Procurement Plan for ECDII

     I.         General

     1.     Project information: Republic of Marshall Islands, Multisector Early Childhood
            Development Project, P177329
     2.     Bank’s approval Date of the procurement Plan: Nov 23, 2022
     3.     Date of General Procurement Notice: To be confirmed
     4.     Period covered by this procurement plan: 18 months

II. Goods and Works and non-consulting services.

1.        Prior Review Threshold: Procurement Decisions subject to Prior
          Review by the Bank as stated in Appendix 1 to the Guidelines for
                     Procurement Method                  Prior Review             Comment
           1.    ICB (Goods)                         Above USD 1 million
           3.    ICB (Works)                         Above USD 5 million
           5.    Consulting Services (QCBS           Above USD 500,000

2.        Prequalification ; Not applicable

3.        Proposed Procedures for CDD Components (as per paragraph.
          3.17 of the Guidelines: Not applicable

4.        Reference to (if any) Project Operational/Procurement Manual:
          To be defined

5.        Any Other Special Procurement Arrangements: Not applicable

6.        Procurement Packages with Methods and Time Schedule

Multisectoral Early Childhood Development Project (P177329)
           ECD II 18-MONTH PROCUREMENT PLAN (Oct 1, 2022- March 2024)
                                             Procurem Procurem             Revi   Market    Estimated
 N                 Reference
                                                ent      ent                ew    Appro      Amount
 o.              No./Description
                                             Category  Method              Type    ach        (US$)
          COMPONENT 1
          MH-ECD PMO-120360-CS-INDV /
 1        ECD Coordinator-Health                CS            CDS          Post   Direct        60,000
     MH-ECD PMO-214699-CS-INDV /
2                                         CS    CDS    Post     Direct         100,000
     Health - International Adviser
     MH-ECD PMO-ADVMed Software
3    development for EHR to support       CS    DIR    Post     Direct         300,000
     ECD-related care
     MH-ECD PMO-202503-CS-CDS /
     Pacific Islands Health Officers
     Association- for workforce
4                                         CS    DIR    Prior    Direct        1,250,000
     development programs and
     contracting of service delivery
     Furnishings, Equipment,
     Medications & Supplies for
5    Majuro and Ebeye hospitals,          GO    RFQ    Post                    500,000
     Rita and Ajeltake Clinics, and
                                                                & Intl

     MH-ECD PMO-171100-NC-DIR /                                           $
1                                         NCS   DIR    Prior    Direct
     WUTMI Home visit Program.                                            550,000.00
     MH-ECD PMO-259742-CS-INDV        /
2    Preschool Teacher Assistant,         CS    CDS    Post     Direct
     initial 2 years, Ebeye
     MH-ECD PMO-259743-CS-INDV        /
3    Preschool Teacher Assistant,         CS    CDS    Post     Direct
     initial 2 year contract, Ebeye
     MH-ECD PMO-259739-CS-INDV        /
     Preschool Teacher Assistant,                                         $
4                                         CS    CDS    Post     Direct
     initial 2 yr contract, Laura                                         23,105.00
     Elementary School
     MH-ECD PMO-259740-CS-INDV        /
     Preschool Teacher Assistant,                                         $
5                                         CS    CDS    Post     Direct
     initial 2 year contract, North                                       37,352.00
     Delap Elementary
     MH-ECD PMO-259738-CS-INDV        /
     Preschool Teacher Assistant,                                         $
6                                         CS    CDS    Post     Direct
     initial 2 year contract, Rita                                        23,105.00
     Elementary School
     MH-ECD PMO-120361-CS-INDV        /
7    ECD Coordinator-Education            CS    CDS    Prior    Direct
     MH-ECD PMO-120370-CS-INDV        /
8    ECD Coordinator-Education            CS    CDS    Post     Direct
     Consultant - Developing the
9    Strategy for a Marshallese           CS    INDV   Post     Open        $48,000
     culture of literacy
     Male Caregiver Coordinator                                           $
10                                        CS    INDV   Post     Open
     (National)                                                           60,000.00

