7,024 77 Green Power International Limited 11,400,000 3,203 78 Krystal Ice Limited 11,400,000 3,203 79 Edenes Fair Traders Limited 11,400,000 3,203 80 Freshcuts (U) Ltd 11,400,000 3,203 81 Vena Grain Millers ltd 11,400,000 3,203 82 Uganda Joinery and Steel Fabricators ltd - 11,400,000 3,203 83 Mabiale Technical Institute Limited t 1,400,000 303 84 Mission Beyond Kaliro Vocational and Technical Flub 1 1,400,000 3,203 85 Ocean Bevarages Limited 9,690,000 2,723 86 Mukono Central Millers Ltd 8,192,000 2,302 87 Mluttico Technical Services Limited 11,400,000 3,203 88 HoT Loaf Bakery ltd 9,480,000 2,664 89 Nile harvest (U) Limited 6,920,000 1,944 90 Wina Classic Uganda Limited 11,400,000 3,203 91 Intergrated Agritech (U) Limited 22,800,000 6,406 92 Multi Flowers Services Ltd 11,400,000 3,203 93 Source of the Nile Hotel 11,400,000 3,203 94 Comfort Hlotel 7.282,000 2,046 95 Crystal Lodges Uganda 32,040,000 9,002 96 Ridah Hotel 26,700,000 7,502 97 Lakeside Escape Limited 11,400,000 3,203 98 Oasis 24 Seven Limited 12,800,000 3,596 99 Bakawa and Sons Holdings Ltd 80,000,000 22,478 100 Endavour Business Solutions Uganda Ltd 12,800,000 3,596 101 Applied Principles Consulting ltd 36,480,000 10,250 102 JIL Insights ltd 12,800,000 3,596 103 Future Technologies Limited - 25,600,000 7,193 104 Elite Computers Uganda Ltd 9,600,000 2,697 44 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 105 J-Gates LT Solutions Limited 15,360,000 4,316 106 Crystal Print ltd 12,800,000 3,596 107 Aimax Technologies Limited 12,800,000 3,596 108 Eagle Biz Network ltd 12,800,000 3,596 109 Great Lakes Safaris Limited 30,000,000 8,429 110 Uganda Driving Standard Agency 9,600,000 2,697 Ill Wion Motors ltd 12,800,000 3,596 112 Felexi Motors Limited 12,800,000 3,596 113 Graben $PL ltd 12,800,000 3,596 114 TCW Auto Garage 12,800,000 3,596 115 Computer Wise (U) Limited 25,600,000 7,193 116 Kyamuhunga Tea Company Ltd 97,020,000 27,260 117 Tsabeko Uganda Limited 21,600,000 6,069 118 Lily Benefit Investments Ltd 23,942,800 6,727 119 Great Lakes Contractors Ltd 109,200,000 30,682 120 Ks Hydro power (U) Ltd 105,482,000 29,638 121 Erimu Company Ltd 51,783,000 14,550 122 Eastern Rice Company Ltd 53,206,350 14,950 123 Natural Feeds Limited 22,276,000 6 259 124 Empower East Africa Ltd 19,530,000 5,487 125 H-K Industries Ltd 19,968,000 5,610 126 Biggi Herbal Clinic 8,351,200 2,346 127 Paper Toils Ltd 12,521,538 3,518 128 Okecho and Sons Construction and Metal Fabrication 27,070,183 7,606 129 Cable-suIlt Civil and Electrical Engineering Ltd 134,400,000 37,763 130 DI International Ltd 215,040,000 60,420 13 1 Mukusu Motors & Properties Ltd 65,172,744 18,312 132 Sezzibwva Falls Resort Ltd 43,200,000 12, 138 133 Bouch Uganda Ltd 54,000,000 15,173 134 Kazinga Channel View Resort Ltd 4,400,000 1,236 135 Granite Dyke (U) Limited 18,574,499 5,219 136 Prutaz Construction and Vocational Training Centre 6,3 16,800 1,775 Sub total 2,798,401,114 786,273 Window two-informal sector 137 Buwenge Town Council Farmer's SACCO. 8,400,000 2,360 138 Pallisa Civil Society Organisation Network 21,600,000 6,069 139 Uganda Small Scale Industries Association-Rakai 25,200,000 7,081 140 Kayunga District Farmers Association 21,000,000 5,900 141 Women Together for Development 8,400,000 2,360 142 Makerere Innovative Systems and Clusters Program 5,000,000 1,405 45 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 143 kakuuto community development project. 30,000,000 8,429 144 Buganda Cultural and Development Association 21,000,000 5,900 145 Lutino Aduno 5,000,000 1,405 146 National Organisation of Trade Unions 24,000,000 6,743 147 Uganda National Association of the Blind 13,502,800 3,794 148 Uganda Women Basketry Association 30,000,000 8,429 149 Local Skills Development Network 25,200,000 7,081 150 Shelter and Settlements Alternative 8,000,000 2,248 151 Rural Aids Orphans and Mother Support 9,439,520 2,652 152 Namutumba NGO Forum 24,120,000 6,777 153 Kokwech Agro Based Youth Project 8,000,000 2,248 154 Mother Dream 7,800,000 2,192 155 Community Effort for Development 21,000,000 5,900 156 Kiwemba Farmwers Coop Society 22,800,000 6,406 157 The Registered Trustee of Masaka Diocese 50,960,000 14,318 158 Bufa Cooperatives 31,230,000 8,775 159 Uganda