     Marshallese children's books                                         $
11                                        GO    DIR    Post     Direct
     (14 books x 2000 copies)                                             70,000.00
                                                             Open -          $
12   Classroom furniture                GO   RFQ    Post
                                                            National     35,000.00
                                                             Open -          $
13   Educational Toys                   GO   RFQ    Post
                                                            National     49,000.00
     Preschool Teacher Assistant,                            Open -    $
14                                      CS   INDV   Post
     Uliga, initial 2-year contract                         National   23,105.00
     Preschool Teacher Assistant,
                                                             Open -    $
15   Long Island Elementary, initial    CS   INDV   Post
                                                            National   23,105.00
     2-year contract
     Preschool Teacher Assistant,
                                                             Open -    $
16   Ajeltake Elementary, initial 2-    CS   INDV   Post
                                                            National   23,105.00
     year contract
     Preschool Teacher Assistant,
                                                             Open -    $
17   Ebadon Elementary (Ebeye),         CS   INDV   Post
                                                            National   29,564.00
     initial 2-year contract
     Preschool Teacher Assistant,
                                                             Open -    $
18   Carlos Elementary (Ebeye),         CS   INDV   Post
                                                            National   29,564.00
     initial 2-year contract
     Preschool Teacher Assistant,
                                                             Open -    $
19   Eneburr Elementary (Ebeye),        CS   INDV   Post
                                                            National   29,564.00
     initial 2-year contract
     Preschool Teacher Assistant,
                                                             Open -    $
20   Majuro Deaf Center, initial 2-     CS   INDV   Post
                                                            National   23,105.00
     year contract
     Minor Works (climate smart)
                                                             Open -          $
21   school renovation (for first 7     CW   RFQ    Post
                                                            National    140,000.00

1    Office Equipment and Furniture     GO   RFQ    Post     Open          20,000.00

     MH-ECD PMO-136575-CS-INDV /
2    MIS Consultant - Social            CS   CDS    Prior    Direct        80,000.00
     Assistance/CCT (International)
     MH-ECD PMO-120358-CS-INDV /
3                                       CS   CDS    Post     Direct        60,000.00
     ECD Coordinator-CCT (National)
     MH-ECD PMO-183938-CS-INDV /
4                                       CS   CDS    Post     Direct        54,000.00
     IT/MIS Specialist (National)
     MH-ECD PMO-202619-CS-INDV /
5    Communications and Social          CS   INDV   Post     Open          54,000.00
     Media Officer (National)

6    International Finance Officer      CS   CDS    Prior    Direct       250,000.00

7    MOCIA OFFICE Renovation            CW   RFQ    Post     Open          60,000.00
     MH-ECD PMO-202615-CS-INDV /
8    Ebeye Administrative Assistant -   CS   CDS    Post     Direct        42,000.00
     MH-ECD PMO-183937-CS-INDV /
9                                       CS   INDV   Post     Open          54,000.00
     Payment Officer (National)
     MH-ECD PMO-202616-CS-INDV /
10   Majuro - Admininstrative        CS   CDS    Post   Direct       42,000.00
     Assistant MOCIA
     CCT Social Assistance Adviser
11                                   CS   INDV   Post   Open        250,000.00


     MH-ECD PMO-136576-CS-INDV /
1                                    CS   INDV   Post   Direct       80,000.00
     National Coordinator, Ebeye
     MH-ECD PMO-195362-CS-INDV /
2                                    CS   INDV   Post   Direct      250,000.00
     ECD Project Manager
     MH-ECD PMO-223906-CS-CDS /
3                                    CS   CDS    Post   Direct      100,000.00
     Midline Survey (MIEPI)
     SBCC Strategy and Campaign
4                                    CS   UN     Post   Direct      300,000.00
      ECD SBCC and Advocacy
5                                    CS   INDV   Post   Direct       54,000.00
     Coordinator (National)

6    Safeguard Specialist (GBV)      CS   INDV   Post   Direct       54,000.00

     MH-ECD PMO-121422-CS-INDV /
7                                    CS   INDV   Post   Open         54,000.00
     M&E Coordinator (National)
     ECD National Policy Analyst
8                                    CS   INDV   Post   Open         60,000.00
     MH-ECD PMO-228043-CS-INDV /
9                                    CS   INDV   Post   Open         72,000.00
     Operations Officer (National)
     MH-ECD PMO-188065-CS-INDV /
10   Graphic Design and              CS   INDV   Post   Open

                Marshall Islands : RMI Multisectoral Early Childhood Development Project - II
General Information
Country:           Marshall Islands                                                                        2022-11-29
                                                      Bank’s Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan:
                                                      Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none)
Project ID:        P177329                            GPN Date:
Project Name:      RMI Multisectoral Early Childhood Development Project - II
Loan / Credit No:  IDA / E0320
                   ECD PMO
Executing Agency(ies):

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                          Estimated Actual Am                                                                                                                                                                                             Bid Evaluation Report
                               Loan / Credit N                                                                        Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification High SEA/SH R Procurement D                     Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu                                        Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement         Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission /                                                       Contract Complet
       Description                                      Component                  Review Type       Method                                                                                       Amount (U ount (US$                                                                                                                                                                                             and Recommendation                Signed Contract
                                      o.                                                                                     h             cess           (Y/N)             isk     ocument Type                         atus         Documents               ation Report                                              ent / Justification Notice / Invitation               s Issued        Opening / Minutes                                                                ion
                                                                                                                                                                                                      S$)       )                                                                                                                                                                                                       for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Planned     Actual      Planned      Actual                                          Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual    Planned     Actual  Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual             Planned      Actual   Planned
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Request for Quota
MH-ECD PMO-317515-CW-RF                          Social assistance for early y                   Request for Quota                           Single Stage - One E                                                                                    Pending Imp                                                                                                                                                                                                        2024-02-0
                            IDA / E0320                                          Post                              Open - National                                                                  tions (Non Bank-S     60,000.00          0.00                                                                                                2023-06-10                                                                                       2023-08-05
Q / MOCIA Office Renovation                      ears families                                   tions                                       nvelope                                                                                                 lementation                                                                                                                                                                                                            1
                                                                                                                                                                                                    National Procure
 MH-ECD PMO-359572-CW-RF                                                                                                                                                                            ment Document -
                                                 Improve coverage of essenti                     Request for Quota                           Single Stage - One E                                                                                    Under Imple                                                                                                                                                                                                        2023-12-2
Q / Maternity, NICU, Pediatric IDA / E0320                                       Post                              Open - National                                                                  1 Envelope proce     115,000.00          0.00                                                                                                2023-05-07                                                                                       2023-07-02
                                                 al RMNCH-N services                             tions                                       nvelope                                                                                                 mentation                                                                                                                                                                                                              9
Ward and Nurse Lounge Ren                                                                                                                                                                           ss (Non Bank-SPD
ovation                                                                                                                                                                                             )

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Bid Evaluation Report
                               Loan / Credit N                                                                        Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount                        Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu            Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement            Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission /
       Description                                      Component                  Review Type       Method                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                and Recommendation             Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                      o.                                                                                     h             cess           (Y/N)        ount (US$)      (US$)                               atus         Documents              ation Report                   ent / Justification Notice / Invitation                  s Issued        Opening / Minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Planned         Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual       Planned     Actual  Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual          Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual
 MH-ECD PMO-329303-GO-RF
Q / Procure essential equipm
                                                 Improve coverage of essenti                     Request for Quota                           Single Stage - One E
ent, medicine, supplies and c IDA / E0320                                        Post                              Open - National                                                     246,420.00               0.00    Canceled                                                                                       2022-12-05   2022-12-06                                                                          2023-01-30                2023-07-29
                                                 al RMNCH-N services                             tions                                       nvelope
ommodities - Three ultrasoun
d units for reproductive healt
h unit

MH-ECD PMO-330520-GO-RF                          Improve coverage of essenti                     Request for Quota Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E
                        IDA / E0320                                              Post                                                                                                  246,420.00               0.00    Signed                                                                                         2022-12-13   2022-12-14                                                                          2023-02-07   2022-07-21   2023-08-06
Q / Ultrasound device                            al RMNCH-N services                             tions             l                   nvelope

 MH-ECD PMO-317506-GO-RF                         Social assistance for early y                   Request for Quota                           Single Stage - One E
                              IDA / E0320                                        Post                              Open - National                                                      35,000.00               0.00    Signed                                                                                         2023-02-22                                                                                       2023-03-17   2023-03-31   2023-09-13
Q / Office Equipment & Furnit                    ears families                                   tions                                       nvelope