Women Effort to Save Orphans 63,000,000 17,701 160 BundibugyO Cocoa Farmers 32,900,000 9,244 161 Kwagalana Women Development 8,458,400 2,377 162 Bidhampola Community 8,130,000 2.284 163 Tukolere wamu Youth Devt 3,600,000 1,012 164 Uganda Small Scale Industries Association-Kabarole 3,712,000 1,043 165 Olok Farmers Development Forum 9,350,000 2,627 166 Help Disabled Children Excel 3,300,000 927 167 Uganda Banana Producers 1 1,600,000 3,259 168 Kiira Youth opportunity network 13,550,000 3,807 169 Namwendwa Dairy Farmers 38,500,000 10,817 170 Nakaseke Vocational 9,900,000 2,782 171 Kabunyata Bazimbi 9,900,000 2,782 172 Kisenyi Juakali Community 3,670,000 1,031 173 Pokino multi -purpose Group 12,159,503 3,416 174 Arise Women Advancement 8,250,000 2,318 175 Uganda Agribusiness Alliance 5,393,344 1,515 176 Dr. Sarah Nkonge 21,200,000 5,957 177 Hands of Mercy 7,920,000 2,225 178 Uganda Tourism Association 23,000,000 6,462 179 Coalition for Health Promotion 8,250,000 2,318 180 Divine off springs mercy ministries 2,772,000 779 181 Uganda small scale Agency 6,930,000 1,947 182 Wairama Development 5,200,000 1,461 46 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 183 Ubuntu Community Empowerment 44,100,000 12,391 184 Women of Substance 8,250,000 2,318 185 Hands of Grace Childcare Center 9,280,000 2,607 186 Mubende Agri-Business development Initiative 32,900,000 9,244 187 Kalamba Community Development Organisation 7,320,000 2,057 188 Jinja Municipality East Development Initiative (JIMEDI) 9,100,000 2,557 189 Kalangala Fish Association 11,130,000 3,127 190 Nkonge Community Development Group 6,625,000 1,861 191 Kitgum District Association 7,217,000 2,028 192 Uganda Development Services 7,250,000 2,037 193 Busaala Investments 7,920,000 2,225 194 BugiCi Female Youth Tailoring and Designing Association 8,250,000 2,318 195 Agali Awamu 3,708,250 1,042 196 Irarak United Producers 9,100,000 2,557 197 Rays of Glory Ministries 8,250,000 2,318 198 The Access Centre 10,150,000 2,852 199 Olok United Farmers Association 29,750,000 8,359 200 Karanmoja Integrated Development Programme 22,260,000 6,254 201 African Development Model 15,600,000 4,383 202 Lwengo Development Foundation Ltd 37,100,000 10,424 203 Miisa Foundation 7,920,000 2,225 204 Lwensambya Twegatte Women's Group 8,950,000 2, 5 15 205 Budaka Women Catholic Guild 6,800,000 L91 1 206 Rakai Community Initiative 7,810,000 2,194 207 Rural Livelihood Support Initiative 6,600,000 1,854 208 Kigezi Action for Development 33,000,000 9,272 209 Kyebando Cooperative Society 9,900,000 2,782 210 Kisoro Women United 29,400,000 8,261 211 Sseninde Foundation 28,700,000 8,064 212 Uganda Manufacturer Association 33,000,000 9,272 213 Bugweri Disabled Persons 6,060,000 1,703 214 Kasaali Farmers' Cooperative 6,550,000 1,840 215 Uganda Fish Processors and Exporters Association 18,270,000 5,133 216 Nakosi Mixed Farm 14,500,000 4,074 217 Council for Economic Empowerment of women in Africa 8,572,360 2,409 1,263,590,177 355,034 Window three-Innovative Training 218 Datamine technical Business School 87,556,995 24,601 219 Muni University 136,034,800 38,222 220 Life Care Charity Limited 88,898,900 24,978 47 UGANDA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S (USDP) SKILL DEVELOPMENT FACILITY (SDF) IDA Credit 56120-UG (Project ID P145309) Accounts And Management Report for the Year ended 30 June 2021 221 Uganda Technical College Kichwamba 200,000,000 56,194 222 Mbarara University Of Science and Technology 41,068,000 11,539 223 Uganda Freight Forwarders Association Ltd 200,006,075 56,196 224 ISBAT University 123,375,000 34,665 225 Uganda Christian University 95,212,500 26,752 226 Africa College Of Commerce technology 112,310,000 31,556 1,084,462,270 304,704 Window four-Recognition of prior learning 227 Nawanyago Technical Institute 88,578.002 24,888 228 Nile Vocational Institute 3,401,800 956 229 Uganda Petroleum Institute Kigumba 63,488,670 17,839 230 Uganda Chamber of Mines and petroleum limited 7,400,000 2,079 231 Mnamza Consulting 43,957,820 12,351 232 Maganjo Institute of Career Education Ltd 543,000,000 152,568 233 Safeway Right way 147,000,000 41,303 896,826,292 251,983 Grand Total 6,710,153,713 1,885,367 Exchange rate: I USD=Ugx.3.559.07 48