 MH-ECD PMO-350166-GO-RF
                                                 Improve coverage of essenti                     Request for Quota                           Single Stage - One E
Q / Supply and Delivery of C1 IDA / E0320                                        Post                              Open - National                                                     160,000.00               0.00    Signed                                                                                         2023-03-21                                                                                       2023-05-16   2023-06-08   2023-11-12
                                                 al RMNCH-N services                             tions                                       nvelope
ITC Office Equipment

 MH-ECD PMO-325870-GO-DI
R / Upgrading the ICT [mHIS]
system to improve ECD proc
ess of care, monitoring of qu
                                                 Improve coverage of essenti                                          Direct - Internation                                                                              Pending Impl
ality indicators and reporting IDA / E0320                                       Post            Direct Selection                                                                      300,000.00               0.00                                                                         2023-05-01                2023-05-06                                                                                       2023-06-10                2023-12-07
                                                 al RMNCH-N services                                                  al                                                                                                ementation
in Majuro, Ebeye and NI. Defi
ne and configure standardize
d reports to link activities to
PH program registries, vital s
tats and surveillance act

 MH-ECD PMO-358475-GO-RF                         Strengthening the multisect
                                                                                                 Request for Quota                           Single Stage - One E
Q / C4 Office Equipment and IDA / E0320          oral ECD system and Project     Post                              Open - National                                                      28,000.00               0.00    Signed                                                                                         2023-05-01                                                                                       2023-06-26   2023-09-07   2023-12-23
                                                                                                 tions                                       nvelope
Set Up                                           management

MH-ECD PMO-364102-GO-RF                          Improve coverage of stimula                     Request for Quota                           Single Stage - One E                                                       Under Imple
                        IDA / E0320                                             Post                               Limited                                                               7,000.00               0.00                                                                                                   2023-08-01   2023-08-10                                                                          2023-09-26                2024-03-24
Q / Office equipment                             tion and early learning activi                  tions                                       nvelope                                                                    mentation

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Bid Evaluation Report
                               Loan / Credit N                                                                        Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount                        Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu            Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement            Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission /
       Description                                      Component                  Review Type       Method                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                and Recommendation             Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                      o.                                                                                     h             cess           (Y/N)        ount (US$)      (US$)                               atus         Documents              ation Report                   ent / Justification Notice / Invitation                  s Issued        Opening / Minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Planned         Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual       Planned     Actual  Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual          Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual
 MH-ECD PMO-316682-NC-DI
                                                 Improve coverage of stimula
R / Expansion of the home vi
                              IDA / E0320        tion and early learning activi Prior            Direct Selection     Direct - National                                              2,400,000.00               0.00    Signed                                                               2022-11-15   2023-01-24   2022-11-20   2023-02-02                                                                          2022-12-25   2023-03-28   2023-12-31
sit program, 4 years, urban a
reas and Neighboring Islands
and atolls

MH-ECD PMO-330720-NC-DI                          Strengthening the multisect
R / ECD Baseline Evaluation ( IDA / E0320        oral ECD system and Project     Post            Direct Selection     Direct - National                                                162,668.68               0.00    Signed                                                               2022-12-12   2023-02-08   2022-12-17   2023-02-09                                                                          2023-01-21   2023-09-08   2023-07-20
MIEPI)                                           management

MH-ECD PMO-378209-NC-DI                          Improve coverage of stimula                                                                                                                                            Under Imple
                               IDA / E0320                                      Post             Direct Selection     Direct - National                                                120,000.00               0.00                                                                         2023-09-15   2023-09-20   2023-09-20                                                                                       2023-10-25                2024-04-22
R / Mobile Library (Alele)                       tion and early learning activi                                                                                                                                         mentation

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Combined Evaluation
                               Loan / Credit N                                                                        Market Approac          Contract Type         Estimated Amo Actual Amount                                                      Expression of Interest Short List and Draft R Request for Proposals Opening of Technical                 Evaluation of Technic
       Description                                      Component                  Review Type        Method                                                                                    Process Status           Terms of Reference                                                                                                                                         Report and Draft Neg     Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                      o.                                                                                     h                                         unt (US$)      (US$)                                                                 Notice          equest for Proposals        as Issued         Proposals / Minutes                      al Proposal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       otiated Contract
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Planned        Actual        Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual    Planned     Actual    Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual

 MH-ECD PMO-317512-CS-CQ                         Social assistance for early y                   Consultant Qualifi
                         IDA / E0320                                             Post                                 Open - National                                    54,000.00           0.00   Canceled            2022-10-01     2022-11-30    2022-10-22    2023-03-13   2022-12-05                                                                                         2023-01-04              2023-02-08                2023-08-07
S / IT & MIS Specialist                          ears families                                   cation Selection

Activity Reference No. /
                               Loan / Credit N                                                                        Market Approac          Contract Type         Estimated Amo Actual Amount                                                      Invitation to Identifie Draft Negotiated Cont
       Description                                      Component                  Review Type        Method                                                                                    Process Status           Terms of Reference                                                                 Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                      o.                                                                                     h                                         unt (US$)      (US$)                                                          d/Selected Consultant            ract
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Planned        Actual        Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual
                                                 Strengthening the multisect
MH-ECD PMO-316427-CS-IN                                                                          Individual Consult   Direct - Internation
                               IDA / E0320       oral ECD system and Project     Post                                                                                   250,000.00           0.00   Signed              2022-10-01     2022-12-12    2022-10-11    2023-03-08   2022-11-01   2022-12-12   2022-12-06   2023-02-10   2023-06-04
DV / ECD Project Manager                                                                         ant Selection        al

 MH-ECD PMO-316676-CS-IN                         Improve coverage of stimula
                                                                                                 Individual Consult
DV / National Preschool Teac   IDA / E0320       tion and early learning activi Post                                  Open - National                                    60,000.00           0.00   Signed              2023-01-17     2022-12-01    2023-03-07    2023-03-09   2023-03-28   2023-03-13   2023-05-02   2023-05-30   2023-10-29
                                                                                                 ant Selection
her Assistant - North Delap                      ties

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Page 1
 MH-ECD PMO-316677-CS-CD                       Improve coverage of stimula
S / National Preschool Teach IDA / E0320       tion and early learning activi Post     Direct Selection     Direct - National        60,000.00    0.00   Terminated        2022-11-15   2022-12-01    2022-11-25   2022-12-05                             2023-01-29   2022-12-25   2023-07-28
er Assistant - Rita                            ties

 MH-ECD PMO-316678-CS-IN                       Improve coverage of stimula
                                                                                       Individual Consult
DV / National Preschool Teac    IDA / E0320    tion and early learning activi Post                          Direct - National        60,000.00    0.00   Signed            2022-11-15   2022-12-01    2022-11-25   2022-12-07   2022-12-16   2022-12-07   2023-01-20   2023-03-01   2023-07-19
                                                                                       ant Selection
her Assistant - Laura                          ties

 MH-ECD PMO-316679-CS-IN                       Improve coverage of stimula
                                                                                       Individual Consult
DV / National Preschool Teac    IDA / E0320    tion and early learning activi Post                          Open - National          80,000.00    0.00   Signed            2022-11-17   2022-12-01    2023-01-05   2023-02-08   2023-01-26   2023-02-08   2023-03-02   2023-04-03   2023-08-29
                                                                                       ant Selection
her Assistant - Ebeye 1                        ties

 MH-ECD PMO-316680-CS-IN                       Improve coverage of stimula
                                                                                       Individual Consult
DV / National Preschool Teac    IDA / E0320    tion and early learning activi Post                          Open - National          80,000.00    0.00   Signed            2022-11-17   2022-12-01    2023-01-05   2023-02-08   2023-01-26   2023-02-07   2023-03-02   2023-04-04   2023-08-29
                                                                                       ant Selection
her Assistant - Ebeye 2                        ties

 MH-ECD PMO-316681-CS-IN
                                               Improve coverage of stimula
DV / Consultant - Strategy do                                                          Individual Consult   Open - Internationa
                              IDA / E0320      tion and early learning activi Post                                                   48,000.00    0.00   Canceled          2023-02-07   2022-11-28    2023-03-28                2023-04-18                2023-05-23                2023-11-19
cument toward a Marshallese                                                            ant Selection        l
culture of literacy

 MH-ECD PMO-317498-CS-IN                       Strengthening the multisect
                                                                                       Individual Consult                                                Under Implement
DV / National Coordinator, Eb IDA / E0320      oral ECD system and Project     Post                         Open - National          80,000.00    0.00                     2022-10-01   2023-03-01    2022-11-19   2023-10-30   2022-12-10   2023-05-04   2023-01-14                2023-07-13
                                                                                       ant Selection                                                     ation
eye                                            management

                                               Strengthening the multisect
MH-ECD PMO-317502-CS-IN                                                                Individual Consult                                                Under Implement
                                IDA / E0320    oral ECD system and Project     Post                         Open - National          54,000.00    0.00                     2022-10-01   2023-06-18    2022-11-19                2022-12-10                2023-01-14                2023-07-13
DV / M&E Coordinator                                                                   ant Selection                                                     ation

 MH-ECD PMO-317504-CS-IN                       Strengthening the multisect
                                                                                       Individual Consult
DV / Operations/Project Offic   IDA / E0320    oral ECD system and Project     Post                         Open - National          72,000.00    0.00   Signed            2022-10-01   2022-11-04    2022-11-19   2022-10-16   2022-12-10   2022-12-09   2023-01-14   2023-02-05   2023-07-13
                                                                                       ant Selection
er                                             management

 MH-ECD PMO-317505-CS-IN                       Strengthening the multisect
                                                                                       Individual Consult
DV / Graphic Design & Photo     IDA / E0320    oral ECD system and Project     Post                         Open - National          35,000.00    0.00   Canceled          2022-10-07                 2022-11-25                2022-12-16                2023-01-20                2023-07-19
                                                                                       ant Selection
graphy                                         management

 MH-ECD PMO-317510-CS-CD                       Social assistance for early y
                         IDA / E0320                                           Post    Direct Selection     Direct - National        60,000.00    0.00   Signed            2022-10-07   2022-11-30    2022-10-17   2022-12-01                             2022-12-21   2023-02-18   2023-06-19
S / ECD Coordinator-CCT                        ears families

 MH-ECD PMO-317514-CS-IN                       Social assistance for early y           Individual Consult   Direct - Internation
                               IDA / E0320                                     Post                                                 250,000.00    0.00   Canceled          2022-10-07   2022-11-30    2022-10-17   2022-11-13   2022-11-07   2022-11-24   2022-12-12                2023-06-10
DV / International Finance Off                 ears families                           ant Selection        al

 MH-ECD PMO-317516-CS-IN                       Social assistance for early y           Individual Consult                                                Under Implement
                            IDA / E0320                                        Post                         Open - National          42,000.00    0.00                     2022-10-14   2023-03-02    2022-12-02                2022-12-23                2023-01-27                2023-07-26
DV / Ebeye Admin Assistance                    ears families                           ant Selection                                                     ation

 MH-ECD PMO-317518-CS-IN                       Social assistance for early y           Individual Consult
                                IDA / E0320                                    Post                         Direct - National        42,000.00    0.00   Signed            2022-10-01   2022-11-30    2022-10-11   2022-12-01   2022-11-01   2022-12-12   2022-12-06   2022-08-12   2023-06-04
DV / Majuro Admin Assistanc                    ears families                           ant Selection

 MH-ECD PMO-317519-CS-IN                       Social assistance for early y           Individual Consult   Open - Internationa                          Under Implement
                                IDA / E0320                                    Post                                                 250,000.00    0.00                     2022-10-07   2023-09-13    2022-11-25                2022-12-16                2023-01-20                2023-07-19
DV / CCT Social Assistance A                   ears families                           ant Selection        l                                            ation

 MH-ECD PMO-325861-CS-CD                       Improve coverage of essenti
                             IDA / E0320                                       Post    Direct Selection     Direct - National       140,000.00    0.00   Signed            2022-12-01   2022-11-30    2022-12-11   2022-12-12                             2023-02-14   2023-02-08   2023-08-13
S / National ECD Coordinator                   al RMNCH-N services

 MH-ECD PMO-325872-CS-CD                       Improve coverage of essenti                                  Direct - Internation
                               IDA / E0320                                     Post    Direct Selection                              52,000.00    0.00   Signed            2023-01-09   2022-12-12    2023-01-19   2023-01-13                             2023-03-25   2023-02-24   2023-09-21
S / International Adviser, Hea                 al RMNCH-N services                                          al
lth (ECD I)

 MH-ECD PMO-325873-CS-IN
                                               Improve coverage of stimula
DV / Early Childhood Develop                                                           Individual Consult   Direct - Internation
                              IDA / E0320      tion and early learning activi Post                                                  220,000.00    0.00   Terminated        2022-12-01   2022-12-12    2022-12-11   2022-12-30   2023-01-01   2022-12-30   2023-02-05   2023-04-04   2023-08-04
ment Advisor to the RMI Publi                                                          ant Selection        al
c School System

 MH-ECD PMO-316674-CS-CD
                                               Improve coverage of stimula
S / National Coordinator - Ear
                               IDA / E0320     tion and early learning activi Post     Direct Selection     Direct - National       240,000.00    0.00   Signed            2022-11-15   2022-12-01    2022-11-25   2022-12-01                             2023-01-29   2023-02-08   2023-07-28
ly Childhood Development pr
oject - Public School System,
4 years

 MH-ECD PMO-329805-CS-CD
                                               Social assistance for early y
S / Beneficiaries Outreach an IDA / E0320                                      Post    Direct Selection     Direct - National        70,000.00    0.00   Signed            2022-12-02   2022-12-12    2022-12-12   2022-12-12                             2023-02-15   2023-01-24   2023-08-14
                                               ears families
d Social Media

 MH-ECD PMO-330718-CS-CD
                                               Improve coverage of essenti                                  Direct - Internation
S / Train 10 new nurse midwi IDA / E0320                                       Post    Direct Selection                             200,000.00    0.00   Signed            2022-12-11   2023-03-02    2022-12-21   2023-03-06                             2023-02-24   2023-04-05   2023-08-23
                                               al RMNCH-N services                                          al
ves (FNU PG Diploma Progra

MH-ECD PMO-349833-CS-IN                        Social assistance for early y           Individual Consult
                                IDA / E0320                                    Post                         Open - National          54,000.00    0.00   Terminated        2023-03-15   2023-04-20    2023-05-03   2023-09-06   2023-05-24   2023-01-27   2023-06-28   2023-03-10   2023-12-25
DV / IT/MIS Specialist                         ears families                           ant Selection

 MH-ECD PMO-317508-CS-CD                       Strengthening the multisect
                                                                                                            Direct - Internation
S / SBCC (International) Desi IDA / E0320      oral ECD system and Project     Post    Direct Selection                             400,000.00    0.00   Canceled          2022-10-07                 2022-10-17                                          2022-12-21                2023-06-19
gn and Implementation                          management

 MH-ECD PMO-317500-CS-IN                       Strengthening the multisect
                                                                                       Individual Consult
DV / National SBCC & Advoca IDA / E0320        oral ECD system and Project     Post                         Open - National          45,000.00    0.00   Signed            2023-03-27   2023-05-15    2023-05-15   2023-06-19   2023-06-05   2023-06-23   2023-07-10   2023-08-04   2024-01-06
                                                                                       ant Selection
cy Coordinator                                 management

MH-ECD PMO-317501-CS-IN                        Strengthening the multisect
                                                                                       Individual Consult
DV / Safeguard Specialist (GB IDA / E0320      oral ECD system and Project     Post                         Open - National          45,000.00    0.00   Canceled          2022-11-30                 2023-01-18                2023-02-08                2023-03-15                2023-09-11
                                                                                       ant Selection
V)                                             management

 MH-ECD PMO-317507-CS-CD                       Social assistance for early y                                Direct - Internation                         Under Implement
                              IDA / E0320                                      Post    Direct Selection                              80,000.00    0.00                     2023-03-27   2023-09-13    2023-04-06   2023-10-13                             2023-06-10                2023-12-07
S / MIS Consultant-Social Ass                  ears families                                                al                                           ation

 MH-ECD PMO-317499-CS-CD                       Strengthening the multisect
S / Baseline Evaluation (MIEPI IDA / E0320     oral ECD system and Project     Post    Direct Selection     Direct - National       205,000.00    0.00   Signed            2022-10-07   2023-08-24    2022-10-17   2023-09-12                             2022-12-21   2023-05-15   2023-06-19
)                                              management

 MH-ECD PMO-350191-CS-IN
                                               Improve coverage of essenti             Individual Consult
DV / National ECD Coordinato IDA / E0320                                       Post                         Open - National          60,000.00    0.00   Signed            2023-03-20   2023-05-01    2023-05-08   2023-09-13   2023-05-29   2023-09-14   2023-07-03   2023-09-04   2023-12-30
                                               al RMNCH-N services                     ant Selection

 MH-ECD PMO-354617-CS-CD                       Strengthening the multisect
                                                                                                            Direct - Internation                         Under Implement
S / SBCC Design and Implem IDA / E0320         oral ECD system and Project     Prior   Direct Selection                            1,100,000.00   0.00                     2023-04-05   2023-04-11    2023-04-15   2023-05-17                             2023-06-19                2023-12-16
                                                                                                            al                                           ation
entation                                       management

 MH-ECD PMO-373809-CS-CD                       Social assistance for early y                                Direct - Internation
                                 IDA / E0320                                   Post    Direct Selection                             250,000.00    0.00   Canceled          2023-08-01                 2023-08-11                                          2023-10-15                2024-04-12
S / International Financial Offi               ears families                                                al

                                                                                                                                                                                             Page 2
 MH-ECD PMO-375099-CS-IN                      Social assistance for early y          Individual Consult                                             Under Implement
                             IDA / E0320                                      Post                        Open - National        72,000.00   0.00                     2023-08-08   2023-09-13    2023-09-26                2023-10-17                2023-11-21   2024-05-19
DV / National ECD Coordinato                  ears families                          ant Selection                                                  ation

 MH-ECD PMO-375100-CS-IN
                                              Social assistance for early y          Individual Consult                                             Under Implement
DV / National Social Worker 1 IDA / E0320                                     Post                        Open - National        60,000.00   0.00                     2023-08-08   2023-08-22    2023-09-26   2023-09-25   2023-10-17   2023-09-27   2023-11-21   2024-05-19
                                              ears families                          ant Selection                                                  ation
: Registration and Complianc
e Officer

 MH-ECD PMO-375101-CS-IN
                                              Social assistance for early y          Individual Consult                                             Under Implement
DV / National Social Worker 2 IDA / E0320                                     Post                        Open - National        60,000.00   0.00                     2023-08-08   2023-08-22    2023-09-26   2023-09-25   2023-10-17   2023-10-04   2023-11-21   2024-05-19
                                              ears families                          ant Selection                                                  ation
: Registration and Complianc
e Officer

 MH-ECD PMO-375260-CS-IN                      Improve coverage of stimula
                                                                                     Individual Consult                                             Under Implement
DV / Preschool Specialist (Te   IDA / E0320   tion and early learning activi Post                         Open - National        80,000.00   0.00                     2023-09-22   2023-09-11    2023-11-10   2023-09-29   2023-12-01   2023-10-17   2024-01-05   2024-07-03
                                                                                     ant Selection                                                  ation
acher Coach)                                  ties

 MH-ECD PMO-375642-CS-IN                      Improve coverage of stimula
                                                                                     Individual Consult                                             Under Implement
DV / National Preschool Teac    IDA / E0320   tion and early learning activi Post                         Open - National        50,000.00   0.00                     2023-09-22   2023-09-11    2023-11-10   2023-09-29   2023-12-01   2023-10-02   2024-01-05   2024-07-03
                                                                                     ant Selection                                                  ation
her Assistant - Rita                          ties

MH-ECD PMO-381804-CS-IN                       Social assistance for early y          Individual Consult                                             Pending Impleme
                                IDA / E0320                                   Post                        Open - National        54,000.00   0.00                     2023-10-31                 2023-12-19                2024-01-09                2024-02-13   2024-08-11
DV / IT/MIS Specialist                        ears families                          ant Selection                                                  ntation

 MH-ECD PMO-382211-CS-IN                      Improve coverage of stimula
                                                                                     Individual Consult   Open - Internationa                       Pending Impleme
DV / ECD Advisor to the RMI     IDA / E0320   tion and early learning activi Post                                               220,000.00   0.00                     2024-01-01                 2024-02-19                2024-03-11                2024-04-15   2024-10-12
                                                                                     ant Selection        l                                         ntation
Public School System                          ties

 MH-ECD PMO-381722-CS-IN                      Social assistance for early y          Individual Consult   Open - Internationa                       Pending Impleme
                               IDA / E0320                                    Post                                              250,000.00   0.00                     2023-11-13                 2024-01-01                2024-01-22                2024-02-26   2024-08-24
DV / International Finance Off                ears families                          ant Selection        l                                         ntation

                                                                                                                                                                                        Page 3